Josh Marshall is advising that TPM Cafe Readers' blogs are holding back needed modernization/streamlining : so here are reposts
The International Tax on the Use of Fire
Posing with Dumbell - I couldn't resist.
Here's why it blew up.
Copenhagen destroyed by Danish draft leak,says India's environment minister
The outcome was determined by a failed "ambush", targeted at the leaders of emerging economies, by the host nation Denmark. This attempted to switch a new negotiating text for the existing UN texts.
Then there's notice to all and sundry that the US will impose a global tax on the use of fire
Confidential document reveals Obama's hardline US climate talk strategy
Reinforce the PERCEPTION that the US is constructively engaged in UN negotiations in an effort to produce a global regime to combat climate change.
Have you ever heard a psyops program described with more clarity than that ?
Background on the media circus trying to paint our options to a black and white choice by scientists who cannot model a chaotic open system but must pretend they can to avert our impending doom.
This from the people who have killed on all continents on a covert budget from flogging arms and smuggling drugs plus purloined public purse.
Climate in Contention
Related articles by Zemanta
- Mary Kissel: Climate Change 'Quagmire' (
- UN process under fire at climate change talks (
- Bolivia protests US suspension of climate aid (
- Protesters arrested in Copenhagen (
- Your Philosophy for Social Media and Search Marketing (
Nuclear Progress Report
U.S. Nuclear Weapons GuidanceDeclassified report reveals U.S. has drawn down stockpiles of nuclear arms 50%, unannounced and 5 years ahead of schedule
Document Updates
I usually try to steer clear of dry documentation!This file is an old 'find' from when Rumsfeld was exiting Defence : a War Game outlining the likely consequences of invading Iraq. I didn't realize at that time it was a Clinton-era plan. 'Post-Saddam Iraq : Desert Crossing' seems more like a cautionary tale than a pattern which can be repeated to overthrow governments.
There is also an update from State to look over
New State Department Releases on the "Future of Iraq" Project
Finally, the Search itself had interesting data surface
Showing 1-10 of about 262 results.
Post-Saddam Iraq: The War Game
Post-Saddam Iraq: The War Game. "Desert Crossing" 1999 Assumed 400,000 Troops and Still a Mess. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 207. ...
Eyes on Saddam
... US Satellite Imagery, 1960-1999. Pre- and post-strike overhead imagery of an Iraqi military headquarters compound. Eyes on Saddam US Overhead Imagery of Iraq. ...
[PDF] Iraq and Iran: Society, Politics, War and Peace
... at; The Washington Post (www.washingtonpost ... o Adeed Dawisha, "Identity and Political Survival in Saddam's Iraq," Middle East ...
White House Ignored CIA Warnings on Iraq
... Washington, DC, October 13, 2005 - The White House disregarded intelligence projections on post-Saddam Iraq according to a newly-declassified CIA report, ...
State Department experts warned CENTCOM before Iraq war about lack ...
... cable announces the establishment of 15 "Future of Iraq Project" working groups to prepare for the transition to a post-Saddam Hussein Iraq, adding that ...
Saddam's Iron Grip: Intelligence Reports on Saddam Hussein's Reign
... State Department experts warned CENTCOM before Iraq war about lack of plans for post-war Iraq security Planning for post-Saddam regime change began as early as ...
New State Department Releases on the "Future of Iraq" Project
... from the USG, which might have negative consequences both for the participants and for the interests of the US government in post-Saddam Iraq." (See 20020001 ...
TOP SECRET POLO STEP - Iraq War Plan Assumed Only 5,000 US Troops ...
... "Completely unrealistic assumptions about a post-Saddam Iraq permeate these war plans," said National Security Archive Executive Director Thomas Blanton. ...
The Communitarian Network
... Scott Feil (Ret.) at congressional hearings, to keep the peace in post-Saddam Iraq we may need 75,000 troops, which amounts to three divisions (the military ...
US Intelligence and Iraq WMD
... by December 2006. Post-Saddam Iraq: The War Game "Desert Crossing" 1999 Assumed 400,000 Troops and Still a Mess. New State Department ...
Poor Iran
Mousavi says government agents raped detainees
Mousavi, Celebrated in Iranian Protests, Was the Butcher of BeirutHe may yet turn out to be the avatar of Iranian democracy, but three decades ago Mir-Hossein Mousavi was waging a terrorist war on the United States that included bloody attacks on the U.S. embassy and Marine Corps barracks in Beirut.
Mousavi, prime minister for most of the 1980s, personally selected his point man for the Beirut terror campaign, Ali Akbar Mohtashemi-pur, and dispatched him to Damascus as Iran's ambassador, according to former CIA and military officials.
The ambassador in turn hosted several meetings of the cell that would carry out the Beirut attacks, which were overheard by the National Security Agency.
"We had a tap on the Iranian ambassador to Syria," retired Navy Admiral James "Ace" Lyons related by telephone Monday. In 1983 Lyons was deputy chief of Naval Operations, and deeply involved in the events in Lebanon.
"The Iranian ambassador received instructions from the foreign minister to have various groups target U.S. personnel in Lebanon, but in particular to carry out a 'spectacular action' against the Marines," said Lyons.
"He was prime minister," Lyons said of Mousavi, "so he didn't get down to the details at the lowest levels. "But he was in a principal position and had to be aware of what was going on."
Lyons, sometimes called "the father" of the Navy SEALs' Red Cell counter-terror unit, also fingered Mousavi for the 1988 truck bombing of the U.S. Navy's Fleet Center in Naples, Italy, that killed five persons, including the first Navy woman to die in a terrorist attack.
Bob Baer agrees that Mousawi, who has been celebrated in the West for sparking street demonstrations against the Teheran regime since he lost the elections, was directing the overall 1980s terror campaign.
But Baer, a former CIA Middle East field officer whose exploits were dramatized in the George Clooney movie "Syriana," places Mousavi even closer to the Beirut bombings.
"He dealt directly with Imad Mughniyah," who ran the Beirut terrorist campaign and was "the man largely held responsible for both attacks," Baer wrote in TIME over the weekend.
"When Mousavi was Prime Minister, he oversaw an office that ran operatives abroad, from Lebanon to Kuwait to Iraq," Baer continued.
"This was the heyday of [Ayatollah] Khomeini's theocratic vision, when Iran thought it really could export its revolution across the Middle East, providing money and arms to anyone who claimed he could upend the old order."
Baer added: "Mousavi was not only swept up into this delusion but also actively pursued it."
Retired Adm. Lyons maintained that he could have destroyed the terrorists at a hideout U.S. intelligence had pinpointed, but he was outmaneuvered by others in the cabinet of President Ronald Reagan.
"I was going to take them apart," Lyons said, "but the secretary of defense," Caspar Weinberger, "sabotaged it." n-iranian.html
Mir-Hossein Mousavi's Iran/Contra Connection?
They are all good friends and associates of Manuchehr Ghorbanifar (an Iranian arms merchant, an alleged MOSSAD double agent, and a key figure in the Iran/Contra Affair, the arms-for-hostages deals between Iran and the Reagan administration). In one or two, at most three, degrees of separation, these people hung out in the same circles and very likely drank to the same toasts.You can find all kinds of trivia about Ghorbanifar in the Walsh Report on the Iran/Contra affair. In Chapter 8, for example, we learn:
"Ghorbanifar, an Iranian exile and former CIA informant who had been discredited by the agency as a fabricator, was a driving force behind these proposals [for arms-for-hostages deal];" or, "Ghorbanifar, as broker for Iran, borrowed funds for the weapons payments from Khashoggi, who loaned millions of dollars to Ghorbanifar in "bridge financing'" for the deals. Ghorbanifar repaid Khashoggi with a 20 percent commission after being paid by the Iranians," (see:
Here is a bit from an article by Time magazine that shows Ghorbanifar's circle of associates; it is from a January 1987 cover story (The Murky World of Weapons Dealers; January 19, 1987):
"By [Ghorbanifar's] own account he was a refugee from the revolutionary government of Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini, which confiscated his businesses in Iran, yet he later became a trusted friend and kitchen adviser to Mir Hussein Mousavi, Prime Minister in the Khomeini government. Some U.S. officials who have dealt with Ghorbanifar praise him highly. Says Michael Ledeen, adviser to the Pentagon on counterterrorism: "[Ghorbanifar] is one of the most honest, educated, honorable men I have ever known." Others call him a liar who, as one puts it, could not tell the truth about the clothes he is wearing," (emphasis added).
This second bit is from Chapter 1 of Walsh Iran/Contra Report: (
"On or about November 25, 1985, Ledeen received a frantic phone call from Ghorbanifar, asking him to relay a message from [Mir-Hossein Mousavi] the prime minister of Iran to President Reagan regarding the shipment of the wrong type of HAWKs. Ledeen said the message essentially was "we've been holding up our part of the bargain, and here you people are now cheating us and tricking us and deceiving us and you had better correct this situation right away.''
"In early May, North and CIA annuitant George Cave met in London with Ghorbanifar and Nir, where the groundwork finally was laid for a meeting between McFarlane and high-level Iranian officials, as well as financial arrangements for the arms deal. Among the officials Ghorbanifar said would meet with an American delegation were the president and prime minister [Mousavi] of Iran and the speaker of the Iranian parliament," (emphasis added).
And to remind how Michael Ledeen became involved in the Iran/Contra affair in 1985, here is a bit from Chapter 15 of Walsh Report (
"[McFarlane] authorized Michael A. Ledeen, a part-time NSC consultant on anti-terrorism, to ask Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres to check on a report that the Israelis had access to good sources on Iran. By early August 1985, Ledeen's talks had led to a direct approach by Israeli officials to McFarlane, to obtain President Reagan's approval to ship U.S.-supplied TOW missiles to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages in Beirut. McFarlane said he briefed the President, Regan, Shultz, Weinberger, Casey and perhaps the Vice President about the proposal in July and August 1985.40 McFarlane said that Casey recommended that Congress not be informed of the arms sales."
There you have it. Now, I'm no investigative journalist, so I'll leave it to the professionals to dig deeper into this.
But, I do have to wonder aloud: Seeing how we cannot ignore his 'neo-con' credentials and that Michael Ledeen maintained his very good relations with Ghorbanifar, (who at least used to be) a good friend of Mir-Hossein Mousavi (the 'candidate of change' in the Iranian presidential elections); and given the support that Mousavi's candidacy has been receiving from the American 'moderates', maybe this kind of 'change' is the 'regime change' the Americans have had in mind for Iran?
werkshop said...
I have felt alone on this too, but i know I'm not alone. This is another US backed Color Coup, and Mousavi is a stooge. I'm sure of it. And I too am furious with the left for not seeing both the classism of this whole fiasco, and the way people's genuine desires for freedom are being used and channeled into something very dark.
A Tense Calm on Streets of Tehran
Iranian State Media Intensify Criticism of Mousavi, Protesters
By Thomas ErdbrinkWashington Post Foreign Service
Monday, June 22, 2009
TEHRAN, June 21 -- The Iranian government and opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi stepped up their war of words Sunday after at least 10 people were killed in clashes on Saturday, while an uneasy calm prevailed on the streets of Tehran on Sunday for the first time since Iran's worst political crisis in 30 years began a week ago.
Government media lashed out Sunday at Mousavi, suggesting that some of his actions were illegal and blaming "terrorists" for Saturday's violence, in which at least 100 people were injured. The semiofficial Fars News Agency, which has strong ties to the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, quoted a law professor at Tehran University as saying that Mousavi's actions were criminal.
"Through uncivil and illegal means, he created an environment for unrest and hooliganism," Firouz Aslani told Fars News. "Contrary to his claims of lawfulness, he acted against the security of the nation and the interests of the system."
Some analysts in Tehran said those comments and others carried in the state-run news media questioning the legality of Mousavi's actions could be the government's way of preparing the ground for his arrest.
Related articles by Zemanta
- Profile: MirHossein Mousavi Iran's presidential challenger (
- Mousavi to Obama: You Insult Us (
- W. David Stephenson: New Anti-Terror Weapons: You, Me, iPhone & Twitter (
- Paul Rahe: Iran's trajectory (
- Robert Baer: Don't Forget Mousavi's Bloody Past (
- Iran's Revolutionary Road: Beware the Echo Chamber (
- Congress Seeks More Answers From CIA (
- Which State Security Branch Rules Tehran's Streets? (
Dysfunction Junction
I've been preoccupied with bringing Opit's LinkFest! to Blogger, recapping Indexes in some kind of order and posting all at the same time. Still, some links shrieked to be noted on a political site.Paging Erin Brovkovich
This place has quite a good overview of water worldwide, of which this is only a part The Water Issue. I ran into the posts because of the pictorial essay 'Absence of Water' showing derelict public baths in Britain. It was a StumbleUpon recommendation.
Group News Blog feature 'Why Medical Care in the U.S.A. sucks ass' is upstaged by Blacklisted News' WHO moves forward in secret to accomplish forced vaccination and population agenda.
Punditry Conservative Democrats have all the qualities of a dog except loyalty is about shocking vet stats. R.I.P. is for Habeas Corpus and the contination of the worst of Bush...something moved to Bagram and expanded. Did you see Greenwald on that ?
$15 M from Michigan for factories to go renewable
Smoke and Mirrors - Distraction from at-HomeTyranny
Iran ; it's not about *you* peopleWesterners driving themselves into a tizzy blind to the contradiction in their own behavior
McCarthy : Obama hates freedom, loves Ismamofascism
"Home, home on deranged"
Meddling in Iran
Has the U.S. played a part in fomenting unrest during Iran's election ?
UK denies interference in Iran post unrest
Armed vandals 'killed civilians' in Tehran
Police 'did not shoot' street protesters
The revolution will not be digitized
How the U.S. has secretly backed Pakistan's nuclear program from Day One
Iraq,Afpak and beyond : the global cost of war
... massive diversion of resources away from the world's poorest in a time they need them the most
Obama Wars : Attack of the Drones
Weaponized Keneysianism
Is our species now hopelessly bogged down in evil?
debunking the 2 biggest myths of blogs levelled by the MSM
Canadian companies face legal action for settlement building in Palestine
Obama's classroom spies : betrayal of fundamental trusts at the core of
honest academic endeavors
23 June - News Blogging
'Sick Care' America resorts to borrowing money to pay for diseaseWithholding hand-cleaning sanitizer from reserves 'outrageous' : chiefs
Funny how that goes. I was in Fields yesterday looking for a soap pump that WASN'T sanitizer. Always at work there was a rule : sanitizing a contaminated field was worse than useless.
Washing your hands gets rid of dirt. You can't sanitize dirt. As soon as you touch anything your hands are dirty. You can see how that could get old fast.
Using antibiotics unnecessarily led to antibiotic resistance in germs.
Using germicide unnecessarily leads guessed it. They're called MSRAs.
That's why germicides should be reserved for operating theaters and the like.
Do you know what toxins do to your hide, BTW ? I promise you they won't increase your protection from infection which penetrates the skin : quite the contrary. Use soap.
And the use of toxins in the home and institutional environment as a cleanliness measure ?
What can I say ? Stupid is as stupid does. Rinse. What happens to the water...
'Dozens dead' in U.S. drone strike
Afghanistan : Coalition troops launch massive offensive against Taliban
When a government wants to commit ID theft
EPA conspired with duPont to allow teflon chemicals in drinking water
Farm Safety Bill 2749 requires immediate opposition
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
Few extra pounds may protect Canadians from early death
He's Barack Obama - and Jib Jab jabs him once again!
U.S. gov lends $8 Bn for 'green' vehicles
13 hot Eco-Cars that go Zoom!
China and US hold military talks
The Afghan-Pakistan militant nexus
Kenyan veterans in UK court bid
Hate groups and social networking
They can't hold a candle to hate radio, television and newspapers
Mounties could face charges in Poland
Lawyer says Mounties failed to obtain emails that would have cleared accused
Disappearance of cabinet emails sends alarming message
What. Do they think they work in Washington ?
AP issues strict Facebook, Twitter guidelines to staff
There should be an ACLU challenge in this somewhere - in the public interest
Finding hidden treasures in Nevada
23 June Quicklinks
Shock and Audit : The hidden 'defense' budget Mother JonesDexter's Legions in Afghanistan Christopher Floyd
Why the insurance industry doesn't deserve our trust
Some things are too big and important to be decided by framingBlue Girl
VA mismanagement and government sponsored healcare plansBluebloggin
New revelations about the torture of Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi
Tell YouTube to stop censoring videos about Israel
Gaza : Bombs, missiles, tanks and bulldozersJimmy Carter
21 Sunday Surfing
Work starts on New Mexico spaceportDistorting US Intel on Iran : Obama follows Bush's lead again Obviously, nobody notified the spin department that 'Changes Have Been Made'. That's o.k. I can't tell the difference either.
Best quip ? 'Exchanging a white skunk with black stripes for a black skunk with white stripes is not progress.' Watch that coffee in the nose !
Motaki says West 'dramatizing' riots **Press TV
Iran finds US-backed MKO fingerprints in riots ** Press TV is Iranian
VOA,BBC guiding unrest in Iran ** Press TV
Miliband denies Iran 'meddling'
Iran calms but daughter of top Iranian cleric reportedly arrested
Iraq : Widows become silent tragedy
21st Century's longest solar eclipse July 22
Celsias - Green News and Honest Opinions Headlined because it seemed one of the better sources around
Help Save the Earth, time to substitute hemp for oil This has to be one of the oddest parts of illegalizing marijuana : hemp is 'mistaken' for it and the stuff is better than petroleum products for manufacturing and cleans the soil of contaminants !
Kenya : Water shortage increases cholera toll
Peru : Congress probes massacre ; Prime Minister to quitResource Wars
Pakistani district uneasy after military victory How many times is this now ?
Grey hair may be protecting us from cancer
Surprise' prostrate result probed
Painkiller ban has cut suicides
Earth's coastlines after sealevel rise, 4000 A.D.
How aerosols mask climate change
Some things are too big and important to be decided by 'framing'
I like the Booman. He's got a dedicated community of congenial people who try to work out which end is up. It's been years since they sparkplugged the European Tribune - something before my time. Certainly I remember linking to articles there by Jerome a Paris in early 2006.
But even smart people get locked into the little Ferris Wheel and spin it round and round like hamsters out for their constitutional. Today I kicked the wheel :In comments.
Our strategy towards Iran
Fraud, Destruction,Graft,Piety
Deploy the Clean Air Act now to fight climate change - June 23 deadlineThe dirt on clean coal
Historic fight in Congress for our Clean Energy Future
EU holds back on climate funds for poor countries
Give coal the boot
The true cost of coal
Boo! The EPA approves all but six pending mountaintop removal coal mining permits
Tell the EPA to stop mountaintop removal
Reforestation of U.S. mountaintop site gets UN endorsement
Court legalizes pollution of America water supplies
Do exports of water-intensive crops hurt drought-prone areas ?
Are the Iranian election protests another US-orchestrated 'color revolution'?
Kissinger threatens regime change in Iran if coup fails
The CIA bribed Iranian government officials,businessmen and reporters, and paid Iranians to demonstrate in the streets
Iranian elections : the stolen elections hoax
Could there be a Moussavi effect ?
Neo-Nazis are nothing new on the American scene
Axis of Evil : Taliban defectors , U.S., Israel funding militants
Obama to demonstrators : "We are bearing witness"
The compassion is so touching. Pity it doesn't reach to Gaza or Iraq.
Impact of the war on...Iraqis
Obama's 'Open Government' project censors popular proposal to 'End Imperial Presidency'
El Salvador rising
Russia ready to drastically cut nukes
20 June Afternoon BlogNews
Arizona border zealots,white supremacists, and Janet NapolitanoEighth-grader builds solar-powered trike with GPS, iPod dock
Sea Shepherd victory in Canadian courts
South Africa : mining and water safety do not mix
Smart Grid City
Augmented Reality
Yurt living - getting started
Beyond Paradox - painting with a broader palette
Food Safety Bills > Food Safety Enhancement Act HR 2749 advances out of committee
Environmentalism seen as Police State precursor Programming Wingnuttia
20 June Night Links
World Day to combat drought and desertification specialWho will control Iraq's oil ?
Pakistan's displaced left in the lurch
Tribesmen protest U.S. drone attacks
Spinning civilian deaths in Afghanistan
The global crisis is really about $140/bbl oil
Lawmakers balk as Administration tries to redefine central bank's role
Conservative Justices' strange enthusiasm for punishment of the innocent
Corporate America's two sets of laws
CIA delays release of secret prison report
CIA declassifies report on Israel's nukes
It could happen to Yoo : criminal prosecution and accountability
Support Iranians
'Twitter Revolution' in Iran abetted by old media
Young Iranians use video to tell story
The 'Stolen Elections' Hoax
'There is hardly any election in which the White House has a significant stake,where the electoral defeat of the pro-U.S. candidate is not denounced as illegitimate by the entire political and mass media elite...What is astonishing about the West's universal condemnation of the electoral outcome as fraudulent is that not a single shred of evidence in either written or observational form has been presented either before or a week after the actual vote count.''
Selected comments on Iranian elections in British Press
Flawed elections : U.S. and Iran
Jobless benefit rolls dip as aid runs out
Peru : Government partly backs off in standoff with native groups
Gasping for Breath
Pesticides in your own kitchen ( whether you use pesticides or not )
Food Safety Bill unanimously approved by House Committee
The truth about Canadian health care
You don't have to believe them - or me - just skip over to 'We Move To Canada' where Americans learn that life above the 49th isn't dogsleds and igloos - and constant scamming. Canadians......SUE ! No sense of ha-ha about ripoffs at all.
Green Tea slows prostate cancer
Columbia coca growing declines
19 June - Geopolitics and Iran + News Picks
U.S. funds terror groups to sow chaos in IranWhy believe this is done for advertised reasons - when the result of failure of nuclear program would be loss of Iranian domestic electricity supply : hospitals, water supply, sewage treatment, etc. all would fail : Infrastructure essential to a modern state
Bush sanction 'black ops' against Iran
'regime change' left out of later terms of reference
'Iran and Syria have made their choices and their choice is to destabilize'
Blaming the victims of surreptitious activity for the results
Canada will not 'stay out of Iranian politics'
crackdown on 'deviant news sites' - Iran
Why should we listen to these conservatives on foreign policy?
'should remember these commentators' previous discredited claims'
Democrats dodge ban on cash from lobbyists
Give kids a beacon of hope
If there's a tip on conflict of interest here - privatization of schools being another known scam - I'll look at posting info Medical Advisory Commission recommends denial of care as a model
Single Payer Action
ABC News to air Obama interview on health care
Toxic shock syndrome from sinus infection ?
Psoraisis may raise cardiovascular risks
FDA reluctantly admits mercury fillings have neurotoxic effects on kids
VA inspections show continued flaws
Mike Adams is going off the deep end
Newborn weights affected by environmental contaminants
Climate change brings new diseases
Software engineers allow PCs to scan mobile devices for viruses
Lifehacker's Firefox Add-On Packs
Magnetic super-atoms discovered
Taser death : stun gun fired 28 times
It's time to speak truth to power
Two days before 9/11, military exercise simulated suicide hijack targeting New York
20 amazing pictures of Earth as seen from space
19 June - Politics
Undermining MexicoSongbird 1.2 debuts new features Second thoughts on Iran
America's Iranian Twitter revolution
The Iranian election and the faith-based media
Extreme Canada : ruling party interferes with social science funding
Ethics reform is hard - Texas
Torture : an American legacy
A case of Post-Diplomatic Stress Disorder : U.S. policy on Cuba
Dispatches - Afghanistan's Dirty War
Obama's gift to Pakistan
A plague of snakes - Iraq water shortage
centuries of irrigating the soil without draining it properly have led to a buildup of salt in the soil
Agent Orange continues to poison Vietnam
GOP's trillion dollar reactor plan goes radioactive
urainum mining - an environmental disaster - is running short of potential mines
Congress sends $106 billion war funds bill to Obama
The Rhetorical President
An 'Exit Strategy' that keeps wars going
The Wheels are coming off the Recovery Program
The case for disbarment of the torture lawyers
Guantanamo's hidden history - shocking statistics of starvation
Beating and Torturing Children - Israel
Israeli loyalty oaths
Israel's angels in America
Who'll get the blame for the expenses blackout ? - UK
Gordon Brown's War Inquiry - public private
The Battle against State Secrets privilege
How Fox News is helping to nationalize the GI Sanctuary movement
Finding a stubborn hope to live in a dead culture
Elmer Fudd Nation
Clean diesel comes of age
Big Water's Big Lie comes unraveled
19 June - Politics
Undermining MexicoSongbird 1.2 debuts new features Second thoughts on Iran
America's Iranian Twitter revolution
The Iranian election and the faith-based media
Extreme Canada : ruling party interferes with social science funding
Ethics reform is hard - Texas
Torture : an American legacy
A case of Post-Diplomatic Stress Disorder : U.S. policy on Cuba
Dispatches - Afghanistan's Dirty War
Obama's gift to Pakistan
A plague of snakes - Iraq water shortage
centuries of irrigating the soil without draining it properly have led to a buildup of salt in the soil
Agent Orange continues to poison Vietnam
GOP's trillion dollar reactor plan goes radioactive
urainum mining - an environmental disaster - is running short of potential mines
Congress sends $106 billion war funds bill to Obama
The Rhetorical President
An 'Exit Strategy' that keeps wars going
The Wheels are coming off the Recovery Program
The case for disbarment of the torture lawyers
Guantanamo's hidden history - shocking statistics of starvation
Beating and Torturing Children - Israel
Israeli loyalty oaths
Israel's angels in America
Who'll get the blame for the expenses blackout ? - UK
Gordon Brown's War Inquiry - public private
The Battle against State Secrets privilege
How Fox News is helping to nationalize the GI Sanctuary movement
Finding a stubborn hope to live in a dead culture
Elmer Fudd Nation
Clean diesel comes of age
Big Water's Big Lie comes unraveled