26 June - RoundUp
Friday, 27. June 2008, 07:04:35
Pay dirt : Martian soil fit for earthly life
Stop Baptist Predators
Gay or straight, it's decided at birth
The Green Bible
The Existentialist Cowboy
Mr. Bush goes to Gitmo : How the Patriot Act makes Bush a 'Terrorist'
The Ostroy Report
The Un-American lies of Antonin Scalia
Scalia cites false information in Habeas Corpus dissent
Politicians embracing technology to actually communicate with constituents
U.S. Department of Comcast
ACLU announces "Strange Bedfellows" alliance
Open SUSE11 out, offers best KDE4 experience
Attending the World
Voices of Evil - Shifting Blame
"constant vilification of Islam is designed first and foremost to divert world attention from the genocidal ethnic cleansing Israel has been carrying out against the Palestinian people"
Entire Palestinian village threatened with expulsion Arab ar-Ramadin
"The village is isolated by the Wall and the Alfe Menasche settlement from the rest of the West Bank. People are consistantly harassed or completely denied passage at the gates that close them off from the rest of the world. Further, they are unable to bring in fodder for the sheep as the Occupation military prohibits the crossing of vehicles or anyone without a permit." ( those aren't available )
"Currently there are 14 villages with a total population of 6314 inhabitants that face imminent destruction of their homes and expulsion from their land. "
"What did we do to deserve this ?" - Book review - primer on Palestinian situation
Israeli Nazis - what else can one call these thugs ? ( catching photographic evidence of violence )
A Tale of Two Genocides, Congo and Darfur : the blatantly inconsistent U.S. position Hat Tip Afro Spear
The Continuing Ron Paul Revolution
Legal theory lexicon : Public and Private Goods
Legal Theory Blog
Heller in the blogosphere - comments and links
People meeting tasty animalslocal food links
Unqualified Offerings
Canonical Transformation ( Teaching "Modern Physics", he scoffs )
Twenty selected Coalface errors
Today's little amuse-bouche
( Non-French speakers : bouche is mouth )
Creationist critics get their comeuppance
Millard Fillmore's Bathtub
Quote of the moment : John Kennedy June 26, 1963
( Sex + Education ) - Education = ? Teachers Count
USAID allows DDT use in Africa
28 poems on living life to the fullest today
Symposium in a book : Rachel Carson's legacy
Ten Percent
Met to be revealed again as institutionally racist
Views on Torture
Heinz folds to homophobes
It's Paedo-Nazi-Geddon !
Bordering on the ridiculous 'counter terrorism' border force
"Will they intercept aircraft with kidnapped people aboard being flown to torture chambers abroad ? "
Police used agent provocateur at anti-Bush rally
The hidden slavery of Capital
Existential Threats
Blue Girl Red State
Blackwater raided by the ATF
Stop Baptist Predators
Gay or straight, it's decided at birth
The Green Bible
The Existentialist Cowboy
Mr. Bush goes to Gitmo : How the Patriot Act makes Bush a 'Terrorist'
The Ostroy Report
The Un-American lies of Antonin Scalia
Scalia cites false information in Habeas Corpus dissent
Politicians embracing technology to actually communicate with constituents
U.S. Department of Comcast
ACLU announces "Strange Bedfellows" alliance
Open SUSE11 out, offers best KDE4 experience
Attending the World
Voices of Evil - Shifting Blame
"constant vilification of Islam is designed first and foremost to divert world attention from the genocidal ethnic cleansing Israel has been carrying out against the Palestinian people"
Entire Palestinian village threatened with expulsion Arab ar-Ramadin
"The village is isolated by the Wall and the Alfe Menasche settlement from the rest of the West Bank. People are consistantly harassed or completely denied passage at the gates that close them off from the rest of the world. Further, they are unable to bring in fodder for the sheep as the Occupation military prohibits the crossing of vehicles or anyone without a permit." ( those aren't available )
"Currently there are 14 villages with a total population of 6314 inhabitants that face imminent destruction of their homes and expulsion from their land. "
"What did we do to deserve this ?" - Book review - primer on Palestinian situation
Israeli Nazis - what else can one call these thugs ? ( catching photographic evidence of violence )
A Tale of Two Genocides, Congo and Darfur : the blatantly inconsistent U.S. position Hat Tip Afro Spear
The Continuing Ron Paul Revolution
Legal theory lexicon : Public and Private Goods
Legal Theory Blog
Heller in the blogosphere - comments and links
People meeting tasty animalslocal food links
Unqualified Offerings
Canonical Transformation ( Teaching "Modern Physics", he scoffs )
Twenty selected Coalface errors
Today's little amuse-bouche
( Non-French speakers : bouche is mouth )
Creationist critics get their comeuppance
Millard Fillmore's Bathtub
Quote of the moment : John Kennedy June 26, 1963
( Sex + Education ) - Education = ? Teachers Count
USAID allows DDT use in Africa
28 poems on living life to the fullest today
Symposium in a book : Rachel Carson's legacy
Ten Percent
Met to be revealed again as institutionally racist
Views on Torture
Heinz folds to homophobes
It's Paedo-Nazi-Geddon !
Bordering on the ridiculous 'counter terrorism' border force
"Will they intercept aircraft with kidnapped people aboard being flown to torture chambers abroad ? "
Police used agent provocateur at anti-Bush rally
The hidden slavery of Capital
Existential Threats
Blue Girl Red State
Blackwater raided by the ATF
26 June - BlogRoaming
Thursday, 26. June 2008, 21:10:06
Syrians and UN nuclear inspectors play hide and seek
Nuke agency to end hushed-up Syria mission
( At the end of the day, all that is left is debris of a 'military installation' : and an act of war )
Assyrian International News Agency
Dutch MPss visit Iraq, call for protection for Assyrians
( This story has been ongoing for years )
Remain Calm
My first post in "The House of Death"
The Surge is a Fraud
Glenn Greenwald against FISA 'compromise'
Language and conflict : the Taliban
"The authors [ No sign until the burst of fire : understanding the Pakistan-Afghanistan border ] say the model for the USG is to extend 'central power' to the outlying regions. The only historical time of peace is when this is not the case."
( ergo : Peace is not the objective )
Whatever it is, I'm against It
The return of constructive engagement and quiet diplomacy ( that deserves to be nipped in the bud )
John McCain is profoundly disturbed. He says so himself.
Paradoxical representation ( the Rice Follies )
Unclear on the concept ( Quite )
Government search engine expands with Visimo
A view from the bridge at Clapsotronics
ClapSo's corpoRATe welfare ripoff roundup
justices cut damages in exxon valdez spill
high medicare costs courtesy of congress
mcpain and nobama stand for the wishy-washy punk assed centrist radical moderate corpoRATeer agenda !
McCain spinners : Obama is evil because he'll flip-flop on Iraq and because he won't
Obama's non-Dukakis reputation
Ralph Nader, godfather of soul
Dowd inadvertently ( ? ) shows Rove how to demonize Obama more effectively
Kill bin Laden ? -- please be my guest
( Bhutto's info about him being toasted already seems more plausible )
Thomas Mc.com
"America is no longer the land of the free and the brave. It's the home of cowards who have surrendered their freedom to fascists offering vague promises of 'Homeland security."
The corporate undoing of America
Too Sense
Who has the right to voice an opinion about racial issues ?
Black and Blue
( Perspective )
Comments from Left Field
Obama : National Security trumps accountability for telecoms
Make them work for our votes
Teachers not being taught math properly
Anheuser to stop selling alcoholic energy drinks
Home phone servive for $10 a month ?
Programmable Chip EEG
Making the most of your always-on connection
China orders phone, Internet moratorium
Germany bans Kurdish satellite broadcaster ROJ TV
Howard's Advice to Bloggers on AP's Copyright26 June Fiasco
Nuke agency to end hushed-up Syria mission
( At the end of the day, all that is left is debris of a 'military installation' : and an act of war )
Assyrian International News Agency
Dutch MPss visit Iraq, call for protection for Assyrians
( This story has been ongoing for years )
Remain Calm
My first post in "The House of Death"
The Surge is a Fraud
Glenn Greenwald against FISA 'compromise'
Language and conflict : the Taliban
"The authors [ No sign until the burst of fire : understanding the Pakistan-Afghanistan border ] say the model for the USG is to extend 'central power' to the outlying regions. The only historical time of peace is when this is not the case."
( ergo : Peace is not the objective )
Whatever it is, I'm against It
The return of constructive engagement and quiet diplomacy ( that deserves to be nipped in the bud )
John McCain is profoundly disturbed. He says so himself.
Paradoxical representation ( the Rice Follies )
Unclear on the concept ( Quite )
Government search engine expands with Visimo
A view from the bridge at Clapsotronics
ClapSo's corpoRATe welfare ripoff roundup
justices cut damages in exxon valdez spill
high medicare costs courtesy of congress
mcpain and nobama stand for the wishy-washy punk assed centrist radical moderate corpoRATeer agenda !
McCain spinners : Obama is evil because he'll flip-flop on Iraq and because he won't
Obama's non-Dukakis reputation
Ralph Nader, godfather of soul
Dowd inadvertently ( ? ) shows Rove how to demonize Obama more effectively
Kill bin Laden ? -- please be my guest
( Bhutto's info about him being toasted already seems more plausible )
Thomas Mc.com
"America is no longer the land of the free and the brave. It's the home of cowards who have surrendered their freedom to fascists offering vague promises of 'Homeland security."
The corporate undoing of America
Too Sense
Who has the right to voice an opinion about racial issues ?
Black and Blue
( Perspective )
Comments from Left Field
Obama : National Security trumps accountability for telecoms
Make them work for our votes
Teachers not being taught math properly
Anheuser to stop selling alcoholic energy drinks
Home phone servive for $10 a month ?
Programmable Chip EEG
Making the most of your always-on connection
China orders phone, Internet moratorium
Germany bans Kurdish satellite broadcaster ROJ TV
Howard's Advice to Bloggers on AP's Copyright26 June Fiasco
25 June - News and EcoBlogging
Wednesday, 25. June 2008, 22:43:08
Canadian government to 'reclassify' lakes as dump sites
( If nothing else, wouldn't this violate treaty obligations ? )
Mini-subs to probe odd coral-like growths in British Columbia, Canada lakes
Is the Colorado River becoming radioactive from upstream uranium mines ?
Uranium mining claims in Grand Canyon area ordered withdrawn
The nature conservancy : do carbon offsets really work ?
Baltic Sea 'dying' from lack of oxygen
Contaminants in flood waters threaten food : who is watching ?
Climate change is already killing a whole country
Environmental degradation and the self : the link between the two
Floodwaters to increase Mexican Gulf dead zone
Iowans left swimming in toxic floodwaters
Lead in consumer products signed into law ( S.152) in Vermont !
Home birth is a choice that the AMA wants to outlaw
( They want to pick up the tab ? AMA - PDF Hmm. Not on the AMA site. )
New harbour rises from river mud
Ecuador buys planes, radar for border
Amnesty brings Gitmo cell to U.S.
Astronomers explain Mars' lopsided shape
Forces of nature Interactive display
The A-Z of programming languages : C++
Focus Education Products
Mind Webs 49 hours worth of speculative fiction radio
Free e-book : Clones
Barack Obama's Biblical errors
Computer Science Grrl Power
Updated corn ethanol economics
U.S. taxpayers paying for 'Splash and Dash', dumping of subsidized biodiesel
Alternative Energy.com
CLEVER Concept for Eco-Friendly urban driving
Britain launches cycling program
The French are environmental geniuses !
Don't like the news in your inbox ? Don't open it !
Yale Environment 360
Nanotech : the unknown risks
The limits of climate modeling
Biodiversity in the balance
Global commodities boom fuels new assault on the Amazon
Water scarcity : the real food crisis
The myth of clean coal
Unilever threatens jungle forests of Ivory Coast Pushing three primates to extinction
The high price of oil is not the problem
Electric waves : power from the ocean
Blue Chip Canadian Science Group calls for urgent action onclimate change
For green buildings' payoff, look inside
The No Impact Experiment
Environmental Activism Blogs
Florida to sign huge sugar, Everglades deal
(Blue Girl Red State blogged this yesterday. My first reaction ? How long before it's undersea if ocean levels are due to start rising next year ? Of course, I had the same thought about those 'islands' in Dubai.)
Good news for politicians, bad news for you
Schumer to oppose telecom immunity
Another reason you should help Kay Barnes destroy Sam Graves
Obama will take the fight to McCain
SCOTUS strikes down death penalty for child rape
( Guess they never heard what happens to the likes of them in stir )
Court rejects border fence case
( Waving the magic nonsense of 'national security' )
Talking trash : the world's waste management problem
Micro plastic beads in beauty scrubs contribute to debris in oceans
Smart Mama ( eco consultants )
Poison plastic present in more than shower curtains
Disinfecting your home - one worry, two safer solutions
("use in a well ventilated area" - should I harp on the importance of this ? )
Got bugs ? Some safer solutions for insect repellants
( I've had friends die - eventually - from toxic exposure. It makes one take notice. )
List of environmental posts - Smart Mama
Genes help predict drugs' environmental impact
Will high oil prices bring back manufacturing ?
( I know - NRO. Brad Plumer is one of the good guys regardless. )
Skeptical Brotha
Hillary's Emancipation Proclamation ( Snark attack, woo-hoo ! )
The Endorsement Speech
Barack and Hillary take a meeting
Bob Johnson, Hillary's billionaire minstrel, reaches out to CBC
Congressman Jefferson's kin indicted
White Noise Insanity
Will the FISA vote come up this week in the Senate ?
Right-wing evangelical, James Dobson, is lecturing Barack Obama about distorting teachings in the Bible ? ( Now why did we call that 'crust' ? )
John McCain hated America until he was put in a cage in Vietnam
Pat Buchanan of MSNBC and Charlie Black of McCain's campaign are giddy about another terrorist attack on America
( If nothing else, wouldn't this violate treaty obligations ? )
Mini-subs to probe odd coral-like growths in British Columbia, Canada lakes
Is the Colorado River becoming radioactive from upstream uranium mines ?
Uranium mining claims in Grand Canyon area ordered withdrawn
The nature conservancy : do carbon offsets really work ?
Baltic Sea 'dying' from lack of oxygen
Contaminants in flood waters threaten food : who is watching ?
Climate change is already killing a whole country
Environmental degradation and the self : the link between the two
Floodwaters to increase Mexican Gulf dead zone
Iowans left swimming in toxic floodwaters
Lead in consumer products signed into law ( S.152) in Vermont !
Home birth is a choice that the AMA wants to outlaw
( They want to pick up the tab ? AMA - PDF Hmm. Not on the AMA site. )
New harbour rises from river mud
Ecuador buys planes, radar for border
Amnesty brings Gitmo cell to U.S.
Astronomers explain Mars' lopsided shape
Forces of nature Interactive display
The A-Z of programming languages : C++
Focus Education Products
Mind Webs 49 hours worth of speculative fiction radio
Free e-book : Clones
Barack Obama's Biblical errors
Computer Science Grrl Power
Updated corn ethanol economics
U.S. taxpayers paying for 'Splash and Dash', dumping of subsidized biodiesel
Alternative Energy.com
CLEVER Concept for Eco-Friendly urban driving
Britain launches cycling program
The French are environmental geniuses !
Don't like the news in your inbox ? Don't open it !
Yale Environment 360
Nanotech : the unknown risks
The limits of climate modeling
Biodiversity in the balance
Global commodities boom fuels new assault on the Amazon
Water scarcity : the real food crisis
The myth of clean coal
Unilever threatens jungle forests of Ivory Coast Pushing three primates to extinction
The high price of oil is not the problem
Electric waves : power from the ocean
Blue Chip Canadian Science Group calls for urgent action onclimate change
For green buildings' payoff, look inside
The No Impact Experiment
Environmental Activism Blogs
Florida to sign huge sugar, Everglades deal
(Blue Girl Red State blogged this yesterday. My first reaction ? How long before it's undersea if ocean levels are due to start rising next year ? Of course, I had the same thought about those 'islands' in Dubai.)
Good news for politicians, bad news for you
Schumer to oppose telecom immunity
Another reason you should help Kay Barnes destroy Sam Graves
Obama will take the fight to McCain
SCOTUS strikes down death penalty for child rape
( Guess they never heard what happens to the likes of them in stir )
Court rejects border fence case
( Waving the magic nonsense of 'national security' )
Talking trash : the world's waste management problem
Micro plastic beads in beauty scrubs contribute to debris in oceans
Smart Mama ( eco consultants )
Poison plastic present in more than shower curtains
Disinfecting your home - one worry, two safer solutions
("use in a well ventilated area" - should I harp on the importance of this ? )
Got bugs ? Some safer solutions for insect repellants
( I've had friends die - eventually - from toxic exposure. It makes one take notice. )
List of environmental posts - Smart Mama
Genes help predict drugs' environmental impact
Will high oil prices bring back manufacturing ?
( I know - NRO. Brad Plumer is one of the good guys regardless. )
Skeptical Brotha
Hillary's Emancipation Proclamation ( Snark attack, woo-hoo ! )
The Endorsement Speech
Barack and Hillary take a meeting
Bob Johnson, Hillary's billionaire minstrel, reaches out to CBC
Congressman Jefferson's kin indicted
White Noise Insanity
Will the FISA vote come up this week in the Senate ?
Right-wing evangelical, James Dobson, is lecturing Barack Obama about distorting teachings in the Bible ? ( Now why did we call that 'crust' ? )
John McCain hated America until he was put in a cage in Vietnam
Pat Buchanan of MSNBC and Charlie Black of McCain's campaign are giddy about another terrorist attack on America
25 June - Morning News Browsing
Wednesday, 25. June 2008, 15:15:43
Canary Atlantic Sunsets
Clinton, Obama camps exchange offers of political, monetary support
Get ready for a summer of strikes
Clashes erupt in Lebanon despite political deal
People are beaten and left for dead Zimbabwe
Tsvangirai calls for 'armed peacekeepers' to resolve Zimbabwe crisis
Anglo 'to review' 200m Pound investment in Zimbabwe
Financial weapons of mass destruction
Religious leaders, foreign policy luminaries unite against torture
Government study criticizes Bush Administration's measure of progress in Iraq
Failed State Index
Action tougher than oversight
The Inadequate Black Man : a Missouri blogger's recollection of his New York roots
How switching language can change your personality
( 'Frame-shifting' is a propaganda trick too )
A roadmap for migrating neurons
Return of the NeoCons
Phd comics
June 23 F-1 Student Visa Process explained
Canadian universities hurting for funds
Evolution and Creationism in America's schools
Worldwide number of PCs tops 1 billion
Spying, a U.S. psychic dilemma
'Time reversal' allows wireless broadband undersea
End of flooding in sight as Mississippi crests in Central U.S.
Flooding 'action plan' promised UK
Extreme weather events can release a 'perfect storm' of infectious diseases
Ottawa rejects First Nations' strict anti-drug law
( Interesting counterpoint to Bill C51, where the feds want to ensure only concentrates made from plants are available and not the milder, more natural, plants themselves. )
Climate change could severeley affect California's unique native plants
Chinese ingredient said to help heart
Vitamin K relieves chronic inflammation throughout the body
German food safety regulator lifts suspensions of Bayer's canola seed treatment ( ! )
Use of nanoparticles in food packaging poses regulatory challenges
New process brings nanoparticles into focus
Carbon nanotubes compromise the function of certain protozoa
56 reasons to have sex
Europe's most innovative countries
True colours for this takeover
Water flowing back into public hands Hat Tip Truth Network
Costa unveils power plant deal
'Random' searches of passengers on MetroLink HT Truth Network
Police stationed in Toronto schools to remain armed and in uniform
China deploys surface to air missiles to protect Olympics
School is out and nutrition takes a hike
Blogger 'Show Off Your Favorite Blog' Link ( Now that is nice )
Clinton, Obama camps exchange offers of political, monetary support
Get ready for a summer of strikes
Clashes erupt in Lebanon despite political deal
People are beaten and left for dead Zimbabwe
Tsvangirai calls for 'armed peacekeepers' to resolve Zimbabwe crisis
Anglo 'to review' 200m Pound investment in Zimbabwe
Financial weapons of mass destruction
Religious leaders, foreign policy luminaries unite against torture
Government study criticizes Bush Administration's measure of progress in Iraq
Failed State Index
Action tougher than oversight
The Inadequate Black Man : a Missouri blogger's recollection of his New York roots
How switching language can change your personality
( 'Frame-shifting' is a propaganda trick too )
A roadmap for migrating neurons
Return of the NeoCons
Phd comics
June 23 F-1 Student Visa Process explained
Canadian universities hurting for funds
Evolution and Creationism in America's schools
Worldwide number of PCs tops 1 billion
Spying, a U.S. psychic dilemma
'Time reversal' allows wireless broadband undersea
End of flooding in sight as Mississippi crests in Central U.S.
Flooding 'action plan' promised UK
Extreme weather events can release a 'perfect storm' of infectious diseases
Ottawa rejects First Nations' strict anti-drug law
( Interesting counterpoint to Bill C51, where the feds want to ensure only concentrates made from plants are available and not the milder, more natural, plants themselves. )
Climate change could severeley affect California's unique native plants
Chinese ingredient said to help heart
Vitamin K relieves chronic inflammation throughout the body
German food safety regulator lifts suspensions of Bayer's canola seed treatment ( ! )
Use of nanoparticles in food packaging poses regulatory challenges
New process brings nanoparticles into focus
Carbon nanotubes compromise the function of certain protozoa
56 reasons to have sex
Europe's most innovative countries
True colours for this takeover
Water flowing back into public hands Hat Tip Truth Network
Costa unveils power plant deal
'Random' searches of passengers on MetroLink HT Truth Network
Police stationed in Toronto schools to remain armed and in uniform
China deploys surface to air missiles to protect Olympics
School is out and nutrition takes a hike
Blogger 'Show Off Your Favorite Blog' Link ( Now that is nice )
24 June - Quickpost
Wednesday, 25. June 2008, 05:09:55
Russia plans military exercises in Arctic
Aral Sea revived by dam
Comments from Left Field
Seinfeld on Carlin
The Brooks Paradox
Hoyer and Pelosi to their base : you should thank us for screwing you
A strange contrast ( not just Channeling Drum )
The banality of Evil, Redux ( recommending Lithwick sounds like a good call )
Blue Girl Red State
Affirmative action at the Justice Department
Offended by the notion of telecom immunity ? Jane's advice
How Dubai undermines U.S. sanctions against Iran ( Guess they're not too worried about them, hm ? )
The agenda of the next Attorney General
Here's why we need a Truman Committee
US Capitol police fire 15 'red flagged' recruits
Finally, a female four-star
It's one thing to start a war, another to cover it
See you in court... Congressional subpoenas
Another point to the rule of law
Let's talk about off-shore drilling for a minute...
Petraeus op-ed for Washington Post
Justice Department aka 'Just Us' Department ?
( I first saw that bon mot at 'Blue Girl Red State' )
Block that kick
"the surveillance state has been building for decades"
Existentialist Cowboy
Why were 'first responders' de-contaminated at the Pentagon ?
America's greatest crime is radioactive genocide
How to remember George Carlin
Rense has a Carlin section
Gitmo commander won't meet prisoners
You should be ashamed, not insulted
The sorts of things I talk about at work
Zen and the art of the centerstand
( Then there's the side stand. Everybody's ridden away with it down - once. )
Right-wing cartoon watch
Kuwait to pump 300,000 more bpd as of mid-2009
Canada puts brakes on electric vehicles
Canada glams up its tourist appeal buzz marketing to a well-heeled crowd
Apes plan for the future ( Smarter than us )
Lightweight, metal-like glass examined
Flying saucer craft set to fly
Sunshine vitamin key to long life ?
Charter drops web-tracking plans for some high-speed users
Bob Cesca
Alea Iacta Est ( Bob tries his hand at prophecy re: the electronic eavesdropping bill : likely hit, my assessment )
Security lacking at nuclear weapon storage sites in Europe ( Didn't get the memo : splinter factions are a greater danger than states when it comes to willingness to use extreme methods. Caveat : George and Israel are the exceptions to the proposed rule. )
Wireless hospital systems can disrupt medical devices
Man dies in Taser incident involving Ontario Provincial Police
Lawrence Wilkerson : hundreds of detainees died in U.S. custody, at least 25 murdered
Best of the China Blogs
Status of Chinese People
Hugo Chavez haters love his music programs
Warning on push to lure foreign students
Floods, droughts make mild diseases deadly
When rains brought death to Hull
The real face of the European Union
Wayne Madsen Report
International pushback against Fascism
Aral Sea revived by dam
Comments from Left Field
Seinfeld on Carlin
The Brooks Paradox
Hoyer and Pelosi to their base : you should thank us for screwing you
A strange contrast ( not just Channeling Drum )
The banality of Evil, Redux ( recommending Lithwick sounds like a good call )
Blue Girl Red State
Affirmative action at the Justice Department
Offended by the notion of telecom immunity ? Jane's advice
How Dubai undermines U.S. sanctions against Iran ( Guess they're not too worried about them, hm ? )
The agenda of the next Attorney General
Here's why we need a Truman Committee
US Capitol police fire 15 'red flagged' recruits
Finally, a female four-star
It's one thing to start a war, another to cover it
See you in court... Congressional subpoenas
Another point to the rule of law
Let's talk about off-shore drilling for a minute...
Petraeus op-ed for Washington Post
Justice Department aka 'Just Us' Department ?
( I first saw that bon mot at 'Blue Girl Red State' )
Block that kick
"the surveillance state has been building for decades"
Existentialist Cowboy
Why were 'first responders' de-contaminated at the Pentagon ?
America's greatest crime is radioactive genocide
How to remember George Carlin
Rense has a Carlin section
Gitmo commander won't meet prisoners
You should be ashamed, not insulted
The sorts of things I talk about at work
Zen and the art of the centerstand
( Then there's the side stand. Everybody's ridden away with it down - once. )
Right-wing cartoon watch
Kuwait to pump 300,000 more bpd as of mid-2009
Canada puts brakes on electric vehicles
Canada glams up its tourist appeal buzz marketing to a well-heeled crowd
Apes plan for the future ( Smarter than us )
Lightweight, metal-like glass examined
Flying saucer craft set to fly
Sunshine vitamin key to long life ?
Charter drops web-tracking plans for some high-speed users
Bob Cesca
Alea Iacta Est ( Bob tries his hand at prophecy re: the electronic eavesdropping bill : likely hit, my assessment )
Security lacking at nuclear weapon storage sites in Europe ( Didn't get the memo : splinter factions are a greater danger than states when it comes to willingness to use extreme methods. Caveat : George and Israel are the exceptions to the proposed rule. )
Wireless hospital systems can disrupt medical devices
Man dies in Taser incident involving Ontario Provincial Police
Lawrence Wilkerson : hundreds of detainees died in U.S. custody, at least 25 murdered
Best of the China Blogs
Status of Chinese People
Hugo Chavez haters love his music programs
Warning on push to lure foreign students
Floods, droughts make mild diseases deadly
When rains brought death to Hull
The real face of the European Union
Wayne Madsen Report
International pushback against Fascism