Friday, October 01, 2021

1 October - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 5

 Covid Follies

10:30 pm MDT

These World War II Squad Guns Prefaced the Modern Assault Rifle
*Peter Suciu* *World War II Squad Guns, World* The French were actually the first to deploy such a weapon, the largely disparaged Chauchat. *Here’s What You Need to Remember:* The U.S. M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle, British Bren Gun, Vickers-Berthier Light Machine Gun, and German FG42 and StG44 paved the way for the development of squad automatic weapons, and even to the modern assault rifle. The concept of a “squad automatic weapon” was not new to the Second World War, and was in fact developed a generation earlier in the mud-soaked trenches of the First World War. The French ... read more
Kim Jong-Un Admits North Koreans are Going Hungry
*Trevor Filseth* *North Korea, Asia* The supreme leader’s comments marked the third time since the beginning of the year that he has described a negative state of affairs within the country. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* In his July 27 address commemorating the anniversary of the Korean War’s 1953 armistice, North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un acknowledged that the coronavirus pandemic had created a “crisis of hardship” in the country. The supreme leader’s comments marked the third time since the beginning of the year that he has described a negative state of affairs w... read more
The Last Refuge15 minutes ago
October 2nd – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post October 2nd – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
War News Updates35 minutes ago
U.S. Surpassed 700,000 Covid-19 Deaths Today
*Daily Mail**:* *US hits grim 700,000 COVID-19 death toll milestone even as cases fall to the lowest levels seen in nearly two months* * On Friday, the U.S. surpassed 700,000 coronavirus deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University * That figure is more than the number of Americans who died during World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War combined * The U.S. accounts for 14.8% of the 4.7 million worldwide deaths from COVID-19 , but just 5% of the global population * It comes as cases decline in the U.S. to the lowest levels seen since early Augu... read more
The Last Refuge42 minutes ago
Merck Pharmaceutical Presents COVID-19 Pill With Data Showing 50 Percent Reduction in Hospitalization
As you read the news reports on a new anti-viral pill to battle COVID-19 from Merck called “Molnupiravir”, keep in mind Merck is the pharma company that owns the anti-viral pill Ivermectin. Oct 1 (Reuters) – Positive clinical trial results for Merck & Co’s (MRK.N) experimental antiviral COVID-19 pill reverberated through the healthcare sector on […] The post Merck Pharmaceutical Presents COVID-19 Pill With Data Showing 50 Percent Reduction in Hospitalization appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
War News Updates45 minutes ago
Tonight's Movie Is 'The Captain'
*From YouTube:* The Captain (German: Der Hauptmann) is a 2017 international co-produced historical drama film written and directed by Robert Schwentke. It was screened in the Special Presentations section at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival. It tells the story of German war criminal Willi Herold, who assumed a stolen identity as a German officer and orchestrated the killing of deserters and other prisoners at one of the Emslandlager camps *WNU editor:* You will have to click on the "closed captions" button to get the English translation. read more
Red Cross Warns Afghanistan Health System On Verge Of Collapse
*The Hill*:* Red Cross warns of looming humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan* The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is warning of a looming humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, where there is an urgent need of money and other aid in the wake of the Taliban’s consolidation of power and the U.S. troop withdrawal. IFRC Asia Pacific Regional Director Alexander Matheou said in remarks from Kabul Thursday that the international aid organization is “deeply concerned that Afghanistan faces imminent collapse of health services and worsening hunger if ... read more
We Counted: How Many Stars are There in Space?
*Brian Jackson* *Stars, * There are a lot. Look up at the sky on a clear night, and you’ll see thousands of stars – about 6,000 or so. But that’s only a tiny fraction of all the stars out there. The rest are too far away for us to see them. The universe, galaxies, stars Yet astronomers like me have figured out how to estimate the total number of stars in the universe, which is everything that exists. Scattered throughout the universe are galaxies – clusters of stars, planets, gas and dust bunched together. Like people, galaxies are diverse. They come in different sizes and sh... read more
The Last Refuge1 hour ago
Attorney Thomas Renz Releases Medicare and Pfizer Whistleblower Data – Vaccine Related Injuries and Deaths Far More Widespread Than Reported
Thanks to a Whistleblower that came forth to Attorney Thomas Renz, the public is now seeing, for the first time ever, hard data from the largest database available in the U.S. to study the COVID-19 impact including deaths & injuries; The CMS Medicare Tracking System. The Total number of American Citizens that died within 14 […] The post Attorney Thomas Renz Releases Medicare and Pfizer Whistleblower Data – Vaccine Related Injuries and Deaths Far More Widespread Than Reported appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Cairns News2 hours ago
Nurse whistleblowers from QLD and VIC tell of hospital unreported adverse vaccine figures
Melbourne Nurse Blows the Whistle Queensland nurse blows the whistle read more
Inside The CIA Plot To Kidnap, Kill Julian Assange
Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News discusses his team’s reporting on the CIA plot to surveil, kidnap, and even kill Assange — all overseen by Michael Pompeo. In response, Pompeo has called for the prosecution of all the sources involved. The story builds on previous disclosures including a May 2020 exposé by The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal, which revealed that the CIA was working with Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson and the Spanish security firm UC Global to target and surveil Assange in London’s Ecuadorian embassy. Isikoff and Aaron Maté also debate Russia’s role in the Assange c... read more
Major Protests Will Urge President Biden To Act On Fossil Fuels
Washington, D.C. -- Thousands of people are expected to take part in a week of protests at the White House this October 11-15 to pressure President Biden to declare a climate emergency and end all new fossil fuel projects. Composed of hundreds of Indigenous, Black, environmental, climate justice, youth, and social justice organizations, the Build Back Fossil Free coalition will launch the People Vs. Fossil Fuels: Biden’s Test week of action in advance of the Glasgow COP26 Climate Summit. With that summit representing what many consider to be our “last, best chance” to avoid climat... read more
These Countries Have Admitted That They Have An Internet Kill Switch
*Organic Prepper*:* These Countries Have an INTERNET KILL SWITCH (and They Admit It) * What do you suppose would happen if the President of the United States deemed it necessary, for “national security,” to flip the Internet Kill Switch? In these digital times, there should be great concern over something like this. However, normalcy bias seems to have a firm hold on a majority of the citizens of the US, and many are clinging to the “it can’t happen here” theory. The United States has yet to employ this particular tool. However, according to data gathered to examine the financi... read more
Is Kim Yo-jong The World’s Most Dangerous Woman?
Kim Yo-jong is rapidly expanding and cementing her power in North Korea. Picture: AFP * **Kim Yo-jong is on track to become world’s most dangerous woman* A figure we knew nothing about a few years ago is rapidly becoming the most powerful woman in the world – and potentially very dangerous. Not too long ago, even the most devoted watchers of North Korean politics knew little to nothing about Kim Yo-jong. The sister of dictator Kim Jong-un and youngest child of the hermit nation’s late Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-il, had spent her life in the shadows until she appea... read more
Pipelines to Pipedreams: Is TurkStream on the Brink of Failure?
*Mark Episkopos* *Natural Gas, Pipelines, Energy Security, Russia, Turkey, Russia, Turkey, Eurasia* The opening of Turkstream was hailed in Moscow as a triumph of Russian economic strategy. One year later, the project has only generated dubious successes that have come at steep costs. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* The South Stream project was consolidated into TurkStream, the Kremlin’s effort to recoup its losses through a firmer foothold in the Turkish energy market The TurkStream pipeline was launched in 2020 to replace the failed South Stream initiative but is now in da... read more
Five Treaties that Helped Shape the Modern World
*Akhilesh Pillalamarri* *Politics, Europe* While ironing out the Treaty of Paris, the American negotiating team played their hand astoundingly well. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Although the Peace of Westphalia only originally impacted Western and Central Europe, it eventually had global consequences. Wherever there are states, there are treaties. Since ancient times, treaties have been a crucial tool of statecraft and diplomacy. As treaties are agreements between various states, often concluded at the end of a conflict, they profoundly reshape boundaries, economies, alli... read more
Why Did the Royal Air Force Not Replicate the F-14 Tomcat?
*Trevor Filseth* *F-14 Tomcat, Europe* That the plane’s usage should be limited to America and America’s largest adversary is a curious twist of fate. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The threat of abandoning the ADV program and buying fighters from the United States might have been a factor in keeping the plane’s work on schedule; but after it was complete, the question of buying American planes became moot. In its operational history, only two countries have ever used the F-14 Tomcat: the United States, which saw extensive use of the aircraft in the Vietnam War, and Iran, w... read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
Ukraine Demands The U.S. And Germany Impose Sanctions On Russian Natural Gas Giant Gazprom
*Moscow Times:* *Ukraine Calls for Russia Sanctions Over Hungary Gas Deal* Ukraine said Friday it wants Germany and the United States to impose sanctions on Russia’s gas export monopoly Gazprom over its controversial deal with Hungary and Kiev’s loss of transit capacities. Kiev slammed as “political” this week’s contract that will supply 4.5 billion cubic meters of Russian natural gas to Hungary every year until 2036 through non-Ukrainian transit routes. “Gazprom stopped gas transit through Ukraine to Hungary,” Yuri Vitrenko, the CEO of Ukraine’s pipeline operator Naftogaz, ... read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
European Natural Gas Prices At An All-Time High
FILE PHOTO. A view of the Vankor oil and gas field from a helicopter, Krasnoyarsk Territory. © Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov ** *European Gas Prices Hit Record High* Benchmark natural gas prices in Europe set a new record today reaching $1,200 per 1,000 cu m, or over $100 per MWh. TASS reports that one of the reasons for the latest jump in prices could be a new decline in flows along the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline from Russia. According to the report, the flow of gas dropped threefold this morning but later accelerated, averaging 500,000 cu m per day, even though it re... read more
Len Stringfield's Dr. Shirley Wright Interviews about the Roswell UFO Crash
There has been some interest in the last few days about the information that was originally gathered by Len Stringfield about a college professor, Dr. Shirley Wright and her connection to the Roswell crash. Stringfield had given her the name Edith Simpson to protect her identity, and given the way some people act in the world today, that’s probably not a bad thing. Following, without editorial comment, is the report that Stringfield published in his *UFO Crash/Retrieval Status Report VII: Search for Proof in a Hall of Mirrors*. It does provide some insight into this case. I will n... read more
IEN On Bipartisan Infrastructure Package And Build Back Better Act
Let us be frank. As communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis and fossil fuel extraction, our situation is dire. While we experience unparalleled disaster in the form of floods, fires, droughts, Missing & Murdered Indigenous Peoples and state-sanctioned violence against Indigenous and Black communities, the crisis at the so-called border, and other results of climate chaos, we know U.S. elected leadership is in the position to redirect course on behalf of Mother Earth and future generations. The truth is, Congress promised our communities they would work to solve the cli... read more
The Last Refuge3 hours ago
Senator Rand Paul vs HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, Now We Discover Why Obama’s Shadow Government Needed Becerra
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul confronted wildly political Health and Human Service Secretary Xavier Becerra during a Senate Health Committee hearing on Thursday. Senator Paul took exception to the hubris, arrogance and verbal attacks on the American electorate by HHS Secretary Becerra, and provided him an opportunity to apologize for his characterizations. The fact that those […] The post Senator Rand Paul vs HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, Now We Discover Why Obama’s Shadow Government Needed Becerra appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
UN Finds Steven Donziger’s House Arrest Violates International Law
The world’s top human rights legal body just offered a crucial show of support for Steven Donziger, the attorney who won a landmark multibillion-dollar case against an oil giant over pollution in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. The ruling came on the eve of his sentencing in a criminal trial. On Wednesday, the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights ruled that Donziger’s home detention is illegal under international law and called on the U.S. to release him. Donziger will have spent an unprecedented 787 days on house arrest as of Friday in what is one of the most windi... read more
Qatar Admonishes Taliban Over Human Rights Issues
*Trevor Filseth* *Afghanistan, * The foreign minister underlined that while Doha disapproved of the group’s actions, it would continue to interact with them, and warned the international community that trying to isolate the Taliban government would be counterproductive. Qatar, the rich Arabian emirate which maintained a relatively cordial relationship with the Taliban during its twenty-year insurgency, described recent actions that its fighters had conducted in Afghanistan as “ disappointing.” Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, the country’s Foreign Minister, chastised t... read more
Revealed: President Kennedy Had a Secret Nuclear Fallout Bunker in South Florida
*WarIsBoring* *Nuclear Weapons, Americas* Just in case the nukes came raining down. *Here's What You Need to Know*: If anyone needed bunkers, it’d be the president. In December 1960, the SeaBees — the U.S. Navy’s construction force — supposedly began the mundane task of building a munitions depot behind the Coast Guard station on Peanut Island, Florida. Known as “Operation Hotel,” the SeaBees actually built a secret nuclear fallout shelter for president-elect John F. Kennedy, who often spent his winters at a nearby estate on Palm Beach. It took the SeaBees less than two weeks t... read more
More Than 60 Actions Nationwide Pile Pressure On Congress
As part of national days of protest called by Cancel the Rents, more than 60 demonstrations took place in cities and towns across the United States September 24-26 calling on Congress to immediately pass an indefinite nationwide moratorium on evictions. Protesters also demanded the cancellation of the crushing debt to landlords that had built up over the course of the pandemic as tenants’ were unable to work and back rent accumulated. Tens of billions of dollars have already been allocated for renter relief programs by the federal government, but is being distributed excruciatingl... read more
Machine Tools—Key to Rebuilding U.S. Manufacturing
If the U.S. is going to revitalize its manufacturing it must start with a revival of the machine tool sector. This video explains what are machine tools and why they are crucial to re-Americanizing the U.S. economy. read more
Komando.com4 hours ago
Have an AirTag? Bad news: It can be hacked to steal your Apple account
Scammers have found a way to rip people off through lost Apple AirTags. Here's how to avoid falling victim. read more
Vatican China Sellout; Is the Catholic Church Being Paid?
The Vatican China deal was apparently negotiated by alleged pedophile-sexual predator Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. China reportedly uses the BGY system … Continue reading → read more
Komando.com4 hours ago
New iOS update fixes problematic iPhone bugs – Update now
iOS 15.0.1 fixes several bugs, including one that incorrectly shows storage full alerts. read more
Scheer Intelligence: War Is A Multi-Trillion-Dollar Racket
Twenty years since the September 11, 2001 attacks, the human and financial cost of the United States’ failed “War on Terror” is plain to see: as one headline put it, “20 years, $6 trillion, 900,000 lives.” The estimates of lives lost and trillions spent vary throughout media sources, but even the most conservative estimates speak for themselves. Yet, while the Pentagon billed America’s latest imperial endeavors as an imperative series of operations aimed at protecting U.S. national security, there is a simpler, far more cynical and obscene motivation behind these forever wars, acc... read more
If The United Nations Charter Was Put To A Vote Today, Would It Pass?
Each year in September, the heads of governments come to the United Nations Headquarters in New York City to inaugurate a new session of the General Assembly. The area surrounding the headquarters becomes colourful, delegates from each of the 193 member states milling about the UN building and then going out to lunch in the array of restaurants in its vicinity that scraped through the pandemic. Depending on the conflicts that abound, certain speeches are taken seriously; conflicts in this or that part of the world demand attention to the statements made by their leaders, but other... read more
Truth and Reconciliation Day
Yesterday was Truth and Reconciliation Day. Both terms are very important and very misrepresented. Before I dive in, I will point out the obvious. Justin Trudeau is an idiot. Not only is he a fake feminist and a fake environmentalist, he is a fake advocate for Aboriginal rights. Jody Wilson-Raybould is First Nations and Justin Trudeau threw her under the bus. Justin Trudeau is all talk, no action. He pretends to be an advocate for Aboriginal rights and even sets aside a national day for it, then goes surfing during the official ceremonies. Having said that, there is a lot of misre... read more
Dr. Joseph Mercola: How the Spike Protein Hurts the Heart
 Dr. Joseph Mercola: How the Spike Protein Hurts the Heart by Dr. Joseph Mercola |, via * FDA ignored warnings before the vaccine was distributed that it would likely cause organ damage. * The list of people reporting adverse events from the jab is growing. – STORY AT-A-GLANCE The FDA ignored warnings … read more
Most Vaccinated Countries Have Most COVID Cases
Most Vaccinated Countries Have Most COVID Cases by Rodney Atkinson, Freenations, via Global Research, August 29, 2021 … The most vaccinated countries have the most cases and deaths per million population and the least vaccinated countries have the fewest cases and deaths per million population. – Devastating Israel figures show 80-90% of cases are vaccinated … read more
Indian Central Bank Accumulating Large Quantities of Gold almost under the Radar
Indian Central Bank Accumulating Large Quantities of Gold almost under the Radar by Ronan Manly, While large one-off central bank gold purchases get a lot of media attention and the same is true for central banks accumulating gold reserves over a two or three month period, sizeable accumulation of gold by central banks on … read more
Dianne Feinstein Introduces Bill To Require COVID Vaccination In Order To Fly Domestically
Dianne Feinstein Introduces Bill To Require COVID Vaccination In Order To Fly Domestically by Steve Watson, ‘Papers please’ legislation introduced by Senator who was caught several times breaking mask mandate she endorsed – Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein has introduced legislation that would see Americans forced to be vaccinated or to provide a negative COVID … read more
Ethiopia: Decision to expel UN staff could put aid operations at risk
The decision to expel United Nations staff from Ethiopia could affect aid distribution in the war-torn north of the country, where needs and displacement are rising, UN humanitarians said on Friday. Read the full story, “Ethiopia: Decision to expel UN staff could put aid operations at risk”, on → read more
CDC Claims It Has Authority to Use Police to Do Everything You See Going On in Australia; And Congress Agrees
How Australia plans on beating COVID👇🏼 — Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) September 18, 2021 CDC Claims It Has Authority to Use Police to Do Everything You See Going On in Australia; And Congress Agrees by Leo Hohmann, via Watch the horrific excuse for policing above. – In another video [fast-forwarding to the 3:30 … read more
Erdogan Alarms NATO Allies: ‘Putin Agreed To Jointly Produce Jet Engines, Warships & Submarines’
Erdogan Alarms NATO Allies: ‘Putin Agreed To Jointly Produce Jet Engines, Warships & Submarines’ by Tyler Durden, There were some unexpected, surprising agreed-upon initiatives to come out of Wednesday’s Sochi summit between Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan which will be sure to catch the attention of the West, given Turkey comprises … read more
Vatican to Punish Employees Who Refuse to Comply With COVID-19 Certification
Vatican to Punish Employees Who Refuse to Comply With COVID-19 Certification by Paul Joseph Watson, No jab, no salary. The Vatican is set to punish employees who refuse to comply with COVID-19 certification by not paying them. – Yes, really. Vatican staffers who are unable to prove they’d been jabbed or who refuse to … read more
Three Glaring Symptoms of Monetary Mayhem
maneco64 #inflation #supplychain #Saltbae #energycrisis #RRP #Repo #FederalReserve #QE #shortages #QE #fiatcurrency #inequality #WallStreet #markets #costofliving #UKeconomy – Today we will look at some of the more glaring symptoms of what we think is the acceleration of monetary mayhem that happens under a fiat currency regime. Please comment below about some other symptoms of this … read more
Rafi Farber: The Dollar is being Poisoned
Palisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes Rafi Farber back to the show. Rafi is an investor, author, and proponent of the Austrian Business Cycle. To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit – Rafi discusses how to keep sane with short-term price movement in gold. There are times when investments … read more
Why Isn’t Silver Launching Higher? Chris Marcus & Craig Hemke
Wall Street Silver Chris Marcus & Craig Hemke join us to discuss why the Silver market is not launching higher with all of the macro issues so favorable right now. Plus an update on Silverfest 2 from Chris Marcus. end read more
Halifax Examiner4 hours ago
Halifax releases more details on planned modular housing for people living in parks
The 73 units of modular housing announced for people living in parks this week will each have their own washroom and shower, but the timeline on their installation is still unclear. Mayor Mike Savage and Assistant Chief of Emergency Management Erica Fleck, who’s been assigned to lead HRM’s response to homelessness for three months, announced […] read more
Halifax Examiner4 hours ago
RCMP release redacted email to councillors about traffic stop involving Halifax cop
The RCMP have allowed the municipality to release part of a controversial email they sent to some Halifax councillors after a traffic stop in the summer. As the Halifax Examiner reported last week, the email came to light at a meeting of the Halifax Board of Police Commissioners: At its virtual meeting on Monday, the board […] read more
Truth And Recreation
Dear Leader continues to be trashed for going on vacation yesterday. But at least he can hide at the 18 million dollar estate with servants quarters. I wonder who is paying for that? As one brave soul stated on Justin’s CBC today, the story will quickly be forgotten in a couple of days, just like… Continue reading → read more
null6 hours ago
Stand with Us as We Stand Up Ghion Journal
Since we launched Ghion Journal nearly 6 years ago, we have been operating on a shoestring budget where we bled money on a year-over-year basis The post Stand with Us as We Stand Up Ghion Journal appeared first on . read more
UN World Data Forum meets at ‘critical time’ with COVID battle ongoing
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that quality data saves lives, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) said on Friday, ahead of the UN World Data Forum, due to start on Sunday Read the full story, “UN World Data Forum meets at ‘critical time’ with COVID battle ongoing”, on → read more
$383 million humanitarian plan to address ‘living nightmare’ in Lebanon
The UN and humanitarian partners on Friday announced a $383 million Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for Lebanon to provide critical life-saving assistance and protection to some 1.1 million citizens and migrants over the next 12 months. Read the full story, “$383 million humanitarian plan to address ‘living nightmare’ in Lebanon”, on → read more
Multilateralism still ‘only way’ to address common challenges: Shahid
Multilateralism remains “the only way to address common challenges”, UN General Assembly President Abdulla Shahid told journalists on Friday, in his first press conference since the conclusion of the annual High-Level Week. Read the full story, “Multilateralism still ‘only way’ to address common challenges: Shahid”, on → read more
Startups, awards and new research: youth-led World Food Forum kicks off
The first World Food Forum, a youth-led event aimed at harnessing the energy and creativity of young people, and featuring speeches from Heads of State and senior UN officials, opened on Friday. Read the full story, “Startups, awards and new research: youth-led World Food Forum kicks off”, on → read more
balance103 hours ago
the first demand of the fires of initiation concerns a sense of proper perspective
1) The light is upon the mountain. And like snow melting in the presence of the radiant heart of the fiery Sun, the light inundates the rocks below and flows downward into the world of men. Symbolic initiation, the chastening rod of God moving earnestly among men seeks to bring forth sons of God upon the Earth that we may tear the veil from the eyes of men that they may penetrate sacred mysteries of the past and know the joy that once mankind knew before hatred and sinister strategies came into view. The peace of God that passeth all understanding I am scattering abroad as ... read more
The Rio Times4 hours ago
Bolivian Prosecutor’s Office summons former president Quiroga to testify for his participation in alleged coup d’état
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Bolivian Prosecutor’s Office has informed this Friday that former President Jorge Quiroga will have to testify over the next week for his possible participation in the political crisis of 2019, which led to the departure of Evo Morales from the country, harassed by the opposition and part of the […] The post Bolivian Prosecutor’s Office summons former president Quiroga to testify for his participation in alleged coup d’état appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
United States Threatens Sanctions After UN Officials Expelled from Ethiopia
*Trevor Filseth* *Ethiopia, * Ethiopia accused the UN officials of "meddling" without providing further information. The government of Ethiopia has announced the expulsion of seven high-ranking UN officials from the country after accusing them of “meddling” in its internal affairs. The officials, who worked for various UN human rights agencies, including the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), were declared “persona non grata” by the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ordered to leave the country ... read more
From Realpolitik to Square One: How the U.S. Approach to Belarus Backfired
*Mark Episkopos* *Europe, Belarus, European Politics, Belarus, Russia, Europe* Did liberal-democratic values push Belarus further into the Russian orbit? *Here's What You Need to Remember:* The record is abundantly clear: color revolution is itself a failed policy, driven by a misguided focus on enforcing liberal-democratic values rather than pursuing concrete strategic ends. A little over 100 days after the last presidential election, Belarusia’s beleaguered Aleksandr Lukashenko remains in power—numerous rounds of well-organized mass protests and the combined efforts of a collec... read more
The Rio Times4 hours ago
Mexico bets on lithium monopoly, “gold” in the face of electric car boom
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Mexico plans to monopolize the exploitation of lithium, indispensable for electric car batteries and the development of new technologies, according to a constitutional reform project of leftist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The initiative sent to the Chamber of Deputies also proposes reserving the majority participation in the electricity sector, […] The post Mexico bets on lithium monopoly, “gold” in the face of electric car boom appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times4 hours ago
Uruguay disqualifies meat processing plant for sending meat to China that was not allowed
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Uruguayan government on Friday disqualified a meat processing plant in the town of Rosario (southwest) after China suspended the company for having sent cuts of meat with fat not allowed, said the Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, Fernando Mattos. In this sense, the minister said in a press […] The post Uruguay disqualifies meat processing plant for sending meat to China that was not allowed appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times4 hours ago
Brazil’s trade surplus falls in September to lowest level in seven months
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil recorded a trade surplus of US$4.322 billion in September, the lowest level in the last seven months and a value 15% lower than in the same month the previous year, due to the sharp jump in imports, the Government informed this Friday. The positive balance in September was lower […] The post Brazil’s trade surplus falls in September to lowest level in seven months appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times4 hours ago
Brazil registers 18,578 new cases and 506 Covid deaths (October 1)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil on Friday reported 506 new deaths from Covid-19, bringing the total number of fatalities from the disease in the country to 597,255, the Health Ministry said. There were also 18,578 new coronavirus cases, with the total number of infections in the country advancing to 21,445,651, the folder added. The […] The post Brazil registers 18,578 new cases and 506 Covid deaths (October 1) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Medical Kidnap4 hours ago
BREAKING: AI-powered DoD Data Analysis Program Named “Project Salus” SHATTERS Official Vaccine Narrative, Shows A.D.E. Accelerating in the Fully Vaccinated with Each Passing Week!
An AI-powered Dept. of Defense program named “Project Salus,” run in cooperation with the JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Center), has analyzed data on 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 or older. Data were aggregated from Humetrix, a real-time data and analytics platform that tracks health care outcomes. Legal analysis from Thomas Renz of is included in a breaking video interview, included in this article. The alarming findings show that the vast majority of covid hospitalizations are occurring among fully-vaccinated individuals and that outcomes among t... read more
Greenland Scamsters Expose Their Hand
Bill Gates wants to exploit Greenland’s rare earth minerals. Billionaire-backed mining firm to seek electric vehicle metals in Greenland | Reuters The New York Times is saying they have to do it to save the world from global warming. 8:30 … Continue reading → read more
Medical Kidnap5 hours ago
1,969 Fetal Deaths Recorded Following COVID-19 Shots but Criminal CDC Recommends Pregnant Women Get the Shot
The CDC released more data today into VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) which shows that there are now 1,969 fetal deaths among pregnant women who received a COVID-19 shot. By way of contrast, I performed the exact same search in VAERS for all non-COVID-19 vaccines for the past 30 years, and it returned a result of 2,183 fetal deaths from pregnant women following vaccination for the past 30 years. So there have been nearly the same amount of fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots during the past 10 months, as there have been for the past 30+ years that VAERS has bee... read more
BREAKING: AI-powered DoD Data Analysis Program Named “Project Salus” SHATTERS Official Vaccine Narrative, Shows A.D.E. Accelerating in the Fully Vaccinated with Each Passing Week!
An AI-powered Dept. of Defense program named “Project Salus,” run in cooperation with the JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Center), has analyzed data on 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 or older. Data were aggregated from Humetrix, a real-time data and analytics platform that tracks health care outcomes. Legal analysis from Thomas Renz of is included in a breaking video interview, included in this article. The alarming findings show that the vast majority of covid hospitalizations are occurring among fully-vaccinated individuals and that outcomes among t... read more
Snopes.com6 hours ago
Biden Administration Urges Judge to Block Texas Abortion Law
U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, did not say when he would rule following a nearly three-hour hearing in Austin. read more
Snopes.com6 hours ago
Is ‘National Daughters Day’ Just a Sinister Plot To Extract Private Data?
The social media trend has emerged in recent years, centered around the final days of September. read more
Pension Pulse4 hours ago
Get Ready for a Crazy October?
Mark Hubert of MarketWatch reports September was a terrible month for stocks, here's what you can expect for October: October looms large in U.S. stock market lore. Yet there’s only one way the month lives up to its outsized reputation: It really is particularly volatile. Before I summarize the historical data supporting this reputation, let me first dispel two Wall Street stories about October that turn out to be myths. *Myth #1: October is the month with the most major trend changes* *This is simply not true. According to the bull and bear market calendar back to 1900 maintain... read more
Metrotown mall shooting
City News is reporting that "Metropolis at Metrotown in Burnaby has been evacuated due to a police incident in the area. Burnaby RCMP say there are unconfirmed reports of shots fired, and the mall is being searched. Transit Police were also looking into unconfirmed reports of a pipe bomb, however, that has been cleared. RCMP say there is no evidence of an active threat, nor any injuries." read more
CONTRARY BRIN4 hours ago
Seeking solutions - not sanctimony
Today's theme is seeking solutions - technological, social, personal - in a pragmatic spirit that seems all-too lost, these days. One Place where you find that spirit flowing as vigorously as ever is the X-Prize Foundation led by Peter Diamandis. The theme of the latest XPrize challenge seeks methods of agricultural carbon sequestration. What if there is an efficient way to capture carbon from the air and safely store it for 1000 years or more? What if the cost of capturing the carbon is near zero - with no new technology needed? What if the cost of storing (sequestering) the car... read more
"The Stock Market Crash Nobody Thinks Possible Has Begun!"
*Full screen recommended.* *"The Stock Market Crash Nobody Thinks Possible Has Begun!"* by Epic Economist "Things are looking gloomy on Wall Street. The stage is set for a ruthless stock market crash, but everyone keeps denying that this gigantic bubble even exists. However, the ideal setup for a crash happens exactly when people are thinking that a crash is impossible. Of course, the market needs a good number of unsuspecting fools to keep fueling the final rally and add to the gains of the wealthy while the minions are unexpectedly left empty-handed. Now, most investors are still... read more
An apology
I am sending this post early because A) my computer is a mess and I might be unable to get it fixed for several days. B) As well, I thought I was very sick, and was quite worried about my health. Luckily, I was today proven to be in good health - still homely and unsavoury - but alive. I was premature in my headline of the last blog. However, I do think the American empire is done for. The U.S. is deeply divided among - itself. Biden and Trump are almost tied in the polls with Trump slightly ahead. And, let's get real, neither of them has anything to offer. The U.S. (like many other ... read more
Has the United States Lost Confidence in General Milley?
*Chase A. Enright* *U.S. Military, * While it is part of Gen. Milley’s job to communicate with his counterparts in militaries across the world, according to Andrew Bacevich what Gen. Milley said to General Li of the People's Liberation Army could be considered “treasonous” or at minimum, “further evidence of bad judgment.” Bob Woodward and Robert Costa’s new book, *Peril*, discloses that General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, attempted to insert himself into the nuclear weapons launching process and held phone calls with his counterparts in China’s People... read more
U.S Representatives Call on Blinken to Aid Lebanon
*Trevor Filseth* *Lebanon, * The August 2020 explosion drew attention to the state’s dysfunction, prompting other states and international organizations to pledge support, but so far promised political changes have not been forthcoming. In a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Rep. Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, called for the United States to help address Lebanon’s political and economic crisis and avert further unrest. “We write to express deep concern about Lebanon’s worsening economic and political crises,” the letter read,... read more
1,969 Fetal Deaths Recorded Following COVID-19 Shots but Criminal CDC Recommends Pregnant Women Get the Shot
The CDC released more data today into VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) which shows that there are now 1,969 fetal deaths among pregnant women who received a COVID-19 shot. By way of contrast, I performed the exact same search in VAERS for all non-COVID-19 vaccines for the past 30 years, and it returned a result of 2,183 fetal deaths from pregnant women following vaccination for the past 30 years. So there have been nearly the same amount of fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots during the past 10 months, as there have been for the past 30+ years that VAERS has bee... read more

1 October - iG Tab - 11


The American Dream


Dandelion Salad

The Economic Collapse

Eurasia Review

Geoengineering Watch


  •         What would you do if two policemen knocked on your door, said they were investigating a murder, and asked where you were on the night of September 15th? In order, I would wet my pants, scream, and then ask if I could please check my calendar. ...

    4 days ago
  •          Here’s what you expect when you host an evening for the teenagers in your church: You expect them to gather in your twinkle-lit backyard and hear spiritual messages.           Here is what you do not expect: A gathering...

    11 days ago
  •             It occurs to me that St. Bob could add some delightful words to the dictionary. You may feel you could do the same.           Here are just three of his creations.            “Hand me that Frabba-snabbitz,”...

    18 days ago


  • I’m afraid I think Vanessa and the tweet she quotes are being over optimistic – RB End game #Idlib in sight. 🇸🇾🇸🇾✌️✌️ Wait for the #WhiteHelmet drama#EyesonIdlib #EveryInch #Syria

    12 hours ago
  • elfuserál (screw-up, hungarian – RB) Colonel Cassad, Oct 1 2021 Since Oct 1 2021, the Russian Gazprom has stopped the transit of natural gas through Ukraine towards Hungary since the beginning of the new gas day (07:00). This was reported...

    12 hours ago
  • CIA plan to poison Assange wasn’t needed. The US found a ‘lawful’ way to disappear him Jonathan Cook, Sep 30 2021 A Yahoo News’ investigation reveals that, through much of 2017, the CIA weighed up whether to use wholly extrajudicial...

    13 hours ago

Inter Press ServiceInter Press Service

  • The growing number and share of older persons in Asia and the Pacific represent success stories of declining fertility and increasing longevity; the result of advances in social and economic development. This demographic transition is...

    17 hours ago
  • Most successful U.S. presidents have actively led efforts to advance arms control agreements and reduce the risk of nuclear war. Although much has been achieved over the years, there are still 14,000 nuclear weapons and nine nuclear-armed...

    17 hours ago
  • Amidst the verdant hills and remote corners of Vietnam’s rural regions, the growth that has transformed the economy in this part of Southeast Asia in recent decades can be hard to see. Undernourishment among children still results in stunting...

    19 hours ago

The Moderate Voice

  • Published by AFP Washington (AFP) – Pharmaceutical company Merck said Friday it will seek authorization in the US of its oral drug molnupiravir for Covid-19 after it was shown to reduce the chance newly infected patients were hospitalized...

    11 hours ago
  • Published by AFP Washington (AFP) – Democrats entered a second day of likely marathon negotiations Friday to resolve splits over the scope of President Joe Biden’s domestic spending plans, knowing that failure could be crippling for...

    11 hours ago
  • The Supreme Court has no army to enforce its decisions; its authority rests solely on its legitimacy. Win McNamee/Getty Images Richard L. Pacelle, Jr., University of Tennessee The first Monday in October is the traditional day that the U.S...

    11 hours ago

Mother Jones

  • Do you want to know what the hell is going in Washington right now? Do you also want behind-the-scenes looks at the often crazy machinations in politics and the media? How about a book, movie, and music junkie’s tips on what is worth your time?...

    4 hours ago
  • Alex Jones, the founder of Infowars, lost two defamation suits filed by family members of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting after a judge ruled he failed to provide information required by the court. Judge Maya Guerra Gamble of Travis county...

    5 hours ago
  • In an exclusive interview with Mother Jones, Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) confirmed what many people, myself included, believe to be true: The bipartisan police reform bill fell apart because Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) was resistant to sweeping...

    8 hours ago

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1 October - iG Tab - 10


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