Despite His Reported Reluctance, Trump Hospitalized in Bethesda; His True Condition Not Clear; Pence Must Stop Campaigning and Stay Quarantined in White House to Ensure Orderly...
United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|Thursday, October 1, 2020 House Dems Approve $2.2 Trillion Compromise HEROES Act with Zero GOP Votes...
Bayer AG slumped after the agriculture and pharma giant said it would have to slash costs as the pandemic’s impact on farm commodities extends into next year, further undermining...
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded another $10 million last week to the controversial Cornell Alliance for Science, a communications campaign housed at Cornell that...
South / North
By BRAHMA CHELLANEY, The Japan Times The understanding reached between Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and Chinese President Xi Jinping to pursue high-level contacts is unlikely...
For Xi Jinping, the COVID-19 pandemic – which has preoccupied the world’s governments for months – seemed like an ideal opportunity to make quick progress on his expansionist...
Valmiki Ramayana, the epic that speaks of Sri Rama mentions Kavata, Kapatapuram in Tamil,and Pandya Kingdom. Kishkindha kandam also refers to Cheras,Cholas,Andhras as well...
Why Hindi, of All Times,Now
Truth has to told. To me my mother comes first. That doesn't mean I should ask others to accept her.
Since we first learned about the pandemic in mid-March, we have gotten mixed signals from the federal government. The president said it was a hoax, said it would magically disappear...
For the past thirty years, school choice advocates have claimed that the best way to improve education was to give families public money to send their child to a private or religious...
URGENT: Vote in Person!
By Paul Homewood We’re off to Scotland for a week, so things will be quiet.
Oxburgh On Decarbonising Heat
By Paul Homewood While we are talking about...
Climate Breakdown!
The future for the backbone of the German economy is looking bleak. A look at the impacts of climate policy on the German car industry. ===============================================...
Leading German virologist Professor Hendrik Streeck is skeptical about a quick vaccine for COVID-19, reports Virologist Prof. Hendrik Streeck. Image: Cropped here...
Janresseger: Framing a New Website Forced Us to Reconsider Public Education’s Core Principles This week the Northeast Ohio Friends of Public Education launched a new website. ...
Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Can Covid-19 Take School Reform in a New and Different Direction? Covid-19 offers the opportunity to think anew and differently...
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review After the May 25, 2020, death of George Floyd while in custody of officers of the Minneapolis Police Department, protesters demanded the fair...
The Progressive Medusa
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness There was once a tradition of Democratic liberalism. But that wing of the Democratic Party no longer exists and died sometime in the 1990s...
TIJUANA, Mexico — A smell of death draped the unfinished two-story house on Calle Loma Alta on Tijuana’s eastern side. Neighbors report sometimes hearing screams coming from...
Gather ’round my children I’ve a tale to tell like our fathers used to sing: “Dont dig a grave for the other man– lest you yourself fall in” cpe A short version of The Masque...
Here is the story, note the treatment is making a very good impression: Prof Peter Horby, who is part of Oxford University’s national Recovery trial, which aims to identify potential...
What I’ve been reading
1. Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling, A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear: The Utopian Plot to Liberate an American Town (And Some Bears). A fun look at the Free Town project as applied to Grafton...
Originally posted on GFBrandenburg's Blog: I am more and more certain that Trump and his racist gangs of violent thugs will attempt a coup when the polling results come in after November...
James Hohmann: Post-Debate Fallout
Originally posted on Diane Ravitch's blog: James Hohmann of the Washington Post gathered interesting post-debate happenings. Joe Biden left Cleveland on a chartered Amtrak train...
Amy Coney Barrett is the nearly perfect candidate for Justice Ginsburg’s seat, and the Left is gearing up to turn her confirmation hearing into a circus that rivals that of Brett...
VIDEO - In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the Deep State propaganda machine's "1619 Project" produced by the New York Times and fringe leftwing activist...
Amazon is not a company known for treating its employees’ welfare as its top priority. Workers feel under so much pressure that they urinate in bottles or wear adult diapers rather...
From a concerted military campaign to retake the country’s biggest power plant to efforts to go solar, Yemenis are finding ways to circumvent the Saudi Coalition’s total war...
Boris Johnson: "We need a repeat of the 2008 housing crash"I'm actually fine with working out how we can get more people able to buy houses. But someone needs to ask the difficult questions...
"It's wet outside" Light through wet glass, night time, seen on bedroom door. Original is here on instagram. Original post on Dreamwidth - there are comments there...
Of course, it is damnably difficult to change anything in the U.S. constitution, it involves larger than majority votes in both houses, which has been near impossible to get for decades...
If He Dies, He Dies
So, Trump has the virus, if he’s not lying, which he might be. But, let’s assume he’s not, because that leads to more interesting possibilities. I’ve seen a lot of people on-line...
This morning I had a pedicure scheduled, it’s a great thing to do now and again and I had a bit of an ingrown right toenail. The appointment was at 9 so I left a bit earlier and mailed in...