31 July - Early Picks
Thursday, 31. July 2008, 20:15:57
Photography is not a crime
LAPD chief opposes tougher laws against paparazzi
NYPD proving to be out of control
Yale students' lawsuit unmasks trolls, opens Pandora's box
Absolute Power, No Responsibility : White House reaction to DOJ hiring scandal
Greedy BP makes L555 a second as it 'picks the pockets of the poor'
Judge says White House Aides can be subpoenaed
Congress should rescind the State of Emergency declared by Bush
George Washington's Blog
Be scared as you could be ( ongoing recruiting scams, threats and intimidation. Will there be 'Press gangs' next ? )
Exxon profits breaks records of any U.S. corporation
Military censorship of the war in Iraq ( When safe civilian cowards ( AWOL etc ) hide what they do so go on about ... )
Bush's legacy of torture
America! Home of the Peeping Tom Society
Regime change coming to Israel
What's in the future for the US Presidency
Forget the Surge ...violence is down in Iraq because ethnic cleansing was brutally effective
Air Force looks to laser-proof its weapons
SEC to recognize corporate blogs as public disclosure
Ho9llywood has finally figured out how to make web video pay
LAPD chief opposes tougher laws against paparazzi
NYPD proving to be out of control
Yale students' lawsuit unmasks trolls, opens Pandora's box
Absolute Power, No Responsibility : White House reaction to DOJ hiring scandal
Greedy BP makes L555 a second as it 'picks the pockets of the poor'
Judge says White House Aides can be subpoenaed
Congress should rescind the State of Emergency declared by Bush
George Washington's Blog
Be scared as you could be ( ongoing recruiting scams, threats and intimidation. Will there be 'Press gangs' next ? )
Exxon profits breaks records of any U.S. corporation
Military censorship of the war in Iraq ( When safe civilian cowards ( AWOL etc ) hide what they do so go on about ... )
Bush's legacy of torture
America! Home of the Peeping Tom Society
Regime change coming to Israel
What's in the future for the US Presidency
Forget the Surge ...violence is down in Iraq because ethnic cleansing was brutally effective
Air Force looks to laser-proof its weapons
SEC to recognize corporate blogs as public disclosure
Ho9llywood has finally figured out how to make web video pay
30-31 July - some BritBlogging in the mix
Thursday, 31. July 2008, 07:37:35
To destroy al Qaeda, we must end the war on terror : Rand Corporation
Canadian Arctic sheds ice chunk
Pickled Politics
'Obama has angered millions of blacks' ( from disinformation central )
So, who wants nuclear power, then ? ( Pointing out there were good and sufficient reasons to abandon the practice )
Council ban on atheist websites ( Hardly promoting goodwill between men )
Miliband and Harmon to challenge Brown ?
Politics is war by any other means
Disabled married off for entry into the U.K.
A cat amongst the pigeons ( exercising whimsy )
and back on June 24 'A great piece on asylum' : which has ideas applicable to the immigration squabble
rather than 'This is how anti-terror laws are used' style screw-ups.
Craig Murray
New Labour and Reality
Law Lords back corruption ( Do you get this impression ? The Brits expect government to jack them around as a matter of course and raise holy hell about it. The U.S. acts too busy with distractions to react with a call to arms : though the incidence of miserable excuses for management is reasonably common in both cases. )
Chiseling the blindfold ( away from the eyes of 'Justice' )
We are all Aztecs now Sunday Herald
( CACI doing Scot census : thought likely to pass private data to CIA )
Jack Straw, Impresario of Torture, lurks towards No. 10
Civility in Politics, and other thoughts ( Brilliant )
Hurray for Glasgow East
Barack Obama on Tim Spicer
Shameless - Brown at the Knesset
More neo-colonial war for oil ( Niger )
Making a killing : Marketing the new dogs of war ( Sri Lanka, PMC, Executive Outcomes : extensive recollections )
Prefabs and more prefabs, gadgets and
Two new drugs promise longer, healthier living
10 ways to get the internet on HDTV
Gartner's top 10 disruptive technologies to 2012
Blue Girl Red State
Now they want the challenges kept secret ( DOJ wants dirty laundry unseen )
Wingnuts and things that actually work
Beware of the true believers around you
Hate to have to tell you this, but Joe Klein is right again
Ten Percent
Police win appeal to not pursue criminals
George Orwell starts a blog ( Diary entries will each be published on the 70th anniversary of their writing)
Apply here for an MA in blog reading
A wingnut doco and no one can mention the CIA
Hat tip to citizen activism against sleazy Texas politics
Texas Alliance weekly roundup
Rabbi unveils a secret of God
Until last night, I used XP Home with Firefox + Thunderbird ( I started with Seamonkey and whatever Mozilla release preceded it ), Avant, Flock, Opera... I had fun.Despite a mechanical trap on email and a thorough antivirus scan .... I ended up with an 'invisible' Trojan.
My email account ( with 100's of spam messages a day ) was permanently blocked because of outgoing...not incoming...spam !
Reformat database. Windows obliterated. Ubuntu is my OS now. So far I've been distracted with DNS viruses interrupting our local system to figure out if it's really quicker ( no antivirus ).
Now why would the morning be the best time to post ? I have to wonder if that's when a disruptive account logs onto our network.
Despite having tried a KDE Desktop on Mandriva ( formerly Lindows ) before I wonder about finding my way around a new OS. Already I am impressed by a built-in 'splitscreen' that allows me to switch views on one viewer to give a spreadsheet effect.Firefox and toys work. Hurray !
Canadian Arctic sheds ice chunk
Pickled Politics
'Obama has angered millions of blacks' ( from disinformation central )
So, who wants nuclear power, then ? ( Pointing out there were good and sufficient reasons to abandon the practice )
Council ban on atheist websites ( Hardly promoting goodwill between men )
Miliband and Harmon to challenge Brown ?
Politics is war by any other means
Disabled married off for entry into the U.K.
A cat amongst the pigeons ( exercising whimsy )
and back on June 24 'A great piece on asylum' : which has ideas applicable to the immigration squabble
rather than 'This is how anti-terror laws are used' style screw-ups.
Craig Murray
New Labour and Reality
Law Lords back corruption ( Do you get this impression ? The Brits expect government to jack them around as a matter of course and raise holy hell about it. The U.S. acts too busy with distractions to react with a call to arms : though the incidence of miserable excuses for management is reasonably common in both cases. )
Chiseling the blindfold ( away from the eyes of 'Justice' )
We are all Aztecs now Sunday Herald
( CACI doing Scot census : thought likely to pass private data to CIA )
Jack Straw, Impresario of Torture, lurks towards No. 10
Civility in Politics, and other thoughts ( Brilliant )
Hurray for Glasgow East
Barack Obama on Tim Spicer
Shameless - Brown at the Knesset
More neo-colonial war for oil ( Niger )
Making a killing : Marketing the new dogs of war ( Sri Lanka, PMC, Executive Outcomes : extensive recollections )
Prefabs and more prefabs, gadgets and
Two new drugs promise longer, healthier living
10 ways to get the internet on HDTV
Gartner's top 10 disruptive technologies to 2012
Blue Girl Red State
Now they want the challenges kept secret ( DOJ wants dirty laundry unseen )
Wingnuts and things that actually work
Beware of the true believers around you
Hate to have to tell you this, but Joe Klein is right again
Ten Percent
Police win appeal to not pursue criminals
George Orwell starts a blog ( Diary entries will each be published on the 70th anniversary of their writing)
Apply here for an MA in blog reading
A wingnut doco and no one can mention the CIA
Hat tip to citizen activism against sleazy Texas politics
Texas Alliance weekly roundup
Rabbi unveils a secret of God
Until last night, I used XP Home with Firefox + Thunderbird ( I started with Seamonkey and whatever Mozilla release preceded it ), Avant, Flock, Opera... I had fun.Despite a mechanical trap on email and a thorough antivirus scan .... I ended up with an 'invisible' Trojan.
My email account ( with 100's of spam messages a day ) was permanently blocked because of outgoing...not incoming...spam !
Reformat database. Windows obliterated. Ubuntu is my OS now. So far I've been distracted with DNS viruses interrupting our local system to figure out if it's really quicker ( no antivirus ).
Now why would the morning be the best time to post ? I have to wonder if that's when a disruptive account logs onto our network.
Despite having tried a KDE Desktop on Mandriva ( formerly Lindows ) before I wonder about finding my way around a new OS. Already I am impressed by a built-in 'splitscreen' that allows me to switch views on one viewer to give a spreadsheet effect.Firefox and toys work. Hurray !
30 July - Late BlogRoaming
Wednesday, 30. July 2008, 07:27:22
Bush : "No regime should ignore the will of its own people"( The Fuhrer is a funny guy. He must crack himself up. )
Chaotic Good
Banning the Messiah
Chomsky on "Protest Voting"
Tricks to deal with dementia
Broken Soldier
'Support the Troops' is an American Lie
You must be the change you wish to see in the world
( Bob Costa reminds me of the Way of the Wizard )
Morality is not the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy, but how we may make ourselves worthy of happiness
( He's tired. Got that right. Still deep when he can't think straight. And watching Strong Bad videos ? O.K. Homestarrunner)
Oil Israel Logistics
Perspectv : an election mashup that proves nothing but looks good doing it
US Governors launch West Coast Ocean Action plan
Deep Sea News
Health Care Reform - Corporate style
New uranium plan keeps New Brunswickers in the dark
( Lepreau nuclear plant is built on a fault line. Trusting government to use sense is obviously not a prudent plan. )
Tech Cominco coals up
Mistrust risks violence, interfaith meet told
Chinese authorities order Olympic hotels to install spy gear
Internet sites still blocked for Olympic reporters
Uncensor - activism against China's net censorship
Status of Chinese People
China's Olympics best-case scenario
US Congress acts to suspend bid to upgrade Pakistan fighter fleet 'W'
Blue Girl Red State
IG for Interior : Abandoned mines pose an 'ominous' threat to public health and safety
Wikipedia gets it right - locks Edward's page against tripe
Tom Tomorrow
Ted Stevens indicted !
You should go read this
An update from the front lines in the housing market
( Windhorse isn't heard from all that often. He tends to make an impression. Recommended )
Thanks for nothing ( ouch )
Crazy neocon tries to get in awl business ( Likely to get killed )
Out of Iraq Bloggers Caucus
Lost unto this world
Real News - Is Iraq ready to explode ?
SBA questions Blackwater contracts
Conference to lay plans to prosecute high level war criminals
A message about AFN from Walt Flanagan
Real News : Iraq events moving out of US control
Sham impeachment hearing update
Watching Those We Chose
Nightowl Newswrap
Keeping the crimes straight clickable diagram
Lotus - Surviving a Dark Time
Some questions answer themselves
..."why don't we read about some lefty nutso going into some church or meeting and shooting the place up because they hate conservatives ?"
Footnote to the preceding, lest we forget Dept. ( Turkey and the PKK )
Reality Check ( what was the purpose of the Surge ? )
Humpty-Dumpty visits the Middlle East ( Brown in Israel )
The Geekinator ( First piece I've come across on the potential importance of water on the moon )
29 July - News
Wednesday, 30. July 2008, 04:43:40
Fatal drugs, uneducated patients( Meds are poisons. Seriously. They are 'concentrates' of natural substances, altered by the procedure. Use with respect. Anybody who thinks you can take them without allowing for caution and an eye for side effects is living in la-la land.
Synergy is when drugs and/or diet interact to pervert the effect. I can't eat grapefruit when taking my blood pressure tabs and expect they are 'antagonistic' to each other. )
Cloned beef has already entered the U.S. food supply
( The Koreans were already rioting over BSE. This should really help things along. )
Overfeeding your child may be considered a crime
( Timing is everything. With the price of food skyrocketing, this may well become another example of useless intervention : or not if people stuff themselves with junk because of costs. Besides, it would be impolitic to demand corn starch be removed from foods ! Ditto aspartame. )
Obesity linked to gum disease
A small supplement company's fight for health freedom
Biodiversity in the Amazon may be the result of Ice Age climate change and ancient flooding, not river barriers
Food chemists use 'edible antifreeze' to make smoother ice cream
( 'Safe' - just like milk from cows taking hormones to increase production )
Secret life cycles of atmospheric aerosols can be illuminated with new technology
WTO talks collapse after Ch
29 July - Morning News and Views
Tuesday, 29. July 2008, 18:47:11
Ukraine declares state of emergency
Russia and U.S. close to nuclear deal
( The U.S. is sabotaging this itself as a result of all the kool-aid put out on Iran : which is a lot closer to Russia should a bad case of stupids be possible. What's this nonsense about Russia providing the noose for its own hanging again ?
Tell me which is the greater threat : a nation buying a reactor system for domestic power - or one with MIRVs on ICBMs ? )
Ahmadjinejad condemns world powers for atomic arsenals
Russian ambassador : UN chief exceeding his authority
Russia starved of top professionals
Mental health survey stuns British Parliament
Bridge worries persis a year after the I-35 disaster
Coral reef 'glue' may not stick under climate change
Lensless on-chip microscope inspired by 'floaters' in the eye
Pardon my Paradox
War with Iran thought to be unlikely at Doug's Darkworld
Isolating Iran backfires ( again )
Dancing Tree
Boycott of Jewish poets
Prisoner swap
Worse than Apartheid
Ten Percent
Just so we're clear about this Occupation thingy
( Israel and Palestine / U.S. and Iraq : doesn't it seem too much for coincidence ? )
Ultra violence and addiction
Illusion of Democracy
SNP hires Abu Ghraib's CACI for Scottish census ( ! )Amar Anwar accuses Scottish government of selling its soul ( Its what ? )
Laughing as I go
The suing of the torturers of Abu Ghraib begins...also news on the Uighurs of Guantanamo *
Surveillance changes behaviour * ( BTW Canucks : didn't a secret trilateral agreement between the US-Britain-Canada designate us electronic snoop HQ ? )
Hrrrm... Israeli citizens to receive new gas masks
Army recruiters threaten high school students
Russia and U.S. close to nuclear deal
( The U.S. is sabotaging this itself as a result of all the kool-aid put out on Iran : which is a lot closer to Russia should a bad case of stupids be possible. What's this nonsense about Russia providing the noose for its own hanging again ?
Tell me which is the greater threat : a nation buying a reactor system for domestic power - or one with MIRVs on ICBMs ? )
Ahmadjinejad condemns world powers for atomic arsenals
Russian ambassador : UN chief exceeding his authority
Russia starved of top professionals
Mental health survey stuns British Parliament
Bridge worries persis a year after the I-35 disaster
Coral reef 'glue' may not stick under climate change
Lensless on-chip microscope inspired by 'floaters' in the eye
Pardon my Paradox
War with Iran thought to be unlikely at Doug's Darkworld
Isolating Iran backfires ( again )
Dancing Tree
Boycott of Jewish poets
Prisoner swap
Worse than Apartheid
Ten Percent
Just so we're clear about this Occupation thingy
( Israel and Palestine / U.S. and Iraq : doesn't it seem too much for coincidence ? )
Ultra violence and addiction
Illusion of Democracy
SNP hires Abu Ghraib's CACI for Scottish census ( ! )Amar Anwar accuses Scottish government of selling its soul ( Its what ? )
Laughing as I go
The suing of the torturers of Abu Ghraib begins...also news on the Uighurs of Guantanamo *
Surveillance changes behaviour * ( BTW Canucks : didn't a secret trilateral agreement between the US-Britain-Canada designate us electronic snoop HQ ? )
Hrrrm... Israeli citizens to receive new gas masks
Army recruiters threaten high school students
29-30 July Late Links - News
Tuesday, 29. July 2008, 06:43:39
How air pollution affects nature"substantially harming every ecosystem type in the northeastern and midAtlantic United States...pollutants ranging from mercury to ground-level ozone are impacting the services nature provides us too. Significant environmental problems in Air, Soil and Water."
Saving the High Seas
Biofuels major driver of world food price rise
( Corn was hit by flooding in the MidWest and hail in Alberta )
Do chickens raised in the U.S. taste funny because we chlorinate them ?
Brzezinski,Obama,AIPAC & Iraq War
TomGram : Mercenaries at Work
( Tom writes for Buzzflash : this is a link to a TomDispatch piece which will fly around the net full tilt. These are taken so seriously there's even a list of releases catalogued independently. )
Bush O.K.s soldier's execution
Industry money gushed to McCain after reversal on drilling
India signs agreement with US to carry out lunar exploration
Stay classy, y'all
Okay, this is funny but ...
Um, Bill ? ( Kristol stretches credidiblity and sense...still )
What about that 'paying Caesar's things to Caesar' thing ?
( A church is supposed to be non profit : if it isn't...well then, nail it ! )
Oh ouch ( McCain raising faux pas to a high art : that's 'putting his foot in it' to the hoi polloi )
Horror Journalism - NYT assesses 'modern literacy'
"No one's ever said you should read more books to get into college"
( educators : no head-banging please )
Learning lessons - power of media narratives
Talk about missing the point
( Talk about misconstruing the point. Given my opinion of the 'media' -- lower than a snake's belly -- I'm not even sure who's the one doing it. )
Books replaced by their movies ( Oddly, losing a lot of detail and colour in the change of medium )
Some publication news and the Random Ten ( Songs )
Annette Tadeo at Netroots Nation
Snubbing atheists on the campaign trail ( The New Jews on the Reich Wing Hate Parade ? )
Modern Day Slavery
Some Schadenfreude
Liberal media, my ass
Young Republicans, desperate to be relevant ( that's kind )
Desperate for attention ? ( McCain VP schtick )
Where the women at ? ( Tossed off the workforce )
Working remotely : it sounds good but how do you actually do it ?
Why does the recording industry get to decide who gets threatening letters from ISPs ?
Textbook publishers continue to freak out over file sharing ( better put it online )
Is privacy that Cuil ? ( search startup collects no personally identifying information )
WiFi worries still going strong in the UK
MPAA still clueless : claims anti-piracy is why Dark Knight had a huge opening
Microsoft plays practical joke on people to convince them they like Vista
Senator introduces unConstitutional bill to ban sale of certain video games to minors
( will that curtail the Army doing it ? )
Another quasi-government agency lending money to troubled banks (Corporate Welfare : opening the spigot of public funds )
What is the Arab World's problem ?
( This a trick question ? Wherever it is, you can bet the problem is the U.S. : not least of all because they couldn't identify the Arab World if it bit them in the ass . )
Google Lively - even lamer than Second Life
Cable cos get 5 years to switch to digital mode India
Aussie schools go high-tech Voice recognition software
Site guesses your sex via age-old web flaw
How to do business with a Blacklisted Russian weapons company
The Shield Law : Truth or Fear Mongering ?
Virgin Galactic unveils "White Knight Two"Launch Vehicle
NYC will get its first new subway line in 70 years ( Just in time for sea level to rise 20 feet )
How to Unclog traffic
Blogger Gorshkov will dish dirt on Russian politicians - for a price
China will install deep-mooring system in Arctic Ocean
Expedition to deepest lake bottom set for plunge
28 July - Further BlogRoaming
Monday, 28. July 2008, 21:57:36
TruthdigThe Military-Industrial Complex : It's much later than you think
"government secrecy protects it and it degrades our system of checks and balances"
First look at 'W'
Plodding down the information highway ( McCain online initiative : humor )
An unlikely pair fight the death penalty
Second Wind for WTO talks ? ( this IS the organization that has been the target of repeated bombings )
300 They were the only ones willing to defend the Bush Administration
Don't Panic !
Mother Mae I borrow $25 billion ?
:" bAdmin does its part to support the free market"
Oh The AGony ! "Jesus Christ on a bed of linguine. There's nothing to say except that 182 days is 182 days too long."
Activist judges - Part 911
"the long process of scraping the Chimperator's shit off the Constitution continues"
If I were covering McCane's campaign McCain gets Social security but criticizes system
DOJ illegally discriminated against non-Republicans
McCaskill takes on Military-Industrial Complex
Iraq : poised to explode
Terrifying ally against Terror
Bush hails Pakistan as ally against extremists
Goodling's actions violated DOJ policy and Federal Law ( violated Gonzales' policy ? )
Voters rolls in several states purged !
Farm animals rights law would require room to roam
Online speed reader
How Skype & Co. get around firewalls
I knew "Welcome to Pottersville" and Jurassic Pork's vitriol were gonzo, but seeing the old Blogspot listed at '300' I searched again.
Look who's at Buzzflash !
Welcome to Oceania : Your friends from Ingsoc
Finally. Welcome Back to Pottersville
Great moments in Republican journalism part 341 ( JP knows that's an oxymoron. The "Great White North" was a time-filler Canadian skit that 'took-off, Eh !' )
John McCain's Facebook page
... and the Persian Gulf will tell ( odd header for the Bugliosi video )
Mission Accomplished...Again
( Well...he's no 'Surrendercrat' ! That is satire BTW. You don't 'surrender' anything when you walk away from genocide reported [ ? ] as a sporting event yielding lovely graft while promoting it as a humanitarian act. )
What good is experience if you can't remember it ?
( In getting shot down or killing fellow crew ? Fine qualifications for Executive .... dummy. )
If a Democracy falls in the middle of a wilderness...
The scorpion and the frog... a Republican retelling
The whiteboarding of history, starring John McCain and the CBS
Worldwide Sawdust
( Layout revised ! Loads so you can see the posts right away . I even had a bitch typed in before the site resolved. )
Like the little Satans we are
Murdering God : of shotguns, Capitalism and Moral Expediency
Renegade Justice : an interview with former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias
28 July - More BlogRoaming
Monday, 28. July 2008, 17:17:13
The Existentialist CowboyTreason and Conspiracy : How Bush and his 'Material Supporters' betrayed the nation
Prohibited conduct
Cruel or inhuman treatment
Performing biological experiments ( on people )
Mutilation or maiming
Intentionally causing serious bodily injury
Sexual assault or abuse
Taking hostages
Bush's presence mocks the principles of U.S. independence
The Enemy is Us !
( Sidebar : Breaking News plus Updates on OpEd News and Buzzflash stories )
OpEd News
Secret biowarfare agenda
Propaganda and the South African AIDS crisis
Impeachment blockading excuse : Fear ye the terrorists. Who ARE they ? Read and see
The fight to hold on to our HAVA-compliant lever voting system
The vast and dangerous transfer of American spying to mercenary companies
US warns Israel 'There will be no USS Liberty Part II'
Note to MSM : Stop saying 'The Surge (TM) Worked' and the Occupation is a 'War'
Egypt seizes Israeli radioactive cargo
Top Secret government database used in Bush spy program : USA - Police State
Conyers tries to kill Impeachment Hearing before it starts
Can 'War on Corruption' replace 'War on Terror' ?
Drugs in Afghanistan
... "nobody ever tried to explain how to win over the farmers while destroying their crops"
Women suicide bombers seeking revenge in Iraq
The Heathlander
Shimon Peres on the Wall
Sly Fox ( as in Faux )
How Israel deals with unarmed demonstrators
Four years on, the annexation wall remains ( 723 kilometres or 449 miles )
Norman Finkelstein vs. Dov Weisglass
Hossam on the struggle in Egypt militant labour activity
Israel's abuse of journalists
Dad 2059's Blog
The Octopus and the Edgar Mitchell controversy
What makes us sick
A ,microscope measuring picometers
28 July, - First Picks - BlogRoaming
Monday, 28. July 2008, 16:24:50
Firefox tip : save multiple pages as MHT files in one go !
'Dinosaur eel' inspires body armor of future
The Slime of the Ancient Mariner McCain : Hat Tip >
Blue Girl Red State
Premature, presumptuous and wrong about damned near everything
Vet suicide numbers
Money, not ideology or nationalism, drives the Iraqi insurgency
Parsons fails in Iraq but keeps luctrative government contracts
How is Agricprocessers still in business ?
Purity trolls and broadband access
So who is giving money to McCain ?
Beat Cancer
U.S. military says soldiers fired on civilians
No Doubt About It
Collateral damage - America's war against Iraqi civilians
Energy ! Obama McCain the same
Impeach ! Highlights
Desert Peace
Death penalty, a punishment for civilians, is not sufficient in Israel
The ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem
Tools of Occupation as weapons
Settler attacks are treated like rape
'Dinosaur eel' inspires body armor of future
The Slime of the Ancient Mariner McCain : Hat Tip >
Blue Girl Red State
Premature, presumptuous and wrong about damned near everything
Vet suicide numbers
Money, not ideology or nationalism, drives the Iraqi insurgency
Parsons fails in Iraq but keeps luctrative government contracts
How is Agricprocessers still in business ?
Purity trolls and broadband access
So who is giving money to McCain ?
Beat Cancer
U.S. military says soldiers fired on civilians
No Doubt About It
Collateral damage - America's war against Iraqi civilians
Energy ! Obama McCain the same
Impeach ! Highlights
Desert Peace
Death penalty, a punishment for civilians, is not sufficient in Israel
The ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem
Tools of Occupation as weapons
Settler attacks are treated like rape