Thursday, September 30, 2021

30 September - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 10 pm MDT

Modern Tokyo Times16 hours ago
Prison riot in Ecuador kills at least 116 people: Mexican cartels and Ecuador gangs
Prison riot in Ecuador kills at least 116 people: Mexican cartels and Ecuador gangs Chika Mori and Kanako Mita Modern Tokyo Times Gang war broke out inside a prison in the city of Guayaquil in Ecuador. According to the latest reports, at least 116 prison inmates were killed in violent clashes that broke out in […] The post Prison riot in Ecuador kills at least 116 people: Mexican cartels and Ecuador gangs first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Retraction Watch16 hours ago
Kyoto University fires researcher for fraud in Kumamoto earthquake studies
Kyoto University has fired a researcher after determining that he committed fraud in at least five papers about the deadly Kumamoto earthquake of 2006. In a report released earlier this week (Sept 28), the institution said it found Aiming Lin guilty of 37 counts of “fraudulent activity” in four of the articles, not including a … Continue reading Kyoto University fires researcher for fraud in Kumamoto earthquake studies read more
How Do We Achieve Effective Classroom Transparency
A Pennsylvania rep just offered up yet another proposal to reveal the inner workings of school classrooms by requiring schools to post textbook lists, curriculum, and lesson plans. It's another one of those endlessly repeating cycles of education, currently being goosed along by the anti-indoctrination crowd. Because the initiative is coming from a whole host of bad faith actors who are simply looking for ways to intimidate teachers and strip mine school content for any "proof" that schools are teaching something from the ever-lengthening laundry list of complaints that started with... read more
Organizing Notes9 hours ago
Nixon’s scheme against African Americans & the peace movement
*One of President Nixon’s top aides, John Ehrlichman, reported this:* “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening ne... read more
Spiritual East, Materialistic West
The East has never created an ideology; the West has never created a religion. Every religion that has become popular in the West in the last 3000 years has originated in the East. Every ideology that has become popular in the East in the last 150 years has originated in the West. The East is spiritual, otherworldly, conscientious, traditional, altruistic, territorial, and introspective—it has the sensibility and wisdom to develop and propagate religions like Judaism, Paganism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, Christianity, and Islam. The West is mat... read more
The Boy's Cheese
Things are pretty tough these days in Alberta. Dave Climenhaga writes: Brace yourselves, Alberta, for a hard circuit-breaker lockdown to rein in the province’s surging, out-of-control COVID-19 infection rate. We can be reasonably certain this is coming soon, because Premier Jason Kenney informed us Sunday that there’s no way it’s going to happen. Alberta's doctors have been pleading for a lockdown: Kenney took to the airwaves to respond to calls for a “firebreak” lockdown to counter the collapse of the province’s health-care system, including a weekend open letter from the provinc... read more
Heatwave Of 1895-1896
There was an unprecedented heatwave from September 1895 through the summer of 1896 in many parts of the world. 22 Sep 1895, 2 – Chicago Tribune at 27 Sep 1895, 4 – Vermont Phoenix at 24 Sep 1895 … Continue reading → read more
From Jenna Orkin Fumio Kishida set to become Japan’s new prime minister after winning party vote Michigan to have nation's first electrified road to wirelessly charge EVs, Whitmer says ‘Unprecedented’ power cuts in China hits homes, factories Macron Says Europe Should "Stop Being Naive" After Inking Face-Saving Defense Deal With Greece Poland’s KGHM turns to nuclear as alternative power source 1. A new model shows that US COVID-19 cases are likely to slow heading into the fall and winterOne of the biggest student loan companies in the US wants to shut down its servicesJami... read more
OrientalReview.org14 hours ago
Only America’s So-Called Allies Were Surprised By AUKUS
The US’ own ‘allies’ are the ones who considered AUKUS an ‘absolute surprise’, not Russia or China. Those latter two already knew what to expect when it comes to America, and it’s that the fading unipolar hegemon will always put its interests first at everyone else’s expense, including its ‘allies”. […] read more
Dissecting The Myths and Realities of The Battle of Dunkirk
*Robert Farley* *Dunkirk, Europe* The myths of Dunkirk have overstated the importance of the battle. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Dunkirk was, by conventional standards, a defeat for the Allies. The British failed to hold ground in France, and lost a great number of men and a huge amount of equipment. But it could have been worse, and by all rights in should have been worse. The Germans could have inflicted much higher casualties on the British and, if the Luftwaffe had performed more effectively in its antishipping role, captured nearly the whole of the force intact. The... read more
"Even The Liberal Media Is Warning Of A 'System Collapse' Due To The Failure Of Global Supply Chains"
*"Even The Liberal Media Is Warning Of A 'System Collapse' * *Due To The Failure Of Global Supply Chains"* by Michael Snyder "If CNN starts sounding like The Economic Collapse Blog, what does that mean? Unfortunately, the truth about what is in our immediate future is becoming apparent to everyone. Global supply chains are in a state of complete and utter chaos, and this is driving up prices and causing widespread shortages all over the country. Over the past couple of weeks, I have written five articles with either “shortage” or “shortages” in the title, and some have accused me of... read more
Viable Opposition15 hours ago
Changing the Guidance on the Use of Moderna's mRNA-1273 COVID-19 Vaccine
On September 29, 2021, the Ministry of Health in Ontario, Canada's largest province, released an update to its guidance for the use of COVID-19 vaccines for youth aged 12 to 17 years as shown here: Notice this sentence under the "Highlights of changes" because it is of critical importance: "*Information regarding a preferential recommendation for Pfizer BioNTech in **specific age groups*." Here are the key changes: Basically, any young person that is living in the province of Ontario, is between the ages of 12 and 24 and has received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine ... read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Brazil’s Tembici, Itaú bicycle rental operator, raises US$80 million to accelerate electrification
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Tembici, the mobility startup that operates Itaú's well-known bicycle rental plan, has completed a R$420 million (US$80 million) round of funding. The round, series C, was led by Crescera Capital and included two new investors, Pipo and Endeavor Catalys, joining funds IFC, Valor, Red Point, and Igah. The funds will […] The post Brazil’s Tembici, Itaú bicycle rental operator, raises US$80 million to accelerate electrification appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
I don't blame progressives for the mess we're in. I know they're the reason Nancy Pelosi seems ready to postpone a vote on the infrastructure bill -- they're threatening to vote against the infrastructure bill because they want Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to commit to the reconciliation bill in some form. I blame Manchin and Sinema, who clearly -- especially Sinema -- want to kill the reconciliation bill, on behalf of their donors, but aren't honest enough to say that's their plan. Some blame goes to the president and the Democratic leadership for not grasping that it might never ... read more
Crafty China Likely Based CH-6 on Stolen U.S. Technology
*Kris Osborn* *CH-6, Asia* China’s efforts to rip-off U.S. designs via cyber-espionage is a longstanding concern among U.S. military officials. China appears to have developed a modern rendition or “look-alike rip-off” of the Air Force’s MQ-9 Reaper and RQ-4 Global Hawk high-altitude, long-endurance surveillance drones. It has become all too familiar, instances wherein the People’s Liberation Army unveils a drone, fighter jet, bomber or even infantry carrier which looks extremely similar in external equivalent to a U.S. platform which emerged years earlier. China’s efforts to ri... read more
Snopes.com15 hours ago
Former Nazi Camp Secretary in German Trial, 96, on the Run
A former secretary for the SS commander of the Stutthof concentration camp was being sought on an arrest warrant after skipping the planned start of her trial in Germany on more than 11,000 counts of accessory to murder. read more
Caitlin Johnstone15 hours ago
Manufacturing Culture
Listen to a reading of “Manufacturing Culture”: ❖ In Hollywood the Pentagon rewrites scripts about the military to manufacture consent for a globe-spanning empire to make US soldiers look like good guys to make US wars look like good wars to ensure continued recruitments to […] read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
At least 12 dead and 20 injured in accident on one of Brazil’s main highways
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - At least 12 people, including a minor, have been killed and 22 injured in an accident involving a truck, a bus, and a van on one of Brazil's main highways, the BR-101, near Eunápolis, Bahia. The accident took place during the night of Wednesday but was reported by the police […] The post At least 12 dead and 20 injured in accident on one of Brazil’s main highways appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
EU rejects Arce’s accusations of bloc’s involvement in 2019 crisis in Bolivia
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The European Union has responded this Thursday (30) to the accusations made by the Bolivian president, Luis Arce, that the European bloc participated in the 2019 crisis, which resulted in the departure of then-president Evo Morales, ensuring that at all times it played a role of peacemaker at the request […] The post EU rejects Arce’s accusations of bloc’s involvement in 2019 crisis in Bolivia appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Small Dead Animals17 hours ago
Disney Comes To Ontario Schools
As part of Trudeau’s new holiday, kiddies in Ontario schools will learn about the Disney existence of indians before the evil white settlers stole their land and committed genocide. They will learn how people lived peacefully with nature, butterflies floating around their heads as they fed talking deer, and had festivals of love with other… Continue reading → read more
Komando.com18 hours ago
7 products I buy time and time again
Want to take a peek at Kim's shopping list? Here's the next best thing. Kim put together a list of seven products she buys again and again. read more
The Battle of Gallipoli was a Strategic Nightmare for All Sides
*Warfare History Network* *World War I, Europe* Allied troops who went ashore at Gallipoli believed they were fighting for democracy. *Key Point*: It would be difficult to find another location where so many men from so many nations fought and died in such a small place. In the English-speaking world, most students of military history would be hard-pressed to identify the time, place, or antagonists of the Canakkale Campaign. However, they would readily recognize it by its English name—Gallipoli. The Allied troops who went ashore at Gallipoli believed they were fighting for demo... read more
Damaging tornado hits New South Wales, Australia
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) confirmed a damaging tornado has occurred in New South Wales early afternoon (LT) on September 30, 2021. There are reports of damage to houses, powerlines, and trees around the Clear Creek area, NNE of Bathurst, BOM said....... Read more » read more
21st Century Wire16 hours ago
Canada’s Military Admit Using Pandemic to Launch War Theater Propaganda Against Citizens
*21WIRE + Ottawa Citizen* | Trudeau government and the Military deployed 'war-tested' propaganda operations against their own population. read more
Does China’s Stealth Attack Drone Pose a New Threat to America?
*Kris Osborn* *China, Asia* If so, then the U.S. Air Force may have a solution to that problem: the LongShot attack drone. The Chinese military is planning to show an underneath internal weapons bay of its new stealthy, armed GJ-11 attack drone for the first time. This will offer the world an unprecedented public view of a platform likely to receive a lot of attention at the Pentagon. Will the new platform fire air-to-ground precision missiles or drop glide bombs? The specific weapons characteristics are unlikely to be available; however, a Chinese government-backed newspaper sa... read more
Waterspout moves onshore in Kiel, throwing people into water and causing damage, Germany
A waterspout formed in the Baltic Sea near the German port city of Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein on Wednesday, September 29, 2021, and moved onshore, injuring at least 7 people, of which 3 severely. Several members of a rowing club were thrown into the water while others...... Read more » read more
21st Century Wire16 hours ago
Arizona Audit Reveals Widespread Mail-In Ballot Irregularities
*AZ Central and The Arizona Republic* | The results of the latest independent Arizona 2020 election audit reveals thousands of mail-in ballot duplicates and dodgy signatures, potentially pointing to systematic fraud. read more
bilaterals.org17 hours ago
S. Korea actively reviewing trans-Pacific trade pact
30-Sep-2021 South Korea's trade ministry said it is reviewing joining a mega free trade pact comprising Asia-Pacific countries in line with its goal to play a leading role in trade in the region. read more
bilaterals.org17 hours ago
Piyush Goyal urges US firms to push for trade agreement
30-Sep-2021 India's Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal exhorted U.S. businesses to convince the administration of the need for a trade agreement that would enhance the bilateral flow of goods and services. read more
21st Century Wire17 hours ago
Over 5,000 Doctors and Scientists Sign Declaration Against COVID Policy ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
*21WIRE* | The resistance among health and science professionals is now growing, proving there was never a genuine 'consensus' on Covid policies. read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Links 9/30/2021
Our popular daily links, including sea slugs, supply chain collapse, boosters, long Covid, China power crunch, Confucian values, Myanmar currency collapse, Tunisia, Starmer, Haiti, reconciliation scrum, imperial collapse watch read more
Russia Is on the Highway to a Hypersonic Showdown
*Mark Episkopos* *Hypersonic Missiles, Eurasia* Moscow’s Tsirkon has undergone a flurry of launch tests from aboard an Admiral Gorshkov-class frigate since January 2020, with recent reports indicating that the Russian Navy has decided to fast-track the remainder of the missile’s trials. Russia’s new Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missile has recently completed another round of testing, bringing the weapon a step closer to service readiness. A defense industry insider source told TASS state news that the missile was repeatedly launched from a surface ship and coastal installation. “... read more
Alternate History: Might Britain's Military Have Been Destroyed at Dunkirk?
*Michael Peck* *World War II History, Europe* What if Britain had been defeated at Dunkirk? As history goes, it's counterfactual, but far from far-fetched. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Ultimately, the most crucial consequence of surrender at Dunkirk would have been not manpower and morale, but timing. Between June 1940 and the second half of 1941, the only army fighting Hitler belonged to the British empire. The Soviet Union and the United States fielded enormous armed forces, but they wouldn't join the war until later (In 1940, Russia even had a non-aggression pact with ... read more
How America Prevented the Fall of South Vietnam in 1972
*Michael Peck* *Vietnam War, Asia* However, America's military could only delay the inevitable. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *South Vietnam would survive, but only for another three years. In 1973, the last U.S. troops and POWs would return home. Tired of war and enmeshed in Watergate, inflation and the oil crisis, Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam. Had it not been for the U.S. Air Force and Navy, the Vietnam War might have ended in the spring of 1972 with North Vietnamese tanks in the streets of Saigon. It was forty-five years ago, on March 30, 1972, that fourteen No... read more
MJBizDaily17 hours ago
Low-tech storage solutions can help outdoor cannabis producers conserve water
Water isn’t getting any easier to find in parched Western U.S. states, so outdoor marijuana and hemp producers are looking for solutions that will help them get through the season. Even when the West isn’t embroiled in a record drought year, water use is often restricted for cannabis cultivators, said Julie Jacobson, CEO of Aster […] Low-tech storage solutions can help outdoor cannabis producers conserve water is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Electroverse18 hours ago
UK Suffers Freezing Lows and Rare September Snows, Severe Early-Season Snowstorm Strikes Iceland, + “Unseasonal Snow” Kills two Trekkers in Northern India
Northern Hemisphere snow cover is building early this season, just as a bout of historically low solar activity predicts... The post UK Suffers Freezing Lows and Rare September Snows, Severe Early-Season Snowstorm Strikes Iceland, + “Unseasonal Snow” Kills two Trekkers in Northern India appeared first on Electroverse. read more
Mining Awareness +19 hours ago
Why Do Migrants from Haiti Have Chile ID Cards? Interview with Intelligence Officer from Chile
“Breaking!!! Why migrants from Haiti have Chile ID? Special guest Intelligence Officer from Chile” Oscar El Blue: The first … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +19 hours ago
Dems Plan To Tax Middle-Class Americans For An Electric Vehicle Spending Spree That Will Benefit Wealthy Car Buyers, And Auto Companies, Goosed By Fake Green New Deal Government Mandates; Lithium Mining Isn’t Green
The best renewable (green) option is biofuels, especially biofuels using household and industrial food waste-oils. Generally, those are run in … Continue reading → read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Judge Suspends Britney Spears’ Father from Conservatorship
A judge on Wednesday suspended Britney Spears’ father from the conservatorship that has controlled the singer’s life and money for 13 years, saying the arrangement “reflects a toxic environment.” read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
House Panel Subpoenas Organizers of Jan. 6 Trump Rally
The announcement follows a first round of subpoenas that targeted former White House and administration officials who were in contact with Trump before and during the insurrection. read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Fighting Wave of Misinfo, YouTube Bans False Vaccine Claims
YouTube announced a sweeping crackdown of vaccine misinformation that booted popular anti-vaccine influencers from its site and deleted false claims that have been made about a range of immunizations. read more
Why the German Navy Is Heading to War Games with Australia
*Johannes Peters, Justin Burke* *German Navy, Indo-Pacific, Australia, FGS Bayern, Indo-Pacific, Australia, China* It is the first German naval mission to the Pacific in more than twenty years. In a week when Australia’s relationship with France was left hanging by a thread due to the cancellation of the Attack-class submarine project, Germany quietly doubled the number of upcoming port visits to Australia by the frigate Bayern during its six-month Indo-Pacific tour, the first mission to the region in more than 20 years. While the timing was certainly coincidental, the significa... read more
AUKUS: The Driving Force Behind Nuclear Propulsion in the Pacific
*Ramesh Thakur* *AUKUS, The Quad, Nuclear Propulsion, ANZUS, ASEAN, Indo-Pacific, China, Australia, ASEAN, United States, United Kingdom, France* Has Australia taken over as the preferred U.S. ally in the Pacific? In its first comment on the new AUKUS partnership, The Economist said it represents the shifting of geopolitical tectonic plates. The defence implications for Australia and the regional and global geopolitical ramifications have been extensively covered by many security analysts and will continue to preoccupy them for some time yet. This article has the more modest aim ... read more
Down The Tube By YouTube
Another pull on the noose. YouTube will remove all vaccine “misinformation.” CHD was removed. In GroupSpeak it’s called deplatforming. In America it used to be called censorship. In N Korea it’s called loyalty to dear leader. What if autism was... Related Stories - Disaster Preparedness - Action Alert Tell White House Your Thoughts on the Mandate - Are We Worth 3/5 of a Life? STOP MANDATES! read more
GREENIE WATCH17 hours ago
* The White House Is Still Considering Carbon Taxes to Pay for Biden's Massive Spending* Speaking to reporters at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the Biden administration is still considering some kind of carbon tax to help pay for President Biden's big government, domestic agenda. "There's a range of revenue raisers and options on the table," Psaki said, arguing corporate polluter fees don't violate Biden's promise not to raise taxes on Americans making less than $400,000 per year. Americans for Tax Reform begs to differ. Senate Finance Committe... read more
What are the Ebola vaccines that could soon be coming to your neighbourhood as prophlactics.
*Ebola Vaccines Fact Check: Dispelling the myth of safe and effective vaccines* Ebola belongs to the same family as Marburg viruses *Overview* The threat of people being forced to take a risky Ebola vaccine could occur around the world in the near future. A license has been given to Merck’s Ebola vaccine in the USA and in Europe under emergency use provision And on December 20th2019, just before covid broke out in Wuhan, Mercks vaccine was given full authorization. That means, it can be given, also using compulsion , to people as a prophylactic. So even if there is no E... read more
Scientific American : Climate Education Should Be Based On Emotion
Teach Students about Climate Change, ‘Just the Facts’ Isn’t Enough – Scientific American read more
* Preschool Funding in $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill Is Modeled After Failed Head Start Program* Fraud, abuse, poor outcomes, and high costs. Those aren’t exactly hallmarks of successful programs, and yet, those pushing for universal preschool and child care in the $3.5 trillion spending bill currently making its way through Congress have landed on the ineffective federal Head Start program as their model. “It is very much built around the Head Start model. We need to make sure that the Head Start model is sewn into the fabric of this new system,” Tommy Sheridan, deputy director of t... read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
Keir Starmer’s Speech – Labour’s Best Thing Since Stale Bread
It’s not capitalism that has to change, the Labour leader told us. It’s you. read more
I will probably vote for Tricolor
A week ago, the probability was 90%. Today, it is 95%. I will probably vote for the Tricolor Movement (#8) in the Czech Parliamentary elections next Friday and Saturday (October 8-9, 2021). I have been voting for Klaus' ODS between 1991 and early 2019, whenever I could. Of course, it was no longer a "perfect" party after it started to lose its political compass when Klaus Sr left but I still viewed it as the best option. I probably continued to support ODS in order to impress you with my long-lived political stability in a 2021 blog post, too. ;-) Of course, the genuine political sou... read more
21st Century Wire18 hours ago
Middle East Report: Liberating Marib and Trouble for US, Israel in Erbil
*Mideastream* | An update on key developments regarding events in Yemen, Iran and Iraq. read more
The Duran18 hours ago
“One World Religion” center in UAE sympomatic of the Great Apostasy [Video]
I write this piece as a Christian, and of course for a Christian the subheading would by context describe “Truth” as Jesus Christ Himself. However, I have to point out that for the Muslim, this is not so, and the orthodox Muslim has a different idea as to what constitutes capital-T Truth, as does the […] read more
“You Are a Cretin”
*“You Are a Cretin”* by Brian Maher "Your editor - we regret to inform you - is a cretin. This we have on the authority of reader Matt P. Matt’s note lists credentials indicating he is a man of high finance. He is evidently a grandee at a New York financial concern. From whom: "Brian Maher is a cretin. I just visited the website and saw his “The Most Dangerous Man” piece. Invoking bad statistics and the typical slew of denialist blather, he is clearly deficient in most intellectual respects. Thank you for sharing. Yep…" And we do thank Matt for sharing. We adore his ferocity, his h... read more
Virtual Mirage19 hours ago
The Fall
The Fall “The Roman Republic fell, not because of the ambition of Caesar or Augustus, but because it had already long ceased to be in any real sense a republic at all. When the sturdy Roman plebeian, who lived by his own labor, who voted without reward according to his own convictions, and who […] The post The Fall appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Throughout the history of music, protest songs have played their part in change, coming together against corruption & tyranny
Songs from 2021 Songs of Freedom playlist By Alisha Christal Throughout the history of music, protest songs have played their part in change. It has been said “ music can change the world”. Music has the power to stir emotions, to enlighten causes. Over the decades songs of freedom and protest have led the way, … Continue reading Throughout the history of music, protest songs have played their part in change, coming together against corruption & tyranny → read more
Gagged Australian Nurses Form Whistleblower Group to Expose What is Really Happening in Hospitals with CV VX Injuries
by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Reignite Democracy Australia, which was started by journalist Monica Smit, an outspoken critic on authoritarian lockdowns in Australia who was just released from jail on bond last week, has started a group called “Nurses Speak Out” where gagged nurses are speaking out about the truth of what is currently … Continue reading Gagged Australian Nurses Form Whistleblower Group to Expose What is Really Happening in Hospitals with CV VX Injuries → read more
The plan to give the jab to children ages 5 to 11 is highly irresponsible: 86% of children in the clinical trials had adverse events, some very serious
Originally posted on Think for Yourself: Pushing ahead with harming children for profit is both sinful and evil, from Biblical and Enlightenment perspectives. The City of Toronto wants to vaccinate children from ages 5 to 11, based on recommendations from Health Canada, despite the fact that there is almost no risk of death from Covid-19… read more
BBC : “Why are so many vaccinated people in hospital?”
Originally posted on Iowa Climate Science Education: Covid-19 in Wales: A third of positive cases are unvaccinated – BBC News via Real Climate Science September 30, 2021 at 12:05AM read more
Crazy Fauci Moves the Goalposts Again — “Fully Vaccinated” Now Means 2 Shots Plus One Booster — The Gateway Pundit
Originally posted on Truth2Freedom's Blog: At some point the rest of the world will wake up to see this man is absolutely crazy.Dr. Fauci just moved the goalposts again. In a recent interview with?The Atlantic, Fauci now says fully vaccinated means two COVID shots plus on booster shot.? This latest rule will be… read more
Draconid Meteor Shower 2021 Will Peak October 8
Draconid Meteor Shower 2021 Will Peak October 8 by Bruce McClure and Deborah Byrd, Draconid meteor shower 2021 Unlike many meteor showers, the Draconids are short-lived. In 2021, watch these meteors at nightfall and early evening on October 8. You might catch some on the nights before and after, as well. Fortunately, the thin … read more
It's Enough To Give a Democrat Vapors
We're munching popcorn patiently waiting to see the next act in Nancy Pelosi's swan song as Speaker as she tries to save a large portion of Joe Biden's soviet style so called 'Build Back Better' agenda. The current state of play, that might change before you've finished reading: Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are threatening to tank the whole bloated monster, and in return, AOC and the petulant children of the progtard caucus have threatened to blow up the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal. It's like the *end of Reservoir Dogs* right now. Pelosi "decoupled" the b... read more
Extremely heavy rain hits capital Ljubljana, Slovenia
Extremely heavy rains hit parts of Slovenia on September 29, 2021, flooding more than 500 buildings in the capital Ljubljana alone. Meteorologists said this is the heaviest rainfall in the 160-year history of the country's meteorological measurements. According...... Read more » read more
naked capitalism19 hours ago
How Autonomous Weapons Could Be More Destabilizing Than Nukes
Why autonomous weapons will make the world less safe. read more
Inside the Combat History of the Pakistani Air Force's F-16 Fleet
*Sebastien Roblin* *F-16, Pakistan* Pakistan began acquiring F-16 fighters from the United States in 1981, and the aircraft has been successful in several conflicts since then. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* Between 1986 and 1990, the Pakistani Air Force credited the F-16 with shooting down ten Afghan and Soviet jets, helicopters and transport planes, with many additional claims unconfirmed. During an aerial skirmish on February 27, 2019, an Indian Air Force MiG-21 Bison was shot down by a radar-guided missile. The Pakistani Air Force (PAF) claims the kill was scored by a JF... read more
Transforming Global Food Systems Equitably & Sustainably Requires the Private Sector
NEW JERSEY, USA, Sep 30 (IPS) - In the days following the UN Food Systems Summit I have read a number or articles questioning whether there is a role for the private sector in transforming global food systems into something healthier, more sustainable and more equitable. Frankly, I don’t see how food systems transformation is possible without meaningful participation of the private sector. Read the full story, “Transforming Global Food Systems Equitably & Sustainably Requires the Private Sector”, on → read more
‘We are one’: musical performance ‘King Clavé’ reveals that we are ‘interconnected’
Based on the core belief that “humanity is deeply interconnected” and “we are one”, the new performance piece, "King Clavé" is adding some musical inspiration to this year’s 20th anniversary of the historic Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (DDPA) against racism around the globe. Read the full story, “‘We are one’: musical performance ‘King Clavé’ reveals that we are ‘interconnected’”, on → read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
If your iPhone battery is dying faster, there’s one app to blame
Is your iPhone battery dying quickly? This app could be the problem. read more
What's Behind the Longevity of the A-10 Warthog?
*Kris Osborn* *A-10, * It seems like the U.S. can't get rid of the A-10 Warthog. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Given these numbers, the larger story with the A-10 Warthog seems to be that, despite being migrated out of the fleet, the combat-tested aircraft is here to stay and potentially fly for many more years. It is a classic and much-revered aircraft, which due to upgrades now operates with a digital cockpit, advanced targeting systems and a full complement of air-to-ground weapons to include rockets, bombs and missiles. It is built to literally linger at slower speeds... read more
These Civilian Ships are Essential to China's Taiwan Invasion Plans
*Caleb Larson* *Chinese Navy, * Even civilian ships must be built to military standards. *Here's what you need to know: *Though nominally a civil industry, China’s civilian shipping industry is inextricably linked to the Chinese military. Much ink has been spilled about Beijing’s new aircraft carriers, anti-ship missiles, and anti-access/area-denial capabilities. But despite their humble role now, these transport ships would be no less an important component to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Imagine this scenario. Taiwan’s northwest coast facing the Taiwan Strait. Several hours ... read more
The X5 Revolutionized Airplane Design
*Caleb Larson* *X-5, * The X-5 was likely the world’s first airplane that incorporated variable-sweep wing technology. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Unfortunately, the X-5 did not function as intended. The X-5 was quite unstable and did not have positive flight characteristics. One of the two prototypes built suffered a catastrophic crash and the death of the pilot after entering an unrecoverable spin. Despite the accident, the other X-5 prototype would stay in service with the Air Force for several more years and is currently on display in Dayton Ohio at the city’s Air Force ... read more
Komando.com20 hours ago
YouTube is about to lose NBC and about a dozen other channels
YouTube TV subscribers are about to lose NBC and a dozen more channels. Here's why. read more