10 pm MST
Musical Interlude: Andre Rieu & BOND, "Victory"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 11 hours ago
*Andre Rieu & BOND, "Victory"*
What Happens January 6th, 20th And After?
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 11 hours ago
This past week’s events are a harbinger of worse to come on January 6th and 20th. Contrary to Democrat Party leaders, the political crisis will not end on January 6, 2021 when Congress confirms the electoral college vote; nor on January 20 when they say Trump will be removed from the White House. These two milestone dates will simply reveal how deep the crisis of America’s truncated, capitalist form of limited Democracy has become. And how likely it will continue and deepen into 2021 and beyond. January 6 and 20 is not the ‘endgame’ of the attack on Democracy by Trump and his radi...
Polarization, Then A Crash: Michael Hudson On The Rentier Economy
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 11 hours ago
I'm delighted to have Michael Hudson join us today. He'll be discussing how under a neoliberal shift from industrial to finance capitalism, today's most pressing economic conflict is not simply between labor and employers. It's a conflict in which rentier interests have the upper hand over labor, industry and government together. This is the political economy in which the COVID-19 economic shock is playing out with dire consequences. Michael Hudson is a research professor of economics at the University of Missouri - Kansas City and a research associate at the Levy Economics Institu...
Defying CPS, Some Chicago Teachers Union Members Won’t Return To Schools
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 11 hours ago
The Chicago Teachers Union says some of its members are choosing not to return to school buildings on Monday, in defiance of Chicago Public Schools’ reopening plans. The union said Sunday it is “rejecting CPS’ effort to force thousands more back into unsafe buildings beginning this Monday” and that teachers intend to continue providing their lessons remotely “until buildings are safe” for them and for students. Additionally, more than 30 aldermen signed on to a letter sent Sunday to Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Chicago Public Schools CEO Janice Jackson, saying they were “deeply conce...
Minnesota Is Changing The Way It Teaches Social Studies
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 11 hours ago
Minnesota’s K-12 social studies standards are undergoing extensive revisions in search of a more inclusive approach that teaches about people previously left out of the discussion. A diverse committee’s first draft, now open for public comment, gives greater consideration to the Dakota and Anishinaabe tribes and covers for the first time the civil rights struggles of LGBTQ people. The draft standards, according to Doug Paulson, the state education department’s academic standards director, are “more inclusive” and “culturally affirming.” Still, some committee members think the fir...
Congress Extended Tax Credits for Renewables, Despite Their Limited Output
IER, IER - 10 hours ago
The U.S. Congress recently passed a massive spending bill that includes $35 billion in energy research and development programs, a two-year… The post Congress Extended Tax Credits for Renewables, Despite Their Limited Output appeared first on IER.
Prevailing values here in Our Town...
<b>bob somerby</b>, the daily howler - 10 hours ago
*TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2021* *...where nobody cares about black kids:* What sorts of values prevail over here within our self-impressed town? Over there, in Their Town, the racists prevail. Everybody understands that fact—but what values prevail in *Our* Town? Yesterday morning, the New York Times published a very unusual set of letters. These letters challenged one of the most noxious values on wide display in Our Town. Over here, within Our Town, we care about one set of kids. We care about that set of kids who might end up going to Yale. The rest of the kids can go straight to ...
Tenham fé em vós próprios - Uma Citação de M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
*Tenham fé em vós próprios e acreditem que um dia a Humanidade terá de novo uma direcção e sistemas que funcionem efectivamente e que tenham uma coordenação das acções com as palavras. Então, deixará este caos e confusão de existir e os homens libertarão as suas mentes e emoções para serem usadas de uma forma que permita a construção de estruturas fortes e saudáveis a nível mental, emocional e físico.* *© ** M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* *https://mnhopkins.blogspot.com/2021/01/have-faith-in-yourselves-quotation-by.htm...
Tro på Er Själva - Ett Citat av M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
*Tro på er själva och att en dag Mänskligheten åter kommer att få riktning och system på plats som faktiskt fungerar och där ord och handling stämmer överens. Då kommer detta kaos och förvirring att upphöra och människors sinnen och känslor användas för att bygga starka och friska mentala, emotionella och fysiska strukturer.* *©** M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* *https://mnhopkins.blogspot.com/2021/01/have-faith-in-yourselves-quotation-by.html*
Tengan Fé en Ustedes Mismos - Una cita textual de M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
*Tengan fé en ustedes mismos y crean que un día la Humanidad tendrá de nuevo una dirección y sistemas que estén en su lugar y que realmente funcionen, y que también sus acciones estarán en coordinación con sus palabras. Entonces, el caos y la confusión ya no existirán, y los hombres liberarán su mente y sus emociones para ser usadas de una forma en que les permitan construir una fuerte estructura de salud mental, emocional y física.* *©** M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* *https://mnhopkins.blogspot.com/2021/01/have-fai...
Habt Vertrauen In Euch Selbst - Ein Zizat von M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
*Habt Vertrauen in euch selbst und glaubt daran, dass die Menschheit eines Tages wieder eine Richtung und Systeme haben wird, die tatsächlich funktionieren und die eine Koordination von Handlungen mit Worten haben. Dann wird dieses Chaos und die Verwirrung nicht mehr existieren und die Menschen werden ihren Verstand und ihre Emotionen befreien, um sie auf eine Weise zu nutzen, die den Aufbau starker und gesunder mentaler, emotionaler und physischer Strukturen ermöglicht.* *© **M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original in English, please click on the link below:* *https://mnhopkins....
Ayez Confiance En Vous - Une citation de M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
*Ayez confiance en vous et croyez qu'un jour, l'humanité disposera à nouveau d'une direction et de systèmes qui fonctionnent réellement et qui coordonnent les actions avec les mots. Alors, ce chaos et cette confusion n'existeront plus et les hommes libéreront leur esprit et leurs émotions pour les utiliser de manière à permettre la construction de structures mentales, émotionnelles et physiques fortes et saines.* *© **M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* *https://mnhopkins.blogspot.com/2021/01/have-faith-in-yourselves-quota...
Abbiate fiducia in Voi Stessi - Una citazione di M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
*Abbiate fiducia in voi stessi e credete che un giorno l'umanità avrà di nuovo una direzione e dei sistemi che funzionino effettivamente e che abbiano un coordinamento delle azioni con le parole. Allora questo caos e questa confusione non esisteranno più e gli uomini libereranno le loro menti e le loro emozioni per essere utilizzati in modo da permettere la costruzione di forti e sane strutture mentali, emotive e fisiche.* *©** M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* *https://mnhopkins.blogspot.com/2021/01/have-faith-in-your...
Miejcie Wiarę w Siebie - A Cytat według M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
*Miejcie wiarę w siebie i wierzcie, że pewnego dnia ludzkość znów będzie miała kierunek i systemy, które rzeczywiście działają i które koordynują działania ze słowami. Wtedy ten chaos i zamieszanie przestaną istnieć i ludzie uwolnią swoje umysły i emocje, które będą wykorzystane w sposób, który pozwoli na zbudowanie silnych i zdrowych struktur umysłowych, emocjonalnych i fizycznych.* *© **M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original in English, please click on the link below:* *https://mnhopkins.blogspot.com/2021/01/have-faith-in-yourselves-quotation-by.html*
Верьте в себя и верьте - Цитата по M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
*Верьте в себя и верьте, что когда-нибудь Человечество снова будет иметь направление и системы, которые реально работают, и которые имеют согласованность действий со словами. Тогда, этот хаос и смятение больше не будут существовать, и люди освободят свои умы и эмоции, чтобы использовать их таким образом, который позволит построить сильные и здоровые психические, эмоциональные и физические структуры.* *© **M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original in English, please click on the link below:* *https://mnhopkins.blogspot.com/2021/01/have-faith-in-yourselves-quotation-by.html*
自分自身を信じて - 引用元 M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
*自分自身を信じて、いつか人類が再び方向性を持ち、実際に機能し、行動と言葉の協調性を持つシステムを持つ日が来ることを信じてください。そうなれば、このような混沌と混乱はもはや存在せず、人は心と感情を自由にして、強く健康的な精神的、感情的、身体的な構造を構築することができるような方法で使うことができるようになるでしょう。* *©** M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* *https://mnhopkins.blogspot.com/2021/01/have-faith-in-yourselves-quotation-by.html*
你们要对自己有信心 - 语录 M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
你们要对自己有信心,并相信有一天人类将再次拥有实际有效的方向和系统,并将行动与语言协调起来。到那时,这种混乱和混沌将不复存在,人类将解放自己的思想和情感,以建立强大和健康的心理、情感和身体结构的方式加以利用。 *© **M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:* *https://mnhopkins.blogspot.com/2021/01/have-faith-in-yourselves-quotation-by.html*
Have Faith In Yourselves - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
*Have faith in yourselves and believe that one day Mankind will again have direction and systems in place that actually work and that have a co-ordination of actions with words. Then, will this chaos and confusion no longer exist and men will free their minds and emotions to be used in a way that will allow for the building of strong and healthy mental, emotional, and physical structures.* *© **M.N. Hopkins* *To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:* *Poems & Quotations by M.N. Hopkins* *or visit:* *Pinterest*
Heb Vertrouwen in Jezelf - Een Citaat van M.N. Hopkins
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
*Heb vertrouwen in jezelf en geloof dat de mensheid op een dag weer richting en systemen zal hebben die daadwerkelijk werken en die een coördinatie van acties met woorden hebben. Dan zal deze chaos en verwarring niet langer bestaan en zullen de mensen hun verstand en emoties vrijmaken om te worden gebruikt op een manier die het mogelijk maakt om sterke en gezonde mentale, emotionele en fysieke structuren op te bouwen.* *© **M.N. Hopkins* *To read the original quotation in English, plkease click on the link below:*
32-Year-Old Mexican Doctor Suffers Seizures and is Paralyzed After Receiving the Pfizer Experimental Vaccine
AdminM, Medical Kidnap - 10 hours ago
The Mexican Press is reporting that a 32-year-old female doctor in Coahuila has suffered seizures and become paralyzed after receiving the Pfizer experimental COVID mRNA vaccine on December 30, 2020. Dr. Karla Cecilia Pérez Osorio reportedly was working as an internist at the General Hospital of Zone No. 7, in the municipality of Monclova. She was subsequently transferred to the High Specialty Medical Unit No. 25 of the IMSS, in Monterrey, Nuevo León. She was reportedly evaluated by a neurologist and diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a known side effect of vaccines, and specifica...
Hug Your Father While You Still Can
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 10 hours ago
Party of Exclusion; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rules Committee Chairman James McGovern (D-MA) unveiled the rules for the 117th Congress on Friday, which contain “future-focused” proposals, including the elimination of gendered terms, such as “father, mother, son, and daughter.” “This package, which will be introduced and voted on once the new Congress… Continue reading →
32-Year-Old Mexican Doctor Suffers Seizures and is Paralyzed After Receiving the Pfizer Experimental Vaccine
Brian-Admin, Health Impact News - 10 hours ago
The Mexican Press is reporting that a 32-year-old female doctor in Coahuila has suffered seizures and become paralyzed after receiving the Pfizer experimental COVID mRNA vaccine on December 30, 2020. Dr. Karla Cecilia Pérez Osorio reportedly was working as an internist at the General Hospital of Zone No. 7, in the municipality of Monclova. She was subsequently transferred to the High Specialty Medical Unit No. 25 of the IMSS, in Monterrey, Nuevo León. She was reportedly evaluated by a neurologist and diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a known side effect of vaccines, and specifica...
Firearms and conservation go hand-in-hand
Gabriella Hoffman, CFACT - 11 hours ago
The firearms industry had a busy 2020. How will 2021 compare? Roy Hill from Brownells joins the podcast today to give listeners an update and discuss more. The post Firearms and conservation go hand-in-hand appeared first on CFACT.
Flat is the New Up: How the Year of Covid-19 Continues to Reinvent Higher Ed
cmaadmin, Diverse - 12 hours ago
Along with its persisting global presence and its surging number of victims, COVID-19 has conjured numerous challenges due to its unprecedented nature. Whether we see the vast changes around us as positive or not, we need to adapt to stay in the performance race. Higher education is facing some critical demands, and it might be useful to summarize some gripping ones, along with the ways we’re collectively addressing them.
Court Upholds Legal Challenge Under California Statewide Stingray Law
mfidler, Lawfare - 16 hours ago
The California state Capitol in Sacramento, California (Udo S, https://flic.kr/p/27HgDWU; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/). In late November, a California state court issued a final decision interpreting a 2015 California state law regulating government agency use of cell site simulators, devices that can be used to locate and track cell phones. The devices are commonly known as “stingrays.” The challenge—the first brought under this law—argued that the City of Vallejo was not in compliance with the law’s requirement that a local public body ap...
Where's Amol? (Updated)
Craig, Is the BBC biased? - 8 hours ago
It's quite an astonishing act of censorship that Google has pulled talkRADIO's YouTube channel, presumably for 'sailing close to the wind' for giving voice to the sceptical minority over Covid-19 and lockdown, as if such views shouldn't be tolerated. talkRADIO is an Ofcom-regulated broadcaster that receives its hourly news from Sky News. It's owned by Wireless Group, which also owns talkSPORT and Times Radio and is part of the universe of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Amol Rajan, the BBC's media editor has been highly active on Twitter today, but - so far - has been ignoring ...
2:00PM Water Cooler 1/05/2021
Lambert Strether, naked capitalism - 10 hours ago
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Bird Song of the Day The note is great: “Kree-urk and chip calls from a covey near the trail.” #COVID19 At reader request, I’ve added this daily chart from 91-DIVOC. The data is the Johns Hopkins CSSE data. Here is the site. I feel I’m engaging in a macabre form […]
Live Coverage of MAGA Supporter Rally in Freedom Plaza, Washington DC
Sundance, The Last Refuge - 10 hours ago
The RSBN crew broadcast live coverage a rally by President Trump’s supporters at Freedom Plaza ahead of Wednesday big protest organized by Trump and the Joint Session of Congress to count Electoral Votes. The post Live Coverage of MAGA Supporter Rally in Freedom Plaza, Washington DC appeared first on The Last Refuge.
U.S. Navy Drones are Changing How Submarines See Warfare
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *U.S. Navy, * A submarine-deployed UAV would thus act essentially as a “flying periscope.” *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The use of drones could both extend what submarines see and also how they receive delivery of important cargo. Of course, there are still issues of weather to address, but in the future, the crew of the submarine could have a better picture of what they face than just what the captain sees through a periscope. Traveling under the water provides concealment for submarines, but it also seriously limits the ability of the crew to know what i...
Iraq in the Crosshairs: Why America and Iran are Fighting Over Baghdad
Andrew Peek, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Andrew Peek * *Security, Middle East* The power of Iran’s coalition rests on its influence in Iraq. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The embassy complex was built for a day when the United States had a one-hundred-thousand-strong army in Iraq and functioned as something of a shadow amalgamation of every Iraqi government ministry rolled into one. It can be downsized territorially, but there is a limit to how much manpower the United States will save by slicing off chunks of its land. The end of the War on Terror, as suggested by the near-simultaneous resignations of ISIS coor...
How to fight Covid at home
Norma, Collecting My Thoughts - 10 hours ago
I'm not a doctor or nurse, so is there anything to this advice that my mother or grandmother probably didn't know (except for the OTC meds and prescriptions)? I'd heard about the dehydration. You just never know on the internet whether it's someone's dog or a real person. "HOW TO FIGHT COVID AT HOME No one ever talks about how to fight Covid at home. I came down with Covid in November. I went to the hospital, running a fever of 103, a rapid heart beat, and other common symptoms that come with Covid. While I was there they treated me for the high fever, dehydration and pneumonia. T...
Let’s Roll America – Nashville Rally En Route to Washington DC – Updates and Details For Wednesday Rally
Sundance, The Last Refuge - 10 hours ago
Our good friend John Spiropoulos paused in Franklin, Tennessee, as he travels to Washington DC for the massive MAGA ‘Stop The Steal’ rally supporting President trump. John is conducting interviews with a few of the millions of people heading to … Continue reading → The post Let’s Roll America – Nashville Rally En Route to Washington DC – Updates and Details For Wednesday Rally appeared first on The Last Refuge.
OAS Report Warns of Increase in Number of Venezuelan Refugees
The Rio Times Staff, The Rio Times - 10 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Organisation of American States (OAS) says a new report prepared by its General Secretariat has warned that the number of Venezuelan refugees and migrants could rise to seven million in 2021 if regional countries reopen their borders and the Government in Venezuela remains in place. The OAS said The […] The post OAS Report Warns of Increase in Number of Venezuelan Refugees appeared first on The Rio Times.
Minority voices dominate the national conversation
Norma, Collecting My Thoughts - 10 hours ago
R.R. Reno speculates in the January issue of First Things (p. 59) that the percentage of the American population that fits the progressive activist profile might be over 10%, but not much. That compares to about 13% for U.K. But as in Britain, they are many times more likely to hector the rest of us and broadcast their political opinions. Their voices dominate social media producing a democracy deficit. Progressives drown out alternative voices and stomp on dissent. This is compounded by the censorship of Big Tech social media giants using blocking and algorithms to steer you away f...
Chile’s Codelco Copper Output up, Largest Private Mines Down in November
Latin America News, The Rio Times - 10 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Chilean copper commission Cochilco said state miner Codelco, the world’s top copper producer, saw production rise 7% year on year in November to 166,100 tonnes, while production at BHP´s Escondida, the world’s largest mine, fell 12% to 90,800 in the same period. Collahuasi meanwhile, a joint-venture between Anglo American and […] The post Chile’s Codelco Copper Output up, Largest Private Mines Down in November appeared first on The Rio Times.
Big Brother Is Watching You In These Cities
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 10 hours ago
* Zero Hedge*: *Mapping The World's Most-Surveilled Cities (London Leads The West) * Since the world’s first CCTV camera was installed in Germany in 1942, the number of surveillance cameras around the world has grown immensely. In fact, as Visual Capitalist's Avery Koop notes, it only took us 79 years to go from one camera to nearly one billion of these devices. In the above interactive graphic, Surfshark maps out how prevalent CCTV surveillance cameras are in the world’s 130 most populous cities. *Read more* .... *WNU Editor*: Here is an easy prediction. This is a trend that ...
After Eyeopening Prison Experience, Brazilian Football Star Ronaldinho Reinvents Himself
The Rio Times Staff, The Rio Times - 10 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The 40-year-old modern day footballing great was arrested in Paraguay last year with his elder brother for using a fake passport to enter the country illegally in order to attend a charity event. Ronaldinho was then held in custody along with his brother and also spent time in prison which […] The post After Eyeopening Prison Experience, Brazilian Football Star Ronaldinho Reinvents Himself appeared first on The Rio Times.
Two things that don't normally go together: 'Woman's Hour' and chuckles
Craig, Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
I've never managed to form a fully-rounded opinion yet of Emma Barnett, the new presenter of *Woman's Hour*, but I chuckled at a few things in a laudatory report in *The Times* today about her debut yesterday*. * The first chuckle came on reading that that HM the Queen sent a congratulatory message to the programme on its 75th anniversary. Emma's first act yesterday was to read it out. The Queen professes herself a fan, and *I* bet the HRH the Duke of Edinburgh is a huge fan too. I can just imagine him being (like his eldest son) all ears for the very latest about gender bias ...
Massachusetts Lawmaker Wants to Name Official State Dinosaur
AP News, Snopes.com - 11 hours ago
State Rep. Jack Lewis tweeted that the effort is a good way for children to learn about the legislative process.
Reconnaissance when a camera won't be good enough
Peter, Bayou Renaissance Man - 11 hours ago
A decade ago, I reported on a US military request for proposals for new and improved surveillance technologies, incorporating: "... an all-weather, day-night approach for use when electro-optic techniques are ineffective. The concept would utilize one or more distributed airborne platforms, and is capable of imaging an area of at least 5 by 5 miles, at least 1 foot resolution, with 0.5 Hz updates. Typical footprints are centered between 5 and 100 miles from the airborne platform. The desired output would be video-like radio frequency (RF) imagery of static and moving objects. ...
Why Trump’s Senate Supporters Can’t Overturn Electoral College Results
David Mikkelson, Snopes.com - 11 hours ago
In his refusal to concede, Trump is pressuring VP Mike Pence and Republicans in Congress to delay or oppose certification.
South Dakota attorneys warned against working with marijuana companies
Bart Schaneman, Marijuana Business Daily - 11 hours ago
The State Bar of South Dakota ethics committee warned attorneys in the state against taking cannabis businesses as clients, which could discourage lawyers from working with the industry there. South Dakota attorneys warned against working with marijuana companies is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Emily shares her embarrassment
Craig, Is the BBC biased? - 12 hours ago
Talking of last night's first *Newsnight *of 2021, here's how host-commentator Emily Maitlis framed the bit on US politics. (They really are obsessed with US politics.): It's exactly two months since the US presidential election. Exactly two months since Donald Trump lost that election to Joe Biden. But two months hasn't cooled the ardour of the man who is still passionately, *embarrassingly*, insisting he won. In an hour-long phone call this weekend, Mr Trump first encouraged, then beseeched, then threatened Georgia's Secretary of State to overturn the result. Georgia was one ...
Iraq’s Oil Exports and Revenues Both Up In December
Joel Wing, MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 12 hours ago
Petroleum prices have steadily increased since the summer thanks in part to production quotas implemented by the OPEC+ group. That was good news for Iraq which is the most oil dependent country in the world. The result was that in December Iraq had the highest revenues in 10 months. In December Iraq’s oil exports increased again as the country continued to flaunt its OPEC limit. The country exported an average of 2.846 million barrels a day up from 2.709 million barrels in November. The increase was due to the Oil Ministry raising production starting in November by around 100,...
This Day In Iraqi History - Jan 5
Joel Wing, MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 12 hours ago
1909 Riot in Mosul after Kirkuk soldier insulted a woman Organized by elites opposed to Ottoman reforms 60 killed 1918 UK PM George said Ottoman provinces including Mesopotamia should have “separate national conditions” 1957 Iraq backed Eisenhower Doctrine to oppose communism in Middle East 1981 Iranian Pres Bani Sadr announced counter attack against Iraq using Basij militia and army 1981 Clergy convinced Ayatollah Khomeini to launch early campaign to try to win back all the lost territory from Iraq Started with Op Hoveyzeh 3 pronged attack 1 front in Hamdiya to break...
Antoine Béchamp & Terrain Theory: Pasteur Plagiarizes and Promotes A Poor But Profitable Theory That Has Likely Sickened Us All (The Planet Too)
Penny, Penny for your thoughts - 6 hours ago
*Germs seek their natural habitat – diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.” - Antoine Béchamp * I’m going out on a limb here to explain my theory about viral spread. I’ve given it much thought. While claiming no *special* science knowledge. Other then a constant life time of learning. Always reading books. Consuming information. Then going one step further and thinking about that information. Not accepting it all at face value, but, actually considering how or if the information fits together with what has been already learned. What seems sensible. ...
Radiation levels at Fukushima plant found worse and more lethal than previously assumed
The Watchers » Latest articles - 10 hours ago
Radiation at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant is far worse than previously thought, with the levels estimated at 10 sieverts per hour-- a fatal dose for anyone who stays in the vicinity for an hour, according to experts. This means it will be extremely difficult...... Read more »
Why Trump's Senate supporters can't overturn Electoral College results they don't like – here's how the law actually works
Donald Brand, Professor, Political Science Department, College of the Holy Cross, Politics/Election '20 – The Conversation - 10 hours ago
The 1887 Electoral Count Act spells out the process for Congress to convene and review election results on Jan. 6, and it requires both the House and Senate to uphold any challenges to Biden's win.
Historic: FBI logs 40% jump in gun checks in 2020, a record 39M
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 10 hours ago
Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard America has gone gun crazy like never before. The FBI announced on Monday that 2020 recorded the most ever... The post Historic: FBI logs 40% jump in gun checks in 2020, a record 39M appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Migrants Chanting ‘Biden! Biden!’ Attempt to Rush Border
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 10 hours ago
Center for Immigration Studies – by Todd Bensman Almost lost in the distractions of the holiday weekend, on the night of December 29 up to... The post Migrants Chanting ‘Biden! Biden!’ Attempt to Rush Border appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
DC says no guns allowed during MAGA election protest
Galen, From the Trenches World Report - 10 hours ago
Fox 5 WASHINGTON (FOX 5 DC) – D.C. police are posting notices prohibiting guns downtown ahead of the pro-Trump rally set for Wednesday. That protest... The post DC says no guns allowed during MAGA election protest appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
The juggernaut rolls on
Craig, Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
Emily Maitlis and *Newsnight *returned for another year last night, and it was business as usual. They went with the familiar *Newsnight* approach of 'gotcha-ing' the Government, and doing so from the familiar BBC 'Why didn't they lockdown, sooner, tougher, longer?' angle. Here's how Emily began: *Boris Johnson*: From this evening, I must give the British people are very simple instruction. You must stay at home. I'm afraid you must once again stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives. Did we ever think, back in March, we'd be hearing it all over again today? A brand ne...
PSA: Stop Drinking Milk
Hardnox, 'Nox & Friends - 11 hours ago
Apparently, drinking milk makes you crazy. ~ Hardnox
Wisconsin Gov. Activates National Guard ahead of Charging Decision in Kenosha Police Shooting
Admin, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Yahoo News Wisconsin governor Tony Evers mobilized the National Guard on Monday to provide support to law enforcement in Kenosha, ahead of an expected decision... The post Wisconsin Gov. Activates National Guard ahead of Charging Decision in Kenosha Police Shooting appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
The Legacy of General Qassem Soleimani: A Woman’s Perspective
Zohreh Kharazmi, MintPress News - 11 hours ago
Zohreh Kharazmi interviews the wives of Quds Force soldiers killed fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria on what Qassem Soleimani means to them and what his death represents for Iranians. The post The Legacy of General Qassem Soleimani: A Woman’s Perspective appeared first on MintPress News.
Pharmacist who ‘deliberately ruined’ hundreds of doses of Moderna’s COVID vaccine ‘was a conspiracy theorist who feared the world was “crashing down” and believed the jab could mutate people’s DNA’
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Daily Mail A Wisconsin pharmacist accused of intentionally destroying hundreds of doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine was a conspiracy theorist who feared the world was... The post Pharmacist who ‘deliberately ruined’ hundreds of doses of Moderna’s COVID vaccine ‘was a conspiracy theorist who feared the world was “crashing down” and believed the jab could mutate people’s DNA’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
A man who stole a sword from a historical statue as a college prank finally returns it — 40 years later
Galen, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
CNN A sword taken from a historical monument in Westfield, Massachusetts has been returned by the man who took it as part of a college... The post A man who stole a sword from a historical statue as a college prank finally returns it — 40 years later appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Scientists can tweak Covid vaccines to target new mutant strains in DAYS, experts claim amid fears about highly-infectious South African variant
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Daily Mail Current Covid vaccines could be reprogrammed to target new strains in just ‘a few days’, experts said today in a bid to calm... The post Scientists can tweak Covid vaccines to target new mutant strains in DAYS, experts claim amid fears about highly-infectious South African variant appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Ingenious pool heater works a little too well
Mark Schumacher, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Big Horn Woodworks May 20, 2019 Turkey fryer pool heater The post Ingenious pool heater works a little too well appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Brandy Vaughan: MERK Sales Rep. Turned Whistleblower Found Dead
Wardo Rants, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Wardo Rants January 5th, 2021. This is Brandy Vaughan, she was found dead by her 10 year old son on December 8, 2020. Hear her... The post Brandy Vaughan: MERK Sales Rep. Turned Whistleblower Found Dead appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Plandemic Indoctrination Documentary (full)
Wardo Rants, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Wardo Rants January 5th, 2021. From The Rockefeller Foundation’s (A FICTIONAL SCENERIO – LOCK STEP – PUBLISHED 2010) To Event 201: A war game exercise... The post Plandemic Indoctrination Documentary (full) appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
LA homeless sites are ‘overwhelmed by monster genius virus’ that’s infecting 73 vagrants per day
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Daily Mail Skid Row is experiencing a surge in Covid-19 infections with homeless sites in Downtown Los Angeles now ‘overwhelmed’ by the virus, officials have... The post LA homeless sites are ‘overwhelmed by monster genius virus’ that’s infecting 73 vagrants per day appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
NY gov Cuomo threatens hospitals with FINES if they don’t vaccinate at maximum capacity
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
RT Hospitals that don’t use up their supply of Covid-19 vaccines within a week of receiving them will be punished with hefty fines and barred... The post NY gov Cuomo threatens hospitals with FINES if they don’t vaccinate at maximum capacity appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
UK Going Door to Door Killing Chickens – Bird Flu as Cover Story
Mary, From the Trenches World Report - 12 hours ago
Ice Age Farmer January 4, 2021 The UK’s DEFRA (Dept for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) is gassing chickens of residents in “zones” near detected... The post UK Going Door to Door Killing Chickens – Bird Flu as Cover Story appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Building the Mathematical Library of the Future
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 14 hours ago
Building the Mathematical Library of the Future | Quanta Magazine https://www.quantamagazine.org/building-the-mathematical-library-of-the-future-20201001/
Trump Sees Dead People, Elite Hysteria Ensues
Karen Garcia, Sardonicky - 11 hours ago
There's something kind of forlorn about Democrats threatening to launch Impeachment 2.0 when the Scoundrel-in-Chief has only a couple of weeks to go before he is: A) Dragged kicking and screaming from the White House on Inauguration Day after trashing the Lincoln Bedroom in a fit of evicted pique. B) Spoiling Joe Biden's Big Day by shockingly adhering to Norms and actually showing up for the inaugural address, and proceeding to shock all that is decent by making his silly scowling eye-rolling faces and performing various hand gestures from his prominent front row seat, in a very...
China Just Adopted a Light Heavy Machine Gun
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Asia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2019%3Anewsml_SP1EFA103NX07&share=true] Yes, a heavy machine gun that can cause a lot of damage does not have to be light in terms of weight. A common misconception about military small arms is that a “heavy” weapon must be heavier in terms of weight. This isn’t exactly the case, and when it comes to machine guns it isn’t the mass, but rather the rounds it fires and how such a weapon is employed. In some cases, a heavy machine gun doesn’t even need to be all that heavy and now the Ch...
Russia Developing “Fundamentally Upgraded” Tupolev-160M Bomber
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Europe* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2000%3Anewsml_RP2DRHYBJOAC&share=true] The reliable old airframe is getting some major upgrades. Developed in the 1970s by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the Soviet Union, the Tu-160 “White Swan” remains the largest and heaviest Mach 2+ supersonic military aircraft ever built and the fastest bomber in use today. Russia has been steadily upgrading its fleet of missile-carrying Tu-160s and the most recent test occurred just before the New Year. A second experimental sample of the “fund...
How the Aegis Missile Defense System Helps America Win
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Security, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2018%3Anewsml_RC16620B76F0&share=true] Sharing the same technology helps very different Navies communicate with each other and share vital intelligence information. The tactical and strategic rationale for large-scale U.S.-allied cooperation is in larger measure grounded upon the idea of interoperability, meaning the technical capacity to share combat-relevant and time-pressing intelligence data in real time across vast distances or otherwise disconnected friendly forces. Witho...
How Do Fighter Pilots Pee While Flying?
Justin Lee, The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Justin Lee* *Technology, * The key is to anticipate times when you’ll have a few minutes of straight and level flight. As a fighter pilot, one of the most common questions I get is: How do you go to the bathroom in an F-16 or F-35? Let me start off by describing the cockpit. A cockpit in a modern fighter is an engineering masterpiece. An incredible amount of effort goes into allowing us to interface with the aircraft. In fact, as pilots, we don’t say we’re climbing into the jet; rather, we call it strapping the jet on our back, because it feels like you and the aircraft become...
Iran Demands South Korea Unfreeze $7BN In Assets Held Due To US Sanctions While Detaining A South Korean Tanker Crew
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*France 24:* *Iran says South Korea holding its $7b funds 'hostage' * Iran on Tuesday accused South Korea of holding $7 billion of its funds "hostage" but stressed that Tehran's seizure of a Korean tanker in Gulf waters was not a tit-for-tat move. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on Monday sent out naval speedboats to seize the Hankuk Chemi with 20 crew aboard, accusing it of "breaking maritime environmental law". South Korea has demanded the release of the ship and dispatched its anti-piracy unit to the region. "We are not hostage-takers," Iran's government spokesman Al...
Jenna Ellis presents possible Pence strategy, send electors back to states
Alex Christoforou, The Duran - 11 hours ago
Jenna Ellis presents possible Pence strategy, send electors back to states ****News Topic 239***** Trump lawyer suggests Pence could defer certifying election, send requests to state legislatures. Jenna Ellis suggests the vice president could seek clarity from legislators in states where election results are being disputed. Trump lawyer suggests Pence could defer certifying election, send […]
Was US Sen. David Perdue Photographed Making a ‘White Power’ Gesture?
Dan Evon, Snopes.com - 11 hours ago
We know the photograph of the Georgia senator is real.
U.S. Navy Analyzing Future Aircraft Carrier Designs
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 11 hours ago
In this Sept. 7, 2020, file photo released by the U.S. Navy, the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz transits the Arabian Sea. The Pentagon announced Thursday, Dec. 31, 2020, that the USS Nimitz, the only Navy aircraft carrier operating in the Middle East, will return home to the U.S. West Coast. (Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Elliot Schaudt/U.S. Navy via AP) *FOX News/Warrior Maven: **Navy analyzes future aircraft carrier designs * Are carriers obsolete? Are they too large and vulnerable to long-range precision carrier-killer missiles to operate close enough to shore to proje...
Media Criticize Coffee’s Climate Emissions, While Crying About Fake Coffee Crisis
James Taylor, Climate Realism - 11 hours ago
Climate activists and their media allies are blasting coffee growers and coffee drinkers for carbon dioxide emissions, while hypocritically promoting false claims that climate change is harming coffee production. Contrary to media claims that climate change is devastating coffee production, coffee production sets new records virtually every year. At the same time, climate activists and […] The post Media Criticize Coffee’s Climate Emissions, While Crying About Fake Coffee Crisis appeared first on Climate Realism.
"Background Music for Deep Focus, Studying and Work"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 11 hours ago
Greenred Productions, *"Background Music for Deep Focus, Studying and Work"* - https://www.youtube.com/
If I’ve Already Had the Coronavirus, Can I Get It Again?
AP News, Snopes.com - 11 hours ago
Evidence is growing that people whose bodies mounted a strong defense to the virus are unlikely to test positive again for at least several months and maybe longer.
Media Promote Coffee Climate Emergency, as Production Reaches New Records
James Taylor, Climate Realism - 12 hours ago
Among the top Google News search results today under “climate change” is an article published by the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the San Diego Union-Tribune, and others, claiming climate change is devastating Central American coffee production and thereby causing much of the recent illegal immigration into the United States. In reality, crop data show Central American […] The post Media Promote Coffee Climate Emergency, as Production Reaches New Records appeared first on Climate Realism.
Top 20 Extremists
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 12 hours ago
DOWNLOAD FULL REPORT CEP’s list of the 20 most dangerous extremists on the planet highlights the last known location, deaths attributed to these harbingers of terror, as well as analyzes the influence these extremists have had over their group, their followers, and their extremist movement at large. CEP has considered extremists from across the spectrum of ideologies … Continue reading Top 20 Extremists →
The Top Ten KeystoneCorona Moments of 2020: Part 6/10 – The Docilian Promise
RiskMonger, The Risk-Monger - 13 hours ago
Docilians were promised precaution would keep them 100% safe
Starting Thursday you cannot board a flight to Canada without a negative Covid test and you’ll still have to quarantine, perhaps even in a “federal quarantine facility.”
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 13 hours ago
But only for us “serfs”, the “servants” we elected treat us like shit, and in Canada, it seems the “serfs” are totally willingly accepting tyranny from a mere ‘actor’, acting like the PM of a once great country and exposing the globalist puppet he and his party are see also At Least Five Liberal MPs … Continue reading Starting Thursday you cannot board a flight to Canada without a negative Covid test and you’ll still have to quarantine, perhaps even in a “federal quarantine facility.” →
Gramm’s Post Office Speech: A Critique
Bryan Caplan, Econlib - 13 hours ago
Whenever I lecture on privatization, I bring up the following quote from Senator Phil Gramm: And last year, in the darkest hour of the health care debate, when it looked like Bill Clinton was about to convince America that it made sense to tear down the greatest health care system the world had ever known […] The post Gramm’s Post Office Speech: A Critique appeared first on Econlib.
New Galaxy Discovered | How Many Galaxies Are There?
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 14 hours ago
New Galaxy Discovered | How Many Galaxies Are There? https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/deep-space/a29578062/ancient-galaxy-discovered/
Astronomers agree: Universe is nearly 14 billion years old
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 14 hours ago
Astronomers agree: Universe is nearly 14 billion years old https://phys.org/news/2021-01-astronomers-universe-billion-years.html
COVID’s effects on Europe
Alberto Mingardi, Econlib - 14 hours ago
This article by Wolfgang Streeck for the New Left Review will be disturbing to many. But it is an interesting article, and well worth reading. I would take issue with one claim Streeck makes: that the “supranational extension of the debt state” he rightly considers the Corona Recovery Fund to be, does not entail a […] The post COVID’s effects on Europe appeared first on Econlib.
"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates 1/5/21"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 10 hours ago
*"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates 1/5/21"* ○ *- https://www.zerohedge.com/* *JAN 5, AT 11:05 AM:* "Rate Of Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines Already 50x Higher Than Flu Shot" *JAN 5, AT 6:45 AM: *"Germany Latest To Extend Lockdown, FDA Warns Against Stretching COVID Vaccine Doses: Live Updates" *JAN 5, AT 4:49 AM:* "Portuguese Nurse Dies Suddenly After Receiving COVID Vaccine" "Another suspicious death..." ○ * Coronavirus Map: Tracking the Global Outbreak Jan. 5, 2021 8:11 AM ET: * The coronavirus pandemic has sickened more than 85,768,300 people, according to official counts, including...
WATCH: As Cops Turn on Them, Proud Boys Desecrate ‘Thin Blue Line’ Flag, Disavow the Police
Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project - 11 hours ago
[image: proud boys]Protesters with the Proud Boys disavowed the police and stomped and burned a blue lives matter flag after cops became aggressive toward them.
Three Killed in Flooding in Southern Bolivian City of Sucre
The Rio Times Staff, The Rio Times - 11 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A heavy downpour in southern Bolivia caused floods that killed three people and washed away vehicles and street kiosks, police said Tuesday, January 5th. About 10 people were treated for hypothermia after the deluge Monday night in part of Sucre city, according to medical reports. Hail blocked storm drains during […] The post Three Killed in Flooding in Southern Bolivian City of Sucre appeared first on The Rio Times.
Brazil’s Real Leads Latin American FX Losses on Virus Fears
Latin America News, The Rio Times - 12 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil's real led losses across Latin American currencies on Tuesday January 5th, as a mix of weak economic data and coronavirus fears weighed and most other units weakened as a risk rally petered out. The real sank 1.2% after dropping nearly 2% on Monday. The country posted a negative trade […] The post Brazil’s Real Leads Latin American FX Losses on Virus Fears appeared first on The Rio Times.
Kangaroo court? New research shows kangaroos “talk” with humans
Adam Houser, CFACT - 12 hours ago
The study indicates that marsupials like kangaroos may have higher forms of “cognitive ability” than previously thought. The post Kangaroo court? New research shows kangaroos “talk” with humans appeared first on CFACT.
Did the Moon Briefly ‘Disappear’ 1,000 Years Ago?
Madison Dapcevich, Snopes.com - 12 hours ago
A famed medieval transcript described the Earth’s lunar companion as “wholly gone.”
"Economic Market Snapshot AM 1/5/21"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 2 - 12 hours ago
*"Economic Market Snapshot AM 1/5/21"* "Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone." - John Maynard Keynes *○* "Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity... Only the consequences are real - to *you*! ○ Gregory Mannarino, AM 1/5/21: *“*Important Market Updates Plus: U.S.A. "Property Of" The Federal Reserve*”* - https://traderschoice.net/ ○ "The more I see of the monied classes, the better I understand the guillotine." - George Bernard Shaw ○ ○ *MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updat...
Why America Needs a Strategy for America’s Backyard
James Jay Carafano, Kiron Skinner, David Shedd, The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*James Jay Carafano, Kiron Skinner, David Shedd* *Atlantic Ocean Strategy, Americas* The Atlantic region is a huge and geopolitically complex area. From Greenland and Iceland in the north to Antarctica in the south, it covers approximately forty-six million square miles. It touches eighty littoral nation-states and dependent or autonomous territories—all pursuing a diverse set of interests and all confronting diverse geopolitical challenges. The Atlantic region has not been a seriously contested space since 1944. That now has changed. With the rise of great-power competition, Was...
Why the Tomahawk Cruise Missile Won't Go Away
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Tomahawk Cruise Missile, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2011%3Anewsml_GM1E73V011801&share=true] This powerful missile just keeps getting better with new maritime and land-based versions now ready for action. The U.S. Navy is now producing a first-of-its-kind next-generation Tomahawk missile able to fire from Navy ships and destroy moving targets at sea, a new variant of the combat-tried cruise missile bringing another dimension to maritime warfare. It is called the Tactical Tomahawk, a newly configured Tomahawk missile...
Blasted: How Laser Peening Helps the F-35 Stealth Fighter Stay Stealthy
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *F-35 Stealth Fighter, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2018%3Anewsml_RC1CC4943C30&share=true] This innovative, high-tech method is much better than the old way of preparing airframes for war. The U.S. Navy is increasing its investment in sustaining the stealth properties of its F-35 fleet through a deal modification with Lockheed aimed at back-fit engineering the aircraft, providing materials support and strengthening an existing process aimed at preserving the F-35s stealth coating functionality through “laser shock peen...
U.S. B-52 Bombers Could Soon Be Laying Sea Mines
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Americas* Air-dropped mines are not exactly a new concept. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Mines remain an important part of the Navy’s arsenal as they serve a dual role as offensive/defense asymmetric weapon and for good reason have been described as “weapons that wait.” Since the end of World War II, it has been mines that have seriously damaged or sunk almost four times more Navy ships than all other means of attack combined. The U.S. Navy issued a Request For Information (RFI) last month to determine which government contractors might be capable ...
Why the Air Force is Committed to Buying the F-15EX
Alex Hollings, The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Alex Hollings* *Security, * This purchase will mark the first time the Air Force has purchased an F-15 in more than 20 years. The U.S. Air Force is now poised to begin purchases of Boeing’s new and improved F-15EX, a fourth generation platform that has drawn its fair share of controversy in recent months. This purchase will mark the first time the Air Force has purchased an F-15 in more than 20 years, prompting some critics to question the logic behind investing hundreds of millions of dollars into an old workhorse in this era of advanced stealth technology. At around the same ...
Why Drones That Aren't Stealth or 'Swarm' Are Here to Stay
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Drones, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2019%3Anewsml_RC17D81CAF00&share=true] Technological advances mean that fewer upgraded legacy platforms are needed to perform the same number of missions. Mini-drones, drone swarms and stealthy drones all regularly receive attention as areas of Pentagon emphasis for future warfare. This is because advances in sensor technology are quickly miniaturizing form-factors and increasing image resolution from longer ranges, all while accelerated, AI-enabled computer processing streamlines ...
Type 99 Tank: How China Is Preparing for a Land War
Mark Episkopos, The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Mark Episkopos* *Type 99, Americas* The Norinco ZTZ-99, better known as the Type 99, has its roots in the late 1990s efforts by the People’s Liberation Army to design a new third-generation main battle tank platform. China’s most advanced main battle tank (MBT), the Type 99 is an impressive showcase of the People’s Liberation Army’s rapid early modernization drive of the 2000s. The Norinco ZTZ-99, better known as the Type 99, has its roots in the late 1990s efforts by the People’s Liberation Army to design a new third-generation MBT platform. The short-lived Type 98 entered sta...
Margin Of Fraud: Georgia Runoff Edition
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 12 hours ago
Today, Tuesday, is the long awaited Georgia Senate runoff: At any rate, because America runs the crappiest elections in the allegedly “free world”, we’re now being told it’s highly unlikely (unless it’s a landslide steal by the Dems) that we’ll have a result tonight. Hey, what’s the big deal? We still don’t have a result… Continue reading →
Where’s Shiny?
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 12 hours ago
(Proof Of Life: He popped out of his hole a few minutes ago).
Arizona’s medical cannabis program slows as state gears up for recreational sales
Andrew Long, Marijuana Business Daily - 13 hours ago
As Arizona prepares to launch recreational marijuana sales in March, the state’s medical cannabis program is showing signs of a slowdown, with new patient applications dropping steadily since July. After launching, new recreational markets often trigger a shift away from medical marijuana sales, with MMJ customers migrating to an adult-use market that typically has fewer […] Arizona’s medical cannabis program slows as state gears up for recreational sales is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
BABEL AND GOMORRAH: Donald J. Trump gets on the phone!
<b>bob somerby</b>, the daily howler - 13 hours ago
*TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2021* *But does he believe what he says?:* Saturday morning, a C-Span caller from North Dakota taught an important anthropology lesson to that channel's viewers. Aristotle is said to have said that man [sic] is the rational animal. In a modern adaptation, establishment pundits routinely say that we, the American people, are pretty sharp. Within our culture, we humans tend to flatter ourselves in such ways. But then, along came the caller from Bismarck, explaining why he doesn't plan to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. To review the caller's full state...
Liberty Or Death?
Owen Gray, Northern Reflections - 14 hours ago
Democracies around the world are having a hard time containing COVID. Glen Pearson writes: Democracies increasingly look incapable of containing the spread – not because governments aren’t trying, but because citizens themselves, confined for months, feel inclined to gather, despite the consequences. Some experts are already claiming that another wave, fueled by a morphing virus, is about ready to break upon us. As democracies succumb to the mounting caseloads, evidence is emerging that our citizenship ultimately lacks the collective and individual disciplines that guard our sec...
The protests tomorrow in Washington D.C.: Freedom's last chance?
Peter, Bayou Renaissance Man - 11 hours ago
I'm sure most of my readers are aware of the protests planned in Washington D.C. tomorrow against certification of the fraudulent election results last November. Once the certification process is complete, *there will be no other constitutional means to object to the result,* and Joe Biden will be sworn in (no matter how illegitimately) as our next President. *I'm not joking or exaggerating when I say that this may be freedom's last gasp in these United States. If the blatant electoral fraud we saw in November is allowed to triumph, those behind it will make sure that we nev...
Iran’s Most Effective Deterrent Lies in Its People
Sajjad Safaei, The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Sajjad Safaei* *Security, Middle East* By murdering General Soleimani and releasing the floodgates of national grief and anger, Trump has made an already rugged terrain of uncomfortable decisions even more cumbersome to navigate. A year ago, the world seemed teetered on the razor’s edge of a forewarned war that could have made the Iraq and Afghanistan debacles look like enviable cakewalks. In a clear breach of international law, Iraqi sovereignty, and red lines that had hitherto governed even the most fractious periods in U.S.-Iran relations, President Donald J. Trump ordered, ...
In a U.S.-China War, Russia is Betting on America
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, * Superior U.S. reconnaissance capabilities would trump China’s advantages in hypersonic missiles. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Also interesting is the Russian analyst’s assumption that 21st Century carrier battles will be replays of the World War II carrier battles of the Pacific, where land-based aircraft and submarines were bit players, and the real fighting was between the Japanese and American carriers themselves. But long-range ship-killer ballistic missiles, land-based bombers armed with hypersonic missiles, ultra-quiet submarines and sate...
Seat Belts and Smoking Rates Show Mask-Wearing is Not a Lost Cause
Randy P. Juhl, The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Randy P. Juhl* *Coronavirus, * People eventually adopt healthy behaviors – but it can take time we don’t have during a pandemic. Why do we do things that are bad for us – or not do things that are good for us – even in light of overwhelming evidence? As someone with a long career in pharmacy, I have witnessed some pretty dramatic shifts in public health behavior. But I won’t sugarcoat it. It generally takes years – or even decades – of dragging people, kicking and screaming, to finally achieve new and improved societal norms. This plodding time course seems to be an innate human...
America’s Famous M551 Sheridan Light Tank, Explained
Sebastien Roblin, The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Americas* The M551 Sheridan light tank is largely remembered as a curiosity, an innovative weapon system that proved an overcomplicated failure in action. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Troops in the field appreciated the Sheridan for being where it was needed. The M551 Sheridan light tank is largely remembered as a curiosity, an innovative weapon system that proved an overcomplicated failure in action. However, several hundred Sheridans provided useful service in three wars, and left behind a small but noticeable gap in the force structure since b...
Very rare January tornadoes touch down in California
The Watchers » Latest articles - 12 hours ago
The National Weather Service (NWS) confirmed that two tornadoes touched down in Tehama County, California on Monday, January 4, 2021. In the NWS Sacramento forecast area there were 39 tornadoes reported from 2010 - 2020. This works out to about 4 tornadoes a year,...... Read more »
Mysterious Dagger-Shaped Object Spotted In Area-51 Hangar
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 12 hours ago
GABE ZEIFMAN *Warzone/The Drive*: *Let's Talk About This Intriguing Object Seen In The Scoot-And-Hide Hangar At Area 51 * A recent photo taken of Groom Lake by a private pilot shows what appears to be a dagger-shaped object in one of the facility's aircraft shelters. Private pilot Gabriel Zeifman, who has taken aerial shots of Area 51, also known as Groom Lake, the U.S. Air Force's famous clandestine flight test center in Nevada, as well as other shy installations, in the past and whose flights we were first to report on, grabbed new pictures of the facility on Christmas Day. Zeif...
NYSE Reverses Plan to Delist Three Chinese Telecom Firms
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Reuters:* *In sudden u-turn, NYSE scraps plan to delist three Chinese telecom firms* HONG KONG/SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The New York Stock Exchange said it no longer intends to delist three Chinese telecom giants - a shock reversal of an announcement made only last week and deepening confusion over a U.S. crackdown on firms said to be linked to China’s military. The bourse, which had planned to delist the companies before Jan. 11, said in a brief statement it had made the decision “in light of further consultation with relevant regulatory authorities.” Hong Kong-traded shares ...
At least 4 dead, 6 missing as intense hailstorm and flash floods hit Sucre, Bolivia
The Watchers » Latest articles - 12 hours ago
Intense rains and hail led to flash floods in Sucre, Bolivia, on Monday, January 4, 2021, leaving at least four fatalities and six others missing. The severe weather caused considerable damage to properties, buildings, and vehicles, while several stalls were swept...... Read more »
Rescuers in Norway Lose Hope of Finding Landslide Survivors
AP News, Snopes.com - 12 hours ago
Three people are still missing from the Dec. 30 disaster that destroyed at least nine buildings in the village of Ask, outside Oslo.
R0 And Why We'll Need 70 Percent Vaccination To Stop COVID-19
The Conversation, Science 2.0 blogs - 13 hours ago
It has been clear for a while that, at least in the U.S., the only way out of the coronavirus pandemic will be through vaccination. The rapid deployment of coronavirus vaccines is underway, but how many people need to be vaccinated in order to control this pandemic? I am a computational biologist who uses data and computer models to answer biological question at the University of Connecticut. I have been tracking my state’s COVID-19 epidemic with a computer model to help forecast the number of hospitalizations at the University of Connecticut’s John Dempsey Hospital. read more
Jenna Orkin, From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 14 hours ago
From Jenna Orkin Cheap hair lice drug may cut risk of COVID-19 death by 80 percent: study How the Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Works One in three US rivers have changed color since 1984. Here's what this means La Nasa a découvert de l'eau partout sur la Lune ! Wind Generated More Than Half of Britain's Electricity For The First Time on Saturday Silent Rooftop Wind Turbines Could Generate Half of a Household's Energy Needs Venezuela to have 100% digital monetary systemChinese billionaire Jack Ma suspected missing after calling for economic reform: report Bitcoin price plunges 17 perce...
Man with rifle shot by troopers outside Missouri highway patrol building
Admin, From the Trenches World Report - 15 hours ago
Yahoo News A man with an assault-style rifle was shot and wounded by officers Monday night outside a Missouri State Highway Patrol building near Kansas... The post Man with rifle shot by troopers outside Missouri highway patrol building appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Misinterpreting ‘Positive’ COVID Diagnosis with PCR Testing & the Significance of ‘Cycle Threshold’
A Reader, From the Trenches World Report - 15 hours ago
K-A January 5th, 2021. Jan. 3, 2021 This video explains why the RT-PCR test, which is the supposed ‘gold standard’ for diagnostic testing, may... The post Misinterpreting ‘Positive’ COVID Diagnosis with PCR Testing & the Significance of ‘Cycle Threshold’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
HHS Launches $250M Propaganda Campaign to Convince People to Take the Experimental COVID Vaccines as Current Doses Sit Unused Due to American Resistance
Mary, From the Trenches World Report - 15 hours ago
Health Impact News – by Brian Shilhavy Reporter Zachary Stieber of the Epoch Times is reporting today that President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed program for... The post HHS Launches $250M Propaganda Campaign to Convince People to Take the Experimental COVID Vaccines as Current Doses Sit Unused Due to American Resistance appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
An Open Letter To My Bishop On The Great Reset
Video Rebel, From the Trenches World Report - 15 hours ago
Video Rebel’s Blog Last Sunday my church was closed. All services in my diocese have been closed at the order of my Bishop who is... The post An Open Letter To My Bishop On The Great Reset appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Moderna admits here that what they inject now is an “operating system.”
Galen, From the Trenches World Report - 15 hours ago
Tap News – by Weaver Enabling Drug Discovery & Development We built Moderna on the guiding premise that if using mRNA as a medicine works... The post Moderna admits here that what they inject now is an “operating system.” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Count on Violence: A January 6th Survival Guide
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 13 hours ago
Originally posted on Wake Up To The Truth: American Patriot Trump Supporters By Dr. Brad Lyles —— Bio and Archives—January 4, 2021 If you are one of the brave Patriots who will attend the January 6 Rally in D.C. —-during the Counting of Electoral Votes in the Joint Session of Congress—count on violence. ? Be…
Assange wins. The cost: The crushing of press freedom, and the labelling of dissent as mental illness
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 13 hours ago
Jonathan Cook — January 4, 2021 The unexpected decision by Judge Vanessa Baraitser to deny a US demand to extradite Julian Assange, foiling efforts to send him to a US super-max jail for the rest of his life, is a welcome legal victory, but one swamped by larger lessons that should disturb us deeply. Those … Continue reading Assange wins. The cost: The crushing of press freedom, and the labelling of dissent as mental illness →
PLOS ONE retracts paper purporting to be about lung ultrasound for COVID-19 but that had suspicious overlap with pre-pandemic article
Adam Marcus, Retraction Watch - 13 hours ago
PLOS ONE has retracted a paper on pneumonia in people with Covid-19 after the authors could not allay concerns about the integrity of their data. The article, “Lung ultrasound score in establishing the timing of intubation in COVID-19 interstitial pneumonia: A preliminary retrospective observational study,” appeared in September and was written by a group from … Continue reading PLOS ONE retracts paper purporting to be about lung ultrasound for COVID-19 but that had suspicious overlap with pre-pandemic article
At Least Five Liberal MPs Travelled Outside Canada While Feds Told The Rest Of Us To Do The Exact Opposite
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 13 hours ago
Rise Up People and DEMAND Real Action. Look at what should happen regarding this. Scottish MP Margaret Ferrier arrested over alleged Covid rule breach This is from ‘allegations’ dating back to last fall. In Canada this is no “allegation”, talk about red handed. Cancel Corrupt Politicians NOW SpencerFernandoJanuary 4, 2021 Those MPs have been joined by … Continue reading At Least Five Liberal MPs Travelled Outside Canada While Feds Told The Rest Of Us To Do The Exact Opposite →
Total American Madness Of The Left
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 13 hours ago
Breaking News Alert God Help Us: State Passes Stomach-Churning Abortion Bill China Makes Big COVID Admission – And We Were Right All Along Planned Parenthood Just Made a Sickening Confession Dem Mayor Finally Comes to His Senses After Latest Violent … Continue reading Total American Madness Of The Left →
Scottish MP Margaret Ferrier arrested over alleged Covid rule breach
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 14 hours ago
This should be happening in Canada and right now, today . They invade private homes and drag people out on New Years’ Eve, arrest kids for skating and tobogganing and they laugh in our faces. Time to rise up, Canada, it’s time for a “Canadian Spring”, a real one not a few paltry rallies Alleged … Continue reading Scottish MP Margaret Ferrier arrested over alleged Covid rule breach →
US Incarceration System Deemed Too Cruel For Julian Assange
Kevin Gosztola, Shadowproof - 14 hours ago
The following was originally published as part of The Dissenter newsletter. The mass incarceration system in the United States is cruel and inhumane, and as a result, the U.S. government had their extradition request against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange denied by a British district judge. As Judge Vanessa Baraitser declared The post US Incarceration System Deemed Too Cruel For Julian Assange appeared first on Shadowproof.
Trump pulls off another miracle in the Middle East
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 14 hours ago
President Trump keeps continuing to pull more rabbits out of the hat By David Singer —— Bio and Archives—January 4, 2021 President Trump appears to have been instrumental in pulling off yet another miracle in the Middle East with the announcement that Saudi Arabia would be reopening its airspace and land and sea border with … Continue reading Trump pulls off another miracle in the Middle East →
EXPLAINED: Congress’ demand for election audit benefits EVERY American (even Biden)
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 14 hours ago
By News on the Net — Glenn Beck—— Bio and Archives—January 4, 2021 Representative Chris Stewart (R-UT) explains to Glenn why Congress’ move against an election certification without an audit of the results first benefits EVERY American. He says it’s “nonsense” for the left to argue the move is dangerous to democracy, and he explains … Continue reading EXPLAINED: Congress’ demand for election audit benefits EVERY American (even Biden) →
The far-left should secede from America and here’s why
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 14 hours ago
By News on the Net — Glenn Beck—— Bio and Archives—January 4, 2021 Glenn says he’s “all for” secession…BUT, there’s no reason why conservatives should be the ones to leave. He explains why it’s those on the far left who should secede from the union — after all, they’re the ones abandoning our Constitution, our … Continue reading The far-left should secede from America and here’s why →
The left is using the COVID vaccine to push GREAT RESET
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 14 hours ago
By News on the Net — Glenn Beck—— Bio and Archives—January 4, 2021 Despite the left doing everything in its power to destroy President Trump, his administration STILL managed to conceive a COVID vaccine (via the private sector) in record, miraculous time. But naturally, rather than admit his success, the left (specifically the New York … Continue reading The left is using the COVID vaccine to push GREAT RESET →
Counterfeit absentee ballot papers could be the smoking gun
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 14 hours ago
Not a word from the legacy mainstream media on this smoking gun of emerging national significance By David Singer —— Bio and Archives—January 4, 2021 Evidence that counterfeit absentee voting ballot papers may have been counted at the 2020 elections was presented to Georgia’s Senate Election Law Study Subcommittee and the Senate Judiciary Committee on … Continue reading Counterfeit absentee ballot papers could be the smoking gun →
Racism, history, and nursing
Philip Moscovitch, Halifax Examiner - 14 hours ago
News 1. Latest COVID-19 numbers Tim Bousquet has the latest COVID-19 numbers for the province: Four new cases of COVID-19 are announced in Nova Scotia today (Monday, Jan. 4). All four cases are in Nova Scotia Health’s Central Zone; one is a close contact of a previously announced case; one is related to travel outside […]
Crackdown on Big Tech censorship…from PUTIN
Alex Christoforou, The Duran - 14 hours ago
Crackdown on Big Tech censorship…from PUTIN ****News Topic 237***** Putin Signs Law Enabling Sanctions On US Social Media Giants That ‘Label’ & Restrict Russian Content Putin Signs Law Enabling Sanctions On US Social Media Giants That ‘Label’ & Restrict Russian Content During this holiday period while not many in the West are watching, Russia’s Vladimir […]
Exhausted Merkel Prepares to Exit
Alexander Mercouris, The Duran - 14 hours ago
Exhausted Merkel Prepares to Exit News Topic 7: Angela Merkel Is Losing Her Touch at the Worst Possible Time https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-08/angela-merkel-is-losing-her-touch-at-the-worst-possible-time New Year’s address by German Chancellor Angela Merkel New Year’s address by German Chancellor Angela Merkel | DW | 31.12.2020 In her New Year’s address, Chancellor Angela Merkel has thanked the nation for mustering […]
Book 4 Chapter 15 Canada & Pedophilia: Genocide against First Nations Women and Girls Deconstructed
Joachim Hagopian, American Empire Exposed - 15 hours ago
With my ethnic background consisting of an Armenian American father and a mixed ethnicity mother that includes the aboriginal Native American tribe the Ojibwa, genocide hit close to my ancestral home twice. And with no examination of pedophilia, sex trafficking and murder in North America complete without a hard look at the inordinate number of missing women and girls from the First Nations of Canada and America, it’s incumbent upon this A-Z accounting of modern pedophilia to illuminate their tragic story as well. With just over 2% of the US population and over 4% of the Can...
Chris Hedges: The Empire is Not Done with Julian Assange
barovsky, The New Dark Age - 15 hours ago
Shortly after WikiLeaks released the Iraq War Logs in October 2010, which documented numerous US war crimes — including video images of the gunning down of two Reuters journalists and 10 other unarmed civilians in the Collateral Murder video, the routine torture of Iraqi prisoners, the covering up of thousands of civilian deaths and the killing of nearly 700 civilians that had approached too closely to US checkpoints — the towering civil rights attorneys Michael Ratner and Len Weinglass, who had defended Daniel Ellsberg in the Pentagon Papers case, met Julian Assange in a studio apa...
Nova Scotia MLAs say they haven’t left Canada during pandemic
Zane Woodford, Halifax Examiner - 15 hours ago
Though a few have left the province, no Nova Scotia MLA has left the country during the pandemic. Politicians across the country — including MLAs in Alberta, Ontario’s finance minister, multiple MPs and a senator — have been caught taking vacations while they and their governments tell citizens to stay home. Here in Nova Scotia, politicians […]
Liberal leadership candidate Randy Delorey made a whack of promises; we unpack them
Jennifer Henderson, Halifax Examiner - 16 hours ago
Liberal leadership candidate Randy Delorey released a list of campaign promises today, a month before a virtual convention February 6 that will choose a new premier. The Antigonish MLA told the Halifax Examiner these ideas are aimed at helping businesses and people “rebound and thrive” once COVID-19 is behind us. Reporter Jennifer Henderson took a […]
scrubbed page versus unscrubbed page of UBS NY board
Bob Dinn, balance10 - 16 hours ago
*scrubbed page: * https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ALZAadJ-FQIJ:https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/person/16030387+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us …………………………………….................................... *unscrubbed *page showing 3 Beijing UBS on the UBS NY operation. (at link at bottom of this page) If we check carefully the background of the 11 UBS BEIJING members who were removed on the same day, we can find at least 3 of them have a very unusual background. Cheng Yisun. According to public record, Cheng Yisun was listed as the “Legal Representativ...
A Statite ‘Slingshot’ for Catching Interstellar Objects
Paul Gilster, Centauri Dreams - 13 hours ago
I see that a white paper on Richard Linares’ interesting ‘statite’ concept became available just before Christmas, and I want to call your attention to it (and thanks to Antonio Tavani for the pointer). Back in April, the idea received funding as a Phase 1 study in the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Program, renewing […]
Watch: Cop Accuses Frontline COVID Worker of ‘Cutting Him Off’, Drags Her from Car, Arrests Her
Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project - 13 hours ago
[image: work]A nurse assistant on her way home from work was pulled over for allegedly cutting off a cop before being thrown to the ground and arrested.
Heavy snow engulfs Jammu and Kashmir, cuts it off from the rest of the country, India
The Watchers » Latest articles - 14 hours ago
Heavy snow closed the Jammu-Srinagar national highway and Mughal Road on January 2, 2021, stranding nearly 4 500 vehicles. Though the road was cleared of landslides, snow on the north portal of Jawahar Tunnel in Lower Munda hampered the movement of traffic....... Read more »
The ‘Gateway Drug to Corruption and Overspending’ Returns to Congress. Are Earmarks Really That Bad?
Yves Smith, naked capitalism - 14 hours ago
Democrats go for more better pork, aka earmarks.
The Mainstream Media Are Lying about Trump’s Phone Call With Raffensperger — HEAR FOR YOURSELF: How WaPo Deceptively Edited Trump Phone Call
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 14 hours ago
The Mainstream Media Are Lying about Trump’s Phone Call With Raffensperger by Andrea Widburg, https://www.americanthinker.com/ The mainstream media and Georgia’s secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, are utterly disgraceful, dishonest, and manipulative people. Raffensperger released a private phone call that the media immediately claimed — falsely — showed Trump begging Raffensperger to fraudulently find enough votes …
Whither the Reapportionment Data?
Gerard N. Magliocca, Balkinization - 14 hours ago
Lost in the bread and circuses of last week was the Commerce Department's statement that they could not meet a December 31st deadline for providing the census data necessary for the next reapportionment. The Supreme Court recently dismissed a challenge to the data collection process (in other words, counting the people who are in the United States illegally) as, in part, unripe. I strongly suspect that the census data will not be "ready" until January 21st. Then the issues raised in *Trump v. New York *will be moot, as the Biden Administration will not exclude people who are in ...
Is John Wick a U.S. Marine?
Alex Hollings, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Alex Hollings* *Entertainment, * The internet is rife with speculation. The *John Wick *series of movies did more than reinvigorate the career of the internet’s boyfriend, Keanu Reeves. It also gave the action genre a much-needed kick in the pants, proving once again that an action-packed thrill ride doesn’t need the cliche’d blue sky beam and giant CGI monsters that litter nearly every other summer blockbuster. *John Wick *successfully demonstrated (three times now) that all you really need for a kick-ass movie is a fifty-something former hitman/Marine veteran, one dead puppy,...
America Has Little to Fear in the South China Sea
Salvatore Babones, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Salvatore Babones* *Security, Asia* China won’t be winning it any time soon. Who owns the high seas? The conventional answer is: no one and everyone. Coastal states exercise sovereignty over territorial waters that normally extend 12 nautical miles from their shorelines. They also have the right to exploit undersea resources like oil and gas in exclusive economic zones that extend out 200 nautical miles. Economics rights can even be extended further to incorporate the entire continental shelf before the seabed falls off into a deep ocean basin. These lawyerly definitions are co...
HK416: The Gun that Took Out Bin Laden
Caleb Larson, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Caleb Larson* *Security, Americas* [image: Wikimedia Commons] Thanks in part to the H&K416’s piston design, the rifle is prized for being highly reliable with a good reputation. In addition, the rifle is regarded as highly accurate, and can reliably hit point targets at a range of six hundred meters. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The rifle is still controversial in some circles - but is now generally regarded as superior to the M4 carbine that it replaced for this mission. Heckler & Koch’s HK416 flew under the radar for quite some time. That all changed in May 2011, when ...
Why the MK 14 Torpedo Failed to Sink Imperial Japan’s Navy
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Asia* Throughout 1942 and 1943, submarine commanders fired scores of the new Mk 14 torpedo at enemy targets without recording any hits. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Fortunately for the ordnance men who were running the tests, the solution turned out to be fairly simple. The detonator’s firing pin was found to be too heavy. A 3,000-pound torpedo striking a target at a speed of 46 knots imposed too much inertial friction on the firing pin, which prevented the heavy pin from traveling fast enough and from striking the detonator’s primer cap...
Fighter Jet or Convertible? It’s All the Same for this Russian Su-57 Pilot
Alex Hollings, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Alex Hollings* *Security, Europe* An unusual scene. Recently surfaced images and a brief video show Russia’s premier stealth fighter, the Su-57 Felon, flying without the canopy enclosure for the aircraft’s cockpit. While there isn’t a great deal of information available to go along with the footage, it seems very likely that the canopy was not lost due to an accident, but was rather removed intentionally for a specific type of flight testing known as a “cockpit habitability trials.” We first spotted this footage on Reddit, uploaded by user u/st_Paulus, but the event also caught...
Why Join the Marine Corps? Just Ask a Marine
Alex Hollings, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Alex Hollings* *U.S. Marines, Americas* One Marine tells his story. From my vantage point here in 2020, choosing to enlist into the United States Marine Corps way back in 2006 seems like an easy call. Back then, I was a college drop out slinging parts for a racing team and living in a tiny apartment with my then-girlfriend (now-wife) in a town I didn’t even like. But at the time, it didn’t seem so bad. Sure, we were always broke, but we found ways to have fun. Sure, we didn’t feel like we had a successful future ahead of us, but like most 20-year olds, the “future” seemed like ...
Motorola and Palm’s Smartphones: Owned by China
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *Technology, Americas* In the early twenty-first century, Motorola’s name was everywhere from mobile phones to cable boxes to wireless transmission stations. Back at the dawn of the smartphone era, two of the leading brands were Motorola and Palm. Motorola made some of the first smartphones, including the Droid, which was the first major challenger to the iPhone. Palm made the Palm Pilot, a pre-smartphone gadget, and later entered the smartphone business with such gadgets as the Palm Pre. Now, both brands are owned by Chinese companies. And both took something of...
I Tried to Become a U.S. Military Sniper and Totally Failed
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Security, Americas* After hitting what any actual sniper would consider an easy shot, I left the scene with a vastly increased appreciation for the expertise, focus and dedication necessary to perform high-level wartime sniper missions. *Here's What You Need to Know*: I left the scene with a vastly increased appreciation for the expertise, focus and dedication necessary to perform high-level wartime sniper missions. (Kingman, Ariz.) My shoulder was pressed firmly against the end or “stock” of the rifle, my index finger extended horizontally just above the trigger ...
Nearly 4 Times as Many Cops Killed Themselves Than Were Shot and Killed in 2020
Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project - 14 hours ago
[image: suicide]It is important to talk about why the number of cops who committed suicide nearly quadrupled the number of cops shot and killed in the line of duty in 2020.
Some causes may be scams
Norma, Collecting My Thoughts - 14 hours ago
There must be hundreds of scams out there willing to separate you from your stimulus check. The one I heard this morning could well be on the up and up, but let it be a reminder about all those that aren't. A very young, very white man was featured on our local a.m. news appealing for a go-fund-me campaign to use YOUR stimulus check to be repurposed for his idea to help those who've fallen on hard times. He began with reasonable comments about "through no fault of their own" and went on to "systemic racism." Sorry, Charlie. Most of the people hurting are those who had a good job, ...
Bruce K. Gagnon, Organizing Notes - 14 hours ago
Interview by Regis Tremblay. Bruce Gagnon is Cofounder and Coordinator of the Global Network Against Nuclear Power and Weapons in Space. He shares his views on NATO going global, Full Spectrum Dominance, US reckless provocations of both Russia and China, Covid as a Bioweapon, and Julian Assange.
AI and Big Data Show Some Mexican Tourist Destinations Do Well Despite Pandemic
The Rio Times Staff, The Rio Times - 15 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The domestic tourism industry has been one of the most affected by the pandemic; however, Mexican destinations such as Cancún, Acapulco, CDMX, Puerto Vallarta and Oaxaca, have managed to stay active and dominate the networks. According to a tourism study carried out by the consulting firm LLYC México, there were […] The post AI and Big Data Show Some Mexican Tourist Destinations Do Well Despite Pandemic appeared first on The Rio Times.
The Template For Hard Lockdowns
A Political Junkie, Viable Opposition - 15 hours ago
With the advanced economy nations around the world imposing ever more severe lockdowns on their citizenry, a recent development in Canada bears watching as it could prove to be a template for other nations, particularly given that government leaders are well known for their "monkey see, monkey do" planning. At the very end of 2020 when no one was paying attention, a group called "Covid Strategic Choices Group" released the following report: Covid Strategic Choices Group claims the following about itself: "*The COVID Strategic Choices Group is an interdisciplinary taskfor...
Remembering Carrie
Unknown, CENSORED NEWS - 10 hours ago
Carrie Dann by Brenda Norrell, Western Shoshone Gathering 2009Carrie and Mary Dann photo by Ilka Hartmann 1979Remembering CarrieBy Brenda NorrellCensored NewsThe sun was setting over Eureka, Nevada, and the roads were icy and treacherous. It was February and I worried over Carrie Dann, in her seventies, making the long drive back to her ranch alone. I walked her out to her white truck, trying not
Steve M., No More Mister Nice Blog - 10 hours ago
We're being told that tomorrow's joint session of Congress, at which electoral votes will be ceremonially counted (and challenged), is Donald Trump's "last stand." It obviously isn't -- as I've been telling you, he won't stop fighting this until January 20, and he'll probably continue beyond that. I'm not sure how he'll fight it, but I think I know his next move. It involves Mike Pence's role in tomorrow's proceedings. And no, I don't think it will work. *The New York Times* tells us that Pence intends to show up tomorrow. There is no chance of Mr. Pence not being there, people clo...
Decision Day in Georgia with Senate Majority at Stake
AP News, Snopes.com - 14 hours ago
The results of the runoff will determine control of the Senate for the start of Joe Biden's term as president.
The Decline of the Middle Class
Unknown, The Conservative Socrates - 14 hours ago
The people in the democratic nations can be divided into three classes: the rich, the poor, and the middle class. The three classes are locked in a struggle for political dominance and each class uses a different method to advance its political interests. The rich class advances its political interests by lobbying, and by funding and bribing the politicians, intellectuals, academics, and journalists. The poor class consists of the rabble; they use violent and nonviolent protests to advance their political interests. The middle class does not have the financial muscle that the rich c...
Mississippi just got rid of its Electoral College-like election process
Dallas Breen, Assistant Research Professor in Political Science and Public Administration, Mississippi State University, Politics/Election '20 – The Conversation - 14 hours ago
Since 1890, Mississippi has required candidates for statewide office to win not only more votes than opponents across the whole state, but also in every legislative district.
Tropical Cyclone "Imogen" brings floods and disruptions to Queensland, Australia
The Watchers » Latest articles - 14 hours ago
Tropical Cyclone "Imogen" brought heavy rains, flooding, and disruptions to Queensland, Australia, after making landfall over Karumba around 13:00 UTC (23:00 LT) on Sunday night, January 3, 2021. It generated 105 km/h (65 mph) winds, dumped more than 200...... Read more »
9 Traits of an Emotional Abuser and Choices
Ashley Walker, Enlightened Consciousness - 15 hours ago
I‘m sure many of you have all dealt with emotional manipulation at some point or another in life, and as you know, it is extremely destructive. Sometimes you might even not realize that you are being manipulated. It is because emotional manipulators are skillful. Here are nine signs to help you in identifying an emotional […]
Reality Vax Class: Children Relate Personal Stories about Vaccine Damage
Reality Vax Class, Need To Know - 15 hours ago
Brett Wilcox, author of Jabbed, conducts what he calls a Reality Class. Children share facts about vaccine ingredients and tell tell their personal stories about the dangers of vaccines and the damage they cause.
Polish medical cannabis market growing rapidly but remains very small
Alfredo Pascual, Marijuana Business Daily - 15 hours ago
The Polish medical cannabis market is growing rapidly, with imports through August 2020 more than doubling compared to 2019, Marijuana Business Daily has learned. This is believed to be the first time that accurate and updated import data about the Polish medical marijuana market has been publicly available. Access to aggregate market data measuring the […] Polish medical cannabis market growing rapidly but remains very small is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Sonia Acevedo, Health Worker, Dies 2 Days After Pfizer Vaccine
Galen, From the Trenches World Report - 15 hours ago
B – 2020 🍀 January 4th, 2021. Via OldSkoolHunter https://bitchute.com/oldskoolhunter/ : “Sonia Acevedo, 41, suffered a ‘sudden death’ at home on New Year’s Day... The post Sonia Acevedo, Health Worker, Dies 2 Days After Pfizer Vaccine appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Radiation levels at Fukushima plant far worse than was thought
Galen, From the Trenches World Report - 15 hours ago
The Asahi Shimbun Exceedingly high radiation levels found inside crippled reactor buildings at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant were labeled by nuclear regulators as... The post Radiation levels at Fukushima plant far worse than was thought appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
CDC reports record-low positive flu tests
Hal Apeeno, From the Trenches World Report - 15 hours ago
Washington Examiner – by Carly Roman As coronavirus cases surge nationwide, the flu has seen a remarkable dip. Reported cases of influenza reached record lows... The post CDC reports record-low positive flu tests appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
France: Only 500 People Willing to Take COVID-19 Vaccine
France24 and Zerohedge, Need To Know - 15 hours ago
A number of people in the EU are asking why they should participate in a test of an unverified vaccine. The rise in allergic reactions to the vaccine is a serious obstacle to popular acceptance. Only about 500 people have accepted the vaccine after the rollout began in France. The majority is not interested.
Moderna’s mRNA injections are an “operating system”
Ragnar, 'Nox & Friends - 15 hours ago
designed to program humans and hack their biological functions From the Natural News: Excerpts: The experimental injections being rolled out by Moderna and Pfizer are nothing similar to traditional vaccines. These mRNA platforms are an “operating system” designed to program human beings and turn their cells into efficient drug delivery systems. (Bold and Italics mine.) Moderna is now going public with the real intentions behind the mRNA platform. The mRNA technology platform is similar to a computer operating system, the company admits. Scientists prepare a unique mRNA sequence that ...