Tuesday, October 11, 2016

11 October - My Feedly! - 2

WIT'S END2 unread articles  //  actions

The Waste Land
What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, You cannot say, or guess, for you know only A heap of broken images, where the sun beats, And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief, And the dry stone no sound of water. Only There is shadow under this red rock, (Come in under the shadow of this red rock), And I will show you something differ
An audition for Apocalypse, The Musical
Thanks for the memory Of butterfly and bird Whose songs we barely heard Our propensity for multiplicity Our egos so absurd How selfish it was Thanks for the memory Of nature that we spoiled How determinedly we toiled For acid seas And dying trees Stewardship we foiled How greedy it was We thought we were the crown of creation Or at least the pinnacle of evolution We wonder if we’ve destroyed it T
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WIDE ASLEEP IN AMERICA1 unread article  //  actions

Kaine, Pence and Their VP Debate Fact-Checkers Are All Wrong on Iran
(David Goldman / AP Photo) If anything was made clear during the Vice Presidential debate between Tim Kaine and Mike Pence it's that neither man knows much about the Iranian nuclear program. And neither do the fact-checkers tasked with judging the candidates' own statements about it. During the course of 90 excruciating minutes, Tim Kaine accused Iran of "racing toward a nuclear weapon"
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WHAT IS SUSTAINABLE2 unread articles  //  actions

Seeing Like A State
As centuries passed, and the human herd swelled, the strains on society increased, often sparking friction. In an effort to discourage chaos, many societies became more structured — codes of rules, conflict resolution systems, hierarchies of control and coercion. Tribes formed alliances with others, and these confederations often merged into states. In a shark pool of ongoing growth and overshoot
The Hidden Life of Trees
As a young lad in Germany, Peter Wohlleben loved nature. He went to forestry school, and became a wood ranger. At this job, he was expected to produce as many high quality saw logs as possible, with maximum efficiency, by any means necessary. His tool kit included heavy machinery and pesticides. This was forest mining, an enterprise that ravaged the forest ecosystem and had no long-term future. H
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KILLING MOTHER1 unread article  //  actions

White Privileged Bernie Supporters Need to Hold their Noses and Vote for Clinton
I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton's, but I am going to vote for her anyway. I believe the Bill Clinton White House destroyed the liberal left in the United States. The first Clinton administration acted like a wolf in sheep's clothing, gutting social infrastructure, advancing the prison industrial complex to an unprecedented degree and masterminding the destructive global trade deals (WTO and NAF
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WELCOME TO POTTERSVILLE 2 (BLOGGING AGAINST F...9 unread articles  //  actions

Farcical Election or Terminal Postmodernity? (Banks Are Bleeding Cash! Federal Funds Rate Scrapes Bottom) Ex British Ambassador Makes Astonishing Speech About Tony Blair, George Bush, War and Profit
Are we okay with this? With any of this? Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell's Chief of Staff, says "Let these people go!" (H/T to John Oliver) And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made. -Paul Simon Debate & Switch . . . Ad Infinitum: Democracy is Dead. Short Live the Oligarchy. As our two favorite despised plutocrats met for Round Two of their Neoliberal Death Match
(Trumped or Clintoned - You Decide) Stealing Is Legal in U.S. (How To Get $$$$$ Out of Politics) Haters Or Losers In Charge? (How the Rich Became Self-Serving Parasites on the Poor) Invasion of the Debt Snatchers (Invisible Americans Key to Election?) Economic Houdini Tricks (Pentagon Paid Millions to Create Fake Terrorist Videos: Petraeus' Plot) A Putrid Election: the Horserace as Farce (US Court Protects 'School of the Assassins' Graduates) Financial Earthquakes Ongoing
All the news not fit to be printed. New York Times Pushes False Narrative on the Wall Street Crash of 2008 Germany’s Deutsche Bank, Again in Trouble, Received a U.S. Bailout Twice as Big as Lehman Brothers Thinking hard after watching the Veep "debate." So many comments quickly come to mind. (Must suppress NOW.) But we'll try to put them off until later and focus now on the important issues.
(Missing HST More Every Day) Trump Vs. Clinton: Conflicts of Interest in the Kingdom of Despair During America's Purposely Unwinnable Wars? (You'll Never Fix the Economy Without Fixing U.S. Health Care System)
Fear and Dislike at the Polls "We had the presidential debate of the century this week… Marxist hacks in the mainstream media declared Clinton the winner. The alt-right media called it for Trump. I scored it a tie, with the country as the ultimate loser. . . Yeah, I know. I already was thinking of HST every *!!!***!! day. . . . there are plenty of good people on the Left – Adolph Reed, Noam
USA! Usa! usa! Health Care Equals World's Doo-Doo? (People's Issues Absent from Debate) Trump Will Win Because Worse Than But Different From Clinton? USA=Trump's New Piggy Bank (Job Instability Rules US)
Yeah. I do think that. I have a $1000 bill for a blood test ordered by my doctor - one tube of blood (from a 100% healthy patient who tried to refuse but was told it was mandatory for her exam) - from UNC Hospital. Because I am uninsured due to being unemployed and poor in non-Medicaided North Carolina. Yeah. Ain't health care in America grand? If you think there is something hinky in this
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A CLOSER LOOK: JODY PATERSON1 unread article  //  actions

Squeeze 'em until it hurts: The hostile takeover of the average air traveller experience
I love almost everything about a life with lots of travel in it. But the airport and flying experience is one notable exception. I’m just back from flights in and out of Orlando, Florida, where I went for two weeks to visit family. I've been travelling quite a bit these past five years, and what becomes clearer with each passing flight is that the air industry service model is to make us suffer s
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MIDDLE CLASS POLITICAL ECONOMIST1 unread article  //  actions

That's what I'm talkin' about! (Ireland)
I have argued many times (most directly here ) that, contrary to the claims of nearly all Irish policymakers, low taxes are not what makes the Irish economy tick. The country experienced 30 years of low taxes with no gain on average European income; it was only after 1987 that other policy changes (education, EU-funded infrastructure, and Social Partnership) led to gains on the EU average. Thanks
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MORTON'S MUSINGS8 unread articles  //  actions

The Elks Want to Throw Me Out – What Are My Rights?
One of the most obscure areas of law is "club law". This deals with the rights of members of clubs to have fair hearings when dealing with clubs they belong to. Usually in Canada the clubs involved are sporting clubs but the area of law includes pretty well all voluntary organizations. So if my Freemason Lodge decides to expel me I have certain rights to a "fair" hearing. At the outset, while thes
Judicial Officers show presumptively have their costs of a discipline hearing regardless of result
Massiah v Justices of the Peace Review Council, 2016 ONSC 6191: [ 49 ] In my view, the 2012 Panel started from a flawed premise, that is, that where there has been a finding of judicial misconduct, the presumption should be that compensation will not be made. Specifically, the 2012 Panel said: … it is only in exceptional circumstances that the public purse should bear the legal costs of a judicia
Calculation of unreasonable delay for 11(b)
R. v. Coulter, 2016 ONCA 704: A. THE NEW FRAMEWORK SUMMARIZED [34] Calculate the total delay , which is the period from the charge to the actual or anticipated end of trial ( Jordan , at para. 47). [35] Subtract defence delay from the total delay, which results in the " Net Delay " ( Jordan , at para. 66). [36] Compare the Net Delay to the presumptive ceiling ( Jordan , at para. 66). [37] If the
Dance with Me??
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THE RULES OF EXPOSITION3 unread articles  //  actions

Easy to fix
Reading How high debt leads to income inequality by Atif Mian and Amir Sufi. I thought I'd be interested in the economics. Instead I focus on this: Money can’t make up for the loss of one’s home, but it ensures that a family can begin rebuilding their lives during such a desperate time. "A family" is singular. "Their lives" is plural. How can I assume that Mian and Sufi's economic logic is sound w
Heart and Mind
Sentences in development: I'm something of a monetarist at heart. To my mind, even if monetary balances are not the cause of recessions, they must nonetheless be evidence. That doesn't work. Maybe this: I'm something of a monetarist at heart. Even if monetary balances are not the cause of recessions, they must nonetheless be evidence. Moving on.
Literacy skills
Found this in the new 70-page PDF from the Harvard Business School Survey on U.S. Competitiveness, Problems Unsolved and a Nation Divided : Younger cohorts of U.S. workers have higher literacy scores than older cohorts in absolute terms, reflecting U.S. skills improvement over time. But workers elsewhere have improved even faster. American workers from earlier generations are more literate than t
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VIVA BOLIVIA1 unread article  //  actions

Facts about War on Drugs: Bolivia is winning, Colombia, thanks to the US, is losing
The United States constantly berates Evo Morales and insinuates that he is dealing drugs. However, the facts speak for themselves, and in the New York Times , 14 September, 2016, (editorial pages) we can read about how it is Colombia, where the US agencies are actives allegedly fighting drugs, that drugs are up 40% - while they are being eradicated in Bolivia. Obama needs to read the papers! And h
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NOT QUITE UNHINGED1 unread article  //  actions

Antifreeze and Donald Trump
There are despicable criminals that deserve capital punishment. But I do not support capital punishment because no system can guarantee that only the truly deserving criminals die. If one innocent dies for every 100 or 1,000 criminals, then I cannot support or endorse capital punishment. What does this have to do with Donald Trump? Imagine a society that locks up citizens for holding dangerous
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VAGABOND SCHOLAR2 unread articles  //  actions

Banned Books Week 2016
(One of the neater images about banned books to date.) Banned Books Week is coming to a close. My archives have more extensive posts on the subject, but the American Library Association (ALA) has a neat piece based on a 2012 Library of Congress exhibit. It's a list titled Banned Books That Shaped America. I wish more dates were included for context, but it's still an interesting read, with
Talk Like a Pirate Day 2016
Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! I like to celebrate by using one of the English-to-Pirate translators out there to translate a scurvy dog. This year, there's no competition. Follow the links to see the original words of looter and pillager Donald J. Trump, but here are some of his greatest hits in pirate: When Mexico sends its swabbies, they’re nay sendin' the'r best. They’re nay sendin' ye.
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VACCINE AWAKENING1 unread article  //  actions

CDC Wants to Expand Power to Eliminate Measles What You Need To Know and Do Now
Published 9/13/2016 By Barbara Loe Fisher To activate and view hyperlinked references, please click here once and then click any superscripted number below to access a hyperlinked reference, or scroll down to the bottom of the article to view all hyperlinked references. I remember the day in 2007, when I was standing in front of a Maryland country courthouse videotaping interviews with mothers and
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OUR MANMADE DISASTERS1 unread article  //  actions

God's answers to prayers, hasten by high speed internet?
God's answers to our prayers, hasten by high speed internet? Gforce. Dear God, I know our prayers to you, used to take a very long time to be answered. For instance, o ur prayers for the evil dictator Marcos (Philippines), to be disposed took 21 bloody long years. He was disposed on Feb 25 (225), 1986 (6) following the evil Kabal_orchestrated 1986 Oil Crash. By the way, Marcos was a 911 child. Bo
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THWAP'S SCHOOLYARD5 unread articles  //  actions

"Deus Vult"
Back in July, intrigued by whatever mental stew had inspired the detestable Davis Aurini to refer to left-wingers as " rabbits ," I took the time to go through the essay in question line by line . The results of my study was that Aurini is a complete idiot who strings together groundless, often incoherent assertions into meandering, nonsensical "arguments" and upon completing one of his ravings,
Positive Proposals
Just saying that since I've stopped blogging on a regular basis, and have relegated myself to merely reading and observing, I've not noticed much in the way of positive, world-changing proposals coming out of the Left-wing. Instead I'm seeing lots and lots of descriptions: Donald Trump is a monster and we have to vote for Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both monsters and we s
The Obama Fan
So on FaceBook there was a meme with all the leading figures of the bush II regime pictured besides a list of their several crimes including torture and illegal wars of aggression. It was posted in a group someone had hooked me up to so I didn't know many of the people posting. Three comments about the evil, perfidious Repugnicans and how they should be forced to pay for what they did. I posted "
The Rob Ford Fan
At work it's mostly all immigrants. West Indians and South Asians mainly. But lots of Jamaicans, Arabs, Africans too. Whites are definitely in the minority on the shop floor. It's a lot of fun. Young women from India innocently flirting with young Jamaican men. Chinese and Indian people speaking Hindi to each other. Comments about one another's cultures that have none of the venom of majority pop
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PESTICIDE ACTION NETWORK8 unread articles  //  actions

Part-time pesticide protections? No thanks, DPR.
After years of pressure from communities across the state, California's Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) finally released their proposed new rules to protect schoolchildren from the harms of agricultural pesticides. While we’re glad the draft regulations are finally out, the proposed rules leave a lot to be desired. DPR's proposal fails to address the fundamental asks of communities acros
44 years later, pesticide-free soap
Well that took awhile. In early September, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a list of products they will no longer allow in soaps. On that list was the pesticide triclosan — which was identified as a chemical of concern in 1972. Yep, 44 years. Here's what I wrote back in 2011 when FDA set the process in motion that resulted in this month's announcement: FDA first flagged concerns a
Bayersanto? Monbayer? Yikes.
There have been ups and downs in the romance between Bayer and Monsanto, but this week they publicly announced their engagement. Monsanto has accepted a $66 billion offer from Bayer, heralding another mega merger between pesticide and biotech corporations. This has already been a big year for consolidation in the agricultural sector, with Dow-DuPont and Syngenta-ChemChina deals well underway. If
Farm to family, McDonald's can do better
Families across the country are worried about McDonald’s, for more reasons than one. Because McDonald’s is such a huge player in our food system, the decisions the company makes — from marketing, to sourcing, to wages — have a ripple effect. This year, families who are affected by McDonald’s practices are speaking up together as part of a Toxic Taters week of action . The core message? Families d
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PHILOSOPHICAL COMMENT4 unread articles  //  actions

New article online: Conscientious Refusal in Healthcare: The Swedish Solution
Indeed, as flagged before , I have a new article published online in the Journal of Medical Ethics on the topic of the Sweden's longstanding policy on conscientious objection by health professionals. I briefly describe the policy and its background and chart some recent challenges to it. The published article, which is to be included in a coming special issue on conscientious objection, is here .
Celebrating 400 000 reads.
Yep, sometime tonight, Philosophical Comment , passed 400 000 reads. Thanks to everyone! Philosophical Comment Blog: Christian Munthe, Professor of Practical Philosophy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Chief interests are ethics/moral philosophy, political philosophy and their applications to practical issues
New paper on precaution and existential risk online for free reading and download
Some time back, I had two posts here, with a slightly tongue-in-cheek comment on some ongoing academic campaigns and discussions for attending to small or very unclear risks with potentially very serious negative outcomes - so-called existential risks: here , and here . As reported later , this led to an invitation to debate the issue with Olle Häggström (mathematician and crossdisciplinary futur
Four Positions in Financial Ethics open at my University
A quick repost of this splendid opportunity for any early carreer philosophy/ethics/economics student or academic with an interest in the ethics and philosophy of finance and economic systems. 4 positions (research fellow, postdoc and PhD's) and a chance to work with my former PhD student, now stellar researcher in his own right, Joakim Sandberg . Joakim has landed a bunch of grants to suppot his
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THE WHITE HATS REPORT1 unread article  //  actions

October 3, 2016 – White Hats Report #53 – PollMole, will it prevent a stolen election in 2016?
As November 8 quickly approaches, we’re reminded of a quote attributed to Josef Stalin, “It’s not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes.” Or a similar one attributed to Boss Tweed, "Those who cast the votes decide nothing; those who count the votes decide everything.” Every four years and to a lesser extent, every two years, we are bombarded with “polls”, polls to tell us who the voter
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SCREW YOU GUYS, I'M GOING HOME3 unread articles  //  actions

Now That My Office Is Closed For Hurricane Matthew, Do I Get Paid?
So I'm sitting here waiting to get hit by Hurricane Matthew, as is most of eastern Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas and I'm already bored. One of the worst parts of hurricanes is waiting in a shutter-enclosed cave, knowing havoc is about to be wreaked. What I do know is that almost every employer in the cone of concern is shut down right now. It occurred to me that you may be wondering: do I get
Trump Campaign Noncompete Agreements May Break Multiple Laws
You may have seen that the Trump campaign is imposing confidentiality and noncompete agreements on its staffers that are quite broad. Here's the agreement, posted online . It's a great example of what not to do. Let's take a look at what they did wrong for a moment. Election law : The agreement is with The Trump Organization. If Wikipedia has it right, “The Trump Organization (formerly Elizabeth T
Can You Be Fired For Your Facebook Posts? Yes (With Exceptions)
Do I really have to tell you to watch what you say on social media? Apparently I really do because I run into people all too often who were fired for inappropriate postings, emails, texts, or other comments. My best advice is this: don't put anything in writing that you don’t want posted on the front page of the company newsletter. Examples of social media firings I've heard of that stand out are
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STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND8 unread articles  //  actions

Brianna: Surviving Post-Cervarix Syndrom In The UK by Laura Price
Briana Brianna: Surviving Post-Cervarix Syndrome By Laura Price Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire UK Sane Vax, Inc 27 September 2016 My daughter, Brianna, was an active dancer since the age of 2 and a member of the school athletic team. She has always been fit and healthy and very academic. On September 28 th 2011 at age 12 she had her first dose of the Cervarix vaccine. Shortly thereafter everyth
Confidence vs. Insecurity Defined
I don't believe that anyone is 100% on either side. As I reflect upon this chart I would think that based on my observations our cultures are encouraging people to be insecure. I meet so few these days with any strength of character or real deep rooted confidence.
7 Healing Uses For Lavender Essential Oil by Margie King
7 Healing Uses For Lavender Essential Oil by Margie King Green Med Info. 15 September 2015 Lavender has been used for medicinal purposes for over 2,500 years. Today lavender is the most popular essential oil in the world. Here are just 7 proven uses for this amazing oil. Lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia ) has been used for medicinal purposes for over 2,500 years especially in Traditional Chinese
Have Faith In Your Life & Faith In Yourself - A Discourse by M.N. Hopkins
Have faith in your life and faith in yourself. There is nothing to fear. A way will be made for you, but first, you must make a clear decision and act upon it. For faith is not enough. Faith must be followed by activity. It is not enough to know of events, one must take action to help the internal dreams to be manifested into physical reality. Within us all lies the seeds to our destruction, but
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SYRIA COMMENT6 unread articles  //  actions

How Will the Syrian Crisis End? – By Ehsani2
How Will the Syrian Crisis End? By Ehsani2 @EHSANI22 For Syria Comment – October 10, 2016 Westerners find it hard to believe that a crisis, such as that afflicting Syria, cannot be stopped. “Surely, someone can and must do something” is the consensus thinking. If the UN has failed to stop it and diplomacy cannot bring it to an end, then the White House must stop the blood letting ad use military
“Remember Syria’s Adib Shishakli,” by Christopher Solomon
Remember Syria’s Adib Shishakli Christopher Solomon – @Solomon_Chris For Syria Comment Sept 27, 2016 Nearly 52 years ago, a Syrian political leader hiding in exile was killed in the heart of Brazil. As Syria watchers continue to monitor and understand the country’s grinding civil war, the era of the former Syrian political figure Adib Al-Shishakli could yield some clues. The flag of the Syrian op
Aleppo and America’s Syria Policy – by Robert G. Rabil
A Historical and Contemporaneous Context for American Policy on Syria By Robert G. Rabil – @robertgrabil For Syria Comment October 4, 2016 With Aleppo under indiscriminate heavy bombardment and siege by the Syrian regime and its allies, Russia, Iran, Iraqi Mobilization Units and Hezbollah, the pitch of the chorus of voices blaming and shaming the U.S. for not intervening militarily in Syria to st
Lens on Syria, by Daniel Demeter
Back in January 2015, I introduced the readers of Syria Comment to my website, Syria Photo Guide , where I have documented the historic and cultural sites of the country. I also posted a small collection of my photography of Syria taken between 2006 and 2009. Since that time, I have been privileged to work with Just World Books to publish Lens on Syria , a photography book to be released this upc
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THE STRAIGHT GOODS4 unread articles  //  actions

Why is Rich Coleman planning to “restart our discussions in and around our project development agreement.”
What am I talking about? Rich Coleman in an exclusive with BIV(Business in Vancouver Magazine) on September 21st/2016 said this, and I quote.. ______________ https://www.biv.com/article/2016/9/exclusive-coleman-reveals-housing-lng-and-campaign/ Exclusive: Coleman reveals housing, LNG and campaign secrets to party faithful Coleman, who is also the Minister of Natural Gas Development, said he expec
Two Hours of Blog Talk Radio, Everything LNG, Including All the Lies and Distortions
My first podcast....there was a few technical issues, lack of bandwidth... However, we covered the LNG in great detail... I would like to thank http://www.blogtalkradio.com/canadianglen Thank Canadian Glen for hosting me...You can find him on Twitter here.. https://twitter.com/canadianglen Below is a link to tonight's episode(September 28th/2016).. http://blogtalk.vo.llnwd.net/o23/show/9/495/show
Written by Grant G Originally posted February 2/2012 I'm reposting this for a reason....... Goodbye Kleo The Cat SOOT With a big disposal bin placed out back I finally found courage to remove the charred embers of my past life...... For months now we waited patiently for a promised clean up by our insurance company, weather and excuses dominated and day after day I would drive by my scorched home
British Columbia's Reflection, Wild Salmon
Written by Grant G Salmon, wild British Columbia, ......Chinook, also known as Spring salmon, or Blackmouth...Cohoe, also known as Blueback, sometimes called Silvers...There's also Sockeye Salmon, Pink Salmon, Dog Salmon, Chum Salmon, Steelhead Salmon...... Dr. Alexandra Morton....in my eyes she is a Saint, an angel, a wild salmon scientist who's lifelong goal is to save our salmon from extinctio
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THE EXCAVATOR4 unread articles  //  actions

Meister Eckhart: A Mystic Warrior for Our Times
"Meister Eckhart: A Mystic-Warrior for Our Times" by Matthew Fox (2014). Video Title: Meister Eckhart: A Mystic Warrior for Our Times. Source: New World Library. Date Published: June 19, 2014. Description: Bestselling author Matthew Fox explains how the teachings of 13th century religious maverick Meister Eckhart offers insights into how we can heal todays most pressing issues. For more info visi
Azorian: The Raising of the K-129
Azorian: The Raising of the K-129 . Video Title: AZORIAN The Raising of the K-129 - TRAILER. Source: onawindandaprayer. Date Published: November 3, 2009. Description: © Michael White Films www.projectjennifer.at In March 1968 the Soviet ballistic missile submarine K-129 carrying three of the most modern submarine-launched missiles then in the Soviet inventory, each with a one-megaton thermo-nucle
Robert O. Becker - Electromedicine (Hieronimus - September 16, 1990)
"The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life" by Robert O. Becker and Gary Selden. Wikipedia: Robert Otto Becker (May 31, 1923 − May 14, 2008) was a U.S. orthopedic surgeon and researcher in electrophysiology/electromedicine. He worked mainly as professor at Upstate Medical Center in State University of New York, Syracuse, and as Director of Orthopedic Surgery at the Veterans A
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THE HIGH-FAT HEP C DIET2 unread articles  //  actions

Animal Protein vs Plant Protein - the illusion of scale in diet epidemiology.
This graph appeared in Jason Fung's excellent Intensive Dietary Management blog here . I don't really want to disagree with Jason's statement that animal protein raises insulin more than plant protein, as I haven't looked into the evidence for that or what it means - I merely want to point out that this graph, and the paper it comes from, do not by themselves provide evidence that eating animal p
Court of last appeal - the early history of the high-fat diet for diabetes
It's a long story, and not a proud one. Seeing an email in my inbox from the Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism, which seemed like the title of a journal I'd investigated earlier, I impulsively sent off a draft of my history of Louis "Harry" Newburgh and the Michigan diet. I just emailed the unformatted pdf to them, and never engaged any portal or website. The journal replied, in terrible English,
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THE EARTH AND MAN: SETTING THE STAGE2 unread articles  //  actions

Planetary Rotation and Temperature: "Let go, Luke. Use the Force."
The Dr. Roy Spencer site has a post on "The Faster a Planet Rotates, the Warmer Its Average Temperature". My response: As I have pointed out many times, for example here : The Venus/Earth temperature ratio, at points of equal pressure in the two atmospheres, over the full range of Earth tropospheric pressures, is essentially explained by the ratio of their solar distances alone (and precisely so
Nikolov and Zeller Again
The tallbloke site has another post on Nikolov and Zeller's "Unified Climate Theory", about a Washington Post interview with Nikolov. Their latest paper was withdrawn (by "common agreenment with the authors and editors") because they used pseudonyms to get past the consensus guardians that have long made a mockery of peer review (I gave up on peer review years ago--the defense of scientific dogma
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A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE9 unread articles  //  actions

Did Lonnie Zamora See Alien Creatures?
We have discussed the Socorro case a couple of times here recently. When Ben Moss and Tony Angiola appeared on the Different Perspective radio show, they suggested that Lonnie Zamora had not said that he had seen creatures or aliens or figures. He had merely said that he had only seen two pairs of white coveralls in the distance, suggesting a humanoid shape but he couldn’t make out a head or faci
Brad Steiger and Real Visitors, Voices from Beyond and Parallel Dimensions
Back more years than I care to admit, I read a book, Allende Letters: New UFO Breakthrough (the title seems to be part of the advertising on the cover) written by Brad Steiger and Joan Whritenour. It was much more than just the story of the Allende Letters but it did spark an interest in me. It also raised some questions about all this sort of thing. Although only one chapter actually discussed t
Rob McConnell Interviews Tom Carey
Rob McConnell, on the X-Zone Broadcast Network interviewed Tom Carey about the Roswell Slides, and Carey said some very interesting things. You can hear the interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQ0V-Xuzzp0 Tom Carey We learn from Carey (at about 04:15 into the interview) that it was Joe Beason who contacted him after Beason had attempted to interest Stan Friedman in the slides. Friedma
X-Zone Broadcast Network - Ben Moss/Tony Angiola (Zamora Sighting)
This week’s show concerned the Socorro, New Mexico UFO landing and occupant sighting of April 24, 1964. My guests were Ben Moss and Tony Angiola of MUFON Virginia and their website can be found at www.mufonva.com . The interview can be found here: https://youtu.be/xd5ToD13dlE True Symbol What was interesting in this interview, or what caught my attention was the discussion of the symbol that Lonn
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MANIFESTO JOE'S TEXAS BLUES1 unread article  //  actions

Donald Trump's Amerika: Love It Or Eat It
By Manifesto Joe My sense of fairness compelled me to hold off on attacking Donald Trump. I actually thought he might change as the nominee of a major political party. Might as well wait for the next glacier to move through Texas. The latest Trump travesty was him lamenting about how well the Manhattan bomb suspect was being treated in the hospital, that he will be represented in court by a good l
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NEWS CENTER PK15 unread articles  //  actions

Writer’s Unrealistic Approach Exposed
At this critical juncture, when all the political and religious parties, including all the segments of society of Pakistan are united to give a matching response to India war hysteria, showing solidarity with country’s armed forces in case of any prospective aggression by India, it is surprising that an article written by Cyril Almeida, published … Writer’s Unrealistic Approach Exposed is a post
US-led West’s Double Standards May Culminate into Nuclear War
There is a co-relationship of the US-led West’s double standards and double game in relation to human rights, terrorism and so on. But, this dual strategy, particularly regarding India and Pakistan in wake of the unresolved issue of Kashmir, including the Middle East in connection with the unsettled Palestinian-Israeli dispute, especially the Syrian question may … The post US-led West’s Double St
Russia is Restoring Balance of Power
Russia is restoring balance of power—Renowned scholars of international relations, Lord Castlereagh, Quincy Wright, Hans J. Morgenthau and Kenneth Waltz agree by remarking, “Checking the unusual dominance and hegemony of the world by a single power is very essential for the survival of other states which live in anarchic situation where there is no international … The post Russia is Restoring Bal
Donald Trump Follows William II, Hitler in the Modern Era
By following the policies of Germany’s earlier rulers William II (Kaiser) and Adolf Hitler in the modern era, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump will cause destruction in the entire world, if he becomes the president of the United States. Robert G. L. Waite in his books “Kaiser and Fuhrer: A Comparative Study of … The post Donald Trump Follows William II, Hitler in th
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NEWS FROM ATLANTIS.14 unread articles  //  actions

ENP. The Voice revisited: Issue 42, September 2000
The Voice Issue 42, September 2000 (front page editorial) Link for best reading: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B16HDtMQAGQJN1RNTGswYTlxN2s/view?usp=sharing
ENP The Voice revisited: Issues 2, 9, June '91, August '92
On Charity We believe in charity at a national level. We feel that the best approach to international aid to the Third World is not capital aid but education. To this end we shall repatriate immigrants to countries devastated by recent catastrophes, thus returning the population to its previous level. Contraceptives will also be supplied. These countries will benefit from the British Education th
ITP Final Conflict: FC 1912/53, 11th April / 4th June 2002 - Damn the Monarchy and those they encourage
[FC1911 is one of many lost issues. I will post as many of the lost issues as I can find - but that will be at a later date] Reading Rufus' comments (FC 1911) on the Queen Mother's funeral I can only concur as one who waited four and a half hours to pay the last respect to her lying-in-state at Westminster Hall. Whatever the percentage of London is of ethnic origin it certainly was not represente
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NORTHERN REFLECTIONS31 unread articles  //  actions

Once Again, Look At The Facts
It was an ugly night. The kind of night that -- after it's over -- leaves you with the feeling that you've got to hit the shower. This morning, The New York Times published a page which fact checked statements from the debate. Not everything that Hillary Clinton said -- particularly about her emails -- was true. But what is disturbing is the tsunami of lies which Donald Trump unleashed in the spa
The Forest And The Trees
When it comes to taxing carbon, the Conservatives are into self-flagellation. Foremost among them is Brad Wall. Stephen Maher writes : Like the previous federal Conservative government, Wall seems to represent the view held by some fossil fuel companies — that climate change likely isn’t caused by carbon emissions, but even if it is we shouldn’t do anything about it, since little Canada can’t hav
It's About Sharing The Wealth
On October 1st, the minimum wage went up in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Prince Edward Island. It was Alberta's increase that caused a lot of howling. Alan Freeman writes : Following through on an election promise, the NDP government there is raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour by late 2018 on an incremental basis. This week’s raise to $12.20 amounted to a rise of $1, or more than 8 per
His Word Is Not His Bond
Following last night's debate, NPR fact checked the statements of both candidates. It should come as no surprise that much of what Donald Trump says is patently untrue. Consider just a few examples: Trump said, " You look at what China is doing for country in terms of making our product, they're devaluing their currency and there's nobody in our government to fight them ." According to Anthony Ku

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