Monday, May 22, 2017

22 May - My Feedly! 2 of 2


9th Circuit Decision Proves Need For Laws Banning Prior Salary Inquiries
A few weeks ago I wrote that some states are passing laws banning prospective employers from asking applicants about their salary history. The reason lawmakers give for this law is that basing salary on an applicant's pay with another employer locks in discrimination. This practice particularly impacts women. A recent case out of the normally very liberal 9th Circuit demonstrates the need for laws
If You Have A Preexisting Condition, Choose COBRA or ObamaCare Over Your Mortgage
It used to be that when people lost their jobs, there was only one way to keep insurance coverage, and that was COBRA. The only problem is that when you lose your job, you have to pick and choose what bills to pay and COBRA is crazy expensive. Most people had to go bare. If they had preexisting conditions, it was literally a matter of life and death because they would never get insurance again. Th
Fox Proves It: Sexual Harassment Is Contagious
I've always said that sexual harassment is not about sex: it's about power. In that way it's just another form of bullying. And if you remember your playground bullies, if they got away with it once, they accelerated their behavior. Sexual harassers, like bullies, engage in more and more extreme behavior until someone stops them. The other thing about playground bullies is that their behavior is c
Dear Business Lawyers: Stop Trying To Get Employees To Waive Their Unemployment Benefits
Things you didn't think you had to say but apparently do. In Florida it is still illegal to try to get an employee or former employee to waive their right to apply for unemployment. It's a crime. Yet I've seen a couple of draft releases in proposed severance agreements attempting to do exactly that. And I also recently got a demand email complaining that a client had signed a release and was there
States With Pro-Employee Laws: No Asking About Applicant Salary History
In a movement that started in Massachusetts, states and cities are starting to ban employers from asking applicants about their salary history. The reason behind the legislation is that basing pay on prior salary can lock in pay discrimination. The sponsor of the Philadelphia ordinance explained: “Simply put, when a woman is paid less at the beginning of her career she will continue to earn less t


Reconciliations: The Case of al-Sanamayn in North Deraa
By Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi Photo from al-Sanamayn, April 2017. It is often thought that the regime has a grand strategy for suppressing the rebellion in the western half of the country that constitutes the main conflict within the Syrian civil war. In reality though, there is no one-size-fits-all approach , and the question of how the regime deals with restive areas very much depends on area and c
Revisiting the Malki Affair – By Christopher Solomon
Revisiting the Malki Affair By Christopher Solomon @Solomon_Chris For Syria Comment – April 23, 2017 On April 22, 1955, a charismatic young Syrian army officer was gunned down on a football field. The assassination of Adnan al-Malki brought about the one of the first political crackdowns in Syria’s history. The Malki Affairs and its aftermath shed light on one of the country’s earliest shifts tow
China, the U.S, and the Future of the Middle East – By Sam Farah
Sam Farah China, the U.S., and the Future of the Middle East By Sam Farah for Syria Comment – May 1, 2017 Richard Fontain, and Michael Singh propose Chinese – US cooperation to stabilize the Middle East in a recent article: The United States and China undeniably have overlapping interests in the region, providing a possible basis for competition, collaboration, or both. They also share a modest r


Fruit and Diabetes - some evidence
It's a commonly discussed paradox of sorts - how can fruit have a negative association with diabetes in epidemiology when it's full of sugar? Two recent papers from China go some way towards clearing this up in my opinion. One is a prospective study of Type 2 Diabetes risk, in which a difference is seen between different classes of fruit; apples are good, tropical fruits - pineapples, mangos, and
A Quick note on the ASCOT II "Nocebo" statin side-effects study
Here's a comment I put on Malcolm Kendrick's post about the "statin side effects minimal" Lancet paper. For what it's worth, there's evidence that lipid lowering is effective in secondary prevention of CVD, but only in people with lipid markers associated with hyperinsulinaemia. This is an easy syndrome to correct without drugs. In people without hyperinsulinaemia (shown by high HDL level and low
Bradford Hill is rolling in his grave
Austin Bradford Hill was, as should be well known, the father of modern epidemiology, who played a key role in determining a causal relationship between smoking and lung cancer. His 9 criteria (or viewpoints, as he called them) for evaluating epidemiological evidence were only ever a suggestion, and intended to have adaptable interpretations strongly guided by logic and good sense in any given co
What I eat 2017
Another in the ever-popular genre of blog posts about what people eat. No photos though. I wake up and have an instant coffee with cream and 1/4 spoonful of dark brown sugar. Maybe I'll have another before breakfast. If I'm out I'll have a long black with cream without sugar, followed by a glass of cold water. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, because it decides if and what you'll b


I just gave up on Energy For Humanity
I went through their website. (I had it on my personal blog list for a while.) When I came across things that bothered me, I dug for contact information... and THERE ISN'T ANY. These people neither expect nor want feedback. Not even on their site design (why the HELL wouldn't they put timestamps on their main-page items, so you can see what's new and what's not?). If they refuse to interact


You humans do not have time...
...for another fucking war. Warmly, The Earth


Who--or What--Is the "Fittest"?
I have submitted the following comment, on the American Thinker site, in answer to another commenter who took me to task for my claim that the idea of "survival of the fittest" is a dead-end, false dogma for mankind: Every tyrant, so long as he is on top, can claim to be the "fittest". It is also known as "might makes right". Except the tyrant, even if he dies of old age, is NOT the fittest in th
This Age of Scientific Dogmatism
I have made two comments to an American Thinker article, "The Left's Vicious Intolerance In Science". I'll just say here that arguing about science is not science. I am a scientist, by the way--in fact, THE scientist, who has made the greatest discovery in history--directly impacting every field of human inquiry--which few in our time, on either the Left or the Right--or the middle, for that matt


X-Zone Broadcast Network - Nick Redfern, The Roswell UFO Conspiracy
Nick Redfern. Photo by Kevin Randle. This week I talked with Nick Redfern about his new book The Roswell UFO Conspiracy: Exposing a Shocking and Sinister Secret because it would let people know about his new book, open up a discussion about an alternative explanation for the Roswell crash and it would give me a chance to promote my book, Roswell in the 21 st Century . Although I had suggested tha
Fake News, ABC and the Bermuda Triangle
I have to wonder about ABC News. When I heard that an airplane had vanished on a flight from Puerto Rico to Miami, I knew it wouldn’t be long before someone had to mention it was another mysterious disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle. A solution for that mystery has been available for decades and some of the planes listed as having vanished, in fact, did not. Wreckage has been found. I mentione
X-Zone Broadcast Network - Jan Harzan
Jan Harzan Jan Harzan, the executive director at MUFON, was my guest. We did talk about the organizational structure of MUFON but we didn’t go into depth simply because such logistical details are of little real importance and not very interesting to listen to. That finished, we talked about some of the best UFO sightings, Hangar One , and the idea that MUFON had been infiltrated by members of th
The Mystery of Oak Island Solved by Joy Steele
While the Laginas begin to power up for a new assault on the treasure hidden beneath Oak Island, a new theory about the Money Pit has revealed. Joy Steele, in her book, The Oak Island Mystery Solved , has provided an interesting idea. According to her, there is no treasure, never had been, and the alleged Money Pit is nothing more than a tar kiln, used in the early 18 th century to produce materi
Hangar 1 and the Roswell Case
By a somewhat strange coincidence, I happened on an episode of Hangar 1 just a couple of weeks after I had interviewed Jan Harzan, MUFON Executive Director. I hadn’t realized that the opening of the show made such a big deal out of “MUFON’s Archives” stored in this huge warehouse-like hangar. Harzan told me that when the producers arrived, they asked where the files were and the current director
X-Zone Broadcast Network - Monte Shriver (Aztec UFO Crash)
Monte Shriver Although I have always thought that the evidence for a UFO crash near Aztec, New Mexico, in 1948, was probably false, this tale keeps popping up as if it is something real. I reached out to a former Aztec resident, a man who was in high school in Aztec in 1948, and who has spent the last several years investigating the case, Monte Shriver. (Interestingly, it was Scott Ramsey who rat


National Poetry Month 2017
April is National Poetry Month, so I'd be remiss if I didn't feature at least one poem. This year, I'm going with one by Billy Collins, who I've featured before. I've attended one of his readings, and his knack for vivid imagery combined with wit makes him especially fun to hear live. Here's video of him reading "Litany" and giving some context for it: The poem itself: Litany By Billy


War With Iran - Trump Insanity
Trump is turning out to be a dangerous clown, one that has been a gift for climate and political-correctness critics, but a dangerous clown nonetheless. The USA is truly frightening, no matter which clown it puts in the window. But the shift towards a more loving USA embrace of Saudi and Israel may well be a preparation for war against Iran, under the pretext of fighting terrorism.
Does Israel teach a culture of love for murder?
There is some evidence that Israel may at times be teaching, not hate, but a culture of celebratory love for murder, as per the four quotes below. < On Thursday this week (18 May 2017, an Israeli settler distributed chocolates to “celebrate” the killing of a Palestinian youth, Muataz Shamsa (23). The Israeli settler can be seen, in a video posted online, saying: “We killed a
Distributed-Justice Solution for the Crisis in the Canadian Legal System
By Denis G. Rancourt, PhD First published on Dissident Voice: SUMMARY: The Canadian legal system is in crisis. I describe the circumstances of the crisis, its features, and its large-scale causes. I propose a radical and complete solution in the form of a “distributed justice” model
Manufactured ignorance is a primary function of public education
And it works. By Denis G. Rancourt, PhD A main function of the public education enterprise, beyond destruction of the personality and individual thought and agency, is to ingrain a camouflaged ignorance that becomes a permanent fixture in the host brain. One of the best examples of such manufactured ignorance is the widespread ingrained notion that the dominant global
Eurasia is coming
The regime-change empire has only one plan: To bully and exploit. It is headed for turbulence. Meanwhile there is the steady and unstoppable emergence of Eurasia. USA needs to find far better disruption tactics soon. It needs ISIS, murder and destruction to stay on top and to feed its operatives. Soon it will either come to the good side or be isolated and dry up. Can't wait for the
Beware White or Green Helmets
Too much spontaneous self-sacrifice in the service of war mongers By Denis G. Rancourt, PhD A powerful new propaganda model has emerged. A Western globalist NGO scheme on steroids, with Hollywood Academy and humanitarian awards glitter... has been deployed in the latest covert regime-change operations, on two continents. The new model is funded and embedded "white / green helmets" that


Are we headed for a long, hot summer of riots and mayhem?...
some people think so. I don't. Before you start thinking that my opinion is based on a bunch of facts, statistics, brilliant analysis, and weather charts allow me to say it's none of the above. It's based only on a "feeling." I have a sense that the libtards are getting tired of protests, marches, and silly pink hats. That doesn't mean the lower classes won't find an excuse - any excuse, to loot
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, lilacs are in full bloom, and we must pray for Donald Trump...
although he'll probably be safer on his trip then putting up with the MSM spewing biased hate filled fake news. Trump's Trip The venal lefty press are soooooooo worried that Trump will make hash of his trip and do something to embarrass the U.S. and himself. Are you kidding me? After Odumbo jetting around the world, bowing to foreign leaders, and making a complete jerk of himself, we're supposed
Trump speaks at Coast Guard Graduation...
Impeach Trump? We've reached peak insanity And it's not going to stop anytime soon. The lying libtards, with help from the complicit MSM, will stop at nothing to undermine Trump and his administration. Don Surber has an excellent round up of fake news - and we thank him. Personally, I'd like to see the president and other elected officials going about the business to which we elected them to carr
The New York Times wins the prize for audacity...
with this ridiculous article: Trying Not to Drown in a Flood of Major Breaking News While the Trump witch hunt continues, the New York Times, itself a perpetrator of "fake" and hysterical anti-Trump propaganda, wonders how we're all dealing with the onslaught. What follows this stupid article is over a hundred comments, most of them anti-Trump, regurgitating nonsense about the end of the world is
President Donald Trump's speech in Saudi Arabia...
is not available yet as the live event is ongoing . I watched it and I'm beyond impressed. And proud! It's about time we've had a real president.
I'm predicting a super fun weekend of riots and beat downs...
let's all hope I'm wrong. First up: The 11th Annual 82nd Avenue of the Roses Parade cancelled due to threats of violence from far left Antifa. They've got their panties all twisted up because the Multnomah County Republicans are marching in the parade - something they do every year. A carnival has also been cancelled that's part of the festivities this upcoming weekend. PORTLAND, OR (KPTV) - The


Mosul Campaign Day 216-217 May 20-21 2017
Latest map of west Mosul shows that the Iraqi forces are clearing up neighborhoods along Tigris River (Ninewa Media Cell) The Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) are taking the last neighborhoods of west Mosul. On May 20, Tamuz 17 was declared fully cleared by the Federal Police. The ISF said it freed the neighborhood twice before . Similarly Iqtisadin was liberated for the third time . Rabia was a new a
Mosul Campaign Day 212 May 16 2017
The Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) were fighting over the areas just north of the Old City district in west Mosul. The Federal Police claimed they held 80% of Tamuz 17 and Iqtisadin. The former was declared freed on May 13 , and the latter on May 14 . The Iraqis often call areas cleared before they are. At the same time, the Islamic State has constantly re-infiltrated places after they have left. Th


North Korean WMD: A Guide to Online Resources
North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs are the topic du jour in the WMD world, but if you’re trying to get smart about the subject, where should you turn? The amount of material never gets any smaller, and you’ve nearly got to be an expert in your own right to judge what’s what. I won’t try to catalogue and …
The 1st Nuclear Ban Draft is Out
Long time reader, first time Wonker. My thanks to the Wonk-Supreme for allowing me to contribute. The president of the negotiations for a nuclear weapons ban convention has just released her first draft of the proposed treaty. As will become readily apparent, I am not an expert on international law, but I am a keenly-interested …
Protected: What’s the Objective in a Nuclear War?
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Daniel Salisbury: A Malaysian Shipyard with North Korean Connections?
This is a guest post by CNS Postdoctoral Fellow Daniel Salisbury. The assassination in February of Kim Jong Un’s half-brother Kim Jong Nam at Kuala Lumpur airport has turned international attention to North Korea’s other shady activities in Malaysia. A Reuters investigation has already revealed that a North Korean company has been marketing military radios …
Hwasong 10 and 12 missiles.
I made a thing to help compare the Hwasong-10 and Hwasong-12 missiles. A lot of people are rushing out their analysis. We’d like to get it right before publishing. I am old fashioned like that.
The Great North Korea War Scare
Today’s news continues, or perhaps renews, the weird sense of self-imposed crisis surrounding U.S. North Korea policy: Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing: — Reuters Politics (@ReutersPolitics) April 24, 2017 Why not just have a hearing? But anyhow. Having declared an end to the era …


Economic News , Data & View......May 20 , 2017...... Items For Saturday -1) Greece : Greece To Receive Usual & Customary Treatment - EG Expected To Approve Approximately 7BN In Tranche Payments ( To Allow July Repayments To ECB & IMF ) However Germany Tossing Cold Water Again On Debt Relief Mirage. 2) US Politics For Saturday : Trump First Foreign Trip Has Begun , Updates On Saudi Arabia Visit ; Additional News Of Note. 3) Iran Election Updates - Rouhani Easily Wins Re-Election For A Second Term. 4) Libya News For Saturday - Horrible Massacre At Brak Al Shatti Continues To Roil Libya. 5) Odds & Ends !
Greece.... fred walton ‏ @fredwalton216 7s 7 seconds ago fred walton Retweeted Keep Talking Greece German position - no reduction in the Greek debt , no extension on payment , ESM will not be allowed to take over IMF loans to Greece. fred walton added, Keep Talking Greece @keeptalkingGR #Schaeuble : Germany cannot accept debt relief measures for #Greece #NEIN http://www.


We Need “Last Man Standing” for Civil Discourse
So, if you haven’t heard, ABC plans to cancel the TV show, Last Man Standing. The only reason this cancellation is getting national attention is because […]
Homicide, prosecutions were not being brought
Although there is no simple and universally accepted definition of homicide crime but in simple words, a homicide crime is unlawful act punishable by the […]
Importance of Coming Special Elections
The Republican animal is a calculating animal. Who else would stick by a party that demands unity over ethics and common decency? And that excuse […]
Early or Late Stages of U.S. Decline?
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) — at least the SCOTUS conservatives appointed by the Republican agents of corporate America — has done […]
Trump, a White ‘Moby Dick’?
In addition to Trump’s indigenous tendency toward misogyny, racism, and a rancorously crass form of corruption, there is also a mind-numbing ignorance. He is willing […]
Non-Aggression and Entitlement
Some libertarians, and some non-libertarians, claim that the non-aggression principle is useless. So let us look at how one can argue for their claims without […]


From Jenna Orkin China deliberately crippled CIA operations, killing or imprisoning informants The military's special o...
From Jenna Orkin China deliberately crippled CIA operations, killing or imprisoning informants The military's special ops may try to develop 'super soldiers' with performance-enhancing drugs A scientist named George Church has a wild idea to upend evolution — here’s what you should know about him This congressional accounting trick is part of the reason Washington is so divided A Quarter Of Ameri
From Jenna Orkin The White House is preparing for the 'distant' possibility of impeachment All fossil-fuel vehicles wil...
From Jenna Orkin The White House is preparing for the 'distant' possibility of impeachment All fossil-fuel vehicles will vanish in 8 years in twin ‘death spiral’ for big oil and big autos, says study that’s shocking the industries The doomsday vault that's supposed to store every known crop on the planet is in danger Joe Lieberman Emerges As "Frontrunner" For FBI Director Post The FBI just releas
Ground Zero Wars: The Fight to Reveal the Lies of the EPA in the Wake of 9/11 and Clean Up Lower Manhattan From Jenna O...
Ground Zero Wars: The Fight to Reveal the Lies of the EPA in the Wake of 9/11 and Clean Up Lower Manhattan From Jenna Orkin Details leaked about the White House's upcoming education budget include proposals to cut science programs and student aid Swedish prosecutors are dropping their investigation into Julian Assange — but he's not a free man yet Finland, Norway, and Sweden are conducting a mass
From Jenna Orkin Google and Amazon are at war to control your home, and the effects will be felt for years Revisiting M...
From Jenna Orkin Google and Amazon are at war to control your home, and the effects will be felt for years Revisiting Mueller and the anthrax case Brazilian Bloodbath: Currency Halted, Futures Crash, Bonds Tumble Most On Record "It's Much Bigger Than WannaCry": New Stealthy Cyberattack Could Dwarf Last Week's Global Worm Epidemic Wrongfully Incarcerated Artist Finished Grad School Wearing An Oran
From Jenna Orkin EU Warns Turkey After 141 Greek Airspace Violations In Sinigle Day New Problem Emerges For Trump: Pote...
From Jenna Orkin EU Warns Turkey After 141 Greek Airspace Violations In Sinigle Day New Problem Emerges For Trump: Potential FBI Directors No Longer Want The Job Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich Shared 44,053 Democrat Emails With WikiLeaks: Report Financial Weapons Of Mass Destruction: Top 25 US Banks Have 222 Trillion Dollars Derivatives Exposure Mapping Europe's Secessionist Movements 48% Of Amer
(t) 1 day ago (No subject) jennakilt to you show details From Jenna Orkin The 22-year-old who saved the world from a ma...
(t) 1 day ago (No subject) jennakilt to you show details From Jenna Orkin The 22-year-old who saved the world from a malware virus has been named France's Macron just named an unlikely right-wing 46-year-old as prime minister The Big Bang is not the beginning of our universe — it’s actually the end of something else entirely North Korea: Latest Missile Test Successful, Can Deliver "Nuclear Warhea


Donald Drumpf's Saudi Speech: My Take As I Tear It To Shreds...
I again am playing a bit of catching up here... I have been busy over these last few days doing my usual good son thing in helping to take care of my mother... There has been so much happening over the last while, and luckily I was able to take the time and fire off my usual Sunday Rant to cover a lot of what I may have missed and to give my usual 2 cents worth..... BUT...Just a few days ago, crim
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 21st, 2017
Sunday, and it is Victoria Day holiday time here in Canada.. And of course time for my weekly rant.. OK, I again cannot figure out WHY in the hell Canada celebrates this weekend as "Victoria Day" to honour a long dead inbred Queen, from a nation that is still under control of inbred psychopathic pedophiles and murderers? It is time as far as I am concerned for this nation to dump the god damn Mon
The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Updates On Situation In Syria - The Real Reasons For That Illegal And Criminal US Attack On The Syrian Convoy!
Well, apparently the US government is now hell bent on getting their nice little full scale war against Syria off and running.. Just yesterday I of course reported about the US military launching an assault on a Syrian government forces convoy that was moving eastward from Palmyra, and having the AUDACITY to claim that this attack was "justified" by using the twisted logic that the convoy was appr
Breaking News As US Has Illegally And Criminally Bombed A Syrian Government Forces Convoy In Southern Syria
OK, lets get this straight... Many people have been sending me some comments and emails asking my opinion about this "escalating" Russia-Gate bullshit that has been targeting criminal US President Donald Durmpf... It is pure FLUFF and a distraction from what is really happening elsewhere in the world, and I am standing firm behind this statement.. Well, lo and behold, but I am being proven correct
WHY Is THIS Not Making The News Everywhere? Rebel Defector Admits The Entire Idlib Province Gas Attack From Last Month Was A Fraud!
*I always seem to be apologizing to my readers for my absence from this blog... I have been busy, as usual, taking care of so much family and personal business over these last few months, and it has taken me away from posting any material at this blog... I am therefore always playing "catch up" with so much happening in our world and an continuing to do my best at bringing reports here... I do wa
The Illegal Invasion of Southern Syria Is Definitely Coming: More Reports Of US And British Forces Entering Southern Syria Alongside "Terrorists"
I have been warning now for several articles that all of this hoopla with the "rush to war" against North Korea was nothing more than pure propaganda fluff and a diversion... The Jew spew media was in on the bluff by putting up news articles over and over again about "Kim Jong-un being a threat", and of course "North Korea is about to attack America" bullshit, as part of the sick and twisted game


The Challenge Facing Progressives
When it comes to Donald Trump, Robin Sears writes , progressives face the challenge of dealing with a man who lies as easily as he breathes. But Progressives face a bigger challenge than Trump: Like U.K. Labour, French Socialists and German Social Democrats — for that matter, much of the progressive democratic world — The Democrats have failed in addressing three transformative changes: job-killi
You Can See The End
The Canadian who edits Vanity Fair -- Graydon Carter -- writes that you cannot fight Donald Trump by using the usual tools of resistance: As anyone who has followed his jerry-rigged career from the 1980s onward will tell you, Trump just drags you to the bottom of the pond every time. Decades ago, he was a short-fingered vulgarian tooling around town in a mauve stretch limo, reeking of Brut. In th
No One Is Safe
Donald Trump won enough votes in the Electoral College to become president. His voters -- in a blind fury -- made him the most powerful man in the world. Now Trump -- also in a blind fury -- is destroying his country's democracy and the Western Alliance. Jonathan Manthorpe writes : Donald Trump’s apparent admission that he shared secret information with visiting senior Russian officials has inten
A Republic -- If They Can Keep It
Michael Harris puts James Comey's dismissal in its larger context. Donald Trump plans to sabotage the Republic: The good news is, people don’t like it. The bad news? He’s beginning to squeeze. There is nothing wrong with President Donald J. Trump that can’t be fixed by impeachment … provided the United States is still governed by institutions and laws, not by one man. It is an open question wheth
The stench surrounding Donald Trump got stronger yesterday. And his abysmal ignorance of everything became even more apparent. Jill Abramson writes: We know that President Trump has a stunning ignorance of history. He recently flubbed the basics of the causes of the civil war and seemed to think the famous abolitionist Frederick Douglas was still alive and “doing a great job.” It’s certainly poss
It's Getting Harder To Hope
Chris Hedges believes that, when a civilization crumbles, the idiots assume positions of responsibility. He writes : The idiots take over in the final days of crumbling civilizations. Idiot generals wage endless, unwinnable wars that bankrupt the nation. Idiot economists call for reducing taxes for the rich and cutting social service programs for the poor, and project economic growth on the basis


Q: But what were the ANZACs fighting *for*, Grandad?
Today, all the stories from Anzac Cove seem so inevitable. But what were all those ANZAC troops even fighting for – and why were they doing it in Turkey, for Galt’s sakes!? What on earth were they hoping to achieve over there? And why exactly is their sacrifice and botched battle considered part of the “birth” of our two nations? From the centenary’s Countdown to Anzac Day here at NOT PC comes th
Brazier! ‘Left Turn at Midnight’
When Graham Brazier died nearly two years ago, he’d been working with producer Alan Jansson on his fourth solo album — recording with him every Thursday night across several months. Since his death, Alan Jansson has been continuing to produce the album. A labour of love in every sense, Alan has also produced it in virtually every sense: starting with just the raw acoustic tracks they’d originally
Projects, Day 7: Howick renovation
So some of you have been asking why blogging here has been so light, recently. There’s a simple answer: i t’s not just that politics is so dire, it’s that the workload of my current projects has been so heavy. Among the (too) many projects is this one, another renovation project for a ‘mid-century modern’ in Howick which, like every good renovation project, involves a bit of untangling … Content
Quote of the Day: On automation & A.I.
Author Henry Hazlitt makes an interesting differentiation between types of automation that is entirely pertinent to what some are calling “the Fourth Industrial Revolution,’ i.e., the predicted revolution in robotics artificial intelligence, the differentiation being: 1. Automation of a task previously done manually ("labour saving") 2. Automation of a task inherently impossible to humans ("possi
Projects, Day 6: Remuera bungalow
So some of you were asking why blogging has been so light here recently – and it’s not just that politics has been so dire, it’s that the workload on my current projects has been so heavy. So among the projects that have been keeping me away from the writing keyboard is this one, untangling an existing Remuera bungalow, and better connecting its occupants to sun, to views, and to its difficult si
The Commerce Commission should ban itself
Here’s a post from February that is relevant again today in the wake of the Commerce Communist Commission’s prohibition of the Fairfax/NZME merger. ACT’s David Seymour calls the Commission a dinosaur, suggesting it had its day once. It’s more like a dangerous man-made virus that should never have been released into the wild at all. So Vodafone and Sky want to merge with each other. And so