Thursday, April 17, 2014

The View

Ogm-gmo-1090223Ogm-gmo-1090223 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
iraqiraq (Photo credit: The U.S. Army)
Swallow's Nest (Crimea)Swallow's Nest (Crimea) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Sarych headland near Foros, Ukraine. ...English: Sarych headland near Foros, Ukraine. Українська: Ласпинская бухта и мыс Сарыч. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Crimean Khanate around 1600Crimean Khanate around 1600 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

7 hrs ·
AMAZING! You have to look at this


Putting these maps here for safe keeping.
Is GMO the biggest pestilence in earth's history?

Many BC "zones" are now GMO free. Monsanto is currently peddling it's GMO in BC. Farmers Union oppose them.
Urgent! Petition to make BC GMO free:

“Wake Up Before It’s Too Late:” New UN Report Calls for Dramatic Shift Toward Natural Agriculture
p.s. Costa Rica was the latest country to ban GMO.
March Against Monsanto (2.0) has over 500 locations in over 50 countries signed up to march on Oct 12th.
See "Events" page for a location near you"

Stop the Frankenfish ( GMO Salmon) petition has almost 1 million signatures and counting:
Can. gov. released GMO salmon eggs and doesn't even know how many.



Blogger Purple library guy said...
It's well written right enough, but it's pretty silly.
"Putin didn't have to annex Crimea the same way Bush/Blair didn't have to invade Iraq and Afghanistan"
Um, no, this is a deeply false equivalence. I always thought the people here knew a good deal about military issues; I guess this is just a lapse.
The history of US/Russia relations since the fall of the USSR have been about military encirclement and American ambitions to use antimissiles, sited as close to Russia as possible, to gain an overwhelming first strike advantage. Hence the ongoing project to get every available country near Russia's borders into NATO and get them to agree to missiles stationed pointed at Russia.
I don't think the technology can really work reliably especially when the opponent is aware of the problem and using countermeasures. But from the Russian point of view, a US successfully self-deceiving is almost as bad as a US that can genuinely launch an unanswerable first strike--either would feel free to dictate terms to Russia on any political/economic issue, without fearing Russian capabilities. Blocking any Russian capability to project force beyond its borders and constricting its ability to use submarines as hard-to-counter nuclear platforms is part of this game as well.

This brings us to Ukraine, site of a recent quasi-popular change of government, aided by large sums of American money. Ukraine is right next to Russia. The folks who have installed themselves in government, without elections, have made quite a few noises about joining NATO and turfing the Russian naval base. Some of them are violent and unpredictable fascists. Most of them seem to be taking American money and are clearly strongly influence by the United States. The naval base is, as has been pointed out many times in all this, Russia's only warm-water base--that is, it represents their only access to the Mediterranean and the Middle East. It's incredibly bloody important to them.

In short, the US in Iraq and many other places attacks based on made up security concerns, when nobody is actually threatening their security in any militarily relevant way. Russia in Crimea and indeed Ukraine as a whole has very real and pressing security concerns, in that the US seems to have been pressing in a concerted fashion for two decades now to hammer nails one by one into a coffin for Russia, and Ukraine and Crimea represent some prominent nails among the last few. A potentially radioactive coffin. Dismissing any actions Putin takes as silly muscle-flexing is a huge mistake, a major misinterpretation of the situation.

And that's just the realpolitik. It would appear that Putin did not in fact annex Crimea; to the contrary, Crimea voted overwhelmingly to join up with him. I suppose he could have said "no", but I don't see why that would be a morally superior course of action. For that matter, it would have been so mind-bogglingly unpopular that the Russian parliament might well have passed a bill letting them in anyway, and then boy would he have looked stupid at home.
Purple library guy said..
The game is a product of the existence of nation-states with hierarchy (in our case, capitalist hierarchy). Until "the revolution comes", it's the only game in town, its outcomes are deadly, and for those on the receiving end of aggression it's play or die.

Given which, it's foolish to denounce Putin. He's not grabbing Crimea because he's a macho crazy posturer. He's grabbing Crimea because it's his only move.

Sure it would be nice if the Great Game would go away. This could happen, if and only if we ever create a classless, egalitarian society of some sort. But that doesn't cause your post to make sense. It has nothing to do with Putin's personality, and little even to do with the things he does to generate political popularity. Much as the continuing adventures of Obama show that it was never really about Dubya's yee-haw cowboy Mission Accomplished personality.

"Fifteen years ago, it was possible to pretend the U.S. government opposed torture. Then it became widely known that the government tortured. And it was believed (with whatever accuracy) that officials had tried to keep the torturing secret. Next it became clear that nobody would be punished, that in fact top officials responsible for torture would be permitted to openly defend what they had done as good and noble."

A talk with Dr. Cornel West about Whistleblower Chelsea Manning
Army whistleblower Bradley Manning was acquitted of 'Aiding the enemy,' on July 30, 2013, while convicted of 20 other charges. On August 4 Cornel West was jo...

The United States has constructed a financial neutron bomb. For the past 12 years an elite cell at the US Treasury has been sharpening the tools of economic warfare, designing ways to bring almost any country to its knees without firing a shot..... The strategy relies on hegemonic control over the global banking system, buttressed by a network of allies and the reluctant acquiescence of neutral states. Let us call this the Manhattan Project of the early 21st century..... "It is a new kind of war, like a creeping financial insurgency, intended to constrict our enemies' financial lifeblood, unprecedented in its reach and effectiveness," says Juan Zarate, the Treasury and White House official who helped spearhead policy after 9/11..... “The new geo-economic game may be more efficient and subtle than past geopolitical competitions, but it is no less ruthless and destructive,” he writes in his book Treasury's War: the Unleashing of a New Era of Financial Warfare.
The US Treasury faces a more formidable prey with Russia, the world's biggest producer of energy with a $2 trillion economy, superb scientists...
The Telegraph
I am rather appreciative of this pastor, and his message. Share it if you are as well.

Louisiana's anti-sodomy law has already been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
So why are state lawmakers still fighting to keep it on the books?
Louisiana's anti-sodomy law has already been deemed unconstitutional. Louisiana lawmakers want to keep it on the books anyway.

What You Need To Know About Easter

16 hrs ·
And when you can be locked up by the criminal gangs that call themselves police for protecting the earth and the water we must have to sustain life, you're not just labelled an activist, they label you a criminal...

Letterman on Fracking
We just want to take a moment and say “thanks!” Thank you for helping us make a difference by making a donation, signing one of our petitions, attending one of our events, and so much more. We couldn’t do it without you!
Watch this special video featuring one of our supporters and celebrity partners, Bruce Cockburn, who has a few words to share. Thank you to Bruce and all the sponsors and guests who made our recent Gala such a huge success!
As an Environmental Defence celebrity partner, Cockburn used his worldwide success to help share Environmental Defence's "Kick Out Toxics" message to thousan...

19 hrs ·

Killings of environmental and land rights activists worldwide have tripled over the past decade, bringing the death rate to an average of two per week, according to a new report by the group Global Witness. - 2014/04/16

TIM ISBELL/SUN HERALD Bien Do and Hoang Tran look at shrimp boats at Lighthouse Pier Thursday morning. The two gathered prior to press...

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Insect Population Dwindling in Louisiana Marshlands Four Years After BP Blowout

Hooper-Bui's first peer-reviewed reports should be available by this summer, but she has been sharing her observations with interested parties all along. She hopes her work will be utilized by those who have to deal with future spills and by those making policy decisions that involve the oil industry as well as locals who are still dealing directly with the aftermath of this disaster.
Since there are fewer insects and spiders for birds and fish to eat, she is seeing a decrease in other species' success.

“This is what happens when the ecosystem seems to be disrupted,”....only does oil remain in the marsh in Plaquemines Parish, it is still emitting volatile aromatics. Preliminary results indicate the volatiles naphthalene and methylnaphthalene remain in the oil contaminated parts of the marsh, and could be responsible for the dramatic decline in insect population. Naphthalene is an insecticide

When the marsh's sediment is exposed and the temperature gets above 85 degrees Fahrenheit, the oil is being biologically degraded, the oil is releasing volatiles and is killing the insects.”

A report released by The National Wildlife Federation before the fourth anniversary of the BP disaster deals with 14 species higher up in the food chain than insects. On dolphins, the report cites the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) report that states, “NOAA researchers found strong evidence that the ill health of the dolphins in Louisiana’s Barataria Bay was related to oil exposure.”
And on tuna, “20% of larval fish could have been exposed to oil, with a potential reduction in future populations of about 4%. For a species already in peril, reductions in reproductive success and lower populations can be major impediments to recovery.”

The report goes on to cite a study co-authored by John Incardona, research toxicologist at NOAA. From the NWF report:

“A more recent study shows that a chemical in oil from the spill can cause irregular heartbeats in bluefin and yellowfin tuna that can lead to heart attacks, or even death. The effects are believed to be particularly problematic for fish embryos and larvae, as heartbeat changes could affect development of other organs. The researchers suggest that other vertebrate species in the Gulf of Mexico could have been similarly affected.”
To anyone who thinks the oil isn't still out there, Hooper-Bui says, “Come out here and I'll show you. It wasn't cleaned up.”

Confirmed: Fresh BP oil from Deepwater Horizon site still polluting the Gulf

- See more at:

Mystery in Gulf of Mexico: Why is oil leaking from Deepwater disaster site? Oct 19 2012

Oil identified as coming from the Macondo well, site of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster, is leaking into the Gulf of Mexico at the rate of 100 gallons per day. The Coast Guard is investigating.
According to the US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, the agency tasked with regulating offshore drilling, the US has to date issued 89 permits this year, more than all the permits issued (76) in 2009, one year before the disaster. The agency’s website reports that 32 permits were issued in 2010 and 38 in 2011.

October 11, 2012 at 4:34 pm
Matt Simmons said the sea bed was cracked. A few months later he was dead. Plenty of people who live in the Gulf area have continually raised their voices to brings people’s awareness to the fact that the Gulf was absolutely not “back to normal”. It’s all been propaganda. The real surprise here is that the coast guard is admitting it

Researchers Rule Out Continued Leak as Source of Oil Sheens Found Near Deepwater Horizon Spill Site
A chemical analysis indicates that the source of oil sheens recently found floating at the ocean's surface near the site of the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon oil spill is pockets of oil trapped within the wreckage of the sunken rig, according to a report published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology
July 25, 2013
No Comments 

22 hrs ·
AFRICOM Goes to War on the Sly: U. S. Officials Talk Candidly (Just Not to Reporters) about Bases, Winning Hearts and Minds, and the “War” in...|By Tom Engelhardt

Washington is pressing the Israeli regime to attack Syrian troops in a bid to hinder their offensives against CIA-trained insurgents in the Golan Heights.

The WAR HAWKS want to go to war with RUSSIA in order to b ring DEMOCRACY to the Ukraine [read get them hooked up to debt with the IMF and World Bank] . and our own country is falling apart... how dumb are we.. pretty damned stupid.

Thom Hartmann agrees with French economist Thomas Piketty: Capitalism is not an economic system that produces a middle class. In fact, if left to its own devices, capitalism tends towards vast levels of inequality and monopoly.
Having a middle class is a choice that a society has to make, and it's a choice we need to make again in this generation.
Truthout|By The Daily Take
The pro-Israeli government of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is making diplomatic and military preparations for military intervention in Syria, leaked documents show. Canada’s National Defe...
Global Research (Centre for Research on Globalization)

Canada has joined, ,all the countries involved in attacking Russia all linked to a conservative agenda.
the link above explains why Harper didn't want Liberals or NDP GOING TO UKRAINE, NEW PRESIDENT IN UKRAINE IS EVANGELIST CONSERVATIVE,

There has been no shortage of questionable actions by Mayor Michael Fougere and the City of Regina during the city’s referendum on whether to...

3 hrs ·
welcome slavery. its the future agenda.
Unions provide a needed check on corporate power!

"If a poor person without means comes into a court room, the judge doesn't want to hear anything that the defense attorney has to say for that person."
Living in America has taught Matt Taibbi that we as a society have "a profound hatred of the weak and the poor." That's one claim the former...
The Huffington Post|By Emily Tess Katz
"While law-abiding Muslims are forced to hide in their homes, and animal-rights activists are labeled as terrorists for undercover filming of abusive treatment at factory farms, right-wing hate groups are free to organize, parade, arm themselves to the hilt and murder with chilling regularity. It’s time for our society to confront this very real threat."
Read the latest column by Amy Goodman.
"Another U.S. shooting spree has refocused attention on violent, right-wing extremists....
Democracy Now!
Sex is like duct tape or chewed gum? What?! Here are the most absurd things America teaches kids about sex thanks to the Christian right.
According to America's moral scolds, sex is like used chocolate, backwash and duct tape.
Who are the Koch Brothers and What do They Want?:
As a result of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, billionaires and large corporations can now spend an unlimited amount of money to influence the political process. The results of that decision are clear. In the coming months and years the Koch brothers and other extraordinarily wealthy families will spend billions of dollars to elect right-wing candidates to the Senate, the House, governors' mansions and the presidency of the United States. These billionaires already own much of our economy. That, apparently, is not enough. Now, they want to own the United States government as well.
Continue reading here:

Oklahoma wants to make it more expensive for people to use renewable energy like solar and wind.
Given the climate crisis, why in the world would Oklahoma do this?

(  It's a fake crisis - just like wind is a technology which has a huge resistance to large generators and their vibration/consistancy/reliability/fire hazard problems )
To prevent a catastrophe, the IPCC is urging greater use of renewable energy. Oklahoma, however, is moving in a very different direction.

Oklahoma Will Charge Customers Who Install Their Own Solar Panels -Oklahoma residents who produce their own energy through solar panels or small wind turbines on their property will now be charged an additional fee, the result of a new bill passed by the state legislature and expected to be signed into law by Gov. Mary Fallin (R).
Oklahoma residents who produce their own energy through solar panels or small wind turbines on their property will now be charged an additional fee.

Every dog has his day!
A California deputy accidentally shot himself while trying to kill a dog that he said was threatening his life on Wednesday, but video captured by a...
The Raw Story
Amazing Quartet 

1 hr ·

More than 360 crashes recorded on local stretch of
QEII Hwy. this winter
Posted April. 17,2014
The recorded numbers are down for the stretch of the QEII Highway from 11A just north of Red Deer to the Didsbury overpass, from Dec. 1, 2013, to March 31, 2014. As well as the four-month period in 2011-2012. Reported from Paul Everest, Mountain View Gazette here:
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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

16 April - Blogs I'm Following II

English: The towns of Nogales, Arizona, left, ...English: The towns of Nogales, Arizona, left, and Nogales, Mexico, stand separated by a high concrete and steel fence. Many consider the area one of the most dangerous along the border, with numerous reports from U.S. Border Patrol agents of being spit on, having rocks thrown at them and gunfire. Despite the existence of a legal crossing point, enough illegal crossings occur to warrant 24-hour Border Patrol operations there. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
El Camino del Diablo, border patrol. Good morn...El Camino del Diablo, border patrol. Good morning! A Border Patrol helicopter circles around our camp in the morning while Eric was still sleeping (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Border Patrol Agents watch for illegal entry f...Border Patrol Agents watch for illegal entry from Mexico into the U.S. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
10:24pm MDST

Arivaca Arizona rises up against occupying army of Border Patrol at CENSORED NEWS - 17 minutes ago
. Photographers' Rights At Issue As Arizona Community Rises Up Against "Occupying Army" of Border Patrol Agents 04/16/2014 Print Email RSS Facebook Twitter See more sharing options Border Search By Jay Stanley, Senior Policy Analyst, ACLU Speech, Privacy & Technology Project at 1:10pm The ACLU of Arizona today sent a letter to the U.S. Border Patrol demanding that the agency

Rosebud Lakotas aren't selling gas to TransCanada trucks! at CENSORED NEWS - 17 minutes ago
Rosebud Sioux Tribe in South Dakota halted its first megaload and directed its businesses to prohibit the purchase of fuel to anything that transports material affiliated with the TransCanada XL tarsands pipeline!

What A Grassroots Progressive Blueprint For America Sounds Like Far, Far From The Beltway-- OH-06

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 23 minutes ago
We've written a few posts here and there about Steve Israel's worst recruit of the 2014 cycle, Jennifer Garrison, an anti-Choice, anti-environment, homophobic fanatic who has been embraced by the DC Blue Dogs and by others from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. We haven't done as muchabout Garrison's progressive primary opponent, Greg Howard, mostly because he is relatively new to the field of battle. Progressives in eastern and southern Ohio didn't mobilize to find a real Democrat until early in 2014, long after Garrison assumed she had wrapped up the nomination (having ... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 25 minutes ago
*Dozens pack tense meeting on fracking in Mandeville ~WWLTV*


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 54 minutes ago
*Unending false prophecies* *With their huge record of failure, no aware person could respect the latest lot of climate disaster prognostications* The Boston Globe noted on April 16, 2014: “The world now has a rough deadline for action on climate change. Nations need to take aggressive action in the next 15 years to cut carbon emissions, in order to forestall the worst effects of global warming, says the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.” Once again, the world is being warned of an ecological or climate “tipping point” by the UN. In 1982, the UN issued a two decade tippin... more »

METRO EVENT | Rag Blog ‘Highbrow Happy Hour’ features literary hotshots Barrios & Zigal

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 hour ago
Event: Rag Blog ‘Highbrow Happy Hour’ Date: Friday, April 25, 2014 Time: 5-8 p.m. Place: El Mercado Address: 1302 S. 1st Street, Austin Special Guests: Writers Gregg Barrios & Thomas Zigal Sponsor: Friends of New Journalism The Rag Blog is … finish reading *METRO EVENT* | Rag Blog ‘Highbrow Happy Hour’ features literary hotshots Barrios & Zigal

“The Descent Of Man” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
*“The Descent Of Man”* Has Human intelligence been on an intellectual and emotional decline since its peak thousands of years ago? by Steve Connor "Is the human species doomed to intellectual decline? Will our intelligence ebb away in centuries to come leaving our descendants incapable of using the technology their ancestors invented? In short: will Homo be left without his sapiens? This is the controversial hypothesis of a leading geneticist who believes that the immense capacity of the human brain to learn new tricks is under attack from an array of genetic mutations that have ac... more »

"Dreamers Of the Day..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago

"Always Been Sane..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
"As long as you have mystery you have health; when you destroy mystery you create morbidity. Indigenous humans have always been sane because they have always been mystic. They permit the twilight." - G. K. Chesterton

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
Ft. Worth, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by.

Chet Raymo, "Free As A Bird" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
*"Free As A Bird"* by Chet Raymo "All afternoon I have been watching a pair of hummingbirds play about our porch. They live somewhere nearby, though I haven't found their nest. They are attracted to our hummingbird feeder, which we keep full of sugar water. What perfect little machines they are! No other bird can perform their tricks of flight - flying backwards, hovering in place. Zip. Zip. From perch to perch in a blur of iridescence. If you want a symbol of freedom, the hummingbird is it. Exuberant. Unpredictable. A streak of pure fun. It is the speed, of course, that gives the ... more »

"The Champ" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
*"The Champ"* by CoyotePrime Ding, ding, ding... you hear the bell for the start of the fight, hear the crowd, noisy, excited to see this rematch between you and Life. You’re here, and still the Champ, right? Fought this guy many times before, always beat him, too, though you took many a beating yourself in the process, each fight a little tougher, taking a little more out of you each time. You meet in the center of the ring... damn, has this guy grown somehow? He looks bigger, more muscled, and has a real confident look in his eye. So what? You’re the Champ, still standing, righ... more »

Rumi, "The Tavern," (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
"All day I think about it, then at night I say it. Where did I come from, and what am I supposed to be doing? I have no idea. My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that, and I intend to end up there. Who looks out with my eyes? What is the soul? I cannot stop asking. If I could taste one sip of an answer, I could break out of this prison for drunks. I didn't come here of my own accord, and I can't leave that way. Whoever brought me here, will have to take me home." - Rumi, "The Tavern," Ch. 1:, p. 2, from "The Essential Rumi"

What happened that day . . .

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
*by Ken* The first thing I remember hearing as I regained consciousness was somebody asking somebody else if the somebody else had heard about what happened in Boston. What with my still-woozy state and the time it took to be moved to someplace where I had even minimal media accesst, it must have taken me awhile to piece together what-happened-in-Boston that day, a year ago yesterday, but in the days that followed I had an inoridnate amount of face time with the talking TV, so along with everyone else I was able to glean the occasional bits of news out of the 95 percent that could... more »

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago

George Carlin, “The American Dream” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
*STRONG LANGUAGE ALERT!* George Carlin, “The American Dream” -

"An Inconvenient Truth" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
*"An Inconvenient Truth"* by Karl Denninger "We're better than those damned Russians and their Putin; we have democracy! Well, maybe not. "Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Maj... more »


Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 4 hours ago
METRO PAGE | Beverly Baker Moore reports that ‘Life goes on at Austin’s Death Café.’

METRO | Life goes on at Austin’s Death Café

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 4 hours ago
Death Cafés are a community-based response to a mass media-plagued modern American culture that has no place for end-of-life discussion. By Beverly Baker Moore | The Rag Blog | April 16, 2014 AUSTIN — Death Café is a nation-wide salon … finish reading *METRO* | Life goes on at Austin’s Death Café


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 5 hours ago
*Live blog: Senate committee considers bill giving governor more control over levee board ~Tyler Bridges, The Lens* *Southeast Authority bill rewritten, gives more power to Jindal ~Marsha Shuler, The Advocate*

Measles outbreak traced to fully vaccinated individual

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 5 hours ago
This is not the first time I have blogged on this topic .There have been cases of polio vaccines spreading polio. Flu vaccines can also spread the fly and the rotavirus vaccine can also spread the virus through feces expression Never mind the fact that rotavirus vaccine in Canada and the US is contaminated with Pig DNA More on these subjects here- Rotavirus vaccines: Problems with Pig virus contamination & conflicts of interest & GSK Rotavirus vaccine contaminated with Pig virus ** -The Virus & the Vaccine- Cancer causing monkey virus & contaminated polio vaccine** That book is h... more »

Rick Ayers : Crimea, Obama, and the nostalgia for World War I

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 5 hours ago
The poet Wilfred Owen had the courage to look reality in the face. What can he tell us? By Rick Ayers | The Rag Blog | April 16, 2014 It is fitting that President Obama should quote the poem “In … finish reading Rick Ayers: Crimea, Obama, and the nostalgia for World War I

Saturday In The Park

Southern Man at Southern Man - 6 hours ago
It was a gray morning and not conducive to photography but Southern Man's redbuds have *finally* bloomed. They always wait two weeks after the other redbuds bud out and make him think that they didn't make it... We planted dozens and dozens of trees fifteen years ago and tended them and watered them and then one hot, hot summer Southern Man went out to The Land and they were *all* gone - eaten to the ground by deer or beavers or something. But these three redbuds came back from the roots. All three are native, harvested from a friend's estate. None of the store-bought trees made ... more »

The Economy: “The Great Keynesian Fraud” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
*“The Great Keynesian Fraud” * by Bill Bonner “Economics has been called the "dismal science." But even that is merely fraud and flattery. Economics is dismal, but it isn't science. At best it is merely voyeurism – peeping in people's windows as they go about their business and trying to figure out what they are doing. At worst, it is pompous theorizing about how to get the schmucks to do better. We doubt that you are especially interested in economics, dear reader. We know we are not. But we can't resist a good comedy... or a good opportunity to point and giggle. We keep our eye ... more »

The Rime of the BBC Reporter

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 7 hours ago
Apropos of nothing (to put it mildly), there was a report on today's *The World at One *about the Conservative Party's apparent problems with ethnic minority voters from BBC political reporter Iain Watson. It came from the marginal seat of Croydon Central. BBC Iain went there because Croydon "has a long history as an ethnically diverse borough". Or so he said. His evidence for which was provided by the music playing in the background of his report's opening seconds - *Hiawatha's Wedding Feast *by the black, Croydon-based composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912). Unfortunatel... more »

308-MH370 - the saga of political expediency and top level conspiracy

Amin Fasei at Our Manmade Disasters - 7 hours ago
Jane Doe A.C.T (Airline Crashes Truth) Movement (developing story – last updated on 21 March 2014) 100. Ever since the “News of the World” scandal broke in 2011 (following revelations of unscrupulous hacking and spying), people have become more aware of the fact that mainstream media journalists are not as professional and incorruptible as they were made up to be. Journalists used to report the news, not make them. 101. The military, DHS, TSA and other quasi-governmental transport (including airport security) agencies are supposed to make air travel safe. Not play Russian Roulett... more »

Despite Beltway Pundits, Matt Miller Will Never WIn A Congressional Seat

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago
Henry Waxman's district, CA-33, is solidly blue. The PVI is D+11 and, with only a tiny African-America population (3.3%) Obama beat McCain 64-34% and beat Romney 61-37% 4 years later. With Waxman retiring, there are, at last count-- James Graf having just pulled out-- 9 Democrats running. With Republican turnout always better than Democratic turnout to begin with and the 9 Democrats splitting the DEmocratic vote up among themselves, it looks like one of the slots in the June 3 primary may well go to one of the GOP crackpots running, Elan Carr. And that's without even factoring in ... more »

What a coincidence? A disaster on the 1st and 102nd anniversary of Boston Bombing & Titanic respectively.

Amin Fasei at Our Manmade Disasters - 7 hours ago
-by Amin Fasei. How often do you make a prediction and it happens right on que? Seems like the KZB (Khazar-Jews Zionist Banksters) are truly desperate. Normally there is a cooling period between successive wave of disasters. Could the house of cards that Rothschild built be close to its final collapse? Desperation shows. Their days are numbered. The number patterns are all over the place.

Easter Greetings...

Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 7 hours ago
*April 17, 2014* (New Eastern Outlook) The world is what we make of it. Regardless of our differences, we have many similarities, including our desire for peace and prosperity. Understanding our differences and our similarities allows us to move forward together, creating a vibrant, colorful tapestry made by the very best we have within. Happy Easter from the editorial board of New Eastern Outlook. *Audio: The song is "We are singing to you," composed by Sergei Rachmaninoff. Performed by the Dzvinochok Boys Choir. *

Quote of the Day: Your Money is Your Life

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 7 hours ago
*"Time is our most precious resource, and most of us invest a third or more of it into productive work so that we can support our lives and make our hopes and dreams a reality. Every penny we earn represents some irreplaceable part of our life — and every penny [and every minute] the government takes from us represents a moment stolen from our life."* - Don Watkins, “Your Money is Your Life” Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at

Back when Ronald Reagen termed the Soviet Union "the evil empire," Paul Craig Roberts was his Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for policy. Now in the 21st Century Roberts sees the US as the evil empire and hopes that Russia will realize this in time to avert a nuclear World War III on the centenial of WW I.

David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 8 hours ago
------------------------------ *Washington Drives The World To War — Paul Craig Roberts* ------------------------------ April 14, 2014 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter Washington Drives The World To War Paul Craig Roberts The CIA director was sent to Kiev to launch a military suppression of the Russian separatists in the eastern and southern portions of Ukraine, former Russian territories for the most part that were foolishly attached to the Ukraine in the early years of Soviet rule. Washing... more »

Roxanna Elden’s Excellent See Me After Class

John Thompson at @ THE CHALK FACE - 8 hours ago
Rereading the second edition of Roxanna Elden’s See Me After Class is just as much fun as the first read. And it begins with one of the best and truest endorsements I have seen. Dave Berry says, “You know how you’ve always thought if you were a teacher you would go insane? Well, this very […]

Hold on, this could be serious! (A Rule 5 and probably NSFW post)

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 8 hours ago
There's a lot of bad news and evil in the world but this news is potentially really serious: *Kate Upton wants to have smaller breasts!!!* “I wish I had smaller boobs every day of my life as I love to wear spaghetti tops braless or go for the smallest bikini designs. Every single day, I’m like, ‘Oh, man, it would be so much easier,’ especially if people didn’t constantly bring them up. If only they were a little more like… earrings. If I could just take them off like they were clip-ons... I know I say I wish I had smaller boobs - and that's true because at least twice a day I wish t... more »

Repetition, hesitation and repetition

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 8 hours ago
The theme of this morning's *Something Understood *(Radio 4, Sunday) was repetition. It began with 17th Century composer Johann Pachelbel's famous *Canon*, in which a variety of evolving melodies unfold over a constantly repeated pattern of eight notes. Presenter John McCarthy (who knows more than most people about repetitive days) then noted that our days are full of repetition. We get up, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, chat to the family, eat a meal, cruise the internet, watch TV and go to bed. Like those eight notes underpinning Pachelbel's *Canon,* these daily doings p... more »

Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama: Don't approve Keyston XL Pipeline

LeDaro at LeDaro - 8 hours ago
I believe Jimmy Carter was one of the best president U.S ever had. I suppose nice guy finishes last. Too bad he did not win the second term. He is giving a great advice to Obama. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter speaks during an interview on Monday March 24, 2014 in New York. Carter said Monday that he doesn't support the Palestinian-led "boycott, divest, sanction" campaign against Israel but said products made in Israel-occupied Palestinian territories should be clearly labeled so buyers can make a choice about them. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews) | ASSOCIATED PRESS Read more here

Front page headline in today’s Times!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 9 hours ago
*WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2014* *Journalistic scruples disappear:* This pair of headlines appears in today’s hard-copy New York Times. In fact, they appear at the top of this morning’s front page: *Russia Is Quick To Bend Truth About Ukraine* Bluster and Hyperbole for Home Audience We don’t doubt that those headlines are accurate. That said: Journalistic relativism disappears fast when some *other* country is bending the truth about a foreign adventure.

Probing and pranging

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 9 hours ago
In a former blogging life (at *Beeb Bias Craig* and *Biased BBC*), I might have posted something tonight about how Sky News is prominently featuring the headline* Ed Balls Facing Police Probe Over Car Prang* on its website, adding that it's one of their Top 10 stories. I'd then have gone on to note that the BBC website *doesn't* feature the story among its main headlines at all, merely relegating it to its Politics page with the headline [visible from its home page] *Police probe Ed Balls car prang*. I'd then have pointed out that the Sky headline makes it crystal clear that Ed... more »

Making Reading Fit Today's Lifestyle

Martyn Daniels at Brave New World - 9 hours ago
Is it a surprise that men read less in today’s channel hopping, multimedia, time poor environment? Are we really shocked to find that some 63% of men polled in a recent UK survey said that they prefer to spend time on the internet or watch the big screen version of a book? Many claim to blame a lack of time, whilst 20% stated that they find it difficult or don’t enjoy reading. So what is the industry response and reaction to the news from the study commissioned by the Reading Agency conducted by OnePoll which polled some 2,000 UK men and women? Some believe that the answer lies i... more »

Companies Start Recovering Costs From Iraq’s Majnoon Oil Field With Exports In April 2014

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 10 hours ago
The Majnoon field, which stretches across Iraq’s Basra and Maysan provinces, had its first exports to Shell's trading company in April 2014. Majnoon is one of the giant fields in the south, which the Oil Ministry is hoping will eventually be the basis for a huge increase in petroleum production. Royal Dutch Shell is developing the field with Malaysia’s Petronas and the Iraqi government holding minority stakes. Like its brethren Majnoon has run into a series of problems that have delayed it reaching its marks, all signs that Iraq will likely not meet its lofty goals. (*Energy-Ped... more »

The Realist Report - Dr. Kevin MacDonald & John de Nugent

John Friend at John Friend's Blog - 11 hours ago
On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined once again by *Dr. Kevin MacDonald*. Dr. MacDonald and I will be discussing White pathology and the future of White people in America and around the world. In the second hour, *John de Nugent* and I will be discussing the alleged shooting purportedly carried out by Glenn Miller in Kansas City. You can download the mp3 for this program *here*, or visit *The Realist Report* on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs. Below are relevant links for this program: - *Diversity is Strength! It's Also... Raci... more »


RagBlog at The Rag Blog - 11 hours ago
FRONT PAGE | See Rag Radio interview with Austin school trustee and East Austin community activist, Rev. Dr. Jayme Mathias.

April 16: It starts on p.1....

Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 11 hours ago
Go to the bottom of page 1 of Section A. "Proposed high school changes are discussed". I have spent my life in education. So I read that rather long story. And I haven't the faintest idea what it's about. Okay. They're changing the curriculum. Why? It doesn't say. Exactly how are they changing it? Well, there's new numbers on some of the courses The only clue as to what it's all about is to "improve student achievement". (Well, I never thought it was to worsen student achievement.") But what do they mean by student achievement? Well - it's to score higher marks on standardized tes... more »

Frank Bruni’s questions for Howard Stern!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 11 hours ago
*WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2014* *The undying law of the guild:* One of our craziest citizens killed three people this weekend. At the start of yesterday’s column, Frank Bruni reviewed the carnage. In the process, he asked a pair of questions which we found revealing: BRUNI (4/15/14): Most of the hate crimes in the United States don’t take the fatal form that the shootings in Kansas over the weekend did, and most aren’t perpetrated by villains as bloated with rage and blinded by conspiracy theories as the person accused in this case, Frazier Glenn Miller. He’s an extreme, not an emblem.... more »

When a Loss for the Republican Party Is a Gain for the Radicals Within (Pay for Performance? It Depends on the Measuring Stick)

What Digby says: As the conservative movement godfather Richard Viguerie likes to say: Sometimes a loss for the Republican Party is a gain for conservatives. Often, a little taste of liberal Democrats in power is enough to remind the voters what they don’t like about liberal Democrats and to focus the minds of Republicans on the principles that really matter. That’s why the conservative

Rand Paul, The GOP Nominee? Over Dick Cheney's Dead Body

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago
Two wings, one grand old party Bret Stephens is a deputy editor of the radical right editorial page of the *Wall Street Journal*. Before that he was the editor-in-chief of the *Jerusalem Post*. No telling when his bigotry made him one of America's most vile smear artists. Is column Monday was well-written, a well-written diatribe against poor Rand Paul, who the Cheney wing of the Republican Party, Stephens' wing, fear could somehow win the next-to-worthless Republican nomination against Hillary. He comes right out, dripping with sarcasm, to warn that nominating Paul will give the Rep... more »

來自美國:這是廢話:由美國白人顯示瘋狂的偏執! 或者:如果你是非洲裔美國人:這個怎麼樣?

Barbara Diamond at American Scofflaw - 11 hours ago 或者:如果你是非洲裔美國人:這個怎麼樣?

Mike's Suicidal Tendencies

Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 11 hours ago
*By Jenna Orkin* In response to the internet sages who have concluded, in the face of all known evidence from the people who were most in...timately familiar with him as well as with the admittedly real dangers that had faced him over the course of his life as an investigative journalist, that Mike did not kill himself but was in fact murdered, his suicidal ideation goes back at least eight years. As a small example, below are excerpts from a few of his emails sent from Venezuela in 2006. In addition, he would call at any and all hours to be talked out of jumping from the roof or ... more »

Our basic reactions to Chait’s famous piece!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 11 hours ago
*WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2014* *Overwrought overstatements on race:* In our view, Jonathan Chait got dunked in the pond on Sunday’s Harris-Perry program. For background, see yesterday’s post. That said, we weren’t crazy about the piece for which the professors tore Chait up. Here’s some reasons why: Chait wrote a cover piece for New York magazine about—well, what the heck *was* his piece about? It appears beneath these headlines: *The Color of His Presidency* Optimists hoped Obama would usher in a new age of racial harmony. Pessimists feared a surge in racial strife. Neither was rig... more »

Mariann G. Wizard : VERSE | Stronger and More Dangerous

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 11 hours ago
By Mariann G. Wizard | The Rag Blog | April 16, 2014 Stronger and More Dangerous: April 20, 2014 I read it in the newsfeeds, I hear it all the time: the marijuana grown today is not the same as … finish reading Mariann G. Wizard : *VERSE* | Stronger and More Dangerous


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 12 hours ago
Kiev’s military faced off with protesters in east Ukraine on Wednesday to sort out their differences…and found none. Soldiers appeared reluctant to go into battle against anti-government activists. When Ukrainian Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) entered downtown Kramatorsk as part of Kiev’s military operation against anti-government protesters in the east of the country, they were stopped in their tracks, surrounded by crowds of local residents. One YouTube video of what happened next shows a woman coming to a soldier with the reproach: “*You are the army, you must protect the p... more »

Joining The Club?

PM at Duck of Minerva - 12 hours ago
Dan Nexon argues that efforts to have Ukraine join NATO could be self defeating: Moscow’s greatest fear is that Ukraine winds up a member of NATO. The more that NATO suggests it views Ukraine as worthy of military confrontation, the more Moscow will become convinced that an autonomous Ukraine — rump or otherwise — will Continue reading

Mike Ruppert: His Life and Legacy

Paul Coker at News Spike - 12 hours ago
*"I will tell you Director Deutch, that as a former Los Angeles Police Narcotics Detective, that the Agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a very long time..." - 1996* *Mike Ruppert & Peak Oil* By Ian R. Crane *I have learned recently that Mike Ruppert was taken seriously ill in Venezuela and is now recuperating in Canada. It’s very sad to hear of Mike’s predicament and wish him a full and speedy recovery. I suspect that Mike has for some time now realised that he is caught up in a web of intrigue which goes far beyond anything he ever dreamed of when he ’signed ... more »

"I Will Not Weaponize Space."

Paul Coker at News Spike - 12 hours ago
*"I Will Not Weaponise Space."* *Senator Barack H. Obama, 2007* *“I’m the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning. And as president I will end it. * *Second, I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending. I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems. And I will institute an independent “Defense Priorities Board” to ensure that the Quadrennial Defense Review is not used to justify unnecessary spending. * *Third, I will set a goal of a world withou... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 12 hours ago
- It took me 12 hours to get home yesterday from Toronto. Time has new meaning as travel becomes even more problematic.... airline corporations are cutting corners and wild weather is disrupting schedules. - My hosts in Toronto were long-time activists Judy and Jim Deutsch. Jim was a radical student at Columbia University during the 60's student occupation of the administration building. He was there when Columbia Professor Seymour Melman (father of economic conversion) crawled through the window in an attempt to join with the students. Apparently ... more »

Good Americans - by John Judge

Paul Coker at News Spike - 12 hours ago
Almost since its inception, the successful revolution in the Soviet Union in 1917 came under attack.[1] The Romanov family was spirited Fut of the country, along with the royal treasury.[2] The monarchists, the White Russian counter-revolutionaries, and the colonial powers of France, Germany, England, and even the United States saw the great wealth of Russia as a prize worth regaining or winning. From 1918 to 1932, that royal treasury, as well as funds from rich monarchist families, international investors, and U.S. investors led by President Herbert Hoover, poured into the secret... more »

Press release from @whitehouse shows some promise for public schools. Seriously.

Shaun Johnson at @ THE CHALK FACE - 13 hours ago
Just released from the Office of the Press Secretary, American Job Training Investments: Skills and Jobs to Build a Stronger Middle Class. In a nutshell: Today, as part of this effort, the President and Vice President are announcing new federal investments using existing funds to support job-driven training, like apprenticeships, that will expand partnerships with industry, […]

THE 77 PERCENT CONFUSION: Observing a basic bone-simple distinction!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 13 hours ago
*WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2014* *Interlude—Are journalists up to the task:* How much less do women get paid for doing the same or equal work? On a sweeping societal basis, it isn’t easy to say. In the court case which became famous, it was fairly easy to say how less Lilly Ledbetter got paid, as compared to men in her office who held the same position. According to the Supreme Court record, Ledbetter was making $3,727 per month, while men doing the same job were being paid between $4,286 to $5,236 per month. It isn’t obvious that this would be wrong in every imaginable case. People ... more »

Bundy Ranch: What You're Not Being Told...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 13 hours ago
*he may or may not be right.* However, listen carefully to his advice on fact checking. Trust, but verify.

One Map to Understand All The Threats Facing Israel

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 13 hours ago
'Israel is a small country, only 424 km long and from 114 to 15 km wide, and is surrounded by many enemies. What does this mean in concrete terms? Who are the people and organizations threatening the sovereignty of Israel and from where do they act? Use this map to understand all of the different challenges that we face. These threats are real, and the IDF is forced to act on all fronts, more often than you might think.' Map here

Interesting Teacher Appreciation festivities from a MI charter school, via @eclectablog

Shaun Johnson at @ THE CHALK FACE - 13 hours ago
A MI charter school decides to humiliate its teachers to appreciate them. Interesting. MANDIVA – Our 3 favorite male faculty members in heels for an hour SAVE MY JOB – 3 faculty members will stand in the parking lot during dismissal and hold a sign. CREAM FACIAL – Students will throw pie in 3 faculty members’ faces during […]

Nice n' slow see. That's the way to do it. Nice and slow.

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 13 hours ago
So, you know, I'm 48 years old. I've been advocating for the parliamentary implementation of workplace democracy in every place of employment in Canada since the late-1990s. I've never believed that this would happen in one year's time. Or five year's time. But somewhere between five and ten years, I thought something like this would have a chance at being achieved. You know, as opposed to tiny bands of anarchist fuckwads throwing rocks through windows at gatherings of world leaders or at other groups' demonstrations. Or as opposed to those other groups' afternoon rallies of borin... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 14 hours ago
*Judge to hold hearing on who should pay for prison changes * *Why New Orleans Should Invest in a CBD Transit Hub ~Ride New Orleans* *RTA wants to build transit hub in downtown New Orleans ~WVUE* *‘Dine & dash’ — for a ferry that is — after visiting these Algiers Point bars and eateries ~Ian McNulty, New Orleans Advocate* *Hogs for the Cause raises over $1 million pediatric brain cancer ~WWLTV* *BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill main focus of coastal board meeting Wednesday: Live coverage ~Mark Schleifstein* *Study finds high rates of depression, anxiety among Gulf oil spill cleanup w... more »

Quick update on my move to Auchtam

        AMERICAN KABUKI at AMERICAN KABUKI - 14 hours ago
I'm at a restaurant in Oued Laou using their WIFI. The internet 3G service in the village of Auchtam is not working, I'm not going to speculate why but it could just be the infrastructure is just not built to handle this many westerners and our wireless devices. We will come up with a solution. Worst case we have to take a bus 5 miles to blog... My apartment is nice but the landlord seems to have sold my master bedroom mattress, my washing machine and the propane tank to my water heater. I got a new gas tank and replaced the shower fixtures. So I've got about 5000 dirham (500 ... more »

Say Hello to the Neocon Times

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 14 hours ago
The Gray Lady donned her dull, leaden body armor today for two boringly bellicose homepage articles. As her clarion call for war rings resoundingly hollow, you might call this dissonant tune Iraq Deja Vu All Over Again. First, the unsigned editorial, which disdains any shades of gray, leaden or otherwise, and simplistically reduces the subject to Russia Bad, USA Good. I would hazard a guess that if the editorial was not directly penned by Dick Cheney, Ronald Dumsfeld, Robert Kagan, or any of the Bushie neocons still lving and thriving on the taxpayer dime and heart, then it was wri... more »

Abortion in Atlantic Canada: GAME ON! (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 14 hours ago
When I was a youngster, the battle for abortion rights in Canada was on. Even as a poor student, I contributed regularly to Canadian Abortion Rights Action League and continued until we won. Natch, I turned my bod out when required too. Now it's the current generation's turn. This is winnable. And it will be fun for the young'uns. We haven't had a good feminist dust-up in Canada in ages. It's got all the elements: a petition, rallies in Fredericton, PEI, Halifaxand elsewhere across the country starting tomorrow, Thursday, April 17. Politics enters in of course, especially in an el... more »

Energy Econ 18: Brown outs in Metro Manila?

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 14 hours ago
A friend, Rose, posted this in her fb wall yesterday, *I am totally pissed after hearing the news that Meralco will be implementing a rotating brownout tomorrow starting at 11am? Are they serious?? At the height of the heat we all suffer each day....they will implement THAT?! It's probably because all of these people thinking of this solution have not experience what it is to stew in the heat! I think before they implement this they should first themselves experience what ordinary Filipinos are experiencing each day! All this hullabaloo just so that this government and Meralco can j... more »

NATO Psychological Warfare Operations: FEMEN - La Legion Dishabille

Paul Coker at News Spike - 14 hours ago
She's addressing a Russian in Germany - why are her slogans in English..? He doesn't speak English...? "It's just a sprinkling for the May Queen..."

Sometimes it's better to split the baby

Greg Mankiw at Greg Mankiw's Blog - 15 hours ago
This story about the Census Bureau is amazing to me: The Census is changing its annual survey about health insurance. As a result, the new data will not be comparable to the old, making it much harder to gauge the effects of the Affordable Care Act. Is this a White House conspiracy to hide the effects of the law, as some have suggested? Maybe, but probably not. I have a lot of respect for the government data producers, so I am giving them the benefit of the doubt. Yet I don't see why the Bureau needs to make such a sudden change. Why not, for a few years, give half the sample the... more »

Oligarchy-- It's Never Too Late For Americans To Recapture Democracy

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
Martin Gilens at Princeton and Benjamin Page at Northwestern just published an academic paper everyone interested in the struggle for equality in America should consider reading, Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites Interest Groups, and Average Citizens. It pretty much proves what you probably already sensed: the plutocrats rule the country and the United States of America is better defined as an oligarchy than a democracy. Each of four theoretical traditions in the study of American politics – which can be characterized as theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy, ... more »

the wonders of mole soil

Mike Philbin at FREE PLANET BLOG - 15 hours ago
gardening? Yeah, every few years or so, I'll get this gardening kick going. I had an allotment on several occassions, never quite near enough to where I live. This year, I'm growing veggies in buckets and baskets. Potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, onions etc. I needed some extra soil... I had this little bucket of potatoes that were coming through real nice, and I realised, "I'm gonna need a bigger bucket." So, I found one, outside a neighbour's house, and brought it back, with the permission of the neighbour. Repotted the potatoes inside the bigger bucket. Then I needed som... more »


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 15 hours ago
*Private school in UAE held 15 pupils as young as seven hostage in the classroom until parents paid their overdue school fees* An investigation has been launched following claims a private primary school in the United Arab Emirates held 15 of its pupils hostage until their parents paid their fees. The children, who are pupils at Nibras Al Iman School, in Sharjah and are seven and eight years old, will give evidence to a three member committee next Monday at a hearing which is expected to take two days. The school's principal will be interviewed as well as the teacher who was wi... more »

Making The World Safe For Capital

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 15 hours ago
Complaints about the Temporary Foreign Workers Program keep piling up. This morning the Vancouver Sun reports: B.C. workers ranging from seasoned professionals to teenage fast-food employees are complaining about being dumped in favour of non-residents as Ottawa scrutinizes employers who abuse the Temporary Foreign Worker program. Vern Doak is a crane operator with 37 years experience who lives in Vernon. In early March he was contacted by his union, who informed him that an American company, Oregon-based O & S Contracting, had work for him building a cogeneration plant near Mack... more »


jonjayray at Food &Health Skeptic - 15 hours ago
*Woman who lived on just CHIPS for 15 years* *No dietary correctness there -- but she got by fairly well. It may show how nutritious the humble potato is* A woman who lived on a diet of chips for 15 years has finally eaten a proper meal - after being hynoptised to overcome her debilitating fear of food. Hanna Little, 20, has eaten chips every day since she was five years old - after she developed a fear of all other foods which made her physically sick if she tried to eat them. Hanna from Truro, Cornwall, has severe Selective Eating Disorder (SED) and would suffer anxiety atta... more »

If global stock markets cheer weakness in Europe , China and Japan as signs further monetary manipulations by Central Banks are forthcoming , does anyone wonder how broken economies manage to fund not just themselves put truly insolvent nations such as Greece or other members of the PIIGS ?

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago
[image: Tyler Durden's picture] Futures Soar 40 Points In Hours On Hopes Of Further Economic WeaknessSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 04/16/2014 - 07:00 We summarized yesterday's both better and worse than expected Chinese GDP data as follows: "a substantial deterioration of the economy, one which was to be expected yet one which can be spun as either bullish thanks to the GDP "beat", and negatively if the purpose is to make a case for more PBOC stimulus." Sure enough here are the headlines that "explain" the latest overnight futures surge which has once again brought the S&P into the g... more »

Muppet Fact

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 16 hours ago
Most Muppets are left-handed. The reason for this is that most puppeteers are right-handed and operate the Muppet’s head with their favoured hand, leaving the left one to control the arms. Muppets operated by more than one puppeteer, such as the Swedish Chef, are immune to this effect.


James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 16 hours ago

Biden Shamelessly Exploits Boston Marathon Bombing Tribute

Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 17 hours ago
Tuesday, on the one year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing allegedly to be the work of two lone wolf Muslim “terrorists”, both of whom managed to slip through the NSA’s “collect it all” net of total national surveillance was either commemorated or celebrated, probably a combination of both across the fruited plain of The Homeland. The incident, a heinous criminal act consisting of the planting of two shrapnel filled pressure cooker bombs at the finish line permanently altered forever the livesof hundreds of innocent people, a good number of who lost limbs was allegedly pe... more »

Mind the gap

sue at Is the BBC biased? - 18 hours ago
The trouble with returning to the same subject time after time is the difficulty of finding a balance between providing sufficient context with originality and brevity as opposed to reiterating a cryptic soundbite, or omitting the background and hoping for the best. Melanie Phillips has a virtuosic ability to encapsulate a backstory succinctly and eloquently, while, at the opposite end of the scale, the BBC will lazily append its articles with snappy but inaccurate phrases like “considered illegal under international law” or tag an out of context, smugly repetitive death toll stat... more »

Join We The People Of Maine on April 19, 2014 in Portland

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 18 hours ago
Please Join*We The People Maine* *Corporations are not peopleMoney is not speech* *Saturday April 19,* *Noon to 2:00 pm* *For a petitioner carrier and volunteer workshop.* Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church 524 Allen Ave, Portland, ME 04103 *Can you volunteer one or two hours on primary day, June 10 to sit at a table and collect signatures?* This will be an enormous help in gathering the almost 80,000 signatures needed. The outrageous* McCutcheon* decision, permits ultra-rich individuals to give *$3,600,000* to candidate campaigns *Citizens United* permits corporatio... more »

Beautiful Turkish Jewelry with Hande Made It- A giveaway

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 18 hours ago
One of my very favorite things to do in my spare time is peruse Etsy for fantastic handmade gifts and jewelry. I love the unique flair these artists can bring to the table and I love supporting small businesses. One of my favorite recent discoveries is Hande Made It, a jewelry shop, full of bright colors and ethnic pieces. The shop owner, Hande, is from Istanbul, Turkey. While study here in Colorado, Hande discovered ETSY and was able to fulfill a childhood dream of having a handmade shop. One of the things that sets Hande Made It apart from other ETSY shops is their beautiful Evi... more »

Even as the first round of the recent Afghanistan Election results await final tabulations , consider how hundreds of billions of wasted US taxpayer dollars have circled the drain ! EXCLUSIVE: Confidential U.S. assessments show Afghanistan not ready to govern on own State Department tries to hide risks of corruption

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 18 hours ago
- CONNECT: - Facebook - Twitter - RSS - HOME - NEWS - SECURITY - RADIO - LOG IN - WEEKLY ADS - SUBSCRIBE - CLASSIFIEDS - DIGITAL - TWT REWARDS EXCLUSIVE: Confidential U.S. assessments show Afghanistan not ready to govern on ownState Department tries to hide risks of corruption By Guy Taylor - The Washington Times Tuesday, April 15, 2014 - Enlarge Photo Supporters of Afghanistan’s presidential candidate and former foreign minister Zalmai Rassoul, listen ... more > RELATED STORIES - See the scathing documents detailing $600... more »

3 killed, 4 wounded in Gaza Strip explosion - the BBC will wait before reporting this...

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 18 hours ago
The news that three Palestinians were killed and four were wounded in a blast in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday has emerged. The BBC's coverage of this news will depend on the cause of the blast. If it's the result of Israeli actions then this will be headline news but if, as seems more likely, it was a terrorist accident then the BBC just won't bother reporting the story st all. The BBC are after all institutionally biased against Israel.

Hamas Praises Deadly West Bank Shooting via

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 19 hours ago
On erev Pesach a Jewish Israeli was killed by a Palestinian. This news has not made the BBC news. Hamas have reacted to the news thus: 'The prime minister of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip has praised an attack that killed an Israeli in the West Bank. Speaking Tuesday in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh said the shooting a day earlier outside the city of Hebron "brought back life to the path of resistance." He saluted "Hebron and the heroes of Hebron."' More here not on the institutionally anti Israel BBC.

Al Qaeda False Flag Watch -- AQAP Brazenly Broadcast Meeting In Yemen – Mass al-Qaeda Meeting/Rally With Call For Mass Christian American Extermination… So , once again - concerns of Al Qaeda in Yemen , but we arm Syria Rebels dominated by Al Qaeda ?

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 19 hours ago
AQAP Brazenly Broadcast Meeting In Yemen – Mass al-Qaeda Meeting/Rally With Call For Mass Christian American Extermination… Posted on April 15, 2014 by sundance *I hate living in a time where we need to consider U.S. motivations in publicizing the issues of AQAP; …..and the potential for this to be a strategic media discussion. “Hate” is a strong word, but in this example it’s not even strong enough – sorry. * *If we remove our own government’s ulterior motives from the equation, which is not easy, we are left to discuss the possibility Obama’s weakness in Syria and now Ukraine is s... more »

Another anti-physics issue of SciAm

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 19 hours ago
High energy physics is undoubtedly the queen and the ultimate reductionist root of all natural sciences. Nevertheless, during the last decade, it has become immensely fashionable for many people to boast that they're physics haters. The cover of the upcoming May 2014 issue of Scientific American looks doubly scary for every physicist who has been harassed by the communist regime. It resembles a Soviet flag with some deeply misleading propaganda written over it: A crisis in physics? ------------------------------ If supersymmetry doesn't pan out, scientists need a new way to explain ... more »

EU countries to boost defence budgets in light of Ukraine

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: European Union flag]Military chiefs have said the Ukraine crisis is a “wake-up call” for EU countries’ defence spending, as the US backed Ukraine’s use of force in eastern regions. Speaking to press after a regular meeting of EU defence ministers in Luxembourg on Tuesday (15 April), the deputy chief of the EU’s external action service, Maciej Popowski, said: “We’ve had 70 years of peace now [in Europe], but we see that power politics is back with a vengeance, so it’s a wake-up call and now we need to get serious about defence.” He noted that “this was the feeling around the ... more »

Russian Air Force to Receive 16 New MiG Fighters

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: MiG-29SMT Fulcrum]The Russian Defense Ministry has signed a $470 million contract with the MiG corporation for the delivery of 16 advanced MiG-29 SMT fighters, the ministry said Tuesday. The company had earlier confirmed the deal in an interview with RIA Novosti, but did not specify its value. "The value of the contract, including the ground support and test equipment, is more than 17 billion rubles. The contract is a strategic measure for maintaining the combat readiness of the lightweight fighter fleet," the Defense Ministry said in the statement. Read more

F-35 Fleet Surpasses 15,000 Flying Hours

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: F-35A Lightning II]The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II fleet recently surpassed 15,000 flight hours, marking a major milestone for the program. “Flying 15,000 hours itself demonstrates that the program is maturing, but what I think is even more impressive is the fact that operational F-35s accounted for more than half of those flight hours,” said J.D. McFarlan, Lockheed Martin's vice president for F-35 Test & Verification. “While the fleet continues to train, we are actively flight testing the software and mission systems that will enable the Marine Corps to declare Init... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 20 hours ago
* The Science And Politics Of Climate Change* *Lennart Bengtsson says that the science isn’t settled and we still don’t know how best to solve the energy problems of our planet. Article originally published in German in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, a major Swiss newspaper. Lennart Bengtsson was until 1990 Director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg. After his retirement, he has led, among others, the Department of Earth Sciences at the International Space Science Institute in Bern* Since the end of the 19th century, we have known that the Earth’s climate is sensit... more »

U.S. Anti-Tank Rockets Show Up in Syrian Rebel Hands

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
Online videos show Syrian rebels using what appear to be U.S. anti-tank rockets, weapons experts say, the first significant American-built armaments in the country's civil war. They would signal a further internationalization of the conflict, with new rockets suspected from Russia and drones from Iran also spotted in the forces of President Bashar al-Assad. None of that equipment, however, is seen as enough to turn the tide of battle in a now broadly stalemated war, with Assad dominant in Syria's central cities and along the Mediterranean coast and the rebels in the interior north... more »

Lithuania plans to buy more jet trainer aircraft – Min of Defence

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: L-39 Albatros]Lithuania plans to buy more L-39 ZA light jet trainer aircraft over the next two years to boost readiness of the county’s Air Force, the Ministry of Defence confirmed on Tuesday. Laimonas Brazaitis of the ministry’s Public Relations Department told BNS funds have already been earmarked for the purchase and consultations are being started with partners who might offer aircraft of this type. Lithuania plans to buy the aircraft in 2015-2016. The ministry has refused to disclose the number of jets to be acquired or their prices as negotiations with potential seller... more »

Malaysia offered Saab fighter jets leasing deal

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: JAS-39 Gripen]Swedish aerospace and defence company Saab Group says it has packaged a “competitive and cost-effective” deal for the Malaysian government to lease its Gripen fighter aircraft. Saab Asia-Pacific president and CEO Dan Enstedt said the company is fine-tuning the deal with the Malaysian government but said he could not disclose the numbers of aircraft or costs at present. “The leasing deal between Saab and the Malaysian government will include the transfer of technology, which will be capable of adapting our open technology to integrate with the existing Malaysian... more »

Fires reported on USS Hue City; no injuries reported

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: USS Hue City]The Navy says a fire was reported aboard a guided-missile cruiser as it was transiting the Atlantic Ocean. The fire aboard the USS Hue City broke out late Monday, according to U.S. Fleet Forces Command. The Navy said in a statement Tuesday that no injuries were reported and that the ship is operating on its own power. Read more

Enemies beware: Royal Navy shows off its latest radar system which can knock missiles out of the sky

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
The Royal Navy has revealed its latest 3D radar system which can track missiles - before knocking them out of the sky. The cutting-edge system, called 'Artisan', was tested by some 180 sailors on board HMS Iron Duke off the coast of Portland today. It tracked a sea-skimming target, before launching a Seawolf missile - which crashed into the object seconds later. Read more

Indonesia equips frigates, corvette with stealth radars

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Ahmad Yani (Van Speijk)-class FFG]The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) will equip a total of four Ahmad Yani (Van Speijk)-class guided missile frigates and one Kapitan Pattimura (Parchim I)-class corvette with low-probability-of-intercept (LPI) naval radars. The radars will be built by Indonesian naval sensor manufacturer PT Infra RCS, company officials told IHS Jane's on 11 April. The company describes its equipment, the IRCS LPI Radar, as a stealthy sea-based X-band (SBX) radar with frequency modulated continuous wave technology. Read ... more »

When there is a glut of supply commodity prices crash(British Columbia`s LNG Delusions)

Grant G at The Straight Goods - 20 hours ago
CKNW radio all through April/2014 can be described as nothing more than a spindoctoring propaganda pandering BC Liberal bootlicking ad nauseum drone...."*Putting B.C. to work...Skills shortage"* jobs jobs jobs, blah blah blah all the while promoting British Columbia as a one trick pony relying on resource extraction..... Clearly Billy Good and company have the BC Liberal election platform guiding their lame amateur producers...Talk about boring radio....they trotted out guest after guest preaching from the corporate bible, industrial scripture based on lore, on fable, fairy tales... more »

Pentagon report finds sequestration cuts would reduce national security

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: Virginia class SSN]More than $1 trillion in sequestration-related defense cuts, slated for now through 2021, “would significantly increase risks both in the short- and long-term,” according to a report released Monday by the Pentagon. “If sequestration-level cuts persist, our forces will assume substantial additional risks in certain missions and will continue to face significant readiness and modernization challenges,” the report said. “Overall, sequester-level cuts would result in a military that is too small to fully meet the requirements of our strategy, thereby signific... more »

A message from the RCMP

Alison at Creekside - 21 hours ago
CBC : Nigel Wright won't face charges over $90K payment to Mike Duffy The RCMP has ended its probe into Nigel Wright... Wright said in a statement to CBC News that he believed his actions were in the public interest and lawful. "My intention was to secure the repayment of taxpayer funds," Wright said through his lawyer, Peter Mantas. He added that the RCMP's "detailed and thorough investigation has now upheld my position." Quite the most brazen in self-serving nonsense -- the Senate certainly had no difficulty garnisheeing Senator Patrick Brazeau's wages in order to "secure the... more »

John Kane 'Who you calling formerly colonized?' at CENSORED NEWS - 23 hours ago
Who You Calling Formerly Colonized? By John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk Censored News During the past week I have had more conversations about "decolonization" than I have had in my whole life. As I mentioned in one of my Facebook conversations, I am not entirely comfortable with the expression. Clearly as Native people continue to carve out our existence with the dominant societies, cultures

Two Videos-- Just One Fragile Little World

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
The one above is the debut of James Cameron's must-see series on Climate Change, *Years of Living Dangerously*. It's an hour that, if you watch it, will have been well-spent. Cameron's video is-- God willing-- part of the solution to an existential threat to humanity. Below is a short, brutish political commercial. It's ugly and it will persuade many Democrats to hold their nose and just stay home rather than vote for Mary Landrieu. Her commercial is part of the problem-- a corporate shill indebted to the Big Oil interests who have financed her career in return for protection of ... more »

Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Kidney Health

Small Footprints at Reduce Footprints - 1 day ago
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)! Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet. Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World! If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far. This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »

(What the Koch Bros. Really Want?) Sleazy PR Campaign to Prevent the IRS From Making Your Taxes Simpler (Think Slavery Was In the Past? (Not Really) George Bush's Great Grandfather Was Slave Trader)

How do you like knowing that the IRS already knows how much you made (legally, anyway) and could easily just tell you what they think you owe? So much for creative accounting. Slavery, historically, was another matter altogether. Not to say that versions of it are not going on presently. But at least they aren't sending ships out to collect the slaves now. They're already here for the


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 1 day ago
*Senate OKs bill to sidetrack levee lawsuits ~Marsha Schuler, The Advocate* *Letter: Sen. Mary Landrieu should let coastal erosion lawsuit go ahead*

The Mystery Of Malaysian Flight MH370 Continues: My Assessment Of Where We Stand Right Now On The Plane's "Disappearance"

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago
When Malaysian flight MH370 "disappeared" on March 8th, 2014, I was like everyone else… Bewildered and wondering if the initial reports that the plane had simply fell from the sky into the South China Sea were true…. But from the very beginning came many conflicting reports and some very strange occurrences associated with this aircraft and the people on board….. The initial intriguing and mystifying aspects of this disappearance were the reports of first the cell phone calls that were still "connecting" to the cellphones carried by many passengers on the aircraft, and of course one... more »

The Upcoming War On Syria: New Report States CANADA Wants To Invade Syria (!)

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago
I have long said that my nation, Canada, is fully controlled by Jewish interests, and that the criminal Harper regime occupying Parliament Hill in Ottawa will do everything to please their Jewish masters… Stephen Harper the crooked and very criminal Prime Minister of this once proud nation is one of the worse Jewish butt kissers in all of Canada's history, and has shown again and again that he will do anything for his glorious nation of Israel…… But now comes a most interesting report from Press TV, at, where it is now revealed that the Canadian stooge government is p... more »

Can BESE Save White from Jindal? I’m Thinking… No.

deutsch29 at @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago
John White’s job is on the line, and the primarily-purchased Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) is standing behind its Common Core State Standards (CCSS)- and Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)-promoting talking head. For White’s annual evaluation, BESE gave him a 3 out of 4. I’m thinking White’s BESE […]

“…and the intelligence of a caravan site”

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
[image: Photo: There’s nothing Kiwis like more than getting on the road and going on holiday. But public holiday fun can quickly turn to frustration. Today Labour committed to make things easier and safer on our roads.] Yeah, it’s a strange one, for sure. Labour leader David Cunliffe hires alleged hotshot organiser Matt McCarten as Chief of Staff, all ready for a big election year. The decision is roundly endorsed by the commentariat. Smart, they say. Linking with the base. A big move. The start of a big campaign. [image: image]So what exactly... more »

Edward Abbey, "I Promise You This..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"One final paragraph of advice: do not burn yourselves out. Be as I am - a reluctant enthusiast... a part-time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of yourselves and your lives for pleasure and adventure. It is not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it. While you can. While it’s still here. So get out there and hunt and fish and mess around with your friends, ramble out yonder and explore the forests, climb the mountains, bag the peaks, run the rivers, breathe deep of that yet sweet and lucid air, sit quietly for a while and contemplate... more »

Rumi, "Sit, Be Still, And Listen..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"Sit, be still, and listen, because you're drunk, and we're at the edge of the roof." - Rumi

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"Bright stars, clouds of dust and glowing nebulae decorate this cosmic scene, a skyscape just north of Orion's belt. Close to the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy, the wide field view spans about 5.5 degrees. Striking bluish M78, a reflection nebula, is at the left. M78's tint is due to dust preferentially reflecting the blue light of hot, young stars. *Click image for larger size.* In colorful contrast, the red sash of glowing hydrogen gas sweeping through the center is part of the region's faint but extensive emission nebula known as Barnard's Loop. At right, a dark dust cloud forms a... more »

Crowfoot, "What Is Life?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset." - Crowfoot, Blackfoot Warrior and Orator

Lamar W. Hankins : The symbolic stoning of Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 day ago
Brandeis University rescinds speaking invitation to Somali-born writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an outspoken critic of denigration of women in Islamic societies. By Lamar W. Hankins | The Rag Blog | April 15, 2014 The Somali-born writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali was … finish reading Lamar W. Hankins : The symbolic stoning of Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Paulo Coelho, “I’d Rather Be In Hell” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“I’d Rather Be In Hell”* by Paulo Coelho "As soon as he died, Juan found himself in a gorgeous place, surrounded by all the comfort and beauty he had dreamed of. A fellow dressed in white approached him and said, “You have the right to have whatever you want; any food, pleasure or amusement.” Charmed, Juan did everything he dreamed of doing during his life. After many years of pleasures, he sought the fellow in white and asked, “I have already experienced everything I wanted. Now I need to work in order to feel useful.” “I am sorry,” said the fellow in white, “but that is the only... more »

Chet Raymo,"The Imperfect Is Our Paradise" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"The Imperfect Is Our Paradise"* by Chet Raymo "'The Anecdote of the Jar' by Wallace Stevens: "I placed a jar in Tennessee, And round it was, upon a hill. It made the slovenly wilderness Surround that hill. The wilderness rose up to it, And sprawled around, no longer wild. The jar was round upon the ground And tall and of a port in air. It took dominion every where. The jar was gray and bare. It did not give of bird or bush, Like nothing else in Tennessee." It is reasonable to ask, why, in a cyberspace teeming with millions of blogs, I... more »

Free Download: Olaf Stapledon, “Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far Future” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far Future”* by Olaf Stapledon “Great are the stars, and man is of no account to them. But man is a fair spirit, whom a star conceived and a star kills. He is greater than those bright blind companies. For though in them there is incalculable potentiality, in him there is achievement, small, but actual. Too soon, seemingly, he comes to his end. But when he is done he will not be nothing, not as though he had never been; for he is eternally a beauty in the eternal form of things. Man was winged hopefully. He had in him to go further than... more »

Alan Watts, "It Comes, Then, To This..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"It comes, then, to this: that to be "viable", livable, or merely practical, life must be lived as a game - and the "must" here expresses a condition, not a commandment. It must be lived in the spirit of play rather than work, and the conflicts which it involves must be carried on in the realization that no species, or party to a game, can survive without its natural antagonists, its beloved enemies, its indispensable opponents. For to "love your enemies" is to love them as enemies; it is not necessarily a clever device for winning them over to your side. The lion lies down with th... more »

METRO | San Antonio art show takes on the South Texas ‘fracking frenzy’

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 day ago
Exhibit: Frackaso: Portraits of Extraction in Eagle Ford and Beyond Opening reception: Friday, April 18, 7 p.m. Place: Esperanza Peace & Justice Center Address: 922 San Pedro Avenue, San Antonio Dates of exhibit: Friday, April 18 – Sunday, August 31, 2014 … finish reading *METRO* | San Antonio art show takes on the South Texas ‘fracking frenzy’

John Vasquez, Territoriality, and Staying Ahead of the Game

Brandon Valeriano at Duck of Minerva - 1 day ago
by Brandon Valeriano and Andy Owsiak What follows is a dialog between us on John Vasquez’s contributions to the field of IR based on a recent roundtable honoring his work at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association in Toronto in March, 2014. Our remarks are cribbed from our statements on the panel. Brandon- Continue reading

About the gefilte fish crisis: Doesn't somebody have to answer for the Passover whitefish shortage? (Maybe cast a glance upward?)

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*by Ken* You can read the shocking headline for yourself below: "Gefilte Fish Supply is Scarce This Passover Due to Bad Winter, Shops Say." Now my mother took religion very seriously, though perhaps a tad idiosyncratically. For her it entailed, in roughly ascending order of importance: (1) Lighting of Shabas candles (2) Preparation of the designated foods for the appropriate holidays (3) Hadassah, and all things relating to it As regards (2), the rite of worship most relevant to today's story, my mother regarded those holiday food preparations with only slightly more worshipful... more »

Iraq Updates April 15 , 2014 - Baghdad buttresses defenses ready for wholesale Al Qaeda assault on city .......While no one has been paying particular attention , Al Qaeda jihadists have launched a very complex , sophisticated assault against Baghdad , the Iraq Government and the military - who has been directing , funding and facilitating this Operation ? Kurds setting their own defenses against jihadists ..... daily death dealing as the Election looms in two weeks !

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago The Iraqi army began buttressing its defense lines on April 12 to save parts of the capital city of Baghdad from the approaching danger of falling to al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). Iraqi intelligence reports that terrorist forces have broken through into the city’s western outskirts and preparing to head out to other parts of the city of more than seven million and the Green Zone government headquarters. In addition to the lethal bombings and shooting... more »

Syria: two thirds chems transferred & Canada prepares attack Syria plans

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
Canada prepares to attack Syria and aid Al quada! Make no mistake about it Canada will be aiding Al Qaeda. Perhaps a rebranding will take place, but, the product will be exactly the same.* NATO's Islamic fighters more commonly known as Al Quada.** That is the reality of what/who Canada will be assisting*. *Canada is prepared to further aid the the thugs terrorizing Syrians. * Therefore Canada is preparing to assist Al Qaeda terrorists Beheaders, organ eaters, child rapists, captagon junkies and traffickers- Those are Canada's aid recipients [image: more »

“13 Arguments for Liberal Capitalism in 13 Minutes”

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
I was told yesterday that the facts refute capitalism. Which was interesting. Especially since So here, for Paul McGreal and others are Stephen Hicks’s “13 arguments for liberal capitalism in 13 minutes.” (That takes you to the transcript; the first vid is below.) It makes liberal use of words like freedom, incentives, smarter, individuality, creativity, productive ability, the poor, wealth, flourish, happiness, interesting, tolerance, racism (and the discouragement thereof), sexism (also to do with the discouragement thereof), peace, and profit. I even spot the word “awesome.... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 1 day ago
*New Facebook group seeks to oust James Gray from New Orleans city council* *BP ends 'active cleanup' of Louisiana's coast, nearly four years after 2010 spill ~Manuel Torres*

Sexism in the UK

Phil at A Very Public Sociologist - 1 day ago
There are a few of quick notes about the UN's Rashida Manjoo's claim that the UK is endemically sexist and that is is worse here than "other places". Firstly, it's a bit of a shock, if I'm honest. I've written a fair few things about gender and sexism, and of course I'm aware of and appreciate the work feminist comrades have done tackling 'everyday' sexism. That said, while much still needs to be done I didn't for one moment think that the UK's sexism problem was worse than other developed nations. Okay, leaving out Nordic countries, is the UK worse than Italy, France, and the USA? ... more »

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Nuremberg, Bayern, Germany. Thanks for stopping by.

Eckhart Tolle, "Suffering" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"True freedom and the end of suffering is living in such a way as if you had completely chosen whatever you feel or experience at this moment. This inner alignment with Now is the end of suffering. Is suffering really necessary? Yes and no. If you had not suffered as you have, there would be no depth to you as a human being, no humility, no compassion. You would not be reading this now. Suffering cracks open the shell of ego, and then comes a point when it has served its purpose. Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary." - Eckhart Tolle

Easter Week, 3: Mythologising Sacrifice

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
*“My favourite definition of mythology: other people’s religion. My favourite definition of religion: misunderstanding of mythology. The misunderstanding consist in the reading of the mythological symbols as though they were primarily references to historical events…” *- Joseph Campbell AND MAN MADE GODS in his own image, and that of the animals he saw around him, and he saw these stories were sometimes helpful psychologically in a a pre-philosophical age. But one of these gods was a jealous god. For this god was so angry at the world he sent one-third of himself to die to exp... more »

Meanwhile, Back In Montana…

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
When John Bohlinger comes into any town in Montana to talk policy, it is news. Veteran journalist Mike Dennison interviewing Bohlinger last week on a campaign policy tour Beltway Democrats decided their best chance to hold the Montana Senate seat would be to replace Max Baucus-- who was given a plumb job as ambassador to China-- with the conservative John Walsh. Walsh gets to run as an incumbent against radical right extremist Steve Daines, a congressman. At the end of 2013 Walsh had $435,549 in his campaign kitty. Daines had $1,897,935. And the Koch brothers and other fat cats and a... more »

A Brief Comment on the Death of Mike Ruppert by Self-inflicted Gunshot Wound:

Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 1 day ago
*By Jenna Orkin* We always knew it could come to this. To write about Mike requires the tranquility of recollection but at the moment, all is turmoil. Mike, you told us, "Evolve or perish." Yet in Apocalypse Man you merged them, speaking of death as the ultimate evolution. One day we'll all find out whether that is, in fact, the case but it's not the message you used to impart! Among the emails that cascaded in last night is a wonderful link which is sorely needed at such a time: Hope and Courage. Accompanying it, the following quote from Thomas Keneally's Schindler's List:... more »

History: "What Was the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"What Was the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest?"* By David Crossland "In September 9 AD, Germanic tribesmen slaughtered three Roman legions in a battle that marked the "big bang" of the German nation and created its first hero - Hermann. This battle represents nothing less than the birth of the German nation, a devastating victory over three Roman legions by Germanic tribes in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. The battle created the first German hero, Arminius, or Hermann as he later became known, a young chieftain of the Cherusci tribe who led the rebellion and was hailed for ce... more »

The Continuing Crisis In Ukraine: The Attack On Russia Is Mounting

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago
I have been watching the alternative news the last few days with a lot of interest in what has been happening in Ukraine... I have long given up on listening or reading anything from the Jewish controlled Mainstream media, due to the fact that all they spew is lies, lies, and even more lies.... What I have been seeing happening is exactly what I have been talking about in my weekly rants... Ukraine is a mess due to the US led coup that has turned into a debacle. The Ukrainian people, rather than see a change for the better since that illegal coup, have now watched their proud nation... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago
Rick Rozoff, internationally recognized critic of NATO, spoke on April 12, 2014 at a Chicago teach-in titled "Stop U.S./NATO's New Cold War Over Ukraine." He described the geo-political background to the current crisis resulting from the recent right-wing coup of the Kiev government in Ukraine and U.S./NATO sable-rattling. The key to understanding the present situation is to look at the historically aggressive objectives of NATO. "The Ukrainian crisis is simply the pretext for the U.S. and its NATO allies of moving more military equipment up to the Russian besiege (it... more »

Levelland and Electro-magnetic Effects

KRandle at A Different Perspective - 1 day ago
Here’s something I noticed as I was reviewing the sightings near Levelland, Texas on November 2, 1957. There were many reports that vehicle engines stalled, lights dimmed and radios filled with static at the close approach of the UFO. I’m not going to argue numbers here, or point fingers at the lack of substantive investigation, but comment only on one aspect of the case. I will note first that the Condon Committee investigation at the University of Colorado, funded by the Air Force, attempted to learn something about these sightings. In an experiment, they could find no way to sup... more »

Spain: The F.A. Case (Mérida, Badajoz) 25 December 1976

Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 1 day ago
*Spain: The F.A. Case (Mérida, Badajoz) 25 December 1976* *By Pedro María Fernández* The case I am going to discuss below has had to wait over twenty years before coming to light. Its protagonist, F.A. (we can only provide his initials at his own request) is a professor of Beaux Arts in the city of Mérida and at no time agreed to have anything published until the day he died. F.A., who was 46 years old at the time, was in the company of two young students – 16 and 17 respectively – at ten o’clock in the morning of Saturday, 25 December 1976 only a few kilometers away from the city... more »

The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, "Sunset" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Sunset"* “Slowly the west reaches for clothes of new colors which it passes to a row of ancient trees. You look, and soon these two worlds both leave you, one part climbs toward heaven, one sinks to earth, leaving you, not really belonging to either, not so helplessly dark as that house that is silent, not so unswervingly given to the eternal as that thing that turns to a star each night and climbs– leaving you (it is impossible to untangle the threads) your own life, timid and standing high and growing, so that, sometimes blocked in, sometimes reaching out, one moment your life is a ... more »

"One Big Road..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you're riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake up and live!” - Bob Marley

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"The only difference between the Republican and Democratic parties is the velocities with which their knees hit the floor when corporations knock on their door. That's the only difference." - Ralph Nader
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