Friday, October 01, 2021

1 October - Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 5

 10:30 pm MDT

Cairns News21 hours ago
Cheering, dancing protesters say good riddance Gladys. Next please.
By TONY MOBILIFONITIS WHEN NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s resignation was announced on the NSW-Queensland border at Coolangatta during Friday’s national strike action, the crowd of some 2000 people not only cheered but launched into dance. The rejoicing was no doubt repeated at rallies in cities, regional centres and towns across the nation during a national […] read more
Chinese Air Force Commander Erupts, Threatens US – Bring It On! (Full Show)
RT America China’s air force has made rapid strides and is shifting to domestic supply chains, a trend Washington watches with alarm. US Air Force Sec. Frank Kendall said it was crucial to keep pace with China’s military buildup and to “scare” China, an argument that won him bravado and bellicosity from his Chinese counterpart. … read more
Gee, What Could It Be? UK Newspaper Reports, “MYSTERY Rise in Heart Attacks from Blocked Arteries”
Gee, What Could It Be? UK Newspaper Reports, “MYSTERY Rise in Heart Attacks from Blocked Arteries” by Adan Salazar, * Heart attacks no mystery to anyone who’s been paying attention to doctors who warned this would happen. – The Times of Londonreported Thursday doctors in Scotland are baffled by a “mysterious” rise in heart … read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Thursday 30 September 2021
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
bilaterals.org20 hours ago
Xiplomacy: Xi-proposed "eight major initiatives" facilitate China-Africa trade
01-Oct-2021 At the opening ceremony of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation held in September 2018, Chinese President proposed that China would launch eight major initiatives in close collaboration with African countries. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Number of companies opened in second quadrimester of 2021 breaks record in Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The new Company Map report from the Ministry of Economy released on Thursday, September 30, shows that Brazil has once again set a record in the number of companies opened in a quadrimester, reaching the mark of 1.4 million new businesses. The surplus of companies in operation in the country […] The post Number of companies opened in second quadrimester of 2021 breaks record in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Ohio-Class Ballistic Missile Submarines are America's Doomsday Device
*Sebastien Roblin* *Ohio-class Submarines, United States* Ohio-class submarines carry out nuclear deterrent patrols from their bases on the East and West Coasts, but four have been refitted for new missions. *Here's What You Need to Know*: While a first strike might wipe out a country’s land-based missiles and nuclear bombers, it’s *very *difficult to track a ballistic-missile submarine patrolling quietly in the depths of the ocean—and there’s little hope of taking them *all* out in a first strike. Nine years after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Ishirō Honda’s *Go... read more
Israel's F-35s are Targeting Iraq: Do Baghdad's Missile Defenses Stand a Chance?
*Michael Peck* *Iraq, Middle East* Most experts assessed claims of an Israeli attack on Iraqi targets to be true. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* Weakened by years of warfare and a dysfunctional government and military, Iraqi defenses wouldn’t pose much of a threat. Israel’s F-35 stealth fighters are positively supernatural: here, there and everywhere. In 2018, the Israeli Air Force claimed its new F-35s had attacked Iranian targets in Syria. Also in 2018, Arab press made dubious claims that IAF F-35s had flown over Iran. Now comes reports that Israeli F-35s have attacked ... read more
Climate Emergency: Why the Paris Agreement Must Be Just the First Step
*Dhruba Purkayastha* *India, Climate Emergency, Greenhouse gas, Paris Agreement, India* India is on pace to meet the Paris goals, but it still isn't enough. India’s commitments under the 2015 Paris climate agreement, which aims to limit global warming to well below 2°C relative to pre-industrial levels, include three quantifiable objectives. By 2030, the country aims to reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33–35%, ensure that renewable energy sources account for about 40% of its installed power capacity and, through afforestation, create an additional carbon sink of 2.5–3 ... read more
The Duran20 hours ago
Afghanistan needs a comprehensive government and a federal system 
The Taliban really wants to prove to the whole world their legitimacy and readiness for dialogue. The radical Islamists who have established control over most of the territory of Afghanistan have learned from their mistakes 20 years ago. They even created an anti-terrorist structure, however, the question is, who will it catch? Now the Taliban […] read more
The Duran20 hours ago
When Censorship Backfires
If you aren’t familiar with Simon Webb, he is a man of many talents but mostly an historian, a proper historian, not a propagandist like David Olusoga. He also has a YouTube channel devoted to comment including the dissection of false media narratives and setting the record straight on history. He is too a most […] read more
The Duran20 hours ago
Targeting Assange: Yahoo Deep State Revelations
By Steve Brown… Article referenced: First reaction to this story: Why did Verizon (owns yahoo) — a super Deep State shill for the CIA — and three miserable establishment Russiagate propagandists (especially Isikoff) feature this story? With a little thought and help from an ‘unnamed source’ I posted this Sept 27: With this […] read more
The Duran20 hours ago
It’s utterly unacceptable that Canada’s military ran a secret psyops campaign to manipulate & control the public’s views on Covid
Eva Bartlett – RT Eva Bartlett is a Canadian independent journalist and activist. She has spent years on the ground covering conflict zones in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Palestine (where she lived for nearly four years). Follow her on Twitter @EvaKBartlett Protesters against Canada’s Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and against the […] read more
The Duran20 hours ago
Does God Change His Mind?
Well, does he? He did a couple of times in Genesis, like with the great flood and all that, then there was the time he asked some dude to sacrifice his own son, but apart from these rare exceptions, most of us expect that in an ordered Universe, the laws of Nature don’t change, and […] read more
The Duran20 hours ago
Are the FBI creating crimes that they then solve to justify their own existence?
New Evidence of FBI Involvement in the 1/6 Protest — With Darren Beattie, Who Broke the Story When former Trump speechwriter Darren Beattie reported in June that there was evidence suggesting FBI foreknowledge of the January 6 protest at the Capitol, if not active involvement, the corporate media mocked him and others who took it […] read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Brazil recognized by World Bank as 7th in Digital Governance among 198 countries
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil has been recognized by the World Bank as the world's 7th most mature country in Digital Governance. The result was assessed in the GovTech Maturity Index 2020, a ranking that evaluates the current state of digital transformation of public services in 198 economies worldwide. There is no other country […] The post Brazil recognized by World Bank as 7th in Digital Governance among 198 countries appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Need To Know22 hours ago
Harvard Business School Moves Online after Surge in Covid Cases among Vaxxed Students
Harvard Business School announced it has moved all of its first-year MBA students and some of its second-year students to temporary remote learning due to “a steady rise in breakthrough” COVID-19 infections among its student population. People who are vaccinated can still test positive for COVID. read more
Need To Know22 hours ago
Michigan Couple Dies of Covid within Minutes of Each Other Despite Being Fully Vaccinated
Officially, the CDC maintains that vaccines are virtually 100% effective at preventing deaths, though as time goes on, the number of examples of vaccinated Americans succumbing to illnesses diagnosed as Covid-19 has grown. read more
Need To Know22 hours ago
Anti-Vaxer in Lithuania Describes Destruction of his Rights – We are Next
Lithuanians are apathetic and have forgotten their history under Russian communists when dissent was suppressed, news was censored, and neighbors spied on neighbors. People now are more afraid of the social stigma than of the virus itself and have no political will to stop the vaccines and passports. read more
Need To Know22 hours ago
US Senator Dianne Feinstein Introduces Bill to Require Covid Vax or Negative Test for Domestic Flights
California Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced a bill, the US Air Travel Public Safety Act, to require proof of vaccination, a negative test result, or proof of full recovered from a coronavirus infection, to be able to fly on domestic flights, which is a crackdown on freedom. read more
Need To Know22 hours ago
CDC and Dr. Fauci Push 3rd Booster Shot Despite Scientists’ Warning against it
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky ignored and overruled the recommendation of the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and approved Pfizer’s Covid booster shot for frontline workers, including nurses and teachers. read more
Labour conference: Party chief pledges to put an end to disability discrimination
Labour’s general secretary has promised that he will put an end to the years of discrimination experienced by disabled party members. David Evans, the party’s general secretary since last year, told a Disability Labour fringe meeting that he would personally ensure that […] read more
Labour conference: Kendall refuses four times to say if she backs free social care
Labour’s shadow social care minister has refused four times to say if she supports the idea of free social care. Liz Kendall had been asked by Disability News Service (DNS) whether she was in favour of free social care, and what she […] read more
Labour conference: Concern over Starmer’s ‘hard-working families first’ pledge
Disabled Labour activists have raised concerns about their leader’s promise to “always put hard-working families and their priorities first”, and his failure to mention disabled people, in a 12,000-word essay published on the eve of his party’s annual conference. The essay was […] read more
The UN at Dubai Expo: 5 things you should know
The delayed 2020 Dubai Expo, the first to be held in the Middle East, officially opened today. The United Nations will hold events and exhibits at a dedicated “UN Hub”, explaining the Organization’s central role in addressing the world’s problems. Here are some things to look out for during this six-month-long “mega-event”. Read the full story, “The UN at Dubai Expo: 5 things you should know”, on → read more
Young or old, UN calls for ‘digital equality’ for all
Marking the International Day of Older Persons this Friday, the United Nations is driving home the message that “digital equality” online, needs to be inclusive of everybody, regardless of age. Read the full story, “Young or old, UN calls for ‘digital equality’ for all”, on → read more
Elizabeth Klarer (1910-1994) of Natal, South Africa
Some data here worth noting. First off, the witness is literally as good as it gets. Her report gives us an excellent description of an human operated UFO. We also get a reporty on Venus in which the upper atmosphere is properly described long before we got a looksee. We are then told of surface habitats occupied by humans. These are habitats. What is interesting in this report is that the surface is not hot. This is a big thing, supposedly proven otherwise by our landings. However, at this point, it is totally possible we are been lied to. If the surface rock is actually ... read more
Coal and Gas Prices Have Doubled Which Contribute to China Power Outages
This is not a small thing at all. Then add in Trump's tarrifs which have also not gone away and we have a real time cost squeeze underway thast must hurt like hell. Understand energy direct casts are usualy around ten percent of the costing structure. Thus we can count of a huge drag on cash flow. Think a combined charge of in excess of fifteen percent of selling cost. This will seriously hurt and explains the present level of disturbance.. At the same time the Multi nationals are shifting global production into South East Asia and also now India with a vengence. They hav... read more
Lawyers & Scientists Are Building A Case For Why Natural Immunity Should Be Treated Same As Vaccination
This is scientifically absurd but here we are. Best practise must be decided by a judge because the decision has been hijacked by vested interests. This is at best a defininition of Nazism in which the stupidly loyal usurpt all decision making power and apply it on the basis of their natural ignorance. systems set to avoid just that are literally hijacked by monied agendas as has happened with our federal institutions The only counter weight to this has been the Mil Intel disclosure machine which has been exposing DEEP STATE criminality willy nilly to their chagrin and disco... read more
I am Just in the Way
It goes without saying that the MSM has not reported on any of this at all. Think about that simple fact if you must come here to read these simple statements by Trump a mere four days ago. Understand that: The set of legal constructs under which the USA operated since 1871 has been suspended and actual bankruptcy established. This was formally pronounced but ignored as well by the MSM. Trump remains Commander in Chief and this is understood world wide regardless of the faux presedency of Joe Biden. The obvious election fraud is been slowly overturned by application of... read more
Fraud, Deceptions, And Utterly Lies About Manufacturing Firm Next Exposed
[image: Business Manufacture Next]Each element of the garden is just as vital because the last. With out a proper fence, your wonderfully ripe tomatoes and carrots will be destroyed by the ravenous rabbits. Without water or proper soil, the crops would merely be fighting for survival. Your enterprise is very similar. In case you hope to see a prosperous company, you will need to understand that every particular person aspect is simply as important because the last. Without spectacular customer support, your optimized operations technique is utterly irrelevant. With out a lovely we... read more
OrientalReview.org22 hours ago
Reflections On Events In Afghanistan (XXII)
22. US, UK prepare to re-engage Taliban Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has written yet another opinion piece in the Washington Post, sensing a turning point lies ahead with the Biden Administration assembling a sustainable, durable policy toward Afghanistan taking into account the new reality of the Taliban government. Quintessentially, […] read more
Small Dead Animals23 hours ago
Passport To Nowhere
Preprint. We found no significant difference in cycle threshold values between vaccinated and unvaccinated, asymptomatic and symptomatic groups infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta. Given the substantial proportion of asymptomatic vaccine breakthrough cases with high viral levels, interventions, including masking and testing, should be considered for all in settings with elevated COVID-19 transmission. read more
Labour conference: Reynolds pledges to work with disabled people to replace WCA
Labour’s shadow work and pensions secretary has pledged to work alongside disabled people to draw up plans to replace the “fitness for work” benefit assessment system that has been linked to the deaths of multiple claimants over the last decade. Jonathan Reynolds […] read more
Labour conference: Burnham calls on his party to back free social care
Former Labour health secretary Andy Burnham has called on his party to back a policy of providing free social care that he says would ensure independent living for disabled people. Burnham, who has been the mayor of Greater Manchester since 2017, told […] read more
Labour conference: MP accuses government of ‘gas-lighting’ social care during pandemic
A Labour MP who heard weekly reports on the “harrowing” impact of the pandemic on service-users and staff in social care through the early months of the crisis has accused the government of “gas-lighting” the sector by denying those experiences. Helen Hayes […] read more
Labour conference: Party ‘showed contempt for autistic members’ by ignoring manifesto
Labour has been accused of showing “contempt” for autistic and other neurodivergent party members, after ignoring proposals they submitted as part of a policy development process. A summary of the neurodiversity manifesto that was put together by members of Neurodivergent Labour was […] read more
High-profile disability law firm forced into administration
A disabled lawyer who has taken scores of important disability discrimination cases has spoken of his regret after his law firm was forced to close because its credit facility was suddenly withdrawn. There has been concern among disabled campaigners at Fry Law […] read more
Mixed response from disabled activists to Heidi Crowter abortion case ruling
Disabled campaigners have given contrasting responses to a court’s high-profile ruling on whether abortion laws are discriminatory. The high court dismissed a legal challenge that argued that it was “morally and ethically wrong” and discriminatory to allow disabled fetuses to be aborted […] read more
Why South Korea Decided to Build Its Own Aircraft Carrier
*Sebastien Roblin* *Aircraft Carriers, Korean Peninsula* Carrier-based aircraft would be more mobile than those at static airfields on land, and could also provide a new vector for attack or infiltration of North Korea. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* Seoul announced it would build an aircraft carrier in July 2019 after years of study. The ship would be paired with a $2.7 billion order for twenty F-35B Lightning stealth jump-jet fighters, complementing sixty land-based F-35As. Carrier aviation has seen a renaissance of sorts among Washington’s military allies due in large pa... read more
Is Southeast Asia a Terrorist Safe Haven?
*Sidney Jones* *Taliban, Al Qaeda, Southeast Asia, Global Terrorism, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Southeast Asia, Philippines, Indonesia* The Taliban victory in Afghanistan may have heightened the threat. The return to power of the Taliban in Afghanistan has triggered worldwide concerns that its close relationship with al-Qaeda could bring a new wave of terrorism, including in Southeast Asia. The fears for Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines in particular are understandable, given recent history, but they need a reality check. The concerns include whether al-Qaeda’s close relations... read more
An Autonomous Robot May Have Already Killed Humans
*James Dawes* *autnonmous robot, * Here is how the weapons could be more destabilizing than nukes. Autonomous weapon systems – commonly known as killer robots – may have killed human beings for the first time ever last year, according to a recent United Nations Security Council report on the Libyan civil war. History could well identify this as the starting point of the next major arms race, one that has the potential to be humanity’s final one. Autonomous weapon systems are robots with lethal weapons that can operate independently, selecting and attacking targets without a huma... read more
Meet Hosho, the First ‘True’ Aircraft Carrier
*Peter Suciu* *Imperial Japanese Navy, Asia Pacific* Its story is a bit complicated. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: **Hōshō*’s basic design would be used for other Japanese carriers including the *Akagi, Kaga,* and *RyÅ«jō*, but unlike those ships, which were all sunk during the Second World War, the *Hōshō* survived the war. She had been used in the attack on Pearl Harbor and was present at the Battle of Midway in a secondary role. At the end of the war, the *Hōshō *served as a transport to return military personnel to Japan. Today the aircraft carrier remains the most powe... read more
Need To Know23 hours ago
Australian Fair-Work-Commission Declares that Employers May Not Force Vaccines on Workers
The document stated, “for the overwhelming majority of Australians, your work or workplace should not fundamentally alter the voluntary nature of vaccination.” The committee further encouraged Australians to reject medical apartheid and denying the rights of unvaccinated people. read more
Need To Know23 hours ago
How to Stop Building the Bankers’ Prison Walls Meant to Enslave Us
Vaccine passports will be used to implement a new digital transaction system using central bank digital currency (CBDC), similar to credit card money, that will create slavery by controlling all spending and cutting off access. Vaccine passports have nothing to do with health. read more
Cairns News23 hours ago
Victorian Police thugs target Rebel News
“Avi is starting to become a bit more problematic. So we might need to look at what Avi’s role is here in the moment.” We caught a senior police officer on video saying that to his fellow riot cops. They were trying to get me to stop reporting on the lockdown protests in Melbourne. But […] read more
New Mandala23 hours ago
Mental health in Indonesia: then, now and things to come
A webinar for World Mental Health Day is a small sample of extraordinary individuals who will share their experiences in Indonesian mental health. The post Mental health in Indonesia: then, now and things to come appeared first on New Mandala. read more
October 1st – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 255
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post October 1st – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 255 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Awaken India Exposes Billionaire Cartel Controlling India’s COVID-19 Task Force
This week I was contacted by a long-time Health Impact News subscriber in India, Yohan Tengra, who is part of the Awaken India Movement website. Mr. Tengra has spent months researching just who controls the Public Health System in India, and their massive conflicts of interest. I am happy to give exposure to this explosive report to our international audience, which documents how the rich and powerful in India have worked together with Bill Gates and other Globalists through Big Pharma to enslave the people of India through the Public Health Foundation of India. Introduction: Who... read more
Study says Earth is dimming due to ‘climate change’ – but may be natural?
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: Halfway through this article we see the study’s findings were made ‘where increases in sea surface temperatures have been recorded because of the reversal of a climatic condition called the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, with likely connections to global climate change’. So the PDO has changed, which it regularly will… read more
Vaccine finally offers pork producers a defense against African Swine Fever Virus
A candidate vaccine, known as ASFV-G-DI177l—efficiently protects against African swine fever, USDA announced Thursday. USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) published new research that highlights a new vaccine candidate that has been shown to prevent and effectively protect both European and Asia bred swine against the current circulating Asian strain of the virus. A pandemic of... Continue Reading read more
Report finds lack of evaluation for food safety training
There is a need for a framework to evaluate the effectiveness of food safety skills and education programs, according to a report published by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The report identified food safety training programs globally, whether they have an impact on reducing foodborne illnesses and deaths, and their use in different cultures and social settings.... Continue Reading read more
More patients identified in hepatitis A outbreak linked to restaurants
At least three people have been admitted to hospitals in a growing outbreak of hepatitis A linked to restaurants in Virginia. There are now 14 people confirmed infected, according to state health officials. Four of those patients are new since the outbreak was initially reported on Sept. 24. Additional patients are highly likely to be... Continue Reading read more
Federal grants aim to increase food safety through science-based training across U.S.
Veteran farmers and small produce farmers are among the food producers who can benefit from special food safety training paid for with $10 million in new grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Through the grants, administered by the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), growers, ranchers and other small-to midsized operations will... Continue Reading read more
Vagabond Scholar20 hours ago
Banned Books Week 2021
Happy Banned Books Week, celebrating banned and challenged books! Here's the category in my archives, with posts covering issues of censorship but also specific books. The site linked above tends not to keep old content, so I prefer to link the American Library Association's main site instead for specific lists. On the frequently challenged books page, the Top 10 Most Challenged Books of 2020 read more
Can Healthy People Skip the COVID-19 Vaccine?
*Richard Bloomer* *Vaccine, * No! A research scientist and fitness enthusiast explain why healthy people need the vaccine too. I’m a fitness enthusiast. I also adhere to a nutrient-dense, “clean” eating program, which means I minimize my sugar intake and eat a lot of whole foods for the purpose of optimizing my health. You might wonder how effective such a diet and exercise plan would be in the fight against COVID-19, since some have suggested – without supporting evidence – that vaccination may be unnecessary if a detailed wellness lifestyle is closely followed. As a research... read more
Must Watch! “Economy Has Already Crashed, Market Is Next; Investors Crushed Like Cockroaches; Restaurants Dying”
Jeremiah Babe, PM 9/30/21: *“Economy Has Already Crashed, Market Is Next;* * Investors Crushed Like Cockroaches; Restaurants Dying”* read more
October 1st – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post October 1st – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
balance101 day ago
studies/reports show great vaccine dangers
1) The UK is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Out of the nation’s 68 million people, more than 45 million have received at least a single dose, and over 33 million have been fully vaccinated. However a new report released by Public Health England (PHE) highlighted the fact that in the past few months, more fully vaccinated people have died from the Delta variant compared to unvaccinated people. The report titled “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England, Technical briefing 16,” examin... read more
Tucker Carlson Outlines The Brutal Communist Madness Taking Over Australia
Yesterday Florida Governor asked if the U.S. needed to reconsider diplomatic relations with Australia over the brutal police state that has taken over several states in the nation. Today, Fox News Host Tucker Carlson outlined some of the details of the police state that has taken over Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. WATCH: . […] The post Tucker Carlson Outlines The Brutal Communist Madness Taking Over Australia appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
NPR Perfection? Used ‘Pregnant People’ Or ‘Person’ Seven Times In Article
By Tim Graham ~ NPR achieved something truly “woke” in a story on Thursday. Jaclyn Diaz wrote an entire story on pregnant mothers and vaccines without ever using the word “woman” or “women,” but using “pregnant people” or “pregnant person” seven times. Even the headline stayed vague: “Are You Pregnant? The CDC Really Wants You To […] read more
October 1, 2021: Reader Tips
This evening we learn about tacos and vaccines. Your most appealing tips of the past 24 hours are much appreciated! read more
EV Buyers Beware – Fires, Scarce Charging Times, And Parking Restrictions
By Ronald Stein ~ In the wake of a series of severe EV battery fires, one of the largest vehicle manufacturers in the world, General Motors has just issued safety recommendations for Bolt EV’s: Not to park your Chevy Bolt within 50 feet of other vehicles in case it catches fire. Highly recommends that Bolt EV owners not […] read more
We Are CO2
Originally posted on Science Matters: Raymond has published a new slide on the World of CO2, shown above. Carbon is an essential part of every human body, as explained in the accompanying text: The organic molecules of the human body consist of carbon chains that are used to build carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acids and proteins.… read more
Sea ice growth after the summer minimum begins in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
Originally posted on polarbearscience: The Arctic sea ice minimum was declared to have been reached on 16 September this year (4.72 mkm2), breaking no records. Ice extent can only go up from this point forward but at this time of year, it happens slowly and isn’t noticeable in the Arctic Basin as much as it… read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Government Coverup of Genocide, We have the Data
Access solution resource document at Dr. Zelenko’s Vitamin Pack protects you from getting sick (a weapon to protect you from the “vaccine” weapon): Attorney Thomas Renz rejoins the program to share his latest and most damning whistleblower data showing proof of a government wide coverup. He shares important data evidence that everyone in […] read more
Panama Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes Warns Biden Administration 60,000 More Haitian Migrants Are Currently Traveling to U.S.
Panama Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes told Axios News that she had meetings this week with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and members of Congress to warn them that another massive caravan of 60,000 Haitian migrants are now en route to the U.S-Mexico border. (VIA AXIOS) […] Mouynes expressed her exasperation to Axios after spending months […] The post Panama Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes Warns Biden Administration 60,000 More Haitian Migrants Are Currently Traveling to U.S. appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Situation Update, Sep 30, 2021: Why Red States Must NULLIFY The Federal Government to Save Their Citizens from Mass Death
 Health Ranger Report With illegitimate occupier-in-chief Joe Biden waging outright war and economic terrorism against red states (see examples below), the leaders of those red states must now nullify federal government overreach in order to prevent their own citizens from being mass murdered by D.C. swamp policies that are intentionally designed to achieve depopulation. … read more
New Report Shows COVID Jab More Dangerous Than Virus in Boys
New Report Shows COVID Jab More Dangerous Than Virus in Boys by Ty & Charlene Bollinger, A new preprint study in medRxiv is making waves after the researchers found that the risk of myocarditis caused by the COVID vaccine is much higher in teenage boys than previously thought. In fact, the study concluded that the … read more
Unvaxed at Risk from Vaxed in Coming Dark Winter – Karen Kingston
Unvaxed at Risk from Vaxed in Coming Dark Winter – Karen Kingston by Greg Hunter’s Karen Kingston is a medical analyst that researches a wide variety of things in the medical world. She’s an expert in getting new drugs and medical devices approved and pass regulatory hurdles. She researched the drug patents for the … read more
Erdogan Now Demanding The U.S. Pay $1.4 Billion For Kicking Turkey Out Of The F-35 Stealth Fighter Jet Program
This file photo shows an F-35 joint strike fighter, marked AA-1, landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California, on Oct. 23, 2008. (Photo: U.S. Air Force / Senior Airman Julius Delos Reyes) *Axios:* *Turkey's Erdoğan criticizes Biden, asks for money back on F-35* Fresh off his first visit with Vladimir Putin in over a year, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan accused a top Biden official of "supporting terrorism" and demanded the U.S. pay $1.4 billion for kicking Turkey out of a stealth fighter jet program. *Why it matters:* Erdoğan's belligerence and deepening cooperati... read more
An Example Of The Destruction In The "Reconciliation" Bill: Public Housing Bailout
* Even this late in the process, it’s still impossible for a mere member of the public to find out in much detail what all may be buried in the massive “budget reconciliation” bill now making its way through Congress. And the whole thing may yet get stopped, or substantially reduced, by the unexpected good sense of a couple of Democratic Senators (or even just one). * Nevertheless, there is enough general information about what is planned by the bill’s proponents to give us some insights into the economic wreckage that could be coming if these people get their way. * Among things in... read more
RQ-3: The U.S. Air Force’s First Stealth Drone Crashed and Burned
*Peter Suciu* *RQ-3, Americas* The program was ended because of the cost but also due to aerodynamic stability problems. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *Weighing a beefy 8,500 pounds, the RQ-3 DarkStar was powered by a Williams-Rolls FJ44-1A engine that offered a takeoff thrust of 1,900 pounds. It provided a cruising speed of 288 mph and a service ceiling of 45,000 feet. A total of four were built, including the first prototype that crashed. Last year, the United States Air Force announced that it would cut the fleet of its Global Hawk spy drones, likely as it was opting to ... read more
Iran Can Help the American South Avoid Permanent Drought
*Mojtaba Sadegh, Ali Mirchi, Amir AghaKouchak, Kaveh Madani* *Drought, * The US and Iran can learn from each other. The 2021 water year ends on Sept. 30, and it was another hot, dry year in the western U.S., with almost the entire region in drought. Reservoirs vital for farms, communities and hydropower have fallen to dangerous lows. The biggest blow came in August, when the U.S. government issued its first ever water shortage declaration for the Colorado River, triggering water use restrictions. In response, farmers and cities across the Southwest are now finding new, often uns... read more
Joining the FBI Takes Superhuman Drive and Stamina
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Join FBI, * Joining the FBI is not for the faint of heart. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Right off the bat, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says this on its website to potential recruits: “Becoming a Special Agent takes dedication.” Right off the bat, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says this on its website to potential recruits: “Becoming a Special Agent takes dedication.” It appears “dedication” is just the bare minimum because there is a host of mentally and physically challenging hurdles—all part of the Special Agent Selection S... read more
Ghastly, Horrific, Prison Slaughter In Ecuador
Many of my readers probably have seen in the daily news cycle that yesterday there was a hideous, bloody, prison riot here in Ecuador. In reality, it was far worse, and much more grisly than is being reported in the corporate news media in the USSA. The official death count is now at 118, with 79 wounded. The number of dead will almost certainly go higher in the coming days. Many of the dead were decapitated, dismembered, and/or disemboweled. It was such a hellish, demonic slaughter, that the coroner and morgue personnel are having a very hard time identifying the dead, due to the... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Gringo view: Nature is better
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - (Opinion) Deliciously isolated in the mata, happily far away from Covid and Delta, Texas abortion battles, US and Brazilian electoral politics, the financial problems of Chinese property giant Evergrande Group and all the rest of the dystopian goings-on that fill the media ecosystem, it should be easy just to enjoy […] The post Gringo view: Nature is better appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Lost Their Sanity And Their Humanity
I tweeted this earlier. 12:27 PM · Sep 30, 2021 Some of the responses show how far gone these people are. read more
Republicans Warn DHS Is Planning To Fire Unvaxx’d Border Patrol Agents
🚚 #BREAKING: Whistleblower alleges that Border Patrol agents have been given official notice that they must be fully vaccinated by November 2021 or face termination. — House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) September 29, 2021 Republicans Warn DHS Is Planning To Fire Unvaxx’d Border Patrol Agents by Steve Watson, “It is simply unbelievable that the … read more
YouTube Bans ALL Anti-Vax Videos, Ramping Up Covid-Era Censorship Campaign
YouTube Bans ALL Anti-Vax Videos, Ramping Up Covid-Era Censorship Campaign by YouTube will ban all “harmful vaccine content” from its platform, including claims that vaccines are ineffective at reducing disease transmission. The ban comes after a year of escalating censorship by the Google-owned company. – “We’ve steadily seen false claims about the coronavirus vaccines … read more
Keiser Report | The House that Fiat Money Built is Crumbling | E1756
RT In this episode of Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the latest financial news, including that Jamie Dimon predicts bitcoin will 10x in the next five years. In the second half, Max talks to Rick Ackerman of Rick’s Picks about inflation, deflation and markets. end read more
The Big Lie – How to Enslave the World
Academy of Ideas Sep 30, 2021 The post The Big Lie – How to Enslave the World appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Debt Crisis Looming over the Horizon for the United States?
RT America The U.S. Congress continues to be at odds over raising the nation’s debt ceiling that would prevent a default. Dr. Ron Paul joins Boom Bust to discuss the state of the negotiations, the consequences of a debt default, and what he expects to unfold as the looming crisis sits over the horizon. end read more
Revolt In Australia Against Vaccine Passports As NBA Stars Speak Out Against Mandatory Vax
BANNED.VIDEO The Police Commissioner of New South Wales has refused to enforce the state’s vaccine passport mandate, revealing that officers will not be checking people’s vaccination status in restaurants, clubs or bars. Read more here: end read more
Joe Biden is Fast Becoming The ‘Most Embarrassing President’ in US History
Sky News Australia Joe Biden is fast becoming the “most embarrassing president” in US history, according to Sky News host Andrew Bolt. It comes as America’s top generals have given evidence to a Senate hearing, saying President Biden was urged to keep 2,500 US soldiers in Afghanistan. However President Biden has claimed beforehand that “no … read more
Silver Falls Below $22, But Holding Critical Level | Steve Penny
Liberty and Finance Chartist Steve Penny says silver is riding a key resistence/support level. If this level fails, silver could fall into the teens. Sign up for Steve’s newsletter and be supporting our channel along the way: Subscribe for our FREE newsletter – #1 place for gold & silver news & commentary: – … read more
Greg Hunter, "Unvaxed at Risk from Vaxed in Coming Dark Winter"
*"Unvaxed at Risk from Vaxed in Coming Dark Winter"* By Greg Hunter’s Karen Kingston is a medical analyst that researches a wide variety of things in the medical world. She’s an expert in getting new drugs and medical devices approved and pass regulatory hurdles. She researched the drug patents for the CV19 vaccine and says the unvaxed are at serious medical risk form the vaxed. Kingston explains, “If you take a look at the biological license approval for Pfizer, it specifically explains that Comirnaty is a nucleoside-modified messenger RNA. What is that? That is a ... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Poverty in Argentina drops from 42.0% to 40.6% in first semester 2021
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The poverty rate in Argentina stood at 40.6% in the first half of the year, with a reduction of 1.4 percentage points compared to the second half of 2020, the state statistical institute Indec reported on Thursday. On the other hand, in the case of poverty, which indicates people who […] The post Poverty in Argentina drops from 42.0% to 40.6% in first semester 2021 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
36 Members Of Congress Sign Letter Calling For Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller's Immediate Release For Criticizing The U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan
In a letter to the U.S. Marine Corps Commandant, my colleagues and I have asked that LTC Stuart Scheller be released from pretrial confinement: — Louie Gohmert (@replouiegohmert) September 30, 2021 *Daily Mail:* *36 members of Congress sign letter calling for Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller's immediate release from grim military brig after he was detained for repeatedly criticizing chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal* * Hearing for Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller will determine today whether he's released from the Camp Lejeune brig * Members of the public and the medi... read more
U.S. Vice-President Harris Is Laying The Groundwork To Be President
Vice President Kamala Harris has added two crisis communications professionals to her staff. REUTERS/Tom Brenner *Washington Examiner:* *Harris hires messaging gurus to shore up ‘long-term planning'* Vice President Kamala Harris has hired two veteran communications aides to help finesse messaging and long-term planning after a rocky first nine months in office for the second-in-command. Lorraine Voles, a crisis communications expert, and Adam Frankel, a former Obama speechwriter, worked for Harris during the presidential transition and have extensive experience crafting messa... read more
Why the U.S. Military No Longer Fights with Flamethrowers
*Peter Suciu* *Flamethrowers, United States* Modern flamethrowers trace their heritage back to World War I, but it's unlikely the U.S. military would begin using them again. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Department of Defense effectively retired flamethrowers from combat use in 1978, but flame as a weapon has been used throughout history. The idea of using fire as a weapon likely occurred as soon as the first human settlement was attacked by a rival tribe. The problem is that fire doesn’t know friend from foe and for eons couldn’t really be controlled. The earliest kno... read more
"I'd Still Swim..."
"If I were dropped out of a plane into the ocean and told the nearest land was a thousand miles away, I'd still swim. And I'd despise the one who gave up. " - Abraham Maslow read more
Iran State Media Promotes Video Of Vice-President Harris Not Pushing Back On Student's 'Ethnic Genocide' Claim Against Israel
Student accuses US of funding “ethnic genocide” by Israel in front of VP Harris “Americans are struggling because of a lack of health care, public health care, lack of affordable housing and all this money ends up going to Israel..” the student said at an event on VOTING RIGHTS! — Press TV (@PressTV) September 30, 2021 *FOX News:* *Iran state media promotes video of Kamala Harris not pushing back on Israel 'ethnic genocide' claim* *Harris praised student after her remarks: 'Your truth should not be suppressed' * An Iran state media outlet promoted a c... read more
Russia's Sub-Hunters are Getting Ready to Take on U.S. Submarines
*Kris Osborn* *Russian Navy, Eurasia* Russia's navy is preparing to battle U.S. submarines. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Russia also appears heavily invested in an effort to try to maintain an undersea advantage against the United States, which is now in the process of fielding a new generation of attack- and ballistic-missile submarines. The Russian Navy is refining its ability to track, attack, and destroy submarines from torpedo-armed surface warships by conducting attack drills in the White Sea, a move which signifies continued Russian ambitions to assert power, cont... read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
Fed-Up Aussies Rally Against Their Totalitarian Masters
What is happening in Australia is truly shocking. The leftist rulers in Melbourne and Sydney are behaving as a 21st Century gestapo. They are attacking unarmed protestors and trying desperately to quash a free press. The Communist Chinese are taking … Continue reading → read more
Forced Vaccinations Get Worse – Louisiana Health System Now Requires Spouses of Employees to Get Vaccinated, or Pay a Non-Compliance Penalty for Vaxx Violations Every Pay Period
This is just getting beyond ridiculous now. Ochsner Health [Website Here] is a healthcare provider/system that delivers healthcare services to the people of Louisiana, Mississippi and the Gulf South. Ochsner Health is now requiring the spouses or domestic partners of all employees be vaccinated, or the employee will pay a $100 per pay period […] The post Forced Vaccinations Get Worse – Louisiana Health System Now Requires Spouses of Employees to Get Vaccinated, or Pay a Non-Compliance Penalty for Vaxx Violations Every Pay Period appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Lockheed Will Not Comment On Recent Video Exposing Mystery Aviation Technology At Secret Testing Base
The video: — Ruben Hofs (@rubenhofs) September 22, 2021 *Daily Caller:* *Lockheed Exec Refuses To Comment On Video Exposing Mystery Aviation Technology On Secret Testing Base* The general manager of Lockheed’s most secretive arm, known as “Skunk Works”, refused to comment Tuesday on a mysterious aviation technology spotted recently at a Lockheed testing facility in the Mojave Desert outside of Palmdale, California. A video began making the rounds on Twitter Sept. 22 exposing an oddly shaped, sleek aircraft being loaded onto a flatbed trailer. The vid... read more
Grand Strategists Need to Dump Kissinger
So the New York Times reported on Beverly Gage, a history professor at Yale University, resigning from her post as head of the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy because of donor pressure. There’s a lot at stake in this. As an academic field, grand strategy has a reputation for being very conservative, and for advocating […] read more
Secretary Austin's New 'Integrated Deterrence' Strategy Is Turning Heads
*Kris Osborn* *Deterrence, * Austin is focusing on technological development and renewed cooperation with European allies. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The integration focus of the strategy is clearly invested in the need for multi-domain operations and joint U.S.-allied war preparation exercises. If the U.S. military truly strengthens its clear margin of technological superiority and of course solidifies its connection to allies, then it could lead to a potentially effective deterrence strategy. Massive investment in innovation and new technology greatly strengthened c... read more
China's Future AWACS To Be Unmanned And Integrated For Future Warfare
Photo: China Military *Global Times:* *Exclusive: Future AWACS to be unmanned, integrated: designer* The future airborne early warning aircraft and control system (AWACS) will be unmanned and integrated for future warfare, a major developer told the Global Times on Thursday at the Airshow China held in Zhuhai, South China's Guangdong Province. Zhang Shaofeng, deputy manager of Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) Shaanxi Aircraft Corporation, told the Global Times that the AWACS will be a vital element for future warfare, which will require integrated clusters of v... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil records 27,527 new cases and 627 Covid deaths (September 30)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil on Thursday reported 627 new deaths from Covid-19, bringing the total number of fatalities from the disease in the country to 596,749, the Health Ministry said. There were also 27,527 new coronavirus cases, with the total number of infections in the country advancing to 21,427,073, the folder added. According […] The post Brazil records 27,527 new cases and 627 Covid deaths (September 30) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Hope County Choir – When the World Falls We Will Rise Again
The post The Hope County Choir – When the World Falls We Will Rise Again appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Awaken India Exposes Billionaire Cartel Controlling India’s COVID-19 Task Force
This week I was contacted by a long-time Health Impact News subscriber in India, Yohan Tengra, who is part of the Awaken India Movement website. Mr. Tengra has spent months researching just who controls the Public Health System in India, and their massive conflicts of interest. I am happy to give exposure to this explosive report to our international audience, which documents how the rich and powerful in India have worked together with Bill Gates and other Globalists through Big Pharma to enslave the people of India through the Public Health Foundation of India. Introduction: Who... read more
Whither the WestConnex cash? Berejiklian buries tracks on Transurban’s $11bn toll road windfall
[image: WestConnex, Transurban] Just how good is the WestConnex mega-deal which the toll road monopolist Transurban has struck with NSW? Where is the new $11b going and what is this mysterious new "WestInvest"? Wendy Bacon investigates the deception around Australia's biggest and most secretive infrastructure project. read more
DOJ Inspector General Releases Damning Results of FISA Application Review and Missing Woods Procedures, But Don’t Expect Any Accountability – Remember Mary McCord Was Prepositioned
The DOJ Office of Inspector General (OIG) has released a review of FISA applications used to gain Title-1 surveillance warrants against U.S. persons. [LINK HERE] The review specifically looks at the earlier issues identified in ‘Woods Files‘ that are legally required to be present in any FISA application and contain the material evidence to support […] The post DOJ Inspector General Releases Damning Results of FISA Application Review and Missing Woods Procedures, But Don’t Expect Any Accountability – Remember Mary McCord Was Prepositioned appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Komando.com1 day ago
10M Android phones are open to a money-stealing attack
Is your phone bill higher than expected? Your device could be infected with this money-stealing malware. read more
Your Thursday Overnight Open Thread
Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over to You, the Readers. You Say You Got Something to Say - Go On. I Dare Ya! read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Government of Argentina will only allow vaccinated fans entry into soccer stadiums
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Argentine government advised this Thursday the protocol for the return of the public to soccer stadiums as from Friday and announced that at least one dose of the vaccine against the coronavirus would be required for those over 18 years of age. "Attentive to the epidemiological, sanitary situation and […] The post Government of Argentina will only allow vaccinated fans entry into soccer stadiums appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Police fight for control of Ecuador prison after massacre leaves 116 inmates dead
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Some 400 Ecuadorian police were battling Thursday for control of a prison in the port of Guayaquil where a riot left at least 116 inmates dead, six of them decapitated, in one of the worst prison massacres in Latin American history. On Tuesday, the riot began when inmates from rival […] The post Police fight for control of Ecuador prison after massacre leaves 116 inmates dead appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Just How Reliable Is Russia's Missile Defense?
*Michael Peck* *Missile Defenses, Europe* Russia's media may be guilty of exaggerating the importance of recent tests of its missile defense capabilities. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *While impressive to watch, Russia’s PRS-1M would still face the same problem of hitting a massive barrage of American warheads descending through the atmosphere at Mach 20. Back in 2019, Russia tested a new anti-missile interceptor. Though Russian media hailed the test as an impressive demonstration of Russian military power, it’s not exactly clear why this is so. Russian television showed ... read more
The Marine Corps’ New Ship-Killing Missile Is Headed to the Firing Range
*Caleb Larson* *Naval Strike Missile, * The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is moving closer to fielding a new anti-ship weapon system. *Here's what you need to know: *Thanks to this truck and missile combination, the Marine Corps is set to field a potent anti-ship platform The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is moving closer to fielding a new anti-ship weapon system, mating the Navy’s potent Naval Strike Missile (NSM) to the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV). The remotely controlled vehicle is essentially a JLTV stripped to its engine and drivetrain, and sports two conta... read more
Act big to kill the economy
The only thing worse than taxing capital gains would be taxing capital gains which have yet to be realized. Sort of a financial version of prior restraint. She raised eyebrows of some senators and Wall Street when she said that Treasury would consider the possibility of taxing unrealized capital gains – through a “mark-to-market” mechanism… Continue reading → read more
They're not even pretending to be fair: *Houston, epicenter of Harvey damage, still would get $0 under Texas' latest disaster aid plan* Harris County and the city of Houston this week blasted the Texas General Land Office’s revised plan for distributing billions in federal Hurricane Harvey aid, saying that while it is an improvement over the $0 the state originally awarded the local governments, it still is woefully inadequate. Mayor Sylvester Turner and Steve Costello, Houston’s chief recovery officer, said in a letter Wednesday that GLO’s proposal to send $750 million to Harris ... read more
China Says A New Carrier-Based Fighter Jet Will Be Built
*Forbes: **Coming Soon—A New Stealth Fighter For China’s New Aircraft Carrier * The Chinese navy could reveal its new naval fighter this year, officials said at an air show in southern China. Observers widely expect this new carrier-compatible plane to be a derivative of the FC-31 stealth fighter that the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation developed for export, but which has never found a foreign buyer. It’s apparent, however, that the People’s Liberation Army Navy isn’t counting on the unproven FC-31 to populate the deck of its first supercarrier, the thousand-foot-long Type 003 t... read more
Education a ‘powerful tool’ to counter hate speech, UN chief tells online forum
Growing polarization and intolerance are fuelling a rise in hate speech worldwide, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Thursday, in remarks to the opening of an online forum to counter this “global firestorm” through the power of education. Read the full story, “Education a ‘powerful tool’ to counter hate speech, UN chief tells online forum”, on → read more
Ethiopia: 7 UN officials told to leave country within 72 hours
Secretary-General António Guterres voiced his shock on Thursday after the Ethiopian Government declared seven UN staff persona non grata, ordering them to leave the country within 72 hours. Read the full story, “Ethiopia: 7 UN officials told to leave country within 72 hours”, on → read more
UN Chief commends ‘remarkable achievements’ in Sudan
The UN Secretary-General on Thursday recognized the “remarkable achievements and resilience of the Sudanese people, and its transitional government” since the overthrow of Omar Al-Bashir in 2019, as they “chart a new future together.” Read the full story, “UN Chief commends ‘remarkable achievements’ in Sudan”, on → read more
Iraq: ‘Moral obligation’ to ensure justice for Yazidi and other survivors of ISIL crimes
A new Iraqi law to support Yazidi women survivors of crimes committed by ISIL terrorists, represents “a watershed moment” in addressing the wrongs committed against them and other minority groups, the UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict told an event on Thursday, highlighting the need for effective reparations. Read the full story, “Iraq: ‘Moral obligation’ to ensure justice for Yazidi and other survivors of ISIL crimes”, on → read more
‘Urgent’ international response needed in Myanmar: UN chief
An “urgent” international response is needed to prevent the crisis in Myanmar from becoming a “catastrophe” in the heart of Southeast Asia and beyond, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned. In a report sent to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, the UN chief also said he feared that the military’s grip on power would become increasingly difficult to counter. Read the full story, “‘Urgent’ international response needed in Myanmar: UN chief”, on → read more
Climate action: ‘Time is running out’, UN chief tells ministers
With just one month left until the COP26 climate change conference, countries must do more to reduce emissions, finance climate action and support mitigation, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told the final official ministerial meeting in Milan, Italy, on Thursday. Read the full story, “Climate action: ‘Time is running out’, UN chief tells ministers”, on → read more
Comprehensive support needed for Haitians facing expulsion in Americas
Vulnerable Haitian men, women and children on the move in the Americas, should not be expelled from countries where they have found shelter, UN agencies said in a protection appeal on Thursday. Read the full story, “Comprehensive support needed for Haitians facing expulsion in Americas”, on → read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Ban on ‘Surprise’ Medical Bills on Track for Jan. 1 Rollout
The Biden administration put final touches on consumer protections against so-called “surprise” medical bills. read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Senators Push Facebook Exec on Instagram Policies for Youth
Senators fired a barrage of criticism at a Facebook executive over the social-networking giant’s handling of internal research on how its Instagram photo-sharing platform can harm teens. read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Indiana Mom Says Twin Babies Suffering from COVID
In a viral video, the mother showed hospital paperwork in response to TikTok commenters who didn't believe her 2-month-old babies tested positive for COVID-19. read more
Lawfare1 day ago
Tolling the Statute of Limitations to Prosecute a Former President: A Double-Edged Sword
A protestor holds up a sign at a Stop the Steal rally, a movement made in response to Trump's claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election. (Chad Davis,; CC BY 2.0, House Democrats on Sept. 23 introduced the Protecting Our Democracy Act, a bill designed to prevent presidential abuses of power and strengthen various counterweights to presidential authority. The bill limits the reach of the pardon power by prohibiting self-pardons and clarifying that a president who exercises a pardon in exchang... read more