Friday, October 21, 2016

24 October - Netvibes - Breaking News

Bad Hombres, Nasty Women

Pentatonix Covers Hallelujah

Jolene : Dolly and Pentatonix

One of the most stark data points that describes austerity as the abuse that it is.


Boing Boing

For the most part, there’s no wrong way to inhabit a haunted house. See some pissed off ghosts, try not to die, and you’re good. There is, however, one ironclad law that must be obeyed without question: DO NOT FEED THE HOUSE.Read more...

As much as we here at ReadWrite are genuinely enthusiastic about the Internet of Things, it’s never been without a heavy grain of salt. We’ve never been afraid to question, analyze and critique the form and function of connected devices and the...

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