Thursday, November 15, 2018

15 November - iGoogle Portal Tab 9

  Washington's Blog

  •   A few months ago a couple of officials from Lugansk People’s Republic broached the idea of my joining the International Election Observer team in LNR. It wasn’t because they...
  • As I head over to Ireland for a conference on closing U.S. and NATO military bases around the world — and at which some of us will make plans for protesting NATO in Washington on April...

    • Steve McKeown was a radio operator in the 4th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army in Vietnam in 1966 to 1967. He was a founding member of Veterans For Peace Chapter 27 in Minneapolis / St...

  • “Fashion is not art. Fashion isn’t even culture. Fashion is advertising, and advertising is money. And for every dollar you earn, someone has to pay.” – Gia Carangi With stunning...
  • Along with stellar performances and captivating plotlines, it’s the costumes that leave an indelible impression when we sit, transfixed, in a darkened theater. Here are ten unforgettable...

    • Stiletto knives were first developed in Italy in the 15th century, but came to prominence during the 1950s and 1960s. The blade of the stiletto was no more than 0.19 inches in diameter...

      Utopia – you are standing in it!

    • From Will the Paris Accord Accelerate Climate Change? by Laurence J. Kotlikoff, Andrey Polbin and Andrey Zubarev 2016 at

    The Truthseeker

  • The Russians must be laughing after a $400 million Norwegian warship sank following a collision. However, Irish Savant explains, the joke is really on us...
  • Both Assange and Snowden are Deep State assets, claims Henry Makow's correspondent. The giveaway is that they both support the official 9/11 story

    • “Worst decision seen in post-war politics in Europe”

  • United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Mueller Probe and House Investigations Are Pincers Closing on Trump...
  • United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|Tuesday, November 13, 2018 It’s Mueller Time: Reports Say a Salvo of Subpoenas Is Due This Week...

    • United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|Monday, November 12, 2018 New House Majority Plans Bills for Minimum Wage Hike, Background Checks...

  • Despite the existence of chemical-free methods to eradicate pests, Americans use more than a billion pounds of agricultural pesticides per year. These chemicals are mostly out...
  • Risky genetically modified (GM) “male-sterile” mosquitoes are due to be released in the very near future, in Burkina Faso by the Target Malaria research consortium. However...

    • The German Federal Minister for the Environment, Svenja Schulze, is calling for pesticide-free compensation areas and a binding date for the phase-out of glyphosate. However...

  • South / North
  • South / North

    • Ice Age predicted by Guardian

      Stumbling and Mumbling

  • Devarshi Lodhia has a nice piece on the decline of the pub. I wonder, though: to what extent are the social and cultural changes that have contributed to their decline a product of raw...
  • What role, if any, should contrarians play in public life? This is the question posed by the appointment of Sir Roger Scruton as housing tsar despite (or perhaps because of) his unconventional...

    • Eric Lonergan’s good discussion of fiscal rules has triggered an intemperate debate about MMT. For me, though, it poses a question: from which fact(s) should thinking about macro...

      Stagecraft and Statecraft

  • India’s stance vindicated as China’s grandiose BRI plans run into resistance Brahma Chellaney, The Times of India Sierra Leone has become the latest country to scrap a Belt...
  • Over the last couple of years, the China-policy debate in the US has begun to reflect more realism, with a growing number of voices recognizing China’s ambition to supplant its American...

    • Brahma Chellaney, The Japan Times The spotlight on the Beijing summit between Shinzo Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping cannot obscure the more substantive discussions starting...

  • Italy ‘Will Refuse to Budge One Millimetre’ Over EU’s Demands to Curb Its Big-Spending Budget by Nick Squires, Italy’s populist government...
  • PressTV Published on Nov 14, 2018 Syria says the the US-led coalition has used internationally banned weapons in a new air attack on the war-ravaged country. US-led warplanes dropped...

  • By John RossThe new US GDP growth data released by the US last Friday entirely confirms the earlier analysis of ‘US growth under Trump is the slowest under any US President since World...
  • By John RossThe US is fighting the trade war against China on two fronts.·         The first is the US external economic attack on China, primarily centred at present...

    • By Tom O’LearyThe claim for the latest Tory Budget is that ‘austerity is coming to an end’, and has been dutifully echoed by the Tory press and the BBC.In reality austerity policies...

      Ramani's blog

  • In 78 CE, the Hindu king Vikramaditya defeated him and killed him in the Karur region, located between Multan and the castle of Loni. The astronomers and other people started using...
  • In this heat, people are not aware that the Sabarimala Temple was set fire to and the Idol was disfigured.

    • The land of Sanatana Dharma,of Rama,Krishna,of Puranas,Of Ramayana, Mahabharata,of Valmiki,Sangam Literature,of Tulsidas,Bhakta Ramdass, Shivaji,of Ramana Maharshi,land...

  • Fred Klonsky has the charter scandal of the day in Chicago. The founder and CEO of the Noble (no excuses) Charter Chain is stepping down after being accused of inappropriate conduct...
  • Matt Barnum reports on a conference sponsored by the Center for Reinventing Public Education, one of the leaders in promoting charters and portfolio districts, where he noted a new...

    • Leonie Haimson provides a comprehensive report on the context for the Brooklyn high school protest against the Chan-Zuckerberg tech program called Summit. As she says, this is a...

      P U L S E

    • There are no articles found. Please check feed URL is correct and if needs user authentication then please provide correct username and password.

  • Last week’s midterm Congressional elections dominated the late night and daytime talk programs, so the drought of science and technology guests continued. However, the reruns...
  • The highlight of last week’s science and technology late night content was “Science Bob” Pflugfelder.  He returned to Jimmy Kimmel Live! on November 1.  The science educator...

    • While I have complained regularly this year about the (relative) dearth of late night and other talks how bookings of science and technology related guests, this past week was one...


  • By Paul Homewood     Right on cue, Governor Moonbeam blames the latest California fire on global warming and Trump:
  • By Paul Homewood   h/t Joe Public   From Huff Post:     There are too many polar bears in parts of Nunavut and climate change hasn’t yet affected any of them, says a draft management...

    • By Paul Homewood   I am always puzzled by those who decry the world’s slightly warmer climate since pre-industrial times. They seem to think the climate was perfect then. Perhaps...

  • The weather models are all now pointing to wintry weather pushing into Europe next week, after a year of near record warm temperatures. Is a cold winter in store? German skeptic weather...
  • Proposed wind turbines in Switzerland’s Linth region have been rejected by local communities, the media report. Parts of Switzerland want no part of blighting their landscape...

    • Ninety-nine percent of the Earth’s atmosphere is made up of two gases: (78%) nitrogen (N2) and (21%) oxygen (O2). Neither is considered an IR-absorbing/re-emitting greenhouse...

  • Janresseger: More on the Public Purpose of Our Public Schools and the Role of Public Governance There has recently been a debate among guest writers in Valerie Strauss’s “Answer...
  • Answer Sheet: Linda Darling-Hammond vs. Diane Ravitch and Carol Burris (update) (Update: Adding a response from Ravitch/Burris) I recently published a post by Diane Ravitch and...

    • Teacher in a Strange Land: Opportunity Knocks and Grade Level Answers the Door Last month, Ed World was abuzz over a flashy new report from TNTP, the refurbished face of The New...

      Victor Davis Hanson Private Papers

  • Victor Davis Hanson // National Review The revolution of 1776 sought to turn a colony of Great Britain into a new independent republic based on constitutionally protected freedom...
  • Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Some progressives lamented the apparent defeat of radical progressive African-American candidates such as gubernatorial nominees...

    • Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness The First World War ended 100 years ago this month on November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m. Nearly 20 million people had perished since the war began...

  • Melania Trump is not the first First Lady to influence her husband, the president of the United States. It’s not unusual, unique, or strange. Sarah Polk helped her husband craft...
  • Perhaps one day Humboldt pot will be as famous as Bordeaux wine. AP Photo/Richard Vogel Ryan Stoa, Concordia University School of Law You’ve heard of Big Pharma and Big Tobacco...

    • By ESTHER J. CEPEDA Washington Post Writers Group Columnist CHICAGO — It’s a terrible idea to make too much of the campaign victory of any politician, but an exception is in order...

      Marginal REVOLUTION

  • In November 1931 Churchill also published an article entitled ‘Fifty Years Hence’ in Maclean’s Magazine, in which he made some absurd predictions — that we would grow only...
  • 1. Profile of Claire Lehmann. 2. Profile of Shane Parrish and Farnam Street (NYT). 3. With @RyanHawk12 on The Learning Leader Show – Talked about developing skills for what is scarce...

    • From Henry van Straehlen, a job market candidate from Northwestern: This paper studies the effect of economic conditions on political polarization using micro-data on house prices...

      Lloyd Lofthouse

  • Originally posted on Suzie Speaks: The last few weeks have been pretty amazing, particularly with the once-in-a-lifetime experiences that The Bloke and I have participated in for...
  • Tomorrow on November 6, 2018, if you vote, your vote will determine if you are an American Patriot or a Trump loyalist. Continue reading →

    • Originally posted on Diane Ravitch's blog: The race for State Superintendent of Instruction in California is the most expensive in history for a top state education job. California-based...

  • The existence of a World War I monument known as the “Peace Cross” is being challenged by the American Humanist Association.
  • VIDEO - In this interview, The New American's Alex Newman and William F. Jasper discuss how the mass immigration into the Western world advances the globalist objective of a New...

    • The White House has answered CNN’s lawsuit seeking a court’s relief in the expulsion of anti-Trump reporter Jim Acosta.

  • In the wake of Lieberman’s resignation the high probability of a Naftali Bennett-led Defense Ministry would unleash a new, even more brutal wave of extrajudicial murders of unarmed...
  • Certain especially vulnerable groups, such as Iran’s cancer patients, are bearing the brunt of the burden caused by the new U.S.-imposed sanctions, as the cost of the average cancer...

    • Freedom of expression is a thorn in the side of EU technocrats. A new intellectual property law adopted by the European Parliament in September threatens our fundamental rights...

  • From Henry van Straehlen, a job market candidate from Northwestern: This paper studies the effect of economic conditions on political polarization using micro-data on house prices...
  • “So, where are all the boaters your age?” asked a 60-something-year-old, at a patio bar on Gabriola Island in British Columbia. “When I was your age, we all had boats and had great...

    • That is the last sentence of the abstract in this job market paper, from Jonathan F. Schulz: Political institutions vary widely around the world, yet the origin of this variation is...

      Made from Truth and Lies

  • As apparently the cabinet meeting is still going on, and there will be no press announcement tonight,i need some rampant speculation... View poll: #20719Original post on Dreamwidth...
  • Karen Gillan returns home with new film about suicide (tags: suicide movies KarenGillan ) Angela Merkel calls for creation of EU army (tags: europe military ) Russian space leader...

    • Every Brexit headline for the last six months (tags: UK europe doom ) Art of SFF: Charles Vess on Working with Ursula Le Guin on The Books of Earthsea (tags: art UrsulaKLegGuin fantasy...

    Featured Health News from Medical News Today

  • Thai massage is an ancient practice wherein a practitioner will bend a person's body into different poses. Learn about the benefits and possible side effects of Thai massage, as well...
  • In Parkinson's disease, toxic protein clumps accumulate in the brain's motor region. A study shows how targeting an enzyme could prevent this.

    • Doctors use a lumbar MRI scan to examine a person’s lower spine for problems. An MRI scan uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create an image of the inside of a person’s body...

      Jon's Text

  • 2002 3 medical professors at a world leading cancer hospital, used high intensity ultrasound to clear cancer at one session.  And 2010 they resigned in disgust, as other medics would...
  • We are not talking about a defective biochemical treatment, that has resulted in medicated diabetes being the eight biggest killer of humanity. Every registered Dr. on earth must...

  • Diabetes cured 2013

    15 hours ago

    • I have been blogging on the Internet, about using High Intensity UltraSound to clear all diabetes for five years.  Doctors are special.  Each and every one has promised by aware...

  • From Birch Gold Group Now that the midterm elections are pretty much over, the Democrats control the House, and the Republicans control the Senate. This may have several important...
  • by Chris Well, don’t look now but futures on all three US equity indexes are nicely green…msot brain dead trade of the past month.  US stocks down on the day?  Buy ... Read more...

    • via confoundedinterest: Wells Fargo is adopting an unusual defense against a shareholder lawsuit: claiming, essentially, that shareholders can’t hold the bank accountable...

  • I’m no scientist, so I’ve got more questions than answers, and any speculation on my part re the current spate of fires in California is just speculation, but damn, they just seemed...
  • There was a moment, a brief moment, when I saw that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was participating in a protest in Nancy Pelosi’s office, that I thought “mmm, that might be a bit of over-reach. ...
  • Poetry and Trolls

    2 days ago

    • I belong to a few Facebook poetry pages, but I’m only active in one.  I suppose I could post my poems in all of them, but I kind of feel that would be cheating. I’m not sure exactly how...

      Fragments from Floyd

  • The title is the name of the first section of what I once imagined–and still sometimes am certain–will be a book whose title will be “One Place Understood.” The first chapter...
  • …Brazil has elected a new far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, who favors abolishing protected indigenous lands. He has promised to scale back enforcement of environmental...

    • No man is an island, Entire of itself, Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less. As well as if a promontory were. As well...

    15 November - iGoogle Portal Tab 8

      Eyes on Trade

  • Contrary to Trump’s Campaign Pledges to Speedily Reduce the Deficit, Nine-Month Data Show Largest Deficit Ever Recorded With China and Largest With NAFTA Nations in a Decade Government...
  • Deficit for Nine Months of 2018 Likely to Be Largest Ever Recorded With China and Largest With NAFTA in a Decade as Imports from Mexico Grow The United States is on track to post a record...

    • A Critical Tool to Address Currency Manipulation and Stem Record-Setting Trade Deficits Has Been Shirked by the Trump Administration, a New Public Citizen Analysis Shows The Trump...

  • Our Divine Guidance is a very important aspect of our life, whether we are aware of it or not. We are never truly disconnected from Source, from our Higher Self, but it can definitely...
  • You may worry that you are losing your mind, you can have a fuzzy brain, you might experience waves of anger or sadness, you could feel helpless or hopeless. If you are an Empath this post...

    • By Jeff Street The subject of Trapped Emotions is one that many are not aware of, especially if they’re not familiar with energy and the energy body.  A more common term for Trapped...

    Featured Health News from Medical News Today

  • Thai massage is an ancient practice wherein a practitioner will bend a person's body into different poses. Learn about the benefits and possible side effects of Thai massage, as well...
  • In Parkinson's disease, toxic protein clumps accumulate in the brain's motor region. A study shows how targeting an enzyme could prevent this.

    • Doctors use a lumbar MRI scan to examine a person’s lower spine for problems. An MRI scan uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create an image of the inside of a person’s body...

  • By Christopher F. Schuetze4 November 2018KAUB, Germany (The New York Times) – Just after sunrise, Capt. Frank Sep turned to his ship’s radio for the defining news of his day: the...
  • By Seth Borenstein12 November 2018WASHINGTON (AP) – Both nature and humans share blame for California’s devastating wildfires, but forest management did not play a major role...

    • By Fred Barbash, Allyson Chiu, and Juliet Eilperin9 November 2018(The Washington Post) – A federal judge temporarily blocked construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline...

  • The Democrats have only one prerequisite when it comes to opposing POTUS Donald Trump and it is this: Never, ever approve of anything he does, no matter how legal and/or constitutional...
  • He screamed repeatedly, "She hit me first." We're told he angrily added, "This is bulls***, this is f***ing bulls***."

    • Pollster Frank Luntz conducted a focus group of Democratic voters and asked them what they thought of former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton running again...

  • A shocking email from an Indian River board member highlights the vast amount of corruption and scandal coming from the highest levels of the state when it comes to Patrick Miller. ...
  • Charter School of Wilmington is up for their charter school renewal with Red Clay Consolidated School District.  The Red Clay board discussed this charter renewal with Dr. Sam Paoli...

    • The most controversial piece of legislation in the Delaware General Assembly will be State Rep. Earl Jaques’ brainfart of an idea to have the State of Delaware take over the Christina...

  • TweetPerhaps no issue is as deserving of ‘zombie’ status in the great education debates as schools of education and their myriad failures. [Insert specific criticism here]...
  • TweetTeachers are running for office in unprecedented numbers. And that’s not the only thing that makes this wave of teachers-turned-candidates unique. In the latest episode...

    • TweetIn the latest episode of Have You Heard, Jennifer and Jack talk to Anand Giridharadas about his best-selling new book, Winners Take All: the Elite Charade of Changing the World...

      Din Merican: the Malaysian DJ Blogger

  • November 15, 2018 Reclaiming Community by Dani Rodrik* Stable families, good jobs, strong schools, abundant and safe public spaces, and pride in local cultures and history – these...
  • November 5, 2018 Macron’s Response to Trump: ‘I Do Not Do Policy or Diplomacy by Tweets’   President Trump met with President Emmanuel Macron of France in Paris last week ...

    • November 15, 2018 Crunch time for Malaysia on economic reform by Stewart Nixon

    Featured Health News from Medical News Today

  • Thai massage is an ancient practice wherein a practitioner will bend a person's body into different poses. Learn about the benefits and possible side effects of Thai massage, as well...
  • In Parkinson's disease, toxic protein clumps accumulate in the brain's motor region. A study shows how targeting an enzyme could prevent this.

    • Doctors use a lumbar MRI scan to examine a person’s lower spine for problems. An MRI scan uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create an image of the inside of a person’s body...

      Chicago Boyz

  • Related to the previous post, and mondegreens in general. I first wrote about this years ago. One of my favorite stories, up in smoke. The idea that “Ring Around The Rosie” is actually...

    • I brought this forward from 2008 for reasons that are not clear, even to me. I just liked it. There is some actual cognitive science based on misheard lyrics, which I had fun with in 2008...


  • Bill Whittle Published on Nov 14, 2018 Marvel Comic legend Stan Lee died at 95 this week. Bill Whittle Now draws lessons from the super powers of this failed novelist who shaped the culture...
  • Bill Whittle Published on Nov 13, 2018 As Democrats in the House prepare a barrage of subpoenas, investigations and even impeachment articles for President Trump and his administration...

    • RE-Posted from The Conservative Tree House on November 13, 2018 by sundance Excellent reporting from Ami Horowitz (Daily Wire) who traveled to Mexico to find out the real reason why...

  • On today's BradCast: The electoral dysfunction --- and the fight to count every vote anyway --- continues today in Florida and Georgia, along with some new good news for Democrats...
  • On Tuesday, CNN, along with its Chief White House Correspondent, Jim Acosta, filed a federal complaint alleging President Donald J. Trump and high level White House personnel, including...

    • The Trump dumpster fire continues at the White House today, with CNN filing a lawsuit to restore White House press credentials for White House correspondent Jim Acosta, fresh rumors...

  • As our world becomes warmer and warmer, our seas will continue to rise. That’s because the number one cause of sea-level rise is climate change. What is Sea-Level Rise? We can talk...
  • Canada’s massive fossil fuel subsidies give Canadians the dubious distinction of being the G7 leader in handouts to Big Oil. Canadians need to know every woman, man, and child...

    • A few years ago I ran across Steve Lee online. Our paths crossed on social media and we exchanged information on how each of us was actively engaged in various climate actions. At the...
    • ( A fine example of the insanity of demands we change future weather )

      bluebird of bitterness

  • First it was UK's SSE that headed for the exit. Then it was Spain's Ibderola who bolted. After that France's GDF Suez (renamed Engie) bowed out. Then KEPCO briefly entered and left...
  • Rail-sized cask shipment of highly radioactive irradiated nuclear fuel.The nuclear power industry, and its friends in government, have proposed multiple dump-sites for high-level...

    • Mary Lou Dauray is a California painter and world traveler who had specialized in landscapes. But melting glaciers, the site of coal-laden rail cars, and the news of the Fukushima...

  • Seasonal spikes of atrazine–a weed killer that can disrupt hormones and harm developing fetuses–contaminate drinking water in corn-growing areas of the Midwest and beyond...
  • As the first waves of Central American migrants arrive in Tijuana, dozens of people on the Mexican side of the border could be seen scaling the border fence - which oddly has a wide platform...

    • Payment processor PayPal has permanently banned video platform BitChute from using its services. BitChute, a competitor of Google’s video giant YouTube, released a statement...

  • By Alex Fradera. Toddlers recognise that the iron fist holds the most tenuous grip on power.
  • By Christian Jarrett. For many people, there are specific issues for which the truth is less about facts and more about faith and identity.

    • By Emma Young. A person experiencing schadenfreude tends to dehumanise the target of their gleeful feelings.

      Atlas Obscura - Latest Articles and Places

  • Some blueberries are sweet, some delightfully tart, and then, there are some that taste like rotting corpses. Dr. Sarah Taber, now a contract knowledge worker in agriculture and...
  • Though a tranquil place, Buckfast Abbey, in Devon, England, buzzes with activities. Along with an active monastery, the grounds sport a restaurant, a conference center, and a “bee...

    • Among the dwindling bookstores worldwide, Kitchen Witch Cookbooks in New Orleans offers a singular collection of rare and used titles, with a special focus on Cajun cuisine, in addition...

      Accidental Deliberations

  • Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading.- Trish Garner comments on the need to acknowledge the humanity of people living in poverty - which leads to the inescapable need...
  • Cats with company.

    • This and that for your Tuesday reading.- Tom Kibasi writes that the UK's best option in light of its impending Brexit is to develop a more active and entrepreneurial state:So in a sense...

    15 November - iGoogle Portal Tab 7 MSM


  • Amazon’s year-long pursuit of new office space highlighted just how much billion-dollar companies can get from taxpayers.
  • Amazon's voice assistant can do many things. Just don't ask it to defrost sausage.

    • Smoke from the Camp, Hill, and Woolsey fires has forced Californians to don air masks. But measuring air quality is more complex than you might think.

  • Russian meddling, data sharing, hate speech — the social network faced one scandal after another. This is how Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg responded...
  • Senators have staked the success of the bipartisan agreement on President Trump, but powerful pockets of opposition remain among some law enforcement officials and conservative...

    • Though even temporary appointments for high-ranking posts are usually filled by Senate-confirmed officials, the Constitution does not require it, a law enforcement official...

      India News, Latest News in India, Live News India, India Breaking News - Ti

  • The assurance by Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, who was representing the Land and Development Office, came after Justice Sunil Gaur said he will hear the matter another day and the...

    • As the cyclonic storm Gaja is approaching the coast of South Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, and is poised to cross coast on Thursday evening, the Indian Navy has been put on alert. The IMD...

      BBC News - UK

  • Cabinet ministers backed the agreement - but it has sparked a backlash from Tory Brexiteers.
  • The EuroMillions ticket was bought in the constituency of Boston and Skegness.

    • The number of sheep and cattle in the UK should be reduced to help combat climate change, a report says.
    ( The BBC can come out with drivel like this - and the Trumpster says China sells climate tax ! )

      National Geographic News

  • This Veterans Day marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. It was during the war that National Geographic Society began producing original maps...
  • A pioneering lawsuit against the U.S. government has won the right to a trial, overcoming the Trump administration's efforts to cancel it in court.

    • The practice wasn’t new in 1812. But a map in a newspaper gave it a name that stuck.

  • German prosecutors are pressing criminal charges against a former employee of chemicals maker Lanxess for allegedly stealing trade secrets to set up a Chinese copycat chemical...
  • Tanzania's second-biggest donor Denmark said it would withhold $10 million worth of aid money, citing concerns over human rights abuses and "unacceptable homophobic comments"...

    • French finance minister Bruno Le Maire said on Thursday that British Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal was "good news", adding that it was in everyone's interest that the Brexit...

  • It's almost launch time for Northrop Grumman's next Antares rocket, which rolled out to its seaside pad in Virginia late Monday (Nov. 12) for a NASA cargo mission to the International...
  • Scientists think they have spotted a giant impact crater hiding below Greenland's ice sheet. Here's how the discovery played out.

    • Earth hides its scars well; the planet has endured countless millennia of eruptions and collisions, but scientists are still stumbling upon the evidence of all that geologic drama...