English: René-Lévesque Bd (Montreal) Français : Boulevard René-Lévesque (Montréal) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Monday, Monday (Photo credit: howardpa58)
9:41am MDSTElectric bike gear shifter
Performance enhancement aside just getting rid of the cables is enough to
entice me. For now thats all because it cost is in the two thousand dollarrange.
Harry Targ : Do we all need a Moral Monday movement?
The burgeoning Moral Monday ‘fusion movement,’ with roots in North
Carolina, has spread throughout the South, and states like Indiana may be
next in line. By Harry Targ | The Rag Blog | April 9, 2014 The emergence of
Moral … finish reading Harry Targ :
Do we all need a Moral Monday movement?
Duncan Lies to Congressional Subcommittee
Is Congress as stupid as Arne Duncan would like for them to be? Team Obama
has been pumping Common Core since Bill Gates became the real Secretary of
Education in 2009. Every state hoping for a chance at an RttT handout
signed on to Common Core as a prerequisite for any chance to win. Does
Duncan really believe that his lies will save the doomed corporate testing
delivery system that his team promotes?
A clip from Ed Week:
. . . ."I'm just a big proponent of high standards. Whether they're common
or not is secondary," he told members of the House appropriations
subcommittee that... more »
Three numbers that will tell the tale for Postmedia
Postmedia will releases its latest quarterly results Thursday.
Here are three numbers that will tell if the company is making any progress
toward a viable future.
*Revenue*: The amount of money the company takes in has been plunging since
Paul Godfrey and hedge funds bought Canwest’s assets. Nothing can save the
company unless the freefall is arrested.
Revenue will still be lower than the previous year, but unless the rate of
decline slows to *five per cent* or lower, there is little hope.
*Digital revenue*: Postmedia’s digital strategies have fizzled, and
managers have come and gone.... more »
A letter to the IRS
I just submitted my 2013 federal income tax payment to the IRS. I decided
since I had to pay this year, I would write the IRS a brief letter. Below
is an image of that letter along with a transcript of what I wrote.
*Click to enlarge*
*Dear IRS,*
*Enclosed is my _____ payment for my 2013 taxes. Please ensure this money
is spent to benefit and help America. Please do not spend any of this money
on the illegal, immoral wars of aggression in the Middle East. Please do
not spend any of this money bailing out crooked Wall Street banks and their
criminal CEOs and other executives. Please... more »
The Demise Of The Parti Quebecois - 'A Bad Campaign' by John Conway
Regina's alternative newspaper, The Prairie Dog, has an excellent article
by retired Politcal Science professor, Dr. John Conway:
A Bad CampaignThe party invented by René Lévesque in 1968 is in trouble*by
John F. Conway*
* The Parti Québécois (PQ) was founded with two missions: bringing about an
independent Quebec and creating a social democratic nation-building
project, rooted in the great achievements of the Quiet Revolution.*
*The goals were popular, and the Québécois working class became a fortress
of support for the PQ. And while there were zigs and zags over the years,
afte... more »
What is the holiest site in Judaism?
We keep hearing Muslims claiming possession of Jerusalem because it is the
third holiest site in Islam. Have you ever wondered what the holiest site
in Judaism is?
Well it's not as many would say, the Western or wailing Wall. In fact the
Temple Mount is Judaism's holiest site. The First and Second Temples were
built on the Temple Mount, which, according to Jewish tradition, is the
site of the Even Hashtiya, or foundation stone for the creation of the
world. As a retaining wall of the mount, the Western
Wall's sanctity derives from its proximity to the Temple Mount, within
which ... more »
No shit Sherlock - 'Arafat was lying when he condemned terror against Israel'
' Late PA head’s bodyguard says Egypt pressed him to denounce attacks;
Islamic law permits lying in politics'
More here
never on the BBC who wouldn't dream of mentioning the Islamic concept
of taqqiya.
I received a package in the mail two days ago from a friend in Hawaii. She
sent me the front-page story from the *Honolulu Star Advertiser* newspaper
that screamed with the headline "War machines touted as agents of mercy".
A large photo carried the caption that began with "US Defense Secretary
Chuck Hagel and Association of Southeast Asian Nations defense ministers
toured the USS Anchorage at Pearl Harbor".
Hagel is on a mind-washing trip throughout the Pacific in order to sell the
notion that Obama's 'pivot' of 60% of Pentagon forces into the region is a
"sign of the humanita... more »
Maliki’s State of Law Fires A Shot Across The Bow Of The Islamic Supreme Council Of Iraq Before April Elections
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s State of Law (SOL) party began challenging
some provincial governments in 2014. The last one was Basra the economic
hub of the country. Even though SOL won the most votes there in 2013 and
gained the head of council it decided that it preferred the governorship,
held by the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq (ISC), and initiated a lawsuit
in March 2014 in the premier friendly courts to obtain it. Iran brokered a
truce between the two parties, but then State of Law brought it up again in
April. This time it appeared that Maliki was just using it to war... more »
*Report: 'Oil is not gone; impacts to wildlife ongoing’ ~Amy Wold, The
~Dying dolphins, bluefin tuna embryos with heart defects and hundreds of
dead sea turtles washing ashore are proof the BP oil spill is still hurting
and killing wildlife four years after the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico,
the National Wildlife Federation claims in a new report.
The report, “Four Years into the Gulf Oil Disaster: Still Waiting for
Restoration,” includes a compilation of research so far about impacts of
the oil disaster on 14 species around the Gulf of Mexico.
*Prospect of oil/fracking we... more »
Woodworth: The Coming Zombie Puppet Apocalypse!
I'm confused. Is Woody threatening a zombie apocalypse or a Muppet movie
So reluctant is he to mention the A word that he is driven to moronic
allegories and now puppets (?).
Really the man makes no sense. (bold added)
Under Parliamentary rules Woodworth cannot, without unanimous consent,
bring this Motion to a vote so he will seek the unanimous consent of
Members of Parliament. During Woodworth’s Member’s Statement on Monday,
March 31, 2014 he noted that “If even one Member of this House refuses to
consent to this essential principle of democratic governance it will be a ... more »
As long as I've been blogging on reproductive rights and justice (about
seven years), there's been wrangling in Philippines over basic
contraception and family planning.
And now it's over.
The Supreme Court in the Philippines has approved a birth control law, in a
defeat for the Catholic Church.
The law requires government health centres to distribute free condoms and
contraceptive pills.
The court had deferred implementation after the law's passage in December
2012 after church groups questioned its constitutionality.
Supporters of the law cheered as the court found that most of ... more »
Germany: "NSA operating without limits." Has denied Merkel Access to her own file they compiled from tapping her phone
Germany has stated the U.S. NSA is operating without limits and is out of
control. Merkel, the German Chancellor has been denied the information they
compiled on her from the tapping of her phone. They have ignored Germany's
request of information since last October. When you take everything that is
happening into account, the U.S., I believe has lost it's credibility and
Democracy Itself
Pierre Polivevre has met all criticism of the "Fair" Elections Act with a
mantra of talking points and -- in the case of Marc Mayrand and Sheila
Fraser -- *ad hominem* attacks. It's all been rather depressing. But, Murray
Dobbin writes, those very tactics present opponents of the government with
a real opportunity.
The bill copies Republican attempts to suppress large segments of the
voting population. But those attempts backfired:
In at least some cases efforts at voter suppression in the U.S. have
backfired because the attack on black and Latino communities has galvanized
them... more »
Tens of Thousands Opt Out in New York: A Determined Movement Is Born
Michelle Chen has a nice piece in *The Nation, *which deserves double
attention. A small clip:
The families and educators who have opted out might be taking a militant
stance, but with the integrity of public education under threat, no
high-stakes data points can trump the defense of the open mind.
Rob Ford Nature Special by Jimmy Kimmel
It is really funny. The great white Ford.
*CA: School wrestling coach gets wave of support as video of him taking
pupil down goes viral*
The mobile phone video from inside a classroom at Santa Monica High School
went viral late last week.
It showed Mark Black, a longtime teacher and wrestling coach, swatting at a
student with his arms, grabbing the teenager by the thigh and then crashing
into desks and the classroom wall as he tried to execute a takedown.
Moments later, Black had the young man pinned to the ground.
District Superintendent Sandra Lyon called the incident "utterly alarming"
and acted swiftly, placing the t... more »
*Painkillers linked to higher risk of stroke: Alert over prescription
medicines used by millions*
*I am afraid that this is just another correlational study which takes no
account of WHY some people were on NSAIDS and some were not. It could be
the pre-existing conditions of the NSAIDS takers that led to the vascular
problems. When will they ever learn?*
Painkillers used by millions of Britons have been linked to higher risk of
irregular heartbeat that could trigger a stroke. The extra chance of
developing atrial fibrillation is as high as 84 per cent, Dutch researchers
T... more »
Obamacare Updates April 9 , 2014 .......Latest ObamaCare surprise: Most won't be able to buy health insurance until end of year ..... Report: Obamacare causing insurance prices to skyrocket ....... Additional items of note For April.....
Latest ObamaCare surprise: Most won't be able to buy health insurance until
end of year
[image: Jim Angle]
By Jim Angle
Published April 09, 2014
[image: obamacare-reading-internal-cropped.jpg]
March 27, 2014: People wait in line at a health insurance enrollment event
in Cudahy, Calif.REUTERS
There is yet another ObamaCare surprise waiting for consumers: from now
until the next open enrollment at the end of this year, most people will
simply not ... more »
9/11: Jumpers Inc.
Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at Trade Center Assumes
Mythic Qualities
*By SHAILA K. DEWANPublished: August 18, 2001*
The affair of the balcony ended, if indeed it ever began, with the
appearance in July of a slender book of curious title, obtainable in very
few places, one of them being an art gallery in a frosted storefront on *Broadway
near Franklin Street.*
Called '*'The B-Thing''* and produced by *four Vienna-based artists *known
collectively as *Gelatin*, the book is demure to the point of being
oblique. What little explanation it contains appears to h... more »
Does My Employer Have To Pay Earned Sick And Vacation Time When I Leave?
An AOL Jobs reader asked:
Donna I have a question please. I recently found out about a change in the
retirement pay out rule at the hospital where I have worked for over twenty
years. I have worked all these years under the rule that when I retire I
would be paid for all my saved PTO hours as well as half of the ESL hours I
have accumulated which in my case is half of 520 hours. Now it seems that
around three years ago they decided they would not pay out for the ESL
hours. In other words, we just lose that time. I can understand if they
change that rule but shouldn't that just affe... more »
Thailand: West Tearing Down Old World to Build a “New” One
[image: 336789]*April 9, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The first step in
subjugating a population is identifying their source of strength,
undermining it, and eventually eliminating it. This textbook strategy
employed by empires throughout human history is still busily being applied
around the world as Wall Street and London seek to achieve global hegemony.
In the past, it was done under the premise that the imposing empire was
socially, economically, and militarily superior, and that by subjecting
other nations, it was bringing them out of barbarism, and into
civilization. Today... more »
Musical Interlude: Roger Waters, “Tide Is Turning”
Roger Waters, “Tide Is Turning”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66nqhVtq6xo
Musical Interlude: Pink Floyd, “Comfortably Numb”
Pink Floyd, “Comfortably Numb”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl9dc5FhFYU
Introducing "The Spark"
*April 9, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LocalOrg) - "The Spark"(Facebook / Vimeo)
is an interesting and ongoing grassroots project that fits in well with an
older article featured on LocalOrg titled, "Decentralizing Big-Retail." The
article illustrated the waste, disparity, and exploitation promoted by the
current "big-retail" monopolies and the consumerist paradigm modern society
is dependent on, and suggests as an alternative the leveraging of
technology to replace entirely this paradigm with local solutions.
It featured a combination of projects from urban farming to technological
h... more »
Sentence of the Day
For Deacon Patrick Moynihan, Head of LCS [Louverture Cleary School], the
importance of teaching economics in Haiti is clear, “After
theology—economics is the most important science to study because the two
things that impact everyone are God and the market.”
Here is the source.
"A Look to the Heavens"
“NGC 1333 is seen in visible light as a reflection nebula, dominated by
bluish hues characteristic of starlight reflected by dust. A mere 1,000
light-years distant toward the heroic constellation Perseus, it lies at the
edge of a large, star-forming molecular cloud.
*Click image for larger size.*
This striking close-up view spans about two full moons on the sky or just
over 15 light-years at the estimated distance of NGC 1333. It shows details
of the dusty region along with hints of contrasting red emission from
Herbig-Haro objects, jets and shocked glowing gas emanating from recentl... more »
K12NN: American Statistical Association has just released a very important document on Value Added Methodologies
First published on K-12 News Network on April 9, 2014 “The President of the
United States and his Secretary of Education are violating one of the most
fundamental principles concerning test use: Tests should be used only for
the purpose for which they were developed. If they are to be used for some
other purpose, […]
When hatred is all you've got
The gorgeous, and Jewish, Scarlett Johansson has a new film out by the name
of Under The Skin, the trailer is below. It looks like a rather cerebral
sci-fi film with some gratuitous Scarlett Johansson nudity, so right up my
Of course the hate-filled just had to let rip in YouTube comments:
There's some really delightful people out there.
Responding to Karin Klein of the LA Times' 'Why my family is opting out of the Common Core testing'
*"The U.S. can do a much better job evaluating children, teachers and
schools. That's why protests against standardized testing misuse and
overuse are exploding across the nation."—FairTest*
[image: Read Professor Chomsky's Media Control: The Spectacular
Achievements of Propaganda]The *Los Angeles Times*' long time school
privatization cheerleader Karin Klein penned an interesting piece today
entitled Why my family is opting out of the Common Core testing. The
following is my response to her editorial:
Ms. Klein:
For roughly a decade you've mocked both education experts and acti... more »
*Climate 'consensus': Is carbon dioxide the new cholesterol? *
*As some readers here know, I also follow the medical literature and what
the writer below says is spot on. Moreover, that is not the only recent
example of a reversed consensus in the medical literature. The wisdom on
peanut allergy has also recently done a 180 degree turn, for instance -- JR*
Imagine a public policy issue that could determine the course of millions
of lives. Imagine the science concerning this issue was complex and
confusing. Nonetheless, most scientists had reached agreement on certain
aspects of ... more »
*Grappling with the Burden of Student Debt*
Every year the percentage of American high school graduates enrolling in
college increases. Yet the cost of attaining those degrees has been growing
at an astronomical pace, one that is harmful and unsustainable.
Using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to assess the rising prices of goods,
it is immediately clear that something very strange is going on in the
higher education market. The cost of attending college has increased by
nearly three times that of the CPI taken as a whole.
Today, most students can only afford college by taking out... more »
$500 Cash Giveaway!
Today, I have teamed up with an awesome group of bloggers to bring to you
an awesome cash giveaway! Read below for more details.
Welcome to the $500 April Showers Cash Giveaway!
We have joined forces with an amazing group of bloggers to bring you this
great giveaway. One lucky person will win $500 cash.
Enter to win $500 cash via PayPal.
Complete the tasks below to earn entries into this giveaway.
Refer your friends using your unique link to earn even more chances to win.
*Open Worldwide.*
*Ends at 11:59pm EDT on April 22nd, 2014.*
a Rafflecopter giveaway
T... more »
"As I write I cannot think of one thing in the entire areas of foreign and domestic policy that the US government has told the truth about in the 21st century. Just as Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction, Iran has no nukes, Assad did not use chemical weapons, and Putin did not invade and annex Crimea, the jobs numbers are fraudulent, the unemployment rate is deceptive, the inflation measures are understated, and the GDP growth rate is overstated. Americans live in a matrix of total lies." -- Paul Craig Roberts
*Another Fraudulent Jobs Report — Paul Craig Roberts*
April 6, 2014 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
Another Fraudulent Jobs Report
Paul Craig Roberts
The March payroll jobs report released April 4 claims 192,000 new private
sector jobs.
Here is what John Williams has to say about the claim:
“The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) deliberately publishes its
seasonally-adjusted historical payroll-employment and household-survey
(une... more »
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke,"All Will Come Again"
*"All Will Come Again"*
by Rainer Maria Rilke
"All will come again into its strength:
the fields undivided, the waters undammed,
the trees towering and the walls built low.
And in the valleys, people as strong and varied as the land.
And no churches where God
is imprisoned and lamented
like a trapped and wounded animal.
The houses welcoming all who knock
and a sense of boundless offering
in all relations, and in you and me.
No yearning for an afterlife, no looking beyond,
no belittling of death,
but only longing for what belongs to us
and serving earth, lest we remain unused."
In an article in the *Washington Post* today, right-wing Zionist extremist
and neoconservative columnist, Jennifer Rubin, writes that America should
give Israel a bunch of their latest bunker busting bombs with which to bomb
Iran’s nuclear facilities. And not only does she want America to provide
the weapons, but she also wants America to provide the Israelis with the
B52 bombers needed to deliver the bombs.
For the most part in the past Jennifer Rubin has been simply written off as
a neocon nutjob because of her outlandish and often outrageous ideas and
the chances of this particul... more »
"I Pity You..."
"Said a philosopher to a street sweeper, “I pity you. Yours is a hard and
dirty task.” And the street sweeper said, “Thank you, sir. But tell me,
what is your task?” And the philosopher answered saying, “I study man's
mind, his deeds and his desires.” Then the street sweeper went on with his
sweeping and said with a smile, “I pity you too.”
- Kahlil Gibran
Pork Barrel 9: Are PH Government Institutions Ready for Cleansing?
A friend, Vince Lazatin, convenor of the Transparency and Accountability
Network (TAN), posted some provocative questions in his fb wall yesterday.
Vince asked,
*Are our government institutions ready to handle the PDAF cases against
some of the country's most powerful personalities? Are our government
lawyers up to the task of facing the most expensive defense attorneys that
money can buy? Will the chips be allowed to fall where they may?*
*These PDAF cases will put everyone to the test, including non-government
actors such as the media, the citizens, and NGOs/CSOs. There will be... more »
Student Leaders could get years
*Pic from the SET TV link below.*
SET TV reported last night....the government wants years in jail for Lin
Fei-fan and Chen Wei-ting. J Michael gives the sobering description.
Lin Fei-fan (林飛帆) and Chen Wei-ting (陳為廷), two of the main leaders in the
Sunflower Movement that has occupied the Legislative Yuan since March 18,
could be prosecuted on five and six counts respectively, with the most
serious offense resulting in imprisonment up to seven years for Chen.
In all, the Ministry of Justice has listed 34 defendants in the case. The
charges against Lin and Chen include “Offenses Ag... more »
You Make My Work (Im)Possible: Reflections on Professional Conduct in the Discipline of International Relations
This is a guest post by Professor Cynthia Weber, Department of
International Relations at the University of Sussex Five months ago,
‘Michaela’ posted this query on the website Political Science Rumors in a
thread called ‘a good place to study queer IR?’ am currently a MA student
looking to move into a PhD program in
Continue reading
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Air Pollution
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
Korea's Test Scores High Despite Schools and Teachers
by Michael Horn for *Forbes*:
In my travels throughout Korea, in virtually every meeting I heard a
variation of the same theme. “Why does President Obama think that Korean
schools are good?”
Although there are disputes about how much Obama or Education Secretary
Arne Duncan like Korean schools—see here and here, for example—there is no
question that Korea’s students’ consistently high PISA scores and schools
attract some praise from not only Obama, but also many others in America
and worldwide. In particular, Obama has praised the role that Korea’s
teachers play in society—and many n... more »
Arne Duncan Plays the Common Core Distancing Game
On April 2, 2014, Louisiana has witnessed the lame demonstration of “Common
Core distancing” from the governor (Bobby Jindal) who signed the state onto
“the standards” (CCSS) in 2009– before they were written. In 2010, US
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan accepted Louisiana’s CCSS MOU
(memorandum of understanding) despite the majority of Louisiana school
districts rejecting the idea. Like Jindal, […]
*Levee board lawyers offer to reduce fee to oil, gas defendants settle
lawsuit ~David Hammer, WWLTV*
Lamar W. Hankins : Aslan’s portrayal of Jesus as revolutionary zealot is fanciful history / 2
Aslan provides embellishments that make for an interesting read but many of
his assumptions, according to Biblical scholar Bart Ehrman, lack historical
accuracy. By Lamar W. Hankins | The Rag Blog | April 8, 2014 Part two of
two. In … finish reading Lamar W. Hankins :
Aslan’s portrayal of Jesus as revolutionary zealot is fanciful history / 2
"Are There Any Questions?"
"Are There Any Questions?"
by Robert Fulghum
"Are there any questions?" An offer that comes at the end of college
lectures and long meetings. Said when an audience is not only overdosed
with information, but when there is no time left anyhow. At times like that
you sure do have questions. Like, "Can we leave now?" and "What the hell
was this meeting for?" and "Where can I get a drink?"
The gesture is supposed to indicate openness on the part of the speaker, I
suppose, but if in fact you do ask a question, both the speaker and the
audience will give you drop-dead looks. And some foo... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Prescott Valley, Arizona, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
“Rune Charms For Warriors And For Peace”
*“Rune Charms For Warriors And For Peace”*
by Sunnyway
"I've been asked numerous times by soldiers and family members for magical
charms to aid and protect our soldiers and news corps in the Middle East
and elsewhere. I've put together a collection of Galdrastafir - Viking era
"magical staves." Most of these talismans are very ancient and effective.
According to tradition, the Aegishjalmur "helm of awe" should be worn over
the forehead, perhaps scratched or drawn on the inside of one's helmet. Its
purpose is protection and "irresistibility" in battle (as in the Borg's,
"Resistance... more »
History: “Why the Vikings Were Feared”
*“Why the Vikings Were Feared”*
by Patrick Cockburn
“Journalism is said to be the first draft of history, but it is often
disappointing to find that the second or third drafts, by historians, move
little further in establishing the truth about what happened. Errors made
by reporters in the heat of the moment, instead of being eliminated, have
become part of the authorised version. Factors that are crucial in creating
the context within which events occurred go unmentioned.
That context is the mix of hopes, fears, hatreds and habits, frequently the
fruit of an individual’s or a comm... more »
“Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in
finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.”
- Theodore Roosevelt
“Matt Taibbi: ‘U.S. Should Be Ashamed It Treats Pot Smokers Worse Than Wall St. Criminals’”
*“Matt Taibbi: ‘U.S. Should Be Ashamed It Treats *
*Pot Smokers Worse Than Wall St. Criminals’”*
by Alexander C. Kaufman
“A Wall Street bank accused of laundering money for drug cartels only had
to pay a fine. Meanwhile, a man caught with a joint in his pocket had to
spend 47 days in jail. For that, journalist Matt Taibbi thinks prosecutors
should be "ashamed." The former Rolling Stone writer- who recently
announced he's leaving the magazine to join an as-yet unnamed publication
at First Look Media- railed against the Department of Justice Monday night
for its failure to criminally ... more »
Goldman abandoning High frequency trading updates April 8 , 2014 - First COO Gary Cohn bashed HFT in a WSJ Op ED .....Then Goldman bid goodbye to the NYSE and its own designated market maker post ...... Now the Trifecta has been completed - Triple Whammy Shocker: Goldman considering Shutting Down Sigma X , its own dark pool ? Just what does Goldman see in the near to medium term for markets ? More instability - And The CME Breaks (Due To "Technical Issues")
Triple Whammy Shocker: Goldman Shutting Down Sigma X?
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/08/2014 19:27 -0400
- Credit Suisse
- Dark Pools
- dark pools
- Goldman Sachs
- goldman sachs
- Michael Lewis
- New York Stock Exchange
- Sigma X
- Sigma X
Back on March 21, before the release of Michael Lewis' Flash Boys and
before the infamous 60 Minutes interview, when Goldman COO Gary Cohn wrote
his... more »
QUOTE OF THE DAY: On the Source of Today’s Inequality
“Capital in the form of credit is normally and, certainly, properly,
extended out of previously accumulated savings. In sharpest contrast,
credit expansion is the creation of new and additional money out of thin
air, which money is then lent to business firms and individuals as though
it were a supply of new and additional saved up capital funds…
“The truth is that credit expansion is responsible not only for the
boom-bust cycle but also for another major negative phenomenon for which
public opinion mistakenly blames capitalism: namely, sharply increased
economic inequality, i... more »
Bob Feldman : A People’s History of Egypt, Part 21, Section 1, 1992-2000,
The Mubarak government responds to Islamist violence with heavy-handed
repression; the Muslim Brotherhood splinters; Egyptian poverty increases.
By Bob Feldman | The Rag Blog | April 8, 2014 [With all the dramatic
activity in Egypt, Bob Feldman's Rag Blog "people's … finish reading Bob
Feldman :
A People’s History of Egypt, Part 21, Section 1, 1992-2000,
Mike Wilson: US Border Patrol shot Tohono O'odham at border
Mike Wilson, Tohono O'odham
Tohono O'odham struggle against abuse by US Border Patrol and failure of
Tohono O'odham government and police to protect O'odham
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
SAN MIGUEL, Tohono O'odham Nation -- Mike Wilson, Tohono O'odham, said
the US Border Patrol shot two Tohono O'odham at the border, one in the
face. The Border Patrol claims O'odham side-swiped
Wish I could go back in time
Where would I go
what would I do
there would be some
pain for the future
no matter what
timeline I pursue
I would go to
old America before
she had been borne
and made them
acknowlege a charter of right
do not worry about slavery
its really not a salient point
but giving human rights
to corporations
thats a despot
I would slant
You know yourself and when it comes
to giving your first in line
if the cause is worthy
you scrape down to your
last disposable dime
now should such cause
be tax deductible that giving
gets better over time.
I want to give so much
I want to see a Canada
where America can eat
at our brunch.
I rod a few fancy horses
but lost to Virgina
can we not
make a level
playing field
where a Canadian horse
can compete
full time.
“Global Rankings Study Depicts an America in Warp Speed Decline”
*“Global Rankings Study Depicts an America in Warp Speed Decline”*
By CJ Werleman
“If America needed a reminder that it is fast becoming a second-rate
nation, and that every economic policy of the Republican Party is
wrongheaded, it got one this week with the release of the Social Progress
Index (SPI).
Harvard business professor Michael E. Porter, who earlier developed the
Global Competitiveness Report, designed the SPI. A new way to look at the
success of countries, the SPI studies 132 nations and evaluates 54 social
and environmental indicators for each country that matter to... more »
German Gold Repatriation Watch April 7 , 2014......Germany getting a bit anxious about repatriating its gold from the US and France ? Bundesbank's president says it aims to hasten gold repatriation ...... German Gold Makes It Way Back Home From Fed, Slowly ........ And back at the end of 2013 , note that Germany Has Recovered A Paltry 5 Tons Of Gold From The NY Fed After One Year ! Adding together the 37 tons allegedly repatriated in 2013 and Ukraine's gold ( 33 tons as per William Kaye ) allegedly hustled out of the country and landing at the New York Fed , we get almost spot on to those approximately 69 tons of gold German has retrieved thus far ! Fascinating stuff.......
Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago
( Note FT Article was on 3/13/14... Ukraine gold airlifted out 3/7/14 ! )
Bundesbank's president says it aims to hasten gold repatriation
The head of Germany's Bundesbank has attacked Chancellor Angela Merkel's
reform agenda, warning that changes to the labour market and the
coalition’s softer tone on the country’s trade surplus risk weakening the
eurozone's economic powerhouse.
Jens Weidmann, the president of the central bank and a former adviser to Ms
Merkel, on Thursday s... more »
The Mystery Of Malaysian Flight MH370 Continues: Do NOT Believe The Black Box "Ping" Story!
It has now been a full month since Malaysian flight MH370 mysteriously
"disappeared" somewhere over the Indian Ocean. I for one am amazed that
the liars in the Mainstream Media have been able to continue their lies and
falsehoods as they spin their stories that this flight went down everywhere
from the South China Sea all the way to the Antarctic Ocean….. I again say
to everyone to look at what the liars in the MSM are absolutely avoiding,
and that is the "secret" US military installation at Diego Garcia in the
British Indian Ocean Territory that sticks out like a sore thumb in the... more »
Pump up the voume
It can make the lame
sound alright
if your skilled
enough and desperate
for a hit
it becomes a soundtrack
for a dead rose
You talk to BOB
and you will not
carry on like that
Everyone he had ever
known who was white
and not from his home
took everything they
could steal from his art
collection and they did it so
with anglo saxon zeal
this black story can
not be fueled
We got no
places lower we can go
so lets snuff this stuff
while our randy
coke smoking princess
Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force of the Economy
*Author of The Capitalist and the Entrepreneur, Peter Klein has published
numerous books and articles on entrepreneurship from an Austrian
perspective. Dr. Klein, who is executive director and Carl Menger Research
fellow at the Mises Institute, was interviewed in late 2013 by eTalks' Niaz
Uddin on the topic of entrepreneurship:*
*Niaz Uddin: Tell us about entrepreneurship. What are the different
contexts of entrepreneurship?*
*Peter Klein: *The terms “entrepreneur,” “entrepreneurship,” and
“entrepreneurial” are used in many ways, not always consistently! On the
one hand, entrep... more »
Kerry and Obama Lying US into Yet Another War
President Barack Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry did their
damed level best to lie to Americans in order to pimp a war last summer
based on trumped up information in Syria and now they are doing the same
thing in Ukraine. In an ongoing spectacle that has all of the fascinating
qualities of one of those RNC talking point "train wrecks" the duo continue
to agitate and push for an ill-conceived and ultimately disastrous fight
with Russian leader Vladimir Putin who can't be counted on this time to
save the dynamic duo (or us for that matter) from themselves. Today's
escala... more »
Waking up in the Sonoran Desert
Thomas Wiewandt, Desert Dreams
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Waking up in the Sonoran Desert is a profound experience. It is silence
as never experienced before. Before dawn the Morning Dove is the only
sound in a silence that can only be described as delicious. At sunrise,
the noisy Gila Woodpecker starts making its noise. Somewhere out there,
cactus are bursting into bloom, and
Ukraine has no demarcated borders?
What to make of this?
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has made an interesting statement on
Ukraine, which, for some reason, was overlooked by the Ukrainian media.
That’s according to the Ukrainian Choice news portal. The United Nations
Security Council has, for the umpteenth time, considered the Ukrainian
issue, and experts made a rather unexpected conclusion. It turned out that
Ukraine has no official boundaries. Since the break-up of the Soviet Union
in 1991, Kiev hasn’t demarked its borders. Nor has it registered at the
United Nations the demarcation of its borders as a sovereig... more »
Peaches Geldof and Celebrity
Like most people, I never knew Peaches Geldof. She was always someone who
lurked on the outer edges of my consciousness, bobbing up and down among a
pantheon of minor celebrities. I knew her, but paid her little mind. And
yet, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this, when her death was announced
yesterday it threw me a bit. Like millions of others I took to social media
to announce it, usurping and filling in for the news media organisations
who were tens of seconds behind. But there are a never-ending procession of
deaths of young women every single day. Each life ends, potential gone, ... more »
How could an individual exceed the limit
I have never wanted to be part of a two on one. Yes I can see the
attraction of those that would paddle their boats in alternity. Now it may
be very progessive and world changing to expect like Ranger Lothbrok that
you could have damesi in every respect, As this series expects you to do
think about the way,
we see women and just do not give them credit everyday. Rangar Lothork who
could not read an write gave humanity more respect than the republicanism
who I say without prejudice by evidence are the borg
The world is built upon Gilligans Island do not fake me
If your a critic you h... more »
‘The game is up for climate change believers’
The *Herald* -- the *New Zealand Herald* – *Granny* Herald --- published an
astonishing piece yesterday. Head there now and read it, before you read
the snippets below. It’s called: ‘The game is up for climate change
That’s right. In the *Herald*.
Filched from the UK *Telegraph*, and presumably published while the present
NZH editor was on leave, the op-ed by former *Telegraph* editor Charles
Moore purports to be a review of a “tremendous book” by Rupert Darwell. It
is that, and more – it outlines, in a way you’d never expect to see in the *Royal
New Zealand Herald*,... more »
On being timeless
I paint a picture that is muddled off colour and even befuddled. I do not
accept the world the way it is. Those who thought we could ignore slavery
are still in charge and they use the same old skills to make what should be
a simple a victory something that causes good thinking citizens to think
they are on the cusp of some victory for those that would deceive.
We live in a world where facts are used
as a weapon to give the writers of the same
a heart attack
No matter what Ayn Rand or Adam Smith said
there is a kind of reality compnet
that one would of freard and the other just said
h... more »
*Residents settle for $48 million in one Texas Brine Sinkhole lawsuit
~David J. Mitchell, The Advocate*
Change without stuggle is an OXY Moron
If we teach nothing else in the quest to be excellent, we got to let the
children know that people behind the oxy moron are in control.
There was a time not so long ago
leaders were fearless
and determined no matter
what their flaws
to propel their society
ahead of it time.
Now we are increasingly looking back
the challenges of living modern
are the best plan of attack
Sure I have no solutions
but if you remeber back
I was a sweetheart
who had all the answers
when your bra
I did attack.
To rule a modern country
you need more than
folk tales
and false economics
you got to have best
practic... more »
Trey Gowdy questions Ag Holder. Holder plays dumb...
*easy role for him.*
Ukraine: Sniper historical rewrite & Ukraine terrorists captured in Russia
This* news item* got me thinking about how we are saddled with official
state sanctioned versions of history. Explaining our collective ignorance. *In
this article we can see/read and understand how the future is written by
those who control the present through reinforcing lies albeit officially
sanctioned lies.*
*A draft resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
strongly condemns the Ukrainian authorities’ use of snipers and firearms
against protests in the country’s capital* in February known as Euromaidan,
according to the document, which was obtained by ... more »
You Should Not Do That
We all know that when we are doing that. And So it goes. In this world no
matter how you lawyer up or buy the press it remains a fact.
Palestinians killed in a refugee camp but as Israel can't be blamed I doubt the BBC will report it
The eight Palestinians were killed in a Palestinian 'refugee camp' in
Southern Lebanon so that won't be of any interest to the BBC.
April 8: You can just picture the scene....
.....a young man goes to journalism school to fulfil his childhood dream of
becoming a reporter, digging for stories, getting at the truth. As well as
journalism, he studies political science, history, the basics of science,
everything he needs to see significance where others see - nothing in
particular. He gets a job. The editor calls him in.
"We need you to write up a big story. This is for page one. So write a
story about potholes."
And there it is on page one. "Pothole season in full swing."
Lower on the page, Brent Mazerolle has a zinger that must have people all
over town t... more »
Art of War
This is a truth of 6000 years of history we have embraced. If combat is
envitable it works well but what about peace? Smart monkeys as we are we
know the first instict is to beat the brains out of the opposition. But
that result is not moving forward in any actual event. So lets just spill
our guts before the CIA does the same somewhat. The future is here,
anything we could imagine in our youth is now here for people to market and
serve to the populations needing relief.
The question that should be on every glad hand
is can the world sustian all the people
you have on the master pla... more »
Two different worlds, and something to be said for both of them
Thetis Lake I've found myself using the phrase, “And the infrastructure
here!” a lot since arriving back on the Island from Honduras, so I guess
that must be one of the things that has struck me most now that I am back
to the life of a Canadian.
But in truth, there are so many points of comparison, good and bad. I
do like sewage pipes big enough to embrace toilet paper, and water that
comes straight out of the tap ready to drink. And the green spaces – well,
I’m ecstatic about the green spaces. Honduras has the right climate for
amazing public boulevards but at the moment ther... more »
What is hearsay?
R. v. Badgerow, 2014 ONCA 272:
[96] Although a universal definition of hearsay is elusive, hearsay
is often identified by its characteristics: (a) it is adduced for the truth
of its contents; and (b) there is an absence of a contemporaneous
opportunity to cross-examine the declarant in court and under oath: *R. v.
Baldree*, 2013 SCC 35, 298 C.C.C. (3d) 425, at para. 30; *Khelawon*, at
paras. 35-41.
we movie to canada: wmtc annual movie awards, 2013-14 edition
It's time, once again, for the wmtc annual movie awards. To recap, my silly
rating systems so far:
- Canadian musicians and comedians (2006-07 and 2007-08)
- my beverage of choice (2008-09)
- famous people who died during the past year (2009-10)
- where I'd like to be (2009-10)
- vegetables (2010-11) (I was out of ideas!)
- and last year, Big Life Events in a personally momentous year.
Now completely bereft of ideas but hopelessly locked into this system, I
appealed for help on Facebook. Lucky for me, my friends are more creative
than I am. Thank you to David H for this year's deliciou... more »
A Sunday In The Life
7:00 Wake up8:00 Arrive at gym, work out, shower10:00 Arrive at church
for Bible study (we're working our way through Hebrews right now)12:00 Lunch
with friends2:00 Geocaching in the park4:00 Haircut5:00 Pedicure
(Southern Man occasionally spoils himself; also, he can't reach his own
toenails)6:00 Grocery Shopping7:00 Home for dinner and movies and
A day of rest, indeed. You didn't see "work" mentioned in any of that, did
Coffee and Weddings and Caching, Oh My!
Saturday was a busy, busy day - Coffee Talk in the morning, an outdoor
wedding in the afternoon, and geocaching well into the dark of night.
First off was our monthly meet for coffee and fellowship and Bible study.
Our hosts recently moved (and to a location that's just a stone's throw
from Southern Man's workplace) so this is the first one in a couple of
In The Kitchen
Paul chillin' out
Since work was nearby and there was plenty of work on his desk Southern Man
slaved away in the office for a few hours, then headed into Southern City
for the wedding.
The g... more »
Helen Gym Philadelphia Hero
*When parents unite for public schools.*
*From Helen Gym: *
*By far one of the most intense experiences of my life was going on stage
atTEDx Philadelphia at the beautiful Temple Performing Arts Center on March
28. TEDx is quite the production, and my fellow speakers were simply
stunning. From the luminous Natalie Nixon who talked about seeing life
through jazz, to talks on education from Science Leadership Academy student
Nikki Adeli and YouthBuild Executive Director Simran Sidhu, to Austin
Seraphin conveying the wonders of accessibility tools when you grow up
blind, TEDx was a trib... more »
Air plane for the Garage
For only $189,000
Sport Pilot License
*It’s flying pure and simple with fewer complexities*
In conjunction with the 2004 creation of Light Sport Aircraft category, the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) created the Sport Pilot License
(SPL). The SPL is a new type of pilot certificate designed to get you
safely and easily trained for recreational flying in Light Sport Aircraft.
By restricting recreational flying for sport pilots to daytime, good
weather, and in uncongested airspace, much of the complexities of learning
to fly have been removed.
As a result, the time ... more »
Man-Catching Beignets
After the Disney Movie, Princess and the Frog, labeled Beignets, as
man-catching, my family hasn't been able to refer to them as anything else.
Beignets are also one of my husband's absolute favorite treats, giving more
credit to the name. They are pretty easy to pull together, but do need time
to adequately rise.
You will need:
- 1.5 cups lukewarm water
- 1/2 C. sugar
- 1 envelop yeast
- 2 eggs, beaten slightly
- 1 1/4 t. salt
- 1 cup evaporated milk
- 7 cups flour
- 1/4 C. Shortening
- Pan with oil for frying
- 2- 3 C. Powdered Sugar
Mix the sugar... more »
In which the liberal world becomes Fox!
*TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014*
*A very striking example:* The talk-show right got there first.
For years, Rush and Sean churned disinformation in a way their tribe found
For years, we liberals condemned their dishonesty. Often, we rolled our
eyes at the ditto-heads who would swallow such ludicrous work.
More and more, day by day, our tribe is adopting Fox culture. Yesterday’s
post by the two professors was a remarkable case in point.
The post appeared at Salon—where else? Today’s confusion regarding the
gender wage gap is an additional case in point.
More and more, our emergi... more »
Why Kill the Jews?
Kill the Juice, hit them in the JEWels. If you misunderstood it was because
I asked too much. Kill the Juice is what the haters say because in the 21st
century you can not make a universal statement like that about a recognized
entity without prison time in the civilized world. But you can still call
for death to environmentalist, or stoners, or pacifist. Dear Leader
McSplooges on the Jews. That is why he needs to be hit by the Jews in the
Jewels. Harper panders to every entities Lizard brain. His 24/7 Harpo
podcast should be called Lizard Brain Stimulation. Just as real people ... more »
How much less do women get paid for the same or equal work?
*TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014*
*Also, should liberals be honest:* A few weeks ago, we mentioned Katie
McDonough’s somewhat peculiar piece about the gender wage gap. To read that
piece, click here.
It seemed to us that McDonough had cherry-picked a single study (from 2003)
to keep a favorite claim alive—the claim that women “still earn around 80
percent of men’s wages” for doing the same or equal work.
We said we’d return to the topic. A news report in today’s New York Times
provides the perfect chance.
It also displays a certain type of lazy work one often finds in the Times.
How large... more »
China Rejects Another shipment of GMO Animal Feed trying to be slipped in. 601,000 tons rejected last year.
China is not accepting GMO corn/feed/food in any way. They rejected
another shipment that tried to be slipped in for animal feed from the U.S.
Last year they rejected 601,000 tons of GMO corn. This shipment was
21,800 tons of corn from the U.S. Why is it the U.S. is about the only
country that allows GMO food? Why haven't our 'leaders' protected us as
the leaders protect their citizens
John Horgan, British Columbia`s Next Premier
(April 8th/2014....I wrote the first bit below immediately after Adrian
Dix`s stunning failure in our provincial election...Grant G)
May 14th/2013..This is a repost from the time of the B.C. NDP leadership
I have no words right now, congratulations to the BC Liberals, I won`t be
posting for a while, anyone needing to contact me can email...All I can say
is, we couldn`t win with the honest Carole James, and I knew back when I
posted this story, we couldn`t win with Adrian Dix`s baggage, not with a
corrupt media...If John Horgan was elected leader at that time, we would ... more »
Do you want to charge your Samsung Galaxy S4 or S5 from flat to full in 30 seconds?
Thanks to some Israeli technology you might soon be able to...
StoreDot Flash-Battery utilises super capacitors.
It's Israeli technology so BDS arseholes had better not be tempted...
(Not Funny!) U.S. Wealth Up $34 Trillion Since Recession - 93% of You Got Almost None of It (Write Home!) TV News Dumbed Down for American Viewers (Hope You Can Read It!)
Who can pass this very simple test? How many of these well-known facts are
you ignorant of? (Relax. This essay only has eight.) 1. U.S. Wealth Up $34
Trillion Since Recession. 93% of You Got Almost None of It. That’s an
average of $100,000 for every American. But the people who already own most
of the stocks took almost all of it. For them, the average gain was well
over a million
Bob Geldof is Evil
*"Saint Bob, and Wild Boy Rock Star. *
*You pick the one who people are going to believe. *
*One day, the truth will be told.” *
*- Michael Hutchance, final interview*
Friday, November 29, 2013
Threat of prosecution forces an apology from Peaches Geldof after exposing
baby abusers
Peaches Geldof apologises for tweeting names in Ian Watkins case
Peaches Geldof said 'lesson learned'
Peaches Geldof has apologised for tweeting the names of the two mothers
whose babies were abused by rock star Ian Watkins.
Lostprophets frontman Watkins admitted attempted rape of a baby on
Tuesday... more »
Rule of Law 22: IAF Seminar in Germany
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) is calling for
nominationand participants to this seminar, deadline of application on
April 11, this
Target participants for this seminar are young politicians, journalists,
civil society activists and academics.
The application and elimination process before one can be accepted to
actual seminar in Gummersbach (near Cologne), Germany is two-stage.
FNF Philippine Office will shortlist from among the many applicants, get
only about five or so, and the selected ones will participate in an
discussion involvi... more »
"Victim" is not an appropriate usage prior to a finding of guilt
*R. v. J.V.*, [2002] O.J. No. 1027 (Hill J):
*79 * Senior Crown counsel, Mr. Carruthers, agreed that the use of the
word "victim" in the prosecutor's recitation of the facts relating to the
outstanding robbery charge faced by J.V. was improper. While the term
appears in Part XVI of the Code, i.e. s. 515(4.1), in-court use of the
expression vis-à-vis the accused, prior to a finding of guilt, is obnoxious
to the presumption of innocence: see Seaboyer v. The Queen; Gayme v. The
Queen (1991), 66 C.C.C. (3d) 321 (S.C.C.) at 333 per L'Heureux-Dubé J.
*R. v. Seaboyer; R. v. Gayme,* [1991... more »
Liberal Majority in Quebec
Pundits were cautious about the Liberals, seeing a majority as a remote
possibility, more likely a minority. The third party CAQ was seen as having
a last minute "surge" in the campaign but that surge did not materialize to
the extent some pundits expected. While CAQ did pick up a few more seats,
the Liberals won a comfortable majority (with CBC projecting very early in
the night). This exceeded even optimistic expectations of the Liberals.
Liberals won 70 seats (early count) and 63 are needed for the majority.
The leader of PQ, Pauline Marois, lost her own seat.
The vote, it se... more »
The Pono Player
I lived through all the technical wonder of advancing Hi Fi. The CD (16
Bit 44 hrz) turned out to be a barrier to further advancement that has been
very difficult to breach. Neil Young is making a spirited try and breaking
down the walls of technology and commerce that have kept musical
masterpieces largely unavailable. Yes you can download FLAC 32 bit 194 Hrz
files today. But its the equivalent of having a reel to reel in 1977.
Hopefully the Pono Player will be successful. A huge part of this would be
for the record companies to give us a break. Any music older than twenty
years ... more »
Snowden: US spied on human rights workers
Luke Harding
The Guardian
The US has spied on the staff of prominent human
rights organisations, Edward Snowden has told the Council of Europe in
Strasbourg, Europe's top human rights body.
Giving evidence via a videolink from Moscow, Snowden said the National
Security Agency – for which he worked as a contractor – had deliberately
snooped on bodies like Amnesty International and Human
James Quinn, “Welcome To Terminus”
*“Welcome To Terminus”*
by James Quinn
“Life improves slowly and goes wrong fast, and only catastrophe is clearly
– Edward Teller
“I was a late arrival to the ‘Walking Dead’ television program. I don’t
watch much of the mindless drivel passing for entertainment on the 600
worthless channels available 24/7 on cable TV. I assumed it was another
superficial zombie horror show on par with the teenage vampire crap
polluting the airwaves. Last year a friend told me I had to watch the show.
I was hooked immediately and after some marathon watching of seasons one
and two, I unde... more »
The Realist Report - Dave Gahary: American Free Press
On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined once again by Dave
Gahary, a regular contributor and web editor for *American Free Press*.
Dave and I will be discussing a variety of topics.
You can download the mp3 for this program *here*, or visit *The Realist
Report* on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs.
Oh, Those Demonizing Dems
I don't know what's funnier: that Beltway insiders are professing shock
that Democrats are boldly demonizing the Supreme Court, or that the
corporate Democrats in mid-term election mode actually think they'll be
taken seriously as raging born-again populists.
Because when Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Wall Street) rails against predatory
plutocrats, hilarity not only ensues -- it explodes:
“They wish to dismantle all limits on giving, piece by piece, until we are
back to the days of the robber barons, when anyone or anything could give
unlimited money, undisclosed, and make our political... more »
Intoxication relevant in arson
*R. v. Tatton,* 2014 ONCA 273:
[42] If a fire results after a person does something while
intoxicated, it would not necessarily follow that the person intended to
set fire to their home, or foresaw that a fire would result. In my view,
the defence of accident should not be constrained, or effectively
foreclosed, by a rule that prevents the trier of fact from considering
evidence of consumption of alcohol. As a practical matter, it would be
unreasonable and unnecessarily complicated to ask a jury to
compartmentalize their thinking by excluding from their consideration the
effe... more »
Important Health News: Why Vaccines SPREAD Disease - An In-Depth Analysis Of Flawed Vaccination Science
I have been busy the last few days clearing up some personal business. I
have stated many times that it gets to be tough at times to do any articles
at this blog, considering that family does come first…
I want to step away for the moment from all the reports about the missing
Malaysian flight MH370 news (Yes, I am watching to see what they find with
those reported "pings" coming from the Indian Ocean), and present another
important article concerning major health issues…. I have always said that
the criminals who want to dominate our planet are definitely out to "cull
the herd" by... more »
It's Tuesday...
*what's going on.*
iOwnTheWorld: *The Stupefying Idiocy of the Left and Its Equal Pay Day*
Weasel Zippers: *Fun Fact: Thanks To Obamacare, Number of Americans Now On
Medicaid Exceeds Population of The UK…*
Reaganite Republican: * Idiots, as Demonstrated in 'Selfies' *
The Federalist: *Why Obama’s Presidency Has to Be All About Race Now*
Whiskey and Gunpowder: *The Disturbing Truth Behind Your Next Income Tax
Gateway Pundit: * Obama White House to Spend More Than $1.5 Billion on
Obamacare Advertising *
Nox & Friends: *Holder Wants to Explore Gun Tracking Bracelets *
... more »
More on the Canadian Sexual Two-Step
First, the step back:
DJ! fave (^NOT) Stephen Woodworth is at it again.
Meanwhile, Conservative MP Stephen Woodworth hits the stage at the National
Press Theatre for "an important announcement" on his backbench bid to have
the Commons "affirm that every Canadian law must be interpreted in a manner
that recognizes in law the equal worth and dignity of everyone who is in
fact a human being" -- which is, of course, a not terribly veiled attempt
to restart the 'conversation' that he had hoped to trigger with his
original, more obviously abortion-targeted motion in 2012.
As he has alre... more »
Corporate Welfare Charter Schools--the Vampire Squid of Education
from Alan Singer at HuffPo:
On Sunday, March 23, 2014 in a speechat Riverside Church in Manhattan, New
York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, faced with declining public opinion poll
numbers, made nice to charter school companies and their wealthy backers.
He told congregants that his administration and the charter movement have a
common goal and share common ground. But de Blasio should not have made
nice. They do not share common ground. Many charters, including those
not-for-profits operating by leading de Blasio critics, are about making
money for top executives. Educating children, wh... more »
This weekend Maine Veterans for Peace, and other sponsors, will hold three
events in our state to make public the issue of the US military 'pivot'
into the Asia-Pacific. This pivot is being used to provocatively surround
China and Russia as 60% of US forces move into that region. Vital in this
pivot will be naval forces, many of which are built at Bath Iron Works.
Remembering the call to work within our 'bio-region' the issue of the
Navy's April 12 ceremony in Bath thus looms crucial for our collective
movements. The ‘christening’ of the new $4 billion Zumwalt ‘stealth’
destr... more »
LET’S PLAY DUMBBELL: What Matthews said and did in real time!
*TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014*
*Part 2—The things the guild won’t tell you:* The spittle-flecked host of
the cable show Hardball has come a long way, baby!
Last Friday, the analysts came out of their chairs as Chris Matthews
praised Hillary Clinton's political brilliance back in the 1990s. Let’s
recall what Christopher said to one of his silent enablers.
Michael Tomasky was saying that it’s the Democrats’ job to connect with
working-class voters who vote Republican. Matthews broke in to say this:
MATTHEWS (4/4/14): But you know who’s doing that, and not to sell them too
hard because they... more »
Elsewhere in Canda: GSAs, Abstinence-Only Sex Ed, Parental Consent for Abortion
Gazillions of electrons will be spilled today poring over the entrails of
the election in Quebec. Since I know little and understand less of QC
politics, I'm turning my attention to some neglected stories from Alberta
and Saskatchewan.
First up: Valiant but doomed effort to mandate Gay Straight Alliances in
A motion from a Liberal MLA to mandate that schools support the
establishment of student-led gay-straight alliances to help curb bullying
and discrimination was defeated in the legislature Monday.
Calgary-Buffalo MLA Kent Hehr said in the debate that clubs that bring
... more »
Russia’s Lukoil Finally Begins Production At Iraq’s West Qurna 2 Oil Field
At the end of March 2014 it was announced that Russia’s Lukoil began
producing oil at its West Qurna 2 field. The company originally won a
contract for the field in 2009, but ran into a series of delays, which set
back its work for two years. Those problems included having to demine the
area it was operating in, disputes with local tribes, late contracts, and
its partner Norway’s Statoil pulling out of the deal. Lukoil eventually
overcame those situations, but its difficulties may not be over as Iraq’s
oil export infrastructure may provide more hold-ups.
(*Le Blog Finance*)
Last ... more »
Gone The Way Of History?
Chantal Hebert writes this morning that the Parti-Quebecois may turn out to
be a one generation wonder:
One of the PQ’s worst fears has long been that it would turn out to be the
party of a single generation.
Over their short time in office, Marois and her team have done much to turn
that fear into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Like the Harper Conservatives, the PQ is tone deaf:
To every message that Quebec voters were tuning out sovereignty, the PQ has
essentially responded by shutting its ears to all but those who sang from
its hymn book.
Over the past month, that self-imposed... more »