Sunday, September 18, 2011

More Lost Posts - 2007

 8 October Pageflakes RSS Review
We all love Vista!
This is madness, no this is just stupid
Tight borders mean U.S. crops rot
Web accessibility class action case    HT  Blog on the Side
Secure your computer with a smile
Stemming the tide on ridiculous new software patents
Economist articles worth reading - Time Limited
Brain-dead bulls            Power grabbing Putin
Had enough of swaggering Texas oil buccaneers
Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly RoundUp
Blue Girl Red State
Yet more problems, overruns and delays with the American Embassy in Baghdad
This just ain't what victory looks like
Rube Goldberg meets Aquaman
Electric car maker targets college students
Daily Kos
Republicans have ongoing problem with their base
Goodbye dollar - Hello QUID
Report says war on terror is fueling al Qaeda
( Hardly "news" - but another voice of reason can't hurt )
Rare march in Baghdad against new U.S. wall
Snowmelt in Antarctica creeping inland
Existentialist Cowboy
How to avoid wasting your vote in a Bush dictatorship
The origins of Big Brother in the Military/Industrial Complex
Huffington Post
US Army explored radioactive poison as assassination tool
China's richest person is 26-year old woman
Gallup: Less than 50 % of Americans trust mass media
Jesus' General
Choosing the Homeless Lifestyle
Jena : Howie says the mayor ain't happy with Mr. Melloncamp
Lawless Mercenaries : Fueling Imperial Ambitions & Imperial Down fall
Book Report: A Nail Through the Heart - Timothy Hallinan
Discover the .edu underground
Molly's Blog
Winnipeg: Events at Mondagon    ( O Hollow Water First  Nation concerns )
Autonomy and Solidarity  site launch
Oaxaca/Chiapas : backgrounder on the struggles in Mexico
Canadian complicity with the Burmese Junta
An Anarchist FAQ Update
Sick humour dept:
Chiapas: Zapatistas face death threats, evictions, paramilitaries and elite troops
Two new books from Christie Books/Brightcove Site
( Films available for downloading )
United Farm Workers tell Guimarra that they are not above the law
Britain to cut its force in Iraq by half
Toons and Buffoons
Worlds of Toolcraft
Liking Balloon Juice
Chickenhawk Scramble - one of two Hullabaloo picks
Weird Asia News
Man's trouser snake kills him
Medical marijuana gets heavy support in Wisconsin
America went shopping while our Constitution slowly burned
Tyres on over 100 SUVs deflated in Sweden
Sudan to host Palestinians stranded on Iraq border
Science Daily
Simplest circadian clocks operate via orderly phosphate transfers
How genetic mutation causes epilepsy in infants
Multiwave images of distant universe now available on Google Sky
How do cells sense and respond to messages? Major signal transduction discovery made
Brain images make cognitive research more believable
Sidebar : Video The link between sleep and depression
Facebook apps ruled by the few
Techmeme is a great little site
Times Online
Granny, get your coat: you've got a ticket to ride all over England
'Intelligent' shopping trolley is new front in battle against obesity
U.S. NEWS and World Report
A Decent Outcome for Iraq
( Such touching concern - far too late )
Health Section
Microsoft extends Windows XP's life
Family-unfriendly policies
The rules for eavesdropping
Emotion hormone sharpens memory
Smog traps Calif community
A weekly roundup of the buzz from the Sunday talk shows
Release of reservoir water puts drought to test
Top Iraqis pull back from key U.S. goal
Wonkette: Fighting the urge to win

8 Oct - WordPress PoliSci

Blogroll of Interlocutors and Co-Conspirators  A new ad ? OPIT's Linkfest!          ( BlueGirl's busy coding : but I had to share the 'Category ' )
Politics in the Zeros
MySpace's Impact on Politics
Republicans and the Media
More media bias
USDA puts Aurora 'Organic' diary back in business
Vancouver Jazz
Trick of the Light
This and That
Stock up on Those Birth Control Pills
Free Speech Friday
Central Casting                      ( 'Ouch' indeed )
Killer law : Nicaragua  HT  Thoughts on everything under the sun
( Kindred spirit with a 'run-on' header )
Links for 2007-10-08
Gay and trans people in Iran ( and the US )
Chavez urges all to boycott Columbus day
UK moves to jail homophobes exercising free speech
Religion and Politics
C.S. Lewis lowers the boom on government schools from beyond the grave
( Another case of too narrow a focus impairing the view )
Bloggers should help keep Burma protests alive
Bald revolution Part 2
( They weren't looking to restore order among 'their enemies' abroad )
How to export democracy properly
( Buying the meme : or how a cover story sidetracks analysis )
The verdict is in: Blackwater Mercenaries committed murder. When does Bush go to the Hague?                       ( Alone ? )
Al Qaeda Haditha Scam & Media Accomplice
Another convict for the Clinton camp
( Comments are open ! )
Down with Tyranny!
New York Judge:" No hate required for hate crime conviction"
John Edwards : Shouldn't black America take a closer look ?
University of Baltimore
Good Fucking Grief
The Terror Presidency
Why we shouldn't be a Christian nation
A Nation of Christians is not a Christian Nation  HT  Sunstruck
Can a woman be a political blogger ?    ( Author of Informed Voters descends on a stupid question )
Fundamentalist misinterpretation of the Constitution
Skeptical of the skeptical environmentalist
Bastard Logic
Stoning of women continues in Iran
( Theocracy : Glorious long-term results of U.S. meddling )
CNN Political Ticker        Obama : GOP doesn't own faith and values
Doug's Darkworld
Homeland Security or law and order gone too far? Is America turning into a police state before our eyes?
Canada is no peacekeeper: Debunking Canada's false mythology
Why the West attacks us
Freedom called Lethal Risk for Afghan women
OXFORD RESEARCH GROUP: Iraq after the Surge- Report for August 2007
Licensed to kill: Bush Justice embraces torture as a tool for collecting intelligence
Dissenting at your own risk
Is the Partition of Iraq the First Step in a Zionist Project for Partitioning the Entire Middle East ?
Afghanistan, Six years on: Thirteen things you should know about our 'good' war
The American Empire and the Commonwealth of God
What does it mean to 'Support the Troops'?
Informed Voters
Select a Candidate survey: In about a minute, find out what candidate agrees with you on the issues
( Got a survey which tells which candidates aren't just "full of it "? )
Politics 'n Poetry
Employees recount stories of radiation exposure
Qur'an Bible
Peres congratulates Musharraf
Salon Esoterica
Video of the Secret Societies U.S. Presidents, British Prime Ministers and Saddam Hussein have been members of
David Icke - Your world is...well,er...YOU
Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid support Amendment ( written by American Israel Public Affairs Committee ) to speed up a war with Iran
San Francisco Gray Panthers
As financial problems spread and state revenues decrease, Medicaid costs jump sharply
SCHIP battle foreshadows a larger health care war
Recent articles
Ten Percent
War pimps,like Paedophiles, love to fuck up children
The Race for Burma

8 Oct - WordPress PoliSci II

SQL Authority - Latest interesting downloads and articles
The Achilles Heel of Capitalism
Backyard Beacon
Dunbar Village gets $100,000 security infusion
Local TV takes YouTube to Dunbar village for reaction
First Amendment trumps college newspaper's Code of Ethics
False Left-Right Paradigm
Free Burma! Facing Ignorance  ( If that's satire : it fell flat as being such )
Hillary 'misunderestimates' Iowa  voter intelligence
Top Politics                                       Several entries
Fish in a Barrel                                  Religion/Politics
Dandelion Salad
Happy Birthday, Dennis - Manila Ryce
Perilous Times - Richard C. Cook
Forewarned is Forearmed: Bush on Iran + Resisting the Drums of War
Down Under Reunion with Danny Boy + East Ash St. Band + Chemtrails by Lo
My take on Blackwater  ( I've seen figures where 'contractors' - not just Blackwater - outnumber troops )
The Shell Game, Middle East politics and Korea  ( The Oval Office has been busy 'creating reality' for several years now : with lots of media assistance )
Rudy's top 10 recent stupidities
Mr. Novak says that Mr. Wilson did not 'forcibly object' to his printed comments about Mrs. Wilson
Sandy Berger: adviser to she who must not be named
Is that a Classified Document in your pocket or are you just glad to see Hillary?
( "Classified" used to mean the title of a document was not published ,  when I worked around the stuff- crazy as that sounds )
On the supposed rudeness of the French
Columbus (was a bastard ) Day
The United States of China
Scanners Beware
What you should think about stem cell research
( What you should learn about kerbing an arrogant tone )
Burma and the anti-war chaps
John Aravois has a point
Meet the Meat
In defense of the States
News links
N.A.U. in progress, and still the people don't see it
Mrs. Silence Dogood
Springsteen ready for criticism over 'Magic' words
Lists a number of stories from Digg
Hillary,Queen of Pork
Romney is one sick bastard
Racist cartoons: the difficulty of making a social critique
Columbus Day and Indigenous Reaction  HT  Pagan Godspell
Power to the People
Torture is Patriotic
Boldly attacking global warming - but at what cost ?
( Someone who hasn't looked at satellite shots of the poles )
New Review: Intellectual Morons
The Sutras of Abu Ghraib
EU regulators examine Reuters Thomson merger
What is a Corporation ?  YouTube
Steve's YouTube Picks
CBC Atheism and Humanism Documentary
What does the Bush Administration have against Gay Kids?
Busting Myths
Pelosi briefly pulls head out of ass
America must stand behind Ayaan Hirsi Ali : Christopher Hitchens
Pearl Jam
Interrogation without torture
The political woes of religious conservatives
A farewell to dancing mortgage cowboys
Sam Harris says we shouldn't call ourselves atheists
( I haven't read it - and agree. Define your own terms -  not another's 'frame' )
Young people not too keen on Christianity
Bush v Children  HT  Carson's Post
also Hirisi Ali : on Free Speech and Protection
Autism News Beat - a Round Up

18 September - Lost Posts - WP

 Posted at OldephartteintrainingCached in Windows Live Writer ( from when the program was in Beta )

 News Picks & Blogrolling 5 August 2007
Countryside in crisis: outbreak linked to leak from foot and mouth laboratory
Secret spy satellite abandoned by US
Land mines found in creek             London, Ontario
Leader says Inuit key to Arctic sovereignty
Cops decry mob justice
China toy crisis plays havoc in UK
Immigration is changing rural England life
European heatwaves 'have doubled'
Possible origin of Saturn's mysterious G ring
NRI scientist develops special effects software
Public Wi-Fi even more insecure than thought
Grade 8 girls to get HPV vaccine
Ontario announces organ-donation plan
Ontario announces organ-donation plan
'Trojan Horse' makes point about health care
Cheap cancer test could save thousands of women
Mahjong game 'can cause epilepsy'
Deep brain stimulation rouses man in minimally conscious state
Printer emissions as bad as cigarettes ?
Why oil could be headed even higher
O'Connor to be dumped from Defence in shuffle
California severely limits electronic voting
Bush isn't spying on Al Qaeda ... he's spying on you
Fight looms over construction of huge Texas-Mexico freeway
( There's money for that but not bridges...hmmm )
Blue State
( Video ) Democratic candidates at the yearly Kos Convention
Richardson's Mt Pleasant speech getting high marks among Iowans
Even the State Department thinks Tom Tancredo is "absolutely crazy"
Blue Radar news picks are up - including reporting being included under 'espionage'
Top-5 political clips of the week
BlueGirlRedState (Global Citizen)
The Great Kansas GOP unraveling of 2007
Pathologies on Parade      ( GOP hopefuls )
In Iraq, hundreds of thousands are without water as the electric grid teeters on the point of collapse
Stabbed in the back by sixteen sniveling surrender-monkeys
( You really have to wonder what kind of a hold is  kept on all the so-called representatives of the people. I'll go with money. )
Seriously...I have lost  count of all the ways we are screwing over our veterans      ( Rather bitches stupidity as a defense when it's that organized and thorough)
Booman Tribune
No shame in a shameless Congress  ( earmarks )
Just for the record ( links re: the atrocity of spying without court authorization )
All fall down : a tale of two bridges
Our Asia 2 - multimedia report on child prostitution
Korea halts clearance of US beef   ( a recurring  theme - Canadian beef to Mexico was tampered with on the very first truckload )
Democrat Taylor Marsh
The wrong way forward in Iraq
Iraq, Clinton and the 'Slide'
Galloping Beaver
On the  road to national bankruptcy
Just in case the world wasn't complicated enough ( Report  on Russia establishing permanent Mediterranean naval bases )
Open federalism means never having to say you're sorry
Garling Gauge
Romney sick of Mormon talk
World expenditure on education
Secret Service names for the protected ( with suggestions for the future )
I miss Fafblog, Spot !
( That isn't even funny. There's nothing to stop Dick Cheney seeking re-election as Vice President )
IPS Headlines
Brazil : Amazon fruit gatherers face biofuel dilemma
Intelligence Daily
US military holding massive war games
North American Union agenda shows Canada's Parliament rife of traitors
Paying the Peak Oil bill
Iraq Today
Quote of the day - " I secretly wish that someone would invent me a new nationality. a nationality that does not exist and is specially tailored for people like myself who no longer recognize,accept or stomach what has become of this country.  ..............................++ "

 Oct 8 The Buzz

Dubai and Iran: Attacking Iran is sheer idiocy
If he criticizes your side, demonize him and try to discredit him
The Truth About Documentaries
Next-gen killbots boast enhanced friendly-fire avoidance
Does the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Jimmy Carter's legal definition of genocide?
Democrats seem ready to extend wiretap powers   (  The Jellyfish Party : oops, sorry - no Sting !)
Media Dishonesty Matters
Obama's Energy Policy
The Plan
Gates vs. Cheney over Iran War  *
Have Mercy, Have Mercy !
Hillary will trigger stock crash

Oct 9  When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.
Some people need to find another career  Oct 9

US State Department warns Turkey for taking unilateral action against Kurds
Al Qaeda most dangerous threat to US. White House Report
Hugo Chavez honoring Che Guevera
Catholic Church has lost their mind or simply they are stupid
Verbena 19
War Resister Robin Long released - deportation stopped
International Peace Bureau Statement on Burma
Stand up and speak out against poverty
TomGram: Robert Lipsyte,the Endless Summer of Distraction TomDispatch
NYT: Medicare Audits show problems in Private Plans
Watching Those We Chose
Dispensationalism and American Iran Policy
Bill Moyers video causing a rethink of what Republican foreign policy is about - looking for comments
Adam Green explains how Mayor McCheese wins the 2008  Presidential Election
Murder indiscriminately, then move along and never look back
DINOS beware: Your Primary Opponents are drawing national money
A thumb in the eye of the civilized world
Right-wing wackos try to Swiftboat Graeme Frost--Michele Malkin caught stalking
Manifesto Joe's great moments in conservative history.Chapter 5: Sins of the grandfather
Dems won't return the illegal funds because their rules won't allow it!
Digitize your analogue images at ScanCafe  Lifehacker
More vista sh*t
4 Democrats pull out of Michigan primary
Iraqi authorities seek Blackwater ouster
GOP Candidates given a run for religious voters
Sunday Political Outlook
Settlement reached in acid rain case
Device can remotely halt auto chases
Iraq provinces limit refugees
Palestinian takes on UK in court
MPs question new passport costs
Freedom of Information Act - US Black Ops then and now
( This is wild as  the SF in 'Butcher Bird' )
Why are so many Texans illiterate?
Administration and Fox News severed link to Al Qaeda
( Phoo ! Let's really get rolling and opine they prep  it ! AQ announcements, that is  )
Just a sample of Texas profiteering crooks in action
Ethics terrorism rampant in Texas                     ( Funny ! )
Rights groups demand more transparency in torture probe
Worker deaths from asbestos exposure rising
( !  I would have thought the kibosh would have been placed on that decades ago )
Silicone contaminants could drift north
Sex and dating after 50
People, politics ease China's disaster evacuation efforts
Clinton engages in heated exchange over Iran
Daily Kos
A Movement of Petty Thugs
Turkey preparing for raids into Iraq
Six ways to catch your favorite TV shows  Lifehacker
25 Rules to Grow Rich by
Burma shuts down last communication links  Guardian Unlimited
The War on Pot: America's $42 Billion Annual Boondoggle  AlterNet
17 year old dances on wine bottles
Mandriva Linux 2008 now available      ( I'll likely end up with this )
Clinton proposes retirement plan for Americans  Google News
Ask Metafilter Roundup
Jaikido acquired by Google
Political Animal
The Loony Brigade  Attacking Graeme Frost
On Torture and American Values  NYT
GOP "War Propaganda" on Iran
Leak severed a link to Al-Qaeda's secrets  WaPo
N.O. Pump Contract to be probed again  ( As if the levees are going to hold )
Sloppy Tradecraft exposes CIA drug plane
Funky 300mpg car taking preorders
Democrats propose safeguards in Bush's spy program
( Now the Democrats want to legitimize losses of Civil Liberties )
Schwarzenegger offers health care bill for the uninsured
Science Daily
An AIDS-related virus reveals more ways to cause cancer
Origin of Cosmic Rays illuminated
'Watermarks' can identify pirated Internet videos
Medication shows promise for Alcohol Dependence
Genetically engineered corn could harm aquatic ecosystems
Why are huge numbers of camels dying in Africa and Saudi Arabia ?
Mathematicians help unlock secrets of immune system
CNET founder Shelby Bonnie unveils his new startup: PoliticalBase
Nine Inch Nails help seal Record Industry's Coffin
Fotoflexer continues to innovate;people love it
Huffington Post
Expensive winter in store for heating oil users
GOP Congressman: Blackwater CEO is "an American hero just like Ollie North was"
( Definite candidate for the "You can't make this stuff up" award )
Times Online
Time is running out for our marine life
Washington Post
Day laborers squeezed on two sides
Experts worried about irradiation machines

Good Morning  Oct 9  2007
Pakistani jets pound militant posts in Waziristan
First past the post is still a winning formula
Religious schools set to give Liberals majority
Blue Girl Red State
Osprey deploys, not without incident
Britain expects 600 asylum claims from local aides in Iraq
Iraq demands Blackwater pay 4 m quid to each victim's family

Late Links Oct 9
Liberally Mirth
Some news links. Oct 6  Peace and Peace and Revolt,Everywhere   *
Christopher has an excellent comment #28 on Medicare
14 suggestions for taking an American road trip
Aral Sea Sludge  *

Saturday, September 11, 2010

24 - 31 August 2008 Opit's LinkFest! at My Opera

Waves crash against a stop sign on Beach Boule...Image via Wikipedia


31 Aug - Second BlogNews

31 Aug - First BlogNews

New Orleans mayor orders evacuation of storm-braced city
Now see what Suzie-Q has unearthed
Katrina was NOT a natural disaster
Barack Obama - America's 6th Black President ?
An open letter to God, by Michael Moore
McCain may deliver the convention speech from the hurricane devastation zone
Hurricane Gustav growing into Monster Category Force 5 storm
It wouldn't be appropriate ( McCain may be eating his words...again )
Palin facing Impeachment ?
Bush intends to keep America in a 'Permanent State of War' ( except for the domestic implications, would this be more than formalizing an ongoing state of affairs lasting several decades already ? )
Georgia bank collapses
Blackwater is coming ! ( to NOLA )

3 million displaced in India floods
Flooding in Damascus : mosquitoes cheer
Gustav whipped up by deep waters of the Loop - and more hurricanes on the way
China quake damages moew than 180,000 homes
Portrayal of Obama as snob portrayed as step forward for blacks
HT Jeff Weintraub
Obama hoaxers crawl out of the woodwork, onto the Internet
Trivia and waste of bandwidth - until it saves your kid's life
popular tools and popular 'culture' : Christian cheerleaders and Christian magicians
also, going back through many interesting diversions, note Aug 18's quips on the b.s. and bafflegab being promoted about Georgia/Russia/Ossetia from all sides
Day of the Disappeared
Fuck da kredit krunch
"huge global unregulated markets decided in their unaccountable freedom and run by the already wealthy,they decided to be crooks..."
Russia Today : U.S. may have staged Georgia conflict
Georgia says Russia troops blocking refugee return

30 Aug - Articles


30 August - Morning Quickpost

In nuclear net's undoing, a network of shady deals
( Previously posted in We have met the WMD terrorists, and they are us )
Texas executes a Mexican despite a breach of the Vienna Convention, a decision that undermines America's international standing and commitment to rule of law
"Texas officials showed no interest in voluntary compliance with America's treaty obligations, no matter how modest the cost in time and energy."
A teacher on the front line as faith and science clash
( It doesn't seem as though people have changed their orientation since the days of Galileo. Best pseudo logical questions :
"Why are schools allowed to teach theories - fiction - and not God's Truth ? Are we only to teach our children lies ?"
Not that this doesn't employ vagarities of language to mislead. God's Truth as revealed directly is considered madness ; otherwise it's meddled with and cherrypicked. And a scientific theory is tested and tried. I see no evidence the whiners do this with their spin ; except as evolving tools to mislead. )

29 Aug - BlogRoaming

Bob's Byway : a Poetic Diversion
Bob's Music Page Longhair warning
Are UFO's lighting up the skies over Australia's Outback ?
Lists : Riseup.netemail subscriptions by topic
Wag the dog : How to conceal massive economic collapse
Virtual friendship and the new narcissism
Recommended links from nepmak2000
NATOs secret armies
Nukes to be used in 'conventional' warfare
911 Hoax
Axis News
Eurasian Secret Services Daily Review 8/25

When payday arrives can you afford this ?
Feanor 8/11 The Internet and the Law
Trojan from your Mom's website
Web, jobs and the industry
Military spending in 2008
Change has no color, Progress has no color, History has no color
( Blogpost by a very popular blogger )
Obama's Convention Speech ( Full Text ) ( Video )
38 million viewers watched Obama accept the Democratic nomination
Democrats response to McCains VP choice
John McCain - a man who has abused everyone he's ever dealt with - Harry Reid
Like the price of oil now ?
Olbermann tells AP reporter "Find another job"
public is the new private
ABC reporter arrested in Denver
War Pimp Regatta - Operation Goalkeeper ( 'churnalism' - that's a twofer ! )
The Terror we Support Front Line Defenders
Prisons create employment and they're quiet neighbours
( " Save your community and become rich by imprisoning half of it" )
Warming helps ease passage ( Northern shipping through Arctic )
I don't think 'smuggle' means what you think it means ( Gazans passing through Palestinian territorial waters to International ones )
Default Guilty
Russia, Georgia : Uncle Craig answers your questions
Russia Today : U.S. may have staged Georgian conflict - Putin
How bacteria nearly destroyed all life

27 Aug - Notes from the Road

Chasing around a bit in my mailbox, followed by visits to exMI and Culture Surfer led to this backgrounder on the Georgian situation courtesy a native who says the Russians are up to violence.

Halliburton sued for human trafficking

Slow Food Nation to release Healthy Food and Agriculture declaration

TomGram : The future of death at the Pentagon

27 Wed - Quick Musings

I have been enjoying one aspect of Opera that I hadn't noticed as being lacking before I used it. That is the contact with the social community, which has been outside what I had picked up myself by roaming around.
I tend to be more open to that kind of overture as it shows appreciation and interest ( hopefully not the kind shown by the fox for the rabbit ). Another blogger showed up today in the mail and seems friendly.
Another John

I'm out the door on a road trip shortly, but was struck by what seems obvious in retrospect. Everyone has been chasing their tail wondering what the U.S. is 'up to'. 'Arabian' and 'furrin' thoughts are viewed with suspicion. The NIMBY effect or some such.
Once you start thinking of all the conflict as part of a pattern, things make much more sense.
What would a Russian suspect/think ? That it was all a plot to 'encircle' Russia and deny her a strategic warmaking resource : the same lack that crippled the Nazi advance in World War II. Oil/Energy.
I'd have to say, looking at the events of the past years as part of an unfolding scheme looks plenty plausible to me : much more than any 'explanation' I've heard bruited about in the U.S. papers.

26 Aug - Short excerpt from BlogHopping

Ten Percent was detailing a new initiative to make sure government mind control was operating effectively in the new communications media. That's as in us, right here.
After chipping in in comments, I threw out this link because it addressed the subject so well.
The subset terms are 'Framing' and 'Overton Window' : that's why those links are in their own special section on the 'Links' page, along with Noam Chomsky's outline of how the media part of our indoctrination is played. Then there are revelations in 'education' too ( approved 'sanitized and spun' history and civic affairs ).
I'm alert enough to remember sociological commentary on religion being a mugs game for cultists ( yeah, yeah : adopted as 'communist ideology'. And your point is ? ); and that sure is true of those who spin mass murder as devotion to the Almighty. I just wish the devotees realized 'The Lord of Light' is Lucifer. I get grumpy about the Xians polluting a good morality tale. Why do you think medieval-style Passion Plays can't be killed ? The Play's the thing.

Pouring gas of the Afghanistan bonfire ( What happened ? Civilian aerial strafing and bombing has been going on for decades. Did someone suddenly realize that was deadly ? I wish I had picked up on the truth in this comment I saw in Rolling Stone [ Bush Kills the Republicans ] "War is a euphamism for mass murder". )

A flamethrower in a fireworks factory ( Opinion of a McCain Presidency. Guess he's a shoo-in. )

We Have Met the WMD Terrorists and They Are Us
( What ? The people with more ICBMs and subs and carriers and bases and.... Warlike Imperialists with a Giant Stick ? Shirley You Jest. )

Russian Attack on Georgia was listed at Culture Surfer ( Friends Box ) and has a wonderful comments thread where she is the only American particpating ! ( Well, except for the Dummy. )

Support long overdue aid to Katrina survivors


24 Aug - Evening Blog Finds

Teaching science is hard : made harder by religious claptrap
New York State Legislature passes draconian budget cuts
You know it's bad when even crime syndicates don't want U.S. dollars
Ill and in pain, detainee dies in U.S. hands
B'Tselem - Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied territories
Israel shuts down BBC in Hebron
Biden : "You can't change America when you know the first four years of your Presidency will look exactly like the last eight years of Bush's Presidency"
Joe Biden's war on terror
VeepStakes : Race to Morbidity Edition ( :rip: ) Hat Tip Blue Gal
In the Central Valley, the ruins of the housing bust
The Antireptilian Iration *
( Reptiles operate on reflexive violence : a primitive/instinctive human reaction suppressed by social conditioning. Or not. )
Medicine and the New World Order
"There is a new fad in the world. Pharmaceutical madness has infected the world with a drug to solve every little twinge,mental, neurological, and physical. From the cradle to the grave, a host of chemical cocktails are promoted to 'give you an edge over nature'. There is a cost and the cost is high."
( Hey. Better living through chemistry, man. A shortlist of 'treatments' and effects. Patent medicine and quackery in the new millenium. )
Revolution and the New World Order
"Those that are embedded in doctrines; Marxist, socialist. communist, capitalist; are looking through a kaleidoscope....join the infowar"
Purity and the New World Order
"We've seen the restless children
at the head of the columns
Come to purify the future
with the arrogance of youth
Nothing is as cruel
as the Righteousness of Innocents
with automatic weapons
and a Gospel of Truth"
successive generations are locked into a cycle of psychopathic behavior, within systems designed by those who have gone before
Climate Cops
( There are other links to Childhood's End )
Invisibility and the New World Order
...politicization of charities and 'advisory' groups for money
( Facade )
Slaves and the New World Order
..."Arbeit macht frei" - Auschwitz ( Work Makes Free )
Oppression and the New World Order
( If the titles are repetitive...content isn't )
Bomb Iran ? What's to stop us ?
Ethnic cleansing camouflaged in 'security'


24 Aug - First Look at the Web

Yesterday, within a couple of hours of a note at an Opera forum that some blogging controls weren't responding, they were reset.

They can only go so far
( A thesis which ignores any recognition that in the USA, 'Rights of the People' have been totally put aside. A 'Western' state has not, in fact, claimed such untrammeled authority for a milennia ; resembling the excesses of Nazi Germany, Stalin's Russia, China, etc. One can be detained indefinitely and treated at whim without right of protest: and by regulation or 'law, even ignoring 'jurisdiction' or borders.
The situation ? Greater secrecy from the people ( corruption of the voting process by ignorance via media and educational control/societal 'fairy tales' and shameless rigging, disenfranchisement, or outright disallowance of the results by the courts ) and accelerating efforts to catalogue and control every economic choice to maximize blatant theft. For instance, healthcare is so dysfunctional a person is at a severe economic penalty paying for a procedure themself.
This is in an environment which puts no longer puts any control whatsoever on corporations' size nor on their interaction/incorporation into government. The tender system and accountability for spending are history as well.
Listen to 'appropriations' sometime when Congress is required to 'approve' budgetary items for military or 'security' : everything is censored from the supposed enabling authority ! )
Unnecessarily evil
( The provincial physicians' association resists any government interference in doctors'/patients choices of personal treatment. 'Endangering the patient' is their call. Since 'the law is a blunt instrument' that caution is well taken. )
Activist boats reach Gaza strip
( The fruit of decades of American arms shipments to Israel : Palestinian apartheid in their own country : walls and threats )
Mea Culpa
A Free Hand to Kill ( Journalist targeted by not one but two artillery shells )
Mustapha Barghouti on the Annapolis Fraud
"humiliating for any decent American who values human rights"
Supporting Occupation - Gordon Brown in Israel ( Barack Obama, too )
"increase in poverty is driving Palestinians towards Hamas "worst economic depression in modern history
Stop Arming Israel
Global Campaign Against Impunity
Brazil launches anti-gun appeal
U.S. warship reaches Georgian port
Solar plane makes record flight
Identity politics in climate change hell
Policing of climate change camp a major attack on democratic rights
Tata faces 'seige'

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