The Necklace Nebula consists of a bright ring, measuring about two light-years across, dotted with dense, bright knots of gas that resemble diamonds in a necklace. The knots glow brightly due to absorption of ultraviolet light from the central stars. "Hubble Offers a Dazzling Necklace". Picture of the Week . ESA/Hubble . . Retrieved 18 August 2011 . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The NGC 6302 nebula. Militarization of Outer Space would be contrary to common heritage of humanity principles. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Planetary nebula M2-9. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
10:24pm MDSTMusical Interlude: Alan Parsons Project, “Ammonia Avenue”
Alan Parsons Project, “Ammonia Avenue” -
Islamic State Is Using Widescreen TV Propaganda in Iraq
*Reuters*: *Islamic State turns to widescreen TV propaganda in Iraq* *BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Islamic State militants have set up giant television screens in the Iraqi city of Ramadi and are using them to proclaim that they will seize more Iraqi territory after capturing the provincial capital last month, residents said.* *Efforts by the Shi'ite Muslim-led government and its American allies to break the hardline group's control of about a third of Iraq are currently focused on Ramadi, in Sunni Muslim heartland Anbar province.* *"They have started to show videos of their military opera... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Is this what will become of our Sun? Quite possibly. The bubble of expanding gas pictured below is the planetary nebula PK 164 +31.1, the remnants of the atmosphere of a Sun-like star expelled as its supply of fusion-able core hydrogen became depleted. Visible near the center of the nebula is what remains of the core itself- a blue-hot white dwarf star. This particularly photogenic planetary nebula shows intricate shells of gas likely expelled at different times toward the end the star's demise, and whose structure is not fully understood. * Click image for larger size.* This deep ... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Time For The Tellable”
* “The Time For The Tellable”* by Chet Raymo “When I first set foot on the plank bridge over Queset Brook fifty-one years ago, I saw a kingfisher. I haven't seen one since. But I've seen pretty much everything else. The bridge is an emperor's loge, the catbird's seat. If I stand there for five minutes something wonderful is sure to appear. A box turtle. A monarch butterfly. A fleet of whirligigs. The orange flash of an oriole. And there, oh there, among the water lilies where the brook splays into the pond, a heron, watching with its glittering eye. Fifty-one years and the day is ... more »
"Passive Aggressive Behavior: Claiming our Feelings"
* "Passive Aggressive Behavior: Claiming our Feelings"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM The way to end passive aggressive behavior on your part or others’ is with complete honesty and truth in any situation. If you’ve ever found yourself repressing your anger and behaving in other ways to get your point across, you may be someone who is adept at engaging in passive-aggressive behavior. Although passive-aggressive behavior is recognized as a psychological disorder, it also describes the behavior that many people use to cope with confrontational situations. Such behavior has the outwar... more »
“Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play! No sense have they of ills to come, nor care beyond today.” - Thomas Gray
The Daily "Near You?"
Brawley, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Less Time And Inclination..."
“We have looked first at man with his vanities and greed and his problems of a day or a year; and then only, and from this biased point of view, we have looked outward at the earth he has inhabited so briefly and at the universe in which our earth is so minute a part. Yet these are the great realities, and against them we see our human problems in a different perspective. Perhaps if we reversed the telescope and looked at man down these long vistas, we should find less time and inclination to plan for our own destruction.” - Rachel Carson
"Charlie Chaplin Speaks, 'The Great Dictator', 1941"
Charlie Chaplin Speaks, “The Great Dictator”, 1941 - ◆ 74 years since that film was made... what have we learned since? Tragically, you know the answer, don't you? Nothing... nothing at all...
"All Paths..."
“All paths lead to the same goal: to convey to others what we are. And we must pass through solitude and difficulty, isolation and silence, in order to reach forth to the enchanted place where we can dance our clumsy dance and sing our sorrowful song- but in this dance or in this song there are fulfilled the most ancient rites of our conscience in the awareness of being human and of believing in a common destiny.” - Pablo Neruda
Psychology: "The 12 Worst Relationship Mindsets"
*"The 12 Worst Relationship Mindsets*: *Which Are YOU Guilty Of?"* by Robert Leahy, Ph.D. "In cognitive therapy we focus on the way that you think about things. When we are distressed, we have automatic thoughts - that is, thoughts that come to us spontaneously, seem true and generally go unexamined. Sometimes your thoughts are accurate; sometimes they are biased. But the first thing to do is to identify what you are thinking. Look at the list of typical thoughts that distressed couples have and ask yourself if any of these are true for you. You can also consider alternative ways to... more »
Free Download: Viktor Frankl, "Man's Search For Meaning"
*"Man's Search For Meaning"* by Viktor Frankl “In attempting this psychological presentation and a psychopathological explanation of the typical characteristics of a concentration camp inmate, I may give the impression that the human being is completely and unavoidably influenced by his surroundings. (In this case the surroundings being the unique structure of camp life, which forced the prisoner to conform his conduct to a certain set pattern.) But what about human liberty? Is there no spiritual freedom in regard to behavior and reaction to any given surroundings? Is that theory... more »
"How Is It Possible..."
"How is it possible to expect mankind to take advice when they will not so much as take warning?" - Jonathan Swift
"How Is It Possible..."
"How is it possible to expect mankind to take advice when they will not so much as take warning?" - Jonathan Swift
Movie Watch: Father's Day at the movies
*Father's Day -- next Sunday, June 21 -- is your once-a-year chance to show Dad how you really feel.* *by Ken* When I shared the Museum of the Moving Image's horrific Mother's Day film lineup, I promised to return with the grisly details for the second half of the museum's celebration, "Horror Mother's Day and Father's Day." Unless you're lucky enough not to have e-mail, by now your e-mailbox should be choked with offers to take care of your celebratory needs. So you'll be glad to know that the museum has an equally, er, uplifting triple bill scheduled to honor Dad, the poor sonof... more »
"Are We Missing the Beauty Around Us?"
"Are We Missing the Beauty Around Us?" by Jonathan "Have you every contemplated whether or not the hectic pace of life these days is causing us to lose our appreciation for the beauty around us? I think we all recognize that this is happening to some degree. Otherwise, we wouldn’t need to be reminded to stop and smell the roses. Granted, we focus on different things at different times. But by rushing to keep up with life, have you ever wondered just how much we might be missing out on? The following is a very thought provoking true story. Here’s the situation: In Washington, DC, at... more »
Mel Hurtig’s Latest Book: The Arrogant Autocrat … And The Famous Nuremberg (Nazi) Trials Question
*Mel Hurtig’s Latest Book: The Arrogant Autocrat … And The Famous Nuremberg (Nazi) Trials Question*. part II *Written By Robin Mathews June 2015* Founder and first Chair of the Council of Canadians, Mel Hurtig has long, long been fighting for good national policy in Canada. His work has had him rub shoulders with the famous – and the infamous – in Canadian political life. There was not much done by the latter – the infamous - until recent years, that could surprise him. But – with many, many Canadians of all ages - Mel Hurtig is now surprised, shocked, incredulous, and - f... more »
Sanity Break: Weekend in the Rift
Rift time, a two day sanity break on the beautiful side roads of Hualien and Taitung, one of the best rides I've done. Click on READ MORE below for absolute acres of imagery. The day began at 4 am for myself, Iris, and Mike as we picked up the 5:30 am train out of Taichung. This convenient train arrives in Hualien city at 10:19, meaning you can easily put down 80 or 90 kms before dark. Highway construction in the Suhua area proceeds apace. Iris spotted this rather racy hotel ad in the Hualien train station. We fought the early morning traffic in Hualien city and got out to the big... more »
Solar and windpower? “Perpetually a few decades away from fruition”
Solar and windpower? As Alex Epstein observes, “Perpetually a few decades away from fruition.” Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at
“Study: Feedback doesn’t always help students”
How about that. If you want to really learn, it’s more efficacious to *discover* than to be *told*. A new Vanderbilt University study challenges the assumption that feedback is always a good thing, at least for student learning. The study, conducted by Emily Fyfe, a doctoral student at Vanderbilt’s Peabody College of Education, suggests that once a lesson is taught, immediately telling students if they are solving problems correctly or incorrectly can lead to lower performance on subsequent problems and post-tests… “In general, the takeaway is that when you’re first introd... more »
Tweets From the Edge: Flag Day edition
These are some of my more notorious tweets over the past week. There's something meat-headed about beer-gripping Americans chanting songs glorifying war just before brutal sporting events. #FlagDay — Robert Crawford (@jurassicpork59) June 14, 2015 @BlueDuPage @louvice 1000 little cuts and one big prick. — Robert Crawford (@jurassicpork59) June 14, 2015 So, where were those fine, patriotic "good guys with guns" during the #DallasPDShooting? At Chipotle, gaining weight. — Robert Crawford (@jurassicpork59) June 13, 2015 #Breaking: Next on Fox there's been ...more »
holden caulfield, ponyboy curtis, and my teen book club
*"Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody."* Recognize it? For me it's one of the most memorable final sentences ever written. I just finished re-reading *The Catcher in the Rye*, possibly for the first time since reading it (twice) in high school. I remembered it in a theoretical way, but had forgotten the details. It's a funny, sad, perfect little book. I'm not breaking any new ground when I call *Catcher* the original young-adult novel. Every John Green and Ned Vizzini and Stephen Chbosky narrator, every wise-cracking alienated youth straight t... more »
How beer built civilisation, and saved the world! [updated]
Yes, it’s true. *Related posts:* - 'You Smell of Goat': A Complete Hiftory of Man According to Hif Divers Delightf (Part One:) - NOT PC - 'Making the Genius Quicker': A Complete Hiftory of Man According to Hif Divers Delightf (Part Two) – SOLO - How Beer Gave Us Civilization – N.Y. TIMES *UPDATE:* Now with bonus video: people drink craft beer for the first time … naked! Um, because, beer, I guess. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at
Quote of the Day: On writers
*"A writer is a world trapped in a person." *— Victor Hugo [Hat tip Vintage Shorts] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at
Another Blue Dog Admits He's Just A Republican-- Switches Parties
Joe Baca, Blue Dog ----> RepublicanBlue Dogs tend to vote with Republicans on core, crucial issues. Of the 10 worst Democrats in the House this year-- based on their ProgressivePunch lifetime crucial vote scores-- 7 are Blue Dogs who have voted more frequently against progressive proposals than for them. And 2 of the others are shady New Dems. *•* Gwen Graham (Blue Dog-FL)- 28.33 *•* Brad Ashford (Blue Dog-NE)- 36.67 *•* Kyrsten Sinema (Blue Dog-AZ)- 37.46 *•* Sean Patrick Maloney (New Dem-NY)- 39.86 *•* Henry Cuellar (Blue Dog-TX)- 40.13 *•* Collin Peterson (Blue Dog-MN)- 40.14 *•* J... more »
Not PC 2.0: Whither liberty?
Yep, as you may have noticed this morning, after ten years of torrid action, and no dirt to speak of, the blog has had a face-lift, a tummy tuck and a very modest boob job. Long overdue. After ten years without any update whatsoever, the wrinkles were starting to show. So now you can easily link to every post from the header. You can easily post my posts to your Facebook, Twitter, whatever. You can enjoy the posts in a much wider format – much easier to enjoy art and architecture. You can easily reply to any post, or to someone’s comment. You can also tell me with just one click... more »
That said...
Hugh Sykes was back on today's *The World This Weekend *on Radio 4 (with the aforementioned Mark Mardell) and his report from the outskirts of Mozambique's capital played right into Mark Mardell's hands. (Mark's hands opening with references to King Canute and his pointed attempts to vainly hold back the tide). Hugh's Mozambican interviewee said "The world is a global world. There's no way of stopping the wind with the hand". Hugh's interviewee, a former Mozambican prime minister, advocated (very much in Hugh's words) "enlightened self interest for the Western countries not popu... more »
*Special report: An unprecedented $71 billion price tag for recovery after Hurricane Katrina ~Jeff Adelson, N.O. Advocate*
US Considers Plan to Store Weapons in Eastern Europe- Gladio in Poland etc
*Hmmmmmm... Shades of Stay Behind Armies or Operation Gladio* History repeats. "Secret soldiers were trained on remote islands in the Mediterranean and in unorthodox warfare centres in England and in the United States by the Green Berets and SAS Special Forces.* The network was armed with explosives, machine guns and high-tech communication equipment hidden in underground bunkers and secret arms caches in forests and mountain meadows*" *FT * The US military is considering a plan to store heavy weapons and equipment in eastern Europe in response to fears over Russian aggression i... more »
Dr. Green
NOTE : *"The Foundation"* in Arabic is *"al-Qaeda"*. *"The black-caped, black-garbed, death-worshiping Process Church of the Final Judgment arrived on the Los Angeles scene in early 1968.* *They stayed in public view till a few days after Robert Kennedy's assassination in June of '68, after which they dropped from sight in Los Angeles..."* Ed Sanders, *The Family* They went to Utah, and hid and grew inside the LDS... *Herein is the lecture by D.C.Hammond, originally entitled "Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse," but now usually known as the "Greenbaum Speech," delivered at the Four... more »
Squeeezing the Movement
Democrats Hope To Bury Black Lives Matter Under Election BlitzBy Glen Ford, The movement that is emerging under the banner Black Lives Matter is not yet one year old, but it will be dead before it reaches the age of two if the Democratic Party has anything to say about it. The movement’s greatest challenge will be to survive the impending mass mobilization of Black Democratic officeholders and operatives in a $5 billion presidential election season. The current Black-led grassroots campaign is, in very important ways, even more vulnerable to Democratic c... more »
Do We Have an Immortal Spirit?
*Video - *A fascinating interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton about his discoveries on how we can improve physical well-being by accepting our immortal spirit. The post Do We Have an Immortal Spirit? appeared first on Waking Times.
Simon Wiesenthal
"SIMON WIESENTHAL, why is he lying about Mengele? Present associations. WHO IS SIMON WIESENTHAL? PART I: Strange support and links going back to I.G. Farben, Waffen SS." Arrest of Bekir Celenk in Turkey. Key link to STIBAM, AGCA. Controversies over Reagan's treatment. REAGAN, LICIO GELLI, MANFRED ROEDER, JOSEF MENGELE. 1979, 1981 key years. The connections of the past years, the Vatican banking scandal, the drug links and gun running from Rome, Syria, West Germany to South American Nazis, Klaus Barbie and Josef Mengele, getting tight. SIMON WEISENTHAL, PART II. Pol... more »
How to Protect Yourself from Toxic People
*Luminita Saviuc* - When faced with a toxic person, do you you fight fire with fire or do you “fight” back with LOVE? The post How to Protect Yourself from Toxic People appeared first on Waking Times.
Liz Kendall on Trade Unions
In the leadership campaign so far, Liz Kendall has - unfairly in my view - been characterised by her opponents as a Tory. So perhaps more than any other candidate she has to demonstrate her pro-trade union creds, which she did last week. As a firm believer of taking someone at their word until their actions demonstrate otherwise, when she writes "as a proud trade unionist I will fight to my last breath to defend the existence of effective, free and independent trade unions", that should be taken as her considered, sincere position. Liz argues that her priority is to build an econom... more »
21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman (ca. 1993)
Educate-Yourself *The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©* ** F rom: *Conspirators' Hierachy: The Story of The Committee of 300* 1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a *unified church and monetary system* under their direction. The One World Government began to set up its church in the 1920:s and 30:s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired. ... more »
Running Away From the Now?
*Julie Henderson* - Are you busy seeking happiness in a future moment that is slated to fall short of your expectations? The post Running Away From the Now? appeared first on Waking Times.
And finally...
*[Warning: For any non-Brits, there may be a wee bit of British sarcasm in the following post]...* Despite living in the North West (far away from East Anglia)... ...and *in no way whatsoever* connected to the fact that I was recently, and rightly, threatened (behind the scenes) with the libel lawyers by the BBC's most impartial and free speech-loving reporter (PBUH) for copying and pasting some Twitter comments criticising him and (disgracefully) adding a very brief comment suggesting that the exceptionally impartial BBC reporter in question just didn't get it... ...I'm now a r... more »
Must Watch the Cabal Works....Nations vs Anti-Nations
*Nikolai Starikov presents the geostrategic concept of "Nation vs Anti-Nation"* Here is one of those must watch videos that comes along every so often. I saw it on The Vinyard of the Saker. Anyone who is interested in geopolitics knows about this ruse that has been used since time immemorial to destroy an adversary. But here, for the first time, it is carefully laid out like a neat Nikolai Starikov, vis a vis the West vs Russia...and how they are using Ukraine as the "Anti-Russia". Knowledge is power! Enjoy.
Interesting and Revealing.....
The US-NATO strategy on Ukraine...... and the counter Kremlin strategy
Sunday Classics snapshots: A fountain, a harp, and a mind in distress
*No, this isn't the fountain of "The Siren" referred to in the stage direction below, but it's a reasonable guess that the Ravenswood fountain would have been based on the Fontana della Sirena in the Piazza Sannazaro in Naples.* *A park in the ground of the Scottish castle of Ravenswood. We see the fountain called "The Siren." Once it was covered by a beautiful structure decorated with all sorts of Gothic details; now only the ruins of this structure remain. It is nightfall.* [All translations in today's post by William Ashbrook.] *RAI Turin Symphony Orchestra, Francesco Molinari... more »
June 14: self-indulgence, odds and ends, and other stuff
Am I capitalist, socialist or communist? None of the above. Politics doesn't start with labels or with political ideologies of any sort. It starts with moral principles, with a sense of what our society is, what it should be, and how to achieve it. It's about people and how we think of them. It's about what our values are. And it commonly comes from our own backgrounds and what our experiences have been. My political values came from being born poor and, as it seemed, condemned to stay that way. It was a Canada of no medicare. So I never saw a doctor or dentist until I was 20 or so.... more »
Iraq's Plan To Retake Mosul Is A Fantasy
*Jacob Siegel, Daily Beast*:* An Iraqi General’s ‘Plan’ To Retake Mosul Is A Fantasy* *The desire may be there, but the troops are not. Baghdad’s nowhere near ready to liberate ISIS’s de facto capital in the north.* *Make no sudden moves seems to be an imperative of the current administration’s policy toward Iraq. Big announcements, like the one this week that 450 additional troops will be sent to assist the Iraqi army as advisors, turn out to mean less than the initial press release suggests. Only 50 of those soldiers are actually advisors, the remaining 400 are a security detai... more »
Not carping about Hugh
Talking about this morning's *Broadcasting House *on Radio 4, blog favourite Hugh Sykes was reporting from Tanzania today. As we like being fair and honest at *ITBB, *I must say that Hugh's report was interesting and beautifully crafted. (How true it was I really couldn't say). He may not reckon much to *my* prose style, but *his* is superb... ...and if you're interested in Tanzanian politics (and who isn't?) his latest report is an absolute must. (Even most Radio 4 listeners would gladly forgo *The Archers *for a spot of Tanzanian politics). Hugh really took on the Tanzanian... more »
Today is Flag Day celebrating a flag that flys over a country that has destroyed thirteen countries in the past two decades. And tomorrow is the 800th aniversary of the Magna Carta, which together with the US Constitution are in the process of being repealed by the US and it's European vassals.
------------------------------ *Happy Birthday Magna Carta — Paul Craig Roberts * ------------------------------ June 12, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter Happy Birthday Magna Carta Paul Craig Roberts Monday, June 15, 2015, is the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta. In his book, *Magna Carta*, J.C. Holt, professor of medieval history, University of Cambridge, notes that three of the chapters of this ancient document still stand on the English Stature Book and that so much of what survives of t...more »
Report: Russia's Military Modernization Plan Is In Jeopardy
Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu provided details of Russia's latest snap exercise at the National Defence Control Centre in Moscow on 16 March Source: Russian MoD *WNU Editor: *AP is reporting that Russia's military modernization plans are in jeopardy .... *Russia’s $400-billion military modernization plan in jeopardy due to Western sanctions and lower oil prices *(AP). Take it from this Kremlin/Russia watcher .... Russia's military modernization plans are not going to slow down .... and if they do slow down, it will because of Russia's military industrial base not being ab... more »
U.S. - NATO Think-Tank: Ukraine Faces 'Enormous Existential Challenge'
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and former National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley *Larry Luxner, Real Clear Defense/Atlantic Council*: *Hadley: Ukraine Faces 'Enormous Existential Challenge'* *The United States and its European allies must dramatically step up efforts to help the Ukrainian people defend themselves from Russian President Vladimir Putin and his proxies in eastern Ukraine, said Stephen J. Hadley, who served as National Security Adviser under US President George W. Bush.* *Hadley, speaking June 13 at the Atlantic Council's Wroclaw Global Forum in Wroclaw, Poland, said N... more »
IMF Will Continue To Provide Funds To Bailout Ukraine
*Kenneth Rapoza, Forbes:* *Super-Duper Junk Credit Aside, IMF Won't Stop Bailing Out Ukraine* *Triple C rated Ukraine will keep the love of the International Monetary Fund even as bond lords fret over whether or not they’ll ever see a dime for lending to them.* *IMF chief Christine Lagarde said in an open letter to the financial community on Friday that the the bailout fund was standing by. Lagarde said that the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) cannot be counted on to use its reserves to pay for interest on bonds. Most emerging markets keep foreign reserves in order to lower credit... more »
Ukraine's Low Intensity War Continues
Members of the Ukrainian armed forces gather on the roadside near the village of Vidrodzhennya outside Artemivsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine, June 9, 2015. Reuters/Oleksandr Klymenko *Reuters*:* One Ukrainian serviceman killed as eastern attacks intensify* *A Ukrainian serviceman was killed and 21 were wounded in separatist attacks in the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian military said on Sunday, as both sides accused the other of intensifying attacks despite a four-month-old ceasefire deal.* *The truce brokered by the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France in Minsk, Belarus, has... more »
"Outrageous BBC bias!"
Another little glimpse into BBC insider thinking came courtesy of Mark Mardell on this morning's *Broadcasting House.* Paddy had played a few sound clips of British mammals, hoping to use *BH*'s powers of persuasion to tempt Radio 4 listeners into wanting a *BH *vote for 'Britain's National Mammal' (in parallel to David Lindo's successful 'Britain's National Bird' vote, won by a landslide by the robin [beating my own favourite, the magnificent British blackbird, into third place]). He'd played sound clips of badgers (which I didn't recognise, despite all the coverage they get on *... more »
*David Whyte's well of grief can be compared to a Black Hole in space but it's deep within many who live in fear ~ but at its center is a point of convergence ~ a state of consciousness that lies beyond time and space ~ a **Unified Field of love and soul consciousness whose principle property is the urge to unite ~ or as Longfellow once wrote ~ the thread of all sustaining beauty that runs through all and doth all unite: Allen L Roland, Ph.D* *"We are put on Earth a little space to bear the beams of love" ~ *William Blake It's not surprising that our lives are ... more »
The Export-Import Bank
I just got back from Utah, where I was one of the speakers at a conference that has been dubbed "Club Mitt." One of the other speakers--this one a politician rather than a nerdy academic like me--spoke about the need to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank. (I won't mention the person's name, since the event is off the record.) What struck me is how weak the arguments were. Three arguments for the Ex-Im Bank were given: 1.* It creates jobs*. Of course it does! If the government were to put the names of all businesses into a hat, pull out a few randomly, and give those a per uni... more »
Have "Zionists" stolen one of Bari's shoes too?
BBC Watch has rightly amplified a pertinent question to the BBC posed by Hillel Neuer on Twitter: .@BBCNews Why do you regularly interview a man (as a "leading UK Muslim") who believes "Zionists" stole his shoe? — Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) June 14, 2015 Hadar's follow-up comment made me smile: Mind you, the promotion of crazy conspiracy theories never prevented Abdel Bari Atwan from being a BBC frequent flyer. How true! As Hadar notes, lots of media outlets (mainstream and non-mainstream - from the *Spectator *to the *Ha'aretz,* from *Harry's Place... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
My weekly security report for the first week of June 2015 was reprinted in Business Insider.
Incarceration following successful Crown sentencing appeal
Historically Courts have hesitated to incarcerate offenders following a successful Crown sentence appeal. For example the recent decision in *R. v. Schertzer*, 2015 ONCA 259, where the Court declined to re-incarcerate police officers whose sentences were substantially increased on appeal (some might ask if the fact police were involved had an impact). This hesitation may be changing. See R. v. Dufour, 2015 ONCA 426: [29] To summarize, this jurisprudence indicates that on a successful Crown appeal against sentence, where the seriousness of the offence does not require that an... more »
More on NATO affiliated Kurds & Their US/Israel Supported Ethnic Cleansing in Syria
I have had doubts about the Kurdish narrative as presented by msm, prior to the Yazidi saga in Iraq. Check for that flashback and others at the bottom of this post- thanks! For a broader picture combine the flashbacks below with the ones from yesterday's post *US Probes Reports of Kurdish YPG Militias PURGING Arabs* and a more complete picture should emerge- Of course there are still more posts related to this topic, but, were talking about getting into reading the equivalent of book with hundreds of pages. Feel free if you like! *McClatchy News- Ethnic cleansing charged as Kurds m... more »
Conflicting Reports On The Death Of Saudi Arabia`s Top Air Force Commander
*Photo: *Saudi Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Shaalan *WNU Editor*: Saudi Arabia is saying that he died of a heart attack .... *Saudi Air Force commander dies of heart attack* (The Nation) .... while on a business trip abroad .... *Royal tribute to air force chief* (Arab News). The Saudi Air Force has been bombing Yemen daily since the start of the war .... the Saudi story line that he was on a "business trip" when he died does not sound "kosher" to me. Israeli sources are painting a different story .... that he was targeted by Iranian intelligence and that a Ye... more »
Turkish Soldiers Stand Helpless As Syrian Refugees Are Forced At Gunpoint By Islamic State Fighters Only Yards Away From The Border
(*Click on Image to Enlarge*) Turkish troops and Isis terrorists stared at each other just a few yards apart across the barbed wire border as the civilians retreated *Daily Mail*: *Intercepted by ISIS fanatics just yards from safety: Moment hundreds of desperate Syrian refugees are frogmarched back to face death as Turkish troops look on helplessly from the border* ** Heavily armed ISIS terrorists forced thousands of Syrian refugees to abandon their escape to freedom at gunpoint* ** The men, women and children carried everything they could as they shuffled up to the Tal Abyad bord... more »
What if Saddam hadn't been toppled?
This morning's *Broadcasting House *engaged in a spot of counter-factual history, asking the question, "Would the world have been better off if we hadn't invading Iraq and Saddam Hussein was still in power?" *This Sceptred Isle *historian (and former BBC defence and foreign correspondent) Christopher Lee apparently seemed to think so, imagining an alternative history which envisioning a world in 2020 where Saddam's Iraq and Hillary Clinton's U.S. were best buddies, with Saddam acting as America's Wyatt Earp in the Middle East, smashing Islamists across the region, sending special ... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 14th, 2015
[image: rant-jpeg-b] Sunday, June 14th, and time again for my weekly rant... It is hard to believe it is already the middle of June, and yet in most parts of the northern hemisphere, we are all suffering from "unusually" cold temperatures.... Even here, it has been cold and wet with temperatures only reaching into the high 10's to low 20's Celcius (thats high 60's to low 70's for those stuck with the old Fahrenheit scale)... Gosh darn that Global Warming and the planet heating up.... Lets face it... The entire Global Warming scam has been fully exposed as just that... A scam....... more »
Bernie Sanders' Bill To Regulate Overpriced Generic Drugs Picks Up Steam
Republicans have a different perspective on healthcare-- pay or die Last October we started looking at Bernie Sanders' investigation into outrageous generic drug pricing under Medicare Part D. The inherent unfairness towards working families is emblematic of the GOP approach to Medicare; it's their version. When the House voted on Bush's Medicare Part D scheme on November 22, 2003, it passed by only 5 votes-- 220-215. 25 Republicans joined nearly the entire Democratic conference to oppose it. The 25 Republicans who opposed it are against all forms of government involvement in healthc... more »
Pardons for Criminal Convictions
Millions of Canadians (perhaps three million) have a criminal record. Such records have an impact; being branded a "criminal" even for very minor offences can be a big problem. Since most people with a criminal record are able to rehabilitate themselves and become law abiding productive Canadians there is a way to seal a criminal record if certain conditions are met. This is commonly known as a pardon but technically it is a "record suspension". A pardon keeps a judicial record of a conviction separate and apart from other criminal records, and gives law abiding citizens an oppor...more »
U.S. Military Not Eager To Support President Obama's Islamic State War Strategy
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Army General Martin Dempsey (L-R), U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter and President Barack Obama stand for the playing of taps during the Memorial Day observance at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia May 25, 2015. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst *Washington Post*: *In White House’s Iraq debate, military brass pushed for doing less* *As President Obama was weighing how to halt Islamic State advances in Iraq, some of the strongest resistance to boosting U.S. involvement came from a surprising place: a war-weary military that has grown... more »
Edward Snowden's Leaked NSA Documents Have Been Decoded By Russia And China That Have Resulted In The Cancellation Of British And U.S. Intelligence Operations
*Daily Mail:* *'Edward Snowden has blood on his hands': MI6 is forced to pull spies out of hostile countries after Russia and China decode a MILLION encrypted files leaked by the whistleblower* ** Classified files could lead to identification of British and American spies* ** Spy chiefs in Russia and China have cracked one million top-secret files* ** Home Office official has accused Snowden of having 'blood on his hands'* ** Security services have 'had difficulties tracking terrorists' since the leaks * *MI6 has pulled its spies out of 'hostile countries' and America's intelligenc... more »
C-51 Meeting 54 Megan Leslie Asks Questions
After harpercon Rick Norlock made an ass of himself asking the representatives from the BCCLA and Greenpeace if they were "fundamentally opposed ... [get it? fundamentally/fundamentalist??? huh? ya geddit??] ... to getting terrorists off the streets," let's see if Megan Leslie of the NDP can restore dignity and sanity to this process. *Ms. Megan Leslie (Halifax, NDP): * Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much to our witnesses. I'm the environment critic for the NDP, so I really want to focus on section 2 and the specific exclusion for lawful activity. Howev... more »
The Pentagon Wants To Move And Store Heavy Weapons In The Baltics And Eastern Europe
*New York Times*:* U.S. Is Poised to Put Heavy Weaponry in Eastern Europe* *RIGA, Latvia — In a significant move to deter possible Russian aggression in Europe, the Pentagon is poised to store battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other heavy weapons for as many as 5,000 American troops in several Baltic and Eastern European countries, American and allied officials say.* *The proposal, if approved, would represent the first time since the end of the Cold War that the United States has stationed heavy military equipment in the newer NATO member nations in Eastern Europe that... more »
Levels of ignorance... *Oliver Troll is a blogger in Sweden. -AK* *Levels of ignorance...* 6/14/2015 There are many levels of ignorance have you noticed that? On the macro level we have large global corporations making money on behalf of the well beings of others.. Big Pharma is one.. For example get shots with mercury in order not to get ill but nobody tells you about this.. so you think your doing fine.. they call it vaccines.. And all of a sudden it's noted that millions of bees are dying cause they've been poisoned with mercury in wate... more »
*UC Faculty Training: Saying ‘America Is the Land of Opportunity’ Is a Microaggression* by Katherine Timpf The phrase is just one of many that faculty were advised not to use. A University of California faculty leader-training handout instructed professors not to say that “America is the land of opportunity” because that’s a racist, sexist microaggression. According to the handout, called “Tool: Recognizing Microaggressions and the Messages they Send,” the statement “assert[s] that race and gender [do] not play a role in life successes” — despite the fact that saying opportuni... more »
*Britain burning its historic forests to save the planet* *Who said Greenies like trees?* One gloomy day in March 2012, Pip Pountney, recently retired from Warwick University, went for a walk in Ryton Wood near Coventry with Ann Wilson, a former textile chemist. Ryton’s 216 acres are described by its owners, the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, as ‘one of the largest semi-natural ancient woodlands in Warwickshire’. A Site of Special Scientific Interest, it has long been famous for its bluebells, which flourished every spring beneath a canopy of English oaks. But what ex-teacher Poun... more »
A Rant
I see that *Breitbart London* has really gone to town on that report about illegal immigrants at Calais on the *Victoria Derbyshire *programme which we looked at the other day, making strong allegations of pro-immigration bias against Victoria Derbyshire: BBC HOST ‘TRIES TO MAKE MIGRANT CRIMINALS INTO HEROES’ IN DOCUMENTARY ...BBC host Victoria Derbyshire engages in a public relations effort on behalf of the Calais migrants.. ...the 12 minute-long video (below) follows Derbyshire and her trucker hosts as she tries to convince them.... ...“They carry knives,” the truckers explain,... more »
Palestinians proud that thugs disrupted grassroots women's peace event in Jerusalem
' I cannot find a single article in Arab media that is the least bit ashamed that Arabs deliberately intimidated a conference of young women who have no political agenda and who only want peace. I cannot find a single statement from Creativity for Peace or any other peace or human rights group that condemns - or even mentions - these actions by "activists." Because it is not nice to mention that most Arabs are against real peace.' More here but not on the institutionally anti Israel BBC.
"The Pope..."
After last week's fascinating edition from Russia with Caroline Wyatt, it was very much back to business as usual on this week's *Sunday*. Edward Stourton returned to the fray and his opening words were, "The Pope...". Pope Francis's "anticipated encyclical on the environment" was the programme's main focus, with a report from BBC reporter Matt Wells from the US on "concerns among conservatives that the Pope will be critical of consumerism and capitalism", and an interview with Fr Augusto Zampini, Argentinian priest and theological advisor to CAFOD. Fr Zampini said that the Pope... more »
'Cruel to be kind, or just cruel?'
This is a blog, and blogs are meant to be sort-of confessional. So let me confess... I'm susceptible to emotional BBC reporting. (Who isn't, if it works its 'magic'?) Jon Donnison, the BBC's *very* reluctant Sydney correspondent (see his extraordinary, Oz-bashing Twitter feed for proof of that), has been all over the BBC this weekend (including Friday's News at Ten), going where every other BBC Australia correspondent seems to have boldly gone before him... ....into the unpleasant consequences of Australia's rigorous but effective immigration policy. Jon's piece was certainly po... more »
Economic News and Views ( June 14 , 2015 ) Spotlight Remains On Greece Talks With The Troika In Brussels - From All Accounts , The Talks Are Not Proceeding Well , Both Sides Remain Squared Off On Key Positions As June 18th Deadline For A Deal Approaches ) .... Broader Europe In Focus - Finland Woes Tagged As " Being Like Greece " - Never Should have Been In EMU ...... Spain Begins Its New Political Day ...... Ukraine In Focus As The IMF Traverses Risky Ground To Continue Financing Ukraine Government )
Tweets.... *Manos Giakoumis* @ManosGiakoumis 59m 59 minutes ago Jun 18 #*Eurogroup* is the deadline for #*Greece* reaching an agreement with institutions, acc 2 #*IMF* (via @*KaterinaSokou* & @*kathimerini_gr*) # *ec* *MineForNothing* @minefornothing 13m 13 minutes ago Creditors said to be asking Greece to commit to a primary surplus of 1%/GDP in 2015 ...Varoufakis has already said it's impossible *Yannis Koutsomitis* @YanniKouts 16m 16 minutes ago #*Greece* gov't seeks debt relief as #*EU* steps up warnings http:// /via @*Reuters* #*euro* ... more »
10 Liver Cleansing Foods
*Source:Top 10 Home Remedies Facebook*
*(c) Daily Mail 2015* they've been here, in Britain, longer than most invaders, and they've had the longest lasting effect on the genetic make-up of our country. Who? *The Welsh are the true pure Britons, according to the research that has produced the first genetic map of the UK.* *Scientists were able to trace their DNA back to the first tribes that settled in the British Isles following the last ice age around 10,000 years ago.* *Due to its westerly location and mountainous landscape, few invaders like the Anglo-Saxons, Romans and Vikings ventured into the Welsh lands.* *Thi... more »
Climate Tricks 41, CO2 Leads Temperature, or Vice Versa?
There is an interesting article yesterday in WUWT, Presentation of Evidence Suggesting Temperature DrivesAtmospheric CO2 more than CO2 Drives Temperature. The author is right on target when he wrote, *The IPCC’s position that increased CO2 is the primary cause of global warming is not supported by the temperature data.* *In fact, strong evidence exists that disproves the IPCC’s scientific position. The attached Excel spreadsheet (“CO2 vs T”) shows that variations in atmospheric CO2 concentration lag (occur after) variations in Earth’s Surface Temperature by ~9 months (Figures 2, 3... more »
Big Abortion News from US and Ireland
Two big stories on abortion in the past week. An exclusive AP survey reports that abortion rates in the US are down by about 12% overall since 2010, in nearly every state. Both sides are claiming victory, of course. Anti-abortion activists say it’s a vindication for restricting access to abortion. Reproductive-rights advocates say it’s all about expanded access to contraception. A new survey from the Associated Press finds abortion rates are down across America and – as is almost always the case in debates over abortion – the truth is more complicated than that. The odd thing, or... more »
Korey’s Gardasil Story – If I Could Turn Back Time by Andrea Herlth
KoreyKorey’s Gardasil Story – If I could turn back time By Andrea Herlth Higganum, CT Sane Vax, Inc. 11 June 2015 *If **I could turn back time..*..I would go back to 10/1/13, the day before Korey received the 1st Gardasil vaccine for HPV. I would not have allowed the Pediatrician to give her the HPV Vaccine just as I had refused it for the previous 4 years!!!! But, I had not heard anything negative about Gardasil, and mistakenly, I thought she needed this vaccine. Why would our Pediatrician give this vaccine if it was not proven or safe? Gardasil is a 3 dose vaccine. I have... more »
David’s Sling Adds to Israel’s Air Defense
[image: David's Sling weapon system]Israel’s David’s Sling weapon system for air and missile defense recently completed its third test series (DST-3), performing successful intercepts of targets representing relevant threats: missiles and rockets of different sizes, fired from medium and long ranges, and flying at low, medium and high altitudes. The system will be ready for operational deployment following the fourth test phase planned for later this year, according to the Israel Defense Forces. Conceived in 2006 as the Short Range Ballistic Missile Defense System, David’s Sling w... more »
N. Korea fires 3 short-range missiles into East Sea
[image: R-15 Termit (KN-01)]North Korea fired three short-range missiles into the East Sea on Sunday, South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said. The communist North "fired three KN-01 missiles from its eastern border town of Wonsan onto Mayang Island (in the East Sea) between 4:21 p.m. and 4:47 p.m. today," the JCS said in a statement. The launch is presumed to be Pyongyang's additional test-firing of the anti-ship projectiles after two rounds of the same tests were carried out in February and last month, one of the JCS officers said, noting that the cruise missiles flew some 100 kil... more »
Russian Ka-52 Alligator Attack Helicopter Shows Some Skills
The Russian Ka-52 Alligator is an all-weather attack helicopter designed to destroy the enemy's battle tanks, armored and non-armored ground targets as well as other helicopters and personnel. The Ka-52 is equipped with a distinctive coaxial rotor system that enables incredible maneuvering. The chopper can perform aerobatic maneuvers that are beyond the capability of other helicopters. The helicopter has a 30-mm automatic cannon, and can carry laser-guided anti-tank missiles, short-range air-to-air missiles and other missiles or bombs. Read more
Indo-Russian 5th Generation Fighter Aircraft program: Delays and the possible outcomes
[image: Indo-Russian 5th Generation Fighter Aircraft]United States Air Force has successfully tested its fifth generation fighter aircraft way back in 1997 and has inducted the same in December 2005. It has a total strength of around 187 operational F-22 fighters. It is the only air force in the world which currently operates the fifth generation jets; however it definitely fueled the fifth generation fighter jet development programs around the world either solo or in collaboration. Russia, India, China and Turkey are reportedly engaged in the development of their own version of t... more »
Kaman Restarts K-Max Line
[image: K-Max unmanned helicopter]Kaman is to restart production of its K-Max commercial external-lift helicopter, with the potential market for unmanned versions a factor in its decision. Deliveries are to resume in 2017, and Kaman says launch customers include existing operators Rotex Helicopter of Switzerland, which uses its aircraft for heli-logging, and Atlanta-based Helicopter Express, which conducts aerial firefighting and heavy lifting. “With the aircraft already fully developed and certified, the non-recurring costs to restart production are expected to be minimal. Based on... more »
With the UK Sorted, Thales Touts Watchkeeper Prospects in France
[image: Watchkeeper UAV]Thales is stressing its end-to-end capability in unmanned aerial systems, as well as seven years of operational experience, in its bid to supply the Watchkeeper UAS to the French Army. The company said it is close to achieving 35-percent French content for the bid, including a new high-definition EO/IR sensor. Poland is another near-term prospect, and there are “lots more in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific,” said Pierrick Lerey, strategy and marketing director for UAS and ISR. Read more
Boeing upgrading aging AWACS for NATO forces
[image: E-3F Sentry]Yesterday’s issue of AIN Online reported that several NATO air forces are upgrading and modernizing their Boeing 707 AWACS planes. The Airborne Warning and Control Systems planes have unmistakable top-mounted radar domes. According to the release, Boeing is currently performing four major modernization programs under its airborne surveillance command and control, portfolio. Boeing Defense, Space and Security developed the E-3 Sentry using Westinghouse radar and 707 airframes in the early 1970s and produced 68 planes. Production was discontinued on that model i... more »
Defence chiefs: UK 'feeble' on world stage
The military might of Britain has been rendered “feeble” in the face of threats from around the world, some of the country’s most senior military commanders have said. Four former leaders of the Armed Forces issue a passionate warning about the decline of British influence, saying they are deeply concerned by the UK’s failure to act as crises grow in Iraq, Syria and Russia. The four men — Admiral Sir Nigel Essenhigh, Admiral Lord Boyce, Field Marshal Lord Walker and Air Chief Marshal Sir Peter Squire — liken Britain’s inaction to the “appeasement” of Nazi Germany before the Second ... more »
US deployments heralding arms race with China and Russia
The United States and Japan have successfully conducted the first live-fire test of Raytheon's new Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) Block IIA missile that is being jointly developed by the two countries. The United States contributed a little over US$2 billion to the program, which began in 2006 and is set to see the missile fully deployed in 2018, while Japan provided around US$1 billion. It marks the first successful case in which the US and Japan have shared the cost of developing and modifying ballistic missile defense technology. During the Obama administration, the US has been activ... more »
China sending nuclear subs
[image: Type 094 (Jin) class SSBN]China is reportedly aiming to secure air superiority over the West Philippine Sea to enhance its ability to thwart military maneuvers, especially surveillance flights by the US Navy, in the disputed areas, a Japanese newspaper report quoting security experts say. According to a Yomiuri Shimbun report quoting Hideaki Kaneda, director of the Okazaki Institute and a former admiral in the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF), China will deploy at least two Jin-class nuclear-powered submarines on patrol missions to the West Philippine Sea from it... more »
Gaia Portal:Heralded arrivals are imminent
*Heralded arrivals are imminent* by ÉirePort Heralded arrivals are imminent. Resonance of Gaia upper energetics complies with required vibration for ascension. Feral energetics are retrieved and cared for. Primal entities are harnessed and applied. Collectives are aligned. ÉirePort | June 14, 2015 at 08:08 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
DRDO develops Submarine 'health monitoring system'
[image: INS Shishumar (Type 209/1500)]Taking lesson from the past accidents involving the Navy's submarines, Indian defence scientists have developed a health monitoring system for underwater vessel that can alert about any potential breakdown thereby averting a possible mishap. India's nuclear submarine INS Arihant was being equipped with this system, a exhaustive book on the navy's submarine fleet has revealed. "System works on the philosophy of predictive maintenance and has been installed on the first indigenous nuclear submarine INS Arihant," recently launched book, the story o... more »
Privatisation of RBS, will the taxpayer get their money back let alone make a profit? Osborne says yes, National Audit Office says no!
On the 20th May 2015, just weeks after the General Election relieved the Tories of their Liberal Democrat conscience, George Osborne asked the bankers at Rothschild’s to tell him that he should re-privatise RBS (the Royal Bank of Scotland). Accordingly Rothschild’s produced a report titled “The UK investment in the Royal Bank of Scotland”. The report says the government should indeed
Anonymous 2nd Message to San Carlos Apache Tribe
. Published on Jun 13, 2015 Anonymous sends a second message of support to San Carlos Apache in defense of sacred Oak Flat. In this message, Anonymous posts a voice from Congress to expose who is really behind the land exchange and copper mine that Sen. John McCain pushed through in the defense bill. Resolution Copper is linked to uranium mining. Anonymous also announces a trip to
Columnists Working to Rule.
According to this asshat at the Toronto Star columnists are going to work to rule. Hallelujah is all I can say though I'm surprised to hear there's some sort of rule regarding columnists. The only constant I've ever been aware regarding columnists in Canada of is that Margaret Wente will always know something particularly damning about anyone who ever occupies the publisher's office at the G&M
CIA Declassifies Its Documents Relating To The 9/11 Terror Attack
CNN: *CIA declassifies inspector general's report on 9/11 shortcomings* *(CNN)Ten years after the CIA's Office of the Inspector General completed its investigation into intelligence failures prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the agency on Friday declassified its report.* *The nearly-500 page documented -- redacted in parts -- elaborates on a list of "systemic problems" the inspector general found that contributed to missed warnings of Osama bin Laden's plot to hijack planes and use them as weapons. * *The report had no dramatic new revelations, but it does offer additional anal... more »
Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “The Enlightened”
Medwyn Goodall, “The Enlightened” -
U.S. Congress Moves To Slash CIA Funding For Rebels In Syria
Free Syrian Army fighters (Reuters/Mohamed Kaddoor/Shaam News Network/Handout) *Washington Post*:* Secret CIA effort in Syria faces large funding cut* *Key lawmakers have moved to slash funding of a secret CIA operation to train and arm rebels in Syria, a move that U.S. officials said reflects rising skepticism of the effectiveness of the agency program and the Obama administration’s strategy in the Middle East.* *The House Intelligence Committee recently voted unanimously to cut as much as 20 percent of the classified funds flowing into a CIA program that U.S. officials said has ... more »
The Islamic State Is Winning The Social Media War
Screenshot PBS *New York Times:* *ISIS Is Winning the Social Media War, U.S. Concludes* *WASHINGTON — An internal State Department assessment paints a dismal picture of the efforts by the Obama administration and its foreign allies to combat the Islamic State’s message machine, portraying a fractured coalition that cannot get its own message straight.* *The assessment comes months after the State Department signaled that it was planning to energize its social media campaign against the militant group. It concludes, however, that the Islamic State’s violent narrative — promulgated ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The well known Pleiades star cluster is slowly destroying part of a passing cloud of gas and dust. The Pleiades is the brightest open cluster of stars on Earth's sky and can be seen from almost any northerly location with the unaided eye. *Click image for larger size.* The passing young dust cloud is thought to be part of Gould's belt, an unusual ring of young star formation surrounding the Sun in the local Milky Way Galaxy. Over the past 100,000 years, part of Gould's belt is by chance moving right through the older Pleiades and is causing a strong reaction between stars and dust. ... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Radiance Of What Is”
*“The Radiance Of What Is”* by Chet Raymo “In the summer of 1936, as I nestled snug in my mother's womb, Fortune magazine sent the young writer James Agee and the photographer Walker Evans to rural Alabama to report on how the Great Depression was affecting the poorest of the poor. For eight weeks they lived with three impoverished sharecropper families. (Pictured below is the family of Bud Fields. Click to enlarge.) Their combined work never appeared in Fortune, but it was published as a book- “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men”- in 1941. The book was not an immediate success, but dec...more »
The Poet: W.H. Auden, "Atlantis"
*"Atlantis"* "Being set on the idea Of getting to Atlantis, You have discovered of course Only the Ship of Fools is Making the voyage this year, As gales of abnormal force Are predicted, and that you Must therefore be ready to Behave absurdly enough To pass for one of The Boys, At least appearing to love Hard liquor, horseplay and noise. Should storms, as may well happen, Drive you to anchor a week In some old harbour-city Of Ionia, then speak With her witty sholars, men Who have proved there cannot be Such a place as Atlantis: Learn their logic, but notice How its subtlety betrays Their... more »
"The Stubborn Hope..."
"Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work... you don't give up." - Anne Lamott
"The Other L-Word"
*"The Other L-Word"* by Christopher Hitchens "When Caroline Kennedy managed to say “you know” more than 200 times in an interview with the New York Daily News, and on 130 occasions while talking to The New York Times during her uninspired attempt to become a hereditary senator, she proved, among other things, that she was (a) middle-aged and (b) middle class. If she had been a generation younger and a bit more déclassé, she would have been saying “like.” When asked if the Bush tax cuts should be repealed, she responded: “Well, you know, that’s something, obviously, that, you know, ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Eufaula, Oklahoma, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
History: "Boudicea And The Battle of Watling Street"
"Boudicea And The Battle of Watling Street" by Wikipedia "In AD 43, Rome invaded south-eastern Britain. The conquest was gradual. While some kingdoms were defeated militarily and occupied, others remained nominally independent as allies of the Roman empire. One such people was the Iceni in what is now Norfolk. Their king, Prasutagus, secured his independence by leaving his lands jointly to his daughters and to the Roman emperor, Nero, in his will. But when he died, in 61 or shortly before, his will was ignored. The Romans seized his lands and violently humiliated his family: his w... more »
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Blaise Pascal
"The Philosophy Of Being"
* "The Philosophy Of Being"* By E D Detetcheverrie "Outrageous to some, clarifying for others, a strange conversation meant to provoke further thought... Now I know why they explain it in metaphors. The truth seems surreal. We are inadequate to describe it concisely. Ask not if you have strayed from the path; there is only one path, one way, and you are always on it... *Do they call it enlightenment because there is a light?* It is not mere photons, and light is only one part of it. *Who is in charge of it all?* Yes, we are. *Do the wicked receive their just reward?* We shall all, u... more »
"We Like To Think..."
"We like to think that we are rational beings; humane, conscientious, civilized, thoughtful. But when things fall apart, even just a little, it becomes clear we are not better than animals. We have opposable thumbs, we think, we walk erect, we speak, we dream, but deep down we are still routing around in the primordial ooze; biting, clawing, scratching out an existence in the cold, dark world like the rest of the tree-toads and sloths." - "Grey's Anatomy"
“Your Radiation This Week, 6/12/2015”
*“Your Radiation This Week, 6/12/2015”* by Bob Nichols "Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood. Let’s get right to it. *Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is One Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument. Partial Counts are noted. Uncounted radiation would make the actual Count higher. *Normal Background is 5-20 CPM. 50 CPM is an Alert level.* *RADIATION CPM* CITY/STATE * 374 CPM Concord, NH Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined. 342 CPM Boston, M... more »
OMG, you can go to prison for illegal campaign coordination! Who knew?
*Hmm, back in February 2011 (the same month that "Hosni Mubarak stepped down from power") Fox Noise couldn't seem to figure out whether Tyler Harber was "President, Wilson Research Strategies" or -- as he was identified in a graphic seconds later -- "VP AND DIRECTOR OF POLITICAL AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS DIVISION AT WRS." The following year Elections and Campaigns magazine would name the Republican consultant a "Rising Star."* *"It was something I had seen other people do."* *-- Republican political operative Tyler Harber, at his sentencinghearing yesterday in Federal District Court in R... more »
Still funny?
Story: ‘The Strange Case of Rachel Dolezal’ [Hat tip Political Correctness Watch] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at
Confirmed - Israeli-Saudi Tactical Nuclear Strike : Yemen May 20th 2015 from Spike EP on Vimeo. Analysis by Jeff Smith who is a nuclear physicist and former IAEA inspector: A video received from Yemen, believed to be taken May 20, 2015, of an explosion, when analyzed by nuclear weapons experts is, by very high probability, a neutron bomb that could only have been an Israeli attack. The analysis: A. Its not a conventional 2k lb bomb. It’s much bigger. B. Its either a very large MOAB bigger than 4,000 lbs. or; ???? Max weight for an F-15 / 16 is about 2,000 lb payload per bomb rack... more »
Top reading at this top blog
So these were the most popular posts here on NOT PC this week. Did you miss any? - Quote of the Day: “The Greens are as dead in the water as Labour…” - What Led to the Magna Carta? War and Taxes - So why would you want to amalgamate councils anyway? - LEAKY HOMES, Part 2: What’s going on inside your walls? - Quote of the Day: On traffic jams - “Real wages are, virtually to their full extent, the product of past labour” And this was the one I most enjoyed myself: - Technology Needs Capital To Produce Economic Growth Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com ... more »
The Neutron Bomb
*“**Efficiency and progress is ours once more * *Now that we have the Neutron bomb * *It's nice and quick and clean and gets things done..."* *Kill the Poor,* *The Dead Kennedys * Confirmed - Israeli-Saudi Tactical Nuclear Strike : Yemen May 20th 2015 from Spike EP on Vimeo. Analysis by Jeff Smith who is a nuclear physicist and former IAEA inspector: A video received from Yemen, believed to be taken May 20, 2015, of an explosion, when analyzed by nuclear weapons experts is, by very high probability, a neutron bomb that could only have been an Israeli attack. The analys