Quick! What's this sentence about?
The Rules of Exposition / 13d
From How inequalities of wealth matter for consumption by Nick Bunker: A person would only change his or her consumption patterns if his or her lifetime income changed, but wouldn’t change his or her spending much if he or she experienced a temporary increase or decrease in spending. First reaction: The sentence seems to be about gender politeness. Second reaction: I'm not reading another sentence
Movies About Childhood
thwap's schoolyard / 21d
I'm still working on the next chapter of my "Justin Trudeau vs. Free Speech" series. (The world awaits the next installment with bated breath, I know!) But today I feel like typing about three movies about childhood that really moved me. The first film I'll talk about isn't so much about childhood as it is about single-parenting. In "The Babadook" an isolated single-mother begins to receive sinis
If Microsoft Wrote Rental Agreements A prospective tenant is looking to rent an apartment from Microsoft, and has just r...
Not Quite Unhinged / 14d
If Microsoft Wrote Rental Agreements A prospective tenant is looking to rent an apartment from Microsoft, and has just reviewed the rental agreement. The tenant looks up with a glazed and slightly panicked expression. “This is so confusing. I don’t understand what I am allowed to do here.” The Microsoft rep smiles comfortingly, “We know, and we sympathize, but this agreement is designed to be
Wolf at the door open thread
Obsidian Wings / 3h
by liberal japonicus Not really a great title, but I've been taking in a little of the discussion about Michelle Wolf's monologue at the WHCD. And we are in need of an open thread and it's a bummer seeing "What is racism?" every time in the sidebar (and yes, that is privilege talking, cause I can step back from it) Anyway, stuff below the fold. Here's Michelle Wolf's full monologue, if you haven'
When your relatives' DNA squeals on you
by liberal japonicus Maybe I'm reaching for a cute headline, but that's what seems to have happened. A cursory reading suggests that they compared the DNA they had with DNA profiles on genealogical sites to get a familial match. The article references the Grim Sleeper case. On July 7, 2010, the Los Angeles Times reported that an arrest had been made. District Attorney Steve Cooley identified the
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
by Ugh So I won't have fraud and noted stupid spineless squish Paul Ryan to kick around any longer. So sad, so sad. I'm sure he will go on to that great K Street suite in the sky. But I will miss his ability to gracefully and with strangely weird-eyed aplomb sh1t on the poor, weak, and elderly while maintaining a sterling reputation for "wonkery" with the Beltway Press when all it really was warm
what is racism?
by russell My wife and I had dinner with a friend recently. She was talking about the conflicts she feels as a liberal living in the SF bay area. One thing she discussed was the more or less unconscious bias she often experiences when she interacts with black and brown people. Especially black and brown people who don't appear to share her socio-economic position. What is that?, she wondered. Whe
Still Ice
Obsidian Wings / 11d
by JanieM Three weeks ago I wrote that it wasn’t going to be an especially late ice-off this year. In a post about unpredictability, I hazarded a prediction. Here’s the view from the town beach this afternoon: It's usually at least a few days from the time when the ice starts to break up into big sheets until it's all gone. Right now it's still all in one piece. We've had February weather in Marc
W is still worse (open thread)
Obsidian Wings / 13d
by Ugh While there's a lot of norm breaking, rampant corruption, and likely a fair bit of criminality, Trump still has a ways to go before he reaches the truly great heights of horribleness that was the W administration. Hundreds of thousands of unnecessarily dead people, for example, plus torture and a number of other things I'm sure I've forgotten. But hey, Trump has lots of time left in his fi
Justin Trudeau, all Huff, no puff, and more importantly, no political clout..Kinder Morgan Stageplay Unplugged
The Straight Goods / 20d
Written by Grant G Electoral reform, "The last federal election under a first past the post electoral system" Justin Trudeau said ....I clearly remember that 2015 Justin Trudeau election promise...oh indeed, once granted his federal majority that progressive election promise was the first promise to bite the dust...buried, dead, not even a lackluster attempt....Justin just blew it off.. Trudeau m
Farm Bill: Pollinators & people at risk
The Farm Bill debates are moving full steam ahead. Many pieces of the complex federal legislation introduced in the House will clearly be harmful to farmers, rural communities, workers and the environment. This blog is the first in a series from PAN focusing in on key issues of concern to those in our network. We’ll start with one of the most egregious proposals in the draft bill: a provision all
Study finds glyphosate in pregnant women
A new study on glyphosate in pregnant women from Indiana confirms that this widely used herbicide ends up in people’s bodies. The findings also suggest that prenatal glyphosate exposure may be linked to shorter pregnancies. Glyphosate is the most-used herbicide in the world. It's the primary active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup and other glyphosate-based herbicide formulations used with geneti
Monsanto merger approved: What's next?
Despite widespread opposition, The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) has green-lighted the Bayer-Monsanto merger. The Bayer-Monsanto merger was approved on the heels of the authorization of the Dow-DuPont and Syngenta-ChemChina mergers. As a result, just three corporations will control 59 percent of the seed market and 64 percent of the pesticide market — globally. DoJ’s approval… and farmer resis
A chance to make history in Hawai‘i
As a former legal intern for one of the State Representatives here in Hawai ‘i, I’ve walked the halls of the Capitol, sat in on hearings, listened to constituents share their thoughts and pored over mounds of testimony. Yet I knew this year would be different — Hawai‘i is poised to enact historic pesticide protective legislation this year. A bill with promise It was entirely fitting for me to sta
PAN in Rome: Agroecology as the future
In early April, Pesticide Action Network (PAN) International participated in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) second International Symposium on Agroecology in Rome. From nine countries and five regions — including North America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and Latin America — PAN leaders highlighted the need to transition from chemical-intensive practice
A federal Food and Farm Platform for the future
Yesterday, House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway (R-TX) introduced a draft of the 2018 Farm Bill. While federal food and farming policy — and particularly the Farm Bill process — can seem complex and far-removed, these laws and rules impact our daily lives in ways large and small. From food access and nutrition programs, to crop insurance and agricultural research, the Farm Bill deter
Uncoupling - Saturated fatty acids and glucose are preferred muscle fuels, but unsaturated fats act as buffers
An intriguing new study looked at 2 different types of enteral feeding in 60 critically ill patients for 7 days. The fat-based formula was 37%E glucose, so this was not a test of a low carb diet, and predictably the differences in glucose and insulin AUC, though trending in the right direction, were not significant.[1] The significant finding was higher resting energy expenditure (REE) in the hig
Employer Agreeing Not To Poach Competitor's Employees? That's A Jailing
The Department of Justice's Antitrust Division is serious about going after employers who agree not to poach a competitor's employees. So serious, that they announced in 2016 they would start criminally prosecuting violators, and they recently announced some prosecutions are imminent . In a joint publication with the Federal Trade Commission titled Antitrust Guidance for Human Resource Professiona
Are You A Liar? Arbitration Is The Forum For You
Arbitration is very popular with employers, and no wonder. It's a liar's forum that employees can be blackmailed into. While courts penalize litigants for lying with heavy sanctions and dismissal of their claims/defenses, there is little a court can do when a litigant lies in an arbitration. The Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S. Code § 10(a) provides: In any of the following cases the United States
The Last Thing the Middle East Needs Now Is Another War – By Robert Rabil
The Last Thing the Middle East Needs Now Is Another War By Robert Rabil – @ robertgrabil For Syria Comment – April 27, 2018 The growing vocal call to punish the Syrian regime for its flagrant violation of human rights, including its recent alleged use of chemical weapons against its own people, has become the peg on which to hang the coordinated efforts to cast the regime as a threat to the natio
The Syrian Social Nationalist Party’s (SSNP) Expansion in Syria – By Jesse McDonald
The Syrian Social Nationalist Party’s (SSNP) Expansion in Syria By Jesse McDonald – @ JJMcDonald10 For Syria Comment – April 22 What does the future hold for political groups operating in the Syrian theater? The plethora of loyalist militias and whether they fall under the central governments authority is something to monitor. However, there are forces also politically represented who have remain
Creating a New Syria: Property, Dispossession, and Regime Survival — by Erwin van Veen
Bulldozers remove barriers from a road in Harasta, east of Damascus (SANA via AP) By Erwin van Veen While all eyes were fixed on the US-led military response to the alleged chemical attack in East Ghouta, a little-noted event occurred that could potentially have a much greater impact on Syria’s future. About 10 days ago, President Assad’s regime passed Law no. 10 . The law foresees the creation o
Syria, Deterrence of Chemical Weapons and U.S. Policy in the Middle East – By Joshua Landis
Syria, Deterrence of Chemical Weapons and U.S. Policy in the Middle East By Joshua Landis For Syria Comment – April 12, 2018 President Trump has been provoked into action by the terrible videos coming out of Syria. They are horrifying. He can uphold the Obama policy, which is to stand by the international norm of prohibiting the use of chemical weapons if it is proven that Assad used chemical wea
Eastern Ghouta x 20, by Aron Lund
After several days of calm, the battle in Eastern Ghouta enclave seems to have picked up again as President Bashar al-Assad’s government launched a new round of air strikes on Douma , the only city still left in insurgent hands. Leaders of the Islam Army, the opposition militia that rules the city, have insisted that they will stay in Douma come what may, but they do not have the military muscle
Peak Fragility: Why The Middle East Is Doomed — by Ehsani
By Ehsani The Mideast is doomed. Egypt alone needs to create 700,000 jobs every single year to absorb the new job seekers out of its 98 million population. A third of this population already live below the poverty line (482 Egyptian Pounds a month, which is less than $1 a day). The seeds of the vicious circle that the Mideast region finds itself in today were planted at least five decades ago. Ex
"Post Modernism" and the General Incompetence in Science Today
I posted the following comment on the American Thinker site, in response to a comment that referred to "cultural geography": As a physicist, the term "cultural geography" sounds like another meaningless term, that belongs in sociology, not hard science. I just took the time to look up "post-modernism" in my 4-inch thick dictionary (the only clue -- other than the vague mention of "gaia" -- your c
Kim and Moon KOREA
Activist Teacher / 5d
Why renewed peace now, after decades? Here is my tentative answer: USA global hegemony is visibly eroding. Nations have less and less incentive to be oppressed servants of USA domination. The new multi-polar world (with an emerging Eurasia, etc.) has many more advantages than servitude to USA human and natural resource extraction, including stability, security and peace. Kim has the
Canadian Societal Depravity is Anchored in Medical Care
Activist Teacher / 22d
Where good will provides cover for predatory population enslavement by Denis Rancourt, PhD This article was first published on Dissident Voice (LINK). A society of socially engineered individuals who cannot identify their own anthropological dissonance is a depraved society. Its depravity is further established by its managers who do not experience profound discomfort in the face of
Professional Ethics: Psychiatrist Louis Morissette Should Be Barred From Practice
Activist Teacher / 27d
By Denis Rancourt, PhD This article was first published on Dissident Voice (LINK). The Quebec medical tribunal will decide if psychiatrist-for-hire Louis Morissette was allowed to provide a hatchet job based on hearsay. The review committee of the medical tribunal of Quebec will decide within 90 days whether or not anyone anywhere, such as a political party or institution or individual in
Big showdown expected in Middle East as end game approaches for Saudi Israelia
Peace in the Korean Peninsula means the Khazarian mafia is now pulling out all stops in an effort to start World War 3 in the Middle East, multiple sources agree. The result is that there is now a huge battle going on there that is likely to determine the fate of Israel and its ally Saudi Arabia, a collective we will refer to as Saudi Israelia. The battle will also determine who rules the West—sa
False images in the Barbara Bush funeral video
Hi Mr. Fulford, I have been following your articles through Kauilapele’s blog. Thank you for such incredible journalism. I took a few screen captures of images from ABC’s video of the Barbara Bush funeral video you referenced. As you can easily see in the clip you referenced (which are all stills), the Clintons are seated with Barbara Bush to the right in the row behind them. I believe it is Jimm
The world asks, “Has America gone insane?”
The current leadership of the Anglo-Saxon world is acting in a manner that can only be described as insane, by issuing one obviously false, incendiary claim after another in a vain attempt to start World War 3. They are doing this because the current leadership is literally fighting to survive as the wheels of justice inevitably grind closer. This is why recently we have seen that UK Prime Minist
Revolution may start in France as crazy Zionists try yet again to start WW3
The insane religious-fanatic Zionists who have been trying for years to start Armageddon have failed yet again in their latest attempt, this time in Syria. They now face serious repercussions, possibly starting with a revolution in France. Before we get into the details, let’s remember what it is we’re dealing with here. It is difficult for sane, reality-based people to understand that the Wester
Massive satanist offensive runs out of steam and counterattack begins
The satan-worshipping elite who hijacked power in the West, fighting for their very lives, have staged a massive counteroffensive in Syria and against U.S. President Donald Trump. This offensive has now run out of steam and is backfiring on them big time as their lies about Syria and many other things are being exposed. And, although no word has been given about when the 25,500 sealed indictments
Are Jews being falsely blamed?
Shalom Benjamin, I have been receiving your newsletters from friends and associates for a few years now. I must admit I was amazed that you had the chance to interview David Rockefeller, a man who rarely if ever speaks with any person outside the world he lives in. Obviously you have something going on and many, as you know, were very suspicious when you got that talk, and felt that you are simpl
From Jenna Orkin Last Call - Movie with Dennis Meadows 9/11 victims’ families win multibillion-dollar settlement agains...
From Jenna Orkin Last Call - Movie with Dennis Meadows 9/11 victims’ families win multibillion-dollar settlement against Iran Pictures show Paris erupting during May Day rally, with protesters torching a McDonald’s Capitalism is coming to an end, says one of the world's most respected economists End Of "Major Combat": US Deactivates Anti-ISIS HQ In Iraq UK To Ban All Plastic Straws, Q-Tips, And S
From Jenna Orkin We Now Know That South Korea's Second-Largest Earthquake Was Caused By Us Stunning details reveal how ...
From Jenna Orkin We Now Know That South Korea's Second-Largest Earthquake Was Caused By Us Stunning details reveal how Israel’s spy agency pulled off one of the most brazen heists in modern history Avicii committed suicide by cutting himself, according to a graphic report by TMZ "No Longer Reversible": China's Low Fertility Rate And Birth Restrictions Set Stage For Disaster Saudi Crown Prince Bom
From Jenna Orkin Jeff Bezos reveals what it’s like to build an empire and become the richest man in the world — and why...
From Jenna Orkin Jeff Bezos reveals what it’s like to build an empire and become the richest man in the world — and why he's willing to spend $1 billion a year to fund the most important mission of his life Now take the scenario, where you move out into the Solar System. The Solar System can easily support a trillion humans. And if we had a trillion humans, we would have a thousand Einsteins and
From Jenna Orkin Warning issued in London after toxic caterpillar outbreak Mystery Group Of "Wealthy Donors" And Soros ...
From Jenna Orkin Warning issued in London after toxic caterpillar outbreak Mystery Group Of "Wealthy Donors" And Soros Spends $50 Million For "Private Trump-Russia Investigation" Twitter Sold Information To Researcher Behind Facebook Data Harvesting Scandal The Pentagon's Ray Gun Can Stall Cars, Trucks With Radiation Blast One Year Later: Illinois On The Verge Of Downgrade To Junk; Its Resident
From Jenna Orkin The American Government’s Secret Plan for Surviving the End of the World Electronics-recycling innovat...
From Jenna Orkin The American Government’s Secret Plan for Surviving the End of the World Electronics-recycling innovator is going to prison for trying to extend computers' lives Goldman Sachs is battling to contain an outbreak of mumps on the trading floor The EU is currently debating whether or not to grant robots 'personhood' — here's what that would mean 800,000 People To Flee New York & Cali
From Jenna Orkin 'We're doomed': Mayer Hillman on the climate reality no one else will dare mention Want to stop fake n...
From Jenna Orkin 'We're doomed': Mayer Hillman on the climate reality no one else will dare mention Want to stop fake news? Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine - The Boston Globe Homeowners shouldn't be punished for capturing rainwater. Vote yes on Proposition 72 A record-breaking 31 House Republicans won't seek re-election in 2018 "Forgotten In Statistics" - UK Homeless Population 10x Larger Than Go
GlobaLove Think Tank / 6d
I'm on the left this is my family grandma and grandpa aunts and cousins
What Him Turn
Northern Reflections / 1h
Back in February, Doug Ford told a a private gathering that he was going to open up the Greenbelt -- which surrounds Toronto -- to housing development. Fortunately, what he said was caught on tape. And it created a firestorm. Edward Keenan writes: It was a pledge he made privately in February, captured on video and released on Monday. When it first emerged, Ford defended the comments, and his pos
The Method To His Madness
Northern Reflections / 1d
Donald Trump is mad. There can be little doubt of that. But, E.J. Dionne writes , there is a method to his madness: One of the many costs of the Trump era is the dumbing down of our political discourse. The incoherent spoken and tweeted outpourings from President Trump and the daily outrages of his administration leave little time for serious debate about policy or meaningful dialogue about our l
The Truth Will Out
Northern Reflections / 2d
David Leonhardt writes that, for most of his career, Donald Trump has been able to lie with impunity: Throughout his business and political careers, Donald Trump has had an important advantage: He is willing to lie, frequently and shamelessly. Most other people in public life view reality as a limitation. Trump does not. If telling falsehoods is more convenient or helpful to him than telling the
The Wealth Cult
Northern Reflections / 3d
Dan Leger writes that, for quite awhile, we have been worshipping at the Altar of Wealth. That worship has been misplaced: I do admire wealthy people who get there from personal brilliance, creativity and hard work. Kudos to them. But as to envying their bank accounts, what’s the point? The rich and famous get more than enough from society already. They don’t need my admiration, too. However, the
Ford's Definition Of Change
Northern Reflections / 4d
Doug Ford became the leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party by forming an alliance with Tanya Granic Allen. Martin Regg Cohn writes : Homophobia. Islamophobia. Anti-abortion hysteria and harassment. Demonizing gay marriage. Lord knows, and Ford knows, the camp of Granic Allen — an anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-Muslim, burka-baiting candidate — put him over the top in last month’s le
With Each Generation
Northern Reflections / 5d
This week's van attack in Toronto is a reminder that misogyny and hate in general are alive and well in the 21st century. Jonathan Freedland writes : By a quirk of the calendar, April 2018 brought a double anniversary in the history of race relations in this country: 50 years since Enoch Powell delivered his “rivers of blood” speech, and 25 years since the murder of Stephen Lawrence. Implied in m
BWorld 205, Energy mix and wishful thinking
Government and Taxes / 3d
* This is my column in BusinessWorld last April 16, 2018. “You must be ready to give up even the most attractive ideas when experiment shows them to be wrong.” — Alessandro Volta (1745-1827, Italian scientist who invented one of the first electric batteries known as a voltaic pile) This quote should be remembered by people who keep on insisting the urban legend that we can banish coal power in ou
AsPac markets after the Korea Summit
Government and Taxes / 3d
Two days before the Boracay closure last Thursday April 26, the PSE was among the worst performers that day in the Asia Pacific (AsPac) market. Ytd decline was -11%, wow. Second worst was the Duterte-beloved China and its various stockmarkets. Last Friday April 27, the Korea Summit was around 8:30am PH time, many Asian markets were about to open. It was positive for all markets in Aspac except Ch
The Korea Summit, moving to world peace
Government and Taxes / 3d
I like these news reports last Friday, April 27, 2018. More talks and saliva are a lot better than more bombs and missiles.
BWorld 204, Mining attractiveness index and the Philippines
Government and Taxes / 3d
* This is my column in BusinessWorld last April 12, 2018. There are two similarities between the mining industry and Boracay. The first is that both have small contributions to GDP, and the second is that both can be closed by the Duterte government for six months without any compensation to affected enterprises including environment-compliant ones. Mining companies and Boracay establishments sho
Ytd, PH stockmarket is the worst-performer in AsPac
Government and Taxes / 23d
The AsPac stockmarkets: 1. Today: everyone recovered, positive change except the PH's. 2. Full month: everyone has a bad month except India, but PH's decline is the biggest, -6.1%; 2nd biggest decline is CN Shanghai, -3.6%. 3. Year to date (ytd, from Jan 01 till today): PH has the biggest decline, -7.3%; 2nd biggest decline is JP Topix, -4.7%. Yes, the PH investment environment is "improving", wo
On Duterte's closure of Boracay for 6 months
Government and Taxes / 23d
"Boracay island is state property. Thus, the state may decide what to do with it, close it down or take it over." What is wrong, or correct, with this statement? In the wall of Rotary PDG Jimmy A. Cura who defends the total closure of Boracay for 6 months, Bobi Tiglao commented there and posted his paper and asked me if he is correct or wrong in his arguments,
A Self-Assembling Space Telescope?
Scaling up our space telescopes calls for new thinking. Consider this: The Hubble telescope has a primary mirror of 2.4 meters. The James Webb Space Telescope takes us to 6.5 meters. But as we begin to get results from missions like TESS and JWST (assuming the latter gets off safely), we’re going to need much more to see our most interesting targets. Imagine what could be done with a 30-meter spa
Exoplanets: Optimizing the Target List
Avi Loeb’s always interesting work has recently taken us into the realm of target selection for exoplanet surveys. Where should we be putting our time and money in the search for life elsewhere, and what can we do to maximize both the credibility of the investigation and the funding that it demands? These sound like pedestrian matters compared to the excitement of discovery — finding Proxima b wa
Getting Water into the Inner Solar System
Water delivery to the inner Solar System is crucial for life to develop, for worlds like our own must have formed dry, well within the ‘snowline.’ We need a mechanism to bring volatiles from the ice-rich regions beyond 3 AU or so, and while much attention has been paid to comets, we’ve been learning more about asteroids as a second delivery option, for isotopic measurements have shown that Earth’
Exoplanets: The Interplanetary Dust Factor
I usually get up while it’s still dark and take a walk. The idea is to shake the night’s dreams out of my head, listen to the birds waking up and pull in a lot of fresh air, all conducive to thinking about what I want to write that day. Last fall I kept noticing the glow before morning twilight that marked the zodiacal cloud , faint enough to be lost in moonlight and challenging to see when compe
Civilization Before Homo Sapiens?
My doctor is a long-time friend who always stops during my annual physical to ask about what’s going on in the hunt for exoplanets. Last week he surprised me when, after I had described ways of analyzing a transiting planet’s atmosphere, he asked whether planets could give rise to civilizations in different epochs. Why just one, in other words, given that homo sapiens has only been around for sev
Disk Imagery from Nearby Young Stars
Here’s an interesting situation: Around a star designated GSC 07396-00759, a member of a multiple star system, astronomers have found an edge-on disk. Such disks are helpful ways of studying planetary evolution, as we’re looking at gas, dust and planetesimals that represent a planetary system in the process of formation. But at GSC 07396-00759, the disk is more evolved than the gas-rich disk arou
On the death of silence
“…the greatest menace to our capacity for contemplation is the incessant fabrication of tawdry empty stimuli which kill the receptivity of the soul.” ~ Josef Pieper "Man is not even aware of the loss of silence: so much is the space formerly occupied by the silence so full of things that nothing seems to be missing. But where formerly the silence lay on a thing, now one thing lies on another. Whe
No, don't #EndOil : Because hipster energy is no replacement for reliable energy [UPDATED]
“Suggesting that renewables will let us phase rapidly off fossil fuels ... is almost the equivalent of believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy.” ~ former NASA scientist and current uber-climate-alarmist James Hansen (quoted in ‘ James Hansen Smacks Renewable Energy ’) "The world is changing, and it's time to face the facts" said the Prime Minister's minister who drove to Taranaki yesterday
"Man, too, is no less a feature of the landscape than the nature to which he owes his being.”
“Man takes a positive hand in creation whenever he puts a building upon the earth beneath the sun. If he has any birthright at all, it must consist in this, that he, too, is no less a feature of the landscape than the rocks, trees, bears or bees of that nature to which he owes his being.” ~ Frank Lloyd Wright, 1937 [Top pic of Frank Lloyd Wright's 'Fallingwater,' by photographer Andrew Pielage ;
Q: But what were the ANZACs fighting *for*, Grandad?
Today, all the stories from Anzac Cove seem so inevitable. But what were all those ANZAC troops actually fighting for – and why were they doing it in Turkey, for Galt’s sakes!? What on earth were they hoping to achieve over there? And why exactly is their sacrifice and botched battle considered part of the “birth” of our two nations? From the centenary’s Countdown to Anzac Day series here at NOT
He's gonna need a lot of coffee ...
[Hat tip Suzuki Samurai & I Love Fossil Fuels ] RELATED READING: The Myth of Wind and Solar “Capacity” - INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS The Difference Between a Tax Break and a Subsidy - REASON The Truth About Apple’s ‘100% Renewable’ Energy Usage - INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS How Much CO2 Gets Emitted to Build a Wind Turbine? - STOP THESE THINGS Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is gra
"The opposite of Leftist identity politics isn’t the alt-right."
"The opposite of Leftist identity politics isn’t the alt-right. They are both forms of collectivism. The opposite of all identity politics is individualism." ~ Alice Smith . Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with link and attribution.
"The China Hustle" Exposes Mega Scam
Next to Madoff, this was the biggest financial swindle in history and no one has heard of it. The film, "The China Hustle" is an eye-opening view of how the quick-witted shear the innocent sheep in the stock market. After the credit crunch in 2008, hundreds of two-bit Chinese companies listed in the US and lied about their revenues and growth. US banks, accountants, and lawyers were happy to keep
Treason: Will Trump Let Jonathan Pollard Leave?
( Jonathan Pollard left. Pollard stole every intelligence secret the US had and gave it to Israel.) The Jonathan Pollard Case shows that Israel, Russia & China are Allied Against the US, a s Brendon O'Connell Claims US Donald Trump seems increasingly likely to attend the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem in two weeks and is thinking of modifying convicted spy Jonathan Pollard 's probation to
Media Control Was Key to Jewish Strategy
The Conquest of the World by the Jews (1873), by Major Osman Bey (also known as Frederick Millingen) reveals that Masonic Jews controlled Western media more than 150 years ago. This is how they initiated wars to decimate the goyim. More recently, why Syria is bombed after a bogus nerve gas attack that brought the world to the edge of war. But does the media hold our leaders accountable for this?
Why All Porn is Gay
(Porn king relied on gay porn) Think of heterosexuality as monogamous and dedicated to rearing children; homosexuality as promiscuous and concerned with sex for its own sake. Porn is creating new generations of heterosexuals who behave like homosexuals. (Updated from Feb. 2006) By Henry Makow Ph.D. In 2004, a woman revealed details of Hugh Hefner's sex life . If the Playboy founder is any indicat
Now, Heterosexuals are in the Closet
by Henry Makow Ph.D. (Updated Nov 27, 2008) Although 97% of the population is not gay, there is relatively little cultural support for heterosexual institutions (family, motherhood, fatherhood); roles (masculinity and femininity); and life events (courtship, marriage, birth and child rearing.) Although building a strong family is probably the purpose of life and key to happiness for most, this kn
No Commercial Planes Crashed on 9-11
When a foreign power can commit an atrocity like 9-11 with the complicity of America's Masonic colonial ruling class, you know that the United States is not an empire . Although I cannot vouch for the claims made here, they are plausible and expose 9-11 as a bald-faced hoax . Because they got away with 9-11, these false flags have continued on a regular basis. "NOT ONE single supposed passenger p
The Historic Korean Peace Declaration Was Made Possible By Social Movements, Not Trump
President Donald Trump—who has previously threatened the entire Korean peninsula with nuclear annihilation—now appears to be claiming credit for a historic step towards military de-escalation taken April 27 by North and South Korean heads of state. Following a joint peace declaration by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and his South Korean counterpart, Moon Jae-in, Trump was met at an April 28 ral
Lead Is a National Crisis: We Need to Fight for Clean, Publicly Owned Water Before It Is Too Late
Four years ago this week, Flint, Michigan began receiving water from the polluted Flint river, marking the beginning of its devastating water crisis. For residents like Melissa Mays, whose children suffered skin rashes and hair loss shortly thereafter—and now waits to learn the extent of the long-term health consequences of their lead exposure—trust in what comes out of the tap must seem like a d
How Politicians Are Using Faux Progressive Arguments to Lock Up Young People
In Seattle, activists are entering the second month of a new stage of escalation in a six-year campaign against the estimated $225 million youth jail and court project being undertaken by King County. On March 19, the No New Youth Jail Coalition—which consists of more than 60 organizations working on issues related to poverty, racism and youth services—delivered a letter to King County Executive,
The Visa Loophole That Big Ag Construction Firms Love To Exploit
By Stephen Franklin, Kristine Sherred, Jessica Villagomez, Zhejun Wang, Joseph Bullington and Kari Lydersen. SPRINGFIELD, ILL.—Work was rapidly vanishing. Mary Wilson’s construction projects on farms, nearly a third of her business, had disappeared, and she was not able to hire as many workers. But it was 2009, and she chalked it up to the recession. When the work had not returned by 2016, Wilson
Senate Democrats Offer Little-to-No Opposition to Trump’s Expansion of Syria Bombings
Senate Democrats and Independents are registering little opposition to President Donald Trump’s April 13 airstrikes on Syrian government targets, with 92 percent declining to strongly oppose the bombings on principle and just three voicing unequivocal objections to the strikes before they were carried out. Where objections are raised by Democrats and Independents, they most frequently take the fo
Kim Stanley Robinson Makes the Socialist Case for Space Exploration
There’s something about Mars. It tickles the imagination like no other planet; in our stories about it, fact and fiction tend to blur. Nineteenth-century astronomers believed they saw canals on Mars, proof of intelligent life. In 1938, an Orson Welles radio play convinced some listeners that a Martian invasion had kicked off a war of the worlds. NASA and its robots feed us tantalizing tidbits sug
Viewing Taiwan from the Beltway Bubble
Two bikes collide on the bike path, resulting in serious injuries. Scott Kastner has a solid piece in WaPo -- he even gets US policy on Taiwan correct -- good until point 5: A final point is that Taiwan itself benefits from a stable U.S.-China relationship. As I argue in a recent International Security article, good U.S.-China relations give Beijing a stake in a stable status quo. Even if the Uni
The Week in Chinese Belligerence with bonus CNN moment
What happens when the machines stop? Russell Hsiao at TNI asks What Would Taiwan Do If China Invaded ? Hsiao notes: As one analyst observed in 2003: … it is not clear how high a price Taiwan is willing to pay to oppose China. Taiwan’s people have generally resisted the sacrifices that go with a high degree of military readiness. Mandatory military service for young men is unpopular, and the gover
John Bolton Could Visit Taipei
Offered without comment. _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
NYT: Free Speech capital is Taiwan, not Hong Kong
Taitung from Sanhsientai. The NYTimes turned out another good piece on Taiwan this week : In recent years, however, as Beijing has tightened its grip on the former colony, Hong Kong has been increasingly supplanted by Taiwan, a self-governing island that has emerged as one of Asia’s most vibrant democracies. Taiwan now draws the sorts of dissidents, rights groups and events that once naturally gr
The Great, the Good, and the ugly
Fisherman on the rocks at Sanxiantai. Will you have the power of love or the love of power? The ugly stain of authoritarian Christianity has answered that it will have the latter, and impose it on everyone. Spreading out of the US to plague countries far from its borders with its insensate hatred, intolerance, and need for control, America's worthless, hideous analogue to the Chinese Communist Pa
CNN reports from 2007 on Taiwan
Breakfast Lots of great stuff out there on Taiwan this weekend, but this CNN "analysis" appears to be reporting straight from 2007. Rather than mix the vile and the valuable, I'll post up the good stuff later. Onward and upward... Of course CNN begins with those causeless tensions... Prior to those elections, relations between the two were at a high point after Xi met with then-President Ma Ying-
John Greenewald's Take on AATIP - Updated
(Blogger’s note: My pal, John Greenewald, had attempted to post this to the comment section of the last column, but it is too long to be accepted there. Rather than breaking it into several pieces, I decided to just add it as a new post. It clarifies some of the issues that have been raised about the AATIP and the like. You can find additional information about a wide variety of topics at www.the
The Coyne Helicopter Encounter - Explained?
For the last several days I have been engaged in a conversation with someone who identifies himself as Parabunk. He analyzed the Coyne helicopter encounter and provided what he believed to be a terrestrial solution for the case. You can read his long report here: You can read my original post which inspired his (wel
Aurora, Texas - Again
This probably should be another edition of “Why I’m Beginning to Dislike Ufology,” but I thought I’d just use it as a single example of what is wrong with us today. I had thought we had finally driven the stake through the heart of the Aurora, Texas, UFO crash of 1897. I thought that the overwhelming evidence showed no such event had taken place. It was, in the terminology of today, “Fake News.”
Art Bell Has Died
Art Bell, the creator and original host of Coast-to-Coast died on April 13, in Pahrump, Nevada. He was 72. There isn’t much information available at this time. The announcement was made by the Nye County sheriff’s office You can watch it here: Bell had been retired for a number of years, first leaving Coast-to-Coast but later retu
Anatomy of an Investigation
Once again, going through older material looking for nothing specific, I have stumbled over something that might be of some significance. It all began when, scanning a document created by the Air Force that listed 49 UFO organizations in the United States that investigated UFOs, I spotted Karl Pflock’s name. He was listed as the director of something called the National Committee for Karl Pflock
Why I'm Beginning to Dislike the UFO Field - Part Four
I was going through old files with an eye to weeding out the nonsense, the useless, the outdated and the duplications. As I was doing that, I turned over a newsletter from December 1996 and on the back found a note that I hadn’t seen before. It explained that I hadn’t been invited to participate in the Roswell 1997 celebration because I had libeled someone. My first reaction was that is a strange
Strikes From Jordan and possibly Israel Hit Syria ??
Is this correct? Missiles from US/British bases in Jordan? Link The Syrian regime Tashrin journal revealed on early Monday that the source of missiles that hit Hama and Aleppo countryside northern Syria. The journal posted on Facebook and quoted from a field source that “Attack on Aleppo and Hama countryside was carried out using 9 Ballistic missiles launched form the U.S. and British bases north
Armenia on my Mind
As the Armenian identified driver of the Ryder van attacked - Coincidentally, or not so much, Armenia had a coup on the very same day. It's pretty clear there was western involvement in the coup. I've drawn a few comments out from Arevordi's blog- Heralding the Rise of Russia (always linked here) Arevordi is from Armenia. And you can avail yourself of additional commentary at his blog. Arevordi Ap
Toronto Van "Attack" Facebook's Role in Fake News Media Distribution
Ah, facebook...... Facebook and Intelligence agencies . Intel collection/distribution and Facebook. They go together. "Like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong" As I'd mentioned in the first post covering the numerous anomalies regarding the Van "attack" and the alleged attacker- A Face book post purporting to belong to the attacker was uploaded to Facebook immediately prior to the attack- And
Toronto Van "Attack" Anomolies
There are some curiosities about this incident: 1: Incorrect name- Incorrect identification ? The alleged van driver- Alek or Alex Minassian. It seems that the media has settled on Alek. Despite early reporting having police services providing two different names/spellings. This is not the first time I've read of incorrect naming of a suspect. Is it just incorrect spelling? I don't know. Is every
I’ve alerted my readers for some time now that this was the direction the US was going to move in... And this move has NOTHING to do with the Baptist Pastor Brunson- Or the delusion that Mike Pompeo is a "good christian". I'll underline the facts of the matter, many of which, have been long covered here al monitor "Congress has revived threats to sanction Turkey over the detention of North Caroli
Syria Hands Over 2 Unexploded Cruise Missiles to Russia After US Strike
TASS Two cruise missiles found unexploded by the Syrian military after the US missile strike on April 14 have been handed over to Russia, a source in the Syrian defense ministry told TASS on Thursday. "Two cruise missiles that did not