English: Histopathogic image of senile plaques seen in the cerebral cortex in a patient with Alzheimer disease of presenile onset. Silver impregnation. The same case as shown in a file "Alzheimer_dementia_(1)_presenile_onset.jpg". (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Chemtrails.See www.humanitytranscending.com (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A healthy brain compared to a brain suffering from Alzheimer's Disease (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Chemtrails New York City (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Chemtrails: Classic "X" Pattern (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The UK taxpayer will be stuck with a bill for almost three and a half billion dollars to modernise the nation's nuclear arsenal even though polls suggest the majority of the population think it's a waste of money. Renewing the US-built Trident missiles will happen over a 50 year time span. And is likely to leave the UK's nuclear capability dependent on Washington.
Very Heavy Chemtrails 4/11/14. At What Point will people WAKE UP and Realize Chemtrails are murdering us slowly and Causing Alzheimers?
The Chemtrails are super heavy. They are heavily chemtrailing the skies today. April 11 2014. This has to STOP! It is because of the poisons in the air, people are getting Alzheimers and Dementia. It is because of the chemtrails bees, birds and animals are dying. It is because of chemtrails we are being murdered with slow death! People need to WAKE UP and DEMAND this be STOPPED!
Musical Interlude: Adventure Cargo, "The Secret Chamber"
Adventure Cargo, “The Secret Chamber” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DgBySfL1G0
Classroom Activity: Commitment Problems
This activity comes after students are to have listened to a lecture (slides) on commitment problems. The lecture focused in particular on how the anticipation of future shifts in power can create incentives for preventive war. After walking them through a formal model fleshing out the argument, I then discussed the role of preventive motives in the US Continue reading
The Astounding Conspiracy Theories of Wall Street Genius Mark Gorton
http://gawker.com/the-astounding-conspiracy-theories-of-wall-street-geniu-1561427624The Astounding Conspiracy Theories of Wall Street Genius Mark Gorton Mark Gorton is a prominent financier and a respected entrepreneur. He founded the music sharing site Limewire, and he runs Tower Research, a famed high-frequency trading firm. Gorton also believes that the "ruthless" secret cabal that assassinated JFK and planned 9/11 could be coming to kill his family. Mark Gorton does not have a reputation as a crackpot. Quite the opposite. He's been favorably profiled in the New York Ti... more »
Kahlil Gibran, "A Poet's Voice XV, Part Four"
"A Poet's Voice XV, Part Four" by Kahlil Gibran "You are my brother, but why are you quarreling with me? Why do you invade my country and try to subjugate me for the sake of pleasing those who are seeking glory and authority? Why do you leave your wife and children and follow Death to the distant land for the sake of those who buy glory with your blood, and high honor with your mother's tears? Is it an honor for a man to kill his brother man? If you deem it an honor, let it be an act of worship, and erect a temple to Cain who slew his brother Abel. Is self-preservation the first ... more »
Musical Interlude: Afshin, “Prayer of Change”
Afshin, “Prayer of Change” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75SGQ65QhaU
"Intellectual Prostitutes..."
"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 a week for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for things, and if any of you would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my pape... more »
什麼是可怕的是,土地管理局是政府的文化的一部分,認為它可以成功地懲罰了美國人民與有罪不罰和致命武力行使他們的憲法權利。 他們的行動,如推孕婦在地上;推著57歲的奶奶在地,只是為了拍照,並tazing的邦迪家族的一員,惡臭以色列國防軍的戰術對巴勒斯坦人的。 不幸的是,它沒有出現,這將結束好。我完全期待看到這個屬性的一個巨大的,戲劇性的收購,擁有一批死亡和受傷。我希望到地獄,我錯在這裡,但是這是一個政府可以永遠,永遠承認這是錯誤的。 但在目前,土地管理局有一個公共關係的噩夢,並迫使該問題將於事無補。 祝你好運美國人,你會需要它!
Noncompete Agreements Are Bad For Economic Development, Says Venture Capital Group
I've been talking awhile about the move afoot in Massachusetts to ban noncompete agreements. This week, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick announced an economic development package that included a plan to ban noncompetes. You'd think big business would be screaming about this, but there are some business interests that actually support the ban, especially in the tech sector. One big supporter is the New England Venture Capital Association, a group that puts investors with businesses. Here's what they say about noncompete agreements: Today the Governor announced an economic develo... more »
Two New TV Spots-- Tom Guild (OK-05) And Pat Murphy (IA-01)
As a state legislator-- and Speaker of the House-- Pat Murphy has been working tirelessly and effectively for ordinary Iowa families for many years. They know it and we've written about it before. Blue America endorsed him and we've been asking our supporters to help his campaign. Yesterday, hours after he got the Human Rights Campaign endorsement, he released his first TV ad (above). His district has a PVI of D+5 and Obama beat McCain with 58% and beat Romney with 56%. His most recent FEC statement shows his campaign with $224,288 cash on hand. He is favored to win a crowded pri... more »
Krugman discusses the evil and ugly!
*FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2014* *Matthews ridicules accents:* In this morning’s column, Paul Krugman discusses the decision by several dozen states to reject the expansion of Medicaid. When he quotes Jonathan Gruber, a strong word is used, then affirmed: KRUGMAN (4/11/14): What’s amazing about this wave of rejection is that it appears to be motivated by pure spite. The federal government is prepared to pay for Medicaid expansion, so it would cost the states nothing, and would, in fact, provide an inflow of dollars. The health economist Jonathan Gruber, one of the principal architects of ... more »
Greg Hunter,"Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.11.14"
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.11.14"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com This headline is only half right–“Putin turns up the heat in Ukraine.” It should read, Obama and Putin turn up the heat. I think this is the big story, and it is being underreported. It has both financial and real war implications. Let’s start with what Russia is doing. It is now going to issue a new bond based in the yuan. Are you getting that? This is yet another move away from using the U.S. dollar to settle international trade. Russia is also hiking the price of natural gas to Ukraine by at least 50% in May. The... more »
A Most Opportune Death
well, it wasn't for Flaherty but it most certainly is for Harper. We will all die. Every one of us. But let us consider Flaherty's CONvenient demise and how Harper will play it out. All in all, Flaherty's sudden death after dumping Harper and his party, is awfully CONvenient for PMSHithead - if he needs to strike fear in his partisans. Paul Wells, a most rigorous and understated political reporter, gives us an insight into the internal gears of Harper's CPC that are grinding Canadians down as well as a portrait of a corporate conservative, here. Flaherty's death offers Harper'... more »
*City Council delays voting on Holy Cross proposal, Perez architects' petition contains forgeries ~New Orleans Advocate* *Reward offered for information on bald eagle’s killing ~Advocate *
Supreme Court restores pre-trial credit for offenders; yet another SCC decision against recent Government initiatives
*R. v. Summers*, 2014 SCC 26: The *Truth in Sentencing Act*, passed in 2009, changed the statutory regime governing credit for pre‑sentence detention. Parliament modified s. 719(3) of the *Criminal Code* to limit credit for pre‑trial custody “to a maximum of one day for each day spent in custody”. Parliament also provided in s. 719(3.1) that despite that limit, “if the circumstances justify it, the maximum is one and one‑half days for each day spent in custody”. In this case, the accused was on remand for 10.5 months. The sentencing judge assigned a credit calcu... more »
Desireless - Voyage Voyage
Constituency meeting this evening rules out substantive blogging. So wrap your ears around this, an excellent ditty only connoisseurs of French 80s pop are likely to have encountered.
Tweet from Israel Mission to UN (@IsraelinUN)
Hezbollah are violating United Nations Resolution 1701. Don't expect any coverage on the BBC... Israel Mission to UN (@IsraelinUN) tweeted at 3:24 PM on Fri, Apr 11, 2014: Amb. Prosor's letter to @secgen regarding #Hezbollah's violations of resolution #1701 http://t.co/MK1r864vKU (https://twitter.com/IsraelinUN/status/454625931483947009)
Harvard professors' fossil fuel divestment letter
I was told about a letter signed by some Harvard faculty urging the president and the Harvard Corporation to eliminate the fossil-fuel investments from the endowment and to otherwise harass and discriminate against the fine folks who work in that industry and the other investors: HarvardFacultyDivestment.COM (open letter) Fortunately for Harvard and the system (because Harvard is considered a role model by many others), Drew Gilpin Faust – the new president that replaced Larry Summers – continues to be sensible. See what she recently told the brainwashed babe at the Harvard Yard. ... more »
Debtor Dynasties
The Kochs and the Waltons have their patrimonial dynasties. The Bushes and the Clintons have their political dynasties. And just so we won't feel left out, we regular folk have been gifted with our very own debtor dynasties. Now that the deficit hawks and the plutocrats who own them have been at least temporarily rebuffed in their quest to trim (Democrats) and slash (Republicans) the safety net, the poobahs have decreed that we are now responsible for our ancestors' alleged Social Security overpayments, even if they date back to the last century. So, if you were hoping for an incom... more »
LET’S PLAY DUMBBELL: A typical scam!
*FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2014* *Part 5—Concerning the Mastro report:* A person can get extremely dumb watching the cable show Hardball. Dumbing down viewers isn’t just for Fox News any more! Consider what Hardball viewers were told last week about the Mastro report. Also, consider what got withheld. Chris Matthews discussed the Mastro report on Monday and Tuesday nights of last week. On each occasion, he gave the impression that his producers had dug up amazing material in the four thousand pages of supporting materials which were released along with the Mastro report itself. Below, you... more »
calmly we walk through this april's day
Time is the school in which we learn, Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz
Guidance System fail- Shoe Thrower misses Hillary Clinton
If only the system would have locked on target! National Post *Unfortunately too many sychophants in the audience* Many in the audience of more than 1,000 people in a large ballroom laughed and applauded as Clinton resumed her speech *Hillary Clinton is NOT a positive role model for women* Though she is always presented as such. By the media and herself. The woman is a psycopath
April 11: A two-page obituary
I'm sure that Jim Flaherty, former minister of finance, was a worthy and loved man. But most of us just get a few words ending in "missed by all". With all that is happening in the world, and even in NB, I don't see how a newspaper can devote so much space to the death of even a former cabinet minister. On the front page is just about the only important story in the whole paper. The abortion clinic, a private one, in Fredericton is closing simply because it cannot afford to stay open. It needs a provincial subsidy. Dr. Morgenthaler, who built the clinic, always found New Brunswick ... more »
Wild Bill: Cowboys and Snipers...
*is it really about the tortoises? * *Statement from Clive Bundy's daughter:* * By SHIREE BUNDY COX: * *I have had people ask me to explain my dad’s stance on this BLM fight.* *Here it is in as simple of terms as I can explain it. There is so much to it, but here it is in a nut shell.* *My great grandpa bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887 around there. Then he sold them to my grandpa who then turned them over to my dad in 1972.* *These men bought and paid for their rights to the range and also built waters, fences and roads to assure the survival of th... more »
It's just another day sometimes you feel so sad sings Paul McCartney living, breathing heart still beating still feeling the outrage it's just another day it's just another day The job of an organizer is to get things popping up in many places create buzz gets more folks thinking and talking standing up on their feet again feeling human and for once not just an agent of the corporate machine a peg in the board It's actually fun to see the pot stirred in a positive way that touches the mind, heart and emotion Now and then you stumble onto a winning card the people want to rise the ov... more »
This is the rail gun that will be onboard the new Zumwalt stealth destroyer that gets 'christened' on Saturday at Bath Iron Works in Maine. The rail gun projectile can travel at seven times the speed of sound. It's interesting the way folks in the video get so excited about lowering the costs for these killing devices. We are supposed to all cheer along. It is an indication though that we are having some impact, slight as it might be, because finally the Pentagon is under serious pressure to cut costs. But the high-tech weapons corporations want more *$$$* to dream up new exp... more »
Call for Papers on Youth Politics
[image: IMG_7900] I'm going to take a couple of days off to bike. Emotionally drained and burned out from the events of the last few weeks. But here's an important call for papers. 10月在華盛頓DC有一場研討會,主辦單位希望有一個panel給研究生寫太陽花運動(及野草莓/野百合),假如有人10月寫得出來的可以考慮投稿,有交通補助。 --- Lilies, Strawberries, and Sunflowers: In search of papers on Taiwan youth politics” CALL FOR PAPERS I am organizing a panel on youth politics in Taiwan for the American Association for Chinese Studies annual conference, and I need a couple more papers. Given what’s going on in Taiwan these days, there must be people who want... more »
*Jackson Square artist permitting process criticized this French Quarter Festival * *Four years after BP disaster, erosion quickens along Gulf shore* *Mississippi River Is Ranked Third Most Endangered In The Country* *Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival!!!* *Shorter red snapper season ahead for Gulf Coast*
Thoughts on the Passing of Jim Flaherty
I don't subscribe to the ludicrous notion that we must not speak ill of the dead. Tell you what; after I die, yeez kin say anything you want about me and I PROMISE I won't get mad. The shameless hypocrites of the right-wing and such institutions as SUN Media will probably take this post as a sign of the burning, irrational hatred typical of the left, but they'll put "ROT IN HELL!!!" beside the picture of someone they don't like on the day of their death. I'm not going to say that about Jimbo Flaherty. I'm simply going to say that I think he was a dangerously deluded simpleton whose... more »
So You Want to be a Liberal Arts College Professor: Is there a Future for the Liberal Arts?
Last year I wrote a post titled “So You Want to be a Liberal Arts Professor.” At the time, I promised a series of pieces on the subject, but then my job as a liberal arts college professor got in the way…. Oh well. Among other things, I got mired in a faculty committee examining Continue reading
Meet Dave Cole-- Progressive Congressional Candidate In South Jersey
This week, several of the Blue America candidates were at the PCCC training in Washington. Some of them called me and e-mailed me and told me they were really impressed with a smart young guy we hadn't been writing about, Dave Cole, the progressive who wants to take on Frank LoBiondo. So I called Dave and started the conservation. I can see why everyone is so impressed. He's a software engineer and former technology advisor at the Obama White House. Within a minute of beginning a conversation you can see he's a knowledgeable and committed progressive, motivated by, as he puts it, ...more »
Europe watch April 11 , 2014 -- European Stocks Collapse As German Bund Yields Hit 10-Month Lows .... Was Greece on Thursday issuing 5 year debt at all , let alone at a yield of 4.95 percent , the sign of an PIIGS debt market " sold to you " top ? Greek Bond Final Term Sheet: Upsized, Eight Times Oversubscribed, And Yielding 4.95%
European Stocks Collapse As German Bund Yields Hit 10-Month Lows [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/11/2014 08:12 -0400 - Bond - European Central Bank - Italy - NASDAQ - Portugal inShare1 *Overnight weakness in Asia spilled into Europe and the bloodbath is continuing*- especially in the peripheral markets which have until now been invincible in the face of deteriorating fundamentals. Just like US hyper-growth hope, Portugal, Spain, and Italy stock markets have soared this year - among the world's best performers - but are gettin... more »
They're Getting Worried
This week, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives put out a media release in which they insisted that their taxes were *not *too low. Linda McQuaig writes: This defensive posture — who mentioned murder? — reveals they fear others may be slowly catching on to the massive transfer of wealth to the richest Canadians that’s been going on for the past 14 years due to the systematic cutting of corporate tax rates. After all, if corporate taxes were where they were fourteen years ago, we’d be collecting roughly an extra $20 billion a year in taxes — enough to fund national child ca... more »
Dow Bellweather stock JP Morgan misses on top and bottom line as " Earnings Season " gets into swing -- JPM Misses Top And Bottom Line, Slammed By Collapse In Mortgage Origination, Slide In Fixed Income Trading .....
JPM Misses Top And Bottom Line, Slammed By Collapse In Mortgage Origination, Slide In Fixed Income Trading [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/11/2014 07:45 -0400 - fixed - GAAP - Jamie Dimon - net interest margin - New Normal - Yield Curve inShare So much for the infallible Mr. Dimon. Moments ago, JPM reported Q1 earnings which missed across the board, driven by the now traditional double whammy of collapsing mortgage revenues - the lifeblood of any old normal bank - and fixed income trading revenues - the lifeblood of new... more »
Ukraine Updates April 11 , 2014 --Kiev backpedals on referendums after deadline to stop protest expires - The U-turn comes after Ukraine’s elite Alpha unit reportedly refused to obey an order to besiege protester-held buildings. At a session of law enforcement officials in Donetsk, one of the Alpha commanders said that he and his men are a force intended for rescuing hostages and fighting terrorism and will only act in accordance with the law, local media reported. ........ Donetsk Separatists Warn Civilians at Risk if Govt Attacks Protesters Spurn 'Amnesty' Offer as Ultimatum Deadline Nears .....Russia's Lavrov says NATO forces in Eastern Europe would violate agreements ........ Russia: NATO Photos of Forces Near Ukraine Were Taken Last August Ukraine Troops Involved in Drill Shown in Images
Kiev backpedals on referendums after deadline to stop protest expires Published time: April 11, 2014 09:52 Edited time: April 11, 2014 10:50 Get short URL [image: Ukraine federalization supporters carrying sand sacks for building barricades around the building of the regional administration in Donetsk on April 10, 2014. (RIA Novosti)] Ukraine federalization supporters carrying sand sacks for building barricades around the building of the regional administration in Donetsk on April 10, 2014. (RIA Novosti) Share on tumblr Trends Ukraine turmoil Tags Politics, Protest, Security, Ukraine J... more »
Gold and Silver Updates April 9 , 2014 Bankers are using HFT algos to manipulate gold and silver prices ( but we know this , right ? Why would PMs be different from everything else ? ) - Petro - dollar Fading ( Stephen Leeb ) , gold price "managed by Government ( Agnico - Eagle CEO Boyd ) ...... Gold manipulation commentaries ( John Crudele , J.S.Kim ) ..... Chines physical gold demand ( Koos Jansen ) for March 2014 - 559 MT YTD , up 16 percent ..... Jesse's Cafe Americain - Daily Gold and Silver Weekly chart , CME data - note 126,437 ounces withdrawn from Eligible Category on 4/8/14 .....
Catharsis Ours - 8 hours ago
GATA..... Leeb sees petro-dollar fading; Boyd acknowledges gold price is 'managed' Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2014-04-09 04:37. Section: Daily Dispatches 12:35a ET Wednesday, April 9, 2014 Dear Friend of GATA and Gold: At King World News fund manager Stephen Leeb sees the world transitioning away from the petro-dollar into a mechanism pricing oil in a basket of currencies: http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2014/4/8_Col... And Agnico-Eagle CEO Sean Boyd acknowledges that the gold price is "managed" by governments as part of their general intervention in curr... more »
The Weaponization of Western “Aid” for Syria
[image: 5754]*April 11, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The UN and the United States have laid blame squarely on the Syrian government for blocking international aid convoys from reaching victims of Syria’s ongoing conflict. The BBC in its article, “Syria crisis: UN says no aid improvement despite vote,” claimed: *The UN has said that there has been no humanitarian improvement for millions of Syrians since the Security Council passed a resolution last month to increase aid deliveries.* *UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos said that much of the blame lay with President Bashar al-As... more »
Aspartame’s Name Changed to Amino Sweet: A Toxin By Another Name is Still a Toxin by Christina Sarich
Aspartame’s Name Changed to Amino Sweet: A Toxin By Another Name is Still a Toxin by Christina Sarich Natural Society, 10 April 2014 Natural Society has been talking about the dangers of Aspartame for quite some time now. It is a dangerous artificial sweetener found in many of the foods we consume every day, including soft drinks, chewing gum, breakfast cereals, and jams. *Now, it’s important to know that aspartame may be disguised as a new name in your favorite foods – aminosweet.* Used as a sugar substitute and often marketed as Nutrasweet and Equal, *aspartame* is an excit... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, “An Ocean Apart”
2002, “An Ocean Apart” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfPONyDT_WQ
Look To The Stars, But Walk Calmly - A Quote by M.N. Hopkins
*Look to the stars, but walk calmly upon the Earth.* M.N. Hopkins
Press Release from Michèle Rivasi, MEP France: Gardasil: An International Scandal
Gardasil: An International Scandal Sane Vax, Inc. 10 April 2014 Michèle Rivasi, MEP Vice-Chair of the Greens/EFA in the European Parliament, organized a press conference in Paris on April 2, the topic was Gardasil, a vaccine from Sanofi-Pasteur MSD against certain human papillomavirus responsible for cancer. In the space of seven years, nearly 2 million young women aged 13-26 years received at least one dose of this vaccine in France, reimbursed at 65% by the Social Security … even though the evidence of its effectiveness has not yet been proven.` For Michèle Rivasi, it is li... more »
Next time you hear someone advocate for single-payer healthcare, remember this
From the *NY Times*: Two Florida doctors who received the nation’s highest Medicare reimbursements in 2012 are both major contributors to Democratic Party causes, and they have turned to the political system in recent years to defend themselves against suspicions that they may have submitted fraudulent or excessive charges to the federal government.... Topping the list is Dr. Salomon E. Melgen, 59, an ophthalmologist from North Palm Beach, Fla., who received $21 million in Medicare reimbursements in 2012 alone.... Dr. Melgen’s firm donated more than $700,000 to Majority PAC, a s... more »
April 10: The impact of our news media....
Check out in the letter of the day in Letters to the Editor. It has ever piece of illogic and myth about Ukraine I have seen in our press. For a combination of illogic and myth, take a look at the writer's analogy of Putin and Hitler. Both, he says, were military men. Wow! That says it all, doesn't it? (actually, Putin was not military. He was state police - but we'll let that one pass.) Well, that certainly proves Putin was evil, just like Hitler and all those other military men who have come to political power - George Washington, the Duke of Wellington, Winston Churchill, J.F. Ke... more »
Diplomat who won EU exit essay prize silenced by government - Telegraph
If anybody seriously believes that a Conservative government with David Cameron as Prime Minister would allow the British people a referendum on membership of the EU then read this Telegraph article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/10758301/Diplomat-who-won-EU-exit-essay-prize-silenced-by-government.html
Sheldon's farewell to string theory: a fun episode with some serious problems
For almost 7 years, I have been an enthusiastic fan of The Big Bang Theory. The CBS sitcom is in its seventh season. Each episode lasts 20 minutes or so. So far, 155 episodes have been aired. I am pretty sure that I've seen every single one of them – in average, I've watched an episode of TBBT 3 times – partly in the original, partly in the Czech dubbing which I started to love pretty soon. The initial seasons have a higher number of views than the newest ones. So you may see that I have spent something like 155 hours of quality time with the sitcom. This figure vastly understates h... more »
Energy Econ 17: Brown outs in Mindanao, Thin Reserves in Luzon
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Earth Hour campaigners could be jumping with joy with this news. Up to six Earth Hours everyday in some areas of Mindanao, wow. *KIDAPAWAN CITY -- Power consumers in Cotabato City have been experiencing two to three rotating power interruptions due to limited power supply Cotabato Light and Power Company (Colight) had been getting from the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP).* *In North Cotabato, last year’s long hours of brownout could even go higher as Mindanao’s power supply deteriorates.* *Kidapawan City and other service areas ... more »
*Fox News Covers Heartland Climate Change Work* The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) has been in Washington, DC this week to release Climate Change Reconsidered II: Biological Impacts. We are really pleased to call your attention to coverage we received Wednesday on “Special Report with Bret Baier,” the Fox News Channel’s flagship 6 p.m. ET news program. Heartland President Joe Bast said, “It doesn’t get any better than this.” Baier’s show regularly beats its competition on CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, and HLN combined, by a substantial margin. This was the se... more »
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Mystery - Day 34 April 10 . 2014 -CURIOUS LACK OF DEBRIS: Was MH370 carefully landed in ocean & allowed to slowly SINK? ( Or did it land on lans somewhere - let's ask that question ) ..... Efforts to locates floating debris associated with flight 370 continue as 14 Military and Civilian Aircraft , along with 13 Ships are assisting in search efforts today ........ the hunt for additional black box pings continues as the search area continues to narrow , searchers are more optimistic the plan may be shortly found - but note the difficulties ahead in recovering the black boxes in the extremely deep waters ! We literally are in uncharted waters , at a depth of 15 000 feet !
Catharsis Ours - 12 hours ago
Late Afternoon / Evening April 10 , 2014 ( EDT ) Updates ... http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com .was-mh370-deliberately-landed-in-ocean-allowed-to-slowly-sink-is-this-why-there-is-no-debris ? ( Authorities reduced to speculating as to two explanations but why not consider a third one - that the plane landed elsewhere and on land ? ) Thursday, 10 April 2014 16:00CURIOUS LACK OF DEBRIS: Was MH370 carefully landed in ocean & allowed to slowly SINK? - font size [image: decrease font size] [image: increase font size] - Print - E-mail - Comments (9) Rate this item ... more »
Mic check, oh you glittering twitterati!
72 year old Ted Musson is walking the 5,000 kilometers from Victoria BC to Ottawa to protest election fraud, both in the 2011 federal election and now the Fair Elections Act. Two years ago, he gave up his subsidized apartment, bought a 1979 RV for $2000 and set out for Ottawa with a hand-painted sign on his back : Walking to Ottawa. Protesting illegal government. Health issues stalled him out in Lethbridge for the winter, but now he's back on the road, aiming for 15K a day on his pedometer and then doubling back to pick up the RV. At this rate it will be a 10,000K hike to Otta... more »
If The Fringe Right Forces Boehner Out As Speaker, America's First Jewish Speaker Will Be One Of The Most Right-Wing Speakers In History
Debbie Wasserman Schultz fancies herself the female Rahm Emanuel in several, mostly dysfunctional, ways. But one has been her determination to be "the first Jewish Speaker of the House." A deal among Democratic caucus members last year seemed to have left that path open for the controversial Wasserman Schultz. But that didn't take a very different possibility into account. No, not progressive fellow Floridians Alan Grayson… Eric Cantor. In this morning's *National Journal*, Tim Alberta, writing about the fringe right's dissatisfaction with Boehner, highlighted the irony that the fi... more »
Review - Norwex Products
[image: Review of Norwex Products]*Bacteria causes odors in kitchen towels*Have you ever experienced "Sour" kitchen towels? It is a nasty odor caused by bacteria which thrives on moisture. Damp kitchen towels are the perfect breeding ground for these stinky "critters". Unfortunately, the bacteria aren't deterred by washing clothes in cold water. I did a search on ways to get rid of that smell and all methods required the use of hot water and either bleach or vinegar (bleach being the preferred method). I wash in cold water and I don't use bleach. Vinegar works to a degree ... but it... more »
SEATTLE: Natives protest and support hunger strikers in detention centers
Photos by Andrew Ironshell, Lakota . Photos by Andrew Ironshell, Lakota. Native Americans joined protests today in solidarity with hunger strikers in detention centers. Natives Americans protested at Homeland Security and at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation pressing the Gates to divest in private prisons. "The Original Homeland Security counted coup on Barack's
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Spiral galaxy ESO 137-001 hurtles through massive galaxy cluster Abell 3627 some 220 million light years away. The distant galaxy is seen in this colorful Hubble/Chandra composite image through a foreground of the Milky Way's stars toward the southern constellation Triangulum Australe. As the spiral speeds along at nearly 7 million kilometers per hour, its gas and dust are stripped away when ram pressure with the cluster's own hot, tenuous intracluster medium overcomes the galaxy's gravity. *Click image for larger size.* Evident in Hubble's near visible light data, bright star clus... more »
More REAL History Revealed: US Role In Rwandan Genocide
Periodically I bring forward to this blog some real truths about our history, and not the bullshit shoved into our brains by being exposed to decades of brainwashing through our failed education system and of course the crap spewed by the criminals in the Jewish controlled mainstream media…. I have always said that the old saying about history is absolutely correct: "If we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it"…. For this article, I want to present a very startling video that exposes some bitter truths about the Rwandan genocides and massacres that occurred in that ... more »
High Frequency traders struck by Fidelity April 10 , 2014 ... The HFT Blowback Continues: Fidelity Creates New Trading Venue ....... which folloed Charles Schwab's blast at HFT ... and of course Michael Lewis seminal 60 Minutes Interview and follow on interviews on financial television....
HFTs must feel their world has been destroyed in an instant........... The HFT Blowback Continues: Fidelity Creates New Trading Venue [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/10/2014 20:49 -0400 - Dark Pools - dark pools - Equity Markets - HFT - Institutional Investors - Michael Lewis inShare1 In what the firm believes will be an *improvement over other so-called dark pools* because it will be a collaboration among big mutual-fund firms, WSJ reports that the giant fund manager is quietly building a new trading venue design... more »
Heartbleed Open SSL vulnerability and first possible attack Updates for April 9 , 2014 , Bitcoin news of note also for April 9 , 2014 ....National Australia Bank Turns Back on Bitcoin, Closes Accounts ......... Bitcoin industry reacts to Heartbleed vulnerability as patches have been implemented in hours .......Regulation efforts / updates / commentaries pertaining to the US , Brazil and Japan ...... Mt Gox Updates.....
Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago
HEARTBLEED...... Heartbleed: Moving Toward Government Control of the Internet - [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image: Prison Planet TV][image: Infowars.com Twitter][image: Alex Jones' Facebook][image: Infowars store] Company that found bug has connections to Google, Obama, DHS, and FBI *Kurt Nimmo* Infowars.com April 9, 2013 Dire warnings about Heartbleed, a serious internet security risk affecting millions of websites, is echoing across the internet today. Described as a flaw in OpenSSL, the open source encryption technology used by the va... more »
You Tell Them, Dr. Finn: Testing Today and Testing Forever
In a segment of a documentary some years back that assessed the Civil Rights Movement and its effects on education in America, Professor Chester Finn rightfully put into context all the unnecessary trouble that had been created for what, pray tell: I don't doubt that some things are better off and I think that not being able to discriminate kids on the basis of their skin color is progress for the society--but it sure led to a lot of litigation and lawsuits and busing programs and whit flight activities and a whole slew of other things that many people would regard as having been ha... more »
Armen Alchian on Ownership and Property Rights
If you can’t trade rights, then you can’t trade. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
The Weather Vane
[image: Picture] This time now brings with it direction. Like a weather vane, you’ve been turning with each shift of energy. These winds are slowing down now, and you find yourself focused or at the very least starting to focus on one place. All of the preparations and “upgrades” if you will, have changed both you and your life. You are not the same you that you were prior to 12-21-12 and probably not thinking about the same things. This evolution taking place for so many has and is altering the course of the planet. You are One. So where are you headed? As you participate in... more »
“War Against The Weak”
*“War Against The Weak”* by Robert Kirkconnell "Teachers of children in the United States of America wrote this date on blackboards again and again, and asked the children to memorize it with pride and joy: 1492. The teachers told the children that this was when their continent was discovered by human beings. Actually, millions of human beings were already living full and imaginative lives on the continent in 1492. That was simply the year in which sea pirates began to cheat and rob and kill them. The chief weapon of sea pirates, however, was their capacity to astonish. Nobody else... more »
There's no excuse for Jim DeMoron, and still less excuse for people who take him in any way seriously
*The shame of Dan Quayle wasn't that he was so lazy or stupid, or even that he has led a life and reaped the rewards of wholly undeserved privilege. The shame is that he has the arrogance to present himself on the public stage -- and has been so successful.* *"Jim DeMint is correct that there was a belligerent during the American Civil War that rejected 'big government.' He’s just wrong about which side that was."* *-- Ian Millhiser, in * "Head Of Top Conservative Think Tank Makes Spectacularly Uninformed Statement About Slavery" *by Ken* You remember the famous Dan Quayle potato-...more »
Woody's Last Wank
Stephen Woodworth has blown his last wad. He needed unanimous consent in Parliament today to move his "worth and dignity", aka "Women Are Mere Vessels for the Worth and Dignity of Blobs of Tissue" gambit forward. He did not get it. Stephen Woodworth, Member of Parliament for Kitchener Centre, today asked Members of Parliament to unanimously agree that every Canadian law must be interpreted in a manner which recognizes the equal worth and dignity of everyone who is in fact a human being. Woodworth asked the House of Commons, “Who here wants to deny the equal worth and dignity of any... more »
Bundy Ranch Updates April 10 , 2014 --UPDATE: Up to 5,000 Armed Militia Members Will Be Arriving in Bunkerville, Nevada Today .......... Insurrection in Nevada ? 20 Cowboys Break Fed Blockade in Nevada, Retrieve Cattle .....
Catharsis Ours - 18 hours ago
UPDATE: Up to 5,000 Armed Militia Members Will Be Arriving in Bunkerville, Nevada Today Kimberly Paxton April 10th, 2014 The Daily Sheeple Comments (318) Read by 26,536 people 3537 222 4216 *Update: Word on the street from sources close to the militia movement is that up to 5,000 armed militia members will be arriving in Bunkerville, Nevada sometime today. (See full report below)* *SHTFplan.com Editor’s Note:* It is apparent that the Federal government was under the impression that they could simply move into the ranch land surrounding Bunkerville, NV and have their way with t... more »
Trey Gowdy attacks ex-IRS official Lois Lerner...
*who, by the way, was held in contempt of court today. * Put her in a cell right next to Elijah Cummings.
Kathleen Sebelius finally released from Obamacare's fifth circle of hell ! Sebelius to resign as secretary of HHS - So , she rushed out the door as soon as gracefully possible after the March 31 , 2014 , kinda of , sort of deadline for Obamacare enrollment !
Obamacare Claims Its Latest Victim: Kathleen Sebelius Resigns As US Health Secretary [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/10/2014 18:37 -0400 - Obama Administration - Obamacare - Time Magazine - White House inShare1 Obamacare has been such a smashing success that the US Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius just couldn't wait until days after its "successful" roll out to get the hell out of dodge. Michael D. Shear @*shearm* Follow Sebelius is out. HHS secretary has told Obama she is resigning. Obama to nominate OMB's Sylvia Matthews Burw... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Lawton, Oklahoma, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"The Level Of Intelligence..."
“If Man were relieved of all superstition, and all prejudice, and had replaced these with a keen sensitivity to his real environment, and moreover had achieved a level of communication so simplified that one syllable could express his every thought, then he would have achieved the level of intelligence already achieved by his dog.” ~ Robert Brault
Are Corporate Mercenaries Assisting Neo-Nazis in Ukraine?
With the coup installed government in Kiev about to engage in some very serious skull cracking in order to put down a mounting rebellion in Eastern Ukraine cities there have been some accounts that hired guns from corporate mercenary firms are augmenting the local paramilitary police forces. With the pushback against the US backed “Yats” regime and it’s neo-Nazi shock troops it is imperative that a real version of the Euromaiden “revolution” not be allowed to take root to oust the stooges of the corporate global finance mafia. Foretelling what will likely be a massive orgy of sta... more »
How much longer does Postmedia have?
I’m rooting for Postmedia. But the latest quarterly results released Thursday don’t offer much hope for the future of the corporation. Since the company took over the assets of Canwest in 2010, it has gone from weakness to weakness. The problems aren’t unique to Postmedia, of course. Newspapers and other traditional media are being hammered by a loss of audience and advertising revenues. Postmedia was slow to accept that reality. And its response has been inadequate. Basically, the corporate strategy is to cut costs, increase digital revenue and try to get readers to pay more for cont... more »
We Need to Do More than Talk about the Goddamn Test
Some of us have been waiting a long time for mainstream educators to realize that corporate education reform is not about closing the achievement gap but, rather, closing public schools. Since 2002, standardized tests have been used to label, demonize teachers, sort and culturally-sterilize students, and shut down schools to benefit the education technology complex and the low-life losers of the charter industry. I think we are almost there, as you can see from the op-ed below, but there is no amount of talk that will alter the course that CorpEd has chosen. Bodies will be requir... more »
I went to Portland today with my friend Peter (who took these photos) to join the rally and march against University of Southern Maine's (USM) proposed cuts of 13 faculty members (nine of which are women) as well as several liberal arts programs. There have been a series of protests in recent days after USM students learned that their school was being hollowed out in order to be turned into a vocational facility. Calling the teacher firings "retrenchment" the administration of USM is pursuing an austerity program that will have severe impact on the working class students who att... more »
Eisenhower Briefing Document, MJ-12, and the Washington Alert
I am often stunned by the mental gymnastics of some to keep a cherished belief alive in the face of documented facts and reliable testimony. I am often surprised when something that I believe to be obvious from the evidence available is rejected for speculation that has no supporting proof. When the facts line up, when there is good evidence for a conclusion, when it all seems to be so obvious to me, I simply fail to understand how it is that others can’t see with the same clarity. And yes, I know there are those who believe Roswell to be a Mogul balloon will point at me and say th... more »
Crimea is not a Realist story
[Note: This is a guest post by Jarrod Hayes, assistant professor of international relations at the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His first book, Constructing National Relations: US Relations with India and China was published by Cambridge University Press in 2013.] Jeffrey Stacey has already discussed the issue Continue reading
“This Is Wholesome: Honey Maid Has A Message For Satan and the American Decency Association”
*“This Is Wholesome: * *Honey Maid Has A Message For Satan and the American Decency Association”* by Abby Zimet “Because change happens in improbable ways, we now have Teddy Grahams embodying the struggle for basic human rights. Who nu? If you haven't heard: Nabisco's Honey Maid ran a nice ad featuring a diverse group of graham-cracker-eating families - a gay couple, an interracial couple, a tattooed punk father - with the tag line, "Everyday wholesome snacks for every wholesome family." Cue right-wing heads exploding. Then groups like One Million Moms and some decency brigade we ne... more »
“7 Really Stupid and Offensive GOP Remarks on the Day They Shot Down Equal Pay for Women”
*“7 Really Stupid and Offensive GOP Remarks on * *the Day **They Shot Down Equal Pay for Women”* Duh . . . what war on women? By Janet Allon “The GOP war on women, the poor and fairness continued Tuesday when Senate Republicans blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act, 54-43. Here’s a sampling of some of the stupider and more offensive things Republicans and their media mouthpieces said about Obama’s and the Democrats’ wildly popular push for pay parity for women on Equal Pay Day. This is the day (April 8, 2014), when women finally catch up for what men made in 2013. Republicans, though... more »
Family Dynasties (Patrimonial Capitalism?) To Control U.S. 21st Century (Clusterfuck Nation - Forward Guidance) Is the US or the World Coming to an End?
If you ask me who my favorite economists are, I have many to choose from. Presently I tend to read daily the opinions of Dean Baker, Paul Krugman, Ellen Brown, Paul Craig Roberts and Joe Stiglitz (if I have the time, of course) and the online paper, Wall Street On Parade. For spice I'll seek out essays by Marilyn Waring, Julie Nelson, Christina Romer and Carmen Reinhart. I like to keep my
Hawaii House Of Representatives Passes $10.10 Minimum Wage Bill
As expected, the political theater that is the annual battle of the budgets, yielded two defeats for progressives Wednesday. First the Congressional Black Caucus Budget was defeated 116-300 and then the more rigorously shaped Progressive Caucus budget, the Better Off Budget, went down by an even greater margin, losing 89-327. At least a majority of Democrats-- 116-76-- backed the CBC budget, which was pretty standard Democratic fare for all but the worst anti-working family Blue Dogs and New Dems. The Better Off Budget, which is truly innovative and powerful and would move America... more »
Moqtada al-Sadr Ramps Up Campaign Against Maliki Before Iraq’s Elections While His Party Is In Disarray
As Iraq’s elections draw nearer Moqtada al-Sadr and his movement are going in opposite directions. On the one hand his movement is continuing with its attacks upon Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. For the first time it appears that Sadr is serious about challenging the premier this year. On the other hand his party appears to be in disarray. It is running three separate lists and the recently created Board of Trustees that was supposed to take care of politics after Sadr’s retirement has been disbanded. This is an inauspicious start to the official campaign period before the vote. ... more »
Why I do not answer the phone anymore
You see its like lions when they identify some prey it will lead to bloodlust if I hear something so bad on the phone that I would take any other way We are talking about bullshit its coming through our pipes the onslaught it motionless and I can not protect the pipes Flood me with your come on to the point I break down one more chicken roastin on the barbaque of the down,.
Passing of Jim Flaherty
I knew Jim Flaherty personally and was deeply saddened at his sudden passing. As a lawyer Jim was top notch and had the broad respect of the Bench and Bar. In politics Jim was hard working, honest and always prepared to listen to anyone of any political stripe. He was a genuine Canadian statesman and the country is poorer without him. Obviously I send my condolences to his wife and three boys and the rest of his family. Jim's death is a great loss to us all.
BBC report only the stories that they want to report
Guido Fawkes here http://order-order.com/2014/04/10/he-lied-and-lied-and-lied-2/ has the latest on Labour's Jim Devine: 'Jailed expenses crook Jim Devine has been ordered to pay his former office manager £18,000 in damages after a judge ruled that he had defamed her to cover up his own criminality. Marion Kinley alleged Devine had “stated I’d stolen significant sums of money while office manager and the reason I did this was because I had a serious gambling problem”. The judge agreed “that when he made these statement he knew them not to be true and that they were made maliciously”... more »
RIP Jim Flaraty
He was first and foremost a Canadian. I can not speak about other current so called Conservatives so well. He did a tough job. His like will be missed.
Can Maine Head The Plutocrats Off At The Pass-- Or At Least At The Waters' Edge?
I was reading the other day that one of the poor, benighted states controlled by Republicans is about to pass a bill allowing for campaign contributions from foreign nationals, not dual citizens like Israeli agents Sheldon and Miriam Adelson, but full blown foreigners with a position they want to see supported in the U.S. Congress. The laws are lax enough-- just look at the Republican running against Mike Honda, Vanila Singh, who is apparently being funded by Indian fascist Narendra Modi through Chicago cutout Shalabh "Shalli" Kumar-- without Ohio or Wisconsin or whichever state i... more »
David Cameron's "Holocaust survivors" PR stunt
*The Jewish Chronicle*, one of the most popular and respected Jewish news outlets in the United Kingdom, announced today that Prime Minister David Cameron and the so-called Holocaust Commission has launched a nation-wide effort to identify and consult with "every survivor of Nazi persecution now living in" the UK in order to determine how *the fake "Holocaust" narrative of WWII* should be perpetuated. *The JC* reports: David Cameron’s Holocaust Commission has appealed for every Shoah survivor in Britain to come forward and take part in the project. It is hoped a nationwide search, l... more »
The problem with our health care “discussion!”
*THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014* *Medicare’s real beneficiaries:* Last week, a tribal discussion broke out, along predictably narrow lines. Had Obama achieved 7 million insurance enrollments? Or was it really much less? One tribal group kept saying, “Much less.” Within the other tribal group, a multimillionaire and his trusted companions signed up for the role of the clowns: MATTHEWS (4/3/14): For months, conservative critics have predicted the total failure of the president’s health care law. So when the president announced this week the law had enrolled over seven million people into ... more »
The Raj Chetty VAM Balloon Gets Popped
*From NEPC:* *Contact: * *William J. Mathis, (802) 383-0058, wmathis@sover.net* *Moshe Adler, (917) 453-4921, ma820@columbia.edu* URL for this press release:* http://tinyurl.com/kpwt6ft* BOULDER, CO (April 10, 2014) – A highly influential but non-peer-reviewed report on teacher impact suffers from a series of errors in methodology and calculations, according to a new review published today. Professor Moshe Adler reviewed two recent reports released in September 2013 as National Bureau of Economic Research working papers. Dr. Adler’s review for the Think Twice think tank review proje...more »
A Defence of the SWP
Another day, another SWP table gets turned over by self-described autonomist avengers. As the SWP are slowly starting to learn, actions have consequences. You can't expect your activists to behave in the most disgusting way possible towards survivors of alleged sexual abuse and shrug it off. Believe me, I was tempted to frame these actions in terms of the 'SWP had it coming'. As much as anyone else, I followed the SWP's implosion with a mixture of amazement and revulsion. But there are limits, and our trot-troubling "comrades" have trampled over them. Let's time to be blunt. The s... more »
Bill Bonner, "How to Survive at 9,000 Feet Above Sea Level”
*“How to Survive at 9,000 Feet Above Sea Level”* by Bill Bonner Gualfin, Argentina. “We have been developing an important insight into the way the economy works... with a view to understanding what might happen next. We'll return to it tomorrow. Today, we turn to matters here on the family ranch in Argentina... Ask almost any of the changos – boys – on the ranch, and he will tell you his father is "unknown." Surely the mother knows. Or maybe not. But such is the culture in this part of the Andes that fathers often do not recognize their children. Maria is not happy about it. Mar... more »
Keeping it Local with Utah Products Shipped Right To Your Door
If there is one thing my husband and I are big on, it is supporting local places. We love trying out all of the local restaurants around us, and have found some incredible gems, just by being willing to ditch our favorite chain places in search of something more unique. Merco Local Box is the takes that principle of supporting local products and services and puts it in a month subscription form. Every month you get samples from amazing local Utah companies to try, which I love. There are so many products, even local, products out on the market that I never know what to try. This gi... more »
In Defense of Poetry: “Oh My Heart”
In Defense of Poetry: “Oh My Heart”. via In Defense of Poetry: “Oh My Heart”.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Report: US Drone Casualty Estimates Are Likely Too Low
Defense analyst Lawrence Lewis has authored an unclassified report critically analyzing the metrics used to estimate civilian casualties from drone strikes.* Lewis is an analyst and field representative for the Center for Naval Analysis, which published the report today. He has led numerous projects on operational effectiveness for DOD, including the Joint Civilian Casualty Study Continue reading
Teleportation From One Location to Another
Image Credit: Wikimedia / Aliberti *Teleportation From One Location to Another* January 30, 2014 | Filed under: Breaking News,News,Sci & Tech | Posted by: Amanda Froelich By: Amanda Froelich, True Activist. The concept of teleportation mainly stems from science fiction novels and movies, but what was once considered fantasy has been validated as reality in 2014. For some time, developments in quantum theory and general relativity physics have been made, leading up to recent breakthroughs which have opened up a wide arena of study in the future. Last week, numerous teleportation br... more »
*The recent Fort Hood shooting once again brings to the surface the heavy fallout from the use of symptom based psychiatric drugs, versus source based alternative therapy, in treating our wounded veterans ~ whereas the dramatic increase in Military suicides directly coincides with the dramatic increase in dangerous psychotropic drugs: Allen L Roland * *No one really talks about the psychic damage that combat veterans feel when they take someone’s life, regardless of the military situation ~ but the effect is real and usually manifests itself as shame based guilt whereas the innate ... more »
On the Chris Hayes program, Guests Gone Wild!
*THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014* *Discussing the gender wage gap:* On line at the Washington Post—it hasn’t appeared in the hard copy paper—Ruth Marcus accuses the Democrats of “revolting demagoguery” concerning the gender wage gap. She says she supports the Paycheck Fairness Act. She just doesn’t like the dissembling. (Marcus links to this Fact-Checker piece, which gives Obama two Pinocchios for his recent statements. Glenn Kessler says he considered three. In this case, we think Kessler should have gone with the devils of his worse nature.) Are the Democrats engaging in demagoguery? ... more »
"Perfect Adjustment..."
“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of ab... more »
The Indissoluble Union of 'Thinking Allowed' Participants
Toppled statue of Laurie Taylor I was thinking aloud a while back about Radio 4 staple *Thinking Allowed* and the strange way it manages to by-pass the attention of bloggers about BBC bias, even though it has some of the most obvious left-wing biases of any BBC programme. I put that down to the fact that most right-leaning bloggers (like me) just don't listen to *Thinking Allowed *very often, knowing that it's not for us. It's a sociology programme after all, and sociology has a strong in-built left-wing bias. We know that. We accept it. We shrug our shoulders. We move on. Yet... more »
Boston Bombing- Blame Russia (Hate to say I told you so, but......)
Last year around this time we had the Boston bombing incident, remember? If you don't you are about to get a reminder served up with a heaping side of perception management. *Background:* *April 16/2013-Bombs at the Boston Marathon: Bomb sniffing dogs present pre-race*At that time, in fact in that very post, I typed these words *With all the tit for tat going on between the US and Russia. And the obvious intent of the US to destabilize Russia.... Let me put it this way, if Russia got the frame/ blame, I would not be the least bit surprised. Even expecting some type of Chechen angle... more »
How long before the libtard lemmings start bellyaching about the cost of drycleaning...
*“We’ll talk about dry cleaners next, right,” Obama said. “Because I know that – I don’t know why it costs more for Michelle’s blouse than my shirt.”* Because, Doofus, a ladies blouse is a bit more complicated than your shirt. Spare me the phoney outrage. With all the things going on in this world and the president of the United States is talking about *dry cleaning*? I own exactly one item that goes to the dry cleaners - my winter dress coat. Anyone who is sending large batches of clothes to the dry cleaners can obviously pay for it. Are my tax dollars going to have to subsidi... more »
North Korea might just be able to deliver an EMP Strike against the US after all ? From WND - WASHINGTON – A long-suppressed report prepared by the Department of Homeland Security for the Defense Department concludes that North Korea could deliver on its threats to destroy the United States with a nuclear electromagnetic pulse attack...... The problem with North Korea if this is accurate - no one would say they are rationale actors , China seems to have lost the ability to manage North Korea and their people are still starving.... Did I mention they have a young and untested leader to boot ? ! Add them to the list of geopolitical concerns....
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
http://www.wnd.com/2014/04/dhs-study-north-korea-capable-of-emp-attack-on-u-s WASHINGTON – A long-suppressed report prepared by the Department of Homeland Security for the Defense Department concludes that North Korea could deliver on its threats to destroy the United States with a nuclear electromagnetic pulse attack. The report remains blocked from release to the American public. However, a copy obtained by Peter Vincent Pry from sources within DHS finds North Korea could use its Unha-3 space launch vehicle to deliver a nuclear warhead as a satellite over the South Pole to attack t... more »
*City Council planned vote on Holy Cross development rescheduled ~WDSU* ~Editilla Ho'tellas~ Notice how ReviveLower9, a paid PR group posing as a neighborhood org, has shifted framing their Butt Eye Condo Towers as Blight Fighting! Hahaha in'fucking'corrigible! *Holy Cross residents claim developer's petition has fake names, addresses ~WVUE* *“PayLoo” and the Saints: A Model for Success ~Harahan WhoDat, Saints Tailgate * *Conditions at Fair Grounds irk legislators; bill advances ~Michelle Millhollon, NO Advocate* *Vance 'Pants' McAllister, R-Neaux Alibi, episode opens door to all k... more »
LET’S PLAY DUMBBELL: Endless toleration of Matthews!
*THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014* *Part 4—Enduring work of the beast:* What kind of society tolerates a person like Chris Matthews? Readers, don’t get us wrong—Chris is a cheerful person. We have no doubt that he’s a good parent, neighbor and friend. Full disclosure! We lunched at The Palm, just the two of us, in (we think) November 1996. We don’t know *why* we lunched at the Palm—the event was arranged by a third party—although we could make a (wild) guess. That said, the luncheon event was pleasant. We clearly recall only one exchange. Flawlessly, we shared our prospective Max Clelan...more »
Killings in Kenya
There was a report on last night's *Newsnight *from the BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse concerning allegations of extra-judicial killings being carried about by the Kenyan anti-terror police unit, ATPU, against suspected Islamic terrorists - one of whom, Makaburi, was killed last week. He had shown Gabriel Gatehouse around Mombasa only last year, laughing with him about the allegation that he was a terrorist. The report made the case against the Kenyan security agency before Gabriel Gatehouse challenged the appropriate government minister. British funding for the Kenyan agency was also ... more »
Things I am Grateful For...
*Things I am Grateful For...* *by American Kabuki* I am grateful for life. I am grateful for death, for it showed me the value of human life and that it all is perfect even the tough parts. I am grateful for being given 2nd chance of human life and being sent back here. I am grateful for the NDE that showed me there is a bigger reality and there is no death, only transitions of state of being. I am grateful to my ex-wife, our marriage was difficult, but I learned much about myself and what needed to change, and that I could not change anyone else, only me. I am grateful she w... more »
America's Top Corporate Education Welfare Queen, Joanne Weiss
Joanne Weiss is an active exemplar for corporate welfare exploitation in education. Just a few years ago, she moved from a tech firm to become COO for the New Schools Venture Fund, which grew to be a massive slush fund for vulture philanthropists, following Bill Clinton's undercover operation that made it possible to earn really big bucks by backing charter schools and other ed industry bad ideas: Thanks to a little discussed law passed in 2000, at the end of Bill Clinton’s presidency, banks and equity funds that invest in charter schools and other projects in underserved areas can... more »
WOW The BEST Video about Obama, I have ever seen. Says it All in 4 minutes - "Obama Girl"
This is seriously the BEST video about Obama. The 2008 "Obama Girl" says in ALL in 4 minutes. She says the sentiment all of us feel who had believed the lies of Obama in 2008. I have been honest, saying it before on this blog. I believed the Lies of Obama in 2008. I believed our Country was going to get back to Freedom and our Constitutional Rights. But for some reason the day of his