10:10 pm MST
"Economic Market Snapshot 2/10/19"
• *Gregory Mannarino, “Markets 2/10/19:* * A Look Ahead. Beware The Dark Side At Work”* • *MarketWatch Market Summary* - https://www.marketwatch.com/tools/marketsummary • *CNN Market Data:* - http://money.cnn.com/data/markets/ *CNN Fear And Greed Index:* - http://money.cnn.com/data/fear-and-greed/
Ginger-Garlic Soup made with 52 cloves of garlic can defeat colds, flu and even norovirus
Forget the flu shot. A soup based on more than 50 cloves of garlic, onions, thyme and lemon will destroy almost any virus that enters its path including colds, flu and even norovirus. As we sneeze and cough our way through these dark months of contagious nasties, garlic is being hailed for its powers to […] The post Ginger-Garlic Soup made with 52 cloves of garlic can defeat colds, flu and even norovirus appeared first on Health Nut News.
Man Aims to Sue Parents — for Giving Birth to Him Without His Consent
[image: man-aims-to-sue-parents-for-giving-birth-to-him-without-his-consent] It’s not the kind of intra-family-squabbles case you’ll see on *Judge Judy*, but a 27-year-old Indian man intends to sue his parents for giving birth to him without his consent.
Most Expensive Midterm Election Ever: Special Interests Paid Billions in 2018 for a Shot to Rule Over You
By Matt Agorist When I first started out as an independent journalist in 2007, I remember interviewing a congressional candidate who put his law career... more »
Why Markets Are Better Than Mob Rule
Op-Ed by Doug McCullough The free market is the economic foundation of a free, pluralistic society. Laissez-faire economics stands for the idea that the government should stand... more »
Sunday Talks: CBS Attempts Rehabilitation of Virginia Governor Northam….
Everything you need to know about this propaganda is obvious in the first few seconds of the interview with Gayle King: “I know this has been a very difficult week for you and the state of Virginia, so where would … Continue reading →
Number Seven – Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar Enters 2020 Presidential Race….
U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar will enter the 2020 presidential race on today. The media will likely frame the 58-year-old three term senator as a moderate voice. However, Kloubuchar is well known in DC for her nasty and spiteful disposition and … Continue reading →
U.S. And Europe Are On The Cusp Of A Trade War?
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *CNBC:* *Trade war headlines could get much worse before they get better as the US looks to Europe* * U.S.-China trade talks are set for next week, amid new uncertainty about progress in the talks. * At the same time, the clock is ticking on a Feb. 17 report from the Commerce Department, which could recommend auto tariffs on European cars. * Strategist say the Trump administration has 90 days to act on the auto tariffs, and is likely to slap a 25 percent tariff on European autos, after it has resolved talks with China. With little apparent progress in ... more »
"The uneven distribution of wealth in the world is due to the uneven distribution of capitalism." #QotD
*"The uneven distribution of wealth in the world is due to the uneven distribution of capitalism."* ~ Johan Norberg Hat tip to @HumanProgress, who point out "average incomes in the freest nations are seven times higher than those in the least free." *RELATED*: Capitalism vs Socialism debate: Yaron Brook and Josh Holroyd . Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with link and attribution.
A particular cause for anger
Euthanasia, or assisted dying, is a subject that rouses our deepest emotions. Now, I'm very strongly with the social liberals on *this* subject, but even I can see problems with perpetual BBC social-liberal promoters like Mark Easton reporting a high-profile case this week on the BBC's *News at Six *and *News at Ten* and focusing on the distressing story of a Dignitas-bound, British-authorities-challenged couple (the husband, Geoff Whaley, suffering from advanced motor neurone disease, the wife being investigated by the authorities on suspicion of helping him die at Dignitas) whi... more »
The U.S. Navy's New Stealth Destroyer Is Super Expensive and Has No Clear Mission
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * What were merely three DDG-1000s good for, despite their nifty stealth features and propulsion? The advanced destroyers lacked ammunition for their guns, anti-ship missiles, anti-submarine torpedoes, and long-range area-air defense missiles. *The Zumwalt needed a new mission—even if that meant tweaking its capabilities at an additional cost. Finally, in December 2017 the Navy announced the class would specialize in “surface strike”, i.e. hunting down other ships.* In January 2019, the Navy will commission its second hi-tech *Zumwalt-*class steal... more »
How street artists graduated from petty criminals to creative darlings
Just In - 10 hours ago
Once fined or reprimanded, street artists are now being encouraged and commissioned by councils and advertisers, creating some tense competition for limited space.
Morrison to detail plans to 'destroy' international and domestic security threats
Scott Morrison will today reveal his plans to "degrade, disrupt and destroy" the impact of a range of security threats, while hammering Labor over the proposed changes to medical treatment for asylum seekers.
Turkey criticises China's Uyghur detention camps as 'a great cause of shame for humanity'
Just In - 10 hours ago
In a rare critique from a major Muslim state, Ankara critiques China for its treatment of its Uyghurs, a minority Islamic ethnic group of Turkic origins.
PM's long-time friend hired by French shipbuilder during submarine negotiations
One of Scott Morrison's key political confidants was hired by a French state-owned shipbuilder to help move things along in negotiations surrounding the Future Submarine program.
British police harassing citizens who tell the truth
For many years, we heard increasingly many stories about the insanely overgrown political correctness in Germany. I actually think that the situation stopped deteriorating in the recent year or so. It almost looks like the U.K. is surpassing Germany these days. Am I wrong? And I believe that if and when Merkel is replaced by someone else from CDU-CSU as the German Chancellor, things will be getting *better* in Germany. For several centuries, at least between the epochs of men like Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, John Locke, James Watt, and James Clerk Maxwell (and women like Queen Vict... more »
No Laughing Matter: America’s Harassment of Charlie Chaplin and Its Relevance to Our Time
“A democracy is a place where you can express your ideas freely — or it isn’t a democracy.” ~ Charles Chaplin During the Red Scare hysteria of the late 1940s and early 1950s, legendary actor and filmmaker Charlie Chaplin, who never gave up his British citizenship and was well-known for his left-wing politics, inevitably ran afoul of the U.S. Government. When returning from a trip to the U.K. in September 1952, Chaplin was refused re-entry to the country… The post No Laughing Matter: America’s Harassment of Charlie Chaplin and Its Relevance to Our Time appeared first on The Ghion ... more »
Sethrida Geagea to sue ex-Lebanese intel chief over 15 year remark
BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:30 P.M.) – Minister of Parliament for the Lebanese Forces Party Sethrida Geagea announced on Friday that she will file a lawsuit against ex-intel chief Jamil el-Sayyed over a remark he made over fifteen years ago. According to Naharnet online, Geagea issued the following statement: “I deeply regret the lack of morals of some […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Russian publication claims US has already captured Baghdadi
The Arabic-language website of the Sputnik News Agency quoted a source as saying on Sunday that Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi is presently being protected by the American forces in a secret place in the eastern Euphrates region. The Sputnik source said that the U.S. is waiting for an opportunity to conduct a heliborne operation in southeastern Deir […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Israel spying on Iranian troops from US base in Afghanistan: Tasnim
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:50 P.M.) – Israel is allegedly spying on Iran via the U.S. air force base some 75 miles from the Iranian border, the Tasnim News Agency reported. According to the Tasnim report, the Israeli forces are collecting intelligence on the Iranian military movement around the Persian Gulf region. Quoting Israeli military expert Semyon […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Syrian gov’t allegedly shows ‘positive signs’ towards Kurdish self-governance: report
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:30 P.M.) – The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Council told the Bas News Agency on Sunday that peace negotiations with Damascus were to resume in the near future. Speaking to Bas News on Sunday, SDC councilmen Azad Birazi said that the Syrian government has shown positive signs about self-governance in northern Syria. The report did […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Russia’s Poseidon underwater drone trials to begin this summer
Factory trials of Russia’s nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) Poseidon from a multi-purpose ocean system will begin in summer 2019, a defense industry source told TASS on Sunday. “The successful tests of Poseidon’s nuclear-powered energy unit opened the way to conducting at-sea factory tests of the vehicle. The tests will begin in favorable […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Houthi forces destroy T-34 tank in new missile attack (video)
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:00 P.M.) – The Houthi forces released a new video on Sunday that showed their rocket battalion destroying an enemy tank inside the Dhale Governorate of Yemen. In the video, the Houthi forces’ rocket battalion can be seen using an anti-tank guided missile to strike a T-34 tank that was manned by the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Hundreds of people in Deir Ezzor protest US Coalition, Turkish invasion
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:00 P.M.) – Hundreds of people in the Deir Ezzor Governorate protested the U.S. Coalition’s presence inside Syria and the upcoming Turkish military invasion, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported. According to the SANA report, the protest was held this morning inside the provincial capital of Deir Ezzor. This latest demonstration in […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Antony Green: Why I've ditched my Lower House calculator for the NSW election
ABC election analyst Antony Green on why he won't be using his usual calculator to predict a New South Wales election winner, and the seats to watch on March 23.
Fukushima and the Privatization of Risk: Update
Too often, everyday people shoulder the burden of risk in the wake of catastrophic crises, such as the Fukushima Nuclear crisis, as illustrated in this news article: EDITORIAL: TEPCO firmly at fault for balking at payouts to disaster victims February 9, 2019. The Asahi Shimbun, http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201902090021.html TEPCO says it cannot offer an “across-the-board increase” in the amounts of compensation. It also says some of the claims concern issues that are not clearly linked to the accident. It is clear that the company is trying to prevent its already huge com... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
I was quoted by Paul Iddon in "Impact of Turkey's military campaigns against the Kurds" in Ahval. Musings On Iraq was cited in Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the U.S. Army's history of the Iraq War. Full Musings On Iraq citations.
SHOCK VIDEO: Cops Torture Dad in Front of Kids, Taser Him 11 Times, Including in the Testicles
[image: taser]A horrifying video has surfaced capturing a police officer torturing a man with a taser, hitting him 11 times, including in the testicles.
The Cynicism of Empire: Sen. Rubio Tells Venezuelans to Overthrow Their Government...or Starve!
[image: undefined] *(This is from RPI's weekly newsletter offered free to subscribers. Are you signed up yet?)* There is a sad disregard for human life among the neocon regime-changers. The devastation of Iraq, with its million dead, was a mere stepping stone to a "re-making" of the Middle East. A Libya turned into a modern day slave market after neocon-backed "liberation" is off the radar screen. Who cares, right? Syria suffered a half million dead after a US backed jihadist insurgency - strongly backed by the neocons - and not a word of remorse. In fact, in a remarkable act of c... more »
2019 State of the Union Special
Julian Vasquez Heilig visits the John C. Scott Show to fact check Donald Trump’s 2019 State of the Union address. For more conversations in the media click here. For more political punditry click here. Please Facebook Like, Tweet, etc below and/or reblog to share this discussion with others. Check out and follow my YouTube channel here. Twitter: @ProfessorJVH Click here for Vitae. Advertisements
U.S.-Backed Syrian Fighters Encountering Stiff Resistance In The Final Battle To Crush What Is Left Of ISIS
*Al Jazeera:* *'Heavy clashes' in Syria as SDF launches final push against ISIL* US-backed Kurdish forces advance in eastern Deir Az Zor province in 'final' battle to crush remaining ISIL fighters. US-backed Syrian forces say they captured 41 positions held by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, ISIS) and destroyed fortifications in a fierce battle to capture the armed group's last enclave in eastern Syria. Military advances were made overnight and on Sunday as the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) launched a final push to clear the area from ISIL fighters after ... more »
*BUT CAN THEY AFFORD TO SIGNAL TO THE WORLD THAT ANY HONEST JOURNALIST WHO REPORTS ON THEIR CRIMES IS GOING TO BE SET UP FOR COLD BLOODED MURDER BY THEIR CRIMINAL MAFIA?* *As the NWO Globalists finally seem to catch up with the new reality of a new economic and military super power in China, a few tweaks to their system will not be enough to get the UK, USA and Europe in a position to compete.* *The governments and institutions of UK, USA and Europe have been hijacked by the Globalist crime gang to leverage the power to establish a NWO and carry out depopulation.* *Nothing short ... more »
The Cat can’t come back… to Portland
The good news for need-to-always-be-even-more-shocked-and-yet-more-appalled columnists is that the Yarmouth ferry is the gift that keeps on giving. The bad news for taxpayers is that it is also the ferry that keeps on taking. I’ve been writing about the always-sinking-but-never-finally-sunk ferry service between Yarmouth and assorted ports in Maine since at least 2007. “Ferry Bad […]
Nice work, Gallup. I hope you're proud. Gallup Poll: “Open Borders will potentially attract 42 million Latin Americans.” This would be a disaster for the U.S. We need the Wall now! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 10, 2019 And here are some headlines from the online right: All this is based on an alarmist, clickbait-y blog post from Gallup's chairman, Jim Clifton: *What If There Were 42 Million at the Border?* Here's a good question about caravans: How many more are coming? Gallup asked the whole population of Latin America. There are 33 countries in Latin America... more »
Stealth Assassins: Could the Air Force Arm F-35s with Laser Weapons?
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * The service anticipates having aircraft and fighter jet-fired lasers in operation as soon as the early 2020s, as mobile power systems and other integral technologies continue to evolve rapidly. *Defensive laser weapons are bringing great promise to the US military as well. Given that laser can also perform a sensor function, they might be able to acquire and knock out an incoming enemy missile. * The US Air Force is refining its combat strategy, tactics and concepts of operation to accommodate the rapid emergence of laser weapons, technologies which pr... more »
Crimea speaker in Brunswick on Feb. 17
I'll also be interviewing Tatiana (Tanya) on my public access TV show that airs on 17 Maine stations. We do the show on Monday and should have it up on YouTube in a week or so. Tanya was my guide in Crimea when I visited there last October and will be guiding our study tour group when we go there next spring. She really knows her stuff when it comes to history and culture of Crimea. Going to be a great talk on February 17. Bruce
This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 10
1949 Communist Party Chairman Fahad and 2 politburo members convicted and sentenced to death for leading party 1963 estimated 5,000 Communists executed by Baath since coup against Gen. Qasim (Musings On Iraq book review *Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam*) (Musings On Iraq Interviewwith Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party) 1964 Pres Arif agreed to ceasefire with Mulla Mustafa Barzani 1972 Saddam visited Moscow to push for strategic agreement with Iraq 1974 Border dispute between Iran-Iraq led to gunfight killing 23 Iraqis 30 Iranians 198... more »
Virginia Is For Lovers, Part II
Part I can be found here and I don't want to repeat anything. Instead, I want to start with a few Sunday thoughts from Rev. William Barber's *Washington Post* OpEd: If Northam, or any politician who has worn blackface, used the n-word or voted for the agenda of white supremacy, wants to repent, the first question they must ask is “How are the people who have been harmed by my actions asking to change the policies and practices of our society?” In political life, this means committing to expand voting rights, stand with immigrant neighbors, and provide health care and living wage... more »
What fresh hell is this?
The city of Pandemonium. Hotels available through Booking.com. Guaranteed hot weather. Is this the time and place to admit that I'm a great admirer of Dante's *Inferno *and Milton's *Paradise Lost*? Today's *The World This Weekend *ended with a bit of literary parallel-drawing with present day politics, including both of those timeless gems of European literature. I smiled at the obviously-Remain professor talking to Mark Mardell. All his parallels went one way until he made a late attempt at balance by making a quip about EU regulations. But he then suggested that Terry Pratchett'... more »
The Green New Deal would takes us back to medieval times
A giant leap backward. The post The Green New Deal would takes us back to medieval times appeared first on CFACT.
U.S. Vows That It Will Be ‘Relentless’ In Deterring Iran's Missile Program
Iranians visit a weaponry and military equipment exhibition in the capital Tehran on February 2, 2019, organized on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Iranian revolution. Iran announced the successful test of a new cruise missile with a range of over 1,350 km. (some 840 miles). (ATTA KENARE / AFP) *Al Jazeera:* *US vows 'relentless' action to deter Iran missile programme* State Department slams Tehran's latest move but Revolutionary Guard chief says new missiles part of defensive posture. The United States has vowed to remain "relentless" in pressuring Iran to deter its m... more »
Meet Russia's Railroad Troops (And Here Is Their New Mission)
*Michael Peck* *Security, Europe* [image: A Russian military police officer stands guard in front of a T-72 B3 tank operated by a crew from Venezuela during the Tank Biathlon competition at the International Army Games 2018 in Alabino outside Moscow, Russia August 8, 2018. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov] Moscow is now planning to modernize its railway army—and dispatch it to Syria to rebuild that country’s railroads. Many armies have unique organizations. France has its Foreign Legion, America has that mini-army known as the Marine Corps—and Russia has its Railroad Troops. Charged with... more »
Beyond A-10s and F-35s: Let’s Have an Informed Debate About Air Power
*James Holmes* *Security, * [image: By U.S. Air Force Photo by Master Sgt. Jeffrey Allen - DVIDS, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16157377] Will the Corbett of air power please step forward? Students and practitioners of air power desperately need a theorist with the stature of a Carl von Clausewitz, Julian S. Corbett, or Mao Zedong—masters of ground, sea, and irregular warfare, respectively. Aviators need a common vocabulary and understanding of the wild blue to debate how best to configure air forces and deploy them for tactical, operational, and... more »
F-35 'Beast Mode': A New Video Proves Just How Deadly This Stealth Fighter Can Be
*Mark Episkopos* *Security, * The video, dating back to November of 2018, depicts an F-35 simultaneously firing five air-to-surface missiles against five test targets. At least one of the targets-- a light vehicle-- can be seen moving. *Following a year of technical challenges and difficult cost-benefit questions, the F-35 seems to be starting 2019 in a decidedly more positive key. Only time will tell if this trend endures.* A recently leaked video sheds light on one of the F-35’s possible weapons configurations, previously dubbed as “beast mode” in a Lockheed Martin infographic... more »
Aircraft Carriers and F-35s: The Killer Combination China Fear Is Coming Soon
*David Axe* *Security, * To Japan... *At present, Izumo and her sister ship Kaga normally embark just nine aircraft -- a mix of H-60 anti-submarine and rescue helicopters and MCH-101 minesweeping helicopters. But the 814-feet-long ships, each displacing around 27,000 tons of water while fully loaded, in theory can accommodate 28 aircraft.* Japan's cabinet on Dec. 18, 2018 *approved* a plan to modify the Japanese navy's two *Izumo*-class helicopter carriers to embark F-35B stealth fighters. *(This first appeared late last year.)* The modifications should result in the Japanese ... more »
This U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier Was Almost Sunk in 1985. This Is Why.
*Steve Weintz* *Security, * A story yoy may not know. *During the precious moments when communications and awareness were tied up, no one noticed the carrier’s approach to the bank.* Spend some time with Google Earth, an atlas or a globe and you will see that California, for peoples used to the Atlantic, was indeed the far side of the world well into the nineteenth century. What is now one of the most populated, navalized coastlines on Earth remained poorly known even to mariners. *(This first appeared several years ago.)* Somehow such mystery lingers, for once the world’s mos... more »
Dignity and the Needs of Young Syrian Refugees in the Middle East
Photo Credit: AP/Mohammad Hannon via Times of Israel *Editor’s Note: Programs to counter violent extremism (CVE) are often focused on established communities in the United States, Europe, and the Muslim world. However, refugees are among the most at-risk communities, often trapped in a world of violence and despair. Maira Seeley of Princeton University examines the risk of radicalization for refugee populations and finds that they have different needs for CVE programs than their host communities. She lays out a series of recommendations on how to design CVE better for the millions... more »
Italy plans bilateral Brexit deal
*I proposed more than two years ago bilateral deals between the UK and individual Eurozone countries to bypass the European Commission altogether. * *The Globalists actively pursued the route through the EU which they knew would lead to a Brexit disaster to engineer a global financial crisis and depopulation.* *That is now evident to everyone in Britain, Europe and around the globe.* *From the Telegraph* *Italy is drawing up emergency plans to safeguard financial stability and keep trade with the UK flowing even if there is a no-deal Brexit, if necessary through a bilateral deal be... more »
UK government to make impoverishing Brits through pension fund abuse a criminal offence
*UK MPS, AND BUSINESS LEADERS SHOULD MAKE PRIVATE FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING FRAUD AND MISMANAGING AN ECONOMY THROUGH AUSTERITY ETC CRIMINAL OFFENCES PUNISHABLE BY LIFE IN JAIL AND FINES* *NOT ENOUGH TO PUNISH JUST THE PENSION FUND SCAMMERS* *From the Guardian* *MPs and pension experts have welcomed government plans to introduce lengthy jail sentences for fat cat executives who recklessly mismanage pension funds, in an effort to avoid future scandals like BHS or Carillion.* *Amber Rudd, the work and pensions secretary, said the current fines were not enough and that a new criminal ... more »
Israel Exposes New Iranian Built Missile Site In Syria
Illustrative. Sayyad-3 air defense missiles during inauguration of its production line at an undisclosed location, Iran, according to official information released, July 22, 2017. (Official website of the Iranian Defense Ministry) *Jerusalem Post:* *Iran builds new secret missile site in Syria for Hezbollah* Israel exposed on Thursday Iranian, Syrian and Hezbollah efforts to build a missile factory in the Syrian town of Safita. Iran, Syria and Hezbollah are establishing a missile factory on the outskirts of the Syrian town of Safita, Israel revealed on Thursday according to Chan... more »
Tulsi 2020: Is She the Real Deal, or Another Obama?
*Trend Storm* | Will she survive the mainstream media onslaught trying to derail her presidential run? Will her policies deliver what she's promising?
*Donald Trump's economic warfare against China has brought China and Japan closer in a move that could accelerate the end of the US petro dollar as well as the emergence of a Chinese Yuan as the new world reserve currency.* *http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/67921282.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst* *Media report Peking and Tokyo are intensifying cooperation, which could extend to Japan using the Shanghai exchange to buy its oil in Yuan.* *More oil contracts in Yuan would be yet another blow to the already failing Globalists, whose N... more »
The Tienditas Bridge 'Blockade'
[image: undefined] Over the last couple of days, you may have seen an image the one above in the news. This is Tienditas International Bridge (Spanish: Puente Binacional Tienditas) on the border between Colombia and Venezuela. I have a feeling that we will be seeing much more of this bridge in the news over the coming days. Venezuela is a country in crisis. More specifically, a presidential crisis. The president since 2013, Nicolás Maduro, was re-elected in 2018, but the election is disputed by the opposition. An opposition politician, Juan Guaidó, declared himself as interim pres... more »
Trump’s Syria ‘Pullout’ Aimed at Aggressing Iran
[image: undefined] US President Donald Trump again this week portrayed his plan to pull troops out of Syria as a “victory homecoming” and “an end to endless wars”. Then, in stepped Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to clarify what’s really going on: it’s a “tactical change” to put Iran in the crosshairs. The purported pullout is not a return of US military from the Middle East, as Trump has been trumpeting with self-congratulations. It’s more a reconfiguration of American military power in the strategically vital region, and in particular for greater aggressive leverage on Iran. In hi... more »
Adam Smith’s Beautiful Reductio ad Absurdum
I’m about to leave for home from an excellent Liberty Fund colloquium on “Free Trade and Liberty” in La Jolla. Thanks to Liberty Fund, discussion leader Sandra Peart, organizers Pierre Lemieux and Liberty Fund’s Hans Eicholz, and the other participants. One of the readings is from Adam Smith’s An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes […] The post Adam Smith’s Beautiful Reductio ad Absurdum appeared first on Econlib.
Pol Ideology 75, Green New Deal and ecological socialism
If people have doubts that Ocasio-Cortez and the new group of 'democratic socialists' (an oxymoron) in the US are not gunning for large-scale dictatorship, see their advocacies. The Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is really dangerous, it can make otherwise rational people to become irrational. Consider proposals in the Green New Deal (GND) like: *“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”* Some of the many news stories when GND was publicly unveiled. *Green New Deal: ‘This isn’t just radical socialism, this is madness’* Anthony Watts / Februar... more »
*Skopje will be compelled to stop using the name Macedonia from on, according to media.* *The move to force Slavic Skopje to use the name North Macedonia reduces the threat of a take over of the northeastern Greek region of Macedonia under a Colour Revolution style media and private militia coup.* *https://greece.greekreporter.com/2019/02/10/north-macedonia-term-compulsory-from-next-week-greek-foreign-ministry-says/* *Skopje's government has been brazenly suggesting it alone has the right to use the name Macedonia and it has also been menacing Greek companies with the threat of leg... more »
Iran Unveils A Massive Underground Missile Factory, With New Rockets & Warheads (Update)
*DW:* *Iran unveils new ballistic missile at underground facility* Unveiling the new missile appears to be a direct challenge to Western criticism of Iran's ballistic missile program. Iran says its ballistic missiles are a defensive deterrent and not negotiable. Iran's Revolutionary Guard unveiled on Thursday a new surface-to-surface ballistic missile with a range of 1,000 kilometers (621 miles), according to the elite force's Sepah News. The move was the latest show of military strength and defiance amid heightened tension, with the US and Europeans demanding that Iran halt mis... more »
Podcast — Episode #10 | No Knock Raids & The Drug War
[image: podcast]The war on drugs is responsible for violence and rights violations of epic proportions, causing the suffering of innocent people from sea to sea.
Most Expensive Midterm Ever as Special Interests Paid Billions in 2018 for a Shot at Ruling Over You
[image: government]PACs, committees, candidates, and other assorted special interest groups spent a record breaking $5.7 BILLION just for a shot a ruling over you in government.
Top US trade official admits trade deal with China before March 1st deadline unlikely
*China brushes aside US Globalist bankster arm to penetrate its financial market to sabotage its state run bank powering economic growth using trade as a blackmail tool.* *From The Hill* *The top U.S. trade official told a bipartisan group of senators in a private meeting last week that major sticking points remain in negotiations with China, a sign that it is unlikely the world's two biggest economies will strike a deal before a March 1 deadline.* *https://thehill.com/policy/finance/trade/429222-trade-* official-warns-senators-of-obstacles-to-quick-china-trade-deal
Sunday Morning Links
This and that for your Sunday reading. - Paul Krugman duly mocks Donald Trump's attempt to turn any discussion of social investment into a threat of "socialism": Some progressive U.S. politicians now describe themselves as socialists, and a significant number of voters, including a majority of voters under 30, say they approve of socialism. But neither the politicians nor the voters are clamoring for government seizure of the means of production. Instead, they’ve taken on board conservative rhetoric that describes anything that tempers the excesses of a market economy as socialism, ... more »
Ken Derstine on Hillary Clinton
*Will the Real Hillary Clinton Please Stand Up?* Hillary Clinton with Eli Broad at the pre-ball dinner hosted by Broad at the Inauguration Ball of Barack Obama on January 20, 2009. by Ken Derstine December 23, 2015 Hillary Clinton has caused a major scramble by her supporters after she spoke at a small high school outside Des Moines, Iowa. In her remarks she told the students at Keota High School on Tuesday, December 22, This school district and these schools throughout Iowa are doing a better than average job. Now I wouldn't keep any school open that wasn't doing a better than ... more »
*The Globalists are very nervous about the incredible, global reach of my blog because they know how big it is still.* *The have set up fake birdflu666 youtube sites which had a counter locked at one view for years as a pysch op to make a casual viewer think no one bothered with my site. The target audience are the virtue signalling liberals who are only interested in trendiness, fashionableness and popularity and who count this in the form of likes.* *The reality is significant numbers of people are probing matters more deeply, thinking for themselves more critically and are comi... more »
*Flashback to 3rd November 2009 when my then website, the flucase, spreading factual and accurate information about the risks of the swine flu vaccine, reached 11667 in the world ranking.* *It had only been online for about 3 months. After 3rd of November, it went much higher, well into the top ten thousand.* *But I am able to prove that ranking because I wrote an email to the person who had offered to set up and administer the website, Johan Niklason, about it and he confirmed the rank and said tomorrow would be better.* *He turned out to be a NWO operative, sabotaged the fluca... more »
A rare BBC concession on 'Newswatch'
The 'offending' headline This week's *Newswatch *was one of those editions where the BBC refuses to put anyone up to answer - a case of the BBC refusing to speak to the BBC. However, that meant more topics were covered, beginning with this: Donald Tusk's comments about hell this week annoyed many people, but did BBC News pour oil on the flames by distorting his words in their headlines? What Mr Tusk had said was: I've been wondering what the special place in hell looks like for those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it safely. And what *Newswatch... more »
"Next Stop: Recession!"
*"Next Stop: Recession!"* by Chris Martenson "We've arrived at the end of the line... We've enjoyed years of "recovery" since the Great Financial Crisis by literally papering over our problems with newly-printed money, instead of addressing their root causes. But we've now arrived at the awkward part of the story; when all of our prior mistakes finally catch up with us, and the plot heads in a much darker direction. Despite more than a decade of an "all-hands-on-deck" propping up of the financial markets, all the central bankers have to show for it is the widest wealth gap in histo... more »
Debate Or Influence Peddling?
Don Lenihan writes that things are getting Kafkaesque in Ottawa: Franz Kafa couldn’t script it better. The Trudeau PMO stands accused of interfering in a legal process and the former Attorney General is the only one who can clear the air; but she refuses to do so, citing solicitor/client privilege. Meanwhile, the prime minister, her client, twists in the wind yet, inexplicably, fails to waive his privilege so the former AG can rescue him. Fortunately, late Friday night a key piece of the puzzle fell in place. Anonymous government officials confirmed to the Globe and Mail that the ... more »
Men in drag—shameful
Apparently, not all American blacks found blackface offensive--some even used clownish make-up that way, but most do. What was once considered fun and vaudevillian by the majority, even TV and film stars, must go. OK. Now let's get rid of adult men dressing in drag. Since I first became aware of it maybe 50 years ago I have found it extremely offensive for men to make fun of us that way. Oh sure. The drag queens don't call it that, but how else would you describe the emphasis on prosthetic breasts, caked on make-up to hide stubble, ballooning wigs, ridiculing the way women move, ... more »
'There are a lot of prerequisites to a digital border': What Norway's EU border can tell us about Brexit
Just In - 14 hours ago
As British and EU negotiators tussle over their future customs relationship, non-EU member Norway points to a world where digital borders might be able to solve Westminster's current woes.
Ann Sudmalis flew into Canberra under cover of darkness for 2018's final votes
Liberal MP Ann Sudmalis, who was seconded to the United Nations, secretly returned to Canberra for the final sitting week of 2018 in case she was needed to salvage a vote.
Great Britain and the American Civil War: A Forgotten Tale
*Warfare History Network* *Security, * [image: By MamaGeek at English Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6552329] It wasn’t just Americans who felt the brunt of the war: each battle had global consequences, and Great Britain played an important role in the conflict. The British Library's exhibition, 1861 to 1865 marked a bitter time in U.S. history. Arguments over states’ rights, slavery and the role the federal goverment should play in national affairs brought both the North an South into a terrible conflict that became the American Civil War. ... more »
From Jenna Orkin Mueller Report PSA: Prepare for Disappointment FBI Considers White Nationalism As Much of a Threat as ISIS US Placed Immigrant Children With Traffickers, Report Says US Accuses China Of Preparing For World War III12,000 Chinese Blood Treatments Found To Be Contaminated With HIVTrump announced Hanoi as the next site for nuclear summit with Pyongyang's Kim Jong Un. He's now predicting North Korea will emerge as an 'economic powerhouse' US Military Fuel Tanks Threaten Aquifer In Hawaii "WTF Is Going On In Downtown LA?": Army War Drills Continue Across Los AngelesRich... more »
SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘People of Israel vs Ahed Tamimi’ (2018)
*SUNDAY SCREENING* | Filmmakers travel to Palestine to learn about the making of this special global teenage icon.
Episode #267 – ‘The Secret Team’ with guest host Jay Dyer, Basil Valentine
*SUNDAY WIRE SHOW* | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
Revealed: Details of ‘Preliminary Agreement’ Between ISIS and US-led Coalition
*21WIRE + South Front* | “The upcoming two days will witness the group [ISIS] final withdrawal from eastern Euphrates under the agreement - The agreement will be sponsored and directly protected by the US-led coalition.”
Lancet Obesity Report Slammed As “One Sided & Not Backed By Rigorous Science”
By Paul Homewood Last month, I reported on the Lancet Commission on Obesity report. It came across to me as another fanatical, highly politicised, left wing and anti democratic report, in similar vein to their regular ones on Climate Change. https://www.thelancet.com/commissions/global-syndemic Now, it has been slammed by the Nutrition Coalition in […]
Russian jets spotted over Idlib as new jihadist civil war looms
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:30 P.M.) – The Russian Air Force has been observing the ongoing turmoil in western Idlib this week as two major jihadist groups are on the verge of war. According to a source in Latakia city, Russian jets are watching the situation very closely in the Jabal Al-Zawiyah and Jisr Al-Shughour regions of […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Syria’s S-300 system poses ‘serious threat’ to Israel: National Interest
Russian-manufactured S-300 air defence systems, which have already been put on combat duty in Syria, may pose a “serious threat” to Israel Defence Forces (IDF) planes, according to National Interest contributor Mark Episkopos. Describing the S-300 deployment to Syria as a “deconfliction measure”, Episkopos argues that “Russia took so long to deploy these systems” not […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Angry ISIS terrorists begin executing captured fighters in eastern Syria
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:20 P.M.) – The Islamic State’s recent string of losses in the eastern region of the Euphrates River Valley has begun taking a toll on their morale, prompting them to carry out the ruthless execution of captured enemy fighters. On Sunday morning, the Islamic State’s official media wing released footage of their terrorists […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
US withdrawal from Syria requires ‘coordination’ with Russia, Turkey: official
The United States’ decision to withdraw forces from Syria requires Russia and Turkey to boost bilateral contacts, Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey Alexei Yerkhov said in an interview with Russian media on occasion of Diplomats’ Day. “President Trump’s recent decision on pulling out US military from the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic was apparently surprising […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
"Reality is what we take to be true. What we take to be true is what we believe. What we believe is based upon our perceptions. What we perceive depends upon what we look for. What we look for depends upon what we think. What we think depends upon what we perceive. What we perceive determines what we believe. What we believe determines what we take to be true. What we take to be true is our reality." - Gary Zukav
"Tell Me..."
“Tell me to what you pay attention and I will tell you who you are.” - Jose Ortega y Gasset "It was one of the great Stoics who said that if you live with a lame man, soon enough you will walk with a limp. My father told me something similar as a kid: “You become like your friends.” It is true not just with social influences but informational ones too: If you are addicted to the chatter of the news, you will soon find yourself worried, resentful, and perpetually outraged. If you consume nothing but escapist entertainment, you will find the real world around you harder and harder to... more »
Eurovision (2)
And the pro-EU #FBPE brigade aren't the only ones trying to politicise the Eurovision Song Contest. Haters of Israel are at it too. An anti-Israel campaign group staged a stunt outside Broadcasting House in December and the usual Israel-obsessed suspects (Ken Loach et al) wrote to the *Guardian *(obviously) last week. Both groups were demanding that the BBC boycott this year's competition because it's being held in Israel. So far the BBC is holding firm, saying: The competition has always supported the values of friendship, inclusion, tolerance and diversity and we do not beli... more »
Eurovision (1)
Now, it's only right on a blog like this to note that 'the other side' is up-in-arms at the BBC for the corporation's decision to ban audience members from waving EU flags at *Eurovision: You Decide.* Only Union Flags were allowed at the event and security measures were taken to thwart pro-EU activist groups trying to flood the event with EU flags. A BBC spokesperson said: “As a safety precaution we check all personal belongings, including all flags, into studio security while ticket holders are in the studio audience, but do, however, supply the audience with UK flags once they ... more »
Wanted: A Kurdish No Fly Zone. The End of Syria?
*If the US can create this no fly zone. And they are most certainly working at it, with the help of their coalition pals including Iraq, but not Turkey, the end of Syria is a foregone conclusion.* *Or we are looking at an ever expanding, worsening war?* *Pick your poison? * *All the drivel in the so called "alt media" about Syria winning... without defining the win? * *Is it a win to have 1/3 of your territory annexed along with all the resources?* *Is it a win to be blocked from flying the skies over territory that was part of a nation state for so many years?* *Is it a win for Syria... more »
"Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: Hearts Actually Can Break"
"Hearts Actually Can Break" by Ron Winslow "Dorothy Lee and her husband of 40 years were driving home from a Bible study group one wintry night when their car suddenly hit the curb. Mrs. Lee looked at her husband, who was driving, and saw his head bob a couple of times and fall on his chest. In the ensuing minutes, Mrs. Lee recalls, she managed to avoid a crash while stopping the car, called 911 on her cellphone and tried to revive her husband before an ambulance arrived. But at the hospital, soon after learning her husband had died of a heart attack, Mrs. Lee's heart appeared to g... more »
Peter v Alastair
For someone who's hardly ever off the BBC, it's surely a bit rich for Alastair Campbell to moan about someone like Peter Hitchens getting an invite to the *Today *studio. Yet moan he did: As you might expect, Mr Hitchens didn't take that lying down. I hope you enjoy his replies as much as I did:
"We Hardly Find..."
“We hardly find any persons of good sense save those who agree with us.” François de La Rochefoucauld
Where do rich retirees go in the winter?
Where do you go when you live in a climate that wants to murder you with freezing temperatures? ________________ Where do rich retirees go in the winter? Brad Gillespie It’s always refreshing to read articles on global warming that make sense, and aren’t alarmist. I live in upstate New York, and for the most part, ... Read moreWhere do rich retirees go in the winter? The post Where do rich retirees go in the winter? appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Sorry-- Some Political Correctness Stuff
When Dickinson Grammar School, in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, was charted as a college it was a week after the official formation of the United States in 1783. It's founders signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The student newspaper, *The Dickinsonian* was founded in 1872. Last week the paper published an OpEd by Leda Fisher, Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk? You can probably imagine Breitbart's reaction. But first Fisher's article: When you ask a question at a lecture, is it secretly just your opinion ending with the phrase “do you agree?” If so, y... more »
I Fail the Australian Character Test with R. Kelly and Chelsea Manning…
Australian Amphibious Assault Force Being Assembled… By Kent Heckenlively, JD It’s not every day you find yourself mentioned in The Hollywood Reporter. It wasn’t because I obsessively Google myself that I discovered this information, but because my brother called me last Friday night, laughing hysterically. I almost couldn’t understand what he was saying because he … Continue reading I Fail the Australian Character Test with R. Kelly and Chelsea Manning… The post I Fail the Australian Character Test with R. Kelly and Chelsea Manning… appeared first on BolenReport.
*No, campus censorship is not a myth* *British student officials and others claim free speech isn’t under attack. They are wrong* In the battle over free speech on campus, students’ unions and university groups have a new line of attack: denying that the problem even exists. Campus censorship is a myth, they say, cooked up by commentators and peddled to a gullible media. It’s an argument that might be more convincing if it didn’t come from students’ unions that are actively, and often proudly, hostile to freedom of speech, and from university groups that have an obvious intere... more »
*An Investing Prophet Takes on Climate Change* *The guy above and below is good evidence that a stockmarket guru can be a bit of a nit. And his ideas about population control reveal him as a great steaming nit. He is aware of the drastic decline in fertility in developed countries but still thinks "we" have a problem of overpopulation. How does he square that circle?He even repeats the old Malthus/Ehrlich scare about running out of food. That the whole trajectory of history is towards greater and greater abundance of food obviously does not move him. And he clearly ... more »
What else do they want to take from us?
In the name of equality, which Dennis Prager says is the ideology that killed 100 million people in the 20th century, what else besides fossil fuels, borders, religious rights, history and memorials, wealth, the unborn and language do the Democrats want removed or controlled by the government? Creativity, curiosity and critical thinking. Those minds are very dangerous to Socialists.
Mistakes always come in threes
Apropos of nothing, did you know that the word 'apropos' in a mid-17th Century coinage deriving from the French *Ã propos,* which means ‘(with regard) *to* (this)* purpose*’? You* did*? Oh. Anyhow, apropos of nothing, did you spot that Andrew Marr fell into the old mistake of calling the Ku Klux Klan "the Klu Klux Klan" this morning? Andrew Neil did exactly the same on this week's *This Week. *As did Katty Kay on Monday's *Beyond 100 Days*. Bonus fact: Katty Kay, despite her initials, is not connected to the KKK.
Fine blogger David Hansard appreciated this morning's *Sunday *special from Nigeria. There was a bit of a sting in the tail to his compliment though. He tweeted, "Turned on BBC R4* Sunday* expecting the usual identity politics fare, but was pleasantly surprised to hear an excellent programme-length special about Nigeria, with Edward Stourton. Includes interesting interview with Femi Anikulapo-Kuti". "Turned on BBC R4* Sunday* expecting the usual identity politics fare" sums up *my* expectations of the usual *Sunday *programme too but, yes, this was very good from Ed Stourton. ... more »