Sunday, October 14, 2018

14 October -My Feedly! 2 of 4


Plain Writing

I wrote one the other day for my econ blog . The topic was "demand deposits". Reviewing it the next day, I paused to double-check the definition of the term. Google says a deposit of money that can be withdrawn without prior notice. You know, like your checking account. Among the results, I found a link to What is the difference between a checking account, a demand deposit account, and a NOW (nego


Justin Trudeau...Rachel Notley...John Horgan...Too Clever By Half

The Emma Jackson Story Written by Grant G Something going on around here...... Emma Jackson , who is she, I don't know but boy oh boy is she needed, especially the message she voices.. Ten Years .....according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) that's how much time citizens of planet earth have to stop using the worst of the worst fossils fuels, that includes fracking and tars
LNG Canada's NOT $40 BILLION DOLLAR INVESTMENT IN B.C......Real number less than $14 billion

Kogas, one of the 5 corporations involved in LNG Canada's Kitimat project.... Kogas has a 5% stake in the project......Kogas revealed today how much their 5% stake is going to cost them.. The number is.....$660 million dollars....that's 5% of the terminal cost.... 5% is 1/20th of 100%...... 5% times 20 equals...... $13.2 Billion dollars.... __________ SEOUL, Oct 12 (Reuters) - South Korea’s state
LNG Canada....Facts Versus Fiction

Written by Grant G Time for a Straight Goods look at the LNG Canada deal.... Justin Trudeau and the stranger known as John Horgan were quick to plant their faces in as many smiling photo-ops possible...all taking credit for "Canada's largest ever private sector investment" .. Funny stuff indeed....The project itself got federal approval many years ago under Stephen Harper, the project received ta
The Transformation of Rachel Notley

Written by Grant I and many others had high hopes for Rachel Notley when she got elected and became Alberta's premier....not quite four years ago, though it seems like ages ago to me.. We here at The Straight Goods wrote flattering things about NDP Rachel Notley when she was vying to be premier...I was impressed with her platform, her stated goals, in fact before even being elected she stated tha
Justin Trudeau Knows There Is A God… And He Knows That God Is A Liberal

JUSTIN TRUDEAU KNOWS THERE IS A GOD… AND HE KNOWS THAT GOD IS A LIBERAL Written by Robin Mathews Sweating a little before the cameras, Justin Trudeau saw that Andrew Scheer was becoming ‘reasonable’. BUT HE IS NOT the much more strange creature thrown up (“thrown up”?) by the Conservative Hordes … Stephen Harper … who wrested all power from ‘Progressive Conservatives’, then pulled Rightest admire


A Grand Unified Theory of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Misbehaviour in Inflammatory Disease

One of the great mysteries of nutrition is the behaviour of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). They often look good in the kind of sloppy epidemiology used to drive or latterly protect dietary guidelines*, are more ambiguous in RCTs, and can easily be shown to have deleterious effects in a number of specific medical and experimental conditions that might be expected to have a "canary in the coa
Egregious - the Richard M. Fleming Story

An RCT paper claiming to show harmful effects of a low-carb diet passed briefly over the internet on the weekend before being shot down in flames. The title is: Long‐term health effects of the three major diets under self‐management with advice, yields high adherence and equal weight loss, but very different long‐term cardiovascular health effects as measured by myocardial perfusion imaging and s


If power-to-gas (P2G) is the answer, what was the question?

Over at Green Car Congress, "Scottish Scientist" gushes about P2G: Power to Gas (P2G) is best for (solar, wind etc.) farm-scale energy storage for most farms where there is no possibility of farm-scale pumped hydro. P2G is excellent for mopping up all the surplus farm power because any energy which P2G can store is an efficiency gain compared to the 100% loss of all curtailed generation. Grid


Killing Terrorists to Avoid Another 9-11?

Following the terrorist plots in 2001 that brought down the World Trade Center, left the Pentagon smoldering, and killed thousands of people, the U. S. government acted swiftly to put in place measures to target and take out the terrorists who masterminded and enabled the mass destruction. Now if we had prior knowledge of an even more devastating plan to wreak havoc worldwide, this time a plan to
Blockchain: Welcome to Your Permanent Record

by Alison McDowell (previously published at Wrench in the Gears ) I realize my Blockchain video presents an abundance of information that may be difficult to absorb all at once. For that reason, I’ve pulled together images from the video and accompanying text into a slideshare that people can review at their own pace. Access the slideshare here. Access a PDF of the script here . I hope the scenar
Brief comments on "hard words"

S. Krashen. Sept 16, 2018. Hard Words ( champions systematic intensive phonics, teaching all the rules of phonics is a strict order to all children. Here are objections to their conclusions. (1) Researchers admit we have not discovered all the rules. (2) Even among those rules that have been described, some are extremely complex. (3) Many children learn to read with l
School Libraries and Books Critical for School Success

Published in the New York Times, September 20, 2018 To the Editor: Re “Why libraries still matter.” [ (Sunday Review, Sept. 90] Not mentioned in Eric Klinenberg’s essay is the importance of libraries and books to school success. Studies consistently show that children of poverty typically have low levels of literacy deve
Police-Free Schools

From the Advancement Project : Safety does not exist when Black and Brown young people are forced to interact with a system of policing that views them as a threat and not as students. For many Black and Brown youth, the presence of police in their schools disrupts their learning environments. There is a culture clash that exists between law enforcement and the learning environment: police enforc
Mismeasure . . . Celebrates Five Years

Really? Five years? Guess so. Find out why almost 600 university libraries own copies of The Mismeasure of Education: The Mismeasure of Education By: Jim Horn Denise Wilburn Published 2013 With new student assessments and teacher evaluation schemes in the planning or early implementation phases, this book takes a step back to examine the ideological and historical grounding, potential benefits, s


No, Your Employer Can't Force You To Quit

People come to me and say, “I was forced to quit.” Huh? How did the employer do that? Gun to head? Torture devices? Kidnapped loved one? Because your employer can’t make you quit. Quitting is entirely, 100%, up to you. Just because your boss or HR comes to you and says you have to resign, doesn’t mean you should. My usual advice is never, ever submit your resignation, no matter how much they deman
Upset At Work? Don't Walk Out Or They'll Claim You Quit

I see scenarios where employees leave work early for entirely sane reasons. For instance: They are threatened by a coworker or customer and feel unsafe They are so upset by a confrontation with management or a coworker that they are crying They are sexually harassed They are called racial, ethnic, or other discriminatory names Yet in each of these circumstances, I also see employers claim the empl
You Don't Have To Work In Dangerous Post-Hurricane Conditions

After a storm, I usually get lots of calls and emails about employers making employees work in conditions they deem unsafe. In general, you don't have to work in unsafe conditions, so I'm re-posting this for those affected by Florence. Here's what OSHA says about workplace safety: You have the right to a safe workplace. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) was passed to prevent
Massachusetts Limits Noncompetes - Are You Listening Florida?

Florida has a real chance to turn the governorship and some legislative seats blue this year. Because Florida is one of the worst states for employees in the nation, a change in leadership means an opportunity to change some of the worst anti-employee laws. And in my opinion the worst of the anti-employee Florida laws is our noncompete law. Massachusetts, after years of wrangling, finally passed a


Idlib: The Game Above the Game – by David W. Lesch

David Lesch The Game Above the Game by David W. Lesch For Syria Comment – Sept 21, 2018 The various combatants in and around Idlib seem to have hit the pause button for the time being. What just a short time ago appeared to be an imminent onslaught by Russian and Iranian supported Syrian government forces to take back one of the last areas outside of the control of Damascus, accompanied by widesp


Surprising Truths About Trade Deficits

Click here to read my column in Sunday's NY Times .
Congratulations, Gita

Christine Lagarde Appoints Gita Gopinath as IMF Chief Economist . A great choice.
Economics Teaching Conference

I will be talking at the annual conference of the National Economics Teaching Association, to be held October 25-26, 2018, in Phoenix, Arizona. If you are interested in learning more about the meeting, click here for more information.
Now I love Mike Pompeo

How can you not after this story ?


Where Have We Seen Trump Before?

Hitler was elected to make Germany great again. The bankers had something else in mind. Total destruction and devastation. Donald Trump betrayed his election promise by increasing war tensions with Russia. In this article written before the election, I asked if Trump was "the real deal?" I compared him to Hitler who was false opposition , tasked by the Illuminati to lead Germany to annihilation.
Jews Don't Know that Cabalist Judaism is Satanism

Ron Unz, 57, is a Jewish American software entrepreneur, author and publisher who is beginning to question the whole Jewish narrative. "Essentially almost everything I had known-- or thought I had known--about the religion of Judaism, at least in its zealously Orthodox traditional form, was utterly wrong." The Oddities of the Jewish Religion By Ron Unz (excerpt by Throughout my en
Managing the Male Sex Drive (Updated)

(left. Spartacus played by Kirk Douglas & Slave Girl, Varinia, played by Jean Simmons) When I wrote this article in 2004, I didn't realize I was describing a form of satanic possession i.e. sex addiction. "Sexual liberation" used our sexual desires to degrade and enslave us. Hollywood Jews hooked us on porn and they haven't looked back. Satanists believe sex is the highest experience life has to
Terror as Trauma Brainwashing

Kurt Lewin (1890 - 1947) was a Jewish psychologist, who pioneered the Tavistock Institute, the Illuminati's center for mass brainwashing. He advocated the use of terror to induce a passive state in the public. (from April 21, 2006) By Henry Makow Ph.D. It is more effective to manage society by mind control than by physical coercion. The events of 9-11 and the "war on terror" mostly are exercises
Satanists Control Government & Media -Proof

(Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau endorsing the idea that society should become a satanist freakshow) Incredible as it sounds, humanity is controlled by the Illuminati (i.e. Freemasonry.) We are being inducted into this satanic cult at the lowest level. Freemasonry controls and exploits its members by making them sick. Nowhere is this more evident than the official promotion of gender dysph
9-11 as Trauma Brainwashing

Events like the holocaust, Hiroshima, Pearl Harbor the JFK assassination and 9-11 are used to trauma brainwash society and change the direction of history. It takes a traumatic event to change the course of history. In a 2003 article, I reflected on this and on my personal brainwashing. by Henry Makow Ph.D ( In an article entitled "Why Hiroshima was Bombed" , William Jones makes a


F*ck Columbus: Let’s Honor the Indigenous Communities Leading the Way on Climate Justice

When Christopher Columbus landed on Turtle Island, which we now call North America, he brought with him a goal of making profit—of taking from the land and people to create commerce. Today, approximately 526 years later, that same pillaging continues to drive our planet further into the climate crisis and lead us into ecological collapse. Instead of honoring the violent colonization Columbus repr
Brett Kavanaugh Is Rape Culture Personified

Everything about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week screamed of righteous indignation over being forced to answer for allegations that he may not be as stainless as his most ardent supporters have avowed. Judge Kavanaugh didn’t just dismiss the claims of his accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, he did everything in his power to portray
Cook County Jail Is on Lockdown Over Van Dyke Verdict—And Activists Are Furious

Cook County Jail, one of the largest in the country, confirmed to In These Times that it has placed all of its divisions on lockdown in response to the verdict in the trial of Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke. On Friday afternoon, Van Dyke was found guilty of second-degree murder for killing black 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. During lockdowns, people are largely confined to their cells and d
Turning a KKK Bombing Ground Into an Urban Farm

BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—The lot doesn’t look like much: Short stacks of tires line a small rectangle of flattened cardboard boxes, all interspersed with bright green vines of invasive kudzu. To Rev. Majadi Baruti, however, it’s a pumpkin patch and future urban farm. The tires are planters for young Sugar Baby pumpkins, the cardboard will keep weeds down and attract worms to fertilize the soil, and the k
Socialism and Feminism: We Can’t Have One Without the Other

So • cial • ist fem • i • nism noun 1. The principle that we can’t achieve gender equality without overthrowing capitalism—and vice versa Why not? Because economic exploitation and gender oppression are deeply intertwined. The sexist notion that caregiving and domestic labor are “women’s work” is awfully convenient for capitalists: If a woman’s natural role is to care for her children, then who n
‘This Is Historic’: Why the Van Dyke Guilty Verdict Is a Victory For the Movement For Black Lives

Chicago has long been a city on the brink. Decades of racial stratification, disinvestment, segregation and endemic poverty have left large swaths of the population struggling to survive, while new development has disproportionately favored wealthier residents. The communities left behind by this process are largely Black and Brown, while the beneficiaries are primarily white. Such a system of ra


Argentina: A Phantom UFO?

Source: Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía Date: 10.09.2018 Argentina: A Phantom UFO? Luis Burgos writes: "An interesting photograph taken at random on Sunday, October 7, at the Gualeguay River (Entre Rios) by Laura Marcocich of the Villaguay Kayak Club. It is not included in the 2018 wave by virtue of being an artifact not visually detected. It even bears a certain similarity with the object photo
Argentina: Couple Almost "Taken" By a Light in the Old Huergo Resort

Source: Último Momento Noticias (Argentina) and Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO) Date: 10.1.2018 Argentina: Couple Almost "Taken" By a Light in the Old Huergo Resort **What Happened and What Activities Take Place at Night in that Area?** HUERGO. Two friends lived through an odyssey at the so-called old resort in this locality. A man and a woman were listening to music inside a vehicle parke
Argentina: Olavarria - A Key Location in the UFO Phenomenon

Source: DIARIO EL POPULAR (Argentina) Date: 30 September 2018 Argentina: Olavarria - A Key Location in the UFO Phenomenon The 12th Federal Meeting of ICOU (United Field Researchers - Investigadores de Campo Unidos) was organized by the Olavarria UFO Investigation center and held at the Science Museum. The event was a tribute to Dante Rivera, one of the pioneers in the phenomenon's research. A mee
Mexico: UFO Phenomenon Remains Highly Active in Los Cabos

Source: PLANETA UFO and Date: 09.23.2018 Mexico: UFO Phenomenon Remains Highly Active in Los Cabos Adolfo Sánchez Rendiz could not believe what he was seeing on the horizon while driving from San José del Cabo to Cabo San Lucas on the tourist road just around nine o'clock at night. He was able to see two lights over the sea at the Kilometer 19 marker, issuing green flashes.
Argentina: An "Invisible UFO" Over Tucumán

Source: GIOT and Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO) Date: 09.20.2018 Argentina: An "Invisible UFO" Over Tucumán Photographs taken by Francisco Leal in Amaicha Del Valle, Tucumán (Argentina), Paraje El Remate. The photographer was supervising a project for the provincial authority involving creation of a potable water facility on 09.06.2018 at 17:41 hours. He decided to take some photos of the
Argentina: Resident of Salta Photographs Strange Phenomenon

Sources: El Tribuno, Planeta UFO & Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía Date: 09.27.2018 An article by Daniel Sagárnaga Argentina: Resident of Salta Photographs Strange Phenomenon Last Friday, only minutes away from 20:00 hours, architect Ignacio Pancetti was strolling with his family through the town square of the El Prado district in the city's southwestern reaches when he witnessed an unusual even


President Trump Praises Traitors at Ohio Rally

Lebanon, Ohio --- Last night at a rally in Lebanon, Ohio , President Donald Trump lavished praise on Confederate General Robert E. Lee and other examples of the greatest traitors in world history. “So Robert E. Lee was a great general and Abraham Lincoln developed a phobia. He couldn’t beat Robert E. Lee. He (Lincoln) had all of these generals. They looked great. They were the top of their class
Did it Happen Here?

(By American Zen 's Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari) T he very fact that we have to nervously make comparisons between 2018 America and 1930's Nazi Germany is alone an indictment of an administration that, to paraphrase President Lincoln, has not come close to fooling all of the people all of the time. Yet, history being relentlessly, sometimes cruelly, cyclical, we have to take stock of the sim
West Side Boy Makes Good

I knew it would arrive today. The president of the publishing house assured me over the phone on Friday night it would get here from Scottsdale by today at the latest. It arrived in a large bundle of other stuff from the three day buildup of mail after the holiday weekend. Among the detritus: Begs from the usual animal rights charity groups to whom I send small sums of money on occasion and a cou
Interview with Laurel Heidtman

This month I interview Kentucky author Laurel Heidtman. Laurel writes cozy mystery and romance novels from her home in the Daniel Boone National Forest. 15) Believe it or not, purely by coincidence, you’re the second consecutive female ex police officer I’ve made my Author of the Month (the last was Christine Lyden, aka CA Asbrey , who was a UK cop). Between your law enforcement experience, stint
The Founding Fathers Were Correct- Not Not in the Way You'd Thought

I found this on my friend Wendy Corsi Staub 's Facebook news feed. This revelation that Lawrence O'Donnell makes should not be a revelation, especially to an old political savant like me. But it is. I always knew the senators during the Continental Congress then, as now, were patrician white males every bit as much as their Roman forebears. But I never looked at the US Senate as anything less tha
Meanwhile, From the Temple of Doom...

Looks as if Melania's trip to Africa is going swimmingly... Now all she needs is a colonial pith helmet to... Oh, for fuck's sake!


The Farthest: Voyager in Space

As we continue to track the Voyagers into interstellar space, the spacecraft have become the subject of a new documentary. Associate editor Larry Klaes, a long-time Centauri Dreams essayist and commentator, here looks at The Farthest: Voyager in Space, a compelling film released last year. Larry’s deep knowledge of the Voyager mission helps him spot the occasional omission (why no mention of seri
Voyager 2’s Path to Interstellar Space

I want to talk about the Voyagers this morning and their continuing interstellar mission, but first, a quick correction. Yesterday in writing about New Horizons’ flyby of MU69, I made an inexplicable gaffe, referring to the event as occurring on the 19th rather than the 1st of January (without my morning coffee, I had evidently fixated on the ‘19’ of 2019). Several readers quickly spotted this in
MASCOT Operations on Asteroid Ryugu

To me, the image below is emblematic of space exploration. We look out at vistas that have never before been seen by human eye, contextualized by the banks of equipment that connect us to our probes on distant worlds. The fact that we can then sling these images globally through the Internet, opening them up to anyone with a computer at hand, gives them additional weight. Through such technologie
Fine-Tuning New Horizons’ Trajectory

I love the timing of New Horizons’ next encounter, just as we begin a new year in 2019. On the one hand, we’ll be able to look back to a mission that has proven successful in some ways beyond the dreams of its creators. On the other hand, we’ll have the first close-up brush past a Kuiper Belt Object, 2014 MU69 or, as it’s now nicknamed, Ultima Thule. This farthest Solar System object ever visited
OSIRIS-REx: Long Approach to Bennu

With a robotic presence at Ryugu, JAXA’s Hayabusa2 mission is showing what can be done as we subject near-Earth asteroids to scrutiny. We’ll doubtless learn a lot about asteroid composition, all of which can factor into, among other things, the question of how we would approach changing the trajectory of any object that looked like it might come too close to Earth. The case for studying near-Eart
Proxima Centauri b: The Habitability Question

Proxima Centauri b is back in the news, although I’ll confess that in my case, it’s rarely out of my thoughts — I’ve been obsessed with the Alpha Centauri system since my youth. The latest comes through work by Anthony Del Genio and colleagues (NASA GSFC), who describe in Astrobiology their new simulations with regard to potential habitability. You’ll recall the issues here. A planet this close t


Nicola and Independence

I have been gently chided for not giving my reactions to the SNP conference, which I attended as a delegate. Nicola’s major speech was very good. The media universally attempted to characterise it as kicking a new Independence referendum into the long grass. I did not hear it that way at all. I think they are clutching at the straw of her single mention of patience and perseverance, against the f
Sikunder Burnes: A Question Answered

When researching Alexander Burnes, one of the questions which kept nagging at me was whether he had any children by any of his Indian partners. I was unable to identify any individual Indian partners, other than the fact he had by the end of his career a harem of women from Kashmir. It would have been unusual if he did not have Indian partners right from the beginning of his career in India, but
Squalid London

On the face of it, the Unexplained Wealth Order against Zamira Hajiyeva shows the UK cracking down on the torrent of corrupt money that gushes in to the City of London every single second. But dig deeper. Hajiyev’s husband had fallen out of favour with the appallingly kleptocratic Aliev regime in Azerbaijan – a dictatorship whose corruption can be measured by the infallible indicator that Tony Bl
Metropolitan Police on “Chepiga” and “Mishkin”.

I have just received confirmation from the Metropolitan Police Press Bureau that both the European Arrest Warrant and Interpol Red Notice remain in the names of Boshirov and Petrov, with the caveat that both are probably aliases. Nothing has been issued in the name of Chepiga or Mishkin. As for Bellingcat’s “conclusive and definitive evidence”, Scotland Yard repeated to me this afternoon that the
Pro-Israeli Terror at Labour Conference Covered Up By MSM

A fringe venue at the Labour conference was evacuated last night after the screening of a film about my friend Jackie Walker was cancelled by a terrorist bomb threat. Jackie, a black Jewish prominent critic of Israel, is currently among those suspended from the Labour Party over accusations of anti-semitism which are, in her case, nonsense. What is astonishing is that the state and corporate medi
Extraordinary and Deliberate Lies from the Guardian

I am just back from a family funeral – one of a succession – and a combination of circumstances had left me feeling pretty down lately, and not blogging much. But I have to drag myself to the keyboard to denounce a quite extraordinary set of deliberate lies published in the Guardian about a Russian plot to spring Julian Assange last December. I was closely involved with Julian and with Fidel Narv


The world is about to learn about Khazarian mafia crimes horrific beyond imagination

The Khazarian mafia have been torturing, murdering, and cannibalizing children on a horrific scale, and the world is about to find out as military tribunals begin. Some very disturbing images and testimony sent by the New York Police Department and the CIA show just how evil the Khazarian mafia really is. These people are beyond truth and reconciliation and do not deserve even a quick death. Let
Khazarian mafia seeks Chinese protection as military tribunals loom

The satan-worshipping Khazarian mafia is in a frenzy of fear as military tribunals loom. As a result, they are offering the world (as if it were theirs to give) to China in exchange for protection, according to Gnostic Illuminati and Asian secret society sources. In addition to this, they are threatening to unleash pandemics, blow up the Yellowstone Caldera, set off a massive EMP attack, and caus
Desperate Khazarian mafia is plotting fake alien invasion as Trump assassination fails

The Khazarian mafia is planning a fake alien invasion after their most recent attempt to assassinate U.S. President Donald Trump failed, say Pentagon and CIA sources. The assassination attempt came in the form of a missile that was shot at Air Force One by an Israeli submarine, Pentagon sources say. “Life imitates art, as the hunt for red October may mean Israeli and cabal submarines are sunk. Th
A Deep Dive into the Petro

General Milan writes about financial technology and cryptocurrency for the Earth Alliance, a loose-knit global alliance working for the benefit of humanity. The battle over the future of Planet Earth has in many ways always been a financial battle. As time passes and technology advances, that financial battle is increasingly being fought out in the cryptocurrency arena. Follow General Milan on Tw
MI6 says cabal rule could collapse within three months

There is a very real chance that Khazarian cabal rule will collapse over the next three months, and alternative power structures need to be made ready in time for that, according to British MI6 intelligence sources. The trigger is expected to be arrests of senior cabalists in the U.S. starting in October, the sources say. Pentagon sources, for their part, said, “The Cabal has been deaf and blind
Letter from Brazil

[Translated from the Portuguese below.] It would be great if you could update yourself on what is really happening here in Brazil, as it seems to me that you are being misinformed. The electronic ballots used here in Brazil were commissioned to be a tool for manipulating elections to public office. The election of Dilma was already defined eight years before the public vote with the Electronic Ba