The Antennae Galaxies are undergoing a collision that will result in their eventual merger. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Galaxy collision images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Seyfert's Sextet. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Galaxies are so large that stars can be considered particles next to them (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
NGC 5866 as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope. Credit: NASA/ESA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Talk to Action Site Digest Tell the Black Caucus : Stop Taking Private Prison Money
10:24pm MDST
Bernie Won Wyoming Today-- His 8th State In A Row
The CNN anchor in the clip above told DFA executive director Charles Chamberlain to stop trying to talk about issues and just to get into the silly fight over whether what's-her-name is qualified or not, which CNN is loathe to give up on. Charles nailed it anyway by sticking to the contrast message and fending off the unrelenting CNN stupidity. I guess it's harder to sell ads if you talk about issues. Wyoming only has 23 precincts-- one for each county. Big state but few precincts for a caucus-goer. There were a lot of absentee ballots cast, many from nursing homes and that vote,... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What will become of these galaxies? Spiral galaxies NGC 5426 and NGC 5427 are passing dangerously close to each other, but each is likely to survive this collision. Typically when galaxies collide, a large galaxy eats a much smaller galaxy. In this case, however, the two galaxies are quite similar, each being a sprawling spiral with expansive arms and a compact core. As the galaxies advance over the next tens of millions of years, their component stars are unlikely to collide, although new stars will form in the bunching of gas caused by gravitational tides. *Click image for larger... more »
Paulo Coelho, "The Water Pitcher"
*"The Water Pitcher"* by Paulo Coelho "A legend tells of a man who used to carry water every day to his village, using two large pitchers tied on either end of a piece of wood, which he placed across his shoulders. One of the pitchers was older than the other and was full of small cracks; every time the man came back along the path to his house, half of the water was lost. For two years, the man made the same journey. The younger pitcher was always very proud of the way it did its work and was sure that it was up to the task for which it had been created, while the other pitcher ... more »
"Feeling Fed Up with Humanity, In the World and in Ourselves"
*"Feeling Fed Up with Humanity, In the World and in Ourselves"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "We are all capable of the best and the worst that humanity has to offer and knowing this allows us to find compassion. From time to time, we may all feel fed up with humanity, whether it’s from learning about what’s going on around the world, or what’s going on next door. There are always situations that leave us feeling as if people are simply not capable of behaving in a way that is coming from a place of awareness. Often it seems as if people are actually geared to handle things in th... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
North Richland Hills, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
The Poet: Theodore Roethke, "The Far Field"
*"The Far Field"* *I* "I dream of journeys repeatedly: Of flying like a bat deep into a narrowing tunnel Of driving alone, without luggage, out a long peninsula, The road lined with snow-laden second growth, A fine dry snow ticking the windshield, Alternate snow and sleet, no on-coming traffic, And no lights behind, in the blurred side-mirror, The road changing from glazed tarface to a rubble of stone, Ending at last in a hopeless sand-rut, Where the car stalls, Churning in a snowdrift Until the headlights darken. *II* At the field's end, in the corner missed by the mower, Where the turf... more »
US Should Drastically Change Its Policy Toward The Delusionary Pakistan - Husain Haqqani
*"Magnificent Delusions: Pakistan, the United States, and an Epic History of Misunderstanding" By Husain Haqqani (2013).* *An excerpt from, "Impossible to achieve uninterrupted talks with Pakistan: Shashi Tharoor" The Indian Express, March 18, 2016:* The former minister also said that whenever India has tried to make peace, that has been reciprocated with an attack. “There is nothing we want from Pakistan but peace,” Tharoor said, adding that they seem to want Kashmir and they will continue to do so. Tharoor noted that the core issue with Pakistan is not Kashmir but the nature of ... more »
The Economy: “A 'Tidal Wave' Is Coming That Will Throw The US Into Recession”
*“A 'Tidal Wave' Is Coming That Will Throw The US Into Recession”* by Bob Bryan “A tidal wave is coming to the US economy, according to Albert Edwards, and when it crashes it's going to throw the economy into recession. The Societe Generale economist, and noted perma-bear, believes that the profit recession facing American corporations is going to lead to a collapse in corporate credit. "Despite risk assets enjoying a few weeks in the sun our fail-safe recession indicator has stopped flashing amber and turned to red," wrote Edwards in a note to clients on Thursday. He continued: “... more »
Fukushima Update: "Your Radiation This Week, April 2 to Apr 9, 2016"
*"Your Radiation This Week, April 2 to Apr 9, 2016" * By Bob Nichols "I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth." - Morpheus (San Francisco) April 9, 2016 – "Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the Top nineteen (19) cities with recorded radiation highs exceeding 1,000 CPM that affected people for the past week in Your Rad Weather around the United States. Let’s get right to it. *All Radiation Counts reported are partial Counts. Uncounted types of radiation include Alpha, Beta, **Gamma, Neutron and X-Ray radiation. **Uncounted radiation, i... more »
Margaret Archer-- Nasty, Nasty
I woke up yesterday at around 4am and fumbled around for the TV remote to get some light on in the room. And who should come up on my TV but BERNIE! What a happy surprise! He was chatting with the *Morning Joe * crew, most of whom were making an attempt to act like humans for a change. All nice! And then they started talking about how Bernie had been invited to speak at the Vatican on the morality of economics or something like that and I was thinking, "Oh, this is going to be a good day!" That didn't last long. Once I got downstairs to my computer, there was already a budding sca... more »
Top-Secret 9/11 Report Holds Vital Clues On Saudi’s Role In Attacks
Government officials, members of Congress, and 9/11 victims are demanding that the government declassify a top-secret 28-page report that potentially spills the beans on Saudi Arabia’s role in the 2001 attacks. Bob Graham, the former Florida governor, Democratic U.S. Senator and chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, says that the public deserve to know the truth about the extent of Saudi’s role in the 9/11 atrocities. reports: Graham and his Joint Inquiry co-chair in the House, former Representative Porter Goss (R-FL) — who went on to be director of t... more »
NASA Admit To Spraying Americans With Poisonous Chemtrails
NASA have admitted to spraying lethal chemtrails into our atmosphere – saying that lithium being sprayed into the Earths ionosphere helps to treat people with manic depression or bi-polar disorder. NASA personnel have come forward saying that lithium, along with other potentially harmful chemicals, are intentionally sprayed into our environment regularly. reports: It is possible that many of NASA’s own employees aren’t even aware of the true motivations for carrying out such a project, ironically displaying the very behaviors that these chemicals/pharmaceuticals are... more »
Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Is Not Guilty
The U.S. prosecuted suspected Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – knowing that the evidence they had actually proved he was innocent. According to attorney John Remington Graham there was never probable cause to assume that Tsarnaev was guilty – but the government and media deliberately chose to ignore this fact in their hunt to blame somebody for the atrocity. reports: The government of the United States has prosecuted Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in the knowledge that its evidence proves he is not guilty. On August 17, 2015, Paul Craig Roberts published an account of the a... more »
This Is Why FBI Director James Comey Puts Tape Over His Webcam
FBI Director James Comey has revealed that he routinely tapes over his laptop webcam in order to stop unknown entities from spying on him. The stunning admission implies that the FBI have the ability to hack into webcam’s belonging to members of the public – without their knowledge. reports: FBI Director James Comey gave a speech this week about encryption and privacy, repeating his argument that “absolute privacy” hampers law enforcement. But it was an offhand remark during the Q&A session at Kenyon College that caught the attention of privacy activists: Comey admits he pu... more »
Real Life “Rosemary’s Baby” Video Goes Viral
A video depicting a toddler on surveillance cam has gone viral, with the baby appearing to be possessed as it balances impossibly on his crib with red glowing eyes. Users have commented on how the toddler appears to be a real-life Rosemary’s Baby – in reference to the infamous Roman Polanski horror film in which a young wife comes to believe that her offspring is the antichrist. reports: Is the kid “possessed,” as the headline screams in the viral YouTube video? Is he just really acrobatic and emotional? Or is the lad and his co-conspirators pranking us in some ...more »
Snowden: Surveillance Is About Brainwashing, Not Terrorism
Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden has revealed that the real reason the government uses mass surveillance on the public, is not to protect them from terrorism, but to brainwash them using social conditioning so that they can assert their control on the population. Responding to a question on the recent Panama Papers leak, which has implicated multiple public figures in mass tax evasion, Snowden said: “I signed up to defend my country,” he remarked about his decision to join the NSA. However the oath he took was to defend the constitution not the agencies of the government, or the... more »
Putin Says He Will Declassify Documents That ‘Expose Interesting Names’
Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to declassify a range of archival documents from 1930 – 1989 which he says will reveal some “very interesting names”. Putin said that as far as he knew, “these documents there are cases, excuse me, of snitches as well as the innocently repressed, with very interesting names, some documents will surprise society…“ Fort Russ reports: Yesterday’s Panamanian crib notes immediately received a fitting answer. Guys who are receiving grants from Soros Foundation and the MacArthur Foundation, their owners, and other interested parties were thinkin... more »
The Latest: Sanders Wins Wyoming, But Delegates Evenly Split
[image: Sanders Wins Primary Caucuses in Alaska and Washington] COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) -- Looking both East and West for support, Republican presidential candidates angled Saturday to pick up more delegates in Colorado while bidding for favor a half-continent away in New York’s all-important April 19 primary. On the... more »
CIA Team Up With Skincare Product That Collects Your DNA
The CIA is funding a new skincare product that aims to collect human DNA in a very unconventional way. According to documents obtained by The Intercept, the agency are interested in claims made by by skincare company Clearista – who say that their beauty products remove a thin outer layer of skin. reports: But forget radiant skin and a youthful glow; the CIA is reportedly after Clearista’s ability to remove a thin outer layer of skin, revealing unique biomarkers that can be used for DNA collection. Described as “painless” on the Clearista website, the non-invasive procedure ... more »
Contaminated Water at Fukushima Daiichi Escapes Human Control
Contaminated water continues to defy human control at Fukushima (also at places such as Hanford): Contaminated water, fuel extraction stand in way of decommissioning Fukushima plant. The Mainichi, April 3, 2016 (Mainichi Japan) With about five years having passed since the start of the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant disaster, nuclear workers still lack a method of treating the around 1,000 tanks of contaminated water stored on site, and the start of work to remove melted nuclear fuel from the plant remains at l... more »
Bruce Springsteen Cancels Concert in North Carolina to Protest Law Prohibiting Transgenders From Using Opposite-Sex Restrooms
[image: Bruce Springsteen Cancels Concert in North Carolina to Protest Law Prohibiting Transgenders From Using Opposite Sex Restrooms] NEW YORK (AP) -- Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band canceled their North Carolina concert because of the state’s new law blocking anti-discrimination rules for the LGBT community, said guitarist Steven Van Zandt, calling it the kind of legislation... more »
Gay Rights Aren’t Civil Rights. Not Even Close.
[image: Transgender Rights Gay Rights Change - 900] I grew up in the 60s. I was around for some of the most turbulent days -- and some of the turbulent events -- of the civil rights movement, and though I'm trying as hard as I can, I can’t remember... more »
Improved Economy and Restored Work Requirements Mean 500k Could Lose Food Stamps
[image: Food Stamps Sign, SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Welfare] Hundreds of thousands of food stamp recipients are expected to lose their benefits in April with work requirements going back into effect in 22 states. The food stamp program has included work requirements since 1996, but were waived for many... more »
American Casino Baron Steve Wynn: No One Wants To Be Around Poor
The elite of America seem to always say the most unsettling things. The most recent example of this comes from “beloved” Las Vegas casino baron Steve Wynn. Apparently, Wynn believes that rich people do not want to be near poor people. According to CNN: Wynn, the CEO of Wynn Resorts, said during his company’s investor day presentation late Wednesday that wealthy gamblers who come to his high-end casinos don’t want the less fortunate hanging around with them. “Rich people only like being around rich people,” he said. “Nobody likes being around poor people, especially poor people.” Wyn... more »
The Secret Cursed South Pacific Island America Is Trying To Hide
I recently came upon the name “Palmyra atoll” by accident while researching satanic “hot spots” that are supposed to be in areas in the world that different religious groups believe are cursed by evil forces. The Palmyra atoll, however, was different. It wasn’t attached to any religious beliefs, but rather very strong cases from modern-day history that have led many people to believe there is an atoll in the South Pacific that has supernatural forces ruling over it. Once you know the name “Palmyra atoll”, a simple Google search unveils thousands of stories, articles, posts, and acco... more »
LSD Researchers: Drug Makes Future ‘Time Travel’ Possible
According to some of today’s top researchers time travel is possible …sort of. The research team at the University of Dundee and Imperial College London demonstrated recently that if you want to time travel into the future, you may be able to do so with the aid of LSD. The researchers say that LSD radically alters a person’s perception of time, which then allows those who ingest it to think about the future in new ways. Inverse recently reported some fascinating information on LSD time travel: The research team — which included David Nutt, Ph.D. and Robin L. Earhart-Harris, Ph.D, pr... more »
Disclosure? Clinton Sticking To Promise: US CAN Handle UFO Truth
Last year, Hillary Clinton said that she would declassify government UFO documents in the United States. Now, numerous mainstream media outlets are reporting that Hillary Clinton and her chief of staff are adamant that not only will the US be able to “handle” the truth about UFO’s, but that Hillary Clinton intends to make the declassification of top secret UFO documents a “top priority” when she enters office. Headlines in the last 12 hours read like something out of an episode of “The X Files”: USA Today’s headline read: “Clinton campaign chairman: Americans ‘can handle the truth’ ... more »
Princeton Students Pictured Playing “Nazi Vs. Jews” Drinking Game
Authorities working with Princeton University are investigating a photo shown on social media that shows students playing “Alcoholocaust” – a drinking game that pits “Jews vs. Nazis”. According to a report from The Times of Israel: The photo was shared on Snapchat, where one Princeton High School student captured it and wrote about it on her blog. It shows students playing a version of beer pong dubbed “Holocaust Pong” or “Alcoholocaust.” Students can be seen pouring beer into two sets of cups arranged in the forms of a Star of David and a swastika. The 17-year-old student who blogg... more »
Has Google Earth Accidentally Shown An Egyptian UFO Base?
An image of a strange V-shaped structure near Cairo, Egypt that can be seen on Google Earth is causing a debate online within the UFO community. While many think it may be a weird military base, others believe it might be a landing strip used by alien UFO’s. From a GeoBeats News report: UFO conspiracy theorists have been busy speculating about a mysterious landmark near Cairo that is visible on Google Earth. Based on the overhead image, the desert complex appears to consist mostly of a large V-shaped structure with six circular formations placed around it. A YouTube video uploaded by... more »
BBC World On The Move Day
So according to a BBC Media Centre press release (h/t David Keighley).... On 16 May the BBC "will host a day of special live coverage examining how the movement of people is changing the world we live in and how our economies develop." It will be an "all-day Today programme" and dominate that day's output on both Radio 4 and the BBC World Service. The BBC says "the discussion will impartially cover how migration is changing our world" and promises "a range of speakers from different sides of the arguments" to "set out the most important new ideas". But, looking at the press r... more »
Iran Is Sending Its Student Zealot Militia to Fight in Syria and Iraq
[image: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran] Iran is bolstering its key ally Syria by sending a paramilitary force full of zealot student soldiers fiercely loyal to the Islamic Republic and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. A media group close to the Iranian government, Mehr News Agency, reported Tuesday... more »
Chart: Power Is a Lot More Expensive Under Obama
[image: Map Created By Daily Caller News Foundation using data from Energy Information Administration.] The average American's electric bill has gone up 10 percent since January, 2009, due in part to regulations imposed by President Barack Obama and state governments, even though the price of generating power has declined. Record low costs for generating electricity thanks to... more »
Viral Video Asks: Are The UFO’s Aliens… Or Time Travelers?
A video from 2012 may offer proof that UFO’s are not controlled by aliens – but by time traveling humans. Many believe that these time travelers have chosen to come to our world in this current period in order to warn us of something horrible that humanity is about to do to not only themselves, but to the entire planet. From the YouTube description: Unexplained aerial observations have been reported throughout history. Some were undoubtedly astronomical in nature: comets, bright meteors, one or more of the five planets that can be seen with the naked eye, planetary conjunctions, or ... more »
Strange Sounds From Sky Multiply In Last Month, Terrifying People
We have reported many times over the years about bizarre, trumpet-like or metallic-like sounds that began emanating from the sky starting in 2012. Since then, thousands of people from across the globe have posted videos of these bizarre sounds which seem to have no set point of origin. Many people believe this is a biblical prophecy being fulfilled – specifically, that of the “angels trumpets” being sounded as in Revelations. Others believe it is a sign of the Earth releasing gas and pressure in preparation for some cataclysmic event like an Earthquake. Still, others believe that the... more »
Egypt’s New Store Named & Designed After Adolph Hitler
We have previously reported about a store in India that bears the German dictator Adolph Hitler’s name, and now a new store simply called “Hitler” has opened in Cairo, Egypt. The owner of the store is defending the choice of name, which is located on what is called the “Champs Elysees” of Cairo. Israel Today reports: The front of the store bears Hitler’s name and even uses a swastika as its logo. Store owner Osama Farouk insisted in remarks to Gulf News that his decision to use such symbolism was innocent. “I adore the name and the logo, and decided to put them on the front of my sho... more »
Hidden Video Shows Charade of Ted Cruz’s Campaign Commercials
CNN re-released a video that shows all of the edited and cut footage from a Ted Cruz Presidential campaign commercial with his family. The footage was quietly uploaded by the Cruz campaign. The video shows numerous interruptions, awkward Cruz family encounters, and a strange high number of takes interrupted by a person coughing offscreen., who edited the behind-the-scenes Ted Cruz footage, explained that since campaigns “can’t coordinate with SuperPACs”, they “quietly” upload “hours” of this type of footage in order to comply. Ted Cruz’s Family “Values” Even in CNN’s heavily... more »
Dave, Panama, and the Press
As readers know, I'm not a politician and when I worked in politics, it wasn't at the spaddy level where you're actually listened to. Yet me, a lowly ex-bag carrier responsible for caseloads in an obscure constituency knows the first rule on resolving a political crisis is to wrap it up as quickly as possible. The longer a story is attracting headlines, the more it becomes a talking point in the broadcast media, and the greater the likelihood you and/or your party will suffer reputation damage. These basics have proven foreign to our beleaguered PM and his coterie of expensively c... more »
#PakTerrorGames: Mind-Games In India, Savagery In Baloch
Pakistan and Israel share many traits in common. Both are rigidly ideological states, both profess to rule in the name of religion, both claim national victimhood and use the victim card when faced with international criticism, both are led by elites that are *deeply racists*, both are staunch U.S. allies, both are creations of the evil British empire, both depend on Saudi Arabia and ignore its Wahhabi mission to convert all Muslims to religious extremism, both use U.S. weapons against indigenous peoples demanding their inalienable rights, both illegally obtained nuclear weapons, a... more »
The not completely crazy theory that Russia leaked the Panama Papers???
*I had sworn off of this leak*. It looked* too contrived.* T*oo well timed,* in order *to distract *from the serious situation, the flare up of hostilities in Nagorno Kharabak .*Nagorno Karabakh or Why I'm ignoring the Panama Papers.* And also, too much like the usual smear Putin, without evidence, type of propaganda I’ve read time and time again. *So, you’re asking why? Why are you writing about the Panama papers, at all, if that’s the way you feel about their release?* *Let me tell you it all came down to this WP article- Headline above, sans question marks.* This Washington Pos... more »
The Latest: Hastert’s Lawyer Responds to Prosecution’s Abuse Claims
[image: FILE - In this June 9, 2015 file photo, former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert arrives at the federal courthouse in Chicago for his arraignment on federal charges in his hush-money case in Chicago. The Chicago Tribune is citing unidentified law enforcement sources as saying at least four people have made "credible allegations of sexual abuse" against Hastert. In a Thursday April 7, 2016 story, the newspaper says it has determined the identities of three accusers, all men whose allegations stem from when they were teenagers and Hastert was their coach in Yorkville, Ill. (AP... more »
Media and Progressives Turn on Bernie Over Nuclear Power
[image: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont speaking at a town meeting at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona.] The same progressives and media elites who typically fawn over presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders are now attacking him for his opposition to nuclear power, which they claim is an essential tool in the fight against global warming. Sanders's plan... more »
‘Migrant Hunter’ Arrested In Bulgaria for Capturing 23 Illegals
[image: ‘Migrant Hunter’ Arrested In Bulgaria For Capturing 23 Illegals] The infamous migrant hunter from Bulgaria was recently arrested when he captured 23 Afghanis who entered the country illegally. Dinko Valev and his citizen militia Organization for Protection of Bulgarians (OZBG) patrol Bulgaria's borders to Turkey looking for refugees who try to... more »
Venezuelan Ambassador Comes to Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
A Condor Lands on Eagle Hill THE VENEZUELAN AMBASSADOR COMES TO TYENDINAGA Kanenhariyo introduces the Ambassador of Venezuela to the sweet taste of maple sap Real Peoples Media Republished with permission Censored News TYENDINAGA – On Friday March 11th, 2016, His Excellency Wilmer Omar Barrientos Fernandez, the Venezuelan Ambassador to Canada, arrived in Tyendinaga Mohawk
Mohawk Nation News 'Condor and Eagle Join at Kahnawake'
CONDOR and EAGLE JOIN AT KAHNAWAKE Posted on April 9, 2016 MNN. APR. 9, 2016. The Cuban diplomats came to see the kanion’ke:haka in kahnawake to exchange thoughts . It reminds us of the ancient Incan prophecy about the condor and the eagle joining again to rule the skies. The Cubans, Venezuelans and Bolivians have recently visited our territories in northern ono’ware:geh, great
The DCCC Has Abandoned Ohio Completely-- Which Doesn't Mean Real Democrats Have To
The decision yesterday to add Keith Mundy to the Bernie Congress Blue America page was pretty easy. Within the first 5 minutes on the phone with him, I knew I was speaking with a movement guy, not someone trying to glom onto Bernie's online donation flow. Keith, who wanted to talk more about Bernie than about his own campaign, is running for the OH-16 suburban seat southwest of Cleveland that carefully skirts Cleveland, Akron and Parma to make sure just 1.6% of the population is black. The district is 92.7% white and the PVI is R+6. McCain beat Obama 51-47% and Romney beat him 54-... more »
In Fear Of Civil Unrest, Millionaires Flee Chicago
Millionaires are fleeing Chicago more than any other US city, due to concerns over racial tensions and rising crime rates. About 3,000 individuals with net assets of $1 million or more, not including their primary residence, moved from the city last year, with many citing rising racial tensions and worries about crime as factors in the decision, according to a report by new world health Chicago was one of four cities, Paris (7,000), Rome (5,000) and Athens (2,000), with the largest exodus of millionaires InfoWars reports: The French capital lost a stunning 7,000 millionaires – 6 per... more »
Candidates for Next UN Chief to Face Nations for First Time
[image: UN_Geneva] UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- For the first time in the 70-year history of the United Nations, all the member states will get a chance to question the candidates for Secretary-General, in a move to make the usually secret selection process... more »
Saturday night smorgasbord
In 'real life' I'm* not *a negative nelly at all. Blogging about BBC bias must make me seem like one though, and that's why, from time to time, I feel a strong need to send the BBC a few bouquets for things I've enjoyed. This week I particularly enjoyed the two-second silence before the pips on Tuesday evening's Radio 4. Yes, it may have been an unintended two-second silence - probably due to the continuity announcer misjudging the time slightly - but, still, it was much appreciated. It's the kind of thing that by itself justifies the license fee. ****** This Monday's *Start t... more »
Russian Journalist Maxim Shevchenko: We Support a Federation in Syria
*Title: Russian Journalist Maxim Shevchenko: We Support a Federation in Syria. Source: MEMRITVVideos. Date Published: April 7, 2016. Description:* In a recent TV interview, leading Russian journalist Maxim Shevchenko said that the Russian position on Syria was "quite clear. We support a federation." "This has been discussed at the highest level. Syria must become a federation," he said in the interview, which was posted on the Novaya Gazeta website on March 21, 2016. "Middle East studies in Russia have freed themselves from the pressure of the Israeli lobby which was formidable re... more »
Belgians Arrest Man Spotted with Brussels Airport Bombers, Also Tied to Paris Bombers
[image: In this Belgian Federal Police hand out picture made available Thursday April 7, 2016 the third suspect of the recent attack on Brussels airport is shown during his escape from the airport after the blasts. After nearly three weeks of frantic searching, Belgian authorities announced Saturday they had finally arrested and identified the elusive "man in the hat" spotted alongside two suicide bombers who blew themselves up at Brussels Airport on March 22. (Belgian Federal Police via AP)] For background to this story and more on the other five suspects arrested, see Official: 6th... more »
Clinton and Sanders Bicker Over the Minimum Wage
[image: Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., kisses his wife Jane as they arrive on stage during a campaign event, Saturday, April 9, 2016, in New York. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Latest on the presidential campaign, with the focus Saturday on the delegate hunt for Republicans in Colorado and Democrats in Wyoming, while several candidates campaign in New York, which holds its primary April 19 (all times... more »
A Last Warning: ISIL Leader Executed In Deir Ezzur
People in the city of al-Mayadeen in eastern Syria found the hanging body of notorious ISIL ringleader, Abu Zaid Tunissi, with a letter warning the terrorists to leave Deir Ezzor province. Fars News English reports: According to the sources, al-Tunissi was in charge of finding and punishing those who violate ISIL’s Wahhabi-Takfiri rules. Tunissi’s unknown executors hung his body in a street in al-Mayadeen city, Eastern Syria. Sources said that a note was left with Tunissi which threatened the ISIL to retreat from Deir Ezzur. In relevant developments in the Eastern province on Friday,... more »
Corruption Is A Key Factor In The Rise of ISIS; Mainstream Iraqi Shiite Militias Get Well-Deserved Pat On The Head From Big Daddy US; Archaeologists Begin Return To Liberated Palmyra
*In Iraq, it takes two hundred thousand dollars to become a colonel and two million dollars to become a general. Is it any wonder why these guys keep losing? If money bought military victories or a reputation then the Saudis would be kings of the world, but, they are hardly even the kings of Arabia.* *An excerpt from, "The Corruption Revealed in the Panama Papers Opened the Door to Isis" By Patrick Cockburn, Unz Review, April 8, 2016: * Crucial to the rise of Isis, al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan is not their own strength and popularity, but the weakness and un... more »
Immelt on Sanders
General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt, whom President Obama once tapped to head his economic advisory board, gives his view of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.
Navy Seal Who ‘Killed’ Osama Bin Laden Arrested
The former US Navy Seal who claimed to have shot dead al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden has been arrested on a drink-driving charge. Robert O’Neill was found asleep during the early hours in Butte, Montana while sat behind the wheel of a car with its engine running, according to the police The Mirror reports: Butte-Silver Bow County Undersheriff George Skuletich described the 39-year-old as confused when officers arrived and appeared to be intoxicated when they woke him up. Police were called after receiving several calls from members of the public reporting a man asleep in a 2005 Niss... more »
Mrs Cameron’s £53K- A-Year ‘Fashion Adviser’ Funded By Taxpayer
As the British prime minister faces calls to resign, it turns out he isn’t the only member of the Cameron family under scrutiny. It has emerged that his wife Samantha Cameron’s ‘special adviser’ Rosie Lyburn is being paid £53,000 a year from the austerity-hit public purse to help organise her wardrobe and social life. The Independent reports: The aide – normally a position for people who help Government ministers – receives up to £53,000 for advising the prime minister’s 44-year-old wife, according to the Mail Online. Rosie Lyburn, a former model and grandaughter of late Conservative... more »
Forget Cash Or Cards – Japan To Use Fingerprints Instead
Japan is introducing a system which will not only be an alternative to cash, but to card payments as well. Starting this summer, the government will begin testing the new system where foreign tourists will be able to verify their identities and buy things at stores using only their fingerprints. Tourists will have their identities verified, and then be able to make purchases from shops with a flash of their finger when their card details have been processed. RT reports: The system will calculate how much money a customer has based on a fingerprint. Japan hopes to have it up-and-runn... more »
I raise my glass to the statesmen who grin, Then with neat footwork stately spin Yet another web of steel and bile, The better to manipulate those without guile Who with trained minds and lame intellect, Spit out the peanuts for them to select The next government who then quickly learn To ignore the electorate and democracy spurn, As in this life, one thing's for sure, The rich get the beef and the poor get manure.
*As Bernie soared with a major victory in Wisconsin, his real opponent is revealed and it's not just Hillary Clinton ~ it's the bought and sold major media and establishment who support Clinton and all but ignored Sander's triumph as they continue to pad the bankroll of an increasingly irrelevant Hillary who is still weighed down with credibility issues and making her last stand for the status quo and Wall Street in New York: Allen L Roland, PhD* *“I learned early on not to be automatically dismissive of a Bernie Sanders initiative or amendment… He’s tenacious and dogge... more »
No talent "for the common man" Bruce Springsteen is a horse's ass...
*and just dumped all over 15K common folks by cancelling his concert in Greensboro, NC.* "To my mind, it's an attempt by people who cannot stand the progress our country has made in recognizing the human rights of all of our citizens to overturn that progress," Springsteen said in a statement. "Taking all of this into account, I feel that this is a time for me and the band to show solidarity for those freedom fighters. As a result, and with deepest apologies to our dedicated fans in Greensboro, we have canceled our show scheduled for Sunday, April 10th," Springsteen said. "Some thi... more »
Man Fishing In Kayak Escapes Hungry Alligator In Florida
A lone kayaker had a close encounter with an alligator while fishing in the murky waters of a river in Florida. Daily Star reports: The man, armed with his fishing rod, was just paddling along in his boat enjoying the beautiful scenery when he caught the attention of a much larger animal. Catching the horrifying moment on a head-cam, the man clearly had no idea what was about to happen. Suddenly out of nowhere there was a violent splash in the water and an enormous alligator reared up into the air. The massive reptile launched itself onto the man’s kayak and he can be heard screaming... more »
Female Cops Complain Of ‘Attractiveness Inspections’ In Mexico
Female police officers in Mexico have issued complaints against their male supervisors for forcing them to undergo “attractiveness inspections“ before they are selected for a new all-woman police unit. The procedure has caused outrage among female police officers leading some to complain to the state’s human rights commission. The Independent reports: Male officers conducting the inspections singled out young female officers in the Mexican city of Queretaro and remarked on their weight and appearance, Maricruz Ocampo, of Coincidir Mujeres, an NGO helping the women, told the Guardian....more »
Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad: Libertarian Presidential Candidates Support Religious Liberty on LGBT Issues
[image: Religious Freedom Bible Rosary - 900] In a little-noticed debate on Fox Business last week, two out of three Libertarian Party candidates for President of the United States backed religious liberty for business owners who don’t agree with a customer’s lifestyle choices. Hosted by libertarian John... more »
The Left-Wing Climate Inquisition’s New Target
[image: The Left-Wing Climate Inquisition’s New Target] In a truly outrageous abuse of his authority and a misuse of the law, the attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Claude E. Walker, has served a subpoena on the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) demanding documents related to CEI's... more »
Chalk Up Hastert's Life Of Raping Underage Boys To One Thing: Conservative Values
*Conservative politicians want to give your underage sons some thrills* Denny Hastert didn't just molest 4 boys when he was a wrestling coach. Nor did he just molest 5 boys. While he presided over a viciously homophobic congressional Republican Party, he was still carrying on an active-- albeit closeted-- gay sex life. He'd hire a gay hooker in the evening and come into Congress the next morning and help pass a law to make life more difficult for LGBT families. It wasn't just a Denny Hastert problem; it wasn't even just a Republican Party problem. It's a fatal flaw in the American c... more »
Capitalism And Global Agribusiness: From Ford To Monsanto, It's For Your Own Good
CounterPunch, RINF, Global Research, Countercurrents Don't take free content on the web for granted. Please read *this *I could not continue to produce these articles without public support. “We must… build our own local food systems that create new rural-urban links, based on truly agroecological food production... We cannot allow Agroecology to be a tool of the industrial food production model: we see it as the essential *alternative* to that model, and as the means of *transforming* how we produce and consume food into something better for humanity and our Mother Earth… Agroecol... more »
California Officials Struggle With Potential Lead Poisoning Crisis
A new study has found that children under the age of six living near a former battery plant in Vernon, California have high levels of lead in their blood. The Department of Toxic Substances Control requested that the children in the area around the plant be tested and the report released on Friday by state health officials, showed that children living close to the former Exide Technologies battery-recycling plant had higher levels of lead in their blood than those who live farther away. While governor Jerry Brown has pledged $176 million in aid, the affected families are not holding ... more »
Who really pays outragous Internet Prices for 3rd world speeds?
Suprise, Suprise, Suprise its the off shore account holders. In the lastest Canadian survey of broadband, they did not even whimper. Talk about taking your medicine in silence. Wow dont link Bell or Rodgers to these plans. First you need to buy a $35,000 USD modem/reciever just to get 3 Mbps download speeds. This is plainly unfair. Mr Trump close the speed gap for the mega rich.
Human capability watch: PolitiFact tries to quote Candidate Sanders!
*SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 2016We humans aren't up to this task:* Staggering? Remarkable? Astounding? Bizarre? What word would *you* apply to PolitiFact's attempt to report the flap which broke out this Wednesday night when Candidate Sanders made this statement about Candidate Clinton: "She has been saying lately that she thinks that I am, quote unquote, not qualified to be president." The ensuing dispute was the type of silly, unfortunate flap which often occurs in campaigns. In this case, as in so many others, the real chaos began when we the humans attempted to discuss, or pretended ... more »
AP-GfK Poll: Clinton Maybe Likable Enough — Next to Trump
[image: AP-GfK Poll: Clinton Maybe Likable Enough — Next to Trump] WASHINGTON (AP) -- In any other election year, more than half the country holding an unfavorable impression of a candidate for president would be cause for alarm. This is not a normal year. Fifty-five percent of Americans say they have... more »
Was the CA Attorney General Raid of a Pro-Life Journalist’s Home Criminal? Maybe So.
[image: Kamala Harris Laughing - 900] Pro-lifers are outraged at a raid on the California home of videographer David Daleiden, who is already being prosecuted separately in Texas for filming undercover videos of Planned Parenthood employees discussing trafficking in fetal baby parts. Under the direction of... more »
Pope Invites Sanders to Vatican for Confab
The UK's Daily Mail reports: Hillary Clinton's campaign has come up with a new way to keep reporters from hearing what she tells wealthy donors. On Thursday in Colorado, journalists straining to hear her remarks at a Colorado fundraiser found themselves unable to listen in when white noise was blasted at them through a powerful speaker. The event was held in an outdoor tent on the property of Gov. John Hickenlooper. Reporters could hear a band playing, according to CBS Denver's Stan Bush, but the sound-camouflaging noise engulfed their ears before Hillary began talking.
There’s a Bearded Trannie in the Stall Next to Your Daughter and You’d Better Learn to Like It
[image: transgender - 900] I was on the radio recently with a courageous North Carolina radio host, Lockwood Phillips, discussing the decision of that state's governor, Pat McCrory, to defy the boycott threats of billion-dollar corporations, including PayPal and more than 100 other behemoths. The... more »
Tory Council Set To Fine Homeless People £50 For Begging
Worthing council will soon start fining homeless people £50 if they are caught begging for money on the streets, in a move branded “disgusting” by local campaigners. A Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) is expected to get approval later this month, allowing the council to target beggars on the streets The Conservative-run council is also set to introduce PSPOs against public drinking and camping in the town centre at the meeting on 19 April, following the recommendation of its own committee. A petition against the PSPO, has been started by the Worthing People’s Assembly and has be... more »
Truce Still Holding Between Armenian And Azerbaijan Forces In Nagorno-Karabakh
*AFP*:* Armenia, Azerbaijan trade accusations during ceasefire* Armenia and Azerbaijan on Saturday traded accusations over the shelling of each other's territory in violation of a days-old ceasefire aimed at halting a flareup of violence over the disputed Nagorny Karabakh region. The two former-Soviet neighbours exchanged fire overnight but there were no reports of casualties. A Moscow-mediated truce went into effect on Tuesday after the worst outbreak of violence since the 1990s, but some clashes have continued, with two people reported killed on Friday. The Armenian defence mini... more »
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Arrives In Afghanistan For A 'Surprised' Visit
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (2nd L) meets with Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani (R) at Dilkusha Palace in Kabul April 9, 2016. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst *CNN*: *Kerry makes surprise visit to Afghanistan amid security woes* Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry made a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Saturday for key meetings with leaders amid political infighting and a sharp deterioration in security across the country. The nation's top diplomat is looking to shore up the unity government that he helped bring together nearly two years ago, as well as build m... more »
Mark Alford vs locality in quantum field theory
It's a Steve Hsu day today. I've mentioned his debates about genetic modification with P.Z. Myers. But let me mention something where Steve is on the wrong side. Five days ago, he promoted a completely wrong "pedagogic" paper by his friend Mark Alford, Ghostly action at a distance: a non-technical explanation of the Bell inequality (arXiv, June 2015, zero citations) The paper claims that locality is violated in the EPR experiments. (Alford has emitted lots of extra fog about hidden variables etc. in the discussion thread at Hsu's blog but I don't want to flood this blog post by all ... more »
The observations of a taxpayer, an atheist, a victim and a high court judge
I’m not an expert on off-shore accounts and I don’t know much about tax avoidance. Would you like to see my tax returns? The only declaration of interests I feel obliged to declare is that I do prefer to keep as much of my money as possible. Do you want to know what I think of David Cameron’s personal finances? No? Quite right too. Who’s interested in the opinion of a relatively ill-informed nonentity? The BBC seems to think their audience *is* interested in the opinion of relatively ill-informed nonentities. That must be why Evan Davis approached the philosophers and intellectua... more »
Sue discussed Owen Bennett-Jones's Radio 4 series *The Deobandis* in an earlier post. By coincidence I heard OB-J on the BBC World Service yesterday hosting a discussion on *Newshour Extra* from the Oxford Literary Festival. And what topic had the BBC chosen for discussion? The panel was balanced enough and OB-J was balanced enough too. Typical BBC (or *Guardian*) hand-wringing topic for discussion though.
ISIS Frees Most of 300 Abducted Cement Workers, But Kills 4 Non-Muslims
[image: ISIS Frees Most of 300 Abducted Cement Workers, Kills 4] BEIRUT (AP) -- The Islamic State group has released most of the 300 cement workers it abducted near Damascus after questioning them to find out who were Muslims and killing four who were members of the minority Druze sect, a Syrian... more »
U.S. Deploys B-52 Bombers To The Middle East To Wage War Against The Islamic State
*FOX News:* *US Air Force deploys B-52 bombers in Middle East to combat Islamic State* The U.S. Air Force has deployed B-52 long-range bombers to the Middle East for the first time since the Gulf war ended over 25 years ago to begin striking the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, officials said Saturday. The U.S. Air Force Central Command said in a statement that an unknown number of B-52s will be based at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar. The U.S.-led coalition’s Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC) responsible for running the air war against ISIS is also based there. *Read m...more »
Now then, now then
Hugh impersonating me listening to this week's 'The Now Show' As *ITBB*'s official Twitter correspondent (after Sue turned down the job), I've been checking out the social media reaction to this week's *The Now Show *for you*. * In the process I've discovered that some people find *The Now Show* very funny. One lady asked "How am I going to manage without #thenowshow for the next few weeks?" The jokes that got the Twitterati laughing included a mock *Daily Mail *headline ("Scientists discover a cocktail of coffee, red wine & walnuts will cause, prevent, worsen & cure cancer all a... more »
Materialism and Discontent in a Prosperous America: Is This the Founding Fathers’ Dream?
[image: Bored Millennial at Work on Phone - 900] I believe we live in one of the absolute best times to be alive, and too many of us don’t even know it. Speaking materially, regular people in America have their struggles, no doubt. We aren’t a utopia. But we are... more »
Doctor in Union-Dominated VA Hospital May Keep His Job Despite Losing Medical License
[image: pills, medicine] "Candy Man" Department of Veterans Affairs Dr. David Houlihan, who drugged veterans with massive and dangerous combinations of painkillers, may keep his job. The VA has instructed employees to call the police on any reporters who enter the hospital to... more »
"What Can We Know?"
"What can we know? What are we all? Poor silly half-brained things peering out at the infinite, with the aspirations of angels and the instincts of beasts." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "Man has one name, and many more than two natures. But the essential two are these: that he shall strive to impose order on chaos, and that he shall strive to take advantage of chaos… A third element of man's nature is this: that he shall not understand what he is doing." - John Brunner "It would indeed be a tragedy if the history of the human race proved to be nothing more than the story of an ape pla... more »
U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter: 'Deployment Of U.S. Missile Defense System To South Korea Is Going To Happen'
*Reuters*: *South Korea missile-defense deployment 'going to happen': Carter* Deployment of a new U.S. missile-defense system to South Korea "is going to happen," U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Friday, adding that China should do more to counter North Korea's missile development rather than complain about U.S. plans. The United States and South Korea began talks on possible deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system after North Korea tested its fourth nuclear bomb on Jan. 6 and launched a long-range rocket on Feb. 7. China agreed to tough new... more »
North Korea Claims To Have Successfully Tested A Ballistic Missile Engine
*Reuters*: *N.Korea says leader Kim supervises test of new engine for missile* North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervised a successful test of a new engine for an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), state media said on Saturday, in their latest report of advances in an arms programme that has attracted U.N. sanctions. South Korea and the United States have shown scepticism over the North's statements about rapid progress in its nuclear and missile programmes ahead of a ruling party congress in May, where analysts expect it to declare itself a major nuclear weapons state. ... more »
Two Killed In Shooting At Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
Police in Texas report two people dead at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio following a shooting on Friday morning. An airman killed his commander before apparently turning the gun on himself, sparking a lockdown at the military base a U.S. official has confirmed People reports: The shooting – which may have been a murder-suicide – reportedly occurred inside Building 147, which houses the Tactical Air Control Party schoolhouse. The victims have yet to be identified, but their bodies were allegedly found inside a room in the TACP building. Officers from several law enforcement a... more »
Facebook’s Secret Inbox Contains Unseen Messages
Facebook has another secret inbox hidden within its messenger system that could contain messages that you have never seen because you never received any notifications about them. Beta news reports: For the most part, holding a conversation on the social network is easy. If someone is a friend they’ll be able to send you a private message, and anyone who isn’t currently connected to you will be able to get in touch by sending a message request. But what you probably don’t know is Facebook has a secret inbox which may well contain messages you never even knew you’d been sent. Accessin... more »
Naked Donald Trump Portrait To Hang At London Gallery
A naked portrait of Donald Trump with tiny genitals is going on display at London Mayfair’s Maddox Gallery. ITV reports: Titled ‘Make America Great Again’ artist Illma Gore imagined what the billionaire Republican hopeful would look like without any clothes on. But the painting has proved controversial and Gore says she’s received hundreds of death threats. Speaking to ITV News Gore said she was simply trying to make a point about gender. I intended to evoke a reaction to evoke a reaction from the audience. I don’t think that our genitals – or what’s in our pants – defines your gend... more »
More Suspects In Brussels Attacks Arrested In Belgium
*The Guardian:* *Brussels attacks: sixth person held over suspected links* Latest arrest over bombings in Belgium that killed 32 people comes after five people were detained in raids on Friday A sixth person has been arrested over suspected links to the Brussels bombings, adding to the five apprehended in raids on Friday. A spokesman for the Belgian federal prosecutor’s office said the person was under arrest but did not give any further details pending an official announcement later on Saturday. He said a suspect arrested earlier, and identified by authorities as Osama K, was Sw... more »
Thoughts on the October 1974 Fighter-UFO Events
Thoughts on the October 1974 Fighter-UFO Events By Scott Corrales Like many readers of Inexplicata, I had not read of the unusual events involving Lt. Van Deer and Capt. Isern until I translated them yesterday. Our thanks to *Silvia Pérez Simondini* for making this information available to the UFO community. Reports involving pilots – whether civilian or military – and aerial anomalies have always been of interest to me, and we have tried to showcase them whenever possible. They bring to mind the excellent articles of Martin Caidin, Emil Schumacher Richard Haines and other authors... more »
Weekend reads: Disney retraction request; NEJM under fire; how to fight unfavorable reviews
The week at Retraction Watch featured the retraction of a hoax article from a philosophy journal and an image in a paper that looked familiar because it was from a catalog. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: Disney tried to get a nutrition paper retracted – even though the results weren’t unfavorable to them, Sheila Kaplan of […] The post Weekend reads: Disney retraction request; NEJM under fire; how to fight unfavorable reviews appeared first on Retraction Watch.
BustED Pencils Episode on "No Excuses" Teaching
After Tim and Jed give me an opportunity to talk some about *Work Hard, Be Hard*, they interview Emily Talmage, one of the former "no excuses" teachers in the book. Check it out here.
North Korea Now Says It’s Tested a New Rocket Engine That Could Allow Nuclear Strikes on US
[image: Visitors look at the North side on a foggy day at the Imjingak Pavilion near the border village of the Panmunjom in Paju, South Korea, Saturday, April 9, 2016. North Korea said Saturday it has successfully tested a new intercontinental ballistic rocket engine that will give it the ability to stage nuclear strikes on the United States. (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)] SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- North Korea’s latest belligerent declaration -- that it successfully tested a new long-range rocket engine that could allow nuclear strikes on the U.S. mainland -- leaves outsiders in a familiar... more »
Official: 6th Person Arrested in Belgium Over Brussels Bombings
[image: Spokesman for the Belgian Federal Prosecutors Office Thierry Werts addresses the media during a press conference in Brussels on Friday April 8, 2016. The prosecutor's office confirmed a fugitive suspect in the Nov. 13 Paris attacks was arrested in Belgium on Friday after a raid Belgian authorities said was linked to the deadly March 22 Brussels bombings. The suspect, Mohamed Abrini, is believed to be the mysterious "man in the hat" who escaped the double bombing at Brussels airport, but further investigation is needed. (AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert)] PARIS (AP) -- Belgian ... more »
Stumbling Man Escapes Runaway Car
A man had a lucky escape when he unwittingly stumbled away from the path of a runaway car that was hurtling towards him from behind. The man stumbled sideways at just the right moment for the car to avoid him. The lucky pedestrian must have built up some good karma beforehand. Russia Today reports: The internet is no stranger to gasping over near-death experiences, but this one is something spectacular. CCTV captured the man as he strolled down the street, slightly stumbling. Little did he know his causal pace was going to save his life. As the out-of-control car enters the shot, it... more »
Gaia Portal: Mysteries of Light movements clarify
*Mysteries of Light movements clarify* by ÉirePort Mysteries of Light movements clarify. Purposes of energetic transformations are viewed and embraced. Frenetics calm. Harmonics are realized. Hue-Beings couple. ÉirePort | April 9, 2016 at 09:09 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
New Polling Shows That Not Just Bernie, But Even Hillary Would Beat Paul Ryan If He Steals Trump's Nomination
I know, I know-- Ryan just wants to be a simple House Budget Committee Chairman (on the receiving end of that nice $6,008,853 from the Wall Street banksters he works so hard to accommodate) but... *magically*, he just happened to survive a tank filled with great whites and starving barracudas to wind up as Speaker of the House. It's the same strategy he's using the guarantee his coronation as a gun-free-zone in Cleveland in 3 little months. Ryan took his presidential campaign from Israel to Egypt yesterday, while the full force of the actual Republican political establishment manne... more »
*Woodrow Wilson Can Stay at Princeton* Back in November, we relayed the somewhat humorous story of a movement to oust Woodrow Wilson from Princeton. The father of the modern “progressive” movement was president of the university before becoming U.S. president, and therefore some of the school’s buildings are named after him. But the university’s Black Justice League sought to have the prominent Democrat’s name removed because of his well documented racism. As Reuters put it, “He was a leader of the Progressive Movement but supported racial segregation.” No, not “but” — those two t... more »
Energy 62, Feed in tariff means more expensive electricity
* This is my article in SPARK by ADRi last April 06, 2016 ----------- The Philippines has the unhealthy label of having the “second or third most expensive electricity prices in Asia” next to Japan and Singapore. This is not a good news for energy-intensive industries like manufacturing and hotels where electricity demand can be running 24/7. With ASEAN economic integration, many big energy-intensive industries will be put up in cheaper-electricity countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Cambodia, then export to the Philippines at zero tariff. That means potentia... more »
Capture of 2nd Escaped Man Heightens Scrutiny of Psychiatric Hospital
[image: FILE - This undated file photo provided by the Lakewood Police Department shows Anthony Garver. Garver, 28, who escaped from a Washington state psychiatric hospital on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, where he was held after being found too mentally ill to face charges that he tortured a woman to death was captured Friday. Garver was taken into custody by law enforcement in Spokane, Wash., State Patrol spokesman Todd Bartolac said. (Lakewood Police Department via AP, File)] SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) -- The capture of a man found hiding under debris in the woods after he escaped from a psy... more »
*Meltdown: More Rain, Less Snow as the World Warms* *One of the great tricks of chartmanship ("How to lie with graphs") is to choose carefully your starting and end points for any trend. And that appears to have been done here. Why start at 1950? Surely precipitation records go a long way further back than that. And I think I know why they chose 1950. We know that there were more extreme weather events in the first half of C20 so the trends before and after 1950 were probably different -- thus obliterating their trend for the century as a whole.And the end point is interes... more »
The New Preschool System is Crushing Kids and Making Them Hate Learning
*Anna Hunt* - The new preschool focuses on academics rather than communication, creativity and play, making frustrated robots out of our children.
Ted Cruz Adds 21 Delegates With Colorado Sweep
[image: Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks during a campaign event on Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2016, in Greenville, S.C.] COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) -- Sen. Ted Cruz continued his Colorado winning streak Friday, locking up the support of 21 total delegates to the Republican National Convention, representing a majority of the delegates Colorado will send to Cleveland in July.... more »
Prosecutors Detail Sex-Abuse Allegations Against Former House Speaker Hastert
[image: FILE - In this Oct. 28, 2015 file photo, former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert leaves the federal courthouse in Chicago. Federal prosecutors say when they questioned Hastert about his large cash withdrawals the former House speaker told them he was being extorted by someone making a false claim of sex abuse. In a court filing Friday, April 8, 2016, prosecutors say Hastert agreed to let investigators record phone conversations he had with the man who later became known as “Individual A.” Agents later questioned Individual A, who told them about abuse that occurred when he ... more »
BWorld 53, Population and growth projections
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last April 06, 2016. Many international agencies, both multilateral and private, have been producing growth projections for the Philippines and other developed and emerging economies in Asia. Most of these projections are short-term, usually for 2016 to 2018, and they show generally that the Philippines has better prospects for faster growth than other economies. NEDA also launched the “Ambisyon Natin 2040” or “#SanaSa2040” campaign this week, which mostly focuses on a “Middle Class Lifestyle” long-term perspective for Filipinos. It is a modest... more »
After DNA Test Reveals Biological Father, Archbishop of Canterbury Responds, ‘I Find Who I Am in Jesus Christ, Not in Genetics’
[image: FILE- In this Friday, Jan. 15, 2016 file photo, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, addresses the media during a press conference in Canterbury, England. The archbishop of Canterbury said, Saturday, April 9, 2016, DNA tests have identified his real father, but the revelation hasn’t shaken his sense of identity. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein, File)] LONDON (AP) -- The archbishop of Canterbury says DNA tests have identified his biological father, but the revelation hasn’t shaken his sense of identity. Earlier this month, DNA analysis of Archbishop Justin Welby’s mouth swabs ... more »
*Top 5: The Greatest Saints to Wear Number 50 ~Canal Street Chronicles*
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s Right-to-Work Law Overturned by State Judge
[image: Court Rules Right-to-Work Law Gov. Scott Walker Championed is Unconstitutional] Wisconsin's new right-to-work law, one of the signature achievements of Gov. Scott Walker, has been thrown out by a state judge who says the law violates the state constitution. Judge William Foust said in his ruling that the right-to-work law,... more »
Thousands Join ‘Resign Cameron’ Protest After Panama Papers Scandal
Thousands of protesters have arrived in Central London calling for the resignation of prime minister David Cameron and tougher action on tax avoidance. Following the revelations about his tax affairs in the Panama papers, demonstrators are asking Mr Cameron to either “close tax loopholes or resign” Along with the protest in Downing Street, smaller regional demonstrations are being help across the country. Popstar Lily Allen and NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden are among those calling for Cameron to step down The Independent reports: Protestors arrived at Downing Street wearing “offs... more »
Economic News & Views ( April 9 , 2016 ) Saturday Items To Ponder ( 1. BREXIT - "Leave" Vs "Remain" Points Of View , Prime Minister Cameron To Publish 6 Years Of Tax Returns After OffShore Flap. 2 . Refugee / Migration Crisis Items For Saturday. 3. ECB In Focus - QE Reaching Its Limitations. 4. Germany In Focus - Refugee Crisis , German Nationalism , Business Items , Foreign Fighters/ Terrorism , Diplomacy )
"First Circle" ..... *The Automatic Earth* @AutomaticEarth 1h 1 hour ago Debt Rattle April 9 2016 #Brexit #Cameron #Greece #Iceland #Iran #oil #PanamaPapers #refugees #TaxEvasion #Turkeyhttp://www. … *RT* @RT_com 8m 8 minutes ago BREAKING: Tear gas, reports of injuries at anti-labor reform rally in W. France #LoiTravail *fred walton* @fredwalton216 7s 7 seconds ago fred walton Retweeted EUobserver A Maltese minister, or the whole Gov't, could be next to fall in the Panama P... more »
Tweeted and Deleted by APSA: Gender and Race in the Academy
I’ve been wanting to write a Duck post about the experience of a woman with visible minority status in IR for quite some time now. I was waiting for the right moment. So thanks to the American Political Science Association (APSA), the professional association for US-trained political scientists, the moment has come. Yesterday morning, an email […]
"Fukushima Update, April 4-7, 2016"
*"Fukushima Update, April 4-7, 2016"* by ENE News • *April 7, 2016: *Nuclear Engineer: “Alarm bells” are going off over Fukushima plume coming to US West Coast — People will be dying from radiation that’s flowing across Pacific — Massive amounts of nuclear waste are flowing into ocean every day, and will for more than a century — “We’ve contaminated the biggest source of water on planet, and there’s no way to stop it” (VIDEO) • *April 5, 2016:* Nuclear Expert: “I’ve learned there’s a huge spike in death rates in Fukushima for young children”… Officials are covering up data — Gov’t... more »
Edward Snowden Calls On UK To Demand David Cameron’s Resignation
Edward Snowden called on the people in the United Kingdom to rise up and demand the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron after the Tory leader admitted he has benefited from shares in an offshore trust set up by his father. The next 24 hours could change #Britain. — Edward Snowden (@Snowden) April 7, 2016 Referring to growing critcism of David Cameron’s admissions, the NSA whistleblower stated “the next 24 hours could change Britain”. RT reports: He called on the British public to emulate their Icelandic counter... more »
On Twitter
Blogging about BBC bias, it seems only right to check out what other people are saying about it on Twitter. Unfortunately, what they are saying tends to be complete nonsense. Most tweets on the subject these days are endless variations on three themes: (1) that the BBC is anti-SNP, (2) that the BBC is anti-Corbyn, and (3) that the BBC is 'Tory'. Obviously this week's 'Panama papers' coverage has been a very hot topic on Twitter. The anti-BBC leftists there have been out in force denouncing the BBC for downplaying the David Cameron angle or deflecting attention away from David ... more »
Another step back
Further to yesterday's post about how BBC One's *News at Six *covered the jailing of a Rochdale paedophile gang.... Last night's BBC One *News at Ten *went right back to the old BBC way of reporting such stories by omitting anything about ethnicity (or religion). On the *News at Six *we got: *Nine men of Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage have been jailed for up to 25 years for sexual offences against a teenage girl in Rochdale. A tenth man was jailed last year. The girl told police she'd been groomed by a large number of men in the town from the age of 14. * On the *News at Te... more »
Inglorious or glorious?
Just an update on a couple of hares I set running last week... These concern a pair of EU-related BBC Radio 4 programmes and the possibility they might have been biased (in favour of Remain). The first was *Inglorious Isolation: A European's History of Britain. * The programme's title and website blurb led me to expect outrageous pro-EU bias. It didn't happen. If there *was* bias it was 'subtle' bias. Only one of the speakers was open in stating her wish for us to remain in the EU - and her programme (the Scandinavian episode) also featured the sharpest anti-EU statements (from ... more »
Our Grade for Overrated Music Critic Robert Christgau: a D-Minus
*By MARC McDONALD* To me, the best music critics have always been the ones who simply stick to writing about the music and not calling attention to themselves. For example, off the top of my head, I don't think I can name a single critic for my favorite music magazine, Britain's excellent The Wire. But the reviews in that publication are some of the best around. They're informative, in-depth, well-researched, and they give you a good sense of the music. By contrast, the reviews of Robert Christgau, the self-appointed "Dean of Music Critics" offer none of these qualities. His review... more »
Did Putin Just Out The World’s Ruling Class As Reptilians?
Shockwaves are reverberating around the Kremlin today as word spreads regarding an extraordinary meeting called by Vladimir Putin yesterday where, according to sources, the Russian president said that “95% of the world’s ruling class are not even human,” but are “cold-blooded hybrids” who are “members of an ancient cult.” Did Putin just out the world’s political and financial elite as cold-blooded hybrid human reptilians? Did he really just go there? Speaking at a behind closed doors forum for the highest echelons of government and staff in his home city of St. Petersburg, Putin re... more »
Stories that don't often get covered elsewhere
...with Joanna Gosling Going back to *Newswatch...* Sam Taylor, editor of UK 24/7 & Digital, BBC News, was asked about the *Victoria Derbyshire *show's two-hour presence on the BBC News Channel* and *BBC Two. He professed himself "very comfortable with how it sits on the News Channel because of the range of what it does": *It's got a big brief, and I think it's doing it well, and it's actually about ensuring we do move forward the range and scale of what we deliver, and crucially to tell stories that don't often get covered elsewhere.* This week's editions of the programme (accordi... more »
White People and Dreadlocks
Of course, *Newsnight *isn't alone in providing a platform for promoting the grievances of “Social Justice Warriors” like Emma Dabiri and *Breitbart London *featured another splendid rant - by Virginia Hale - on the subject of BBC Trending: *BBC Trending was launched in 2013 “to investigate social media trends around the world and the stories behind them” – yet even the most cursory glance at its website and YouTube videos reveals the platform of Britain’s public broadcaster, which claims “impartiality lies at the heart of public service”, is little more than a mouthpiece pushing t... more »
'Hair today, gone tomorrow' news
Talking about *Newswatch*... You may already have read Quentin Letts's splendid rant about Tuesday's *Newsnight *in the *Daily Mail*.... *This has been a tumultuous week for news. There has been the possible collapse of the Welsh steel industry, the Panama tax-dodging scandal, which has caused such grief to our Prime Minister, not to mention immigration fiascos, U.S. presidential news, horrific domestic murders.* *Yet how did BBC2’s Newsnight — the Corporation’s flagship TV current affairs programme, which has been accused of dumbing down over recent months — fill 11 minutes of ... more »
P.Z. Myers believes that genetic engineering is impossible
P.Z. Myers is an aggressive, far left-wing blogger and a would-be scholar in life sciences who proudly describes himself as "a randomly ejaculating liberal scumbag of godless Å¡it." I've interacted with this individual about 10 times in the past. He even tried to influence the discussions about the sum of integers and the zeta-function regularization, topics that this classic genius of mediocrity has no chance to master. But he has something to do with biology and he should know something about it, right? He must know about it if he has attacked the conservatives and Christians and o... more »
Change at the BBC News Channel; no change at Newswatch
Samira and Sam Not everyone is a Beebophobe, and it appears from watching this week's *Newswatch* that even the BBC News Channel has a devoted following. Like a lot of Radio 4 listeners, such people are rather passionate about *their* channel and aren't keen on change. The latest changes at the channel seem to have particularly irked them. They are unhappy that the magazine-style *Victoria Derbyshire *show has been extended to two hours and are aghast that *Newsnight* is going to be repeated in full (at around 11.30 pm), straight after being broadcast on BBC Two, thus knocking ou... more »
Military Photo of the Day: US Army 6th Tank Battalion, Korean War
[image: M46 tanks of the US Army 6th Tank Batallion, painted with tiger stripes and faces in order to frighten supposedly superstitious Chinese troops] M46 tanks of the US Army 6th Tank Battalion, painted with tiger stripes and faces in order to frighten supposedly superstitious Chinese troops (during the Korean War) - Wikipedia
Location Location Location: The Unintended Symbolism of the White House Haft-Sîn
White House Nowruz, 2015 This week, Michelle Obama hosted the second annual White House Nowruz, a celebration of the Iranian New Year. Though a relatively apolitical affair, the placement of the reception's traditional haft-sîn, however, should have raised some eyebrows. Nowruz, which literally means "new day" in Farsi, is an ancient festival of new beginnings, deeply rooted in
North Carolina Now Requires Men To Use Your Employer's Ladies' Room
If you work in North Carolina, be warned: your employer now has to require men to use the ladies' room. Not all men, but some men. These men have beards, mustaches, and yes, penises. But they have to use the ladies' room due to a new law just signed by your governor. And if you're a business, you are now legally required to humiliate some customers and allow others to be frightened. This law was meant to attack the LGBT community, but it will have some unintended consequences. As I sat writing this I looked over one of the most beautiful vistas on the planet. You see, I was on vaca... more »
Vikings Revenge: Iceland takes back their money.... or not?
I've had several people ask for my comments on this article from earlier this week. I went over it quite a bit on facebook in several groups.... but thought I'd publish it all here, since I've just mentioned it in my latest Transpicuous News Update (HERE) This all keeps coming back to the Icelandic Revolution that wasn't. Real, that is. Articles like this one below, have been coming out for the past few months, mentioning Switzerland, Sweden etc.... and their Central Banks. On the surface, they look very nicey nicey and oh isn't that wonderful how they are going to "empower" the... more »
Sphere Alliance Message #143 The Frequency Alignment
When Opposition Turns to Foreigners for Aid
*April 9, 2016* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - An opposition lawyer might seem like a relatively insignificant piece on the grand chessboard of geopolitics, but when the guns are silent, and proxy wars are not possible, these foot soldiers of foreign interests fight Wall Street and Washington's battles on a daily basis. To say that Thailand-based opposition lawyer Benjarat Meethien is just now "turning to foreigners" for aid is not entirely accurate. She has already been working with foreign special interests for some time to advance her own career and the interests of those foreigners ... more »
Al Qaeda Is Turning Yemen's Ungoverned Spaces Into Private Fiefdoms
* Instead of striking Al-Qaeda or ISIS, the brilliant strategists behind the US/UK/Saudi military campaign in Yemen have opted to strike markets, schools, and hospitals. * *An excerpt from, "How Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen has made al Qaeda stronger – and richer" By Yara Bayoumy, Noah Browning and Mohammed Ghobari, Reuters, April 8, 2016:* Once driven to near irrelevance by the rise of Islamic State abroad and security crackdowns at home, al Qaeda in Yemen now openly rules a mini-state with a war chest swollen by an estimated $100 million in looted bank deposits and revenue from r... more »
The Revolution Comes To Maryland
*Donna Edwards, Jamie Raskin, the pride of Maryland* Tuesday is the first day of early voting in the Maryland Democratic primaries. Blue America is strongly backing three candidates in the April 26-- Donna Edwards for the open U.S. Senate seat, Joseline Peña-Melnyk for the seat Donna is leave, and Jamie Raskin for the seat Donna' Wall Street-backed opponent, establishment shill Chris Van Hollen is giving up. Yesterday the editors of *The Nation* endorsed Donna and Jamie over their more conservative, old-school opponents. And they made an important point about Bernie's political revo... more »
Musical Interlude Reprise: Two Steps from Hell, "Downstream"
Two Steps from Hell, "Downstream" -
Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, “Life”
Ludovico Einaudi, “Life” -
“Lessons of the Panama Papers: Yes, the Rich Are Different From Us—They Stole Our Money”
*“Lessons of the Panama Papers: * *Yes, the Rich Are Different From Us—They Stole Our Money”* By Andrew O'Hehir “F. Scott Fitzgerald apparently never told his Parisian drinking buddy Ernest Hemingway, “Ernie, the rich are different from us,” only to be rebuffed by the legendary comeback, “Yes, they have more money.” Like so many famous anecdotes, that one was cooked up years after the fact (probably by Fitzgerald’s posthumous editor, the literary critic Edmund Wilson). One reason that apocryphal exchange possesses such enduring cultural resonance is that both observations are true, ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Early spring in the northern hemisphere is good season for aurora hunters. Near an equinox Earth's magnetic field is oriented to favor interactions with the solar wind that trigger the alluring glow of the northern lights. On March 28/29 the skies over Kaunispää Hill, Lapland, Finland did not disappoint. *Click image for larger size.* That night's expansive auroral curtains are captured in this striking panoramic view that covers a full 360 degrees. Local skywatchers were mesmerized by bright displays lasted throughout the dark hours, shimmering with colors easily visible to the na... more »
Economic News & Views ( April 8 , 2016 ) Overview - Quicks Hits For Friday ( 1. Global Oil News For Friday. 2. Libya Items Of Note . 3 Greece In Focus . 4. EU-Ukraine Association Allegedly Going Forward Despite Dutch Vote - File Under "Wrong Votes " Mean Nothing , Meanwhile When Does Ukraine Address Its Corruption ? )
Overview...... Oil....... *EM Equity* @EM_Equity 27m 27 minutes ago Latin America Oil Producers Call for Action to Improve Prices http:// *EM Equity* @EM_Equity 35m 35 minutes ago Three Oil Majors Have Debt Ratings Cut by Moody's on Price Rout http:// *Mark Constantine* @vexmark 2h 2 hours ago RBC: Breakeven *oil* prices for OPEC's ‘fragile five’ states *zerohedge* @zerohedge 4h 4 hours ago COLOMBIA DOESN'T SUPPORT *OIL*-PRODUCTION QUOTAS: *OIL* MINISTER. Luckly the algos are all out drinking *Holger Zschaepitz*... more »
Transpicuous News: CERN, Satan & CIA Skincare
Good afternoon everyone! In this Transpicuous News report we take a further look at the fall out of the Panama Pandemonium that we discussed a few days ago (HERE), Iceland's switcheroo on the bad bankers, CERN's latest endeavors to denounce their ties to "satan" (lol), and the "conspiracy theorists" (while saying a whole lot of nothing), and how the CIA is funding a new skincare line.... .... to get your DNA. Seriously, I can't make this shit up!! D Links:Vikings Revenge: Iceland takes back their money.... or not?: more »
Either DA-RT Works, or It Does Not
This is a guest post by Theo McLauchin (@TheoMcLauchlin), Assistant Professor of Political Science at the Université de Montréal When is a norm not a norm? I ask this question when I read Colin Elman and Arthur Lupia’s vigorous defense of the Data Access & Research Transparency (DA-RT) initiative in APSA’s Comparative Politics section newsletter. […]
Israel Emergency: All Citizens Ordered To Evacuate Turkey Immediately
Israel have issued an emergency warning for all Israeli citizens in Turkey to evacuate immediately, citing an “imminent threat” of a terrorist incident occurring. Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau issued the unusual statement on Friday, saying: “Following a situational assessment, we are reiterating and sharpening the high level of threat in Turkey. Real and immediate terror threats remain throughout the country,” the statement said, urging Israelis visiting Turkey to “avoid crowded tourist areas, follow instructions of local authorities and get out as soon as possible.” Timesofisr... more »
Mystery Brussels Bomber In White. Is He Illuminati?
New pictures of one of the Brussels bombers have been released, revealing a “mysterious” man wearing white shirt. According to reports, the fugitive’s shirt appears to be bright blue with dark patches on the elbows. He was also wearing dark trousers with large white soles. The elbows on his jackets have patches, and according to the following website, this means he is part of the illuminati: Whenever you see someone with elbow patches and a tweedy jacket, rest assured you are in the presence of an Illuminatus The Illuminati are an organization of men and women who wear elbow patches... more »
Stock Up On Nutritional Supplements Before Attorney General Bans Them
The U.S. Justice Department have joined forces with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in an attempt to completely ban nutritional supplements in the United States. Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently warned consumers that “ingesting substances whose safety and efficacy are not guaranteed” concerned her – citing a biased FDA study to back up her “concerns”. reports: As ANH-USA has pointed out in response to others who have made similar statements, the FDA does not do its own research, it relies on industry studies to reach decisions about whether to allow ne... more »
Military Insider Comes Clean About Chemtrails To Luke Rudskowski
Luke Ruskowski from We Are Change interviewed a military insider recently who admitted chemtrails were not a ‘conspiracy theory’ but actually a conspiracy fact. In the video below, Luke talks to U.S. air force whistleblower Kristen Meghan about the connection between the U.S. military and chemtrails. Meghan reveals that the military are very much involved in spraying poisonous chemicals into our atmosphere as part of a top-secret government project. The issue of chemtrails has been widely debated among many circles and is regarded in popular culture as a “conspiracy theory”. But wi... more »
Thousands Protest In France Calling For Revolution
Thousands of protestors have taken to the streets of Paris demanding a “general revolution” amid a continued ‘state of emergency’ in France. A variety of protestors, ranging from parents, students, workers, artists and pensioners, have set-up camp in around the Place de la République square for over a week – and the government are beginning to panic. reports: Called Nuit debout, which loosely means “rise up at night”, the protest movement is increasingly being likened to the Occupy initiative that mobilised hundreds of thousands of people in 2011 or Spain’s Indigna... more »
Report: Fracking Water Causes Hormones To Deform
A new study has revealed that fracking wastewater contains compounds that can cause hormone deformities in those that consume it. Researchers say that water from a fracking disposal facility in west Virginia contained high levels of endocrine disruption activity. reports: The study, published today in the journal Science of the Total Environment, adds to evidence that some chemicals in hydraulic fracturing waste are hormone-mimickers or blockers and are leaching out of wastewater disposal wells and into nearby water, potentially impacting fish and human ... more »
DARPA Modem Connects Brain To Computer For ‘Digital Telepathy’
The US Defence Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has developed a brain-computer interface that is capable of allowing humans to communicate with machines telepathically. The “cortical modem” lays a heads-up display over a user’s natural vision, and holds the capability of curing blindness and enabling “electronic telepathy and telekinesis”, according to computer expert Peter Rothman. reports: While still a long way from production, the direct neural interface (DNI) chip would be shaped like a coin, around 1cm wide, and could conceivably cost as little as $10 (£6.50). A... more »
Editor's Note
Blogging will be light for the next few days. I am finishing up on a project right now.
Iowa's Senate Race Gets A Jolt
As we've been saying lately, Chuck Grassley's policy of naked and hyper-partisan obstructionism against President Obama's SCOTUS nominee has changed the dynamics of the Iowa Senate race. Once thought a safe seat, Iowa is now in play. Remember, Obama beat McCain there 54-44% and then beat Romney statewide 52-46%. There's no reason to think that a good, inspiring candidate wouldn't have a legitimate shot against Grassley, especially if Trump or Cruz is on the top of the Republican ticket. Problemo: Chuck Schumer. He and Tester had the lame idea of recruiting a corporate shill to run... more »
Ethiopia Pleads With The World: Another Famine Is Coming
Ethiopia is at risk of suffering another famine just 30-years after recovering from the 1984 famine that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. According to John Graham, country director for Save the Children, “The real question is do we have to see children dying like we did 30 years ago, or can we stop it happening again?“ reports: Back then, John was a young aid worker helping to organise food supplies into the country torn apart by civil war. In the three decades since, Ethiopia has changed beyond recognition. Double-digit growth has brought roads, schools and clinics.... more »
Peg with Pen: The Opt Out Irony
Peg with Pen: The Opt Out Irony: Currently it's Spring of 2016 and we are in the thick of Opt Out. Opt out is still surrounded by intense bullying and harassment ... more »
April 8: Not a happy day.
This may be shorter than usual. Yesterday, at a coffee gathering, a woman asked me what I thought of a column in the day's Irving press. I replied that I thought it was pretty awful, but typical of the Irving papers as the worst I had ever seen. She look at me disapprovingly. "Some people wouldn't agree with that." She could have pointed out that there were parts of it she agreed with. She could have suggested I was too hard on it. She could have suggested I was an agent for ISIS who was here to destroy the province. But no. This was New Brunswick. And I had committed the ultimate si... more »
X22Report: Turkey And Saudi Arabia Setup Chemical Weapons Facilities On The Syrian Border
"Turkey and Saudi Arabia have set up production of shells containing poisoning chemical substances on the Syrian border, a member of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party told Sputnik on Friday." (*Source: Sputnik News*). *Title: Turkey And Saudi Arabia Setup Chemical Weapons Facilities On The Syrian Border - Episode 940b. Source: X22Report. Date Published: April 8, 2016. Description:* New bill will require companies to allow access to encrypted devices. US/NATO still training military in Ukraine. UK and US involved in drone wars in Yemen. Lebanon is collapsing and John Kerry make... more »