Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4 - 15 June 2008 Opit's LinkFest! on My Opera

4 June Morning Quickpost

Which solar technology will survive ? Video
The problem with Google apps engine
Rescuing Twitter's trainwreck
HP eyes sustainable data centers
Labour MPs debate terror stance
BBC blamed for attacks on Poles
Critical Great Lakes crustacean disappearing ( like krill : base of food chain )
Half of Papua New Guinea forests could vanish
Desktop blogging clients for Linux
Michael Ware : "...Senator McCain has been here what, more than half a dozen times. And we've seen him get Iraq assessments terribly wrong. I wouldn't be hanging my hat on the fact your opponent has only been here once."

7 June - BlogRoaming

The top 10 things you'd be able to do if you didn't live under a system of health oppression masquerading as modern medicine
Chemical skies : Aerosol pollutants from planes cause disease
Sucrose and fructose found to promote pancreatic cancer
FDA, ADA conspiracy to poison children with toxic mercury fillings exposed in groundbreaking lawsuit
Green tea compounds prevent memory loss from lack of oxygen
Drug promotions work like washing powder ads
Obama's first test : will he confront proposed new powers to spy on Americans ? Len Hart
The Existentialist Cowboy
The brutal 'Iraqi' education that awaits John McCain
'Genocide by design ?' Bush administration plans to 'stay' in Iraq for the oil
Dandelion Salad
INN World Report : Daniel Estulin + the Bilderberg Group : Secret Society
Bill Moyers addresses NMCR 2008 - must see
"With Liberalism like this, no one needs the NeoCons"
Remarks with Turkish foreign minister Ali Barbacan plus U.S.-Turkey treaty for nuclear cooperation
Compressed air cars
Clinton and Obama conciliatory towards AIPAC Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Hat Tip Alternate Brain
It ain't just crying wolf when half the sheep have already been eaten
Israeli threat to attack Iran over nuclear weapons
( Some Israeli bloggers have seemed unreasonably hyped over the Iranian nuclear 'threat' for some time : considering that's another crock it will be hard to disprove, even with the recent NIE. Sounds like propaganda prep conditioning Israelis to accept it is well established. )
Hat Tip The Osterley Times
Mugabe turns the screw on opposition
Johann Hari : If you really want to understand what this race is about, look at the two candidates' fathers ( study in contrast )
How to finish off the GOP machine
The Money Masters - How Bankers gained control of America
The Butt-Stroke Mentality
The situation of a manned mission to Mars
The situational demographics of deadly force
On being a mindful voter
The unseen behavioral influence of company logos
Team-interested decision making
Childhood : The new age of anxiety ?
Moral cognitions - abstract
Moral psychology primer
2012 - the year the Internet ends
Antarctic ice shelf 'hangs by a thread' 

9 June - RSS Review

New threat to food system : pricey fertilizer
UBC president talks about free speech
Charter schools big experiment
Federal contractors must 'E-verify' employees' eligibility to work ( Big Brother is Watching You )
States take new tack to fight illegal immigration ( Very P.C. in the nation of media-enhanced bigotry : and dysfunctional. )
Gates names non-fighter pilot to head Air Force ( Must have heard "An army travels on its stomach" )
Union of Concerned Scientists
Global Warming : Economists, scientists call for swift action in the Senate
The untold costs of CAFOs
Mercury in CFLs is less of a threat than power plants
Food and Environment Electronic Digest ( e-mails )
A scientist's guide to talking to the media
Green cuisine : Earth-friendly, healthy recipes from top chefs and local farmers
If so many content creators don't understand the law, perhaps it's the law that's the problem ?
Supreme Court says patent holders can't shake down the entire supply chain
Forget climate change, we should spend on nutrition
How drug that blocks chloresterol absorption from diet works
When skin damage causes death
Federal budget spending and the national debt - U.S.
Did CARB kill the electric car ? ( more on Darrell's Page )
The high cost of low batteries
Nissan hedges all-electric bet with range extender option
RAV Long Ranger Hybridizing Trailer
Toyota to start exporting U.S.-built SUVs and minivans
Pre Euro II vehicles will be banned from Moscow's city center
Buell to offer Ulysses police bike
Motorcycles get pole position in Spain
Japan : Oil prices could spur global recession ( Could ? Are ! Equivalent to runaway inflation )
Henry Ford and the source of our fear
Seth Godin
The Clowd
Oil shortage a myth, says industry insider
Acidification from fossil fuels is killing our oceans
Bad Lyme bug is spreading
Pentagon told Guantanamo interrogators to destroy evidence ( There is no evidence of interrogation in any case : just of torture, which produces fiction )
MPs set to recommend RCMP rein in Taser use
UK society is 'demonizing' children
10 wonderful websites with which to waste time at work
MyHeritage Face Recognition
Spyware Killer Confessions
( Firefox and Opera are used regularly here. Internet Explorer 7 is mostly backup for awkward problems when things don't conform to web standards and for Windows/Microsoft Update. I'm blogging this in IE because Opera stalled its controls when I was well into this post ; a rare not not unprecedented event. I also use IE for occasional wireless configuration problems. Firefox has tools galore, but seems to crash a bit : though it remembers settings for restart. FF is addictive. Flock is built on it : finally a worthwhile exercise. )
Overview of Firefox 3
Fugue Good News ( Farce )
Digital forensics : photo tampering throughout history
Storms pound MidWest as record heat scorches East
Blue Girl Red State
He doesn't recall ? ( Abramoff )
Some good news on the anti-terrorism front
Another American city under water ( no help )
Rural regions hit hardest by $4/gal gasoline
( Try trucking freight when fuel goes from 32% [ high] to 44% of gross. Unsustainable. )
There are exploding neocon heads everywhere ( al Maliki : Iran is no threat )
90,000 Spanish truckers strike over soaring fuel prices
Iran tells Iraq : U.S. troops are 'main obstacle on way to progress'
BlueBloggin : Obama pro-Israel speech angers Arabs
( Trying to prove there are bigger fools than McCain ? He's bought. The U.S. 'credit' as an arbiter of MidEast peace is so high in negative numbers as to be virtually infinite. Neocon push on and in Israel since 2006 has resulted in Palestinian devastation as to virtually eliminate them. Check 'Peoples Geography' [ Australian ] or 'The Heathlander' for eye-openers without being laced with richly deserved vilification of the U.S.A. Supplying arms is not nation-building aid. )
Oh, No : You can't use Iraq to attack Iran
( Remember the recent NIE ? No Program of nuclear weapons-applicable research.
Russia and the other neighbours had incentive not to proliferate such potential ; but jointly announced their intention to provide Iran with fuel ! Plus MIRV/ICBM-armed [ thousands known ! ] Russia proclaimed an attack on Iran would be considered the same as an attack on Russia [ shades of China and Vietnam or Korea.
A proposed sale of four reactors to India is much more popular there than a deal for one U.S. reactor tied up with restraints.
What about fuel supply ? The Russians will. The U.S. said it would provide oil to North Korea. Look at how well that was serviced. ]
Halliburton charged with selling nuclear technologies to Iran ( The plot thickens )
Is Obama too tough on Iran ?
Seymour Hersch and Scott Ritter on Iran 1-3
Gas spike troubles Meals on Wheels
Human Rights Watch says Harare pursuing terror campaign
"No doubt about it..."
Debt Stress - a new cause of death
Homes - buy one, get one free in San Diego
Prosecution of George W. Bush for murder
Bush, Cheney knowingly lied about prewar Iraq intel
( Do you suppose that had anything to do with Cheney deliberately arranging for it ? )
Hair loss - cancer cure ( Generic : too cheap to market )
Fred Hiatt - 'Bush Lied' : If only it were that simple
( That's correct. Everybody and his frickin' dog told Cheney's lies. )
Solar balloons : SunHope Solar Energy
Rotating wind power tower to begin construction in Dubai
Could we solve global warming by sucking CO2 from the air ? ( Lovely. Lock up all free oxygen in a very stable compound underground while we're at it ? )
Future News
Oil speculation and Israeli sabre rattling ( Futures market manipulation )
Is the U.S. a colony of Israel ?
Clinton gives up race in exchange for Obama's allegiance to Israeli lobby
Chinese authorities fighting losing battle against Parents of Earthquake Victims

14 June - Reading the News

How speculators are causing the cost of living to skyrocket DIGG ( Add DIGG to iGoogle )
G-8 says Commodity Prices replace Credit Squeeze as major risk
U.S. broadband : desperate ideas of an industry that resists change
UN says Myanmar farmers need fuel for planting
The rise of Indian wind power
Drought doubles numbers of Ethiopians needing aid
How Iran has Bush over a barrell
( Funny. Did you ever read Aesop's Fables or the Tales of B'rer Rabbit ? I'm thinking of Tar Baby, where he pleads not to be thrown into the brier patch. As if Texas oilmen mad for power and wrecking the world economy - graft artists without peer - would mind an increase in the value of their inventories ! )
Oil slips to $135 after OPEC questions high price
Genepax - Japanese invent car that runs on water
( These stories are all over the place ! Try opit's bookmarks tag for alternative energy )
On-demand HUGE hydrogen production
Impeachment Failed
The Supreme Court's Guantanamo ruling : what does it mean ?
John McCain legal historian ( That's John McPuppet, a.k.a. McBush )
Saying OK - reluctantly - to the Geneva Conventions
( So this 'victory' is not unprecedented. Also note 'interrogation' is not achieved by torture. Instead you get false 'confessions' of anything and everything. That's one primary reason why such fiction is not accepted as evidence ; so that probable lies are not used as testimony. So we have a fine conundrum : all are entitled to a fair trial - though the Executive has deliberately made such impossible. )
Supreme Arrogance Hat Tip DIGG
( Does everyone find this identified as a classic example of what is wrong with today's 'media'; a blatantly obvious trope of bias and disrespect for law ? )
Huckabee joining Fox News as a political commentator
Obama says he would cut taxes for the middle class
EU may ram through Lisbon treaty despite Irish rejection
Zimbabwe's Tsvangirai arrested for fifth time
How does the news shape the world we see ?
Raging river forces 24,000 from homes
Drinking water shortage
Water Pressure
Asthma and allergy rates 50% higher near roads
Child well-being worsens in U.S.
Who's watching out for toxic safety ?
( The most underreported story of critical significance. )
The Existentialist Cowboy
The Blood on Bush's Hands
Del.ico.us bookmarks for Firefox 3 delivered ( Works with Firefox 2 also )
Build your own Internet Archive with Iterasai
How to translate PDF and Word documents with Google Translation
Wilkins Ice Shelf continues break-up, even during winter
Anti-swimmer system bad news for frogmen
Walking a little can go a long way

15 June - Afternoon News Collection

Chemical law has global impact
Japan allows military use of space
( I had been quipping with those who wanted to research feasibility of a system of space solar energy collectors beaming energy to Earth as an anti-pollution measure ; pointing out possible 'abuse'. Ever sizzle ants with a mirror when you were young ? )
Public Choice
"...politicians will - to advance their own careers - subject thousands of citizens to abuse, torture, starvation, confinemwnt, and yes, death."
The Enemy Within
Morally Bankrupt
Universal Health Care Info
Commons committee wraps up secret Afghan visit
Iran nuclear deadlock hard to break up
Bush "I'm disappointed that the leaders rejected this generous offer out of hand."
( Russia sold the reactor within international accords. Iran exceeded minimum standards of care. The tech is not suitable for nuclear proliferation. Iran desperately needs power generation. The U.S. has kept replacement oilfield equipment from them, exacerbating the situation. Even access to Iranian banking deposits have been interfered with.
Russia and the neighbours stand with Iranian access to fuel ; Russia even warning against attack and offering to provide the fuel already enriched.
Conceding everything including that which is unacceptable because of circumstances [ which the U.S. caused ] as an a priori condition of discussions is George's idea of a 'generous offer'. Then again, I do think he has his personal standards of 'humor' to keep. That must be why the recent NIE debunking Iranian nuclear weapons activities generates so much ongoing consideration.
Oh. Right. This is Media Operation "Yellowcake II" )
'Brain Sparks' account for smarter species
Like bats, people 'hear' silent objects
'Special Weapons' have a fallout on babies
Israeli woman's return to Gaza
Hamas admits to blast ; truce still on Hat Tip - Blue Girl Red State
( Weren't we just inundated with information about plastic releasing harmful compounds into drinking water ? WTF What is the bromide being released from ? )
Chemical law has global impact
( Looks like the Chinese aren't the only ones remiss in due care and attention. Where are the lawyers ? This has class action written all over it.
I'll answer my own question. Legal harassment to prevent same going forward is standard.
Did you note the kicker ? Teflon is carcinogenic! Want a new frypan cheap ?
Cheer up : glassware and porcelain aren't necessarily safe either, nor gasoline additives you breathe in from smog. Remember the asthma stats for kids living next to roadways ?
Have you ever used an air purifier ? Indoor air polution is worse than that outside. The difference in cleaned air is easy to detect after a good night's sleep ; though even foam bedtop cushions and pillows can outgas. )
Is your bug spray toxic ? Do natural alternatives work ?
Water, water everywhere
Cedar Rapids Flood 2008 Hat Tip Blue Girl Red State
Algae bloom in Chinese lakes causes panic buying of bottled water
11 Must See Pictures
Ultraviolet gives view inside real 'death star'
Yahoo! Japan and Sharp prove the marriage of TV and the Internet can be beautiful
Little PC gets the big stuff wrong
Exxon to exit U.S. retail gas business ( Hmm. Think there's a connection with the water car story ? Or with an expected cratering of U.S. market ? )
Quebec companies charged with fixing gas prices
Toyota develops new fuel cell hybrid
Music Rules : Top 45 websites for free music
How to hide and show initial content, depending on whether Javascript support is available
Opera 9.5 still in the browser race
What Paris Hilton does not know about Opera
Off By One Browser
( Guess I'm trying to kill my machine. IE 7, Opera 9.27 and Firefox 2 are all open while I'm making this post. Sometimes I'll add Flock !
Pageflakes, Bloglines, Netvibes, iGoogle, Google Reader [ on the desktop ] may all be on the go.
Yep. I have to watch how many tabs I try to open at one time, or freeze a tab that won't load. Firefox is usually the first to croak - though Flock and Opera have crashed too. Here's an odd one. Sometimes I can't post in Opera - even if I've been doing so - and have to use a different browser.
Usual worst problem ? Everything slows to a crawl or dies.[ Or I'll get mixed up on closing utilities and close off my post and lose it ! ] Still - I only have 768MB RAM and a 128MB Video Card. Problems on my wireless service are a greater usual difficulty ; stuff like scrambled mac addresses from viruses or people who try to get service from their own router. )
"Canadian DCMA" brings "balanced" copyright to Canada ( All us serfs are being shown our place. )
Environmental defense articles on WaPo
Canadian government apologizes for abuse of indigenous people
( I thought the contrast ironic. Not that Indians are likely to profit from this government : simply because shysters won't profit from them. )
Some young religious voters steering away from ani-gay measures "Linking to social justice"...shades of the 60's
Evangelicals say faith is now too political
Conservative law group encourages pastors to break IRS ban on partisan politics
( Ho Chi Minh talked about spying priests : has separation of Church and State been honoured more in the breach than the observance ?
Read up on JARS and Wycliff Bible Translators. The CIA has been known to 'appeal to their patriotism'.)
Cuban government moves to end homophobia
( Cuban respect for civil rights doesn't end at medicare ? )
France to push UN for decriminalization of homosexuality ( Does the state have any business legislating about adult sex ? )
No doubt about it
Google, Yahoo strike ad deal
Timothy John Russert, Jr.
Mining Bling
Just how stupid are we ? Facing the truth about the American voter
Net Neutrality ***
Artists : skills transfer
Impeach ! Kucinich's document

15 June - Ecology Edition

Saudi Arabia to increase production to cut prices
Ethanol output faces sharp cuts
Sunday Linkfest
Our ruined harvest
Hitting the squids chemical 'additives'
The price isn't right Nuke power is expensive
What risks are posed by nuclear waste ?
Reasonable Doubt
EPA opens chemical risk assessment to corporate lobbying
Wal-Mart truck fleet on track to meet fuel efficiency goals
What we learned from the stymied Climate Security Act
Drill on the Hill - ANWR
The goal of climate policy is not high GHG prices
The Clorox Co. leverages sustainability for growth
Council on Foreign Relations releases new report on climate change and U.S. policy
Minimizing meat
Boucher and Upton introduce bipartisan legislation to invest in carbon sequestration technology
( Electric Power Research Institute
Brooklyn's hopeful gardeners
environment360New publication from Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Monsanto : still reading blogs
Stand with Chinese environmentalists
Our brittle infrastructure : our nonresilient economy Quite the 'Report Card'
Raw sewage, takings, and you
The wheat from the chaff
Protecting the Homeland
RFK Jr. nails it
Galapagos Report : an introduction to water woes
Pesticides affect trout's sense of smell
Industrial milk, New Mexico style
Cow feed misdeeds
Where's tomorrows water ?
Free e-book on biofuels and water
Bush vs. rural America
Invention to make water recycling faster, cheaper
Water shortages in India and the world
Why societies collapse : Jared Diamond at Princeton University
650 million years in 94 minutes
On battling ( plastic ) bottled-up rageFact Sheet - PDF
Mending ozone hole may worsen climate change
EcoLEDs launches energy efficient replacement ( 5W ) for 40W bulb, lasts 50,000 hours
The Green Guy
Could microgeneration be as powerful as nuclear energy ?
Geothermal energy research expanded as NZ drought continues
First cellulosic biorefinery in U.S. opens
Scientists develop air 'scrubber' capable of capturing one Ton of CO2 a day
Brother introduces first island-wide recycling campaign in conjunction with World Environment Day
Green Media Outreach : an analysis
Norwegian wind power could become Europe's battery
New solar cell rivals silicone-based ones
UN conference fails life on Earth
The Voice of Reason 

29 May - 3 June 2008 Opit's LinkFest! on My Opera

29 May - Signs of the Times

Rocket fuel, pesticides and pharmaceuticals swirl in America's troubled waters
Continuity of government and the ENDGAME scenario
The Existentialist Cowboy
The real reason Fox is upset with Hillary
Scott McClellan : Bush misled Americans to go to war
Evidence that Bush will cancel elections and declare martial law
Karl Rove : Best at the Worst
While Bush drags U.S. into Dark Ages other nations forge ahead
Arresting John Bolton
Terrorism and the New World Order
Station Charon
"Can You Say 'Coup d'Etat' ?"
September 11,2001 The day the reset button was hit on over two centuries of American history and allowed for new doctrines of preemptive war, the domestic police state and the codifying of torture into the law of the land.
How to Seize a Country
A Clean Break : a new stategy for securing the realm
Targets mean police focus on minor crime
Money Laundering and the dirty truth
Writedowns push CIBC to $1.1 Bn loss
Cluster bomb ban, rejected by U.S., to be adopted in treaty
Google Earth now viewable in web browsers
Iraq's ancient tablets to get new, virtual life
Satellites, beekeepers track climate change response
Doug's Darkworld
Mystery object spotted on Mars
We could have won Vietnam
Through thick and thin - history repeats itelf again

31 May - Quick Picks

Contrary Brin
Good and bad companies...and VP choices
... the stupid 'left-right' political axis has blighted our thinking for far too long
... CEO candor
... Jim Webb
...'Quotation Fest'
Counter Currents
How the oil crisis has hit the world
Manufactured Reality : Two steps forward , one step back
Pain and Conscience
American Complicity
U.S. soldiers launch campaign to convert Iraqis to 'Christianity'
The other criminal war
Pens and Swords : Book Review : How American media report Israel-Palestine conflict
Bush, toilet scientists and 'heavy eating' Indians
Fascism : the night of broken glass in Rome
A tale of two storms : Myanmar and New Orleans
GNN profile : ShiftShapers Protest in America has become more symbolic than effective
Poisonous plutocracy pushes ecomomic inequality
The strategy of concealment : communication critique
Guerilla News
34 convicted in display at U.S. Supreme Court
The anatomy of neoconservative propaganda
McClellan and his media collaborators
Methane release could cause abrupt, far-reaching climate change
Oil Crisis rage spreads
The Mega-Pentagon : a Bush-enabled monster we can't stop
Nanoparticles used to trap oil drops
U.S. record $4/gal gas remains a bargain in Europe
Saudis retaining dollar peg
Guantanamo former asylum seeker faces death penalty
Gitmo judge axed for speaking out
AQ Khan back in news
Subprime fiasco reveals manipulation by mortgage brokerages
Intelligence Daily
Bush at center of intelligence leak ( Plame )
Thousands of Iraqis protest agreement for indefinite U.S. Occupation
Fourth FDIC-insured bank closes
Global demand squeezing natural gas supply
Chertoff keen on Israeli airport security technology
The crash of the U.S. economy has begun

31 May - Evening Views

Who's the superpower now ?
Mel Hurtig - the truth about Canada podcast
China evacuates 197,000 as quake rivers swell ( FEMA nowhere to be seen )
Myanmar warned over forcing cyclone survivors home
No Doubt About It
McCain redux - Mr. 'Straight Talk' has a lot of splainin' to do
( This is more complete than is convenient to precis )
Israeli nukes - like we didn't know
The hidden chemical in cans ( bisphenol A )
Scott McClellan hits White House in new book
Resign Bush Cheney
Your ISP may be selling your web clicks
Obama's security detail
Solar cooking
Jesus' General
Lanny Davis on why Liberals are anti-Semites
Department of Book Reports 70 : Crazy School
The Trojan Horse of Bulging Gayness
FEMA's naked ladies
DFo Androids Dream of Electric O'Reilleys ( How about eclectic sheep ? )
Memoriable Day ( contrast )
Blood and Roots, Blut & Boden : American racism rearing its ugly head
Nationally sold kids' comic called 'Training Manual for next Pogrom against Jews'
Elephant paints self portrait
Academe's Dirty Little Secret
The Social Bookmarking Frenzy
A Moveable Feast : the Del.icio.us web
Fever can unlock autism's grip ( temporarily )
Oil bubble could prove threat to pension funds
Sen. Bill Nelson makes false statement to DNC committee
The leaky Bush - Probable Cause for Treason
That awful sucking sound "We don't know what we paid for in Iraq" : U.S. paying its allies to fight war in Iraq
WAR - who still believes in Bush
Can wounded soldiers vote ? No, Maybe, Well OK
Lead exposure linked to violent crime, brain changes
Eco-Diary Rescue 5.31
Informational Post - Articles / 'Daily Kos Environmentalists' **
Solar charged lawnmower
Green globetrotting with Ecofabulous
An Immodest Proposal for winning and ending the War on Terror
Democracy for America
Existentialist Cowboy
Bush tells another bald-faced whopper, claims he has 'laid foundation of peace !'
Garling Gauge
Pelosi threatens to interfere in nomination process
Military recruits thousands more warbots for new unmanned surge
Free game hopes to save gorillas
The link between voter fraud and restrictive ID Hat Tip Over the line, Smokey !
US Attorney scandal was about voter suppression
Drop the Cuba embargo !!
Mind detox XIX : Cyrano's Journal Online
Mind detox XVIII
( List of articles with introductions. This blogger is a buddy who was out of circulation for a while; another opinionated Canuck - with vitriol and facts )
A debate on U.S. actions in the Balkans, the independence of Kosovo, Iraq Sanctions and Humanitarian Intervention
( The way it's often done today, humanitarian invention would be apropos. The Wes Clark info is worth chasing down. )
Canada is the security blanket for American motorists and power companies
Tony Blair's leap of faith
Cloistered shame in Israel 

2 June - Quick Notes

Sensationalism : conventional media's only answer to the long tail ?
Blue Girl Red State
Somehow, someway we have to return sanity to immigration policy
Making charity cool again
The hostages no one talks about
William the Bloody said WHAT ?
General William Odom passed away
Another turf war in the making ( Undercutting intelligence )
Geeky civil war ( Military blogging )
Gitmo judge axed for speaking out
Cheney : forced to apologize for his sick incest joke
The NIST Bu$hCo and the WTC Investigation
Going to war with Iraq was wrong, Australian PM Rudd admits
US accused of holding terror suspects on prison ships
Israeli troops killed 45 Palestinians including 5 children last month
Exxon Mobil is staring at regime change, monumental changes...
More war lies and propaganda
McClellan : Bush should have fired Rove after Plame leak
Australia abandons Bush & McCain's 100 Year War !
Scientist simulate jet colliding with World Trade Center
Cluster bombs, Made in America
Jobs or air pollution - is this a false dichotomy ?
Ten Percent
Dear Cowards
Raytheon 9 - Eamonn McCann
Was Florence Nightengale primarily a religious figure ?
Culture for 'em - Pirates of the Caribbean
Beach News ( Coral reef bleaching )
The world's most successful bug hits dolphins
Magnetic bone implants
Malicious software threatens internet economy
Why it takers 2000 gallons of fresh water to produce one gallon of milk
Marijuana chemical cannabidiol halts spread of breast cancers
Bananas are dying, killed by corporate monoculture
The ADHD scam and mass drugging of children
Warm coronal loops hold clue to mysteriously hot solar atmosphere
Bringing sunlight inside
Thousands 'abused by gangmasters' 

3 June - BlogRoaming

Blue Girl Red State
Afghanistan enters another summer
GM forced by consumer demand to finally get a clue
Pumping up the specter of the bogeyman
"Illegal immigrant" kills cyclist
Relocate these troops to Fort Gordon
General McPeak blasts McCain on foreign policy
Nukes & Spooks
May was Afghanistan's most violent month
Waxman wants to know if Cheney involved in leak
Sen. Rockefeller peeved with CIA's Hayden
Suicide prevention on the battlefield
Pakistan : pouring gasoline on a fire ( deliberate; even routine practice )
Pagan sect at Pakistan border lives among conservative Muslims
Is Sen. McCain politicizing the military ?
Memo to Scott McClellan : here's what happened
Secrecy-obsessed administration now more so : new catchall class for information government wants to 'control' new secrecy directive
Archived sites Unbossed website of the week(s)
Army suicides rise again
Speculation driving oil price skyward
Feds reduce water to valley farms
Commentary : an indictment of our army's competence
Commentary : It's time to do right by our troops
Propaganda and the media
Both McCain, Obama exaggerating Iran's nuclear program
Obama clinches nomination
New satellite photos show Amazon rainforest shrinking
Obama claims Democratic nomination
Prove me Wrong - Cheney eyes Iran using Mad Cowboy George
Mush has to leave Pak or face prosecution : Karzai says Western forces bungled war on Taliban
Ten Percent
Range Balls
Has the war on terrorism proved to be a greater threat to a free society than terrorism itself ? I'm leaning towards a 'Yes'.
QN2-War Tour
Mask of Anarchy
Death Penalty for Knife Crime
Israeli terrorist escapes justice...for now
The Role of the West in the Establishment of Hamas
McClellan sticks the knife in
Cluster bombs to be banned ?
Pinochet allies arrest ordered
Italy turning more Fascist by the day
Peoples' Geography
Lebanon gets a president : the Doha scorecard
Nineteen families : poverty, inequality and who rules the roost in Israel
Franklin Lamb : Franklin of America-Arabia
Nakba Day 2008
Notables ( Anne likes tools too )
The CIA's car bomb university
The Extentialist Cowboy
Psychopaths rule the world
The conspiracy of rich men that threatens the peace, the world and the environment
....Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
American plans to loot Iraq oil and other Bush war crimes
Systematic discrimination faces Palestinian refugees in Lebanon Hat Tip Pardon my Paradox
Our Descent into Madness ( Or whimsy )
Coco Wang's Earthquake Strips
Thoughts on the art of Community Southwest
Hand-cranked waiting machine
An explanation, a typewriter, and cameras you can download
The Curta Calculator
On alimony and feminists being sexist
Foray into Fiction
Politics 'n Poetry
Harding on Dief Lake nuke
Ardent activist passes on
Iraq war resister faces deportation from Canada
US nuke regulator destroying safety review documents
Hearing on how mega-mines get approved
Scrap AECL !
Millard Fillmore's Bathtub
DDT opposition in Uganda : business, not environmentalists
Motivation 101 : How NOT to

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

26-31 May 2007 Opit's LinkFest! on My Opera

26 May - Surfing Finds

By the Sewers of Babylon
The Daily Howler
Klein plays the fool !
Brainwashing America
Scenes from the Tar Wars
Inside a Louisiana company's chemical spy op
The Big Farm Scam
The U.S.dollar hits an oil slick
How to Rule the World after Bush
Whither the price of oil ? ( Futures market thinks this is a 'price bubble'; Iran having trouble selling its oil )
Teenage student isolates microbe that breaks down plastic ( Nice backgrounder )
New Zeland : business booming for debt collectors
Energy fears looming, new survvalists prepare
California home prices drop 32% amid foreclosures
U.S. rice farmers want class action against Bayer
Student researching al-Qaeda tactics held for six days ( How do you research a sham problem - foreign meddling ? Sham in the sense foreigners won't be 'solving' it at least. )
British to outlaw discrimination against military
War Brides ( War Widows Club )
Sistani : a beard full of "Hell No" on U.S. bases ?
Politicians fiddle while the oceans burn
Moue Magazine
Link roundup : Memorial Day Edition ( + stats fragging 'Support the Troops' )
Fox News jokes about an Obama assassination
Why Pakistan gets a nuclear pass
Israel has 150 nuclear weapons
Greetings Earthlings
The benefit of bifocal thought
"how a 'win-win' situation could be best obtained from a two-party negotiation"
( Heh. Negotiation occurs when both parties are convinced they will lose. )
Can we get it together on planet Earth ? cultural divergance
When the message matters - communicating importance
Ideology - first thoughts on peception and belief
Feeding your mind - RSS links in sidebar
Blogging for dissidents
Avoiding human rights
Rights and obligations - domestic helpers in Hong Kong
Lack of forgiveness can affect our health

29 May - Signs of the Times

Rocket fuel, pesticides and pharmaceuticals swirl in America's troubled waters
Continuity of government and the ENDGAME scenario
The Existentialist Cowboy
The real reason Fox is upset with Hillary
Scott McClellan : Bush misled Americans to go to war
Evidence that Bush will cancel elections and declare martial law
Karl Rove : Best at the Worst
While Bush drags U.S. into Dark Ages other nations forge ahead
Arresting John Bolton
Terrorism and the New World Order
Station Charon
"Can You Say 'Coup d'Etat' ?"
September 11,2001 The day the reset button was hit on over two centuries of American history and allowed for new doctrines of preemptive war, the domestic police state and the codifying of torture into the law of the land.
How to Seize a Country
A Clean Break : a new stategy for securing the realm
Targets mean police focus on minor crime
Money Laundering and the dirty truth
Writedowns push CIBC to $1.1 Bn loss
Cluster bomb ban, rejected by U.S., to be adopted in treaty
Google Earth now viewable in web browsers
Iraq's ancient tablets to get new, virtual life
Satellites, beekeepers track climate change response
Doug's Darkworld
Mystery object spotted on Mars
We could have won Vietnam
Through thick and thin - history repeats itelf again

31 May - Evening Views

Who's the superpower now ?
Mel Hurtig - the truth about Canada podcast
China evacuates 197,000 as quake rivers swell ( FEMA nowhere to be seen )
Myanmar warned over forcing cyclone survivors home
No Doubt About It
McCain redux - Mr. 'Straight Talk' has a lot of splainin' to do
( This is more complete than is convenient to precis )
Israeli nukes - like we didn't know
The hidden chemical in cans ( bisphenol A )
Scott McClellan hits White House in new book
Resign Bush Cheney
Your ISP may be selling your web clicks
Obama's security detail
Solar cooking
Jesus' General
Lanny Davis on why Liberals are anti-Semites
Department of Book Reports 70 : Crazy School
The Trojan Horse of Bulging Gayness
FEMA's naked ladies
DFo Androids Dream of Electric O'Reilleys ( How about eclectic sheep ? )
Memoriable Day ( contrast )
Blood and Roots, Blut & Boden : American racism rearing its ugly head
Nationally sold kids' comic called 'Training Manual for next Pogrom against Jews'
Elephant paints self portrait
Academe's Dirty Little Secret
The Social Bookmarking Frenzy
A Moveable Feast : the Del.icio.us web
Fever can unlock autism's grip ( temporarily )
Oil bubble could prove threat to pension funds
Sen. Bill Nelson makes false statement to DNC committee
The leaky Bush - Probable Cause for Treason
That awful sucking sound "We don't know what we paid for in Iraq" : U.S. paying its allies to fight war in Iraq
WAR - who still believes in Bush
Can wounded soldiers vote ? No, Maybe, Well OK
Lead exposure linked to violent crime, brain changes
Eco-Diary Rescue 5.31
Informational Post - Articles / 'Daily Kos Environmentalists' **
Solar charged lawnmower
Green globetrotting with Ecofabulous
An Immodest Proposal for winning and ending the War on Terror
Democracy for America
Existentialist Cowboy
Bush tells another bald-faced whopper, claims he has 'laid foundation of peace !'
Garling Gauge
Pelosi threatens to interfere in nomination process
Military recruits thousands more warbots for new unmanned surge
Free game hopes to save gorillas
The link between voter fraud and restrictive ID Hat Tip Over the line, Smokey !
US Attorney scandal was about voter suppression
Drop the Cuba embargo !!
Mind detox XIX : Cyrano's Journal Online
Mind detox XVIII
( List of articles with introductions. This blogger is a buddy who was out of circulation for a while; another opinionated Canuck - with vitriol and facts )
A debate on U.S. actions in the Balkans, the independence of Kosovo, Iraq Sanctions and Humanitarian Intervention
( The way it's often done today, humanitarian invention would be apropos. The Wes Clark info is worth chasing down. )
Canada is the security blanket for American motorists and power companies
Tony Blair's leap of faith
Cloistered shame in Israel

21-26 May 2007 Opit's LinkFest! on My Opera

May 21 - Found on the Blogs

Memorial Day Post
Lions led by Donkeys
Contrary Brin
Corn,ethanol,farms, food and the logic of the granary
The history and common sense of farm subsidies...and what happened
What does any of this have to do with biofuels and ethanol ?
The right way to apply hard liquor
IPS News
Women's Co-operative buys in bulk to beat food inflation
Czech Republic: people battle radar site
Muslim youth try humour to rout stereotypes
U.S. might just choke the WHO
Not enough done to protect biodiversity
School recruiting could violate international protocol
A proposed ban on cluster bombs could jeopardize U.S. participation in joint disaster relief and peacekeeping operations around the world ( Promise ? )
PR Watch Audio
Blue Girl Red State
Peace breaking out in Lebanon ?
They violated international law, they employed torture, and Condoleezza Rice is complicit
The spy who posted his professsional resume
The Existentialist Cowboy
Bush's conspiracy to Create an Amerian Police State Part VIII : Atrocities are justifed with lies, myths or propaganda ( or ? )
Ten Percent
Naomi Klein on Golden Shield
The Independent Censor Mark Steel on the Raytheon 9
Bush here in June - you're not fucking welcome
Afghanistan - the Dirty War ( Death Squads )
The Sheriff of Nottingham anti-'terror' squads terrorize university
Data Mine ( data glut )
George plays a blinder - Monbiot
Continuity of government : the road map for martial law
iraq update
Pentagon 'three-day Blitz' plan for Iran
Blackwater reminder
New Iraq deployments could maintain U.S. force level
bomb,bomb,bomb Iran : updates
destructive rural realities in iraq and seeds of democracy
Iraq seed treasure destroyed
PEJ News
Oil companies complicit in rights abuses
Romeo Dallaire compares Canada and the US to terrorist organizations ( Lt-Gen )
Conference on Defence Association's charitable status questioned
Canada and B.C. have abandoned the right to vote of citizens without fixed residences
Intelligence Daily
Israel proposes naval blockade of Iran
Israeli press reports Bush pledge of war on Iran
Israel to privatize prisons for profit
NSA destroyed evidence of domestic spying
Vaccines...how to create disease and genocide
( Did you get the bit where, after taking women and children from their homes because their men were suspect because of an anonymous 'tip' that was never substantiated ( not the men taken - too sensible ), the kids were to be immediately vaccinated over the objections of their mothers ? )

24 May - So much for 'Supporting the Troops' in a valiant effort

It's late and my connection is suffering gremlins. I thought I'd see what you thought of the author of the Smirking Chimp - a lady with passion.
Articles and Answers ( see Intel )is a collaboration in which she had been involved. If you login to the bb Forum there called 'Today's Thoughts' Steve Mungie's file piece lays out the legislative and bureaucratic sandbagging arrangements designed to deny veterans fair treatment.
Not available

24 May - News Picks - Blogstyle

South American nations found union
Did statin drugs cause Senator Kennedy's brain tumour?
The energetic contamination of beef products
Another looming Bush disaster
Over 50% ocean shark species threatened with extinction
Olympic competitors should be naked
Oil is like tobacco, so increase prices !
Rudd loves cluster bombs ?
Fight corporate psychopaths with cryptic crosswords ?
Livability in Victoria
What we should have learnd from Keynes
Mobile phones, EMR, brains, suicide, sleep, sterility ( I read the long version )
Mountain Runner
American public diplomacy wears combat boots
Contracting out foreign military training
Understanding Smith-Mundt's barriers
U.S.-Iraqi forces raid Shiite areas during prayers
Thousands march against South Africa violence
No Doubt About It
Pill culture pops - self medication epidemic
Homeland Insecurity - 'How to win friends and influence people ?'
NAFTA on steroids - NWO
Renewable energy commercialisation in Australia
At last, Burma opens it doors to aid
How safe are vaccines ?
( or, how to seem to address a question you pose )
Gold nanoparticles resurrect failed HV drug
Clinton's RFK assassination remark
Bush promises war on Iran, then denies it

26 May - Weekend News on Blogs

Bugs harmed by nuclear radiation ?
Googling Google
How this blog saved my life and saved me $100,000
Blue Girl Red State
"What if a Democrat wins ?" - stirrings in the 'apolitical' military ( snark, that )
EPA absolutely failing at risk assessment
Aftershock in China
General Accounting Office weighs in on use of contractors
Is th world really running out of oil?
The Existentialist Cowboy
FBI evidence that indicts George W. Bush for mass murder, war crimes and torture
( Justice Dept. report )
'Executive privilege' : legitimate or cover up ? ( bullshit )
Exposed: a world wide network of idiots and ideologues
Dad2059's SFBlog
Yet another One World Order weapon against humanity 'The Codex Alimentarius'
Some evidence for the Living Earth
Does the NWO Matrix include 'The Matrix' ?
Dogma and the Technological Singularity
HAL the Ironman, more Anthropic Principle and Warp Drive
Norm Finkelstein arrested in Israel
Hamas ready to accept a Palestinian state
Apartheid Israel
How to deal with peaceful protesters
Save the children ? Not if they're Palestinian
Ten Percent
Free Hich ! ( from Complex System of Pipes )
Free Hicham Yazza
Error...yeah, right ( Credit ratings unchanged after bad reports )
Friday ! Bill O'Reilly tantrum
Raytheon 9 Days 3&4
The Sheriff of Nottinngham II Masters student writing dissertation on terrorism hounded
Burma Relief
Complex System of Pipes
shock doctrine comes to manchester
possession of radical material
result ! abortion limits
free derry 2008
while I should have been revising - denial of education
dark days
a week in blackandtanchester

18-20 May 2007 Opit's LinkFest! on My Opera

18 May - Miscellaney interrupted by headlines

( Something I've used for months and had forgotten to install on the new drive. )
Leno fears Top Gear USA may suck ( Ouch! The cultural limitations implied here on the ability of U.S. people to get 'real news' affects media survivability too. )
Open U.S. borders to efficient cars
Is a motor scooter in your future ?
( I ride. There's a reason they're called 'murdercycles'. Over 50% of fatalities are caused by bikers being cut off by traffic turning in front of them. And : windshields and fairings have added immensely to both quality of ride enjoyment and ability to take a ride in cooler conditions. )
It's not called the Air Car
PSA-Venturi parnership selected to provide electric vans to the French Post Office
SunTory Mermaid HT AutoblogGreen
The karma of lithium-ion batteries
Ottawa moves to limit smog-causing chemicals in paint, cleaners
Canadian doctors head to China quake zone ( Where they should be well received. Dr. Bethune's historical Chinese effort won't have hurt their odour a bit. But it's the Canadian military's water-providing expertise which is likely most needed - and least likely to be used. Such are the consequences of regressing from UN peacekeeping to complicit Imperial adjunct. Remind me once again why we're in NATO. )
Canadian shelters destined for Burma land in Thailand ( Just in time to forward them to China if Myanmar doesn't immediately 'get a clue'. )
Family of man stranded by no-fly list appeals to Ottawa to bring him back( Privacy concerns all right. Privacy to enjoy guilt free from charges of misconduct or liability for starters. Never been charged. All I need to know. )
BAE executives detained in US over Saudi case
Mine removal a dangerous, endless task in Afghanistan
BlueBloggin Kennedy's hospital date has loosed vitriol in comments. BossKitty closed them because of obscenity of 'thought': and added a character reference of the participants. )
McCain's YouTube problem just became a nightmare

18 May - News of the Blogs

Olympic swimmers learn from sharks,dolphins
The Israeli lobby and why it isn't good for Israel
Fledgling rebellion on Facebook is struck down by force in Egypt
Mass killings in South Korea in 1950 kept hidden from history
No Doubt About It
A shameful chapter in US history
Big brand hiding
Abuse of Power in Texas
Detainees drugged for deportation
Saudi Nukes
Run Your Car on Water ( now the ads are all over the place, questions should start. See tags ' alternative-energy' in Opit's Bookmarks on Delicious. Upper left on Links page. )
Clean cheap nuclear power ? ( Radical tech )
The court where whistleblowers win 1% of the time
"Policy suggests public integrity is more dangerous than treason"
Lougheed gets green light for GPS III saellites
Splotchy Virus story
The poor don't profit from it either
Over a century of Dem and Republican rule - the real enemies ( Jerry's on a proper rant : not to say he's inaccurate ! )
The rise of the Wal-fare system
The dem White Rabbit is running late
It just gets curioser and curioser - Dems continue to Fund 'War'
Military families call on Congress to reject Pelosi's betrayal of our troops
.....the DIRTY DEMS have NO INTENTION of ending the war
(and a post that looks like it was excerpted straight from 'Dilbert' )

19 May - Checking Mail

The Rock HT MsBeHaven ( sidebar )
Toxic chemicals are maiming thousands around the world
Water - AlterNet
The Triple Threat : Our Food, Water and Climate Challenges
Sinking without trace : Australia's unknown climate change victims
Latin America : Why there's a water crisis in the most water-rich region
To save rivers, help farmers
Turkey plans to sell lakes and rivers to corporations ( ! )
Asia teeters towards food crisis from lack of water
Goldman Prizewinner saves one of the world's most important drinking sources
Those who control oil and water will control the world
Inverted totalitrianism : a new way of understanding how the United States is controlled
Democracy in America is a series of narrow escapes, and we may be running out of luck
Anarchism shouldn't be a dirty word
Obama stands up to Bush, the FCC and Big Media
Outsourced warfare represents a radical,dangerous, disgusting ideology
U.S. Sergeant refuses to go to Iraq : "This Occupation is UnConstitutional and Illegal"
Why some hospitals are allowing unnecessary suffering
UC Law bans classroom web access
Government Secrecy and the mysterious Cyber Initiative
Why buying CNet makes sense for CBS
Windows XP's Afterlife

19 May - Old Haunts

Royal Enfield Dealer Promo HT Fixer and Gordon Do watch "Big Brother is Watching You,much closer than you think"
Outta the CornfieldBloggers selected for the DNC
( This is an Out of Iraq Bloggers Caucus member )
'We Mourn the Dead From Iraq'
Admiral Fallon out at CENTCOM, pushed diplomacy
There will be no 'Iraq Savings' ( sounds real )
Here is a portent for the fall
Watching Those We Chose
Does the government want blacks to smoke more ?
W's ingenius argument
Vote movers : moving back the Blue Dogs
5 Energy Monitoring Startups to help you cut home power
Will a canary be our last meal ?
Political Animal
Religion and happiness
Red Light Cameras
How old is John McCain ?
McCain and the lobbyists
The small donor revolution
Down the memory hole
No oil for you
Guantanamo "If they'd been on the battlefield, they'd have killed any detainee as an enemy. But they're not willing to see them killed in the wake of a sham trial."
Talking to terrorists ( 'Flip-flop' McCain )

20 May -Norwegianity

Too much of this blog is news to review it properly ( a cessation of blogging has been announced : a not uncommon event for prolific bloggers ). Past experience tells me this should be a highly rated read. So does this...

"Obama's not an African American he's an African American. You see the difference, right ?

The words are the same, but one means somone descended from ancestors who were brought to the New World in chains. The other means someone who was born in Africa ( or whose parents, grandparents, etc. were) but who is either a naturalized or native born American. Obama's father was African, but he wasn't brought here in chains.

Chains make all the difference. If you know an American racist ( and who doesn't? )at some point you've heard them talking about Africans. Howeve rudely they made the reference, chances are it wasn't as rude as their contempt for African Americans ( the kind associated with chains ). Or maybe you have heard nothing of the sort and are wondering if I'm batshit insane, a blue-eyed idiot flapping his gums about shit he knows nothing about.

Except I've worked with hundreds of African clients, coaching them on geting jobs in America. Ghanians, Cameroonians, all kind of Nigerians, some North Africans, a handful of South Africans, one Ugandan, and lots and lots of Eritrean, Tigrean, Oromo, Sudanese and Somali refugees. They all had one thing in common : they knew that American racists treated them better than native African Americans and they exploited that difference. When racist peckerhead supervisers and co-workers said to them "You're not like ...", my clients would smile, nod their head, and keep working. Whether they were or weren't different was irrelevant , the important thing was to stay on the "You're OK for a nigger" side of the line.

Because American racism isn't so much about color as it's about property and some people don't let go of property well. In this case generation after generation of American racists have taught their children the same lesson in how to be mentally diseased. And a similar number of generations of healthy Americans have taught their children how to exploit that mental illness, keeping working whites, blacks, browns, tans, yellows, etc. at each other's throats.

If racism ever ended in America, economic justice would prevail. But so long as we stay at each other's throats, the parasites at the top will continue to eat our lunch, cherrypicking our ranks for lovers, lieutenants and goons while keeping myraid rules in place for keeping us in our place.

It doesn't what color you are, when you hear someone say the word nigger, they're just cheering for the status quo and 400 more years of economic imbalance and continued rule of the parasite class over the rest of us."

(There's more. Good posts get lost because they aren't current.)

10-17 May 2007 Opit's LinkFest! at My Opera

0010 May - Morning Surfing

Canada and the origins of the Israel-Palestine conflict : Part 1 of 3
The Heathlander
Chomsky on the Israel lobby - video
Pakistan rejects Maj.Gen. Jay W. Hood- Bush still clueless
Bush threatens to veto foreclosure bill ( Once upon a time you would have thought he didn't know what a veto was )
Hitting a nuclear roadblock
Politics 'n Poetry
Saskatoon newspaper pulls in a ringer to smooth it over
So much for journalistic integrity...
Nuke reactor at Diefenbaker Lake ? ( Nukes are water hogs: putting one in at the drinking supply for 40% of the province ? )
Sexual Politics
Blackwater packs it up in Potrero
Lebanon descends into chaos
Lebanon : Moment of Truth
Indymedia journalists targeted in Ecuador, five arrested
Want to remember everything you learn ?
Fungus genome : key to clean fuels ?
Maybe Microsoft isn't completely useless on the web, after all
For sea lovers : a final resting reef
The Daily Galaxy
TheEarth's first zero-emissions city...in the Middle East ?
The new space-based technology of intelligence
Where in the world is Osama bin Laden ?...the sequel
A manned mission to asteroid 2000 SG 2344 ?
Bio Art. Life imitates art.
Ancient lakes of aAntarctica...living biological labs millions of years old
Is Mars between ice ages ?
"Human Nature" -how will it affect our species chances of long-term survival ?
Magno-voltron : NASA's new electromagnetic spacecraft
The Andes' vanishing Quelccaya ice cap- largest tropical body of ice in the world
Real-life droid army of robotic spiders to be deployed by end of year
The world's largest and deepest lake, 25 million years old, is in trouble
Google Ocean 3-D visualisations of world's marine ecosystems
The crisis is coming...how peak water could reshape civilization

11 May - BlogRoaming

I played 'hooky' with the grandkids for the weekend. Now it's down the road again.

Continuity of government planning has ALREADY superseded the Constitution as a higher authority
BlogTalkRadio censoring 911 Truth
The Existentialist Cowboy
Bugliosi : George W. Bush should be tried for mass murder
Biochips for everyone !
Shipbuilding torpedoed by subprime leads to freight cost surge
Ten Percent
Direct relief to grassroots aid in Burma
Sick bastards - Welfare Reform Act
Conservatives, eh ?
Damage - casualties of war
Tasers can cause fatal heart rhythm
Burma : Junta losing friends
Three reason to use Intense Debate
My verdict on Disqus : two thumbs up
( Now if I could figure out how to post Disqus on Opera. CoComment slows surfing in Firefox: that's with multiple tabs,of course. )
Blue Girl Red State
Penagon begins assessing impact of rising food prices
International aid used for bribes in Myanmar
Another lobbyist with ties to McCain forced to quit
Racism in the Secret Service
Craig Murray
'Torture team' UCL law professor publishes an indictment of the Bush Administration
Millard Fillmore's Bathtub
Turkish creationist gets three-year sentence
Weikart misquotes Darwin
House committee subpoenas
Denying the Nakba is tantamount to denying the Holocaust
West Bank farmers face ruin after olive trees uprooted

Friday News Quickies

16 May - First Collection

Second-guessing Cary Tennis : Creationism Edition
( Lindsay pens a response re : letter to a friend asking to be talked out of "Lying in a Good Cause" )
DoJ says court should get tough to secure testimony
US to send 500K Tons of food to North Korea
Burma death toll jumps to 78,000
MPs bid to block 42-day detention
Maui, the Valley Isle
You always have options ( Breast cancer )
$Blind in Texas
Sure as hell ain't our war
Guys from Area 51
McCain was for talking to Hamas before he was against it
IBM replants chip-cooling tech in solar farms
Les Enrages
Caught with your packets down - ISP's deep-scanning
Message from "Save the Children" in Myanmar
Give Colbert Mugabe's degree

17 May BlogRoaming

Blue Girl Red State
For a personal blog that morphed into political discussion - not just commentary - this now group blog is forcing me to pay attention to who's new blogging there ! Recent headlines,comments,etc. are easily found on the sidebar - including an occasional quip from yours truly.
Found in Blue Girl Red State comments
Sharp, MIT make strides in methanol fuel cells
Clean tech promising but tricky in the developing world
WaterHealth International
The Existentialist Cowboy
Election theft
Bush goes rogue
Bush exploits 911
Saul Alinsky : American Radical
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Meet Jonahan Aponte
Windows SP3 causes "Blue Screen of Death" on AMD based PCs
(Which is what I have. I know the vulnerability name. That's no big help.)
MoD 'covered up' Hercules bombing
TP Zoo
Let the fallout begin - GWB an 'appeaser' says Egyptian Press
Unseen : the rest of the O'Reilley rant
Folding DNA to create nanoscale shapesand patternsHT Rolfe Schmidt
Grumpy Lion
Are we talking about the embryonic American Shutzstaffel or Sturmabteilung or Stazi ?
John McCain : Messiah !
Keith Olbermann rocks Bush's world !
Republicans, losing elections, clueless - again
Hagee's non-apology apolgy dupes Catholics and earns McCain's undying love ( 2 milliseconds ? )
Clinton demographics at work in West Virginia
Our troops in Iraq just want to be loved...awww...isn't that sweet ? ( The Memo )
Conviction vindicates wiretap victims
Edwards rules out Vice-Presidential run with Obama
- about Jim Webb
- about Kathleen Sibelius
Economic stimulus check glitch - update
California legalizes gay marriage ( the natural outcome of discriminating against gay civil unions )
Burma millions vulnerable and China earthquake may be man-made ( filling of the Three Gorges dam )
Darfur : Grief useless,rhetoric empty, nothing changed
British veterans in worse condition than US veterans ?
Real Liberal Christian Church
George W Bush canot be trusted on Iran nor on anything else for that matter
Bush faith-based initiative unConstitutionally established official US religion
Democrats stop appeasing terrorists. Impeach Bush et al
Restatement about political ( false ) Zionist state's documented terorrist founders
Bush, McCain and Obama : dead of the Holy Spirit of truth
Bible student threatened for teaching Constitution
Electric-vehicle batteries are ready
EPA official ousted for offending Dow Chemical
Killing people to make a killing in markets
Is there an emboldenment effect from the insurgency in Iraq? What a waste of time ( Lies, damned lies, etc. Calling them the Resistance would not be PC.)
Yoo, Supreme Court decision monstrous forever

That's all for now. Going golfing and to a barbeque. Getting a motorcycle ride and a life over holiday weekend.

2-4 May 2007 Opit's LinkFest on My Opera

2 May - Morning News Picks

Barracks for Charlie Co. CO 2/508 82n Airborne
HT The Broken Soldier
The inevitable result of lies, graft and neglect: money 'spent' without oversight or accountability causes these results everywhere.
U.S. brings Iraq-like surge to Afghanistan
No one else has a clue what to do, obviously - except the self-styled masters of success and cooperation ( and graft).
The Bomb Squads : how to survive a Gaza refugee camp
Britain's Brown mauled in local elections
Medial Journal calls for review of Taser safety Objects to reliance on company statements. Again: oversight MIA
Thailand floats idea of rice cartel
Australia, the largest producer, has been hit by drought : note the cartel is proposed as a model to increase food prices, a normal effect of scarcity in a 'free market'; not to combat starvation. Price gouging/monopoly of an essential for life thus becomes an economic model due to political opportunism.Basics of Empire : talk Free Trade and act Monopoly.
Global Food Crisis : The Tickling Bomb
GM crops good for streams ?
Charred earth examined as carbon-storing option
Ugly parasitic plant reappears after two decades
Finally, digital poducts flow from Kodak's labs
Using the Wikipedia API
Learning to use Boolean Search Operators in Google
Open your favorite websites directly from Vista Start Menu
Mozilla speaks out against free-but-proprietary web apps
Oosah : a hub for your personal online media
Google offers snapshot of VisualRank efforts
8 dirty secrets of the Security Industry
Woman believed to be D.C. Madam kills self
How convenient - for the embarassed and powerful
Beijing chooses Edmonton for key Confucius Institute
Singapore research breakthrough to usher in low-cost solar cells ?
Race to algae-based biodiesel heats up
Utilities, plug-in cars : near collision ?
Personal, 'green' airplanes propel foward

3 May - First Look at the Web

Yesterday's extensive links list died of misadventure. The featured blog was
The Existentialist Cowboy and Len exceeded himself - if that's possible. Time pressures are encouraging me to skip the precis and just encourage you Hart-ily to go see what's up.

You name it, exercise helps it
New kind of star discovered in Big Dipper
In '88, a lesson in using symbols as bludgeons i.e., truth would be disastrous, focus full-bore on bullshit
The Moderate Voice
Who tried to kill Hamid Karzai ? "Now comes the search for the perpetrators, conducted by the perpetrators themselves."
Court upholds NC's public financing of judicial campaigns
Disgruntled Republicans crossing over in Democratic Primaries aren't just obeyin Rush Limbaugh
Why Liberation never felt so good and other Glorious News from Bush's Forever War
Credit card crackdown
A Lost Story ( worth finding )
Can any candidate take us out of Oceania and back to the U.S.A.? Or is that solely up to us ?
Rumors of conspiratorial undergound movements are usually Bull$*#&

3 May - More BlogNews

Secret Bush "Finding" Widens War on Iran
Contractors Gone Wild
U.S. bombs hospital
The Carter Coup
protect_democracy's submissions
Kiko's House
Why Liberation never felt so good and other Glorious News from Bush's Forever War
David Hackworth: An Appreciation
Quotes from around yon blogosphere
Jackboot Feminism : New details emerge on WVWV's voter suppression scandal
Newspapers 1 : On the brink of extinction ?
Newspapers 2 : The decline and fall of MoDo
The few, the proud, the bad
Cuba looks to biotechnology
rotests against GM crops in India HT Christian Commons
U.S. declares War on Poor
Soaring food and fuel prices threaten many more than just 100 million worldwide with hunger
OPEC says oil prices may hit $200 a barrel ; not could but will
424 days and still no arrest of top bankers for fraud and theft
Imagine a Secretary of State whose idea of foreign policy is abolishing nuclear weapons
US State Department and Pentagon disagree on Iran as state sponsor of terrorism
Jimmy Carter wins in a landslide 64% of Israelis favor negoiations with Hamas
Turn on the light in Israel
Jeremiah Wright advances anti-racism and truth light years relative to his detractors
Obama would have denounced Martin Luther King Jr.
Obama offended by truth offends me
Scalia asks "Has anyone ever referred to torture as punishment ?" Yes
How much did Rumsfeld know ?
( Start with the 1990's war game first for background Post Saddam Iraq Don't forget "Cheney" on YouTube explaining why the Gulf War did not include invasion of Iraq.)
Future of lucrative chloresterol drugs murky

4 May - Afternoon Browsing

Selling the war ***
American and Israeli War Crimes : Same Atrocities : Different Responses
Ten Percent
Q2N Relentless : MI6 war pimp chums up with Mossad
Clinton stands by 'obliterate' line
Q2N Relentless : Bush planning 'surgical strike' in Iran
351 reported dead fom cyclone Nargis in Burma
Q2N Relentless : Bush secretly authorizes assassination of Iranian officials
Hundreds feared dead in Mynmar cyclone
Put up or shut up ( Israeli intelligence and Iran )( Comments are excellent)
Iran gives ultimatum to Total, Shell
Iran announces it is seeking membership in the Shanghai Cooperative Association
A study in passive resistance
A brief expose of a fraudulent war
Epilepsy seizures in kids lessened by high fat low carbohydrate diet
Enzyme could be malaria's weakest link
Why alcohol makes you loosen up and lash out
MRSA superbug invades public schools as conventional medicine ignores natural cures
Cholera study provides exciting new way of looking at infectious disease
Information Operations : Doctrine and Practice
Army looks to buy minesweepers for Afghanistan Canada
Fred Hiatt on why air strikes are bad in Somalia but good in Iraq
On Peace and Cognitive Dissonance
A Writing Contest to Unite the Left
Phony 'National Day of Prayer' pushes right-wing judges
The state of the Democratic party's union ( insightful )
The Existentialist Cowboy
Twilight of the American Empire
China issues an alert over hand, foot and mouth disease
Agrobacterium and Morgellons Disease : A GM Link ?

4 May - Newsbreak

The prize of oil : Falkland Islands
The new predators of press freedom
Gummen grab Iraqi journalist from car and kill her
Bangladesh wants closer relations with Iraq
Iran-Pakistan-India Nexus - the new silk road
Somalis protest US strike
Happy Mission Accomplished Day The list of 'how he's done'
Bush-Cheney Israel disinformation campaign to justify an attack on Iran
Surplus US food supplies dry up
Chief international energy economist Fatih Birol : "Leave oil before it leaves us"
Rising energy costs and the future of hospital work
Police Ethics

4 May - Afternoon Browsing

Selling the war ***
American and Israeli War Crimes : Same Atrocities : Different Responses
Ten Percent
Q2N Relentless : MI6 war pimp chums up with Mossad
Clinton stands by 'obliterate' line
Q2N Relentless : Bush planning 'surgical strike' in Iran
351 reported dead fom cyclone Nargis in Burma
Q2N Relentless : Bush secretly authorizes assassination of Iranian officials
Hundreds feared dead in Mynmar cyclone
Put up or shut up ( Israeli intelligence and Iran )( Comments are excellent)
Iran gives ultimatum to Total, Shell
Iran announces it is seeking membership in the Shanghai Cooperative Association
A study in passive resistance
A brief expose of a fraudulent war
Epilepsy seizures in kids lessened by high fat low carbohydrate diet
Enzyme could be malaria's weakest link
Why alcohol makes you loosen up and lash out
MRSA superbug invades public schools as conventional medicine ignores natural cures
Cholera study provides exciting new way of looking at infectious disease
Information Operations : Doctrine and Practice
Army looks to buy minesweepers for Afghanistan Canada
Fred Hiatt on why air strikes are bad in Somalia but good in Iraq
On Peace and Cognitive Dissonance
A Writing Contest to Unite the Left
Phony 'National Day of Prayer' pushes right-wing judges
The state of the Democratic party's union ( insightful )
The Existentialist Cowboy
Twilight of the American Empire
China issues an alert over hand, foot and mouth disease
Agrobacterium and Morgellons Disease : A GM Link ?