Sunday, October 14, 2018

14 October - My Feedly! 1 of 4

The insights you need to get the inside edge



Googly eye bandit is wanted in Georgia for defacing monument

Googly eyes are hilarious. Put some googly eyes on literally anything and people are going to have a good time. Unless it's the city government of Savannah, Georgia we're talking about. To them, googly eyes are no laughing matter — at least not googly eyes placed on a historic statue. The City of Savannah Government Facebook page posted photos on Thursday of a monument of American Revolutionary W
Ohio State's marching band re-created the Backpack Kid to perfection

The Ohio State Marching band showed off its precision and knowledge of slightly nerdy viral dance moves on Saturday. During the Ohio State band's halftime show, the marching musicians got in formation to reenact the dance of .... The Backpack Kid. SEE ALSO: Katy Perry's 'SNL' performance was upstaged by a backpack-wearing teen You know, the Backpack Kid! Also known as The Floss, also known as the
Young 'vampire' found buried in Italian cemetery

The skeletal remains of a child with a stone in its mouth point to an ancient form of ritualistic vampire burial. The eerie practice, which echoes sim...
Spreading disinformation - we can fight it with wagers

Alas, t he "Union" side in this already-ignited civil war appears to have no generals. At least none with any sense of where the battlefield really is. It is all about the notion of "fact" or objective reality. The top-foremost aim of the other side -- the mafiosi who have taken Washington and who are sweeping the globe -- has been to undermine every profession that deals in evidence, proof and t
Mystery object found on South Carolina beach

A marine resource group has been attempting to identify a strange object that washed ashore earlier this month. Found on the shoreline of Seabrook Isl...
Ignoring the Cries of Stranded Children: 'BradCast' 10/12/2018

On today's BradCast , I'm your host as Brad and Desi make their way along the road. Some of you hear my show, In Deep with Angie Coiro , alongside the BradCast on the same stations and streams. We're awash in immigration stories this week, none of them good. Between Donald Trump's ongoing snit that there's no border wall, and his dead-eyed sidekick Stephen Miller's pleasure that the first round o


SOTT FOCUS: Trump Anxiety Disorder and the Washington Establishment's Agenda

As examples of egregious abuse of power and general immoral behavior in high places, how does Donald Trump's common or garden variety sexism (there's no evidence he's a racist - calling someone 'dumb' doesn't count) compare to the CIA funding, training arming and generally facilitating the existence of al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists? It's an important question that everyone should consider as a mean
Protesters Throng Berlin In Massive Rally To Support 'Open And Free Society'

Organizers expected 40,000 people to show up at their march Saturday. Instead, they say, more than 240,000 attended. The event comes at a time when far-right populists are gaining ground in Germany. (Image credit: Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
Delusional: Washington believes Syria will invite it to 'rebuild', but won't release funding unless "Iran expelled'

'Not the Onion' Washington DC appears to be engaging in a standard attempt to 'flip the script', making a bizarre announcement which seems to beg a number of questions. The United States will only qualify Syria for provisions of any additional assistance to the reconstruction of Syria if Iranian forces are expelled from the country, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was quoted as saying by the AFP
Many Native IDs Won't Be Accepted At North Dakota Polling Places

The Supreme Court has upheld a state law requiring voters' IDs to have street addresses, which many reservations do not use. Native American groups are now scrambling to prepare for Election Day. (Image credit: James MacPherson/AP)
Top climate scientist blasts UK’s fracking plans as 'aping Trump’

James Hansen, ‘father of climate science’, accuses Britain of ignoring science One of the world’s leading climate scientists has launched a scathing attack on the government’s fracking programme, accusing ministers of aping Donald Trump and ignoring scientific evidence. James Hansen , who is known as the father of climate science, warned that future generations would judge the decision to back a
Anti-fascists block route of Democratic Football Lads Alliance London march

Police form barrier between groups after supporters of rightwing DFLA fight police officers Anti-racist protesters have attempted to block the route of a planned march through central London by the Democratic Football Lads Alliance, leaving hundreds of the rightwing group’s supporters stuck in Pall Mall, as police formed a barrier between the crowds. The march, which began on Park Lane, soon desc


Holy Cow, Iron Fist Has Been Cancelled By Netflix

Um, Netflix, I don’t feel so good. Iron Fist has been cancelled. Photo: Netflix If you were one of the people incredibly excited by the possibilities left open at the end of Iron Fist season two , we have some very bad news. Netflix just cancelled the show, making it the first Marvel show to get the axe. “Marvel’s Iron Fist will not return for a third season on Netflix,” Netflix and Marvel said i
What Would Happen If Everyone Truly Believed Everything Is One?

New research suggests a belief in oneness has broad implications for psychological functioning and compassion for those are outside of our immediate circle. -- Read more on
What Would Happen If Everyone Truly Believed Everything Is One?

New research suggests a belief in oneness has broad implications for psychological functioning and compassion for those are outside of our immediate circle. -- Read more on
These $1,350 Game Boy-Themed Jordans Almost Look Worth It

Image: Freaker Sneaks Johnny Barry’s Freaker Sneaks is a company that produces super-small runs of custom sneakers. Its take on the retro Air Jordans IV are especially sleek, including 2017’s extremely limited SNES and NES-themed ones . Now there’s a Game Boy pair, and holy shit do they look hot. They’re $1,350 a pop though, and like most of Barry’s stuff only 10 pairs will be sold. That’s both g
NASA's Kepler Planet-Hunting Space Telescope Wakes Up Again

NASA's Kepler space telescope, which has discovered more than 2,600 alien planets to date, emerged from yet another slumber Thursday (Oct. 11).
Ambitious Praying Mantis Discovers Sashimi

Is there nothing the raptorial insect won't try to eat? -- Read more on


Trump Enters the Assassination Zone

by Rand Clifford for Veterans Today All assassinated US presidents shared something as off-limits as it gets, fighting the debt plague of Rothschild central banking; Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy. And now, Trump has gone on record with: — “The Federal Reserve is an unelected cabal of central bankers that is running our economy into the […]
Was Jamal Khashoggi murdered by “assassination squad”?

What we are seeing here is that Trump is once again part of the Deep State, the very diabolical entity he presumably or superficially sought to destroy.
China Developing New Sub-Killing Satellite

As China develops cutting-edge deep-sea surveillance, the nation’s navy is concurrently designing a satellite-mounted laser to locate and destroy enemy submarines. The satellite, which will be able to spot targets 500 meters below the surface, would also be used to gather data on the world’s oceans, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported Monday. US Senators Warn Canada Against […]
US, Reviving Talks with the Afghan Taliban without Pre-conditions

By Sajjad Shaukat for Veterans Today When first time the US decided talks with the Afghan Taliban in 2012, the same were conditional, as America had demanded that before any deal, violence against Afghan people must stop and […]
NYT: Kushner Likely Paid No Federal Income Taxes for Years, Documents Show

By Jesse Drucker and Emily Flitter Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million. And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to […]
Trump after Secret Deal with Bin Salman to Stop Investigations into Khashoggi’s Death

TEHRAN (FNA)- Abdel Bari Atwan, the editor-in-chief of Ray al-Youm newspaper, noted to US President Donald Trump’s attempts to downplay impacts of the assassination of prominent Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Riyadh on Washington’s ties with the country, and said he is after a secret deal with Crown Prince bin Salman to stop investigations into […]


Britney Spears Makes a Surprise Visit for a BIG Announcement!

Britney Spears shocked the audience by making an unexpected visit to Ellen, and the pop icon had a huge announcement you don't want to miss. #BritneySpears #TheEllenShow #Britney From: TheEllenShow
Ellen Meets New Parents Francis and Marine Corporal Brandon Crespo

Ellen welcomed Marine Cpl. Brandon Crespo, who went viral with a video of him meeting his newborn son Noah for the first time. He and his wife Francis talked about spending time apart while he was deployed, and Ellen gave them a surprise, thanks to her friends at Shutterfly. For more Shutterfly moments, go to: #TheEllenShow #Ellen #Shutterfly Fr
In Cambodia, a City of Towering Temples in the Forest | National Geographic

The temples of Angkor are architectural masterpieces laden with artistic treasures, like the bas-relief galleries that tell enduring tales of Cambodian history and legend. ➡ Subscribe: About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journali
Product Wars

Genetically engineered mascots become the latest craze in this all too possible future. An IP proof of concept by the creators of True Skin and Pastel Written and Directed by: Stephan Zlotescu ( Cinematographer: H1 ( Produced by: Stephan Zlotescu, H1, Vlad Caprini, Steve Tzirlin Associate Producers: Mihai & Adrian Pircalabu, Omar A. Said Executive Produc
Pterosaurs 101 | National Geographic

Pterosaurs were the first vertebrates to take to the skies. Learn about the anatomical features that made their flight possible, how large some of these creatures grew, and which species was named after a vampire legend. ➡ Subscribe: About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through thei

Earthrise tells the story of the first image captured of the Earth from space in 1968. Told through the voices of the Apollo 8 astronauts themselves, the film recounts their experiences and memories and explores the beauty, awe, and grandeur of the Earth against the blackness of space. This iconic image had a powerful impact on the astronauts and the world, offering a perspective that transcended


How Bad Global Warming Science Hurts the Environmental Movement

Jim Steele was the Director of the Sierra Nevada Field Campus of San Francisco State University from 1985 to 2009. Having taught courses on plants, natural sciences, bird banding and bird identification, his research into the causes of the declines in local bird populations led him to the understanding that natural climate cycles and landscape changes were causing disruptions of wildlife populati
Why Is Assad An Insane Suicidal Monster? – #PropagandaWatch

As we know from the political puppets and their mouthpieces in the controlled corporate media, Syrian President Basher al-Assad is a bloodthirsty monster responsible for the wanton slaughter of (fill in the number) of his own citizens, and he particularly enjoys dropping chemical weapons on women and children despite knowing that this is the one thing that will bring him universal condemnation and
Meet James Corbett, Political Extremist!!! #PropagandaWatch

Imagine you're a high school student doing a homework assignment on the Federal Reserve. You go to YouTube and type in "Federal Reserve" in the search bar and find "Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve." The horror! Luckily, you don't have to worry about that, because now that MSNBC and Mother Jones have ganged up, it's being scrubbed from the search results! Welcome to the w
Interview 1387 – The Truth About the China World Order

[audio mp3=""][/audio] In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the China World Order and why it is here on purpose. We talk about the real news while exposing fake news media censorship on the topic of China with James Corbett of the Corbett report.


WWF statement on London Illegal Wildlife Trade conference

LONDON, 12 October 2018 - Global leaders have acknowledged the need to take urgent collective action to combat the illegal wildlife trade (IWT) at the the fourth global conference on IWT. This now needs to be matched by action. Hosted by the UK government in London, the conference emphasised the need to tackle IWT as a serious organised crime, work collaboratively with new partners, and redouble
WWF statement on London Illegal Wildlife Trade conference

LONDON, 12 October - Global leaders have acknowledged the need to take urgent collective action to combat the illegal wildlife trade (IWT) at the the fourth global conference on IWT. This now needs to be matched by action. Hosted by the UK government in London, the conference emphasised the need to tackle IWT as a serious organised crime, work collaboratively with new partners, and redouble effor
Progress at illegal wildlife trade meeting but urgent action still needed

5 October 2018, Rosa Khutor, Russian Federation: The 70 th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora (CITES) concluded today. The global spotlight now turns to the 18 th meeting of the Conference of Parties in Colombo, Sri Lanka in May 2019, where the bulk of the decisions and outcomes of this meeting will be confirmed
Japan's landing and sale of sei whale meat violates international law

02 October 2018, Rosa Khutor, Russian Federation : Parties to the Standing Committee to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora (CITES), have clearly and firmly stated that Japan is in violation of the convention. Japan has been catching sei whales, allegedly for purposes of scientific research, and selling the meat and blubber in domestic retail market
Disappointing start to CITES Standing Committee as countries complicit in illegal ivory trade exit the monitoring mechanism

Today's decision allowing countries complicit in the illegal ivory trade to withdraw from the National Ivory Action Plans (NIAPs) process deals a severe blow to international elephant conservation efforts 01 October 2018, Rosa Khutor, Russian Federation : The 70th meeting of the Standing Committee to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora (CITES) got o
World's largest wildlife conservation agreement - CITES - discusses priority wildlife trade issues

Governments, International Organisations and Civil Society meet in Russia to make key decisions on wildlife trade 01 October 2018, Rosa Khutor, Russian Federation : The Standing Committee of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora (CITES) today opened for the 70th time in Rosa Khutor in the Russian Federation. The five-day meeting of the delegated gover


The Tremonton UFO Film and Haddaway

Here’s something that is a little frightening for those of us who accept the idea that some UFO sightings represent alien spacecraft visiting Earth. We have a list of cases, even if we don’t mention it, that seem, on their face, to be inexplicable. They have some form of instrumentality involved which means we are not relying on the observations of the witnesses. Ed Ruppelt One of these cases is
Barrels of Fun in Socorro

As you all know, I have been looking at the Socorro UFO landing case and in the last couple of weeks published an article about it. In that article, I mentioned that a fellow, Kevin Ashley, had heard a solution for the case from an engineer who had attended school at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in 1964. His story, though a bit hard to believe was that he and a pal had been r
The Socorro Barrel and Bruno R.

I now know more about the barrel launching Bruno R (name left out of the original post that Dave Thomas put on his website at: ). Tony Bragalia, working with a little information that I supplied and searching through other sources, was able to speak with Bruno in an attempt to corroborate Kevin Ashley’s story at Thomas’s site. Bruno said that he did not remember re
New Socorro UFO Landing Information

The other day Rich Reynolds over at the UFO Conjectures blog, sent me a link to a skeptics site. He wondered if I had seen the information published there about the Socorro UFO landing. I had not, but found the information interesting. You can see that here for yourself: Dave Thomas, who hosts the site, gave me permission to quote from the two new stories that he h
Treasure Quest - A Few Final Thoughts

Just a couple of things to clear up after the season finale of Treasure Quest . Just a couple of questions that I have about the show, or a couple of comments about what we saw. First, if I understood it right, one of them mentioned they had spent two months in the wrong place. They had talked to the last man living who had actually looked for the treasure and he told them that he thought it was
Treasure Quest - Season Finale "Payday"

Late last night (October 2) I received a comment to my last post about Treasure Quest (which now has Snake Island appended to it again). Todo Segalla suggested he had seen the October 5 episode and that, according to him, they had found the treasure. He wrote, “Kevin They found the treasure. I saw the episode that airs Oct. 5, they found the cave… using the drone they located another hill with a


in which we take a big gamble and are rewarded, or, we are moving to port hardy

I got a job! We are moving to Port Hardy, BC ! Port what now? Yes, we are moving to a tiny, remote town in the "north island" -- the northern end of Vancouver Island -- a town of 5,000 people. Nearby Port McNeill counts 2,600 residents, and the third town in the region, Port Alice , is a village of less than 1,000. And we are thanking whatever it is we atheists thank, because we're actually alread
wmtc moves west

We are moving to Vancouver Island! As soon as I find a good library job there -- which may be very soon -- we are giving notice, packing up, and driving across this beautiful country in a little car with a big dog in the back seat. Why are we moving there? Short answer: because we want to. The full answer is multifaceted. I've always wanted to experience life in a small town. The question always
thank you, 2018 red sox!

It is the Year of the Mookie. 108 wins. Eight games up. 11 wins to go. That is all.
First Nations Public Library Week

Yesterday was Orange Shirt Day . October 1 through 7 is First Nations Public Library Week in Canada. I'll write more about this soon. For now, a book review from a few years back: what i'm reading: indian horse by richard wagamese, a must-read, especially for canadians .
two weeks in northern ontario: the good, the bad, and the mushrooms

Our Ontario trip was a mixed bag of ups and downs, but mostly ups. Everything is pretty good with some not-so-good mixed in. Traveling with Diego. We loved it! It was so much fun having us with him all the time, and seeing him so happy and content. Downside: Traveling with a dog can be a bit limiting. We had planned to leave him alone while we explored Sudbury and Thunder Bay, but when we were act


Festival of Brexit

Theresa May is planning a festival of Brexit after we leave the EU. Attractions on offer include these:
Britain offered worse deal by USA

The FT reports that Britain is being offered a worse open skies deal with America than it already has as a member of the EU: The US is offering Britain a worse “open skies” deal after Brexit than it had as an EU member, in a negotiating stance that would badly hit the transatlantic operating rights of British Airways and Virgin Atlantic. British and American negotiators met secretly in January fo
Autism causes vaccines

Do vaccines cause autism? No, but autism causes vaccines :


A3 Newsletter: Important Hearing This Week for Angola Prisoner Vincent Simmon

A3 Newsletter: Important Hearing This Week for Angola Prisoner Vincent Simmons After a relatively quiet Summer, now Fall is starting out with a bang. Last week, King and Albert made their first presentation of the new season in Montgomery, Alabama for a group of Norwegian lawmakers on a fact-finding mission about the U.S. criminal justice system. As part of their trip to Montgomery, they visited


Jagmeet Singh Decides It Is Politically Wise To Spit In The Face Of Saskatchewan New Democrats :(

Everything that has ever happened in the ranks of the New Democratic Party of Canada before his arrival, is of no interest to Jagmeet Singh. 'Rolex socialism' and 'out-cooling' Justin Trudeau are his primary concerns ... What a sad day for the New Democratic Party of Canada. Every Member of the Federal NDP Caucus who remains silent on his comments are complicit with Mr. Singh's reckless negligenc


Wild Free and Happy Sample 02

[Note: This is the second sample from my rough draft of a far from finished new book, Wild Free & Happy . I don’t plan on reviewing more books for a while. My blog is home to reviews of 196 books, and you are very welcome to explore them. The Search field on the right side will find words in the full contents of all rants and reviews, if you are interested in specific authors, titles, or subjects
Wild Free and Happy Sample 01

[Note: I’m going to be posting a series of rough draft sections from the book I’m working on. The plan is two per month. My blog is also home to reviews of 196 books, and more than a dozen of my rants. Feel free to wander.] Introduction I’ve been waking up with the ravens lately, around 5:30. They celebrate each new day with enthusiasm, jabbering joyfully in the treetops. Then they take wing and
Joy Ride to Global Collapse

Note: I need to devote more time to my upcoming book, now known as Wild Free & Happy . The following is Jim Minter’s review of James Howard Kunstler’s book, Home from Nowhere . It was posted over 20 years ago (5 December 1996) on the e-design website. This was back when the Peak Oil movement still lived in caves. Oddly, most of the essay could have been written in 2018. America’s fanatical addict


Ua-Mas Women'S Plaza Honorees Campaign

UA-MAS WOMEN'S PLAZA HONOREES ( ): The fundraising campaign continues. The Raza Studies struggle in Arizona produced many narratives. One rarely heard was the role of the young women - from middle school students (who got arrested May 12, 2010, along with 11 others, mostly students) to high school and college students who took over the school board (Apri
Please support Spring 2019 Maya-Maiz Living Roots Raza Studies Conference at the University of Arizona! This is the act...

Please support Spring 2019 Maya-Maiz Living Roots Raza Studies Conference at the University of Arizona! This is the active link here:


the best HISTORY OF JAPAN you'll ever see

just watch, in wonder...
Haruki Murakami - Commending Killatory - dramatic new book review....

really Balthus inspiration? wow, did I really just call it that, Commending Killatory? That would appear to be the new accidental name for Haruki Murakami's Killing Commendatori from Harvill Press just released in hardback. Remember, I've been Haruki Murakami's #1 fan for like donkey's years. Well, this is a bit of an exaggeration, "I like the way he writes softly-surreal dip-in anecdotal fiction
Biblical Creationism inadvertantly explains the Electric Universe

I watched the forthcoming videos NOT with an eye to proving the Creationist agenda (dated by adding the ages of the parents of parents in the Bible) but of some great interstellar catastrophe involving our best sun as the Egyptians called the brown-dwarf Saturn , a star where the plasma sheath extends out way beyond its surface under less electric pressure than the high electric pressure of our Su
Electric Universe - Galactic influence on evolution - Earth has an alternative timeline

I've been asking the people who run the Electric Universe and are involved in the Thunderbolts Project for an alternative timeline for planet Earth, as we call it. According to their concept of how galaxies, stars and planets form, and based on observations noted down in mythology of an alien electric sky and its gods, Earth might not be the slow-accretion slow-sedimentation slow-evolution rock th
Planetary gaming - Universe gaming - Asset stripper design limitations.

So, games like Eve Online, Elite Dangerous, Dual Universe, Star Citizen and No Man's Sky... what are they hoping to achieve, gameplaywise? They're all set in space ... and SPACE IS VERY verrrrry BIG . To strip the fuck out of the newly-discovered universe. Even the mostly-positive No Man's Sky is an evil asset strip of every innocent planet a player finds. Same with Star Citizen, it's a fucking u
Electric Universe - Jacob Gable - Electric Comets and Plasma Serpents in the Lab

Jacob Gable is re-creating archetypal plasma formations in his low-pressure jars in his 'lab'. Snakes digging for food. Craters cratering the rims of craters. Dualism of Birkeland circuit pairs reigning supreme.


Missing Fireball in ABC Chopper 7 Footage

The ABC Chopper 7 footage has recently been added to Youtube by WTCFOIAVideos. The fireball doesn't appear on the replay although the explosion can be seen at the very beginning. View on Youtube for more information. ZZZZZzzzzzz.....
Truth Science Religion & Politics in The Here & Now

The Truth, these days seems to be debatable, even when discussing age old facts, such as the solar system, With all of the new technology available to us, we see it used as an argument for such ignorant concepts as a "flat Earth". No wonder that we now see a comic book villain as the leader of the US, with an unbelievable mixture of religion, politics, and criminal behavior. Soon there will be no
Fox 5 News breaking news on 911 This is a screen capture of a fade out transition from the morning show to the breaking...

Fox 5 News breaking news on 911 This is a screen capture of a fade out transition from the morning show to the breaking news This is a clip from Fox 5 News at 8:52 am on September 11, 2001. Although reported as breaking news it is clearly edited and has a fade in transition between their morning show and the news coverage. of the World Trade Center disaster. They show that the footage is courtesy


Proportional Representation: One British Columbian's heartfelt, well-considered and very linked-up case for voting YES to PR

I am rooting like mad for British Columbians to vote in favour of switching our voting system to proportional representation when the referendum gets underway Oct. 22. But I'm nothing if not a realist, and thus quite worried that people's resistance to change - especially when it requires taking time to understand something that appears dull and technical on the surface - will doom yet another ra


Washington vs Beijing: US Proxies Emerge Ahead of Thai Elections

October 8, 2018 ( Joseph Thomas - NEO ) - At a time when the United States has intensified its confrontation with Russia based on claims that Moscow interfered in US and allied politics (i.e. the UK and prospective NATO members in Eastern Europe), the US openly meddles everywhere from Europe and Africa to the Middle East and Asia. This includes Southeast Asia where Washington is busy at work crea
China’s Uyghur Problem — The Unmentioned Part

October 8, 2018 ( F. William Engdahl ) - In recent months Western media and the Washington Administration have begun to raise a hue and cry over alleged mass internment camps in China’s northwestern Xinjiang where supposedly up to one million ethnic Uyghur Chinese are being detained and submitted to various forms of “re-education.” Several things about the charges are notable, not the least that
US "Investigates" Genocide in Myanmar, Commits Genocide in Yemen

October 12, 2018 ( Joseph Thomas - NEO ) - Rarely is US hypocrisy so cynical and overt as a recent US State Department investigation into ongoing violence in Myanmar, all while the US continues its full spectrum support of Saudi Arabia's genocidal war on Yemen. In addition to Washington's role in Yemen, the US also occupies Afghanistan and Syria while carrying out drone strikes and covert militar
American Meddling in the Maldives is Aimed at China

October 12, 2018 ( Joseph Thomas - NEO ) - The United States was exuberant after its proxies took power in the Maldives during the September 24th elections. Ibrahim Mohamed Solih of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) came out with 58% of the vote over incumbent, President Abdulla Yameen. Former US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power would exclaim on social media : The people of the Maldives (tu
US Vows to "Overthrow" Iran as Terrorists Target Iranians

September 24, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - A terrorist attack on a military parade targeting civilians and military personnel alike left at least 29 dead and up to 70 more wounded in Iran's southwest region of Ahvaz. At the same time, in New York City, US political figures including US President Donald Trump's lawyer Rudolph Giuliani attended and expressed open support for "revolution" in Ira
US-Delisted MEK Terrorists Still Openly Committed to Violence

October 1, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - In 2012, the US State Department would delist anti-Iranian terrorist group - Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) - from its Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) list. Yet years later, MEK has demonstrated an eager desire to carry out political violence on a scale that eclipses the previous atrocities that had it designated a terrorist organization in the first plac


Headlines for Oct. 5, 2018

Click here to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted 11 minutes. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines (WMMFH) -- Oct. 5, 2018 CANDIDATES FOR “WORST”/”MOST DISGUSTING”: The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies
Headlines for Sept. 28, 2018

Click here to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted 11 minutes. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines (WMMFH) -- Sept. 28, 2018 CANDIDATES FOR “WORST”/”MOST DISGUSTING”: *Trump at the U.N.: Undiplomatic? This Time, Aides Fear the Opposite
Headlines for Sept. 21, 2018

Click here to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted 11 minutes. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines (WMMFH) -- Sept. 21, 2018 CANDIDATES FOR “WORST”/”MOST DISGUSTING”: *No, Trump Doesn't Have an 'Anti-Palestinian Agenda'
Headlines for Sept. 14, 2018

Click here to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted 11 minutes. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines (WMMFH) -- Sept. 14, 2018 CANDIDATES FOR “WORST”/”MOST DISGUSTING”: This week’s “Fake News By Omission”: YouTube shuts down pro-Syrian government channels


More Easy Answers

So, yeah. Easy answers. Achievement without effort. This desire for maximum output with minimum input is hard-wired into us. Being able to figure out the simplest way to achieve one's goals is a survival mechanism. But sometime's