Bath Iron Works (BIW), a shipyard located on the Kennebec River in Bath, Maine (USA). BIW was purchased in 1995 by General Dynamics and is one of the largest private employers in Maine. Visible are three Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers being fitted out. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This weekend Maine Veterans for Peace, and other sponsors, will hold three
events in our state to make public the issue of the US 'pivot' into the
Asia-Pacific. This pivot is being used to provocatively surround China and
Russia as 60% of US forces move into that region. Vital in this pivot will
be naval forces, many of which are built at Bath Iron Works.
Remembering the call to work within our 'bio-region' the issue of the
Navy's April 12 ceremony thus looms crucial for our collective movements. The
‘christening’ of the new $4 billion Zumwalt ‘stealth’ destroyer in Bath
ough... more »
LET’S PLAY DUMBBELL: What Matthews said and did in real time!
*TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2014*
*Part 2—The things the guild won’t tell you:* The spittle-flecked host of
the cable show Hardball has come a long way, baby!
Last Friday, the analysts came out of their chairs as Chris Matthews
praised Hillary Clinton's political brilliance back in the 1990s. Let’s
recall what Christopher said to one of his silent enablers.
Michael Tomasky was saying that it’s the Democrats’ job to connect with
working-class voters who vote Republican. Matthews broke in to say this:
MATTHEWS (4/4/14): But you know who’s doing that, and not to sell them too
hard because they... more »
Elsewhere in Canda: GSAs, Abstinence-Only Sex Ed, Parental Consent for Abortion
Gazillions of electrons will be spilled today poring over the entrails of
the election in Quebec. Since I know little and understand less of QC
politics, I'm turning my attention to some neglected stories from Alberta
and Saskatchewan.
First up: Valiant but doomed effort to mandate Gay Straight Alliances in
A motion from a Liberal MLA to mandate that schools support the
establishment of student-led gay-straight alliances to help curb bullying
and discrimination was defeated in the legislature Monday.
Calgary-Buffalo MLA Kent Hehr said in the debate that clubs that bring
... more »
Russia’s Lukoil Finally Begins Production At Iraq’s West Qurna 2 Oil Field
At the end of March 2014 it was announced that Russia’s Lukoil began
producing oil at its West Qurna 2 field. The company originally won a
contract for the field in 2009, but ran into a series of delays, which set
back its work for two years. Those problems included having to demine the
area it was operating in, disputes with local tribes, late contracts, and
its partner Norway’s Statoil pulling out of the deal. Lukoil eventually
overcame those situations, but its difficulties may not be over as Iraq’s
oil export infrastructure may provide more hold-ups.
(*Le Blog Finance*)
Last ... more »
Gone The Way Of History?
Chantal Hebert writes this morning that the Parti-Quebecois may turn out to
be a one generation wonder:
One of the PQ’s worst fears has long been that it would turn out to be the
party of a single generation.
Over their short time in office, Marois and her team have done much to turn
that fear into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Like the Harper Conservatives, the PQ is tone deaf:
To every message that Quebec voters were tuning out sovereignty, the PQ has
essentially responded by shutting its ears to all but those who sang from
its hymn book.
Over the past month, that self-imposed... more »
Heavenletter #4882 You Would Arise as If from a Pool
*Heavenletter #4882 You Would Arise as If from a Pool*
April 7, 2014
God said:
I love you. Yes, I love you. I love you more than you can fathom. You are,
it seems, actually shy of love. You are afraid it is too much for you. You
might feel there is obligation if you should realize the enormity of My
love for you. You might feel you have to become a different person. No, not
at all. Not a different person, absolutely not.
On the contrary, you would become more of yourself as you really are. You
would shed layers of pretense and a misguided picture of yourself. You
would become s... more »
*Battle Brewing In Holy Cross Over Proposed Riverfront Highrise Condos
~Karen Gadois, The Lens via WWNO*
~*“When it became clear to them that they were not going to be getting
community support , they needed to create something that would allow them
to manufacture the illusion of community support,”* Lower 9 resident Sarah
DeBacher said.
The illusion of community support included a website created by the
developer called “*Revive Lower 9*”. At first glance, it seems to be a
general interest site dedicated to the revival of the neighborhood. But
it’s actually part of the developer’s... more »
Video: Which Louisiana Teachers Wrote Common Core?
When I debated Stephanie Deselles of the Council for a Better Louisiana
(CABL) in November 2013, she mentioned “three Louisiana teachers” who were
involved in writing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Never mind that
“three” is an embarrassingly low number. Deselles provided no names. During
testimony on the writing of CCSS and its test, […]
If Economists Studied Education Research, Would They Still Promote Value-Added Evaluations?
Vergara versus California seeks to strike down the due process rights of
that state’s teachers. The case is based on the opinions of the plaintiffs
that legal protections for teachers damage the civil rights of poor
children of color. The evidence for this extraordinary argument is largely
based on the opinions of a few […]
METRO | Rag Blog columnist Lamar Hankins proves too much for San Marcos Mercury
By Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | April 8, 2014 SAN MARCOS — Former San
Marcos City Attorney Lamar W. Hankins has published his provocative,
hard-hitting column in The Rag Blog since June 2010. A version of his
column … finish reading *METRO* | Rag Blog columnist Lamar Hankins proves
too much for San Marcos Mercury
Boehner, A Captive To His Party's Sick Confederate Wing, Refuses To Allow A Vote On The Bi-Partisan Senate Unemployment Extension
Although the successful 61-35 cloture vote last week to break the
Republican filibuster on extending unemployment benefits was the real test,
yesterday the Senate officially passed the bill, 59-38, and sent it to the
House. Boehner and Cantor have already decided that unemployed people and
their families can die of hunger and cold for all they care and are
refusing to allow the House to vote. Six Senate Republicans-- Dean Heller
(R-NV), Susan Collins (R-ME), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Rob
Portman (R-OH) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)-- voted for it and there are enough
Repu... more »
Are The Ingredients in Sunscreen Destroying Your Health? by Food Babe
Harmful Sunscreens
The Ingredients in Sunscreen Destroying Your Health
Food Babe, 5 April 2014
Your skin is your largest organ.
It covers and protects everything on your body. How you treat it is
incredibly important to your health. However, the skin is one of the most
unappreciated organs, and one that I used to totally take for granted,
slathering products full of toxic chemicals on it day after day. When I
look back at all the different potions I’ve tried, I shake my head in
disbelief and wish I would have known better. Not only would I not have
developed eczema all over my b... more »
In 100 Years Of Medical Fraud, Vaccines Are Ranked #1
100 Years Of Medical Fraud: Vaccines Rank #1
Family Health Freedom Network, 8 April 2014
The concept of vaccinating to immunize began in 1796, when British
apothecary (pharmacist) Edward Jenner inserted cowpox pus under the skin of
an eight year old boy. Jenner based his experiment on an unsubstantiated
rumor that anyone who had experienced cowpox would be immune to
smallpox. Over the next couple of years, Jenner vaccinated others with
cowpox to immunize them against smallpox. Without any actual proof of
efficacy and safety, Jenner impressed King George III enough with a bogus ... more »
*Why so-called 'superfoods' could be BAD for you: Nutritionist says kale
can send your thyroid haywire and quinoa irritates the gut*
They are hailed as the key to health, but so-called superfoods may do more
harm than good, a nutrition expert has warned.
Foods such as Gillian McKeith's favourite goji berries, quinoa and kale can
cause a host of problems from thyroid malfunction to arthritis flare-ups,
says Petronella Ravenshear .
Writing in this month's Vogue, she says: 'My only comment about these foods
is that they should be avoided'.
She goes on to explain that kale - a favour... more »
War Watch April 6 , 2014 ..... Ukraine -- From Russia with love - Eastern Ukraine in uproar ........ EU to Rethink Sanctions War With Russia Pushed Toward Confrontation, Some in EU Urge Caution , Raiffeisen Bank subsidiary to close Crimea branches , Russia seeks over $11bn in 'debt' from Ukraine , Eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk rallies in favor of independence referendum ....... Syria -- Locals rise up in central Syria against islamists and allegedly kill 50 fighters , US allegedly finalizing plans to aid Syrian Rebels ( training and small arms ) ...... Iraq death dealing as Iraqi Election loom later this month..... Iran upbeat on nuclear talks with P5 + 1 Group ( 4/8 and 4/9 ) after allegedly helpful expert talks
Catharsis Ours - 2 hours ago
Ukraine...... eastern Ukraine map shows what the next step could be......
click on image to enlargen
Recent history rhymes.......
Ukraine Loses State Buildings In Key Eastern Cities To Protesters; Blames
Putin - Live Webcast
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/06/2014 18:20 -0400
- Reuters
- Twitter
- Twitter
- Ukraine
- Vladimir Putin
Earlier this morning we reported that "Pro-Russia Protesters Seize
Government Building In East Ukraine, Demand Autonomy." We suggested that
this was only the ... more »
Alan Guth's 1979 handwritten notes
First, let me mention that the CERN accelerator complex is in the middle of
the Two Years' Vacation which is the right moment to begin its reawakening.
See LHC begins long road to restart at the Symmetry Magazine.
They first restart the source, then the smaller rings and boosters etc. –
the chronology of the restart pretty much mimics the 6-minute video above
that describes the CERN rings etc. culminating in the LHC itself. In one
year, e.g. in April 2015, the collisions at 13 TeV should begin. Because of
the quantitative leap in energy, all "null results" may be instantly
forgott... more »
By American Kabuki
a : the intensification and enriching of a musical tone by supplementary
b : a quality imparted to voiced sounds by vibration in anatomical
resonating chambers or cavities
c : a quality of richness or variety
d : a quality of evoking response
(Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
In the course of my journey with the banker resignations and then the OPPT
filings and the later I AM filings, a concept has come to the fore that I
had never considered prior to 2013 in all that much depth. But the roots of
the issue with me go much ... more »
Will there be tears for Peaches Geldof from Richard Bacon today?
Will there be tears for Peaches Geldof from Richard Bacon today? If there
are then maybe you should watch this video as well... Can I suggest that
from 2:48 would be the most illuminating.
It's from the BBC's Most Annoying Person list for 2010 - Peaches Geldof.
What's that you're saying Richard Bacon?
"No matter how much we might want Peaches to go away"
Hmmm, want to retract those unfortunate words now, Richard Bacon?
As I Tweeted yesterday, Peaches Geldof's death is a tragedy for her family
and friends but should not have been the top news story on the BBC news
last night. ... more »
*The Little Ice Age Was The Coldest Period For 10000 Years*
Jørgen Peder Steffensen is Associate Professor at the University of
Copenhagen and one of the world’s leading experts on ice cores. Using ice
cores from sites in Greenland, he has been able to reconstruct temperatures
there for the last 10000 years. So what are his conclusions?
* Temperatures in Greenland were about 1.5 C warmer 1000 years ago than now.
* It was perhaps 2.5 C warmer 4000 years ago.
* The period around 1875, at the lowest point of the Little Ice Age, marked
the coldest point in the last 10,000 years.
* Oth... more »
The Obama Doctrine
*"Doing nothing is not an option.*
*Where foreign governments cannot or will not effectively stop terrorism in
their territory, the primary alternative to targeted lethal action would be
the use of conventional military options. *
*As I’ve already said, even small special operations carry enormous risks.
*Conventional airpower or missiles are far less precise than drones, and
are likely to cause more civilian casualties and more local outrage. *
*And invasions of these territories lead us to be viewed as occupying
armies, unleash a torrent of unintended consequences, are d... more »
An interview from. The BBC's Arabic Service that the BBC English language service will 100% not report = Arafat lied when he condemned suicide bombings
'Muhammad Al-Daya, longtime bodyguard of Yasser Arafat, said in a recent
interview that Arafat used to lie when he denounced bombings in Israel.
Arafat "would condemn the bombing in his own special way, saying: 'I am
against the killing of civilians.' But that wasn’t true," said Al-Daya,
a BBC Arabic interview which aired on April 3, 2014.'
More here
definitely not on the anti Israel BBC where any Palestinian leader is
above criticism.
India's new Hitler rises from the ashes of Gujarat
Narendar Modi, wanted war criminal and IMF house nigger, becomes new PM
after beating Rajiv Gandhi in the elections. Coming from the Zionist RSS
and Hitler worshipping BJP he now has his sights on cutting off Pakistan's
water supply by blocking the water reaching the Indus river basin through
multiple dams constructed in India's Himalayan regions.
This serial rapist and mass murderer of many innocent men, women and
children in Gujarat and other places has sworn to destroy muslims and
especially Pakistan. Some of his best friends are the ... more »
Hands Off Russia
*"The imperialist Powers know that the very essence of Socialism is its
international policy of a World Republic of Labour. They realise that the
triumph of Socialism in Russia is but the first step towards the triumph of
Socialism internationally. Hence their united designs and attacks to crush
the Bolsheviks in order to prevent the spread and triumph of revolutionary
Socialism in other countries. ...*
*The sheer savagery of these [White Russian] usurpers has only had the
effect of driving honest moderate socialists and non-Bolshevik elements
into the camp of Lenin and Trotsky."*... more »
Musical Interlude: Pink Floyd, “Shine On You Crazy Diamond”
Pink Floyd, “Shine On You Crazy Diamond”
A Tale of Two Protests: Ukraine and Thailand – End Game
[image: image (1)]*April 8, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Nothing
illustrates the bottomless hypocrisy of the West’s alleged principles more
than its stance on two simultaneously unfolding political conflicts – one
raging in Eastern Europe’s Ukraine, the other in Southeast Asia’s Thailand.
Not only is the West’s rhetorical stance on each protest hypocritical, but
the support they have demonstrably lent to players in each conflict
illustrates a troubling pattern of foreign special interests meddling in,
and shaping the future of nations around the world. Such meddling is
divergen... more »
Hollywood Accredits the Memes
When the film opened, the *American-Arab Anti-Discrimination
Committee*came out against the film. Its spokesman Hussein Ibish said
Siege is extremely offensive. It's beyond offensive. We're used to
offensive, that's become a daily thing. This is actually dangerous." *
He thought it was "*Insidious and incendiary" *because it* "reinforces
stereotypes that lead to hate crimes." *Ibish acknowledged that Arab
terrorists did, in fact, bomb the World Trade Center in 1993, but said
Arab and Islamic groups are upset by *"the very strong equation between
Muslim religious practic... more »
Hollywood Accredits the Memes
Lord Lew Grade selling the Big Lie that the Titanic sank in 1912.
The film only grossed about *$13.8 million* against an estimated *$40
million* budget.
Lord Grade famously remarked *"it would have been cheaper to lower the
A model of the Titanic was built for *$350,000. *When it was finished, it
was too big for its tank. A bigger tank had to be built, for *$6 million. *
This tank could hold forty million liters of water and it was built next to
the existing smaller tank which had been used for the production of a
number of movies.
Reportedly, the total cost of *$... more »
Ma Looks Down from Orthanc: Winners and Losers Edition
[image: IMG_7881]
*On the remains of the rail line out to Dongshih in Taichung.*
* A shadow passed over Saruman's face; then it went deathly white.
Before he could conceal it, they saw through the mask the anguish of a mind
in doubt, loathing to stay and dreading to leave its refuge. For a second,
he hesitated, and no one breathed. Then he spoke, and his voice was shrill
and cold. Pride and hate were conquering him. "Will I come down?" he
mocked. "Does an unarmed man come down to speak with robbers out of doors?
I can hear you well enough here."*
Well, the students are leav... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Evidence"
"Where do I live?
If I had no address, as many people do not,
I could nevertheless say that I lived in the same town as the lilies of
the field,
and the still waters.
Spring, and all through the neighborhood now there are
strong men tending flowers.
Beauty without purpose is beauty without virtue.
But all beautiful things, inherently, have this function -
to excite the viewers toward sublime thought.
Glory to the world, that good teacher.
Among the swans there is none called the least,
or the greatest.
I believe in kindness. Also in mischief.
Also in singing, especi... more »
Duke is a Spook
Duke is a Spook from Spike EP on Vimeo.
The Klu Klux Klan is defined as an illegal, subversive terrorist
organisation under the Klan Act of 1871.
As the Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan, David Duke was, by definition, a
Terrorists that evade HM Customs and enter the UK illegally do not get
invited on television talkshows by the BBC.
Alan Waldman : ‘The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency’ is utterly delightful series set in otherworldly Botswana
American singers Jill Scott and Anika Noni Rose are priceless in this
charming 2008-2009 British series. By Alan Waldman | The Rag Blog | April
7, 2014 Scotsman Alexander McCall Smith wrote 13 delightful The No. 1
Ladies’ Detective Agency … finish reading Alan Waldman :
‘The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency’ is utterly delightful series set in
otherworldly Botswana
One million buried in mass graves on forbidden New York island
A sailboat passes behind an abandoned building on Hart Island in New York,
where each white plastic pipe near the building marks an infant mass
gravesite, one plastic pipe per 1,000 babies, pictured on April 5, 2014A
sailboat passes behind an abandoned building on Hart Island in New York,
where each white plastic pipe near the building marks an infant mass
gravesite, one plastic pipe per 1,000 babies, pictured on April 5, 2014*All
this in the land of the free? OMG!!! -AK*
08 April 2014 - 0... more »
(Pay the Girls Well, They'll Take the Blame) Somebody's Gotta OUT This Madman (And This (Another) Fraudulent Jobs Report)
BREAKING NEWS: Charles Keating, conman behind 80's S&L scam dies at 69.
Behind the Scenes of Charles Keating’s Sexist Financial Empire He’d taken a
small-time institution in Orange County - Lincoln Savings & Loan of Irvine,
Calif. - and, using newly unfastened federal rules, parlayed the S&L into a
juggernaut. He poured depositors’ money into speculative real estate, junk
bonds, hastily
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Delicate in appearance, these filaments of shocked, glowing gas, draped in
planet Earth's sky toward the constellation of Cygnus, make up the western
part of the Veil Nebula. The Veil Nebula itself is a large supernova
remnant, an expanding cloud born of the death explosion of a massive star.
Light from the original supernova explosion likely reached Earth over 5,000
years ago.
*Click image for larger size.*
Blasted out in the cataclysmic event, the interstellar shock wave plows
through space sweeping up and exciting interstellar material. The glowing
filaments are really more like... more »
"We Don't Know..,."
“Most ignorance is vincible ignorance.
We don't know because we don't want to know.”
- Aldous Huxley
Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement: Some Analytical Questions*
(This is a solicited guest post by University of Chicago’s Eric Hundman,
who is currently conducting fieldwork in Taiwan. Also follow him on
Twitter.) At around 7:30pm on Tuesday, March 18, around 300 protesters
scaled the fence around Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan (Taiwan’s equivalent of a
parliament) and occupied the building. The protesters then barricaded
Continue reading
Chet Raymo,“The Last Chapter…”
*“The Last Chapter…”*
by Chet Raymo
“The last chapter in John Updike's book of memoirs, “Self-Consciousness”,
is called "On Being a Self Forever." As a reflection on personal
immortality I would recommend it over the labored ponderings of any
philosopher or theologian you can name. I say this even though Updike had
an optimistic sense of an afterlife- just as he carried a nuanced Christian
faith to the grave, rather as one might keep and treasure old family
Updike was well versed in science. He was no biblical literalist, and was
aware of the aching, empty immensities... more »
Book Watch: New from the people who brought us "Inside the Apple" -- "Footprints in New York"
*An 1847 view up Wall Streeet to the third (and currrent) Trinity Church,
completed just the year before, distributed as last week's "Postcard
Thursday" offering from the Inside the Apple blog.* [*Click to enlarge.*]
*by Ken*
Last week's "Postcard Thursday" e-mail from the *Inside the Apple* Michelle
and James Nevius (viewable as a blogpost here) had special significance for
me, even though we were told that it's "not, technically, a postcard." The
closer-up view at right gives some feeling of what it looks like today.
It's a streetscape I haunt virtually every day, and two of the ... more »
House Passes Taiwan legislation
The US House passed legislation that is important for Taiwan (here). Rep.
Royce's announcement:
Today, the House of Representatives passed with overwhelming bipartisan
support H.R. 3470, the Taiwan Relations Act Affirmation and Naval Vessel
Transfer Act of 2014, introduced by Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the
House Foreign Affairs Committee.
The legislation reaffirms U.S. commitment to the Taiwan Relations Act and
strengthens ties with key U.S. security partners by transferring ships that
meet shared maritime security requirements. Specifically, the legislation
authorizes the ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Addis Ababa, Adis Abeba, Ethiopia. Thanks for stopping by.
What Kind Of People Sell Personal Information From Donors?
If someone offered me a huge sum for the Blue America mailing list, I would
tell them no. If they doubled the offer, I would tell them to go suck wind.
Today I got an e-mail from a candidate in New York who I've never been in
contact with, Aaron Woolf, a film producer from New York's North Country
who is trying to hold a rough swing district for the Democrats. The current
incumbent, right-wing leaning New Dem, Bill Owens, saw the handwriting on
the wall and announced he would be retiring. Happy to see him go. His 32.87
Progressive Punch crucial vote score is exactly tied with Repub... more »
Europe's Failed Bank Resolution Scheme Updates - April 7 , 2014 -- Battle Cry of the Day: Save the Bondholders; Failed Bank Resolution on Verge of Unraveling Days Before Ratification ..... Greece updates ....... Open Europe blogspot items to ponder on Euro Land politics !
Monday, April 07, 2014 1:17 PM
Battle Cry of the Day: Save the Bondholders; Failed Bank Resolution on
Verge of Unraveling Days Before Ratification
In lengthy negotiations last month the EU reached a deal on how to handle
failed banks. The European parliament was set to ratify the deal in a
matter of days.
Today, the UK decided it doesn't like the deal. France, Italy, Sweden, and
Portugal also decided they don't like the deal.
The Czech Republic and Denmark don't want changes. Nor does the European
Please consider EU Deal on Bank Failures Risks Unravelling
A landmar... more »
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Day 30 , April 6 , 2014 --FREESCALE PATENT HOLDERS WEREN'T ON FLIGHT 370 ....... Hopes of finding the missing plane rise based upon possible pings from SAR ships Haixun and Ocean Shield ..... For those who have lost a love one , something from Sade to ponder....
Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago
An overview........
06 April 2014| last updated at 10:44PM
MH370 Tragedy: Chronology on missing plane
1 6 Google +1 0 0 comments
KUALA LUMPUR: Following is the chronology of the missing Malaysia Airlines
(MAS) Flight MH370:
* March 8 - Flight MH370, carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew, left the KL
International Airport at 12.41am and disappeared from radar screens about
an hour later while over the South China Sea. It was to have landed in
Beijing at 6.30am on the same day.
- A search and rescue (SAR) operation for the missing aircraft was launched
at 5.30am, involving 15 Ro... more »
Anti-Austerity Pushback Begins in Ukraine
The frantic Cold War obsessed, neocon infested US state-corporate media are
blowing their mighty klaxons today as there is more festering unrest in
Ukraine. Not that such a thing should be unexpected given the US-EU-NATO
Axis of Evil hostile, neo-Nazi backed takeover that ousted the
democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovych only to replace him with
a western puppet charged with looting the country. With the reported seizure of
government buildings in the city of Donetsk and demands for secession from
the illegally installed austerity government the western media is in the ... more »
New York’s Secret Test
Guest post from Bianca Tanis, New York State Parent and Educator. In
recent days the 2014 New York ELA tests have been the subject of much
attention. It did not come as a surprise to most educators that the tests
were more difficult than last year. After all, NYSED had informed teachers
that this year, even 3rd […]
Teaching the Liquidity Trap
Users of my favorite intermediate macro textbook will be familiar with the
dynamic model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply, which I first put
into the book in the 7th edition. That new chapter shows the student how to
incorporate a standard Taylor rule into business-cycle theory, as well as
how to trace the dynamic response of the economy to
various shocks. Instructors who teach that chapter might be interested in this
new paper, which shows how to incorporate the zero lower bound into the
Three Videos About Saint Catherine of Siena
*Wikipedia: *
Saint Catherine of Siena, T.O.S.D. (25 March 1347 in Siena – 29 April 1380
in Rome), was a tertiary of the Dominican Order, and a Scholastic
philosopher and theologian. She also worked to bring the papacy of Gregory
XI back to Rome from its displacement in France, and to establish peace
among the Italian city-states. Since 18 June 1866 she is one of the two
patron saints of Italy, together with St. Francis of Assisi. On 3 October
1970 she was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope Paul VI, and on 1
October 1999 Pope John Paul II named her as a one of the six patr... more »
Professors engage in full-tilt Salonsplaining!
*MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2014*
*Canaries seen dead in the mine:* An obvious question came to mind: Who
could Andrew Burstein and Nancy Isenberg possibly be?
We wondered because their new piece at Salon starts as shown below. You
might say the pair have engaged in a fiery bit of Salonsplaining:
BURSTEIN AND ISENBERG (4/7/14): *In the recently released report he
commissioned on the bridge closing scandal, New Jersey Governor Chris
Christie’s lawyer depicts the client as the innocent who was ensnared in
the web woven by an “emotional” woman.* No longer is Bridget Anne Kelly his
hard-working... more »
The $1 Trillion Dollar Sanctions Curbing EU "problem"- Pepe Escobar
This piece from Pepe Escobar is a must read along with the previous post *-Ukraine
as Pandora's Box- Opened*
*Take it away Pepe!*
German Chancellor Angela Merkel could teach US President Barack Obama one
or two things about how to establish a dialogue with Russian President
Vladimir Putin.
As if Obama would listen. He’d rather boost his constitutional law
professor self, and pompously lecture an elite eurocrat audience in the
glittering Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, like he did this Wednesday,
on how Putin is the greatest threat to the US-administered gl... more »
Brooklyn Schools Lead the Way
* “There was inappropriate content, many highly ambiguous questions, and a
focus on structure rather than meaning of passages.” *
*Brooklyn schools lead the way. From The Nation*
There’s a growing nationwide movement opposing these tests as the result of
a corporate-driven agenda that has distorted real learning, widened the
achievement gap, increased financial strain on schools and parents,
unfairly stigmatized teachers and introduced unnecessary stress into the
lives of young people. There’s a litany of grievances cited by critics and
the opposition comes from both the left and t... more »
*Sen. Mary Landrieu treading oil and water in debate over levee board
lawsuit ~Melinda Deslatte, AP via Shreveport Times*
*Damning Photos Reveal Wetlands Loss Due To Oil and Gas Pipelines ~Jonathan
Henderson, Gulf Restoration Network *
Quote on the Day, 1: On Income Distribution
“With regards to income distribution, Von Mises made the case that it
is a flawed concept. We do not produce something and then distribute
the income generated by it. The distribution of that income is already
decided, agreed and precedes production. And that product gets made
precisely because of and not in spite of, that agreed income distribution.”
- Martin Sibileau, from his post “What Is Economic Growth? (And Why Don't
We Have Any)”
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
President Rand Paul? ROTFLMAO
It's no secret that Blue America is as excited about the Shenna Bellows
race in Maine this cycle, as we were about the Elizabeth Warren race in
Massachusetts last cycle. The two women are different in many ways, of
course, but both are strong, independent-minded, brilliant and focused on
breaking through the same-ole/same-ole that has made Washington so utterly
dysfunctional. Bellows raised some eyebrows among progressives in the last
few weeks by asserting that she is looking forward to working across the
aisle, not to compromise away the economic interests of working families
th... more »
Vomitrocities, Part 2
Little did I guess when I chose the title to the previous post that I'd
soon be experiencing my own little vomitrocity, culminating in my admission
to hospital over the weekend with the mother of all gallbladder attacks.
Talk about karma! I am feeling much better now (morphine drips sure are
grand!) but not up to my usual mental or physical par -- so blogging will
be limited.
Meanwhile, I'll be doing the lazy aggregation thing and posting links as I
try to play catch-up on the news I've missed. When I got home last night, I
naturally turned on CNN to see if they were still playing ... more »
Rwanda genocide: Canadian soldiers deal with horrific memories
It was ghastly. Why we humans carry out such brutalities against each other?
Fires in California in winter and melting of glaciers on the Northern Pole
It is very troubling and unsettling. What next?
Musical Interlude: Billy Joel, “We Didn't Start the Fire”
Billy Joel, “We Didn't Start the Fire”
The Chinese proverb says, "May you live in interesting times."
McCain is Insane
McCain is Insane from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"Mr McCain fought in Vietnam. I think that he has enough blood of peaceful
citizens on his hands. It must be impossible for him to live without these
disgusting scenes anymore. Mr McCain was captured and they kept him not
just in prison, but in a pit for several years, anyone would go nuts."
Response to John McCain's tweet "Dear Vlad, The Arab Spring is coming to a
neighbourhood near you."
METRO | GI coffeehouse, Iraq vets respond to latest Fort Hood tragedy
By Alice Embree | The Rag Blog | April 7, 2014 KILLEEN — When Spec. Ivan A.
Lopez opened fire on fellow soldiers at Fort Hood on April 2, he killed
four people and wounded 16 more. He was one … finish reading *METRO* | GI
coffeehouse, Iraq vets respond to latest Fort Hood tragedy
Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Blizzards, Floods, and Zombie attacks...
*are you prepared?*
Stuff happens. Stuff happens more often than you may think. And stuff can
happen to you. Rational people are prepared to the best of their abilities.
Can you go one week without a source of water? How about two, three, or
four weeks without water?
You can survive three or four weeks without food, but only about three or
four days without water. So what happens when the diet soda is gone from
the fridge?
If it's winter you could melt snow. Not very clean and a whole bunch of
work. Live within walking distance to flowing water such as a river? Not
much fun... more »
“Can the ‘Thin Air’ Economy Keep Going?”
*“Can the ‘Thin Air’ Economy Keep Going?” *
by Bill Bonner
“Gualfin, Argentina. Dow down 159 on Friday. Gold up $18 an ounce.
Remember, it's just a matter of time until US stocks begin to fall. How
much time? Darned if we know!
We spent Friday cosechando (harvesting). We were on our knees going through
the vineyard at the family ranch, harvesting grapes. The going rate for
such work is 5.70 Argentine pesos (or about $0.70) per gamela – the plastic
bin we dragged along after us. This was the first time we had ever worked
as a grape picker. Experienced, hardy pickers can fill 40 gam... more »
Why did Kelly send that email?
*MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2014*
*How honest should Maddow be:* Yecch. Let’s finish last week’s opus with a
How honest should Maddow be?
Our question is inspired by the presentation we’re posting below. Like the
various groaners we discussed last week, it comes from Rachel Maddow’s
program on Thursday, March 27.
The Mastro report had been released that morning. That evening, Maddow
devoted most of her program to the Mastro report.
As we showed you last week, she made an array of major “mistakes” that
night. In the passage below, Maddow discussed, or pretended to discuss, one
p... more »
Summary judgment rule in child protection matter
*DCFS v A.S. & D.P.* 2014 NUCJ 13:
[71] Rules 174-184 are the Rules that deal with summary judgment.
Although the rules have not been applied in Nunavut to a child welfare
matter they have been applied in other litigation. I summarized the rules
at paragraphs 17-21 in Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. v Canada (Attorney General),
2012 NUCJ 11, [2012] NuJ No 16 [NTI]. I adopted the test set out below
by Vertes J. in Norn v Stanton Regional Hospital, [1998] N.W.T.J. No. 88
at para 17, 26 CPC (4th) 276:
The test on a summary judgment motion is wel... more »
CEO Of Liechtenstein Bank Frick Murdered In Broad Daylight
*I haven't been reporting on all the banker "suicides" as they appeared to
me to be inter-nicene fratricide between the Asian and European factions of
the banking cabal. This one marks a clear departure from any pretense of
suicides... -AK*
*CEO Of Liechtenstein Bank Frick Murdered In Broad Daylight*
Tyler Durden's pictureSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 04/07/2014 10:05 -0400
Over the weekend the world was gripped by the drama surrounding the
mysterious murder-homicide of the former CEO of Dutch bank ABN ... more »
Non-suit in a Simplified Procedure trial
*Sharafbayani v. Jackson Roofing Corporation*, 2014 ONCA 271 refers to the
process for non-suit in a Simplified Procedure case. While not expressly
approving the trial judge’s approach the Court does not disapprove the
approach and it may be taken as proper:
[2] The appellant moved for a non-suit at the conclusion of the
respondent’s case. In her ruling on the procedure to be followed on the
non-suit motion, reported at 2011 ONSC 2707, the trial judge held that in
an action under the simplified rules, a defendant moving for a non-suit is
required to elect whether to call e... more »
Come to the Light
During my Rodney Dangerfield life, whenever I thought I saw a light at
the end of a long tunnel, it would turn out to be an oncoming train. Think
Wile E. Coyote thinking that couldn't happen to him while standing in front
of a tunnel painted into the side of a cliff. You know he's going to get
creamed, I know he's going to get creamed and he's the only one who's not
in on the joke.
Well, I think I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and this
time it may not be the A train.
To the phone booth's worth of readers who still come here on a regular
basis, you know abo... more »
Ukraine as Pandora's Box- Opened
Oddly enough this metaphor had come up in the last few weeks at home. Must
have entered the discussion for some reason? Ukraine is starting to look
very much like that which was unleashed, is running wild.
Once Pandora’s Box is opened can the pandemonium be reigned in?
Image borrowed from here*Donetsk has declared itself a people’s republic
and they want a referendum*
And they have asked for a peacekeeping contingent! (quote from last linked
''In the event of aggressive action from the illegitimate Kyiv authorities,
we will appeal to the Russian Federation to bring in a pea... more »
People's Republic of Donetsk
The Donetsk region of Ukraine has declared the independence from the Maidan
government in Kiev, under the new brand People's Republic of Donetsk, using
the standard Maidan algorithm: people took over some key government
buildings (five-minute video of the muscle game) and announced that they
are in charge. Well, there are differences.
The activists in Donetsk are pro-Russia and disagree about many things with
the Maidan folks. Another difference is that there are no hardcore fascists
and Nazis among the Donetsk separatists – which is also why they haven't
murdered dozens of (pro-Mai... more »
Crazy Right-Wing Tax Scofflaw Matt Lynch Is Running For Congress In Ohio
If you go over Ohio state Rep. Matt Lynch's record, you might be moved to
ask, "how the hell did an extremist and fanatic like that get elected to
office anywhere. Well, that would be a good question, since Lynch was
appointed to his seat, a seat that Richard Hollington, Matt Dolan, Tim
Grendell all resigned from in the last couple of years, Hollington twice.
And now Lynch wants to abandon the Geauga County legislative seat as well,
to run against Republican Congressman David Joyce in the May 6 primary.
Geauga is, by far, the reddest county in OH-14. In 2012, the big GOP margin
i... more »
April 7: Of Malaysian flights.....
NewsToday has yet another nothing story on the disappearance of a Malaysian
airliner. That's a major story for the day in national and international
affairs. Among the others - a teenage boy fell off a horse and was killed
in rodeo training, the Quebec election is today, somebody won the East Cost
Music Awards. amd fifteen reasons to visit Grande-Digue. And that was all
that happened in the world over the weekend.
Okay, if they're going to keep hammering us with the airliner story, let's
do some thinking about what they're not telling us. (which is most of
the story.)
I don't m... more »
The Roles of the past, and the "Blame" that is external.
This morning, after being offline for 3 days (soo sooooo busy in the
community right now!) (and yes, an update is coming very very soon!), I had
mountains of skype messages to go through, and was afraid to even open my
email, lol.
One of the first messages on skype that I read was from my "big brother",
and it immediately triggered one of those conversations that comes from
deep within. The words that tumbled out illuminated quite brightly for me,
so I will post my thoughts here (edited for the sake of privacy).
The two main thoughts that really came out this morning were, who we... more »
Common law peace bonds
*R. v. Siemens*, 2012 ABPC 116:
[16] What is the test for ordering a person to enter into a
recognizance to keep the peace at common law? *Grounds for such an order
are likely broader than those governing statutory peace bonds.* It is not
necessary, for instance, to find the commission of an offence: criminal or
regulatory. Nor is it necessary to find to find a threat or conspiracy to
do so...
[21] While the common law peace bond shares many of the features
of statutory peace bonds, there are also some important differences. Durno
J. provided a helpful summar... more »
Where in the world is this sushi restaurant?
That's right it's in Ramallah, in the Palestinian Authorities West Bank,
not the sort of image of the Palestinian Territories you normally see is
it? I wonder why the BBC and other anti-Israel western media prefer to
ignore the presence of nice hotels, sushi bars and big houses in the
Palestinian Territories?
“Why Are Americans Paying to Be Searched, Spied On, Shot At and Robbed Blind by the Government?”
"The fact is that the average man's love of liberty is nine-tenths
imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth. He is not
actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and
intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It
is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like
knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand
and enjoy liberty — and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies."
- H.L. Mencken
*“Why Are Americans Paying to Be Searched, Spied On,*
* Shot At and Robbe... more »
"All Government..."
"All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man:
its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him. If it be
aristocratic in organization, then it seeks to protect the man who is
superior only in law against the man who is superior in fact; if it be
democratic, then it seeks to protect the man who is inferior in every way
against both. One of its primary functions is to regiment men by force, to
make them as much alike as possible and as dependent upon one another as
possible, to search out and combat originality among them. All it can see
in an o... more »
Laying a private information
Ambrosi v. British Columbia (Attorney General), 2014 BCCA 123 :
[19] There are two stages to commencing a prosecution under the *Criminal
Code*. The first is laying an information and the second is issuing
process. Section 504 of the *Code* establishes the parameters for laying
an information:
504. Any one who, on reasonable grounds, believes that a person has
committed an indictable offence may lay an information in writing and under
oath before a justice, and the justice shall receive the information, where
it is alleged
(*a*) that the person has committed, anywhere, a... more »
Was Turkey behind last year’s Syrian chemical weapons attack? That is the
question raised in a new exposé by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist
Seymour Hersh on the intelligence debate over the deaths of hundreds of
Syrians in Ghouta last year.
The United States, and much of the international community, blamed forces
loyal to the Assad government, almost leading to a U.S. attack on Syria.
But Hersh reveals the U.S. intelligence community feared Turkey was
supplying sarin gas to Syrian rebels in the months before the attack took
place — information never made public as President Oba... more »
Krugman’s assessment of Affordable Care!
*MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2014*
*We agree, and we disagree:* We agree, and we disagree, with Paul Krugman’s
recent column about Obamacare.
Headline: “Rube Goldberg Survives.”
We agree with the bulk of this passage, in which Krugman explains the
unfortunate complexity involved in the health care law:
KRUGMAN (4/4/14): *The crucial thing to understand about the Affordable
Care Act is that it’s a Rube Goldberg device, a complicated way to do
something inherently simple.* The biggest risk to reform has always been
that the scheme would founder on its complexity. And now we know that this
won’... more »
Gaystapo strikes again. Photographer on the hook for $6,637.94 fine...
*homosexual activists are the most vicious and intolerant people on the
face of the earth.*
No one should have to provide any service to any person for any reason.
*My husband*, a master musician, *could* be forced to play for a same-sex
"marriage" ceremony. Since he doesn't play out anymore it's not likely to
happen, but what about all the other musicians who hire out?
One of our local Catholic Churches has an openly and very active homosexual
man who leads the band at the 10:00 am Mass. His "partner" and lover of 14
years is also in the band.
I wonder what would happen if s... more »
The Rich Get Richer -- But Nobody Else Does
That's the conclusion of a report which was recently released by the
Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives. According to the Canadian Press:
The country's 86 richest individuals and families — or 0.002 per cent of
the total population — are getting exponentially richer and now have
accumulated as much wealth as the country's poorest 11.4 million.
That's more than in 1999, when the richest 86 had as much money as the
poorest 10.1 million and enough to buy up everything in New Brunswick and
still have about $40 billion left over, according to the report, to be
released Thursday.
... more »
Opinions On The 2014 Elections By Iraq Observers
Iraq’s next round of parliamentary elections are due on April 30, 2014.
This year’s vote more than ever is a referendum on Prime Minister Nouri
al-Maliki’s rule. His State of Law party lost some ground in the 2013 vote
and many of his competitors, specifically Ammar Hakim’s Citizen’s Alliance
and Moqtada al-Sadr’s Ahrar/Liberals bloc are looking to directly challenge
the prime minister. On the other hand the Kurdish and Sunni parties are
seeing greater fragmentation. More important than the actual vote is the
months of negotiation that will follow to determine whether Maliki will ... more »
*Oil, gas lawsuit asking industry to fix pipeline damage to Louisiana coast
as promised: John Barry**~There's a lot of misinformation that has been
spread about the lawsuit the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection
Authority-East filed against 97 oil, gas and pipeline companies to make
them restore the part of the coast they damaged. Here's the truth: Far from
being radical, the lawsuit represents the most conservative values in
America. It asks the industry to do what parents are supposed to teach
their kids: Keep your word, obey the law and take responsibility for your
actions. *
*... more »
LET’S PLAY DUMBBELL: Hardball’s assortment of jugglers and clowns!
*MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2014*
*Part 1—Chris has a memory lapse:* The scams, the cons, the frauds are
endless on the cable TV show Hardball.
This has been true for at least fifteen years. Career liberals still
haven’t said so.
Do such people fail to notice the endless assortment of scams and cons?
Consider something Chris Matthews said on last Friday’s program.
Michael Tomasky, a favorite of ours, was making a good solid point about
our two-party politics. “I don’t blame cloth-coat Republicans [who vote for
mink-coat Republicans],” he said:
TOMASKY (4/4/14): If you care deeply about abo... more »
Barack Obama and Jeb Bush on Immigration
Immigration reform remains one of the great challenges facing our
nation, and unfortunately, the policies of the current president fail to
match his rhetoric. In today's *NY Times*:
With the Obama administration deporting illegal immigrants at a record
pace, the president has said the government is going after “criminals, gang
bangers, people who are hurting the community, not after students, not
after folks who are here just because they’re trying to figure out how to
feed their families.”
But a New York Times analysis of internal government records shows that
since President Ob... more »
Political Science without a Net
Marc Maron, on his popular WTF Podcast, made an offhand remark that he does
not prepare for his comedy performances. He feels that preparing is for
cowards, that you need to be ready and willing to fail in your work since
there is a fine line between a unique achievement and total failure.
Skirting this
Continue reading
$10.10… What Does It Mean To You?
Friday, former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich made the case that
unemployment is still high and the economic recovery so turgid because of
the failed European-style austerity measures being forced on the country by
the plutocrats and oligarchs, primarily through their bought-and-paid-for
conservative handmaidens in government.
Most companies continue to shed workers, cut wages, and horde their cash
because they don’t have enough customers to warrant expansion. Why? The
vast middle class and poor don’t have enough purchasing power, as 95
percent of the economy’s gains go to the ... more »
*Could watermelon reduce high blood pressure? Fruit could slash the risk of
heart attacks in obese people*
*A very small experiment of unknown generalizability*
Watermelon reduces high blood pressure in overweight people and could slash
the risk of a heart attack, new research shows.
Scientists found that the fruit significantly reduces blood pressure in
overweight people, even when they are exposed to cold weather.
More people die of heart attacks in cold conditions because the stress put
on the body by trying to keep warm causes blood pressure to increase.
This forces the heart ... more »
*Los Angeles Public School Food Waste: $100,000 per Day*
Your tax dollars at work. As noted in the chart below from the LAUSD
2013-14 fact sheet, approximately 80 percent of district students qualify
for free or reduced-price meals, so the taxpayer is dinged for the
appalling waste of food.
Since 73 percent of the LAUSD enrollment is hispanic, the taxpayer cost of
feeding so many must be understood as yet another expense of importing
millions of the world’s poor via a suicidal immigration policy.
Not that the LA Times article would mention the I-word in a story about
schools, but ... more »
BREAKING: LY Occupation to end on Thurs at 6 pm =UPDATED=
Students are holding presser at the moment. LY occupation to end on
Thursday at 6 pm.
Ian Rowen sent this around Facebook:
BREAKING: Chen Wei-Ting announces that the Sunflower Movement has achieved
significant progress in the pursuit of its goals. The world has heard the
news. Students are already forming a new organization to hold legislators
to their promises to the people. The occupation of the Legislative Yuan
will end this Thursday at 6pm. All are welcome to gather before the end.
Lin Feifan answers question, explains that students will clean up after
themselves, should suppor... more »
Six Of The Most Dangerous Prescription Drugs
Six Of The Most Dangerous Prescription Drugs
Family Health Freedom Network, 4 April 2014
Just because your doctor prescribes it does not necessarily mean it is safe
for you to take. Many popular prescription drugs, it turns out, come with
the potential for serious side effects, including everything from
short-term nausea and headaches to chronic inflammatory myopathy and heart
disease — or worse.
But this important information is often shrouded from public view, which
intentionally perpetuates the myth that the benefits of FDA-approved drugs
far outweigh any risks. So to give ... more »
May Syria Prevail (VIDEO)
*April 7, 2014 *(New Eastern Outlook)
*New Eastern Outlook*
Since 2011 the Syrian people have been fighting against a long-planned
foreign conspiracy to violently reorder their nation.
Fighting off tens of thousands of foreign-backed sectarian militants for 3
years, the Syrian people are finally beginning to see the light at the end
of the tunnel. For those that have stood with Syria these last 3 years, we
must keep standing strong.
For those just becoming aware of the Syrian crisis, join hands with the
Syrian people and raise your voices to end this war.
*For more news and a... more »
The Shocking Ingredients In Beer by the Food Babe
The Shocking Ingredients In Beer
by Food Babe
Food Babe.Com
I have to confess, I’m not a beer drinker, but there’s someone in my
household that loves it, so I had to figure out the truth. Is beer really
healthy? Why are the ingredients not listed on the label? Which brands can
we trust? Which brands are trying to slowly poison us with cheap and
harmful ingredients? All of these questions were going through my head at
once at lightning speed. So a year ago, I started to research what was
really in beer and after questioning several beer companies, reading books
about food scienc... more »
Libya Updates - April 7 , 2014 -- Central Bank “has enough money for three years” without oil ( 115 billion in reserves in dollars , euros and sterling - what happened to Libya's gold though ? ) ...... Benghazi airport reopens , two eastern oil ports to be reopened , 10 day general strike in Benghazi start 4/6/14 Schools closed in Tripoli as knock on effect from Benghazi general strike ...... PM's office attacked by Tripoli Revolutionaries Brigade .....
Central Bank “has enough money for three years” without oil
*By Michel Cousins.*
[image: Central Bank]
The Central Bank of Libya (Photo: Libya Herald)
*Tripoli, 6 April 2014*:
The Central Bank of Libya (CBL) has enough reserves to fund Libya for
another three years without earning anything from oil sales, the bank’s
head of reserves has said.
“We have enough funds for three years without getting a single US cent from
oil,” Musbah Alkari has told the *Libya Herald*. The bank had “more than
$115 billion (LD 142 billion) in foreign currency reserves” placed outside
the country, he said –... more »
Ukraine Watch April 7 , 2014 -- Instead of making their current round of negotiations in Athens about picking a fight with Russia, EU Foreign Ministers are courting the Russian government to help them with the bailout of Ukraine....... NATO Chief: Answer to Russia Is More Military Spending Rasmussen: We Owe It to Society ....... Amidst protest in Eastern ukraine , Activists declare Donetsk republic after capturing regional administration in Eastern Ukraine ....... Ukraine Refuses to Pay for Gas From Russia Interim PM Dubs New Price 'Unfair'
EU Warns Russia Faces ‘Failed State’ Neighbor in UkraineUrges Russia to
Help With Bailout of Kiev
by Jason Ditz, April 06, 2014
Print This | Share This
Instead of making their current round of negotiations in Athens about
picking a fight with Russia, EU Foreign Ministers are courting the Russian
government to help them with the bailout of Ukraine.
German FM Frank-Walter Steinmeier said it was important for Russia to
realize how close Ukraine is to becoming a “failed state,” and how
undesirable it would be for Russia to have to deal with that on their
Some of the more hawkish ... more »
Explosive New Seymour Hersh Piece on Syria and Benghazi Lies
Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has delivered a devastating hit on
that narrowly avoided war on Syria that was sold to the public by President
Barack Obama and his minions based on a pack of lies. Just as George W.
Bush and Dick Cheney did with their hogwash about Saddam Hussein's weapons
of mass destruction and Condi Rice's apocalyptic conjecture about smoking
guns and mushroom clouds so was the Bashar al Assad regime's alleged sarin
gas attack on civilians in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta. The push for
another of those great Middle East military interventions in accordance... more »
Critical news for April 5 , 2014 -- NSA blowback from Europe to shatter US Tech companies -- US blasts Europe’s plan for anti-snooping network as 'unfair advantage' , also note Germany opens NSA spy probe amid calls to deliver Snowden to testify ............. Japan vs North Korea flash point ( keep an eye on developments on this front between now and April 25th ) -- Tokyo orders military to shoot down missile launches by N. Korea ...... With China and Russia placing the USd under siege , NATO seeks to cling onto GCC cooperation and dollar support - Nato ( stalking horse for US ) keen on developing strategic ties with GCC
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
US blasts Europe’s plan for anti-snooping network as 'unfair advantage'
Published time: April 05, 2014 10:18
Edited time: April 05, 2014 11:51
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[image: Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach]
Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach
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Falling Stars light the path for Newer Establishments
*Falling Stars light the path for Newer Establishments*
by ÉirePort
Falling Stars light the path for Newer Establishments.
Foundations of Higher Vibrational Density now being created will support
the New Gaia Paradigm.
Alternative pathways have diminished as result of much elevated Human
Consciousness, even since our last message.
Far-reaching actions in Mind, Heart, and Body of Gaia politic are now
The moment to be recalled is Now... and none other...
ÉirePort | April 7, 2014 at 10:00 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
"Within 5 Years" - Robot Replacement of Human Workers Predicted to Accelerate
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Nicholas West
*Activist Post*
It has previously been theorized that all humans will be outsourced to
robots by the 2045 date of The Singularity. However, we already are seeing
the rapid replacement of workers in a wide variety of areas, and it is
having an undeniable economic impact.
The science of artificial intelligence is being fully embraced by all of
the major tech companies. With such investment behind various robotic and A.I.
initiatives, we are beginning to see a strong acceleration toward replacing
humans as completely as possible.
One entrepreneur ... more »
Taiwan Voice Twofer + links
[image: IMG_3601]
*House near Jiaxian.*
Taiwan Voice has been rocking the protests with a great flow of
information. For those of you who aren't connected to Taiwan Voice via
Facebook, here are two from today below the READ MORE link, one from a
former Grand Justice (=Supreme Court) about the rightness of the Sunflower
Movement and one from Liberty Times on the hollow cross-strait oversight
bill the Executive Yuan is pushing, which basically strips out the role of
the Legislative Yuan in overseeing agreements.
*Daily Links*:
- Lee Yi-tze, local scholar, has go... more »
*Argumentaire complet ici*
Clôture de la pétition… seulement, quand nous connaitrons la vérité !
*Députés, Sénateurs, et institutionnels dans le domaine de la santé, vous
êtes également bienvenus comme signataires*
Au 5er avril 2014, plus de 1070 signatures dont plus de 630 médecins et 270
sages femmes ont eu le courage de signer en exposant leurs noms
(voir la liste au 5 avril 2014 par ordre alphabétique)
voir la liste a... more »
Some questions that the American Physical Society is asking but that the BBC will not be reporting
'A question the American Physical Society panel will address is one we ask
repeatedly: Why wasn't the current global temperature stasis, with no
discernible change in the past 15 years, not predicted by any of the
climate models used by the IPCC, part of the United Nations?
The APS announcement lists among its questions to be answered: "How long
must the stasis persist before there would be a firm declaration of a
problem with the models?"
And at the APS, "Climate Change Statement Review." In a nod to the
likelihood that nature, not man, calls the shots, another APS audit
questio... more »
Dying for an imaginary right of return
Warped Mirror here reports on the latest piece of callousness towards
Palestinians by Palestinians.
Do read the whole article but here's the key part
'... it’s better they die in Syria than give up their right of return.'
Because for the Palestinian leadership, holding a population gun at the
head of Israel is more important than letting Palestinians live.
Of course this story will receive no mainstream news coverage because the
Palestinians must be protected from criticism at all costs.
New York State To Give Extra Support To Organic Farmers
New Yorkers - BE INSPIRED! Those hoping to become organic farmers in New
York can take advantage of a new state program intended to support
agriculture. The Beginning Farmers Fund will provide new farmers with
grants of up to $50,000. Orga...nic farmers and those who plan to grow
specialty crops will be given priority for the grants.
*GMO Free USA*
$100 Etsy Giftcard Giveaway
Today I've teamed up with 9 bloggers to bring you this amazing Etsy
giveaway; where you can win a 20x22 inch gold leaf frame (picture opening
of 8x10) from 302 Wood Works and a $100 Etsy gift card. You can buy more
frames with it, or anything else that you have had your eye on. Check out
all of the amazing frames that 302 Wood Works has to offer here and check
out each of the bloggers fantastic blogs, by clicking on their headshot.
Enter to win on the Rafflecopter form below. The giveaway will run from
April 7-13 2014 and is open to US residents. The winner will be emailed and
have... more »
Quote of the Day: Ludwig Von Mises on Anarchism and Government
*“Government as such is not only not an evil, but the most necessary and
beneficial institution, as without it no lasting social cooperation and no
civilisation would be possible… “Not the state is an evil, but the
shortcomings of the human mind and character that imperatively require the
operation of a police power. Government and state can never be perfect
because they owe their raison d'être to the imperfection of man and can
attain their end, the elimination of man's innate impulse to violence, only
by recourse to violence, the very thing they are called upon to preven... more »
How do Vegans get enough protein?
[image: How do Vegans get enough protein?]*Portabella mushrooms contain*
*2.5 grams of protein per serving* When people learn that we are vegan,
their first question is, "How do you get enough protein"? In reality, it is
one of the easiest nutritional requirements to fill. Almost all vegetables
contain some protein.
According to the Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National
Academies, the average adult needs 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of
body weight per day. So, for example, say a person weighs 150 lbs. (68 kg).
That person would need approximately 54 grams of ... more »
Is South Carolina Ready To Elect A Woman To Congress… A Woman Named Tinubu-- Don't Answer Yet
Remember South Carolina crackpot Joe Wilson, the right-wing freak who
screamed out "You lie!" at President Obama when he gave the State of the
Union address in 2009 and was then formally admonished by the House? So
far, according to ProgressivePunch, he has the most extreme right wing
voting record of anyone from South Carolina for the 2013-'14 session. His
crucial vote score is a shocking 2.80 (out of 100). The next worst belongs
to freshman congressman for the new 7th CD, Tom Rice, 4.29.
Rice's voting record is an extremist's dream-- a 0.0 on every single
crucial vote-- without... more »
Drugged Up Jihadist Terrorists In Syria Are Setting Up The "Large Scale Production" of CW Gases For Future Use
*Syria is being overrun by tens of thousands of drugged up, sociopathic
Jokers who believe blowing up entire communities is fun and laugh at their
crimes and the carnage they leave behind. And they're being backed by
Washington, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, France, England, Israel, Qatar, Pakistan,
and a few other countries. *
*An excerpt from, "Captagon is jihadists’ main weapon" Voltaire Network,
April 2, 2014:*
While the Western and Gulf media lead people to believe that jihadists get
their nourishment primarily from the verses of the Koran, the seizures made
in Syria show that in rea... more »
Tax Cut 19: BIR Regulations for the Self Employed and POHTA
The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) produced a new regulation last month.
Here's the news from BusinessWorld last March 21, 2014:
Posted on March 21, 2014 07:30:38 PM
*New rules for self-employed professionals*
*SELF-EMPLOYED professionals will now be required to submit a list of their
service fees as part of registering with the Bureau of Internal Revenue
(BIR), which is spearheading the government’s efforts to improve monitoring
of the sector’s tax compliance.*
* Revenue Regulations 4-2014 (RR), dated March 3 and published in a
newspaper Friday, imposes new requirements for th... more »
The political role of "There is no consensus"
[image: IMG_3605]
*Waiting for people to hang out.*
Was reading up on some notes of the presentation of Taiwan Defense Minister
Andrew Hsia at one of the conferences on the 35th anniversary of the TRA.
Hsia said the government recognizes three security threats:
1. unconventional threats - climate change, natural disasters.
2. "problems with Japan over the Diaoyutai," issue with the Philippines
3. biggest threat still the other side with its increasing defense budget
since 1985.
I thought it was cool that global warming was the number one threat, and
thought it was really stupid that ... more »
With the Israel-Palestine talks in tatters due to Palestinian president
Abbas threatening to put a halt to Netanyahu’s stretching out of the
process to buy time, the Israelis have resorted to bringing the issue of
Iran’s so-called ‘nuclear weapons program’ back to the forefront in an
effort to provoke instability that may lead to the war the Israelis so
desperately want. Abbas’s threat to go to the UN to seek membership of
various international organisations seems to have been the tipping point
which has caught Israel off balance.
US Secretary of State, John Kerry, has spent the las... more »