Monday, June 15, 2015


 Anomalists   ( no posts yet )

Him Again on Disqus

Natural News to unveil revolutionary water filtration and water conservation breakthrough technology in 7 days; makes bottled water obsolete

Him Again

Him Again 2 months ago

Well, I'm waiting too - is it simply an "Apple-copy" marketing move? They still do an incredible job today - even without that old fraud that started the business. (I knew him).
BUT my big problem for many years has been knowing that your daily shower - or worse - hot bath was osmotically adding far more fluoride etc. etc. than I'd ever get by drinking the tap stuff.
WE have diligently filtered all of our water - especially shower/bath for 30 years, but once they added more and more fluoride "soup" to water supplies........................
We kept moving trying to stay in front of the SODIUM Fluoride mass medication campaign, but it even caught up with us in far away Queensland in a small town. Forcibly medicated despite an over 80% rejection petition by the smarter-in-those days locals.
So I installed a very expensive multiple "water-from-air" system and we learned to take TINY showers with such supply restriction.
Like the "elephant in the room effect" nobody anywhere, any time seems to come up with certifiable (true scientific) information like the LDO of SODIUM Fluoride or even the cumulative deadly dose that your urine can't eliminate before it intoxicates us.
As I've understood so far : it is permanently cumulative and irremovable once in tissue.
And as many reliable scientific sources have said for decades - there is no safe level for ingestion because unlike CALCIUM Fluoride which the body has no problem excreting, SODIUM Fluoride absorbed via the skin is not excreted to any major degree and ends in your bones and brain, etc...

Him Again

Him Again Willie Bell 2 months ago

Hi Willie, Not just any old salt - it needs to be "unrefined" - then any old sea salt or rock salt will do!

Him Again

Him Again Ed Finucan 2 months ago

Hello ED,
Your quote:
aluminum oxide (one of the only things known to remove fluoride from water is aluminum oxide) END QUOTE
THe Germans who designed the Fluoride mass medication system, as I understand it, have to include aluminium to bind the fluoride as a carrier to get it to the cranium!
Could you post some sources re this?
Thank you.

Him Again

Him Again bocian 2 months ago

Bocian, Where did you get that information from?
Everybody should learn to to use to create VERY small URL's (Website address pointers) and always include them in any post - not just here.

600 strains of an aerosolized mind control vaccine already tested on humans; deployed via air, food and water

Him Again

Him Again Alex Clark 2 months ago

The miracle of SODIUM Fluoride is that it is very versatile. In the USA handed out as Prozac(r), it is remarkably easy to stabilise doses to have the precise effect you desire.
The catch to the whole thing is that "Outsiders" are already aware and not taking their medicine!
But, that's ok, the upcoming mandatory "Flu" shots will cover that......
IN far away Australia, smart parents are being fined up to $80,000 by withdrawing tax and concession entitlements from them.
Pensioners are DEFINITELY next as a special programme is being put into place to enforce anyone over the magical 72 years, to take their "medicine" in front of an Officially Certified Pharmaceutical Assistant... ??

Him Again

Him Again Liberty Bell 2 months ago

Hmmnnn, I wonder if Mike has failed to organise his own Defensive "News" Checking crew yet?
THIS one smells funny, doesn't it?
I remember the propaganda war around "The Protocols of Zion" and still aren't sure of the truth! 50 years later....

The Week That Perished

Him Again

Him Again InsideOut 2 months ago

In Oztralia where immigration is higher than any other country even after invasions, the literacy level is dropping like a stone.
The counter argument currently with the Extreme Left here, is that most immigrants are actually not black and are Muslims who are extremely education conscious.
The truth is that they are Muslims. They aren't "education conscious", they are devoted to a single book called the Koran written in an archaic text that they cannot read, merely listen to and learn "good bits" by rote.
There is only one sane answer: let those who want to be different or even are, live separately without fear or coercion, under the literal protection of the Host Country.
Since civilisation first evolved and due to trade, different peoples have been forced to cohabit, and the ghetto concept is often falsely maligned.

The Sin of Chivalry

Him Again

Him Again 2 months ago

Here's a thought: Any right-thinking politician/warmonger/banker/priest knows that women are essentially dangerous. They make lousy soldiers, deadly politicians and dangerous opponents when it comes to children............     :)
They are becoming more and more noticeable due to uncontrolled media access.
Answer: Make fools of them! Give them a name like... "Conspiracy Theorists" look how well that works! Attack them constantly, blame them in both directions.
Works for Fluoride, Vaccinations, Enemies....

Him Again

Him Again 2 months ago

Dear Jim,
They'll get you for that!
Woops! Just realised: "Dear" Jim does not imply that you are BTLTH etcetera. It is merely an archaic form of pleasant expression.
Wait..... could this explanation be construed as an "invitation" to ............

Science Fiction for the Fourth Generation

Him Again

Him Again Larry Adams 2 months ago

Interestingly enough, interested parties never seem to read the defeated's books/memoirs.
The idiotic police action that my own country got involved in, in Viet Nam even baffled the Vietnamese.
I was privileged to meet some of the key North and South Officers afterwards and learned much of humanity, inhumanity and the Devil - or Politics as we call it.
Exactly the same education as when I studied the American Un-Civil War. But it, I didn't actually take part in it....... which sure makes a difference.

Him Again

Him Again The Tory 2 months ago

Two small details missed here:
1. You don't move the population anywhere. You coerce/insert 5th column and resident troop "respondents". (e.g. Secret Police/Homeland Security Airport thugs). Simple and nothing much changes.
2. There is no real profit motive in that. The money is in demolition.
Or, at least, lots of bullets flying constantly. ( One pickup truck with a 50 cal mounted can "spend" 10 grand in no time ) and the vehicle is useful for shopping etc., later)

The Human Family Tree

Him Again

Him Again Pasha5 2 months ago

Dear Pasha5, If you think it through from a socio-psychological perspective (vis: the other side), this modern strange excitement by modern Negroid people is not in their best interests!
It is a great "tool" for the White antagonist to use!
Think about it:
Humans evolved from Apes (common belief).
Every primitive group believes/believed that they were the originals ( or often the only ones till discovered).
So, the out-of-Negroid- to-White theory is not positive for Negroid hopes, but entirely negative.
Think it through: Whites must then have thus EVOLVED from the MORE PRIMITIVE (less evolved) Negroid.
THAT kind of thinking we certainly do not need promoting in this already over-stressed world of today.
The more truthful is that Mother Nature NEVER gambles on one strain of anything.
If we Negroid and Caucasian really evolved from Apes, how come the Apes are still going strong?
(Except for the fact that we are killing them off, a bit like the Neanderthals).
Namaste! Be grateful, be happy, live peacefully.

Him Again

Him Again Epicurus 2 months ago

You are incredibly rude for an illiterate person. However, I do understand your automatic recourse to personal attack when faced with unassailable argument.
It is common to the psycho-physiological profile you present.
I will return just once more just to see your response to my following polite request for information (just for my interest as an investigative social psychologist) :
1. Are you non-Caucasian?
2. Are you female?

Him Again

Him Again Epicurus 2 months ago

No, you are certainly not an anthropologist, merely an Anthropologist. ( The difference in capitalisation denotes a truth not many "qualified" people ever want to face.) :-)
Your cut n' paste figures do not stand up to the true scientific method.
You are obviously young and newly "qualified" or worse - still a University student.
The first and most obvious counter to the ridiculous "Out of Africa" nonsense is that the planet in those times would have made such insane journeys impossible.
Even if for some inexplicable reason these creatures DECIDED to undertake such an epic trek!
Even the geological (provable!) history of Africa and precisely the Rift make it a VERY long shot.
To everyone who has fixed beliefs/conditioning about the origins of anything at all, I commend reading more of anomalies to their beliefs.
Epicurus - in particular - (strange choice of pseudonym and fitting) needs to read some "unacceptable" sources out in the real world. An easy starting point would be those that question quite adequately - even the origins of human life on this planet.
Or research the simple scientific improbability of the existence of our very own Moon!

Why you shouldn’t use Diaspora if you care about privacy

Him Again

Him Again 2 months ago

Today, I've developed a new skill in information checking:
Sure, go to the small blogs/Sites but ALWAYS read the posted comments by others.
With practice, the Shills are pretty easy to identify and it *IS* good practice to look at more than one side of any story.
THIS has been a classic example to me: #ShawnEric's response to this post.

The 21 most censored questions nobody is allowed to ask about vaccines

Him Again

Him Again Laura DeBusk 2 months ago

All very primitive societies have very interesting rules about newborns - like protecting them from interference and ensuring that their mothers feed them on demand in the first week. (Stops demons getting to them...)

Him Again

Him Again TEB 2 months ago

Yes, it is an "utter joke". I often wonder in the wee small hours lying in bed:
Could those who own us really be that stupid? Or don't care? Or........
do it to demonstrate their god-like untouchability???

Him Again

Him Again Hap Brindle 2 months ago

The good news is that even one of the smartest richest pretty honest billionaires in the world says that FORMAL Education is not only not necessary but often a handicap! (Richard Branson)

Him Again

Him Again secularize 2 months ago

Not training - being conditioned. And yes, any caring mother is a safer bet than any Doctor "trained" in the last 60 years.
Caveat: So long as she gets to information like this Site, she can get at the facts.

Truth seekers rushing to Diaspora and to escape censorship of corporate-run social media

Him Again

Him Again 2 months ago

Mike, why not set up YOUR own "unseen"/facebook/wikipedia?
It has occurred to me that you are in a similar position to another well-known name out there: Naom Chomsky.
He is also either very brave or an Agent for Our Owners.
But, you do have a very strong following and such a move on your part - with your own strong algorithm-knowhow background and the odd dollar you have made, you could actually pull this off.
But don't make it a freebie!. NOBODY who comes to your Site can't afford 5 bucks per month and life out here is becoming more dangerous by the hour, something new is needed. A non-emotionally provoking but simple continuation of what you are already doing right now.
How about "establishing" a new tax-deductible Religion?
*********** UPDATE half an hour later! :-)
You already have the system!
BUT - not well set up yet - looks like nothing there UNLESS you do a search - any kind, but it is a beginning!

Navigating the healthcare maze: one solopreneur's journey

Him Again

Him Again 2 months ago

Ok, I'm impressed! This is a RARE person, though. There are very, very few people with this kind of NRG or Negative Rejection Grasp! N.B:(NRG ="energy")
Ritika Puri now has an old, old follower who's been there done all o'that and sees very , very few people worth associating with.
For decades I have been teaching people - especially young ones - to avoid Negative people and systems because they short-circuit your personal energy.
It usually fails. It is understandable when up against The System and its propaganda - especially the PharmaMed cartel. It is a relentless campaign to homogenise you.
For this young lady to escape that totally negative system is extremely rare.
As of now, she is on my VERY short list of people worth listening to.

Zemanta & Distil Partner to Protect Content Ad Campaigns from Fraud

Him Again

Him Again 3 months ago

Well, I'm finally going to be serious about "contenting the Net".
If anybody finds their way here and are interested, here are a few early clues from my experiences:
1. Forget about making money out there unless you are going to spend equally to get a profit.
Hours in never equal Dollars in.
2. SOME tiny few individuals have and will make money without seeming to do much "out there", but only dedicated fanatics seem to do well at all. (I constantly get answers at 2.a.m. from Websites. (I'm in Oz so my time is GMT +10 hours) .
3. DON't just post "clipped" information on your blog/Site!
Google will hate you - and you don't want that! Learn to edit/rewrite!
4.Pick YOUR subject and only if you are going to LEARN about it constantly.
(Here guess what is a GREAT tool to use? ZEMANTA! Use it yourself! Learn and condense!)
5. OR:
Blogging is mostly for "steam release" A bit like getting a tattoo. Don't do it unless you are serious. Like any tattoo, a bad blog will be out there longer than you......
Oh, FWIW: a friend of mine in the USA just told me that the Tattoo craze is over. His wicked brother runs a couple of Parlours and the only traffic now is "Help! I was drunk/want to get married/get a job, please take it off!"

Discussion on PCMag 1 comments

Antivirus Shootout in Innsbruck

Him Again

Him Again 3 months ago

While searching for AV"shootout" info, I found this page:
Jun 01, 2007 4:00 AM EST
By Neil J. Rubenking
2007 !!! In internet time, that is like a century ago! :-)
Made very interesting reading ............ especially the pathetic rates of capture.
Now, this magazine Website was not some kid with a Wordpress free-blog, and should have got a lot of public attention.
This was a scary thing then and much, much worse now.
Be interesting if anyone else ever bothers to look into their own safety and ends up here......

The Human Family Tree

Him Again

Him Again Heidi Standell 4 months ago

Basically, because to a THINKING Scientist the "Out of Africa" theory is a warm dream for negroid people and a useful divisive tool for politics.
Don't forget that there are a Billion people actually believe the story of Jesus The Christ and are waiting for his return.
There is NO scientifically acceptable evidence for this story. But, it is a lovely warm dream.......

Him Again

Him Again Epicurus 4 months ago

No it isn't.
Just read my post higher up. "Fact" means beyond dispute - proven - duplicable.
There is also the point that the "Out Of Africa" nonsense is a political "tool".
There is no science involved in such a wishful idea - (but is fully understandable as to its liking by Negroid people).
See my other post today - "Tom Fum"

Him Again

Him Again bluetortilla 4 months ago

Actually, there is a very simple hypothesis but absolutely unacceptable to Our Owners and other interested/vested parties:
the Neanderthals were almost wiped out - but not annihilated - by the violent so-called homo sapiens, who live on to this day as Religionists - a polite term for Warriors/Killers.
It *IS* most probably a magnified genetic fault that has prove so successful, that it is still with us to this very day.
Of course, the Neanderthals are still with us and are basically the vastly numerically inferior Caucusoids. The vastly more numeric Negroids certainly do seem to have originated in Africa and are still on a killing spree that is rapidly spreading all over the world and have been breeding forcefully and by force, ever since.
There is a perfectly reasonable anti-thesis to the "out of Africa" dogma which calls for analysing the extremely annoying anomaly of the continent of Australia and its original inhabitants:
it is absolutely and completely unarguable that geologically and geophysically that continent is vastly older and more stable than Africa.

50+ Sites For Royalty Free Music And Sound Effects

Him Again

Him Again 4 months ago

Not just another scraped "list", but opinioned. (not opinionated :-) )

The Myth of Permalinks: Links (Organic Links, At Least) Are Never Set In Stone

Him Again

Him Again 4 months ago

I just wandered back here from an old Bookmark of mine. Was hoping for some evolution ............
Nothing! It's like a grave. It is scary because the product is great. I only expected it to get swamped by the 200 million Bloggers out there then!
WHAT are people using for info/ideas?
Worse, here is Disqus which had fantastic promise too. It became a ghost..... Why?
Anyhoo for what it's worth I will be trying both out in my next pathetic attempt to get an audience out in the Cyberbog.
If anyone ever stumbles into here I'd like to swap experiences ..... soon as I get some in my all-new, singing and dancing Website in all he-man new season colours and things....

Amazing CCTV Footage of Japan’s Tsunami in 2011.

Him Again

Him Again gdnctr 4 months ago

There is an awful truth in the fact that it will only remove a lot of excess population.........
There are soooo many examples of this INTENT : Deliberate destruction of natural food resources (via GMO), ongoing increasing use of proven deadly mass medications (*Sodium* Fluoride), and worst of all - the rather obvious plan to use "Islamists" to finally get rid of those other pesky Mohommedans.

Remove Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC 2014 (Uninstall Guide)

Him Again

Him Again 5 months ago

I've been here before! This was the only place where I received not only a solution, but a user-friendly one with understandable instructions for a not too techie type of PC user in a lot of trouble from one of those animalistic "hostage programs".
This time I'm here because of what is becoming a big problem out there for ordinary users who are trying to survive in the CyberBog: Uni blue.
Now fixed!
One small suggestion, when running the Malware program, the enormous number of strange installations suggested for removal can be quite unnerving. Making the decision to remove sometimes an awful lot of these can be made easier if it was explained that they are being "quarantined" and nothing vital to the operation of your PC will be removed.
Thank you again for being there and a small donation (I am a pensioner) is on its way. :-)

Poor America

Him Again

Him Again 7 months ago

The wheel of fortune continues to turn - just slowly. These sad pictures are like the first darkening clouds before a storm. This is the future. Like the tent-dwellers who lost their jobs and had no savings aside, the USA, has partied to the last minute and after all parties, there is a big cleanup to be done. Worse, the bill needs to be paid.
But, by who?

Him Again

Him Again Reost 7 months ago

The catch is that social comparisons are always "local".
Even in traditionally "poor" countries, the advent of TV and later the Internet, has raised expectations *ALL* over the world.
The simple truth is that automation has doomed the bottom dwellers. There is little need for labour, unless it is very highly skilled and even then, where once thousands were required, they are replaced by a handful of specialists to run the automated systems.
BUT, in the final analysis, Reost, you make a good point.
UNfortunately though, there is no real need for the USA to bother about manufacturing, there is already an oversupply of every material thing out there.......
The trick is - how to pay for it?
THAT is the coming storm.

The Secrets of Scientology

Him Again

Him Again 7 months ago

This was an interesting doco. What was missing was the information in depth that would allow people to get more accurate information about the reality of the Scientology organisation.
Actually, it is no different to many "Religious" organisations - and Hubbard himself was against the "conversion" to a "Religion". Tax reasons, not legal security.
He actually knew he had miscalculated the growth potential of the original Group - Dianetics.
It simply got out of control.
People should remember that its early intention was to eliminate the falsity of "big R" Religions and in particular...... psychiatry.

The Geopolitics of World War III

Him Again

Him Again 7 months ago

Hey people! Just b4 I go....
Thanks for some intelligent... banter (I don't think it qualifies as discourse).
What we do need everywhere is discourse - the power of ideas, the finding of solutions, not politics.
Is there a way of stopping this runaway train?
Even Our Owners know they went too far now, but what to do?
More important - what can we do for our own personal near future?

Him Again

Him Again 7 months ago

There is one good point about Nuclear War capability. It has stopped the Next World War To End Wars.....
However, the threat of imminent collapse of the whole world's economy is now very real. This will be a war on everybody's doorstep.
So far, there has not been a reasonable suggestion anywhere I've trawled as to how to stop what is happening.
This *IS* bigger than the insane "Tulip Bomb" which damaged the Dutch a century or so ago.
This is vastly bigger.
Kylneth said that it was like a dangerously stretched rubber band, but now it is more like a balloon full of gas that is still being filled and stretching faster than it can be leaked. The Tulip Bomb was only air and tiny - it was a local pop. This bang will be felt all over the world.
This is no time to be correcting anybody's English - or American, that's rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Him Again
Him Again Martin Hedington 7 months ago

Martin, if you aren't a shill, you need to learn to focus on the core of the presentation, not the insignificant detail. See above....