The Ergosphere
will no longer allow anyone who is not an "energy professional". That's
it for everything TEC was. Gone. Finito. And it looks like the archives
will never be back on-line either. Fortunately, The Wayback Machine has
a good snapshot of the site just before it went dark. RIP.
case is based on science, while the opposition is based on political
philosophy. When a nation whose welfare is highly dependent on
technology makes vital technological decisions on the basis of political
philosophy rather than on the basis of science, it is in mortal
danger." — Bernard L. Cohen
there are one hell of a lot of them out there; few things are so
ubiquitous yet opaque to the layman. Reposting some blog comments in
case they are of more general interest: Ominous Cowherd: Using Pierre's
numbers, 1 gallon of diesel equals 10kWh, so the overnight charge would
be 7kWh equals about three quarts.The EIA says a gallon of diesel is
137452 BTU, or just over 40 kWH(th).
was announced some time ago that The Energy Collective was being taken
over by the Power Industry Network ( Perhaps
associated with this, the site had some major slowdowns and technical
problems for a week or two. Then all of a sudden it just went dark, with
a message that maintenance was going on. Now all blog entry links
redirect to a page about re-hosting. Those
The High-fat Hep C Diet
When this paper stumbled across my desk the other day my first thought
was of course "Aha! Linoleic acid not so hot, this explains lack of
benefit in RCTs as analysed by Steve Hamley".[1] Unsaturated Fatty Acids
Inhibit Cholesterol Efflux from Macrophages by Increasing Degradation
of ATP-binding Cassette Transporter A1.[2] I still think, maybe it does -
The Straight Goods
Glen type guy @canadianglen Early thanks to @robynallan for the
interview recorded today for tomorrow night's #TheViewUpHere 6pm PDT/9pm
EDT Who's (Not) Afraid Of Facts On Kinder Morgan? http://www.
018/06/21/whos-not-afraid-of-facts-on-kinder-morgan-with-robyn-allan …
http://www. 2:24 PM - 19 Jun 2018
_____________________________ Tune in, turn
Justin Harper, Stephen Trudeau … at the Helm Written by Robin Mathews ,
June 2018 Those of us who said (2016) that the Paris Climate Accords
were grossly insufficient and a Public Relations Sham … have been proved
correct. Justin Trudeau’s enthusiasm for eco-justice - churned into
froth among his make-believe ‘middle class’ supporters - burned to a
crisp in a matter of weeks. His real policies ar
thwap's schoolyard
I just finished reading Michael Hudson's Killing the Host: how
financial parasites and debt bondage destroy the global economy . It's
from 2015 so it leaves out some important European developments though
it does include the beginnings of Syriza's capitulation to the European
troika . My complaints: Hudson says the FIRE sector (finance, insurance,
real-estate) produces nothing of real value for t
It's a small thing in this world, but it was a fairly big thing for the
Canadian political blogosphere a few years ago. In this story, a
prominent lefty blogger attracted an adversary from the rightward side
of the intertubes and said right-wing adversary made it his mission to
expose the man behind the blogging pseudonym and then (stupidly) accuse
him of pedophilia. Eventually, the targeted blog
The human catastrophe going on in Yemen at this present moment shames
us all. Thanks to a bloody conflict between sectarian imbeciles and
geo-political assholes, at least TEN MILLION PEOPLE are at risk of
starving to death before the end of this year. EIGHT MILLION have
already begun to suffer the ill effects of severe malnutrition. From CBC
: The United Nations aid chief urged the Saudi-led mili
This is a continuation of a conversation taking place in the comments
here . ("Blogger" limitations won't let me post it as a comment.)
"Exactly" like a Trump supporter? Given everything that I said I hardly
think that's likely. What's semi-interesting is that elements of your
tone had me thinking you were a right-wing, Trumpian critic of
Bolivarian Venezuela, a few of whom I've been contending w
Ah! "Democracy"! Well, we don't have a democracy in Canada. We elect
representatives to negotiate from a position of weakness with the
oligarchy. At the best of times. Then, here in Ontario, there are times
like this, when less than 60% of the electorate votes and almost half
vote out of ignorance, delusion, greed, stupidity or bigotry. (Or some
combination of these.) And in so doing, elect a par
It's a good thing that I've long give up hope for this country and its
people. Otherwise the victory of the Stupid, Ignorant, Greedy Party of
Ontario would have come as quite a blow. Hegemony. The hegemony of a
certain set of values, beliefs and prejudices is what allows something
like Doug Ford and his Gang of Idiots, with their corruption,
incompetence, lying, evasion, boorishness, sleaze, etc.
Town Called Dobson
Vagabond Scholar
Washington Capitals have finally won their first championship, in their
forty-third season! It's also the first championship for DC in one of
the four major sports since 1992 (although soccer team DC United has won
four times in that span). I do most of my sports posting and commenting
on fan blogs and social media, and I'm not going to post the 50 plus
links I've collected, but I felt
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
Correction: Bill Gates is said not to be dead, per the following
comment. Ben: I live next door to Microsoft. A member of my family has
been with Microsoft since its first year. Bill Gates is not dead.
Please. Dasa The criminal cabal that has been ruling the planet earth is
being systematically removed from power, with the latest being regime
change in Mexico and soon the EU. Furthermore, the pow
The summit meeting this week between U.S. President Donald Trump and
North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un was preceded by a tidal wave of
high-level public and secret diplomacy, because this is no ordinary
meeting, multiple sources agree. The summit will not only discuss peace
in the Korean Peninsula, but also the future of the financial system and
thus the future of the world, according to North K
Once again the world faces a long hot summer of discontent, with the
major action likely to be in Europe and East Asia this year. The EU is
likely to experience regime change due to popular anger as warm weather
brings in yet another massive wave of mostly male Muslim immigrants. In
the Far East, the summit meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and
North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un has led
Tectonic shifts in the geopolitical landscape continue at a dizzying
pace around the world as the satanic Khazarian mob is being
systematically removed from all world power centers, multiple sources
agree. The situation has proceeded so far that the Khazarian big Kahuna,
Israel, may soon be liberated from the satanists, Pentagon sources say.
In Europe the changes of government last week in Italy,
The old regime in the U.S. and Europe is collapsing in a way that is
now becoming obvious even to the most brainwashed and illiterate
Westerners. This collapse ultimately stems from the social instability
cause by extreme concentration of wealth in the hands of a very small
clique of closely interbred oligarchs now known as the Khazarian mafia.
Fortunately, a revolution has begun that will soon l
Another fun and informative interview on Prepare For Change:
Topic: Forming an Alliance between China, Russia and the U.S. The post
Benjamin Fulford Talks: Interview June 21, 2018 with Prepare for Change
appeared first on Weekly Geo-Political News and A
What Is Sustainable
Professor Jared Diamond did research in New Guinea, and became buddies
with many natives. One day, a lad asked him why some societies became so
rich, and others did not. Why are there haves and have-nots? White
folks with European ancestors have done better economically than folks
in New Guinea, and many other regions. To a number of dodgy white gits,
this was absolute proof of their racial super
In history classes, students struggle to memorize and regurgitate the
names, dates, and places essential to our glorious myth — the sacred
journey that brought us to the miracle of today. For many, this parade
of dusty factoids is the story they will believe for the rest of their
days. What I was taught about Christopher Columbus resembled a
kindergarten fairy tale — the courageous hero succeeds.
WWF - Latest News
The online pet trade has emerged as a pressing threat to otters in
Southeast Asia with a new TRAFFIC-IUCN Otter Specialist Group (OSG)
study revealing hundreds of the animals for sale on Facebook and other
websites over a four-month period. The Illegal Otter Trade in Southeast
Asia, released today, revealed a high demand for juvenile live otters in
the region, with over 70% of the animals offered
5 JUNE 2018, SINGAPORE – To shift Asia's financial flows towards
sustainable economic, social and environmental outcomes, the World Wide
Fund for Nature (WWF) has announced the launch of the Asia Sustainable
Finance Initiative (ASFI). Based in Singapore, this multi-stakeholder
platform will bring together industry, government, civil society and
academia to develop and coordinate science based bes
Results from a two-year survey in the transboundary Virunga Massif, one
of the two remaining habitats of the mountain gorilla, show numbers of
the critically endangered species are on the rise. Released last week,
the latest estimates from the Virunga Massif put mountain gorilla
numbers at 604 from an estimated 480 in 2010, including 41 social
groups, along with 14 solitary males in the transboun
A Very Public Sociologist
When you're a MP and a woman you will, on the whole, get a great deal
more shit than your male colleagues. This applies regardless of what
party you represent, and on what side of the factional divides your
cookie crumbles. The latest manifestation of this unwelcome fact of
political life comes from Luciana Berger , who complains about being the
subject of a pile-on. The occasion was her whereabo
Michael Gove lost his famous cool, you say ? Took hold of Theresa May's
custom plan and, with all the menace of a rabbit with a carrot, ripped
it up did he? Aaah, bless his cotton socks. Well, no wonder he was
peeved. As the most prominent Brexiteer in the cabinet after the noted
self-publicist , you can understand why he might be miffed. However
badly Johnson behaves, May just laughs it off and
These books have captured my attention since last time . I do
occasionally leave the house. Hiroshima by John Hersey The Thing Around
Your Neck by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Gilles Deleuze by Claire Colebrook
Watt by Samuel Beckett The Conservative-Liberal Coalition edited by
Matt Beech and Simon Lee Feersum Endjinn by Iain M Banks Deleuze and
Feminist Theory edited by Ian Buchanon and Claire Coleb
This month saw 36,911 votes cast over 20 local authority (tier one and
tier two) contests. All percentages are rounded to the nearest single
decimal place. Five council seats changed hands in total. For comparison
with May's results, see here . Party Number of Candidates Total Vote %
+/- May +/- June 17 Average/ Contest +/- Seats Conservative 24 9,753
26.4% -12.8% +6.2% 406 -3 Labour 23 13,760 37
At a loose end on Thursday afternoon? In (or can be in) London? Then
this might be of interest to you. Description A symposium on British
Trotskyism jointly organised by the Political Studies Association Labour
Movements and Communism Specialist groups for John Kelly’s new book
Contemporary Trotskyism: Parties, Sects and Social Movements in Britain
(Routledge, 2018) Speakers John Kelly (Birkbeck)
Overall, 170,236 votes were cast over 93 local authority (tier one and
tier two) contests. All percentages are rounded to the nearest single
decimal place. For comparison you can view Quarter One's results here .
Party Number of Candidates Total Vote % +/- Q1 +/- Q2 2017 Average +/-
Seats Conservative 97 62,013 36.4% -1.9% -3.0% 639 -8 Labour 88 59,680
35.1% +5.2% +6.4% 678 +4 LibDem 75 30,077 17
Activist Teacher
Denis Rancourt, PhD This article was first published on Dissident
I want to describe what I think is a fundamental truth about the
individual bio-psychology of social animals, including humans. Setting
for the model The setting for my model is arguably the greatest current
scientific revolution: The
article was first published in the July 1, 2018 issue of the Ontario
Landowners Association:
Basically, a small neighbourhood in Ottawa is being devastated by large
three-storey multi-unit buildings being built next to family homes,
sometimes encasing and
Denis Rancourt Statements to the effect that the USA supreme court just
upheld "Trump's Arab and Muslim ban" are FAKE NEWS for fabricated
outrage and to obfuscate reality. Read the court's decision: The
executive order that was before the court was not an "Arab and Muslim
ban". It is a detailed policy instrument meant to
Amnesty International report of June 5, 2018, Syria: “War of
annihilation”: Devastating toll on civilians, Raqqa – Syria 5 June 2018,
Index number: MDE 24/8367/2018
presents undeniable evidence of USA criminal disregard for civilian
life, on a mass scale, in a populated city, and calls for official
by Denis Rancourt Vehemently arguing that someone should not utter
certain words or express certain views does not violate freedom of
speech. It presumes freedom of speech. Campaigning and arguing in favour
of censorship does not violate freedom of speech. It presumes freedom
of speech. Demonstrating to an institution or corporation that a speaker
should be deplatformed does not
Denis Rancourt, PhD RACISM. The Western middle-class ethos has been
infected by a disproportionate taboo-like hyper-aversion to attitudinal
and opinion racism. This is a socially engineered and recent pathology
that is not checked by humour and satire. People are now routinely
prosecuted and jailed for victimless "hate speech" that is inferred to
signal blasphemous beliefs and
Adrienne's Corner
we can certainly hope so. I know you are all busy preparing for the
upcoming Independence Day celebrations, but take a moment to watch this
rather uplifting video from Q. The video was brought to my attention by
my good friend Hardnox over at Nox and Friends - and I thank him. The
Virtue of Hope The virtue of hope responds to the aspiration to
happiness which God has placed in the heart of every
while I get ready for my second cataract surgery tomorrow at the
ungodly hour of 6:50. Several days ago I spent hours digging up invasive
plants and putting down grass seed. Somehow I managed to pull a muscle
in my hip. It was ugly. The following day I decided to "work it out."
That was a bad mistake and rendered me almost unable to walk. After
spending most of yesterday catching up on sleep and
powerful. Watch and post - please and thank you. The Unsilent Minority
May 26, 2018 Today I’m kicking off the # WalkAway campaign by releasing
my video about why I am walking away from liberalism and the Democratic
Party. It is my sincere hope t hat you will join me in this campaign and
that we may start a movement in this country- which not only encourages
others to walk away from the divisive l
you're all a waste of oxygen. Yesterday the harridans, led by their
hero muslim activist Linda Sarsour , gathered in DC to jam up traffic,
make noise, and generally annoy people to protest illegal aliens being
treated like the law-breakers they are. They were all willing to "risk
being arrested." On the Women's March Facecrap page they raised over
$150K to pay the $50.00 post and forfeit for thos
nope. I'm with Melania. And I'm betting that the majority of the
country is also with her. The best part of the saying on the back of her
jacket as she visited the border is that it's driving the
commie/marxist/libtards insane. None of them have stopped to consider if
it referred to the poor little children at the border as they claim
then why in hell was Melania there? As for the crying kid pict
because I sure don't. The commie/marxist/libtards - you know, the ones
who love killing babies, are all bent about the illegal children who are
probably living better than they ever have before. Three squares plus
snacks, clean clothes, school, air conditioning, and medical care is not
what any rational person calls deprivation. Perusing comments on
non-conservative sites like Daily Mail tells me
post is authored by Jeffrey Lewis and Dave Schmerler. Despite the April
27 Panmunjom Declaration, in which North and South Korea “confirmed the
common goal of realizing, through complete denuclearization, a
nuclear-free Korean Peninsula,” North Korea is completing a major
expansion of an important factory for producing solid rocket motors for
North Korea’s nuclear-armed missiles. …
we’re waiting for the Singapore Summit to produce whatever it produces,
it may be useful to ponder the record. There’s now more than a
quarter-century’s worth of statements by North Korea and various other
parties that have addressed Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions in one way or
another. Taken together, they offer a yardstick for Singapore. …
post is authored by Nate Taylor. Recently, equally great statesmen Kim
Jong Un and Donald “Jong” Trump met in Singapore for a brief discussion
on how they plan to split their Nobel prize winnings, their favorite
burgers, and (assuming they got to it) the complete, verifiable, and
irreversible dismantlement (CVID) of the Korean Peninsula. …
spent the past week making Singapore Slings but it didn’t help dull the
pain. The conversation then turned to the summit and ended with a
conversation about the sustainability of summits without substance and
what the two sides can do in the future to settle on an actual agenda
for talks. Jeffrey …
post-summit comments, the President indicated that the DPRK had agreed
to destroy a “missile engine testing site,” which the U.S. identified
“because of the heat.” This has brought up the question of which site
does he mean? Dave Schmerler did an excellent thread about this on
twitter, but I’m nothing if not stubborn and I …
of the week: “In order to properly understand the big picture, everyone
should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small
section of truth.” — Xun Zuang The Punditariat will speak about winners
and losers at the Singapore summit. There will also be endless exegesis
of the joint communiqué and Trump’s offerings, especially …
Centauri Dreams
One reason we look so often at sail technologies in these pages is that
they offer us ways of leaving the propellant behind. But even as we
enter the early days of solar sail experimentation in space, we look
toward ways of improving them by somehow getting around their need for
solar photons. Robert Zubrin’s work with Dana Andrews has helped us see
how so-called magnetic sails (magsails) could b
It’s always a shock for me when the soft air and fecund smells of
spring slam into a parched and baked July, but seasonal change is
inevitable. At least it is on Earth. We get such seasonal changes
because of Earth’s obliquity, the angle of its spin axis relative to the
plane of its orbit. For Earth, the angle has stayed pretty close to 23
degrees for a long time, although the tilt’s direction wo
The asteroid game is heating up. The Japanese probe Hayabusa 2 has
arrived at asteroid 162173 Ryugu, the plan being to reach the surface
with landers later this year and bring back samples in 2020. We also
have ORISIS-REx, launched in 2014, on course to 101955 Bennu in
December, with a sample return planned for 2023. Assuming both missions
are successful, scientists will have the opportunity to c
New evidence for the nature of interstellar object ‘Oumuamua is in,
making it far more likely that the unusual interloper is a comet rather
than an asteroid. The data come from an array of instrumentation — the
Hubble Space Telescope, the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, ESO’s Very
Large Telescope and the Gemini South Telescope — and show that `Oumuamua
is slowing down slightly less than expected.
The quality of the image below isn’t very high, but consider what we’re
looking at. This is the ‘night side’ of Pluto’s moon Charon as viewed
against a star field by the New Horizons spacecraft. We’re looking at
reflected light from Pluto –’Plutoshine’ — as the sole illumination of
most of the surface. Who would have thought, in the 88 years since Clyde
Tombaugh’s discovery of Pluto, that we woul
I’ve always had a great interest in Iceland, stemming from my studies
of Old Norse in graduate school, when we homed in on the sagas and
immersed ourselves in a language that has changed surprisingly little
for a thousand years. There’s much modern vocabulary, of course, but the
Icelandic of 1000 AD is much closer to the modern variant than
Shakespeare’s English is to our own. Syntactically and m
David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary
Happy Canada Day! Why not celebrate by driving on Alberta’s secret
highways? Frankly, I don’t know how the Beaverton stays in business with
the brutal competition they’re facing nowadays from Wild Rose Country.
There’s an expression we’ve all heard: “You can’t make this stuff up!”
In Alberta, you don’t need to. The ambitious folks vying to become
United Conservative Party candidates in the next p
Most observers of Canada-U.S. politics and the two countries’
unexpectedly fraught trade relationship would agree former prime
minister Stephen Harper’s no-longer-secret visit to the White House on
Tuesday is unlikely to do much good and has the potential to do harm.
What Mr. Harper, now just another private citizen in law if not in
political influence, is trying to accomplish is difficult to say
“On abortion, we’re never going to see a black and white, yes or no
question. My job as your MP is to fight for incremental changes. … It’s
called the foot-in-the-door tactic.” — Joseph Schow On a day when
there’s serious talk in the United States that women’s right to
reproductive freedom may not just be restricted, but soon all but
eliminated, it’s scary to think the social conservative movemen
An effort by the so-called Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
to get a court injunction to halt enforcement of the Alberta law that
prevents schools from informing parents when students join gay-straight
alliances fell short in a written ruling of the Alberta Court of Queen’s
Bench in Medicine Hat yesterday. While the Calgary-based JCCF acting on
behalf of a group of 26 religious schools
Here is the list of the top 10 fiction and non-fiction titles sold in
Edmonton for the week ended June 24, 2018, compiled by Audreys Books and
provided by the Book Publishers Association of Alberta. Last week’s
fiction bestseller, missed during a short vacation by your blogger, was
The Home for Wayward parrots by Darusha Wehm, and the non-fiction
bestseller was Women in Criminal Justice: True Cas
It’s not equalization. It’s the taxes, stupid! That is to say,
Alberta’s taxes are too low to run the place over the long term and
something’s gotta give. The great thing about Alberta’s never-ending
tantrum about equalization and how the province of Quebec taxes and
spends, at least from the perspective of the modern conservative
movement, is that it distracts from the way keeping our taxes too
From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog
From Jenna Orkin Laser Bursts Generate Electricity Faster Than Anything
We Know video Disappearing Sculpture video UK Complicit in Torture: New
Report Haaretz: Fascism Creeping Into Israel’s Education System Key
Republican senator says she got Trump to add names to his Supreme Court
shortlist, and that a candidate who will overturn Roe 'will not be
acceptable' Trump's BLM Ready to Sacrifice Ancie
From Jenna Orkin Mini Neanderthal Brains Will Be Connected To Robots US
Allows Nestle to Keep Piping Water from Drought Ridden Southern
California Scientist at Allergan Shot Almost 600 arrested
during protest against Trump immigration policy at Senate offices
From Jenna Orkin Can a 3-year old represent herself in immigration
court? This judge thinks so. Venezuela's inflation hits more than
40,000% as investors dump its currency 'like a hot potato' The suspect
in the Maryland shooting once brought a defamation suit against the
newspaper company and lost T oday we are speechless': Capital Gazette
leaves opinion page blank in memorial of 5 killed staff P
From Jenna Orkin Economic Advisor Warns British Defense Planners Growth
Is Ending Meet PillPack, the pharmacy startup Amazon just acquired
that's sent pharmacy stocks into a frenzy The Democratic rebellion may
have finally arrived India Central Bank Intervenes As Rupee Crashes To
Record Low EU Globalists And Chinese Communists Team Up To Protect New
World Order Inequality Crisis: UN Warns 40 Mill
From Jenna Orkin China Buys Record Amount of Russian Soy as It Shuns
U.S. Growers TransCanada Pipeline Explodes in West Virginia Sweden's
'Neo-Nazi' Party Support Surges As Immigrant Gang Violence Soars A Newly
Discovered Supervolcano Is Churning Under 3 States Residents still have
a couple million years before they need to start thinking about
evacuation. Families Earning $117,000 Now Qualify as
From Jenna Orkin Monsanto’s First Trial Over Allegations Roundup Caused
Cancer How US Policy in Honduras Set Stage for Today's Mass Migration
Felony Eavesdropping Charge For 13-Year-Old Who Recorded Illinois School
Principal When It's Too Late to Stop Fascism According to Stefan Zweig
Erdogan Reelected As President Of Turkey According To State-Run Media,
Opposition Claims Manipulation How US Poli
GlobaLove Think Tank
First, if you want power bad enough you can turn everyone into a hating
unit and be the control mechanism Second is that people are all the
same. Thats why we are so easy to manipulate Third I do not want to hear
something that I disagree with because it would cause me to think and I
Have been taught thats dangerous Fourth if we cant win lets blow up the
planet and declare victory thats a negotia
Putin inaugurated by Archbishop Kirill "At present, Russia appears to
be feigning a return to conservatism and Orthodoxy as part of its
two-tiered hyper-normalization deception. But make no mistake, it is all
a ruse. The crypto-Soviet power is no friend to the Church, to the
West, nor to the Russian people." (Disclaimer- I don't see the Communist
threat coming from Russia. I see it coming from th
Iran's leaders are veterans of the Iran-Contra Affair where Israel sold
$500 million worth of arms to Iran in return for oil. The Ayatollahs
are billionaires using Islam to hold Iran's population hostage. The
warlike rhetoric is in Israel's interest. Part 1 - Iran Does Not Oppose
Jewish Power Elite Shayan Zarrin is an Iranian American Iran Not an
Enemy of the Jewish Elite (About 40 references can
organized by two Masonic factions. - Senator Barack Obama, Archousai,
Lisa Grain and Archon David Grain (Sarasota, Florida's Gamma Xi Boulé
Membership in the Masonic "Boule" is about blacks selling out their
people for personal gain. The same model applies to whites. Our leaders
are also house nigras in a world governed by the Masonic Jewish banking
cartel. What passes for "politics" is a "confli
Left, The Muslims were brought in specifically to create division and
social disorder. "Semper Castleton" is a British expat living in
Thailand. He visited his mother in England and was shocked at the
changes he saw in British society. "The British are more sheeplike than
ever..they are beyond saving." Two years ago, "Ex-Pat Returns to find
England Unrecognizable" by Semper Castleton (henrymakow.
I was reminded of this 2003 essay by a recent episode of South Park
where Cartman's girlfriend Heidi says she is tired of "being a victim."
She says victimhood has turned her into a moral zombie who does evil
with impunity . Women, sexual and racial minorities are manipulated this
way. 9-11 tricked Americans to think they are victims of terror who can
invade the world in pursuit of "terrorists."
It's hard for sane and good people to imagine that their political
& cultural leaders are sick and conscientiously evil. Today's author
Mallory Millett exposed her sister, Feminist icon Kate Millett as
mentally ill. Here she exposes Satanists who pretend to champion the
"underdog" as a pretext to enrich themselves and usurp power. They care
nothing about the "little people" or morality. Satanists
The experts were wrong. A 28-year-old democratic socialist woman of
color—Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—just unseated one of the most powerful
Democrats in Congress, Joe Crowley, an incumbent who hadn’t faced a
primary challenger since 2004 and was angling to become Speaker of the
House. New York’s 14th District is 85 percent Democratic, meaning a
Latina millennial calling for the abolition of ICE and
Activists staged creative protests across the United States on Monday,
rappelling off of buildings, blockading ICE offices in San Diego and Los
Angeles, and occupying an Atlanta Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) detention center. The spate of direct actions follows days of mass
marches and acts of civil disobedience, fueled by public outrage at the
Trump administration’s harsh immigration
It’s easy to be hyperbolic about Ben Jealous’ victory in Maryland’s
Democratic gubernatorial primary. Last winter, Mother Jones called it
maybe “the most important election of 2018.” In truth, it isn’t even the
most important race that Ben Jealous, the winner, will compete in this
year. That will take place in November, when Jealous faces the incumbent
Republican, Larry Hogan, whose approval numb
On Wednesday morning, shortly after the Supreme Court announced yet
another judicial victory for conservatives with their anti-union ruling
in the Janus case , Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) said that “the Supreme
Court is no longer a judicial body.” Instead, he told reporters, “it is
an arm of the Republican Party.” Just hours later, Justice Anthony
Kennedy announced his retirement—and with it, yet a
On Tuesday morning, just hours after unseating one of the most powerful
Democrats in U.S. Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave an interview
on MSNBC’s Morning Joe in which she offered a succinct, yet compelling,
rundown of her insurgent campaign’s “laser-focused” message: “Economic,
social and racial dignity for working-class Americans, especially those
in Queens and the Bronx. We were very cl
It is time to clear the air on immigration. For centuries, white people
have arrogated onto themselves the right to invade and conquer the
black and brown world of the Global South to extract minerals and other
resources, including slaves and cheap labor. These invasions
foreshadowed relations among countries that would bring us
“globalization.” From the time they enslaved Africans for the conven
Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Argentina: Operación NOA - The Infiernillo Lights By Luis Burgos The
wilderness of El Infiernillo is among the twelve most mentioned places
where UFO event play out regularly. It is located in Northwestern
Tucumán at 3042 meters above sea level in the midst of the Valles
CalchaquÃes on Route No. 307, linking the provinces of Salta and
Tucumán. The case histories have repeated with the same likene
Source: PLANETA UFO and El Comercio (Peru) Date: 06.13.2018 An article
by Miguel Garcia Medina Peru: A Mysterious Flying Object over Miraflores
(1950) The enigmatic subject of UFOs is no stranger to the pages of the
El Comercio newspaper, as evidence by a copious amount of articles in
our files. The year 1950 records considerable information about
unidentified flying object sightings in many part
Source: and Luis Burgos Date: 06.04.2018 Argentina:
Residents of Chos Malal Reportedly See a "Flying Saucer" The phenomenon
occurred in recent hours. One local told LU5 that it descended in a
field scant meters from her home. A resident of Chos Malal reported a
strange phenomenon that took place in recent hours in a rural of the
Northern Neuquén locality. Marisa San MartÃn told LU5
The following article is taken from Issue #2 of the INEXPLICATA JOURNAL
(Winter 1998). Our friend and colleague Luis Burgos of the Fundación
Argentina de OvnilogÃa (and later of ICOU as well) provided us with this
interesting report on the sobering connection between UFO activity and
cattle mutilations. UFOs Also Kill Cows That Aren't Mutilated by Luis
Burgos Introduction One of the greatest enig
Mexico: UFOs of the 1960s By Scott Corrales [ Excerpt from "Forbidden
Mexico", Institute of Hispanic Ufology Press, 1999 ] In spite of the
considerable number of UFO sightings during this time period, it wasn't
until the following decade that the UFO phenomenon would add itself to
the other events which stirred the national consciousness, such as
increased political radicalism among the young, th
Source: (Costa Rica) and Planeta UFO Date: 06.25.18
Article by Franklin Arroyo Costa Rica: CE-2 - UFO Kills Car Engine,
Tampers With Odometer and Clock, Leaving Numbers 3-3-3 Behind Architect
Alejandro Sáenz had a very strange experience, one that would give the
hardiest soul goosebumps. He was heading to inspect a construction
project in his car when the vehicles odometer and clock
Land Destroyer
June 27, 2018 ( Joseph Thomas - NEO ) - US and European media outlets
reported anti-Chinese protests across Vietnam. Claims regarding numbers
varied greatly from several hundred to others claiming several thousand.
The Western media was particularly careful not to mention the names of
any of the individuals or organisations leading the protests. The South
China Morning Post in its article titled,
June 29, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - The International Institute
for Strategic Studies's (IISS) annual Shangri-La Dialogue brings
together diplomats, ministers, and representatives from around the world
to discuss Asian security. Researchers at Western think tanks including
from the IISS itself have been promoting this year's forum as an
opportunity to sell Washington's re-branded "Indo-Paci
June 9, 2018 ( Joseph Thomas - NEO ) - Should decidedly anti-British
government organisations be found across the United Kingdom to be funded
and directed by Russians, we could only imagine the reaction. Even
whispers of hints of Russian influence have resulted in legislation,
sanctions and quite literally years of punditry warning of the Kremlin's
insidious reach. When the tables are turned, it
June 14, 2018 ( Brandon Turbeville - Activist Post ) - Presidents
Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un are perhaps the two most unpredictable
leaders in the world with everyone wondering from day to day what new
provocative statement will be ushered from official channels. However,
the two most unpredictable leaders appear to have found common ground,
perhaps even kindred spirits, during the course of th
America's "color revolutions" are polished by the Western media to
portray opposition as daring heroes. However, the truth is far less
flattering, and even compromising. June 5, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO )
- Had James Buchanan - writing for the Guardian in his article, " 'This
country has no freedom!': how Thailand's punks are railing against the
junta " - told the truth about who Kitikea ‘Pur
June 21, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - Prominent Hong Kong
opposition leader Edward Leung was sentenced to 6 years in prison for
assaulting police and his role in leading riots in 2016. The Guardian in
its article " Hong Kong jails independence leader Edward Leung for six
years ," would report: Hong Kong’s leading independence activist has
been jailed for six years for his involvement in some