Ice thinning rates in Greenland (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
... another reason why the ice in Greenland is melting ... existing model calculations were based on a consideration of the ice cap. ... Under Central Greenland,the ...
Acidity and volcanism. . . . . . . . . . . . 79 ... the exploration of the Greenland ice cap. ... expedition toGreenland had long been under
Margin of the Greenland ice sheet (view from plane) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Change in surface CO 3 2- ion from the 1700s to the 1990s (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Moored Autonomous pCO2 (MAP-CO2) Buoy for ocean acidification research. Buoy engineered and deployed by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: This sensor, attached to a NOAA CREWS station, collects pCO2 and temperature data every hour and transmits it via satellite to a NOAA laboratory where data are utilized in understanding ocean acidification effects on coral reef ecosystems. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"Present day" (1990s) sea surface pH (Photo credit: Wikipedia)