Sunday, July 10, 2022

10 July - Blogs I'm Following - 2 of 4

 10 pm MDT

World War Woke – With Who’s Oil?
How do the GEBs driving the movement to World War III expect to fuel their military demands for Middle Distillates without using Russian Oil, eh? Continue reading → read more
Let The Children Play
by Dick Hall-Sizemore In an op-ed piece in today’s Richmond Times-Dispatch, a graduate student at the William and Mary School of Education, advocates a change in the school schedule that I have long favored: more recess! Not physical education class, … Continue reading → read more
The (almost) unbelievable story of an Israeli killer – and the lies that are protecting him
Ideological Israeli settlers, determined to make life miserable for Palestinians, often resort to violence (with Israeli military cover). Ali Harb's death is one example – and the settler may get away with murder. read more
The New Dark Age8 hours ago
India to boost Sakhalin-1 oil output
After Sakhalin-2, Moscow also plans to nationalise Sakhalin-1 oil and gas development project by ousting US and Japanese shareholders. But Moscow will make an exception for India so that OVL which holds 20% stake will remain & continue to work. Moscow grapevine is that while Rosneft will continue to hold controlling share, more Indian companies may be inducted to replace US & Japan and thereby also ensure a sales market in India. read more
The Last Refuge8 hours ago
Sunday Talks, Stunningly Disconnected Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo: “We Have Inflation Now Because of a Lack of Supply”
Unfortunately, they believe it. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, a comprehensively incompetent and unqualified person selected to run the commerce department, blames, without hesitation, a “fundamental lack of supply” for the cause of U.S. inflation [04:38]. She’s not pretending, Raimondo genuinely believes this. I have struggled with the question of whether it’s incompetence or intentional ideology […] The post Sunday Talks, Stunningly Disconnected Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo: “We Have Inflation Now Because of a Lack of Supply” appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Econlib9 hours ago
Government Externalities and the Friedman Criterion
Does government intervention create its own externalities (or “neighborhood effects”)? Many economists think so and the question appears especially important in the current storm of dirigisme. Sixty years ago, Milton Friedman defended the idea in his influential book Capitalism and Freedom. A mainstream neoclassical economist and moderate classical liberal, Friedman wrote (p. 32): Our principles […] The post Government Externalities and the Friedman Criterion appeared first on Econlib. read more
Israel is the real winner of Biden’s meeting with the Saudi crown prince
Israel has scored what it considers a string of political and policy victories since Biden took office... Biden has largely continued the heavily pro-Israel policies of his predecessor in the Oval Office, Donald Trump... read more
NATO’s 2022 Plan Declares Second Cold War On Russia And China
The US-led NATO military alliance has published a historic new plan outlining its goals. The document, officially titled the 2022 “Strategic Concept,” is the first such blueprint NATO has released since 2010. The 2022 Strategic Concept is essentially a call for a new cold war on both Russia and China. In the document, NATO condemned Russia and China as “authoritarian actors” and “strategic competitors” that pose “systemic challenges.” NATO referred to the Russian Federation specifically as “the most significant and direct threat.” It also claimed China “challenge[s] our interests... read more
Is The US Now Trying To Destabilize Uzbekistan?
Unfortunately, the failure of the recent attempt to create an armed conflict in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAR) has not dampened Washington’s ardor in searching for ways to destabilize the situation in Central Asia and in creating an additional inconvenience for Russia, which at present is conducting a special military operation to de-Nazify Ukraine, by creating a “second front.” The United States, to this end, continues to use its sponsored NGOs, media and US intelligence capabilities to foment old conflicts in the region to put pressure on regional security, with a ... read more
Shadowproof10 hours ago
Post-Roe Organizing For Abortion Decriminalization: Interview With Andrea Ritchie
On the latest episode of the "Unauthorized Disclosure" weekly podcast, Andrea Ritchie joins Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola for a conversation about organizing for abortion decriminalization in a post-Roe United States. The post Post-Roe Organizing For Abortion Decriminalization: Interview With Andrea Ritchie appeared first on Shadowproof. read more
Small Dead Animals10 hours ago
Just Lockdown the Buttholes
Should only take about 15 days. If that doesn’t do it rinse and repeat. New York Times- The U.S. May Be Losing the Fight Against Monkeypox, Scientists Say As epidemics go, the monkeypox outbreak should have been relatively easy to snuff out. The virus does not spread efficiently except through intimate contact, and tests and… Continue reading → read more
War Scars The Earth. To Heal, We Must Cultivate Hope, Not Harm
“No War 2022, July 8 – 10,” hosted by World BEYOND War, will consider major and growing threats faced in today’s world. Emphasizing “Resistance and Regeneration,” the conference will feature practitioners of permaculture who work to heal scarred lands as well as abolish all war. Listening to various friends speak of the environmental impact of war, we recalled testimony from survivors of a Nazi concentration camp on the outskirts of Berlin, Sachsenhausen, where over 200,000 prisoners were interned from 1936 – 1945. The post War Scars The Earth. To Heal, We Must Cultivate Hope, Not... read more
Billions Of Humans Depend On 50,000 Wild Species For Food, Fuel And Income
A new report from the The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) – which is often described as the “IPCC for biodiversity” – found that billions of people depend on 50,000 wild species for food, medicine, fuel and income from activities like tourism. “70% of the world’s poor are directly dependent on wild species. One in five people rely on wild plants, algae and fungi for their food and income; 2.4 billion rely on fuel wood for cooking and about 90% of the 120 million people working in capture fisheries are supported by small-scal... read more
The Nordic Model Invents The Goods
For decades, many on the American left have pointed to the Nordic nations as models that we should be striving towards. One frequent response to this has been to say that, although the Nordic nations have built remarkably equal economies, they lag in other important respects like inventing and implementing new technologies. There is no compelling statistical evidence for this claim, but some version of this idea seems to permanently linger in the US discourse. Recently, various liberal commentators — often rallying under the label of supply-side progressivism — have published arti... read more
A ‘Blue Commons’ Agenda To Stop The Plunder Of Our Oceans
Even though the oceans cover 70% of the Earth's surface and provide half the oxygen we breathe, they tend to be "out of sight, out of mind," especially in landlocked nations or regions. It's therefore important to recognize that the market/state system is hard at work ravaging this sector of the natural world, too. Industrial-style fish trawlers are overexploiting fisheries, pushing many to the brink of collapse, and mining companies are chewing up the ocean floor in search of oil, gas, nickel, cobalt, manganese, and rare-earth minerals. The post A ‘Blue Commons’ Agenda To Stop Th... read more
‘We Are Resilient People Who Fight For Each Other’
Elnora Gavin is a lifelong Benton Harbor resident and currently works as the West Michigan organizer with We the People Michigan. In this interview, she talks about her love for Benton Harbor, the challenges facing ordinary people there, and how they’re fighting to address everything from school closures to a disastrous human-made water crisis, and ultimately create a Benton Harbor where everyone flourishes. Eli Day, a Detroit-based writer and We the People Michigan communications director, interviewed Gavin for Convergence. The post ‘We Are Resilient People Who Fight For Each Oth... read more
How New Federal Antimerger Guidelines Can Restore Competition
When the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice announced plans to revise their merger guidelines earlier this year, it marked a dramatic shift from business as usual. Their announcements set the stage for a new era in antitrust regulation where mergers are not seen as inherent benefits to the market to be encouraged but rather as inherent threats of which to be skeptical. In “Rolling Back Corporate Concentration: How New Federal Antimerger Guidelines Can Restore Competition and Build Local Power,” the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) provides context illuminat... read more
The New Dark Age10 hours ago
Ukraine News Links 9-10 July 2022
Sunday, 10 July 2022 — The New Dark Age There may be some duplication due to cross-posting and may be updated throughout the day, so please check back. If it gets updated, I usually insert the time on the line above. A lot of cross-posting usually indicates that the article is popular and some links … Continue reading Ukraine News Links 9-10 July 2022 read more
Most Popular President In History
“On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” – H. L. Mencken read more
Small Dead Animals11 hours ago
Up From The Memory Hole
Let us return for a moment to August 29, 2018 World Economic Forum- Sri Lanka PM: This is how I will make my country rich by 2025 read more
Small Dead Animals11 hours ago
“A true humanitarian crisis is possible.”
Thread. 16/ To wean Europe off Russian gas thus requires 30% of the entire global LNG export market. Given the price elasticity of demand for natural gas, and that other importing countries won’t exactly forgo their own needs, the nature of the challenge facing Europe becomes clear. — Doomberg (@DoombergT) July 9, 2022 read more
Breakthrough In U.S. Grid Storage Estimating
Originally posted on PA Pundits - International: By David Wojick, Ph.D. ~ Regular readers know I have been writing about the astronomical cost of energy storage required to make solar and wind (SAW) power reliable. I have published some simple engineering analyses showing that short term intermittency, a few cloudy or low wind days, requires… read more
Mid June Arctic Ice Returns to Mean
Originally posted on Science Matters: The Arctic ice melting season was delayed this year as shown by the end of May (day 151) surplus of 600k km2 over the 16-yr average. Since then both MASIE and SII show a steep decline in Arctic ice extents, now matching the average for June 15 (day 166). The… read more
‘We’re being led by a bunch of idiots’
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood Middle Stump!! read more
Green energy ‘stagnates’ as fossil fuels dominate
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood h/t Dennis Ambler Well, blow me down! A new study says that the world is using more fossil fuels than ever as the transition to green energy stalls. The Renewables 2022 Global Status Report says the share of wind and solar in… read more
I’m Terrified Of Climate Change
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood My wife saw this in one of those dippy women’s magazines: ? ? ? I’m not sure who is worse – the writer or the editor who should have told her to get a grip! read more
Nature Erases Pulses of Human CO2 Emissions
Originally posted on Science Matters: Those committed to blaming humans for rising atmospheric CO2 sometimes admit that emitted CO2 (from any source) only stays in the air about 5 years (20% removed each year) being absorbed into natural sinks. But they then save their belief by theorizing that human emissions are “pulses” of additional CO2… read more
Electric cars pull up short of advertised range
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: Not the latest model EV drivers must hunt for those elusive working chargers sooner than they were led to believe. And range declines anyway as the battery ages. How shocked are we? Not much. – – – Drivers should take advertised electric car ranges with “a pinch of salt”,… read more
Is the BBC biased?10 hours ago
Oh dear... I might be wrong, but I thought it was now pretty much confirmed that it emerged - after all the fuss and brouhaha and 'outrage' earlier in the year - that Labour deputy growler Angela Rayner *had* joked to fellow parliamentarians about opening and closing her legs to show off her, ahem, ‘ginger growler’. Regardless, the po-faced BBC - which made so much of it at the time - is making *this* headline news this afternoon, minus any mention whatsoever of that now famous phrase about a 'growler' which happens to be 'ginger' in its hue: The story involves the Conservative ... read more
The Last Refuge10 hours ago
If They Lose, You Will Eat Bugs – Dutch Farmer Spokesperson Explains How EU Climate Change Goals Will Reduce Farm Production
Despite the U.S. media not giving any time, attention or discussion to the rise of farmer protests in Europe, everyone should pay attention because the same climate change goals being enforced in the European Union are coming to North America. The global food manipulators within the World Economic Forum have established the farming policy that […] The post If They Lose, You Will Eat Bugs – Dutch Farmer Spokesperson Explains How EU Climate Change Goals Will Reduce Farm Production appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Inflation And Your Next Union Contract
We can’t predict what is to come, but the evidence from the past year hasn’t been good for workers. The Consumer Price Index rose by more than 8 percent, its fastest pace in 40 years. Essential expenses like housing, food, and gas have climbed especially fast. Despite all the talk of labor shortages and a tight job market, wages have not kept pace with the cost of living. Since April 2021, inflation-adjusted hourly earnings have fallen by more than 2 percent. Any stimulus savings that people had accrued have largely dried up by now, and there is currently no plan for federal relie... read more
Cuba: One Year After 7/11
On July 11, it will be one year since the riots in Cuba that made headlines around the world. Anger flared then with the explosive mix of pandemic effects, Donald Trump’s suffocating sanctions that Joe Biden kept intact in the midst of a global health emergency, the accumulated social problems, the economic crisis, the inclement temperatures in the island summer. The systemic and prolonged attack on the daily life of Cubans paid off and the 48 hours in which acts of vandalism were carried out in several cities of the country generated rivers of ink and the prognosis that the revolu... read more
Colombians Reject Judicial Authorization for Fracking
On Thursday, Colombian environmental defenders rejected a decision whereby the Council of State facilitates oil exploitation through hydraulic fracturing (fracking). "The decision disregards the environmental precautionary principle and the risk of serious and irreversible damage that this experimental technique represents for human environment, health, and integrity," the Fracking Free Colombia Alliance (ACLF) stressed. “Fracking is dangerous in the context of the climate crisis and openly inconsistent with the international commitments acquired by Colombia,” it recalled. The p... read more
Marx, Spinoza, and the Political Implications of Contemporary Psychiatry
Simple logic tells us that those atop a societal hierarchy will provide rewards for professionals—be they clergy or psychiatrists—who promote an ideology that maintains the status quo, and that the ruling class will do everything possible to manipulate the public to believe that the social-economic-political status quo is natural. If a population believes that its financial and emotional suffering are caused not by social-economic-political variables but instead by individual defects—be it noncompliance with religious dogma or faulty biochemistry—this “individual-defect” belief sy... read more
Shinzo Abe’s Murder Suspect Claims Motive Of His Attack
Zero Hedge – by Aldra Fredly The man who allegedly shot dead former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Friday had a military background but... The post Shinzo Abe’s Murder Suspect Claims Motive Of His Attack appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
"You Can Never Underestimate..."
“You can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.” - Scott Adams read more
Livestock producers now just DAYS away from running out of animal feed due to supply chain disruptions
Natural News – by Ethan Huff Food and other consumer goods are no longer making their way from point A to point B in the... The post Livestock producers now just DAYS away from running out of animal feed due to supply chain disruptions appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Once in a while they slip up and the truth comes out
View post on The post Once in a while they slip up and the truth comes out appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ10 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - Jul 10 PM Abadi declared Mosul freed from IS after 9 months Fighting continued in city
(AP) 1920 Lead political officer in Iraq Wilson sent telegram to India Office Said threat to Iraq was external coming from Turkey Syria Bolsheviks 1924 First elections held in Iraq Was for Constituent Assembly (Musings On Iraq review *Iraq’s Democratic Moment*) 1927 Clash between Shiites observing Ashura and police Led to several dead and over 100 wounded in Khadmiya (Musings On Iraq review *The Shi’is Of Iraq*) 1940 England decided to send Indian Div to Basra after PM Gaylani wanted to block British troops moving through Iraq as part of Anglo-Iraq Treaty 1940 UK Cmd... read more
"Shopping At Aldi After Massive Power Outage Hits Cincinnati!"
*Full screen recommended.* Adventures with Danno, 7/10/22: *"Shopping At Aldi After Massive Power Outage Hits Cincinnati!"* "In today's Vlog we visit Aldi after a massive power outage! Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of refrigerated items wasted. Although this Aldi was not affected, we go to check out lots of people shopping here because it was one of few grocery stores that didn't lose power! " *Comments here:* - *Massive Power Outage Video:* - read more
Gregory Mannarino, "Markets A Look Ahead: This Is A BIG Week! Here's Why"
Gregory Mannarino, AM 7/10/22: *"Markets A Look Ahead: This Is A BIG Week! Here's Why"* - *Comments here:* - read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
Tweets On The Russia - Ukraine War
Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 10 July 2022 Find out more about the UK government's response: 🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 — Ministry of Defence 🇬🇧 (@DefenceHQ) July 10, 2022 Ukraine reports clashes in east as US presses on diplomatic front — CNA (@ChannelNewsAsia) July 10, 2022 At least 15 people were killed when a Russian rocket hit an apartment building in the eastern Ukraine town of Chasiv Yar. More than 20 people may still be trapped in the ... read more
Virtual Mirage12 hours ago
Sunday Summary
Bullet Points * The corporate media is propagating another campaign to stow fear over another COVID variant as the federal government attempts to use the bioweapon to perpetuate an indefinite state of emergency. BA.5, an Omicron subvariant, also known as ‘Ninja,’ is now the dominant coronavirus strain in the United States, according to […] The post Sunday Summary appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The Duran12 hours ago
Lavrov scolds G7 leaders, Putin’s speech signals the end of neoliberal world order
Lavrov scolds G7 leaders, Putin’s speech signals the end of neoliberal world order The Duran: Episode 1328 read more
Turcopolier13 hours ago
“Russia Prepares Laser Base to Target Satellites”
“As Russia has seen the effectiveness in satellite surveillance tracking their troop movements during the invasion of Ukraine, putting their forces at risk and being exposed to attacks, it is ramping up work on a laser to counter it. The project … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +15 hours ago
Celtic-Germanic Kaliningrad was Stolen by Soviet Russia in 1946; Residents Deported or Killed & Replaced by Russians
Königsberg Castle and Monument for the German Emperor William I., Kaliningrad, Russia. Image from between 1894 and 1900; demolished by … Continue reading → read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
Tweets Of The Day
Thousands of protestors in Sri Lanka have broken through the front gate at the Central Bank. Looks like the people have finally figured whose to blame for inflation soaring at 110%/yr. Take a — Steve Hanke (@steve_hanke) July 10, 2022 All of Sri Lanka's opposition parties will meet in hopes of putting together a coalition government to take over after fierce protests forced the president to resign. — DW News (@dwnews) July 10, 2022 Massive crowds took to the streets of Albania yesterday to protest against the rising costs of li... read more
Republicans believe a lot of ridiculous things, with the stupidest ideas often becoming the most deeply rooted. One of these stupid ideas is the notion -- tirelessly spread by Dinesh D'Souza and others -- that Democrats are still the party of the Ku Klux Klan, an idea Republicans believe even though they're the ones who become infuriated every time there's an effort to tear down a statue of a prominent figure from the Confederacy, or a prominent ex-Klansman, while Democrats are the ones doing the tearing down. You can argue that Republicans just say this because they want to troll us... read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
U.S. Greenlights Ukraine To Attack Russia’s Vital Kerch Bridge By Saying It Is A Fair Target For Ukrainian Forces
Kerch Strait Bridge. Credit: Alexxx1979/Wikimedia Commons Warzone/The Drive:* U.S. Says Russia’s Prized Kerch Bridge Is A Fair Target For Ukrainian Forces* *The $3.5B bridge Russia built to connect with Crimea is a major strategic and economic asset that Moscow seems very concerned with protecting. * Days after Russian forces were spotted preparing the Kerch Strait Bridge — which connects mainland Russia to Crimea — for missile attacks, statements made by U.S. defense officials signaled that the prized piece of Russian infrastructure is a fair target in their minds. The acknowle... read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
Today’s Die Hard Award
Welcome to the party. Sun- The great reset is back to fossil fuels Claims by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland that the global energy crisis is a reason to move to so-called “green” energy faster, are out of touch with reality. In fact, the “great reset” going on all over the… Continue reading → read more
Rediscovering the Soul of America
We are unique among nations. Many Americans understand this, almost instinctively. But what is it that truly makes our Republic unique? That deeper knowledge has been stripped away from us and has been buried. In its place, the imperial elites have planted the dangerous and criminal notion that the American Republic is based on British liberal philosophers like John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Adam Smith—all of whom derive their image of man and their concept of government from Aristotle. *NOTHING could be further from the truth.* Yet this outlook permeates almost all of conservat... read more