Tuesday, October 05, 2021

5 October - Blogs I'm Following - 2 of 5

 10 pm MDT

The Rio Times6 hours ago
Shell speaks of good business climate and returns to Ecuador after 15 years
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The return of the multinational will be through EnergyLíder, a marketing company that will be Shell’s licensee in Ecuador, where the brand expects to have 100 gas stations in five years. Executives speak of a good business climate. After more than 15 years of having sold its service stations, Shell […] The post Shell speaks of good business climate and returns to Ecuador after 15 years appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Study: 15% of children born in Chile fall below poverty line; figure rises to 26% for migrants
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The drivers of this increase were linked to the Covid-19 pandemic and the social and economic crisis associated with part of that period. However, there is one group - among those surveyed - that suffered an even more radical deterioration in their income: migrants. If by 2017, 10.9% of the […] The post Study: 15% of children born in Chile fall below poverty line; figure rises to 26% for migrants appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Inflation in Paraguay deemed temporary; wage increase challenged
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Former Finance Minister Manuel Ferreira, economic advisor to Paraguay's Chamber of Advertisers, said in a press conference after a meeting with president Mario Abdo Benítez that in his opinion this is a "transitory" inflation. In this respect, Ferreira said that a new salary increase would have a "worse" impact on […] The post Inflation in Paraguay deemed temporary; wage increase challenged appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Unruly passenger incidents rising again, FAA data shows
Eminetra Las Vegas, Nevada 2021-10-05 14:42:00 – The number of new Federal Aviation Administration shows that the number of unruly passenger cases is increasing again.... The post Unruly passenger incidents rising again, FAA data shows appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Brazil Senate Covid committee says that it will “undoubtedly” ask for Bolsonaro’s impeachment
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "There is no doubt. We will not seem tough in the investigation and then hesitant in the report. Without a doubt, for everything he did," said rapporteur senator Calheiros on Tuesday as he arrived at a new CPI session, rushing its last days before the investigation's findings are presented and […] The post Brazil Senate Covid committee says that it will “undoubtedly” ask for Bolsonaro’s impeachment appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Prominent wine guide chooses the best red wine in Chile
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Viña Morandé had essential participation in the most recent version of the Descorchados Guide. In it, House of Morandé achieved 98 points and was chosen Best Red Wine of Chile, Best Red Blend, and Best Wine of Maipo Andes. This critical recognition consolidates House of Morandé -an icon of the […] The post Prominent wine guide chooses the best red wine in Chile appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Lawfare7 hours ago
The FBI’s FISA Mess
One entrance to the Department of Justice building in Washington. (Source: Gregory Varnum, https://tinyurl.com/rtt26an; CC BY-SA 3.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en) If you only read the executive summary of the Justice Department inspector general’s latest report on the FBI’s handling of FISA applications, the headlines the report has generated make sense. “Justice Department inspector general finds 'widespread' failures in FBI surveillance requests,” says U.S.A Today. The Washington Post put it in a slightly wonkier fashion: “Inspector general finds ‘wide... read more
Lawfare8 hours ago
Inspector General Reform on the Table
The United States Capitol Building. (Wally Gobetz, https://flic.kr/p/6zXjj9; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/) At the top of the list of those responsible for executive branch accountability in the 21st century are the statutory inspectors general that now populate every major executive branch agency. On Wednesday, Oct. 6, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs will consider three bills—the Securing Inspector General Independence Act of 2021, the IG Testimonial Subpoena Authority Act and the IG Independence and Empowerm... read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
Inside The CIA’s Former Secret Kabul Base
The burnt-out remains of cars, minibuses and armoured vehicles at the CIA secret base. Photograph: Emma Graham-Harrison/The Observer *The Guardian:* *Inside the CIA’s secret Kabul base, burned out and abandoned in haste* *A Taliban commander invited the media to inspect the site where America plotted killing raids and tortured prisoners* The cars, minibuses and armoured vehicles that the CIA used to run its shadow war in Afghanistan had been lined up and incinerated beyond identification before the Americans left. Below their ashy grey remains, pools of molten metal had solid... read more
Organizing Notes5 hours ago
F - this job!
A woman worker decides to quit her job at Walmart over the intercom. Most corporate jobs are the same - the company does not care about the workers or the customers. It's all about money. Stop shopping at the corporate businesses if you can. Shop local. read more
The South Korean Marine Corps is Getting a New Amphibious Assault Vehicle. Here’s What We Know.
*Caleb Larson* *Amphibious Vehicles, * Could the Republic of Korea Marine Corps succeed where the United States Marines Corps failed? The Korean Amphibious Assault Video II (KAAV2) is strongly reminiscent of the U.S. Marine Corps's (USMC) failed Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle. Could the Republic of Korea Marines succeed where their American counterpart failed? Like their counterpart in the United States, the Republic of Korea Marine Corps has relied on the Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV) for many decades to bring Marines from ship to shore. And, like the USMC, the RoK Marines ... read more
The head of a police union in New York City is an FBI target: Federal investigators raided the headquarters of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, as well as a Long Island home that appears to belong to the union's president, Ed Mullins, officials confirmed. The FBI descended on the Lower Manhattan office of the NYPD union as part of an "ongoing investigation," according to an agency spokesperson. A private home in Port Washington, Nassau County was also searched as part of the probe. The location of the raid, provided by the FBI, matches a listed address for Mullins, the controv... read more
Cairns News5 hours ago
Nurses whistleblow on TGA spin doctors
Comment to the Editor Over 70 Nurse have exposed what’s going on in Hospitals in mainly Victoria and New South Wales why are those taking the Experimental Gene Therapy inoculations have not open their eyes yet. This was explained from one Nurse which involves TGA and how they have implicated in how Doctors need to […] read more
Priti Patel and the Authoritarian State
Yesterday we heard about the economic order politics, so now the crude matter of population management: Priti Patel's law and order pitch to the party faithful. She needed a boost if *Conservative Home* rankings are anything to go by. The darling of the Tories' animal passions, the refugee's daughter who likes nothing better than bashing refugees had to throw red meat to the baying conference floor. Unfortunately, she had no issue finding great slabs to satisfy their appetites. She has proved herself time and again to be the sort of grotesque they can't get enough of, and today's s... read more
Musical Interlude: Moby, "Love Of Strings"
*Full screen recommended.* *Moby, "Love Of Strings"* Life, magnificent Life... read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
U.S. Government Secretly Orders Google To Identify Anyone Typing In Certain Search Terms
*Forbes:* *Exclusive: Government Secretly Orders Google To Identify Anyone Who Searched A Sexual Assault Victim’s Name, Address And Telephone Number* *The U.S. government is secretly ordering Google to provide data on anyone typing in certain search terms, an accidentally unsealed court document shows. There are fears such “keyword warrants” threaten to implicate innocent Web users in serious crimes and are more common than previously thought. * In 2019, federal investigators in Wisconsin were hunting men they believed had participated in the trafficking and sexual abuse of a mi... read more
The Daily "Near You?"
Beaver Island, Michigan, USA. Thanks for stopping by! read more
Appeals Court Blocks Judge Order, Allows Deportation Of Families
In a setback to migrant rights advocates in the United States, a federal appeal court has allowed the forcible expulsion of apprehended undocumented migrant families to continue. The ruling was passed by the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit on Thursday, September 30. It was a last minute ruling which blocked a prior ruling by a federal judge against the expulsions before it went into effect. Thursday’s ruling was in response to the appeals filed by the administration of president Joe Biden against the order by district judge Emmet Sullivan of the US District Court for DC (Di... read more
Forbes Reveals Why The US Government Is Trying To Extradite Alex Saab
Alex Saab is “the key that unlocks the Venezuelan monetary mystery—that is, how a country facing sanctions from the US, the UK and the European Union—is still able to export things like gold and oil…and really the only man who can actually explain how the country [Venezuela] survives today,” according to Forbes. The US would far prefer to just quietly extradite Saab to Miami, use whatever means necessary to extract sensitive information from him, and then warehouse him in the world’s largest prison system. Forbes uses the euphemism “under pressure” by US prison authorities as the ... read more
Cutting Food Waste: A Lesson In Climate Awareness And Environmental Literacy
Baltimore, MD - As a “farm to school specialist” in the Baltimore City public schools, Anne Rosenthal splits her time between an office and Great Kids Farm in Catonsville, a 33-acre plot of land, complete with forests, a stream, greenhouses and a barn with animals, owned and operated by the school district. “A lot of students have never had the opportunity to plant a seed or a small plant, or harvest straight from plants and taste farm-fresh produce,” Rosenthal said. When kids have that first experience of “picking a cherry tomato off the plant and putting it in their mouths,” sh... read more
Activists Call For End To ‘Death By Incarceration’
The activists held a press conference and rally in Philadelphia Sept. 30 to promote SB835, introduced by a bipartisan group of legislators. If passed, the state bill would offer geriatric and medical parole for anyone, aged 55 years or older, who has served 25 years or half their sentence, whichever comes first. The bill would offer incarcerated people with a chronic medical condition — either a physical or mental illness — a chance at parole. Currently, an incarcerated person in Pennsylvania needs to petition their sentencing judge to qualify for compassionate release. And they n... read more
Two Thirds Of Online Posts From Fossil Fuel Companies ‘Greenwashing’
One expert called it a “systematic deceptive marketing campaign designed to interfere with the solution that is necessary to respond to the climate emergency: stopping fossil fuel production.” Nearly two thirds of social media posts put out by six major European fossil fuel and energy companies since the end of 2019 present a “green” image of the company, despite the majority of their business activity remaining in fossil fuels, reveals new analysis by DeSmog. The findings add to campaigner concerns that fossil fuel companies are promoting a misleading image of their business mode... read more
On Rituals And Revolutions In The Mines Of Bolivia
The small K’illi K’illi park sits at the top of one of the hillsides cradling the valley that is home to Bolivia’s administrative capital La Paz, providing a striking view of the city below. To the east lies Illimani, a towering, snow-covered mountain. Below and to the west is the tree-lined Plaza Murillo, home to the seat of government and the site of dozens of coups and countless protests. Across the valley, set on the sweeping plains of the altiplano, is El Alto, a booming home to millions of largely Aymara working-class people. The hills hold the rich past of this city in the ... read more
As Mussolini Joe's Agenda Fails, British Empire Plans Next Assault
In four weeks, the world's imperial elite will attempt to use the Glasgow COP-26 climate summit to double down on the policies which have led to the current breakdown of the world's physical economy. But they have a problem. Mussolini Joe's agenda shows signs of falling apart, and the stark reality of roaring inflation, broken supply lines, power shortages, and lights going out around the world, is waking people up to the reality that the globalist system has failed. read more
Workers Have Leverage
The capitalist vultures are wheeling low, but they’re finding slim pickings to choose from these days. “No one wants to work!” The bosses whine about a worker shortage—though it’s one they brought about. Eighteenth-century British economist Adam Smith noted how common it is to hear complaints about workers coming together to fight for their interests, and how rare it is to hear about all the scheming the bosses do to plunder workers’ labor. “Masters are always and everywhere in a sort of tacit, but constant and uniform combination, not to raise the wages of labor above their actu... read more
Wet’suwet’en Block Effort To Tunnel Under Morice River
At the turnoff, four workers with Coastal GasLink security gather in orange and yellow vests, their voices edged with frustration as they talk above four idling pickup trucks that release a haze of exhaust into the early morning light. Another pickup faces off against the group, blocking access to the rough and muddy spur road that leads to the pipeline worksite. It’s a scene that has played out every day for the past week and a half on Wet’suwet’en territory, as land defenders block pipeline workers from accessing a site where Coastal GasLink is preparing to drill under the Mori... read more
Green Mountain Spinnery And Flat Iron Cooperative
Green Mountain Spinnery is a 40 year old cooperative based in rural Vermont. They mill high quality yarns made in the U.S., support regional sheep farming, and develop ways of producing natural fibers that are environmentally friendly. Flat Iron Cafe is a cooperatively owned coffee shop based in Vermont. They are still in the developmental stages but intend to create a model that integrates coffee, community driven events, and supports local food entrepreneurs within the space. In this episode I speak with worker-owner Larisa Demos about the inspiration behind Green Mountain Spinn... read more
What A Peaceful Build-Up That Evades Ecological Breakdown Would Look Like
Sooner or later other events in this transition period that we’re in will also follow, to further increase the awareness of the seriousness of the climate crisis and possible extinction of our own species. But we have to act fast and get more people to join those already imagining and working on solutions. How can this happen? The first step is to understand the need for a cultural change, because the root cause of our dire current situation lies there. To be more specific: it lies in the unsustainable globalized Western culture. Therefore, changing course can only be achieved by ... read more
Pension Pulse40 minutes ago
Earth Capital on Achieving a More Just Transition to Net Zero
Gordon Power and Richard Burrett of Earth Capital sent me a guest comment on how impact investing is a response to climate change and fiduciary duty and how it is set to play a decisive role in driving a more just transition to net zero: Earth Capital, like other institutions, believes that investing for positive impact is a necessary strategy to meet our fiduciary duty in the wake of the climate disaster and is critical to the post- pandemic recovery, with impact investing set to play a decisive role in driving the transition to a more sustainable future. *Pension funds and pri... read more
The Poet: John Clare, “I Am”
*“I Am”* "I am - yet what I am none cares or knows; My friends forsake me like a memory lost: I am the self-consumer of my woes - They rise and vanish in oblivious host, Like shadows in love’s frenzied stifled throes; And yet I am, and live - like vapors tossed Into the nothingness of scorn and noise, Into the living sea of waking dreams, Where there is neither sense of life or joys, But the vast shipwreck of my life’s esteems; Even the dearest that I loved the best Are strange - nay, rather, stranger than the rest. I long for scenes where man hath never trod, A place where woman never sm... read more
"Something Like Reverence..."
“When the pain of leaving behind what we know outweighs the pain of embracing it, or when the power we face is overwhelming and neither flight nor fight will save us, there may be salvation in sitting still. And if salvation is impossible, then at least before perishing we may gain a clearer vision of where we are. By sitting still I do not mean the paralysis of dread, like that of a rabbit frozen beneath the dive of a hawk. I mean something like reverence, a respectful waiting, a deep attentiveness to forces much greater than our own.” - Scott Russell Sanders read more
Should Biden's Child Tax Credit Stay For Good?
*Trevor Filseth* *Child Tax Credit, Americas* When promoting the proposal, Biden's administration has made the argument that the increased spending, as well as the sending out of advance payments, was a measure designed to combat the pandemic, rather than a permanent economic assistance payment to poor families. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *However, in Biden’s original American Families Plan – a $2 trillion proposal concerning economic relief for American families – the increased credit was set to be extended until 2025, and possibly beyond. The first of six Child Tax Cre... read more
Why Did Fiona Hill Join the Trump Administration?
*Mark Episkopos* *U.S.-Russia Relations, * Fiona Hill’s recent Foreign Affairs article is flawed, both in its failure to explain why Hill elected to serve as an aide to Trump, whom she clearly reviled, and in its recapitulation of key episodes that took place during the administration. Donald Trump’s presidency has spawned a burgeoning industry of tell-all memoirs from former officials and associates, all claiming an insider’s look into his time in office. While this genre tends to deal heavily in workplace intrigue and other forms of salacious gossip, former National Security C... read more
The NRA Is Getting a New President but Keeping Its Controversial CEO
*Stephen Silver* *NRA, * Even as gun proliferation in the United States has proliferated in the last two years, the National Rifle Association, the organization most associated with gun advocacy, has had something of a rough go of things. Even as gun proliferation in the United States has proliferated in the last two years, the National Rifle Association, the organization most associated with gun advocacy, has had something of a rough go of things. The NRA was sued by the office of the New York Attorney General last year, with the organization itself and several top executives ac... read more
What Military Branch Was Behind the 1950s Bugspray Shortage?
*Trevor Filseth* *U.S. Air Force, Americas* Of course, it's the Air Force. *Here;s What You Need To Remember: *The problem was that the formula for JP-7 relied on a set of specialized chemicals that Shell had in limited supply, including a chemical that the company traditionally used in its “Flit” insecticide. A traditional economics concept taught in school concerns “guns and butter,” two different resources that a state can put different amounts of effort towards producing. The idea is that by producing more of one, the nation must have less of the other. In the 1950s, the ... read more
Why Life Jackets Should be Mandatory - PLUS: Tragedy in Rural Alberta - Finally, Three Courageous Medical Professional Whistleblowers Speak Out
*Why Life Jackets Should be Mandatory* *H/T Dennis* Good morning readers. I have to admit right out of the starting gate that I am at this point totally overwhelmed by the magnitude of this crisis, the horrific content in the links I have been sent and my inability to emotionally absorb the significance of what I am learning and to share/keep up with it all. I'm also working on a post about the spiritual ramifications of this existential attack on our species...so, in the meantime...so that these links don't sit too long on the launching Pad I am going to just post the links with... read more
Just "Part of the Process"?
"Tuesday and as we descend into an ever deepening and darkening dystopian nightmare, the chant of "Fuck Joe Biden" is rapidly becoming a national cri de coeur. A big reason is the reaction against the insanity of being forced to get injected with an at best minimally effective and at worst lethal chemical cocktail to combat a virus that was easily treated with cheap therapeutics ("was" since by now, Classic Chinese COVID has all but disappeared and mutated out of the environment). I'm only scratching the surface because Anthony Fauci, a twisted, megalomaniacal, malignant, rodenti... read more
Pottersville Digest
(This is the former First Son on drugs. Any questions?) ------------------------------ Oh, so THAT'S why she went to Congress, to attack those who aren't attacking her. Sounds legit ------------------------------ Like drowning rats in a gunny sack, right wingers *will* eat each other . ------------------------------ WHO exonerated you? The stuffed animals and action figures that surround you during your "Cabinet meetings"? ------------------------------ Hey, look at her African American over there! ------------------------------ Another example of Republican... read more
Snopes.com7 hours ago
Does This Photo Show a Star Being Born?
The formation was said to take place an estimated 1,350 light-years from Earth. read more
Virus Keeps a Rolling
From the never ending list of new studies. Breakthrough infections at an Israeli hospital back in July. We have investigated a nosocomial COVID-19 outbreak involving the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant among a highly vaccinated population. The attack rate among exposed individuals reached 23.3% in patients and 10.3% in staff, with 96.2% vaccination rate among exposed individuals.… Continue reading → read more
Komando.com7 hours ago
Save some time in your workday with this new Slack trick
How to use Slack clips to send audio and video clips quickly. read more
bilaterals.org7 hours ago
El pueblo asiático contra el libre comercio: “la sociedad se quedó traumatizada por las deudas”
05-Oct-2021 Geum-Soon Yoon, de la Asociación de Mujeres Campesinas de Corea, habló en entrevista con Capire sobre los acuerdos de libre comercio en la región. read more
Snopes.com7 hours ago
NYC Public Libraries Will End Late Fees in Push for Equity
Late fees had already been suspended since March 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic and will now be permanently eliminated. read more
Activated: Pipeline Oil Spill in Huntington Beach, California
International Bird Rescue has been activated at Orange County pipeline oil spill in this multi-agency response. We are working with and through our partners at the Oiled Wildlife Care Network to help mitigate the impact on wildlife. The post Activated: Pipeline Oil Spill in Huntington Beach, California appeared first on International Bird Rescue. read more
Snopes.com8 hours ago
Milestone for Bubba Wallace As He Earns 1st NASCAR Victory
Wallace became just the second Black driver to win a race at the Cup Series level. read more
The Word From the Trenches – October 5, 2021
Join in on the conversation. Call (712) 770-5597 then enter 220029#, press *6 to mute and unmute. (If you are unable to get through call... The post The Word From the Trenches – October 5, 2021 appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Interstellar Probe: Pushing Beyond Voyager
[image: Story 487733876] Our doughty Voyager 1 and 2, their operations enabled by radioisotope power systems that convert heat produced by the decay of plutonium-238 into electricity, have been pushing outward through and beyond the Solar System since 1977. Designed for a four and a half year mission, we now have, more or less by accident and good fortune, our first active probes of nearby interstellar space. But not for long. At some point before the end of this decade, both craft will lack the power to keep any of their scientific instruments functioning, and one great chapter in... read more
MJBizDaily4 days ago
Cannabis companies use social media, local news reports and email newsletters to reach customers
A cannabis store can be well-located, beautifully designed and staffed by experts selling the best products available, but without marketing and advertising to attract clientele, sales won’t reach their potential. “Marketing is the place where people engage with the company you’ve built,” said Thomas Winstanley, vice president of marketing with Theory Wellness, a vertically integrated […] Cannabis companies use social media, local news reports and email newsletters to reach customers is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
War News Updates7 hours ago
CIA Admits That Dozens Of Its Informants Have Been Captured, Killed, Or Compromised In The Past Few Years
*New York Times: **Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants* *Counterintelligence officials said in a top secret cable to all stations and bases around the world that too many of the people it recruits from other countries to spy for the U.S. are being lost. * WASHINGTON — Top American counterintelligence officials warned every C.I.A. station and base around the world last week about troubling numbers of informants recruited from other countries to spy for the United States being captured or killed, people familiar with the matter said. The ... read more
Not PC7 hours ago
Mad Punditry
*"It's really hard to make a living with punditry without making everyone mad and/or preaching to the choir. The former is exhausting and the latter is boring."* ~ Cathy Reisenwitz Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with link and attribution. read more
the daily howler7 hours ago
Are people allowed to have "affairs?"
*TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2021* *Kara Swisher's calculus:* Are people allowed to have "affairs?" We'll say that they pretty much are. We'll even say that, in some cases, "affairs" may be a good thing for the participating individuals. Sometimes they cause lots of harm. We'll also say that, in the vast majority of cases, it isn't any business of ours if people do or don't have affairs. That brings us to Kara Swisher's calculus about world history over the past twenty-plus years. World history has turned, in the past twenty-three years, on an "affair" between Bill Clinton and Monica Le... read more
COVID Vaccines Are Being Administered Incorrectly, Expert Says
On the latest episode of “The Jimmy Dore Show,” Dore questioned if COVID-19 vaccines are being administered incorrectly. Vaccine Expert John Campbell, Ph.D. says that when COVID vaccines are injected into a blood vessel, instead of a muscle, it can lead to serious heart problems. The post COVID Vaccines Are Being Administered Incorrectly, Expert Says appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
The Rio Times7 hours ago
CCR awarded Brazil Pampulha Airport at US$6.2 million auction
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "CCR Aeroportos is consolidating itself in Brazil in this sector, mainly in Minas Gerais, where we already have the Confins concession. This is a long-time project," said CCR Aeroportos' CEO Cristiane Gomes after the auction. CCR is a partner of Zurich Airport, which manages the Confins airport. The auction foresees […] The post CCR awarded Brazil Pampulha Airport at US$6.2 million auction appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
War News Updates7 hours ago
Europe's Energy Crisis Worsens
*CNBC:* *Gas price surges to a record high in Europe on supply concerns* * November contracts at the Dutch TTF hub — a European benchmark for natural gas — were trading at around 118 euros per megawatt hour (MWH) just after midday in London. * The front-month contract has risen almost 400% since the start of the year. * Several British energy suppliers have collapsed amid the gas price crisis. September alone reportedly saw nine companies cease trading. * In recent weeks, governments in Spain, Italy, Greece, and France have taken drastic actions to minimize the impact of w... read more
Exclusive: Healthy Young Mother Dies of Vaccine-Induced Blood Clot. Then Twitter Censors Her Obituary.
In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Jessica Berg Wilson’s husband and uncle said Twitter censored Jessica’s obituary, because it attributed her death to vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia caused by the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine. The post Exclusive: Healthy Young Mother Dies of Vaccine-Induced Blood Clot. Then Twitter Censors Her Obituary. appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Is the World Ready for Russia’s New Ratnik Future Soldier Combat System?
*Mark Episkopos* *Russia, Eurasia* Reports emerged in 2018 that Russia’s defense industry is working on a “powered exoskeleton” called the Ratnik-3, but the full extent of the suit’s capabilities and the current status of the project remain unclear. Russia’s ground forces are set to receive a slew of modernized weapons and equipment, according to a top army officer. *Krasnaya Zvezda* (Red Star), the newspaper of Russia’s Defense Ministry, published an in-depth interview with the Russian Army Commander-in-Chief Army General Oleg Salyukov earlier this week. Salyukov praised the j... read more
The Last Refuge7 hours ago
Facebook Whistleblower Is a Democrat Activist Demanding Big Tech and Government Crack Down on Free Speech, Republicans Pretend They Cannot See What’s Going On
The transparency of this operation was/is brutally obvious. Frances Haugen appears on CBS 60-Minutes as a Facebook “whistleblower”, and already had a congressional hearing lined up for 48 hours later? C’mon man… did the lessons of Sandra Fluke or Christine Blasey Ford not register with anyone? Former Facebook product manager Frances Haugen is a left-wing […] The post Facebook Whistleblower Is a Democrat Activist Demanding Big Tech and Government Crack Down on Free Speech, Republicans Pretend They Cannot See What’s Going On appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
How Many People Have Died From COVID? Nobody Really Knows.
Health officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci claim there are likely far more COVID-19 deaths than have been reported. But one investigation found the opposite to be true: COVID deaths may have been overreported by as much as 500%. The post How Many People Have Died From COVID? Nobody Really Knows. appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
The Aviationist8 hours ago
US F-35Bs Board Japan’s Aircraft Carrier Becoming First Fixed-Wing Aircraft To Operate From Japanese Ship Since WWII
The U.S. Marine Corps F-35s are the first fixed-wing aircraft to operate from a Japanese ship since WW2, following the decision to convert the JS Izumo from helicopter carrier to light aircraft carrier and the [...] The post US F-35Bs Board Japan’s Aircraft Carrier Becoming First Fixed-Wing Aircraft To Operate From Japanese Ship Since WWII appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
She’s Entitled To Her Entitlements
Now that Climate Barbie is collecting her fat pension, perhaps Climate Justin will get her a cozy job at the UN. http://tnc.news/2021/105/taxpayers-paid-42000-for-mckennas-climate-change-farewell-tour/ read more
New York’s Largest Healthcare Provider Fires 1,400 Unvaccinated Workers + More
The Defender’s Big Brother NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to governments’ abuse of power, including attacks on democracy, civil liberties and use of mass surveillance. The post New York’s Largest Healthcare Provider Fires 1,400 Unvaccinated Workers + More appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Who Are the COVID-19 Unvaccinated and Why Are They Unvaccinated?
We repeatedly hear from pubic health officials, those that we elect to represent us in government and the mainstream media that there are a significant percentage of people who are vaccine hesitant when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccines. A recent study by Dr. Wendy King et al entitled "Time trends and factors related to COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy from January - May 2021 among US adults: Findings from a large-scale national survey" was undertaken to better understand which Americans are COVID-19 vaccine hesitant and why they have taken that stance. Let's look at what the survey d... read more
UNICEF: Battered by Pandemic, Kids Need Mental Health Help + More
The Defender’s COVID NewsWatch provides a roundup of the latest headlines related to the SARS CoV-2 virus, including its origins and COVID vaccines. The post UNICEF: Battered by Pandemic, Kids Need Mental Health Help + More appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Waking Times9 hours ago
‘Not Supposed To Happen’: US State With Highest Vaxx Rate Sees Record Surge In COVID Cases
*Ivan Pentchoukov* - Vermont, the state with the highest vaccination rate in the United States, is experiencing a surge at levels not seen since the pandemic’s peak last winter. read more
CFACT9 hours ago
The brewing social media wolf wars
Yellowstone National Park ignited fire on social media last week by feeding into the wolf wars raging out West. Learn how on District of Conservation today. The post The brewing social media wolf wars appeared first on CFACT. read more
MJBizDaily4 days ago
Ransomware typically begins with email scams, but training employees can protect your business
With mainstream companies such as Colonial Pipeline and JBS Foods increasingly becoming the victims of ransomware attacks, it’s only a matter of time before cyber criminals turn their attention to the cannabis industry. Ransomware is a nefarious hack that takes control of a company’s files and data and locks out the rightful owners. The attackers […] Ransomware typically begins with email scams, but training employees can protect your business is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
MJBizDaily4 days ago
How marijuana companies can navigate supply-chain delays and rising prices for construction materials
Deep Roots Harvest has until February to complete the four dispensaries it’s building – a goal the Las Vegas-based cannabis business is finding challenging because of recent difficulties securing construction materials. Most states require cannabis businesses to begin operating within a certain time period after being granted a license. But marijuana companies are struggling to […] How marijuana companies can navigate supply-chain delays and rising prices for construction materials is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Don't Panic About COVID-19 Breakthrough Infections
*Trevor Filseth* *COVID-19, United States* None of the vaccines claimed one hundred percent effectiveness. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* While some vaccinated people have contracted the coronavirus, extremely few have had serious cases requiring hospitalization. Hospital workers have observed that of current patients hospitalized for the virus, roughly 97 percent were unvaccinated. By most accounts, the coronavirus vaccine rollout in the United States has been a broad success. As of late July, roughly 57 percent of Americans had received at least one dose of the Pfizer, Mod... read more
Guinea’s Coup d’Etat Leader Anointed as President
*Trevor Filseth* *Guinea, * The September 5 coup in Guinea has been widely condemned abroad and has led to the country’s increasing international isolation. Mamady Doumbouya, a Guinean soldier who oversaw the country’s coup d’etat against incumbent leader Alpha Conde in early September, has been sworn in as Guinea’s interim president. The swearing-in ceremony took place at the Mohamed V palace in Conakry, the country’s capital, according to Africa Guinee. Doumbouya, a former fifteen-year veteran of the French Foreign Legion who served in Afghanistan, the Central African Republi... read more
Terrifying: 10 Times the U.S. Military Lost Its Nuclear Weapons
*WarIsBoring* *Nuclear Weapons, Americas* Yes, you read that right. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The U.S. has had many close calls. As the numbers of nuclear weapons in the U.S. arsenal grew quickly during the early years of the Cold War, so did the number of accidents *involving* nukes. *March 10, 1956* A B-47 carrying two nuclear capsules missed a rendezvous with a refueling tanker over the Mediterranean. The aircraft was never found, nor were its atomic “capsules.” Early nuclear weapons had a removable capsule containing the nuclear fissile material. It was U.S. Air Force... read more
The Missing School Choice Argument
Sometimes it's what people don't say that tells you a lot about their position. Proponents of school choice rarely-if-ever talk about one of the great obstacles to school choice. Private school admissions. For instance, private schools that explicitly or implicitly forbid LGBTQ students (and faculty). Or private schools that resist admitting students of color. Or private schools that have religious requirements. Or private schools that have erected barriers of price, thereby blocking poorer families from access. (And that's before we get to a whole other class of obstacles, like... read more
MJBizDaily8 hours ago
US judge tosses investor lawsuit targeting cannabis producer Sundial
A federal judge in New York cleared Sundial Growers of wrongdoing in a lawsuit filed by angry investors who said the Calgary, Alberta-based cannabis producer misled them about plans to export hemp and CBD to the European Union. US judge tosses investor lawsuit targeting cannabis producer Sundial is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Halifax Examiner8 hours ago
Black News File
1. Man sentenced in fatal shooting Rae’heem Downey was sentenced last week in the death of Jamie Lee Bishop in 2018. According to an agreed statement of facts read at the sentencing, Bishop was armed with a knife and advanced on Downey, repeatedly calling him the N-word, before Downey opened fire. Blair Rhodes at CBC […] read more
I have so much to rant about...
*and no time to do it.* A minor household project turned into a sh*t show of cascading problems. Anyone who does home repair knows of what I speak. Our dishwasher, which I never use and wanted gone, decided to fill up with water on it's own. Lonely? Feeling neglected? Who the hell knows? To get my attention, it decided to leak all over my kitchen floor. It took a few days for me to realize the moistness on the floor was not just few random drips from the sink. We sucked the water out with a shopvac, and lo and behold, it filled up again. Fine. Call RotoRooter, and "away go trou... read more
The Duran8 hours ago
Pandora Papers and why the elite keep billions $$$ in the USA
Pandora Papers and why the elite keep billions $$$ in the USA Join Robert Barnes on LOCALS: VivaBarnesLaw Connect with VivaBarnesLaw and other members of VivaBarnesLaw community Follow Robert Barnes on Twitter: JavaScript is not available. No Description read more
MJBizDaily9 hours ago
Marijuana technology company Akerna raises $20 million
Colorado-based marijuana technology company Akerna raised $20 million of capital to support a recently announced acquisition, future growth and investments in its enterprise software infrastructure. The debt financing with existing institutional investors follows Akerna’s $17 million deal to buy 365 Cannabis, a Las Vegas-based marijuana business management software company. Akerna, which trades on the Nasdaq […] Marijuana technology company Akerna raises $20 million is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The Rio Times9 hours ago
Bolivia government warns of attempts by opponents to “sabotage” economic progress through protests
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Minister of Defense, Edmundo Novillo, has warned of the different attempts by opponents to “sabotage” economic advances through protests and regretted that these sectors intend to “divide” in relation to the deaths that occurred during the 2019 crisis. “They always try to sabotage the work we are doing, we […] The post Bolivia government warns of attempts by opponents to “sabotage” economic progress through protests appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
MJBizDaily9 hours ago
Cannabis firm Agrify buys two Sinclair Scientific brands for at least $50 million
Ancillary cannabis business Agrify said it acquired two marijuana- and hemp-related equipment and services brands from Sinclair Scientific for at least $50 million. The acquired brands are: Precision Extraction Solutions, described as “the industry leader in cannabis and hemp extraction equipment, technology, lab design and site planning.” Cascade Sciences, which produces processing equipment such as […] Cannabis firm Agrify buys two Sinclair Scientific brands for at least $50 million is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Snopes.com9 hours ago
Russian Film Crew in Orbit to Make First Movie in Space
A Russian actor and a film director rocketed to space on a mission to make the world’s first movie in orbit. read more
The Rio Times9 hours ago
One of the world’s largest cruise companies cancelled its season in Argentina
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The cruise company MSC decided to cancel its 2021-2022 season in Argentina and Uruguay. It is about the itineraries of the ships MSC Sinfonia, MSC Orchestra, MSC Preziosa, and MSC Splendida that had planned to carry out their season from and to the ports of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, as […] The post One of the world’s largest cruise companies cancelled its season in Argentina appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
CrossTalk: Falling US Fortunes in Middle East, YouTube’s Global Censorship Farm
*CrossTalk* | Host Peter Lavelle with 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen and author George Szamuely. read more
IER9 hours ago
China Is Investing in Its Domestic Oil and Gas Industry
While the U.S. government is doing all it can to keep our nation’s fossil fuels in the ground, China is… The post China Is Investing in Its Domestic Oil and Gas Industry appeared first on IER. read more
The Rio Times9 hours ago
Brazil, France and the UK drive up inflation among the world’s largest economies, OECD shows
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The United Kingdom, Brazil, and France had the most significant inflation surges in August among the world's largest economies, according to a survey published on Tuesday (5) by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The accumulated inflation rate over 12 months in Brazil and France rose 0.7 percentage […] The post Brazil, France and the UK drive up inflation among the world’s largest economies, OECD shows appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Science Matters10 hours ago
Winter Fuel Short Due to CO2 Hysteria
David Blackmon writes at Forbes Winter Is Coming: Can Energy Catastrophe Be Averted? Excerpts in italics with my bolds and added images. Bank of America said in a note on Friday that the price for crude oil could exceed $100 per barrel over the winter and precipitate a global economic crisis, as reported by BNN […] read more
Econlib11 hours ago
The Madrid Model and the Pandemic
In the City Journal, I have a short piece on the “Madrid model” in managing the pandemic. The region of Madrid has been quite exceptional because, during the second wave, it kept activities relatively more open than elsewhere in Europe. It did so not so much by taking a “wait and see” approach, which is […] The post The Madrid Model and the Pandemic appeared first on Econlib. read more
Science Matters12 hours ago
Why “Hispanics” is Wrong and Dangerous
This is an informed and timely perspective from a person attributed to be a member of the above “group” in order to join a socio-political US revolution. Mike Gonzalez explains in an interview with Doug Blair at Daily Signal Why Hispanic Heritage Month Shouldn’t Be a Thing. Excerpts of transcript with my bolds and images. […] read more
Stephen Colbert’s Vomit-Inducing “The Vax-Scene”
Tales From SYL Ranch Darkroom Sep 29, 2021 The post Stephen Colbert’s Vomit-Inducing “The Vax-Scene” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Last Refuge9 hours ago
Senator Josh Hawley Confronts Deputy AG Lisa Monaco About DOJ and FBI Attempt to Target American Parents Attending School Board Meetings
In order for radical leftists to continue to advance their ideological attacks they have to pretend not to know things. Barack Obama took that long-standing truism to new levels of exploitation during his administration, reference: ‘Fast n Furious, IRS targeting, Obamacare, Benghazi’ etc, the list is long. Yesterday the U.S. Department of Justice issued a […] The post Senator Josh Hawley Confronts Deputy AG Lisa Monaco About DOJ and FBI Attempt to Target American Parents Attending School Board Meetings appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Surging natural gas prices to greatly increase heating bills this winter
Yahoo News Oct. 4—Heating bills this winter likely will come as a shock to most. After years of unusually inexpensive levels, the price of natural... The post Surging natural gas prices to greatly increase heating bills this winter appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
M6.0 earthquake hits off the coast of Iwate Prefecture, Honshu, Japan
A strong earthquake registered by the JMA as M6.0 hit off the coast of Iwate Prefecture, Honshu, Japan at 17:46 UTC on October 5, 2021, at a depth of 50 km (31 miles). USGS is reporting it as M5.6 at a depth of 54 km (33 miles), EMSC M5.6 at 60 km (37 miles). The...... Read more » read more
Reality Check: Sanctions Hurt North Koreans and Won’t Change Policy
*Doug Bandow* *Korean Peninsula, Asia* There will be no solution without diplomacy. Unfortunately, there may be none even with diplomacy. The Biden administration has been attempting to engage North Korea, so far without success. However, Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un has raised hopes by ordering restoration of the inter-Korea hotline, cut more than a year ago. Moreover, Kim’s sister, Kim Yo-jong, made a surprising pitch for contact—though with conditions, of course. Nevertheless, Pyongyang still looks far from a breakthrough. Kim Jong-un continues to give Washington the cold sho... read more
The Rio Times9 hours ago
Argentina and Bolivia will make a pilot test to reopen border crossing point
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – According to the Argentine Foreign Ministry in a press release, this was agreed by the Argentine Foreign Minister, Santiago Cafiero, and the Bolivian Foreign Minister, Rogelio Mayta, in a virtual meeting. According to the statement, Cafiero and Mayta “coordinated the implementation of a pilot test for the international border transit […] The post Argentina and Bolivia will make a pilot test to reopen border crossing point appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Pfizer Scientist Nick Karl Confronted By James O’Keefe Over Shocking ‘Natural Immunity’ Admission
Project Veritas Oct 5, 2021 The post Pfizer Scientist Nick Karl Confronted By James O’Keefe Over Shocking ‘Natural Immunity’ Admission appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
McKinsey Never Told FDA It Was Working for Opioid Makers Purdue and J&J While Also Working for the Agency
McKinsey & Company helped Purdue Pharma and Johnson & Johnson fend off oversight by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), while also helping the FDA “revamp” its drug-approval processes to better monitor the pharmaceutical industry. The post McKinsey Never Told FDA It Was Working for Opioid Makers Purdue and J&J While Also Working for the Agency appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Lawsuit Alleges Merck Hid Gardasil HPV Vaccine Adverse Events in Clinical Trials
According to a lawsuit filed last month by Baum Hedlund, Merck’s propaganda campaign played a role in convincing Hayden Shain, then 15, and his mother that he should get the Gardasil HPV vaccine. Once a promising swimmer and straight A student, Hayden is now mostly bedbound. The post Lawsuit Alleges Merck Hid Gardasil HPV Vaccine Adverse Events in Clinical Trials appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Nicaragua’s New Way
In 1999, when I first came to Ciudad Sandino, a city of 180,000 located just outside Managua, Hurricane Mitch had recently created 2.7 million homeless people in Nicaragua and Honduras. The neoliberal government had pocketed the aid that came into the country. Ciudad Sandino had received 12,000 hurricane refugees who were living in black plastic tents, but those who had been living in Ciudad Sandino for decades weren’t in much better shape: most houses were walled with scrap wood and plastic. There was only one paved road in the city. Neighbourhoods had only sporadic access to wat... read more
California to let “violence prevention” researchers access data of gun owners in the state
Reclaim the Net – by Didi Rankovic California has come up with another way to expose personal information of people thanks to a new law,... The post California to let “violence prevention” researchers access data of gun owners in the state appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Mainstream Media Says “We Can Expect To See A Shortage Of Canned Foods” During The Holiday Season
End of the American Dream – by Michael Snyder Now even the mainstream media is admitting that the shortages are going to get even worse. ... The post The Mainstream Media Says “We Can Expect To See A Shortage Of Canned Foods” During The Holiday Season appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
yagma October 4th, 2021. REDCROSS: COVID Vaccines wipe out COVID antibodies, their plasma is not suitable for COVID patients. The post REDCROSS BANS COVID VAXXED CONVALESCENT PLASMA appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Fauci: “There Comes a Time When You Have to Give Up What You Consider Your Individual Right of Making Your Own Decision”
100% Fed Up – by Leisa Audette He’s at it again! Dr. Anthony Fauci thinks he’s the boss of America and can tell us all... The post Fauci: “There Comes a Time When You Have to Give Up What You Consider Your Individual Right of Making Your Own Decision” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Cops Attack Paraplegic Dad Over Window Tint, Assault Him for Not Being Able to Exit Car
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist Dayton, OH — If ever you think that all traffic laws are for your safety, one thing can... The post Cops Attack Paraplegic Dad Over Window Tint, Assault Him for Not Being Able to Exit Car appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Thousands of Unvaccinated New York City Teachers on Unpaid Leave: Union
Epoch Times – by Jack Philips Thousands of unvaccinated New York City teachers were placed on unpaid leave after a citywide mandate went into effect,... The post Thousands of Unvaccinated New York City Teachers on Unpaid Leave: Union appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
‘We Love GMOs and Vaccines’ Facebook Site Attacks Journalists, Academics, Activists — and Science
An investigation by The DisInformation Chronicle exposes one of the most heavily trafficked public relations sites promoting fake science, vaccines and Monsanto. The post ‘We Love GMOs and Vaccines’ Facebook Site Attacks Journalists, Academics, Activists — and Science appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Pfizer Scientist: Natural Immunity Is Better Than the COVID Vaccine
Project Veritas’ fourth video in its COVID vaccine investigative series quotes two Pfizer scientists who said natural immunity is better than Pfizer’s vaccine, and one who called the company “evil” and said it’s “run on COVID money.” The post Pfizer Scientist: Natural Immunity Is Better Than the COVID Vaccine appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Science 2.0 blogs11 hours ago
Do You Fear 5G? 'Green' Airborne Antennas May Be For You
A certain demographic have long had concerns about vaccines causing autism, along with fears about GMOs and cellphones causing cancer. That last one has been the least active. Rich people have always been able to afford organic food and to count on poor kids getting enough vaccines to create herd immunity for their special snowflakes, but cell phones are more challenging because they are individual - and getting a new iPhone was a status symbol. Due to their omnipresence, signals are everywhere, just like TV and radio and cosmic rays before them, so most elites give up and recognize... read more
Sophie Harman
Professor Harman joins the Hayseed Scholar podcast. She starts off discussing with Brent her childhood and growing up on a farm in Buckinghamshire in SE England, her interests and aspirations during that time and the family dynamics regarding politics and who was expected to take over the farm each generation. She had a gap year, […] read more
With the SAR9 C, This Turkish-Based Company Could Be the New Name in Compact Firearms
*Peter Suciu* *Guns, * In addition to supplying firearms to the Turkish National Police and the Turkish Armed Forces, it exports its products to nearly eighty countries including Turkey's NATO partners and other nations around the world. In just a few years, SAR USA has become a notable player in the American firearms industry. The company was only founded in 2018 to be the exclusive importer and distributor for the Turkish-based Sarsilmaz Firearms Corp., a privately owned small arms manufacturer that was founded in 1880 during the late Ottoman era. Today, the company has grown t... read more
America’s Most Powerful Nuke Nearly Killed the People Who Built It
*WarIsBoring* *Nuclear Weapons, Americas* Bravo forced many scientists and military officers to concede how deadly nuclear weapons really were. *Here's What You Need to Know*: It was a weapons disaster like no other. Sixty-one years ago on an island in the South Pacific, scientists and military officers, fishermen and Marshall Islands natives observed first-hand what Armageddon would be like. And it almost killed them all. The Atomic Energy Commission code-named the nuclear test Castle Bravo. The March 1, 1954 experiment was the first thermonuclear explosion based on practical ... read more
The Air Force Fighter Roadmap Paves a Path for New Technology
*Kris Osborn* *Air Force, Americas* But despite the urgent need for change, this transition won’t happen overnight. The Air Force is moving with a sense of urgency to bring its new Fighter Roadmap to life. The military service has been pursuing a force structure and tactical vision intended to fully prepare for high-end “peer” warfare in the skies. The plan considers many nuances and variables. The major thrust of it could be described as an effort to add more fifth- and sixth-generation aircraft to the fleet and move away from decades-old “legacy” fourth-generation fighting pl... read more
Secession Increasing in Popularity Among Biden and Trump Voters
*Trevor Filseth* *Secession, * A new report revealed that “Significant numbers of both Trump and Biden voters show a willingness to consider violating democratic tendencies and norms if needed to serve their priorities.” A poll released by the Center of Politics at the University of Virginia revealed that a majority of polled Trump voters—as well as a significant minority of polled Biden voters—were in favor of their state’s secession from the United States. The report revealed that “Significant numbers of both Trump and Biden voters show a willingness to consider violating dem... read more
In 2010, the U.S. Navy Sent Three Missile Submarines to Threaten China
*WarIsBoring* *Submarines, Asia* The subs were used to stabilize a crisis. *Here's What You Need to Know*: It was a signal like no other. Nuclear powers rarely go to war with each other, but that doesn’t mean they don’t threaten to do so. Indeed, military posturing is an integral part of what Forrest Morgan, an analyst for the RAND Corporation, called “crisis stability.” In other words, “building and posturing forces in ways that allow a state, if confronted, to avoid war without backing down.” Long-range heavy bombers are some of the best forces for crisis stability, Morgan wro... read more
naked capitalism10 hours ago
2:00PM Water Cooler 10/5/2021
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Bird Song of the Day * * * #COVID19 At reader request, I’ve added these daily charts from 91-DIVOC. The data is the Johns Hopkins CSSE data. Here is the site. I feel I’m engaging in a macabre form of tape-watching. I think it’s time to do some tinkering with […] read more
The Rider on the White Horse: Deagel Projections and Vaccine Choices
By Jeremy James August 4, 2021 SOURCE In our earlier paper, The Seven Seal Judgments in the Book of Revelation [#256], we drew attention (as follows) to the etymology of the Greek word for “bow” in the passage describing the arrival of the rider on the white horse: The initial Seal Judgments send, in succession, Four Horsemen. The first introduces a rider on a white horse who is carrying a “bow”: “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.” (Revelation 6:2) Virtually al... read more
Afghan Women – The Emerging Narrative and Why it is Wrong
ROME and AMSTERDAM, Oct 05 (IPS) - The USA and its allies have repeatedly stated that promoting women’s rights was one of the key reasons they were in Afghanistan. The US military top brass, in a letter to marines stated that they were in Afghanistan “for the liberty of young Afghan girls, women, boys, and men who want the same individual freedoms we enjoy as Americans”. Read the full story, “Afghan Women – The Emerging Narrative and Why it is Wrong”, on globalissues.org → read more
Children ‘indoctrinated’ to fight for insurgents in Mozambique: UNICEF
In northern Mozambique, worrying reports emerged on Tuesday that children as young as five have been shown how to handle weapons and indoctrinated to fight with insurgents. Read the full story, “Children ‘indoctrinated’ to fight for insurgents in Mozambique: UNICEF”, on globalissues.org → read more
Half of Afghanistan’s under-5s expected to suffer acute malnutrition
An estimated 3.2 million Afghan children under five, are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition by the end of the year, UN agencies warned on Tuesday, adding that without immediate treatment, at least a million are at risk of dying. Read the full story, “Half of Afghanistan’s under-5s expected to suffer acute malnutrition”, on globalissues.org → read more
Tigray: Food aid reaches Afar and Amhara, but situation still ‘dire’
The first round of food distributions to people in Afar and Amhara regions impacted by the spread of the conflict in northern Ethiopia has been completed, the World Food Programme (WFP) said on Tuesday. Read the full story, “Tigray: Food aid reaches Afar and Amhara, but situation still ‘dire’”, on globalissues.org → read more
Climate change, population increase fuel looming water crisis: WMO
Improved water management, monitoring and forecasting are needed in the face of a looming global water crisis, the UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and partners said in a report published on Tuesday. Read the full story, “Climate change, population increase fuel looming water crisis: WMO”, on globalissues.org → read more
Violence, aid access continues to obstruct humanitarian effort in DR Congo
Violence and access constraints in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) continue to hamper humanitarian operations in a context where one in three people need assistance, the senior UN official in the country told the Security Council on Tuesday. Read the full story, “Violence, aid access continues to obstruct humanitarian effort in DR Congo”, on globalissues.org → read more
The Duran10 hours ago
Georgia Ex-President Saakashvili arrested after returning home to start color revolution
Georgia Ex-President Saakashvili arrested after returning home to start color revolution ****News Topic 581***** Georgia Arrests Ex-President Saakashvili After Return From 8-Year Exile In Ukraine Georgia Arrests Ex-President Saakashvili After Return From 8-Year Exile In Ukraine The Republic of Georgia’s former President Mikheil Saakashvili made a surprise announcement earlier this week, confirming that he had […] read more
The Duran10 hours ago
China Warns US it Risks War over Taiwan, Deploys Record Number of Aircraft on Combat Drills
China Warns US it Risks War over Taiwan, Deploys Record Number of Aircraft on Combat Drills News Topic 303 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Remarks on Taiwan-related Statement Issued by US State Department Spokesperson Q: On October 3, US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price issued a statement saying that the US is very concerned by […] read more
Virtual Mirage10 hours ago
Cause and Effect In January 1991, Somalian President Mohammed Siad Barre was overthrown by a coalition of opposing clans, precipitating the Somali Civil War. In September 1991, severe fighting broke out in Mogadishu, which continued in the following months and spread throughout the country, with over 20,000 people killed or injured by […] The post Americana appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more