Wednesday, October 26, 2016

26 October - My Feedly! 2

WIDE ASLEEP IN AMERICA1 unread article  //  actions

Kaine, Pence and Their VP Debate Fact-Checkers Are All Wrong on Iran
(David Goldman / AP Photo) If anything was made clear during the Vice Presidential debate between Tim Kaine and Mike Pence it's that neither man knows much about the Iranian nuclear program. And neither do the fact-checkers tasked with judging the candidates' own statements about it. During the course of 90 excruciating minutes, Tim Kaine accused Iran of "racing toward a nuclear weapon"
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KILLING MOTHER1 unread article  //  actions

White Privileged Bernie Supporters Need to Hold their Noses and Vote for Clinton
I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton's, but I am going to vote for her anyway. I believe the Bill Clinton White House destroyed the liberal left in the United States. The first Clinton administration acted like a wolf in sheep's clothing, gutting social infrastructure, advancing the prison industrial complex to an unprecedented degree and masterminding the destructive global trade deals (WTO and NAF
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WHAT IS SUSTAINABLE4 unread articles  //  actions

Topography of Ireland
One grouchy grumpy day, Pope Adrian IV got honked off at Ireland. The Irish were not paying their tithes, and they were Catholic in name only, living in abominable moral decay. So, he ordered England’s Henry II to conquer the rowdy heathen barbarians. Along with the invasion went a secretary, Giraldus Cambrensis (1146 – 1223), a Welsh priest and scholar. (“Giraldus Cambrensis” was Latin for “Jerr
Make America Great Again
In 2016, the election slogan of TV star Donald Trump was “Make America Great Again!” One day, a pilgrim on the internet asked, “When was America great?” For someone deeply immersed in the study of ecological sustainability, the answer was obvious. America was great at least 15,000 years ago, when America resembled something like the Serengeti — a self-regulating (manager-free) wild ecosystem in a
The Hidden Life of Trees
As a young lad in Germany, Peter Wohlleben loved nature. He went to forestry school, and became a wood ranger. At this job, he was expected to produce as many high quality saw logs as possible, with maximum efficiency, by any means necessary. His tool kit included heavy machinery and pesticides. This was forest mining, an enterprise that ravaged the forest ecosystem and had no long-term future. H
Seeing Like A State
As centuries passed, and the human herd swelled, the strains on society increased, often sparking friction. In an effort to discourage chaos, many societies became more structured — codes of rules, conflict resolution systems, hierarchies of control and coercion. Tribes formed alliances with others, and these confederations often merged into states. In a shark pool of ongoing growth and overshoot
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MIDDLE CLASS POLITICAL ECONOMIST1 unread article  //  actions

New study casts more doubt on data center subsidies
A new report by Good Jobs First confirms what has been long-suspected: Data center megadeals of over $50 million in subsidies create very few jobs at a cost per job that easily exceeds $1 million. Indeed, the average for 11 megadeals going to tech giants like Google, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft came to $1.8 million ($2.1 billion/1174) nominal cost per job. As I have discussed before , such a fi
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A CLOSER LOOK: JODY PATERSON1 unread article  //  actions

The highs and lows of social media, as experienced through the issue I care most about
Social media is an interesting beast, most particularly for how each form appeals and responds to users in entirely different ways. This is fascinating stuff for us communications types. I’ve found kindred spirits on all three of the platforms I like best – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. But they’re not the same kindred spirits. The people I want to know and connect with on one platform are not
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MORTON'S MUSINGS8 unread articles  //  actions

What Is the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement All About?
Unlike most jurisdictions Nunavut was recognized as a result of negotiation and a statute. The Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (NLCA) created Nunavut as jurisdiction and recognized the right of the Inuit of Nunavut to self-government and a separate territory. The basis for the NLCA was an exchange or conversion of existing Inuit rights into a new form – the Territory of Nunavut together with specifi
Lawyers and Conflict of Interest
Suppose you are married and you and your spouse decide to split up. Everything is very amicable and everyone agrees on everything. There really is nothing to fight about but money is (as always) a little tight. You and you spouse both want a separation agreement and a divorce and since everything is agreed decide you will both use one lawyer since that's a bit cheaper. At first blush it may seem s
Division of powers: Vires and Paramountcy
CITATION: Canada Post Corporation v. Hamilton (City), 2016 ONCA 767: [31] The following section first articulates the general principles of the division of powers analysis, specifically the doctrines of ultra vires and paramountcy, and then applies them to the facts of this appeal. (1) The general principles (a) Pith and Substance [32] The first step in a division of powers analysis is to charact
Calculation of unreasonable delay for 11(b)
R. v. Coulter, 2016 ONCA 704: A. THE NEW FRAMEWORK SUMMARIZED [34] Calculate the total delay , which is the period from the charge to the actual or anticipated end of trial ( Jordan , at para. 47). [35] Subtract defence delay from the total delay, which results in the " Net Delay " ( Jordan , at para. 66). [36] Compare the Net Delay to the presumptive ceiling ( Jordan , at para. 66). [37] If the
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NEW ORLEANS LADDER5 unread articles  //  actions

A home for The Music Box, the musical architecture village opens its permanent space in Bywater ~Gambit
A home for The Music Box, the musical architecture village opens its permanent space in Bywater ~Gambit
Hey tourists! Live like a local in a taxpayer-subsidized Airbnb apartment ~Charles Maldonado, The Lens
Hey tourists! Live like a local in a taxpayer-subsidized Airbnb apartment ~Charles Maldonado, The Lens
$80 million Shell Island restoration nears completion ~Mark Schleifstein
$80 million Shell Island restoration nears completion ~Mark Schleifstein
North Rampart streetcars finally a go: Riders to board new line on Sunday ~Jessica Williams, N.O. Advocate Volunteers g...
North Rampart streetcars finally a go: Riders to board new line on Sunday ~Jessica Williams, N.O. Advocate Volunteers gather to rebuild homes across NOLA ~WWLTV Piedmont Wind Symphony getting a jump on Mardi Gras ~Lynn Felder, Winston-Salem Journal “New Orleans was the most musically vibrant city in the country at that time. You could go see a different opera seven days a week, even on Sunday,” ~
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NEWS CENTER PK7 unread articles  //  actions

US-led West’s Double Standards May Culminate into Nuclear War
There is a co-relationship of the US-led West’s double standards and double game in relation to human rights, terrorism and so on. But, this dual strategy, particularly regarding India and Pakistan in wake of the unresolved issue of Kashmir, including the Middle East in connection with the unsettled Palestinian-Israeli dispute, especially the Syrian question may … The post US-led West’s Double St
Writer’s Unrealistic Approach Exposed
At this critical juncture, when all the political and religious parties, including all the segments of society of Pakistan are united to give a matching response to India war hysteria, showing solidarity with country’s armed forces in case of any prospective aggression by India, it is surprising that an article written by Cyril Almeida, published … Writer’s Unrealistic Approach Exposed is a post
Danger of Nuclear War between India and Pakistan
Sometimes, situation becomes critical in relation to Syrian war and sometimes, between India and Pakistan. There is a co-relationship of the US-led West’s double standards and double game regarding human rights, terrorism and so on. But, this dual strategy, particularly regarding India and Pakistan in wake of the unresolved issue of Kashmir, including the Middle … Danger of Nuclear War between In
Indian Journalist Exposed The Real Face Of Modi
Indian journalist Ajai Shukla who is a retired Colonel of Indian Army and writes articles on defense policy has exposed Indian designs against Pakistan in the aftermath of the Uri base terror attack. In his article, under the caption Uri attack: Military Reviews ‘Escalation Ladder’ which was published in the Business Standard on September 21, 2016 … Indian Journalist Exposed The Real Face Of Modi
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NEWS FROM ATLANTIS.1 unread article  //  actions

Why the Archives of Party posts?
Recently I have been posting examples of items written for various political organisations. The reason for this is that I have been active for a considerable time, and I have seen the decline of the quality and direction of political parties in the UK over that time. I first ventured out into the political realm as a young lad when I wandered into a CND meeting by pure chance. I consider it irres
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THE RULES OF EXPOSITION3 unread articles  //  actions

It just sounds better
From an ad for my senator: "... We make more than a half million guitar strings a day ..." They say "a half million". But I hear "uh half million" and it sounds so dumb. Anyway, the units are not half-millions. The units are millions. So you don't say "a half million". You say "half a million". That way the units are right. Besides it just sounds better: "... We make more than half a million guita
Easy to fix
Reading How high debt leads to income inequality by Atif Mian and Amir Sufi. I thought I'd be interested in the economics. Instead I focus on this: Money can’t make up for the loss of one’s home, but it ensures that a family can begin rebuilding their lives during such a desperate time. "A family" is singular. "Their lives" is plural. How can I assume that Mian and Sufi's economic logic is sound w
Heart and Mind
Sentences in development: I'm something of a monetarist at heart. To my mind, even if monetary balances are not the cause of recessions, they must nonetheless be evidence. That doesn't work. Maybe this: I'm something of a monetarist at heart. Even if monetary balances are not the cause of recessions, they must nonetheless be evidence. Moving on.
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WELCOME TO POTTERSVILLE 2 (BLOGGING AGAINST F...8 unread articles  //  actions

Rigging Rigeur (Devil's Bankers Really Rule) How To Steal Election Again (Plutocrats Laugh/Brag) Wiki Leaks Buzz (The Truth About Markets – Obamacare and #PodestaEmails)
So, the FoB's (Friends of Bill) were first in line for the millions in donations distributed by the U.S. State Department after the Haiti disaster? Well, they do get credit for building two very nice shacks there. And that's just the start of the story. Max and Stacy have the evidence. The US government is delegitimized, not only in the eyes of Americans, but also in the eyes of most of
The Biggest Liars Win? (Rigged? The Horror!: The Bad and The Uglier) No One Wins in a Rigged System (Except Those Who Rigged It) Ignoring the Nastiness and Considering the Issues - But Wait . . . (War! Who Is It Good For?)
Because they know what's really important: Hillary Clinton took the stage at the charity event, a respite of humor in a bruising campaign against Donald J. Trump._ _ _ _ _ _ _ Damn it. She is not that good. I may have to give up Diet Coke! Coca-Cola Marketing Guru Secretly Worked Behind the Scenes to Brand Hillary as a Super HeroEmails released by WikiLeaks have led to the outing of an
Farcical Election or Terminal Postmodernity? (Banks Are Bleeding Cash! Federal Funds Rate Scrapes Bottom) Ex British Ambassador Makes Astonishing Speech About Tony Blair, George Bush, War and Profit
Are we okay with this? With any of this? Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell's Chief of Staff, says "Let these people go!" (H/T to John Oliver) And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made. -Paul Simon Debate & Switch . . . Ad Infinitum: Democracy is Dead. Short Live the Oligarchy. As our two favorite despised plutocrats met for Round Two of their Neoliberal Death Match
Millennials Not Apathetic or Uncaring? (Fascists Gather As Election Putridity Quotient Increases Sharply) Civil War? (They've Been Hoping for It) Ceaucescu Memory Evoked (Why Hillary's Speeches Worth So Much) Clinton Foundation in Haiti Questioned
Fascist attack? In a speech delivered by Donald Trump to an audience of thousands in West Palm Beach, Florida, the Republican candidate turned his campaign in a more distinctly fascistic direction. Presenting himself as both the savior of America and the victim of a ruthless political and economic establishment, Trump sought to connect deep-seated social
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NOT QUITE UNHINGED2 unread articles  //  actions

Pinky is the Brain
The craziness of the Trump candidacy has prompted no end of analysis, trying to understand the motivations and thought processes of the weirdest major candidate to ever run for office in the US. And perhaps anywhere. One constant analytical theme is of the “he’s so crazy, he must be a genius” type; that there must be some sort of coldly calculated end-game that we just haven’t figured out yet.
Antifreeze and Donald Trump
There are despicable criminals that deserve capital punishment. But I do not support capital punishment because no system can guarantee that only the truly deserving criminals die. If one innocent dies for every 100 or 1,000 criminals, then I cannot support or endorse capital punishment. What does this have to do with Donald Trump? Imagine a society that locks up citizens for holding dangerous
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VAGABOND SCHOLAR2 unread articles  //  actions

[no title]
Banned Books Week 2016
(One of the neater images about banned books to date.) Banned Books Week is coming to a close. My archives have more extensive posts on the subject, but the American Library Association (ALA) has a neat piece based on a 2012 Library of Congress exhibit. It's a list titled Banned Books That Shaped America. I wish more dates were included for context, but it's still an interesting read, with
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THWAP'S SCHOOLYARD3 unread articles  //  actions

A Question For My Liberal Friends
D'you suppose Liberal MPs slobber all over Henry Kissinger because they're ignoramuses and don't know he's a war criminal? Or do you suppose they do know and they like it?
"Deus Vult"
Back in July, intrigued by whatever mental stew had inspired the detestable Davis Aurini to refer to left-wingers as " rabbits ," I took the time to go through the essay in question line by line . The results of my study was that Aurini is a complete idiot who strings together groundless, often incoherent assertions into meandering, nonsensical "arguments" and upon completing one of his ravings,
Positive Proposals
Just saying that since I've stopped blogging on a regular basis, and have relegated myself to merely reading and observing, I've not noticed much in the way of positive, world-changing proposals coming out of the Left-wing. Instead I'm seeing lots and lots of descriptions: Donald Trump is a monster and we have to vote for Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both monsters and we s
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OUR MANMADE DISASTERS1 unread article  //  actions

An open appeal to our American brothers & sisters; to choose between a devastating global war or Peace_&_Prosperity.
To our dear American brothers & sisters, Please come out to vote wisely, this Nov 8. Each vote counts. Each vote is part of a collective force to be reckoned with. Do not lose out on a rare opportunity to tilt our world back, from the brink of extinction. The world is watching nervously, this pivotal 2016 US presidential election. For the first time since President JF Kennedy, you have an "outside
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PAYING ATTENTION2 unread articles  //  actions

Coca in Peru and Colombia, and the stupidity of the war on drugs
"Why are Peru, Colombia Coca Numbers Going in Opposite Directions?" That was the headline on a recent Insight Crime report . I am a fan of the site, which focuses on organized crime in Latin America and the Caribbean, offering valuable reporting and analysis. But the answer to the question posed in that headline seems obvious. Cocaine demand isn't going down. Market forces mean suppliers will fin
The sad story of the little railway that couldn't
I wrote about the Island Corridor Foundation and the E&N rail line for The Tyee. You can read the piece here .
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THE WHITE HATS REPORT4 unread articles  //  actions

October 12, 2016 – White Hats Report #54 – It’s now or never
We had a long, detailed report prepared, analyzing the two debates and the aftermath and the points and counterpoints and after writing three pages of information that, in review, should already be obvious to our readers, we decided to shift gears, step back and reassess our message. We have issued 54 reports in 6 years, some lengthy with attachments and details, others with concepts and ideals a
October 3, 2016 – White Hats Report #53 – PollMole, will it prevent a stolen election in 2016?
As November 8 quickly approaches, we’re reminded of a quote attributed to Josef Stalin, “It’s not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes.” Or a similar one attributed to Boss Tweed, "Those who cast the votes decide nothing; those who count the votes decide everything.” Every four years and to a lesser extent, every two years, we are bombarded with “polls”, polls to tell us who the voter
October 17, 2016 – White Hats Report #55 – The Ministry of Propaganda is imploding!
As we wind down to the last presidential debate and the upcoming election on November 8, the desperation of the Clinton crime family has been ratcheted up to an unprecedented level. The latest attempt to coordinate a sexual misconduct attack on Trump fails on so many levels it’s not worth our time or yours to pick it apart. Suffice it to say, none of it passes the test of common sense from the ti
October 19, 2016 – White Hats Report #56 – FBI exposes Shadow Government in Clinton investigation
There was much discussion, debate and frustration over our decision not to release report #48. We published an article regarding that situation and the following link can be reviewed if the readers are not familiar with it. Report #48 was all about the Shadow Government, its origins, its members, their co-conspirators, their finan
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PHILOSOPHICAL COMMENT4 unread articles  //  actions

New article online: Conscientious Refusal in Healthcare: The Swedish Solution
Indeed, as flagged before , I have a new article published online in the Journal of Medical Ethics on the topic of the Sweden's longstanding policy on conscientious objection by health professionals. I briefly describe the policy and its background and chart some recent challenges to it. The published article, which is to be included in a coming special issue on conscientious objection, is here .
New article on prenatal screening online
Yesterday I received word that the American Journal of Bioethics has accepted a so-called open peer commentary by myself on a coming so-called target-article that presents a seemingly drastic proposal regarding the ethics and policy of prenatal screening using non-invasive sample techniques and so-called whole genome sequencing technology for analysis. I am partly in sharp disagreement with this
Celebrating 400 000 reads.
Yep, sometime tonight, Philosophical Comment , passed 400 000 reads. Thanks to everyone! Philosophical Comment Blog: Christian Munthe, Professor of Practical Philosophy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Chief interests are ethics/moral philosophy, political philosophy and their applications to practical issues
New paper on precaution and existential risk online for free reading and download
Some time back, I had two posts here, with a slightly tongue-in-cheek comment on some ongoing academic campaigns and discussions for attending to small or very unclear risks with potentially very serious negative outcomes - so-called existential risks: here , and here . As reported later , this led to an invitation to debate the issue with Olle Häggström (mathematician and crossdisciplinary futur
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THE STRAIGHT GOODS3 unread articles  //  actions

LNG in British Columbia, New Timelines, FIDs Coming in 2025-2027
Written by Grant G Where to even begin.....Let's start with run-up to election 2013... Christy Clark lagging and sagging in the polls created BC's biggest ever fraudulent election gambit.. The Windfall of LNG...Clark claimed LNG would wipe out BC's debt, eliminate BC's sales tax, pay for new schools and hospitals, pay off crown debt, eliminate tolls, money for First Nations and northern communiti
Why is Rich Coleman planning to “restart our discussions in and around our project development agreement.”
What am I talking about? Rich Coleman in an exclusive with BIV(Business in Vancouver Magazine) on September 21st/2016 said this, and I quote.. ______________ Exclusive: Coleman reveals housing, LNG and campaign secrets to party faithful Coleman, who is also the Minister of Natural Gas Development, said he expec
Two Hours of Blog Talk Radio, Everything LNG, Including All the Lies and Distortions
My first podcast....there was a few technical issues, lack of bandwidth... However, we covered the LNG in great detail... I would like to thank Thank Canadian Glen for hosting me...You can find him on Twitter here.. Below is a link to tonight's episode(September 28th/2016)..
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SCREW YOU GUYS, I'M GOING HOME2 unread articles  //  actions

Now That My Office Is Closed For Hurricane Matthew, Do I Get Paid?
So I'm sitting here waiting to get hit by Hurricane Matthew, as is most of eastern Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas and I'm already bored. One of the worst parts of hurricanes is waiting in a shutter-enclosed cave, knowing havoc is about to be wreaked. What I do know is that almost every employer in the cone of concern is shut down right now. It occurred to me that you may be wondering: do I get
Can You Be Fired For Your Facebook Posts? Yes (With Exceptions)
Do I really have to tell you to watch what you say on social media? Apparently I really do because I run into people all too often who were fired for inappropriate postings, emails, texts, or other comments. My best advice is this: don't put anything in writing that you don’t want posted on the front page of the company newsletter. Examples of social media firings I've heard of that stand out are
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SYRIA COMMENT4 unread articles  //  actions

How Will the Syrian Crisis End? – By Ehsani2
How Will the Syrian Crisis End? By Ehsani2 @EHSANI22 For Syria Comment – October 10, 2016 Westerners find it hard to believe that a crisis, such as that afflicting Syria, cannot be stopped. “Surely, someone can and must do something” is the consensus thinking. If the UN has failed to stop it and diplomacy cannot bring it to an end, then the White House must stop the blood letting and use military
“Remember Syria’s Adib Shishakli,” by Christopher Solomon
Remember Syria’s Adib Shishakli Christopher Solomon – @Solomon_Chris For Syria Comment Sept 27, 2016 Nearly 52 years ago, a Syrian political leader hiding in exile was killed in the heart of Brazil. As Syria watchers continue to monitor and understand the country’s grinding civil war, the era of the former Syrian political figure Adib Al-Shishakli could yield some clues. The flag of the Syrian op
Aleppo and America’s Syria Policy – by Robert G. Rabil
A Historical and Contemporaneous Context for American Policy on Syria By Robert G. Rabil – @robertgrabil For Syria Comment October 4, 2016 With Aleppo under indiscriminate heavy bombardment and siege by the Syrian regime and its allies, Russia, Iran, Iraqi Mobilization Units and Hezbollah, the pitch of the chorus of voices blaming and shaming the U.S. for not intervening militarily in Syria to st
Labawat al-Jabal: A Druze Female Militia in Suwayda’ Province
By Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi Female fighters in the Syrian civil war are foremost associated with the Kurds, in particular the YPJ division of the Democratic Union Party (PYD)’s armed militias. Indeed, a female role in fighting fits in naturally with the secular and leftist ideology of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), of which the PYD is the Syrian affiliate. However, the phenomenon of female figh
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MIDDLE EAST TODAY1 unread article  //  actions

The Use of Gold as reserve to Support the Egyptian Pound Arab Net News reported (10/19/2016) that the Egyptian governme...
The Use of Gold as reserve to Support the Egyptian Pound Arab Net News reported (10/19/2016) that the Egyptian government is shipping to Canada its monthly gold production of 344KG from the Sukari mines to be purified and sold in the world market. The Sukari mine of Egypt is classified as one of the ten largest gold mine in the world. In some western countries such as the US, gold has been kept a
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THE GALLOPING BEAVER1 unread article  //  actions

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THE EARTH AND MAN: SETTING THE STAGE1 unread article  //  actions

Planetary Rotation and Temperature: "Let go, Luke. Use the Force."
The Dr. Roy Spencer site has a post on "The Faster a Planet Rotates, the Warmer Its Average Temperature". My response: As I have pointed out many times, for example here : The Venus/Earth temperature ratio, at points of equal pressure in the two atmospheres, over the full range of Earth tropospheric pressures, is essentially explained by the ratio of their solar distances alone (and precisely so
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WWF - LATEST NEWS14 unread articles  //  actions

Irrawaddy dolphins functionally extinct in Laos
Bangkok -- The population of critically endangered Mekong River Dolphins -- also known as Irrawaddy Dolphins -- in the Cheuteal trans-boundary pool between southern Laos and northern Cambodia has shrunk by 50 per cent this year alone and the population is functionally extinct in Laos, according to WWF. WWF survey teams from Laos and Cambodia conducted a dolphin abundance survey and confirmed the
Belize offshore seismic testing suspended after outcry
The longest barrier reef in the northern hemisphere has received a reprieve from seismic surveying, WWF has learned. Officials in Belize agreed to suspend the seismic portion of offshore oil exploration an after an outcry from concerned citizens, national civil society groups and international conservation organizations and their supporters. The survey began on Wednesday, 19 October, a day earlie
World shipping meeting must tackle climate and toxic fuel
GLAND, Switzerland – The world's leading shipping organisation should agree a ban on the use of heavy fuel oil in the Arctic and also shoulder some of the responsibility for reducing climate change during its meeting in London this week. The meeting of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) presents the opportunity to take action against the highly polluting fuel, at a time when shipping i
World takes bold steps to protect wildlife at CITES CoP
With illegal and unsustainable trade endangering wildlife across the world, governments united today behind a series of tough decisions to provide greater protection to a host of threatened species and bolster efforts to tackle soaring levels of poaching and wildlife trafficking. Gathered in South Africa for the world's largest ever wildlife trade meeting – the 17 th meeting of the Conference of
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AMERICAN KABUKI34 unread articles  //  actions

Interwebs of Gaia energetics are strengthened
Interwebs of Gaia energetics are strengthened by ÉirePort Interwebs of Gaia energetics are strengthened. Creation plays its final piece. Standards of elementals are raised. Astronomicals reunite. ÉirePort | October 26, 2016 at 11:11 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: The Standard of Love
Updated: Purported "Alien" False Flag Option: Benenson Strategy Group Recommends Code Name Firesign Option To Hillary Clinton
Updated 10/22/16 with information from Kauilapele's blog... By American Kabuki Oliver Troll of Sweden found this document (located farther down in this article), purportedly from the hacking group "ANONYMOUS". The PDF metadata dates it from October 16th, 2016. Ollie posted it today as an update to a prior post in 2015 commenting on a Steve Greer video (no longer available) about an expected "Alie
Sphere Alliance Message #207 The Van Allen Belts and the South American Anomaly
I saw this article at, found it very interesting how it centers on the Patagonia region of South America, which is a region known to be the one where the former Nazi paperclip scientists and fugitives from World War II are known to be. So it sparked a question as to what this exactly is... From NEW MAPS OF THE SOUTH ATLANTIC ANOMALY: Researchers have long
Updated: Sphere Alliance #209 Greek amatuer astronomer sees SSP ships hopping through portals
Martha: Terran, I directed S [redacted] and his astronomy friends to your new SSP post. They now see something new. S: "Perhaps that is why I have been seeing objects flying between Uranus, Neptune from the direction and within the constellation Cassiopeia. Last night I saw at least 10 in less than 5 minutes flying from our position, E-NE and W-NW. ... Please ask if someone could explain the cons
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FROM THE WILDERNESS' PEAK OIL BLOG30 unread articles  //  actions

From Jenna Orkin Dollar Breakout Sends Chinese Yuan To Lowest On Record In Offshore Trading U.S. Military Is Building a...
From Jenna Orkin Dollar Breakout Sends Chinese Yuan To Lowest On Record In Offshore Trading U.S. Military Is Building a $100 Million Drone Base in Africa Banker Deaths and WikiLeaks Deaths Have a Common Thread Chaos erupts as Hong Kong independence activists fight to enter legislative chamber Production has soared in the world's opium capital GERMANY: 400 police officers carried out 14 'terror fi
From Jenna Orkin 'Their hands are quivering over the relocate button:' Industry boss warns banks will leave Britain ear...
From Jenna Orkin 'Their hands are quivering over the relocate button:' Industry boss warns banks will leave Britain early next year Prominent Democrat Connected To Clintons Donated $675,000 To Campaign Of Deputy FBI Director's Wife THis Is The Chinese Firm Whose Cameras Took Down The Internet On Friday Milk from Tasmanian devils helps fight superbugs After Years Of Drought, A Starving Madagascar
From Jenna Orkin Venezuela Braces For Revolution After Maduro Blocks Recall Referendum Venezuelan Congress: Government ...
From Jenna Orkin Venezuela Braces For Revolution After Maduro Blocks Recall Referendum Venezuelan Congress: Government led by Nicolas Maduro has staged a coup Universities Ban Politically-Incorrect Halloween Costumes GOP Sues Pennsylvania Over "Poll Watcher" Restrictions America's biggest banks are closing hundreds of branches Mass prison break in Haiti: 174 inmates flee after killing guard China
From Jenna Orkin WikiLeaks Tweets "Heavily Armed Police" Outside Ecuadorian Embassy; Says Assange Is Still Alive Wikile...
From Jenna Orkin WikiLeaks Tweets "Heavily Armed Police" Outside Ecuadorian Embassy; Says Assange Is Still Alive Wikileaks highlights Russian Naval Fleet Filmed Off British Coast, Followed "Every Inch Of The Way" European Mars Lander Crashed On Impact Police Drones Zapping Suspects with Stun Guns: ‘The Public Is Going to Initially be Alarmed by This’ U.S. Warship Challenges China’s Claims in Sout
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NORTHERN REFLECTIONS29 unread articles  //  actions

A Classical Example
Last night proved beyond a doubt that Donald Trump has his foot to the floor and is headed to the wall. He has offended women mightily. Last night's vow to repeal Roe v. Wade will add to the Access Hollywood debacle. But, along with women, he's also mobilized Latinos and African Americans against him. E.J. Dionne writes : The states on Clinton's new target list include Arizona and, of all places,
It's Over
Andrew Nikiforuk has been writing for sometime that bitumen's heyday is over. There are four reasons that account for the decline and fall of black goo: 1 . There is no way to clean up bitumen spills. Basic science shows that neither industry nor government has developed an effective spill response for conventional oil on the high seas. As a consequence, marine oil spill response remains a public
Lessons Learned?
It's been a year since the Harper government was sent packing. But, Gerry Caplan writes , if those vying to replace Stephen Harper are any indication, their defeat taught the Conservatives nothing: There’s the widespread view among people within the party that the problem was their “tone.” It’s not at all clear what they think they mean by this, but it seems to have little to do with a series of
Another One Of History's Ironies
There are those who believe that engaging in "what might have been" speculation is wasted energy. But Linda McQuaig does precisely that in today's Toronto Star . Doug Peters -- the former chief economist for the TD Bank and former Liberal cabinet minister -- died last week. Peters grew up in Brandon, Manitoba during the Great Depression. That experience -- and the training he received on the way
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GLOBALOVE THINK TANK46 unread articles  //  actions

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