Sunday, October 03, 2021

3 October - Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 5

 11 pm MDT

Brussels mural paints positive picture of ecosystem renewal
A Spanish artist is using a giant 40-metre-high artwork painted on the side of a building in the Belgian capital, Brussels, to pose questions about climate change and the effect it’s having on global ecosystems. Read the full story, “Brussels mural paints positive picture of ecosystem renewal”, on → read more
World War II’s Essex-Class Carriers Were the U.S. Navy’s Backbone
*Peter Suciu* *Essex-class Aircraft Carrier, Americas* “These were the ships that helped win the war and then put us on top.” *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *"They were built incredibly quick, but also so well," said Mike Fabey. "The Navy did a great job of making these ships last well past their time." The role that the *Essex*-class aircraft carrier played in World War II can't be understated. The ships have been called the backbone of the United States Navy—which ordered thirty-two of the vessels. As the war wound down, six were canceled before construction began while two... read more
Bad News: New Infrastructure Spending Could Lead to Massive Fraud
*Jetson Leder Luis* *Infrastructure, * Like hundreds of billions in fraud. The U.S. government may be on the verge of spending as much as US$4.5 trillion in what could be one of the biggest investments in infrastructure and the social safety net in decades. The House plans to vote on a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill on Sept. 30, 2021 – which was already approved by the Senate – and may soon follow that with up to $3.5 trillion in other investments. The measures’ passage – and the total to be spent – are still up in the air. But if either or both bills do become law,... read more
* School Principals Call on Federal Government to Allow Them 'Ban Hostile Parents'* The national organization of public school boards is calling on the Biden administration to protect its members from “angry mobs” of parents who protest against COVID-19 restrictions placed on students and the teaching of critical race theory, characterizing the protests as “domestic terrorism.” The National School Boards Association (NSBA), which represents more than 90,000 school board members in the United States, wrote in a Sept. 29 letter (pdf) to President Joe Biden that the federal governme... read more
Modern Tokyo Times22 hours ago
South Korea open to lifting sanctions on North Korea: US and peripheral Japan
South Korea open to lifting sanctions on North Korea: US and peripheral Japan Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The Korean Peninsula is currently witnessing new launches of tested ballistic missiles by North Korea and South Korea. This especially applies to North Korea. However, overtures are being made towards South Korea by […] The post South Korea open to lifting sanctions on North Korea: US and peripheral Japan first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Emergency Saturday Broadcast! Pentagon A.I. Confirms Covid Shots Triggering Deadly ADE In The Vaccinated
 Emergency Saturday Broadcast! Pentagon A.I. Confirms Covid Shots Triggering Deadly ADE In The Vaccinated by * Renowned scientist Dr. Richard Fleming visits Infowars to give a powerful, in-depth PowerPoint presentation exposing what’s really happening with Covid-19 and vaccine-induced ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement). * This special Saturday Broadcast contains life saving info that only makes … read more
The Children Are Our Future
And that’s why I’ve been studying pressure points and striking techniques; Like White privilege, family privilege is an unacknowledged and unearned benefit instantiated in U.S. laws, policies, and practices and bestowed upon traditional or “standard” nuclear families to the disadvantage of non-traditional configured family systems (e.g., sole-parent families, unmarried committed partners rearing children together, grandparents… Continue reading → read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Saturday 02 October 2021
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
Elephants In The Hood
By Burt Prelutsky ~ If you don’t get the reference, it’s because you never saw a certain segment on some news show years ago. There are so many terrible things taking place in America, it’s hard to keep track of them. And hard as it is to believe, not all of them are Joe Biden’s […] read more
South African oysters linked to illness in Hong Kong
Oysters from South Africa have been linked to cases of food poisoning in Hong Kong. The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) in Hong Kong ordered the suspension of imports of raw oysters produced by Zwembesi Farm Limited in South Africa this past week. Six food poisoning clusters have been identified after consumption of raw oysters... Continue Reading read more
October 3, 2021: Reader Tips
Nothin’ special this evening though I am posting this from my phone at the bar of a Texas Roadhouse in El Paso. Had a rather pleasant drive from San Diego today. Your best tips of the past day are greatly appreciated! read more
Biden And Boris: The Bad News Bears
By Duggan Flanakin ~ British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says he is comfortable working with Joe Biden on climate change issues. At the United Nations Johnson days ago praised Biden’s promise to double the U.S. contribution to imposing climate rules on developing nations, remarking that, “It’s fantastic to see the United States really stepping up and […] read more
Tips for reducing food safety risks with technology
Opinion By Greg Staley Food businesses face risk every day, with every shift. That means their teams must work proactively to reduce the chances of a foodborne illness incident, security breach, or other crisis. Now, on top of “basic” safety protocols, organizations must also implement COVID-19 protocols, which are ever changing, adhering to local, state,... Continue Reading read more
The Army Wants Artillery Rounds That Can Change Direction Mid-Flight
*Kris Osborn* *Artillery, Americas* These shaped charges promise more accuracy and lethality than traditional artillery rounds. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The future of ground warfare may be here sooner than you think. Javelin anti-tank missiles can destroy armored vehicles from two-to-three miles away, TOW missiles can hit enemy tanks from about two miles and an Apache-fired Hellfire can attack and destroy enemy tanks from roughly four miles away. All of this is impressive, but what about anti-armor artillery able to track and destroy enemy armored vehicles from 30km? How ... read more
Can Artificial Intelligence Help Kill Russian and Chinese Drone Swarms?
*Kris Osborn* *Artificial Intelligence, World* AI will enable a lot of promising military technology, but humans must be kept in the loop. *Here's What You Need to Know*: AI-capable drone defenses can already gather, pool, organize and analyze an otherwise disconnected array of threat variables. What if waves of hundreds of autonomous, integrated artificial intelligence (AI)-capable mini-drones were closing in upon a forward Army unit, Air Force base or Navy ship at staggering speeds, presenting unprecedented complexity for defenders? Perhaps they are programmed with advanced a... read more
Will AUKUS Spark an Indo-Pacific Naval Arms Race?
*Susannah Patton* *AUKUS, Indo-Pacific* Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur have some issues. When Australia announced the AUKUS pact together with the United States and United Kingdom, it knew that China would be hostile and France would be disappointed. Predicting the reaction in Southeast Asia would have been more difficult: views vary. From Australia’s perspective, its relations in the region have generally been good in recent years. So much so, that Jakarta even welcomed Canberra’s 2020 defence strategic update, though it foreshadowed Australia playing precisely the more regionally amb... read more
In 1187
October 2, 1187 – Jerusalem fell to Saladin. This was the culmination of Saladin’s extensive invasion of the Kingdom of Jerusalem after his great victory at the Battle of Hattin months earlier. The Holy City was nearly empty of soldiers and was mostly defended by women, youths, children, the sick, and the elderly. Nevertheless, these […] The post In 1187 appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
October 3rd – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 257
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post October 3rd – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 257 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
October 3rd – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post October 3rd – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Did The Fourth Branch of Government Release SARS-CoV-2 Then Blame China
So much research has been done, we essentially know the majority of the background details. The SARS-CoV-2 virus commonly known as COVID-19 was made in a lab by scientists. The virus then went from a lab to the global population in late 2019/early 2020. The epicenter of the outbreak appears to be one of the […] The post Did The Fourth Branch of Government Release SARS-CoV-2 Then Blame China appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Crossword clues and bullying – the influence of Australia’s pro-Israel lobby unveiled
[image: Mark Leibler and Colin Rubenstein] The intimidating influence of Australia's pro-Israel lobby does not only limit what mainstream media outlets dare publish, it forces self-censorship on editors and journalists alike, writes John Lyons in his latest book - Dateline Jerusalem: Journalism's toughest assignment read more
Man Dressed As A Ninja And Armed With A Sword Attacked Special Ops Soldiers Training In The Mojave Desert
A sword-wielding man dressed as a ninja slashed a staff sergeant and attacked several special ops soldiers at an airfield forcing them to find shelter and call 911 for help. *Daily Mail: **Man dressed as a ninja and armed with a sword attacked special ops soldiers training at a base in the Mojave Desert* * The strange incident took place at an airfield in the Mohave desert, according to a screengrab of a military incident report shared on Instagram and Reddit * Details from the report were corroborated by records from the Ridgecrest Police Department that confirmed two U.S. A... read more
Komando.com1 day ago
Google redesign: New features and tricks to know about for your next search
Check out these cool new features Google is adding to its search engine. read more
Early Treatment?
We set up 25 monoclonal antibody sites across Florida, and we’ve seen about a 70% reduction in COVID-19 hospitalizations. Early treatment saves lives. — Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) October 1, 2021 Related read more
The U.S. Army Wants Cannons That Can Shoot 1,000 Miles Away
*Kris Osborn* *Long Range Cannon, Americas* How long will it take to get some prototypes in the field? *Here's What You Need to Know*: Such a weapon would offer an entirely new universe of land war possibilities. What if the Army could destroy enemy air defenses from the ground across hundreds of miles, hitting well-defended inland areas inaccessible to even sea-launched Tomahawks able to travel 900 miles? Or what if the Army could overwhelm an approaching enemy mechanized armored force with suppressive fire from an incredible distance? All of these are new, previously impossibl... read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
Texas can divide itself without federal action
“Before John Nance Garner became Franklin Roosevelt’s vice president, and before he declared the job “isn’t worth a pitcher of warm spit,” the cow-punching, whiskey-drinking, poker-dealing Texas congressman pushed a plan to grab even more clout for his already enormous … Continue reading → read more
Komando.com1 day ago
Millions of customer details leaked in the latest data breach – Here’s what you should do
A popular department store just announced customer data was stolen way back in May 2020. read more
Need for Speed: Why the Australian Navy Went Nuclear
*Michael Shoebridge* *AUKUS, Asia* AUKUS isn't all about submarines. The world’s gotten more dangerous—and quickly. And while nuclear submarines from the new AUKUS partnership will give Australia a powerful long-term deterrent, this won’t be a fast program that delivers inside 15 years. It’s becoming even more essential that Defence matches the speed of change in the strategic environment in areas that can deliver well before then. That will require very different approaches to defence development and acquisition than we see now, with current and historical lessons. Rapid change... read more
The SAS's New Rifle Can Blast Helicopters Out Of The Sky
The gun uses a magazine of five .50-calibre Raufoss Mk2 bullets, which it can fire in under three seconds *Daily Mail:* *SAS armed with new rifle so powerful it can blast helicopters out of the sky and blow apart armour-plated vehicles with one shot* * The devastating rifle Gepard GM6 Lynx has been likened to a howitzer cannon * Made in Hungary, semi-automatic rifle has a range of one-and-a-quarter miles * Although it is powerful, £9,000 rifle is easy to carry and ideal for parachuting Special Forces have been armed with a rifle so powerful it can blast helicopters out o... read more
Former Japanese Admiral Says Japan Unprepared For A Chinese Invasion Of Taiwan
Japanese Special Defense Forces file photo. Photo: AFP *Defense Post*: *Japan Unprepared for China ‘Military Unification’: Ex-Navy Chief* Japan may be caught unprepared if it gets involved in a potential conflict in the Taiwan Strait, a former navy chief said. In a Sankei newspaper opinion column via Japan Forward, Yoji Koda, a retired commander of Japan’s Maritime Self-Defence Forces (MSDF), warned of “devastating consequences” if the country did not prepare itself for a potential conflict involving Taiwan and China. China has been more aggressive in its claim over Taiwan i... read more
Louisiana’s largest hospital system will impose fee on employees if their spouse is unvaccinated
The Blaze – by Chris Pandolfo A Louisiana-based hospital system is mandating COVID-19 vaccination for the spouses of employees on the company benefits plan and... The post Louisiana’s largest hospital system will impose fee on employees if their spouse is unvaccinated appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Biden Admin Prepares for Up to 400,000 Migrant Surge in October
Gateway Pundit – by Kristinn Taylor The Biden administration is warning a massive surge of up to 400,000 migrants in October could occur as Biden’s... The post Biden Admin Prepares for Up to 400,000 Migrant Surge in October appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
US CONGRESSWOMAN WARNS: “If you are a company firing your employees because they are not vaccinated, I would stop…There is no rule or law in place…Lawsuits are coming!”
100% Fed Up – by Patty McMurray Joe Biden can barely tie his own shoes without the assistance of nurse Jill, but apparently, someone told... The post US CONGRESSWOMAN WARNS: “If you are a company firing your employees because they are not vaccinated, I would stop…There is no rule or law in place…Lawsuits are coming!” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Jewish Future Pledge with JNF-USA
Jewish National Fund-USA Oct 1, 2021 Jewish National Fund-USA is proud to partner with Jewish Future Pledge, a worldwide movement working to ensure that vibrant... The post Jewish Future Pledge with JNF-USA appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Afghan refugees are ‘walking out’ of US military bases before they are resettled
Daily Mail More than 700 Afghan refugees currently in the United States have left the military bases they’ve been evacuated to without intent to return,... The post Afghan refugees are ‘walking out’ of US military bases before they are resettled appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
America’s Fate: Oligarchy or Autocracy
The competing systems of power are divided between alternatives which widen the social and political divide — and increase potential for violent conflict. PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY (Scheerpost) — The competing systems of power in the United States are divided between oligarchy and autocracy. There are no other alternatives. Neither are pleasant. Each have peculiar and distasteful … Continue reading America’s Fate: Oligarchy or Autocracy → read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Whistleblower nurse reveal Covid stats manipulation
By a concerned subscriber I work in health in another state and have looked after patients post vaccination with adverse effects, major adverse effects. Yet we too, have been told its mandatory. The information sheets on these trial medications state clearly there is insufficient data for use in pregnancy, lactation and no information on long […] read more
Gratitude and Inclusion
I'm celebrating Thanksgiving a week early this year because turkeys were on sale and I'm feeling it. Lately I've been feeling a bit of discouragement but a lot of gratitude at the same time. This Covid nonsense is ridiculous and these vaccine passports are absurd. Yet I'm grateful to have an employer that does not require vaccine mandates, yet. I believe in the freedom to choose especially when it comes to medical treatment and I find the bizarre push and the misinformation about the vaccines irritating and insane. Rand Paul is unvaccinated and so am I. We both have recovered fro... read more
China Sends More Warplanes Into Taiwan's Air Defense Zone
*FOX News*:* China sends more aircraft toward Taiwan, one day after largest ever incursion* *China has sent more than 80 planes toward Taiwan in the last two days * The Chinese air force has sent more aircraft into Taiwan’s air defense zone, Taiwan’s military said on Saturday, one day after the largest incursion ever into the zone. China sent 20 aircraft, followed by a second wave hours later, toward Taiwan. It means that nearly 80 planes, including fighter jets and bombers, have now moved toward the democratically-run country in the last two days. Beijing views Taiwan as a... read more
Is America’s Drone War Creating, Not Countering, Terror?
*Eileen Walsh* *Drones, Middle East* To truly conduct counterterrorism, one must actually counter terrorism; not, as the United States has just done, take the lives of innocent civilians, providing fodder for the propaganda that terrorists use for recruitment against the United States in the first place. Three of the United States’ top military leaders appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee earlier this week to testify in their first public briefings since the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Genera... read more
Does the Poseidon Missile Give Russia an Edge in Naval Combat?
*Michael Peck* *Nuclear Weapons, Europe* Even in the unlikely event that the U.S. could intercept 500 or more Russian ballistic missiles, a delivery system that could take days or weeks to reach its target seems hardly an efficient deterrent. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The puzzle is why a giant robot submarine would be needed to detonate a nuclear warhead near a U.S. aircraft carrier (presumably Poseidon is too expensive to waste by arming it with a mere high-explosive warhead). If the goal is to sink a U.S. carrier, couldn’t Russia saturate a carrier’s defenses with a v... read more
Dindunuffin, Georgia Terrorist Threatening to Kill Black People Was Actually a Black Woman Creating a Hoax Crime
GEORGIA – […] Since last December, a Douglasville, Georgia neighborhood has been gripped in fear due to racially charged messages that have anonymously been left in the mailboxes of residents of color, reports Fox News. But now police said they have made an arrest and the alleged culprit is not who the neighbors expected. Wednesday, […] The post Dindunuffin, Georgia Terrorist Threatening to Kill Black People Was Actually a Black Woman Creating a Hoax Crime appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
More than a week after we learned about John Eastman's legal memo advising then-President Trump on how he could overturn Joe Biden's victory, *The New York Times* has published a story about Eastman. He's described as a "fringe" figure. John Eastman’s path from little-known academic to one of the most influential voices in Donald J. Trump’s ear in the final days of his presidency began in mid-2019 on Mr. Trump’s favorite platform: television. Mr. Trump, who had never met Mr. Eastman, saw him on the Fox News talk show of the far-right commentator Mark Levin railing against the Russi... read more
Relief from COVID Vaccine Tyranny will NOT Come from the Courts as U.S. Supreme Court Denies Right to Refuse Shots by NYC Teachers
For everyone in the United States who is still holding out hope that the American judicial system will recognize that the current COVID-19 "vaccines" were approved illegally, and that neither government nor private employers have a legal right to mandate them as a condition to work or participate in society, it is time you recognize that this hope in the judicial system is in vain. Salvation will not come from the American judicial system, and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor drove the last nail in the coffin of that hope yesterday, Friday, October 1, 2021. I saw a headline ... read more
Ach Du Liebe Zeit!
German Coal Plant Runs Completely Out Of Coal In recent weeks, utilities across Europe have fired up more coal-powered generation as natural gas prices continue to surge. Even the UK, which has pledged to phase out coal-fired power generation by October 2024, had to fire up earlier this month an old coal plant that was… Continue reading → read more
The United States Navy’s New Task Force Has One Purpose: Hunting Russian Submarines
*Caleb Larson* *Submarines, * Russia's underwater capabilities could pose a threat to the American East Coast and to Europe. In a release, the U.S. Navy provided details about a new task force named Task Group Greyhound (TGG) intended to “provide the fleet with continuously ready, fully certified warships ready to accomplish a full range of on-demand missions 24/7/365. TGG will assign and task *Arleigh Burke*-class guided-missile destroyers to be at-the-ready to support sustainment operations and to counter Russian undersea threats to the homeland.” The name Greyhound is a throw... read more
Is the U.S. Navy’s MQ-25 Stingray Program a Mistake?
*Kris Osborn* *MQ-25 Stingray, Americas* The Navy chose the Stingray over the stealthier Northrop Grumman X-47B demonstrator aircraft. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The UCLASS drone ran into an interesting predicament. The Navy almost developed a stealthy, armed, carrier-launched attack drone to bring new range dimensions to maritime power projection. This drone would have conducted high-risk forward offensive missions against enemy air defenses, enemy surface ships and even adversarial fighter aircraft. The first-of-its-kind drone could have also been developed into a carrie... read more
If Politics Are Downstream From Pop Culture, Then What is FJB Telling Democrats
Andrew Breitbart famously said that politics was downstream from pop culture. Andrew’s ability to engage any audience that generally didn’t care about politics, while displaying the Machiavellian manipulators in a way that was brutally effective, made him an enemy to those who avoid sunlight. What we are seeing amid college football games, and recently any […] The post If Politics Are Downstream From Pop Culture, Then What is FJB Telling Democrats appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Freedom from Information: thank you Gladys Berejiklian and NSW Health
[image: NSW ICAC, FOI, GIPA] Dear Premier Gladys Berejiklian and NSW Health, thank you for finally responding to our Freedom of Information request. We ask that, in future, you simply send us an old roll of toilet paper. read more
Dr. RollerGator PhD
Takes a look at some vaccine efficacy data that came out in the U.K. a few weeks ago. Grab a beverage. If all you want to know is if the graph in the tweet is accurate, it is. It reflects the data of the report. There is a lot more to get into though, to… Continue reading → read more
Russia and China Likely to Introduce U.N. Security Council Resolution Condemning Australia for Human Rights Violations
The headline might seem a little odd; but, then again, isn’t everything upside down now as we walk through Alice’s COVID-19 looking glass. Factually, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping and the Mullahs in Iran could not purposefully shift the global image of western democracy in the way the leaders of many nations […] The post Russia and China Likely to Introduce U.N. Security Council Resolution Condemning Australia for Human Rights Violations appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Relief from COVID Vaccine Tyranny will NOT Come from the Courts as U.S. Supreme Court Denies Right to Refuse Shots by NYC Teachers
For everyone in the United States who is still holding out hope that the American judicial system will recognize that the current COVID-19 "vaccines" were approved illegally, and that neither government nor private employers have a legal right to mandate them as a condition to work or participate in society, it is time you recognize that this hope in the judicial system is in vain. Salvation will not come from the American judicial system, and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor drove the last nail in the coffin of that hope yesterday, Friday, October 1, 2021. I saw a headline ... read more
Malcolm Turnbull called President Emmanuel Macron to talk about the $90 billion cancelled Submarine deal. Why? What’s in it for Turnbull?
Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has unloaded with both barrels on Prime Minister Scott Morrison regarding the cancelled $90 billion submarine contract accusing Morrison of being deceitful, sneaky and damaging Australia’s […] The post Malcolm Turnbull called President Emmanuel Macron to talk about the $90 billion cancelled Submarine deal. Why? What’s in it for Turnbull? appeared first on Kangaroo Court of Australia. read more
Just Wait…
…until they get left completely alone. Then they’ll really be mad. read more
Tired Of Living In A Police State?
Some of the sheep are getting tired of being told what to do. Tofino Blackie will offer them more free stuff to keep them in line. read more
Organizing Notes5 hours ago
Verboten has lost
Jonathan Isaac (and some other NBA players) have broken the verboten spell. We've not really been allowed to talk critically about covid, or the jab, it's been verboten, a forbidden subject. Isaac was one of the ballplayers who took a knee over Black Lives Matter. It's obvious he thinks for himself. Many others don't, they just follow the crowd, what ever Mr. Big says, is what goes. Period. Big pharma is owned by many of the same people who own the media, who are Wall Streeters, who own the MIC and Big Oil. They have Inter-locking boards of directorates. Mr. Big is gettin... read more
Pottersville Digest
("No, I don't want you putting out my house fire. I'm going to do my own research on firefighting.") ------------------------------ This means, like a stopped clock, Lin Wood will be right one more time in his life. ------------------------------ "What do these American pigs mean I look like Castro?" ------------------------------ The Democratic Party needs crooks like this like Trump needs more calories in his diet. ------------------------------ Your Brad o' the day. ------------------------------ We've heard about the Capitol Police being attacked. We've hea... read more
Pelosi Lied to Her Own Caucus, Democrat Rep Josh Gottheimer Just Received The Bart Stupak Treatment
At 1:00am on August 25th Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats came to an agreement on a massive spending proposal. The Senate previously passed a $1.5 trillion “infrastructure” bill, and a group of 9 House moderates -led by Josh Gottheimer- wanted to see it pass. However, the far-left progressive caucus wanted their $3.5 trillion spending package […] The post Pelosi Lied to Her Own Caucus, Democrat Rep Josh Gottheimer Just Received The Bart Stupak Treatment appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Musical Interlude: Josh Groban, “You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)”
*Full screen recommended.* Josh Groban, “You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)” read more
blah blah blah
'Officials from developing countries' are 'demanding' something, according to the BBC: This is presently the second story on the BBC News website. If you're wondering how many paragraphs you'll have to scroll through to till you reach even a passing mention of [the massively polluting People's Republic of] China, you'll find it tucked away in Paragraph 18. And the 'Analysis' by BBC science correspondent Victoria Gill uncritically plugs Greta Thunberg. Students and activists in Milan formed a human wall to 'protect' her, BBC Victoria says - ever-so-analytically. read more
"A Look to the Heavens"
"These are galaxies of the Hercules Cluster, an archipelago of island universes a mere 500 million light-years away. Also known as Abell 2151, this cluster is loaded with gas and dust rich, star-forming spiral galaxies but has relatively few elliptical galaxies, which lack gas and dust and the associated newborn stars. The colors in this remarkably deep composite image clearly show the star forming galaxies with a blue tint and galaxies with older stellar populations with a yellowish cast. The sharp picture spans about 3/4 degree across the cluster center, corresponding to over 6 ... read more
Is the Havana Syndrome Real? A Newly Declassified Report Says It May Be Crickets
*Stephen Silver* *Havana Syndrome, * Buzzfeed News has obtained a declassified State Department report, from 2018, which concluded that injuries suffered by the diplomats more “most likely caused by crickets” than sonic weapons. Have you heard about Havana Syndrome? It’s a supposed illness that is said to be affecting embassy staffers and CIA officers in Cuba, as well as other foreign countries such as China and Russia. A National Academies of Sciences panel report last year identified pulsed radiofrequency energy as the “most likely” reason for the sickness. Now, another report... read more
North Korea Is Weaponizing the Naval ‘Gray Zone’ Against the South
*Sanghoon Kim* *North Korea, Asia* North Korea perfectly understands its position of weakness in the maritime domain and is emulating China’s revisionist strategy of gray zone operations to gradually overturn the status quo. After months of relative restraint, the Korean Peninsula is experiencing a new arms race. Since the announcement of the Medium-term Defense Program in 2020, South Korea commissioned a 3,800-ton *Dosan Ahn Changho*-class submarine and test-fired a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) on September 15. The U.S.-Republic of Korea (ROK) missile guideline wa... read more
South Korean Navy Launches Shin Chae-ho, its Third Changbogo-III Submarine
*Mark Episkopos* *Diesel Submarines, South Korea* Shin Chae-ho is a diesel-electric attack submarine displacing about 3,500 tons that supports the new Korean Vertical Launching System. South Korea has launched a new homegrown submarine, the latest in Seoul’s multipronged effort to enhance its regional deterrence capabilities. The launch ceremony for the ROKS *Shin Chae-ho* took place in a Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. shipyard in the southeastern city of Ulsan. The *Shin Chae-ho* is a diesel-electric attack submarine that boasts a variant of the Korean Vertical Launching System (K... read more
Chet Raymo, “A Sense Of Place”
*“A Sense Of Place”* by Chet Raymo “It would be hard to find two writers more different than Eudora Welty and Edward Abbey. Welty was a Pulitzer Prize-winning author of stories and novels who lived all her life in Jackson, Mississippi, in the house in which she was born, the beloved spinster aunt of American letters. Abbey was a hard-drinking, butt-kicking nature writer and conservationist best known for his books on the American Southwest. Both writers are favorites of mine. Both were great champions of place. I always wondered what it would have been like if they got together. As... read more
The Poet: Theodore Roethke, “The Geranium”
*“The Geranium”* “When I put her out, once, by the garbage pail, She looked so limp and bedraggled, So foolish and trusting, like a sick poodle, Or a wizened aster in late September, I brought her back in again For a new routine - Vitamins, water, and whatever Sustenance seemed sensible At the time: she’d lived So long on gin, bobbie pins, half-smoked cigars, dead beer, Her shriveled petals falling On the faded carpet, the stale Steak grease stuck to her fuzzy leaves. (Dried-out, she creaked like a tulip.) The things she endured! The dumb dames shrieking half the night Or the two of us, a... read more
"Grave Faults..."
“Only the following items should be considered to be grave faults: not respecting another's rights; allowing oneself to be paralyzed by fear; feeling guilty; believing that one does not deserve the good or ill that happens in one's life; being a coward. We will love our enemies, but not make alliances with them. They were placed in our path in order to test our sword, and we should, out of respect for them, struggle against them. We will choose our enemies.” - Paulo Coelho, "Like the Flowing River" read more
Paulo Coelho, "Killing Our Dreams"
*"Killing Our Dreams"* by Paulo Coelho "The first symptom of the process of our killing our dreams is the lack of time. The busiest people I have known in my life always have time enough to do everything. Those who do nothing are always tired and pay no attention to the little amount of work they are required to do. They complain constantly that the day is too short. The truth is, they are afraid to fight the Good Fight. The second symptom of the death of our dreams lies in our certainties. Because we don’t want to see life as a grand adventure, we begin to think of ourselves as w... read more
The Daily "Near You?"
Kingston, Saint Andrew, Jamaica. Thanks for stopping by! read more
balance101 day ago
The Clinton conspiracy to destroy the Trump Administration
WASHINGTON, (Reuters) - A cybersecurity attorney known for his work advising Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign was indicted on Thursday for lying to the FBI, as part of U.S. Special Counsel John Durham's probe into the origins of the FBI investigation of ties between Russia and former President Donald Trump's campaign. ……………………………………….............................................................................................…… 9-23-2021 White House National Sec... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Strong earthquake hits border between Peru and Brazil on Saturday
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 on the Richter scale struck the border between Brazil and Peru this morning (2). The seismic tremor was detected by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), which says the epicenter occurred 165 kilometers southwest of TarauacĆ”, Acre. The earthquake was recorded at a […] The post Strong earthquake hits border between Peru and Brazil on Saturday appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
alienviews1 day ago
The "You" You'd Recuse
. . . Think what you *want*, friend, regarding "*Abduction*." A nest full of *liars*, mistaken, or cursed. Consider these making a play for your *dollar*, not worthy your notice— *revolting*, or *worse*? . *Then*, make them a *scapegoat*? Make them your *clown*! Make them embarrassed? Make sure they're cast down! . Use them, abuse them— why, assign "yellow stars"! Mock them as bar-flies from Venus or Mars! Do what you will to stay 'comfy' and 'safe.' ...But lie to yourself! Pretend it's *you, *brave! . Yes, treat with derision this hapless *minority*, though, cling to *f... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Will Brazil’s SĆ£o Paulo run out of water? Cantareira system reaches the worst level in the last 5 years
RIO DE JANEIRO BRAZIL - After months of drought, the Cantareira System reached 29.8% of its operational volume this Saturday, 2. The number is the lowest for more than five years and sets the reclassification of the operation as "restricted". Cantareira is a water system composed of five interconnected reservoirs that provide water to 9 […] The post Will Brazil’s SĆ£o Paulo run out of water? Cantareira system reaches the worst level in the last 5 years appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
I think that he’s smaller than that. Gen. Milley is a traitor. I’m sure that he justifies his treachery in much the same way that Benedict Arnold did. First, a little shameless self-promotion White Powder: A Novel of the CIA and the Secret War in Laos, which I wrote, is based on actual […] The post Observations appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Cynicism Of Biden’s UN Speech Calling For More Diplomacy
In the same week that Biden delivered a speech at the United Nations where he argued that force had to be “our tool of last resort, not our first,” and that “many of our greatest concerns cannot be solved or even addressed by the force of arms,” the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), that represented another record-breaking increase in Pentagon spending, was passed in the House of Representatives. The message, following that of the racist Theodore Roosevelt , is that if there is going to be dialog the U.S. is still going to “speak softly and carry a big stick” to keep the n... read more
UPDATED: BC non-profit suing provincial government will have Crucial Court hearing this Friday PLUS: Good News from Down Under- BereJerkoff resigns - Court Hands Down decision re Mandatory Jabs
*UPDATED: October 2nd, 2021*. If you read this report this morning please re-read, as I have made a few crucial updates and corrections. I am still looking for information as to what transpired at the Court Hearing yesterday. *Accused: The Bullshitter and the Dickhead* *Hearing Took Place this past Friday. Is the* *Turd Shitting his Drawers???* *Trudeau slammed for Tofino trip on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation* Trudeau slammed for Tofino trip on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation ( Good morning sentients. Here's a challenge. Canadians are trying to... read more
Even the Guardian...
There's been a lot of anger directed at the BBC today because of the BBC News website's reporting of the David Miller affair. David Miller was the Bristol University sociology professor who revelled in baiting Jewish students at his university by mocking them and spreading conspiracy theories at their expense. He's now been sacked. I've seen people saying that even *The Guardian *reported the story more fairly than the BBC, and contrasting their respective headlines. Where the BBC headline says *Bristol University: Professor David Miller sacked over Israel comments*, the *Guardian... read more
An Afghan Student Parodied the Taliban’s New University Chancellor—and Everyone Believed It
*Trevor Filseth* *Afghanistan, Eurasia* “All these days that I was tweeting pretending to be the new chancellor, no one doubted my words.” Mohammad Ashraf Ghairat, a long-time Taliban member appointed as the new chancellor of Kabul University, caused a brief firestorm in Western media after he decreed via Twitter on Monday that women would no longer be allowed to attend or teach. “As long as [a] real Islamic environment is not provided for all,” Ghairat wrote, “women will not be allowed to come to universities or work. Islam first.” After the tweet caused a firestorm, including... read more
The Qualities and Faults of Fourth-Generation Fighter Jets
*Kris Osborn* *Stealth Jets, Americas* The Super Hornet and Eagle II are engineered with an advanced suite of next-generation combat capabilities. But does that still fall short of what they need to combat America’s adversaries? The Navy and the Air Force appear to be making a push to supplement the Defense Department’s growing fifth-generation fleet of F-35 stealth fighter jets with advanced, enhanced fourth-generation aircraft. The Air Force’s Boeing F-15EX Eagle II and the Navy’s Block III F/A-18 Super Hornet jets could be described as 4.5-generation aircraft. These jets are h... read more
Infection Party!
No, not THAT kind of infection… Knowingly exposing others to HIV is no longer a felony in California read more
Quarter Three By-Election Results 2021
This quarter 118,068 votes were cast over 74 local authority contests. All percentages are rounded to the nearest single decimal place. For comparison you can view Quarter Two's results here. Party Number of Candidates Total Vote % +/- Q2 21 +/- Q3 2019 Average +/- Seats Conservative 75 40,516 34.3% -5.5 +3.6 540 +1 Labour 64 29,795 24.2% -7.8 +5.8 466 -6 LibDem 62 19,740 16.7% +5.5 -15.3 318 +6 Green 49 12,731 10.8% +3.2 +7.3 260 +6 SNP* 5 5,968 5.1% +4.5 +1.1 1,194... read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Yes, Skittles Is Bringing Back Its Lime Flavor
And the internet had a few things to say about it. read more
Komando.com1 day ago
Check your PC or Mac for a dangerous program that records your keystrokes
A dangerous new keylogger is spreading quickly and threatens the security of all your devices. Here's why it's so terrifying and how to defend against it. read more
Japan art and the Persimmon Tree: Sawako Utsumi and homage to Sakai Hōitsu
Japan art and the Persimmon Tree: Sawako Utsumi and homage to Sakai Hōitsu Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times In time, the esteemed Japanese artist Sakai Hōitsu (1761-1829) became a Buddhist monk. However, long before Hōitsu sought solitude and becoming a Buddhist monk, he had studied various art forms. Therefore, after becoming a Buddhist monk, […] The post Japan art and the Persimmon Tree: Sawako Utsumi and homage to Sakai Hōitsu first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
More Than 2,000 Nurses And Health Care Workers Strike In Buffalo
Roughly 2,200 nurses, aides and health care staff walked off the job Friday morning in Buffalo, New York, to fight for better wages, staffing and working conditions at Mercy Hospital of Buffalo. Workers on the picket line describe horrific conditions at the hospital. Patients’ rooms, hallways, cafeterias and even medical equipment are filthy because the hospital refuses to hire enough workers. “Very poor conditions,” Carrie Dilbert, a registered nurse, told cable news station Spectrum News. “The hospital is not kept up the way it needs to be. It’s very dirty. Very low staffed. The... read more
ASU Students Fight To Defend Multicultural Center
Arizona State University, like many other college campuses in America, is a pivotal location for the struggle against racism. The campus has had several incidents calling attention to the mistreatment of Black and Brown people in Arizona, such as when a Black professor was tackled to the ground for “jaywalking” by an ASU police officer in 2014. After the uprising against racism in 2020, many student groups have called for the defunding and disarmament of the ASU police department, as well as the creation of a “Cultural Excellency Center” on campus. The Cultural Excellency Center, ... read more
Nice Country You’ve Got There
How’s about some “infrastructure”. The study found 42 low to middle-income countries, such as Laos, Papua New Guinea, the Maldives, owe debt to China exceeding 10% of their GDP AidData, a U.S.-based research firm, found that that several of the loans have also been underreported to the World Bank, kept off the public balance sheets… Continue reading → read more
ILA President Warns Members Will Not Work Ships Without Crews Aboard
North Bergen, NJ - Harold J. Daggett, President, International Longshoremen’s Association has a message to any shipping companies planning to utilize autonomous container cargo ships without crew: Don’t sail them into ILA ports from Maine To Texas, Puerto Rico, and Eastern Canada – they won’t be unloaded or loaded by ILA Members! Media reports in recent week have featured stories from Norway and Japan about companies and shipping lines developing and testing container vessels that will sail with no crew aboard – fully self-piloted,” relying on satellite guidance, onboard sensors, ... read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
Open Thread – 2 October 2021
216 total views, 216 views today read more
Electric Utilities Took $1.25 Billion In Bailouts, Shut Off Power Nearly 1 Million Times
The report shows that utilities wielded political power to secure beneficial tax-code changes in the CARES Act but defied calls to grant their own customers temporary relief. Instead, 16 utilities suspended or canceled electric service to nearly 1 million households between February 2020 and June 2021, leaving people without hot water, refrigeration, air conditioning and medical devices. The post Electric Utilities Took $1.25 Billion In Bailouts, Shut Off Power Nearly 1 Million Times appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
CFACT1 day ago
Biden and Boris: The bad news bears
Mistakes abound. The post Biden and Boris: The bad news bears appeared first on CFACT. read more
The Backfiring of Attack Ads Against Ron DeSantis
It looks like the American Left is crowd testing some attack ads against Ron DeSantis: Are they really so far deep the rabbit hole that they think anyone other than their paranoid Leftist cowards is going to find these ads appealing? read more
54% Vaccinated
Looks like the numbers just flipped in Quebec. 40% unvaccinated. read more
Regenerative Food And Farming: Survival And Revival
Regenerative agriculture and holistic livestock management represent the next, crucial stage of organic food and farming, not only avoiding toxic pesticides, fertilizers, sewage sludge, GMO seeds, and excessive greenhouse gas emissions, but regenerating soil fertility, water retention, carbon sequestration, and rural livelihoods as well. The post Regenerative Food And Farming: Survival And Revival appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
The FDA Has Approved Three Novel Types of GMO Potatoes — Here’s What You Must Know to Avoid Them
In July 2015, the first genetically engineered (or genetically modified, otherwise known as “GMO”) potatoes arrived on store shelves in the form of a specific type of white russets. Now, nearly five years later, most consumers still remain blissfully unaware that the potatoes even exist, and to make matters more complicated, three new types of GMO potatoes have been approved by the FDA. And because they’re not labeled, few people even know if they’ve been eating them or not (despite the fact that they are available in relatively small quantities, they are still potentially lur... read more

3 October - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 10 pm MDT

Budget Bonanza: Why the Navy Is Splurging on Upgrading Its Destroyers
*Kris Osborn* *Navy, Americas* The reality is that China’s Navy is larger than the U.S. Navy. The U.S. Navy is powering along with adding large amounts of new destroyers to its fleet despite a chorus of ongoing concerns about the size of the Navy’s budget. The military service is clearly embracing the reality that China has a naval fleet that is larger than America’s fleet. The effort is multifaceted in that it involves upgrading the existing fleet of DDG-51 *Arleigh Burke*-class Flight IIA destroyers and building a large number of new warships, including advanced, next-generatio... read more
Pfizer Stand Accused of Experimenting on Orphan Babies to Test Their Covid-19 Vaccine
Daily Expose Allegations that Pfizer are conducting experiments on six-month-old orphans to test their Covid-19 vaccine have been made by whistleblowers in Poland leading to... The post Pfizer Stand Accused of Experimenting on Orphan Babies to Test Their Covid-19 Vaccine appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Woman Injured by COVID Vaccine Pleads With Health Agencies for Help, as Local News Agency Kills Story After Pressure From Pfizer
Children’s Health Defense – by Megan Redshaw Kristi Dobbs, a 40-year-old dental hygienist from Missouri, said she can no longer work after being injured by... The post Woman Injured by COVID Vaccine Pleads With Health Agencies for Help, as Local News Agency Kills Story After Pressure From Pfizer appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
War News Updates16 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
A giant Chinese flag is seen on Chinese National Day, in Hong Kong, China, October 1, 2021. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu *WNU Editor: *The above picture is form this photo-gallery .... *Celebrating China's National Day *(Reuters). read more
The Duran16 hours ago
The Temple of Saint Sava and de-escalation in Kosovo
The Temple of Saint Sava and de-escalation in Kosovo ****News Topic 577***** Thank you to Kristian Kahrs. Follow Kristian: No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way […] read more
The Duran17 hours ago
Why Not Negative Interest Rates?
Unless you have been living on another planet, you probably realise the world is in deep trouble, the United States in particular is facing the possibility or even the likelihood of massive inflation due to the lunatic policies of the illegitimate Biden Administration. One tactic mooted as a solution to our current woes or to […] read more
CDC Releases “Urgent Health Advisory” to Vaccinate the Unborn
Pfizer’s published medical experiments testing coronavirus concoctions on children showed promising opportunity to influence a entirely new market. Now, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has announced a new wave of propaganda: a campaign to target pregnant mothers, and their unborn. The result, Big Pharma companies make sales, gain new customers, and profit, before their… read more
ICYMI: Applefest Edition (10/3)
Once a year, my small town closes the streets, brings in a ton of vendors, runs a whole passel of events, and calls it a festival, and it's pretty cool. Like the Harvest Homes of a century ago, it serves as a city-wide homecoming. It's not quite the same this year (the apple pancake breakfast was take-out only), but it's something. In the meantime, here's your reading list for the week. *Fighting back in Arizona* Trevor Nelson at Public Voices for Public Schools tells how activists are fighting back against the folks in Arizona trying to use the pandemic to sow more chaos, disru... read more
Major oil spill hits Orange County coast, California
A major oil spill, believed to have originated from a pipeline leak, hit parts of California's Orange County, including Huntington Beach on October 2, 2021. The event triggered coastal closures and emergency responses. Wildlife officials warned residents not to...... Read more » read more
Small Dead Animals17 hours ago
Vincent Racaniello: Viruses and Vaccines
This is very much worth your time, and touches on nearly all the discussion points that have been raised and debated here at SDA over the past 18 months. From the nature of viruses to vaccine history and safety, the effectiveness of masks, ivermectin and other interventions, the tragedy that inexpensive home rapid tests have… Continue reading → read more
What's Going on With Coronavirus Booster Shots?
*Matthew Woodruff* *COVID-19, * Tense decision-making as CDC joins FDA in recommending Pfizer booster shot for 65 & up, people at high risk and those with occupational exposure to COVID-19. Following the recommendations of its vaccine advisory committee, the Food and Drug Administration gave emergency use authorization to Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine booster dose for certain populations. The single shot is to be administered six months following completion of the original two-dose course. The FDA’s Sept. 22, 2021, decision to not extend boosters to the general population ... read more
September 1961–A Bit Of Everything!
By Paul Homewood . September 1961 was a real mixed bag, dominated by a storm mid month: . The month started with a heatwave, with temperatures hitting 31.6C, but frosts arrived later: Mid month brought two ex-hurricanes, the first bringing heavy rain, and the second unusually strong gales: . read more
Sunday morning music
I don't like everything Roberta Flack's recorded, but some of her love songs have been truly iconic, and have given me real listening pleasure over the years. (It's really hard to believe she's now 84 years old!) Here's a brief selection of the best-known among them. First, possibly my favorite of her songs: "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face". Here's "Let It Be Me". Another classic, and my second-favorite of her songs: "Killing Me Softly". And finally, a duet with Peabo Bryson: "Tonight I Celebrate My Love". Sometimes a song expresses emotion and feeling to... read more
Small Dead Animals17 hours ago
Lifestyles Of The Rich And Communist
Apparently you have to be a follower of Karl Marx now to be rich in America. Well, it worked for the president of China. And white men must hate themselves to be successful in business. read more
Numbing Autism Numbers
By Cathy Jameson When I saw the latest autism headlines, I was reminded of something I saw published a few years ago. Epidural use during delivery linked to minimal autism risk, studies find Epidurals are not linked to autism in... Related Stories - Making an Impact - Over The Top - Ten Years Later: Change In Time read more
Is the BBC biased?18 hours ago
'Our local hero'
Harry Cole, political editor of *The Sun, *tweeted this while watching Andrew Marr and Boris Johnson slugging it out earlier: Getting spicy now on Marr. Not much love lost here. They certainly don't seem to like each other. It always seems to get frosty. Here's a flavour of it. if you missed it: *Andrew Marr*: The logic of what you are saying is that the shortages and the short-term problems are an inevitable result of the policy, that to get higher productivity and higher wages, we as a country have to go through some bumps, some shortages, some queues, on the way. And that,... read more
GREENIE WATCH18 hours ago
* "Fossil" Fuels Are Back — Everywhere Except The U.S.A.* While the greens in America, including their champion zealot, Joe Biden, howl their primal screams over climate change, the rest of the world is turning to coal. The dark stuff. The satanic fuel. But it’s back big time across the globe. So is old-fashioned petroleum. Bloomberg reported last week that because of high natural gas prices due to a reduced supply from the United States, Europe is “snapping up coal.” It’s cheaper now and unlike wind and solar is a much more reliable source of power. Euroland is also starting t... read more
China's Area 51 Isn't Too Different from America's
*Trevor Filseth* *Chinese Military, Asia* The area’s outline, and the runways, can be seen on Google Maps. *Here's What You Need To Remember Here: *As China’s aerospace program has become increasingly developed, Beijing has begun work on a similar facility in remote Xinjiang. According to satellite footage, a three-mile-long airstrip has been constructed, and a number of buildings have sprung up around it. After World War II, the United States constructed an experimental test range for experimental U.S. Air Force aircraft in rural Nevada, near a dry salt flat called Groom Lake... read more
Trouble at the Border: Biden Botches Influx of Haitian Refugees
*Karen Musalo* *Border Crisis, * An asylum law scholar explains how the US skirts its legal and moral duties. The U.S.’s top envoy to Haiti resigned abruptly on Sept. 22, 2021, over the Biden administration’s “inhumane” treatment of Haitian migrants crossing the border via Mexico into Texas. The resignation came amid debate over the U.S. decision to deport thousands of Haitians entering the U.S. in search of asylum or a better life. Criticism over the policy mounted as images of U.S. Border Patrol agents on horseback and carrying whip-like cords while encountering migrants gained... read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
Where to put your router for better speeds
If you want good Wi-Fi, find the best location for your router. The ideal spot can maximize your coverage. Follow these steps to speed up your internet. read more
Homes may have gas cut off if they refuse to take part in hydrogen trial
Homeowners who refuse to take part in a hydrogen energy trial will be forcibly cut off by gas network operators, under Government plans to test green heating alternatives. Residents in one village will begin the pilot scheme by 2025 to help the Government assess whether hydrogen gas can be used as a low-carbon alternative for […] read more
21st Century Wire19 hours ago
China Sends 38 Fighter Jets, Bombers Into Taiwan Defense Zone
*21WIRE + Reuters* | Surprise show of force by Chinese air force triggers outrage from Taiwan and its US backers. read more
Pfizer Stand Accused of Experimenting on Orphan Babies to Test Their Covid-19 Vaccine
Originally posted on BREAKING – Pfizer stand accused of experimenting on orphan babies to test their Covid-19 vaccine DAILY EXPOSE Allegations that Pfizer are conducting experiments on six-month-old orphans to test their Covid-19 vaccine have been made by whistleblowers in Poland leading to a group of lawyers, medical professionals and activists demanding… read more
Study: COVID-19 Vaccines INCREASE Deaths and Hospitalizations from COVID-19 Based on Analysis of Most-Vaccinated Countries
Originally posted on Truth2Freedom's Blog: 10-02-2021 •, by Brian Shilhavy As the data continues to come in regarding the experimental COVID-19 shots, it is abundantly clear now that pretty much EVERYTHING the FDA and the CDC have told the public about these shots is a LIE! Dr. GĆ©rard DelĆ©pine from France, whom we have featured… read more
YouTube purges Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Joseph Mercola and a wide range of experts who aren’t afraid to tell the truth about vaccines
Originally posted on Truth2Freedom's Blog: 09-30-2021?• Natural News – Lance Johnson (Natural News) YouTube is?targeting several prominent video channels?that speak up for families that are injured by vaccines. YouTube took down the channel of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Joseph Mercola because their videos are too truthful and are slowing vaccination rates… read more
Komando.com21 hours ago
The upcoming national social media boycott: Everything you need to know
Give up social media for the sake of a good cause. That's the rallying point behind the nationwide boycott against Facebook and Instagram on Nov. 10. read more
Massive industrial indoctrination of UK freshmen began
Symptoms of a collapse of a country in a very advanced stage Last night, iDNES, the leading Czech Internet news server, published a remarkable story British universities launched controversial courses. Indoctrination, opponents call them.I won't translate the text because it's been based on English sources such as The Daily Mail (mostly about St Andrews, the oldest university in Scotland) and The Times (mostly about the University of Kent, just East of London). The new academic year started and their new freshmen are subjected to an unprecedented lobotomy. They must memorize and "co... read more
New Left Media October 2021
Thanks to events this last month, I haven't paid much attention to the discourse which means I haven't spotted many new left media projects. Shame. But there were some, and here they are. Please give them a visit! 1. A People's History with John McDonnell (Twitter) (Podcast) 2. Pandemic Capitalism (Twitter) (Blog) 3. The Lefty (Twitter) (Podcast) If you know of any new(ish) blogs, podcasts, channels, Facebook pages or whatever that haven't featured before then drop me a line via the comments, email, Facebook, or Twitter. Please note I'm looking for new media that has started withi... read more
naked capitalism19 hours ago
Six-Month Sentence for Lawyer Who Took on Chevron Denounced as ‘International Outrage’
Conviction of Steven Donziger, said one critic, "perfectly encapsulates how corporate power has twisted the U.S. justice system to protect corporate interests and punish their enemies." read more
It’s Not a Bird or a Plane—It’s a High-Flying Army Surveillance Balloon
*Peter Suciu* *HELEIOS, Americas* “The idea is blanketing the deep area with low-cost attritable sensors to enable deep sensing and deep effects.” *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *HELEIOS is part of the Multidomain Sensing System (MDSS) family, which is a series of high-altitude systems that could help the Army cover the vast distances over which it may have to operate during a future conflict. As the aeronauts of the Union Army Balloon Corps were able to monitor the troop movements of Confederate forces, HELEIOS could provide real-time data, but from extreme distances. Duri... read more
Virtual Mirage20 hours ago
Sunday Sermonette
Basilica of the sacred family Barcelona, Spain Living on acres of land, as I do, it strikes an odd string in my heart when you would step out of your home…onto the sidewalk and then the street. And then they proudly point to the backyard where they have a cement pond. Now that’s […] The post Sunday Sermonette appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Is the BBC biased?20 hours ago
Some Sunday morning reading
I According to *The Mail on Sunday*, Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries will use her conference speech to 'throw down the gauntlet to the BBC'. A source has told them: The plan is to put the BBC on notice that its days as the voice of the Islington Left are numbered. Nadine appreciates that it has a global reputation for the quality of many of its programmes, but the woke-infested news output needs addressing. We'll see. Anyhow, there's a good quote from Nadine in *The Sun*: I could almost hear the almond latte cups hitting the floor at the BBC when I got this job. II Former ... read more
OrientalReview.org20 hours ago
Healing The Heart
The heart itself is but a small vessel, yet dragons are there, and there are also lions; there are poisonous beasts and all the treasures of evil. But there too is God, the angels, the life and the kingdom, the light and the apostles, the heavenly cities and the treasuries […] read more