Monday, November 12, 2018

12 November - My Feedly! 2 of 3

Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home

We've reached a tipping point where a majority of states now have laws that protect employees of smaller employers. Most federal discrimination laws protect employees only if their employers have 15 employees or more (20 for age discrimination, all employers for Equal Pay Act, 4 - 14 for national origin/citizenship under the The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986). But a majority of states
So I received this email: Ms. Ballman; I happened to come across your article from 2011 regarding 10 Workplace Rights You Think you Have – But Don’t. As both an attorney and a HR/Payroll consultant, your article is either outdated, specific to Florida, or just completely inaccurate. I would urge you to do your research and correct the artcle. If you would be open to discuss the areas of your artic
With Republicans threatening to cut Social Security benefits, retirement savings has become a national issue. Some states (not anti-employee Florida, of course) have tackled this issue by implementing retirement plans for private-sector employees. The latest state to implement a private-sector retirement plan is Connecticut . They join California, Illinois, Maryland and Oregon in implementing auto
The plight of the Druze hostages: Why Washington should change its approach in Syria By Talal el-Atrache – @ TalalElAtrache For Syria Comment – 8 Nov 2018 Throughout the Syrian war, the Southern Province of Sweida, in coordination with the Syrian army, had succeeded in protecting itself against the jihadist attacks on the province’s Western border with Deraa, and on the Eastern flank, adjacent to
Saudi Arabia, Shi’ism and the Illusion of Reform by Robert G. Rabil – @ robertgrabil October 30, 2019 The emergence of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is inextricably associated with the Wahhabi school of Islam. The Saudi-Wahhabi pact goes back to the eighteenth century when Sheikh Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1792), the founder of the Wahhabi-Salafi school of Islam traveled to Diriya, the stron
By Michael Gerini Residing in the north of Lebanon, Mouin Merhebi is a member of Saad Hariri’s Future Movement. A staunch opponent of Hezbollah and the Assad government, he currently serves as Minister of Refugee Affairs (officially “Minister of State for Displaced Affairs”) in the Hariri government, a position he has held since December of 2016. Though coming into the position with little experi

The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage

I have posted the following comment to an American Thinker article on "Being Human and the Abuse of Science", which sets belief in God above science: The problem is, all of our religions grew out of previous history, which personalized God, and thus put God in a too-small box of man's own making. The most obvious problem with this, of course, is the proliferation of man-made "Gods", which led to
I have submitted the following comment to the fabius maximus site, in response to an article on alienation: Large-scale, or mass, alienation is due to a general incompetence on the part of the "experts", particularly in science and religion. Or to make a long story short, too long nurturing of false dogmas in the underlying assumptions of a civilization or society. The primary false dogma of mode
Donald J Trump......Coward in Chief Written by grant G It's gone almost as predicted in a post I wrote November 8th, 2016..the night the US elected Donald J Trump president election here's the last few paragraphs in a post titled.... Donald Trump, King Lizard ______ I feel very sad for the 50% of Americans who voted for Hillary, I feel just as bad for the 50% that voted for Trump because they bel
The Emma Jackson Story Written by Grant G Something going on around here...... Emma Jackson , who is she, I don't know but boy oh boy is she needed, especially the message she voices.. Ten Years .....according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) that's how much time citizens of planet earth have to stop using the worst of the worst fossils fuels, that includes fracking and tars

thwap's schoolyard

So, plodding dullard, pants-pissing coward, anti-democratic doofus, brazen hypocrite, overall incompetent, stephen harper has (in a desperate attempt to appear relevant) farted out a book of sorts. It's called I'm Really Stupid Now (or something). In it, he apparently says that something he calls the global free-market economy has produced winners and losers and that these fucking losers are turn
I once watched a documentary about Berlin in the interwar period. "City of Sex" was the title I believe. I was interested because Weimar Berlin was also a hot-spot of artistic creativity: Dada (brought in by the German ex-pats who created it in Zurich during WWI, Expressionism, Bauhaus, Brecht, Gross, the cabarets, etc., etc .,). Also, I was interested in just how those stodgy old-folks from the

Vagabond Scholar

(Click on the comic strip for a larger view.) In 1959, Pogo creator Walt Kelly wrote: The eleventh day of the eleventh month has always seemed to me to be special. Even if the reason for it fell apart as the years went on, it was a symbol of something close to the high part of the heart. Perhaps a life that stretches through two or three wars takes its first war rather seriously, but I still
Today, 11/11/18, marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, the Great War, the supposed War to End All Wars that unfortunately didn't. I've always been struck by how eager nations were to go to war at the start and how horrific the reality often was. By the end, by most estimates, about 8.5 million soldiers were dead and the total casualty count was about 37.5 million. Add in a
Get out and vote on Tuesday, if you haven't already! This post will collate some California and Los Angeles County resources. California voters should already have received the official voter information guide in the mail, but it's also online and available in multiple languages. Unfortunately, some candidates don't include statements, but the guide is particularly useful for seeing who's

What Is Sustainable

The Rise of Homo Sapiens , by Frederick Coolidge (psychologist) and Thomas Wynn (anthropologist), is a book about the evolution of human cognition. It describes the seven million year voyage that resulted in the magnificent mind that’s throbbing between your ears right now. This voyage began with the first hominins — bipedal (two legged) apes who were either our direct ancestors, or our long lost
I was intrigued when our book group selected Dancing in the Streets by Barbara Ehrenreich. It’s a history of collective joy and ecstatic ritual — stuff that’s pretty rare in the land of the glowing screen people. Studying humankind’s long transition from wild and free to robo-consumers, it’s easy to perceive gradually advancing emotional decay. Cultures slid further away from intimate connections

A Very Public Sociologist

One should avoid making time for the Johnson family wherever possible. But due to their prominence, sometimes it's unavoidable. On this occasion at least it isn't the usual Johnson making the running. The resignation of Jo Johnson from the government was a shocker for two reasons. One, he has spent his parliamentary career thus far (relatively) quietly beavering away in the shadows and cutting an
The joint Hope Not Hate/British Future report, The National Conversation on Immigration and its focus on "left behind" communities is to be welcomed, not least because it isn't the usual regurgitation of Blue Labour dogma . It acknowledges some of the problems Labour has with its former 'traditional' base, and suggests things the party needs to do to avoid more significant difficulties down the r
One hundred years since the guns fell silent on the Western front. The horrors and death that were visited upon the trenches were, at that point, unprecedented in human history. "Never again!" the establishment said, while Britain backed the whites in the vicious Russian civil war and bloodily repressed revolt in its misbegotten colonies. And just a couple of decades later the Great War was surpa
Vampires are a smug bunch, aren't they? Alone among the undead they're feted and admired. They make death sexy, and thanks to reams of not unsympathetic cultural product they get a much better press than your brain munching zombies, ghosties, and assorted others from beyond the grave. Thankfully, Super Castlevania IV , one of the canonical titles of the 16-bit era, dispenses with such nonsense. Y
Can anything more be said about the so-called People's Vote march in London that hasn't already been noted elsewhere? According to the organisers, there was anywhere between half a million and 750,000 on the streets. Not content with nicking A to B marches off the left, they've half-inched the revolutionary inflation as well. And what's more, some of Britain's wealthiest reached into their pocket
Jeremy Corbyn saved the Labour Party. This feat was accomplished by winning the leadership election in 2015, recruiting hundreds of thousands of new members, registered and affiliated supporters, and building a new coalition of voters uniting the comparatively better off with those at the sharp end . In so doing, Labour in England and Wales avoided the fates of the Socialists in France, Labour in

Adrienne's Corner

let the arguments commence. Obviously, women being allowed to vote is not going away. The question is - was it a good idea? Several days ago Steve Marks had an article at American Thinker titled Why Suburban Women Cost the Republicans the House. What followed was 949 comments, many agreeing with him and many thinking he was a sexist POS. Mr. Marks does start his article with a disclaimer: (emphas
and the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost. Veterans Day It's not about the sales... Gospel for Today: Extraordinary Form of the Mass Matthew 13:24-30 He put before them another parable: 'The kingdom of heaven may be compared to someone who sowed good seed in his field; but while everybody was asleep, an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and then went away. So when the plants came up a
inquiring minds want to know. Not a bomb Meantime, the "bombs" are providing a deflection from the fat and sassy "refugees" trooping across Mexico. It appears a bunch of them have decided to go back home. Little Bobby de Niro haz a sad 'cause he wanted to be in the newz too, so they arranged for him to get a fake bomb too. How thoughtful of the perps. Amazon Deals in bomb making stuff Electronics
oh, yeah, sorry - "Native American." And why do they keep calling non-functioning pieces of PVC pipes with fake timers "bombs?" Let me make sure I understand this: This wack job lived and drove around in a van with custom made signage (those are not "stickers" ) obscuring his windows and not one police officer cited him for this? And not one equally deranged Florida peep keyed, kicked, or otherwi
and it only cost us $1500.00 Arrrrrrrrgh! My doggie, Frankie, erupted in screams of pain yesterday about 5pm. He'd been acting off for a few days, and I had been watching him closely. He was rushed to the vet, x-rayed, and it was determined that somehow he swallowed a rock. Frankie is a 12 lb dog and after emergency surgery, the vets office was surprised he could have even swallowed such a large
a battle between good and evil. I know that many of you have already voted. On November 6th I will head to our local polling place and cast my ballot for the Republican party. Hanging with my red state peeps, marking my ballot (paper), sliding it into a locked box, and having the elderly poll worker call out, "Adrienne Streeter has voted", is very important to me. Never mind this crap about votin
India has some nuclear naval news, with its defense minister claiming a successful “first deterrent patrol.” What does this mean for Pakistan and nuclear dynamics in the Indian Ocean? Aaron sits down with friends of the pod Ankit Panda and Vipin Narang to talk about the India-Pakistan relationship, India’s ballistic missile subs, and Pakistan’s …
Last year, cameras in Japan noticed an object streaking the night sky — possibly the reentry vehicle from one of North Korea’s July 28 missile test. Did it burn up? Survive? If if it did, or did not, what does that mean for North Korea’s ability to deliver a nuclear weapon to targets throughout the …
With the US on the precipice of withdrawing from the INF, all eyes have turned to China and its large number of INF range missiles. The think tank community has followed and a bevy of think pieces on basing modes in Asia have been published. On this week’s episode, Jeffrey and Aaron talk about the …
Dave Schmerler, Michael Duitsman, and I were gathered around my computer, admiring satellite images we found of an Indian missile on a launch pad from May 2017. I pointed to some cloudy streaks on the screen and joked, “That’s probably smoke from a failed test.” We zoomed out to see more of the image. “Holy …
Quotes of the week: “You use a small one, then you go to a bigger one. I think nuclear weapons are nuclear weapons and we need to draw the line there.” — George Shultz “I don’t think there’s any such thing as a tactical nuclear weapon. Any nuclear weapon used at any time is a strategic …
Quote of the week: “Wake the damn Bambino. I’ll drill him in the ass.” — Attributed to Pedro Martinez, 2004, the year when the Red Sox broke the curse of not winning a World Series after trading Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees 86 years earlier. Donald Trump announced at a campaign rally on …
Read article at Mohawk Nation News .Mohawk Nation News "Scorched Earth"
Diné Media Contact: International Uranium Film Anna Marie Rondon, Executive Director Festival Media Contact: New Mexico Social Justice and Equity Institute Norbert G. Suchanek, General Director 505-906-2671 (c) Albuquerque, Grants and Santa Fe
Read article in MNN.
November 8, 2018 Contacts: Margie Kelly, Natural Resources Defense Council, (541) 222-9699, Mark Hefflinger, Bold Nebraska, (323) 972-5192, Gabby Brown, Sierra Club, (914) 261-4626, Jared Margolis, Center for Biological Diversity, (802) 310-4054, Patrick
[no content]
COLONIALISTS WIN REFERENDUM IN KANAKY ("NOUVELLE CALEDONIE") REPRESENTATIVE OF YOUNG KANAKS IN FRANCE SPOKE AT CSIA DAY OF SOLIDARITY By Christine Prat November 4th, 2018 Christine's blog in French: Censored News Today, November 4th 2018, the colonialists won

Centauri Dreams

Extended operations at multiple targets, as Dawn showed us, are possible with ion propulsion. But we still learn much from flybys, something New Horizons reminded us with its spectacular success at Pluto/Charon, and again reminds us as it closes on MU69. Likewise, a mission called Lucy will visit multiple objects, using traditional chemical propulsion with gravity assist to achieve flybys of seve
If you’ve given some thought to the Fermi question lately — and reading Milan Ćirković’s The Great Silence , I’ve been thinking about it quite a bit — then today’s story about an ancient star is of particular note. Fermi, you’ll recall, famously wanted to know why we didn’t see other civilizations, given the apparent potential for our galaxy to produce life elsewhere. Now a paper in The Astrophys
We’ve long been interested in how the Earth got its oceans, with possible purveyors being comets and asteroids. The idea trades on the numerous impacts that occurred particularly during the Late Heavy Bombardment some 4.1 to 3.8 billion years ago. Tuning up our understanding of water delivery is important not only for our view of our planet’s development but for its implications in exoplanet syst
Over the sound system in the grocery store yesterday, a local radio station was recapping events of the day as I shopped. The newsreader came to an item about the Parker Solar Probe, then misread the text and came out with “The probe skimmed just 15 miles from the Sun’s surface.” Yipes! I was in the vegetable section but you could hear him all over the store, so I glanced around to see how people
The interstellar object called ‘Oumuamua continues to inspire analysis and speculation. And no wonder. We had limited time to observe it and were unable to obtain a resolved image to find out exactly what it looks like. This morning I want to go through a new paper from Shmuel Bialy and Abraham Loeb (Harvard University) considering the role radiation pressure from the Sun could play on this deep
To say that the Space Science and Engineering Division at Southwest Research Institute has been busy of late is quite an understatement. Alan Stern, principal investigator for New Horizons, has been leading an SwRI study examining just how we might operate an orbiter at Pluto/Charon, with results that are surprising and encouraging for the future of such a project. Working with spaceflight engine
Well a certain kind of stuff has certainly hit the fan since it was reported here and elsewhere that John Carpay, the well-known social conservative warrior, had dipped his toe into Alberta’s always-dangerous Lake of Fire. Since the story broke over the long weekend, Mr. Carpay and his old comrade in social conservatism Jason Kenney have been subjected to a ferocious barrage of criticism, and not
Carl von Clausewitz, the Prussian aphorist and theoretician of war, famously observed that “war is the continuation of politics by other means.” Something like the opposite – that politics is the prosecution of war by other means, or darn close anyway – is likely true as well. I hope I offend no gentle readers by describing politics in warlike terms. I do so because the metaphor helps explain the
While Albertans have been in flap over the state of the province’s oilsands industry, the Big Five Oilsands extraction corporations have been raking in billions. “Despite the 2014 oil price crash and the ongoing hand-wringing over pipelines and the price differential, the reality is the Big Five oilsands producers have remained incredibly profitable corporations,” says one of the authors of a new
American Republicans mostly hitched their wagons to Donald Trump’s dark star in this year’s U.S. mid-term elections, and notwithstanding passage of control of the House of Representatives to the Democrats it has worked remarkably well for them. If you imagine this lesson is lost on Canadian movement conservatives, think again. The politics of Trumpism were already here in Canada, of course. Fear,
Here are the lists of the top 10 fiction and non-fiction titles sold in Edmonton for the week ended Nov. 4, 2018. The lists are compiled by Audreys Books and provided by the Book Publishers Association of Alberta. EDMONTON FICTION BESTSELLERS 1. Translating Air – Kath MacLean * 2. A Season Among Psychics – Elizabeth Greene 3. The Flame – Leonard Cohen 4. Unsheltered – Barbara Kingsolver 5. Watch
Many Albertans were shocked to learn last week that Opposition Leader Jason Kenney had promised an auto dealers association pouring money into a political action committee supporting his United Conservative Party that if elected he would hand enforcement of vehicle sale consumer protection back to the dealers. Twenty-six Alberta car and truck dealerships are reported to have donated at least $175
From Jenna Orkin Scientists Develop Liquid Fuel to Store Sun's Energy Up to 18 Years Former JP Morgan trader pleads guilty to manipulating US metals markets for years Underperforming Chinese workers made to drink urine, eat bugs Machine Glitches Delay Start of Ballot Recount in Broward County Former Florida Congressman: My Vote Was Rejected Over Signature Mismatch 43-Year Old Running for Presiden
From Jenna Orkin Most Destructive Fire in History Woolsey Fire Went Through Site of Nuclear Meltdown First Officials Open Beach Near Malibu to Animals Fox News went silent on Twitter — and it could be because of protesters who showed up at Tucker Carlson's house Chinese Company Pays Bondholders In Ham Instead Of Cash As Domestic Defaults Soar The US and Japan finished their 'largest and most comp
From Jenna Orkin Federal Judge Orders Georgia to Reveal Tally of Provisional Ballots Acting AG: Judges Should Be Christian Bye-bye, RBG, Elena Kagan... Iceland Christmas Ad Banned for Being Too Political GMO Potato Creator Now Fears Its Effects on Human Health This 13-year-old scientist invented a safer way to treat pancreatic cancer, and he hasn't even started high school yet $500 Milllion Norwe
From Jenna Orkin Three Florida Races Could Result in Recount, Including Senate Netherlands Microgrids Undercover with Border Militia Switzerland Wrapping Glaciers in Blankets White House appears to share Jim Acosta mic-grab video doctored by far-right Infowars Venezuela's inflation rate just hit 830,000% — and it's going to keep rising China is recruiting its brightest high schoolers to build AI
From Jenna Orkin How Gutting of Voting Rights Act Led to hundreds of Closed Polls An Exploration of Suicide and Grief: Sigrid Nunez "The Friend" My review of superb book shortlisted for National Book Award; winner to be announced November 14. At least 13 dead, including gunman, at college bar mass shooting in LA suburb of Thousand Oaks New York City reportedly won over Amazon in its HQ2 quest by
From Jenna Orkin Post-Election Prediction: When the country goes down the tubes, the Trumpettes will blame the newly elected women and Native Americans. Saudi Arabia Stealing Yemen's Oil in Collaboration with Total Georgia Election Server Wiped After Suit Filed “ The CIA’s Communications Suffered a Catastrophic Compromise. It Started in Iran. ” New York City is reportedly nearing a deal to host A

GlobaLove Think Tank