Wednesday, October 21, 2009

-27 Jan - My Opera

19 January - Late Links

 The Art of Healing
Foreign Travel Ban justified
Kansas utility eyes Missouri power plant integrated into Yahoo Search results
Yahoo Bookmarks Recommended Bookmarks
Yahoo Webtools
Torture watchlist 'wrongly' names Canadian allies
( Nifty ! Now Canada has just sanctioned torture !!! Conservatives are still "Idiots-at-Large" on diplomacy. Now we have a lovely consequence. Canada has just said its citizens are 'fair game'. )
California Broadband report offers model for other states
Maintain good posture
Does your pet seem almost human ? It can be a clever response to loneliness
Means of controlling a parasite that kills and eats human cells identified
Unmanned aerial vehicles the size of a cigarette
Blue Girl Red State
Wasn't there something I was supposed to blog about today? Republican primary in South Carolina and both parties held caucus in Nevada
Importing motor vehicles into Canada
U Torrent
Watch Movies Online Haven't tried it

22 January - Surfing

Famed vacationland on the verge of water collapse
English Russia - photo blog
The rise of Christian Fascism and its threat to American democracy
Ellsberg blasts media, Congress over nuclear secrets story
Thompson drops out
U.S.-India deal said to increase nuclear danger
The New American Cold War
Existentialist Cowboy
Russia arms the "Doomsday Bomb" ?
Why Obama is flat wrong about Ronald Reagan
" The most pernicious effect of GOP economic policy is the effect of declining opportunity, a corollary of declining in wealth among all but the very rich."
Economic Tsunami: A Perfect Storm threatens US economy
"The U.S. is bankrupt--morally and financially. Given the eventual and horrible outcomes, it is difficult not to conclude that Bush and his co-conspirators deliberately embarked upon a program of profligate spending and wars of naked aggression in order to bring about this result."
Does Bush think war with Iran is pre-ordained ?
Operation Northwoods Information Center
I fell for that B.S. !
A timeline of CIA atrocities
More than meets the eye : Russian girl astounds medics
European Food Rules and the FDA - News Grabs 20 January 2008
Medical system leading cause of death or injury in U.S.
The lowdown on topsoil : It's disappearing
Unsafe at any price: Building the new 'People's Car' ( Volks wagen )
Emails detail voter suppression in 5 states
See No Evil : The Blinding of America
Edwards gets the best of Clinton and Obama
Higher,farther,faster: The Osprey in war
Intelligence Daily
Hyperinflation alert
Crash! The biggest fall in shares since September 11
The American war upon the world
Plague of plastics across the oceans 
So late it's early, roaming - more links/news

Thousands flee Gaza into Egypt after holes blown in border walls
Coalition casualties -details
Washington Monthly
The Fed-Up Female
High mercury levels are found in tuna sushi
Diabetes study favors surgery to treat obese
Iraq myopia : Day 1728
Fred Thompson drops out...finally
John Edwards : the adult candidate
World markets react to Bush's plan and the Fed
In Memorium : Apollo 1,STS-51,STS-107
Democratic debate: Issues lost in the bickering, Edwards looks better and better
Quick, gimee $800 now - they're reposessing my...
NetDisaster...Destroy the Web
Study: False statements preceded war
( War ? Is that what it was ? )
Syndicator TV launches
Israel resumes fuel shipments to Gaza
Blue Girl Red State
MoDo,shut up, just shut the hell up!
Matt Blunt htrows the chess board into the air...
Just a reminder ( Roe vs Wade )
Semler resigns from KC Parks Board
Putin rattles the saber
Get ready for the meltdown
Sam Graves, Andy Blunt and the conflict of interest caper
I told you the long knives were being sharpened for McCain
Sibel Edmonds calls out the FBI
Starve those elephants
Economists want massive increase in environmental research
Sub-prime problems are minor by comparison
Touch up groins-then see what happens
Pre-emptive nuclear strike a key option, NATO told ( Nothing like discussing a fear and hyping it up when liars/nuclear-armed warmongers are busy whomping up a storm of suspicion. )

QuickTime 7.4 Update causing blocking errors in After Effects and Adobe
FISA: Let's Fight
Dobbs : Our leaders have squandered our wealth
Post-Saddam Iraq: The War Game
Let Them Drink Sand !
6300 people a year die from lack of water
Colorado Water Plan
Randolph County rises to the challenge - imposes CAFO moratorium Also see past posts - especially Nov 23, 2007
The trash you drink - water wars coming as we mutate
Why the peaceful majority is irrelevant
( Change the nations/religions around and you get quite a different picture : i.e. "Follow the Money" and "What 'Christian' America ?" )
Amazing Stories
Pelosi's lack of leadership stalls Meirs and Bloten contempt
The Phony Soldier as CEO
More Blunt News
5 Douchebag behaviors explained
Worries that the Good Times were a mirage
Zanzibar study paves the way for delivery of three antiparisitic drugs
Unique fungal collection could hold key to future antibiotics
The RNA drug revolution : a new approach to gene therapy
Psychiatrists can now predict an individual patient's response to a drug
SCHIP Veto override highlights GOP vulnerabilities on health care
Vietnam to take back U.S. deportees
Melanese genetics among most diverse
Service supports cellphones inside the office
Polymer Vision readies rollout of rollable e-reader
Cowon Q5W Portable Media Player
Lifehackers URL Operators Fixed!
Top 10 Free Download Managers
Build a home FTP Server with Filezilla
( I've had this program since I got the computer : without a clue how to use it )
BoxNet raises $6M more for online storage
Sweden's Twingley to launch Europe-focused blog search engine
WeShow launches worldwide, human powered video aggregator
No doubt about it
British media confirms Whistleblower Edmonds account of secret file
Salt water 'cures kids colds'
Epidemic superstrain bugs evolved from one bacterium
Recession watch : Is your job safe?
Virgin Galactic unveils designs for Spaceship Two

BlogPost in Wonderland ( It's Been a Lewis Carrol Day )
Making Light
Principia Discordia HT MaCallan - a Pastafarian ( You know. Flying Spaghetti Monster )
Of Turkish spies and other moles
Cheney emails missing from the day the leak probe started
On the cusp of economic history
US energy secretary : high oil prices could harm US economy
( People are paid to pronounce something that obvious ? )
Canada stopped handing over detainees months ago
The Dream
$145 Billion like manna from heaven
Muslim student sentenced to die for humiliating Islam Sounds like Islam doesn't need much assistance - with clerics like that
Ahmadinejad to make visit to Iraq
Blue Girl Red State
FISA : The next few days are critical
The boomerang effect reverberates in Pakistan ( For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, etc. )
More on internet filtering in Australia
Hundreds of layoffs expected at Yahoo offers limited full-track streaming and moves towards subscriptions
You've got gadget mail
Expressive Processing : an experiment in blog based peer review
You'll never guess who's behind the latest Bush-bashing report HT Locotomotive Breath 1901
The Path to War or More George Soros ?
( That's easy : The Path to War. Duh ! How bad are our memories supposed to be ? Flavour-of-the-month 'rationale' for going to Iraq ever since Day One. I never expected to see posts like )
Attention: US Military Personnel
Romney pins Republican campaign hopes on business experience
Righties aren't Capitalists : They're Corporatists
Why the Fed did what it did
('s another WTF moment )
Kramer calls for investigation of Fed
The Peking Duck: It's the Economy, Stupid!
European markets tumble after gains in Asia
US given poor marks on the environment No overstatement there
Share your keyboard and mouse across computers
Police tethering of teen was torture, says lawyer
EU backs measures to combat climate change

The truth will out in the end
935 Administration Lies = 3931 dead Americans
Is it Constitutional to outsource the state's vote counting ? HT ONE
Election Integrity Resource Page
Putting his foot down ** Digby lays it out
And read Da Man 23 Jan
No Combat Experience
Obama's Clinton Education
Belgrade gives Gazprom the Green Light
Another example of lousy health reporting
Death Eaters
Russian scientist says Earth could soon face another Ice Age
Russian navy uses supersonic cruise missile to hit test target
American Leftist
The Genocide Option
To know terror, you have to be a Palestinian, an Iraqi, or an Afghan
( Oh no. The list doesn't stop there. Nigeria, Chad, Ethiopia,Somalia,... )
The Masque of the Red Death
Ismael Reed's Tour de Force on Race and Gender in America
Amused Cynicism
Forking Wikipedia
Britblog Roundup
13 Swedish MPs want to legalise file sharing
The decline of the recording industry ( Obsoleted )
Broken IE 8's dilemma
Attacks imperil U.S.-backed militias in Iraq
SocGem reels from record 7$Billion rogue trader fraud
Cleaner hands, fewer infections? Maybe not
Generic consultation framework needed
Links on humour
Drug company suppression of bad news
Pharma Profits
Ethical News Director quits over hospital deal for fake TV health news
Itching and the imaginary passenger brake
The ethics of deception in medicine
Akavar 20/50 and Truth in Advertising
The infiltration of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and integrative medicine into academia
Collision of Incompatibles ( Read the comments tread. It's lively ! Bring popcorn. )
Notes from a linguistic mystic
Setting the stage for a North American currency
Peoples Geography - Reclaiming Space
Warsaw Ghetto 1941, Gaza 2008
Gaza,Gaza: Yossi Wolfson on Israel's warfare against the Palestinians
For want of an honest broker...genuine peace in Palestine requires Washington's willingness to curb Israeli hubris and aggression
( I believe they are in fact flogging it. )
McCarthyism comes to Europe and the Levant : the Zionist targeting of Lebanin's Dr. Ibrahim Mousawi
( McCarthyism ? Trackers' Proverb : You shall recognize the lion by his paw. )
More guerilla graffiti in the Holy Land : Israel's apartheid barrier as a canvas
'Art attack' : meet the new creative dissenters
Picks of 2007 : William Dalrymple on East and West
Franklin Lamb on the bombing at Qarantina - Message to Bush : Remove your Crusader outpost !
PLOS Biology Added to NetVibes
Eats,reads,and leaves
Energy Medicine
Drought could force nuke plant shutdowns
The politics of an economic nightmare

New Hampshire Primary : Sham Chain of Custody
Hat Tip Washington Monthly
The gospel of public safety
Mountain Runner
Upcoming events on Africa AFRICOM : The American Military and Public Diplomacy in Africa
Countering Terrorism in Africa through Human Security Solutions
Former SecDef calls for new USIA (Updated Again)
"Get me the Defence Department, Entertainment Division !"
The Law of Unintended Consequences
Releasing crack convicts early
Judges alter rules for sponsored trips
The Existentialist Cowboy
The GOP will have to steal tye next election because they cannot win it
Why the CIA is the World's Number One Terrorist Organization
Economic Objectorvism
Sovereign Wealth Funds
Should remittances count as Foreign Aid ?
Pawnbroking up 15-20%
Soros, Davos, and threats to the financial system
The economics of crime
Hydrogen powered , emissions free, Mach 5 Awesome Plane
'Safe as houses'now, finally, said only as irony.
Was the Fed tricked ? **
Davos Hypocrisy at Day One ( The World is running out of water. Does that mean Seismic will be told to stop disrupting the aquifer ? )
Sim Japan : Second Life's banking crisis
Payments for ecosystem services
Again, this is why we do not privatize public utilities
Building a national savings culture
Egyptian troops pulled back, Gazans flood over border
Gedolph and Bono's charity is crippling Africa
Big Business for small wind turbines
Marquiss Wind Power gets funding for 'ducted wind turbine'
Abortion : Is it possible to be both 'pro-life' and 'pro-choice' ?
Hummingbirds in a state of torpor
The right software solution for you
Barack to the mountaintop
Army of Unfeeling Monsters ?
Nutrition requirements and recommendations
Relax with deep breathing exercises
Could tiny diatoms help offset global warming ?
'Telepathic' genes recognize similarities in each other
Lab gives early warning of biological invaders
Key factor in stress effects on the brain identified
The physics of phages
Alberta to invest big in carbon capture
Kindergarten temper tantrum leads to handcuffing
Whose Internet is it anyway ?
A guide to free download sites
Free virus removal tools
Comodo BOClean
Using your computer wirelessly
Process Explorer v11.04

- 19 Jan - My Opera

Late News

Book Crossing
Exploration of lake hidden beneath Antarctica's ice sheet begins
Monkey malaria widespread in humans and potentially fatal
Genetic connection between short stature and arthritis
Solving the mystery of the metallic sheen of fish
Calcium may increase heart attack risk
Free bikes flop in Brussels
Larry Craig gets help - from the ACLU
Blue Girl Red State
It's McCain's turn to be Swift Boated
Glenn Greenwald exposes another media fraud
It's a sweet little scam if you happen to be connected - monitorships
Ron Paul's racist swill
Head of World Bank fraud unit resigns amid turmoil
Former Republican Congressman indicted for terrorism
Religious Freedom Day
Voters, Pledeged Delegates, and Super Delegates
FDA announces plan to eliminate vitamin companies
Colloidal silver has mainstream medicine singing the blues
Soybean reduces hot flushes by 52 per cent
Schools breaking admissions laws
Somber Fed says economy has lost punch
Hooking up TV to the Web

17 January - First News Picks

Tripping the light fantastic on the aggregators, the following surfaced

'Darkest ever' material created
Poisoned websites attarct visitors
Green light given for hybrid research embryos
Disease risk to mozzarella output Italy
MidEast suffers rare cold snap
Fresh strikes fuel Gaza conflict
( I see 26 Palestinians dead, Israel - 0? )
Bomber hits Pakistan Shia mosque
Watchdog exposes PFI charges gap
Agencies see good year for Iraq
House prepares to file contempt charges against Bush aides
Researchers put the bite on mosquitoes
Genes make men more prone to liver cancer
Less heavy metal in British air
The socially responsible sovereign wealth fund
Canada puts U.S. on torture watch list
Colbert portrait hangs at Smithsonian
SCC won't take up damage claim by disabled vets Canada
Opium poppies cropping up across Iraq
Plant biologists discover plant defenses against insects
Disable Vista's aero effect for certain programs
comiqs 2.0
College kids seek freedom in their online communities
Shirley Maclaine becomes a UFO Conspiracy reporter
Lawsuit claims FBI gun range pollutes lake Michigan
Is it just me, or is reading about USA politics in Reditt making you extremely angry, frustrated and disillusioned?
New York Times/CBS News Public Opinion Poll Bias

17 January - Blog List 

Universal health care plans up against US law
Economic Objectorvism
Time Warner HowTo : Extract Consumer Surplus
( Looking at the arbitrage quip, that could be a viable technique for healthcare insurance too )
LFA Sonar: executive orders trump marine conservation
EU vs. biofuels
Be a nurse; get pregnant: make $10,000
Student debts out of control
Over fishing = migration problems
EQUIP, the factory farm incentive program
Disarray **
Are we angels or devils?
If you believe in voting
"The U.S. is sorely lacking in intelligent foreign policy. Hitler's Foreign Policy has been resurrected to serve the needs of an oil agenda and turn the US into the most disrespected and despised world power."
Dad2059's SF Blog
This is one I really like : and am too pooped to post the multitude of stories. Treat yourself to a look.:alien:

18 January Web Search

Scientific study finds fluoride horror stories factual
Russia moves to consolidate power in Europe
The Doughty Pantload didn't have a prayer - Daily Show
Russert gets it wrong
Climate change has nothing to do with today's weather
Bob Gates continues to spout off
Uninsured? Insured, but poor? Die, deadbeat!
The stock market is crashing, as surely as 1929
Top 10 signs you're watching bad political coverage
Disparities of taxation and wealth? Top conservative minds call the GOP candidates loopy
UC policy report says chemical exposure costs state $2.6 billion
"Dear Mr. President" ( Damn shame he'll never see it )
Medical plants 'face extinction'
Warning on rising Med Sea levels
Facebook faces privacy questions
The Existentialist Cowboy
Hoover's plan to abolish Habeas Corpus linked to his 'closet' lifestyle
"Any state which manufactures a fraudulent state of emergency upon phony terrorist alerts and other lies is, by definition, illegitimate and must be voted out or otherwise supplanted."
Bush Think: a nuclear war can be fought and won!
'Able Danger'. The 911 Commission is a fraud
Is the internet declaring war on the vampire elites?
Worldwide Sawdust
Bechtel's at it again, stealing water from the poor?
Who will take the fall for the CIA torture tape scandal?
Chief of Veterans Charities grilled on groups' spending
Canada puts US on torture watch list
Thank you Jon Stewart
President Bush shouldn't play with sharp objects
No bears for oil
Punishing thought crime: Would new bill make you a terrorist?
Wexler: Cheney impeachment far stronger than Watergate
Dry,polluted,plagued by rats: the crisis in China's greatest river
The 'Founding fathers' on religion and crackpots - Part One : Franklin
Harold Bloom: What we are seeing is the fall of America
Station Chief made appeal to destroy CIA tapes
Economic Objectorvism
Russia expands its sphere of influence over natural resources

Google to host terabytes of open source scientific data
Microsoft is developing Big-Brother style software capable of monitoring workers' competence and productivity
Uninformed comment -
Blue State has had a WOT red rating for weeks now. This has been a group blog with good political articles. If your defences are good, it might be worth a look. I do wish I had more particulars about the problem with a very good news/comment source.
AVAAZ is another political place hit with an odd security rating - but it's not working at the moment.
OhmyNews International has been marked by Google. Something is 'rotten in Denmark' - or Hoboken,Poughkeepsie,Come by Chance...
Will our legal rights become a primary concern ?
'The Google Generation' not so hot at Googling after all
H2 Uh-Oh : Botled water scrambles to go green ( Pop-Up )
Tap water might be making a comeback
Tanka Bar maker scrambles to meet soaring demand
New method for producing High-vitamin corn could improve nutrition in developing countries
Researchers challenge water-flow model
Hydrogen car is here, a bit ahead of its time
Wiping Palestine off the map
Israel's policy of freezing Gaza
Health Insurance and the Stimulus
Financial life and death - and something in between *
Let the People Vote John Kerry
Sunlight is the best disinfectant
( This is a political piece. It reminded me of a lost post I made honouring the wisdom of Florence Nightingale's dictum for hospitalization conditions for the wounded : fresh air and sunshine )
Keith Olbermann does the impossible: admits he was wrong
Obama smear e-mail circulates among Jewish leaders
Israel flattens Hamas ministry in Gaza Strip ( That's the elected government BTW )
"these ballots shall not be counted in secret" : an appeal to John Edwards
Clinton Campaign knew Nevadans tired of Enviro Guinea-Pig Role
Star Trek XI Teaser Digg
MySpace bug leaks 'private' teen photos to voyeurs
The Untold Story: How the iPhone blew up the Wireless industry
Uh-Oh! Microsoft already supports OpenDocument Format?
Create a Digg Widget
( Opera lovers already have a selection of approved widgets available.
And the widgets counter at Yahoo Widgets sat at 4,490 just now. Konfabulator certainly has grown in its new home! )
Design your own desktop with KDE-4
'Radical Aces' Online Game
Google offers Open ID via Blogger
WebApps: Turn your browser into a TelePrompter with CuePrompter
Researchers turn camera phone into mouse
50+ Links for Discovering New Music
Wealthy may be next in line in housing crisis
GM says new fuel requirements will add $6,000 per car
Customers desert smoke-free restaurant
Contempt for the law
Video destroyed in shock case
Deaths at Flag
Former JAG lawyer: Only America 'parses' torture
O'Reilly blames vets for being homeless
( Brainwashing at work. Not all people behave the same when presented with obvious bafflegab by a 'recognized authority'. It's another old bugbear of mine : "Moving the Overton Window" - blogged at times by Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, Needlenose, Daily Kos and Last Left Turn B4 Hooterville. You really have to love "Media Control" and its invaluable job in programming the gullible - us. Steve Clemons at Washington Note had a sidebar item about Japanese Mind Control in his sidebar at one time. Which brings us to the next item )
Good Times, Bad Times 1: The Hysteroidal Cycle
Top Ten of all time are in the sidebar
He's a WAR CRIMINAL, Dammit!
Dandelion Salad is another place to go - and they churn out contacts at a great rate + run an RSS sidebar of sources
Dissident Voice leads with "Is Hamas saving more Jewish lives than Olmert?" ( my thoughts? easily! It's just more "War on Terror" royal screw-up ; on purpose. )
Bush's Voodoo Stimulus Package: $250 for every taxpayer
Their reward for Crashing the Economy
Of horses and carts, and the ordering thereof in our post-Peak Oil epoch
For Bush and McCain, Iraqis are merely ropes for American 'dirty laundry'
Face to face with Hezbollah ( Lebanon )
Freedom Rider: White America is crazy for Obama
Hope,courage,fear and tyranny
George W. Bush toys for your children
Bush's Iran/Argentina frame-up
We hate to bring up the Nazis, but they fled to South America too
January 25 - Actions in support of U.S. war resisters seeking sanctuary in Canada
Cheney's Keystone Cops not so funny
Speaking for those in Guantanamo
Open Letter to Leno, Maher and G.E. from your anti-censorship 'disruptors'
'The Perfect Storm' The end of the common good
System part of the problem : Report
Why we flirt
Soybean genome assembly available to scientists
Costly fuel means costly calories
Scientists create self-assembling conductive rubber
Scrap tires can be used to filter wastewater
Genetic diversity of European Americans and genetic disease mapping
( And the potential to 'target' populations )
Newly discovered virus linked to deadly skin cancer
Mechanism that controls activation of stem cells during hair regeneration identified
Life Extension
Virtual biopsy cuts out the need for diagnostic surgery
Study citing antioxidant vitamin risk based on flawed methodology
Some floor finishes may be PCB source
Higher ozone levels linked to heart death
( What kind of air filtration system are you using at home - or work ? I'm thinking of electrostatic precipitators. )
One of the Best Ignition Timing writeups
Open Science Thread Science Debate
Patient's music-induced seizures cured
Republicans don't draw the crowd they expected in SC
Hezbollah leader brags about Israeli body parts
Cheney lets his Guardians take the fall - cannot be inconvenienced
Wall Street not buying Bush's $150 billion plan
Where is John? - media perceptions vs. reality
Seven Wonders of modern Dubai
( Better import some Dutch dike experts )
Crazy Floating Buildings
Cycling through adversity


-Jan 17,2008 My Opera

Weekend Blog Reviews

History of US-backed dictators redux
Bush said what? US should have bombed Auschwitz ( and Gitmo ? )
Angry Musharraf warns US - he means it this time ( knows what happened to Saddam, a US tool )
If this was the Mafia ( If? )
Fred Thompson surges...backwards
Bush can't help himself
"His weapons are being used to kill our kids so he cannot be an honest mediator."
( Succinct : hopefully obvious )
Blackwater gases US troops
Palestinians: Bush won't pressure Israel ( Sure he will : not for peace,however )
Blue Girl Red State
Friday Catblogging
Consequences of the Surge in Iraq
Let's talk about port security
What do you have to do to get fired around here?
Calm the hell down,people ( Blackwater, gas, overreaction : when Pale says that - I listen )
LTC Jordan 'cleared'
The 'Bush' of the Democrats
A Ron Paul flare-up on RedState equals hilarity
And then there were three .. Bill Richardson drops out
Rather's suit goes forward--Will the truth come out?
Dad 2059's SF Blog
Hubble Update
The BiPartisan Manifesto
The Report from Iron Mountain
( Dad does politics differently : he's off and running with new 'finds': wargaming made operational. Oops : I said that for quite a while - just not on this level of complexity. )
The Branson Borealis - private space enterprises
'Second Life' to keep Mars crews company
Space Daily
Space War
An interview with a Livermore physicist
Daily Galaxy
There are not only more potentially habitable planets, but many more
Radiohead going green
John Stewart on New Hampshire primary
18 Billion Suns - Biggest Black Hole in the known universe discovered - and it's BIG
Ouch - Robots to feel pressure and pain
Do Androids dream of electric sheep?
The Milky Way's X-Factor : Rogue, planet devouring black holes
China 3.0
Could supernova explosions damage Earth ?
Economic Objectorvism
Going nuclear
How does one eliminate plastic shopping bags without inconveniencing customers?
Key economic developments and prospects in the Asia-Pacific region 2008
Violence and excess mortality in Iraq
Evaluating public expenditure: Measuring Outcomes
The French word for taxation
HowTo: The Quantity theory of Inflation. Or. China's idiosyncratic monetary policy at it again
Hypoxia (environmental) : oxygen depletion,a reduced concentraion of dissolved oxygen in a waterbody leading to stress and death in aquatic organisms
"personal protection and personal music for people on the go"
( This is a world-class find for most outrageous - and offensive - commercial offering )
Existentialist Cowboy
Invasion of the vote snatchers - live free: or Diebold
Bush promises to nuke Iran ( s/b another 'He Said WHAT'? )
Princeton University reveals how the GOP steals election
How the GOP benefitted and continues to benefit from Lincoln's assassination
The armies not there, te battles not fought
Bhutto knew too much about Bin Laden, 911,the CIA
George McGovern: George W. Bush is guilty of 'numerous impeachable offences' and Dick Cheney is a Chicken Hawk
An Administration of Lies, BS and Bunkum
The recession is close...and you cut taxes
Fundamental Freedom
Comic relief??
Benjamin R. Barber on PBS' Bill Moyers Journal
Army major blogged about his death
January 11, 2008 is the six-year anniversary of the arrival of the first prisoners at Guantanamo Bay
Israel to brief Bush on options for Iran strike during visit
Informed Comment
US video of Iran speedboats doctored
Irrepressible Info
Censorship News
Gravel on the presidential candidates
So much for the "Last Resort"
Israel rejected numerous opportunities to avoid confrontation with Hizbollah
"Hiding behind civilians" - a fabrication
Monte Asbury's Blog
France best, US worst in preventable deaths
How Big Business raids the Third World through the World Bank
McCain: "100 years in Iraq is fine with me"
Astrologers 1: Monotheisists 0
"Jesus challenges the nature of religion,which ever threatens to turn us into heartless rule-keepers"
( Monte even surprises me sometimes - though I should know better. It's just that I agree so heartily with him on this that it's hard to keep from cheering - and why should I ? Yaahoo ! )
Only officer convicted of anything at Abu Ghraib has had his conviction thrown out
whistleblower gagged
Military rape
Politics 'n Poetry
Wall deflecting for Harper?
Isotope crisis has moved US to seek other sources
Linda Keen: What it means to Stand Up for Canada
Ten Percent
A town called Malice: Oh yeah, Jenna ain't racist
Friday Futureama: Bender's Big Score
Civilisation marches on
"Another person killed by police with tasers. And 81 people arrested as the supreme court ponders should the kidnapped and tortured inmates at Gitmo be allowed access to U.S. courts because that's like a really, really hard question - retarded tyranny or civilisation. Yeah, you big learned distinguished geniusesweigh that one up, it's a toughie!"
Operation Phoenix
Gulag Friday! Six years of Gitmo & Binyam Mohamed update
ACLU renews campaign to close down the gulag on rented Cuban land
"this 'security' excuse has become the cover-all brand over any and all government wrongdoing and in a democratic state it is simply not acceptable, it is a meaningless use of words to not actually give a reason while appearing to do so."
Homeland Security...of the vote?
"U.S. officials said they would unveil on Friday reasonable and inexpensive national requirements to implement an identification card program critics call a costly invasion of privacy."
" The Supreme Court appeared ready Wednesdat to uphold the nation's strictest requirement that voters show photo identification before casting a ballot."
Keystone Tonkin Mash-Up and other damn lies
"With winter deepening, Gazans will be forced to live without lights and electric heaters eight hours a day because Israel has cut supplies to the territorys' only electric plant in half"
"The Israeli army stepped up a broad offensive in the Gaza strip starting Thursday and killed at least 11 Palestinians in a 24-hour period after militants fired a rocket that struck deep into Israel."
" U.S. warplanes have dropped more than 18,000kg of bombs on more than 40 targets in the southern outskirts of the capital city, Baghdad."
The Tonkin Commemorative Geography Quiz
Bush: U.S. could 'easily' be in Iraq for 10 years
Blackwater used CS gas on civilians and U.S. troops
Denying the obvious: Th so-called Global Warming skeptics
Top Ten Shock Blogs
Special privileges for Bible classes Hat Tip Millard Fillmore's Bathtub
TomGram: If the GWOT were gone...
Welcome to Pottersville
Histrionic Chutzpah Theater Presents...
"Not your typical bank..." Citizens'... not so much
One way to beat rush-hour traffic OMFG time
San Diego voters confront Board of Supervisors
Clinton's Diebold Bump
Raw footage of Iranian speedboats harassing US warships
What we get if Hillary wins

Weekend Blogging Fix

I just went for it. Links away !

Blogging for kindness
Iraq eases curb on Baath officials
Blue Girl Red State
Go Read This Now
Organ donor overhaul call
Warning on stealthy Windows virus
Al Jazeera
Guantanamo protests worldwide
What if everything you believe is wrong?
Non-attendees find faith outside church
Clipmarks - All Popular Now
FBI Agent : Lack of expertise stymies war on terror
Bush tanked the U.S. economy
A second company promises 100mpg engine
Ad Water4Gas
Super Delegates: The "Undemocratic" Democratic Party primaries
Who is Lovebabz and why should you care
Obamamania : a view from north of the 49th Parallel
Advice Goddess
Jan 10 When 'Science Journalism' is 'National Enquirer' journalism
More big shitpile - Countrywide
All Things Pakistan
Arts Pakistan - a place to visit
Roti in Pakistan
Terrorists hit Lahore with a suicide attack
The colourful Mil vs Dil relationship in Pakistani society
Coconut seller
Being a patient in a Pakistani hospital ( Echoes of Iraq )
Thatta Kedona - a self-help project
Reshma and son: The Voice of the Desert ( no longer available )
More crises in Pakistan - Electricity, flour, sugar, water, sui gas crises - what is the way out?
The arabization of Islam
American Leftist
Haditha: no murder charges
extreme manifestation of the violence and degradation that U.S. troops inflict upon Iraqis as a matter of course
Only 151,000 violent Iraqi deaths?
Death of Philip Agee
exposed the brutality of U.S. covert operations around the world in the 1970's and the men responsible for them
Amused Cynicism
Should Blair get half a million?
Making a profit from user-generated content
Huckabee is unfit to be president
Siemens, Nazi collaborators
Rudd incites violence
Cycles and trains
Monkey maths
Should Reserve Bank count smiles?
Obsidian Wings
Obama Christ, Superstar ( forget the allusion for a moment: this is insightful )
AT&T's new love for Copyright
Gender and New Hampshire
( I'm not getting into a comments thread 396 entries long when I arrived. I'll just note DieBold seems the best explanation of how this result appeared. )
Attending the World
U.S. Elections: the AIPAC factor
Balloon Juice
The Macro Embassy as microcosm
Is the reconciliation starting?
Onion editor to move to MoveOn
The Goldberg Principle - you can prove any thesis true if you make up your own definitions of words
Another day in Paradise -- Iranian speedboat theater/scam
I can has unity pony?
( As in dog-and-pony show ? )
Call me Karl Rove
I got what America needs right here
( Not for sensitive ears - but what a righteous send-up ! )
Let their people come: Breaking the deadlock on global labor mobility
Blinded by our Spite (interesting--but quite possibly OTL because vote theft caused change)
Bastard Logic
Twisting the Knife - Women's Rights
Temp agency hell in Ontario
Ceaseless wonders - investigative journalism from an unexpected source
Tad Safran's American Beauty
There's a riot going on ( say what? )
Omar Khadr
Prosecuting a child soldier for war crimes : without due process
But why mustn't we tear down that dirty little house?
Statins for all diabetics urged
Iowa caucus results explained
Jon Swift
Google bombs Jon Swift
Out of Iraq Bloggers Caucus
The Face of War
And still the Baghdad embassy isn't complete
Obama: I was against the war before I became weaselly?
151,000 - The Forgotten Number
David Swanson: "To Nancy with all due respect" ( Catchy phrase, that )
Shell and Total preparing to Loot Iraqi oil field near Syria...what that garners for the rich, who are not like you & I
More on why Iraqi soldier killed two U.S. soldiers - defending woman?
Provocation in the Strait of Hormuz
" If Iranian warships ever made it as close to the American coastline as US warships now lie to Iranian shores, our military would in all likelihood attack them. Iran is not attacking our warships - parked on their doorstep."
The Moral Instinct
Worldwide Sawdust
WA state Senator introduces resolution to impeach Bush and Cheney
John Stewart on Chris Matthews : That guy's insane
Senator's inquiry into mega-church money hypocrisy sparks church-state showdown
A Surge of more lies
Cheney-Bush's billion dollar Baghdad firetrap
Crony capitalists: History's still hangin' around
Seven steps to a Homeland Security campus
Our shameful Guantanamo anniversary
Big Pharma front group launches anonymous blog to publish an 'enemies list'
Doubts grow over Iranian boat threats
No Immunity Deal ( CIA torture tapes destruction )
Levite begone: releasing the Samaritan within
"Contrast to Christ's message...our nation consists of grossly deformed social, political, economic and cultural systems that idoctrinate us into the quasi-religion of "it's all about me" while conditioning us to reflexively reject nearly all things related to the collective 'US' "
Princeton points out Diebold machines extreme vulnerability to fraud
Bagram detention center now twice the size of Guantanamo
Recession -- who cares?
Blackwater - Privatizing gas warfare?
Pentagon,Big Pharma: Drug troops to numb them to horrors of war
Argentine scientist designs low-cost configurable solar roof
FBI finds Blackwater trucks patched
Election can be stolen 'in under a minute' with Diebold machines
$900 gold - what's behind it?
Did mcCain benefit from Bhutto assassination?
Mountain Runner
Predicting counterinsurgency
What's in your reading pile?
First State, now the White House?
America's upper classes have gone AWOL
Galaxy hunting made easy - Quasars light the way
Is your heart racing for the wrong reason?
Culture influences brain function
Heads up, Chris Matthews! Here come the bloggers
I wonder why we have to keep bailing out banks?
Build your own high-res wallpaper with PaperMaker
Starfish for Windows
Humans blamed in coral reef disappearance
FBI phone lines cut, critical surveillance missed
No doubt about it
High risk loans - an investigation into the mortgage crisis
Lake Erie UFOs are stars on YouTube
the Real UFO Project

Two more 

Hospital deep cleaning under fire
The ubiquitous unidentifiable 'spokesperson' for the Department of Health has an interesting way of rephrasing the following : There is no excuse for improper sanitation procedures and we don't have one.
Childhood obesity : a lifetime of danger

16 January - Morning Picks


A few - mostly news - current items

Kongregate : Games
Lengthy volunteer stints burn out military wives
Latest trick from the RIAA: Pissing off reviewers with annoying voice-over anti-piracy messages
Unlawfully wedded wife
Predatory starfish threatens Indonesian waters
Low testosterone, more mens' fractures
Help for intimate pain womens' health
Study shows strides in diabetes care
What the world's healthiest guys know
Is kosher food safer ?
Britain's police balk at plug-in to FBI database
( What odds that position will be overridden within a month ? )
Head of Canadian nuclear regulator fired
( Blame the boss : not the impossible position he was put in. Read "Politics 'n Poetry.WordPress )
Probiotics affect metabolism
Pentagon and CIA : authorized for secret ops in Pakistan
John Edwards: America Rising, coast to coast
NBC out of control with Kucinich appeal
Michigan's uncommitted/ Kucinich could help Obama and Edwards
Musharraf speaks to the Democratic Candidates
John Edwards neck and neck in Nevada
What a follow up line from Musharraf
PNG nickel mine under fire
Experts' fear of further flooding U.K.
Existentialist Cowboy
How the CIA created a corporate, ruling overclass in America
The CIA created Al Qaeda and there is 'Probable Cause' to charge George W. Bush with High Treason!
Exit polls: Obama won New Hampshire

Evening News

British Council caught in real life 'absurd episode'
Now we really have a crisis
Russia's man in London leaving the foreign office yesterday
St. Peterburg Times
Russia to assess U.S. democracy
Moscow angered by British council defiance
Thousands protest in Tbilisi claiming election rigging
High global oil prices boost Russia's trade surplus
Italian businesses resist Mafia with Internet site
Jerusalem indicates use of force against nuclear Iran
Say 'No' to tightening control over civil society
Caucasian Knot
No electricity and heat at hospitals and kindergartens of the capital of Dagestan
Red Cross calls for answers to disappearances
Russian railway wins tender in Armenia
Belarus considers buying advanced Russian air defense system
Iranian navy receives stealth-capable submarine
Can Blackwater be prosecuted?
Pakistan People's Party wants UN investigation on Bhutto murder
Wexler : Cheney Impeachment stronger than Watergate
U.S. Supreme Court also in complicity of Constitutional Treason
How the Pentagon planted a false story (Hormuz)
Kucinich's "Space Preservation Act" ignored by BushCo
European Press: It wasn't a miracle - Hillary won via a rigged vote

Jan 4 -7,2008 My Opera

4 January - Blogroaming

Friday Night in the Blogs

TomGram: How Bush took us to the Dark Side
In-Sourcing the Tools of National Power for Success and Security
Why Musharraf lies about the assassination of Benazir Bhutto
Welcome to Pottersville
Friday Night Music Video Blogging
Give us ignorance or give us death Iowa
Some thumbtack impressions of the Iowa caucuses
"He will bring them death..." Cult of personality
And now, from the outrageous irony archives...
McClatchy: Bhutto distrusted Bush
What is a fucking caucus?
The unsilent minorities
Wall Street's not happy with Iowa winners
Amazing Iowa caucus
Iowa GOP screws up caucus
Some election thoughts from a new voice
Oil hits $100/bbl
Scotland Yard heading to Pakistan
Kenya's humanitarian crisis grows
Food as medicine 1/2

One thing I have been doing today was grabbing some links from A View from the Bridge at Clapsotronics blogroll. Now if Jerry could get back to blogging, so much the better.

Force Quit
From LOL cat Bible Translation Project
Managing your shared items Attack of the 20%'ers
Huckabee exposed as New World Order puppet
Seeds of Destruction: the hidden agenda of genetic manipulation "Rats fed GMO potatoes had smaller livers, hearts, testicles and brains,damaged immune systems, and showed structural changes in their white blood cells making them more vulnerable to infection and disease...thymus and spleen damage...enlarged tissues including pancreas and intestines, liver atrophy..."
"GM foods today saturate our diet. Over 80% of all supermarket processed foods contain them."
For freedom of expression
The Kings of England
Monbiot Hat Tip Earthpal, who has a post on a blogger protest Jan 6
I've been kicked off Facebook Robert Scoble ( He doesn't seem too worried )
Hat Tip Dave Lucas
Tesla was a bad dude Dec 18 ( I've posted this before : but as to if it's still up... )
Unknown writer
The credit ratings racket
I know what I saw
journey of the minds eye
Dandelion Salad
A drunken night in Baghdad, a soldier is left behind
There will be blood...but no justice for Iraq atrocity
Ron Paul TV ad: immigration
Ron Paul vs. John Edwards - the failures of sectarianism
Iowa Caucus Precinct 21
MIR: Assassination,politics as usual + Who stood to gain from Bhutto's death?
Lying about Mike Gravel
Tortured logic
It's the government's job to shake you down
The Shock Doctrine in action in New Orleans
365 Gay
Syphlis on rise in Europe
Obama accused of using preacher endorsements that were not made
Researchers: Gay men behave like women
Canadian program to ship AIDS drugs criticized
Growing number of Israeli cities recognize gay couples

6 January - PoliSci

I'm finally getting around to reconstituting a survey of political blogs that I've covered in the past. Consider this a samper, as it's far from complete. Tomorrow I'm on the road all day : so I don't expect to be online much - if at all.
I've plugged more entries into Google Reader. See if you can access my page through the feed. I'm already co-listing Len Hart's picks ( The Existentialist Cowboy ).

Twilight of the Psychopaths
If I posted this before on 'Interrupted' - apologies - don't miss this article
The British Library
UK living standards outstrip U.S.
China's farms struggle to meet growing demand ( First 'bon mot' of the day )
Onwards and onwards
B'teslem: annual Israeli report on human rights in the occupied territories
Policy to starve the inhabitants of Gaza en masse
Qassam missiles killed 2 Israelis in 2007
June-Oct Palestinians fired 400 Qassams and 510 mortars towards Israel,injuring 75, killing none
Israeli forces killed 142 Palestinians and injured 293 in the same period
30 December "Death zones" in Gaza
Brig.Gen. (res) Zvika Fogel
"No doubt about it,that nut's a genius"
How to become popular on YouTube without any talent ( No public service announcement )
Drug industry spends nearly twice as much on marketing than on research and development
( What until someone collates the trash they do work on. Government funds useful work. )
CIA obstructs 9/11 investigators
Ron Paul not allowed
Doctors say placebo use common
Very telling ( the geek does an interesting backstory here )
Politics 'n Poetry
Chalk River - a disaster waiting to happen
My Obama bubble burst
This was the moment
Nuke news - operation resume at Rabbit Lake
Rolfe Schmidt
Did you really get a raise?
My Supernatural World
Gotta love the campaign calls
Video: Alex Jones' Endgame : Blueprint for Global Enslavement "...plan to eliminate 80% of the world's population"
Reporter Benjamin Fulford interviews David Rockefeller about Illuminati and Asian opposition
Great example why you simply can't believe cellphones and WiFi devices are safe
U.S. dollars no longer accepted at Indian tourist sites
Remedies for Harmful Effects of Chemtrails
Pets abandoned as foreclosures rise
Scholars & Rogues
Star medical examiner's compassion a lesson to splatter film fans
Saturday Video Roundup
School, mall and workplace shootings, why so many? No. Why so few?
Louisiana's wetlands are being lost at the rate of a football field every 38 minutes
Peugeot plans car plant in Russia
Bill Moyers: on the Iowa caucus
Bush may claim privilege in CIA case
Lobbying to be partners in crime....errr...leadership
Dumb and dumber playing with national security?
The Spi,I'm in! No fighting; tribute!
Welcome Vet Voice!
It's the war! says Iowa to Hillary - and a Happy Blue Year to all!
McCain flip-flops again! Wants to stay in Iraq for 1,000 years...
Two body blows to the political establishment
Ten Percent
I'm guessing Mrs. Musharraf 'runs' into a lot of 'cupboard doors' ( give it a moment )
Projection Bush to try to keep 'aggressive ambitions' in check ( no, not his )
Lockdown, Class War flavour: Bahrain
The Border and Immigration Agency is not fit for the purpose ( DHS syndrome )
Racists, idiots, authoritarians
Brown rejects No 10 Website Petititon for enquiry into 7/7 bombings ( Not that much anti-Tony )
Immigration Service vs. Adedoyin Fedairo...a 3 year old girl
Corporate Noozzzzzz ( News insider's comments on lack of journalistic integrity )
Droning on : Targets of opportunity
Texas Liberal
Texas Liberal prediction - it's over and Obama will win it all
Organic farming in Vermont
Blogging in Nepal
Overview of Nepal from the BBC
White Coat RantsThey're Heeere ( flu )
Tough Lesson
How long? before schlepping to ED ?
White Noise Insanity
Bill O'Reilly and Obama's Secret Service protection got in a tango tonight in New Hampshire
Maine snowfall ( pictures . I wish I some of our old eye-poppers were around. )
Hillary Clinton gets booed twice in New Hampshire at the same dinner
Glenn Beck bitches about America's healthcare system ! ( Did we just have a blue moon ? )
Will gas reach $4/gal this winter ? (It's close to that here now : and this is where oil comes from. And I was using a 3.74 liter gallon, not a 4.55 liter Imperial )
Why Organic
The reason Huck won
The main reason McCain can't win the general election
You're in your world now

250,000 Kenyans driven out of homes
Vomiting bug to get worse
Econ bloggers survey results
Best economics prank evar
Political Compass
Hat Tip Religicritics
Check the PDF link there - The Miracles of Jesus - are they for real? and the post UnChristian
( Looking at the slogan - these are 'eating' acorns )
Tree houses ( Article one today. Enjoy the yuk. Not an unconscious soul though,I guess - see 'Nother meme". )
Military experience for Presidential Candidates no longer an issue?
( Look at how it 'helped' John Kerry )
Trying not to lose my religion
The levees are failing, the levees are failing
Hard rain gonna fall
Michael Greenwell
Left for dead by New Labour, liberal Britain must urgently fight back
2008 : The Year of Garbage
Building interactive economic models in Excel
Zero Carbon Britain 

Citizen J has some nice links
Electronic Iraq
Corp Watch
Center for Media and Democracy
Hey. There are more.
BigSight aims to become White Pages of web, pulls data from Facebook
Keeping an eye on Gradma over the Internet
( Sounds like a redo of "The Prisoner" )
NSW natural disaster zone widened ( as in Oz )
Fun and Games
Cool Avatars
Intute: Social Sciences
Federal report calls for carbon tax, trading in Canada
Sexually active gay men no longer allowed to donate organs
( The incursion of nutzoid Nazi proclamations blossoms in Canada )
Tiny nerves rewire themselves in mice
Neanderthals stitched too little, too late
Smiling you can hear it in the voice
( A basic of voice coaching )
Cocaine vaccine in the works
Lose the blocked Windows Startup dialog
YouTorrent, your new favorite BitTorrent site
Naps may help memory
( DeFragment ? )
WWF Latest NewsSumatra
American Leftist
Obama's success divisive
Book Review: The Whisperers: Private Life in the Time of Stalin
Benedict: Abortion,Birth Control and Same-Sex Marriage a threat to world peace
( Not to mention religious syncophants aligning with tyranny )
200th Anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in the U.S.
Obama win doesn't mean racism lost
January Carnival: The true state of human kind
Blue Girl Red State
A pitiful sight to behold - Clinton campaign coming undone
Red State woes
Michael Scherer does his part to 'dumb down' the national dialog
And so it begins
If this is true, it is earth-shattering ( Hard on self-imposed blinders, too )
Members of the Bar call for investigations into Bush-Cheney
Get that man an ITMFA bumper sticker!
Iraqi soldier turns his weapon on American soldiers, killing two and wounding three 

Jan 1 & 2, 2008 at My Opera

1 January - 2008 Out with the Old

Happy New Year!

It's funny. I had been impressed by an article on "Moving the Overton Window" on how 'framing discussions' works that appeared on

Last Left Turn Before Hooterville, click the picture for blowup, and found she had been writing on that. I had lost track because her blogging had been sporadic for months.Green acres we are there and her book ( in editing ) were about that. I actually had been sparked by an article by Needlenose, and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, one of which was a Daily Kos reprint. So I had listed the Wikipedia entry and the others in the old blogroll.
However, Alicia is back at blogging and has Capitol Punishment cartoons up.

Another loss is BlueBloggin's post - except I had to send people to the cloud tags - and Berry Street Beacon - where I had posted links to articles on drinking water at hazard. That was first interesting because of a Common Dreams piece in storage : How Iraq's water supply was destroyed. Grist had a post similar to BlueBloggin's.

Berry Street Beacon has a post on James Madison and open Government up right now. On Dec 27 "Arms Suppliers: the real 'weapons' of mass destruction".

Mail is coming from people head-scratching over the Wordpress blog.

Semidi was reading the blog on Google Reader. I need feedback on whether the RSS links on my shared page ( Links List in the sidebar ) are accessible. There's more on Pageflakes and even a few on Netvibes that likely need to be collaborated on to get a group feed going that several of us can use.

While on sharing, play with too. I deliberately left public access open on almost all of it so that we would be good if we played nice. Definitely many will be p.o.'d if we lose that to idiots, so I suggest you do what I did : backup elsewhere. I used Yahoo Bookmarks but that's hardly the only option. I just found it convenient to double-list in both locations in one operation.
Hah. I was able to merge Semidi's links into my network.

If for some reason you want an IE based browser, Avant has played nice for quite a while : and has an online storage/bookmarking service available free.

Police break photographer's arm
Solidarity needed with socialist trade unionist
Solidarity with the Suez strikers + Update
We have to honor the wishes of the Pakistani people
Deception: Pakistan,and the secret trade in nuclear weapons
What Eddie griffin is grateful for
New Year's Unobtainable French car blogging
Yes,I'm an Alfisti
Science Debate 2008
HT Advice Goddess
American Leftist
Your Revolution Hip-Hop YouTube
The Two Hegenomies
Interview of Tariq Ali

2 January BlogRoaming

've been getting messages through StumbleUpon. That's a bit ironic. I had a period when I put it 'asleep' for awhile because I thought it interfering with one of the previous '' add-ons in Firefox : but it is a growing source of info. Since 'Citizen J' is going to flog my contribution, I'm going to highlight another contributor's picks : just cuz.
Techiechild's website reviews and blog
Unusual hotels of the world : property listing
Eight Irresistable Principles of Fun
Requires Flashplayer enabled ( I didn't peek ) English/French/Spanish
Musicovery Web Radio
Another Flash Enabled - that I didn't
NoScript has been helping lock out Javascript for months. You whitelist sites : by individual services on them !
BBC : Surveys and Psychology Tests
( Actually, I'm not too excited about guns in the country at all. I haven't ever really made much noise about them : but they seem something that should be kept under lock away from the kids at the very least. That said, I probably have more concern about drunk hunters than criminals: not that the 'help yourself' gang is absent. )
Greenspan book: "GOP swapped principles for power"
Solar carport
Create your own electronics device using 'the bug'
Bastard Logic
The Handmaid's Tale Revisited : Giving birth becomes the latest job outsourced to India
Blue Girl Red State
What do you give the federal agency that already has everything, including your Fourth Amendment Rights? A billion dollar biometric data base
The Countdown Begins
Nader rails against Clinton and supports Edwards
Texas Progressive Alliance Best of 2007
( Extensive rundown on what the blogging groups thought the best articles )
Growing concern in India about Pakistan power shifts
Campaign for America's Future
Gauging the fear inside the palace walls
Edwards taking the lead in positions appealing to the general electorate of both parties
Economic Objectorvism
GM, unplanned investment, and what about the environment?
Oil alliances: Gazprom(Russia) offers to take over Serbia'sstate-owned petroleum monopoly
How Britain became party to a crime that may have killed a million people
( One and a quarter million sound perfectly plausible to me )
Can the antiwar movement take advantage of Bush's 'spectacular' failure?
( The biggest 'failure' is for him to say what's really happening - ever. )
Molly's Blog
Total lunar eclipse February 20th
Homeland Security for Sale.Org
U.S. casualties in Afghanistan hit record high
The Daily Galaxy
Most Popular of 2007 ( Wild list )
NASA Mars images reveal a 'doorway' structure ( A-O.K. for the next sci-fi movie ?)
Are there really 'continents' of floating garbage? ( Good report )
Asteroid on target for Mars : Impact may solve mysteries

2 January - Early BlogRoaming

Welcome to the Revolution has an interesting-looking YouTube clip on Bolivia's salty desert
Corner of the Sky had posted comments at Blue Girl Red State ( The Lawless Insanity of Mike Huckabee is up there now ) : and has good posts and commenters of her own : including some familiar bloggers.
pole hill sanitarium is not a daily blogger : but several people take an interest in his collection of opinions on music, politics, and personal anecdotes.
An Atheist and a Christian Love Story
( Does this ever clarify what should be obvious to followers of Jesus or Buddha : personal philosophy and conviction that our presence in this world is not the result of chaos is being perverted by "cults" brainwashing people into rigid obedience by doctrines of fear. This purporting to be teachings of leaders who advocated questioning the rigidites of society and using the path of Goodwill to all men. Prayer and Faith means Hope and Strength resisting the depressing conflicts faced in life : not slavery; mental or physical! Don't be hog-tied by small minds: or fear-mongers questioning the social order of Samaritans - wherever they may be.
So. Am I radical and communist? Yeshua was - I'm chicken ; but I don't own allegiance to Pharisees of any stripe.)
With that out of the way, it's time for a look atMonte Asbury's Blog
Newsweek : Bottom line in Candidates ( using Clipmarks )
Can you guess where these photos were taken ?
Why people don't have health insurance (about 47 million in US last time I checked the stats )
The Christmas Story in dark tones
Satire: Top 10 reasons to oppose universal healthcare
People's Geography - Reclaiming Space
(Be sure to check Page 2 for a great links list)
On this day in Peace History: the Greenham Common Women and other inspiring people power episodes
Christmas Week Picking on an Occupied Christmas
More Israelis declare the zionist project Palestinians continue to suffer
Al Jazeera's Wall of Shame series: West Bank
IPS - Israel-Palestine
IMEU Institute for Middle East Understanding