Monday, August 09, 2021

9 August - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

 10 pm MDT

Lawfare16 hours ago
Did the Justice Department Give President Biden Legal Advice on the CDC Eviction Moratorium?
President Biden walking through the Rose Garden on June 23, 2021. (White House Photo by Adam Schultz) Last Tuesday the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued a new moratorium on evictions as part of an effort to fight the COVID pandemic. This represents a stark reversal from the administration’s repeated statements that the CDC lacked the statutory authority to issue such a moratorium. While most of the public controversy over the CDC’s action has been around its legality, another important question remains unanswered: what process did the Biden administration use to change its ... read more
Turcopolier16 hours ago
Don’t Fauci My Freedom
You might be thinking that those “Democratic” Texas legislators abandoned their oath of office when they flew to DC in an attempt to prevent a vote on legislation they didn’t agree with. You are wrong! There is only one reason … Continue reading → read more
The New Dark Age16 hours ago
Don’t waste the opportunity at UN SC
India’s thirty-day tenure through August as the president of the UN Security Council has got mired in needless controversy. The issue is about the “emergency meeting” regarding Afghanistan that India convened on Friday. According to Pakistan, it had made a “a formal request” for participation in the meeting but India turned it down. read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Latin America’s mental health impacted during the pandemic
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Of the countless costs that the novel coronavirus pandemic is exacting on humanity's well-being, one of the least visible but potentially most costly in the long run is on minds and emotions. At a first glance, disruption to mental health can be seen in the number of people who reported […] The post Latin America’s mental health impacted during the pandemic appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Small Dead Animals16 hours ago
We Are All In This Together, Part Two.
Do as I say, not as I do. Update (from Kate) – Democrats Don’t Need Masks Because They’re Better Than You read more
Electroverse17 hours ago
Antarctic Blast delivers Freezing Lows, Rare Snows, and Power Outages ACROSS New Zealand
More than 20,000 households are understood to be without power after high winds brought down lines and freezing weather saw usage surge beyond generation capacity. The post Antarctic Blast delivers Freezing Lows, Rare Snows, and Power Outages ACROSS New Zealand appeared first on Electroverse. read more
Over 350 villages inundated across Uttar Pradesh, India
Heavy monsoon rains affecting the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh over the past couple of days have inundated at least 357 villages across 21 districts, as of August 9, 2021. The worst-affected are the districts of Hamirpur and Jalun in the region of Bundelkhand,...... Read more » read more
bilaterals.org16 hours ago
Australia and India: A time to refocus on trade talks
09-Aug-2021 In a drastically changed geopolitical scenario, developments in the Indo-Pacific, have brought Australia and India closer together as Comprehensive Strategic Partners. read more
bilaterals.org16 hours ago
BoI to sign treaties as per its new template
09-Aug-2021 The Board of Investment (BoI) is all set to sign treaties with foreign countries in line with the new Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) template, which was approved by Prime Minister Imran Khan last week, sources said. read more
bilaterals.org16 hours ago
Protecting human and environmental rights in international investment agreements
09-Aug-2021 Human rights experts are particularly concerned about the asymmetric nature of the system and a lack of investors' human rights obligations. Together with high ISDS costs and arbitral awards, they undermine states' ability to realise economic, social, cultural and environmental rights. read more
bilaterals.org16 hours ago
Thailand and EU resume free trade agreement negotiations
09-Aug-2021 Thailand and the European Union (EU) have agreed to resume negotiations on a free trade agreement (FTA) seven years after the collapse of negotiations in 2014 after a military coup in Thailand. read more
Intense and long-lasting heatwave expected over Europe
A massive heat dome over the Mediterranean Sea is set to bring another long-lasting, intense heatwave across parts of southern Europe this week. High temperatures are expected to spread into central Europe and continue through August 22. Southern Italy, especially...... Read more » read more
The New Dark Age17 hours ago
Spectre of Syria haunts Afghanistan
The Moscow daily Vedomosti with links to the establishment has reported that Russia will give “limited military support” to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the event of attacks from Afghanistan, including weapons supplies, air support and deployment of special forces, but there are “no plans to deploy major ground forces” to the region. read more
The New Dark Age17 hours ago
Book Review: Practicing the Good: Desire and Boredom in Soviet Socialism
In a recent article, Maria Chehonadskih (2021) argues that the adjective ‘Soviet’ is today used as a `floating signifier’ either embracing totalitarian connotations of the Soviet State or positively referring to the event and legacy of the Russian Revolution. While appreciating the first decade after the Revolution as a period of avant-garde experimentation, Western Marxists still dismiss the Soviet experience of anti-capitalism after the Stalinist period. In fact, Soviet Marxist theories and practices from the 1960-70s are terra incognita for many contemporary Marxist theorists. read more
MJBizDaily17 hours ago
CEOs of acquired marijuana companies cash in by the millions
The days of $100 million-plus golden parachutes in the United States might be over. But the phenomenon of rewarding CEOs with hefty payouts remains alive and well in mainstream merger and acquisition deals and has taken root in the marijuana industry. An MJBizDaily examination of recent marijuana M&A deals reveals a variety of ways that […] CEOs of acquired marijuana companies cash in by the millions is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Komando.com17 hours ago
Top 14 security, speed and productivity tips for your PC
How to create stronger passwords, update Windows, finding the right VPN, and more PC security tips. read more
Do 3rd Grade Tests Predict Anything?
The National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER) is a program of the American Institute for Research (AIR) along with an assortment of universities. They've just released a working paper version of some research that some people think is pretty significant. I've read it so you don't have to. Let me explain what they found, and why nobody needs to get excited about it. AIR is better known for their work in test manufacturing and marketing, which gives them a dog in this particular hunt, but I'm not sure that really need concern us here. "Assessi... read more
IPCC report is ‘code red for humanity’
By Paul Homewood The new IPCC report is out, and unsurprisingly jacks up the alarm, as the absurd Matt McGrath reports: Humanity’s damaging impact on the climate is a "statement of fact", say UN scientists in a landmark study. The report says that ongoing emissions of warming gases could also see a key […] read more
The Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks this Week -Get Ready For Meteors/Fireballs & Dazzling Shooting Stars
*Revelation 12:4 New King James Version (NKJV)* 4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born. read more
Človek se mora še učiti - Citat M.N. Hopkinsa
*Človek se mora še naučiti svoje vloge v načrtu narave in božanskega načrta.* *Človeštvo noče slišati modrih besed, ki jih že nešteto stoletij pošiljajo angeli na svojih krilih.* *Namesto tega ljudje izbirajo laži in neresnice tistih, ki so temno odločeni in nadzorujejo vse vaše finančne in vladne institucije.* *©** M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* ** read more
Az embernek még tanulnia kell - M.N. Hopkins idézete
*Az embernek még meg kell tanulnia a szerepét mind a természet, mind az isteni tervben.* *Az emberiség nem hajlandó meghallani a bölcsesség szavait, amelyeket az angyalok szárnyán küldtek számtalan évszázadon keresztül.* *Ehelyett az Emberek a sötét elhatározásúak hazugságait és hamisságait választják, akik a pénzügyi és kormányzati intézményeiteket irányítják.* *© **M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* ** read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
African Faith Leaders to Gates Foundation: Drop ‘African Green Revolution’
"When it comes to the climate, African faith communities are urging the world to think twice before pushing a technical and corporate farming approach." read more
Modern Tokyo Times18 hours ago
Rwanda helps Mozambique to dislodge Sunni Islamist forces in Mocimboa da Praia
Rwanda helps Mozambique to dislodge Sunni Islamist forces in Mocimboa da Praia Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The increasing Sunni Islamist insurgency in Northern Mozambique led to several African nations sending military forces to support Mozambique. At first, Mozambique sought to utilize private security networks to train and support the armed […] The post Rwanda helps Mozambique to dislodge Sunni Islamist forces in Mocimboa da Praia first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Death For Millions In 1921’s Record Heat Wave
By Paul Homewood I have mentioned the unusually hot and dry weather in Britain in July 1921. The heatwave was actually much more extensive and prolonged, as the New York Herald reported in early September. The heatwave and drought led to what was known as The Great Famine in Russia, said […] read more
null20 hours ago
A Note to the Unjabbed: Stand Your Ground, Don’t Risk Your Life for Restaurants, Movies or Paychecks
I write this for at least 33% of the population who are either hesitant or outright hostile to getting injected with experimental “vaccines” that are The post A Note to the Unjabbed: Stand Your Ground, Don’t Risk Your Life for Restaurants, Movies or Paychecks appeared first on . read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Peru posts US$981 million trade surplus in June
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Exports in June totaled US$4.894 billion, up 68.2% year-on-year and 19.0% over June 2019, while imports totaled US$3.913 billion, up 73.0% over 2020 and 23.0% over June 2019, the Central Bank reported over the weekend. The increase is "reflective of the rebound in economic activity and high metal prices," it […] The post Peru posts US$981 million trade surplus in June appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Hubert Horan: Can Uber Ever Deliver? Part Twenty-Six: With No Hope of Real Profits, Uber and Lyft Double Down on Fake Profit Metrics
Uber continues to hemorrhage cash and rack up impressive negative operating margins, yet the press eats up its accounting misdirection. read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Eric Topol Discusses Covid Vaccines Not Meeting Expectations, Breakthrough Cases Sicker
The data on US Covid cases and deaths are bad enough that members of the science establishment like Eric Topol are questioning the vaccines read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
South America sets Olympic record driven by Brazil, while Argentina performs poorly
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The result was enabled by the historic Brazilian and Ecuadorian marks. Both countries had their best performances in the history of the Games. Ecuadorians won 3 medals. Of these, 2 were gold: Neisi Dajomes (weightlifting) and Richard Carapaz (cycling). In the 21st century, before Tokyo and Rio, South America held […] The post South America sets Olympic record driven by Brazil, while Argentina performs poorly appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Covert Geopolitics17 hours ago
How Media Fearmongering Led to ‘Unprecedented’ Censorship of Scientific Research
Experts who spoke out against the official narrative were attacked and accused of endangering lives by questioning lockdowns. Numerous research journals refused to publish the results of studies that featured data questioning lockdowns, masks and other COVID policies. Certain states have stood out for their refusal to buy into the draconian public health measures that … Continue reading How Media Fearmongering Led to ‘Unprecedented’ Censorship of Scientific Research → read more
Retraction Watch18 hours ago
Researcher in Japan suspended, demoted for plagiarism
A tourism researcher in Japan has been suspended and demoted after university officials found that they had committed plagiarism in at least three papers in school publications. In an August 4 statement, Atomi Gakuen Women’s University said Masami Murakami, formerly an associate professor, had been suspended from July 15 to September 14, and would now … Continue reading Researcher in Japan suspended, demoted for plagiarism read more
House Committee Investigating Capitol Insurrection Has a Lot of Power, but It’s Unclear it Can Force Trump to Testify
*Kirsten Carlson* *Capitol Building Coup, Americas* Trump administration witnesses could still challenge congressional subpoenas and delay the investigation. But the Department of Justice determination weakens arguments for executive privilege and may encourage witnesses to testify instead. In the intensely partisan atmosphere surrounding the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, will the committee be able to get the information it needs? The American people, said Republican House member Liz Cheney, “deserve the full and open testimony of ev... read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
How pandemic impacted Colombia’s entertainment industry
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Since the pandemic began, the entertainment industry has been one of the sectors most affected by closures, with live events, large crowds and hundreds of shows scheduled to take place being fully disrupted by the virus. In Colombia, restrictions were maintained for months and only a year and a half […] The post How pandemic impacted Colombia’s entertainment industry appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Virtual Mirage19 hours ago
To Fund or Defund?
The Donkey Plan It wasn’t a complicated plan. Have primarily white liberals demand that the police be de-funded, inner-city people would loot the business, burn, rape, and murder unhindered. Then they’d demand that FEDERAL police be sent in to restore order. It’s been a plan gone wrong, but all in all, I think […] The post To Fund or Defund? appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Electroverse19 hours ago
Yesterday, during the height of summer, Greenland GAINED Enough Mass to Bury Central Park Under 2,200+ Feet of Ice
...if you want proof of mainstream media obfuscation and agenda-driving drivel, you need look no further than their reporting of the Greenland ice sheet. The post Yesterday, during the height of summer, Greenland GAINED Enough Mass to Bury Central Park Under 2,200+ Feet of Ice appeared first on Electroverse. read more
CFACT19 hours ago
Are mileage fees a means of control?
Electric vehicles are highly subsidized and inefficient, but at least don't pay a gas tax. Watch out for mileage fees. The post Are mileage fees a means of control? appeared first on CFACT. read more
Memes that made me laugh 70
More from the weird, wild, wonderful Web over the past week. Click any image for a larger view. More next week. Peter read more
Need To Know19 hours ago
Worldwide Protests against Mandatory COVID Vaccines and Vaccine Passports
Over the weekend, more than 200,000 people protested in France against the health pass, which is a vaccine passport. France’s parliament approved a law that requires a health pass to enter restaurants, trains, planes and certain other public venues, claiming that the purpose is to encourage vaccination. read more
Mining Awareness +20 hours ago
Reverse-Transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA Can Integrate into the Genome of Cultured Human Cells
In “Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues”, … Continue reading → read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
Stop US Vaccine Passports & Mandated Injections that may be Started this Month
San Francisco became the first, and largest, US city to mandate every city employee to get vaccinated. New York, California and other states are planning to implement vaccine passports. The media is pushing cell phone contact tracing. read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
Australian Couple Threatened with 12 Months in Prison for Refusing Covid Test
Samuel and Deanna traveled to Queensland last winter and refused to get PCR tests when they returned home to Perth. Despite a long quarantine of 24 days without any symptoms, authorities threatened with 12 months in jail and/ or a $50,000 fine for refusing the test. read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
US: Corporate Giants Begin Requiring Employees to Take the Jab
Google, Facebook, Tyson Foods and Microsoft are among the other companies mandating vaccines. Walmart and Uber are requiring office workers to be vaccinated. Last month, the Department of Veterans Affairs became the first federal agency to require vaccines for its 1155,000 health workers. read more
Človek sa musí ešte učiť - Citát M.N. Hopkinsa
*Človek sa ešte musí naučiť svoju úlohu v pláne prírody aj v Božom pláne.* *Ľudstvo odmieta počuť slová múdrosti, ktoré už nespočetné stáročia posielajú anjeli na svojich krídlach.* *Namiesto toho si Ľudia vyberajú lži a klamstvá tých, ktorí sú temne odhodlaní a ovládajú všetky vaše finančné aj vládne inštitúcie.* *© **M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* ** read more
Člověk se musí teprve učit - Citát M. N. Hopkinse
*Člověk se musí teprve naučit, jaká je jeho role v plánu přírody i v Božím plánu.* *Lidstvo odmítá slyšet slova moudrosti, která byla po nesčetná staletí sesílána na křídlech andělů.* *Místo toho si Lidé vybírají lži a faleš těch temných odhodlaných, kteří ovládají všechny vaše finanční i vládní instituce.* *© **M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* ** read more
How Feminists, Survivors, and Non-Nuclear States Banned the Bomb
*Deseri Tsepetis* *Nuclear Weapons, * The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons entered into force on January 22, 2021. This historic treaty prohibits signatories from developing and possessing nuclear weapons. This week on *Press The Button*, guest host Alex Hall, Policy Associate and Special Assistant to the President at Ploughshares Fund, sat down with Ray Acheson, Director of Reaching Critical Will, to discuss their book *Banning the Bomb, Smashing the Patriarchy*. The conversation is particularly timely as this week marks the seventy-sixth anniversary of the United St... read more
What Is a Cult?
*Mathew Schmalz* *Religion, * Many religious groups often get labeled as cults, but what characteristics tend to define such a group? The word “cult” is used a lot nowadays. Former President Donald Trump has been likened to a cult leader. Democratic California congresswoman Jackie Speier recently compared Trump to Jim Jones, the infamous leader of Peoples Temple, an American religious group of which nearly 1,000 members died by mass murder-suicide in Guyana in 1978. A congressional staffer at the time, Speier was seriously wounded by temple members during an ambush that killed C... read more
The Covid-19 Timebomb - Dispelling the Single- Story Humanitarian Narrative for Africa
BRIGHTON, UK, Aug 09 (IPS) - An article published in April 2020 by the World Economic Forum warning that Africa was facing a Covid-19 time bomb was widely shared among the humanitarian sector, with increasing alarm. Read the full story, “The Covid-19 Timebomb - Dispelling the Single- Story Humanitarian Narrative for Africa”, on → read more
UN Preaches Transparency to the Outside World but Fails to Practice it in its Own Backyard
UNITED NATIONS, Aug 09 (IPS) - The United Nations has long preached the wisdom of transparency and accountability to the outside world, but has failed to practice the same principles in its own backyard – or even on the 39th floor of the Secretary-General’s office in the UN Secretariat. Read the full story, “UN Preaches Transparency to the Outside World but Fails to Practice it in its Own Backyard”, on → read more
UN pledges full support to Nagasaki voices fuelling ‘powerful global movement’ against nuclear arms
António Guterres has reaffirmed the full support of the United Nations to amplifying the powerful testimony of the survivors of the atomic bomb that was dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki, 76 years ago, which has helped build a “powerful global movement against nuclear arms”. Read the full story, “UN pledges full support to Nagasaki voices fuelling ‘powerful global movement’ against nuclear arms”, on → read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Fintechs explore Brazil’s inland in search of unbanked customers
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Letícia Carolina Ribeiro Santos lives in the Aldeia de Xandó, a Pataxó Indian reservation in Caraíva. Located 740 kilometers from Salvador, the capital of Bahia, the village survives on tourism, fishing and selling indigenous handicrafts. The village has no bank branch, and internet is only available through radio. In spite […] The post Fintechs explore Brazil’s inland in search of unbanked customers appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Pandemic led 44% of Brazilian children and adolescents to experience greater sadness
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - According to parents and guardians, 56% gained weight, 44% felt sadness, 38% were more fearful, and 34% lost interest in school. The survey "Where and how are children and adolescents while schools are closed?" indicated that rates for sleeping more, being more quiet, or having more trouble sleeping were higher […] The post Pandemic led 44% of Brazilian children and adolescents to experience greater sadness appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil finishes Tokyo Olympics with best-ever performance
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian Olympic participation in Tokyo closed with the country's best performance ever in an edition of the Olympic Games. The result in Japan represented a milestone, 5 years after hosting the event. According to the medal distribution criteria, Brazil also surpassed its home record in Rio, until now its […] The post Brazil finishes Tokyo Olympics with best-ever performance appeared first on The Rio Times. read more