21 March AlterNet +
Friday, 21. March 2008, 10:42:34
The Autoimmune Epidemic : Bodies gone haywire in a world out of balanceWater Partners Village
Appalling spread of false information requires media accountability
Was Spitzer's scandal a Justice Department sting all along ?
( Or, as the French opine, for the education of the others ! )
Socialism is OK for rich white guys, but not for the rest of us
Nervously and rapidly, Iran courts Egypt
The latest McBush lies to lead us into war with Iran Video
Webb : McCain refuses to co-sponsor GI bill for post 9-11 vets
Conservatives used to be smart about Iraq : in the 1990's
Why does Congress leave war to the President ?
Bush hands out new jobs - overseas
Dear Iraq, I'm just not that into you...sincerely, America
It's Cheney's turn to make things worse in the Middle East
Hillary challenges both McCain and Obama on Iraq
( Hillary wears the albatross of the enabling vote : even though it was supposedly 'conditional' )
Richardson endorses Obama, race speech influences the choice
The Largest Minority
Exxon loses Venzuelan asset freeze and ordered to pay compensation
FBI opens probe of China-based hackers
Linksys-TrendMicro pair security software with routers
Fast Forward
( This is different. I noticed someone happy with TV digital conversion )
Wikipedia questions paths to more money
Contractors snooped in Obama's passport file
Inspector arrested in New York crane collapse
Judge says "Law and Order" lawsuit can continue
Dana Perino : "War is hard"
McCain claimed Iran is training al Qaeda
( True ! The U.S. is paying and supporting al Qaeda in an effort to subvert the Iranian government )
Records of Clinton's early days as First Lady to be released
Things the Federal Reserve might try if it's desperate
( What if things are merely going according to past patterns of robber barons doing their schtick ? It is not a government institution - and monopoly-busting is a vanished practice. )
The hijacking of the Justice Department ( back to where we started ? Item three in this post )
Is it a recession ? Or a Depression ? Shocking new Gallup Poll
Why is marijuana illegal ?
Charles Barkley slams Conservatives
21 March - Molly's Blog +
Friday, 21. March 2008, 13:46:08
Molly's BlogIraq : The Anniversary of the Invasion ( includes link to IPS article
( 70% of Iraqis lack access to safe drinking water )
Russian Federation : Declaration of the St. Peterburg Anti-Fascist Resistance Group
( Why are we so slow to take up that slogan against the Fourth Reich in Amerika ? The declaration should be looked at on its own merit even if you think I'm nuts for my reaction. )
Real Human Freedom not fake human rights
( Where communists are cited to point out the differences between liberty and rhetorical entitlement )
Chile Today : The Radical Left
Commemorating Aleksey Krylov in Moscow ( theatergoer murdered by neoNazis )
Winnipeg is not for sale ( Resisting the privatization of public utilities : translation "fire sale" to a monopoly )
The Vernal Equinox ( Being precise )
Fighting Internet Censorship : The Citizen Lab
MediaCoverage Canadian tool wins international award for blowing off net censorship
Tibet protests on the internet
Montreal factory closing : jobs going to international sweatshops
Kosovo - statement re: independence
ABTOHOM Russia - Anarchist News ( English )
Why are Winter Soldiers not news ?
34 Flag Officers and the Out of Iraq Caucus support Hillary Clinton
( That's the OOIBC, I expect, "Group Blogs & Discussions" )
Betting the Bank Paul Krugman
21 March Late links
Friday, 21. March 2008, 21:59:16
A Letter for Impeachment( Rather reminds one of the results of the Democratic Party majority. What has Nancy Pelosi achieved, anyway ? )
Canada's role in Depleted Uranium weapons worldwide
Abbas : Israel guilty of ethnic cleansing ( Whoa! Didn't he get the memo not to say things like that ? )
Bush's veto of bill on CIA tactics confirms his legacy
The CIA's pain project
Afghanistan : The Next Disaster
Salt could shake up world energy supply
Midnight Blogging - Mar 21-22
Saturday, 22. March 2008, 00:47:06
The Otherwhirled
Blogging Against Theocracy - Sciolism
Stoopid Stuff
( Says he's back - and pissed. Yep. )
Dollar Watch - the effects of our declining currency
Why our government will attack Iran
( I won't laugh. Russian intel said it was going to happen a year ago. )
Monte Asbury's Blog
The one-semester-of-Spanish love song
Stop the clash of civilizations
A call to repentence for the sin of war
Mar 19 : Five years since "Shock and Awe"
A landmark : text of the Obama speech on race
Treasure of Baghdad
Do you really still believe in your government ?
No Baghdadi mentioned the surge
Christians in Iraq
Categories of Syrian Hijab ( Cartoon )
Blogging Against Theocracy - Sciolism
Stoopid Stuff
( Says he's back - and pissed. Yep. )
Dollar Watch - the effects of our declining currency
Why our government will attack Iran
( I won't laugh. Russian intel said it was going to happen a year ago. )
Monte Asbury's Blog
The one-semester-of-Spanish love song
Stop the clash of civilizations
A call to repentence for the sin of war
Mar 19 : Five years since "Shock and Awe"
A landmark : text of the Obama speech on race
Treasure of Baghdad
Do you really still believe in your government ?
No Baghdadi mentioned the surge
Christians in Iraq
Categories of Syrian Hijab ( Cartoon )
Saturday 22 March News
Saturday, 22. March 2008, 10:32:01
Blogging : The equal of in-depth narrative journalism ?C NET
Beyond Binary
Microsoft scoops up rootkit finder Komoku
Microsoft's search numbers show need for Yahoo ( which I use quite a bit : LiveSearch - not much )
Amazon's right on SP1
Intel microsoft to back multicore research
Electric cars in New York
( The aircar maker has one designed also )
Microsoft building political blog aggregator
Dusting off the archive for the web
Iran's rich oil fields attract foreign investors NPR Podcast
Chinese troops mobilize in the border regions near Tibet NPR Podcast
New research shows massive error rate in e-voting machines Anyone interested in voting irregularities : Bradblog
Pentagon will not send Adm. Fallon to Congress on Iraq
( Why promote parrots ? It tells you compliance is valued more than initiative : even at the levels for which men have been selected and trained for independent ability. I know of no better way to thoroughly trash any organization. Want a crisis ? U.S. government at all levels and departments has been bolloxed. Note simultaneously the economy is plummeting and all armed forces loyal to the Constitution are either retired, away or shot to hell. NWO showing itself openly cannot be far off. )
Media Search Mar 22
Saturday, 22. March 2008, 13:25:41
Missouri residents nervously watch levee
Star explodes halfway across the Universe
Disabled pregnant woman used as target practice
The conversation has left the Blogosphere
MyBlogLog launches Topical Meta Lifestreams
Mefeedia launches extensive Multimedia Search
Blogdigger acquired by Odeo
Yahoo Buzz is a game changer for social media, and spells trouble for Digg !
Ten sites for finding wonderful things
Social aggregators emerge to handle digital lifestyles
Star explodes halfway across the Universe
Disabled pregnant woman used as target practice
The conversation has left the Blogosphere
MyBlogLog launches Topical Meta Lifestreams
Mefeedia launches extensive Multimedia Search
Blogdigger acquired by Odeo
Yahoo Buzz is a game changer for social media, and spells trouble for Digg !
Ten sites for finding wonderful things
Social aggregators emerge to handle digital lifestyles
22 March - Autoblog +
Saturday, 22. March 2008, 20:26:07
Penn's War : Media Lap Dogs backed Bush's messThe Neil Rogers Show
Nick Turse: The Pentagon goes Hollywood TomGram
Diplomat : Bush 'threatened' countries that didn't support Iraq war
A Timeline of the Iraq War
John Pilger The War on Democracy YouTube
Black Box Voting.Org
Is ballot alteration possible on a massive scale ?
An indictment of the Sequoia voting system security and legality
Obama is no Mandela
( Not a putdown - something else. Striking article. )
Angry African on the Loose
( And he likes to share ! He hits this one a loooong way. )
Views on the Weakly News II
Tainted meat ? The USDA will tell you...some day
...and baby makes two
Obama fingers the corporate villain
Tax payer bailout equals ownership
You go Pastor Wright
Dirty war, dirty water ( Oho. I hadn't realized the stuff was that bad either ! )
We watch them lie
Mid East surrender negotiations
( He talks about conditions in Palestine, but I doubt it's much different in Iraq : perhaps not quite as far along )
Onion News Network ( View the clip. Brilliant )
Dr. Death runs for Congress
Australian state moves closer to gay partner registry
Connecticut gay couples : civil unions not working Intent of law not being followed
Solar is the solution
Laugh with, not at, ZENN cars Funny and serious !
Ducati 1098 named 2008 International Bike of the Year
Electric motorbikes all the rage in Vietnam
Honda ending US motorcycle production
Careful, you might be riding a counterfeit Chinese scooter
Honda touts heat-harnessing hybrid technology
Lotus announces new hybrid and electric vehicle group
Science magazine declares biofuels worse for the environment than fossil fuels
Ford funnelling $58 million to China venture
China has trebled energy consumption since 1978
Ford of Canada makes cars out of people
Interest in Chevy Malibu sets record for domestic mid-sizer
Consumer Reports picks top ten for 2008
New self-inflating tire constantly under pressure
YEE-HAW Totota Tundra named TOTY by... farmers ?
22 March CBC News
Saturday, 22. March 2008, 21:02:44
CBCThousands flee from Kenyan army operation Mar 10
More ethanol will expand Gulf of Mexico 'dead zone'
U.S. 'Manufactured story' on 2002 gun battle Khadr
Canada's top court agrees to hear Khadr's unfair treatment claim
Iraqis still lack health care, clean water
Russia moves to control foreign ownership
Second journalist from Russia's Dagestan region murdered
France to send 1,000 troops to Afghanistan
Canada joins global protest against violence in Tibet
Rallies held across Canada to protest Afghan mission
( Jack Layton's take [ NDP]? Canada would be better off peacekeeping under the UN than in combat with NATO )
HIV infection on rise among Manitoba women, First Nations
New UPEI election forced by Facebook fiasco
22 March Guardian Unlimited
Saturday, 22. March 2008, 22:36:15
The world in a different light
From gunk to drink the lifesaving water bottle
The Prisoner of Dhaka **
Fresh question on torture flights spark demands for inquiry
UN heading for Iraq-style disaster in Darfur
MoD plans raid on landmine funds to keep Tornados flying in Iraq 10-4, I receive you loud and clear. Killing Iraqis has priority. That and landing a nice contract to private industry. Is the Prince of Saud grateful ?
B.A.E. A company out of control
China's one-child policy to stay
Homophobic abuse endemic in schools
Traumatized South African children play 'rape me' games
How to head off a stroke
Government backs coal-fired power stations
Nuclear decisions too slow
Mere high-definition TV could soon be lo-tech
Plastic-card fraud jumps 25%
The world in a different light
From gunk to drink the lifesaving water bottle
The Prisoner of Dhaka **
Fresh question on torture flights spark demands for inquiry
UN heading for Iraq-style disaster in Darfur
MoD plans raid on landmine funds to keep Tornados flying in Iraq 10-4, I receive you loud and clear. Killing Iraqis has priority. That and landing a nice contract to private industry. Is the Prince of Saud grateful ?
B.A.E. A company out of control
China's one-child policy to stay
Homophobic abuse endemic in schools
Traumatized South African children play 'rape me' games
How to head off a stroke
Government backs coal-fired power stations
Nuclear decisions too slow
Mere high-definition TV could soon be lo-tech
Plastic-card fraud jumps 25%
Political Mail - 23 March
Sunday, 23. March 2008, 08:04:05
75% of American workers don't have decent wages and benefits
Hillary's NAFTA lies kill all of her credibility on trade
FOX News chaos : Anchor walks off set, Wallace rails against network for 'Obama bashing'
Meet the white man who inspired Wright's controversial sermon
War against democracy
Colbert reminds us of McCain's embrace of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell
Breaches of Obama, Clinton and McCain passport files : incompetence or something worse
( How many believe it sheer coincidence ? Speak up : somebody must not realize it's conspiracy.
As for the Clintons : I like Bill. That doesn't mean I rate him anything but complicit in this mess that has gained momentum for decades. Hillary ? How open a 'nobility' are Americans prepared to flaunt to the world ? )
Think again : why we're liberals : the polls speak
On the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war, NBC and ABC fail to point out that the original justifications have been debunked
Hundreds of Iraqi journalists forced into exile
It's out there Digby on McCain's 'clean' campaign
John McCain's surrogates
Hillary's nasty pastorate
Media Tenor's Presidential Campaign Watch
( I still think that YouTube clip where the Diebold rep alopogizes for blowing the results of the farce the best reporting : closer to truth than so-called 'news' )
Obama's shallow credentials on national security are dangerous to the country ( See comment one. Now then : why is the President charged with 9/11 and Cold War powers when the only military threat to America is that everyone is out of the country and getting chewed up in war profiteering ? Are you that committed to genocide - and not just in Iraq.)
The Rules and the Rulz
Hillary's NAFTA lies kill all of her credibility on trade
FOX News chaos : Anchor walks off set, Wallace rails against network for 'Obama bashing'
Meet the white man who inspired Wright's controversial sermon
War against democracy
Colbert reminds us of McCain's embrace of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell
Breaches of Obama, Clinton and McCain passport files : incompetence or something worse
( How many believe it sheer coincidence ? Speak up : somebody must not realize it's conspiracy.
As for the Clintons : I like Bill. That doesn't mean I rate him anything but complicit in this mess that has gained momentum for decades. Hillary ? How open a 'nobility' are Americans prepared to flaunt to the world ? )
Think again : why we're liberals : the polls speak
On the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war, NBC and ABC fail to point out that the original justifications have been debunked
Hundreds of Iraqi journalists forced into exile
It's out there Digby on McCain's 'clean' campaign
John McCain's surrogates
Hillary's nasty pastorate
Media Tenor's Presidential Campaign Watch
( I still think that YouTube clip where the Diebold rep alopogizes for blowing the results of the farce the best reporting : closer to truth than so-called 'news' )
Obama's shallow credentials on national security are dangerous to the country ( See comment one. Now then : why is the President charged with 9/11 and Cold War powers when the only military threat to America is that everyone is out of the country and getting chewed up in war profiteering ? Are you that committed to genocide - and not just in Iraq.)
The Rules and the Rulz
23 March - memorandum
Sunday, 23. March 2008, 12:07:42
911 Press for TruthCorporate Media ignored Winter Soldier, Senators Biden and Kerry. Will You ?
Save the Internet
Giga OM
FCC chair on 700mz auctions
For bloggers, legit news photos free
Is Facebook upgrade breaking apps ?
The Rule and the Rulz
Anglachel's Journal
Note to commenters ( Evaluating Obama campaign rhetoric : some dissatisfaction )
CLG's breaking news and commentary
Water will become source of war unless world acts now
( Question : Do you trust arms merchants as custodians ? )
Lazer zap leads to soccer fine
Dad2059's SF Blog
A little Passover, Good Friday, Easter and Spring Equinox Tinfoil "Eoxdus Decoded"
Single Girl Searching
"Out of control" ( + )
HT Christian Commons
(Recommended Current News List)
Jammie Wearing Fool
Too much internet + mental illness
Easter bunny, global warming bury Britain in snow
'This roadblock to listing under the Bush Administration is criminal'
( No more cataloguing species as endangered )
How one sleazebag brought down another
Why am I so afraid
Dems self-destructing
It's out there
McCain's virtuous control of gossip ( Got a sale on a bridge in NYC )
23 March - BlogRoaming
Sunday, 23. March 2008, 22:20:39
CLIPMARKSThe Human Side of Moore's Law
Plastic bags killing Queensland turtles
Carnage and despair in Iraq
Obama's mercenary position
Five years of progress
The Zimbabwe Elections
The case of Khaled al-Maqtari
Rendition and torture: UK and US governments move to suppress evidence and opposition
Looks like Jell-O, works like cartilage
Balloon Juice
Real Genius ( Killing people trying to help us )
Yelling when they are weak ( Hillary campaign )
Stone and Spitzer
The Audeo HT Bannanga
What addicts need
Bastard Logic Matt had articles referring the next two links
Hidden from history: the Canadian Holocaust
Of national lies and racial amnesia
Beggars Can Be Choosers
Why ridding the world of Saddam didn't justify the Iraq War
( It didn't seem too promising an idea for a post. My lack of imagination. )
Is Dick Cheney set to make a profit from the dollar's drop ?
( He's made a profit from everything else ! )
Stocks plunge again as US moves closer to economic Apolalypse
Spitzer case reveals America's twisted priorities
Bush officials : Congress irrelevant on Iraq
Bush has been selling Iraq war for 6 years, but Americans still aren't buying
( The troops are still there )
Four thousand
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
I think I woke up on the other side of the looking glass this morning
( There have been a lot of mornings like that )
The Nightowl Newswrap
Today is World Water Day ( A health professional and instructor lays it out )
Sometimes the jokes write themselves
Dodd and Murray call on the HUD secretary to quit
Another interesting aspect to the surge
Too easy to forget people who make a stand
Ramping up the rhetoric
The World watches how America treats its friends
Hillary Clinton's fantastic Bosnian tale
FDA recall : throw away cantelopes
Saudi king rejects Cheney's belligerency
The Iraq War : The 5 Year Delusion
New poll : superdelegate win for Clinton unfair to voters
24 March -Good Morning Online
Monday, 24. March 2008, 09:15:31
Is Open ID being exploited by the big Internet companies ?Ning : Create your own social network for anything
$1100 million coming to Israeli startup Modu
"Quotably" : the perfect tool to make sense of Twitter
The Internet Archive keeps book scanning free
Ropers Knot Page
Picture of the Week Humour
Periodic Table of the Internet
A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods
The 33 Things that make us crazy
Kill Bill's Browser
( Now that's negative advertising )
OS News
Flowing Data
Today's Big Thing
Intelligent Wireless Networks, RUNES
No Doubt About It
happy easter
Time Slows Down
Kill the Bank !
Australian suicide robot raises questions
John McCain's spiritual adviser : Destroy Islam
Texas Progressive Alliance Round-Up Mar 24
Pardon me for the ridicule and mockery, but I just can't muster any sympathy
- the Republican Party is in trouble
Cliff May reveals the insanity of modern conservatives and the war
The Nightowl Newswrap
Economic Objectorvism
Ted Rall
You can buy securities for $100
Bush not coexisting with fish after all
McCain08 Gingrich
And I have to teach monetary policy, this semester...
Cafe Hayek, meet the treasury department
The IMF has a ssense of humour like you won't believe
This is the feeling we learn to live with in North America
On the doing of body counts
Green tech: USDr 20tr of fictitious wealth
The Existentialist Cowboy
Paul Scofield: a man for all seasons
$24 bn spent on security in Canada since 9/11
out of Africa, not once, but twice
STMicro launches chip to detect bird flu
Obama doctrine and the minds that shape it **
Computers show how bats classify plants according to their echoes
Strengthening the tumor-fighting ability of T-cells
Mass measuring tecnique uncovers new iron isomer
In Falluja, peace through brute strength
A boy the bullies love to beat up, repeatedly
What created this monster ?
Taming the Beast **
Replacing wire with laser, Sun tries to speed up data
A new tool from Google alarms sites
How did your computer crash ? Check the instant replay
24 March Blogroaming
Monday, 24. March 2008, 20:35:22
Millard Fillmore's Bathtub
Movies to make your high school teacher cry
Anniversary of the Ardeatine Massacre
Baltimore's orgy of catography and geography
"Expelled!" incident makes big time
Plants refuse to listen to climate change skeptics
NCLB comes to football - No halfback left behind
NASA needs eyewitnesses: Were you at the intersection of Milky Way and Bootes on the evening of March 19?
Evolution teacher expelled from creationist movie
We Do Not Learn From History
Ten Percent
Raed Jarrar on Iraq - Separatists backed by the U.S. vs. Nationalists ( It's Raed's piece : Rick knows quality )
War pimp Monday ( blaming Iran )
As Taser use increases the RCMP redact details ( Coverup accelerating )
The Peacemaker ( That's code. He means The Shooter )
Easter Feast - The business of war
54 Iraqis killed but the context of the oil selloff is not noted
Won't somebody stop this madman ? ( Now Chavez starts a special health program for the handicapped )
Iraq Blogswarm - Withdrawal, Reparations, Prosecutions
Taser trial - 163 uses in 4 months
"The war is the atrocity"
George the Secret Socialist ( Carlyle )
Iranians have to put up with conservatives too
Movies to make your high school teacher cry
Anniversary of the Ardeatine Massacre
Baltimore's orgy of catography and geography
"Expelled!" incident makes big time
Plants refuse to listen to climate change skeptics
NCLB comes to football - No halfback left behind
NASA needs eyewitnesses: Were you at the intersection of Milky Way and Bootes on the evening of March 19?
Evolution teacher expelled from creationist movie
We Do Not Learn From History
Ten Percent
Raed Jarrar on Iraq - Separatists backed by the U.S. vs. Nationalists ( It's Raed's piece : Rick knows quality )
War pimp Monday ( blaming Iran )
As Taser use increases the RCMP redact details ( Coverup accelerating )
The Peacemaker ( That's code. He means The Shooter )
Easter Feast - The business of war
54 Iraqis killed but the context of the oil selloff is not noted
Won't somebody stop this madman ? ( Now Chavez starts a special health program for the handicapped )
Iraq Blogswarm - Withdrawal, Reparations, Prosecutions
Taser trial - 163 uses in 4 months
"The war is the atrocity"
George the Secret Socialist ( Carlyle )
Iranians have to put up with conservatives too
24 March Late links
Monday, 24. March 2008, 22:37:05
Are religious people happier ? Scientists search to explain why people believe in Gods
MAGIC rays may reveal new laws of the universe ( That's MAGIC as in acronym )
Daydream Believers
Huge scandal in organics products industry ! Big corporations invading to destroy organics integrity and organics fighting back !
Cheney : 4000 American soldiers were volunteers
Two McCain moments rarely mentioned ( ! )
Will Britain lead the surge in southern Iraq ?
McCain's lobbyists Telecoms paid $765,000
So? A note from Michael Moore
US military death toll in Iraq hits 4000
9/11 Truth : why won't the media show World Trade Center 7 ?
McBush hopes 'the surge' will land him in the White House
An election without meaning
The bottom drops out...
The Scobleizer
Free Ingrid Betancourt
11 Factors to consider when changing your blog theme
Shipment's In !
Angry Black Woman
How to derail a conversation about race
The politics of hair
The gospel of race in America
Things you need to understand - anger does not equal hate
Do you know we can see you ?
Racism in my feminism ? You don't say...
Advice Goddess
Government by the Stupid, for the stupid
Affirmative action can kill
Reforming campaign finance 'reform'
I just don't understand welfare for bankers
Finally, a sensible ruling on drug testing ( ! )
Abu Aardvark
Awakenings awakening ( Petraeus' warning )
Obama : strategy and success
I'll just reconcile without you then
Thinking through withdrawal
In brief : The power pitch
Do trees worsen droughts ?
( Good one. I recall reading articles where the Amazon suffered drought after trees were removed. Is there a replacement for their capacity to break down carbon dioxide and filter pollution ? )
Bangladesh controls TB at 'cough collection centers'
Pakistan's new prime minister frees detained judges
MAGIC rays may reveal new laws of the universe ( That's MAGIC as in acronym )
Daydream Believers
Huge scandal in organics products industry ! Big corporations invading to destroy organics integrity and organics fighting back !
Cheney : 4000 American soldiers were volunteers
Two McCain moments rarely mentioned ( ! )
Will Britain lead the surge in southern Iraq ?
McCain's lobbyists Telecoms paid $765,000
So? A note from Michael Moore
US military death toll in Iraq hits 4000
9/11 Truth : why won't the media show World Trade Center 7 ?
McBush hopes 'the surge' will land him in the White House
An election without meaning
The bottom drops out...
The Scobleizer
Free Ingrid Betancourt
11 Factors to consider when changing your blog theme
Shipment's In !
Angry Black Woman
How to derail a conversation about race
The politics of hair
The gospel of race in America
Things you need to understand - anger does not equal hate
Do you know we can see you ?
Racism in my feminism ? You don't say...
Advice Goddess
Government by the Stupid, for the stupid
Affirmative action can kill
Reforming campaign finance 'reform'
I just don't understand welfare for bankers
Finally, a sensible ruling on drug testing ( ! )
Abu Aardvark
Awakenings awakening ( Petraeus' warning )
Obama : strategy and success
I'll just reconcile without you then
Thinking through withdrawal
In brief : The power pitch
Do trees worsen droughts ?
( Good one. I recall reading articles where the Amazon suffered drought after trees were removed. Is there a replacement for their capacity to break down carbon dioxide and filter pollution ? )
Bangladesh controls TB at 'cough collection centers'
Pakistan's new prime minister frees detained judges
25 March - First Look at the Web
Tuesday, 25. March 2008, 08:25:10
Death of the bees : GMO crops and the decline of bee colonies in North America "pouring poison on our food" "one of the major reasons is the ingestion of GM proteins"
Thinking the unthinkable : what if it's not that bad
Daily Liberty Research
History Repeats Itself
Real ID irony
10 years of war on Iraq
Economic Objectorvism
"How many people does climate change kill, and what proportion is the United Kingdom responsible for ?"
Biofuels will speed climate change
Mar 20 US declaration of war on Iran
Western nations not living up to promises of Afghanistan aid
Missing : the 5 billion pounds aid needed to save lives ( Feeding contractors. Do check out comment #10 )
Iraq seen as more stable than Afghanistan ( By Jane's: ahem. )
Washington Journalism on trial
Tucker Carlson unintentionally reveals the role of the American press
We are certain it was right to publish
CIA tapes ? What CIA tapes ?
John Bolton gets pwned
CIA Watch
Ex Italian President : Intelligence communities know 9/11 a 'false flag operation'
Belarus says uncovers U.S. spy network
The role of the CIA : Behind the Dalai Lama's holy cloak
Flapping spy vehicle
National Medal of Honor Day : A Hero
Bawb the Revelator
And a great Bill Clinton noise shall awaken the land of the lemmings
Cod liver oil can help arthritis sufferers cut reliance on drugs
Dangerous psych drugs and pregnancy : help stop the Mothers Act
Supreme Court hears a key case on detainee rights
( Already we have heard they do not have jurisdiction over Guantanamo [ ridiculous, already] : precedent here could prove interesting )
Top ten websites that allow musicians to jam/collaborate online
Firefox extension to add images to Craigslist searches
8 steps to a more professional Blogspot blog
Autover's got your back(up)
Is data portability becoming a reality thanks to...Microsoft?
Google outlines proposal for "Wi-Fi on steroids"
Thinking the unthinkable : what if it's not that bad
Daily Liberty Research
History Repeats Itself
Real ID irony
10 years of war on Iraq
Economic Objectorvism
"How many people does climate change kill, and what proportion is the United Kingdom responsible for ?"
Biofuels will speed climate change
Mar 20 US declaration of war on Iran
Western nations not living up to promises of Afghanistan aid
Missing : the 5 billion pounds aid needed to save lives ( Feeding contractors. Do check out comment #10 )
Iraq seen as more stable than Afghanistan ( By Jane's: ahem. )
Washington Journalism on trial
Tucker Carlson unintentionally reveals the role of the American press
We are certain it was right to publish
CIA tapes ? What CIA tapes ?
John Bolton gets pwned
CIA Watch
Ex Italian President : Intelligence communities know 9/11 a 'false flag operation'
Belarus says uncovers U.S. spy network
The role of the CIA : Behind the Dalai Lama's holy cloak
Flapping spy vehicle
National Medal of Honor Day : A Hero
Bawb the Revelator
And a great Bill Clinton noise shall awaken the land of the lemmings
Cod liver oil can help arthritis sufferers cut reliance on drugs
Dangerous psych drugs and pregnancy : help stop the Mothers Act
Supreme Court hears a key case on detainee rights
( Already we have heard they do not have jurisdiction over Guantanamo [ ridiculous, already] : precedent here could prove interesting )
Top ten websites that allow musicians to jam/collaborate online
Firefox extension to add images to Craigslist searches
8 steps to a more professional Blogspot blog
Autover's got your back(up)
Is data portability becoming a reality thanks to...Microsoft?
Google outlines proposal for "Wi-Fi on steroids"
25 March - del.icio.us +
Tuesday, 25. March 2008, 11:47:48
Project Babylon : Gerald Bull's downfallArtillery and Artifacts
House of the Rising Sons
Religious persecution in America
Exposing Humour
The Australian government was forced to lift their ban on Wilfred Burchett
Swim team captain Grant Hackett wants the Tibetan outrage to die down - it will with the murder of dissidents
Australia has always kept an eye on China for America
Menlike New York Governor Eliot Spitzer mistake their wallet for their fly
A nuclear facility providing nuclear fuel is a dud
George Bush senior forced from the Australian Embassy in Peking by Bill Green
Our international, unregulated banking magic may just lead to a banking collapse
Premier Brumby is as big a mug on GM as the farmers in his state
Mr Glyde the government's agricultural adviser who says sack farmers is himself a no-brainer
( Sacking farmers is a prelude to corporate farming : which is a catastrophe of Biblical proportions itself )
Oganization of teratology Information Specialists
World Economic Forum
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Science in Finance VII : Risk Management - What's the Point ?
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How to uninstall an application when it does not appear in Add/Remove Programs
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25 March - BlogRoaming
Tuesday, 25. March 2008, 13:05:14
Water specialist AqWise raises $ 3.6 millionAussie promises second Stonehenge
Will the Patriot Act cost Google business ?
The US Patriot Act in Canada
PC Game without copy protection sells 200,000 copies the first month
American Physical society not allowing scientists to post own work on Wikipedia
University of Tennessee : the new copyright police ?
Too Bizarre
Huge Antarctic ice chunk collapses
Appeals court overturns passenger rights law
People Corporation
25 March Odd Items
Tuesday, 25. March 2008, 20:04:03
From the Left
Of better angels and lesser demons
Uncharted territory NY governor using drugs and doing adultery : bonus points ?
What Dream Team ? Clinton/Obama
There never was a "success" Iraq
Why it's important A sea story to illustrate a point
OOC Second comment : Out of the mouths of babes ?
250 sick in Colo. water contamination
New Pakistani leaders tell Americans "there's a new sheriff in town"
The Long Defeat
( Brooks trying out his credentials as a Dem consultant
Man to attempt Japan to Hawaii crossing in wave powered boat
2/4sight engine switches between 2 and 4 stroke operation
Automakers and ethanol producers fight michigan emissions rules
Brazil working on bio-propane from biodiesel byproduct
Smart may force cities to reconsider parking laws
Gorda,CA station charging $5.40/gal
Mercedes plans demonstration fleet of electric Smarts
Think! city electric car on sale in UK this fall
Exmocare Emoton Detection Technology
Of better angels and lesser demons
Uncharted territory NY governor using drugs and doing adultery : bonus points ?
What Dream Team ? Clinton/Obama
There never was a "success" Iraq
Why it's important A sea story to illustrate a point
OOC Second comment : Out of the mouths of babes ?
250 sick in Colo. water contamination
New Pakistani leaders tell Americans "there's a new sheriff in town"
The Long Defeat
( Brooks trying out his credentials as a Dem consultant
Man to attempt Japan to Hawaii crossing in wave powered boat
2/4sight engine switches between 2 and 4 stroke operation
Automakers and ethanol producers fight michigan emissions rules
Brazil working on bio-propane from biodiesel byproduct
Smart may force cities to reconsider parking laws
Gorda,CA station charging $5.40/gal
Mercedes plans demonstration fleet of electric Smarts
Think! city electric car on sale in UK this fall
Exmocare Emoton Detection Technology
Just a couple of morning links
Wednesday, 26. March 2008, 09:41:53
26 March - Surfing Nexuses
Wednesday, 26. March 2008, 19:57:47
Louisiana's mulch madness"the last natural barrier that could stop hurricanes that could obliterate southern Louisiana is being ground up into chips to adorn the very homes the cypress could save from annihilation."
Toxic trailers redux : When did FEMA know ?
Should you ditch your chemical mattress ?
The Money Party : It's us vs. them
Russia continues to accept spent nuclear fuel from Europe
Saudi Arabia prepares for nuclear contamination
Ukrainians strongly against NATO membership
Guns : The U.S. threat to Mexican national security
Spy agencies say Iraq war worsens terrorist threat
U.S. spies have serious job gripes
The science of terror
Bush's War ( PBS Frontline Part Two )
What can and cannot be spoken on television
The costs of war
What Iraqis want : once more with feeling
Clashes spread as U.S., Iraqi forces attack Shiite militia
Blackwater's world of warcraft
McCain on the housing crisis : Quick! Do Nothing
Federal judge : Michigan's presidential primary law unconstitutional
Welcome to Pottersville
Voices from the grave ( In Flanders Fields )
War : The White Psychopath's Burden
"Hellish Statuary"
Wal-Mart hits bottom of barrel, then breaks through bottom
( Who's ) Taming the Beast ?
Frank Rich. The Republican Resurrection
Nicholas P. Kristof : Iraq, $5,000 per second ?
Worldwide Sawdust
Iraqi crackdown on Shiite forces sets off fighting
Top scientists warn against rush to biofuel
Peruvian leaders cry foul as Chavez exports healthcare
The Republican Right's Moonie problem
Britain and France to take nuclear power to the world
80,000 angry men. Is the U.S.'surge' collapsing ?
The folly of turning water into fuel
Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran ?
Hope, change, and pissing in the wind
Bailing Wall Street friends, letting citizens freeze in Maine, Minnesota and North Dakota
American dead worth the cost of war ? By what math ?
5 years of suicide bombings in Iraq
Baghdad's killing fields
Declining oil supply means war is 'fairly probable'
Ten Percent
Politicized Asylum
The financial services authority and its city chums
Blair, His Master's Voice
Delusions "yet again trips by the Bush cabal are quickly followed by violence"
Ministry of Defence a little hazy on that logic/truth deal ( That the Ministry of War ? )
Lenin's Tomb
The American Dream ( There are two ways to take that )
The British antiwar movement : new research
The battle of Basra ( reporting as pretense : forcing the oil law through over strong Iraqi objections not mentioned )
Body Politic
Franco and the colonisation of Spain ( prelude to WW II )
Are we going back to the 1930's ? A decade of political polarisation
The rescue of Bear Stearns marks liberalization's limit
NASA science chief resigns
A new day A new way
New car for women - funny pet video ( the second is the real hoot )
Toxic trailers redux : When did FEMA know ?
Should you ditch your chemical mattress ?
The Money Party : It's us vs. them
Russia continues to accept spent nuclear fuel from Europe
Saudi Arabia prepares for nuclear contamination
Ukrainians strongly against NATO membership
Guns : The U.S. threat to Mexican national security
Spy agencies say Iraq war worsens terrorist threat
U.S. spies have serious job gripes
The science of terror
Bush's War ( PBS Frontline Part Two )
What can and cannot be spoken on television
The costs of war
What Iraqis want : once more with feeling
Clashes spread as U.S., Iraqi forces attack Shiite militia
Blackwater's world of warcraft
McCain on the housing crisis : Quick! Do Nothing
Federal judge : Michigan's presidential primary law unconstitutional
Welcome to Pottersville
Voices from the grave ( In Flanders Fields )
War : The White Psychopath's Burden
"Hellish Statuary"
Wal-Mart hits bottom of barrel, then breaks through bottom
( Who's ) Taming the Beast ?
Frank Rich. The Republican Resurrection
Nicholas P. Kristof : Iraq, $5,000 per second ?
Worldwide Sawdust
Iraqi crackdown on Shiite forces sets off fighting
Top scientists warn against rush to biofuel
Peruvian leaders cry foul as Chavez exports healthcare
The Republican Right's Moonie problem
Britain and France to take nuclear power to the world
80,000 angry men. Is the U.S.'surge' collapsing ?
The folly of turning water into fuel
Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran ?
Hope, change, and pissing in the wind
Bailing Wall Street friends, letting citizens freeze in Maine, Minnesota and North Dakota
American dead worth the cost of war ? By what math ?
5 years of suicide bombings in Iraq
Baghdad's killing fields
Declining oil supply means war is 'fairly probable'
Ten Percent
Politicized Asylum
The financial services authority and its city chums
Blair, His Master's Voice
Delusions "yet again trips by the Bush cabal are quickly followed by violence"
Ministry of Defence a little hazy on that logic/truth deal ( That the Ministry of War ? )
Lenin's Tomb
The American Dream ( There are two ways to take that )
The British antiwar movement : new research
The battle of Basra ( reporting as pretense : forcing the oil law through over strong Iraqi objections not mentioned )
Body Politic
Franco and the colonisation of Spain ( prelude to WW II )
Are we going back to the 1930's ? A decade of political polarisation
The rescue of Bear Stearns marks liberalization's limit
NASA science chief resigns
A new day A new way
New car for women - funny pet video ( the second is the real hoot )
March 26 Late Links
Wednesday, 26. March 2008, 23:05:17
I haven't videoblogged but had a request. I had tried FireAnt perhaps two years or more ago, and was part of the chain spreading Metacafe - it was downloaded onto the hard drive then - and thought these were a hoot. Weird Al - Star Wars/ American Pie
Weird Al - Amish Paradise
A couple of antiques you should find on ebay
Opera and the acid3 test Standards compliant
Siegelman,Don - subject of 41 blog posts
T Bogg
Irrelevancy settled down with incoherency and had a child
Echidne of the Snakes
Sports talk ( Creative 'protecting the public' by the USDA )
President Bush mourns every loss ? Complete with Easter motif
NYT Iraq War Timeline whitewashes history
The facts. Keith Olbermann, and rabid Hillary shills
How bloggers covered Kenya violence, deal with racism, sexism
Dandelion Salad
The secret American-Iranian security deal in Iraq
- how it connects with McCain's visit to Israel
Mosaic News 3/28/08 World News from the Middle East
NPR undereports Iraq deaths
Fever named after Blackwater
UK : Teachers to ban armed forces from classrooms
Anti-war campaigners have to change electoral tactics by Naomi Klein and Jeremy Scahill
** RSS Sidebars for After Downing Street, The Largest Minority, Atlantic Free Press, Empire Burlesque,Citizens for Legitimate Government, Consortium News, Dissident Voice, Democracy Now! and World Socialist Web Site in addition to a list of recent posts.
The Belgravia Dispatch
Quotable ( The Brookings Institute pitching warped 'analysis' again )
Blue Girl Red State
The Nghtowl Newswrap
Uncle Bimbo tries to blog
Basra is burning ( Insight alert )
Now this inspires confidence !
Uncle Jimbo updates and wingnut attempts at satire
Victor Davis Hanson plays pundit and makes an ass of himself
China reacts ( to delivery of strategic materials to Taiwan )
Pakistan is not Bush's personal toy
The dust never settles for returning veterans
Economic Objectorvism
The end game of biofuels is price parity between food BTU's and energy BTU's
Punk economics
The Radical Mormon
The constant pounding of the USA war drums towards Iran. Petraeus keeps the beat
American public opinion should be incorporated into policy formation according to the majority of Americans. Take that Cheney
4,000 Iraqis killed in this war...about 5 years ago today
Who can lie better, Bush or Cheney ? Cheney tries to take the lead
Who wants to destroy who in the Middle East ?
Winter Soldier testimony of atrocities committed by US soldiers in Iraq
Does China have the right to defend itself ? ( Wonderful comparison )
What would Jesus do? A wonderful satire on the heed the USA would give Jesus now
Why Organic
Who benefits from Obama flap ? Obama. Looks like a Bush setup to me
AP CEO believes Bush is lying about Iraq journalist
I am not buying anything made in China
Vaccinations : PLease report adverse reactions as they occur!
Evidence that HPV vaccine may increase pre-cancerous cervical lesions by 44% ?
No brainer syndrome : Using the HPV vaccine and male circumcision to fight disease
Are U.S. troops going nuts ? Does anyone care ?
27 March - Morning Musings
Thursday, 27. March 2008, 09:46:49
Evaluation of information sourcesThree communities dedicated to the green cause
Beam your screen
A big list of sites that teach you how to do stuff
The story of stuff - a video exploring the cycle of waste and beyond
TOP 100 Network Security Tools
Systems Analysis Web Sites
Open Source Joomla emerges as a top CMS tool
Why social media/network on the intranet ?
What is humanism ?
The Humanist Manifestoes
The humanist theory
Humanistic Theory
27 March - First News Post
Thursday, 27. March 2008, 11:23:47
States not subject to all treaties, high court rules ***Thousands in Baghdad protest Basra assault
Bush praises Iraq over Basra crackdown
French left takes aim at Sarkozky over Afghan troops"What surprised me...is that Nicholas Sarkozky talked about France's commitment in Afghanistan before British parliamentarians when there hasn't bee the slightest debate before French parliamentarians." Segolene Royal
( Everywhere, every time people think they've had enough conceding to the arms merchants; they suddenly become 'the Left' : homogenizing/minimizing perception of real opposition to the sacrificing of the young and impugning 'loyalty' via further 'accepted' characterizations and lies. )
Who is Barack Obama ?
At the edge of life's code
Meditate on this : You can learn to be more compassionate
'Angola 2' leave solitary cells in La. after 36 years
Correctional officers protest inmate work cuts
Deadline to switch Medicare plans nears
Belly fat in midlife, dementia later ?
Tasteless calrories tempt the brain
Birds team up to solve food puzzle
Yosemite and Mono Lake pictures on Flickr
The National Animal Identification System - who wins and who loses
Growth hormone found to have new role in development of brain's smell center
New growth-stimulating clue identified for nerve cells
27 March Surfing
Thursday, 27. March 2008, 17:40:50
Ohmy News International
U.K.experiencing a decline in youths seeking a career in uniform
Are Gaza Palestinians paying the price for Israel's idea of peace ?
Why tuberculosis matters to business
Bush AIDS policy kills women
Thousands call for Iraqi PM to resign
What to do with the Library ?
Using Blogs and Skype to create communities of learners and cultural literacy
Top Tools for Learning ( April )
Loss of egg yplk genes in mammals and the origin of lactation and placentation
Riding the wave : Reconciling the roles of disease and climate change in amphibean declines
Predators make (temporary) escape from coevolutionary arms race
A beginner's guide to Muslim bioethics
Medical tourism to El Salvador
World Water Day
The Situation: Jeff VanderMeer, Geek Dad Free fantasy ebook
IE 8 will be web standards compliant
How DIYers might revive American innovation
U.K.experiencing a decline in youths seeking a career in uniform
Are Gaza Palestinians paying the price for Israel's idea of peace ?
Why tuberculosis matters to business
Bush AIDS policy kills women
Thousands call for Iraqi PM to resign
What to do with the Library ?
Using Blogs and Skype to create communities of learners and cultural literacy
Top Tools for Learning ( April )
Loss of egg yplk genes in mammals and the origin of lactation and placentation
Riding the wave : Reconciling the roles of disease and climate change in amphibean declines
Predators make (temporary) escape from coevolutionary arms race
A beginner's guide to Muslim bioethics
Medical tourism to El Salvador
World Water Day
The Situation: Jeff VanderMeer, Geek Dad Free fantasy ebook
IE 8 will be web standards compliant
How DIYers might revive American innovation
28 March Morning Musings
Friday, 28. March 2008, 01:51:12
The Politico claims the Iraq war will help McCain ( Iraq Occupation )
The ongoing exclusion of opponents of the Iraq war from the Iraq debate ( Q.E.D. There is no debate )
Why Americans hate the media HT Lost in the Flood
Strasser Talk
Hillary under sniper fire
Uncle Cheese
The source of global warming is actually the decline in the pirate population ( I knew there was a reason for air strikes on the civilian population in Somalia )
James Fallows
Recent items about Chinese info-control
Status of Chinese People
Adolph Hitler in 1936 and China Beijing Olympics in 2008 : commentary from former British minister
The ongoing exclusion of opponents of the Iraq war from the Iraq debate ( Q.E.D. There is no debate )
Why Americans hate the media HT Lost in the Flood
Strasser Talk
Hillary under sniper fire
Uncle Cheese
The source of global warming is actually the decline in the pirate population ( I knew there was a reason for air strikes on the civilian population in Somalia )
James Fallows
Recent items about Chinese info-control
Status of Chinese People
Adolph Hitler in 1936 and China Beijing Olympics in 2008 : commentary from former British minister
28 March Morning News
Friday, 28. March 2008, 05:04:13
Tunes to Blog By ?
Banned from K Mart
Toilet business can bring profit of staggering 900 per cent ( I can't figure out if the 'branding' of this piece is cunning or comical. A serious situation is, um, covered. )
Results of the sexual revolution
Pravda Forum
Earth Hour to plunge millions into darkness
Mutant gene linked to most severe type of TB
Mysterious discrepancies in grain prices baffle experts
Chefs warn of side effects of sushi boom
Forgotten heroes - 9/11 still killing HT Roxy
Missing the big story, but not the story
U.S. forces drawn deeper into Iraq crackdown Air Strikes : 'drawn deeper' ? Mr. Bush was quite clear on his wishes.
Dempsey becomes Command Chief
Predicted as a precursor to illegal attacks on Iran
Banned from K Mart
Toilet business can bring profit of staggering 900 per cent ( I can't figure out if the 'branding' of this piece is cunning or comical. A serious situation is, um, covered. )
Results of the sexual revolution
Pravda Forum
Earth Hour to plunge millions into darkness
Mutant gene linked to most severe type of TB
Mysterious discrepancies in grain prices baffle experts
Chefs warn of side effects of sushi boom
Forgotten heroes - 9/11 still killing HT Roxy
Missing the big story, but not the story
U.S. forces drawn deeper into Iraq crackdown Air Strikes : 'drawn deeper' ? Mr. Bush was quite clear on his wishes.
Dempsey becomes Command Chief
Predicted as a precursor to illegal attacks on Iran
28 March - Mainly Money
Friday, 28. March 2008, 11:39:11
Jump in rice prices fuels fears of unrestBiophysical Economics
War recedes but turns crueler
More Arab leaders snub Syria, skip Summit
Congress to consider help for banks, homeowners
Stop the Mortgage Bailout !
National Bubble
exposing the real estate bubble and the greedy people behind it
Angry Bear
Iraq flare up ; and a moral dilemma
OldVet on forced marriages, Bear Stearns
Iraq : English Only ( sidebar )
Supplying the Troops ( sidebar ) ( Oh, yeah. Where the graft is. New low-water mark ? )
Food for Thought
Waiting for Armageddon
The Government, the Private Sector, Chocolate Chip Cookies,an a flag-waving member of the local chapter of Kiwanis - an Anecdote
Chinese avoiding dollar as invoicing currency
CBPP on income concentration
Doing the math on Green Energy
Will California kill the electric car - again ?
What the 'Open Skies' agreement means for travelers
Woman made to 'remove nipple ring with pliers'
5 frm SecDef call for Gitmo to be closed
Kentucky's options to make up shotfall unpopular
Calls for more spending compound Ill. budget woes
Massive Calif. deficit sets up budget battle
Mexico troops head to new U.S.border drug war zone
Companies don't even read their own EULA's carefully
Mainstream press finally realizing that kids want to share news, not read news
( The boss' 14-year old son just had my help starting up a sports blog - something in which I have zero interest )
Aliens from Earth ?
Economic Objectorvism
Export restrictions the way of the future, question mark
World Made by Hand Book Review
28 March - RSS from Netvibes
Friday, 28. March 2008, 13:35:25
Palestinians fear two-tier road system( Note the roads are reserved for Israeli use - in Palestine )
Who do you want to own your candidate ?
Comments from Left Field
Bob Casey to endorse Obama
North Korea reinstates "missile tests for unbridled attention"
Say it ain't so ( Gravel )
Obama's speech on the economy
What's up with Bloomberg and Obama ?
The super delegates are watching
Rubber and glue - Controversy hits both camps
Dan Drinker endorses Obama
The Southern Surge
Dear Susan UnPC : Got your white hood on ?
Bad Timing ( Report on the "war" )
Brain breaker of the day - Why is fighting up ? Because the Surge ( TradeMark ) was such a success
What really happened in Bosnia ( Unsuitable for kids - and some adults ! )
Is a Unity ticket really the only way ?
The enemy of my enemy ( with shiny new updates )
Social media for the Vietnam War Memorial
US military a cartoon in 'Stop Loss'
Security forces on full alert for tense Zimbabwe vote
Criminality part of North Korea's survival strategy
Caught in a vicious cycle of violence
Somalia sinks into greater violence as Islamist insurgents gain ground
( They just run around the dead and ask them their religion and politics . More PsyOps drivel. )
Six weeks worth of mail greets Canadian gunners in Kandahar
Nigeria : Fuel shortage hits Kano
Tibetan students enter UN compound in Nepal ( Time for milk and cookies and a pat on the head. )
Britain's biggest bank robbery
Canada helps resolve fib that would have thwarted cattle shipments to Mexico
Users petition Microsoft to save XP
Expert says Canada could be breaking international law if terror suspect deported
( Tortured people will swear up and down the moon is made of green cheese if that is wanted. That's not 'evidence'. )
Southeast drought eases, but concerns remain
Social context induced song variation alters female behavior and gene expression
28 March - Blogs - The Usual Suspects
Friday, 28. March 2008, 16:24:46
Watching Those We Chose( The Political Animal commenters )
David Boswell. Proud Democrat ?
The Garden Club is next ( Arson : as 'terrorism' and allegations make process exempt from common sense curbs on authority; also once known as civil rights )
Overnight roundup of news items
BushCo rolled out a parade of liars to squelch Lichtblau, Rosen and the NYT **
Mitch target Heather Ryan draws first blood against Ed Whitfield
Media swooning over McCain echoes MSM's love affair with Bush in 2000 ( The "fix" is in )
Blue Girl Red State
Something I learned today ( Over-the-top screed )
Before you make that trip across the border... ( Tourist draw )
Unspooled ( Sleep in reinforced buildings in Green Zone )
U.S. troops forced to bail out Iraqi Army ( those the boys shucking their uniforms ? )
aerial bombardment ( there's sniper fire for you - not ! )
U.S. forces taking the lead ( we saw this in the 'defense' of Iraq : al Maliki is receiving loyalty similar to that given Saddam )
Intel Dump cited
al Maliki crashing despite U.S. propaganda ( Iraqis don't believe it. What's your problem ? )
One day's violence in Iraq ( list : looong list )
The Nightowl Newswrap
I started something I couldn't finish ( Iraqi Army outgunned )
Gates calls a time out ( inventory )
This is what happens when lackeys staff your administration ( SNAFU +++++ )
I'm sure that this is just another sign that the 'Surge' ( TM ) is working...
Out of Iraq Bloggers Caucus
"Body of War" with Phil Donahue
Depleted Uranium : The poisoning of Iraqis and the planet
( Just my hobbyhorse ? Heh. Did you note Saudi preparedness for radiation problems hitting the news last week ? One way or the other...)
Maliki-Mahdi fight affects oil prices - $120/barrel next
"Unbelievable" abuse reigns in Iraqi jails
Basra is burning
My professional take : 'Apathy" and "frustration" the watchwords on Iraq
War is Peace, 2008 is 2006, etc.
Iraq five years on discussed in print ( at Salon )
Bush and the mathematics of war : 4000, 1 million, 2 million...
One tenacious baby mama
( A new voice at IOOBC. Rants doubleplusgood. ) A look at South Africa featured
Negroponte offers rotten carrots to Pakistan
Bush legacy : What should be the first chapter
( I'll believe he's gone when I see it. Not before. )
PTSD collateral damage inevitable - military unprepared
Pakistan : No longer under the dictates of Washington
Pakistan is not Bush's personal toy
The Radical Mormon
Winter Soldier Testimony...committing war crimes without thinking twice. Kill,kill,kill.
Winter Soldier Testimony . A mother witnesses the confessions of our atrocities
Smearing Chavez using half-truths and lies. Foreign Affairs can do better than that ( Oh, there have been efforts to generate alternatives. Assassination attempts have racked up quite a score. )
News Dissector
As conflict in Iraq escalates, Bush salutes 'return to normalcy'
Siegelman to be released from prison pending appeal
Obama speaks out on economy
More on the Fed's role in the crisis
TomDispatch now tackling the economy too
U.S. steps up unilateral strikes in Pakistan ( We'll bomb 'em into submission ! What Musharraf was trying to avoid. He knew what had been done to Iraq. Had you forgotten the years of air assaults before the Invasion and Occupation ? )
Iran's chemical weapons disappear ( Different WMD tack. If it's not nukes or DU [ FARC ] or plutonium or Sarin... Anybody remember Russia saying an attack on Iran would be regarded as an attack on Russia? Their MIRVed ICBM's are not hypothetical or potential. No siree. Think the idgits figure they can blow them all out of the skies with lasers ? )
China imposes new demand on Dalai Lama ( "conditions for talks" - where have we heard that garbage before ? )
Cheney-Spitzer connection ?
28 March - Miscellaney
Friday, 28. March 2008, 19:15:00
Space elevators face wobble problem
Fingernail camera makes any object a touchpad
Dolphins swim so fast it hurts
Particle smasher 'not a threat to Earth'
( I haven't heard of worries like that since atomic bomb testing stopped )
Shakespeare goes digital
Tracing pesticides in children from ingestion to elimination
Countering an approaching water crisis
Glycine could be key to REM sleep disorder
Britain admits its troops abused Iraqi prisoners
Family can help spot vet's PTSD
Russia bombers get escort near Alaska
Why a big tax refund is a bad sign
Rice hails Obama race speech as 'important' for U.S.
Pam Spaulding says why
Highly recommended Economist article : Finance regs
Moore v Malthus
Maternal Leave : be careful what you wish for
Me Condemno
I can see for miles and miles...
Dire consequences hit close to home Odd. No comments at all - in over a year !
China holding,Inc. announces 5th biomass project 50MW
Dynamic Optical Illusions
QI : The BBC television series
The speech accent archive
ducation Place for Students
Make your own book with Blurb
MyStickies ( They claim to be better than bookmarks. )
Real time satellite tracking
Fingernail camera makes any object a touchpad
Dolphins swim so fast it hurts
Particle smasher 'not a threat to Earth'
( I haven't heard of worries like that since atomic bomb testing stopped )
Shakespeare goes digital
Tracing pesticides in children from ingestion to elimination
Countering an approaching water crisis
Glycine could be key to REM sleep disorder
Britain admits its troops abused Iraqi prisoners
Family can help spot vet's PTSD
Russia bombers get escort near Alaska
Why a big tax refund is a bad sign
Rice hails Obama race speech as 'important' for U.S.
Pam Spaulding says why
Highly recommended Economist article : Finance regs
Moore v Malthus
Maternal Leave : be careful what you wish for
Me Condemno
I can see for miles and miles...
Dire consequences hit close to home Odd. No comments at all - in over a year !
China holding,Inc. announces 5th biomass project 50MW
Dynamic Optical Illusions
QI : The BBC television series
The speech accent archive
ducation Place for Students
Make your own book with Blurb
MyStickies ( They claim to be better than bookmarks. )
Real time satellite tracking
28 March - More Miscellaney
Friday, 28. March 2008, 21:41:51
Top 10 battles for control of Iraq
Basra Update
( Where people trying to figure out the whys and wherefores are doing a bit of WTF ? Horatio Parker's comment is as good as any : What's going on ? An attempt to gain a political base with violence. How will it turn out ? Not well )
Betty the Crow News
US troops in Iraq are dying for our sins, not our country
Obama's Rorschach Speech on Race in America
Perino challenged on claim that al Qaeda could control Iraq's oil
One of the greatest corporate euthanizations of all time
( Not the best part of the piece - but the snappiest )
Walter Pincus takes the press to task
Is the U.S. fine-tuning the sectarian violence in Iraq ?
( Funny you should ask. It certainly would be my bet. )
Not just the worst President ever. Worst Cabinet Secretaries too.
From Straight Talk Express to K Street Express. McCain implodes
Bob Cesca
Letter from woman who served in Bosnia shooting Hillary's tale to shreds
Siegelman : Rove's fingerprints all over case
No Doubt About It
Senators want details of bear Stearns bailout
GPO : Article 'misstated' facts of offshoring e-passport production
Tax bribe,er,stimulus
Fox News churning propaganda ( we could put that one on a recurring tickertape )
Adobe opens Photoshop Express
Regulatory rethink
Wal-Mart melts
Google's plan for the space between your TV channels
New device turns waste heat into electricity ( Ah. The Matrix tech )
The 10 most prophetic sci-fi movies ever
Decline of U.S. Newspapers accelerating
Newspaper doom certain
Zen and the delicate art of video on search pages
Facebook to launch Web-based instant messaging service
Low income residents get high speed access ( Blistering fast )
Fly me to the moon - forever
New depression Rx : Get married
Microbe and machine merged to create first 'cellborg'
E. coli thrives in beach sands
New rubber-like material can heal itself
Florida committee passes ID Bill
Improve your Windows desktop search with Windows Search 4.0 Preview
NVidia to blame for many early Vista crashes
Can a swimsuit be too good ?
Basra Update
( Where people trying to figure out the whys and wherefores are doing a bit of WTF ? Horatio Parker's comment is as good as any : What's going on ? An attempt to gain a political base with violence. How will it turn out ? Not well )
Betty the Crow News
US troops in Iraq are dying for our sins, not our country
Obama's Rorschach Speech on Race in America
Perino challenged on claim that al Qaeda could control Iraq's oil
One of the greatest corporate euthanizations of all time
( Not the best part of the piece - but the snappiest )
Walter Pincus takes the press to task
Is the U.S. fine-tuning the sectarian violence in Iraq ?
( Funny you should ask. It certainly would be my bet. )
Not just the worst President ever. Worst Cabinet Secretaries too.
From Straight Talk Express to K Street Express. McCain implodes
Bob Cesca
Letter from woman who served in Bosnia shooting Hillary's tale to shreds
Siegelman : Rove's fingerprints all over case
No Doubt About It
Senators want details of bear Stearns bailout
GPO : Article 'misstated' facts of offshoring e-passport production
Tax bribe,er,stimulus
Fox News churning propaganda ( we could put that one on a recurring tickertape )
Adobe opens Photoshop Express
Regulatory rethink
Wal-Mart melts
Google's plan for the space between your TV channels
New device turns waste heat into electricity ( Ah. The Matrix tech )
The 10 most prophetic sci-fi movies ever
Decline of U.S. Newspapers accelerating
Newspaper doom certain
Zen and the delicate art of video on search pages
Facebook to launch Web-based instant messaging service
Low income residents get high speed access ( Blistering fast )
Fly me to the moon - forever
New depression Rx : Get married
Microbe and machine merged to create first 'cellborg'
E. coli thrives in beach sands
New rubber-like material can heal itself
Florida committee passes ID Bill
Improve your Windows desktop search with Windows Search 4.0 Preview
NVidia to blame for many early Vista crashes
Can a swimsuit be too good ?
29 March - Iraq
Saturday, 29. March 2008, 11:16:19
The Internet Effect on News
Residents in favour of a single Gulf currency
The Next Jihad
IDF soldiers are aiding arms smuggling into Gaza strip 18/10/2007
Heads Up
Democracy Arsenal
Can't tell the players with a scorecard
The Cheney Theory
Admiral Mullen on Afghanistan and Iraq
Where is the outrage ? ( Pakistan )
Beavis and Butthead as armsdealers
What does Petraeus think ? ( Then posts a piece by Tony Cordesman ! )
In Defense of Grand Strategy
( This one is interesting - if only because of the backlash in comments ! I've harped on "Post-Saddam Iraq" of course, but ran into a fun bit when kibitzing on the role corruption has in making Iraqi government unworkable : Islamic Approaches to Corruption PDF ! No wonder the war profiteers want to fight Islam [ you know, after al Qaeda, the Taleban, who knows who else. They can't make up their minds who 'the enemy' is because they don't get along with anyone. Well ; aside from tyrants.] )
Corruption in natural resource management
Few in China complain about Internet controls HT American Footprints
New gas pipeline to link Azerbaijan and Italy via Turkey
Who lost Turkey ?
Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Bush Adminstration's incoherent Iran policy
Informed Comment : Global AffairsWhy be President when you can be King ?
Informed Comment
Police mutiny; refuse to attack Sadrists
McClatchy reports civil war violence in Iraq
Rules of the Sea
The Internet Effect on News
Residents in favour of a single Gulf currency
The Next Jihad
IDF soldiers are aiding arms smuggling into Gaza strip 18/10/2007
Heads Up
Democracy Arsenal
Can't tell the players with a scorecard
The Cheney Theory
Admiral Mullen on Afghanistan and Iraq
Where is the outrage ? ( Pakistan )
Beavis and Butthead as armsdealers
What does Petraeus think ? ( Then posts a piece by Tony Cordesman ! )
In Defense of Grand Strategy
( This one is interesting - if only because of the backlash in comments ! I've harped on "Post-Saddam Iraq" of course, but ran into a fun bit when kibitzing on the role corruption has in making Iraqi government unworkable : Islamic Approaches to Corruption PDF ! No wonder the war profiteers want to fight Islam [ you know, after al Qaeda, the Taleban, who knows who else. They can't make up their minds who 'the enemy' is because they don't get along with anyone. Well ; aside from tyrants.] )
Corruption in natural resource management
Few in China complain about Internet controls HT American Footprints
New gas pipeline to link Azerbaijan and Italy via Turkey
Who lost Turkey ?
Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Bush Adminstration's incoherent Iran policy
Informed Comment : Global AffairsWhy be President when you can be King ?
Informed Comment
Police mutiny; refuse to attack Sadrists
McClatchy reports civil war violence in Iraq
Rules of the Sea
29 March BlogRoaming
Saturday, 29. March 2008, 14:21:31
Ultraviolet UndergroundThe Dunbar Village Atrocity Open Letter
Freshtopia is pretty fly
Save the birthplace of hip-hop !
Fresh & Easy
Take a Stand to Dismantle Discriminatory Sentencing
Speaking of eradicating plastic...Trace comes bearing digital goodies
Day of blogging for voter justice
The value of homeschooling
Afro Spear
Pasteurized Black
Not every American is ready for President Obama **
I am surprised that the Fort Worth Star Telegram decided to open the discussion on race relations...
God doesn't have to damn America
The delegate road to Denver ( something upbeat )
Steering the economy ( The oil lobby's President )
The Electronic Village
Can civil rights organizations and black bloggers work together ?
Hillary Clinton's former pastor defends Jeremiah Wright
( You have to like the quip as to why he's Hillary's former pastor ! )
Stop NAACP support of rapists
( Respecting only some people's civil rights is no way to promote social justice. How many black men are railroaded into jail ? Putting the wrong party behind bars does nothing for social safety. It is not enough to do right. You must be seen as doing it. The court is there to decide by an informed method which takes into account findings of police and representations of defence : this in a system which rewards elected officials for conceding to public blood thirst. )
Behind the Illusion
A quiet walk with death ( cancer treatment )
The director's cut ( juicing )
Return of the Pollantor ( video about food today : Natural News for more on this sort of topic )
The incredible, edible almond
Largest beef recall in history
Beets, the other root fruit
Ruins of Empire
Rice hits U.S. 'birth defect'
The Surge is working...oh wait! Part XXV
Video disputes black separatist tag on Obama's church
Argentina,Brazil to drop U.S. dollar in bilateral commercial transactions
In case you missed it...Bush lied...just in case you thought they didn't
The Guardian : The Surge on the verge of collapse
When you hit bottom...Bush ratings in the can
March 19 Blogswarm US presence in Iraq : Irrelevant ! ( References to commentaries and podcasts )
Re-liberation theology
Where the boys are ( Obama/Clinton : I think not )
Guaranteed results ( War on Freedom )
A few handy housewarming gifts for Kosovo ( S.O.P. )
War and Peace
( Great informative piece on the arms merchant scandal of the day )
Israel Update - Situation in Gaza is complicated ( not according to the MSM : oh, right. They don't cover this )
Shiite militia counters Army offensive in Iraq ( the Army being outgunned )
Hunmen blow up oil pipeline in Iraq's Basra ( I can hear Bush's imitation of B'rer Rabbit now : oh, please don't create an oil shortage and bump the price ! )
EZ Reading Money Matters
Obama backs Volker
Fannie and Freddie free to set size of capital raise
Federal Reserve Discount Lending Programs
Office of the Controller of the Currency : OCC's Quarterly Report on bank derivatives activities Third Quarter 2007
ECB lends six-month cash as policy makers warn of higher rates
Lehman target of $250 million swindle in Japan
The Fed makes up the rules as they roll along
There is no escape, warns the FT's John Authers
Edmund M. McCarthy The Other Side of the Looking Glass
Fed may rethink Greenspan's hands-off approach to bubbles
Fed faces zero-interest rate from economy ( Economists never dream of negative numbers )
China's factory blues The days of ultra cheap labour and little regulation are gone
Chinese exporters shun flagging dollar
Book review : Trading Away Our Future
Private foreign savings tax-loophole elimination act
Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2007
- who is doing what with tax policies
Ten Percent
Cockburn, Ramadani and Jarrar on Iraq
- UK artillery and planes are engaged in Basra
Moqtada al-Sadr punks Maliki
Brown does a Blair, UK attacks Mehdi army
British government goes ahead with deportations to Iraq
Vichy forces fight militia
MoD admits a little bit of torture...then keeps on lying
The Border and Immigration Agency in denial
Latin American Solidarity Coalition - petition Presidential candidates to closing SOA/WHINSEC
( Torture school )
Politicized asylum
29 March Late Links
Saturday, 29. March 2008, 23:07:36
Blue Girl Red State
Intellectual dishonesty from wingnuts who hate real veterans
Germany says "Halt !" ( NATO )
This is another example of why I haven't lost faith
Is al-Maliki ready to compromise ?
I don't know why I didn't see this before... ( Pinky and the Brain )
My heart is breaking ( hospital shootings )
The Nightowl Newswrap
Sic Semper Tyrannis 2008
"The Butcher's Cleaver" now for sale
More on Basra, South Iraq, and Iran
Pale Rider on Iran/Iraq and the MSR
"Iraqi forces vs. the extremists" ( Noting 'labeling' )
"Medellin vs. Texas" Bush lost big time
Why McCain is the wrong man
Who are the "Iraqi security forces" ?
UCMJ extends to civilian contractors : Gates
The vice president does not care what we think ( That "vice" part makes one think )
Bush is still "sure" about Iraq
( Lieberman had to remind McCain AQ is a Sunni group who hate the government of Iran ? Paid to, aren't they ? )
Political Animal's "No Torture" post with Blue Girl and Pale Rider "bashing jackasses"
Last of Iraqis
The Biker Gene
Vectrix Electric Scooter achieves lift-off
Katrina victims may have to repay money
Educational TV Programs
Intellectual dishonesty from wingnuts who hate real veterans
Germany says "Halt !" ( NATO )
This is another example of why I haven't lost faith
Is al-Maliki ready to compromise ?
I don't know why I didn't see this before... ( Pinky and the Brain )
My heart is breaking ( hospital shootings )
The Nightowl Newswrap
Sic Semper Tyrannis 2008
"The Butcher's Cleaver" now for sale
More on Basra, South Iraq, and Iran
Pale Rider on Iran/Iraq and the MSR
"Iraqi forces vs. the extremists" ( Noting 'labeling' )
"Medellin vs. Texas" Bush lost big time
Why McCain is the wrong man
Who are the "Iraqi security forces" ?
UCMJ extends to civilian contractors : Gates
The vice president does not care what we think ( That "vice" part makes one think )
Bush is still "sure" about Iraq
( Lieberman had to remind McCain AQ is a Sunni group who hate the government of Iran ? Paid to, aren't they ? )
Political Animal's "No Torture" post with Blue Girl and Pale Rider "bashing jackasses"
Last of Iraqis
The Biker Gene
Vectrix Electric Scooter achieves lift-off
Katrina victims may have to repay money
Educational TV Programs
30 March - First Look at the Web
Sunday, 30. March 2008, 08:26:02
An unfettered Internet best serves democracy
Al-Sadr pulls fighters off Iraq streets
Corporate America trying to make union activities illegal
Is there a new dangerous biohazard site coming to your state soon ?
A poisoned paradise : Cambodia's water crisis
( Did you ever read the pieces at BlueBloggin and Berry Street Beacon about feedlots polluting the Missippi River basin ? )
How do we ensure clean drinking water for all ?
Blackout of Winter Soldier hearings shows weakness of Indy media
Veterans Administration won't help soldiers register to vote ( "Support the Troops" : have to love the patriotism of putting bumper stickers up instead of pushing for change )
Overdose death rate surges, legal drugs are mostly to blame
Calling B.S. on the idea of 'Marijuana Addiction'
The Architects of War
Afghanistan : A River Runs Backward
Make Them Accountable
The Heathlander
Bushwhacked ( Like a scene out of "Liar" )
David Corn
McCain's Man in Iraq : Muqtada al-Sadr
"you create the conditions for genocide and then you have to stick around to prevent that genocide"
( nothing like a track record )
Clinton : "Sleeping with the enemy ?"
Clintonites hype the small stuff to play the victim
4000 dead GIs in Iraq : have the media let them down ?
( Not many 'embedded' reporters. Too many stories of dead ones. )
Clinton tops Obama in whoppers
An important split between McCain and Voinovich ?
Wed to Strangers, Vietnamese brides build Korean lives
The Existentialist Cowboy
Evidence that the CIA murdered RFK ( re: BBC documentary )
A lie called 911 : Why a federal Grand Jury must indict Bush and Cheney
The probable cause to charge Dick Cheney with Terrorism, Mass Murder and High Treason
..."BBC The Power of Nightmares : 'al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA !' "
Al-Sadr pulls fighters off Iraq streets
Corporate America trying to make union activities illegal
Is there a new dangerous biohazard site coming to your state soon ?
A poisoned paradise : Cambodia's water crisis
( Did you ever read the pieces at BlueBloggin and Berry Street Beacon about feedlots polluting the Missippi River basin ? )
How do we ensure clean drinking water for all ?
Blackout of Winter Soldier hearings shows weakness of Indy media
Veterans Administration won't help soldiers register to vote ( "Support the Troops" : have to love the patriotism of putting bumper stickers up instead of pushing for change )
Overdose death rate surges, legal drugs are mostly to blame
Calling B.S. on the idea of 'Marijuana Addiction'
The Architects of War
Afghanistan : A River Runs Backward
Make Them Accountable
The Heathlander
Bushwhacked ( Like a scene out of "Liar" )
David Corn
McCain's Man in Iraq : Muqtada al-Sadr
"you create the conditions for genocide and then you have to stick around to prevent that genocide"
( nothing like a track record )
Clinton : "Sleeping with the enemy ?"
Clintonites hype the small stuff to play the victim
4000 dead GIs in Iraq : have the media let them down ?
( Not many 'embedded' reporters. Too many stories of dead ones. )
Clinton tops Obama in whoppers
An important split between McCain and Voinovich ?
Wed to Strangers, Vietnamese brides build Korean lives
The Existentialist Cowboy
Evidence that the CIA murdered RFK ( re: BBC documentary )
A lie called 911 : Why a federal Grand Jury must indict Bush and Cheney
The probable cause to charge Dick Cheney with Terrorism, Mass Murder and High Treason
..."BBC The Power of Nightmares : 'al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA !' "
30 March BlogRoaming
Sunday, 30. March 2008, 15:18:15
All Things PakistanForman Christian College's political clout
The caps of Pakistan
Defending dictatorship : another view on Pakistan
Pakistan Election 2008 : Poetic politics Anwar Masood audioclip
ATP Maishaira : Anwar Masood ( recitation of poetry by the poet )
A trip to Saidpur : Khawaja in Islamabad
Profile : Meet Syed Yousef Raza Gillani ( Likeley soon to be Prime Minister )
Mar 23, 2008 : Let Democracy Reign
Foreign Policy Watch
It's the Occupation, Stupid
Fantasy Sports : Or, some reasons why boycotting the Beijing Olympics is really a bad idea
From Lankov, more on Pyongyang
News from the Front, March 25
(The first piece reminds me of FBI commentary about military activity lousing up interrogations at Gitmo. Stirring up resentment is definitely the long way around to securing co-operation.
I accidentally did a funny. See comments - then go to the link. Status of the Chinese People Canada should consider an outright boycott of the China Beijing Olympic Games : Editorial from National Post, Polish PM says No to China Beijing Olympic Opening.
Unrelated : China regime implicated in staging violence in Tibet Protest. My sidebar to that is violence is contrary to what I have seen reported of Buddhist tactics and philosophy in the past. Emulate Ghandi would be about right. )
The Impolitic
Lights Out "Earth Hour"
God Damn America HuHu over something never said
How to end the occupation of Iraq Dem hopefuls call for complete withdrawal from Iraq
Dirty effin hippies convene ( satire, already )
Cognitive dreaming not so much
Dalai Lama - an appeal to the Chinese people
Secure Identification ( Governor Brian Schweitzer on Real ID and Security Theatre
"The Real ID is a particularly ridiculous piece of security theatre that will nonetheless be part of a growing state security apparatus directed at American citizens." )
Thematic elements in the fiction of Alastair Reynolds
Mercury Rising ??
Donna Brazile reminds Hillary of something
And another two bite the dust Busheviks
The state of the airborne laser
Foreign Policy Association - Central Asia
AIDS and gas
Russia : Medvedev a liberal ? CA implications
Turkmenistan : dealing in Turkey
China : Xinjiang terrorism and Tibetan protesters
Afghanisran : Russia and NATO near deal
Turkmeistan and Uxbekistan : Freedom House rankings
Pissed on Politics
Al Gore Nomination ?
Bush Clinton
There are alternatives
Greta van Susteren interview Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton - fraud trial witness
Center for Political Studies - caprice of President's daughter or a real think-tank ?
( Uzbekistan )
Nexia 2 - the export car made not for Uzbeks
A red herring to hide failures...
Uzbek musical instruments Video clip
( He thinks the wedding horn pleasant ? )
Where are you now, ladies of pleasure ?
Islamic trends in Fergana valley
Welcome Navruz!!! The occasion of the People of the Happiest country in the World!!! ( Satire )
DEMONstrators in Tashkent ?
Uzbek government to free GM joint venture from taxes
The Global Buzz
A remembrance of things past ( Russia. Discounting concerns about worries re: loss of a buffer zone from possible assault. )
Clusterfuck at Heathrow
Financial globalization is dead ( Reaction to Bear Stearns )
Turkey : Still finding itself
What is the role of deterrence in the non-proliferation regime ?
The geopolitics of Tibet and other things
"For ethnic and religious minorities, their experience of China is one of subjugation."
Whither Marxist guerilla movements ?
China's intellectual firepower
The uses and abuses of CSR
The darkest side of globalization
"You never shoot the postman" ( Guess they didn't see the movie with Nicholas Cage ! )
Blood tin
China calls attention to U.S. human rights hypocrisy ( Might as well be walking aroung wearing a sign that says "Kick Me !" )
Are Republicans responsible for two largest housing slumps in history ?
Just Foreign Policy
FCNL cluster bomb video
4000 U.S. deaths should spark congressional debate on Iraq
Obama glosses Colombian attack : Clinton calls for escalation
U.S. caught trying to spy in Bolivia
Cool video : History of the US in Iran **
Feinstein : Get real with Iran diplomacy
Illinois town rejects war with Iran by a 4 - 1 margin
Steven Kinzer hits the road for peace with Iran
The Impudent Observer
The madness in Somalia goes on and on
Nobody asked me, but...
"I have never seen a security guard who engenders a feeling of security in me"
Arab Summit...who exactly will show up ?
Soldiers defend Barack Obama
Zimbabwe opposition claims huge victory !
Pakistan leaders move towards political solutions
Ides of March - willMugabwe kill democracy ?
German Chancellor Merkel will boycott Olympic events
Military leaders say Brown wrong on inquiry
Like Iraq war, getting out requires shared sacrifice
Nelson electoral reforms excellent, overdue
Democrats can't afford what Clinton wants
Bush quagmire hits 4000 as stupidity rolls on
No crackpot crusade to help Tibetans, not even a word
Privatization yields two-tiered system of privacy rights
30 March - More BlogRoaming
Sunday, 30. March 2008, 20:51:38
Why We Like the BritishMedia Matters
Morning Joe allowed MCain adviser to falsely assert Clinton and Obama are talking about raising taxes across the board
Casting McCain as opponent of Fed intervention in mortgage crisis, Blitzer ignored his approval of Bear Stearns aid
Brooks, Broder praised McCain's rebuke of Bush-style unilateralism, but didn't mention McCain's past comments attacking allies who opposed Iraq war
Just weeks after criticizing McCain for exploiting campaign finance laws, Wash. post dubbed him a "champion" of campaign finance reform
Intelligence Daily
Global food prices rise and famine increases
Classified memo reveals Iraqi prisoners as 'starving'
Is an international financial conspiracy driving world events ?
Russia launches German spy satellite
Russia and Japan form nuclear alliance
Exercise tests communications in case of domestic crisis
Human rights and media manipulation
Is America terrorizing Somalia ?
Gold bullion is safer than gold stocks
Why the Euro is garbage and only gold is absolute
Pakistan secret agents shot dead
Killer wheat fungus a global threat
The Police State Road Map
The Public Intellectual
Is the Surge really working ?
Everything ( I don't ) do, I ( won't ) do it for you
To Ireland on St. Patrick's Day
Winter Soldier, troops describe Iraq war
The U.S. Military Index (FP)
"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo"
Dispursements dispersed
The will of the ("Super") people *
Vilhelm Konnander's Weblog
Politics & Security in Russia
Putin world's richest man
A slave to power ? ( Putin )
Nashi is not ours anymore
"fight against time to diversify economy and turn it away from energy exports"
Zyuganov steps up to step down ? ( Candidate for president )
Police crackdown on Nashi demonstration
Union with Belarus ?
Georgia shoots down Russian plane ?
Russia : Going off the air or out of air ? Bloshoe Radio ( BBC )
Independent Report
My letter to Democratic Party leaders ( Clinton )
Tennessee governor making real sense
The coming dollar collapse, recession : videos
Ferraro steps down
McCain painted as Bush Jr.
The Oil Drum
Cogeneration at home : Ceramic fuel cells and bloom energy
Drum Beat
Obama's "Big Oil" ad ; does he have it right or wrong ?
Rachel Quinlan - Peak oil speech in Old Parliament Oz
Andris Piebalgs : getting a sense of proportion
Peak Oil and energy growth : where do we go from here ?
Jamais Cascio : Peak Oil vs. Global Warming
The rising fortunes of coal - perhaps
If Then Knots --------->
Strawman : Venusian runaway warming
Modeling Epistemic Agents
An argument for the irrelevance of Egoism
Writing Process
Varieties of Bunk
Innumeracy Watch
Libertarians love Rawls
Knowledge by Inference from False Testimony
Philosophy isn't easy
Breyer and Scalia Discussion : Video
SciFri on greenhouse gas ( Flashplayer )
This American Life on Iraq mortality Link
"Exactly as Predicted" Global Warming
Dying to Preserve the Lies
Hillary Clinton owns Iraq War ; Video Mar 6, 2003 In her own words
Iraqi War vet bobby Wise speaks on why he supports Obama
Defacing the Marine's grave, pummeling the father, military families of all stripes deserve more respect
Two little ones with their deployment bears
Iraq War has me down : in another venue doing something positive to counter the malaise
No end in sight
"So many outrages, so much disassembling of our Constitution, so many bait-and-switch crisis issues, and so much effort at 'normalizing' the concept of the United States at war in Iraq as a block of many blocks in the supposed 'War on Terror' in the Middle East over the next decade over the next 50 years. Doesn't hurt to remind ourselves from time to time of the original invasion into Iraq and the amazing incongruities that took place and continue to be in place..."
A.F. General Michael Hayden, CIA Director, banned Waterboarding as torture
Army Chief of Staff, General Shalikashvili says Waterboarding against Geneva Conventions
Waterboarding - it's Torture - Consultant Homeland Security, Malcolm Nance
Waterboarding IS Torture - Daniel Levin - former Asst Attorney General - submitted to being waterboarded and pronounced it Torture
"The Presidency is now a criminal conspiracy." MSNBC
( The torture 'discussion' came up again at Washington Monthly the other day : it's gone on for years. I know at least one of the participants reads here. )
Walking the Road That Buckley Built
Piece of Mind
Religious Pornography
Do corporations pay tax?
The art of framing ( Plain talk about Iraq : and 'acceptable' positions )
Interview with a Canadian ( Health care )
"every study that's been done has shown that if you give people the time when they need it,they actually consume less resources over a year."
Hilary plays the race card
"advertising people are in the business of changing our behavior."
Passing the fifth
"Foreign policy is mostly a staid affair attended to by the graduates of our elite schools......We're totally tooled up by the media and driven by the corporate agenda. The trick is to make an elite undertaking seem like a popular movement."
"17 years after the 1991 attack we still have not fixed those sewers and electrical grids. It's no accident. We mean to rain hell on them, we mean to impoversh them, we mean to make them suffer, scatter their factions, install our superbases that will permanently house 100,000 troops, control their government and watch and terrorize their internal factions as closely as Castro ever did his enemies. We mean to be in power there."
( Whew. A realist ! )
31 March - Trivia
Monday, 31. March 2008, 15:16:18
1,000 colourful places to see
101 most useful websites
Incompetent people really have no clue
Wonder HowTo
MixWit Media Playground
Bitstrips Comics 2.0
Jester.Online Joke Recommender
The local guide for the worldwide traveller
Building the six-hour canoe
K2XL.com Online Games
Saving the colours of Polaroid Instant Film
Top 10 Harmless Geek Pranks
In the Year of the Pig
Musicovery : Interactive Web Radio
X Screensaver
Rank Checker
How to : Slipstream your XP installation
Windows XP essential registry tweaks
More data usually beats better algorythms
CIA enlists Google's help for spy work
Information Technology for Small Business
Junk Removal
101 most useful websites
Incompetent people really have no clue
Wonder HowTo
MixWit Media Playground
Bitstrips Comics 2.0
Jester.Online Joke Recommender
The local guide for the worldwide traveller
Building the six-hour canoe
K2XL.com Online Games
Saving the colours of Polaroid Instant Film
Top 10 Harmless Geek Pranks
In the Year of the Pig
Musicovery : Interactive Web Radio
X Screensaver
Rank Checker
How to : Slipstream your XP installation
Windows XP essential registry tweaks
More data usually beats better algorythms
CIA enlists Google's help for spy work
Information Technology for Small Business
Junk Removal
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