Centauri Dreams
8,000 light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus, the star
designated Kepler 1625 may be harboring a planet with a moon. The
planet, Kepler 1625b, is a gas giant several times the mass of Jupiter.
What David Kipping (Columbia University) and graduate student Alex
Teachey have found is compelling though not definitive evidence of a
moon orbiting the confirmed planet. If we do indeed have a
Whether or not there is an undiscovered planet lurking in the farthest
reaches of the Solar System, the search for unknown dwarf planets and
other objects continues. Extreme Trans-Neptunian objects (ETNOs) are of
particular interest. The closest they come to the Sun is well beyond the
orbit of Neptune, with the result that they have little gravitational
interaction with the giant planets. Conside
A new paper from Jason Wright (Penn State) and colleagues Shubham
Kanodia and Emily Lubar deals with SETI and the ‘parameter space’ within
which we search, with interesting implications. For the researchers
show that despite searching for decades through a variety of projects
and surveys, SETI is in early days indeed. Those who would draw
conclusions about its lack of success to this point fail t
Can rapidly advancing laser technology and optics augment the way we do
SETI? At the University of California, Santa Barbara, Phil Lubin
believes they can, and he’s behind a project called the Trillion Planet
Survey to put the idea into practice for the benefit of students. As an
incentive for looking into a career in physics, an entire galaxy may be
just the ticket. For the target is the nearest
Last Monday’s article on the Trillion Planet Survey led to an email
conversation with Phil Lubin, its founder, in which the topic of
Breakthrough Starshot invariably came up. When I’ve spoken to Dr. Lubin
before, it’s been at meetings related to Starshot or presentations on
his DE-STAR concept. Standing for Directed Energy System for Targeting
of Asteroids and exploRation, DE-STAR is a phased las
Proxima Centauri b is back in the news, although I’ll confess that in
my case, it’s rarely out of my thoughts — I’ve been obsessed with the
Alpha Centauri system since my youth. The latest comes through work by
Anthony Del Genio and colleagues (NASA GSFC), who describe in
Astrobiology their new simulations with regard to potential
habitability. You’ll recall the issues here. A planet this close t
Craig Murray
The radical road up Salisbury Crags got its name because pro-democracy
labourers building it held meetings there to avoid bans within the city
of Edinburgh, back in the era of Peterloo. This is precisely where
Historic Environment Scotland are banning tomorrow’s Independence rally,
and if we accept it we are turning our back on our heritage. As
somebody who has addressed half a million people in
Bellingcat’s attempts to gild the Chepiga lily are now becoming
ludicrous. The photo they published today is a very obvious fake. Many
people have noticed that the photo of Chepiga on this wall appears to be
hanging in completely different lighting conditions from the others.
That is indeed a good point. But there is a more important point here,
and that is to do with sequencing. Except for Chepi
A fringe venue at the Labour conference was evacuated last night after
the screening of a film about my friend Jackie Walker was cancelled by a
terrorist bomb threat. Jackie, a black Jewish prominent critic of
Israel, is currently among those suspended from the Labour Party over
accusations of anti-semitism which are, in her case, nonsense. What is
astonishing is that the state and corporate medi
I am just back from a family funeral – one of a succession – and a
combination of circumstances had left me feeling pretty down lately, and
not blogging much. But I have to drag myself to the keyboard to
denounce a quite extraordinary set of deliberate lies published in the
Guardian about a Russian plot to spring Julian Assange last December. I
was closely involved with Julian and with Fidel Narv
The evidence mounts that Russia is not telling the truth about
“Boshirov” and “Petrov”. If those were real identities, they would have
been substantiated in depth by now. As we know of Yulia Skripal’s
boyfriend, cat, cousin and grandmother, real depth on the lives and
milieu of “Boshirov” and “Petrov” would be got out. It is plainly in the
interests of Russia’s state and its oligarchy to establis
Like many, my first thought at the interview of Boshirov and Petrov –
which apparently are indeed their names – is that they were very
unconvincing. The interview itself seemed to be set up around a cramped
table with a poor camera and lighting, and the interviewer seemed pretty
hopeless at asking probing questions that would shed any real light. I
had in fact decided that their story was highly
David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary
“Putting a price on carbon” was always going to be unpopular with
people who use fossil fuels out of necessity and for fun – viz., a large
portion of the population in a well-off northern country that, climate
change notwithstanding, still gets pretty cold in the winter. In other
words, Canadians, with their furnaces, SUVs and snowmobiles. After 40
years of neoliberal conditioning to the idea all
Give Jason Kenney and the United Conservative Party their due: They got
a large and enthusiastic crowd out last night to their rally in Calgary
against taking action on climate change. Leastways, I’d say 1,500 warm
bodies at a rally on any topic should concern the government they came
out to yell at, no matter what the issue, which in this case was
technically the Trudeau Government’s policy of p
Two well-heeled older men who never wanted for anything during their
upbringings and now live comfortable, privileged lives will be getting
together in Calgary this evening to talk about just how very, very angry
they are. The idea of a $15-per-hour minimum wage makes them very, very
angry. The idea that someone would remove a statue to a 19th Century
colonial-era politician in belated acknowledg
I imagine most journos working nowadays for the moribund and
increasingly far-right Postmedia newspaper chain daydream about making a
miraculous escape from their travails – perhaps a modest Lotto 6/49 win
or a generous inheritance from a beloved auntie. But you have to admit
that Paula Simons, until now a city columnist for the Edmonton Journal
who didn’t have a topical beat so much as a deft ab
A lot of Canada’s Conservatives were wearing long faces yesterday about
the impact of the freshly inked United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
on this country’s dairy industry. As political sins go, this small
hypocrisy is a minor one. Why not let the sitting government take the
rap for a treaty with our big, bullying neighbour that is certain to be
unpopular with a small but vocal and well-financ
Even if you’re no fan of Rick Strankman, United Conservative Party MLA
for Alberta’s dinosaur country, you have to feel a little sympathy for
the poor guy, skidded from his nomination by a candidate more appealing
to party leader Jason Kenney. Mr. Strankman, 65, may not have been the
sharpest knife in the UCP’s cutlery drawer, but as a Wildrose Party
candidate elected to represent the Drumheller-
From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog
From Jenna Orkin Physicist Dies at 96 After Selling Nobel Prize to Pay
Medical Costs Pentagon Wants to Create Bioengineered Insect Army to
Protect Crops Mattress Firm has filed for bankruptcy and could close up
to 700 stores Venezuela Has Officially Launched Its Oil-Backed
Cryptocurrency The president of Interpol has reportedly vanished after
going to China Russian Prosecutor With Ties To Veselni
From Jenna Orkin Top FBI Official Linked to Reporter (David Corn) Who
Broke Trump Dossier Story Another old antagonist of Mike's. World
Economy At Risk Of Another Financial Crash, IMF Warns FBI Clears
Kavanaugh, Says White House The FBI's Kavanaugh report is ready, but
senators only get a single copy to read, in 1-hour shifts, under intense
security The FBI reportedly only interviewed 9 people ab
From Jenna Orkin International Court of Justice Orders US to Lift New
Iran Sanctions Chosen One? New Film Claims Trump's Election Wa Act of
God Trump's Showdown Kavanaugh FBI Report Won't Be Released To Public:
McConnell US Gross National Debt Soars $1.27 Trillion In Fiscal 2018,
Hits $21.5 Trillion The Real Reason Why Amazon Is Hiking Minimum Wages
UK University Bans Clapping At Performances To
From Jenna Orkin Facebook Flaw: Fake Messenger Accounts Can't Be
HURRICANE MARIA AFTERMATH "Unsafe And Unprofessional": Chinese Warship
Comes Within 45 Yards Of US Destroyer In South China Sea Amazon is
raising its minimum wage to $15 following pressure from Bernie Sanders
Ron Paul: Venezuela's Socialism... And Ours Half a mill
From Jenna Orkin Rachel Mitchell Analysis of Ford/Kavanaugh "Brett Has
Not Told The Truth" - Kavanaugh College Friend Details "Violent, Drunken
Behavior" To FBI Student Who Refused to Stand for Pledge of Allegiance
Expelled The UK will send 800 troops to the Arctic to 'demonstrate we’re
there' to the Russians This Fascinating World Map Was Drawn Based On
Country Populations "Historic Judgment" As
From Jenna Orkin Trump Administration Sees 7 Degree Rise in Global
Temperatures by 2100 America's Most Expensive Fighter Jet Totaled in
First Ever Crash Kristinn Hrafnsson Replaces Julian Assange as WikiLeaks
Editor-in-Chief W. Virginia’s Decision to Allow Smartphone Voting for
Midterms Raises Serious Security Concerns Danske Bank Moved $235 Billion
in “Suspicious” Payments Through Estonian Branc
GlobaLove Think Tank
It starts with a hard issue that can be painted black or white when
really its a rainbow reflecting society Mess up the colors and you get
Rwanda or Sarajevo The conservatives are playing pure detective with the
fate of convicted criminals of the worst sort coincidentally both are
female The justice system is the foundation of society do not fuck with
Judges Juries or executioners of Justice Its
In a David vs Goliath battle with the loyal opposition praying for
defeat Justin Trudeau played a terrible hand extraordinarily well and
emerged with only a couple of flesh wounds The Dairy concessions were
nothing new we had already agreed to the same terms with Europe and TPP
Patent Protection was a complete loss but try fighting big Pharmacy when
the live on your border Great Job Justin suck i
Government and Taxes
Last week I got a friend request in fb from Curtin Winsor Jr., I
accepted because he's a former Atlas Director. But I noticed that his
profile has no work or profession, no address, no posting. Then he said
that he's helping friends secure a $100,000 and up grant from the UN and
US federal government. Purpose is to help people start a business,
repair a house, etc. then he gave me a tel no. that
* This is my column in BusinessWorld last Monday, October 01, 2018.
People are rational, they seek convenience and safety for themselves,
their families and friends. Thus, if it is very inconvenient and unsafe
to take multiple rides from house to work and vice versa, say tricycle
from house and village, jeepney or bus, MRT/LRT, jeep again to office,
repeat the 4 rides going back home, then people
Last week, September 25, I attended the alumni reunion of those who
attended the International Academy for Leadership/Freiheit (IAF) of the
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF). IAF is in Gummersbach,
Germany, near Cologne. I attended the 8-days seminar (morning till
evening) on "Civil Society and Local Government" in October 2008. I like
the venue, The German Club Manila, in Makati Cit
* This is my article in BusinessWorld on September 27, 2018. President
Duterte’s government can be described currently as having double
inflation in both consumer price index (CPI) and political insecurity
index. His economic managers’ usual and repeated alibi on why the
country’s inflation rate is high is mainly because of external factors
like high world oil prices and high US interest rates. T
Today, a friend posted supporting the bullying of Sen. Ted Cruz and
wife by some Dems activists/supporters, I commented on it. See the rest
of exchange, the language in particular of this Dino Abellanosa . People
love to brag and announce their self-righteousness and insecurity. So
be it.
* This is my column in BusinessWorld last September 24, 2018. Most
electricity consumers have that single most important concern and
“vested interest” — to have cheap, competitively priced and stable
electricity supply. Meaning no brownout even for a minute and yet the
price is affordable. The climate alarmism movement — less rain or more
rain, less/no flood or more flood, less storms or more sto
Society --Jew and non-Jew alike --is in the grip of a satanic cult that
routinely engages in magic and sorcery. We must acknowledge the
malevolent nature of Cabalist Judaism and Freemasonry or we are doomed.
Texe Marrs' Voices from the Dead is an important step in this direction.
by Henry Makow. Ph.D. A satanic cult dedicated to our enslavement and
destruction controls society. Yet because they a
(left. In 1952, Bella Dodd, a former member of the CPUSA executive
testified to a Senate Committee about Communist subversion .) Illuminati
= Cabalist Judaism = Freemasonry = Communism = Satanism Below, Randy
Engel explains that Communists infiltrated and brought the church into
disrepute. Protocols of the Elders of Zion -17: "When the time comes
finally to destroy the papal court...we shall come
The holiest day in the Jewish Calendar, Yom Kippur, begins this
Evening. While less than a third of Jews attend services, even fewer
understand the prayer which condones lying and confirms the true satanic
nature of Judaism . "On Yom Kippur the infamous Kol Nidrei prayer is
recited, almost always explained away to the public as a blessed
ceremony of begging God for forgiveness for oaths that were
In a satanic cult, values are inverted and depravity is normalized. A
henrymakow.com reader sent the email below to the President of Algonquin
College in Ottawa to protest a sex bingo and another sex-oriented event
on campus. Sex bingo, held at many schools, is like regular bingo,
except a drag queen is the caller, dildo-shaped markers are used, and
the prizes are sex toys, like vibrators. Genera
Kurt Lewin (1890 - 1947) was a Jewish psychologist, who pioneered the
Tavistock Institute, the Illuminati's center for mass brainwashing. He
advocated the use of terror to induce a passive state in the public.
(from April 21, 2006) By Henry Makow Ph.D. It is more effective to
manage society by mind control than by physical coercion. The events of
9-11 and the "war on terror" mostly are exercises
(Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau endorsing the idea that society
should become a satanist freakshow) Incredible as it sounds, humanity
is controlled by the Illuminati (i.e. Freemasonry.) We are being
inducted into this satanic cult at the lowest level. Freemasonry
controls and exploits its members by making them sick. Nowhere is this
more evident than the official promotion of gender dysph
In These Times
Everything about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony
before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week screamed of righteous
indignation over being forced to answer for allegations that he may not
be as stainless as his most ardent supporters have avowed. Judge
Kavanaugh didn’t just dismiss the claims of his accuser Dr. Christine
Blasey Ford, he did everything in his power to portray
BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—The lot doesn’t look like much: Short stacks of tires
line a small rectangle of flattened cardboard boxes, all interspersed
with bright green vines of invasive kudzu. To Rev. Majadi Baruti,
however, it’s a pumpkin patch and future urban farm. The tires are
planters for young Sugar Baby pumpkins, the cardboard will keep weeds
down and attract worms to fertilize the soil, and the k
Cook County Jail, one of the largest in the country, confirmed to In
These Times that it has placed all of its divisions on lockdown in
response to the verdict in the trial of Chicago police officer Jason Van
Dyke. On Friday afternoon, Van Dyke was found guilty of second-degree
murder for killing black 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. During lockdowns,
people are largely confined to their cells and d
Chicago has long been a city on the brink. Decades of racial
stratification, disinvestment, segregation and endemic poverty have left
large swaths of the population struggling to survive, while new
development has disproportionately favored wealthier residents. The
communities left behind by this process are largely Black and Brown,
while the beneficiaries are primarily white. Such a system of ra
For other perspectives on this debate, read Peter Frase and Brihana
Gray Bernie Sanders stands out among potential 2020 candidates as having
the strongest and longest-standing commitment to left principles. But
the question at hand is strategy. Should leftist organizations
immediately endorse Sanders and begin preparing to campaign for him? The
answer is no. There are strategic benefits to waitin
SAN FRANCISCO—In the early morning on September 13, a few hundred
demonstrators blocked an entrance to the massive conference center where
the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS) was getting underway. Within
this crowd of protesters, pulsing with music and speeches, a small
handful of people locked their arms together in pipes; some encased them
in empty oil barrels. The message to outgoing Calif
Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Source: Último Momento Noticias (Argentina) and Fundación Argentina de
OvnilogÃa (FAO) Date: 10.1.2018 Argentina: Couple Almost "Taken" By a
Light in the Old Huergo Resort **What Happened and What Activities Take
Place at Night in that Area?** HUERGO. Two friends lived through an
odyssey at the so-called old resort in this locality. A man and a woman
were listening to music inside a vehicle parke
Source: DIARIO EL POPULAR (Argentina) Date: 30 September 2018
Argentina: Olavarria - A Key Location in the UFO Phenomenon The 12th
Federal Meeting of ICOU (United Field Researchers - Investigadores de
Campo Unidos) was organized by the Olavarria UFO Investigation center
and held at the Science Museum. The event was a tribute to Dante Rivera,
one of the pioneers in the phenomenon's research. A mee
Source: Alfonso Salazar Date: 09.05.2018 A Report by Alfonso Salazar
Mexico: A Traffic Reporter’s UFO Experiences The late Jorge Olea was a
pioneer in traffic reporting from helicopters and a chronicler of police
information for thirty-four years in Mexico City. He was a senior
collaborator with the Grupo Monitor, becoming the guiding voice of
drivers in the valley of Mexico. On his Facebook page
Source: PLANETA UFO and www.noticiaslapaz.com Date: 09.23.2018 Mexico:
UFO Phenomenon Remains Highly Active in Los Cabos Adolfo Sánchez Rendiz
could not believe what he was seeing on the horizon while driving from
San José del Cabo to Cabo San Lucas on the tourist road just around nine
o'clock at night. He was able to see two lights over the sea at the
Kilometer 19 marker, issuing green flashes.
Source: GIOT and Fundación Argentina de OvnilogÃa (FAO) Date:
09.20.2018 Argentina: An "Invisible UFO" Over Tucumán Photographs taken
by Francisco Leal in Amaicha Del Valle, Tucumán (Argentina), Paraje El
Remate. The photographer was supervising a project for the provincial
authority involving creation of a potable water facility on 09.06.2018
at 17:41 hours. He decided to take some photos of the
Source: Fundación Argentina de OvnilogÃa (FAO) Date: 09.13.2018
Breaking News - Startling New Mutilations in Ojo de Agua, Santiago del
Estero. By Luis Burgos, FAO The situation is reaching historic
proportions. The Justice department intervenes in an Argentinean cattle
mutilation case. Statements made by Dr. Renzo Capellini of SENASA
(National Food Safety and Quality Service). Full text of the co
Majia's Blog
The EPA has sent Edward Calabrese as its lead witness to testify before
the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee: Conley, Julia (2018,
October 3). Making 'Fringe' Scientist Who Argues Exposure Good for
People a Key Witness, Trump's EPA Moves to Roll Back Radiation Safety
Rules. Common Dreams Provoking outrage among environmentalists, Trump's
EPA sent toxicologist Edward Calabrese—who has
Seoul to Express Concern over Tokyo's Plan to Release Fukushima Plant
Water (2018-10-02)
"...An official of Seoul’s Foreign Ministry revealed the plan to
reporters on Tuesday, saying that given the influences of
radiation-related issues and public sensitivity to them, it's a
legitimate concern for South Korea as a neighboring cou
The civilian nuclear industry is dying because there are less costly
market solutions for energy. Nuclear energy was never an efficient,
market-based energy option. Now the civilian industry that was heavily
subsidized by government is facing aging reactors and decommissioning
costs that are exorbitant. The proposed solution is to subsidize nuclear
once again NOT by paying for decommissioning, wh
I've been chronicling narratives of Fukushima Daiichi's contaminated
water for years now (academic work here and here ). FUKUSHIMA DAICHI IS A
of water into Daiichi's ruined reactor buildings to cool very hot and
radioactive nuclear fuel. Since reactor containment is cracked, much of
this water cannot be collected and ends up
This Reuters image licensed by abc news is hereby used solely for
educational purposes - please leave a comment in you have a copyright
concern Can you see the expression on these women's faces as they listen
to Kavanaugh rant? Women of my age are poised for a piercing and
echoing "Kavanaugh Scream" should Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh
be confirmed without adequate investigation given the
The HIroshima Court in Japan ruled Sep 25 that Shikoku Electric Power
need not suspend operations at the Ikata nuclear plant, declaring that
plaintifs aiming to suspend operations there must demonstrate " credible
evidence of the risk of a catastrophic volcanic eruption " in central
Kyushu (the Japanese island that had hundreds of earthquakes in 2016):
Ruling puts onus on anti-nuclear plaintiffs
Northern Reflections
Roger Cohen's reflections on the Kavanaugh hearings are instructive.
Everything eventually makes its way back to President Trump: Insidious
is the man. Insidious is his pollution of the F.B.I., whose former
director, James Comey, he fired after Comey refused to show “loyalty.”
Loyalty in this instance meant willingness to shelve, at Trump’s demand,
an investigation into dealings between his first
As an old Quebecer, I was particularly interested in Michael Harris'
take on the recent Quebec election. Harris writes : The landslide
victory of the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) is a boulder that sends
ripples into the furthest reaches of Canada’s political pond. Which is
to say, the ascension of Premier François Legault is no regional flash
in the pan. It is suddenly open season on incumbents,
It's beginning to look like the fix is in. The truncated F.B.I.
investigation of allegations against Brett Kavanaugh has arrived at the
White House, which is crowing that there is "no corroboration" of those
allegations. It's a dark time in the United States. The Trumpists will
soon control all three branches of the American government. But Geoffrey
Kabaservice writes that Kavanaugh confirmation
Tom Friedman writes that he grew up in the 1960's when the United
States was divided over Vietnam. But what's going on now is much worse
than the divisions of the '60's: There is a deep breakdown happening
between us, between us and our institutions and between us and our
president. We can’t find common ground on which to respectfully
disagree; the other side is “the enemy.” We shout at each othe
It's disconcerting to see how conservatives tout ideas -- until other
people implement them. Then they go on a tear and furiously reject them.
Mitt Romney developed a health insurance program for Massachusetts,
then conservatives branded it Obamacare and tried to get rid of it. The
same is true of the carbon tax. Gillian Steward writes : Whatever the
labels — carbon taxes, carbon pricing, or putt
I'll have something to say about the new trade agreement, when more
details are available. However, I understand that Canada's farmers will
make concessions under the deal. I'm a city kid. But for forty-five of
my seventy one years, my neighbours have been farmers. And a new study
concerns me. Kelsey Johnson writes : Canadian farmers are dangerously
stressed out, a reality that’s putting this cou
have had some commentators ask me why I post articles by Paul Craig
Roberts here at this blog, considering the fact that he has NEVER
fingered the real culprits behind the majority of the crimes against all
humanity, meaning the Jews.... I have had my own issues with Mr.
Roberts, including the facts that he seems to continue to be blind about
the Jewish problem and how they are indeed the ones b
want to give everyone a bit of a heads up as to my status and
especially what has been happening in terms of family and personal
issues... As many are aware, my mother who is now 88 years old is NOT in
good shape at all.. Just last week she caught a case of Jaundice which
was due to a gall bladder infection... That has cleared up (finally) and
the fear that the Jaundice was being caused by her L
have used this blog for years as a venue to get the message out to
people about the dangers that we face from the criminals in charge... I
have written about the dangers of vaccines, and the poisons that we
ingest on a daily basis and how those poisons are being used to destroy
our minds as well as our bodies..... And I have written in the past
about how these same criminals have been experiment
am a very pissed off Northerntruthseeker these days... I have been
watching the demise of a once great nation, the United States, due to
this incessant circus of this "Kavanaugh raped me" bullshit over the
American Jew spew media outlets, and honestly it is so horrendous...
Many have been saying that this circus is strangling the American
nation, and I am now agreeing with that assertion! I just
last weekend's rant, I gave my two cents worth in regards to some
recent articles released by the liars in the US State Department and of
course the Pentagon, where these liars claimed that ONLY some "1100" or
so civilians have been "accidentally" killed by US forces operating in
both Syria and Iraq over the last decade... I stated that this number
was woefully and ridiculously low, for my find
*NTS Note: I actually came up with this parody article about a week
ago, and I held off on publishing it until I received a lot of emails
asking for my own "two cents worth" about these Kavanaugh "rape victims"
stupid allegations.... I