Saturday, October 02, 2021

2 October - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 5

 10 pm MDT

Komando.com11 hours ago
Check your PC or Mac for a dangerous program that records your keystrokes
A dangerous new keylogger is spreading quickly and threatens the security of all your devices. Here's why it's so terrifying and how to defend against it. read more
Modern Tokyo Times11 hours ago
Japan art and the Persimmon Tree: Sawako Utsumi and homage to Sakai Hōitsu
Japan art and the Persimmon Tree: Sawako Utsumi and homage to Sakai Hōitsu Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times In time, the esteemed Japanese artist Sakai Hōitsu (1761-1829) became a Buddhist monk. However, long before Hōitsu sought solitude and becoming a Buddhist monk, he had studied various art forms. Therefore, after becoming a Buddhist monk, […] The post Japan art and the Persimmon Tree: Sawako Utsumi and homage to Sakai Hōitsu first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Small Dead Animals11 hours ago
Nice Country You’ve Got There
How’s about some “infrastructure”. The study found 42 low to middle-income countries, such as Laos, Papua New Guinea, the Maldives, owe debt to China exceeding 10% of their GDP AidData, a U.S.-based research firm, found that that several of the loans have also been underreported to the World Bank, kept off the public balance sheets… Continue reading → read more
CFACT12 hours ago
Biden and Boris: The bad news bears
Mistakes abound. The post Biden and Boris: The bad news bears appeared first on CFACT. read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
The Backfiring of Attack Ads Against Ron DeSantis
It looks like the American Left is crowd testing some attack ads against Ron DeSantis: Are they really so far deep the rabbit hole that they think anyone other than their paranoid Leftist cowards is going to find these ads appealing? read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
54% Vaccinated
Looks like the numbers just flipped in Quebec. 40% unvaccinated. read more
AltHealthWorks.com13 hours ago
The FDA Has Approved Three Novel Types of GMO Potatoes — Here’s What You Must Know to Avoid Them
In July 2015, the first genetically engineered (or genetically modified, otherwise known as “GMO”) potatoes arrived on store shelves in the form of a specific type of white russets. Now, nearly five years later, most consumers still remain blissfully unaware that the potatoes even exist, and to make matters more complicated, three new types of GMO potatoes have been approved by the FDA. And because they’re not labeled, few people even know if they’ve been eating them or not (despite the fact that they are available in relatively small quantities, they are still potentially lur... read more
On Jonathan Munro, the petrol pump panic and Carolyn's sister-in-law
This week's 'I think we got it about right' BBC editor on *Newswatch *was Jonathan Munro, the BBC's Deputy Director of News. Mr Munro is apparently a serious contender to replace Fran Unsworth in the the BBC's top news job. You may remember him for: [a] His role in the Cliff Richard affair, where the judge described him as “overly guarded” in his defence of the BBC. And the judge further accused him of “almost wilfully failing to acknowledge inconsistencies” and of “refusing to acknowledge the plain effect of some of the emails in the case”. [b] His role in the re-hiring of Ma... read more
Quarter Three By-Election Results 2021
This quarter 118,068 votes were cast over 74 local authority contests. All percentages are rounded to the nearest single decimal place. For comparison you can view Quarter Two's results here. Party Number of Candidates Total Vote % +/- Q2 21 +/- Q3 2019 Average +/- Seats Conservative 75 40,516 34.3% -5.5 +3.6 540 +1 Labour 64 29,795 24.2% -7.8 +5.8 466 -6 LibDem 62 19,740 16.7% +5.5 -15.3 318 +6 Green 49 12,731 10.8% +3.2 +7.3 260 +6 SNP* 5 5,968 5.1% +4.5 +1.1 1,194... read more
Snopes.com11 hours ago
Yes, Skittles Is Bringing Back Its Lime Flavor
And the internet had a few things to say about it. read more
More Than 2,000 Nurses And Other Health Care Workers Strike In Buffalo
Roughly 2,200 nurses, aides and health care staff walked off the job Friday morning in Buffalo, New York, to fight for better wages, staffing and working conditions at Mercy Hospital of Buffalo. Workers on the picket line describe horrific conditions at the hospital. Patients’ rooms, hallways, cafeterias and even medical equipment are filthy because the hospital refuses to hire enough workers. The post More Than 2,000 Nurses And Other Health Care Workers Strike In Buffalo appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ11 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 2
1914 London told India to prepare to send ships and men to Shatt al-Arab and land troops in Persia to protect oil interests (Musings On Iraq review *Iraq In World War I, From Ottoman Rule to British Conquest*) (Musings On Iraq review *When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921*) 1918 UK War Office told cmdr in Mesopotamia Gen Marshall Turks would give up soon so British should seize as much territory and oil as possible (Musings On Iraq review *The Chatham House Version and other Middle-Eastern Studies*) (Musings On Iraq ... read more
Spot The Decline
By Paul Homewood I got hold of the accounts of a company established in 2007. The name is immaterial. Their annual profit is charted below: If the Directors claimed that company profits had “continued to increase”, I suspect they would soon be getting a visit from the Fraud Squad. Yet this is precisely the […] read more
ASU Students Fight To Defend Multicultural Center
Students have risen up to protect and defend the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition under the hashtag #DefendMSC. The Black African Coalition, one of seven institutionalized student coalitions on campus, released a statement in support of the MSC. It said ASU had told them it will be implementing increased security measures to protect marginalized students. In addition, the BAC is hosting a town hall at the MCC to address ASU’s failures to safeguard marginalized students on campus. The post ASU Students Fight To Defend Multicultural Center appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
ILA President Warns ILA Members Will Not Work Ships Without Crews Aboard
Harold J. Daggett, President, International Longshoremen’s Association has a message to any shipping companies planning to utilize autonomous container cargo ships without crew: Don’t sail them into ILA ports from Maine To Texas, Puerto Rico, and Eastern Canada – they won’t be unloaded or loaded by ILA Members! The post ILA President Warns ILA Members Will Not Work Ships Without Crews Aboard appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Turcopolier11 hours ago
Open Thread – 2 October 2021
216 total views, 216 views today read more
21st Century Wire11 hours ago
Syrian FM: ‘US Presence in Syria is Illegal and They Need to Leave As Soon As Possible’
*21WIRE* | In terms of America's international woes, Afghanistan was only the beginning. read more
Electric Utilities Took $1.25 Billion in Bailouts, Shut Off Power Nearly 1 Million Times
The report shows that utilities wielded political power to secure beneficial tax-code changes in the CARES Act but defied calls to grant their own customers temporary relief. Instead, 16 utilities suspended or canceled electric service to nearly 1 million households between February 2020 and June 2021, leaving people without hot water, refrigeration, air conditioning and medical devices. The post Electric Utilities Took $1.25 Billion in Bailouts, Shut Off Power Nearly 1 Million Times appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Establishment Now Advocating Lockdowns — Not to Save You From Covid, But From Climate Change
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist According to her bio on her website, Mariana Francesca Mazzucato is an economist with dual Italian–US citizenship. She... The post Establishment Now Advocating Lockdowns — Not to Save You From Covid, But From Climate Change appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
2021 has ‘not been a good year for peacemaking.’ But WHO is tipped for the Nobel Peace Prize
CNN After 18 turbulent months spent tackling the global Covid-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) is being broadly tipped as the frontrunner to take... The post 2021 has ‘not been a good year for peacemaking.’ But WHO is tipped for the Nobel Peace Prize appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Nothing they do makes sense.
The Biden Presidency is such a joke. Why would someone set up a fake White House backdrop when they live and work in the actual... The post Nothing they do makes sense. appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Brazilian President Bolsonaro: “If you are accepting this vaccination passport”
World Wide Video News Oct 1, 2021 Brazilian President Bolsonaro: “If you are accepting this vaccination passport, another requirement will come soon, and another and... The post Brazilian President Bolsonaro: “If you are accepting this vaccination passport” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Regenerative Food And Farming: Survival And Revival
Regenerative agriculture and holistic livestock management represent the next, crucial stage of organic food and farming, not only avoiding toxic pesticides, fertilizers, sewage sludge, GMO seeds, and excessive greenhouse gas emissions, but regenerating soil fertility, water retention, carbon sequestration, and rural livelihoods as well. The post Regenerative Food And Farming: Survival And Revival appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
The Secret Plan for the US to Invade Canada Before WW2 – War Plan Red
Dark Docs Jun 9, 2020 It may seem hard to believe, but in the vacuum of uncertain of geopolitics between World War I and World... The post The Secret Plan for the US to Invade Canada Before WW2 – War Plan Red appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Shining Light On The Dark Age Of The Tulalip Boarding School
From 1857 to 1932, hundreds of Native youth from across the state and as far as Alaska were taken to the Tulalip Boarding School. There, they were beaten for speaking their Native languages. They began industrial jobs as elementary age students. They didn’t get to see their parents for ten months of the year, and many of them never came home. The school closed in 1932, and for many families, the wounds are fresh. The post Shining Light On The Dark Age Of The Tulalip Boarding School appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
‘Fire DeJoy’ Demand Intensifies As 10-Year Plan To Sabotage Postal Service Takes Effect
Defenders of the U.S. Postal Service are urgently renewing their calls for the ouster of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy as his 10-year plan to overhaul the cherished government institution is set to take effect Friday, ushering in permanently slower mail delivery while hiking prices for consumers. The post ‘Fire DeJoy’ Demand Intensifies As 10-Year Plan To Sabotage Postal Service Takes Effect appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
CENSORED NEWS9 hours ago
Mexico's President ignores and ejects Bacum Yaqui during unveiling of 'Justice Plan'
Yaqui Indians from Loma de Bacúm protest the recent disappearance of dozens of villagers during AMLO's event, from which they were excluded. Vicam, Sonora, September 28, 2021.The 'Justice Plan' behind the fences and disappearances: Yaqui people of Loma de Bácum demand justiceBacum Yaqui were uninvited and removed as Mexico's President presented his so-called 'Justice Plan,' in Vicam, Sonora. read more
the daily howler11 hours ago
Al Gore won, we're told today!
*SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2021* *How Maddow and Gore are alike:* Very early today, Kevin Drum's new post returned us to happier times. His post appears beneath the headline shown below. We're incline to call the headline's claim perhaps a bit overstated: *Yes, Al Gore won Florida* Is it true? Is it true that Candidate Gore really won Florida in November 2000? It all depends on what the meaning of "really won Florida" is! In his post, Kevin focuses on one of the findings from one of the (three) major reviews of the Florida election. That review was called The Florida Ballots Project... read more
'X' Zone Broadcast Network - Randle on UFOs
My guest this week told me two days before the show that he was sick and every time he tried to speak, he ended up coughing. We decided to postpone his appearance until he felt better. That’s why you all were treated to a number of points that I had thought would interesting. You can listen to the show here: Instead, I talked about the UFO crash? Landing? at La Camp, Louisiana. I provided a little insight into how I stumbled on this case, which is more interesting than you would think. It provides a glimpse into how the Air Force was con... read more
Germany's Type 212 Submarine May Be the Quietest in the World
*Peter Suciu* *Type 212A, Germany* German submarines lagged behind other country's after World War II but the Type 212A is a capable design with a strong reputation. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* The current generation of German Bundesmarine submarines is the Type-212A (aka U-212A), a submarine that earned a reputation as a reliable and advanced submarine. Germany wasn’t the first nation to utilize submarines, but in 1905 followed the British Royal Navy’s new focus on the then-cutting edge technology by adopting the U-1 (Unterseeboot 1). The 139-foot long boat was powered o... read more
ClimateCite11 hours ago
The New Pause that goes on giving
Viscount Monckton of Brenchley | Oct. 2, 2021 The New Pause has lengthened by a further month, from 6 years 8 months to 6 years 9 months. As usual, it is calculated as the longest period, up to the most recent month for which data are available, during which the trend on the UAH global mean lower-troposphere temperature dataset is … read more
ClimateCite11 hours ago
Confirmed – all 5 global temperature anomaly measurement systems reject NOAA’s July 2021 “hottest month ever” hype
by Larry Hamlin | Oct. 1, 2021 In a prior article I had already concluded that none of the 5 major global temperature anomaly measurement systems (UAH, RSS, GISS, HadCRUT5 and NOAA) agreed that July 2021 was the “hottest month ever” as falsely hyped by AP climate alarmist writer Seth Borenstein and as erroneously promoted by climate alarmist “scientists” at NOAA. This … read more
Saturday Morning Links
Assorted content for your weekend reading. - The Globe and Mail's editorial board discusses the need to consider whether to lift public health measures with care rather than stubborn anti-social ideology. Adam Miller writes that Alberta's failure to do anything of the sort in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic has made it a cautionary tale, while Andrew Nikiforuk highlights the need to hold Jason Kenney (among other politicians) accountable for his lethal negligence in exercising the responsibility placed on a government to keep people safe. - Laura Osman reports on Theresa Tam's... read more
"Everything is Up in the Air with the Economy"
*Full screen recommended.* Dan, iAllegedly, AM 10/2/21: *"Everything is Up in the Air with the Economy"* "The Economy treads along as we extend our spending and avert a government shutdown. The banking problems continue as there are more online issues and outages. Everything is up in the air with our Economy. Today we are at the Pacific Airshow in Huntington Beach, CA." read more
Western Dependence on Pakistan Is Not Going Away
*Rupert Stone* *Pakistan, South Asia* With the Taliban now running Afghanistan, calls are mounting in Washington to punish Pakistan for its alleged support of militant groups. Islamabad played a “double game” during the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan by helping NATO’s military mission while secretly aiding the Taliban insurgency. American pundits and politicians grew increasingly irate at supposed Pakistani perfidy and called for sanctions to be imposed. But the West depended heavily on Pakistani assistance to pursue its military campaign and could not afford to alienate a key ally.... read more
"If You Look..."
"We have got some very big problems confronting us and let us not make any mistake about it, human history in the future is fraught with tragedy. It's only through people making a stand against that tragedy and being doggedly optimistic that we are going to win through. If you look at the plight of the human race it could well tip you into despair, so you have to be very strong." - Robert James Brown read more
Police Have Video of Officer Killing Hero Who Stopped Mass Shooting But Refuse to Release It
[image: hurley]Police have video showing exactly how an officer killed the hero, Johnny Hurley who stopped a mass shooting, but they are refusing to release it. read more
Establishment Now Advocating Lockdowns — Not to Save You From Covid, But From Climate Change
[image: lockdowns]After laying out the blueprint for economically devastating lockdowns during the pandemic, the establishment is now pushing for climate change lockdowns. read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
Islamophobia Running Rampant In Western Countries
Woman dresses like an ISIS suicide bride, and she wonders why people get upset. She should come to Canada and collect ten million dollars. read more
Snopes.com13 hours ago
Did Bobby Leach Survive Niagara Falls, Only To Die After Slipping on Orange Peel?
Bobby Leach was the second person in history to survive the plunge over Niagara Falls. read more
Small Dead Animals13 hours ago
The New Segregated Economy
Dan Kelly is the head of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. read more
Charles Frith14 hours ago
Dark To Light
You didn't think this was a game did you? For the back story read this post. Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced read more
Small Dead Animals14 hours ago
NZ Celebrates A Man Pretending To Be A Woman
Thought they were talking about their prime minister for a moment. Is this the end of women’s sports? Then again, who watches women’s sports? read more
The Duran14 hours ago
Putin Erdogan Negotiate Massive Arms Deal, Turkey’s Relations with US ‘in Crisis’
Putin Erdogan Negotiate Massive Arms Deal, Turkey’s Relations with US ‘in Crisis’ News Topic 299 Is US-Turkey alliance at a breaking point? Is US-Turkey alliance at a breaking point? The obligatory references to the US and Turkey as NATO “allies” and “partners” increasingly fall flat, as bilateral relations may be approaching the breaking point over […] read more
The Duran14 hours ago
Ron Paul Institute’s Channel deleted then reinstated
Ron Paul Institute’s Channel deleted then reinstated ****News Topic 576***** 00:00 Intro 00:22 Video Begins See full Jack Posobiec interview on the Rubin Report: YouTube Suddenly Deletes, Then Restores Ron Paul Institute’s Channel After Backlash YouTube Suddenly Deletes, Then Restores Ron Paul Institute’s Channel After Backlash update (2:55pm ETD) : An hour after Ron Paul’s […] read more
Science Requires Actual Thinking
In 2009, NASA claimed that East Antarctica was losing ice. NASA satellites detect unexpected ice loss in East Antarctica — ScienceDaily I explained a few months later what they were doing wrong. Amazing Grace – Watts Up With That? And … Continue reading → read more
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Coming Home"
*"Coming Home"* "When we are driving in the dark, on the long road to Provincetown, when we are weary, when the buildings and the scrub pines lose their familiar look, I imagine us rising from the speeding car. I imagine us seeing everything from another place- the top of one of the pale dunes, or the deep and nameless fields of the sea. And what we see is a world that cannot cherish us, but which we cherish. And what we see is our life moving like that along the dark edges of everything, headlights sweeping the blackness, believing in a thousand fragile and unprovable things. Looking out... read more
*"Coming Home"* "When we are driving in the dark, on the long road to Provincetown, when we are weary, when the buildings and the scrub pines lose their familiar look, I imagine us rising from the speeding car. I imagine us seeing everything from another place- the top of one of the pale dunes, or the deep and nameless fields of the sea. And what we see is a world that cannot cherish us, but which we cherish. And what we see is our life moving like that along the dark edges of everything, headlights sweeping the blackness, believing in a thousand fragile and unprovable things. Looking o... read more
The Industrial Revolution and the Slave Trade
“The Industrial Revolution in England was financed by the profits from Liverpool slave traders.” ~ Dr. Eric Williams in his 1944 book *Capitalism and Slavery*. Williams led Trinidad to independence from Britain in 1962, and became the country’s first prime minister, serving till his death in 1981. I believe that Williams is right. Without slave trade, and the conquest and colonization of several regions in the Americas, Africa, and Asia, Britain could not have had the industrial revolution. The British slave trade was pioneered by the pirate John Hawkins in 1554 (the British contin... read more
Orange Shirt Day Is A Reminder Of A Genocide
Some Canadians bristle at the suggestion that Canada has committed genocide. But the discovery of over 6,000 unmarked graves at residential schools has shocked Canadians into realizing that such atrocities occurred in their country. This is what we had to reflect upon during the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30. The post Orange Shirt Day Is A Reminder Of A Genocide appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
From Jenna Orkin Somalia opens nation’s first public oxygen plant amid pandemic Somalia has opened the country’s first public oxygen plant as the Horn of Africa nation with one of the world’s weakest health systems combats COVID-19. More than two-thirds of African nations fall short of 10% COVID vaccination goal: WHO Alex Jones must pay damages to Sandy Hook families after calling shooting a ‘giant hoax,’ judge rules Justice Kavanaugh tests positive for coronavirusMerck’s experimental pill to treat covid-19 cuts risk of hospitalization and death in half, the pharmaceutical company r... read more
Wave Of US Labor Unrest Could See Tens Of Thousands On Strike Within Weeks
Tens of thousands of workers around the US could go on strike in the coming weeks in what would be the largest wave of labor unrest since a series of teacher strikes in 2018 and 2019, which won major victories and gave the American labor movement a significant boost. The unrest spans a huge range of industries from healthcare to Hollywood and academia, and is largely focused on higher wages, fighting cuts and better working and safety conditions, especially in light of Covid-19. The post Wave Of US Labor Unrest Could See Tens Of Thousands On Strike Within Weeks appeared first on P... read more
Give Osman Kavala the Nobel Peace Prize
*Michael Rubin, Aykan Erdemir* *Nobel Peace Prize, Eurasia* Kavala is a philanthropist who, for decades, has stood up to Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and to authoritarians of every stripe inside Turkey. The Norwegian Nobel Committee will announce this year’s Nobel Peace Prize recipient on October 8. Nominations closed in February, and while some nominators disclose the names they recommend each year, the most serious candidates remain shrouded in secrecy until Chairman Berit Reiss-Andersen reveals the winner. The committee’s record in recent years is spotty. Its 2019 l... read more
Engaging China Can Produce Real Wins for America (and Avoid War)
*Patrick Hulme* *China, Asia* A permanent shift away from the “responsible stakeholder” strategy of attempting to shape China should not mean a permanent shift away from high-level dialogue. Hawks and talks are not mutually exclusive, but actually quite effective when coupled together. Kurt Campbell, the Biden administration’s coordinator for Indo-Pacific affairs on the National Security Council, recently declared that “The period [in U.S.-China relations] that was broadly described as engagement has come to an end.” This shift away from a “responsible stakeholder” strategy in d... read more
Now Is the Time to Voice Our Concerns About the Impacts of U.S. Policy in Haiti
*Samuel Teixeira* *Haiti, Americas* The president may be a slow learner, but so long as he has an open mind, there’s hope for our Haitian neighbors. If there’s one thing President Joe Biden’s mistreatment of the Haitian people demonstrates, it’s that he learned nothing from his failures in Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, Biden failed to prepare for a migration crisis despite warnings that Afghan National Security Forces were unable to protect American allies. In Haiti, where American allies have long-lived unprotected, it’s a similar story. You’d think that an influx of Haitian mi... read more
The Navy’s New Anti-Radiation Missile Is Bring Russia and China Together
*Caleb Larson* *Anti-Radiation Missile, * No, it’s not some doomsday weapon — but it will give the Navy a potent capability nonetheless. *Here's what you need to remember: *Despite their awe-inspiring name, in actuality, anti-radiation missiles have nothing to do with nuclear power and radiation following nuclear explosions. Instead, they are an anti-air defense weapon, typically fired from the air at targets on the ground, though in some cases, they can also be fired at other aircraft. No, it’s not some doomsday weapon — but it will give the Navy a potent capability nonetheless... read more
Golden Gate Bridge Shutdown For Immigration Reform
As morning broke over San Francisco’s iconic Golden Gate Bridge on Thursday, northbound traffic was brought to a halt when dozens of undocumented mothers, students and their allies risked arrest to engage in civil disobedience. Just before 7 a.m., protesters exited their cars, carrying banners and calling on Congress to provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Traffic piled up in the bridge’s northbound lanes as demonstrators decried the Democrats’ lack of action to pass meaningful immigration reform, stopping morning commuters for about an hour. The post Gol... read more
Science Matters14 hours ago
Beware the Green Bubble Popping
David P. Goldman writes at Asia Times Green bubbles threaten to pop stock markets. Excerpts in italics with my bolds. Magical US thinking of a Green agenda financed by endless amounts of printing-press money will only end in tears Prices for all energy commodities jumped during the past month, some by record margins, as a […] read more
OrientalReview.org14 hours ago
The Relations Between War And Politics (III)
Part I, Part II War, national interest, and the League of Nations In broad terms, the national interest refers to the goals of foreign politics, objectives, or policy preferences that benefit a nation or society as a whole. That is the foreign policy equivalent of the public interest. However, the […] read more
musingsofanoldfart14 hours ago
Entertainment from abroad
My wife and I watch several shows that originate out of Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. What I find most interesting is the dialogue tends to be more extensive than American dramas, which is one reason actors from … Continue reading → read more
Halifax Examiner15 hours ago
77 new cases of COVID-19 announced Friday; and here’s the weekly recap of vaccination numbers
Jump to sections in this article: Overview of today’s cases Vaccination Demographics Testing Potential exposure advisories Nova Scotia has announced 77 new cases of COVID-19 over two days, Wednesday and Thursday. By Nova Scotia Health zone, the new cases are: • 51 Central Zone • 7 Eastern Zone • 6 Northern Zone • 13 Western […] read more

2 October - Blogs I'm Following - 2 of 5

 10 pm MDT

The Last Refuge6 hours ago
Russia and China Likely to Introduce U.N. Security Council Resolution Condemning Australia for Human Rights Violations
The headline might seem a little odd; but, then again, isn’t everything upside down now as we walk through Alice’s COVID-19 looking glass. Factually, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping and the Mullahs in Iran could not purposefully shift the global image of western democracy in the way the leaders of many nations […] The post Russia and China Likely to Introduce U.N. Security Council Resolution Condemning Australia for Human Rights Violations appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Pottersville Digest
("No, I don't want you putting out my house fire. I'm going to do my own research on firefighting.") ------------------------------ This means, like a stopped clock, Lin Wood will be right one more time in his life. ------------------------------ "What do these American pigs mean I look like Castro?" ------------------------------ The Democratic Party needs crooks like this like Trump needs more calories in his diet. ------------------------------ Your Brad o' the day. ------------------------------ We've heard about the Capitol Police being attacked. We've hea... read more
Relief from COVID Vaccine Tyranny will NOT Come from the Courts as U.S. Supreme Court Denies Right to Refuse Shots by NYC Teachers
For everyone in the United States who is still holding out hope that the American judicial system will recognize that the current COVID-19 "vaccines" were approved illegally, and that neither government nor private employers have a legal right to mandate them as a condition to work or participate in society, it is time you recognize that this hope in the judicial system is in vain. Salvation will not come from the American judicial system, and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor drove the last nail in the coffin of that hope yesterday, Friday, October 1, 2021. I saw a headline ... read more
The Last Refuge7 hours ago
Pelosi Lied to Her Own Caucus, Democrat Rep Josh Gottheimer Just Received The Bart Stupak Treatment
At 1:00am on August 25th Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats came to an agreement on a massive spending proposal. The Senate previously passed a $1.5 trillion “infrastructure” bill, and a group of 9 House moderates -led by Josh Gottheimer- wanted to see it pass. However, the far-left progressive caucus wanted their $3.5 trillion spending package […] The post Pelosi Lied to Her Own Caucus, Democrat Rep Josh Gottheimer Just Received The Bart Stupak Treatment appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Musical Interlude: Josh Groban, “You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)”
*Full screen recommended.* Josh Groban, “You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)” read more
blah blah blah
'Officials from developing countries' are 'demanding' something, according to the BBC: This is presently the second story on the BBC News website. If you're wondering how many paragraphs you'll have to scroll through to till you reach even a passing mention of [the massively polluting People's Republic of] China, you'll find it tucked away in Paragraph 18. And the 'Analysis' by BBC science correspondent Victoria Gill uncritically plugs Greta Thunberg. Students and activists in Milan formed a human wall to 'protect' her, BBC Victoria says - ever-so-analytically. read more
"A Look to the Heavens"
"These are galaxies of the Hercules Cluster, an archipelago of island universes a mere 500 million light-years away. Also known as Abell 2151, this cluster is loaded with gas and dust rich, star-forming spiral galaxies but has relatively few elliptical galaxies, which lack gas and dust and the associated newborn stars. The colors in this remarkably deep composite image clearly show the star forming galaxies with a blue tint and galaxies with older stellar populations with a yellowish cast. The sharp picture spans about 3/4 degree across the cluster center, corresponding to over 6 ... read more
Is the Havana Syndrome Real? A Newly Declassified Report Says It May Be Crickets
*Stephen Silver* *Havana Syndrome, * Buzzfeed News has obtained a declassified State Department report, from 2018, which concluded that injuries suffered by the diplomats more “most likely caused by crickets” than sonic weapons. Have you heard about Havana Syndrome? It’s a supposed illness that is said to be affecting embassy staffers and CIA officers in Cuba, as well as other foreign countries such as China and Russia. A National Academies of Sciences panel report last year identified pulsed radiofrequency energy as the “most likely” reason for the sickness. Now, another report... read more
North Korea Is Weaponizing the Naval ‘Gray Zone’ Against the South
*Sanghoon Kim* *North Korea, Asia* North Korea perfectly understands its position of weakness in the maritime domain and is emulating China’s revisionist strategy of gray zone operations to gradually overturn the status quo. After months of relative restraint, the Korean Peninsula is experiencing a new arms race. Since the announcement of the Medium-term Defense Program in 2020, South Korea commissioned a 3,800-ton *Dosan Ahn Changho*-class submarine and test-fired a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) on September 15. The U.S.-Republic of Korea (ROK) missile guideline wa... read more
South Korean Navy Launches Shin Chae-ho, its Third Changbogo-III Submarine
*Mark Episkopos* *Diesel Submarines, South Korea* Shin Chae-ho is a diesel-electric attack submarine displacing about 3,500 tons that supports the new Korean Vertical Launching System. South Korea has launched a new homegrown submarine, the latest in Seoul’s multipronged effort to enhance its regional deterrence capabilities. The launch ceremony for the ROKS *Shin Chae-ho* took place in a Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. shipyard in the southeastern city of Ulsan. The *Shin Chae-ho* is a diesel-electric attack submarine that boasts a variant of the Korean Vertical Launching System (K... read more
Chet Raymo, “A Sense Of Place”
*“A Sense Of Place”* by Chet Raymo “It would be hard to find two writers more different than Eudora Welty and Edward Abbey. Welty was a Pulitzer Prize-winning author of stories and novels who lived all her life in Jackson, Mississippi, in the house in which she was born, the beloved spinster aunt of American letters. Abbey was a hard-drinking, butt-kicking nature writer and conservationist best known for his books on the American Southwest. Both writers are favorites of mine. Both were great champions of place. I always wondered what it would have been like if they got together. As... read more
The Poet: Theodore Roethke, “The Geranium”
*“The Geranium”* “When I put her out, once, by the garbage pail, She looked so limp and bedraggled, So foolish and trusting, like a sick poodle, Or a wizened aster in late September, I brought her back in again For a new routine - Vitamins, water, and whatever Sustenance seemed sensible At the time: she’d lived So long on gin, bobbie pins, half-smoked cigars, dead beer, Her shriveled petals falling On the faded carpet, the stale Steak grease stuck to her fuzzy leaves. (Dried-out, she creaked like a tulip.) The things she endured! The dumb dames shrieking half the night Or the two of us, a... read more
"Grave Faults..."
“Only the following items should be considered to be grave faults: not respecting another's rights; allowing oneself to be paralyzed by fear; feeling guilty; believing that one does not deserve the good or ill that happens in one's life; being a coward. We will love our enemies, but not make alliances with them. They were placed in our path in order to test our sword, and we should, out of respect for them, struggle against them. We will choose our enemies.” - Paulo Coelho, "Like the Flowing River" read more
Paulo Coelho, "Killing Our Dreams"
*"Killing Our Dreams"* by Paulo Coelho "The first symptom of the process of our killing our dreams is the lack of time. The busiest people I have known in my life always have time enough to do everything. Those who do nothing are always tired and pay no attention to the little amount of work they are required to do. They complain constantly that the day is too short. The truth is, they are afraid to fight the Good Fight. The second symptom of the death of our dreams lies in our certainties. Because we don’t want to see life as a grand adventure, we begin to think of ourselves as w... read more
Just Wait…
…until they get left completely alone. Then they’ll really be mad. read more
Tired Of Living In A Police State?
Some of the sheep are getting tired of being told what to do. Tofino Blackie will offer them more free stuff to keep them in line. read more
UPDATED: BC non-profit suing provincial government will have Crucial Court hearing this Friday PLUS: Good News from Down Under- BereJerkoff resigns - Court Hands Down decision re Mandatory Jabs
*UPDATED: October 2nd, 2021*. If you read this report this morning please re-read, as I have made a few crucial updates and corrections. I am still looking for information as to what transpired at the Court Hearing yesterday. *Accused: The Bullshitter and the Dickhead* *Hearing Took Place this past Friday. Is the* *Turd Shitting his Drawers???* *Trudeau slammed for Tofino trip on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation* Trudeau slammed for Tofino trip on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation ( Good morning sentients. Here's a challenge. Canadians are trying to... read more
Organizing Notes3 hours ago
Verboten has lost
Jonathan Isaac (and some other NBA players) have broken the verboten spell. We've not really been allowed to talk critically about covid, or the jab, it's been verboten, a forbidden subject. Isaac was one of the ballplayers who took a knee over Black Lives Matter. It's obvious he thinks for himself. Many others don't, they just follow the crowd, what ever Mr. Big says, is what goes. Period. Big pharma is owned by many of the same people who own the media, who are Wall Streeters, who own the MIC and Big Oil. They have Inter-locking boards of directorates. Mr. Big is gettin... read more
The Daily "Near You?"
Kingston, Saint Andrew, Jamaica. Thanks for stopping by! read more
balance107 hours ago
The Clinton conspiracy to destroy the Trump Administration
WASHINGTON, (Reuters) - A cybersecurity attorney known for his work advising Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign was indicted on Thursday for lying to the FBI, as part of U.S. Special Counsel John Durham's probe into the origins of the FBI investigation of ties between Russia and former President Donald Trump's campaign. ……………………………………….............................................................................................…… 9-23-2021 White House National Sec... read more
Even the Guardian...
There's been a lot of anger directed at the BBC today because of the BBC News website's reporting of the David Miller affair. David Miller was the Bristol University sociology professor who revelled in baiting Jewish students at his university by mocking them and spreading conspiracy theories at their expense. He's now been sacked. I've seen people saying that even *The Guardian *reported the story more fairly than the BBC, and contrasting their respective headlines. Where the BBC headline says *Bristol University: Professor David Miller sacked over Israel comments*, the *Guardian... read more
The Rio Times8 hours ago
Strong earthquake hits border between Peru and Brazil on Saturday
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 on the Richter scale struck the border between Brazil and Peru this morning (2). The seismic tremor was detected by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), which says the epicenter occurred 165 kilometers southwest of Tarauacá, Acre. The earthquake was recorded at a […] The post Strong earthquake hits border between Peru and Brazil on Saturday appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
alienviews8 hours ago
The "You" You'd Recuse
. . . Think what you *want*, friend, regarding "*Abduction*." A nest full of *liars*, mistaken, or cursed. Consider these making a play for your *dollar*, not worthy your notice— *revolting*, or *worse*? . *Then*, make them a *scapegoat*? Make them your *clown*! Make them embarrassed? Make sure they're cast down! . Use them, abuse them— why, assign "yellow stars"! Mock them as bar-flies from Venus or Mars! Do what you will to stay 'comfy' and 'safe.' ...But lie to yourself! Pretend it's *you, *brave! . Yes, treat with derision this hapless *minority*, though, cling to *f... read more
An Afghan Student Parodied the Taliban’s New University Chancellor—and Everyone Believed It
*Trevor Filseth* *Afghanistan, Eurasia* “All these days that I was tweeting pretending to be the new chancellor, no one doubted my words.” Mohammad Ashraf Ghairat, a long-time Taliban member appointed as the new chancellor of Kabul University, caused a brief firestorm in Western media after he decreed via Twitter on Monday that women would no longer be allowed to attend or teach. “As long as [a] real Islamic environment is not provided for all,” Ghairat wrote, “women will not be allowed to come to universities or work. Islam first.” After the tweet caused a firestorm, including... read more
The Qualities and Faults of Fourth-Generation Fighter Jets
*Kris Osborn* *Stealth Jets, Americas* The Super Hornet and Eagle II are engineered with an advanced suite of next-generation combat capabilities. But does that still fall short of what they need to combat America’s adversaries? The Navy and the Air Force appear to be making a push to supplement the Defense Department’s growing fifth-generation fleet of F-35 stealth fighter jets with advanced, enhanced fourth-generation aircraft. The Air Force’s Boeing F-15EX Eagle II and the Navy’s Block III F/A-18 Super Hornet jets could be described as 4.5-generation aircraft. These jets are h... read more
The Rio Times9 hours ago
Will Brazil’s São Paulo run out of water? Cantareira system reaches the worst level in the last 5 years
RIO DE JANEIRO BRAZIL - After months of drought, the Cantareira System reached 29.8% of its operational volume this Saturday, 2. The number is the lowest for more than five years and sets the reclassification of the operation as "restricted". Cantareira is a water system composed of five interconnected reservoirs that provide water to 9 […] The post Will Brazil’s São Paulo run out of water? Cantareira system reaches the worst level in the last 5 years appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Small Dead Animals10 hours ago
Infection Party!
No, not THAT kind of infection… Knowingly exposing others to HIV is no longer a felony in California read more
Virtual Mirage10 hours ago
I think that he’s smaller than that. Gen. Milley is a traitor. I’m sure that he justifies his treachery in much the same way that Benedict Arnold did. First, a little shameless self-promotion White Powder: A Novel of the CIA and the Secret War in Laos, which I wrote, is based on actual […] The post Observations appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Cynicism of Biden’s UN Speech Calling for More Diplomacy
Joe Biden spoke of peace and diplomacy at the U.N. but support for defense spending and war making are bipartisan imperatives that prevent the people’s needs from being met. In the same week that Biden delivered a speech at the United Nations where he argued that force had to be “our tool of last resort, […] The post Cynicism of Biden’s UN Speech Calling for More Diplomacy appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more