Saturday, October 01, 2022

1 October - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 4

 11 pm MDT

GREENIE WATCH15 minutes ago
*Never Let a Devastating Natural Disaster Go to Waste* Be prepared for Democrats to exploit the devastation of Hurricane Ian to peddle demodernization. And because there is no conclusive way for anyone to prove that global warming isn’t triggering every natural disaster—and because nature offers a continuous flow of these terrifying events and always will—the exploitation will never stop. The effort began in earnest after 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, a Category 3 hurricane that devastated an unprepared New Orleans. There was Al Gore, with his grade-school “science” charts and cartooni... read more
GREENIE WATCH23 minutes ago
Never Let a Devastating Natural Disaster Go to Waste Be prepared for Democrats to exploit the devastation of Hurricane Ian to peddle demodernization. And because there is no conclusive way for anyone to prove that global warming isn’t triggering every natural disaster—and because nature offers a continuous flow of these terrifying events and always will—the exploitation will never stop. The effort began in earnest after 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, a Category 3 hurricane that devastated an unprepared New Orleans. There was Al Gore, with his grade-school “science” charts and ca... read more
The Last Refuge46 minutes ago
Sunday October 2nd – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Sunday October 2nd – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Gandhi, Aurobindo, and the Congress
Devi Kalratri Mahatma Gandhi was responsible for building the Congress into a mass movement and a powerful national party. Jawaharlal Nehru could not have created a party like the Congress but he came to dominate it. He and his descendants have dominated the country’s politics after independence because they had total control over the Congress which Gandhiji had created. Today is Gandhiji’s birthday, so I am posting an excerpt from Sri Aurobindo’s essay in which he has criticized the Congress. Sri Aurobindo wrote: “I say, of the Congress, then, this — that its aims are mistaken... read more
The Last Refuge1 hour ago
Profits Over People, Florida Governor DeSantis Calls Out Lee County Electric Cooperative for Intentionally Delaying Power Restoration, Here is the Backstory
The Lee County Electric Cooperative (LCEC) provides power utility coverage to approximately 200,000 homes in Sanibel, Cape Coral and Pine Island: three of the hardest hit western zone regions in the Hurricane Ian disaster. Hundreds of people have asked me in my extensive travels why there are zero power trucks visible in Cape Coral working […] The post Profits Over People, Florida Governor DeSantis Calls Out Lee County Electric Cooperative for Intentionally Delaying Power Restoration, Here is the Backstory appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
balance101 hour ago
without number, for we are one
There is a fountain of living flame of yellow-white fire that bubbles and rises and falls in the center of our retreat, focalpoint for the precipitation of fire as the water of the Mother. O sacred fire in the heart of man that is the heart of God, rise now as the fountain of illumination, increase the awareness of God’s mind. Let the topaz of that mind now be as a magnet to increase in the hearts of all the wisdom of the Solar Logoi. ELOHIM. ELOHIM. [Chanted.] -Elohim Apollo and Lumina, Pearl 21:11 ……….. I step forth from out the Great Central Sun to focalize on this occasion of m... read more
Komando.com2 hours ago
If you have trouble hearing, this iOS 16 secret is for you
Your iPhone can continuously listen for certain sounds, such as a crying baby, doorbell, or siren and notify you when it recognizes them. Here's how to use Apple's Sound Recognition tool. read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
Coup In Burkina Faso: News Roundup
*Daily Mail:* *Military coup overthrows Burkina Faso's junta in the second takeover in eight months after gunfire broke out at presidential palace* * A military coup has taken place in Burkina Faso for the second time this year * The coup overthrew the country's junta - which forcibly took power in January * Army Captain Ibrahim Traore says he has deposed leader Paul-Henri Damiba Burkina Faso's government has been overthrown by a military coup, in the second takeover in just eight months. Sounds of gunfire were reported at presidential palace earlier today and soldiers we... read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
The Chilean Navy will launch the third edition of the Avante Challenge at Innovapolinav 2022
The Chilean Navy will launch the third edition of the Avante Challenge at Innovapolinav 2022, the public innovation meeting of the Polytechnic Academy of the Navy (Apolinav). Avante is an open innovation initiative launched in 2020 that focuses on solving the institution's problems through science and technology-based ventures (EBCT). These solutions are also expected to […] read more
Kodak Agfa Presents: Egypt’s Fossil and Climate Change Museum in Fayoum’s Wadi El-Hitan Protectorate in 2016 (#Ep1: When the desert was an ocean)
*Description: Fayoum’s Fossil and Climate Museum is one of Egypt’s hidden gems hosting millions of years old fossils from the time dinosaurs ruled the world * Kodak Agfa has not finished the Fayoum series. After all who would have thought that one quick-day trip to the Wadi El-Rayan protectorate would yield all those photos. We stopped last time in Fayoum at its Magic Lake and its surrounding area. Now it is time to visit Fayoum’s crown jewel and its UNESCO World Heritage Site: Wadi El-Hitan. A quick intro to Wadi El-Hitan: 150 km away from Cairo, Wadi El-Hitan which means in ... read more
War News Updates3 hours ago
Tweets On The Russia - Ukraine War
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 1 October 2022 Find out more about the UK government's response: 🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 — Ministry of Defence 🇬🇧 (@DefenceHQ) October 1, 2022 Lyman has served as a major logistics and transport hub for Russia's occupying forces. The town is located in the territory that President Putin illegally declared as part of Russia. — DW News (@dwnews) October 1, 2022 Russia’s withdrawal from the eastern Ukrainian city of Lyman complicates Mosco... read more
War News Updates3 hours ago
Tweets Of The Day
Gunfire was heard in Burkina Faso's capital, the day after President Paul-Henri Damiba was ousted in the West African country's second military coup this year — Reuters (@Reuters) October 1, 2022 Burkina Faso's new self-declared leader has accused the president he deposed in a military coup of plotting a counteroffensive with French aid. — DW News (@dwnews) October 1, 2022 Protesters have attacked the French Embassy in Burkina Faso's capital after supporters of the West African nation's new coup leader accus... read more
War News Updates3 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
President Vladimir Putin with Denis Pushilin, Leonid Pasechnik, Vladimir Saldo, and Yevgeny Balitsky, who are the Russian-installed leaders in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia [Sputnik/Dmitry Astakhov/Pool via Reuters] read more
Komando.com5 hours ago
Windows bug: Check if Edge is silently running in the background
Microsoft enabled its Edge browser to run in the background after closing it. Here's how you can stop that from happening. read more
Michael West1 day ago
Should one man decide on war? Labor declares inquiry into War Powers reform
[image: Richard Marles addresses the troops. War Powers Reform] Is it good enough that one man makes the call to send Australian troops to war? Labor has come good on its commitment to hold a parliamentary inquiry into war powers read more
"Surviving The War"
*"Surviving The War"* by The Zman "There was a time when normal Americans thought about how to survive a nuclear exchange with the Russians. During the Cold War, this seemed like a real prospect, so there was a reason to think about it. Into the 1960’s school kids had to do the hide under the desk thing, which was mostly about conditioning people to accept permanent war, but it conditioned people to the idea of being nuked. How to make it through a nuclear war became something of an industry. There were two schools of thought on the subject back then. One said that any hint of a n... read more
GREENIE WATCH2 hours ago
*Never let a devastating Natural Disaster Go to Waste* Be prepared for Democrats to exploit the devastation of Hurricane Ian to peddle demodernization. And because there is no conclusive way for anyone to prove that global warming isn’t triggering every natural disaster—and because nature offers a continuous flow of these terrifying events and always will—the exploitation will never stop. The effort began in earnest after 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, a Category 3 hurricane that devastated an unprepared New Orleans. There was Al Gore, with his grade-school “science” charts and cartooni... read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
Protesters in Ecuador demand government action to stop femicides
Dozens of human rights activists and gender violence activists demonstrated in several Ecuadorian cities to call on the government to take action against the increase in femicides, which already exceeded 206 this year. The nationwide mobilization was also planned in Guayaquil, the capital of the coastal province of Guayas, and other cities called after the […] read more
Cairns News2 hours ago
Dissident Aussie doctors breaking control of medical-pharma establishment
By TONY MOBILIFONITIS STATE Chief Health Officers have had their noses put out of joint after the Albanese Labor Government and the National Cabinet (so-called) left them out of the decision making process to declare and end to mandatory COVID-19 isolation rules from October 14th. This apparent break-up of the previously united medical-pharma front during […] read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
Bolivia and Peru agree on 35 measures to strengthen binational fight against drug trafficking
The governments of Bolivia and Peru have agreed on 35 measures to strengthen the integrated fight against drug trafficking during a two-day binational meeting in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz, Vice Minister of Social Defense and Controlled Substances Jaime Mamani Espíndola announced today, Saturday. “We have established the Operational Plan 2022-2023 for cooperation in […] read more
balance102 hours ago
What is a humanized mouse to you or to me? Judy Mikovits video, good intro The international corporations have folllowed the general matrix of the vast British empire where the Sun never sets on the empire. With aerial navigation one can fly in to a country and stay at the nice hotel and fly out the next day with a discreet contract in your pocket. Suppose you are a high up in a religious activity and you need to go to the foreign capital. Fly in, make a stopover to meet some of the characters that yo... read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
Brazilian government says elections will be ‘absolutely safe’ despite prophecies of doom
The Brazilian government has guaranteed safe elections despite prophecies of doom. Brazilian Justice Minister Anderson Torres said Saturday that Sunday's presidential, legislative and regional elections would be absolutely safe. "On Sunday, we will have a safe election. We will ensure security so that the Brazilian people can freely exercise their right to vote and move […] read more
balance103 hours ago
Pleiades The day will come, gracious ones, when cosmic law will be sought after more than the morning paper,...and they will understand that what is most important is to understand their attunement with higher forces in the universe and just what is happening in the Pleiades, perhaps, or in the Great Central Sun or what is happening in the heart of the Sun of this system of worlds or what is happening upon Venus or upon Mercury. (The Elohim pointed out that among the world’s many illusions no other is as great as the illusion of the self as separate from the divine Presence:) You are one with God now and always have been, (Separation) is an illusion fostered upon mankind by the senses. (False concepts create restlessness and boredom) as mankind turn from one mayic pattern to another.... Turn toward the great radiant patterns of the living Christ...which are far more beautiful and lovely, once they are known and understood, than all of the others put together. (Glamor--) the tinsel and glitter of life which causes people to feel that there is something miraculous or magical about one individual or another and perhaps no sparkle in the domain of themselves.... The Creator in His individualized consciousness and His concern, His all-care for each monadic manifestation, has a great love and desire to draw His child back into His arms and heart that He may bestow a greater measure of Himself and the higher beauties upon that one. (This is) a matter of supply and demand. It is the demand of the heart-hungers of individuals, and the will of God to supply those heart-hungers with the greatest gems in all creation. (Mankind’s patterns of maya, glamor and karma) can be counteracted by recognition and mental training, by spiritual discipline and by God-determination. In the power-center of divine will within their heart the fullness of the Law...can be called into action on the instant. When those conditions of human boredom come into manifestation, when disturbing outer conditions projected from world-thought seem to give them a feeling of restlessness,...the peace of the Presence is always somewhere in the universe–in fact, everywhere made manifest. This path is, of necessity, not an easy path for individuals who have their own full weight of karma yet untransmuted, who have also their accumulation of glamor concepts, who have also their own accumulations of mayic patterns or illusions, Understand then the perfection of the plan. Recognize the joy of God when it springs forth within your mind. Feel that joy as it seeks to penetrate illusion....Open up the closed areas of consciousness and let that light flow in....We sometimes do these things deliberately in order to test the students so that the students can find for themselves that their faith is not in any mortal but is always in the heart of their own Presence. -Elohim Cyclopea, in Elohim and Their Retreats ……............. I AM the consciousness of the Cosmic Virgin in the Pleiades, in the flame of the Mother and in the hearts of all mankind. I AM the virgin awareness of God-being. -Lord and Lady Meru, Pearl 62:26 ……............ And as you gaze upon the seven virgins of the Pleiades know that they come in the starry formation of the Christ consciousness. Even as the Mother comes to each chakra, so cosmic virgins come to expand the flame of the Central Sun when you consecrate your energies, in purity unto love. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 57:9 ….............. I AM come to reinforce that determination. I AM come to charge you with the enthusiasm of hosts of light whose time has come yet whose prophecy is unknown. You who can read the signs of the times and of the heavens, know that this is the hour of cosmic cross of whitefire, of the Pleiades’ descent. The hierarchies of the Pleiades and Surya come and challenge darkness wherever, whenever in the body of the Earth, but they must have you as their mouthpiece. They must have you wielding the pen and sword deftly. -Mighty Victory, Pearl 43:17 ……............. O messengers of the will of God, come forth from out of the Pleiades, from out of the very heart of Surya and Cuzco! Messengers of the living Word, I beseech you in the name of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood: Come to Earth, messengers of the living Word of the will of God, and establish now the mighty grids of light for the protection of lightbearers everywhere! I make this call that reinforcements might be established! -Morya, Pearl 25:7 ……............ These are days when a cycle of thirty-six shall bring to mankind the fulfillment of the destiny of the golden age. The cycle of years then that are preparatory to the manifestation of the golden age must manifest triumphantly in some among Earth’s evolutions. Count then this hour as the beginning of your own cycle of the thirty-six, the victorious power of the three times three in the blue, in the yellow and in the pink as the Cosmic Christ Consciousness that descends from the Pleiades, from the heart of Lanello and every saint and ascended being of all ages. For to you, children of the Sun, who have vowed the vow of the Eternal One is given the opportunity of the victory of the thirty-six for the manifestation of the great golden age. -Mighty Cosmos, Pearl 16:22 …............... Know the tremendous determination of the hosts of the Lord who move across the Pleiades and beyond. Know this, beloved, that individually, one by one, your star shines brightly wherever it may be, close by in the heart of the little child or far across the galaxy. -Saint Germain with Solar Logoi, Pearl 42:5, on December 30, 1998 via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Miami. ........... And as you gaze upon "the seven virgins" of the Pleiades know that they come in the starry formation of the Christ consciousness even as the Mother comes to each chakra, so cosmic virgins come to expand the flame of the Central Sun when you consecrate your energies, in purity, unto love. The light of the far-off worlds is come to you! For I AM come in the visitation of the stars. And I would establish coordinates among you of these very far-off worlds, that the light of Sirius and the light of the Pleiades might find amplification in your hearts, O beloved Keepers of the Flame. -Maitreya, Pearl 24:30 ……….........
The day will come, gracious ones, when cosmic law will be sought after more than the morning paper,...and they will understand that what is most important is to understand their attunement with higher forces in the universe and just what is happening in the Pleiades, perhaps, or in the Great Central Sun or what is happening in the heart of the Sun of this system of worlds or what is happening upon Venus or upon Mercury. (The Elohim pointed out that among the world’s many illusions no other is as great as the illusion of the self as separate from the divine Presence:) You are one wi... read more
The Narrative That This War Was “Unprovoked” Prevents Peace
Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ Vladimir Putin has approved the annexation of four territories in eastern Ukraine, whose addition to the Russian Federation now await authorization from Russia’s other branches of government. The Zelensky government responded to the move by applying to […] read more
Cairns News3 hours ago
Russia did not destroy its Nord Stream pipeline
by Alexandra Bruce The triple bombing of the two Nord Stream pipelines this week is the most worrying geopolitical development in recent months and a potential trigger for a world war, with the West accusing Russia and Russia accusing the US – and Tucker Carlson – accusing the US and others accusing Poland aided by […] read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Opinion: this is why the fate of the U.N. is at stake – a view from Serbia
By Nebojša Čović (Opinion) The West wants to exclude Russia from the U.N. Security Council, but this organization will turn into an offshoot of NATO, writes Serbia’s “Novi Standard”. And its role will be assumed by other multinational organizations such as BRICS or SCO. However, this will deepen the fault lines in the world, Nebojša […] read more
Newsom signs legislation making California a sanctuary state for transgender procedures
Fox News California Gov. Gavin Newsom this week signed legislation that will block state officials from enforcing other states’ laws that hinder access to transgender... The post Newsom signs legislation making California a sanctuary state for transgender procedures appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
FUCKtheNAZIworldORDER Published September 27, 2022 This video by Doe-nut Factory was pulled down off all platforms within half an hour….. can only assume they hit a nerve!!! The post BANKRUN – DS IN PANIC – VIDEO PULLED DOWN WITHIN HALF AN HOUR appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Rat feeding study suggests the Impossible Burger may not be safe to eat
GM Watch The Impossible Burger is a plant-based burger, the key ingredient of which is a protein called soy leghemoglobin (SLH for short), derived from... The post Rat feeding study suggests the Impossible Burger may not be safe to eat appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Members of Jewish sect escape detention center in Mexico
The Independent Around 20 members of an extreme ultra-orthodox Jewish sect overpowered guards and escaped a government shelter in southern Mexico. They had been held... The post Members of Jewish sect escape detention center in Mexico appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Gov’t Directing Children to Online Chats to Talk to Anonymous Adults About Sex Without Parental Consent
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) was put on notice this month that they are being sued for... The post Gov’t Directing Children to Online Chats to Talk to Anonymous Adults About Sex Without Parental Consent appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Turcopolier5 hours ago
Thoughts on Ukraine
On TC’s show last night he had a stand in but the words that came out of the new man’s mouth were exactly what TC would have said. So, I can only conclude that the producers and writers are Russian … Continue reading → read more
Michael West5 hours ago
Privacy boost after Optus ‘wake-up call’
Australian telecommunications companies could face tougher penalties for privacy breaches and be forced to reconsider holding onto customer’s personal data. Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus will be reviewing Australia’s privacy laws and could bring in boosted protections by the end of the year. The potential changes are in response to a massive data breach at telco Optus, […] read more
The Duran6 hours ago
Europe’s former imperial countries are now desperate U.S. colonies.
Eric Zuesse India is no longer a colony of the UK, but Germany and other European countries have become — now quite obviously — colonies of the United States, and their economies will be financially bled by the world-bestriding U.S. imperialist center, just like the UK and other European nations had previously (and infamously) exploited […] read more
Lyman (Donetsk Region) Ukraine Liberated from Russia; Ukrainian Flag Raised; Fighting Continues
Putin can proclaim all he wants in Moscow, but the reality on the ground, in Ukraine, is what matters. Putin’s … Continue reading → read more
Canadian Prepper, "I Got a Message... And Everything Is Just Fine!"
Canadian Prepper, 10/1/22: *"I Got a Message... And Everything Is Just Fine!"* Somethings isn't right here... *Comments here:* - read more
Controversy over tropical ozone hole
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: Layers of Earth’s atmosphere Have experts missed a huge tropical ozone hole that has existed since the 1980s? — asks Geographical. Or could it be more a question of definitions? – – – In July, an extraordinary research paper, documenting a huge, previously undetected ozone hole over the tropics,… read more
Cairns News5 hours ago
Referendum to annex four constituent entities to the Russian Federation supported by the people – cannot be unlawful
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, residents of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, deputies of the State Duma, senators of the Russian Federation, As you know, referendums have been held in the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. The ballots have been counted and the results have been announced. The people have made their unequivocal choice. Today we will sign treaties on the accession of the Donetsk People’s […] read more
Notable US Hurricanes In History
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? Graphs only tell part of the story when it comes to hurricanes. They give the numbers, but don’t give much idea of the devastation they bring. The National Hurricane Center has produced a list of some of the most notable hurricanes… read more
16 yr. Plateau September Arctic Ice 2022
Originally posted on Science Matters: September daily extents are now fully reported and the 2022 September monthly results can be compared with those of the previous 15 years. MASIE showed 2022 at 5.1M km2 and SII was close behind, reaching 4.9M for the month. Analysis below shows that the 2022 Minimum was ~ 300k km2… read more
PrairiePundit6 hours ago
Cubans protest power outages
PJ Media: Days after Hurricane Ian ravaged Cuba, residents of the island still don’t have power, and they’re fed up. For the past two nights, Cubans have taken to the streets to protest the lack of power and the Communist regime’s slow response to it. On top of the blackouts, the Cuban regime has shut down internet service throughout the island, adding to the anger and frustration that the Cuban people are experiencing. Protesters have gathered outdoors, banging pots and pans, burning tires and garbage, and even blocking streets for two nights. Cuba’s entire power grid went off... read more
PrairiePundit6 hours ago
Biden mismanagement
Jeb Babin: Biden and his administration displayed their characteristic bumbling and fumbling this week, but for the past seven days, it wasn’t the least bit funny. To begin with, the bear Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped below 30,000, losing all the gains it had made since Biden became president. That was a direct result of the inflation and higher interest rates brought about by Biden’s reckless and wasteful spending. Inflation continues to rage, and gasoline prices are rising again. That didn’t prevent Biden from claiming on Tuesday that gas prices in some states were bel... read more
PrairiePundit6 hours ago
Liberals and the legitimacy of the courts
Becket Adams: The Supreme Court this summer handed conservatives a victory nearly 50 years in the making when it overturned Roe v. Wade . Liberals, including Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan , are taking the defeat poorly — so poorly, in fact, that they’ve taken up questioning the legitimacy of the court itself. This type of reaction is par for the course for liberals. THE DEMOCRATS' UNDEMOCRATIC RHETORIC ABOUT 'SAVING DEMOCRACY' “When courts become extensions of the political process,” Kagan said this month in a not-so-subtle reference to the court’s recent decisions, “when p... read more