1 July - Surfing
Wednesday, 2. July 2008, 05:43:46
Warning to copyright enforcers : Three strikes and you're out ( Beautiful )Monte Asbury has been busy at Clipmarks
Travel guide to man-made disasters ( Don't let George see these )
World's poor hit hard as disaster tally rises
Antro Solo gets 150 mpg
Iranian blogger with excellent photos
Data loss : the ultimate cluestick
Malware silently alters wireless router settings
American Family Association : "Tyson Homosexual" bound for Olympic Games
Fake federal agent fought phony drug war in Missouri
States designate police, firefighters and EMT's as 'terrorism liason officers' ( i.e. official snitches )
Rolling back the astroturf : PUMA founded by McCain supporter
High school 'pregnancy pact' is urban myth
Army doesn't check whether contractors are on arms trafficking watch list
Ezra Klein
In Praise of Senator Cardin remarks on transit
Mongolia calls state of emergency
France plans revolution in space
NASA satellites watch polar ice shelf break into crushed icemain sheet will slowly accelerate into the sea
Video of dying mental patient being ignored spurs changes at Brooklyn hospital
Diabetes underrated, insideous and deadly
The Existentialist Cowboy
John McCain is an unstable, hot-headed...
Scott McClellan : Bush misled Americans
Psychopaths rule the world
Barr : GOP says one thing and does another
The candidates' idiotic debate over the War on Terror
McCain campaign continues GOP tactic of scaring Americans into voting Republican
Mentally ill Republicans
Iran-Contra's 'lost chapter': Reagan administration brought CIA tactics home to reshape the way Americans perceived the world
Bush is destroying America : Congress & MSM enable him
Vidal : Bush ended US as a republic
Disorderly drop in US dollar can't be ruled out
Calif. firefighters battle more than 1400 blazes
Iran in the crosshairs : the threat may not exist
Iran in the crosshairs : the threat may not exist
1 July - Intermittant Surfing
Wednesday, 2. July 2008, 02:46:55
Adobe advances rich media search on the web
How we read online
( With frustration, today. I've a solid connection and DNS errors all over the place, especially AlterNet - while listening to online radio ! And Firefox 3.0 is in too ! Plus I finally took the plunge and installed SP3 for Windows - after checking to see my AMD didn't have the glitch HP users have experienced. )
There is no Iraqi insurgency
Life under Muqtada : Inside Baghdad's Shiite slums
The war in Iraq is pure murder
$300 Billion down the tubes : wasteful spending on weapons systems
The media don't care about the other kind of terrorists
The Family's Values : America's most secretive ( and influential ) religious organization
U.S. federal telework legislation clears house
Arbitration is a corporate scam
Medical fraud tops $60 billion a year
The contraception failure
Is Iowa another Katrina ?
( Using material by Warren Street Blue Girl Red State )
Why are the world's lakes disappearing ?
Innovative outfit eSolar signs first deal for utility-scale solar plants
Kucinich's mammoth case for impeaching Bush
BooMan Tribune
Best Health Care in the World ! "Words fail me." Video
Can the Blogosphere please grow up ? ( Ouch. An Atrios/BooMan reminder it's possible to 'win' a battle and lose a war )
Obama : not yet the change we need ? Steve D
( I saw the last election as Americans running like mad from politicians promising war. Since neither Obama nor McCain clearly say 'we're getting out of there yesterday ! ' - and the Democratic majority has continued to fund the Occupation - I can't see John Q. Public figuring either one of them, candidate or party, is worth the powder to blow them to hell, regardless of how pretty the speech.
Put that against the disintegrating economy - all profits and sustenance gone - and Mr. Cheney will have his national emergency against the background of bitched infrastructure, spoiled crops, and ruined water supply and utilities. The basics of survival loom large, with loss of homes, jobs and power providing the scourge, along with water-borne disease and chemical pollution. Too much ? Iowa was June 10 and FEMA is MIA. )
Defending WesClark
New washing machine uses just a cup of water
How we read online
( With frustration, today. I've a solid connection and DNS errors all over the place, especially AlterNet - while listening to online radio ! And Firefox 3.0 is in too ! Plus I finally took the plunge and installed SP3 for Windows - after checking to see my AMD didn't have the glitch HP users have experienced. )
There is no Iraqi insurgency
Life under Muqtada : Inside Baghdad's Shiite slums
The war in Iraq is pure murder
$300 Billion down the tubes : wasteful spending on weapons systems
The media don't care about the other kind of terrorists
The Family's Values : America's most secretive ( and influential ) religious organization
U.S. federal telework legislation clears house
Arbitration is a corporate scam
Medical fraud tops $60 billion a year
The contraception failure
Is Iowa another Katrina ?
( Using material by Warren Street Blue Girl Red State )
Why are the world's lakes disappearing ?
Innovative outfit eSolar signs first deal for utility-scale solar plants
Kucinich's mammoth case for impeaching Bush
BooMan Tribune
Best Health Care in the World ! "Words fail me." Video
Can the Blogosphere please grow up ? ( Ouch. An Atrios/BooMan reminder it's possible to 'win' a battle and lose a war )
Obama : not yet the change we need ? Steve D
( I saw the last election as Americans running like mad from politicians promising war. Since neither Obama nor McCain clearly say 'we're getting out of there yesterday ! ' - and the Democratic majority has continued to fund the Occupation - I can't see John Q. Public figuring either one of them, candidate or party, is worth the powder to blow them to hell, regardless of how pretty the speech.
Put that against the disintegrating economy - all profits and sustenance gone - and Mr. Cheney will have his national emergency against the background of bitched infrastructure, spoiled crops, and ruined water supply and utilities. The basics of survival loom large, with loss of homes, jobs and power providing the scourge, along with water-borne disease and chemical pollution. Too much ? Iowa was June 10 and FEMA is MIA. )
Defending WesClark
New washing machine uses just a cup of water
1 July - Canada ( Dominion ) Day -
Tuesday, 1. July 2008, 14:36:39
Canada was a choice, not an accident( The title's a good point - that the article doesn't clearly make early on. Canada began as a voluntary association of semi-autonomous states in a mutually agreed framework. Also 1867 is only the year that started with four - on the same date as Germany - but Newfoundland, for instance, joined in 1949.
I hear ignorant comments about French and Indians. Mohawks, for instance, fought with British troops as allies. Neither they nor the Quebecois are subject nations, as Quebec entered into an arrangement which gave them specific rights and the government certain duties - such as access to federal government services in French throughout Confederation, a historical result of their treaty with Britain in acceding to British rule peaceably.
Former Acadia had been cleared and resettled with English speaking people by Britain to deprive France of a coastal ally. St. John, New Brunswick - N.B. and Nova Scotia being two provinces which had comprised that French colony, and many of whose descendants became Lousiana's 'Cajuns' - was a British-surveyed city established in 1852, and had a high proportion of United Empire Loyalists - refugees from the American revolution. A U.E.L. descendant from there myself, I had a teen girlfriend who claimed to be descended from Benedict Arnold, and she was quite proud of that. )
Truth is Sedition and Falsehoods are Patriotism
Delaware Watch
Injustice Served
That's why they call it Imperialism ( no-bid Iraq oil contracts mandated by US )
9 in 10 see rising gas prices causing family hardship ( results of an energy-intensive economy )
The Montana Legacy Project : 320,000 Acres preserved
Company designs and maintains organic garden in your backyard
Nazi Jews : a historical paradox
Multiple jabs have not made troops sick : study
Laser treatment could help kill superbugs
Outrage brews as Ottawa set to honour Morgenthaler
( Some obviously prefer their 'heroes' not be combative. There's a recipe for rot. )
Wind appears on verge of becoming power player
Study finds long benefit in illegal mushroom drug
Junk food substitutes
Feds may consider euthanizing wild horses in the WestUS
sync - MSN gadgets blog
Google quietly tests social network
Cloud computing - the future takes nebulous shape
Zytu - Search safe
7 people from around the world with real mutant superpowers
Smoking ban helps 400,000 to quit
New tool would help internet providers thwart file-sharing ( but is that a good thing ? )
Profile features are NOT going awayNetflix
Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly RoundUp ( blog posts catalogued )
House Committe hears transgender issue ( systemic workplace discrimination )
Blue Girl Red State
Boy Is Gerald's Face Red ! ( Absolutely incredible malfeasance - impersonating a federal officer con )
Scott Ritter goes after David Albright ( con on another scale - WMD )
The Existentialist Cowboy
George Bush is NO Thomas Jefferson
Sacrilege at Monticello
( Maybe he can formally piss on the statue while in the area )
John McCain is an unstable, hotheaded liar, unfit to be President
Carlin : 'We can bomb the shit out of your country'
Steve Kangas : the origins of the Overclass- the business origins of CIA crimes
Bombing Iran and the role of the expert pundits
CIA agent : Iran nuclear program evidence was ignored
Ten Percent
Shame these wars and dangerous threats keep distracting us from democracy
Administrative Rape ( Gaza Gelhorn prizewinner harassed ) Israelis assault prize winning journalist
Peruvian miners ready for a national strike
Articles and Answers - News and Views
The Peoples' Voice - News and Viewpoints
'Surviving hell' is a reality of peace for Gaza civilians
30 June - Final
Tuesday, 1. July 2008, 06:37:59
Reading the Newswrap at Blue Girl Red State
Magnetic device could zap migraines
Hunt for al Qaeda ineffective ( Stirs things up just fine )
Squeezing oil from a stone
A 2-billion-year window into the earth
I put up the UFO Map on Google - why not, right ? Current distribution puts almost everything over the continental USA in an unmistakeable concentration : almost exclusive.
Contrary Brin
So many ways Obama could use jiu jitsu - Candidates who agree on much
U.S. and Europe near agreement on data accessable by private firms
Secret law begs question : Is this America ?
David Brin Clipmarks
Mukasey has denied House oversight DoJ documents
( Another one who shouldn't let the door hit him on the way out )
Virtual Keyboard
WobZIP-Uncompress on the fly
Magnetic device could zap migraines
Hunt for al Qaeda ineffective ( Stirs things up just fine )
Squeezing oil from a stone
A 2-billion-year window into the earth
I put up the UFO Map on Google - why not, right ? Current distribution puts almost everything over the continental USA in an unmistakeable concentration : almost exclusive.
Contrary Brin
So many ways Obama could use jiu jitsu - Candidates who agree on much
U.S. and Europe near agreement on data accessable by private firms
Secret law begs question : Is this America ?
David Brin Clipmarks
Mukasey has denied House oversight DoJ documents
( Another one who shouldn't let the door hit him on the way out )
Virtual Keyboard
WobZIP-Uncompress on the fly
30 June - Evening News
Tuesday, 1. July 2008, 02:47:22
Former Abu Ghraib detainees sue U.S. contractors
4 judges targeted by bombs in Iraq
Military to seek death penalty for USS Cole suspect
"It will use this information in a military commission proceeding that provides none of the safeguards that protect from an unjust conviction. These procedures--and the torture committed by our government--clearly violate both U.S. law and the moral standards that are the foundation of our country." ( In other words...no problem. )
Court rules in favor of Chinese Muslim held at Gitmo
Spy chief defends Peru's Fujimori
Local air quality advisories lifted due to offshore winds Vallejo, California
"Second-wave" HIV hits young black gays
Satellites pinpoint Earth's auroral radio chatter
Alzheimer's drug may prevent brain damage in preemies
Meet the steel-melting solar mirror
Gene editing could make anyone immune to AIDS
U.S. federal court rules it can't hear Arar's complaint "Foreigners have no Constitutional Due Process Rights in the U.S."
( Great tourism promotion )
Disabled veterans' families feel the strain on finances,health
Telecom Amnesty foes lobby Obama using Obama tech
Ontario boosts rights protection
Today's suburbs, tomorrow's slums ?
Trans-Canada buzzes after millions of bees spilled
Spain to give apes rightsThe UnPatriot Act : the law that gutted the U.S. Constitution
Silence like a cancer grows
13 FriendFeed tools for Twitter refugees
eBay has to pay $63m because a French court doesn't know a platform from a user
Tech companies team up to buy patents to keep them away from others
'Good' cholesterol dementia risk
Revealed : the infighting that has hobbled the hunt for bin Ladin
Canada, U.S. to team up on Arctic seabed mapping project
Rhapsody charges headlong into iTunes territory
4 judges targeted by bombs in Iraq
Military to seek death penalty for USS Cole suspect
"It will use this information in a military commission proceeding that provides none of the safeguards that protect from an unjust conviction. These procedures--and the torture committed by our government--clearly violate both U.S. law and the moral standards that are the foundation of our country." ( In other words...no problem. )
Court rules in favor of Chinese Muslim held at Gitmo
Spy chief defends Peru's Fujimori
Local air quality advisories lifted due to offshore winds Vallejo, California
"Second-wave" HIV hits young black gays
Satellites pinpoint Earth's auroral radio chatter
Alzheimer's drug may prevent brain damage in preemies
Meet the steel-melting solar mirror
Gene editing could make anyone immune to AIDS
U.S. federal court rules it can't hear Arar's complaint "Foreigners have no Constitutional Due Process Rights in the U.S."
( Great tourism promotion )
Disabled veterans' families feel the strain on finances,health
Telecom Amnesty foes lobby Obama using Obama tech
Ontario boosts rights protection
Today's suburbs, tomorrow's slums ?
Trans-Canada buzzes after millions of bees spilled
Spain to give apes rightsThe UnPatriot Act : the law that gutted the U.S. Constitution
Silence like a cancer grows
13 FriendFeed tools for Twitter refugees
eBay has to pay $63m because a French court doesn't know a platform from a user
Tech companies team up to buy patents to keep them away from others
'Good' cholesterol dementia risk
Revealed : the infighting that has hobbled the hunt for bin Ladin
Canada, U.S. to team up on Arctic seabed mapping project
Rhapsody charges headlong into iTunes territory
30 June - Update
Monday, 30. June 2008, 23:44:50
New GI Bill passed into lawSenate passes no-strings funding bill
( I'm sure the 'Stop Loss'-ed can figure out the real 'benefit' of this bill )
Preparing the battlefield
"The Bush Administration steps up its secret moves against Iran"
"some Pentagon officials believe that bombing Iran is not a valid response to the nuclear proliferation issue"
"Gates warned of the consequences if Washington called for a 'pre-emptive' strike against Iran'
( 'pre-emptive' meaning unwarranted and illegal - again )
"June - Admiral Fallon on Iraq ...'Did I bitch about some of the things that were being proposed about Iraq ? You bet. Some of them were very stupid.' "
Search Results came from a comment made on a Blue Girl Red State thread
MyBlogLog adds more stuff
( I'm constrained on what I can put in my sidebar. I have an account, however. May 9. So slooow. )
30 June - Morning News
Monday, 30. June 2008, 19:28:02
CBS finishes acquisition of CNet ; Quincy Smith addresses the troops
Australian crocs hit by cane toad 'wave of death'
Weak solar cycle may keep more space junk in orbit
Omega-3s are twice as important for girls as boys
Sample of Edutagger search
If the leaders don't get it - it's not going to happen
( That's got to be true in politics as well as education. Mostly we vote for lawyers - not educators ! One politician quipped to me : "Politicians have to be popular, not smart." He was referring to getting votes, of course. Oddity : Fidel Castro and Pierre E. Trudeau were history professors. You know the saying : "Those who don't know the mistakes of the past are bound to repeat them." So when a government pushes secrecy, it destroys competence from lack of intelligent direction, and from lack of competent oversight via peer review. Crime doesn't care about anything except 'profit' : though if you destroy everything - "Where's the Profit ?" )
First Edublogger session
G.M. foods : The U.S. fights mandatory labeling in an untested human experiment
Dissecting a study disproving Vitamin B's role in preventing heart disease
Being physically active more important than being lean
Changing your thoughts can change your life
Fortified cassava could provide a day's nutrition in a single meal
Climate change causing significant change in composition of coastal fish communities
( Primitive lifestyles historically flourished best near the source of easy protein and transport. This could be hugely important. )
Limit sucrose as painkiller for newborns
Drought tolerance in potatoes
Zinc finger proteins put personalized HIV therapy within reach
Student credit cards : useful or a trap ?
( Is this a 'trick' question ? Financial marketing caused the mortgage crisis. Stupid policies can be very destructive. )
$162 billion bill : Legacy for war or education ?
( Who controls the purse strings ? The most corrupt administration in history. Answering that question didn't take long. It will be the rare [ undamaged ] vet who gains any real benefit. )
Mississippi flooding closes St. Louis to barges
Pentagon : Gay equals crazy
EPA didn't know anyone was still drinking water
( Any takers on the proposition FEMA utterly and completely fails to provide access to potable water for the flooded MidWest : in fact disrupts efforts to provide same ? )
Iraq in one minute
Further cut in U.S. interest rates
Australian crocs hit by cane toad 'wave of death'
Weak solar cycle may keep more space junk in orbit
Omega-3s are twice as important for girls as boys
Sample of Edutagger search
If the leaders don't get it - it's not going to happen
( That's got to be true in politics as well as education. Mostly we vote for lawyers - not educators ! One politician quipped to me : "Politicians have to be popular, not smart." He was referring to getting votes, of course. Oddity : Fidel Castro and Pierre E. Trudeau were history professors. You know the saying : "Those who don't know the mistakes of the past are bound to repeat them." So when a government pushes secrecy, it destroys competence from lack of intelligent direction, and from lack of competent oversight via peer review. Crime doesn't care about anything except 'profit' : though if you destroy everything - "Where's the Profit ?" )
First Edublogger session
G.M. foods : The U.S. fights mandatory labeling in an untested human experiment
Dissecting a study disproving Vitamin B's role in preventing heart disease
Being physically active more important than being lean
Changing your thoughts can change your life
Fortified cassava could provide a day's nutrition in a single meal
Climate change causing significant change in composition of coastal fish communities
( Primitive lifestyles historically flourished best near the source of easy protein and transport. This could be hugely important. )
Limit sucrose as painkiller for newborns
Drought tolerance in potatoes
Zinc finger proteins put personalized HIV therapy within reach
Student credit cards : useful or a trap ?
( Is this a 'trick' question ? Financial marketing caused the mortgage crisis. Stupid policies can be very destructive. )
$162 billion bill : Legacy for war or education ?
( Who controls the purse strings ? The most corrupt administration in history. Answering that question didn't take long. It will be the rare [ undamaged ] vet who gains any real benefit. )
Mississippi flooding closes St. Louis to barges
Pentagon : Gay equals crazy
EPA didn't know anyone was still drinking water
( Any takers on the proposition FEMA utterly and completely fails to provide access to potable water for the flooded MidWest : in fact disrupts efforts to provide same ? )
Iraq in one minute
Further cut in U.S. interest rates
30 June - First Look at the Web
Monday, 30. June 2008, 16:51:53
Leaked screen shots of mythical Digg recommendation engine
Oil rises on concern Iran supplies may be disrupted
Goldman says demand, not speculators, behind oil gain
$200 a barrel oil : how it would change our lives
Questioning the Unquestionable
"John McCain presidency...has at best a strange understanding of the President to military relationship, and that he would cede his responsibilities of making the most important decisions to those people who are not, by their very function, supposed to make them."
Blue Girl Red State
Wes Clark didn't get it completely wrong
"Military experience and executive experience aren't the same thing"
"From day one in the Navy, McCain screwed up again and again" ( sounds familiar. Bush, too )
Chaos in Afghanistan
"What is the aim...of the 60,000 soldiers there ?"
( They go around getting in firefights, being bombed, retaliating with attacking settlements...and endure increasing amounts of, and intensity also, resistance which springs up because of, not despite, their presence. They provide a Target and irritant which destroys local control and initiates chaos. My take, anyway.
Destroying local graft doesn't justify changing things over to feed a fresh bunch of scoundrels - unless of course they are a 'cat's paw' to feed their sponsors 'at home'.
The 'sacrifice' of the troops, literally, doesn't make it a good idea nor a workable plan : something they say themselves. Nor is there an objective or end to it : the destruction is self-perpetuating indefinitely. Well, until or unless the outnumbered pains-in-the-ass are consumed in the fire they create, as Britain's expeditionary force of 12,000 was in the Khyber Pass in 1835. Yeah : almost two centuries ago.
This is not 'Peacekeeping', people. Of course, it is under NATO - not the UN. Funny about that. )
I see I have an Adobe updater to run, so here's post One.
Oil rises on concern Iran supplies may be disrupted
Goldman says demand, not speculators, behind oil gain
$200 a barrel oil : how it would change our lives
Questioning the Unquestionable
"John McCain presidency...has at best a strange understanding of the President to military relationship, and that he would cede his responsibilities of making the most important decisions to those people who are not, by their very function, supposed to make them."
Blue Girl Red State
Wes Clark didn't get it completely wrong
"Military experience and executive experience aren't the same thing"
"From day one in the Navy, McCain screwed up again and again" ( sounds familiar. Bush, too )
Chaos in Afghanistan
"What is the aim...of the 60,000 soldiers there ?"
( They go around getting in firefights, being bombed, retaliating with attacking settlements...and endure increasing amounts of, and intensity also, resistance which springs up because of, not despite, their presence. They provide a Target and irritant which destroys local control and initiates chaos. My take, anyway.
Destroying local graft doesn't justify changing things over to feed a fresh bunch of scoundrels - unless of course they are a 'cat's paw' to feed their sponsors 'at home'.
The 'sacrifice' of the troops, literally, doesn't make it a good idea nor a workable plan : something they say themselves. Nor is there an objective or end to it : the destruction is self-perpetuating indefinitely. Well, until or unless the outnumbered pains-in-the-ass are consumed in the fire they create, as Britain's expeditionary force of 12,000 was in the Khyber Pass in 1835. Yeah : almost two centuries ago.
This is not 'Peacekeeping', people. Of course, it is under NATO - not the UN. Funny about that. )
I see I have an Adobe updater to run, so here's post One.