Wednesday, September 08, 2021

8 September - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 5

 10 pm MDT

The Imperialist Roots of the West
British imperialism is the father of the modern West and Spanish imperialism is its mother. Before the Age of Imperialism, the West was not a global power. The Classical Greeks and the Romans were not global powers—they were powers in an Europe that was deeply divided and mired in unending wars and massacres. The West held some territories in the Levant and North Africa during the Ancient and the Middle Ages, but the empires of the Levant and North Africa too held territories in Europe for centuries. The first teachers of the Romans, the Etruscans, were conquerors who had arrived fr... read more
War News Updates6 minutes ago
WHO Says Covid Will Continue To Mutate Like The Flu And It Is Likely Here To Stay
Executive Director of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) emergencies program Mike Ryan speaks at a news conference on the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Geneva, Switzerland. Denis Balibouse | Reuters *CNBC*: *WHO says Covid will mutate like the flu and is likely here to stay* * Covid-19 is likely “here to stay with us” as the virus continues to mutate in unvaccinated countries across the world and previous hopes of eradicating it diminish, WHO officials said. * “People have said we’re going to eliminate or eradicate the virus,” Ryan said. “No we’re not, very, very unli... read more
War News Updates21 minutes ago
India Expecting A Third Covid-19 Wave
Healthcare workers are seen inside a ward for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi *Reuters*:* India 'prepares for the worst' ahead of possible COVID-19 third wave* NEW DELHI (Reuters) - As COVID-19 cases and deaths exploded in India in April and May, New Delhi's premier Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and several others ran so short of oxygen that many patients in the capital suffocated. When Reuters visited the hospital on Friday, its last coronavirus patient was readying to leave after recovery - a remarkable turnaround health experts attri... read more
The Rio Times46 minutes ago
The vertiginous ascent of Brazilian trap music
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Original from the streets of Atlanta in the 2000s, trap music, is a hip-hop sub-genre that combines deep bass grooves, the accent of drum plates, auto-tuning, ad-libbing, and a higher music tempo (90 to 140 bpm). While trap music has been produced in Brazil since the early 2010s, the Brazilian […] The post The vertiginous ascent of Brazilian trap music appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times48 minutes ago
Reactivation of Latin American economies insufficient to recover 43 million jobs
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The reactivation of the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean is insufficient to recover the 43 million jobs lost since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, warned the ILO on Wednesday in Lima. "The incipient economic recovery that has taken place, especially in the fourth quarter of last year […] The post Reactivation of Latin American economies insufficient to recover 43 million jobs appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times49 minutes ago
Uruguay approves third dose of Pfizer vaccine for people over 60 years of age
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Uruguay approved on Wednesday the administration of the third dose of Pfizer's covid-19 vaccine to people aged 60 years or older who have completed the immunization regimen with this vaccine or the Anglo-Swedish AstraZeneca vaccine. This was announced by the South American country's Ministry of Public Health (MSP) in a […] The post Uruguay approves third dose of Pfizer vaccine for people over 60 years of age appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times51 minutes ago
Mexico sees need to promote adaptation to climate crisis in Latin America
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The countries of Latin America must promote their adaptation to climate change and make this transformation permanent, said Wednesday the director-general of the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change of Mexico, Maria Amparo Martinez. "Actions for adaptation are unavoidable and should be happening on a large scale in all […] The post Mexico sees need to promote adaptation to climate crisis in Latin America appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Bayou Renaissance Man59 minutes ago
Some valuable new sources of information
It's been far too long since I updated my blogroll (several years, IIRC). I went through my "Blogs I Read Frequently" list yesterday, removed a number that are inactive or very seldom active, and added several that have become daily visits for me. (No disapproval intended of those that were removed: it's just that, if they aren't posting often, I don't go there often. It's a practical thing.) Please see the list in the sidebar, and go take a look at those blogs for yourself if you don't already know them. They write good too! Peter read more
White House Signals New COVID-19 Measures Coming For People Who Are Unvaccinated
Full court press for the Mark of The Beast System. The Noose is tightening around all our necks!! White House Signals New COVID-19 Measures Coming For People Who Are Unvaccinated by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times, via Ahead of President Joe Biden’s announcement Thursday about new COVID-19 measures, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said … read more
The Great Reset of Silver – It’s All Coming Out!
I LOVE PROSPERITY The Great Reset of Silver – It’s All Coming Out! Vizsla Website – Vizsla Twitter – Mike Twitter – Vizsla Ticker Symbol – TXSV- VZLA US OTC – VIZSF – In this video, we talk to Mike Konnert. He breaks down why he thinks there will be a “Reset” … read more
Funny @theRealKiyosaki: Biden and Kamala Are The Christmas Gifts The Republicans Have Needed
Biden and Kamala are the Christmas Gifts the Republicans have needed. How many more things can the dynamic duo-Basement-Man-Biden and Wonder-Woman-Kamala F-UP? Today’s problem is the government is running out of money. Buy gold, silver, Bitcoin. Take care. — therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) September 8, 2021 read more
Fundamental Change In Silver Availability | Rick Rule
Liberty and Finance “There are ongoing shortages in the silver market – addressable shortages, but noticeable nonetheless,” says Rick Rule. According to Rick, the current silver shortage changes the ability for large financial players to use the physical market to spoof the term market. Rick also reveals the latest on the brand new Sprott Physical … read more
Freedom Of Information Act Reveals Anthony Fauci Is Lying About Funding Wuhan Institute of Virology For Gain Of Function COVID-19 Research
Freedom Of Information Act Reveals Anthony Fauci Is Lying About Funding Wuhan Institute of Virology For Gain Of Function COVID-19 Research by Geoffrey Grider, “The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen … read more
“Surprise Surprise – Fauci Lied Again”: Rand Paul Reacts To Wuhan Bombshell
“Surprise Surprise – Fauci Lied Again”: Rand Paul Reacts To Wuhan Bombshell by Tyler Durden, Senator Rand Paul weighed in Tuesday following a Monday bombshell from The Intercept which revealed that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID and its parent, the NIH, funded Gain-of-Function research in Wuhan, China. Recall that Fauci called Paul a ‘liar’ for accusing him … read more
Paris Computer Center Connecting Biden-Blinken, Epstein, Maxwell, Steve Jobs, Russia, Bush, Iran-Contra & More Together
As has been documented in previous posts, Samuel Pisar was Biden Secretary of State Tony Blinken’s stepfather. At around age … Continue reading → read more
The National Interest56 minutes ago
M1911 Colt: No Longer a Military Go-To, but Still the People's Favorite
*Caleb Larson* *Guns, Americas* The iconic M1911 design is still manufactured by Colt 100 years later. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Despite no longer enjoying the widespread success that it once did as the United States’ standard-issue service pistol, the iconic M1911 design is still manufactured by Colt, as well as by a number of other firearm manufacturers in the United States and elsewhere abroad—not too bad for a pistol originally designed at the beginning of the last century. John Browning, arguably one of the United States’ most iconic and talented weapon designers,... read more
The National Interest59 minutes ago
International Sanctions Can’t Stop North Korean Weapons Proliferation
*Mark Episkopos* *Nuclear Weapons, North Korea* The international sanctions regime has proven largely toothless, if not counterproductive, as a means of starving DPRK’s military-industrial complex. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* According to a 2019 UN report, North Korea has developed a sophisticated criminal network to continue selling arms through a diverse cast of proxies, front companies, and foreign middlemen. North Korea (DPRK) is sometimes described as an ‘autarky,’ or economically self-reliant state, but this label belies some of the core workings of the North Kore... read more
The National Interest59 minutes ago
Russia Continues to Invest in the World's Unluckiest Aircraft Carrier
*Mark Episkopos* *Russian Navy, Russia* Plagued by an increasingly complex and costly set of problems, Russia’s only aircraft carrier is hanging on by a thread. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* So vast is the extent of the work that needs to be done on *Admiral Kuznetsov *that it may prove more cost-effective in the long run to simply procure a new carrier, or—as an increasing number of Russian defense experts are already doing—to ask whether or not the Russian Navy really needs an aircraft carrier in the first place. Plagued by an increasingly complex and costly set of probl... read more
The National Interest59 minutes ago
Don't Underestimate North Korea's Mini Sub and Its Lone Missile
*Caleb Larson* *Submarines, Asia* Enemies beware. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The ability to launch nuclear warheads from sea in addition to positions on land would do much to preserve North Korea’s nuclear deterrence in case of a regional conflict with the United States or South Korea, despite the North’s significantly less-capable missile threat. Also sometimes called the Sinpo-class, after the North Korean shipyard where the class was built, the Gorae-class is the Hermit Kingdom‘s first indigenously built ballistic missile submarine. The Gorae-class is currently cons... read more
The National Interest59 minutes ago
Russia Is Ramping Up Arms Exports To Africa
*Mark Episkopos* *Russian Military, Africa* As of 2020, Rosoboronexport—Russia’s state arms export agency—accounts for a whopping 49 percent of Africa’s arms imports *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Although military helicopters, strike fighter aircraft, tanks, and various types of anti-tank missiles continue to comprise the vast chunk of Russia’s arms exports to Africa, the Kremlin has been looking to diversify its portfolio into amphibious warfare systems. Russia’s defense industry is preparing to unveil the new Strela amphibious armored vehicle at ShieldAfrica 2021 expositi... read more
The National Interest59 minutes ago
See this Soviet Semi-Automatic Pistol? It Was Born from a Submachine Gun
*Caleb Larson* *History, Eurasia* Before Fedor Tokarev's iconic guns left the drawing board, he tried his hand at a submachine gun. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Ultimately, the Tokarev Model 1927 was rejected by Soviet leadership in favor of the PPD submachine gun design. In an effort to wean the Soviet Union away from a reliance on foreign ammunition calibers and foster self-sufficiency in weapon design, Soviet leadership turned to one of the heavyweight weapon designers: Fedor Tokarev. Some of Tokarev’s most important weapon designs came to fruition in the 1930s or earl... read more
The Last Refuge1 hour ago
White House Extends National Election Emergency Granting Authority for Federal Intelligence Agencies to Enter State Election Databases for Mid-Term Election
In the lead-up to the critical 2018 mid-term elections that opposition forces needed in order to begin the impeachment path for removal of Donald Trump, the administrative state -writ large- produced an overwhelming narrative leading to the issuance of a Executive Declaration of A National Emergency to Avoid Foreign Interference in Our Elections. At the […] The post White House Extends National Election Emergency Granting Authority for Federal Intelligence Agencies to Enter State Election Databases for Mid-Term Election appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Court grants Rebel News right to cover Leadership debate
Rebel News had to hire a lawyer and sue Justin Trudeau for the right to cover the leadership debate. Justin Trudeau hired seven lawyers to try and ban them but the court awarded in their favor. It kind of shows you the State of our Union or should I say Confederation. Banning Rebel News from covering government events is Orwellian. Rebel News is one of the only credible news outlets out there. Their determination to preserve free speech is admirable. read more
Cairns News2 hours ago
Hazardous Hazzard the deranged NSW Health Minister wants out from a Supreme Court action
from Nexus Newsfeed and Cairns News A legal challenge against mandatory COVID-19 vaccines and extended police powers continues in the NSW Supreme Court this morning. The Federal Government asked for Health Minister Brad Hazzard and CHO Dr Kerry Chant to be removed from the action…..judge on notice….19,000 logged in to observe….Can the old boys network save hapless […] read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
Website of Brazil’s Health Regulator suffers hacker attack and displays Argentinean flag
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The National Health Regulation Agency (Anvisa) website targeted a hacker attack on Wednesday that temporarily took offline the Traveler's Health Declaration form (DSV) required for entry into Brazil. Still, the service has been restored, the agency said. "We clarify that the attack was of the defacement type (modification of webpage […] The post Website of Brazil’s Health Regulator suffers hacker attack and displays Argentinean flag appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Clif High: zBio-Weaponz zVA-Xz & Mass Deaths (of Tens of Millions) Start in 2022 –
Censorship & shadow ban algorithms being employed. So I must Mis-spell some words to get around them. – Clif High: zBio-Weaponz zVA-Xz & Mass Deaths (of Tens of Millions) Start in 2022 by Greg Hunter’s Deep State Deception Tricks Us into Thinking They’re Winning – Clif High Clif High is an Internet data mining expert … read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
Brazil registers 14,430 new cases and 250 Covid deaths (September 8)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil on Wednesday reported 250 new deaths from Covid-19, bringing the total number of fatalities from the disease in the country to 584,421, the Health Ministry said. There were also 14,430 new coronavirus cases, with the total number of infections in the country advancing to 20,928,008, the folder added. The federal […] The post Brazil registers 14,430 new cases and 250 Covid deaths (September 8) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Hospital ‘Denying Religious Exemptions’ And Firing Unvaccinated Gets Legal Surprise
Hospital ‘Denying Religious Exemptions’ And Firing Unvaccinated Gets Legal Surprise by Bob Unruh, ‘These irrational mandates will soon cause a national health care crisis’ – UPDATE Sept. 8, 2021: Under severe pressure, hospital grants religious exemptions to COVID shots – Methodist Health System in Texas is firing dozens of workers for refusing to take the … read more
No Jab, No Education.: Rutgers Uni Student Banned From Taking Online Virtual Classes Because He’s Unvaccinated
We are becoming Gattaca. — Brett R. Smith (@BrettRSmith76) September 7, 2021 Rutgers Uni Student Banned From Taking Online Virtual Classes Because He’s Unvaccinated by Paul Joseph Watson, No jab, no education. A student at Rutgers University was banned from taking online virtual classes because he’s unvaccinated, despite the fact that he was … read more
AP Forced to Issue Correction on Fake News About Ivermectin
AP Forced to Issue Correction on Fake News About Ivermectin by Paul Joseph Watson, * Falsely claimed 70% of calls to Mississippi Poison Control Center were about ivermectin. – The Associated Press was forced to issue a correction after it falsely claimed that 70 per cent of calls to the Mississippi Poison Control Center … read more
The Six Largest Wall Street Banks Issue Market Red Alerts
The Six Largest Wall Street Banks Issue Market Red Alerts by Tyler Durden, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Credit Suisse And Goldman Sachs. These are some of the biggest Wall Street banks that have issued “red alert” warnings on the US stock market in just the past few days, with some … read more
Former Retail Giants Now Part of Afghan Government
*Susan Rice: We Can Prove Bergdahl Swap Was a Success* From the DMF Archive March 2015: MFNS - On this weekends Sunday TV political gabfest, Susan Rice will once again take to the airwaves to defend the Obama administrations decision to release the Gitmo 5 and prove the success of the swap of army deserter Bowe Bergdahl for the five terrorist held at Guantanamo Bay. Fear arose by some that the notorious terrorist would rejoin jihad and continue to make trouble. But Rice is set show the 5 men, with a generous grant from the US State Department (a forerunner of their Jobs For Jihad... read more
Coronavirus on the Nile: 19 months of Covid-19 in Egypt in graphs
Another monthly post as part of the Covid-19 coverage in Egyptian Chronicles. This time it is a quick look into official Covid-19 numbers in Egypt after 19 months since its arrival to the country in... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] read more
Halifax Examiner2 hours ago
Officer’s lawyer says Corey Rogers ‘had a part to play’ in his death in police custody
Corey Rogers was either in need of medical attention or being purposely uncooperative the night he died in police custody, the Nova Scotia Police Review Board heard on Wednesday. Rogers, 41, was arrested for public intoxication outside the IWK Health Centre in Halifax following the birth of his child in June 2016. Three Halifax Regional […] read more
Pottersville Digest
(Ooh, check out those protein receptors!) ------------------------------ You just know they're quivering and waiting for Biden to pick up a golf club. ------------------------------ Your Brad o' the day. ------------------------------ The projection is strong with this one. ------------------------------ I think I now understand why you're not supposed to talk about Fight Club. ------------------------------ "It does however make it harder for cheaters to cast an illegal ballot ." Like Trump and his family? ------------------------------ Brandy Melvi... read more
Killer Taiwanese Missiles Might Just Be Able to Fend Off China
*Caleb Larson* *Taiwanese Air Force, Asia* Getting anti-ship missiles in the air is a strong message to Beijing. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *If a China-Taiwan conflict were to break out, Taiwan's Harpoon missiles could factor heavily in hampering the People’s Liberation Army Navy. Living on China’s doorstep is an exercise in patience. As the country with the second-largest military budget in the world, China is well positioned to eventually invade Taiwan, which China sees as a rogue province rather than an independent country. And Taiwan is in an unenviable position—the ... read more
Could the Child Tax Credit Lead to a Universal Basic Income?
*Stephen Silver* *economy, Americas* The expanded child tax credit that passed as part of Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act could serve as a “pilot program” for a future universal basic income. The United States does not offer its citizens a universal basic income, although that idea has been out in the ether a bit more in recent years than it had been for a while. Democrat Andrew Yang’s signature proposal when he ran for president in the 2020 cycle was for a “Freedom Dividend,” which would have entailed $1,000 a month in direct cash payments to every adult in the country. “Th... read more
U.S. Hypersonic Weapons Pale In Comparison To China And Russia's
*Mark Episkopos* *Hypersonic Missile, Americas* Russian commentators are mocking the Biden administration over the U.S. Air Force’s failed hypersonic weapons test. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The U.S. military is deploying a slew of hypersonic systems that are expected to reach operational maturity by the turn of the decade. Unfortunately, both China and Russia have already fielded hypersonic weapons. Russian commentators are mocking the Biden administration over the U.S. Air Force’s failed hypersonic weapons test. Earlier this year, the U.S. Air Force (USAF) conducted... read more
How Bad Leadership Cost the U.S. Navy One of Its Most Deadly Warships
*James Holmes* *Aircraft Carriers, World* Captain Leslie E. Gehres marred the USS Franklin’s human component. *Here's What You Need to Know*: A ship is more than a hunk of steel. Seldom does your humble scribe come away incensed from reading history. The saga of the World War II aircraft carrier USS *Franklin* (CV-13) constitutes an exception. We normally think of *Franklin*’s history as a parable about the importance of shipboard firefighting and damage control. It’s about materiel and methods, in other words. And these things are important without a doubt. Fighting ships are me... read more
Cairns News2 hours ago
North Queensland in ruins as mostly young black criminals run riot
Hunted police should retaliate with a few shots from their .40 cal Glocks. If they hit an offender or two bad luck – the police have not had time to engage in any pistol practice at the range because they are too busy dodging house bricks! Katter’s Australian Party MPs have called fora no-holds-barred roundtable […] read more
The Last Refuge2 hours ago
California Candidate Larry Elder Assaulted by Left-wing Activist Wearing Gorilla Mask, Hurls Eggs and Group Threatens Violence
California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder [Website Here] was assaulted by a violent rage-fill group of Democrats during a campaign stop in Venice today. One of the racist Newsom supporters was wearing a gorilla mask and shouting vulgar epithets at the black republican candidate. As security stepped forward to block the agitators from throwing eggs at […] The post California Candidate Larry Elder Assaulted by Left-wing Activist Wearing Gorilla Mask, Hurls Eggs and Group Threatens Violence appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
War News Updates3 hours ago
The Inauguration Ceremony For The New Taliban - Afghan Government Is Scheduled For September 11
The Taliban press conference where the new government was announced. Photograph: Anadolu Agency *WNU Editor: *Russia's Sputnik broke this news .... *Sputnik: Inauguration of Afghanistan's New Government Scheduled for 11 September, Taliban Source Suggests *(Sputnik). The Taliban have invited Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and Qatar to attend the inaugural ceremony. And yes .... the date has been chosen to troll the U.S.. Especially since President Biden originally announced in May that the last U.S. soldier would be out of Afghanistan on September 11. I just have to ... read more
Cairns News3 hours ago
Log in to NSW Supreme Court for today’s Covid case
Letter to the Editor Sorry to make this so urgent but we need to do all we can to support those who are fighting for our cause 🙂It has been Urgently requested that we all sign up to watch today’s AFL Solicitors Supreme Court case, so they can witness the public’s interest in the matter, […] read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Mexican cartels trying to settling in Chile, according to Prosecutor General’s office report
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Well-known" Mexican drug cartels are attempting to establish themselves in Chile and start the local production of illicit substances in the country, according to a report released Wednesday by the Prosecutor General's Office. The presence of these international criminal organizations is one of the main findings of the sixth edition of […] The post Mexican cartels trying to settling in Chile, according to Prosecutor General’s office report appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Three miners in Bolivia die of asphyxiation in Cerro Rico de Potosi mine
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Three miners aged 19, 25, and 50 died of carbon monoxide inhalation while working at a depth of 700 meters in a mine in Cerro Rico de Potosí, informed this Wednesday the police commander of that Bolivian department, Juan Carlos Mercado. In a press conference, the police chief indicated that […] The post Three miners in Bolivia die of asphyxiation in Cerro Rico de Potosi mine appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Federal government using social-media giants to censor Americans
New York Post Ask questions or post content about COVID-19 that runs counter to the Biden administration’s narrative and find yourself censored on social media.... The post Federal government using social-media giants to censor Americans appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Earthquake and floods leave several dead and thousands affected in Mexico
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Mexican authorities confirmed on Wednesday one death and minor material damage caused by the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that shook central and southern Mexico, in a tragic day for the death of at least 14 other people in floods. "Fortunately, there is no major damage, so far one victim, a young […] The post Earthquake and floods leave several dead and thousands affected in Mexico appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Howard Stern: “Fk their freedom”
WATCH: Howard Stern ROASTS Anti-Vax Radio Hosts Who Died, Says Make Vaccine Mandatory: 'F*ck Them, F*ck Their Freedom' — Tommy moderna-vaX-Topher (@tommyxtopher) September... The post Howard Stern: “Fk their freedom” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Cairns News4 hours ago
Covid police hit country town shopper $5,600
Letter to the Editor “My wife was just fined $5,600 for “gathering at a shop during lockdown while shopping for food with her mother, in a small country town” This reader will not be voting the Australian duopoly back to our parliament allowing continuance of entrenched ALP/LNP dictatorship that unlawfully replaced our rightful democracy. read more
Komando.com4 hours ago
After years of saying otherwise, now we know Facebook can read your WhatsApp messages
WhatsApp encrypted messages aren't as secure as you'd expect. Here's why. read more
Worldwide Protests This Past Weekend the Corporate Media Won’t Report
All across the world there were massive protests against medical tyranny and COVID vaccine passports this past week, but most of these are not being reported by the corporate media. In Australia, people are reporting that the cell phones of truckers were blocked so that they could not communicate and take photos and videos of their nationwide strike, which is apparently still in effect. There have been videos of empty shelves in some grocery stores, but the corporate media is reporting that it has nothing to do with the trucker strike. South Australia, however, did drop their COVI... read more
Multiple International Organizations are Campaigning to Ban Svinets-1 and the Svinets-2 Uranium Shells
*Michael Peck* *Tanks, Eurasia* Old Russian tanks cannot pierce modern tank armor, these unorthodox shells can do the job. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *There are several international organizations campaigning to ban depleted uranium shells. Whether the Russian government will heed them is another matter. Russia is arming its tanks with controversial depleted uranium shells. While depleted uranium, or DU, is extremely dense and can punch through thick tank armor, many believe that these shells release small doses of radiation, like miniature neutron bombs. The U.S. has ... read more
What to Do When Federal Unemployment Checks Run Out: Look to States
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Unemployment Benefits, * The U.S. Department of Labor has opened up the possibility of unemployed Americans still being able to receive some form of government-issued payments. It recently noted that states could, in fact, disburse periodic or one-time direct cash payments to those who are still searching for work. In less than two weeks, the enhanced federal unemployment benefits are slated to come to a screeching halt. That means come Labor Day, according to a study conducted by the People’s Policy Project, citing data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household... read more
The F-35C Will Transform the U.S. Navy
*Mark Episkopos* *military, Americas* The Navy aims to accept as many as 273 F-35C fighter jets into service, a procurement that will transform U.S. naval aviation and define the power projection capabilities of the American carrier strike group for decades to come. Unmatched in its performance and versatility, the F-35C fighter jet is set to revolutionize the Navy’s carrier air wing. *The Variants * Although commonly referred to in the singular, Lockheed Martin’s fifth-generation F-35 stealth fighter jet was designed as three separate planes, purpose-built to accomplish diff... read more
The Assyrian Church of the East Elects New Patriarch
Bishop Awa Royel, the Patriarch-Elect of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East.The Assyrian Church of the East on Wednesday elected their new patriarch in Erbil after Mar Gewargis III Sliwa stepped down due to health reasons. read more
The Forbidden Love
DHAKA, Bangladesh, Sep 08 (IPS) - Abandoned by family and friends, transgender people in Bangladesh are subject to extensive daily abuse. The existing and continuously growing transphobia and homophobia in society are obstacles in the lives of this group. The people featured here from the LGBTQ+ community share a wide variety of narratives. Read the full story, “The Forbidden Love”, on → read more
General Assembly President calls for halt to nuclear tests
The President of the UN General Assembly, Volkan Bozkir, on Wednesday called for an end to nuclear tests, as ambassadors gathered to commemorate the International Day against Nuclear Tests, observed annually on 29 August. Read the full story, “General Assembly President calls for halt to nuclear tests”, on → read more
COVID-19: ‘Unacceptable’ deals and delays, hampering lifesaving COVAX deliveries
While 80 per cent of citizens in high and upper-middle income nations have had a dose of COVID-19 vaccine, that figure stands at just 20 per cent for those living below the top tiers, according to a joint statement issued by UN and partner agencies, responsible for the multilateral COVAX initiative to provide equal access for all. Read the full story, “COVID-19: ‘Unacceptable’ deals and delays, hampering lifesaving COVAX deliveries”, on → read more
Make mental health a priority across the board, UN chief urges
Mental health and psychosocial support must be seen as integral to all humanitarian, peacebuilding and development programmes across the UN, the Secretary-General said on Wednesday. Read the full story, “Make mental health a priority across the board, UN chief urges”, on → read more
National ownership critical, once guns fall silent, Security Council hears
Although UN peacekeeping missions can help put a country on the right track following conflict, only a commitment from national governments can keep it there over the long term, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told a Security Council meeting on Wednesday to examine support for the transition towards lasting peace. Read the full story, “National ownership critical, once guns fall silent, Security Council hears”, on → read more
Climate action: Guterres hails Latin American and Caribbean leadership
The UN chief on Wednesday commended the leadership of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on climate action. Read the full story, “Climate action: Guterres hails Latin American and Caribbean leadership”, on → read more
US House Resolution: Articles of Impeachment Against Antony John Blinken, Secretary of State, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors
This is a resolution that everyone should be able to get behind – regardless of political party. Tony Blinken’s stepfather, … Continue reading → read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
President Biden Purges Trump Appointees On Non-Partisan Military Academy Boards
The Biden administration told 12 officials appointed by former President Trump to military service academy boards to resign or be fired on Wednesday, according to a source familiar with the order, provoking accusations that he is politicizing what should be non-partisan advisory groups.The officials include Trump's White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and former Counsellor to the President Kellyanne Conway. The boards include presidential appointees and members of Congress who are tasked with advising on everything from morale and... read more
Apparent Newsom Goons, Including One Wearing Gorilla Mask, Assault Larry Elder and Staff
This Larry Elder assault video is deeply concerning. His attacker wears a monkey mask while the others call his staff … Continue reading → read more
balance104 hours ago
drones; Sars2; Afghanistan
9-8-21 According to a report by *Agence France-Presse* (AFP), Italian police announced on September 2 that, they had raided a local company specializing in manufacturing military drones. Police were suspecting three Italians and three Chinese nationals of violating the Italian laws on “the circulation of arms” and “protection of strategic Italian assets.” An investigation by local prosecutors in Pordenone, northeast Italy, revealed that a Hong Kong-based company acquired up to 75% shares of the Italian weapon manufacture firm at an inflated and suspicious price in 2018. I... read more
Medical Kidnap4 hours ago
Worldwide Protests This Past Weekend the Corporate Media Won’t Report
All across the world there were massive protests against medical tyranny and COVID vaccine passports this past week, but most of these are not being reported by the corporate media. In Australia, people are reporting that the cell phones of truckers were blocked so that they could not communicate and take photos and videos of their nationwide strike, which is apparently still in effect. There have been videos of empty shelves in some grocery stores, but the corporate media is reporting that it has nothing to do with the trucker strike. South Australia, however, did drop their COVI... read more
US Congressman Biggs Sends Letter to Companies Requesting Preservation of Communication Records of Democrat Representatives
“Congressman Biggs Sends Letter to Companies Requesting Preservation of Communication Records of Democrat Representatives September 8, 2021 Press Release Today, … Continue reading → read more
Waking Times5 hours ago
20 Years of Government-Sponsored Tyranny: The Rise of the Security-Industrial Complex from 9/11 to COVID-19
*John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead* - Clearly, this is not a government that is a friend to freedom. read more
Maricopa Co. AZ: Election 2020 Grassroots Canvassing Report (Summary, Methodology & Link)
Note: “This is not the Maricopa County audit report. It is an independent report detailing the results of a canvas … Continue reading → read more
Newsom Recall Fight Intensifies
The recall of Newsom will be a major blow to uniparty establishment that has sold out our country to the globalists. The uniparty swamp is becoming desperate to save CA Governor Newsom. While the fake-news media is telling you Newsom is sure to win, George Soros, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Nancy Pelosi are all scrambling to do everything they can to defeat the recall. read more
ClimateRealism6 hours ago
Sorry, Medical Journals, Evidence Indicates Climate Change Doesn’t Threaten Human Health  
A Google news search of the phrase “climate change” turns up dozens of stories promoting a joint statement issued on behalf of more than 200 medical journals claiming climate change poses a dire threat to human health. This is false. It represents a political not a medical statement. Data consistently show human health has steadily […] The post Sorry, Medical Journals, Evidence Indicates Climate Change Doesn’t Threaten Human Health appeared first on ClimateRealism. read more
Pension Pulse1 hour ago
OPTrust’s Kevin Zhu on Innovation, Culture and Risk Mitigation
John He of Institutional Connect interviewed Kevin Zhu, Managing Director and Head of Portfolio Construction Group at OPTrust, on the organization's innovation journey, asset mix strategies and approach to address climate risk: OPTrust, with net assets of over C$23 billion, has been on the innovation journey to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Plan, and subsequently, its members’ retirement security. In advance of Portfolio Innovation and Resilience Forum this November, Institutional Connect interviews speaker Kevin Zhu, Managing Director and Head of Portfolio Construct... read more
"10 Cheap Bunkers You Can Make On Your Property"
*Full screen recommended.* *"10 Cheap Bunkers You Can Make On Your Property"* by Epic Economist "We're now witnessing the gradual collapse of our civilization. MIT experts recently published a study that estimated that the complete downfall of our modern society can happen as early as 2050. However, considering the unprecedented damages caused by the global health crisis in only one year, it is safe to say that our doomsday can arrive way sooner than expected. We're watching threatening geopolitical conflicts arise all over the planet, and, in the meantime, our country is getting mo... read more
How the USS San Francisco Survived a Seamount
*Kyle Mizokami* *military, Americas* If a submarine’s hull remained intact, then it was able to surface and the reactor continued to operate the crew had a shot at survival. The USS San Francisco was able to do all three. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* In 2005, a U.S. Navy attack submarine collided head-on with an undersea mountain at more than thirty miles an hour. Despite the damage the ship sustained and the crew’s injuries, the USS *San Francisco* managed to limp to its homeport of Guam on its own power. The incident was a testament to the design of the submarine and the... read more
The Last Refuge4 hours ago
White House Very Worried About Being Held Accountable for Food Price Inflation Their Policies Have Created
The architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, famously said “we relied upon the stupidity of the American voter” when they lied about the changes to healthcare in order to get Obamacare passed into law. Today the White House Chairman of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese, pulled out the Gruber playbook and attempted the same level […] The post White House Very Worried About Being Held Accountable for Food Price Inflation Their Policies Have Created appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
"Major U.S. Cities Are Becoming Fentanyl-Infested Cesspools As Millions Plunge Into Hopelessness And Despair"
*"Major U.S. Cities Are Becoming Fentanyl-Infested * *Cesspools As Millions Plunge Into Hopelessness And Despair"* by Michael Snyder "If you live near a major U.S. city, you don’t have to go to a movie theater to see a horror show. Instead, just find out where fentanyl-laced heroin is being sold and go hang out with the drug addicts for a few hours. If you survive the encounter, it will be an experience that you will never forget. In city after city, hopelessly addicted men and women wander the streets of our core urban areas like zombies. Unfortunately, many of them won’t last very... read more
Why U.S. Military Strategy Should Return to the Basics
*James Holmes* *U.S. Military, Americas* The time is now to match means to ends against specific threats. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The masters of strategy agree: let’s get back to basics. The congressionally-chartered National Defense Strategy Commission set tongues a-wagging in November 2018 by issuing a novella-length report entitled Providing for the Common Defense. Here’s a tip: read the whole thing. Nor is it any mystery why the report generated buzz. The commissioners postulate that “Americans could face a decisive military defeat” if the U.S. armed forces tangle w... read more
Forget the Nukes: North Korea's Artillery Army Could Kill 250,000
*David Axe* *North Korea, Asia* Pyongyang's nukes are scary, but don't forget about North Korea's artillery. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In firing the artillery at the same time as it launched a ballistic missile, North Korea reminded the world of its enormous conventional firepower. Years back, North Korea on May 4, 2019 test-fired a short-range ballistic missile -- its first major launch in the 18 months since North Korean leader Kim Jong Un suspended missile testing ahead of a summit with U.S. president Donald Trump. Pyongyang on May 9, 2019 launched a second “project... read more
Right Now, The U.S. Air Force To Fight For Taiwan
*Mark Episkopos* *Great Power Competition, Pacific* The Air Force concluded that a fundamentally different approach is needed. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The United States would have to deploy as much as 80 percent of its Navy and Air Force to win a pitched conflict with China in the South and East China Seas, where the latter enjoys significant logistical and operational advantages, according to an estimate by Lu Li-shih, a former instructor at Taiwan’s Naval Academy in Kaohsiung. The U.S. Air Force finally has a plan for successfully repelling a Chinese invasion of Ta... read more
Taiwan is Making a Major Investment in Mines to Deter China
*David Axe* *Taiwan, Asia* Taiwan is betting big that mines can deter China's impressive navy. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Taiwan’s loading up on new minelaying vessels. And it’s not hard to see why. With no realistic prospect of matching the Chinese navy warship for warship, the Taiwanese fleet is hoping that underwater minefields might help to sink an invasion fleet. Lungteh shipyard on April 17, 2020 laid the keel for the third and fourth *Min Jiang*-class minelayer. The Republic of China Navy plans to begin accepting the minelayers in 2021. The Taiwanese fleet’s exi... read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
Biden Admininstration Failing To Offer A Better Offer To Asian Countries Frustrated With China
Protestors march to the Chinese consulate in Manila during a demonstration against Beijing's South China Sea claims, February 10, 2018. TED ALJIBE/AFP *Business Insider:* *China is irritating more countries in Asia, but the US is struggling to come up with a better offer* * China's aggressive foreign policy has turned off many of its neighbors. * US officials have noted this trend, describing it as a miscalculation by Beijing. * But experts say the US still doesn't have Indo-Pacific strategy or a better offer than China. China's aggressive foreign policy has frustrated its n... read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
This 500-Year-Old ‘Swimming Head’ Fossil Once Swam the World’s Oceans
The ancient sea-dweller used a pair of spiny claws like "multiple stacked rakes" to capture prey. read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Only 100 Corporations Responsible For Most of World’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
This piece of misinformation, which has circulated online for years, stems from a misleading headline. read more
The Last Refuge5 hours ago
Great News, U.S. Political Scientists Have Convinced The Rona Virus To Take a Break in November
The New York Directorate of COVID Compliance have announced that the pandemic will pause in the Northeastern U.S. around the Thanksgiving Holiday allowing the Macy’s parade to continue. (Source Link) Yes, the world has gone that stupid if they cannot see through this nonsense by now. Posted in Big Stupid Government, CDC, Coronavirus, Economy, […] The post Great News, U.S. Political Scientists Have Convinced The Rona Virus To Take a Break in November appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
North Carolina Has 170 COVID Clusters in Schools, Centers
Districts without mask-wearing requirements are seeing substantially more spread of the virus and hours of lost learning among students. read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Did Lyft Announce Legal Aid for Drivers Caught Up in Texas Abortion Ban?
Texas Senate Bill 8 allows private citizens to sue anyone obtaining an abortion, or assisting someone else to obtain one. read more
Hollywood Needs To Do More To Please China
Although Hollywood has gone to great lengths to please China, apparently its not enough. Despite movie studios censoring anything negative about the country and even promoting it, China may ban the new Marvel movie. This is because the hero isn’t Chinese enough, and to make matters worse he’s Canadian. Maybe Justin can put in a… Continue reading → read more
“Everybody did it”: wealthy doctors lobbies ride JobKeeper gravy train
[image: JobKeeper] JobKeeper for dentists? Fair enough. But more public subsidies for doctors who enjoyed rising surpluses or hardly suffered a downturn? Callum Foote reports on Australia’s Medical Colleges read more
The Joe Rogan Covid Experience
Early treatment, throw everything but the kitchen sink at it. Versus, go home and come to the hospital if your lips turn blue. read more
Interview with Holistic Dentist Dr. Karaneh Jahan
Going to the dentist is a longstanding tradition for millions of families seeking improved dental health, but the industry has shifted in recent years as more patients seek holistic-minded options. Holistic dentistry is still far from the mainstream, but by and large it is distinguished from mainstream dentistry through the use of less invasive, more natural and holistic techniques, along with the use materials and substances deemed to be less harmful. Recently, sat down for an email interview with holistic dentist Dr. Karaneh Jahan of Brio Dental in Portland, O... read more
War News Updates37 minutes ago
How A Ukrainian Intelligence Operation Almost Caught 32 Alleged Russian War Criminals In Belarus
*CNN*:* Ukraine spies tried to ensnare alleged Russian war criminals with a fake website, promises of riches and an international sting * Kiev, Ukraine and Minsk, Belarus (CNN)Security forces shattered the early morning calm of the lakeside Soviet-era resort outside the Belarusian capital of Minsk, bursting in to arrest 32 Russian mercenaries. It was less than two weeks before Belarus' presidential election last year, and authorities suspected that the outsiders had been sent from Russia to interfere. The men were indeed part of a mission. But the target was not Belarus, and ... read more
No One Ever Doubts What I Say After I Don't Say It......
*When Biden gives public remarks, some White House staffers will either mute him or turn off his remarks. They’re filled with anxiety that he’s going to take questions from the press and veer off the West Wing’s carefully orchestrated messaging*. - *POLITICO* ...and 46* is *so scripted he has instructions to ‘stop and walk out of the room’* read more
I approached this piece with -- as you can imagine -- quite a bit of skepticism. Atkins writes: Trump’s greatest gift to Republicans is also his greatest curse: He gave them permission to be their worst selves. By liberating the GOP to embrace its most noxious impulses, he has breathed new life into the staid culture that nominated John McCain and Mitt Romney while destroying basic norms of public decency and weakening the guardrails of democracy. I fail to see how there's a downside for Republicans in this, but Atkins assures us: Despite short-term appearances, unmasking the G... read more
Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/8/21: "SHocKeR! The Fed. ADMITS That The US Economy Is Slowing And Inflation Will Persist"
Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/8/21: *"SHocKeR! The Fed. ADMITS That The US* * Economy Is Slowing And Inflation Will Persist"* - read more
Not PC5 hours ago
"It is art that lights the fire for us to push and grow..."
Artist Michael Newberry with a painting from his Eudaemonia series *“So many disciplines add to our evolution—philosophy, psychology, sciences. . .—but none of them are ends in themselves except for art. . . . It is art that lights the fire for us to push and grow, it is art that refuels our spirit when it is exhausted and can’t do more, and it is art that rewards us for a job well done and life well lived.”* ~ Artist Michael Newberry, from his stunning new book *Evolution Through Art* Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with link and a... read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
Brazil’s Supreme Court Chief Justice’s full statement on Bolsonaro’s speech
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The statement came in the wake of the Sept. 7 protests, in which President Jair Bolsonaro espoused a brash agenda and sharply criticized the Supreme Court. Speaking emphatically, Fux said that "no one will shut down the Court" and that this kind of discourse is typical of those who spread […] The post Brazil’s Supreme Court Chief Justice’s full statement on Bolsonaro’s speech appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
MJBizDaily5 hours ago
South Dakota’s highest court relaxes rules for cannabis attorneys
South Dakota’s highest court has paved the way for attorneys to provide legal advice to cannabis-related clients. The state Supreme Court added to the professional conduct rules a provision allowing lawyers to counsel clients if the conduct is permitted by South Dakota marijuana laws, according to Sioux Falls TV station KELO. However, in providing advice, […] South Dakota’s highest court relaxes rules for cannabis attorneys is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Idaho Patients in Hospital Halls Amid COVID Rationed Care
Amid the Idaho coronavirus surge that prompted officials to authorize hospitals to ration health care, Army soldiers sent to one hospital have traded their fatigues for personal protective equipment to help treat a flood of infected patients. read more