The insights you need to get the inside edge
As the holidays wrap up, so, too, do the constant deliveries. But not
before one Reddit user got quite a surprise: Amazon's picture-proof
alert for his delivery captured his package in mid-air, flying toward
his front door. That's quite a toss, to be honest, and even better
photo-capturing skills. SEE ALSO: UPS delivery driver spots a doorbell
camera and busts out a little dance And for those ske
Your stomach is an oil slick of Christmas cookies and tequila, and your
skull feels like it's filled with pulsing concrete. Looks like it's
2019, baby! For many, the New Year's Day hangover is as familiar a
tradition as the Times Square ball drop—but with less Auld Lang Syne and
more watered-down Gatorade. Luckily, Netflix and Hulu are offering tons
of phenomenal content to help us fast forward t
new theory has suggested that the incident was in fact a revenge plot
orchestrated by British special forces. It's the UK's best known UFO
case and ...
long-lived space probe has managed to pull off the most distant flyby
of an object ever undertaken. There was much to celebrate at NASA's
Russia Today: Blackwater, the controversial US private security firm,
has flagged its intent to resume business, taking out a full-page
commercial in the latest edition of Recoil magazine with a chilling
message declaring “We are coming.” The resurrection within the military
contractors’ market of notorious Blackwater, which, after numerous
scandals and several rebrandings, is […]
Chaos Computer Club: In this talk, we’re looking at third party
tracking on Android. We’ve captured and decrypted data in transit
between our own devices and Facebook servers. It turns out that some
apps routinely send Facebook information about your device and usage
patterns – the second the app is opened. We’ll walk you […]
Mayor uses New Year’s Eve event to send message London remains open to
Europeans If the festive season can sometimes involve trolling relatives
with different political views, Sadiq Khan has arguably taken the
tradition to a grand scale with a New Year’s Eve fireworks display which
has prompted apoplexy among Brexiters with its pro-EU message. The
mayor hailed the event, in which the London Eye w
Man arrested in Bottrop over what police say appears to have been an
intentional attack A man has been arrested in Germany after driving his
car into a crowd of people, injuring at least four, in what appears to
have been an intentional attack directed at immigrants. Police said the
50-year-old driver of a silver Mercedes first attempted to hit a group
of pedestrians in the western city of Bottro
Lawyer representing immigrants says Trump's New Jersey club supplied fake green cards, Social Security numbers
After Pluto was discovered in 1930, astronomers wondered whether the
solar system stopped there. For decades, they peered through their best
telescopes, searching for hints of more objects in the darkness. In the
early 1990s, when telescope technology became powerful enough, they
found one . The object was thousands of times fainter than Pluto, but it
was there. A few months later, they found ano
Indonesian volcano that triggered a deadly tsunami when it erupted and
collapsed a week ago is now only a quarter of its previous size.
Scientists said Anak Krakatau now has a volume of 40-70 cubic metres,
having lost up to 180m cubic metres of volume since the eruption on 22
December. The analysis from Indonesia's Centre for Volcanology and
Geological Disaster Mitigation demonstrates the powe
window for planting corn and soybeans in South Africa has passed, and
with hardly anything planted in western growing ares because of drought,
the likelihood of the need for imports increases, a grain farmers'
lobby group said. "The probability of a repeat of the 2016 drought is
increasing daily" Jannie de Villiers, the chief executive officer of
Grain SA, said in an emailed statement Thursday
hours from completing a historic flyby of Kuiper Belt object 2014 MU69,
nicknamed Ultima Thule, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is on course and
ready to gather scientific data on the small object's geology,
composition, atmosphere and more. Closest approach takes place in the
early morning hours of New Year's Day -- 12:33 a.m. EST -- marking the
event as the most distant exploration of worlds
rang in the New Year on Tuesday with a historic flyby of the farthest,
and quite possibly the oldest, cosmic body ever explored by humankind—a
tiny, distant world called Ultima Thule—in the hopes of learning more
about how planets took shape.
Space Visiting the most distant object ever. NASA’s New Horizons
spacecraft, which visited Pluto back in 2015, has successfully completed
a flyby of 2014 MU69.
NASA spacecraft that yielded the first close-up views of Pluto opened
the new year at an even more distant world, a billion miles beyond.
DIY Turn yourself into a bookworm. Want to kick off the New Year with a
new habit? Reading is a great way to relax, strengthen your brain, and
improve your health. Here’s how to fit more books into your…
New Horizons spacecraft sends back the first images of Ultima’s shape
ahead of its historic flyby. Image: Johns Hopkins University Applied
Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute (NASA) The first day of
the new year has already delivered on a historic moment in science. Just
hours into 2019, the New Horizons spacecraft was confirmed to have made
its flyby of the mysterious Kuiper Belt obj
Veterans Today
… from Press TV, Tehran [ Editor’s Note: My long denied hope that Iraq
and Syria’s (and Russia’s) military forces would have a formal and
visible coalition for eliminating the US support ISIS elements in
eastern Syrian has some wind in its sails once again. A simple look at
the map would show the potential […]
Editor’s note: VT knows for certain that insurers for properties in DC
have accessed clear cruise missile videos of the Pentagon attack. We
wait to see if this is a hoax. A hacker group known as Dark Overlord
threatened on Monday to publicly release internal files regarding the
9/11 attacks unless their ransom demands are […]
“Let’s have no more wars for Israel,” said Mark Dankof. The vast
majority of Americans, including this writer and the people at Veterans
Today, will agree completely. Perhaps 2019 is the time for the American
people to tell the regime in Tel Aviv that "we ain't gonna take it
This isn’t a detailed review, but I thought I’d round off the year by
mentioning some of the highlights, and a few of the lowlights. Overall,
it’s not been a bad year for the Good Guys. Not all the Bad Guys will be
seeing in 2019 tonight. For us Brits the highlight of course has […]
So...which story do YOU think was the biggest of 2018?
A young couple on the verge of a break-up embark on a camping trip in
an attempt to salvage their relationship. Cast: Lara Gissing Tags:
shortfilm , laragissing , vimeostaffpick , staffpick , romance , drama ,
rom-com , australianshortfilm , australianfilmmaker , femalefilmmaker ,
femaledirector and femalefilmmakerfriday
The Okavango River Basin provides a vital source of water to about one
million people and abundant and diverse wildlife populations. However,
this once untouched oasis is now at risk as human activity encroaches.
Come face to face with lions, hippos, wild dogs, and more in the final
episode of The Okavango Experience, as the team returns from this
incredible wilderness. ➡ Subscribe:
On a small island a bunch of exotic creatures run across each other.
Directors: Max Mörtl & Robert Löbel Sound: David Kamp stop motion
& 2D animation / 2 min 30 sec Funded by FFA Germany Copyright Max
Mörtl & Robert Löbel, 2017 / / ---- AWARDS: Anima Mundi - Best Sound Design Chicago
International Children’s Film Festival - Best Production for Young Chil
Facebook is everywhere, whether we like it or not. The sheer size and
power of the company has convinced some that it's time to treat the
company the same way we treat phone and cable companies: with
anti-monopoly suits and heavy regulation. But reining in Mark
Zuckerberg's monopoly will be harder than it sounds. Read more here: Subscribe: Like The Verge
This vibrant city of art, culture, and industry is also a treasure
trove of storied sites. Make time to check out some of Chicago’s coolest
historical spots. ➡ Subscribe: About
National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium
destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their
world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmm
Meet Bella Galhos, a human rights activist who fought for Timor-Leste's
independence. Now, she tries to create a better, more sustainable
future for Asia’s youngest and poorest country. Filmmaker Simon Reichel
highlights Galhos' latest project, Leublora Green Village, a women's
organic farming cooperative in Mana Bella. ➡ Subscribe: ➡ Get More Short Film Showcase: ht
The Corbett Report
Dr. Mark Skimore of Michigan State University joins us to discuss his
research with Catherine Austin Fitts into the $21 trillion in
unaccounted transactions on the books of the US Department of Defence
and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. We discuss what
we know and don't know about the subj
mp3=""][/audio] Who
gets to write the history textbooks? Where do the history teachers learn
about history? What documents are allowed into the historical record,
and what documents are excluded? These are not merely academic
questions, they go right to the heart of the question of history itself.
Join James Corbett for today's edition of
Richard Grove of joins The Corbett Report to discuss
his research into the Rothschild dynasty and how it intersects with the
story of WWI.
Gerry Docherty, co-author with Jim MacGregor of Hidden History: The
Secret Origins of the First World War, joins us for an in-depth
discussion about the real origins of WWI. In this wide-ranging
discussion, Docherty reveals the machinations of the Secret Elite that
ensnared Europe, and, ultimately, the world,
Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance joins us once again. This
time we talk about the latest developments in the Jeffrey Epstein case,
as well as Broze's investigation into the decades-old story of The
Finders and their links to child trafficking.
The Rules of Exposition
At Merriam-Webster: Is Singular 'They' a Better Choice? The awkward
case of 'his or her' "Everyone should do his or her best in whatever
situations he or she happens to find himself or herself in?" That's
awkward. Perhaps everyone should just do their best in the situations
they find themselves in. Even if their best involves they as a singular
pronoun. Awkward, indeed. But singular 'they' is wro
A Different Perspective
This is a different post than I had planned. After reading James
Carrion’s The Roswell Deception , I was planning to do a short article
about one tiny aspect of it. It was something that seemed to undermine
his premise, but as I was searching for additional information, the tone
changed and I made a discovery or two that I thought important. James
Carrion. Photo copyright by Kevin Randle To bring
For those who have been wondering, yes, I chose the name for the
articles, “Jefferson Airship,” because the 1960s band, Jefferson
Airplane which became Jefferson Starship and the just Starship. What
would you have called a story Jefferson Herald and the Airship Crash,
2018 about the Great Airship crashing near Jefferson, Iowa? Just seemed
to make sense to me. Andrew McGinn, the editor of the Jeff
For nearly thirty years or more, various researchers and experts have
been trying to read the Ramey Memo, believing that it might hold the key
to the Roswell crash. What can be seen easily in the document held by
Brigadier General Roger Ramey suggests that the text does relate to the
Roswell case. While some words are obvious, others are tantalizing close
to being read, but are open to various in
Our pals over at History (which used to be the History Channel) have
decided to take on Project Blue Book in a series that is based on those
files. This is, of course, the second series to do that. Back in the
1970s, Jack Webb created Project UFO which was based, loosely, on the
Project Blue Book files. I have said in the past The two stars of
Project UFO. that we owed Webb a bit of recognition b
As I was working on the articles about the Jefferson Airship crash, I
wondered what was the difference between that event and the Aurora,
Texas, crash. Both were reported in the newspaper which was supposed to
add some credibility to the stories. But Aurora has been splashed all
over the media since the 1960s including documentaries, magazine
articles and mentions in books, and even a movie about
There was some follow up to the Jefferson airship crash. The crash
happened on Saturday night, April 10, but was not reported in the
newspaper until April 15. If it was a real event, with most of the town
aware of it, then the following letters to the editor would have had a
chance to make their way to the newspaper office for publication on
Thursday. That seems to be the case because there were
A Way to Live
In Place By Risa Bear View this Author's Spotlight Paperback, 124 Pages
Preview Price: $10.00 Prints in 3-5 business days An old woman, young
in the study of Zen Buddhism, converts an old playhouse as a part-time
Activist Teacher
jaunes: Investment-predation globalism for the mobile urban elites
versus rural nationalism for the sedentary and threatened middle-classIn
the West, there is a global class conflict, decades in the making,
which is a direct consequence of the globalization of investment
predation. For the good of humankind, and for the good of the planet,
and for social peace and stability, we should
Adrienne's Corner
and the commie/marxist/libtards swoon. Daily Mail hails this as
"dressing for success." Uh, okay. Last minute deals at Amazon . If you
Prime, you'll get them before Christmas.
is ignorance really bliss? For the past week having sketchy internet
service has prompted me to discover a few things. The first thing I
discovered is when you know that your access may only last for five to
fifteen minutes, you eliminate a gazillion sites you usually spend waste
time perusing. Take time to enjoy the beauty of the world The second
thing I discovered is that the surfing aimlessly
perfect representatives for the party of commie/marxist/libtards.
Watching this travesty of a "debate" with Nancy Pelosi waving her hands
about and actually making an opening statement referring to the meeting
as "coming together to have a prayerful" debate should set your teeth on
edge. Pelosi makes it known that she would much rather have a "private"
meeting and then maybe go out and spin some
the comments from the left are really stupid. Yesterday, while waiting
for my husband at the doctor's office, I had a chance to peruse the
entertainment type mags like People. Cue up the brilliant, fashion icon,
amazing, and timeless beauty of Michelle Obama plastered in every
issue. After suffering 8 years of the most obnoxiously undignified and
slovenly first lady who spoke in fake ghetto in th
and we thank him. Ordinarily, I ignore most news about Empty Cortex,
but a few days ago she called General John Kelly a coward for not
apologizing to congressclown Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) . Empty Cortex
accused Kelly of lying about the clown. Did he? No. "The Other Dave
Miller posted this comment on a post yesterday and I think we can safely
say he speaks for most Americans. Alexandria Ocasio-C
red, white, and blue. Intermittent Internet Access: While our
intermittent internet access problem continues, I’m doing posts in Word,
and when we have are accorded a 5 minute window of access, perhaps I
can copy and paste. In the meantime, now our home phone (land line) is
also screwed up. At least when the internet sporadically comes on my
emails are downloaded to my computer. Tomorrow when I g
Amused Cynicism
Job Worth has created a flowchart with all the twists and turns Brexit
might take over the coming months. As you can see, it’s rather
By Tom Scott. If you liked Earworm, you might also like The singularity, ruined by lawyers .
to ACW Readers: With apologies and gratitude to Bob Dylan, whose
ten-year old Tennessee bourbon, Heaven’s Door, is worth sampling. Come
gather ‘round lobbyists Wherever you roam And admit that the brown air
Around you has grown The waters keep rising No need to ask why Streets
flooded below your perches up high Your …
now you have probably seen the report by Zach Cohen at CNN citing the
some research by the CNS team on a North Korean missile base. Here is a
longer version of the analysis. Basic points: We were looking at the
Yeongjeo-dong missile base, and Kim Hyong Jik County, because this area
would make …
of the week: “We do not yet know surely in what proportion unreasonable
fears and twisted hopes are at the root of the perverted policy now
followed by the Kremlin. Assuming both to be involved, we must disarm
the fears and disappoint the hopes.” — Henry L. Stimson, “The Challenge
to Americans,” Foreign Affairs, …
of the week: “Maybe time running out is a gift I’ll work hard ’til the
end of my shift And give you every second I can find And hope it isn’t
me who’s left behind It’s knowing that this can’t go on forever Likely
one of us will have to spend some days alone …
of the week: “We work in the dark — we do what we can — we give what we
have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task.” — Henry
James, “The Middle Years” Yes, the hour is late and the cause is
probably hopeless, but it’s still worth trying to …
of the week: And the men who spurred us on Sit in judgement of all
wrong They decide and the shotgun sings the song … Pick up my guitar and
play Just like yesterday Then I’ll get on my knees and pray We don’t
get fooled again — The Who, “Don’t Get Fooled Again” …
[no content]
Lisa DeVille, Ft. Berthold POWER President Censored News New Source
Performance Standards Weakened EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler
and the Trump administration announced their plans to weaken
common-sense air protections, known as New Source Performance Standards
(NSPS), which limit methane and other toxic pollutants from being
released into the air. These current
Rivas and Cynthia Piestewa By Ofelia Rivas, O'odham Censored News
CABORCA, Sonora -- The women were busy cooking and baking bread and
cupcakes while O'odham photographer Cynthia Piestewa and I shopped for
candy and stayed up into the night bagging 150 holiday bags of candy.
The event started with a registration of all the
Fighting Law Enforcement Brutality While Living with Trauma in a World
of Impunity A few months ago, I was asked to do a piece on what it is
like to live with intergenerational trauma, for a special issue of the
Genealogy Journal , on Indigenous peoples and intergenerational trauma.
Here is the essay: Fighting Law Enforcement Brutality While Living with
Trauma in a World of Impunity https://www.m
I've done one of these recently, but I wanted to go even further, "I
want to strip back every tacked-on feature this game has suffered from
over the six years of its twisting turning production roadmap," and see
what is actually left or worth incorporating into a multiplayer online
space-sim experience. What is Star Citizen tr
why should we care? Modern archaeology still asserts that the Trojan
War (if it happened at all) took place around 1300-1200 BC, then a
mysterious 500-year Dark Ages fell upon Europe where no-one died and
no-one was born and nothing was built or commissioned. If we eradicate
these imaginary Europe-wide 'dark ages' and just cram the recorded dates
back together, we have a date of 638 BC for
ugly unreadable insulting Star Citizen is a pre-alpha multiplayer
online game in development LIVE right now from Cloud Imperium and as you
can see from the image above has a hideous primary-colour 1990s
fighter-type HUD or basic graphical overlay named Heads Up Display. This
is a personal campaign to get CI to drop such visual garbage and adopt a
HUD-less interface maybe something more like the f
might be a remnant from the work of radical cosmologist Immanuel
Velikovski 1895-1979, who also correctly predicted the current 800°C
surface-temperature of Venus, but new evidence* suggests that THE OCEANS
watch, listen, learn. Mytho-historical cosmology strongly suggests that
the Earth and Saturn had a much more intimate r
NEXT BIT IS PURE SPECULATION and I haven't looked into the scientific
application of using electricity to wipe a person's brain, let alone
wipe the collective memory of an era of people, but I'm going to
progress with my word-salad. What if... ...all around the world
monuments made using technology that seems VERY CONTEMPORARY like
perfectly symmetrical quartz-laden marble sculptures with tool
Greg Mankiw's Blog
Click here to read my column in Sunday's NY Times .
A Christmas message (be sure to check out the mouse-over text).
Click here to read my review of Trumponomics by Stephen Moore and Arthur Laffer.
this interview , CEA chair Kevin Hassett (around minute 4:00) dismisses
the adverse impact of the government shutdown on real GDP. It seems to
me that he is more wrong than right. Kevin appears to be assuming that
government workers don't produce anything of value when they are at
work, or that they will make up all the undone work when they return, so
making them stay at home has no significan
Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Argentina: Corroboration for the 1984 UFO Flotilla Sighting GENERAL
INFORMATION / SUMMER Page 27 Swift Transit of UFO Flotilla Observed The
transit of a flotilla of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) over Capital
Federal and Greater Buenos Aires was witnessed at 0250 hours yesterday
by several people in various locations, despite the fact that the radar
units at Ezeiza International Airport did n
Argentina: The First Live Broadcast of a UFO Fleet By Gustavo
Fernández, Al Filo de la Realidad December 11, 2018 Translation by Scott
Corrales, IHU It is quite possible that many readers will consider this
article to be merely anecdotal, and they could be entirely right. But
if one (the author) believes that one has gained any right, it would be
the one to right freely about a subject and when a
Argentina: A "Triangle" in the Western Corridor By Luis Burgos -
Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía BREAKING NEWS Report No. 204 of the
spectacular and forecasted 2018 UFO Wave emanates from the section of
Argentina that has the **most apparitions of triangular flying objects**
- The Western Buenos Aires Corridor, the name I bestowed upon that
virtual strip of land around 2008 due to the constant c
Source: Planeta UFO and Canal 13 San Juan (Argentina) Date: December
21, 2018 Argentina: Strange New UFO Recorded over San Juan (Argentina)
Once again, the Guardianes del Cielo Cuyano, a group whose members
describe themselves as amateur UFO hunters, detected a strange object
once again in the skies over San Juan. The incident occurred on December
17. It happened at 22:57 hours in the locality of
November brought us an unexpected gift in the form of ALIEN BLOOD LUST
from Inner Light Publications. This anthology consists of the collected
efforts of Timothy Green Beckley, Sean Casteel, Nigel Watson, Hercules
Invictus and Scott Corrales in delving into the grisly world of
non-human (ultraterrestrial, paraterrestrial, metaterrestrial) entities
often associated with the UFO phenomenon since it
Source: Planeta UFO Date: 12.02.2018 Cuba: A UFO in 1952 Veteran Cuban
UFO researcher Orestes Girbau has shared the image of an article from
the El IMPARCIAL newspaper with the first known photo of a UFO over
Cuba. In a note for Planeta UFO he writes: "First photo of a UFO in
Cuba, taken in the city of Matanzas on 17 July 1952 while the worldwide
UFO flap was in full swing. It was taken by young
Land Destroyer
Editor's Note: This article was written just before Israel carried out
attacks on Syria on Christmas day. December 25, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci -
NEO ) - The US suddenly and unexpectedly announced the withdrawal of US
troops from Syria after years of illegally occupying the country. The
US presence aimed at ousting the Syrian government, boosting militant
groups the US and its partners have armed a
December 29, 2018 ( Joseph Thomas - NEO ) - Any productive relationship
between two nations must include mutual benefits for both. A proposed
alliance that includes no incentive for a partner nation cannot
otherwise move forward save for threats and coercion. The United States
and its "pivot toward Asia" is an ongoing demonstration of this simple
reality. The US seeks primacy over Asia-Pacific (n
December 22, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - The latest bid to keep
Washington's desperate Russiagate conspiracy theory alive has energized
distilled segments of the public still convinced of Moscow's global
omniscience and its role in manipulating and undermining virtually every
aspect of their daily lives. But recent "revelations" are simply the
same accusations made against a Russian-based cl
December 15, 2018 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - A particularly scurrilous
op-ed appeared in the pages of the Washington Post accusing the Syrian
government of detaining, torturing, then executing an American citizen,
Layla Shweikani. Considering US attempts to establish various pretexts
to justify its ongoing military occupation of Syria and its attacks on
Syrian forces - such an accusation could dang
December 20, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - Rarely is irony and
hypocrisy so thoroughly combined as it was when the US House of
Representatives passed resolution 1035 - " Expressing opposition to the
completion of Nord Stream II" (.pdf) . Bloomberg in its article, " U.S.
House Passes Resolution Opposing Russian Gas Pipeline ," would report:
The U.S. House of Representatives approved a largely s
December 7, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - The recent Kerch Strait
incident marks a new low amid the US-led expansion of NATO eastward. The
intentional provocation executed by Kiev saw three Ukrainian naval
vessels seized by Russia. The vessels were intentionally violating
protocol for passing through the Strait - protocol previously agreed
upon by Kiev and previously observed by Ukrainian nava
Left I on the News
Click here to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio .
Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted
time slot. *WORST: After a week of Russian propaganda, I was questioning
First of all, isn’t questioning everything a *good thing*, *especially*
if you’
Click here to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio .
Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted
11 minutes. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines (WMMFH) for
Dec. 21, 2018 *Uber driver, 27, 'who tried to attack police with a
Samurai sword outside Buckingham Palace' tells court he became angry
after watching TV channel Russia Today https://www.dailym
Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines (WMMFH) for Dec. 7,
2018 Click here to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear
Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our
allotted 11 minutes. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines
(WMMFH) for Dec. 14, 2018 George Bush Was George Bailey: It Was a
Wonderful Life
Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines (WMMFH) for Dec. 7,
2018 Click here to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear
Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our
allotted 11 minutes. *Russia is trying to undermine Americans’
confidence in the justice system, security experts warn
News From Atlantis.
So 2019 is here. Happy New Year to everyone. The first act of 2019 has
been to respect the outcome of the request for the forum to be saved or
closed. Everyone left on the forum was emailed to ask if it should
continue, and a public request was made on here. The response (albeit a
silent one!) was not for it to be continued, (so unlike the UK
government's refusal to respect the wishes of the peop
early discussions of pedigreed conservative intellectuals immediately
following Trump’s election reveals some very disappointing things about
the wide cavern between this nation’s conservative intellectuals, […]
there have been a rash of retired general officers and admirals who
seem to feel they need to express their disagreement with President
Trump […]
We, this world, is no longer in the Post Cold War era. We are in a new era, as of yet without a name, but […]
Republicans stand for? The Republicans had the majority in both Houses,
but their “big tent” electoral strategy gave them a majority that could
not […]
almost vicious cruelty sweeping America is most visible through the
actions of Donald J. Trump. But the recent action by a Texan district
judge, […]
the growing Republican toxicity of government rule and its Trump
mutation is the creed of the Koch brothers. That creed represents the
ideological engine […]
Obsidian Wings
by liberal japonicus I don't know about y'all, but I've been pounded
into silence by the torrent of news, goverment shutdown, Brexit,
tsunami. It is enough to turn me into a cat picture person. However, I
felt like I needed to post an end of the year post, so there was this
story, about an unlikely friendship that some of you may have seen
by wj I find myself repeatedly amazed by what is going on in North
Carolina. First, as we have all noticed, the state legislature has been
in a long effort to combat “voting fraud” – that is people voting who
shouldn’t be. They have been undeterred by a lack of evidence that there
was really a problem. But now we discover that North Carolina (at least
part of it) has a major real problem with ele
by liberal japonicus Don't really have a lot, so two things that
crossed my desktop. Kevin Drum offers a commonsensical view on dealing
with the deaths of public figures . (Doing the above was) considered
common courtesy, and does not mean that (a) nobody is ever allowed to
say anything bad about the establishment, or (b) everyone has forgotten
what a bad person this was. It just means that out o
by liberal japonicus Laura mentioned that she had a new book , proceeds
of which would go to fund animal rescue, so I asked her to give us some
more details. I'm sure that other folks have interesting things that
are hopefully coming to fruition for this holiday season, either for
themselves or for others, so put them in the comments or send them to me
and I'll append them to the post. Don't hide
by JanieM When I was a kid I went through a phase when I wanted to be
an astronomer, using the word loosely. What I probably really meant was
cosmologist. Odd, then, that I went to a college without an astronomy
department. But I thought I could solve the deficiency by majoring in
physics and eventually concentrating on astrophysics in grad school. I
took what was essentially a half-credit course
Paying attention
Congratulations if you’ve mostly skipped the flood of news reports on
the legislature scandal. It’s been entertaining, if you’re the kind of
person who stops to look at car crashes. But despite all the noise, we
know very little. Here’s the Quick Notes version, and six things you
need to know in order to understand what’s happening. To start with, the
facts. On Nov. 19, Speaker Darryl Plecas call
Pesticide Action Network
Each year on December 3, PAN International marks the anniversary of the
Bhopal tragedy, both to lift up the ongoing struggle of the affected
families, and to remind the world that there is another way. Learn more
Slideshow Category: Flex Slider
This post is part of an ongoing project by PAN Farmer Justice Fellows
who are working to uplift the many different voices of farmers in
California. The mission of this work is to broaden the narrative of what
it means to be a farmer participating in the state's agricultural
system by sharing the wide spectrum of relationships that growers have
with land. Christina Perez is a Latinx woman urban fa
Momentum is building in support of farming models that are regenerative
instead of extractive, that build healthy soil, crop diversity — and
thriving communities. Learn more Slideshow Category: Flex Slider
I’m feeling unexpectedly hopeful as 2018 winds down. Though the
national political landscape remains tumultuous, we’re seeing some
powerful, energizing trends in the world of food and farming. First,
momentum is building in support of farming models that are regenerative
instead of extractive, that build healthy soil, crop diversity — and
thriving communities. Second, the public and political app
After months of negotiations, the 2018 Farm Bill was just passed by
Congress. While still flawed, the final bill is in stark contrast to the
widely criticized original House version. Learn more Slideshow
Category: Flex Slider