Monday, July 31, 2017

31 July - My Feedly! 2 of 2

New in Middle East Today

International Ranking of Basic Education in Egypt
Recently the International Economic Council evaluated the quality of basic education in 138 contires as of 2016, Egypt ranked 134 out of the 138 countries. Such low ranking reveals that the Egyptian government is not considering basic education as number one priority, despite of the fact that more than one third of the 94 million Egyptians are classified as illiterates. There are a number of fact

New in News Center PK

Dekha Ham Ne Cheen (We Visited China)
Reviewed by Sajjad Shaukat Whenever any natural calamity or man-made disaster took place in Pakistan, without wasting time, the Custom officer Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah along with his devoted teams of Customs Health Care Society reached the affected areas and helped the helpless people by providing them the basic necessities of life and medical assistance. … Dekha Ham Ne Cheen (We Visited China) is a

New in Not Quite Unhinged

Where Are We, and How Did We Get Here?
As Donald Trump, President of the United States of America, tweets us into the apocalypse, I cannot help but marvel with mouth open, at where we as a society are at. How did we arrive at this moment in time, where the world appears to be governed by absolute lunacy? I say we, because at this particular moment in time, while exemplified by the deranged squirrels inhabiting Donald Trump's head,

New in Pesticide Action Network

Congress steps up where EPA failed
Earlier this week I had a chance to be on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC when legislation was introduced to ban chlorpyrifos . If these bills become law, millions of children and workers in the U.S. and around the world will no longer be exposed to this brain-harming pesticide. This is very good news. But what I found most inspiring was the group that gathered to support the legislation. Farmwork
Guest Blog: Equity for farmers of color in California
Most Californians would be surprised to learn there are over 700 African American farmers in the state. African American farmers are largely undetectable in California’s 580 farmers markets, except the Freedom Farmers’ Market in Oakland . As one of the organizers of the Freedom Farmers’ Market, I celebrate a new state policy , AB 1348, which would create more opportunities for African American fa
Field tested: Neonics are really, truly bad for bees
A new, large-scale field study is underscoring what we know from previous research : neonicotinoid pesticides are harmful to bees. And the use of neonics as seed coatings on common crops like corn, soy and canola/rapeseed is of particular concern for both managed honey bees and native pollinators. Published in Science in late June, this study is the first long-term field study to assess real-worl
Pruitt's pesticide problem
I wonder if EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt thought no one would notice when he decided to ignore his agency's own scientists and greenlight continued use of Dow Chemical's brain-harming pesticide, chlorpyrifos. If so, he was in for quite a surprise. It turns out a lot of folks are outraged by Pruitt's reversal of the planned withdrawal of the insecticide, which has been shown to increase risk of
Pruitt's pesticide problem
Outrage is widespread regarding EPA Administrator Pruitt's reversal of the planned withdrawal of chlorpyrifos – shown to increase risk of learning disabilities, ADHD and autism. Learn more Slideshow Category: Flex Slider
Industry spinning glyphosate tales
With scrutiny of Monsanto's flagship herbicide RoundUp increasing, the corporation's defense of the product is in high gear. Learn more Slideshow Category: Flex Slider

New in Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home

Hey Florida Medical Marijuana Users - Gov. Scott Says You Can Be Fired
I've previously written about Florida's medical marijuana law saying nothing about protecting employees who are prescribed marijuana from discrimination. That was bad enough. Now, it's worse. Gov. Rick Scott recently signed into law a bill that very specifically says you can be fired for using medical marijuana. The new law says that "medical use" does not include use, "In a qualified patient’s pl
Former Employer's Attorney Can Be Liable For Despicable Retaliation
In a case that has the management-side bar moaning and groaning, the 9th Circuit held that an attorney who set up an ICE deportation sting against a client's former employee could be held personally liable for retaliation. As if it weren't bad enough that this attorney represented an employer that used the employee's immigration status to bully them into staying with the company, then failed to pa
Stupid HR Stuff: If You Don't Want Employees To See The Handbook, You're Doing It Wrong
I hear this all the time: "I was required to sign a paper saying I received the handbook. As soon as I signed, the HR folks snatched up the handbook and didn't let me keep a copy." Or, "I was required to sign saying I received the handbook, but I never actually saw it." What the heck was the point of that? The whole point of having a handbook is to let employees know what their responsibilities ar
Can I Fire An Employee If Their Ex Threatens The Boss?
I was asked this question by a friend asking on behalf of someone else and thought the answer might be useful here. Question : An employee has become involved with multiple abusive men, who then end up calling the office and harassing or verbally abusing other employees. The latest was a call where he threatened to beat up the boss. They want to know if they can fire her. They’re in Texas, which

New in Syria Comment

Who Gassed Khan Sheikhoun? The Investigation Begins
by Aron Lund On June 29, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, OPCW, published its final report on events in the Syrian city of Khan Sheikhoun on April 4, 2017. As you’ll recall, President Donald Trump struck a Syrian air base a few days later in retaliation for what the United States and allied nations, as well as the Syrian opposition, say was an attack by President Bashar a
End of US Support for Syrian Rebels Sounds Death Knell for Attempt to Roll Back Iran & Russia in Syria – By Joshua Landis
Terminating CIA Support for Syrian Rebels Sounds Death Knell for Western Attempt to Roll Back Iran and Russia in Syria. By Joshua Landis For Syria Comment – July 20, 2017 Trump’s termination of CIA funds to Syrian rebels signals the death knell for Western efforts to roll back Iranian and Russian power in the Levant. The reassertion of Assad’s control over much of Syria underlines the success of
Resolving Article 140: Settling the Issue of Iraq’s Disputed Territories Ahead of an Independence Referendum for Kurdistan
This article was published July 13, 2017 by NRT, a media service in Iraqi Kurdistan. The original article is available here . Photos and Images have been added to this re-post that were not present in the original. A new billboard in Erbil with Masoud Barzani’s image reading: “YES—for Kurdish independence and statehood” by Megan Connelly and Matthew Barber Contested Lands Last month, talks led by
Rollback? Trump’s Iran claims not just flawed but dangerous – by Steven Simon
Rollback? Trump’s Iran claims not just flawed but dangerous . Steven Simon argues that Trump’s view on Iran is not only analytically flawed, but also dangerous. July 5, 2017 Previously published on IISS blog By Steven Simon, John J. McCloy ’16 Visiting Professor of History at Amherst College, and Contributing Editor to Survival The Trump administration, for all its disarray, has a clear and consi

New in The Duck of Minerva

A Drinking Person’s Guide, Day 186
A guest post by Layna Mosley, Professor of Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (with contributions from John Granville Peterson Cluverius, Mark Copelovitch, Roger Halchin, Andrew Herring, Jordy Lobe, Julia Lynch, W.K. Winecoff). Financial markets continue to take the Trump presidency in stride, but the last six months have been tough. Political scientists worry th
The Transgender Ban and Politics of Exclusion
The following is a guest post from Jennifer Spindel and Robert Ralston , Ph.D. Candidates in Political Science at the University of Minnesota. On 26 July 2017, Donald Trump announced, via Twitter , that the US Government would “not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the US military.” [1] Notably, the tweets were sent exactly 69 years after President Harry Truman i
Two legs or One. It has nothing to do with planets- just pants.
Sometimes when we look for a rallying call to join us as humans around a common cause or to show us our equal vulnerability, we say these trite sayings like “ Common-sense says that all men put their pants on one leg at a time.” This is supposed to reassure us that we are all equal in the most “animalistic” of ways (because you know, animals wear pants). Here is the problem and the reality though
Trump and the Russian Money Trail
This is a guest post from Seva Gunitsky, an associate professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. His book Aftershocks: Great Powers and Domestic Reforms in the Twentieth Century was recently published by Princeton University Press. To understand the roots of the collusion, set aside Putin and follow the money. In the endless pursuit of the Russia-Trump collusio
The Trump Administration at 6 months
The following is a guest post from Jeff Colgan , the Richard Holbrooke Associate Professor at Brown Universit. Colgan is a Bridging the Gap Policy Engagement Fellow. Follow him on Twitter at @JeffDColgan This publication was made possible (in part) by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York. The statements made and views expressed are solely the responsibility of the author. July 20 marks s
In Memorium: Peter Berger (1929-2017)
In a 2014 interview , Nick Onuf argued that IR has lost coherence as a field and should instead be considered “as a species of social relations and [to] abandon IR theory for social theory.” Were that to be the case, the work of Peter Berger would certainly contend for space at the top of the list of required reading. Berger, who passed away late last month , is well known to constructivist (and

New in The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage

The Secret Reason for White-Hot Rhetoric Today
The fabiusmaximus site has a post on "The Secret Reason For Hot Political Rhetoric", and the following was my response, which goes to the heart of the problem--not just political--as enlightened by my discovery of the re-formation and design of the Earth's surface by the "gods" of ancient "myth": There is some truth in laying the problem on "tribalism" (which is a clue that the past is the key to
The True Origin of Inalienable Rights
The American Thinker site has a post which brought up the subject of "inalienable rights of the individual" (but only in terms of "property rights"). This subject comes under the heading of the "philosophy of science", particularly as newly enlightened by my discovery of the Great Design of the "gods". My response, then: I think it is not about "property" rights, more like "appropriate" rights. T

New in The Galloping Beaver

"Proud Boys" a national shame
Due to employment related restrictions I'm not as free to post opinions on the internet as I once was, but when I saw this I thought it was something the ink strained wretches should know about and possibly look into. Seem a bunch of Gavin McInnes' little brownshirts decided to disrupt a First Nations and Metis event on Canada Day. Further, it seems they are all serving members of the Royal

New in The Straight Goods

Petronas' Pacific Northwest LNG Proposal....The Real Story Minus Postmedia's Fake Narrative
Written by Grant G Yesterday after Petronas divulged they were canceling their ill-fated LNG project Keith Baldrey started spinning like a top, spinning like a BC Liberal shill.... Keith Baldrey claimed the change in government caused Petronas to bail on their project... CKNW/Global audio vault...listen to July 25th...just after 7:30 pm news(about 7:33 mark)
What a Beautiful Orange Day....John Horgan Edition
Written by Grant G Worms, squirms and the usual suspects, aided and abetted by you know who...PostMedia, oh boy, look at the neon, flashing strobes, look at the not so shiny baubles Postmedia presents as news, my gawd, how can Postmedia editors and editorial boards, living on a round earth(?) publish such blatant politically infused propaganda.....articles that appear to be written by either the
The Kindness of Strangers, ...Wildlife Edition
Written by Grant G Writing about politics, bitter pills, buttered words and nuanced nausea....from the soul, I care too much, yell too silent and remember everything.....including what's important, life, all life and its intricate forms... Hummingbirds...last summer I put out a humming bird feeder...North Burnaby, to my amazement within an hour I had my first hummer filling petals and su
The Kindness of Strangers and the advisors from Hell--B.C. Election 2017 and Demise of Christy Clark
Written by Grant G What an amazing B.C. political firestorm we just endured...what happened, why it happened.... Sometimes the littlest error can bring down Goliath.. A lot of things had to go right for John Horgan to gain power..everything had to fall into place, including a litany of errors by the BC Liberal machine, too clever by half...personal Christy Clark advisors led Christy Clark headlon

New in thwap's schoolyard

Optimism vs Pessimism
"I'm not a pessimist! I'm a realist!" Yeah, right. No. I'm a pessimist. I am more likely to see defeat and failure than situations warrant. In doing image searches for this post, I'm thinking that pessimists are definitely a minority. Which makes sense, since the human race would have died-out long ago if everybody was like me. Probably related, I also have a fair degree of self-hatred. (I'm also
Liberal & Loving Its Last Comment
I had three comments to process. Two from Opit. One from LALI. I clicked the box above all the comments to publish them all simultaneously last night. Went to reply this morning. Only Opit's comments were there. LALI wrote something about the Alma (?) drawings and NDP policy towards Israel-Palestine. I don't know what the Alma drawings are. If Niki Ashton wins the leadership, NDP policy will chan
We're Heading For a Crack-Up
The "Health Care" bill passed by the Repug troglodytes in Congress didn't really phase me. The public outcry against this abomination was so strong that i was certain that even a Repug-dominated Senate would realize its toxicity and come up with something less obviously vile and that in reconciliation, reality would produce something similar to the status-quo. The status-quo was horrid by the way
Next Post
Thwap art:

New in Vagabond Scholar

Independence Day 2017
Happy Independence Day! As usual, here's a mix of videos, with several reruns. First up, here's a clip from the excellent John Adams miniseries: Next, here's the full Declaration of Independence, read by an interesting and somewhat odd collection of actors: Marvin Gaye provides the sublime: The Muppets provide some silliness and enthusiasm: Finally, Pete Seeger

New in Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!)

Fourth of July Fab Fireworks? (North Korea in Sights) Sarin Gas Attack Attacked? (Trump's Staged TV Propaganda) White Helmets Follies (Won't Read President Risk Taker) More Fake Attacks Planned? (What Justifies Downing Syrian War Plane) Trump M-I-C Prisoner? (Neanderthals Sighted) Sy Hersh Speaks Internationally
Gee - if only it didn't look like this Fab Fireworks Fourth was planned to be coincident with the start of the next world war (see North Korea coverage on Fox News, etc.). And who paid for that million-dollar fireworks display? And why? (Surely not the country already in trillions of dollars of debt, which evokes almost instantaneous explosive anger in every so-called conservative in

New in What Is Sustainable

Sea of Slaughter
Farley Mowat (1921–2014) was a famous Canadian nature writer, a fire-breathing critic of modernity’s war on wildness. He spent much of his life close to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic, and was an avid outdoorsman. By 1975, he and his wife were becoming acutely aware of the sharp decline of wildlife during their own lifetimes. Mowat chatted with 90-year olds who confirmed his suspicions
Great Leaps
It’s fascinating to explore the deeper roots of our family tree. They reveal a lot about the path that led us to today. Homo sapiens emerged in Africa, somewhere between 300,000 and 130,000 years ago, depending on which expert you read. DNA mapping asserts that the oldest surviving human group is the San people of South Africa and Namibia (also known as Khoisan, Bushmen, or !Kung). Their genes ar

New in Wide Asleep in America

Citations Needed, Episode 04: The Root of All Evil
A recent New York Times presents a Manichean worldview wherein the United States’ invasion of Iraq was noble and just, while Iran’s relationship with its neighbor is nefarious and dangerous. The article was written by Baghdad bureau chief Tim Arango (picture above, right). Episode 4 of Citations Needed, my new media criticism podcast co-hosted by Adam Johnson, is out. This week, we talk
Citations Needed, Episode 03: The Rise of Superpredator 2.0
"The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he's a the victim and make the victim look like he's the criminal... If you aren't careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." - Malcolm X, Audubon Ballroom, December 13, 1964 Episode 3 of the new media criticism
Citations Needed, Episode 02: The North Korea Memory Hole
Episode 2 of the new media criticism podcast, Citations Needed, which I host alongside Adam Johnson is here! The episode, "The North Korea Memory Hole," tackles forgotten war crimes, broken promises, and the making of an official enemy. It is our first foray into the realm of the Official Enemy™, a staple of United States foreign policy discourse that we'll surely be revisiting a lot.
Citations Needed, Episode 01: The Charter School Scam
I'm happy to announce the launch of a new media criticism podcast, Citations Needed, hosted by prolific media analyst Adam H. Johnson and... me! The show, quite simply, will identify, demystify, deconstruct, and generally call bullshit on the media’s ubiquitous reliance on and regurgitation of false and destructive narratives, tropes, and stereotypes. For those who might not know, Adam is a
MSNBC's Joy Reid Fails History and Geography
MSNBC's Joy Reid “Ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.” - James Baldwin Seemingly apropos of nothing but shameless Red-baiting weirdness, MSNBC host Joy Reid tweeted today about two of Donald Trump's three wives hailing from Eastern European countries. "Donald Trump married one American (his second wife) and two women from what used to be Soviet

New in WWF - Latest News

Snaring crisis devastating Asia's wildlife, jeopardizing decades of tiger conservation efforts
29 July 2017 – On Global Tiger Day today, WWF is urging tiger-range governments to strengthen anti-poaching efforts and crack down on a severe wildlife snaring crisis that is threatening wildlife across Asia, especially the world's remaining wild tigers, which number only around 3,900. Easy to make from widely available material such as bicycle cable wires and quick to set up, wire snares are dea
EU Court of Justice orders Poland to halt logging in Bialowieza Forest
Warsaw, Poland – In response to the Court of Justice of the European Union's decision to halt logging in Bialowieza Forest, Dariusz Gatlowski, Biodiversity Specialist at WWF-Poland, said: "This decision is great news for Bialowieza and the communities that depend on this remarkable forest. By ordering Poland to halt logging, the Court has recognized that these activities are causing serious and i
G20 summit shows ambition on climate and sustainability as need for action grows
Hamburg, GERMANY (17 July 2017) РAs the G20 Leaders' Summit concludes, WWF urges the world's leading industrialized and emerging economies to deliver on their commitment toward ensuring sustainability and resilience for all. The ambition shared in the Leaders' Communiqu̩ released today must be accompanied by concrete actions by G20 countries and governments to bend the curve of accelerating clim
WWF campaign win: Spain must now commit to stop dredging inside outstanding wetland site
Krakow, Poland - The efforts of campaigners to inform experts on the UNESCO World Heritage Committee of the threats faced by Doñana, a rare and outstanding wetland in Europe, has ensured that requests on Spain to protect the site were maintained. The Spanish government and other committee members moved today to relax what is asked of them, which would have created an uncertain future for Doñana.
WWF urgently appeals to World Heritage Committee to protect Europe's outstanding wetland, Doñana
Krakow, Poland - Today, Doñana, a rare and outstanding wetland in Europe, is facing a huge threat to its future, as the UNESCO World Heritage Committee comes under pressure to relax its requests on Spain to protect the site. The Spanish government and other committee members are expected to try to relax what is asked of them, creating an uncertain future for Doñana. WWF experts are appealing to t
Host of World Heritage meeting failing to protect own forest
Krakow, Poland - A protest organised by a coalition of environmental NGOs in Poland today outside the 41st session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee shed light on the plight of the host country's ancient Białowieża Forest, which is under serious threat of large-scale logging. WWF took part in the protest, and continues to urge the Committee delegates to be vigilant to attempts to weaken the

New in A Different Perspective

Frankie Rowe has Died
Frankie Rowe, who might well be the last of those who claimed to have handled debris from the Roswell UFO crash, has died, quietly, in her sleep. Frankie Rowe. Photo copyright by Kevin Randle I first met Frankie Rowe about a quarter of a century ago when Don Schmitt and I had just finished a presentation in Roswell. She had been in the audience and afterward talked to us briefly. We would meet wi
X-Zone Broadcast Network - James Clarkson and His Resignation from MUFON
James Clarkson. Photo copyright by Kevin Randle. For those who wanted to hear Peter Robbins, he had a family emergency, but fortunately I had already talked with James Clarkson about the show. He wasn’t actually a fill-in, but one who appeared a week before I had planned, meaning I moved him up in the schedule. So, I thank James for coming on the show to tell us about his reasons for resigning as
Are Some Tales Just too Wild to Believe: Corey Goode and Andrew Basiago
When I interviewed Jan Harzan recently, I expressed my concern about the direction of MUFON and some of those invited to make presentations at the Symposium. I thought that some of the speakers were less than credible, thinking specifically about one man who seemed to claim to some sort of time travel before I realized there were two. Harzan’s response was that he wanted to give the membership a
MUFON, Billy Meier (and Michael Horn) and Me
In the course of discussing the problems faced by MUFON, I was contacted by Michael Horn, who is the US representative of Billy Meier. Meier is, of course, the Billy Meier man who claims contact with alien creatures going back to 1975, or maybe even earlier depending on whether you count his alleged childhood contacts in that number. I told Horn in the initial conversation that I was not a fan of
The Pteranodano and Billy Meier
Because it isn’t time for the premiere of Game of Thrones Season 7, and I have nothing better to do, I thought I’d kick another sleeping dog (sorry of that analogy offends). For laughs, I took a look at the Pteranodano photograph that was allegedly taken by Billy Meier during a July 1975 trip to a world some 9.38 billion light years away which is about halfway across the known universe. It’s a ba
Alleged Roswell Witness Update
( Blogger’s Note : I’m sure that you all remember the stir caused by the revelation of yet another eyewitness to the Roswell UFO crash. This was Charles Forgus whose story was told in Dr. Irena Scott’s book, UFOs TODAY, 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation and Government Cover-Up. Here, is the update on that story, supplied by Philip Mantle who has communicated with Forgus family members. This takes

New in A Very Public Sociologist

Racism and Capitalist Exploitation
Consider Marx's theory of exploitation. The accumulation of capital doesn't magically happen. It has to be advanced to set up the infrastructure of a business to make goods or provide services to a perceived market. And to start the ball rolling, any firm needs people. Trying to make a living from scratch typically begins with the labour of the owner and/or a few others and it spirals from there.
Tory Tribunal Fee Farce
Unalloyed goodness is a rarity in politics, especially when it comes to labour movement politics. But the decision handed down by the Supreme Court this morning ruling that employment tribunal fees are unlawful is some of the best industrial news seen in years. Implemented by the Tories with Liberal Democrat support in 2013, it was ostensibly part of the contrived war on red tape. According to th
Capitalism and Social Media
Every so often, Facebook users get weird reminders. Over the last few months I've had happy memories replayed to me about the time I posted such-and-such a status update, or gave a blog a bit of a plug. It also told me I've been on Facebook for 10 years. Now, I'm not an avid user and it's only these last couple of months I've properly woken up to it as a campaigning and dissemination tool, but it
Local Council By-Elections July 2017
This month 22,935 votes were cast over 19 local authority (tier one and tier two) contests. All percentages are rounded to the nearest single decimal place. Fiv e council seats changed hands in total. For comparison with June 's results, see here . 0.6%Party Number of Candidates Total Vote % +/- June +/- July 16 Average/ Contest +/- Seats Conservative 18 7,494 32.7% +12.5% +7.4% 416 +1 Labour 17
Are Aliens Using a Star as a Nuclear Megadump?
Taking a break from the politics tonight to indulge something other than music and video games for a change. Instead, let's look at ... the strange. Do you remember the flurry of interest in KIC 8462852, better known as the alien megastructure star a couple of years ago? Well, observations are ongoing and yes, it's still behaving weirdly, but latest measurements are indicative of a huge cloud of
Moby - Go
This evening finds me penning a pondersome screed in response to Richard Seymour's piece on class, race and capitalism looking at, well, those things. As the eyelids droop with the promise of sleep, I'm surrendering to sleep's embrace. Just so the cupboard isn't bare, here's one of the greatest house records ever written.

New in Adrienne's Corner

Emergency surgery...
sorry for not being here. Hubby was transported to the emergency room early this afternoon. At he moment (9:00 pm PDT) he is having surgery to repair a hernia. I'm headed back to the hospital. Update tomorrow. A
If John McCain craved attention, he found a really crappy way of getting it...
and his "no" vote on Odumbocare repeal tells us everything we need to know about him. And what's with all the drama, John? Read his statement below the video. As for Scaramucci and his language? The outrage is laughable. When you consider that just about everyone online is bleating out WTH's, "WTF's", and OMG's are now clutching their pearls and slapping a cold pack on their forehead because Scar
Post Falls, Idaho Police - You Rock!...
I love our police department and also the Kootenai County Sheriffs. They are exceptional. This area is home to quite a few yellow bellied marmots . They used to dart in and out of the rocks surrounding the parking lot of the original Costco in Spokane where I worked. People here love them because they're so friendly. Just imagine a large (20 lb) friendly squirrel begging for food and you've met a
Minneapolis: Somali Muslim Police Officer Shoots White Woman in Cold Blood...
and the libtards are silent. I don't have the will or the time for an extended rant, but I can't help noticing that my libtard bellwethers in Minnesota, who proudly proclaim their sadness over the Philando Castile shooting by a police officer, have not one damn thing to say about a Somali blasting away a white woman who called the police for help. They call the police shooting of Castile a traves
The Ladies Who March™ are getting ready to whip out their pink pussy hats and march against the NRA...
this upcoming Friday, 'cause the good Lord knows it's the NRA's fault that people are killing each other with guns in Chicago. What triggered all of this newest outrage? An NRA ad with Dana Perino which I just watched for the first time moments ago and posted below. Women's March Statement from their Facecrap page : We know that we are not safe. But we will not be intimidated into silence. Recent
What is all this G20 crazy crap going on and why should we care?...
because I sure don't. Holy Carp - I just got home and realized I never hit the "publish" button. Well - duh! (strong language alert) A whole bunch of world "leaders" spend untold amount of money to gather together and glad hand each other. I guess they're going to talk about global warming - or some other pointless crapola. While they're having a party the deranged scurvy looking violent anti-cap

New in Catharsis Ours

Economic News , Data & Views......July 29 , 2017.....Quick Hits For Saturday -1) Markets : Doug Noland's Weekly Missive " Five Years Of Whatever It Takes " And Weekly Examination of Global Markets & Key News Of Note ; ECB QE Exit Strategy Subject Of discussion ; Global & Bond Markets Keep Grinding Higher. 2) North Korea Launches 2nd ICBM Friday - Footage , Stills , Reactions And Additional Information. 3) Gulf Rift Updates From Different Points Of View. 4) Syria - Updates On State Of Play. 5) Libya - Political Front , Immigration Related Matters. 6) Odds & Ends - Global
Global Markets Overview.... fred walton ‏ @fredwalton216 22s 23 seconds ago fred walton Retweeted fred walton Doug Noland - This week marks the five-year anniversary of Draghi’s “whatever it takes.” fred walton added, fred walton @fredwalton216 Credit Bubble Bulletin : Weekly Commentary: Five Years of Whatever it Take... http:// -commentary-five-ye
Economic News , Data & Views......July 27 , 2017...... Quick Hits For Thursday-1) Markets : Asia - Economic Calendar , Market Moving Data & News For Friday ; US - US Stock Indexes Mixed And Have Quite The Roller Coaster Ride Today - Dow Powers Higher / Nasdaq Slumps Considerably Lower / S&P Slightly Lower , US Crude Settles Over 49 Bucks. 2) US Politics : Russia Related News ; Senate Healthcare Bill Votes On Deck Tonight ; Foreign Policy Updates ; House Budget Passes ; Swampland News. 3) Europe In Focus - Twenty Key Items From Across Europe Today. 4) Odds & Ends - Iran , Gulf Rift , Syria & Libya In Focus.
Markets..... Asia.... LiveSquawk ‏ @LiveSquawk 2h 2 hours ago Japan Planning Sanctions Against N Korea Reports Japan Times ForexLive ‏ @ForexLive 2h 2 hours ago Japan inflation data day - 3 banks with 3 different views ForexLive ‏ @ForexLive 2h 2 hours ago A big day on the economic data calendar in Asia - buckle up! US..... ForexLive ‏ @ForexLive 2h 2 hours ago Forexlive Americas FX news wrap: Do


The Poison Papers
The Intercept -- Incredible story of a barn full of court documents which will now be available in the Poison Papers, including docs on Agent Orange and Monsanto, and the woman who lost her four children when her home burned to the ground in a suspicious fire as she fought the poisoners. Read the story of Carol Van Strum at: The Intercept:
TigerSwan Insiders Respond to Censored News -- Questions Remain over TigerSwan at Standing Rock
Photos of private security contractors employed by Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock. Photo 1: Attack dogs of Frost Kennels of Ohio were sicced on water protectors. Photos 2 -- 5, shows private security contractors arresting water protectors at Standing Rock. Photo 6: Leighton security Kyle Thompson charges into camp, approached by water protector, later disarmed by BIA. Questions
Canyon de Chelly Photos by Bad Bear
. Western Shoshone Long Walker Carl Bad Bear Sampson shares his photos from Canyon de Chelly on the Navajo Nation. Bad Bear just finished walking across this land on Longest Walk 5 and is visiting Navajoland. Thank you Bad Bear for sharing with Censored News!
Mohawk Nation News 'The Perfect Race!'
Mohawk Nation News
Peabody Coal among top polluters in world, Navajo government agrees to collusion
St Louis April 2016 Activists on the steps of City Hall. Credit: Bret Gustafson on Twitter. Peabody Coal number 16 on list of 100 most polluting companies in the world By Brenda Norrell Censored News French translation by Christine Prat: Peabody Coal is number 16 on the list of the top 100 most polluting companies in the world. The Navajo
Mohawk Nation News 'Creation's Way'
CREATION’S WAY Posted on July 16, 2017 Mohawk Nation News Please post & distribute. MNN. JULY 1, 2017. konon-hontsa-kwe-nio, the women will always follow the ways of the earth, the life givers. Without women and without the land, there is no life. If the land is good, it produces life. When the sun shines, the grass grows and the water flows, meaning when her water breaks, then life