17 July - Quick choice of topical articles
Friday, 18. July 2008, 05:17:57
Naomi Klein : Bush sees crises in fuel, food, housing and banking as chance to exploit us moreOur long national nightmare of peace and prosperity is finally over
10 banks that could be the next to go under
Commanding Heights : the battle for the world economy
Can outsiders manage change in alien cultures ?
McCain in 2003 : We can just muddle through in Afghanistan
Why Karl Rove should go to jail
Probe finds abuses in Illinois jail
Climate change to cause irreversible health risks
( I was going to list AP's article on giving Iran a chance : then remembered they don't like free advertising. Just as well. The article was just more warmongers' propaganda. )
Law professor : Democrats let Bush get away with it
Berry St. Beacon
Monaco Coach to close 3 plants sending 1400 workers to the unemployment lines
Kashmir clash
Iraq to U.S. - we want you out
PADD this - petrroleum districts
Preserve, Protect, Defend
America's Medicated Army
The change we need ( Part 2 )
"For the United States to make the transition from a war society to a peace society..."
( We have met the enemy...and he is us )
Carol for Peace
13 July - Late News
Monday, 14. July 2008, 05:46:56
I have decided I have 'Media Bias'. Enjoy.
KBR charged with 'homicide' by mother of eletrocuted soldier ( Blue Girl has comments on this )
Homeland Security violates 4th Amendment with warrantless laptop searches
Torture and warrantless surveillance are the same issue
A panel calls for new war powers legislation !
"thanks to Bush Europe faces new nuclear missile threat"
British soldiers accused of sickening sex assault on Iraqi boy
Iraq and Afghanistan : Dual Fronts "Why are the Taleban the enemy ?"
KBR charged with 'homicide' by mother of eletrocuted soldier ( Blue Girl has comments on this )
Homeland Security violates 4th Amendment with warrantless laptop searches
Torture and warrantless surveillance are the same issue
A panel calls for new war powers legislation !
"thanks to Bush Europe faces new nuclear missile threat"
British soldiers accused of sickening sex assault on Iraqi boy
Iraq and Afghanistan : Dual Fronts "Why are the Taleban the enemy ?"
( I just asked something similar at Blue Girl )
Misconceptions about 'moral conduct' waivers
Standards in our society have changed over the years
Misconceptions about 'moral conduct' waivers
Standards in our society have changed over the years
( allegedly : and you know the unreliability of that )
Don't blame Bush, blame the last 60 years of American government
German papers say many have lost faith in America because of Bush
( The only tools Bush has are to lie and act stupid. That's right - 'act' )
'Breakthrough' in malaria fight
Iran discovers billion barrel oil field
8 new nuclear plants for Britain
Why is hemp off the biofuel menu ?
Regular cars can run on hydrogen
US court slaps down pollution law
Plan for healthier eating in America : ban GMOs
The people of Iran have chosen the path of reform
Don't blame Bush, blame the last 60 years of American government
German papers say many have lost faith in America because of Bush
( The only tools Bush has are to lie and act stupid. That's right - 'act' )
'Breakthrough' in malaria fight
Iran discovers billion barrel oil field
8 new nuclear plants for Britain
Why is hemp off the biofuel menu ?
Regular cars can run on hydrogen
US court slaps down pollution law
Plan for healthier eating in America : ban GMOs
The people of Iran have chosen the path of reform
13 July - Postus Interruptus
Monday, 14. July 2008, 03:29:08
If anybody knows how to retrieve unconfirmed data from the server, I have 3 posts lost to interrupted continuity. Here we go again.Bastard Logic
Ego and ambition : privileges only white men can enjoy
"Constraint is Intolerable"
"...that fear should trump concern for due process and indeed for justice is a recurring theme in American history."
Citizenship and submission - another kind of extremism
Larry Wilkerson : what the next President should do about Cuba
Bill C-484 : Dion's official reply
The By-God toughest tool of the Patriarchy EVA ( health care in USA )
On Rite Aid's LGBTQI outreach program...
Bush's new BFF
Blue Girl Red State
U.S. base overrun in Afghanistan
No Status of Forces Agreement with you
So they can't agree on peace, but can come together to find solutions for the Dead Sea ?
( Jordan, Israel and Palestine co-operate on a joint project )
No, we don't need Hummers
Yes he will Cut and Run -- because he wants a legacy
David Martin catches the Army in a startling admission
Bush gives Israel a tentative 'OK' to strike Iran
McCain asked about PNAC and 9/11 at Town Hall
12 July - News
Saturday, 12. July 2008, 15:24:12
U.S. federal judge rules that Bush is a felon
Extraordinary passings
No end to Cheney mischief - blocks environment repair
Mounting sense of crisis over Iran
Food and oil shortage - politics and religion guilty
Pentagon authorizes Evangelists to proselytize in Iraq
Mixed signals confuse Iran-US confrontation - dangerous
No doubt about it
Bush signs spy bill, ACLU sues
Obama's pro-telecom immunity amnesty federal crime
Rush Limbaugh corporate welfare whore and thief
How the Senate voted
Shame !
Privnotes - send messages that will self-destruct after being read
Karl Rove flees the country
FCC says ComCast violated internet rules
Libertanarianism : a not so lunatic fringe
( This from the same media that pans 'libruls'. Another WTF moment )
Militarism is a feature of U.S. socioeconomic system
Follow the oil money
Vote up if you think Pelosi has been blackmailed or bribed ( How about threatened ? )
Singapore judge Earnest Lau becomes a net hero
Intellectual Property Restrictions at airports may make Johnny Mnemomics outta us
The brain hides information from us to prevent mistakes
Favthumbs : your del.icio.us bookmarks visualized
Knowing looks : Using gaze aversion to tell when children are learning
Empathy comes naturally to children
Turkey says to play active role in Mediterranean Union
China executes Uighurs for terrorist links
ex-U.S. defense analyst gets prison term in spy case
Egypt kills man at Israel border, 30 migrants held
Digital Inspiration
QR codes : share text and web addresses inside images
Free sounds to relax your brain or improve concentration levels
Google Docs - the perfect tool to live blog any event
Wi-Fi mapping and mobile social networking from WeFi
Computer stupidities
Computer enhancers Humour
Hamas, Hezbollah websites hosted by Canadian servers
Companies hurt while inventories waylaid at ports by CBSA rules
Mexico finds no salmonella in tomatoes
Roche to suspend HIV research , seeing no advances
Superfast vocal muscles in songbirds : hundred times faster than the blink of an eye
An American pastime : smoking pot
Newly discovered young galaxy creates 4000 stars per year
Extraordinary passings
No end to Cheney mischief - blocks environment repair
Mounting sense of crisis over Iran
Food and oil shortage - politics and religion guilty
Pentagon authorizes Evangelists to proselytize in Iraq
Mixed signals confuse Iran-US confrontation - dangerous
No doubt about it
Bush signs spy bill, ACLU sues
Obama's pro-telecom immunity amnesty federal crime
Rush Limbaugh corporate welfare whore and thief
How the Senate voted
Shame !
Privnotes - send messages that will self-destruct after being read
Karl Rove flees the country
FCC says ComCast violated internet rules
Libertanarianism : a not so lunatic fringe
( This from the same media that pans 'libruls'. Another WTF moment )
Militarism is a feature of U.S. socioeconomic system
Follow the oil money
Vote up if you think Pelosi has been blackmailed or bribed ( How about threatened ? )
Singapore judge Earnest Lau becomes a net hero
Intellectual Property Restrictions at airports may make Johnny Mnemomics outta us
The brain hides information from us to prevent mistakes
Favthumbs : your del.icio.us bookmarks visualized
Knowing looks : Using gaze aversion to tell when children are learning
Empathy comes naturally to children
Turkey says to play active role in Mediterranean Union
China executes Uighurs for terrorist links
ex-U.S. defense analyst gets prison term in spy case
Egypt kills man at Israel border, 30 migrants held
Digital Inspiration
QR codes : share text and web addresses inside images
Free sounds to relax your brain or improve concentration levels
Google Docs - the perfect tool to live blog any event
Wi-Fi mapping and mobile social networking from WeFi
Computer stupidities
Computer enhancers Humour
Hamas, Hezbollah websites hosted by Canadian servers
Companies hurt while inventories waylaid at ports by CBSA rules
Mexico finds no salmonella in tomatoes
Roche to suspend HIV research , seeing no advances
Superfast vocal muscles in songbirds : hundred times faster than the blink of an eye
An American pastime : smoking pot
Newly discovered young galaxy creates 4000 stars per year
11 July - NewsBlogging
Saturday, 12. July 2008, 04:04:19
Worse than Apartheid
Ten Percent
Friday! Adam Buxton - Today on Xantiar
Prisoner 650 - The Grey Lady of Baghram ( Woman held in U.S. custody in Afghanistan for more than four years, part of the Disappeared from Afghanistan )
More Israeli Poll madness
Failed Responsibility : Iraqi refugees in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon
U.S. opens Iraq to Israeli warplanes ?
John Howard used terror arrest for electoral ends
Mixed Messages ( Torture 'compensated', not prosecuted )
Damned if you do, damned if you don't
Total Wankers
No More Blank Checks for War
Israel plans to lobby Washington for an attack on Iran
Assad agrees on Syria's central role in the region : France agrees : US divided
Lebanon gets a government
As Paris boosts Assad, US adds sanctions
Assad : "Bush cannot make peace" ( No problem. He chooses war. )
If you wish the U.S. ill, you'll love this New legal threat to school science in the U.S.
If Imams were like RC priests ( and Archbishops )
Carbon trading : why not join ETS ?
Bottled water : as terrible as we expected
Utilizing children's play for clean water
Dorval gets fluoride water back
Lead linked to violent crime and shrinks the brain
Prolonged sitting turns off fat-burning enzyme
Autism and a link to brain development
AMA admits decades of discrimination against black doctors ( opinion ) ( Heh. I often prefer 'fiction' because it says it's a lie - and illustrates abstract truth. Whereas 'nonfiction' seems an oxymoron. )
Lowering chloresterol in kids starts with diet, exercise
There are alternatives to statins, but check with a doctor first
Why dermatologists still deny the link between acne, diet
Believe in Jesus, or die
"There seems to be an inverse relation between George W. Bush's wars of liberation and the Bill of Rights at home. The longer our military fights in other countries to keep Americans free, the more freedoms Americans seem to lose. Why is that ?"
Libel and defamation law for bloggers
Physicians routinely protect incompetent colleagues : 45 per cent admit failure to report
More regrettable loss of innocent life ( After a while, constant repetition of a 'mistake' invalidates any plea of 'accidental/unavoidable/unforeseeable event' )
Usenet blocking intensifies
How various network access control technologies work
Internet users stop ComCast, Net Neutrality win on the horizon
Flipping the Linux switch, Linux web tools
All-In-One Media Player Classic Home Cinema Edition
Ethnic Indian Media in the US
AOL implements Vodoop's OpenID based authentication
Sudan's president to be charged as war crimes suspect
Ontario hardest hit as full-time jobs tumble in Canada
IndyMac BanCorp is seized
Global Economic Trend Analysis
U.S. taxpayer bailout of China over Fanny Mae
Brantford construction site closed down by Six Nations protest
Food before Fuel
In deal for Italian bike company, Harley seeks to broaden its base
Larry Wilkerson : what the next President should do about Cuba
Genetic link to teen tobacco addiction
Czechs see oil flow fall and suspect Russian ire on missile system
( Oho. They only 'suspect' Russian ire. It seems the message isn't clear enough. )
Ten Percent
Friday! Adam Buxton - Today on Xantiar
Prisoner 650 - The Grey Lady of Baghram ( Woman held in U.S. custody in Afghanistan for more than four years, part of the Disappeared from Afghanistan )
More Israeli Poll madness
Failed Responsibility : Iraqi refugees in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon
U.S. opens Iraq to Israeli warplanes ?
John Howard used terror arrest for electoral ends
Mixed Messages ( Torture 'compensated', not prosecuted )
Damned if you do, damned if you don't
Total Wankers
No More Blank Checks for War
Israel plans to lobby Washington for an attack on Iran
Assad agrees on Syria's central role in the region : France agrees : US divided
Lebanon gets a government
As Paris boosts Assad, US adds sanctions
Assad : "Bush cannot make peace" ( No problem. He chooses war. )
If you wish the U.S. ill, you'll love this New legal threat to school science in the U.S.
If Imams were like RC priests ( and Archbishops )
Carbon trading : why not join ETS ?
Bottled water : as terrible as we expected
Utilizing children's play for clean water
Dorval gets fluoride water back
Lead linked to violent crime and shrinks the brain
Prolonged sitting turns off fat-burning enzyme
Autism and a link to brain development
AMA admits decades of discrimination against black doctors ( opinion ) ( Heh. I often prefer 'fiction' because it says it's a lie - and illustrates abstract truth. Whereas 'nonfiction' seems an oxymoron. )
Lowering chloresterol in kids starts with diet, exercise
There are alternatives to statins, but check with a doctor first
Why dermatologists still deny the link between acne, diet
Believe in Jesus, or die
"There seems to be an inverse relation between George W. Bush's wars of liberation and the Bill of Rights at home. The longer our military fights in other countries to keep Americans free, the more freedoms Americans seem to lose. Why is that ?"
Libel and defamation law for bloggers
Physicians routinely protect incompetent colleagues : 45 per cent admit failure to report
More regrettable loss of innocent life ( After a while, constant repetition of a 'mistake' invalidates any plea of 'accidental/unavoidable/unforeseeable event' )
Usenet blocking intensifies
How various network access control technologies work
Internet users stop ComCast, Net Neutrality win on the horizon
Flipping the Linux switch, Linux web tools
All-In-One Media Player Classic Home Cinema Edition
Ethnic Indian Media in the US
AOL implements Vodoop's OpenID based authentication
Sudan's president to be charged as war crimes suspect
Ontario hardest hit as full-time jobs tumble in Canada
IndyMac BanCorp is seized
Global Economic Trend Analysis
U.S. taxpayer bailout of China over Fanny Mae
Brantford construction site closed down by Six Nations protest
Food before Fuel
In deal for Italian bike company, Harley seeks to broaden its base
Larry Wilkerson : what the next President should do about Cuba
Genetic link to teen tobacco addiction
Czechs see oil flow fall and suspect Russian ire on missile system
( Oho. They only 'suspect' Russian ire. It seems the message isn't clear enough. )