Saturday, February 12, 2022

12 February - Blogs I'm Following - 2 of 4

 11 pm MST

"Streets of Philadelphia, February 11, 2022"
*Full screen recommended.* *"Streets of Philadelphia, February 11, 2022"* read more
Komando.com6 hours ago
Fake Windows 11 installer coming after passwords, credit cards and crypto wallets
Trying to get Windows 11 from this fake installer puts your passwords and finances at risk. read more
GREENIE WATCH6 hours ago
* France defends its ‘big nuclear adventure,’* * French pragmatism triumphs over the hysteria elsewhere* French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told CNBC on Friday that the country’s decision to bet big on nuclear power was driven by geopolitical concerns and the desire to achieve “total energy independence.” His comments come shortly after French President Emmanuel Macron pledged to build at least six new nuclear reactors in the decades to come, with the option for another eight. The move controversially places atomic power at the center of France’s bid to achieve carbon neutralit... read more
Olympics Postponed By Global Warming
Olympics Postponed By Global Warming read more
Iceland hit by record-breaking waves, among the highest ever measured in the world
A violent bomb cyclone affecting Iceland on February 7 and 8, 2022, produced hurricane-force winds and record-breaking waves at the southern coast of the country. One of the waves reached 40 m (131 feet) and blew off the scale, making it by far the highest measured...... Read more » read more
The Duran7 hours ago
Canadian Patriots Stand Up For Freedom: Making Sense of Madness
Last night I had the great pleasure of talking with Sean Morgan on his weekly program Making Sense of the Madness where we discussed the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa and the challenge this process poses to ivory tower technocrats attempting to manage society like a big dystopic video game. Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian […] read more
Snopes.com7 hours ago
New Zealand Blasts ‘Macarena’ to Flush Out Protesters
Some countries might send in a riot squad to disperse trespassing protesters. In New Zealand, authorities turned on the sprinklers, Barry Manilow, and "Macarena." read more
There Is Nothing Normal about One Million People Dead from #COVID.
There Is Nothing Normal about One Million People Dead from COVID – Scientific American read more
Stephen Hawking Predicted a Race of ‘Superhumans’ To Take Over the World.
Stephen Hawking Predicted a Race of ‘Superhumans’ To Take Over the World — Curiosmos read more
Symmetry is beautiful, but asymmetry is why the Universe exists.
Symmetry is beautiful, but asymmetry is why the Universe exists – Big Think read more
Zuckerberg threat to shut down Facebook backfires as EU says ‘life would be very good’ without it.
Zuckerberg threat to shut down Facebook backfires as EU says ‘life would be very good’ without it – Daily Star read more
Scott Morrison’s Hillsong mate Leigh Coleman, an alleged fraudster and crook, set to break $100 million in government contracts
In 2020 I wrote that Scott Morrison’s Hillsong mate Leigh Coleman was awarded $43 million in government contracts, and I can report that the amount for government contracts now stands at $94.9 […] The post Scott Morrison’s Hillsong mate Leigh Coleman, an alleged fraudster and crook, set to break $100 million in government contracts appeared first on Kangaroo Court of Australia. read more
Truckers or the ladies in pink hats or the J-6 rioters: who is a bigger threat?
The truckers are 90% vaxxed as are most of the people supporting them. This has gone way beyond the vaccine. So now you hear all the media and political lies about Confederate flags, racism, and insurrections. I’m vaxxed too, although losing faith in it daily. Today I learned that a friend of mine who is vaxxed and boosted, has had Covid twice, which means she also has natural immunity, and she is extremely sick. (She also works with animals, and increasingly we see items about them being vectors). I have another friend who has had cancer, heart surgery, and hepatitis flares before ... read more
We’ll Huff And We’ll Puff And We’ll Blow Your Trucks Down
And while we’re out here, how about we check-in on the enforcement of the movement of fuel Protestors dropped off more fuel at Ottawa’s newest club, O’Connor’s, where folks were in a hot tub earlier today #cdnpoli #ottnews — Mackenzie Gray (@Gray_Mackenzie) February 12, 2022 read more
Snopes.com7 hours ago
Biden Warns Putin of ‘Severe Costs’ of Ukraine Invasion
President Joe Biden told Russia’s Vladimir Putin that invading Ukraine would cause “widespread human suffering” and that the West was committed to diplomacy to end the crisis but “equally prepared for other scenarios,” the White House said. read more
Very bright fireball over Toledo, Spain
A very bright fireball was spotted over Toledo, central Spain at 02:26 UTC on February 11, 2022. The event was generated by a rock (a meteoroid) from a comet that hit the atmosphere at about 87 000 km/h (54 000 mph). The fireball began at an altitude of about 115 km...... Read more » read more
"The Madman"
*"The Madman"* by Kahlil Gibran "It was in the garden of a madhouse that I met a youth with a face pale and lovely and full of wonder. And I sat beside him upon the bench, and I said, “Why are you here?” And he looked at me in astonishment, and he said, “It is an unseemly question, yet I will answer you. My father would make of me a reproduction of himself; so also would my uncle. My mother would have me the image of her seafaring husband as the perfect example for me to follow. My brother thinks I should be like him, a fine athlete. And my teachers also, the doctor of philosophy, ... read more
"The Only Cure..."
"We're all susceptible to it, the dread and anxiety of not knowing what's coming. It's pointless in the end, because all the worrying and the making of plans for things that could or could not happen, it only makes things worse. So walk your dog or take a nap. Just whatever you do, stop worrying. Because the only cure for paranoia is to be here, just as you are." - Dr. Meredith Grey, "Grey's Anatomy" read more
Issues That Trouble Both Canada And Britain
Neil Oliver on lockdowns and the children. Fracking isn’t allowed in some parts of Canada. Mark Dolan asks why Britain isn’t fracking. read more
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 2/12/22"
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 2/12/22"* By Greg Hunter’s "The numbers for the Biden Administration keep coming in, and every month the numbers more rotten than before. CNN just reported in a new poll that 57% think Biden’s first year is a failure. I say this is the best they can make it look, and no way 43% think Biden is making America anything but a third world hell hole. The rotten numbers are why you are seeing increasing desperate acts by Deep State Democrats. Nearly 30 Dems are throwing in the towel and not running for re-election in the House. You are also seeing... read more
Government Of The People
“President (Trump) took a shot at the influence of drug companies over Congress. “They contribute massive amounts of money to political people,” he said, standing next to Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader. “I don’t know, Mitch, maybe even to … Continue reading → read more
Scientists announce largest comparative rogue wave ever detected
Washington Examiner – by Virginia Aabram Researchers detected the largest rogue wave ever in terms of proportionality, with a height of 58 feet that measured... The post Scientists announce largest comparative rogue wave ever detected appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Biden’s #1 fan The post Biden’s #1 fan appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Teamsters Denounce Freedom Convoy Blockade at Canadian Border
Teemsters (WASHINGTON) – The following is the official statement of Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa regarding the ongoing blockade by the Freedom Convoy protest at... The post Teamsters Denounce Freedom Convoy Blockade at Canadian Border appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Ontario residents cheering on the freedom protests on Facebook get a visit from police
Reclaim the Net – by Cindy Harper Police in Ontario have admitted to scanning Facebook Groups for those that support the Freedom Convoy protests, finding... The post Ontario residents cheering on the freedom protests on Facebook get a visit from police appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Canadian Authorities Now Threaten Freedom Convoy Truckers with $100,000 Fine and Up to Year in Prison for Blocking Windsor Bridge
Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft The Windsor police are handing out warnings to the protesters. New orders take effect at midnight on Friday. Large... The post Canadian Authorities Now Threaten Freedom Convoy Truckers with $100,000 Fine and Up to Year in Prison for Blocking Windsor Bridge appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley: “Quarantines Are A Financial & Emotional Impediment, We can Handle Unvaxxed Visitors”
NoMask Info The 66-year-old mayor Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, Mike Bradley, is really a piece of work. He’s been mayor since 1988 and in 2016 was reportedly... The post Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley: “Quarantines Are A Financial & Emotional Impediment, We can Handle Unvaxxed Visitors” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Olympics Postponed By Global Warming – In 1932
The Winter Olympics are being held at Yanqing, China – a place which normally receives little no precipitation during the winter. But climate propagandists are blaming the lack of snow on global warming despite the bitter cold. Zhangjiakou and Yanqing … Continue reading → read more
Left-Right White Solidarity Basis of Support for U.S./EU/NATO Wars on Global Humanity
The current crisis in Ukraine had its beginnings in 2014, when the U.S. allied itself with right wing, white supremacist forces to overthrow an elected government. Supposed leftists in this country were largely silent about the danger and were themselves supportive of white supremacist politics carried out by the U.S. and its NATO partners. The post Left-Right White Solidarity Basis of Support for U.S./EU/NATO Wars on Global Humanity appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
The Ultimate End Of NATO
Russia’s goal is not to destroy Ukraine—this could be accomplished at any time. Rather, the goal of Russia is to destroy NATO by exposing its impotence. The post The Ultimate End Of NATO appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Propagandist For Syria Terror Proxies Compromised Amnesty International
This December, The Grayzone exposed how a shadowy communications firm, Valent Projects, enlisted a prominent YouTube influencer to front a covert state-sponsored influence operation designed to undermine critics of London’s pandemic policies. That company was founded by Amil Khan, a veteran of long-running and lavishly funded UK Foreign Office information warfare operations in Syria. The post Propagandist For Syria Terror Proxies Compromised Amnesty International appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Working Class In The UK Gears Up To Protest The Cost Of Living Crisis
Broad sectors of the working class in the UK will take to the streets in cities across the country on February 12 against the rise in the cost of living. The protests are organized under the banner of the People’s Assembly Against Austerity and have been endorsed by organizations such as the Communist Party of Britain (CPB), Young Communist League (YCL), Unite Trade Union, Socialist Appeal, Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC), Fuel Poverty Action, and others. Around 30 cities are expected to mobilize on this day of action. The post Work... read more
Daniel Joseph Donahoe, down the rabbit hole
My book collection has a provenance, a genealogy, a history. So today I write about "Early Christian hymns; translations of the Verses of the most notable Latin writers of the early and middle ages," Daniel Joseph Donahoe, The Grafton Press, 1908. I checked my shelves because I read an article by Anthony Esolen, "The Song of a Crippled Man." Hermann Contractus was born with deformities--he couldn't walk or talk until he was seven or eight years old, but had a sunny disposition and a brilliant mind. Young men came from all over Europe to study with him. He was a master of anci... read more
PrairiePundit8 hours ago
Vaccine mandate could cause Los Angeles to lose 4,000 deputies
*Red States:* *Kristi Noem Rolls out the Red Carpet for Endangered LA Deputies* South Dakota's Governor has fostered a mandate-free environment. Meanwhile in Los Angeles: ... Sheriff Alex pummeled the policy as a “death blow to public safety.” “Your motion is going to seek to basically cause us to actually lose 4,000 employees, for a grand total of 0.4% improvement in positivity rate. [That] is not exactly a benefit to public safety. We’re coming off two years of a historically high 94% increase in homicide rate, 64% increase in grand theft auto. And this is just not sustainab... read more
PrairiePundit8 hours ago
Violence against police accelerates
*PJ Media:* *15 Police Officers Shot in Last 24 Hours Including 9 in Phoenix* ... CNN reports that there were also shootings of police officers in four other states — Maryland, New Mexico, Washington, and Pennsylvania. FOP President Yoes knows what the problem is. “Our officers are not just in harm’s way due to the dangerous nature of their profession but are too often targets of cowardly individuals whose sole motivation is to injure or kill a law enforcement officer,” he said in a statement. “It is incumbent upon our elected officials and community leaders to stand up and s... read more
"What You Know..."
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself." - Lois McMaster read more
Moderately strong M1.4 solar flare erupts, CME produced
A moderately strong solar flare measuring M1.4 erupted at 08:44 UTC on February 12, 2022, from a region near Active Region 2939, located just beyond the west limb. A Type II radio emission with an estimated velocity of 642 km/s was associated with the event. Type II...... Read more » read more
Can This New Warship Help the Marines Dominate the Indo-Pacific?
*Caleb Larson* *U.S. Marine Corps, Asia* The Corps wants to transport small groups of Marines throughout the Indo-Pacific—and on the cheap. America’s force-in-readiness, the U.S. Marine Corps, is finalizing its plan for the Light Amphibious Warship (LAW), a new vessel that will be the backbone of the Marines’ revamped island-hopping strategy. The Marine Corps is undergoing significant changes, pivoting from the grinding land campaigns that defined the Corps’ involvement in the Middle East to the Indo-Pacific region. As a part of the Force Redesign 2030, the Marine Corps is retur... read more
PrairiePundit8 hours ago
The anti-science of denying natural immunity
*Epoch Times:* *Denial of Natural Immunity in Vaccine Mandates Unprecedented* There has been no rational explanation for denying natural immunity. I suspect that government bureaucrats may think that people would lie about it to avoid shots, but if you can get a vaccine card after a shot, doctors who treat Covid patients can sign a card indicating the patient previously had Covid. Science tells us that natural immunity is significantly better at resisting Covid than the vaccine is. I do not oppose vaccines, especially for the vulnerable. I do think the mandates are a mistake. read more
Saturday Afternoon Links
Assorted content for your weekend reading. - Gary Mason writes about the combination of fatigue and outrage which is producing a particularly toxic mix for anybody attempting to limit the damage caused by COVID-19. Phil Tank laments the sense that protecting people from avoidable infection and death has become controversial, while also reporting on "Unified Grassroots" and other anti-public health forces who have organized to create that reality. And Adam Hunter highlights how Scott Moe's messaging about and to unvaccinated people has turned deferential even as more dangerous vari... read more
PrairiePundit8 hours ago
The speech police of the Biden administration
Mark Tapscott: ... In a Feb. 7 National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ underlings claimed an increased likelihood of violent attacks on and within the United States, thanks to “… an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors” [seeking to] “exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentiall... read more
Hospital condemns man to death for not wanting vaccine when he's already extremely sick
Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston is refusing a heart transplant for David Ferguson Jr. whose wife and parents I heard on Candace Owens podcast this week. It was heart breaking. He's very ill, and extremely immune compromised; he is in stage 4 heart failure, and they want him to become a guinea pig for a vaccine, already known to be a challenge for the hearts of young men. And there are evil people sending him messages about how he deserves to die--for not taking an experimental vaccine when he's already at death's door. This China virus has been a great success--for the CCP.... read more
Musical interlude
The Avener feat. Ane Brun - To Let Myself Go read more
There's Nothing in the Briefcase
An explainer on the week in Labour. Keir Starmer's NATO article has attracted much debate on the left, albeit positions that only differ on the shades of condemnation colouring the response. And rightly so. In recent years, we've seen the military alliance described in Labour circles as an example of "internationalism", and an institution up there with the European Union in the liberal/centrist imaginary. Some comrades have noted that making this intervention in the pages of *The Graun* was a curious choice, considering the militarist-minded tend to get their news and opinion from ... read more
Musical Interlude: 2002, "Deep Still Blue"
*Full screen recommended.* *2002, "Deep Still Blue"* read more
"We are the fire bringers!"
In this December 3, 2009 webcast, Lyndon LaRouche describes the types of frontier economic development --large scale infrastructure and cooperative projects in space exploration-- which can end wars and how four countries by mobilizing the creativity flowing from the cultural imaginations, can break the back of the globalist British Empire. read more
The Aviationist9 hours ago
Northrop Grumman and DARPA Will Develop AI Assistant For The UH-60 Black Hawk
[image: AI Assistant UH-60] The new AI assistant will help helicopter pilots to perform tasks within and beyond their skillsets. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded Northrop Grumman a contract to develop a prototype Artificial Intelligence (AI) [...] The post Northrop Grumman and DARPA Will Develop AI Assistant For The UH-60 Black Hawk appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
The Duran9 hours ago
U.S. has 940 times as high a death-rate from covid as China does.
Eric Zuesse America has had 2,819 covid-19 deaths per million residents, versus China’s 3 covid-19 deaths per million residents. That’s 940 times higher. America has had 237,119 covid-19 cases (diagnosed instances of the active disease), versus China’s 74 covid-19 cases (diagnosed instances of the active disease). That’s 3,204 times higher. Although America has been more […] read more
Meanwhile in Canberra (& elsewhere)
Canberra Paris Vienna Thanks Flying Cuttlefish for the links NZ Rather than speak with protesters about their concerns, the NZ govt is playing VX ads from Parliament’s loudspeakers. Democracy? read more
The Last Refuge10 hours ago
Durham Court Filing Identifies Clinton Tech Ally with Govt Provided Access to Spy on Executive Office of President Trump
CTH begins every outline of the ongoing Durham investigation with the following disclaimer: How is John Durham going to reveal everything that is possible about the deep state Trump targeting operation, and simultaneously handle the involvement of Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann and the Special Counsel team who were specifically appointed to cover it up? The […] The post Durham Court Filing Identifies Clinton Tech Ally with Govt Provided Access to Spy on Executive Office of President Trump appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski: “Stand Up and Protect Your Loved Ones Against This Government Forced Medical Tyranny”
Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski: “Stand Up and Protect Your Loved Ones Against This Government Forced Medical Tyranny” Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: This powerful video by Major Stephen Chledowski, apparently went viral a few days ago on Twitter and on Reddit. We have been unable to find the original source (if still The post Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski: “Stand Up and Protect Your Loved Ones Against This Government Forced Medical Tyranny” appeared first on Truth Comes to Light. read more
The Last Refuge12 hours ago
Do Not Dox On This Site
If you choose to do this, you will be banned. If you feel very strongly about it, and think exposing people is the right thing to do, use your own social media to do it, or start your own blog. This is a private site, and no, you don’t have a right to post whatever […] The post Do Not Dox On This Site appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
"A Look to the Heavens"
“These three bright nebulae are often featured in telescopic tours of the constellation Sagittarius and the crowded starfields of the central Milky Way. In fact, 18th century cosmic tourist Charles Messier cataloged two of them; M8, the large nebula left of center, and colorful M20 on the right. The third, NGC 6559, is above M8, separated from the larger nebula by a dark dust lane. All three are stellar nurseries about five thousand light-years or so distant. The expansive M8, over a hundred light-years across, is also known as the Lagoon Nebula. M20's popular moniker is the Trifid. ... read more
"For Nothing Is Fixed..."
"For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other, and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin read more
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, "Book of Hours II, 16"
*"Book of Hours II, 16"* "How surely gravity's law, strong as an ocean current, takes hold of even the strongest thing and pulls it toward the heart of the world. Each thing- each stone, blossom, child- is held in place. Only we, in our arrogance, push out beyond what we belong to for some empty freedom. If we surrendered to earth's intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees. Instead we entangle ourselves in knots of our own making and struggle, lonely and confused. So, like children, we begin again to learn from the things, because they are in God's heart; they have never left him.... read more
The Daily "Near You?"
Weatherford, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by! read more
"There Are Some Oddities.."
"There are some oddities in the perspective with which we see the world. The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be." - Douglas Adams read more
The toxic BBC
There's a big headline news story on the BBC News website this evening using the word 'toxic': It's a piece by Tom Symonds, BBC home affairs correspondent, and - following on from our earlier post on the subject - pursues what very much seems to be 'the BBC line' on the matter, basing most of its direct quotes on two people with a similar outlook: [1] Leroy Logan, founding member of the Black Police Association, who the BBC News Channel turned to first on Thursday night as Dame Cressida Dick's chucking-out broke and who the BBC News Channel then interviewed again just two hou... read more
Organizing Notes9 hours ago
Tell me, who are the real warmongers?
Let's be honest here.... What most people in the west know about Vladimir Putin and Russia they learned from the corporate media over the last 25 years. The same media that pushed 'shock and awe' in Iraq in 2003. Time to find out for yourself before we all crash and burn. read more
How The US Uses The NED To Export Obedience
Today, Watchdog host Lowkey is joined by investigative journalist Matt Kennard to discuss how the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has infiltrated foreign media in an attempt to export obedience to the United States government and promote Washington’s interests around the world. The post How The US Uses The NED To Export Obedience appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
When Cruelty Is The Point – U.S. Decides To Kill More Afghan People
The U.S. also froze the $7+ billion reserve funds of the central bank of Afghanistan which have been held in New York. This is the Afghan peoples money. Part of the total funds are reserves that private Afghan banks had deposited with the central bank. It is money that ordinary Afghan people had deposited at those private banks. Now the Biden administration, ignoring the various owners of those funds, has decided to steal all of them. The post When Cruelty Is The Point – U.S. Decides To Kill More Afghan People appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Front Line In New Cold War On China
With a diplomatic boycott by Western governments, corporate media propaganda has demonized China over the 2022 Winter Olympics. Britain’s major newspaper the Financial Times openly declared, “Beijing Winter Olympics: the new front line in the US-China cold war.” China expert Carl Zha joins Multipolarista to pick apart the propaganda and explain what’s really happening. The post Front Line In New Cold War On China appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Africa Is Bringing Vaccine Manufacturing Home
African countries continually find themselves at the back of the vaccine queue, but two developments could begin to change this narrative. Last week, researchers at a company in South Africa said that they have nearly completed the process of reproducing Moderna’s mRNA vaccine against COVID-19. Working with the WHO’s technology-transfer hub, the researchers at Afrigen Biologics and Vaccines in Cape Town made very small quantities of vaccine, based on Moderna’s data, but without the company’s involvement. The WHO advised them to copy Moderna’s vaccine in part because the company, b... read more
Small Dead Animals10 hours ago
Ottawa COVID cases DROP! Is there anything Truckers can’t do?
Ottawa has the lowest COVID-19 rates this year. The elites won’t be happy about this. read more
Italian Co-Ops Hire Inmates To Make Food And Fashion
Hand-made jewellery, bottles of locally produced wine and other artisanal products line the shelves of a small shop in the centre of Turin, northern Italy. Two fashionably dressed women are browsing the selection of handbags. ‘Made in Italy’ is a popular label that attracts both tourists and locals. But here the products are more specifically, and proudly, ‘made in carcere’ (the Italian word for prison). Forty co-operatives supply the shop – called Freedhome – with goods produced by around 2,000 prisoners. About half of them work on day-release outside prison: on farms, wineries o... read more
Government Secrecy Kills
Last week, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said out loud what everyone inside the U.S. intelligence community already knows, but rarely will admit in public: the U.S. secrecy system is horribly broken. "It is my view that deficiencies in the current classification system undermine our national security, as well as critical democratic objectives, by impeding our ability to share information in a timely manner, be that sharing with our intelligence partners, our oversight bodies, or, when appropriate, with the general public,” Haines wrote in response to an inquiry fr... read more
The Duran10 hours ago
Biden wags the dog, our inept leaders and Canada fights for freedom (w/ Robert Barnes)
Biden wags the dog, our inept leaders and Canada fights for freedom (w/ Robert Barnes) The Duran: Episode 1223 Join Robert Barnes on LOCALS: VivaBarnesLaw Connect with VivaBarnesLaw and other members of VivaBarnesLaw community Follow Robert Barnes on Twitter: JavaScript is not available. No Description read more
Why organic hemp protein is one of the best forms of plant-based protein
The Cannabis sativa plant, commonly known as hemp, has been around for centuries and is one of the most versatile crops known to man. Not to be confused with marijuana, another cannabis plant that can contain up to 90% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), hemp … Continue reading → read more
Big Pharma will go down like Big Tobacco as the criminal prosecutions go GLOBAL, targeting the vaccine fraudsters and mass murderers
(Natural News) It wasn’t that long ago when Big Tobacco bribed thousands of doctors and ran full-page ads in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), claiming, “More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette!” For decades, the medical and … Continue reading → read more
Opioid Prescribing for Safe, Effective Postsurgical Pain Management
Smarter prescribing of opioids following surgery can help prevent dependence and overuse of these drugs, panelists said at the 2021 virtual American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress. “As surgeons, it’s important that we understand what our role is in the … Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
China Is Watching You
Trudeau’s favourite country is busy influencing countries around the world. read more
Komando.com13 hours ago
Free printable templates: Planning sheets, sheet music, stickers, calendars and more
Calendars, music sheets and coloring books can be expensive. Or you can get them and these other printing templates for free online. read more
Organizing Notes10 hours ago
A rally in front of the US Embassy in Kiev
Photos from Anti-Empire Protest in Ukraine for peace that calls out US's warmongering. Please note that this event was not reported in US media. No surprise of course. US-NATO wish to wage war against Russia down to the last Ukrainian soldier. This US-NATO fomenting war in Ukraine is pure evil. My hope is that this attitude pictured above in Ukraine is growing quickly across their nation - and most importantly by Zelensky in Kiev. Bruce read more
The United States Cannot Fight Global Corruption Alone
*Ivan Sascha Sheehan* *Corruption, Africa* To be effective in their efforts to curb endemic political corruption, the Biden administration and international institutions more broadly are wise to support efforts to bolster economic growth even as they preserve and enhance existing multilateral anti-corruption architecture. Progress in the global fight against corruption has been underwhelming at best. Transparency International—the preeminent global civil society organization that fights corruption—marked the release of their annual index last month by noting that 86 percent of th... read more
How Russia hooked Europe on its oil and gas – and overcame US efforts to prevent energy dependence on Moscow
The Biden administration hopes the threat of harsh sanctions from a united West will deter Putin from invading Ukraine. But Russia has a long history of using energy to divide the US and Europe. read more
What is the ‘social cost of carbon’? 2 energy experts explain after court ruling blocks Biden's changes
The social cost helps regulators factor in harm from climate change when they consider new rules and purchases, like buying electric- vs. gas-powered trucks for the Postal Service. read more
LISTEN: Kanenhariyo (Mohawk) Discusses Ontario’s “State of Emergency” in response to Truckers Rebellion
"I'm talking to all the brown people in the cities that didn't want to go and support the truckers because they thought they were racist. Well, the Liberal Government's racist and so is the Conservative Government. The entire government of Canada is racist." The post LISTEN: Kanenhariyo (Mohawk) Discusses Ontario’s “State of Emergency” in response to Truckers Rebellion appeared first on Wrong Kind of Green. read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
Australian Freedom Convoy grand protest against Covid authoritarianism and health apartheid
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Demonstrators gathered outside Parliament House in the Australian capital of Canberra on Saturday, demanding an end to measures against the coronavirus. The protesters, who had arrived in trucks, cars, and buses over the course of the past week, had camped out at a nearby fairground. Read also: Check out our coverage […] The post Australian Freedom Convoy grand protest against Covid authoritarianism and health apartheid appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Biden Insists He Doesn’t Want a New Cold War. His Actions Say Otherwise
*Grant Golub* *Cold War II, Eurasia* By adopting this Cold War-style mental map for American foreign policy, Biden is enlarging the chances the United States miscalculates or finds itself at war again. Since President Joe Biden entered the White House a year ago, he and his top advisers have insisted they are not looking for a return to the superpower competition between the United States and the Soviet Union that dominated world affairs for nearly five decades. Yet one year into his presidency, Biden’s actions have indicated otherwise. Notably, Biden has framed international po... read more
Does Great Power Military Might Still Make Right?
*Ryan Swan* *Great Power Competition, Eurasia* The days of hegemony reinforced by military might are coming to an end. The practice of war has integrally shaped human society for millennia. Today, the preparation for war continues to guide national security policy and dominate national spending in the major powers. In the freshly christened period of “returning” great power competition, the United States, China and Russia are pouring a combined trillion dollars annually into enhancing their nuclear arsenals, advancing their conventional capabilities, and weaponizing emerging tech... read more
New Chip Rewires Itself Like the Brain to Help AI Learn Continuously
One of the reasons for the brain’s incredible power is its ability to rewire itself as it learns. Now researchers have created electronic circuits that can do the same. Efforts to mimic the brain in silicon—a field known as neuromorphic … Continue reading → read more
Astronomers Think They’ve Just Spotted an ‘Invisible’ Black Hole for the First Time
Astronomers famously snapped the first ever direct image of a black hole in 2019, thanks to material glowing in its presence. But many black holes are actually near impossible to detect. Now another team using the Hubble Space Telescope seems to have finally found … Continue reading → read more
Chinese Trial Data Won’t Cut It for Lung Cancer Drug, FDA Panel Says
Agency advisors nearly unanimous on need for more data with diverse population Findings from a single Chinese clinical trial are insufficient to support the FDA approval of an investigational checkpoint inhibitor in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), an FDA … Continue reading → read more
Lytic Post-Thrombectomy Improved Stroke Outcomes
But a number of problems with clinical trial may require a redo Intra-arterial thrombolysis after reestablishing flow with mechanical thrombectomy improved outcomes in acute ischemic stroke, according to a small randomized trial, although its premature termination may mandate another for … Continue reading → read more
Conflicting reports raise questions about whether any monoclonals work against Omicron’s sister variant
Apair of conflicting reports released this week raised questions about whether the Covid-19 monoclonal antibody sotrovimab — the one such treatment that has continued to work against the Omicron variant — maintains its power against a sister form of the … Continue reading → read more
ANDREW NEIL: It’s madness to ignore the answer to the energy crisis that’s lying under our feet
By Paul Homewood There’s some good comment pieces in the press today about Net Zero, but I’ve chosen this by Andrew Neil: Households across the country are gripped in a cost-of-living vice, with the price of essentials, from food to travel, soaring. But none more so than energy costs, with the average […] read more
Canberra, Australia: Highlights From Freedom Convoy & March to Parliament — February 12, 2022
Canberra, Australia: Highlights From Freedom Convoy & March to Parliament — February 12, 2022 by Real Rukshan February 12, 2022  Video available at Real Rukshan Odysee & YouTube. Convoy to Canberra – March to Parliament Highlights – 12.02.22 Connect with Real Rukshan See also: by Obscured Trends February 12, 2022  The post Canberra, Australia: Highlights From Freedom Convoy & March to Parliament — February 12, 2022 appeared first on Truth Comes to Light. read more
People can catch Omicron twice, but reinfections aren’t dangerous: Health experts
Many people are getting reinfected with Covid-19 within 2-3 weeks of their last infection but most such cases appear to be mild and don’t pose a risk to the country’s return to normalcy, hospital officials and health experts said. Most experts attribute … Continue reading → read more
How Sneezing Hamsters Sparked a COVID Outbreak in Hong Kong
Hamsters are only the second species known to have spread SARS-CoV-2 to humans Pet hamsters probably carried the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 into Hong Kong and sparked a human COVID-19 outbreak, according to a genomic analysis of viral samples from … Continue reading → read more
Science Matters13 hours ago
Retiring Covid Dashboards
Michael Lauzardo wrote at Washington Post We stopped tracking coronavirus cases at the University of Florida. Here’s why. Excerpts in italics with my bolds and added images. Our covid ‘dashboard’ had reported more cases than any other university in the country. But the data was increasingly unreliable. For nearly two years, I oversaw the coronavirus […] read more
Lawfare4 days ago
Come Work With Us—As Our New Associate Editor!
The Lawfare Institute—publisher of information and insight at the intersection of national security, law and policy—seeks a motivated full-time associate editor based in Washington, DC. I’m pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for associate editor at Lawfare. If you’ve ever listened to our podcasts or read our articles and thought, “I want to be part of that team,” now is your chance. This is a highly demanding job. The associate editor plays a pivotal role in the editorial process, ensuring that articles, documents, podcasts and everything else we produce ... read more
Is the BBC biased?10 hours ago
Clarifying and Correcting, featuring friends of China and Lewis Goodall
Qing dynasty art, attributed to Ma Quan [no relation to Ma Barker] Regular readers will know that we value those vanishingly rare 'BBC corrections and clarifications'. They are like the most endangered species of butterfly - almost never seen and extremely hard to capture. The latest pair are particularly intriguing. The first is unusually fulsome and concerns a China expert who writes nice things about communist China's influence in the world - winning plaudits from pro-CCP types in the process. She complained that the BBC edited her *Today *interview and removed a key bit of... read more
The U.S. Army Aims to Protect Its Installations From Climate Change
*Kris Osborn* *Climate Change, * Climate variables that impact Army installations are a specific focus of the Army's new climate strategy. Citing the national security threats associated with floods, extreme storms, melting ice, and destabilizing heat, the U.S. Army’s recently published climate strategy outlines an ambitious series of adjustments to combat the impact of climate change. The strategy calls for the Army to pursue electric vehicles, new sources of renewable energy, extreme weather mitigation strategies, and technologies to protect Army installations around the worl... read more
The Duran11 hours ago
US/UK Go Into Panic Mode over Ukraine War, As Russia Conducts Exercises in Belarus. Zelensky Calls for Calm
US/UK Go Into Panic Mode over Ukraine War, As Russia Conducts Exercises in Belarus. Zelensky Calls for Calm News Topic 415 Boris Johnson says Ukraine crisis has entered ‘most dangerous moment’ Boris Johnson says Ukraine crisis has entered ‘most dangerous moment’ Boris Johnson has said the Ukraine crisis has entered “the most dangerous moment” on […] read more
null11 hours ago
US Sends Nuclear Submarine To Harass Russia Near Japan
[image: undefined] Since October 30 2021 the U.S. is warning of a Russian military buildup and a potential invasion of the Ukraine. Over the last days the screaming over Russian exercises on Russian grounds has again increased. The U.S. Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense have both called their Russian counterparts. President Biden will later today call President Putin. But if the situation is really as dire as the U.S. claims why is it doing this (machine translation)? An American submarine entered Russian territorial waters in the Kuriles region, and special means w... read more
null11 hours ago
How the Ukraine War May Go Down
RPI Director Daniel McAdams joins RT International to discuss the US government's on-again, off-again dire warnings of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. It's imminent, it's not, it is again. But new developments are concerning, says McAdams. Watch the interview here: read more
null11 hours ago
What will Gov. Abbott do with vax mandate in the Texas National Guard?
[image: undefined] These were supposed to be part-time citizen soldiers, but so many of them have served multiple tours of duty in the Middle East. More recently, nearly all of them are at the Texas-Mexico border attempting to do the job the federal government won’t do. Now that same federal government is threatening to terminate thousands of Texas guardsmen if they fail to get a shot that quite literally is outdated, and numerous data points and testimony from military doctors raise concerns about adverse reactions. Will Texas Gov. Greg Abbott stand up for his Guard? What about oth... read more
Anti-slavery collection at Oberlin
"It is proposed to make in the college library an anti-slavery collection, complete as possible, for the future historian, in which shall be gathered every book, every pamphlet, every report, every tract, every newspaper, and every private letter on the subject. For such a collection nothing is unimportant. Scattered here and there these documents are all but worthless, but gathered in one collection they would be priceless." Rev. Henry Matson, librarian at Oberlin College, quoted in the Oberlin Weekly News, February 29, 1884. Internet Archive (American Libraries collection) Obe... read more
On making new friends at this age
Six years ago I wrote about the joy of new friends I'd made in the previous 15 years. Since I didn't use surnames in the article, I had to pause and recall the names and faces. It's been hard to make new friends in these pandemic times, although I did renew some during the days we were taking care of our dying son, and his old friends from 30-40 years ago turned up to support him and us. It seems these days most of our new friends have been made during the summer at Lakeside, like the Priors, the Jankes, the Robys, a Bible study group at the Women's Club and a group of conservati... read more

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