Sunday, August 08, 2021

8 August - AM - Blogs I'm Following - 6 of 6

 7:05 am MDT

America Should Be Prepared for a Surprise Attack from China
*David Axe* *Security, Asia* America cannot afford another Pearl Harbor. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In the event of war with the United States over disputed Pacific territories, Chinese forces likely would attempt to neutralize forward-deployed U.S. forces in Japan and Guam and at sea. The U.S. military must find ways of defeating any attempt by China to launch surprise strikes using non-nuclear weapons, analyst Sam Goldsmith argued in a new article for *Naval War College Review*. “China likely would aim to confine itself to the use of conventional weapons during any ... read more
Welcome to the Weekend
The Chain of the Golden Horn For 7 centuries, it was one of the key elements of the Queen of Cities’ elaborated system of defense and was only taken down once by the Venetians in 1203. With a length of 750 m between the Kenthenarion tower and the Kastellion tower, the legendary colossal chain-boom […] The post Welcome to the Weekend appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
CFACT1 day ago
Comparing the world before 1900 to today
After 1900 we created various modes of transportation, a medical industry, and electronics and communications systems. The post Comparing the world before 1900 to today appeared first on CFACT. read more
BWorld 500, EPIRA and power privatization are working
* My column in BusinessWorld last August 02. There are interesting development in the energy sector as shown in these three recent BusinessWorld reports: “Gov’t return to power generation should not be ruled out, former official says” (July 25); “‘More equitable’ net metering needed for solar” (July 26); and, “Hike in net metering rates to raise power cost — Meralco” (Aug. 2). Story number one is about the opinion of Monalisa Dimalanta, former National Renewable Energy Board chairperson, who supported an earlier proposal by Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi that government should cons... read more
Covid 51, CDC Ph 5-points agenda, Dr. Eva Roxas lecture
*The Concerned Doctors and Citizens of the Philippines (CDC Ph) Five Points Agenda* 1. Yes to Ivermectin as part of the official early treatment protocol and prophylaxis. 2. Yes to natural immunity, use of immune-boosting Vit C, Vit D and sunlight, exercise and proper diet. 3. No mandatory vaccination for all, explicit or implicit, give people the freedom to choose. 4. No to unscientific protocols such as mandatory face shields in public. 5. No to indefinite lockdown, Yes to focused protection of the vulnerables. Website: YT, *Flatten the Fear*: h ttps:/... read more
Komando.com1 day ago
10 best ways to block blue light to protect your eyes
Your favorite gadgets produce a lot of blue light that can lead to headaches, eyestrain and much worse. Here's how to block it. read more
Mathematicians Solve Decades-Old Classification Problem
This item is worth the effort even if it is likely intimidating to most of you. The important consequence is that finding a one to one relationship in a large complex countable set is plausibly too difficult. Our intuition will tell us otherwise and down the rabbit hole we go. If i have lost you already, then start reading this slowly. Then do it again and let your brain adjust to the whole thing. Mathematics can be better that sex. Contemplate. *Mathematicians Solve Decades-Old Classification Problem* *A pair of researchers has shown that trying to classify groups of numbers... read more
L 98-59 b: A Rocky World with Half the Mass of Venus
[image: Story 462830424] ESPRESSO comes through. The spectrograph, mounted on the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope, has produced data allowing astronomers to calculate the mass of the lightest exoplanet ever measured using radial velocity techniques. The star is L 98-59, an M-dwarf about a third of the mass of the Sun some 35 light years away in the southern constellation Volans. It was already known to host three planets in tight orbits of 2.25 days, 3.7 days and 7.5 days. The innermost world, L 98-59b, has now been determined to have roughly half the mass of V... read more
The Disturbing Rise of the Corporate Mercenaries
Now that Congress is showing interest in taking back its control of war powers, it could look at stealh warmaking via mercenaries too. read more
Low Tech, But Impactful: The Molotov Cocktail Is a Protestor’s Secret Weapon
*Caleb Larson* *Molotov Cocktail, Americas* The Molotov Cocktail is a relatively new development in the field of military technology, though it is a decidedly low-tech weapon. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Aside from these two postwar conflicts, the Molotov Cocktail, or variants thereof, have been used in conflicts and demonstrations in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. The Molotov Cocktail won’t leave today’s protest, demonstrations, or battlefields anytime soon. The Molotov Cocktail is a relatively new development in the field of military technolo... read more
Work for the Government? Say Goodbye to Your Social Security Benefits
*Stephen Silver* *Social Security, Americas* How could policymakers ensure Social Security equivalent protections for all state and local employees? *Here's What You Need to Remember:* Legislators could obviate the need for federal generosity standards by enrolling all state and local employees in Social Security—a common feature in many packages of proposed changes to improve Social Security’s finances,” the Boston College study concluded. Some people are unaware that some states do not cover some or all Social Security benefits for their public sector employees. This is the ... read more
Човек тепърва трябва да се учи - цитат от М.Н. Хопкинс
Човекът тепърва трябва да научи своята роля в плана на природата и на Божествения свят. Човечеството отказва да чуе думите на мъдрост, които са били изпращани на крилете на ангелите в продължение на безброй векове. Вместо това хората избират лъжите и фалшификациите на онези, които имат тъмна решимост и контролират всички ваши финансови и правителствени институции. © М.Н. Хопкинс *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* ** read more
Человеку еще предстоит учиться - цитата М.Н. Хопкинса
Человеку еще предстоит узнать свою роль как в плане природы, так и в плане Божественном. Человечество отказывается слушать слова мудрости, которые посылались на крыльях ангелов на протяжении бесчисленных веков. Вместо этого люди выбирают ложь и фальшь тех темных сил, которые контролируют все ваши финансовые и правительственные учреждения. © М.Н. Хопкинс *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* ** read more
Omul are încă de învățat - Un Citat de M.N. Hopkins
*Omul trebuie încă să-și învețe rolul în planul Naturii și în cel al Divinității.* *Omenirea refuză să asculte cuvintele de înțelepciune care au fost trimise pe aripile îngerilor timp de nenumărate secole.* *În schimb, Oamenii aleg minciunile și falsurile celor cu determinare întunecată care controlează toate instituțiile voastre financiare, precum și cele guvernamentale.* *©** M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* ** read more
China Moves Its New Armored Tactical Vehicle to Mass Production
*Kris Osborn* *military, Asia* The new vehicle would need to be substantially fortified with new protections to rival the combat performance of an up-armored Humvees. The Chinese military is mass-producing an armed, off-road tactical combat vehicle intended to support infantry attacks, transport equipment, transport personnel, and move fire machine guns and grenades. The vehicle, called a third-generation Dongfeng Mengshi, is also configurable as a command and control platform or a launchpad for heavier weapons, according to a report in the Chinese-government-backed Global Tim... read more
What the CDC Says About Obesity and COVID-19...
*an article by Dr. Joseph Mercola* *at Truth Based Media.* Let me save you some time. It says being overweight and catching the Wuflu, or any flu for that matter, is not good. Let's face it, my precious petite popcorns, being overweight is not good under any conditions or circumstances. If you're wondering why so many people are fluffy, just cast your gaze to our government, which includes the CDC, Surgeon General, and a slew of other alphabet agencies who have been instructing us on how to be healthy. Their mantra? Eat lots of whole grains, fruit, veggies, and limit meat and... read more
Undaunted: Nothing Can Penetrate Hostile Air Space Like a B-2 Bomber
*Sebastien Roblin* *B-2 Bomber, * The Spirit was designed late in the Cold War to slip through the Soviet Union’s formidable integrated air defense network combining ground-based radars, surface-to-air missiles and aerial interceptors and radar planes. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The B-2’s ability to deliver such devastating weapons deep within the most well-defended airspace makes it a premium, highly specialized war machine without equivalent—at least unless China’ develops a decent H-20 stealth bomber. So far, B-2s have mostly leveraged their range and payload rather t... read more
The M1 Carbine Gave American Infantrymen the Firepower Needed to Stand Up to the Germans
*Caleb Larson* *World War II Weapons, * In response to Germany issuing the StG44 assault rifle in ever-increasing numbers, the M1 was modified to shoot fully automatically in addition to semi-automatic, augmenting the individual rifleman’s firepower. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *As a carbine, The M1 was much more compact than the full-sized M1 Garand. Initially it was issued with a folding wire stock to paratroopers, and with a fully wooden stock to artillery troops, mortarmen, drivers, other support troops, and infantry riflemen, though it was not originally intended to f... read more
I am just going to jump in and throw things at you no holds barred. As always a few things to read through with some crumbs of wisdom and insight to adapt or ponder upon. Meanwhile, it is cherry season. Eat a few bowlfulls. Heading to the fridge now at 12:15 am. I now look at things as, "this might be the last time that....". So enjoy the fruits of summer along with your nears and dears. Thanks again for all your kind words. I hope you, dear reader, just felt the glow of love I put out for you all. I'm Nobody! A hot young John Wayne. Who knew? The Thomas Sowell Reader... read more
Sister Dorothy Stang Defender of the Amazon and Its People
Just like that, her live was ended. And the land grabbers got their way. All in broad daylight and we all know thyat justice was never served. Taxpayers raising productive children were driven out by landowners who already had reduced their earning capacity.. just like ireland back in the day. When we eliminate global poverty this will all cease forever after. This is the last throes of indemic injustice. *Sister Dorothy Stang* *Defender of the Amazon and Its People* *Susannah Black and Jason Landsel* *MAY 25, 2021* read more
Why Did Trump release the Vaccines?
It was a major tactical move that forced the operators to commit full press long before planning and preparation could be completed. Suddenly millions of untrained minions are put into battle mode against a truly WOKE military. This cannot end well and the multiple mistakes can be turned against them. We were never meant to know what was been done to us. Do you understand that the full military is in battle mode as we speak and that the story is that this is merely the largest ever readiness exercise in History. That only happened back in the early fifties. So yes, instea... read more
Gnome Encountered at Home in South Central Pennsylvania
The Gnome MEME has antiquity in terms of direct observation. Here is an excellent eye witness report and in this case the gnome stood its ground. how curious. Now we already understand that the Giant Sloth is a past masterr at projecting convincing images into your head and this includes expected animals and Red rding hood as well. You see where we are going with this. It is just as obvious that this skill can also apply to other smaller intelligent creatures and is actually an excellent reponse to an unexpected intrusion by a human being. A gnome is too small to be direct th... read more
Satanic Nature of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
We are commemorating the 76th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This article by Edward Curtin was first published by Global Research in 2018. “Ahab is forever Ahab, man. This whole act’s immutably decreed. ‘Twas rehearsed by thee and me billion years before this ocean rolled. Fool! I am the Fates’ lieutenant; I act … Continue reading Satanic Nature of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki → read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Astra Zeneca or Pfizer? Either way it will eventually kill you
Thank God not all Australians are stupid in spite of the biggest co-ordinated fear campaign ever mounted against humanity. TGA reports 41, 406 adverse reactions and 399 deaths from mRNA inoculations across Australia A fit and healthy father-of-four with no underlying medical conditions, was mysteriously struck down in late June. Sam Briggs says her husband […] read more
U.S. Regulators Want The ‘Crypto’ Out of` Cryptocurrency to Control Your Every Move
The US Securities and Exchange Commission has demanded more authority over trading, lending and selling cryptocurrency, unable in its jealous rage to grasp that crypto exists because it’s a safe haven from a venal banking system. SEC Chair Gary Gensler cited “investor protection” as the reason the commission should have carte blanche to take the … Continue reading U.S. Regulators Want The ‘Crypto’ Out of` Cryptocurrency to Control Your Every Move → read more
Bonnie Henry is still a lying freak
Bonnie Henry wants power and attention. Don't give her either. When Texas and Florida opened, Bonnie Henry kept lying to us. When Europe opened, Bonnie Henry kept lying to us. The sucess of the United States and Europe made Bonnie Henry's lies statistically impossible. Now the freak is still lying to us and she's using those lies to bring back restrictions in the middle of summer to the Okanagan. The reason she is doing this is not because cases are rising there. Dr Simone Gold explained to us that cases mean nothing if people are asymptomatic. The Canada Health Alliance explaine... read more
Stimulus Checks to Infinity: What If the Child Tax Credit Became Permanent?
*Stephen Silver* *Child Tax Credit, * The expanded credit, as passed in the American Rescue Plan, is only for the year 2021. But there have been calls to extend it for additional years, or possibly even to make it permanent. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* The mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts, *wrote in an op-ed* published by the *Boston Globe* this week that the expanded child tax credit should be made permanent. One of the key pieces of the American Rescue Plan Act, which was passed by the Biden administration earlier this year, was the expansion of the child tax credit.... read more
The Duran1 day ago
Amber Guyger Given Short Shrift By Texas Appeal Court
Minnesota police officer Derek Chauvin was given a twenty-two and a half year sentence for the murder of George Floyd, even though he was guilty of at worse stupidity, and had no intention to kill. Texas police officer Amber Guyger on the other hand received a mere ten years for shooting a man dead in […] read more
The Duran1 day ago
American Military Cities in Germany
Soon after World War II ended, the US military began building massive military bases in Europe and shipped families to Europe to accompany servicemen. These bases grew into American cities that are great fun, but very costly and reduce the readiness of units. Should war occur in Europe, military units there will remain dysfunctional for […] read more
The Duran1 day ago
Bombshell Allegations – Graphene Oxide Poison In The Shots. The Boosters Will Eventually Kill You.
Stew Peters With Karen Kingston – Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Kill Shot’ Credit to Stew Peters DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’ EXCLUSIVE! Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indis… source Patent of graphene oxide […] read more
The Duran1 day ago
A conversation with the CDC summarizes INSANE COVID policy views [Video]
This is circulating around social media, with the author unknown. However, whoever did ought to step forward and take a bow, for he or she successfully captures the essence of lies and insanity as regards the policy decisions and guidance from the American Centers for Disease Control. The conversation is so simple that it becomes […] read more
Praise of nationalism
Commentary by Alexander Tomský The book by the famous Israeli philosopher Yoram Hazony, The Virtue of Nationalism, has travelled the world and has come to us under the title The Praise of Nationalism. Since the ten and fifteen years since the publication of the now forgotten Czech-language defenses of the nation-state (Roger Scruton: On the Necessity of Nations and Pierre Manent: Why Nations Exist), the political situation in the West, especially after Brexit and President Trump, who, despite his problematic character, has emboldened American patriots, has changed to a great extent. ... read more
Uh-ooh! The Pause Lengthens
*Christopher Monckton of Brenchley *writing on Anthony Watts WUWT (link) writes: The New Pause has lengthened by another two months. Even though the brief la Niña that began in late 2020 has now ended, on the UAH dataset there has been no global warming for 6 years 6 months till July 2021. As always, the Pause is calculated as the longest period ending in the present that shows no warming trend, taken as the least-squares linear-regression trend on the UAH satellite monthly global mean surface temperature anomalies for the lower troposphere: Read more at WUWT read more
The Extended Troika Is Incomplete Without India & Iran But It’ll Still Manage
India’s and Iran’s refusal to participate in the Extended Troika on Afghanistan alongside Russia, Pakistan, China, and the US due to New Delhi’s reluctance to publicly talk to the Taliban and Tehran’s disagreements with Washington means that this peacemaking structure will always remain incomplete even though it’ll still likely manage […] read more
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: As The New World Order Begins To Turn Against The Unvaccinated, Can COVID Internment Camps Really Be Far Behind?
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: As The New World Order Begins To Turn Against The Unvaccinated, Can COVID Internment Camps Really Be Far Behind? by Geoffrey Grider, On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are looking at the sudden, swift and vicious turn the world is taking right now against whom they perceive … read more
Is “Nancyboy Surrender Monkey” A Gender?
Forwarded by a reader, this excerpt from an internal CAF/DND email (edited for length). *************************************************************************** Subject: CAF/DND CANFORGEN – standardized signature block including optional gender based pronouns From: Date: August 4, 2021 To: Subject: STANDARDIZED EMAIL SIGNATURE BLOCKS – BLOCS-SIGNATURES DE COURRIEL NORMALISES Ref: CANFORGEN 117/21 COS(IM) 004/21 301420Z JUL 21 STANDARDIZED EMAIL SIGNATUREBLOCKS… Continue reading → read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Friday 06 August 2021
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
August 7, 2021: Reader Tips
This evening we present Future Shock, a 1972 documentary based on a book with the same name. We’d be very interested to get your take on the predictions in the film. Plus, feel free to share any news tips you find. read more
HIGHLIGHTS: What On Earth Is Luciferase?! Found in Vaccines??  read more
‘Barbie’s Dreamhouse’: This M1 Abrams Crew Kicks Total Butt
*Peter Suciu* *Tanks, * Determining a colorful moniker for the tank is something the tankers come up with all on their own. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Meet "Barbie's Dreamhouse," a tank crewed by Captain Jillian Collins. On her official Twitter account (@Jillian96665671), she responded, "Why Barbie Dreamhouse? Every little girl dreams of having a Barbie Dreamhouse. For me, it became my Tank. For years, I was told 'No' I was told 'Armor isn't open to Women', but kept pushing. Thus, eventually finding myself in my dream job with my very own Barbie Dreamh(o)use." Ever sin... read more
Battle of the Persian Gulf: Would Iran or U.S. Navy Seals Win?
*Sebastien Roblin* *U.S. Military, Middle East* It would not be painless, quick, or easy. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The Tanker War demonstrated how Iran could retaliate against foreign pressure through calibrated, and semi-deniable attacks on the valuable shipping passing through the narrow waters of the Gulf—even though the campaign failed to inflict substantial economic damage, or indeed sink many large ships. On July 21, 1987, a gigantic 414,000-ton supertanker entered the Persian Gulf with an unusually prominent escort—a U.S. Navy missile cruiser and three frigates... read more
Nazi Germany’s World War II Anti-Tank Rifle: All Bark and No Bite?
*Caleb Larson* *Anti-Tank Weapons, * It didn’t work as intended. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In the 1930s, Germany went to the drawing board once again in hopes of creating a better anti-tank rifle. To that end, the 7.92×94mm round was used. The round itself was rather unique. Using a steel core, the round was intended to penetrate tank armor, though the bullet’s small diameter was unlikely to result in much damage to the tank. The advent of the tank in 1916 during the First World War spurred the development of anti-tank warfare. Large-sized landmines were a static defe... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Argentina has more than 5 million infections and 107,000 deaths (August 6)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Argentina has the second-highest absolute number of confirmed infections in Latin America. According to the Ministry of Health, 190 deaths and 13,549 new infections were confirmed in the last 24 hours. The National Ministry of Health reported that 190 deaths and 13,549 new infections with coronavirus were registered in the last […] The post Argentina has more than 5 million infections and 107,000 deaths (August 6) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
What Happens If You Are A North Korean Official And You Do Not Applaud Kim Jong Un?
*UPI: **North Korea official seen not applauding for Kim Jong Un in recent photo* Aug. 4 (UPI) -- A senior-ranking North Korean military official with a troubled past was seen refraining from clapping for Kim Jong Un at last week's workshop for Pyongyang's military commanders, raising questions in the South about the status of Ri Yong Gil. Korean Workers' Party newspaper Rodong Sinmun on Friday published 48 photos of the workshop after the event ended June 27. On the fourth page of the issue, an image of military officials offering Kim a standing ovation showed Ri in his seat. ... read more
Reshaping America: Soros Funds Group To ‘Dismantle’ Minneapolis Police Department
By Joseph Vazquez ~ Leftist billionaire George Soros has clearly adopted the defund-the-police movement into his nefarious political agenda to reshape the United States in his image. Fox News reporter Joe Schoffstall (who previously worked at the Media Research Center) reported that Soros is “fueling an initiative to ‘dismantle’ and replace the Minneapolis Police Department, campaign […] read more
Codex members support paperless trade guidance
The majority of Codex members have backed guidance on the use of paperless certification in food trade. The Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems (CCFICS) recommended the next Codex Alimentarius Commission adopt draft guidance on paperless use of electronic certificates at its meeting in November. Codex members said the coronavirus... Continue Reading read more
Oregon Activists Ramp Up War Against Meat, Dairy
By Duggan Flanakin ~ People laughed back in May when citizens in five mostly rural eastern Oregon counties voted to join two others in an effort to secede from Oregon and become part of a greater Idaho. The city slickers in Portland and Eugene have the votes to keep them hostage forever, or so it seems. […] read more
Why Climate Activists And Environmentalists Should Support Nuclear Power
By Katie Tubb and Mary Riordan ~ For environmentalists and climate activists who are serious about realistic energy options to reduce pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions, nuclear power is a compelling option. A feisty Twitter exchange between Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, brought the issue to the fore. Sanders, a sponsor […] read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Uruguay registers 153 new cases and four Covid deaths; remains in the yellow zone (August 6)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Uruguay recorded Friday 153 new cases in 13,778 covid-19 tests and four deaths, according to the daily report of the country's National Emergency System (Sinae). With this information, the country has had 382,295 cases of covid-19 since the beginning of the health emergency, which in Uruguay was declared on March […] The post Uruguay registers 153 new cases and four Covid deaths; remains in the yellow zone (August 6) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Curiously Appropriate with a Minor Twist…
An interesting song, that with a minor twist, is curiously appropriate to our times... Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Ecuador adds 222 new Covid cases and accumulates 491,185 in pandemic (August 6)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Ecuador added 222 new cases of covid-19, accumulating 491,185 positive cases during the pandemic, while the vaccination process is advancing, intending to reach 9 million people with full vaccination until August 31, according to the plans of the new Government. The report details that the number of deaths confirmed by […] The post Ecuador adds 222 new Covid cases and accumulates 491,185 in pandemic (August 6) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
76% of Peruvians reject prime minister of President Castillo’s cabinet
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Seventy-six percent of Peruvians consider that Congressman Guido Bellido, investigated for defending terrorism, should not be the head of the ministerial cabinet in the new government of leftist Pedro Castillo, according to a survey released this Friday. According to the latest poll by the private company Datum, published in the […] The post 76% of Peruvians reject prime minister of President Castillo’s cabinet appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Musical interlude
BT feat. Emma Hewitt - No Warning Lights (Alpha 9 Remix) read more
Komando.com1 day ago
How to store your COVID vaccine card on your iPhone or Android
Have you gotten the COVID vaccine? Here's how to store proof on your phone. read more
University Admits Harvesting Kidneys From Unborn Babies While Their Hearts are Still Beating
LifeSiteNews – by Micaiah Bilger The University of Pittsburgh may have inadvertently provided more evidence this week that aborted babies may be being born alive... The post University Admits Harvesting Kidneys From Unborn Babies While Their Hearts are Still Beating appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
What Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said
“We have arrived at an intellectual chaos.” “The belly is an ungrateful wretch, it never remembers past favors, it always wants more tomorrow.” “Let your... The post What Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
US Developing Plan to Require Foreign Visitors to Be Vaccinated: Official
Medscape – by David Shepardson WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Biden administration is developing a plan to require nearly all foreign visitors to the United States... The post US Developing Plan to Require Foreign Visitors to Be Vaccinated: Official appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
#CashFriday — How to Fight Big Banks’ Plan to Digitize the Global Economy
Children’s Health Defense In a new episode of “The Corbett Report” with James Corbett, Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report discussed the “Going Direct... The post #CashFriday — How to Fight Big Banks’ Plan to Digitize the Global Economy appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
“Done With Restaurants, Doing Food Preps; Payment Extensions Forever”
*Full screen recommended.* Jeremiah Babe, PM 8/6/21: *“Done With Restaurants, Doing Food Preps;* * Payment Extensions Forever”* read more
August 7th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 200
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post August 7th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 200 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Saturday August 7th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Saturday August 7th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge . read more
Speed, Not Silence: Russia’s Papa-Class Submarine Was Something Else
*Peter Suciu* *Submarines, Europe* While the Golden Fish was a one-off, its use of titanium and other technologies has been seen as a precursor to the Soviet Navy’s Alfa- and Sierra-class submarines. *Here's What You Need to Know*: During its sea trials it reportedly even reached speeds of more than 51 miles per hour—considerably impressive when compared to the U.S. Navy’s *Los Angeles*-class nuclear-powered attack submarines, which have a top speed of just 23 miles per hour when submerged. When one considers the main attributes of a submarine, speed is not generally top of the ... read more
Missing Your Child Tax Credit? It Could Be Due to How You File Taxes
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Child Tax Credit, Americas* “The IRS is aware some taxpayers who filed tax returns with ITIN numbers did not receive their child tax credit payment for July,” the spokesperson said. For most eligible American families, the disbursement of last month’s first payments from the expanded child tax credits appeared to go smoothly as roughly sixty million children were able to see direct monetary benefits. But as the Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department are now gearing up to release the next batch of checks for this month, some “mixed-status” fam... read more
North Korea Is Starving, Kim Jong-un Admits
*Trevor Filseth* *North Korea, Asia* Kim’s indications of his country’s problems are a startling admission from North Korea’s leadership, which has historically downplayed or suppressed news of problems within the country. In his July 27 address commemorating the anniversary of the Korean War’s 1953 armistice, North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un acknowledged that the coronavirus pandemic had created a “crisis of hardship” in the country. The supreme leader’s comments marked the third time since the beginning of the year that he has described a negative state of affairs within... read more
The Chinese Government Is Cracking Down On Private Enterprise
A woman on her electric-powered scooter films a large video screen outside a shopping mall showing Chinese President Xi Jinping speaking during an event to commemorate the 100th anniversary of China's Communist Party at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, Thursday, July 1, 2021. *Laura He, CNN Business*:* China's biggest private companies are in chaos. It's all part of Beijing's plan* Hong Kong (CNN Business)China's crackdown on private enterprise has wiped out more than $1.2 trillion in market value for many powerful Chinese companies and stoked fears about the future of innovation i... read more
balance101 day ago
What matters is this
I AM Zadkiel of the light, priest of sacred fire and of the Order of Melchizedek. I AM the sponsor of priests and priestesses of the seventh ray. I initiate the cycles of life, of freedom, and I come to accelerate that violet flame in the very presence of world tyranny and the tyrants themselves--into the very teeth I come with that blazing violet flame that does transmute death and the momentums of death which the fallen ones would put upon this planetary body. My beloved hearts, this is the seventh age. It is the age of the coming of the soul, the soul of light, the spir... read more
The Psychological Victories of the Conquistadors
In considering the battles between the European imperialist powers and the local powers it must not be forgotten that these were not real military battles where two sides fight pitched battles and try to kill a maximum number of other side’s soldiers. These were psychological battles. The European side knew that they had arrived to conquer and plunder, but the locals were clueless about how to deal with the outsiders who had suddenly appeared on their ancestral land. In the initial period of the encounters, the locals were in awe of the strange customs, language, food habits, dresse... read more
Scarce capital
What prolongs the life of a terminally ill fiat currency? The struggles of the debtors. And that struggle is getting a lot harder, especially if you live in a large metropolitan area. The housing affordability chasm in Metro Vancouver is measured in a new report by the National Bank of Canada, which found that an annual… Continue reading → read more
And for this Figment of Perp entire Family [and many other families] has been torn apart!!!??? I want someone in jail...soon!
*H/T FreakedOut* *COVID Not Isolated, Cannot Be Located, * *Does Not EXIST! * *FOIA Response Reveals Worldwide HOAX! (* Readers, please watch the above video--and think about how many friends and family members you've lost over the past year and a much hurt and pain you've experienced when your children poisoned themselves! How many children have been permanently injured physically and psychologically. This is the crime of the century* and it is still going on...and is going to get much worse. I had a VAX gov. stalker show up at my door last night. She ha... read more
"We Will Not Comply: A Campaign Against Medical Tyranny"
*"We Will Not Comply: * *A Campaign Against Medical Tyranny"* By Brandon Smith "I have been feverishly writing lately on covid mandates and vaccine passports issues, and I’m sure most readers understand why – We are currently at the cusp of a great conflict against the powers that be; people who are exploiting the (mostly manufactured) covid crisis for unprecedented political and economic control. And when I say “manufactured”, I mean that there is no crisis, no need for mandates, no need for lockdowns and no need for vaccine passports. We are dealing with a virus that around 99.7%... read more
balance101 day ago
Monsanto Paid Google to Bury Unfavorable News, Investigation Reveals
stunning!!!!!! read more
Give me some space so I can close my eyes
Milky Way rising over Tres Picos State Park, Brazil "The Eviction Crisis Is a Rental Assistance Crisis: *A law designed not to work has put millions at risk of losing their homes.* The day before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) eviction moratorium expired and millions of renters were faced with the sobering possibility of being tossed out of their homes, President Joe Biden issued a statement that would be darkly comic if it weren't so tragic. 'I call on all state and local governments to take all possible steps to immediately disburse' rental assistance fund... read more
Will The Delta Variant End The Chinese Communist Party?
China's Xi Jinping at BRICS Summit *Gordon G. Chang, 19FortyFive:* *The Delta Variant Could End the Chinese Communist Party* *COVID-19 is ravaging China.* The Delta variant is spreading across the country fast, and Beijing has no answer to the new strain other than draconian, totalitarian brute-force measures—and blaming foreigners. Millions of Chinese residents are now in various forms of lockdown. The recent infections constitute the most widespread coronavirus outbreak since the disease first hit China, sometime in late 2019. The new flare-up, which quickly slipped bey... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
France allows unvaccinated Brazilian students and researchers to enter country
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The French Embassy in Brazil announced this Friday (6) that Brazilian students and researchers could obtain a long-term visa even if they are not vaccinated against Covid-19 with a European Union-approved vaccine. Those not fully vaccinated must follow a strict health protocol: RT-PCR testing upon departure from Brazil and upon […] The post France allows unvaccinated Brazilian students and researchers to enter country appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Delta variant circulating in Panama in border area with Costa Rica
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Panamanian health authorities warned on Friday of the arrival in the country of the contagious delta variant of the coronavirus in a "community" case found in the western province of Chiriqui, on the border with Costa Rica. "We already have a community case" in Chriquí, "watch out, let's not be […] The post Delta variant circulating in Panama in border area with Costa Rica appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Costa Rica eases restrictions but warns of “false security”
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Government of Costa Rica announced this Friday a relaxation of restrictive measures against covid-19 but warned the population not to fall into a "false sense of security" due to the advancement of the vaccination process. "The epidemiological moment is still tense. We are like on a plateau. We have […] The post Costa Rica eases restrictions but warns of “false security” appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Beer leads Mexico’s agricultural exports in first 5 months of the year
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - With US$2.215 billion in the first five months of 2021, beer ranked first in Mexico's agricultural and agro-industrial exports, the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader) reported this Friday. The figure represented a growth of 30.3% over the same period in 2020 when it totaled US$1.701 million. Read also: […] The post Beer leads Mexico’s agricultural exports in first 5 months of the year appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Five magnesium-rich foods to strengthen bones and muscles
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - As ABC explains, magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the body. In addition to strengthening the immune system, it keeps heart rates steady and promotes bone strength. Therefore, it is important to know which foods are richest. Magnesium is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy. […] The post Five magnesium-rich foods to strengthen bones and muscles appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Cuba receives a shipment of humanitarian aid from Nicaragua
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – A ship with a cargo of humanitarian aid sent by the Nicaraguan government arrived Friday in Cuba to help the Caribbean country, which is suffering from a severe shortage of food, medicines, and other basic products in the midst of the worst outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic. The Nicaraguan merchant […] The post Cuba receives a shipment of humanitarian aid from Nicaragua appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Paraguayan police arrest man for faking kidnapping by guerrillas
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – According to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Paraguayan police arrested Juan Carlos Olmedo on Friday for having faked his kidnapping at the hands of a guerrilla group to request ransom money from his brother. The fake kidnapping took place at the end of July. After his release, without payment of ransom, […] The post Paraguayan police arrest man for faking kidnapping by guerrillas appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
'Delta Plus' Variant Detected In San Francisco
*CBS SF Bay Area:** New ‘Delta Plus’ COVID Variant Detected In San Francisco Bay Area: ‘It’s At Least As Bad’ As Original* MOUNTAIN VIEW (KPIX) — As the Delta variant of the coronavirus fuels an ongoing COVID wave, Bay Area health experts are keeping a close eye on yet another variant: Delta Plus. “We believe that it’s at least as bad as Delta,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California San Francisco. “We don’t know if it’s even worse than Delta yet. When I say worse we think about number one: is it more transmissible? Number ... read more
Can Wargames Teach NATO How to Defend the Baltics?
*David Axe* *Military History, Europe* RAND’s findings are consistent with other studies the Army’s recent experience. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *If the United States wants to deter war and grow its influence, it’s best for it to base armored vehicles near a potential war zone. Permanently. Heavy ground forces are best at deterring war and boosting a country’s overall influence in the aftermath of a crisis. But the heavy forces, which include armored vehicles such as tanks plus artillery and air-defense systems, merely should be near a conflict zone, not in it. That’s... read more
Could Russia Build Its Own Nuclear Aircraft Carriers?
*David Axe* *Russia, * The Admiral Kuznetsov is in need of replacement. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In the medium term, the Kremlin is focusing on buying two helicopter carriers. Each displacing just 15,000 tons of water, these smaller aviation ships could cost just a few billions dollars apiece and should be much easier to operate than a full-size flattop is. Russia could build a new nuclear-powered aircraft carrier finally to replace its solitary, unreliable, and fire-damaged conventional flattop *Admiral Kuznetsov*. Russia could do so, but it probably won’t. In fact... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil records 42,159 new cases and 1,056 Covid deaths (August 6)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil on Friday reported 1,056 new deaths as a result of Covid-19, bringing the total number of fatalities from the disease in the country to 561,762, the Health Ministry said. There were also 42,159 new cases of coronavirus reported, bringing the total of confirmed infections in the country to 20,108,746. […] The post Brazil records 42,159 new cases and 1,056 Covid deaths (August 6) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
"Are Vaccines Making the Pandemic Worse?"
*"Are Vaccines Making the Pandemic Worse?"* by Brian Maher "J.B. - a reader - gives us a good round piece of his mind: "95% of physicians have willingly been vaccinated; do you think you know more than all of them???????????????????? OK, you are smarter than all the scientists who are aware of the side effects; bravo! You made your point. Can you now join the national effort to encourage everyone to be vaccinated for the public good?" J.B. refers to yesterday’s reckoning. We maintained that vaccination risks - while minimal - are far from negligible. J.B. notes the 95% of vaccinate... read more