Sunday, October 14, 2018

14 October - My Feedly! 3 of 4


Is Hurricane Michael the New Norm? What Risks for Nuclear Power?
The Wall Street Journal has a a front page story and picture of Hurricane Michael's "Trail of 'Unimaginable Destruction'" (Kamp & Campo-Flores, 12 Oct 2018 p. A1). Described as among " the most powerful hurricanes to ever hit the US ," Hurricane Michael represents a state shift in climatic conditions towards more volatility. That volatility is going to have terrible impacts, including disrupting
Hurricane Michael Now a Category Four Storm but Still No News on Florida's Nuclear Utilities
Hurricane Michael is now a category 4 storm, bearing down on Florida. Florida has at least 5 nuclear power plants that you can see on this map from Wikipedia ( here ): Crystal River Energy Complex Levy County Nuclear Power Plant Offshore Power Systems St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station Yesterday I posted about the susceptibility of nuclear power plants to the fl
How Many Hurricanes Can by Sustained by Florida's Nuclear Reactors?
Hurricane Michael is bearing down on Florida. There is no news about the impacts on specific nuclear plants, such as Turkey Point. Here are the results of a google search: One has to wonder how many hurricanes Florida's nuclear power plants can bear without a catastrophic accident? Florida's nuclear infrastructure is old and has outlasted expected life-cycles. The Westinghouse reactors at southea
Songs for SONGS (San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant)
Please see the event Monday October 8 (today)! Related News & Events "We almost lost SoCal" On NoNukesCA UN No Nukes Day - Envisioning a Peaceful, Post-Nuclear Planet
Regulatory Capture Illustrated Effectively
The EPA has sent Edward Calabrese as its lead witness to testify before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee: Conley, Julia (2018, October 3). Making 'Fringe' Scientist Who Argues Exposure Good for People a Key Witness, Trump's EPA Moves to Roll Back Radiation Safety Rules. Common Dreams Provoking outrage among environmentalists, Trump's EPA sent toxicologist Edward Calabrese—who has


UCP candidates’ reaction to storm over photos with ‘Soldiers of Odin’: We had no idea!
They crashed the party, did they? But I wonder why they picked a United Conservative Party affair to crash? I speak, of course, of the “Soldiers of Odin,” the unsavoury anti-immigrant group founded by a Finnish white supremacist whose Edmonton chapter’s members dress like bikers and have been making a nuisance of themselves by claiming to be the Edmonton Police Service’s little helpers. On Friday
Stand by for renewed attacks on Tzeporah Berman as UCP tries to change channel on ‘Soldiers of Odin’ embarrassment
After a difficult weekend doing damage control about how members of an anti-immigration group with white supremacist links were welcomed to a United Conservative Party beer-and-selfies night last Friday by an Edmonton constituency association, expect the right-wing Opposition party to dip into its strategic playbook to try to change the channel. UCP Channel-Changing Strategy No. 1, of course, is:
UCP finally – after an ever-so-excruciating wait – shows rogue nomination candidate Lance Coulter the door
Give Lance Coulter credit: The guy seems to be a very hard worker. Leastways, the United Conservative Party nomination candidate in the Edmonton-Henday West Riding certainly had to work extremely hard to get himself kicked out of the party’s nomination process. Finally, late yesterday morning, the UCP – oh, so reluctantly – instructed Mr. Coulter to take a hike. The former assistant to the Edmont
Colourful former Wildrose MLA Joe Anglin finds another windmill to tilt at, for Freedom Conservative Party
Last observed pursuing a claim against Alberta’s Chief Electoral Officer alleging abuse of process, colourful former MLA Joe Anglin has found a new way to tilt at Alberta’s perpetually swirling political windmill. Mr. Anglin, 63, who is both the former Wildrose Party MLA for Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre and the former leader of Alberta’s Greens, announced yesterday he would seek the nominat
There’s a meeting in Calgary tonight, and the people there are going to be very, very angry
Two well-heeled older men who never wanted for anything during their upbringings and now live comfortable, privileged lives will be getting together in Calgary this evening to talk about just how very, very angry they are. The idea of a $15-per-hour minimum wage makes them very, very angry. The idea that someone would remove a statue to a 19th Century colonial-era politician in belated acknowledg
As Edmonton and Ottawa awake to Jason Kenney’s (un)diplomatic funny business, stuff starts hitting the fan
Alberta Opposition Leader Jason Kenney and two of his MLAs are running around India again today acting as if they are representatives of the governments of both Canada and Alberta. Officials of the provincial government in Edmonton and the federal government in Ottawa appear to have been so nonplussed by the United Conservative Party leader’s overseas shenanigans that it took them a few days to r


Hitler the jew and the faked world war II - and more: Japan in the Jewish grip
by Hexane [ How can Japan be controlled by Jews? Jews can't play Asians, somebody (a member of this forum) told me that Mao was a (half-)Jew. It's possible that there are Japanese Masons, but the Japanese were always aggressive in wars, they were even brutal to each other (civil wars between several Japanese kingdoms). While Japan attacked China and other countries, Soviet Union wasn't touched. Du
Hitler the jew and the faked world war II - further continued: The War
by Hexane About Operation Barbarossa, we can make these first observations. Of course, Hitler had to make it quick. Otherwise, logically, England would have been destroyed. If not, it would have been very strange. And he had to make USSR retreat a lot and in a short time, in order to be able to collect many jews. And, of course, there are many discrepancies about the strategic an tactic choices of
Hitler the jew and the faked world war II - post continued: The anti-slavist dimension
by Hexane SerbdomFighter wrote: Back to the topic about USSR: I´m sure you heard that there are theories that Stalin wanted to invade Germany and that was the reason to invade Soviet Union. I have two facts that disproves that. 1. Stalin killed ten of thousands of his best officers and generals between 1936 and 1940, including his best Soviet Marshall Mikhail Tukhachevsky who had the title "red Na
Hitler the jew and the faked world war II
by Hexane Usually, when you read that Hitler was a jew, you have only informations of suspicion about his mother, his jewish ministers and generals, etc... Sometimes, the paper is smarter and tells you that he was the creator of Israel. You can also be aware of the many discrepancies from Hitler (Dunkirk for example). But, if you think a little bit, you fall quickly on the following inconsistency
It wasn't the Arabs
by Lasher It wasn't the Arabs who sent our military into Afghanistan and Iraq to murder innocent women and children by the HUNDREDS of thousands - it was the Jews (Bush's neocons). It isn't Arabs who refuse to serve in the U.S. military in numbers proportionate to their population percentage - it is Jews (1/10 of 1% vs. 5%). It wasn't Arabs who sued to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegia
Hitler - Traitor to Europe
by Alexander 580 I have been researching this topic for some time and have some points to make about Hitler being a traitor to Europe: 1- Hitler's father (Alois Hitler) was born to Maria Anna Schicklgruber in Austria; there are no records of who his real father was (Hitler's grandfather), as on his birth certificate his father's name was left blank,so originally he took his mother's surname - Schi


A Devil’s Triangle giving ISIS Pause?
Watching the second episode of the new TV FBI series regarding a domestic attack by ISIS, I naturally gauged the nature and the realism of […]
Not all problems are federal! Most domestic problems are NOT!
When you listen to the conversation of Kanye West and Jim Brown with President Trump in the Oval Office, it becomes painfully obvious that Kayne […]
If Black approval rating of Trump translates to votes in November for Republicans!
There is a song that we used to sing at football games in the last moments of the game when it was clear we were […]
Choice clear in 2018 – continued improvement, or 2 years of obstruction!
The Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing may be the most significant Supreme Court nomination process in the history of the United States. Over the past month […]
John Wayne would oppose George P. Bush for Land Commissioner
The Alamo is on the ballot in Texas. For the Alamo is former Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson (R), who is endorsing Democrat Miguel Suoza in […]
Donald Trump and the Law of Attraction
Ever since his election to the Presidency in 2016, Donald Trump has become a polarizing influence in American society and in other societies around the […]


Theresa May's Pitch to Labour MPs
Theresa May thinks Labour voters should instead vote for the Tories. In our time of recurrent political shockers, can you recall a more unexpected revelation? Writing for The Observer , of which more shortly, May channels her maiden speech and riffs off those one nation Tory chords almost as if she hadn't presided over soaring homelessness, food bank use, and the deporting of British people who'v
Ten Points about Brazilian Politics
Some quick thoughts about what's happening in Brazil. 1. Polling 46% is extremely rare for a hard right populist outfit, and tends to be the exception rather than the rule. Not even the Nazis managed this feat in their crooked March 1933 election. The question then is whether support for this kind of politics is about to enter a new dangerous phase, or is something proper to Brazil that doesn't t
A Defence of BBC Question Time
The BBC is biased toward establishment politics. As Tom Mills points out in his excellent BBC Myth of a Public Service , it has always protected establishment interests and is now a thoroughly neoliberal institution to boot. That doesn't mean, however, the political leanings and assumptions underpinning the culture of BBC journalism are on show at all times. Part of the corporation's professional
Support Politics Theory Other
New left media consistently offers a higher standard of analysis and better arguments than you can expect from the mainstream. But it is expensive. Good comment costs good money. My favourite podcast is Politics Theory Other by Alex Doherty . Not only does his Twitter feed require a quick bump to push him over a thousand followers, his work needs financial support. Since setting up shop in April
New Left Blogs August/October 2018
Here's a rare occasion. Less than two months since the previous round-up and enough new left blogs have appeared on the horizon. As this is the first Sunday of the month let's do this. 1. Double Down News (Unaligned) ( Twitter ) 2. Philosophy of Education (Unaligned) ( Twitter ) 3. Centre for the Analysis of the Radical Right (Unaligned/anti-fascist) ( Twitter ) 4. Reknr (Unaligned) ( Twitter ) 5
Smearing Michael Foot
Michael Foot was a paid Soviet informant! so reports The Times this morning. Any impartial observer of the political scene might have thought the Russian money regularly deposited in Tory party coffers right now would be more newsworthy, but okay. According to their front page splash (to promote interest in Ben MacIntyre's The Spy and the Traitor ), the former Labour leader received cash and, app


The Global Warming Fraud: Climate Alarmists Admit They Want To Dismantle Our Free Enterprise System (No Kidding!)
I am sick of the constant bullshit news that I have been watching this last week concerning the fraud of Global Warming... The freaks out there promoting that bullshit have had the nerve to state that the recent Hurricane that hit the Florida panhandle area was due to the "planet overheating" and that this type of hurricane is "only the beginning".... I have not commented on that hurricane at this
Update On The Kangaroo Court Trials Of Monika And Alfred Schaefer In The Formerly Free Nation Of Germany: Letter From Alfred To Friends And Colleagues
I must apologize to my readers.. I have been a bit behind in what has been happening with that kangaroo court trial in Germany for both Monika and Alfred Schaefer, for their 'crime' of questioning history.... The last post I put up about their status was a while back, and there has been little or no new news being sent my way about their status since that time, especially with their ridiculous cou
Important Analysis: Why The US Military Is Woefully Unprepared For A Major Conventional Conflict
I have seen a wide assortment of articles coming out over the last few days, where the authors were claiming that the United States was getting ready for a major world war and that the nutcases in the Pentagon were stating that not only would the US want to fight in such a war against possibly both the Russian Federation and China, but that they were all stating that they would actually win such a
THIS Is Insanity: Criminal State Of Israel Plans For Looney Nikki Haley To Be The 46th President Of The United States
When that lunatic American Ambassador to the United Nations, Nimrata Randhawa aka "Nikki Haley" was finally dismissed by US President Drumpf last week, I honestly said "Good Riddance to bad rubbish"... That lunatic was nothing more than a Jew dick sucker who absolutely went in front of the UN like a rabid dog only to constantly do exactly what her Jewish masters demanded... She made herself the la
Even More Fear Propaganda At Its Worse: A New UN Report Warns Of Global Warming's "Dire Consequences" (Bullshit!)
I have been hammering away with article after article here at this blog trying my best to wake up the masses out there to the LIES about this 'Global Warming' scam.... I have well over 100+ articles at this blog alone exposing the bullshit behind this Global Warming fear mongering, and I have hoped by this time that readers understand that the whole thing is indeed a scam to get the gullible masse
Fear Propaganda At Its Worse: FAKE NEWS - Have 80000 Americans Really Died From The Flu? Or Is This A Big Pharma Con To Push Their "Flu Vaccine"
I took yesterday, Canadian Thanksgiving, to visit my mother and to have a day of rest and relaxation.. I am indeed being pushed to the limit and I do need some time off from time to time for some R and R... Thanks everyone for their patience... I was out and about over the last few days in gathering up some last minute food items for my Thanksgiving dinner, and I could not help but to notice at t


Identity Politics and In Your Face Racism from the Commie/Marxist/Libtards...
CNN house Negroes trash Kanye West. "Kanye West is what happens when negroes don't read" CNN commentator Bakari Sellers. Kanye West is "an attention whore like the president": CNN commentator Tara Setmayer who also said: "Black folks are about to trade Kanye West in the racial draft" and "Kanye is the token Negro of the Trump administration." She also said Kanye had mental problems: “And no one s
President Trump/Nikki Haley Press Conference...
"I look forward to supporting the president in 2020." Amazon: Save on select Quaker Breakfast Favorites Great deals in Toys and Games Thanks to everyone who has purchased items through my links. It's much appreciated.
Kavanaugh protests have nothing to do with abortion...
except to the ignorant useful idiots who are being duped. Does anyone really think that a bunch of old white guys in Congress really care if women do or don't kill their babies? The "deep state" criminals have merely riled up the peons to aggressively protest Kavanaugh to protect themselves from prosecution. What is going on has nothing to do with abortion, but with the ability for Trump to have
Justice Brett Kavanaugh: The Aftermath...
and the toll it takes on us personally. No matter how hard a person tries to remain "above it all", the constant barrage of commie/marxist/libtard hate has a way of wearing us down. The overall number of crazy protesters was actually quite small and their demonic screaming and gnashing of teeth was of no real consequence - other than to annoy the heck out of us militant normals. And yet, we are l
Project Veritas: Day Two of the Deep State Unmasked...
with a couple of, like, really, you know, like annoying like commie/marxist/libtard millennials, with like, annoying and ignorant sounding vocal fry , and like, a healthy dose of up-speak . Listening to these uneducated, arrogant, and misguided children committing acts of sedition is something that makes my rage-o-meter spike into the stroke zone - and their doing it while we, the taxpayers, pay
Project Veritas: Federal Employee for State Department: “Resist everything… Every level. F**k sh*t up.”
we are surprised, why? (Washington DC) Today, Project Veritas released the first installment in an undercover video investigation series unmasking the deep state. This video features a State Department employee, Stuart Karaffa, engaged in radical socialist political activity on the taxpayer’s dime, while advocating for resistance to official government policies. In addition to being a State Depar


QotD: "We must be careful not to believe things simply because we want them to be true. No one can fool you as easily as you can fool yourself!"
"We must be careful not to believe things simply because we want them to be true. No one can fool you as easily as you can fool yourself!" ~ Richard Feynman [Hat tip ' Richard Feynman '] . Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with link and attribution.
QotD: "...Then comes the panic, the breakdown. And the depression starts.”
“The advocates of public control cannot do without [monetary] inflation . They need it in order to finance their policy of reckless spending and of lavishly subsidising and bribing the voters.” “One day, because they realise for some reason or other that they must stop credit expansion, the banks do stop creating new credit to lend. Then the firms that have expanded cannot get credit to pay for t
8 things that the climate creed has to defend ... [updated]
Vinay Kolhatkar lists 8 things that those who follow the climate creed must defend if they are to be consistent -- "all eight, no exceptions—a single weakness in the chain and the climate creed falls flat" -- along with three further (bonus) observations: Why the climate change movement is a fraud: The Church of Climate Scientology ("Climate Change") is the creed that claims that (1) there is sig
QotD: "So that's it for corals, so dire, the Financial Review has just declared that the next election is the Great Barrier Reef election. This news will come as a shock to corals on the Great Barrier Reef which are obliviously living across a range of 2,000 km and a span of five degrees Celsius from 27 to 32°C"
"That’s it for corals. "The IPCC have gone full apocalyptic: “Coral reefs would decline by 70 to 90 per cent with warming of 1.5°C…” And this catastrophic prophesy will unfold sometime around 2040. ( See the graph ). "The IPCC are practically holding the Great Barrier Reef hostage. Things are so dire, the Financial Review has just declared that the next election is the Great Barrier Reef election
IPCC: "Extreme weather events" will likely be, in a phrase, less extreme.
While the media this week has been trumpeting the IPCC's headline claim that there is only "ten years left"to save the planet from global warming (note that there is always ten years left to save the planet ), they've all but ignored the much quieter recognition by the IPCC that "extreme weather events" will likely be, in a phrase, less extreme. Roger Pielke Jr. was one of the few to dig through
QotD: “My pet, the world can forgive practically anything except people who mind their own business."
“My pet, the world can forgive practically anything except people who mind their own business." ~ Rhett Butler to Scarlett O'Hara, in Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind [Hat tip Quent Cordair ] . Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with link and attribution.


A shitshow for the ages
by liberal japonicus From this The Post is reporting that Turkish officials have told their US counterparts that they have audio and video recordings that prove Jamal Khashoggi was killed in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. It appears that the claimed video evidence is more circumstantial. The audio evidence would appear to be from listeni
Sometimes the shit comes down so heavy I feel like I should wear a hat. (a Brexit thread)
by liberal japonicus From the Guardian A group of remain-backing Tory MPs are plotting to form a rival movement to Jacob Rees-Mogg’s highly effective Eurosceptics, with the aim of voting down Theresa May’s Brexit deal amid concerns that it would wreck the economy. On my distant understanding of this, Rees-Mogg looks to me like the typical upper-class twit of the type made fun of in Monty Python.
Political Open Thread
by wj I know the previous post says it's an open thread. But I didn't want to hijack the poetry discussion. So here's a new one. Two things. First, his stupid tariffs notwithstanding, Trump appears to be helping Canada's economy on one front: building their high tech industry. He is making it ever harder for high tech talent to move to the US. Whereas Canada has taken the opposite approach https:
A poetry open thread
by liberal japonicus My previous thread is turning into a poetry thread, so a bespoke thread. Unfortunately, I can't really get away from what's been happening, but if you can, please feel free to share This essay from the Poetry Foundation, worth reading itself, begins by discussing Anna Marie Sewell's Washing the World . An excerpt: from one dawn to the next mourning for the broken wailing for
Pure genius
by liberal japonicus Seems like we need some comic relief, and it is Banksy to the rescue! That he titled the video on instagram as 'Going, going, gone!' only adds to my admiration.
In the beginning: some Bereshit parsha thoughts
by Doctor Science My Jewish New Year's Intention is to try to read the weekly Torah portion or parsha. I'm getting a big push from the twitter group #ParshaChat , which discusses topics selected by the moderators every Wednesday evening (Eastern time). Coincidentally, Mr Dr Science teaches fencing classes on Wednesday evening, so I can participate without distractions. The first parsha of the yea


A wonderful Catholic sermon against cultural Marxism
Less than 15% of Czechs are associated with a religious organization or church – and even most of these 15% are rather lukewarm. You don't expect Czechia to be the source of brave and inspiring sermons or a source of the truly conservative priests. But maybe you should. On September 28th, the Day of Czech Statehoood and the anniversary of the murder of Good King Wenceslaus, our national patron, a
No one listens to the IPCC fearmongering anymore
The boys have cried wolf too many times A decade ago, I would probably read the press release in its entirety – plus several pages of the full report that I would pick as important or representative. The climate hysteria was already perfectly understood to be pseudoscientific hogwash promoted by left-wing activists. But there was still something new in it, something that provoked us, something we
Mathematics is the "human right" not to deal with cases one by one
Cafeinst has commented on the previous blog post about the alleged supersymmetric proof of the Riemann Hypothesis. There can't be a proof of the Riemann Hypothesis, we are told, because there are infinitely many roots of the zeta function and we don't have infinitely many workers who would check all of them, he basically told us. In fact, it wasn't the first time. Cafeinst made the analogous point
Nice try but I am now 99% confident that Atiyah's proof of RH is wrong, hopeless
The live video stream from Atiyah's talk (9:45-10:30) was mostly overloaded but we should eventually see a recording on the Laureates Forum YouTube channel . However, we were given two papers that are said to contain the proof: The Fine Structure Constant (17 pages) The Riemann Hypothesis (5 pages) The second paper contains the proof – which would really be an elementary proof accessible to intel
Atiyah's talk on the proof of Riemann Hypothesis scheduled for Monday
Hot, Monday 7:55: Before the 9:45 talk ( watch video here and press "triangle play" in the lower left corner if paused; schedule ; Laureates' server is overloaded), see this five-page paper by Atiyah . It starts with crackpot-style comments on the fine-structure constant but don't stop too early. The 15-line-long proof by contradiction using his "Todd function" (defined in another paper , thanks,
Nasty SJWs persuade spineless CERN officials to start an inquisition trial against an Italian scientist
The victim "dared" to say that women aren't isomorphic to men when he was asked Galileo Galilei, the Italian founder of the scientific method as we know it, has been a target of the Roman Catholic Inquisition trials between 1610 and 1633 – mostly because of his heliocentric "heresies". Those Inquisition folks should have gone extinct, shouldn't they? Sadly, four centuries later, the contamination