Wednesday, October 06, 2021

6 October - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 5

 10 pm MDT

Not PC33 minutes ago
Polling Shows Persuasion Better than Mandates to Boost Vaccination
*As New Zealand pivots belatedly from elimination to vaccination, with emerging from lockdown being made contingent on the rate of vaccination improving dramatically, it's worth looking at the evidence from overseas -- where they are months ahead of us -- in how to best increase vaccination rates. As **Jeffrey Singer** and **Michael Cannon** argue in this **guest post**, the best way to boost vaccination rates is not government mandates, but persuasion.* Polling Shows Persuasion Better than Mandates to Boost Vaccination by Jeffrey Singer and Michael Cannon Evidence shows vaccinatio... read more
balance1036 minutes ago
Pfizer/Moderna vaxcine injury--gov. program to help people called "a black hole"
A healthcare worker prepares a Pfizer coronavirus disease vaccination in Los Angeles, California, January 7, 2021. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson/File Photo/ (Reuters) - A serious injury from the COVID-19 vaccine: “Our law firm has concluded that there is nothing our attorneys can do to significantly assist you,” the firm states. Maglio told me his Sarasota, Florida-based firm has been “contacted by at least a couple hundred people” about suspected COVID vaccine-related injuries, including blood clots and cardiac inflammation. It’s not that his firm doesn’t want to help. Rep... read more
The Last Refuge40 minutes ago
Tucker Carlson Outlines How the DOJ-NSD Has Morphed Into a Political Targeting Operation
Tucker Carlson hit the nail on the head in his opening monologue tonight. This is the first time the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) has been spotlighted as the center of Main Justice’s political targeting operation. One small but important point Tucker got wrong was the timeline of the DOJ-NSD being weaponized for domestic political […] The post Tucker Carlson Outlines How the DOJ-NSD Has Morphed Into a Political Targeting Operation appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
balance1041 minutes ago
Pdiwe, Moswen Cz injuey--the gov. orogram to help people is called "a black hole:"
A healthcare worker prepares a Pfizer coronavirus disease vaccination in Los Angeles, California, January 7, 2021. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson/File Photo/ (Reuters) - A serious injury from the COVID-19 vaccine: “Our law firm has concluded that there is nothing our attorneys can do to significantly assist you,” the firm states. Maglio told me his Sarasota, Florida-based firm has been “contacted by at least a couple hundred people” about suspected COVID vaccine-related injuries, including blood clots and cardiac inflammation. It’s not that his firm doesn’t want to help. Represen... read more
The Rio Times50 minutes ago
Child poverty grew by 44% in the north of Uruguay
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The figures are alarming. Child poverty grew by 44% in 2020 in northern Uruguay, specifically in the department of Salto. There was "an exponential growth of child poverty," assured the director of the Uruguayan Institute for Children and Adolescents (INAU), Natalia Argenzio. The mayor of this department, AndrĂ©s Lima, confessed […] The post Child poverty grew by 44% in the north of Uruguay appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times58 minutes ago
Chile will not require mandatory quarantine for vaccinated travelers entering the country with a negative PCR
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Government of Chile announced that it would abolish the mandatory quarantine for all travelers entering the country who are vaccinated. This measure will come into effect on November 1 and will also require a negative diagnostic test. The measure will affect national citizens, foreigners, residents, or tourists. Read also: […] The post Chile will not require mandatory quarantine for vaccinated travelers entering the country with a negative PCR appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Cairns News1 hour ago
Victoria’s Keystone Cops outclassed by Rebel News
Victoria Police are getting DESPERATE to prevent the world from seeing their outrageous behaviour in Melbourne. Well done Avi of Rebel News. read more
COVID Camps Are Coming To Town
 Legal execution: Beheading by Guillotine (ICD-9-CM E978) NIH – Legal execution (Code E978) All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority as, beheading, decapitation All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority whether permanent or temporary, as beheading, decapitation All executions performed at the behest of … read more
You are at war
thoughtprocess Oct 6, 2021 The post You are at war appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Pfizer Whistleblower LEAKS Execs Emails EXPOSING Suppression of Covid Vax Info From Public
Project Veritas Oct 6, 2021 The post Pfizer Whistleblower LEAKS Execs Emails EXPOSING Suppression of Covid Vax Info From Public appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
AG Garland faces scrutiny over ties to Zuckerberg-backed ed consultancy amid critical race theory battles
Fox News Attorney General Merrick Garland is facing fresh scrutiny for his ties to a company that promotes the type of content parents are opposing in their... The post AG Garland faces scrutiny over ties to Zuckerberg-backed ed consultancy amid critical race theory battles appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Keiser Report | Fix The Money, Fix The World | E1758
RT In this episode of Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the appeals to ‘save the middle class’ with permanent Universal Basic Income (UBI). In the second half, Max talks to Lawrence Lepard about his planned speech to goldbugs, “fix the money, fix the world.” end read more
Komando.com4 hours ago
Did you install Windows 11 yet? You should know about this problem slowing down PCs first
Windows 11 seems to be slowing down PCs. Here's what you should know before upgrading. read more
Turcopolier1 hour ago
Let me be very clear–we need a clandestine service that collects intelligence from foreign nationals who occupy key positions in their respective governments. That was supposed to be the mission of the CIA, but it is failing and the failures … Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times1 hour ago
Mirtha VĂ¡squez was sworn in as Prime Minister of Peru in replacement of Guido Bellido
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Mirtha VĂ¡squez, former president of the Board of Directors of the Congress, assumed the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM) after the resignation of former Prime Minister Guido Bellido. As announced by sources of La RepĂºblica, VĂ¡squez's appointment came after it was known that she had gone to the […] The post Mirtha VĂ¡squez was sworn in as Prime Minister of Peru in replacement of Guido Bellido appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The U.S. Marine Corps and Japanese Navy Test Their Military Relationship
*Stephen Silver* *Japan, Asia* This is the first time that fixed-wing aircraft have launched from a Japanese warship since World War II, but the Izumo’s airplanes were not Japanese—they were American. A recent flight test showed that Marine Corps F-35Bs land and take off from Japanese warships. It was the first time fixed-wing aircraft took off from Japanese vessels since World War II. A pair of F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter jets recently launched from the* Izumo*, Japan’s largest warship. The recent exercise was significant for two important reasons. First, it was the... read more
Biden Sows Confusion By Claiming He Spoke To President Xi About The “Taiwan Agreement” (No Such Agreement)
Biden Sows Confusion By Claiming He Spoke To President Xi About The “Taiwan Agreement” by Tyler Durden, Amid what Taiwan’s defense minister Chiu Kuo-cheng has just described as the worst tensions with China in 40 years following four days of consecutive PLA jet incursions into contested airspace near Taiwan, President Biden apparently sought to defuse tensions in … read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
Brazil registers 17,893 new cases and 530 Covid deaths (October 6)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil on Wednesday reported 530 new deaths from Covid-19, bringing the total number of fatalities from the disease in the country to 599,359, the Health Ministry said. There were also 17,893 new coronavirus cases, with the total of confirmed infections in the country advancing to 21,516,967, the folder added. The […] The post Brazil registers 17,893 new cases and 530 Covid deaths (October 6) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Kyle Bass: “We Are Certain To See $100 Crude Oil In the Near Future” (Hedgeye Investing Summit)
Hedgeye Want access to the full interview (and our 8 other webcast in this series)? Click HERE to get free access:… – In this clip from the final day of Hedgeye’s Investing Summit, Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough has a pro-to-pro conversation with the iconic Kyle Bass (Founder & Chief Investment Officer of Hayman Capital). … read more
Queensland Police Officers Begin Quitting Service Over COVID Vaccine Mandate | 7NEWS
7NEWS Australia Unvaccinated police officers have started to quit the service over the QPS vaccination mandate, which came into effect from today. Some former officers say those still to be jabbed should ‘do what they’re told’, while others suggest the mandate amounts to ‘bullying’. end read more
Robert Reich3 hours ago
The Democrats’ One Chance to Cut Child Poverty in HalfThe Biden...
*The Democrats’ One Chance to Cut Child Poverty in Half*The Biden administration has a plan that is estimated to cut child poverty in half. And it’s already in place. It’s called the Child Tax Credit. Here’s how it works. Parents of children aged 6 and younger across the country are receiving direct payments of up to $300 per month per child, or $3,600 per year per child. The payments drop to $250 a month for children between the ages of 6 and 17, and phase out for families with higher incomes. It’s an historic expansion of the original credit that’s already helping millions of ... read more
The Last Refuge3 hours ago
Project Veritas Whistleblower Highlights Pfizer Executives Wanting to Hide Use of Human Fetal Tissue in Vaccination Program
[NEW YORK – Oct. 6, 2021] Project Veritas released the fifth video in its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring a sit-down interview with Pfizer insider, Melissa Strickler. She leaked internal emails that show corporate executives telling staff to be secretive about the use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the COVID vaccine. […] The post Project Veritas Whistleblower Highlights Pfizer Executives Wanting to Hide Use of Human Fetal Tissue in Vaccination Program appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
As The MSM, Big Tech And Politicians Push ‘COVID Camps’ While Censoring ‘Truth’, Now Treasonous In Their Empire Of Lies, US Senator Drops Bombshell On Globalists Vax Narrative
As The MSM, Big Tech And Politicians Push ‘COVID Camps’ While Censoring ‘Truth’, Now Treasonous In Their Empire Of Lies, US Senator Drops Bombshell On Globalists Vax Narrative by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die, – ‘Americans need to be prepared for the day when the regime in Washington … read more
There’s a Strange Light Coming from the Center of Our Galaxy-No One Knows Exactly What’s Causing It!
TheSimplySpace With each mysterious discovery that experts make in the Milky Way, we become more aware that we are still far from having unraveled all the secrets of our home galaxy. In the past, scientists came across some fascinating and puzzling objects in the center of the Milky Way, things that are still making renowned … read more
This Could Change Everything In Gold & Silver – It’s the Perfect Storm!
I LOVE PROSPERITY This Could Change Everything In Gold & Silver – It’s the Perfect Storm! Summa Silver Website – In this video, we talk to Galen about Silver and Gold. He shares why he believes that Silver is entering the period of a perfect storm. We talk about how he thinks Silver will … read more
Sweden, Denmark Restrict Use Of Moderna Jab Over Risk Of Heart Inflammation, Other Side Effects
Sweden, Denmark Restrict Use Of Moderna Jab Over Risk Of Heart Inflammation, Other Side Effects by Tyler Durden, As Dr. Fauci and other top public health officials in the US (along with their Big Pharma allies) continue to push for mandatory vaccinations for increasingly younger patients which could soon extend to babies as young … read more
Medical Kidnap3 hours ago
Pfizer Whistleblower Claims Pfizer Hid Information from the Public About Using Fetal Tissue to Develop their COVID-19 Vaccine
Project Veritas released the fifth video in its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring a sit-down interview with Pfizer insider, Melissa Strickler. She leaked internal emails that show corporate executives telling staff to be secretive about the use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the COVID vaccine. Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer, Philip Dormitzer, admits aborted fetus tissue is used in the company’s vaccine program, but that employees should just stick with Pfizer’s polished narrative omitting any mention of aborted fetal tissue to avoid any issues ... read more
Pfizer Whistleblower Claims Pfizer Hid Information from the Public About Using Fetal Tissue to Develop their COVID-19 Vaccine
Project Veritas released the fifth video in its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring a sit-down interview with Pfizer insider, Melissa Strickler. She leaked internal emails that show corporate executives telling staff to be secretive about the use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the COVID vaccine. Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer, Philip Dormitzer, admits aborted fetus tissue is used in the company’s vaccine program, but that employees should just stick with Pfizer’s polished narrative omitting any mention of aborted fetal tissue to avoid any issues ... read more
CENSORED NEWS2 minutes ago
Criminal Charges Filed Against Energy Transfer for Environmental Crimes in Pennsylvania
Energy Transfer is Charged for Environmental Crimes in Construction of Mariner East 2 Pipeline in Pennsylvania. It also owns Dakota Access Pipeline.AG Shapiro Charges Mariner East Developer With Environmental CrimesOCTOBER 5, 2021 | TOPIC: CRIMINALAttorney General's Statement Homeowners Across Commonwealth Impacted By Unreported Losses of Drilling Fluid, Contaminated Drinking Water VIEW read more
Inter-Korean Hotline Re-Opens, But Conflicts Remain
*Trevor Filseth* *Inter-Korean Relations, * The hotline’s re-opening appears to have come about at the request of North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, who had earlier acknowledged the degree of North Korea’s problems and suggested that better relations with the rest of the world might be needed. A communications hotline between North and South Korea, which was closed off two months ago, was re-opened on Monday, a sign of North Korea’s attempts to de-escalate tensions in the hope of foreign concessions. The hotline between Pyongyang and Seoul, over which liaison officers in b... read more
Surveillance on campus: Universities give students tools to report on each other’s COVID violations or ‘bias incidents’
Campus Reform – by Katelynn Richardson Michigan State University provides students with reporting system to achieve what the school describes as a “safe and supportive... The post Surveillance on campus: Universities give students tools to report on each other’s COVID violations or ‘bias incidents’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The trending moment of the day: “Let’s go Brandon.”
The News Junkie’s Archives Oct 3, 2021 The post The trending moment of the day: “Let’s go Brandon.” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Melbourne is a ghost town! Economy destroyed! Everything for lease
Halfman Halftree Oct 5, 2021 The post Melbourne is a ghost town! Economy destroyed! Everything for lease appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
"Prepare For Food Shortages, Get Food Now; Grocery Store Chaos Coming; Economy Shattered"
Jeremiah Babe, 10/6/21: *"Prepare For Food Shortages, Get Food Now; * *Grocery Store Chaos Coming; Economy Shattered"* read more
"It’s Better To Be Ready Than to Get Ready - Follow the Economic Warning Signs"
*Full screen recommended.* Dan, iAllegedly, PM 10/6/21: *"It’s Better To Be Ready Than to Get Ready - * *Follow the Economic Warning Signs"* "There are constant challenges in business and our economy. Are you ready for what is coming? Now is the time to be prepared TARIg it’s better to be ready than to have to get ready." read more
Guterres criticizes ‘unprecedented expulsion’ of staff from Ethiopia; calls for focus on saving lives
UN Secretary-General AntĂ³nio Guterres on Wednesday urged authorities in Ethiopia to allow vital humanitarian work there to continue, following the recent decision to declare seven of the Organization’s staff persona non grata and expel them from the country. Read the full story, “Guterres criticizes ‘unprecedented expulsion’ of staff from Ethiopia; calls for focus on saving lives”, on → read more
WHO endorses 'historic' malaria vaccine for at-risk children
The World Health Organization (WHO) is recommending widespread use of the world’s first malaria vaccine, in what the UN health agency’s chief described on Wednesday as “an historic day” for the decades-long battle against the deadly disease. Read the full story, “WHO endorses 'historic' malaria vaccine for at-risk children”, on → read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Transit of ships through the Panama Canal and toll revenues are recovering
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The transit of ships through the Panama Canal and toll revenues are recovering, after the decline that occurred in 2020, as a result of the blockade to trade caused in many countries to prevent the contagion of covid-19, according to preliminary figures of the Comptroller General of the Republic. From […] The post Transit of ships through the Panama Canal and toll revenues are recovering appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Moody’s reaffirms Colombia’s credit rating
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Moody's rating agency announced today its decision to maintain Colombia's long-term foreign currency debt rating at Baa2 (equivalent to BBB on other international scales), one notch above investment grade. Likewise, the rating agency announced that it improved the outlook of such credit rating from negative to stable. Read also: Check […] The post Moody’s reaffirms Colombia’s credit rating appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Economic recovery drives record flow of remittances to Ecuador
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The economic recovery in the United States, Spain, and Italy, among other factors, has also allowed a rebound in the flow of remittances that arrived at the country in the first half of the year, with a record of US$2.008 billion, informed on Tuesday, October 5, 2021, the Central Bank […] The post Economic recovery drives record flow of remittances to Ecuador appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Costa Rica starts electoral process with 27 candidates for the presidency
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Costa Rica officially started this Wednesday the path towards the presidential elections of February 6, 2022, a process in which 27 candidates will participate, the most significant number in history of the Central American country. The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) carried out the solemn act with which it officially summoned […] The post Costa Rica starts electoral process with 27 candidates for the presidency appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Mexican low cost carrier Volaris inaugurates its operation in Colombia
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - With the arrival of flight VOI312 from Mexico City, Mexican low-cost carrier Volaris officially inaugurated its operation in Colombia on Wednesday, October 6. At a press conference, Holger Blankenstein, Executive Vice President of Volaris, commented, "We have long seen enormous potential in the Colombian market. That's why we are excited […] The post Mexican low cost carrier Volaris inaugurates its operation in Colombia appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
CoV2 infection rates in the UK among fully vaccinated persons are now similar or higher in all cohorts aged ≥ 30 years
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Data trends worldwide have recently indicated that Covid-19 injections are probably not as effective as many mainstream media, pharmaceutical companies, and “public health experts” previously predicted. A little less than a year ago, many of the parties mentioned above consistently touted Pfizer’s Covid-19 injection as “95 percent effective.” Several institutions, […] The post CoV2 infection rates in the UK among fully vaccinated persons are now similar or higher in all cohorts aged ≥ 30 years appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com3 hours ago
City in Michigan Urged to Use Bottled Water Due to Lead Risk
Michigan urged residents of Benton Harbor to use only bottled water for cooking and drinking, a major shift in response to the city's elevated levels of lead. read more
Comrades Unite!
More delightful comrades here! Translation: Down with Biological Women! Yes to allowing naked men beside young girls in change rooms! Down with all white people! Go Labour, Go!!! Before you laugh too much, do stop to remember that both Canada and America are currently run by people who completely support these nitwits. read more
Econlib5 hours ago
Fond Memories of Alchian and Tullock
Warren Coats, who earned his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago under Milton Friedman, sent me a reminiscence of Gordon Tullock and mentioned Armen Alchian. He wrote: I loved your discussion of your [DRH note: and Steve Globerman’s] new book on EconTalk. As someone who knows my Chicago background more than almost anyone you might […] The post Fond Memories of Alchian and Tullock appeared first on Econlib. read more
MJBizDaily5 days ago
Executive says founders work hardest when deal structure is mutually beneficial
Investor Ryan Ansin estimates that only 10% of companies have the right management team in place. After starting to explore cannabis investing in 2014, he has invested in 13 plant-touching and ancillary companies. “It’s no different than any other industry. Have these people worked together before? Have they been in the foxhole before?” said Boston-based […] Executive says founders work hardest when deal structure is mutually beneficial is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
MJBizDaily5 days ago
Angel investor seeks out management teams that can show thorough research
Management teams for capital-intensive businesses such as cultivation need to be “stellar” to get the attention of Jen Piro, an angel investor who has placed more than 25 investments in plant-touching and ancillary companies—primarily through the Cannabis Syndicate, a network of marijuana angel investors. “They’re going to need a lot of creativity about how they’re […] Angel investor seeks out management teams that can show thorough research is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
“Some Things You Need To Know”
*“Some Things You Need To Know”* by Marc Chernoff “I know you’re reading this. And I want you to know I’m writing this for you. Others will be confused. They will think I’m writing this for them. But I’m not. This one’s for you. I want you to know that life is not easy. Every day is an unpredictable challenge. Some days it can be difficult to simply get out of bed in the morning. To face reality and put on that smile. But I want you to know, your smile has kept me going on more days than I can count. Never forget that, even through the toughest times, you are incredible. You really... read more
Musical Interlude: Jason Mraz, "I Won't Give Up"
*Full screen recommended.* *Jason Mraz, "I Won't Give Up"* read more
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Where do the dark streams of dust in the Orion Nebula originate? This part of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex, M43, is the often imaged but rarely mentioned neighbor of the more famous M42. M42, seen in part to the upper right, includes many bright stars from the Trapezium star cluster. *Click image for larger size.* M43 is itself a star forming region that displays intricately-laced streams of dark dust - although it is really composed mostly of glowing hydrogen gas. The entire Orion field is located about 1600 light years away. Opaque to visible light, the picturesque dark dust ... read more
"Who Has Put Me Here?"
"The eternal silence of infinite spaces frightens me. Why now rather than then? Who has put me here? By whose order and direction have this place and time have been ascribed to me? We travel in a vast sphere, always drifting in the uncertain, pulled from one side to another. Whenever we find a fixed point to attach and to fasten ourselves, it shifts and leaves us; and if we follow it, it eludes our grasp, slips past us, and vanishes for ever. Nothing stays for us. This is our natural condition, most contrary to our inclination; we burn with desires to find solid ground and an ultima... read more
"An Industry Insider Just Revealed What Is Really Behind The Shortages At Our Local Supermarkets"
*Full screen recommended.* *"An Industry Insider Just Revealed What Is Really* *Behind The Shortages At Our Local Supermarkets"* by Epic Economist "Grocery stores across the US are now suffering with depleted inventories and empty shelves as they experience the worst supply chain crisis in decades. But the mainstream media coverage of this issue isn't telling us the whole truth. They're trying to convince us that what we have been witnessing at the stores recently is just a 'temporary' disruption that can be easily fixed and that will soon be gone. However, that's not what industry ... read more
Biden Weighs In on Taiwan Tensions
*Trevor Filseth* *Taiwan, * On Wednesday, Taiwanese Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng told the island’s parliament that Taiwan’s tensions with mainland China had risen to their highest levels in four decades. Chiu also warned that China would be able to mount a full-scale invasion of Taiwan within five years. President Joe Biden indicated on Tuesday that he had an understanding with Chinese President Xi Jinping regarding the ongoing escalation of tensions near Taiwan. The island off China’s coast, which Beijing has long claimed as a rebellious province but which functions as a *de... read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
Report Says Chinese President Xi Ordered The Military To Turn Up The Heat On Taiwan
Chinese President Xi Jinping walks through the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Aug. 17, 2017. (Dominique Pineiro/U.S. Navy) *Stars and Stripes:* *Chinese president orders military to turn up the heat on Taiwan, report says * Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered his military to pump up pressure on the southwestern region of Taiwan, according to sources quoted by a Japanese news agency this week. The order was issued at a recent meeting of China’s top military body, the Central Military Commission, after three aircraft carriers from the United States and United Kingdom... read more
Michelle Walrath Medical Freedom Dinner RSVP
Thank you for your RSVP to Michelle Walrath’s Medical Freedom informational dinner, on Wednesday, October 13th, 7-9:30 PM. All proceeds go to Children’s Health Defense (CHD). Featuring: Mary Holland, Esq. – President and Lead Counsel for Children’s Health Defense Larry Palevsky, MD – board-certified Pediatrician who has testified before congressional committees on vaccine safety. Jonathon […] The post Michelle Walrath Medical Freedom Dinner RSVP appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
The Rio Times4 hours ago
Sweden suspends use of Moderna’s Covid vaccine for anyone under 30, citing concerns about heart inflammation side effects
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Swedish Public Health Agency has decided to suspend Moderna’s Covid vaccine for anyone under 30 for precautionary reasons, citing the increased risk of heart inflammation after inoculation. On Wednesday, the agency issued a statement announcing that it will stop the distribution of the Moderna injection, marketed as Spikevax, to […] The post Sweden suspends use of Moderna’s Covid vaccine for anyone under 30, citing concerns about heart inflammation side effects appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com4 hours ago
Did Seattle Woman Die from Rare Blood Clotting Condition After COVID Vax?
An obituary for Jessica Berg Wilson, who died after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, went viral online. read more
Waking Times4 hours ago
It Begins: Woman in Renal Failure Denied Life-Saving Procedure Because She’s Unvaccinated
*Matt Agorist* - Primum non nocere or “First do no harm,” is part of the Hippocratic oath to which doctors across the United States and the West swear to follow. read more
Waking Times5 hours ago
What Happened in 1971?
*Jon Miltimore* - Something huge happened in 1971. And both Edward Snowden and Jack Dorsey are asking the same question. read more
Waking Times5 hours ago
People Injured by COVID-19 Jab Share Their Horror Stories
*Dr. Mercola* - These voices need to be heard. read more

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