Tom Harris
We WILL beat the climate scare eventually, you know. We just have to not be afraid to keep telling the truth and keep up the pressure.
Thanks all for helping ICSC get the word out that there are better uses of the $1 billion a day wasted across the world on climate finance, you know, things like debt and tax reduction, real job (unsubsidized, that is) creation, health care, education, real environmental problems, rebuilding our military, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure (especially bridges in the US where a third of them are in desperate need of repair), fighting terrorism, helping real people in need and so on, things far more important than the possibility of affecting climate decades in the future.
( Tom is more generous than I. For me the premise of man affecting climate by varying use of fossil fuel has gone up in smoke. It likely did not help that the very first search I made on the topic Nov 30 2009 came up with a report of a 1974 meeting about running a fraud/scare, but I did persist in chasing the topic )
We WILL beat the climate scare eventually, you know. We just have to not be afraid to keep telling the truth and keep up the pressure.
Thanks all for helping ICSC get the word out that there are better uses of the $1 billion a day wasted across the world on climate finance, you know, things like debt and tax reduction, real job (unsubsidized, that is) creation, health care, education, real environmental problems, rebuilding our military, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure (especially bridges in the US where a third of them are in desperate need of repair), fighting terrorism, helping real people in need and so on, things far more important than the possibility of affecting climate decades in the future.
( Tom is more generous than I. For me the premise of man affecting climate by varying use of fossil fuel has gone up in smoke. It likely did not help that the very first search I made on the topic Nov 30 2009 came up with a report of a 1974 meeting about running a fraud/scare, but I did persist in chasing the topic )
Secret FBI docs obtained by The Intercept reveal major lack of legal oversight on FBI surveillance of journalists.
Today, The Intercept published leaked documents that contain the FBI’s secret rules for targeting journalists and sources with National Security Letters (NSLs)—the controversial and unconstitutional warrantless tool the FBI uses to conduct surveillance without any court supervision whatsoever.
The U.S., Canada and Mexico created a stir with their pledge to generate 50 percent of their collective electricity with clean energy within a decade, but how ambitious is that, really? InsideClimate News' John H. Cushman Jr. writes that it all depends on how you look at it.
The goal of generating half of electricity from clean sources by 2025 isn't a stretch, depending on how you define clean energy.
This is a must-read -- the inspiring story of one man who's devoted his life to freeing rivers. Let's face it; this isn't the *worst* way to spend your time....
DamNation producer Matt Stoecker gives an update on the fight to demolish America's derelict dams and restore fish-friendly watersheds.
Here's something you'll not like at all...
Apple Patents Technology to remotely disable iPhone Camera at Live Concerts
Sunlight Foundation posted 2 updates.
- From a plethora of updates on the just-signed #FOIA reforms to a new phenomenon called "touchscreen democracy," catch up on all things#opengov in our latest transparency tip-sheet.
- Thanks to the Federal Communications Commission, you can now track dark money spending a little more easily. [via Bill Moyers]
This week, radio and cable stations must upload political ad data to public online database.BILLMOYERS.COM
Senator Elizabeth Warren made an important speech yesterday about increasing concentration in American industry and the abject failure of antitrust enforcement to do anything about it. (The speech can be found in its entirety at the end of the “Washington Monthly” column I’m attaching below).
The underlying point is this: As American industries become more concentrated, each corporation in that industry has greater power to raise prices because consumers have fewer choices. Such price increases amount to a hidden upward redistribution of income from the paychecks of average working people to top corporate executives and major shareholders.
This hidden upward redistribution is in effect pushing real wages down (your paycheck doesn’t go as far), widening inequality (enriching those at the top, at your expense), and giving the biggest corporations in the most concentrated industries even more political power to rig the system to their advantage – for example, by starving the agencies responsible for enforcing antitrust laws of the resources they need to do their jobs.
Strong antitrust enforcement is essential if an economy is to work for the many, not the few. Yet for years we’ve had weak antitrust enforcement. This must be a central tenet of the new progressive movement.
What do you think?
You can read the whole thing here.
Farmers spent billions of dollars on genetically modified seeds only to see weeds become resistant to the glyphosate.
Midwestern farmer warns: GMOs have drained BILLIONS of dollars from rural economies while monopolizi
Midwestern farmer warns: GMOs have drained BILLIONS of dollars from rural economies while monopolizing agriculture
ALGAE: Footage shot today by Johann Hoffend aboard Chopper 5 shows blue-green algae gushing through at the St. Lucie River lock, affecting South Florida waterways#FloridaAlgae
From my friend and colleague Dr. Jonathan Latham: "When 107 Nobel Laureates demanded that Greenpeace cease its opposition to GMOs and “golden rice”, no one in the press seems to have asked if the event was organised by the biotech industry. They should have."…/107-nobel-laureat…/
It is the Cosmic Egg of Creation as noted in many spiritual & cultural Mythologies
Democracy Now! posted 10 updates.
- The CIA held Khalid El-Masri for months because it could not decide on an "exit strategy," finally dumping him in Albania and telling him to go home.
A newly released internal CIA report has revealed how the agency arrested, imprisoned and interrogated a German citizen at a secret prison in…DEMOCRACYNOW.ORG
Finally! We have cracked the biggest problem of our technology - short data lifespans. Even under extremely controlled conditions, microfilm only lasts 100 years, and your humble DVD or CD only has a shelf life of a few decades. HDDs as well, degrade with only a few decades of life expectancy.
Scientists at the University of Southampton have made a major step forward in the development of digital data storage that is capable of surviving for billions of years.…
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