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Sunday, September 18, 2011

More Lost Posts - 2007 - III

5 August PoliSci
Good timing for Bush - American Al Qaeda speaks
Democrats embrace bloggers
Bush ability to "strike fear" trumps the Bill of Rights
King George wins wiretapping for all foreigners
Transexual Pakistani update
Following the yellow brick road makes enemies stronger
dad 2059's House of Tinfoil
Saturday sci-fi,Sunday Edition Vol. II : Far Freedom   ( Free novel online - links and synopsis )
D C Observer
"Colorblindness" : an impossibility in the United States
Doug's Darkworld
300 ( Spoiler ! )
What's wrong with this picture ?
North American Union : The SPP is a "hostile takeover" of democratic government and an end to the Rule of Law  Global Research  **
Iran feels the chill in US Cold War tactics
Bush sells arms to Middle East dictators
Uncounted casualties of war
Edwards slams Bush's arms deal with  the Saudis  The Nation/AlterNet
Guillotining Gaza  ZNet  l  Israel/Palestine  Noam Chomsky  Information Clearing House  Aug 4
Israel's  Jewish problem in Tehran  ( Tell-tale exposes Bushit )
Reviewing Linda McQuaig's "It's the Crude, Dude !"
Accustomed to their own atrocities in Iraq, U.S. soldiers have become murderers
From the Left
George Bush and his soul brother, Robert Mugabe
( Christopher notes an important point : personal freedom is under fierce suppression globally )
The enemies of the Constitution are  Senate Democrats
Our descent into madness
The Cloud Appreciation Society
Gazillion Bubble Show
Back to school tips for and by Christian Fundamentalists
101 things you can do about climate change and peak oil
Over the line, Smokey !
Bush sells arms to Middle East dictators
The incomprehensible Dem cave-in on the FISA amendment
( The facepaint indicating Dems and GOP are different is becoming thin indeed )
Why we have shitty bridges
Republicans using filibuster at unprecedented rate
2/3 of US government senior executives got bonuses
Pardon my Paradox
Some choice Hobson
Qur'an - Bible
Tom Tancredo -  another terrorist running for President
Scholars & Rogues
Staff cartoonist presents : The virtues of a high-decibel diet
Russ Wellen : First-strike capability doesn't just describe Hillary's debate style
Prejudice against the obese and some of its situational sources
( I've been reading up on carbohydrate 'poisoning' - best description I can think of - and links to weight, diabetes, gout, fatigue, etc. I'll have more after I finish a book  on carbohydrate addiction   -  opit )
Six judiciary committee members for Impeachment
Rove gave political briefings to Justice Dept. officials
Constitutional America is finished! It's Over!
Was the pin-up boy of Bush's War on Terror assassinated ?
Old-line Republican warns 'something's in the works' to trigger a police state   ( RAW story July 19 )
Alonso hit by grid sanctions          F1
US Congress yields to Bush to pass spying bill
MSM 'Wisdom' embraces bigotry and authoritarianism - again
( Taking extremism to its 'logical conclusion' indeed )
Brooks on Tweetee Show Propaganda : GOPs don't exactly like Dumbya !
Bloggers Boo Hillary !
Ten Percent
More evidence of the War Lies
Island life : Foot and Mouth
Former Tory has BNP festival on his land, guards linked to Redwatch
Tomorrow what
Totalitarianism revisited
Water bottlers defend their reputations with full page ads
Biofuel revolution will drive up food prices
Gulf of Mexico plagued by record "dead zones"          **
White Noise Insanity
Bill O'Reilly gets his ass kicked once again by a liberal blogger!
Spying on Americans is okay with the 110th Congress

Nazi Tourist Brochures

5 August Evening BlogRolling
View from the bridge at clapsotronics
What we can't do     Aug 3 **   ( Most honest and straightforward analysis for years - should qualify as  genius with its simple logic )
Microsoft and Open Source - frost sightings in  hell
.common sense
How dumb can they be?     ( 'Smart' comment coming back
for a second visit )
Block and blame Republicans
"No breaches in biosecurity" says lab  ( Foot-and-mouth outbreak )
Asylum seekers on run after detention centre escape                 UK
Advice Goddess
Wishful thinking collides with reality
( And I have to shake my head : because I no longer can accept the idea that stupidity is an adequate explanation  : not that George seems that bright  )
Guess her sweatpants were at the cleaner's    Amy teasing  with camerawork
Just because your weird superstitions are older  ( Perspective)
Reuters AlertNet
Disease fears rise as South African floods kill 330
Five organ trafficking hotspots
Op-ed lesson number one : everyone gets rejected
Republican Presidential candidates support Bush's stay the course strategy
Christian Post: America's 'pro-gay' culture affects Iraqi Christians
( Two thoughts intrude here. Satanists and their hate culture can call themselves Christians till they are blue in the face, citing the Bible upside down and crosswise, and I'll have none of it. Secondly : homosexuals are traditionally harassed targets - rather like Jews and blacks, but with the added advantage of not standing out. That's ideal for alleging anyone ' the enemy', which can't be far off.  )
American Leftist
...another manifestation of the American Palestinians : out of sight, out of mind   *
The liberal hawks strike back
Medea in Wonderland  *
They wouldn't be silent
Another Day in the Empire
Congress critters move to 'proactively protect' children from Internet Hobgoblins       ( Staring to feel like an Iranian listening to Washington's malicious lies yet ? )
What Montebello NAU meeting ?  **
Obama follows the NeoCon Mass Murder Script
Cartoon of the Day     ( Maybe of the Year )   If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy  -  James Madison
The illegal - and immoral - option  *
Wonky Nonsense
Idiots on the march  ( Read it just for the stupidity of the lies it looks at . The conclusions ? Obvious ! )
Mariane Pearl is not a Tool, and she's nobody's Fool
What on Earth are we eating ?  ( The 'toon !  woowoo! Plus Ractopamine?!? )
Sunday morning coming dumb    Watching Republican 'debate' - car salesman talking-point delivery... these people don't belong in a debate,they belong in a sanitarium
War and Piece     Aug 3
Senate leader Reid and Intel chair Rockefeller's comments on FISA
Washington Note         Aug 5
Tension inside AEI : a NeoCon heart vs. corporate head
Watching Those We Chose
Pelosi to Conyers and Reyes-- Revisit the FISA Bill as soon as possible and this time do it right      ( Same idea as Reid and Rockefeller : I'd say if it was going to happen - it would have already )
Mitch at Fancy Farm: Stumbo draws first blood
Takin' notes for 2008
Matt Bai doesn't get it          ( Critique of critic )
dr sardonicus ( Pole Hill Sanitarium ) in comments : Consider the possibility that the Democratic Party currently sees its job as protecting the American people from liberalism, instead of representing it...
Poppies will make them sleep  ( Strannix really hits his stride with this idea )
United States Constitution RIP - Part Deux : Ship of Fools Edition
House Republicans post YouTube video -- Democrats are you paying attention ?
Welcome to Pottersville
Michael Ignatieff: " OK, so I fucked up"
( Contrasts with A View from the Bridge at Clapsotronics nicely )
The Wimp Redux Factor
FRANK RICH: Patriots who love the troops to death
After Katrina, what's not to trust ?
A pox on both our  Houses
8-6-01 Blogswarm
Bush jawbones Democrats on surveillance
Economic Inequality  (Link and plug for Bill Moyers'  Journal)
We Move to Canada
"she was like asking me why" : us veterans tell the truth about the war in Iraq
courage to resist
Canada, glory land (now with important update !)
will there be a 2008 election ?
how much time should she do ?
Yaba Yaba
Resurrected Text
But the rich get their tax cuts, so it doesn't matter if the bridges collapse

5 August WordPress PoliSci 2 ( 1 of 2 - not that I recall why at this late date )
Trojan Hoarse  ( You have to like someone who can tell about a joke at his expense   -  also has links on aging and politics)
The falling dollar Part One  also Detailed pictures of Earth
The two-party system
Why bother fighting them over there ?   ( Oil )
Corporate freeloaders? Sure seems like it
A few bad apples  ( Hating America ? I'm getting tired of that line of crap )
150 wild birds died of H5N1 in Germany in the past few weeks
A White House Blogger-in-Chief ?  ( It's the Indian problem all over again : you can't appoint a leader of self-determined people )
Conservative Libertarian Outpost  ( Formidable threat from jihadi terrorists ? These people call Democrats cowards while pissing their pants in fear. )
Drink the kool aid   ( Join the already inebriated )
Kos panelist silenced by Kos is former subordinate of Soltz,and Congressional candidate
Ouch!!! Visiting a Cuban Hospital
Dandelion Salad
A sad day? How about a sad six-and-a-half years?
Blinded by the story: Liberals and Progressives as Political Creationists
Constant Craven: Democrats go belly-up again
The big thaw: Big Oil  has been banking on it
The Battle for the Arctic has begun - Russia to claim North Pole seabed
Someone should tell Santa about this one  Eric Margolis
Sir, No Sir ( video clip + lots of links )
Bush told us not a penny more for Infrastructure (video)
The secret behind the sanctions - how the US intentionally destroyed Iraq's water supply (2001)
A week in the death of Iraq
Stock Market meltdown
Bloomberg outs the Insurance industry
Mis-pricing the risk - the Candidates and the collapsing economy
Insights into a terrorist-supporting country
Gunga din takes a vacation
US Economy: Stock Market Meltdown
Democrats concede to Bush Administration on warrantees surveillance
Something happened on 9-11  Sheila Samples
Globalization is causing us to lose ownership and control of our country
Rising oil prices destroying the poorest Third World economies
It's the Crude, Dude: War. Big Oil, and the Fight for the Planet
Mainstream media : the Invisible Government
Ignoring the lessons of the 1929 crash
Little Brother Forum
$20 billion arms package to Saudi Arabia gets opposition
Found in many products, BPA causes cancer, diabetes,ADHD in lab animals
Gates 'disappointed' by progress in Iraq, Cheney insists surge is working    ( Anything that kills people is all Dick requires for success )
US missing 190,000 guns in Iraq
Fencing the border : Boeing's high-tech plans fail

5 August  WordPress PoliSci 2
No room at the Inn
The U.S. Government wants chaos  HT  You're in your world now
12 vital areas that the US and state governments have been neglecting
Rep John McDonough on Cellulosic Ethanol in Maine
( Newcomers interested in this subject are encouraged to visit 'The Ergosphere' - old site - and perhaps the 'R Squared Energy Blog')
Oh my sweet aching ass - the Retarded Campaigns persist
This week's selective world news
Islamic revolution needed for peace  ( This post reminds me of the parable about the speck in another's eye...and the beam in yours )
Berry St Beacon
58,178 - the Traveling Vietnam Wall
Priceless quotes from the GOP  debate
Mixed signals and doublespeak
From the Left
Nancy & the one she won't impeach
me no big chief
today, 62 years ago
Over the line, Smokey!
FBI raids suspected DoJ leaker
Heres a puzzle for geometrists/do it yourselfers
Salon Esoterica
Avaaz.og - Global Politics
Jeane Palfrey ( Update #7-Motion to decriminalize Prostitution before Court)...
The truth about denial
Democratic Party is growing more Liberal
Ten Percent
Imprisoned  Iranian students
Tomorrow what
Boom in biofuels could backfire

Tomorrow what
Afghan victory 'could take 38 years'

 6 August  News & Views
Afghan president mocks Taliban 'cowardice'
Hizballah's Christian soldiers ?
Tags reveal tuna migration routes
Scientists reveal secrets of levitation
Privatizing health care 'scary' prospect
Glaucoma and Alzheimer's may have common origins and treatment
Rosacea may be caused by immune response, not bacteria
No need to get fancy battling mosquitos
Cervical cancer vaccine ads may mislead
100 Websites you should know and use
What is Bush up to ?          See comments thread
Common Dreams
The Real Debate about Iraq is between real, fake war foes
War is Collective Insanity
Say No to new nuclear weapons
War is going horribly - for Iraqis
When a government won't own up  ( 9/11 first responders )
Cheney overstepped bounds of his office  :  Walter Mondale
The Three Stooges  ( Rove, Gonzales and Cheney )
Grown-up needed to clean up after Pres. Bam Bam
The Threat of U.S. Fascism : an Historical Precedent   **
( Commenter reported call for General Strike Sept 11 )
Time for a Democracy Movement  :  Naomi Wolf
Republicans defend Tobacco Giants from sick children
An Empire can be terribly expensive
( That's just part of the first page !  )

6 August  WordPress  PoliSci
I know I've recapped Common Dreams pieces : this paragraph seems to catch the mood of the times. From 'An Empire Can Be Terribly Expensive' by John Smart
"Forget the spin about WMD's or 'Iraqi Freedom' or the 'War on Terror'. The White House is lying, Congress is lying, and the media stopped asking questions. What we are not told is that Iraq is about oil, war profiteering and a larger plan to control energy resources of the Middle East and Central Asia.  This scheme goes beyond our domestic energy needs and seeks to give multinational corporate dominance over global markets while feeding a hungry American war Machine."
Monte Asbury's Blog
Where your treasure where you'll be  And our treasure is military...
This also follows the theme at A View From the Bridge from yesterday's dynamite post ; Monte has quipped there, as have I.
Will terrorists get us ? Of course not.
( But will some Americans fake it ? )
Darn the 'Economist' : no Mr Bean on the website !
Public don't really care about Aboriginal children
Bastard Logic
Thanks for nothing
Watchdog calls for probe on John Boehner
Pentagon missing 190,000 AK-47's
Our descent into madness
Find a dilapidated bridge near you !  Relaying a Pandagon link
Dad 2059's House of Tinfoil
The Jesuits, Vatican, Nibiru and UFOs
Doug's Darkworld
Three Surprising Quotes
Fitness for the Occasion
Romney pits his words against his actions
A Reflection on Hard and Obvious realities
Just because it's Canadian, does that make it good ?
From the Left
House passes record Pentagon budget
Grumpy Lion
If I were a terrorist...
Over the line, Smokey!
Remaining Sunnis pull out of al Maliki government
Pardon my Paradox
The poetry of Donald Rumsfeld
Joe Darby
Lebanese by-election
Reclaiming Space
On this day: a date that lives in infamy  ( Nope: guess again)
Television, the Drug of a nation
Scholars & Rogues
Martin :   Great moments in business history
Martin : FISA failure demonstrates why we need real Progressives in Congress
Anthony :  British farming in deep doo-doo ...again!
( Canadians, Albertans in particular, might remember that inspection lab budgets were cut shortly before the BSE blowup )
Jim Booth :  When 'God and Country' becomes 'God is Country...'
Sam Smith :  Is the perfect real estate storm about to pop the housing bubble ?
Skeptical Brotha
Dixie Dianne's betrayal
Ed Koch supports Bloomberg in 2008
ABC Republican debate
Democrats introduce Bush, Cheney, Gonzales Censure Resolutions in House and Senate
President Bush wants power to immunize telecoms that aid in spying on Americans   ( Can he immunize them from loss of market share ?)
In Bush we trust - or else
All Options on the table - Sixty-Two Years later
Ten Percent
The Bin Laden Excuse
Afghanistan - Army Job Creation Program
Foot & Mouth and all that
SOA/WHINSEC have to name Students & Instructors
Tomorrow What
Japan marks anniversary of Hiroshima bombing
The checkered history of American Weapons Deals
White Noise Insanity
Republicans like their privacy
US Rep John Boehner leaked classified information to the public while on Fox News
Is the stock market about ready to hit Armageddon level ?
What a great picture of Cindy Sheehan !
Dandelion Salad
Beyond Disaster: The War in Iraq is about to get worse. much worse
Climate Change: The Age of Chaos is Waiting
Americans now reside in the Land of the Living Dead
Little Brother Forum
US drug companies receive big tax breaks, leave tens of thousands jobless
Scooter Hybrid gets 170 mpg
Here is a short reminder of what you got when you voted D last November
Bush allocates money for Zombie defense
Expose Maldives child abuse    Global Voices Online
The end of unilateralism is the beginning of... what ?
( Somebody argue realistically against the summation here. I can't )

 6 August Late Links
Who are we ?   digby in a reflective mood
GOP soothsayers    ( what is the proper term for spinmongers ? )
  "Could the Iraqis suffer more if we leave ? It's a possibility. But they don't want us there and the fools who started this war and the lunatics who want to expand it just can't be taken seriously when the question is debated."
( She's nicer than me. I won't dignify occupation and organized butchery with the term 'war'. )
Will the real science data please stand up ?
Noam Chomsky on 'The War on Terror'
"The fact of the matter is there is no 'War on Terror"
Information Clearing House
Number of Iraqis slaughtered in America's War on Iraq  :  at least 665,000+
( I'm playing with a troll at Verbena 19's : there I cited an old figure of a million - from about three months back. We were at 600,000 when, last fall ? These figures are of the right order : they don't include all causes of death, though. )
Freedom or Totalitarianism, the choice is yours
Democracy Dreaming         ( a delusion of democracy )
Heroism and the language of Fascism
Read the headers : incredible !
Insults with class  The Brit comment does it for me
Verbena 19
A Mediterranean Union ?
Great Lakes fish polluted
She's got a news section !
Congress approves spy bill
" The continued  revelation of lies and deception by the current administration paints a picture of corruption and criminality so pervasive it may be impossible  for Bush and company  to get a fair trial in this country once the rule of law is restored."
( Well, at least somebody still thinks of that as a serious likelihood. )
Oz human rights proposed bill: 10: Limitations on Rights
( Common law was left vague so it would be more difficult to formally limit without challenge )
Everything must change
the globe holders
maintain the soul
Fitness for the occasion
Bush on Terrorism : Ignoring the Warning
Break one law, Pass another
Obama: War Mongering Idiot ?
Informed Comment
Satire: I want to be like Usama
John Edwards on the pernicious influence of lobbyists on US politics
Obama sticks to his guns  ( serious lack of imagination on this issue )
Iraqslogger discovers that the State Department suddenly can't hear very well when the Saudi foreign minister starts fulminating against 'foreign interference' and "Occupation' in Iraq
Informed Comment Global Affairs
Poor Helmland security situation explained    Afghanistan
First reflections on the August 5 by-elections in Lebanon
Taleban deny Pakistan complicity: say losing patience with Korean government
Ink Rambles from across the Net
Meet one of the five remaining survivors of the USS Arizona
Coolest picture ever
Inside Iraq
One more day in Baghdad
Intel Dump
Ignatieff on Iraq
H.R. on the Surge
U.S., Iraqi troops begin to 'clear' Samarra
International Rivers Network
Nam Theun 2 Trip Report and Project Update  "Model" project replicates past mistakes
Jaded skeptic; Odd Jack
Behe on Colbert
Kiko's House
Shinichi's Trike and the Lessons of War
RI Entrepreneur makes it big in pillow covers
The Sound of Neglect
Black and White Justice  *
Kung Fu Monkey
The CORE, Bitches !         Funnyman shares science love - and frustration with unimaginative people ( hey, I did not say dolts )
Last left turn before HOOTERVILLE
No New Taxes
Le Revue Gauche
Ouch                  Pretty much
Our descent into Madness
More on all the Candidates' positions
'Situation" trumps 'Disposition'

8 October Morning News Picks

Mediator warns Vancouver civic strike could stretch into '08
Report proposes blending of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
A show for the style impaired
Trio shares Nobel in Medicine
Blackwater guards should face murder charges
South American  dictators ganged up in search for Che
Turkey under pressure to hit back under Kurdish separates kill 15 in two days
( I wouldn't click the screensaver  ad )
Signal Spam : France trying to cut down Spam mails
U.K. McDonald's to serve up free Wi-Fi
Google, IBM to work on parallel computing push
Doctors say smokers no better than drug addicts
( I smoked for decades ; smokers are drug addicts who continue to crave nicotine for years after quitting.  I once started again after a seven year period of abstinence. For myself and a couple of others I know, laser smoking cessation therapy ( electric acupuncture ) has reset what was out of whack and we have gone for years without cravings - although public smoking and drinking places can prove a  hazard to resolve. )
Thalidomide therapy helps elderly melanoma patients live longer
Man's dentures lost in surgery, found in throat
Study highlights female students' binge eating
nanoparticles can damage DNA and lead to cancer
VMware upgrades ESX Hypervisor, management tools
Microsoft takes piracy locks off IE7
Blackberry as weapon in the fight to commute
Blue State
Nancy Pelosi needs to resign
Blue Radar news shorts are posted
Nightowl clips
If Gore wins the Nobel Peace Prize
More victims of private health insurance
Craig may have visited same male prostitute as Haggard
IA-'08: Hillary pushes ahead in Iowa

This concludes the posts saved in Windows Live Writer on this computer. I  also had the program on another which died. There is a faint chance I have more opit posts on a disc somewhere....if so you'll likely see them eventually.