Saturday, March 25, 2017

Jo Nova

JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

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Hazelwood Countdown: 53 years old and making more electricity than Australia’s entire wind industry
Three days to go: The Hazelwood shut down begins The situation in Australia right now: The total fossil fuel output compared to total wind power generation, NEM, Australian electricity market, 21 March 2017 One old coal plant makes more electricity than all the wind farms Guest Post by TonyfromOZ and Jo Nova I’ve been watching the output of all eight generators at Hazelwood closely all month and
Gottleibsen: Australian Energy Crisis “criminal” with 75% chance of blackout
Last days before Hazelwood shuts down. Robert Gottleibsen in The Australian a couple of days ago has investigated our energy crisis, and discovered our old centralized grid design is quite likely to fall over next summer in an incredibly expensive way. It’s nice that he did some research and even talked to engineers: The looming crisis is much worse than I expected. Three state governments, Victo
Climate caused Brexit sayth the Gore
Righto. It’s time to blame climate change for causing British voters to vote against German rule of Britain. Back when the climate was ideal, the Brits would’ve been fine with that. Instead, even though the world has not warmed for 80% of the history of the EU, the EU is breaking up because of climate change. It’s not like Al Gore to draw conclusions from a long nebulous chain of dubious reasonin


Climate media news coverage collapsed in the 2016 election year
After the 2009 peak of Copenhagen-fever and ClimateGate, media coverage dropped precipitously. Then there’s been a kind of dead cat bounce as the extreme voodoo climate meme was pumped and every hot afternoon became a front page headline. But media interest has plummeted — and in a US election year. To some extent this was coming as the crowd was tired of the hottest year after the hottest year,

Mar 22

Watch the 12th International Conference on Climate Change Live (Thursday morning US time)
The 12th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-12) will take place on Thursday and Friday, March 23–24 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, DC, thanks to the Heartland Institute. Watch and hear the scientists, economists, engineers, and policy experts who persuaded President Donald Trump that man-made global warming is not a crisis, and therefore Barack Obama’s war on fossil fuels m

Mar 19

All Australians “are detrimental”. Climate Scientist worries that her baby will cause floods, droughts, and warm globe
After years of struggle to conceive, plus tortured introspection about the effect her baby might have on future storms, Sophie Lewis, climate scientist, announces conception in the most convoluted way: And then, just as senselessly as our grief began, it ended. For no particular reason, the expected bad baby news never arrived and now the complexity of having an imagined child will become a concr

Mar 18

Weekend Unthreaded
… Rating: 7.5/10 (25 votes cast) Rating: 7.5/ 10 (25 votes cast)

Mar 16

Climate-Dollar bragging is over: funding goes underground to avoid “climate-axe”.
Once upon a time governments bragged about how much they spent on “climate change”. Every Climate Quiz or tin-pot-program to insulate a chicken-run was wrapped under the Climate Action banner so that politicians could claim they were saving the world. Nowadays voters have voted for the guy who called it a hoax, and the funding’s gone underground because he was going to boast about how much climat
Energy crisis in Australia: Feds versus State
Turnbull announces beefing up the Snowy Mountains Hydro. Weatherill gets grumpy. Insults exchanged. Things are so serious that suddenly the Feds are unveiling a new solution to fix the blackouts and “load shedding”. As Bob FJ writes: see Canberra Times and note the eye-contact avoidance etcetera twixt Weatherill and Frydenberg. h/t To Bob FJ Rating: 9.3/1

Mar 15

Infamous Milgram experiments repeated: Only a few will stand up against authority
The Milgram Experiment. Image Wikimedia. The chilling Milgram experiments have been replicated, and yet again, 9 out of 10 are willing to inflict electric shocks and pain on another person. In these infamous experiments the power of a white lab coat was enough to get more than half the participants (26 out of 40) to deliver a fatal shock (the participants didn’t realize the shock was faked, and t

Mar 14

Battery powered SA, could be 100% renewable for just $60 – $90 billion
South Australia (SA) is planning to build a new gas fossil fuel plant for $550 million because it has too much competitive and “cost efficient” free energy. There are fears this will not only push up electricity prices in the state but in Victoria, NSW and Tasmania too. (Bravo, SA). In order to build a new fossil fuel plant with Greens permission they spend $360m on the new gas plant, and then of

Mar 13

West Australia – Unskeptical conservatives wiped out in election – No Trump, No Brexit vote
Don’t mention the climate — unskeptical conservatives give away some of their best weapons The local Liberals (conservatives) got smashed on the weekend in the Western Australian election. Polls predicted it, but instead of a Trump-surprise, Colin Barnett’s team got a nasty shock instead — wiped out. There was no “hidden vote” waiting there because the local Liberals are just another brand of The

Mar 11

Fake News: Whipping up a media frenzy over bizarre “records” before they occur
Australia’s “leading climate scientists” can’t predict the climate but they are very good PR operatives. Here in Perth we’ve had a cool year — for the last twelve months it’s been nearly a whole degree cooler than the average for the last 20 years. But last weekend in Perth, news stories told us we’d had an “autumn stinker” and wait for it, we might get Perth’s second hottest first eight days of
WA Election — Conservatives who believe in “climate alarm” were wiped out
Rating: 8.2/10 (39 votes cast) Rating: 8.2/ 10 (39 votes cast)

Mar 09

Climate Institute runs out of money
The The Climate Institute is a private think tank set up in 2005. It got about $2m a year back in the heyday of climate panic. Today Planet Earth is still about to collapse, but it’s not important enough for the team to keep working without a salary. Amazing what someone, who really believes in what they do, can achieve with 1% of what they had. No more propaganda surveys from them then: Climate
Fifty Shades of Loadshedding — “Welcome darkness my good friend”
Love it! (Sing ’til you cry). Welcome darkness my good friend it’s good to meet you once again Because the power grids are stressing, that’s the reason for load shedding… – Shrish Viyas Hargoon h/t Lance. …. Why they do it, we all know cos their resources are low they are doing it in three stages Feels like we are living in dark ages Lights are taken away from us without a fuss give a few hours o

Mar 07

Go NCSE “March for Science” — Rage for Cliches!
The whole NCSE march on April 22nd is devoted to a strawman: The National Center for Science Education was one of the first organizations to endorse the march, and we are encouraging our members to take part. Why? Because we believe that the marches will be a powerful and positive reminder that there is something that virtually everyone agrees on: the value and importance of science. There is no

Mar 05

VW eco-scam, official corruption, is killing diesel
News is out that diesel cars which don’t comply with pollution standards will be banned from some roads in Germany on “high pollution” days. Depending on how often those bad news for diesel industry and owners. How useless is a car that you can’t drive when you need it? Stuttgart is being called the “Beijing” of Germany for air pollution. Residents are suing the Mayor for “bodily harm”. The same
Windy Clean Green Pollution
Looks like the halo is fading. Today-Tonight is a current affairs show in Australia. Today a few more Australians discovered that free energy is not just expensive but creates its own kind of pollution. This hardly a surprise for anyone who can spell cost-benefit, but it’s healthy to see the prime-time media in Australia doing something other than singing the Clean-Green advertising jingle. h/t S

Mar 04

Weekend Unthreaded
Sorry I am a bit distracted with other things this week. Light postings. Rating: 8.0/10 (30 votes cast) Rating: 8.0/ 10 (30 votes cast)

Mar 03

DiCaprio, Bono, and Al Gore: flying eyebrow artists for the planet
Advertising your virtues sometimes conflicts with advertising your social status. Paul Joseph Watson never minces his words. … The surprising thing is that these guys get away with it. Not laughed out of town for their grandstanding piety at awards nights. h/t Scott of the Pacific Rating: 9.2/10 (95 votes cast) Rating: 9.2/ 10 (95 votes cast)

Mar 02

Climate Change will suck the flavour from your daily bread
Climate Change threatens to make bread less tasty Over at The Conversation the panic is rising. Life is not going to be the same. Get ready for the bland future — if we stop all plant breeding tomorrow, and don’t change our fertilizers at all, it possible, by 2050, in dry years, wheat may have a 6% decrease in protein. It’s that serious. Everyone likes the high protein kind of wheat, and it’s wor

Mar 01

Trump takes away EPA “right” to control every puddle in USA: WOTUS executive order
Smile. One more noxious, power-grabbing bit of legislation: fixed. Farmers and land-owners lost control of the puddles and ditches on their land under the guise of environmental protection. Remarks by President Trump at Signing of Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Executive Order The EPA’s so-called “Waters of the United States” rule is one of the worst examples of federal regulation, and it ha

Feb 27

Does Solar PV in half of Europe make more energy than it consumes?
You might think we’d know whether a solar PV system produced energy before we installed 1,000 Megawatts of it. But it’s hard to even know after the fact. Dr John Constable points us at an interesting new paper that discusses the odd creature called EROEI. This stands for energy return on energy invested. If you get back less than “one”, it sucks. That sounds like a fine idea except everyone seems

Feb 25

Weekend Unthreaded
… Rating: 8.2/10 (28 votes cast) Rating: 8.2/ 10 (28 votes cast)

Feb 24

How progressive: ship dead trees 5,000km and burn them (use £450m for kindling)
It would make any hunter gatherer proud. [The Times] Britain is wasting hundreds of millions of pounds subsidizing power stations to burn American wood pellets that do more harm to the climate than the coal they replaced, a study has found. Chopping down trees and transporting wood across the Atlantic Ocean to feed power stations produces more greenhouse gases than much cheaper coal, according to

Feb 23

Solar Homes use more grid electricity than non-solar homes
There are probably more solar panels in QLD than anywhere else in the world. Back in February last year, the boss of the Queensland state power company announced the awkward result that households with solar panels were using more electricity than those without. Apparently people without solar were turning off the air conditioner because electricity cost too much, but the solar users didn’t have

Feb 22

Y’think Donald Trump will bring in a carbon tax? (And pigs will knit socks.) Bob Inglis is a former Republican congressman who lost out to a Tea Partier (you’ll see why). He’s visiting Australia to talk us into doing climate manipulation. I can’t see his reasoning catching on: Former Republican congressman Bob Inglis says he knows it sounds improbable to say the US president would impose a carbon price, but he thinks reality will force Mr

The climate conspirators have nothing on me. I see a push for nations to tax themselves and send money to the UN to be used up in fraudulent carbon offsets while the US stays out so as to reap the competitive benefit of the rest of the world shooting itself in the foot. Meanwhile chances are good clamping down on energy will happen simultaneously with increased need for heat during a cold cycle corresponding to natural cyclical effects similar to those of an ice age. And the fraudsters stay warm while others freeze and the UN hobbles sensible energy producing land use. Isn't corporate profit wonderful ?.  oldephartte

Contrary Brin / Vigilant Citizen

Contrary Brin

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Looking back at Heinlein's Future History - coming true before our eyes.
This one is so pertinent and important, I tried to find a more public venue for it. But one of the tragic consequences of the Trump Era is the decay of op-ed journalism -- everyone recycling the same whines. I'll speak more of this, at the end. But now -- this just can't be put off, any longer. Prepare to go wide-eyed! == A chilling forecast: accurate down to the last detail == You can sway a tho
Economic Inequality: opportunity vs outcomes
Our last posting -- extensively shared by thousands -- offered long, verbatim quotations from epic science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein, revealing his amazing prophecy of an America falling into perilous failure mode. Now let's back off from our immediate crisis and try some perspective. == The Equality Problem == This article - Is Inequality Inevitable? — asks a fair enough question, whose
Facing a future of technologic wonders: Artificial Intelligence
Don't be demoralized; we've faced waves of anti-science mania before. Today, let's assume we decide to resume being a boldly confident, ever-ambitious, scientific and technological civilization, in which children believe they can be better than their parents... but parents make that goal hard to achieve, in the best way, because we're improving too! Okay then, consider some innovations that will

Mar 16

Shifting views on immigration
In 1939, the infamous ship St. Louis limped around the Atlantic and Caribbean with over 900 German Jews on board. Arm-twisted by the Nazis, but also shamefully, the United States and Cuba both refused sanctuary to the refugees. Eventually the ship returned to Germany and most of the passengers on board were eventually killed during the Holocaust. Bard College professor an director of the Hannah A

Mar 14

Science Fiction: Into the future
Let's take a pause to envision how science fiction makes a difference. First by pointing at the rocks that lie in wait, downstream, that might yet be avoided. Second, by shining light upon the possible -- on things that we might want, or the people we choose to become. And finally... ... the category of I told you so. Rubbing our Cassandra warnings in the faces of those who just didn't listen! Ve

Mar 10

Inconvenient facts: The future of news.. and "otherness" has been stolen!
I recently spoke (via Beam robot) at a conference on “The Future of News Media” hosted by the Institute For The Future (IFTF), in San Francisco. An erudite gathering of concerned men and women from around the world discussed problems of Fake News, declining advertising revenues, state interference, self-censorship, and the web’s tendency to corral individuals into self-isolated pocket universes t

Mar 06

Which crisis will we face next?
All right, here is the danger I fear most right now. The heads of four world powers desperately fear democracy in their own nations. All four want to trigger war between the United States and Iran. A while back, I did a round-up regarding international affairs and their calamitous bungling, in recent weeks. But I left you with the impression that war with Iran might happen because of “stumbling,”

Feb 28

Economics under Trump
Please. We have one hope. That a civilization built by pragmatic idealists -- who used fact-grounded skills to craft a nation and a gradually better society -- can somehow use facts to save it. We will win this on two fronts: (1) by steadily peeling away from the rabid confederacy more adult Americans, one by one... and (2) by showing die-hard confeds that their self-interest does not lie with th

Feb 25

Revenge of the Deep State?
" Deep State " is a buzz phrase that's been around. It stands for the obstinate obstruction that political reformers may face - even when they win elections - from a nation's civil servants, bureaucrats, contractors, influential stakeholders and - especially - the security apparatus. The term was used for many years on the left , citing the last moderate Republican president, Dwight Eisenhower, w

Feb 22

Trump's Divided America This reporter tried hard, for a week to live life with no reference to the President (read Farhad Manjoo in The NY Times ). But this mother of storms exceeds any combination of known attention storms. Sci fi offers a simple explanation. He is an attention vampire. However many hate him... however little he actually accomplishes... an attention vampire will flourish as ever-more humans look at

The Vigilant Citizen

Mar 21

Katy Perry Accused of Witchcraft by Nuns As She Wins Court Battle to Buy Their Former Convent
This post Katy Perry Accused of Witchcraft by Nuns As She Wins Court Battle to Buy Their Former Convent appeared first on The Vigilant Citizen . Two nuns who are strongly opposed to Katy Perry purchasing their former convent accused Katy Perry of witchcraft and of “selling her soul to the devil”. They really don’t want her to move in there. The singer whose last single was about people being too
Symbolic Pics of the Month 03/17
This post Symbolic Pics of the Month 03/17 appeared first on The Vigilant Citizen . In this edition of SPOTM: Emma Watson, Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, a triceratops and some inappropriate stuff happening at the Kid’s Choice Awards. Emma Watson is an “It” celeb at this particular moment and, of course, the media attention comes with a bunch of symbolic stuff (even photo “leaks”). Some controversy sur
The Vigilant Citizen Forums Are Back … For Good!
This post The Vigilant Citizen Forums Are Back … For Good! appeared first on The Vigilant Citizen . It took some time and effort, but The Vigilant Citizen are back online – and they’ve been greatly improved. The VC Forums were taken offline a few months ago due to several issues that could not be fixed without drastic modifications. The main issue was that s that occurred on the forums sometimes

Mar 10

New Wikileaks Dump About CIA Hacking Sheds Light On the Mysterious Death of Michael Hastings
This post New Wikileaks Dump About CIA Hacking Sheds Light On the Mysterious Death of Michael Hastings appeared first on The Vigilant Citizen . The latest Wikileaks dump is said to be the “biggest exposure of CIA spying secrets ever”. It reveals how the agency hacks into consumer products to turn them into spying devices … and how it can even remotely take control of cars. Entitled Vault 7: CIA H
Katy Perry’s “Chained to the Rhythm” Sells an Elite-Friendly “Revolution”
This post Katy Perry’s “Chained to the Rhythm” Sells an Elite-Friendly “Revolution” appeared first on The Vigilant Citizen . “Chained to the Rhythm” is your typical Katy Perry pop song but with a slight subversive twist. However, there is intense “double think” going on here. Indeed, the “rebellion” presented by the video is actually accepting the global elite’s agenda that has been pushed for ye

Feb 28

Witches Worldwide Target Trump in Mass Occult Ritual
This post Witches Worldwide Target Trump in Mass Occult Ritual appeared first on The Vigilant Citizen . On the evening of February 24th, at the stroke of midnight, witches worldwide will engage in a mass occult ritual to “bind Trump and all those who abet him”. I am always surprised by the surrealist article titles I sometimes witness myself typing. But this is happening. And it is serious. Occul
Kanye West Has Reportedly Suffered From Memory Loss Since His Forced Hospitalization
This post Kanye West Has Reportedly Suffered From Memory Loss Since His Forced Hospitalization appeared first on The Vigilant Citizen . According to a longtime friend, Kanye West is “slowly recovering his memory” since his forced hospitalization in November 2016. What truly happened to Kanye while he was taken away for 10 days? Although his album Life of Pablo was nominated for eight Grammy award

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Steve Lendman Blog

49 stories per week


Trumpcare Down But Not Out?
Trumpcare Down But Not Out? by Stephen Lendman On Friday, one of Trump’s signature domestic programs was defeated, at least for now. Acknowledging defeat, House Speaker Paul Ryan said “Obamacare is the law of the land.” It’ll remain so “for the foreseeable future…until it’s replaced,” suggesting AHCA’s Friday defeat isn’t the end of the story, what’s next yet to be decided. A scheduled Friday Hou
Millions in US War Theaters Face Starvation
Millions in US War Theaters Face Starvation by Stephen Lendman According to the ICRC , about 20 million people in Yemen and Somalia face starvation without vitally needed food aid, mostly not forthcoming, saying: “This is not business as usual.” Crisis conditions in both countries need to be addressed “now.” Cholera “on the rise in Somalia (alone is killing about) 20 people…each day.” US drone wa
Marine Le Pen in Moscow
Marine Le Pen in Moscow by Stephen Lendman French presidential candidate Le Pen’s far-right agenda warrants plenty of criticism. So does the deplorable way France is now run. The same goes for America and other Western countries - responsible for enormous harm to millions domestically and abroad, a nightmarish assault on humanity. Le Pen’s meeting with Putin in Moscow deserves praise, not critici
Inventing Reasons to Bash Russia
Inventing Reasons to Bash Russia by Stephen Lendman Washington remains hostile toward Russia for its sovereign independence. Along with China, it’s an obstacle to America’s aim for unchallenged global dominance. Both countries are formidable nuclear powers, giving bipartisan US hawks pause about engaging either militarily. It doesn’t stop them from fabricating reasons to bash them, America’s fail


Bipartisan US Senators Introduce New Illegal Sanctions on Iran
Bipartisan US Senators Introduce New Illegal Sanctions on Iran by Stephen Lendman A rogue’s gallery of bipartisan Zionist neocons infesting Congress want hardened adversarial relations with Iran - inching toward direct confrontation, wanting the Islamic Republic toppled, pro-Western puppet rule replacing it. On Thursday, the Orwellian-named “Countering Iran’s Destabilization Activities Act of 201
Israel's Oppressive Apartheid Regime
Israel’s Oppressive Apartheid Regime by Stephen Lendman Israel was created as an apartheid regime - masquerading as democratic, in name only. Palestinians are viciously persecuted, Israeli Arabs denied rights afforded Jews alone. Last Sunday, BDS co-founder Omar Barghouti and his wife were lawlessly arrested, detained and interrogated for hours - an effort to harass and intimidate them. After rel
Mosul Operation: A Medieval Massacre
Mosul Operation: A Medieval Massacre by Stephen Lendman Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova described it this way weeks after US-led terror-bombing and Iraqi ground operations began last October - long before the worst horrors ongoing now. US-orchestrated operations are being conducted under “conditions of absolute information blockade,” Zakharova explained. Nothing was done to p
Trump Demands Friday Healthcare Plan Vote
Trump Demands Friday Healthcare Plan Vote by Stephen Lendman Late Thursday, White House budget director Mick Mulvaney told GOP House members Trump is done negotiating. He wants a Friday vote. If his American Health Care Act (AHCA) is defeated, he’ll move on to other issues, leaving Obamacare in place. Is he bluffing? We’ll see. As far as publicly known, House GOP support is short of enough votes
NYT Editors Support White House Regime Change
NYT Editors Support White House Regime Change by Stephen Lendman Times editors refuse to accept Hillary’s defeat, continuing a relentless anti-Trump campaign. They consider his main offenses triumphing last November, challenging Obama’s deplorable legacy, and rhetorically wanting improved relations with Russia - reasons enough to want him weakened or removed from office, a shocking indictment of
Michael Moore: Anti-Trump Coup Supporter
Michael Moore: Anti-Trump Coup Supporter by Stephen Lendman His irrational anti-Trump rage lost him credibility months ago. He’s either deranged, a Democrat party plant, funded by Trump-hating extremists like Soros, prematurely senile, or all of the above. Throughout last year’s presidential campaign, he openly supported war criminal, racketeer, perjurer Hillary. After her defeat, he called for h

Mar 23

GOP Hardliners Want Third-World Healthcare for America's Most Vulnerable
GOP Hardliners Want Third-World Healthcare for America’s Most Vulnerable by Stephen Lendman House GOP leaders scheduled a March 23 Trumpcare vote. Democrats unanimously reject it. So do enough Republican hardliners to defeat it unless 11th hour arm-twisting turns things around. Or perhaps this evening’s vote will be postponed. Trumpcare as introduced is abominable, more nightmarish than Obamacare
GOP Hardliners Want Third-World Healthcare for America's Most Vulnerable
GOP Hardliners Want Third-World Healthcare for America’s Most Vulnerable by Stephen Lendman House GOP leaders scheduled a March 23 Trumpcare vote. Democrats unanimously reject it. So do enough Republican hardliners to defeat it unless 11th hour arm-twisting turns things around. Or perhaps this evening’s vote will be postponed. Trumpcare as introduced is abominable, more nightmarish than Obamacare
US Intends Illegal Safe Zones in Imperial War Theaters
US Intends Illegal Safe Zones in Imperial War Theaters by Stephen Lendman Addressing members of America’s imperial war coalition in Washington Wednesday, Rex Tillerson said Washington intends establishing “interim zones of stability” in Syria and Iraq - without further elaboration. US-installed Iraqi puppet leader Haider al-Abadi was pressured to let US forces operate in Iraqi territory. He’s sil
London Attack: Terrorism, Other Type Street Violence of False Flag?
London Attack: Terrorism, Other Type Street Violence or False Flag? by Stephen Lendman Each time violent incidents occur in Europe or America, they’re automatically called terrorism - despite no credible evidence proving it. Wednesday’s incident in London left five dead, numerous others injured. Police lethally shot the alleged attacker. Dead men tell no tales. Weeks earlier, Britain’s senior cou
Tillerson Promises Endless Imperial Wars
Tillerson Promises Endless Imperial Wars by Stephen Lendman No US enemies existed anywhere since Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and imperial Japan were defeated in WW II. Yet imperial wars rage endlessly, enemies invented to justify them. Fear-mongering enlists public support. Vital homeland needs go begging to feed America’s war machine - benefitting profiteers at the expense of social justice. Ear
Trump and Transition Team Spied On
Trump and Transition Team Spied On by Stephen Lendman On Wednesday, House Select Committee on Intelligence chair Devin Nunez (R. CA) issued a statement, saying “on numerous occasions, the Intelligence Community incidentally collected information about US citizens involved in the Trump transition.” “Details about US persons associated with the incoming administration - details with little or no ap
John Podesta Linked to State-Run Russian Company
John Podesta Linked to State-Run Russian Company by Stephen Lendman It should be a non-issue. Doing business in Russia and most other countries is legal, nothing out-of-the-ordinary about it unless laws are broken. It matters for Podesta because Trump is irresponsibly bashed for alleged ties to Russian investors, banks and officials - besides fabricated claims of Moscow US election hacking, helpi

Mar 22

US Terror-Bombing Massacres Civilians
US Terror-Bombing Massacres Civilians by Stephen Lendman US terror-bombing in the battle for Mosul has nothing to do with liberating the city, everything to with destroying it. A similar strategy is employed in Syria, smashing vital infrastructure on the phony pretext of combating ISIS. America created and/or supports terrorist groups in both countries and elsewhere - waging war OF terror, not on
Master Spider David Rockefeller Passes
Master Spider David Rockefeller Passes by Stephen Lendman On March 20, billionaire predatory banker David Rockefeller died in his sleep at age 101. Financial commentator Hans Schicht earlier said “(w)hat has been good for (David) Rockefeller has been a curse for the United States. Its citizens, government and country are indebted to the hilt, enslaved to his banks.” “The country’s industrial forc
America and Israel Threaten World Peace
America and Israel Threaten World Peace by Stephen Lendman Multiple global flashpoints should terrify everyone. They’re hugely dangerous along Russia’s border with Eastern European countries, in the South China Sea, in Ukraine, in Syria, Iraq, and other US war theaters, and possible Israeli war on Lebanon and/or Gaza. America and Israel perpetuate endless wars, related violence, chaos and repress
Netanyahu Vows Continued War on Syria
Netanyahu Vows Continued War on Syria by Stephen Lendman War in Syria isn’t civil as falsely reported. It’s US launched aggression, aided by NATO, Israel and other rogue regional allies. Its aim is regime change. Washington wants another imperial trophy. It wants Iran’s government toppled. It wants regional control along with Israel, weakening or eliminating Russian and Chinese influence in the M
Washington's Little Known Spy Agency
Washington’s Little Known Spy Agency by Stephen Lendman US spying is institutionalized - on anyone, anywhere for any reason or none at all. Invented national security threats, targeting dissent and whistleblowers, along with challenging press freedom undermine fundamental rights. In Palko v. Connecticut (1937), the Supreme Court called "(f)reedom of thought the matrix, the indispensable condition
Fox News Legal Analyst Silenced
Fox News Legal Analyst Silenced by Stephen Lendman Former law professor, New Jersey Superior Court Judge Andrew Napolitano was legal analyst for Fox News until silenced over allegations of Obama using Britain’s GCHQ spy agency (its NSA equivalent) to monitor Trump - meaning his phone and online communications. Whether true or not, it’s possible, arguably likely. London’s Guardian earlier reported
Fox New Legal Analyst Silenced
Fox News Legal Analyst Silenced by Stephen Lendman Former law professor, New Jersey Superior Court Judge Andrew Napolitano was legal analyst for Fox News until silenced over allegations of Obama using Britain’s GCHQ spy agency (its NSA equivalent) to monitor Trump - meaning his phone and online communications. Whether true or not, it’s possible. London’s Guardian earlier reported GCHQ “secretly g

Mar 21

Russia Combats Terrorists America Supports
Russia Combats Terrorists America Supports by Stephen Lendman Russia’s agenda is polar opposite America’s. It’s effectively combating terrorists in Syria. The dynamic on the ground dramatically changed after it intervened in September 2015 at Assad’s request. America created and supports ISIS, al-Nusra and other terrorist groups - why they exist. Washington feeds the monster it claims to oppose.
Lying Machine NYT Calls Trump a Liar
Lying Machine NYT Calls Trump a Liar by Stephen Lendman In hurling pejoratives around like manhole covers against targeted nations, groups and individuals, The Times notoriously lies - especially in vilifying Russia and Trump, its two favorite targets. All politicians lie. It goes with the territory - not according to The NYT , outrageously claiming “George W. Bush didn’t lie when he said Iraq ha
Trump v. Televised Congressional Hysteria
Trump v. Televised Congressional Hysteria by Stephen Lendman Americans are ill-governed and ill-served by officials at all levels of government - federal, state and local. On Monday, clear evidence showed it. Disgraceful witch-hunt McCarthyism was on display for viewers tuning in to see. Hysterical House Select Committee on Intelligence members disgraced themselves during tediously long testimony
Deplorable Trumpcare
Deplorable Trumpcare by Stephen Lendman On March 23, House members will vote on the so-called American Health Care Act of 2017 (AHCA) - Trumpcare, the proposed Obamacare replacement measure with little debate. Instead of providing healthcare on the basis of need, politicized Trumpcare makes it dependent on the ability to pay, legislating enormous harm on the nation’s most vulnerable if enacted in
Bernie Sanders: America's Most Popular Con Man
Bernie Sanders: America’s Most Popular Con Man by Stephen Lendman He’s been saying one thing and doing another for over 30 years in public life, proving he’s a self-serving dirty politician like virtually all others. Rare exceptions prove the rule. His revolutionary, man-of-the-people rhetoric is empty, his soul for sale at the right price. He’s more demagogic rabble rouser than straight talk pub
NYT Editors Lied Suggesting Sabotage Undermined Hillary's Campaign
NYT Editors Lied Suggesting Sabotage Undermined Hillary’s Campaign by Stephen Lendman The Big Lie persists. The Times is a lying machine - along with other media scoundrels refusing to accept Trump’s triumph last November. Plenty about his agenda warrants criticism. Claiming electoral theft is over-the-top sour grapes. He won. She lost. That should have been the end of it. Not in a nation where d

Mar 20

Lost Privacy Rights in America
Lost Privacy Rights in America by Stephen Lendman America is a total surveillance society. Big Brother is no longer fiction. Sophisticated technologies make total monitoring possible, everyone vulnerable, including presidents. All our moves, transactions and communications can be recorded, compiled and stored for easy access. Anything we say or do can be used against us. Bill of Rights protection
Angela Merkel Frau Hitler?
Angela Merkel Frau Hitler? by Stephen Lendman Shocking stuff! It’s disturbingly common to label a political opponent another Hitler. Hillary Clinton vilified Vladimir Putin this way. US officials called Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez another Hitler, among other pejoratives. Former Mexican president Vincente Fox, former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman, former Anti-Defamation League head Abe Fo
No Evidence of Collusion Between Trump and Russia
No Evidence of Collusion Between Trump and Russia by Stephen Lendman Asked by Fox News host Chris Wallace about any evidence between “Trump world” and Russia on Sunday, House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R. CA) said: “I’ll give you a very simple answer: no,” adding he’s “up to speed on everything. No evidence of collusion” was found between Trump’s campaign and Russia. On March 8,
Israel Threatens Hezbollah and Hamas
Israel Threatens Hezbollah and Hamas by Stephen Lendman US and Israeli belligerence is the Middle East’s gravest threat. Imperial wars rage in multiple countries, likely more planned. On Sunday, IDF chief of staff General Gady Eisenkott accused Hezbollah of “gearing up with advanced weaponry and deploying for aggressive action from the towns and villages south of the Litani” river. “We see a clea
Israel Escalating Aggression in Syria
Israel Escalating Aggression in Syria by Stephen Lendman On Sunday, Lebanon’s al-Manar TV said an Israeli drone struck a car in Quneitra province near Golan in southwest Syria, killing two members of the National Defense Forces, allied with Syria’s military. An IDF spokesperson declined to comment on the incident. Syrian media didn’t report it. Eyewitnesses said Israeli planes breached Syrian air
Aggrieved Palestinians Denied Compensation
Aggrieved Palestinians Denied Compensation by Stephen Lendman Israel brutalizes Palestinians with impunity, denying them compensation for enormous harm inflicted. B’Tselem discussed the injustice, its report titled “Getting Off Scot-Free,” saying “Israel guaranteed itself a nearly blanket exemption from the obligation to pay compensation for all this harm.” “The state does not offer Palestinians

Mar 19

Israeli War Minister Threatens Syria
Israeli War Minister Threatens Syria by Stephen Lendman Let’s see if I’ve got this straight. Israel reserves the right to attack Syria preemptively at its discretion for any reason any time - a flagrant international law violation. If Syria responds defensively, its universally acknowledged right, Israel threatens greater aggression. Its ultranationalist, lunatic fringe war minister Avigdor Liebe
Crimea Reunification Day Commemoration
Crimea Reunification Day Commemoration by Stephen Lendman March 18 marked the third anniversary of Crimea’s reunification with Russia, following the March 16 referendum, correcting a historic mistake. An overwhelming 96.77% of Crimeans voted to rejoin Russia. Turnout was 83.1%. A 95.6% majority supported reunification in Sevastopol - voter turnout at 89.5%. Crimea’s Supreme Council called ousting
Coverup of Humanitarian Disaster in Mosul
Coverup of Humanitarian Disaster in Mosul by Stephen Lendman US-led terror-bombing along with Iraqi ground forces are systematically destroying the city, not liberating it as claimed. Western media scoundrels and international NGOs are ignoring a humanitarian disaster far worse than what affected East Aleppo. Government and allied forces, greatly aided by Russian airpower, saved the lives of tens
Iran's Exemplary Refugee Program
Iran’s Exemplary Refugee Program by Stephen Lendman Trump wants Muslims from designated countries barred from entering America - on the phony pretext of protecting the nation’s borders and national security concerns. Israel only accepts Jewish refugees and asylum seekers. Brussels, representing 28 EU countries, conspired with Turkey to punish desperate refugees needing help, turning their backs o
Escalating East Asia Tensions
Escalating East Asia Tensions by Stephen Lendman Trump straightaway in office showed he’s the latest in a long line of US warrior presidents - escalating imperial wars in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Afghanistan is likely next. Will he launch new wars besides ongoing ones? Are Iran and North Korea on his target list? Are China and Russia at risk? Unthinkable nuclear war remains a possibility by design
Scotland Independence Referendum 2.0?
Scotland Independence Referendum 2.0? by Stephen Lendman Ahead of Scotland’s September 2014 independence referendum, most UK and independent polls showed the outcome was too close to call. In the run-up to the vote, pro-independence supporters gained strength. Some analysts believed enough to win. Instead they lost by a 55 - 45% margin. Critics claimed vote-tampering. Registered voters found thei

Mar 18

UN Agency Head's Forced Resignation
UN Agency Head’s Forced Resignation by Stephen Lendman Pro-Western UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres showed he’s no different from his disgraceful predecessors. He acted on orders from Washington. The Palestinian BDS National Committee denounced him for removing from the UN’s web site a report “Israel does not want you to read,” it said. “The real news is this time around, Israel, with all it
Tillerson in Beijing
Tillerson in Beijing by Stephen Lendman Ahead of Tillerson’s visit, Trump bashed North Korea unjustifiably, saying it’s “behaving badly,” ignoring US high crimes, adding “China has done little to help.” Beijing and Moscow strongly object to Washington’s deployment of THAAD missile systems in South Korea, aimed at the DPRK and their countries, threatening their national security, giving the Pentag
Angela Merkel in Washington
Angela Merkel in Washington by Stephen Lendman Merkel’s meeting with Trump was strained at best, given his earlier disparaging remarks about her. “What Merkel did to Germany is a shame,” he said. “It is sad, sad shame what’s happened to Germany.” “I have friends in Germany. They want to leave…These are people that two years ago were telling me that it’s the greatest place on earth and now they wa
Trump's Budget Cuts $10 Billion in Foreign Aid, Israel Unaffected
Trump’s Budget Cuts $10 Billion in Foreign Aid, Israel Unaffected by Stephen Lendman Trump’s proposed budget slashes discretionary spending, except for militarism, warmaking, veterans and Israel. It continues getting $3.1 billion annually in largely military aid, despite facing no threats - the amount increasing to $3.8 billion each year when the current 10-year agreement expires in 2018. Netanya
Israel at War with Syria
Israel at War with Syria by Stephen Lendman Washington and Israel seek regime change. Both countries want pro-Western puppet governance replacing Syrian sovereign independence. Throughout Obama’s war, launched in March 2011, Trump escalating it, Israel supplied weapons and munitions to ISIS, al-Nusra and other terrorist fighters. It treats their wounded in Israeli hospitals. It terror-bombs Syria
NYT Defends Pentagon Mosque Terror-Bombing
NYT Defends Pentagon Mosque Terror-Bombing by Stephen Lendman The self-styled newspaper of record operates as a press agent for wealth, power and privilege, featuring fake news instead of journalism the way it’s supposed to be. Overnight Thursday, US warplanes terror-bombed a Syrian mosque in al-Jinnah village near Aleppo, a previous article explained. Hundreds of worshipers were inside at the ti

Mar 17

Will America Attack North Korea Again?
Will America Attack North Korea Again? by Stephen Lendman Truman ordered the earlier war, turning most of the country to rubble, killing millions. US warplanes ran out of targets to strike. Is more US aggression coming against a nation threatening no one? Throughout its post-WW II history, it never attacked another country. It justifiably fears another US war on its territory, why it sought to de
Russia Falsely Accused of US Airstrike on Syrian Mosque
Russia Falsely Accused of US Airstrike on Syrian Mosque by Stephen Lendman Overnight Thursday, US warplanes terror-bombed a Syrian mosque in al-Jinnah village near Aleppo. Hundreds of worshipers were inside at the time. Bodies are still being pulled from rubble, the death toll so far up to 70, likely rising, many others injured. CENTCOM denied the attack. Its spokesman said “(w)hat (was) target(e
Trump's Cruel and Inhuman Budget
Trump’s Cruel and Inhuman Budget by Stephen Lendman It’s a budget only Wall Street, war-profiteers, other corporate predators, and America’s privileged class could love. It calls for large increases in defense and homeland security spending instead of vitally needed major cuts in both at a time America’s only enemies are ones it invents. More money for US veterans is long overdue. They’re abysmal
Another AUMF Coming?
Another AUMF Coming? by Stephen Lendman All US wars are illegally waged on the phony pretext of combating terrorist groups America created and supports. Following the mother of all false flags 9/11 attack, Congress passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF). Bush signed it into law, giving his administration authority to use “all necessary and appropriate force” against any nations
The Deplorable State of US Governance
The Deplorable State of US Governance by Stephen Lendman America is owned and run by powerful interests. Politicians and bureaucrats serve them. Elections when held assure dirty business as usual always wins. A nation permanently at war risks ending like on earth. Fundamental freedoms are disappearing, police state laws replacing them. Monied interests alone matter, at the expense of beneficial s
Israel Admits Bombing Syria
Israel Admits Bombing Syria by Stephen Lendman Throughout Obama’s war on Syria, Trump escalating it, Israel terror-bombed targets in the country numerous times - clear acts of naked aggression. The latest incident occurred overnight Thursday. Israeli warplanes terror-bombed several targets in Syria. This time, they were counted by anti-aircraft surface-to-air (SAM) missiles. An IDF statement said

Mar 16

UN Report Calls Israel an Apartheid Regime
UN Report Calls Israel an Apartheid Regime by Stephen Lendman Titled “ Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid ,” authors Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley discussed how Israel persecutes and dominates defenseless Palestinians. Apartheid is a high crime against humanity, ongoing in Israel since its 1948 establishment, hardening over time, worst of all under N
Reactions to UN Report Calling Israel an Apartheid Regime
Reactions to UN Report Calling Israel an Apartheid Regime by Stephen Lendman The Richard Falk/Virginia Till ey report , discussed in a same day article, drew strong criticism from Israeli officials as expected. They’re not pleased about scathing truth-telling, discussing disturbing facts about their apartheid regime, brutalizing Palestinians from inception, committing slow-motion genocide against
Federal Judge Halts Trump's Travel Ban
Federal Judge Halts Trump’s Travel Ban by Stephen Lendman The Constitution’s First Amendment Establishment Clause states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” Citing it, Hawaii-based US District Court Judge Derrick Watson issued a temporary restraining order (TRO), halting Trump’s travel ban nationwide, blocking it from taki
Trump Escalating War in Syria
Trump Escalating War in Syria by Stephen Lendman Instead of winding down US wars he campaigned against, arguing they wasted trillions of dollars vital for domestic needs, he’s escalating them in Syria and Yemen, likely in Afghanistan, and continuing US terror-bombing in Iraq, massacring civilians. Hundreds of airmen manning B-52H Stratofortresses were deployed to Syria and Iraq. Along with US spe
Kiev Blocks Road and Rail Links to Donbass
Kiev Blocks Road and Rail Links to Donbass by Stephen Lendman A statement by its putschist national security and defense council head Alexander Turchinov said: “Taking into consideration that Ukraine’s enterprises have been (nationalized) and the security situation has worsened…the (council) has made a decision to suspend movement of cargos through the contact line.” “Following (the council’s) de
Neocon Senator Considers RT a Foreign Agent
Neocon Senator Considers RT a Foreign Agent by Stephen Lendman Russophobia in America is rampant. A CNN propaganda documentary shamelessly lied, saying Vladimir Putin governs “unconstrained by other institutions, parties and political forces.” Russian democracy is real, America’s is fake. Each wing of its one-party extremist rule takes turns assuming power. Elections are farcical when held. Voter

Mar 15

America Threatens to Leave UN Human Rights Council
America Threatens to Leave UN Human Rights Council by Stephen Lendman It’s largely an imperial tool, criticizing nations with leadership America opposes - notably Russia, Iran and Syria. Last October, Moscow lost its HRC seat. Saudi Arabia was reelected despite its abominable human rights record. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned America may withdraw from the HRC if it doesn’t undertake
Were Russian FSB Officers Involved in Hacking Yahoo Accounts?
Were Russian FSB Officers Involved in Hacking Yahoo Accounts? by Stephen Lendman A California grand jury indicted four defendants on charges of computer hacking, economic espionage and wire fraud for allegedly accessing information on millions of Yahoo, Google and other webmail providers. The case is unconnected to fabricated Russian US election allegations. In February, Moscow expressed outrage
US Super-Fuzed, Super-Powerful Nukes
US Super-Fuzed, Super-Powerful Nukes by Stephen Lendman Today’s thermonuclear weapons are monstrously more powerful than the 15 kiloton Little Boy and 21 Kiloton Fat Man nukes used to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki. An article by nuclear experts Hans Kristensen and Matthew McKinsie, together with ballistic missiles expert Theodore Postol explained the enhanced power of US submarine-launched balli
US Demands Raped Cambodia Repay War Debt
US Demands Raped Cambodia Repay War Debt by Stephen Lendman During its war on Southeast Asia, America raped and destroyed Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Terror-bombing massacred civilians indiscriminately. A decade of merciless war took millions of lives, around eight million tons of ordnance used in Vietnam alone, threefold WW II’s tonnage - about 300 tons for every Vietnamese man, woman, child, in
Committee of Inquiry on Syria Propaganda Report
Committee of Inquiry on Syria Propaganda Report by Stephen Lendman The COI is an imperial tool, formed in September 2011 to wrongfully blame Syria for human rights abuses, downplaying atrocities committed by US-supported terrorists. It lacks credibility, Syria’s UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari earlier, saying it’s “deliberately blowing things out of proportion when displaying its findings, also fully
American/Israeli Activist Jeff Halper Detained by Israel
American/Israeli Activist Jeff Halper Detained by Israel by Stephen Lendman On March 13, US-born anthropologist, scholar, author, co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ACAHD) Jeff Halper was detained in the West Bank by Israeli police on suspicion of “incitement.” When targeted, he was speaking to a group touring the illegal Maaleh Adumin settlement. In an email to +972 M

Mar 14

Fake News Proliferator NYT Mocks Real News Broadcaster RT
Fake News Proliferator NYT Mocks Real News Broadcaster RT by Stephen Lendman The Times is America’s leading proliferator of state-sponsored propaganda - providing press agent services for powerful interests, journalism the way it’s supposed to be off-the-table on its pages, why relying on it assures being misinformed. The Times asked if RT is “more BBC or KGB.” Of course, it’s neither. It produce
French Presidential Candidate Fillon Charged with Misuse of Public Funds
French Presidential Candidate Fillon Charged with Misuse of Public Funds by Stephen Lendman Once favored to succeed current French President Francois Hollande, Francois Fillion’s campaign may be over. Instead of heading for the Elysee Palace where French presidents reside and work, he could face prison time if prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced for what amounts to grand theft if proved - for al
Senate Neocons Want Permanent Aggression on Afghanistan
Senate Neocons Want Permanent Aggression on Afghanistan by Stephen Lendman Afghanistan is America’s longest war, a forever war if neocon Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham have their way. The country had nothing to do with 9/11, nor anyone residing within its borders. It didn’t threaten America - not earlier or now. Washington used state-sponsored 9/11 as a convenient pretext to wage war on
Nightmarish Trumpcare
Nightmarish Trumpcare by Stephen Lendman According to the Economic Policy Institute, “99% of Americans…win if the GOP health plan fails.” It benefits business and super-rich elites at the expense of affordable healthcare for everyone - a fundamental human right. According to Congressional Budget Office (CBO) scoring, 14 million Americans will lose coverage next year, 24 million by 2026, leaving o
US Rules of Engagement
US Rules of Engagement by Stephen Lendman ROE define how force may be used in combat - what’s acceptable, unacceptable, under what conditions. Geneva breaches and other laws of war fall outside of ROE. Military operations are governed by laws of war and international humanitarian law. All nations are required to observe them. International and domestic laws universally recognize the right of self
NYT Hypocrisy
NYT Hypocrisy by Stephen Lendman In a Tuesday editorial , Times editors criticized Trump for calling Egyptian despot Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (a US War College graduate) a “fantastic guy,” ignoring his coup d’etat regime, reigning terror against Muslim Brotherhood members and other opponents. The Times selectively picks nations and leaders to criticize, ignoring ones most important to target - Americ

Mar 13

Harvard's Fake Guide to Fake News Sites
Harvard’s Fake Guide to Fake News Sites by Stephen Lendman Is this what parents pay $63,000 annually for tuition, room, board and fees - so their children can be ill-served and ill-taught? Following the 2014 Obama administration Kiev coup, replacing democracy with fascist dictatorship, Harvard expressed concern about nonexistent “Russian aggression.” Some faculty members called for US military in
Egypt's Mubarak to Be Freed
Egypt’s Mubarak to Be Freed by Stephen Lendman Egypt’s military coup ousted him. He didn’t resign. He was pushed. Washington did the heavy shoving after he fell out of favor for opposing America’s war on Iraq, and plans to organize regional Sunni states against Syria, Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah. The so-called Arab Spring never bloomed. It was orchestrated in Washington, not in Tahir Square, spi
Sheriff of Wall Street Kept Hands Off Top Officials
Sheriff of Wall Street Kept Hands Off Top Officials by Stephen Lendman Wall Street crooks make money the old-fashioned way - stealing it through fraud, grand theft, market manipulation, front-running them, pump-and-dump schemes, scamming investors, bribing politicians, and having its executives in top administration posts making policies facilitating chicanery. Compared to major Street firms, Ber
Criminalizing Free Expression in Israel
Criminalizing Free Expression in Israel by Stephen Lendman In February, Association for Civil Rights in Israel executive director Sharon Abraham-Weiss blasted Netanyahu for “lashing out against the media,” saying it’s “an almost regular occurrence,” a matter “of genuine concern.” He’s waging war on free expression and the rule of law. Repressive legislation portrays “(s)ocial and human rights act
Former Ukrainian Prime Minister in Washington
Former Ukrainian Prime Minister in Washington by Stephen Lendman Yulia Tymoshenko served as illegitimate Ukrainian prime minister following the Bush administration’s 2004 Orange Revolution, toppling the sitting government, installing a pro-Western puppet regime. She a convicted felon, imprisoned for embezzlement, money laundering, hiding ill-gotten wealth abroad, and “abuse of public office.” Oba
Russian Ambassador Met with Hillary's Advisors
Russian Ambassador Met with Hillary’s Advisors by Stephen Lendman Ambassadors to America and other countries routinely meet members of their political establishment and figures connected to it. It’s part of the job. Russia’s ambassador to Washington met with numerous congressional members, including 30 Democrat senators in 2015 alone, discussing the Iran nuclear deal. Criticizing Michael Flynn an

Mar 12

Turkey's Erdogan Wants Northern Syria and Iraq Annexed
Turkey’s Erdogan Wants Northern Syria and Iraq Annexed by Stephen Lendman His aim is longstanding. In December 2015, heavily armed Turkish forces invaded Iraq, an act of aggression, occupying territory near Mosul, on the phony pretext of combating ISIS he supports. His real aim is seizing the area’s valued oil fields, a prize he’s long coveted. Last August, he invaded northern Syria, his aggressi
Putin Rejects Netanyahu's Anti-Iranian Rant
Putin Rejects Netanyahu’s Anti-Iranian Rant by Stephen Lendman Iran wages peace. Israel is a serial aggressor. Netanyahu has a disturbing habit of blaming other nations for its high crimes. On March 9, he met with Vladimir Putin in Moscow. Discussion focused on international terrorism and areas where bilateral cooperation is possible, notably in the Middle East. Views of both leaders on Syria are
Depression-Level Unemployment in America
Depression-Level Unemployment in America by Stephen Lendman Monthly Labor Department jobs reports are phony. Paul Craig Roberts calls them “a bad joke,” saying America’s economy is a “house of cards.” A day of reckoning awaits. Job numbers are inflated, manufactured out of thin air, partly based on a so-called birth-death model, estimating net non-reported jobs from new businesses minus losses fr
US-Supported ISIS Using Chemical Weapons in Mosul
US-Supported ISIS Using Chemical Weapons in Mosul by Stephen Lendman ICRC Middle East director Robert Mardini said patients treated in nearby Irbil show “clinical symptoms consistent with exposure to a blistering chemical agent.” Affected men, women and children suffer from respiratory problems, blisters, coughing, vomiting, along with eye redness and irritation. “The use of chemical weapons is a
Wisconsin Judge Rules Against Trump's Travel Ban
Wisconsin Judge Rules Against Trump’s Travel Ban by Stephen Lendman On Friday, federal District Court Judge William Conley issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) for the wife and child of a Syrian refugee, living in America since 2014. His ruling applies only to them, but opens the door to similar ones, potentially nationwide, along with other efforts to get Trump’s travel ban judicially over
Russia and Iran Excluded from Meeting in Washington on ISIS
Russia and Iran Excluded from Meeting in Washington on ISIS by Stephen Lendman US hostility toward both countries is longstanding. Russian air power, Iranian advisors and Hezbollah fighters alone are aiding government forces combat terrorism in Syria. America, NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other rogue states support the scourge they claim to oppose. On March 22 and 23, Washington will hos

Mar 11

Turkey's Tyrannical Rule
Turkey’s Tyrannical Rule by Stephen Lendman Recep Tayyip Erdogan rules with an iron fist, heading a virtual fascist dictatorship masquerading as democratic. Anyone criticizing or challenging his leadership risks imprisonment, including public figures, journalists, academics, other intellectuals, human rights activists, even young children - on charges ranging from insulting the president to terro
Assad: US and Turkish Forces in Syria Are Aggressors
Assad: US and Turkish Forces in Syria are Aggressors by Stephen Lendman Forces in Syria without permission from Damascus violate core international law. No nation may act aggressively against others except in self-defense - and only with Security Council authorization. US and Turkish forces invaded northern Syria illegally. “We…consider them invaders, regardless of whether those forces are Turkis
Unafforable Healthcare in America
Unaffordable Healthcare in America by Stephen Lendman Healthcare in America costs double what consumers in other developed countries pay. Proper coverage is increasingly unaffordable for millions. Obamacare made a dysfunctional system worse. Trumpcare, if enacted in its present form, will be more nightmarish, discussed in previous articles. The misnamed Affordable Care Act (ACA) left around 30 mi
Is Israel Planning Another War on Lebanon?
Is Israel Planning Another War on Lebanon? by Stephen Lendman Last year, Press TV cited the Beirut-based al-Akhbar broadsheet, saying unnamed US officials warned about Israeli plans for war on Lebanon, a decade after its last aggression - embarrassed by Hezbollah fighters at the time, perhaps seeking an excuse for revenge. On March 11, Haaretz interviewed extremist Israeli Education Minister Naft
Trump and Palestinian Puppet President Speak by Phone
Trump and Palestinian Puppet President Speak by Phone by Stephen Lendman Israeli-anointed Palestinian puppet Mahmoud Abbas lacks legitimacy. His so-called 2005 election was rigged to install him in office. His term expired in January 2009. He’s still there, remaining as long as Israel and Washington want him. He’s more stooge than statesman, a Palestinian Quisling. He’s a longtime Israeli collabo
Legislation to Stop Arming Terrorists Introduced in US Senate
Legislation to Stop Arming Terrorists Introduced in US Senate by Stephen Lendman Rep. Tulsi Gabbard earlier said “(w)hen it comes to the war against terrorists, I’m a hawk. When it comes to counterproductive wars of regime change, I’m a dove.” In January, she called for ending Washington’s “regime change war in Syria now” - after spending a week-long visit to Damascus, Aleppo and Beirut, learning

Mar 10

Four States Sue to Overturn Trump's Racist Travel Ban
Four States Sue to Overturn Trump’s Racist Travel Ban by Stephen Lendman Hawaii was the first to sue, discussed in a previous article. State Attorney General Doug Chin called Trump’s revised executive order “Muslim Ban 2.0.” “Under the pretense of national security, it still targets immigrants and refugees. It leaves the door open for even further restrictions,” he said. On Thursday, Washington,
US Mission Creep in Syria and Iraq
US Mission Creep in Syria and Iraq by Stephen Lendman According to reports, around 5,000 US troops operate in Iraq -with so-called permission from the puppet regime it installed. Hundreds of US special forces are in Syria, now joined by unknown numbers of combat marines, America’s total military presence not officially announced, the Pentagon citing operational security. US forces invaded Syria i
Greater US Aggression Under Trump Coming?
Greater US Aggression Under Trump Coming? by Stephen Lendman Nearly straightaway in office, Trump proved he’s the latest in a long line of US warrior presidents. He’s continuing naked aggression in multiple theaters, upping the stakes in Syria and Yemen, increasing numbers of US combat troops in both countries, perhaps more headed for Iraq. At the urging of CENTCOM chief General Joseph Votel, he
Trump Threatens Europe?
Trump Threatens Europe? by Stephen Lendman NYT editors absurdly say so - claiming he’s “shown higher regard for President Vladimir Putin…than for NATO or the European Union.” The self-styled newspaper of record is ground zero for media misinformation. It keeps finding new ways of making itself a laughing stock, publishing rubbish and fake news instead of what readers most need to know. The only t
War Criminal Obama Wins JFK Profile in Courage Award
War Criminal Obama Wins JFK Profile in Courage Award by Stephen Lendman Obama is no JFK! Despite committing horrific war crimes straightaway in office, Nobel committee members awarded him their 2009 peace prize, further mocking its legitimacy - honoring criminality, snubbing worthy recipients. Obama boasted about being at war throughout his tenure - after promising to end wars in Afghanistan and

Mar 09

Trump Picks Ambassadors to NATO and Russia
Trump Picks Ambassadors to NATO and Russia by Stephen Lendman According to an unnamed White House official, hawkish Russophobe Richard Grennell will be appointed US ambassador to NATO. Part of Washington’s neocon lunatic fringe, he’s a former Bush/Cheney administration spokesman for its UN envoy, involved with global war on terror communications and other propaganda. He’s a Fox News guest comment
China's Report on US Human Rights
China’s Report on US Human Rights Abuses by Stephen Lendman China’s annual reports on US human rights abuses counter ones produced by the State Department - judging other nations, ignoring America’s high crimes at home and abroad. Examining its 2016 domestic and foreign record, China again exposed the myth of America’s claim about being a human rights defender. Using data from the US Justice Depa
Remembering Lynne Stewart
Remembering Lynne Stewart by Stephen Lendman On Wednesday evening, humanity lost redoubtable civil rights lawyer Lynne Stewart. Cancer and complications from a massive stroke days days earlier, followed by mini-strokes, took her at age 77. I and many others who knew and loved her mourn her passing. She now belongs to the ages. I first met Lynne at a National Lawyers Guild gathering in Chicago to
WikiLeaks Releases Documents on CIA Hacking Tools
WikiLeaks Releases Documents on CIA Hacking Tools by Stephen Lendman On March 7, WikiLeaks published 8,761 documents, revealing secret CIA spying and hacking tools, saying: The dump represents “the majority of (Langely’s) hacking arsenal including malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized ‘zero day’ exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation.” The documents, called Vault 7,
Opposition to Trumpcare
Opposition to Trumpcare by Stephen Lendman Trump was partly right, saying Obamacare is “a complete and total disaster.” He’s dead wrong, calling his plan “wonderful.” It makes a failed system worse if enacted in its current form. It’s more deform than reform. Straightaway, healthcare providers expressed opposition for good reason. It works for high net worth households, not for others, America’s
Trump Raises the Stakes in Syria
Trump Raises the Stakes in Syria by Stephen Lendman His actions so far show he wants continued war, not resolution. Terror-bombing continues, targeting Syrian infrastructure, massacring civilians. On March 8, al-Matab village was struck, killing about two dozen civilians, including women and children - the mission conducted on the phony pretext of combating terrorism America supports. Trump upped

Mar 08

Obama Monitoring Trump
Obama Monitoring Trump by Stephen Lendman Former presidents usually respect the right of their successors to govern without interference. Obama changed the rules, maybe supported by big money backers like George Soros and likeminded international con men. Perhaps he’s involved in staging anti-Trump protests, challenging him in underhanded ways instead sticking to justifiable criticism. Reportedly
Racist Israeli Bill Aims to Muffle Islamic Calls to Prayer
Racist Israeli Bill Aims to Muffle Islamic Calls to Prayer by Stephen Lendman Calls to prayer five times daily is traditional in Muslim societies and communities. On March 8, racist Knesset members passed a first reading (55 for to 48 against) of a measure to muffle amplified calls to prayer in Israel and occupied East Jerusalem - a so-called Muezzin Bill, referring to the individual chanting the
Trump's Pay or Die Healthcare Plan
Trump’s Pay or Die Healthcare Plan by Stephen Lendman Proposed Trumpcare is a boon to America’s privileged and sickness industry, a bane for most others - leaving millions more uninsured than under Obamacare. The plan released Monday will likely be revised before Congress votes on it later this year. If enacted, change will come next year and in 2020. Trump’s promise of improved healthcare for ev
Big Brother Spying by America
Big Brother Spying by America by Stephen Lendman US spy agencies trample on Bill of Rights protections. Their spying domestically and abroad is pervasive. Anything goes is official policy, rule of law principles circumvented. Edward Snowden earlier said he hoped his revelations would make people worldwide aware of how their freedoms and protections are compromised. Mass surveillance goes on in wa
Hawaii Challenges Trump's Travel Ban
Hawaii Challenges Trump’s Travel Ban by Stephen Lendman It’s the first state to file suit, challenging Trump’s revised travel ban. The new version resembles the old one with a face lift. State attorneys said court filings coming Wednesday request a federal judge to issue a temporary restraining order, blocking Trump’s executive order. Law Professor Neal Katyal representing Hawaii said while “the
NYT Healthcare Legislation Hypocrisy
NYT Healthcare Legislation Hypocrisy by Stephen Lendman The Times was a leading Obamacare advocate, praising what warrants condemnation - in an editorial titled “Health Care Reform, at Last,” saying: “The process was wrenching…Barack Obama put his presidency on the line for an accomplishment of historic proportions…a triumph for countless Americans who have been victimized or neglected by their d

Mar 07

Ben Carson Calls Black Slaves Immigrants
Ben Carson Calls Black Slaves Immigrants by Stephen Lendman On Monday, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson called African slaves “immigrants” in remarks to HUD staff, saying new arrivals in America worked long hours for little pay. For hundreds of years, slaves came before them. “That’s what America is about, a land of dreams and opportunity,’’ he said. “There were other immigrants
Bahrain Regime Moves to Eliminate Opposition
Bahrain Regime Moves to Eliminate Opposition by Stephen Lendman Al-Wefaq was Bahrain’s largest political society, its most popular. Last July, it was suspended and dissolved. The National Democratic Action Society (Wa’ad) is the country’s leading secular opposition. On Monday, the ruling al-Khalifa regime began legal proceedings to dissolve it over fabricated claims about “incit(ing) acts of terr
Trump Co-opted to Stay Hardline on Russia
Trump Co-opted to Stay Hardline on Russia by Stephen Lendman After a few weeks in office, Trump abandoned notions of improved ties with Russia. Putting Russophobes in charge of defense, national and homeland security dashed hopes for better relations. The reported upcoming appointment of Russophobe Fiona Hill as White House Director for Europe and Russia provides more evidence. American geopoliti
Regime Brutality in Iraq
Regime Brutality in Iraq by Stephen Lendman US-installed prime minister Haider al-Abadi is at war with his own people, massacring them in the battle for Mosul. Amnesty International called human rights in the country “dire.” Civilians are threatened by violence instigated by ISIS and their own government, regime forces killing them indiscriminately - earlier in Anbar province, currently in Mosul
Trump and Netanyahu Discuss Nonexistent Iranian Threat
Trump and Netanyahu Discuss Nonexistent Iranian Threat by Stephen Lendman Both leaders are militantly anti-Iran. On Monday, they spoke by phone, discussing nonexistent Iranian “malevolent behavior.” A White House readout said they “discussed the need to counter continuing threats and challenges facing the Middle East region.” The main threat posed by US and Israeli belligerence wasn’t explained,
Israel Denies Entry to Foreign BDS Supporters
Israel Denies Entry to Foreign BDS Supporters by Stephen Lendman On the day Trump released his revised travel ban targeting designated Muslim countries, Israeli hardline MKS passed legislation banning foreign BDS supporters from entering its territory and areas it controls. Both actions warrant universal condemnation, each abhorrent - Trump’s scheme to keep out unwanted Muslims, unrelated to bord

Mar 06

Trump's New Travel Ban
Trump’s New Travel Ban by Stephen Lendman His new executive order , issued Monday, reworked his earlier one - rejected at the federal district and appeals court levels. How this one fares remains to be seen. It’ll likely be challenged. Like the earlier one, it’s all about politics, unrelated to border control and keeping the nation safe from foreign terrorists - ISIS and others Washington created
Ukrainian Putschists Sue Russia
Ukrainian Putschists Sue Russia by Stephen Lendman Kiev’s illegitimate regime is suing Russia in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on false charges of violating the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.” Let’s get this straight. The US-installed putschist regime i
Obamagate Scandal
Obamagate Scandal by Stephen Lendman If Obama ordered Trump Tower wiretapped as Donald Trump claims, evidence may or may not be easily obtained. If FISA court authorization occurred, a congressional inquiry could prove it. If conducted warrantless by the NSA, CIA or FBI, verifying Trump’s claim will be much harder. Cooperation by agency heads would be needed. NSA director Admiral Michael Rogers i
Humanitarian Disaster in Mosul, Iraq
Humanitarian Disaster in Mosul, Iraq by Stephen Lendman Media scoundrels ignore US-led terror-bombing, massacring Mosul civilians mercilessly - on the phony pretext of liberating the city from ISIS terrorists America created and supports. The ongoing battle isn’t what it seems. Thousands of ISIS fighters were redeployed from Mosul to Syria last October. A corridor opened by America let them flee.
The NYT Dismisses a Potential Obamagate Scandal
The NYT Dismisses a Potential Obamagate Scandal by Stephen Lendman Throughout Obama’s tenure, The Times supported his criminality and other abuses of power - his imperial aggression in multiple theaters, subservience to Wall Street and other corporate favorites, crushing neoliberal harshness harming America’s most vulnerable, and police state ruthlessness. He let Big Brother spy on everyone legal
Trump to Separate Undocumented Refugee Mothers from Children?
Trump to Separate Undocumented Refugee Mothers from Children? by Stephen Lendman According to Reuters , “(w)omen and children crossing together illegally into the United States could be separated by US authorities under a proposal being considered by the Department of Homeland Security” - citing unnamed government sources. The idea is to discourage mothers in unfavored countries from coming to Am

Mar 05

Trump Asks Congress to Investigate Obama Over Wiretapping
Trump Asks Congress to Investigate Obama Over Wiretapping by Stephen Lendman On Sunday, his press secretary Sean Spicer issued a statement, saying reports “concerning potentially politically motivated investigations immediately ahead of the 2016 election are very troubling.” “President Donald J. Trump is requesting that as part of their investigation into Russian activity, the congressional intel
US War on Humanity
US War on Humanity by Stephen Lendman Endless US wars rage in multiple theaters, Trump continuing Bush/Cheney/Obama aggression against sovereign independent countries posing no threat to America or any other country. Civilians are harmed most in all wars. America and Israel consider them legitimate targets, massacring them mercilessly, accountability not forthcoming. The Pentagon admitted to kill
Trump's Wiretapping Accusation: Part of a Coup Plot if True
Trump’s Wiretapping Accusation: Part of a Coup Plot if True by Stephen Lendman Pre-and-post election, pro-Hillary dark forces, supported by media scoundrels, invented reasons to vilify Trump, wanting him delegitimized. Failing to prevent his electoral triumph, relentless attacks continue. Targeting key administration officials Michael Flynn, Jeff Sessions, Kellyanne Conway and likely others to co
Trump Abandons Cooperation with Russia
Trump Abandons Cooperation with Russia by Stephen Lendman Trump’s campaign rhetoric about cooperating with Russia in combating terrorism was bluster without follow-through, according to AP News , saying: He’s “ telling advisers and allies that he may shelve, at least temporarily, his plan to pursue a deal with Moscow on the Islamic State group and other national security matters, according to adm
Banning Howard Zinn's Books
Banning Howard Zinn’s Books by Stephen Lendman Best remembered as an activist historian, scholar, educator, and author of numerous books, including his notable “People’s History of the United States,” Zinn died in January 2010 at age 87. He impacted the lives of his students, readers and many others, including my own. He wrote about history too few others teach, never discussed by major media. He
Trump Increasing US Aggression
Trump Increasing US Aggression by Stephen Lendman World conditions remain perilously unsafe under Trump. Hope for something better vanished in the early days of his administration. Major media reports are always suspect. It remains to be seen if two discussed below prove true. On Friday, ABC News said “(t)he Pentagon has quietly ordered new commando deployments to the Middle East and North Africa

Mar 04

Trump Tower Wiretapped by Obama?
Trump Tower Wiretapped by Obama? by Stephen Lendman According to Trump, Obama wiretapped Trump tower pre-election, tweeting: “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” “Is it legal for a sitting President to be -‘wire tapping’ a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW
Deputy NATO Commander Threatens War on Russia
Deputy NATO Commander Threatens War on Russia by Stephen Lendman Neocons infest Europe like Washington, eager for wars, deploring peace and stability, threatening humanity with their militancy. Appearing on state-owned, operated and controlled BBC, deputy NATO commander General Adrian Bradshaw urged “a grand strategy” to counter a nonexistent Russian threat, including so-called “hybrid war.” NATO
Tit for Tat: Trump Hits Back
Tit for Tat: Trump Hits Back by Stephen Lendman Envoys represent their countries abroad, at the UN, or as ambassadors-at-large, serving in various capacities. In foreign capitals, they’re liaisons between their home and host nation. Their duties involve understanding policies of the nations they’re assigned to, including as they unfold daily, providing important information to their governments b
Does Trump Want War or Peace in Syria?
Does Trump Want War or Peace in Syria? by Stephen Lendman Syria is Obama’s war. It’s now Trump’s. His actions belie his rhetoric so far. Campaigning last October, he said “I don’t like Assad at all, but Assad is killing ISIS. Russia is killing ISIS and Iran is killing ISIS.” A good thing. Last month, he said he’ll establish “safe zones” and have Gulf states pay for them. Syria justifiably rejects
The NYT War on Truth
The NYT War on Truth by Stephen Lendman On issues mattering most, The Times features fake news, not the real thing. On March 1, its editors lied headlining “Russia Sides With Chemical Weapons,” saying: “Russia proved again on Tuesday that there is no crime heinous enough to make it turn against Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. It vetoed a resolution before the United Nations Security Council t
America's Major Media: A Cesspool of Misinformation
America’s Major Media: A Cesspool of Misinformation by Stephen Lendman The late actor/writer/comedian Ernie Kovacs once said he knew why television is called a medium - “because it’s neither rare nor well done.” The same applies to so-called print journalism - like television, featuring fake news, not the real thing. The deplorable state of America’s media keeps reaching for new lows of misreport

Mar 03

Trump to Appoint Russophobe as White House Director of Europe and Russia
Trump to Appoint Russophobe as White House Director for Europe and Russia by Stephen Lendman Improving ties with Russia was lost when Trump chose Mattis for defense, replaced National Security Advisor Michael Flynn with HR McMaster - perhaps the coup de grace with the expected announcement of Russophobe Fiona Hill as White House Director for Europe and Russia. She heads the hawkish Brookings Inst
Will Trump Try Ousting Venezuelan President Maduro?
Will Trump Try Ousting Venezuelan President Maduro? by Stephen Lendman Previous Bush/Cheney and Obama administration regime change efforts failed. Washington considered Hugo Chavez a regional enemy. The same goes for current President Nicolas Maduro. It wants him toppled, a US-installed puppet replacing him, Bolivarian fairness ended, state-owned enterprises privatized, and control gained over Ve
Wanting Improved Ties with Russia Considered Heresy
Wanting Improved Ties with Russia Considered Heresy by Stephen Lendman Anti-Russia sentiment in Washington matches McCarthy era witch-hunt hysteria. It’s more dangerous because of bipartisan hawks infesting Congress and the administration in key defense, national security and intelligence positions. Instead of Dwight Eisenhower warning of the dangers of the military/industrial complex in his fare
The NYT Wants Trump Delegitimized and Ousted from Office
The NYT Wants Trump Delegitimized and Ousted from Office by Stephen Lendman He won. Hillary lost. It should have ended there. Yet nearly four months post-election, rage against him continues - for the wrong reasons, not the right ones. Legitimate criticism is warranted, gratuitous bashing despicable. He’s targeted for defeating media darling Hillary and rhetorically wanting improved relations wit
Good, Bad and Mixed News on Syria
Good, Bad and Mixed News on Syria by Stephen Lendman First the good. Syria’s military said the historically important, strategically located city of Palmyra and surrounding areas were liberated, ISIS terrorists routed after weeks of fighting. According to Russia’s General Staff, Main Operations Department head Gen. Sergei Rudskoi, “(t)he city has been fully liberated by now, and the government tr
US Terror-Bombs Yemen
US Terror-Bombs Yemen by Stephen Lendman Drone terror-bombings began under Bush/Cheney, continued under Obama, now under Trump, Saudi Arabia involved as a convenient US proxy. On January 29, a deadly US special forces raid on a Yemeni village massacred at least two dozen civilians, achieving nothing but deaths and destruction. Days later, Trump press secretary Sean Spicer lied, claiming “(w)e gat

Mar 02

Fake News Calls Russia's Envoy to Washington a Spy
Fake News Calls Russia’s Envoy to Washington a Spy by Stephen Lendman Reckless US Russia bashing is reminiscent of US propaganda preceding all its wars, vilifying targeted countries and their leaders before attacking them. The possibility of the world’s dominant nuclear powers clashing militarily should terrify everyone. Nuclear armageddon could follow. Permanent wars reflect longstanding US poli
Shadow Cabinet to Challenge Trump
Shadow Cabinet to Challenge Trump by Stephen Lendman It’s standard practice in Britain, not in America, a shadow cabinet never before formed to challenge a US administration. In the UK, it’s done nothing to change irresponsible governance, at least not in recent decades. Expect nothing positive from the US initiative. Why now? Why Trump? Why weren’t the deplorable Clintons, Bush/Cheney and Obama
AG Jeff Sessions on the Carpet Over Nothing
AG Jeff Sessions on the Carpet Over Nothing by Stephen Lendman It’s hard feeling sympathy for a man with a history of racist opposition to equal rights and protections under the law for all Americans. Still, vilifying him for conversations he apparently had with Russia’s ambassador to America, Sergey Kislyak, during the presidential campaign when he was a US senator is way over-the-top and unjust
Donbass Nationalizes Oligarch Enterprises
Donbass Nationalizes Oligarch Enterprises by Stephen Lendman On March 1, the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR) nationalized Ukrainian oligarch enterprises - notably those owned by Rinat Akhmetov, one of Ukraine’s richest businessmen, earlier a member of its parliament. He and other oligarchs reportedly helped fund Washington’s Euromaidan coup, replacing democratic governance wi
Phony Accusations of Russia Bombing US-Supported Fighters in Syria
Phony Accusations of Russia Bombing US-Supported Fighters in Syria by Stephen Lendman Commander of US forces operating illegally in Syria and Iraq, General Steven Townsend, falsely accused Russia of bombing US-backed (moderate) terrorists and Kurdish YPG fighters near Turkey’s border. Moscow’s Defense Ministry categorically denied its warplanes or Syria’s stuck areas claimed by Townsend, saying:
NYT Editors Bash Trump's Foreign Policy for the Wrong Reasons
NYT Editors Bash Trump’s Foreign Policy for the Wrong Reasons by Stephen Lendman His domestic and foreign policies warrant serious criticism this early in his tenure. Times editors prefer gratuitous bashing, continuing efforts to delegitimize him pre-and-post-election - vilification substituting for truth and full disclosure, typical of their deplorable misreporting. Focusing on Trump’s Tuesday c

Mar 01

Provocative Deployment of US THAAD Missiles in South Korea
Provocative Deployment of US THAAD Missiles in South Korea by Stephen Lendman Washington intends deploying so-called Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile systems in South Korea. They’re designed to intercept and down short, medium and intermediate-range ballistic missiles in their terminal phase. Instead of warheads, they rely on impact kinetic energy to destroy inco
Liberating Palmyra
Liberating Palmyra by Stephen Lendman The ancient Syrian city is a UNESCO World Heritage site, seized by US-supported ISIS terrorists in May 2015. It was liberated last March, retaken by thousands of ISIS fighters in December. Government forces are close to freeing the city again, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), saying its military “establish(ed) control over the Palmyra Triangle
Trump Before Congress
Trump Before Congress by Stephen Lendman His Tuesday address was long on making America safe for Wall Street, war profiteers and other corporate predators, short on what’s most needed to serve all Americans equitably and promote world peace. He focused on increased military spending at a time major cuts are needed, combating terrorism without explaining ISIS and likeminded groups are US creations
Water Wars
Water Wars by Stephen Lendman During the Nixon era, the 1972 Clean Water Act covered “all waters of the US,” knowing they’re interconnected. Yet Supreme Court decisions and subsequent agency guidance left many of the nation’s waters unprotected for over a decade, threatening supplies for millions of Americans, “putting 20 million acres of wetlands at risk, and leaving 59% of all stream miles in t
Russia and China Veto Anti-Syria SC Resolution
Russia and China Veto Anti-Syria SC Resolution by Stephen Lendman On Tuesday, Russia and China vetoed a draft US, UK, French Security Council resolution, proposing sanctions on 11 Syrian military commanders, along with banning the supply of helicopters to its government - based on fabricated charges of its use of chemical weapons. Countries supporting the resolution included America, Britain, Fra
Washington AWOL from Syria Peace Talks
Washington AWOL from Syria Peace Talks by Stephen Lendman Without US involvement and commitment for conflict resolution, endless war will continue - regime change remaining US policy unless proved otherwise, thus far not apparent. On February 23, Geneva IV peace talks began, no meaningful progress achieve so far. Chances for agreement on conflict resolution look slim at best, impossible at worst.

Feb 28

Congressional Hawks Want More Defense Spending Than Trump Seeks
Congressional Hawks Want More Defense Spending Than Trump Seeks by Stephen Lendman House Armed Services Committee chairman Mac Thornberry (R. TX), his Senate counterpart John McCain (R. AZ), and likely most other congressional hawks want more defense spending than Trump proposed - his sought increase more than 80% of what Russia spent last year, reported by RT. He wants already bloated spending f
Obama, Hillary and GW Bush on Trump
Obama, Hillary and GW Bush on Trump by Stephen Lendman His deplorable record so far aside, Obama and GW Bush aren’t allies - for sure not Hillary, still seething from her electoral loss, likely plotting revenge, maybe involved in anti-Trump protests behind the scenes. On Tuesday, Trump accused Obama of possibly being behind protests against him and White House leaks - “because his people are cert
Trump's Wartime Budget
Trump’s Wartime Budget by Stephen Lendman Information on Trump’s budget was leaked ahead of his Tuesday night address to Congress. It shows he’s a wartime president like his predecessors, an imperial interventionist, a big spender, mostly on the wrong things - at the expense of too many of the right ones. He wants another $54 billion added to already bloated military spending at a time America’s
Mass Slaughter and Destruction in Mosul
Mass Slaughter and Destruction in Mosul by Stephen Lendman Iraq was Bush/Cheney’s war, following what began under Jimmy Carter. Obama continued it. Trump owns it. Decades of US genocidal war on the cradle of civilization continues on his watch - on the phony pretext of combating ISIS, America’s creation used as imperial foot soldiers. US-led so-called “coalition” terror-bombing is massacring civi
Pentagon Plan to Defeat ISIS?
Pentagon Plan to Defeat ISIS? by Stephen Lendman America created and supports ISIS. So do NATO, Israel and other regional rogue states. It’s heavy weapons and other material support don’t materialize out of thin air. They come from foreign backers, including by US airdrops. Trump’s stated intention to defeat ISIS so far is just political bluster. In 2014, Obama promised the same thing, saying “Am
The Latest NYT Fake News on Russia The Latest NYT Fake News on Russia by Stephen Lendman An easy way to be misinformed and stay that way is by following Times reports - all fake news all the time on issues mattering most, especially geopolitical ones. Many of its reports read like Pentagon handouts, especially ones related to US imperial wars and Russia bashing. Acco